• How to meet love. How to find your true love, reasons for loneliness



    Be kind and humble. Many people believe that the more you make noise and brag, the more noticeable you will be to others, but the search for love is not the case.

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    To meet your love, you first need to get to know her, this can help interesting phrase, but more on that later. A phrase that will force a person to enter into a dialogue with you, or even better, ask you something. Bring your love into the conversation. When meeting someone, you should show individuality, originality, uniqueness, and most importantly, not imitate the crowd (often young people, after seeing a video on TV, begin to imitate).

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    How to meet your love - Useful tips and recommendations for men and women. Finding your soulmate, that one and only person with whom, as they say, you are not afraid to go through thick and thin, is the dream of more than half of the population of our planet. But dreams, only if they are sincere and honest, tend to come true. In fact, if you put in the necessary effort, you will find your kindred spirit won't be a problem. In this article you will find very useful tips and recommendations to young people on how to find...

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    • meet love in 2019

    In life there are not only joyful events, but also disappointments, sometimes very bitter ones. These, of course, include breaking up a relationship with a loved one. Women experience it especially hard due to their greater emotionality. The reasons can be very different. There is no need to give up on yourself or go to the opposite extremes. Just because someone was unlucky with a particular person does not mean that bad luck will follow them throughout their lives. So how do you meet someone new? Love?


    First of all, calm down, pull yourself together. Banish your emotions and call on common sense to help. This is not easy for all people, especially, but you have to overcome yourself! Objectively and impartially analyze the reasons for the breakup, first of all, your own. Resist the understandable and natural temptation to place all the blame on “that scoundrel.” Believe me, by doing this you will only be doing a disservice to yourself! If there is your share of guilt in what happened, it is better to honestly admit it. After all, you can avoid the same mistake in the future.

    In no case do not dwell on what happened, do not complain endlessly to relatives, girlfriends, acquaintances. If you cry once, that’s enough! Just because they will always feel sorry for you, saying: “Everyone is a bastard!”, nothing will change. Unless you yourself get used to the role of a loser or sufferer, but do you need this?

    Go out to people more, don’t refuse to attend a party, because, as a rule, many acquaintances are made there. Attend various creative events. If you can't meet someone new Love, maybe it’s worth changing the image? Or change completely.

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    First love is truly a wonderful feeling. Some people meet their first love unexpectedly, while others deliberately try to find her in different places.


    A cinema is a very suitable place for meeting people; for example, while standing in line for a ticket, you can meet a wealthy or simply handsome man. Every acquaintance begins with a banal conversation. Therefore, any phrase can play its role, for example, if you cannot choose the film you decide to go to, you can start a conversation with the “neighbor” standing next to you in turn about choosing one genre or another. In addition, most young people come to the cinema and theater with their friends and acquaintances, and not with their significant other. So don't be afraid to talk to someone you don't know. After watching the movie, you can invite him to a restaurant or cafe to continue getting to know each other.

    As a result of communication, you can go to the same movie together. In general, the cinema is the most popular place for dating among young people.

    Shopping mall

    As is known, shopping mall- this is a gathering place large quantity interesting people. Here they relax, go shopping and just have a good time. There are a lot of young people here, so the chances of meeting people increase. On every corner you can notice a man, then approach him and talk about any topic.

    If embarrassment overcomes you, you can drop any object in front of the “object” of sympathy, he himself, most likely, will come up to you, pick it up and be the first to begin communication.

    A park

    The park is probably the most romantic place where you can meet your first love. But, unfortunately, if you have never done it, it will be difficult. The park area is suitable for brave girls who dream of finding adventure. If you pass by in the park and you like a young man, you can pretend that you sprained your ankle, you will not be disappointed. A young man, if he is gallant, will help you get home.

    Ordinary road

    The road is also a very interesting place to meet your first love. Usually, the chance to meet a soulmate on the road is given to those who have their own car. A simple way to get acquainted is to arrange an “emergency” situation. It should be noted that men can help on the road by offering their assistance.

    Don’t forget that you have to look for happiness, and not sit in the same place and have your head in the clouds! Try going outside and putting in a little bit of effort. And only then will you successfully meet an interesting person. The best assistant when meeting your soulmate is feminine cunning, resourcefulness and courage.

    In this article:

    If you have problems with your personal life, you only have casual relationships, but there is no love, then it’s time to change that. Conspiracies will help you find “your person” in the crowd. Love comes into our lives suddenly, let's help it. Meeting a person with whom you can build a strong relationship and start a family is not so easy. Love magic will come to the rescue - it will become easier to find your betrothed or betrothed. Now all paths are open to you. To avoid being sad alone, look for a person who will give you happiness and love.

    Why are you alone?

    There are so many questions - why is a person lonely? Beautiful, smart, rich and poor want one thing - to find their love. This can be difficult to do, because we are all so different. It is not always possible to see a person as he is at first sight. Maybe it's that:

    • the person is very shy, does not know how to make acquaintances, or attract attention;
    • believes that being attractive is a sin;
    • lives in a very conservative family;
    • dreams too much about the ideal man or woman;
    • cannot recover from a past relationship;
    • too much preoccupied with thoughts of his own imperfections.

    Meet true love everyone can. Doesn't have special significance how ideal is your figure? We don’t always notice our betrothed in the crowd if we believe that we only like tall brunettes with blue eyes. Happiness has no eye color, does not depend on height and weight.

    Love is somewhere nearby

    Your love is near! It does not happen that the person who is destined by heaven will never meet you on the way. The Universe, the Higher Power, God will always guide you along the same path. Meeting him and understanding that this is the one is your concern. Conspiracies will help you here.

    There is no sin in them, they will only help you to be in the right place in right time, pay attention to the right person, push him to action.

    He is looking for you too. Give you both a gift - say a spell that will help you find each other faster.

    Spells to find your love

    Conspiracies are pronounced at night on the waxing moon. As it grows, the power of your spell increases, and the effect gets closer. All these conspiracies are quick, the effect comes in a maximum of a week, and for some, faster.

    Conspiracy to find the groom

    In order for a girl to quickly find herself a good, decent groom, she will need to read this plot.

    In urban conditions, you can work in a park, alley, square.

    Go out alone into an open field. Stand in the very middle, say three times:

    “Like a burdock clings to my hem,
    So the suitors would cling to me,
    People fell in love with me
    And they didn’t lag behind, asking her to marry herself.
    Amen". Cross yourself on all 4 sides. Run away from the field, don’t turn around, even if they call you by name.

    It's vintage rustic way. It always works. You will have to wait 5-6 days, and then it will appear the right person. He is also looking for you, so meeting and getting to know each other will be joyful.

    Beer spell

    If men don’t pay attention to you at all, then you need to buy a bottle good beer, dear. Splash it at the doorstep, and then take it under a tree. Pour out the beer there, repeating the spell:

    “How everyone goes and goes to this beer, gathers,
    So it would be for me, God’s servant (name),
    The matchmakers were traveling and getting ready.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    This is how you will attract a man to you. Don’t skimp, the drink should be of high quality, expensive, then your man will have money and good looks.

    Plot to meet the bride

    This plot is read by men to meet their soulmate. Let her be the way you want. A man must buy four candles in church. Place them in your home in the corners of the room. Stand in the middle and say:

    “In my house there are four corners, in each corner there are three wells: Goodness, Comfort, Peace live, they guard the house from misfortune. A girl walks from corner to corner, her braid trailing along the ground. The girl's name is Lyubov, and my shelter rests on her. To prevent the girl from leaving, you need to bring gifts - a ribbon for her braid, a mirror for her beauty.”

    You should give the ribbon and mirror to your bride, or leave it in her house. Let the candles burn out completely, and take the cinders to the crossroads.

    The success of the work depends on the intention of the performer

    Very soon the woman you are destined to be with will appear. She will notice you too and will favor you. Conspiracies bring the right person to you, then it’s up to you. It is impossible to wish for the ideal beauty and meet her right there. Perhaps your betrothed is not at all ideal, but once you fall in love with her, you will understand that this is SHE.

    Holy water spell

    For a woman to meet her man, you need to read this plot. After him, your man will appear, and he will soon ask you to marry you:

    “God’s water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana.
    My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned.
    I wash away the centuries, I put on the wedding crown.
    God's water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana.
    Let the grooms see this and want to marry themselves.
    Key. Lock. Language.

    Read only once for holy water. Done on Saturday evening. After this, the woman must wash and pour water over her so that it gets everywhere. Don't repeat it too many times! It is done only once, it is very strong. If more than a week has passed and nothing has happened, then wait. Your betrothed is on his way to you.

    Corruption “Crown of Celibacy”: what to do if you are cursed to loneliness

    If none of these conspiracies work, then you should check with a specialist. Perhaps some time ago a terrible curse was placed on you - the Crown of Celibacy. She literally cuts off your path to happiness with another person.

    It needs to be removed, otherwise you will never build a normal family.

    Even the best, kindest, beautiful and successful will remain lonely until the end of their days. It needs to be removed by a specialist love magic, healer. Before this, fast for 7 days without meat, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes. The body needs to be cleansed. A specialist removes such damage in just 2-3 sessions. This will give you the opportunity to meet the person of your dreams to find love.

    Simple but effective conspiracy will help you meet your love. They are versatile so both men and women can try them. You won’t have to wait long for the effect, your love is somewhere nearby. You just have to call her correctly. There is happiness for everyone, take yours.

    You haven't believed them for a long time. Can you rely on a man? Afraid of appearing weak. You demonstrate your independence and autonomy. You don't want to let anyone into your heart. I have long been disappointed in love. You are afraid of betrayal. And in your heart you continue to dream of a prince...

    23:45 1.08.2014

    You haven't believed them for a long time. Can you rely on a man? Afraid of appearing weak. You demonstrate your independence and independence. You don't want to let anyone into your heart. I have long been disappointed in love. You are afraid of betrayal. And in your soul you continue to dream of a prince... Look around! There are 1.5 billion men of marriageable age in the world. Is there really no one worthy among them?

    I'm so cool, but I'm still alone

    Look for someone like you: smart, beautiful, successful, confident. You have everything that attracts the stronger sex! But for some reason you are still alone - despite the crowd of fans and the admiration of others. Let's figure out what the reason is. Maybe you just don't give men a chance?

    School friend Zoya - plump, short, cannot distinguish “sublimation” from “provocation” - has been in a successful marriage for the 5th year. Colleague Ninochka, with an eternally tearful expression on her face, is greeted by her beloved husband after work. Even my classmate Marinka, a big guy and an impossible ratchet, managed to get married. And you? Educated, attractive, with a good job - she never found a life partner. And it’s almost 30. Or 35.

    For some reason, freedom has begun to weigh on you lately. Tired of the endless flirting, the same dates as morning oatmeal. I want something stable. The question is: with whom to create this stable? First, figure out whether you really want to get married or are you just tired of your relatives' hints. And if you are sure that you are already ripe for marriage, decide what is stopping you from starting a family. Together with psychologist Marina Prepotenskaya, we looked at the 5 most common mistakes of single women. Perhaps you admit one of them?

    Error 1. I don’t see anyone worthy!

    When asked why she is in no hurry to get married, my friend Alenka, a slender, successful 28-year-old blonde, replies: “I would be glad, but who should I marry? Kolka is so tired that it makes me sick to look at him. From Victor, exceptstunning sex, you don't have to wait for anything. And Andryukha, despite his intelligence, sits penniless.”

    Do not think that we are talking about a weak-willed weakling, a stupid macho and an unrealized genius. All three are very worthy representatives of their gender. It’s just that Alena is sure that “all men are the same...” At the same time, she stubbornly waits for the prince, not wanting to understand that the first and second facts contradict each other.

    • It's quite possible that your bar is too high. Do you want to meet ideal man- and such things simply do not exist in nature. Be realistic! This does not mean at all that you need to jump out and marry the first person you meet. First, pay attention to those who are nearby. Listen to your heart and, if it reaches out to someone, do not rush to immediately dismiss: “He is unreliable, irresponsible, stupid.” Give yourself a chance! If it doesn't work, you'll keep looking.

    Error 2. So busy

    Irina is a senior manager in one of the capital's companies. She spends almost all her time at work. “I simply have nowhere to meet people, and I don’t have time,” complains this beautiful, confident 30-year-old woman. - My day is scheduled literally minute by minute. Sometimes I have a hard time finding time to have a snack, what kind of new acquaintances can we talk about?” In some ways, Irina is, of course, right.

    How to expand your social circle if you are at work from morning to evening and travel around the city by car? However, it's all about priorities. It is important to admit that this topic is relevant to you and do something! Path number 1 - Internet. No matter what the skeptics say, there are not so few people who met their fate on the Internet. It is best to look for a partner on forums with similar interests.

    Path number 2 - girlfriends. Don’t be afraid to hint that you’re a little bored alone and don’t mind meeting someone. You can find a boyfriend on the tennis court, in the gym, at a car enthusiasts club - the main thing is not to sit idle!

    • a rolling stone gathers no moss. Take some action yourself! Set aside time in your busy schedule to “expand your contacts” and purposefully get to know representatives of the stronger sex. Sooner or later, someone will certainly interest you, and here it is important to avoid mistake No. 3.

    Error 3. Me myself!

    “Modern men are just weaklings. Neither fish nor fowl. You expect decisive action from him, but he stands and looks at you,” complains 32-year-old Svetlana, the head of a small company. In principle, Sveta is right: psychologists in America and Europe have long noted such a phenomenon as the feminization of men.

    But the reverse process also takes place - the masculinization of women! It's not just that modern ladies prefer trousers. Many of us try to keep everything - home, business, and relationships - in our hands. How can a man be strong next to the same Sveta, if she is used to deciding everything down to the smallest detail herself: where and when they will meet, what they will have for dinner, how many hours they will spend together. She even pays for herself! Of course, in the presence of such a confident and independent lady, any Van Damme will be confused. He would be happy to prove himself, but he doesn’t have time.

    • want to be close to strong man? Don't rush to decide everything for him. Give him the opportunity to make a date, choose a restaurant, think about which way your relationship will develop. Show your weaknesses in front of him: you get tired at work, worry about him and, in general, are afraid to sleep alone... A real hero will not fail to lend his reliable shoulder. We don't need fake ones.

    Error 4. According to mom's script

    Nastya grew up under her mother’s strong control. Each potential groom was scanned through like an x-ray. “I don’t want you to end up like your father! All my life I carried everything on myself! Look for something normal,” my mother repeated. And the excellent student daughter, accustomed to obedience, parted with yet another “abnormal specimen” (what was included in the concept of the norm, the mother, alas, did not specify).

    Now Nastya is 29. At the first opportunity she escaped from under her mother’s wing - she earns good money and rents an apartment. Independent, smart, nice. But not married yet. “I’m very afraid to repeat my mother’s scenario,” she explains.

    And it’s not just that every suitor seems to her not good enough to introduce him to the family. Nastya is afraid to try, it scares her possible error, because then mom will definitely say: “See, I was right!” But how can you learn to ride a bike without falling?

    • think about whether someone’s opinion dominates you? Perhaps you suffer from excellent student syndrome and are afraid of getting a bad grade from your parents for making the wrong choice, in their opinion. Understand, however, that this is about your destiny and only yours! You have every right to make mistakes. The last word should remain not with your mother, but with you. And the fact that her personal life was unsuccessful is not a reason to stop you from arranging your own.

    Error 5. Apparently there is no love!

    “I don’t believe in love,” says 33-year-old Inna, a cosmetologist. “This is all a complete illusion, a fairy tale for naive fools.” At 25, Inna was left by her fiancé. Then there were several more hobbies, but they all ended the same way: either the men left, or Inna herself abandoned them. Something didn’t work out, and now she doesn’t even make attempts to start a serious relationship.
    Inna doesn't trust men - that's why she doesn't let anyone get close. She is considered a strong lady, but at heart she is very unhappy. She is afraid of pain and disappointment and creates a defense: “There is no love.” But this is not a solution!

    • Analyze what is the reason for love failures. In the end, it could just be bad luck. Take it as a valuable experience. But don’t give up on yourself! By denying love, you yourself block the way for it!

    Too strong?

    You can be proactive, enterprising, energetic, but at the same time remain feminine. However, sometimes a leadership position imposes on us men's style behavior. These are the main signs of psychological masculinization.

    • You are used to being in charge - at work and at home.
    • You love it when you have the last word.
    • People around you consider you cold and calculating.
    • In relationships with men, you are afraid of appearing weak and unprotected.
    • If you are invited on a date, you decide the place and time yourself.
    • Always trying to demonstrate your superiority.
    • I’m not used to asking someone for help: you solve your problems yourself.
    • Sensual and romantic men irritate you.
    • You do not accept gentle addresses or displays of affection in public.

    Prepared by Victoria Vitrenko

    Based on materials from the magazine “The One and Only”

    Love... this word is interpreted by dozens of philosophers, close-knit teams of scientists and simply geniuses of the past, however, thousands of years later from the first mention of a feeling inexplicable in human language, you and I are still unable to understand and finally reveal the secret of this unknown mysterious feeling that where there... in the depths of ourselves.

    I decided to touch on a topic that, in my opinion, has been relevant and controversial for thousands of years. This topic is about love, how to find it, how to recognize it and about problems in modern world relationship between man and woman. I will try to concentrate my knowledge, some experience and skills, as well as simply conduct my own analysis of this burning topic of finding my love, which has not bypassed my life, confusing all the ends and leaving me alone with this puzzle of millennia...

    William Shakespeare gave us the work Romeo and Juliet, which tells about the tragic love of a girl and a boy, Adam and Eve, the heroes of the Bible stories, also turned out to be the heroes of the tragic love story of a man and a woman, and suddenly, unexpectedly, you and I ourselves become the heroes of our own novel about love and also , which happens very often in our lives, unfortunately, we act as actors in a tragic love drama...

    Perhaps I’ll start with sad statistics: only 1.5% of Russians surveyed answered positively to the question “Are your relationships with your loved one harmonious?” Statistics on captivity make you wonder whether it is really so difficult to meet in modern society a person with whom you will feel comfortable throughout your long life?

    I think it’s worth starting the conversation from the very beginning and continuing in ascending order in accordance with the age of the object we are discussing today - the relationship between a man and a woman and the love that arises in the process.

    As a first-grader, I already confessed my love to one girl, but still at that age I think there are no such feelings, there is only interest and beautiful word"I love". But by the age of 13-14, more often than not, girls begin to gravitate towards the boys running around in the yard, and the boys agree in return and begin to court them, soon receiving a reward - unusual sensation from the hot lips on your cheek from your friend and suddenly the first thoughts come to consciousness about what this love is like, what is hidden behind this mysterious word and whether it is possible to find love in this big vast world.

    The boy discovers a new, completely unfamiliar and indescribable sensation. The girl also receives a surge of strong emotions and sensations in the arms of her boyfriend. These new sensations usually cover old childhood habits and interests with a shadow and the person begins to new life- personal life.

    Usually, lovers rush to call their indescribable and unfamiliar feelings with an adult word - love. However, usually in the future many will admit that it was just an imaginary love, because they wanted... they just wanted to say this word, perhaps so... to become more mature, because most of us wanted to become adults as early as possible.

    I won’t describe all the stages in detail now, let’s fast forward to 11th grade, one step away from the cherished 18 years that we have all been waiting for, no matter with fear or interest. Now it’s difficult for me to develop my thought further, since one factor is hindering me. The fact is that in the modern world the development of people’s personal lives begins in at different ages, someone begins to pay attention to the opposite sex at the age of 10, and someone has never heard the words “I love you” in 37 years. While 37 years old may be rare, in people aged 20 to 25 years old it is not such a rare occurrence.

    To continue my thoughts, I must take as a basis some age at which my personal life began - let it be 14 years old. Over the four years from 14 to 18, several partners usually change, sex life. Here the roads diverge again: those who are brave and cheerful begin to live actively changing sexual partners, thereby risking getting carried away so much that it becomes a habit; those who are modest and unsure of themselves are alone, risking not having a relationship with the opposite sex for up to 25 years or more; still others find a harmonious relationship and soon get married;

    fourth people accidentally “make” children and get married or ruin their partner’s life; I could go on for a long time, especially since each of these points can be divided into dozens of sub-points, but the topic is not about that, the topic is about love, how to find it and why it is so difficult find your love.
    If you carefully think about the above chains, you will involuntarily come to an understanding of why it is so difficult to meet a person who is completely harmonious for yourself. After all, besides such important factors like upbringing, religion, environment, a chain appears with numerous branches called - personal life and individual temperament

    Followed by average age with its crises and related problems. Added to the chain of difficulties are everyday life, material and housing problems, and the desire to “go to the left” due to monotony and the search for new sensations. If children are born - a couple or one of the partners makes a choice - to break off the inharmonious relationship now and abandon the child to the mercy of fate, or to live with a partner for the next 5-15 years, only for the sake of the child’s well-being. Naturally, in such cases, everything depends on love for the child and patience, only this determines when the “X” hour comes and the couple ceases to exist and people scatter to different corners.

    This is not so easy to do, due to the structure of our psyche and innate instincts, such as fear, hope and a tendency towards pessimism and anticipation of the worst-case scenario. This leads to the fact that one or both partners dream of breaking off the relationship for years, or even decades, but do not find the strength to take this, in their opinion, difficult step into the unknown. They prefer to engage in self-flagellation, living a single life as they most do not want, instead of taking a step into the unknown and soon discovering new unknown feelings, sensations and perhaps finding exactly the person who is looking for you.

    If, due to certain circumstances, a couple continues to exist in uncomfortable and inharmonious circumstances, compensatory favorites immediately appear in their lives. The most banal thing is the appearance of a person on the side, through whom the partner’s shortcomings are compensated; this can be as simple as communication, for example, sex, recreation, hobbies, etc. that is, what a partner cannot give

    If a person is not prone to cheating and does not like strangers, he creates compensatory ballast in the form of certain activities, work, hobbies and everything that allows him to escape from the realities of difficult and painful relationships. Those. a person creates an isolated world for himself in which he supposedly hides from reality and this can last for decades and his whole life

    It’s not for nothing that I place such a strong emphasis on complex and inharmonious relationships because... It is precisely such relationships that make up the bulk. Yes, there certainly is happy couples and families, but these are rather exceptions, because the statistical number for such relationships looks completely insignificant against the general background

    Approaching more mature age, people begin to remember their loved ones and stop living to their detriment; especially favorable conditions are created when, by this time, children have already grown up and begun an independent life. Unsatisfied women, despite their age, begin to make up for lost time, find ideal lovers and begin to live as they could not do this before. There is no longer a desire to have the status of an official wife, on the contrary, satisfaction and lightness appear from the feeling of freedom and independence, a woman, like a bird released from a cage, spreads her wings and falls off the cliff, to meet the unknown and secretly desired for many years

    Men at this age are less inclined to enjoy life, almost every man is caught by surprise by a midlife crisis, a man begins to analyze everything that he has achieved in life, realizing that all the important things that he could have achieved are already behind him. And if the result does not give him a feeling of pride, despondency and a depressive state sets in, which can last for years or even become a way of life. There is no longer anything stopping you from drinking alcohol; there is also no inspiration and motivation to set and achieve new goals. The man again goes completely into some kind of activity, creating his own isolated world and lives on under this mask, not showing anyone his weaknesses and suffering.

    This may seem strange to you, but the situations described above are completely interchangeable, i.e. what is characteristic of men can become a woman’s way of life and vice versa. Naturally, I did not indicate many factors and other scenarios, including. positive and favorable, because It is simply not possible to present this in one chapter. I just tried to figuratively convey the most common and pessimistic scenario for the lives of people whose lives before were not harmonious and incomplete.
    You should also not forget the age factor of advanced years or the nuances of your health status. We are all human and most of us from an early age begin to realize that we cannot move mountains alone, and a simple illness from the absence of anyone at all can knock down any person and even create a fatal situation, both for his career and life . Therefore than older people, the greater their need for someone who will “give me a glass of water”, the fear of loneliness increases. Over time, this fear also passes, because... a person adapts and gets used to everything, which is why you can meet elderly grandmothers who have been living completely alone for decades and you can’t tell from them that they need anyone at all...

    This can happen to young people, which in my opinion is the worst thing. Having been disappointed several times, being weak and weak-willed natures, people, in order not to get burned again, simply stop using fire once and for all, i.e. in the case of searching for love and harmonious relationships, a person simply begins to live only for himself and ceases to need any full-fledged relationships with the opposite sex. Some manage to exist without a family at all, and it is not surprising, such people always have many friends and contacts, they do not sit at home, but are constantly at parties - this is one of the ways of substituting concepts, a person creates an illusion that hides painful problem factors, i.e. puts on a mask and doesn’t even notice it in the mirror. This is a fairly deep self-deception, which means that a person is so bad and he is so tired of it and so weak in spirit that, having put on a mask, he cannot even admit to himself that he wears an appearance on his face that is not at all his own and that his inner self, so deep that contact with him is forever lost

    Actually, this is the whole essence of the problem, that people tend to live not as they like, but as it is accepted in society or as some people want it. Of course, sooner or later they will regret it, but usually such people admit it only minutes before death, when there is no point in speaking through a mask of self-deception.

    Methods of finding your soulmate. I want to find my love

    In this chapter, what awaits you is not the classic classification of methods and methods of finding your soulmate, but a completely different side of the issue, let’s say - a coin fell on its edge in front of you. We will now analyze all the most common situations in which people meet, but we will look at them from a different angle. My goal now is to explain reality because only when a person begins to see the world from a different angle does his worldview and life in general automatically change.

    First, I want to convey an important point. The thing is that before I start writing information taken from the world that is visible from the other side of the prism, I must prepare the reader so that the information can be perceived, otherwise it will be rejected by consciousness.

    It is worth remembering once and for all that the human consciousness needs answers to everything that happens. I emphasize precisely in the answers, and not in their truth. If a person is faced with a situation with which he is not previously familiar, he first tries to interpret it based on previously formed perception models. If suitable model not to be present, a thirst arises for an answer. It doesn’t matter to consciousness what kind of answer it will be, the main thing is that the new information has a label of a model associated with the current question and everything immediately falls into place. That is why for different people, explanations for any miracle in their lives have different interpretations, because... some found the answer in the Bible, others in the lines on the hand, others in the constellations in the sky, and others in a conspiracy from a neighbor witch... and all these people are happy, or rather their consciousness is happy, which found an explanation for the non-existent model of the situation and the mosaic was assembled. Our thinking doesn’t care what the answer is, it just needs to appear and the question is supposedly solved…. The Placebo effect works on this principle, marketers use it, and the business of some companies is generally built only on this vulnerability of the intellect.

    Find love by horoscope? I’m sure you’ve read them at least once in your life, and maybe even now you’re looking for a soulmate that suits your horoscope. Throughout your life, you analyze zodiac descriptions and compare the knowledge base with real people, thereby confirming or refuting the secrets of the constellations
    Maybe you even sometimes listen to the daily forecast on the radio, and then you are surprised that everything coincided and naturally start listening again and again. All this seems to be really so, but how could it be otherwise, you say, if you were promised a scandal and it happened!…
    How often do you see paired numbers on the clock? Mystic? Secret sign? You probably asked yourself this question, perhaps you even made wishes and perhaps they even came true soon... Do you remember what I asked you to remember before? I asked you to understand the fact that when an unknown event occurs, it urgently needs to find an explanation, no matter how true it is. Do you know which calculation method is the most indicative in this example? This is a method of statistical calculation and anonymous experiments in order to exclude the influence of the placebo effect.

    What about dream interpretation? Do you think this all works differently? Do you really think that dreams show the future? When a person dreams of something, each image and plot has roots from the past and current life, but not from the future. Scientists have studied for many years the connections between plots and a person’s current life, and as a result they have compiled a statistical portrait of the interpretation of images in dreams. For example, if a person dreams of a broken front door, this does not mean that you will soon be robbed. On the contrary, according to the results of the analysis of scientists, it turned out that more often than all others, people who were dissatisfied with sex and wished to talk about such dreams intimacy. As a result, we get an interpretation - if you dreamed of a broken door, etc. - you are sexually dissatisfied and want many partners. That's the whole scheme for constructing dream books.

    I'm getting a little off topic, but I'm just trying to get your mind into gear. the right direction, various clear examples, so that in the future it will be easier for me to convey the point. Dreams are generally a separate, officially unexplained and mysterious topic to this day. Clairvoyance, astral travel and lucid dreams are all a small part of what the minds of contemporaries are struggling with. But you remember the rule, right? Right? Therefore, you realize that even if supposedly scientists explain the essence of this or that phenomenon, this will only be an answer. And the answer, as we know, is not always the truth.

    Tell me, how can you want to find answers to certain life questions and situations if you don’t even know how the brain works with external information? Right! Let's remember the rule again! If we cannot yet find a model of an answer to the question of how the brain works that satisfies our consciousness, then it is better to leave this for later and start looking for models and answers to other simpler questions, such as why an apple will fall down and not up; why is the grass green; why do cats see in the dark...

    Some are built in such a way that they follow simple paths, others cannot live without eternal problems and difficulties. The former are consumers of ready-made information, and the latter create this information! It turns out to be a vicious circle - water evaporates, then falls from the sky and evaporates again.

    Maybe you don't agree with me now? Then answer me this simple question! Tell me at least one statement and fact that cannot be disputed! That's the point! Everything that surrounds us has an unknown structure, people have hung labels and signed them in their own way, but what does this have to do with truth? And if we take into account the fact that the category of people who are inclined to search for complex paths are constantly only engaged in criticizing and refuting already established facts, then it becomes obvious that the search for the true answer is initially a crazy idea

    So what can we do? It's simple! Find an answer that is comfortable for yourself and live. Nothing else is given. Are you unhappy with this bitter reality? Okay, then dedicate your life to working on any question, and you will create another “answer”...

    That is why I will end this chapter only by mentioning the search for love using horoscopes, since I have just given you information with the help of which you can now quickly and easily simulate all other dating situations and grasp their essence. After all, the key to the answer to this chapter is in its title, or to be more precise, the word “methods” i.e. methods, and as you now know, any method from a great variety is nothing more than just one “answer” and those that exist and those that will yet exist...

    What is love? Is love a myth or reality?

    First of all, I want to remind you that everything in this world is so dual that you don’t know what to do next. Even taking for example such an artifact as “information”, it is known that those who own information build their lives more prosperously and have more opportunities than those who do not have access to information. But at the same time, the more you know, the harder it is for you to live because... cognition of deep, inaccessible knowledge entails a change in worldview. For example, have you seen before beautiful people in clothes, admired their beauty, and then suddenly, instead of beauty, they began to see through all their problems, illnesses and thoughts. You have gained one, but you have lost the former. You gained knowledge and abilities, but you paid with the opportunity to look at people and not see any problems in them.

    All this means is that it is not without reason that people often regret that they know more than others. After all, the less you know, you really sleep better... Also comes regret that a person has become too famous or too rich. In this world, everything is always balanced, if I have something that someone else doesn’t have, then that someone definitely has something that I don’t have... You shouldn’t waste your precious life time on this meaningless pursuit, y’all you won’t be better than someone else, much less happier... because only you set your reality and values, the framework and ceiling of consciousness.

    Love? You probably already know what I’m about to write. How else? After all, this magic word is the same unknown as the core of our planet. In the pictures, we all saw the planet in cross-section and take it on faith, despite the fact that man has never had the opportunity to saw the planet into two halves...

    Should I write about what love is? Do you need another answer? No! I will not be another creator of a model for this concept; I leave the right to create and choose your reality to you. You have many models, don't like them? Create your own model of understanding this mysterious feeling, or rather this word! There are only six letters, but man has not been able to describe and realize this for more than six thousand years, having written more than six billion words, trying to reveal and convey to the masses the true answer...

    I think I shouldn’t try to explain the interpretation of the word “love”; it’s better to start understanding the most common problems between men and women who want to not be alone, but to create their own little isolated world called family!

    The secret of family happiness and harmonious relationships

    Much ink has been spilled on this issue, and much ordinary people became famous philosophers of their times only because they decided to devote their lives to the study of this life rebus. I will move on this issue in chronological order, so to speak from the base to the top of the pyramid
    The most important part of the pyramid is its base, so I will start with the most basic thing that is worth understanding and solving if the task is to find family happiness or a harmonious relationship with a loved one

    Find the answer to what you need most in life right now!
    Devote at least 72 hours to reflection, and then analyze your own thinking, discard self-deception, stereotypes of society and loved ones, listen to your true inner voice - and if you do not yet realize that the most precious thing to you now is your family and your loved one nearby, This means that you don’t really need family happiness as much as you think you do now. Perhaps it’s still early or you have unfinished business and unresolved problems. Understand that a happy family and harmonious relationships, this wealth outweighs any billions of monetary units. And as you know, you need to not only want such “gifts,” but also be prepared for them.

    Accept this as reality, don’t look at everyone, because you don’t want to be like everyone else, then why are you trying to repeat what others are doing? Learn to maintain a dialogue with your inner voice, ignore irritants from the outside world, and life will change from dull colors to bright shades or vice versa. Everything will be as you need it, but not everyone will be happy bright colors, because someone really only loves faded tones...

    And here you are standing at the crossroads of three roads, where are you heading, which path have you chosen? If you are sure that the most important thing for you is your soulmate and family, then the following chronology will show you the way. If you realize that in fact you don’t really need this, then just analyze your priorities and do what comes first in the near future. Sooner or later, relationships and family will take center stage, and then there will be a need to approach the issue with trepidation!

    Highlight for yourself the main features of the person you want, without which you simply cannot live!
    You have to create a certain image, excluding little things, in order to get a personality construct that occurs in life more often than the jackpot in the lottery. It’s okay that you will have in your head your own ideal of the person you want to be with, the main thing is to be able to create an adequate image and highlight exactly those factors without which you really, under no circumstances, will be able to be in a close relationship with this person for a long time

    For example, no matter how much I like girls with brown eyes and no matter how much I want a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, I am aware that these factors may be overlapped by more significant circumstances, i.e. I'm ready to compromise, because... if we weigh it adequately, then appearance in general is a temporary and fragile phenomenon, so you should not put this moment at the forefront of priorities. The appearance of a person is completely different, and if you look at a person and you simply don’t like him, this already means a lot! Listen to such feelings and try to avoid Serious relationships with such people because your union may have the character fictitious marriage, but happiness and harmony in such situations usually do not emanate...

    Only you know what you can turn a blind eye to without causing global damage, and what seemingly trivial thing at first glance can push you into betrayal and divorce. The most important thing on early stage identify in your partner the presence of those qualities that you cannot overcome and cannot ignore. But first, as I said above, you need to understand for yourself what exactly your pyramid is based on harmonious relations. You should not try to build a pyramid without a base, placing only temporary supports, in the hope that a person will change and sometime later the pyramid will fully stand on the solid foundation of the first row. After all, most often, these are exactly the situations that happen, people wait for years and decades for their expectations to be met, but the longer they wait, the more they are disappointed, but due to the fact that they spent a lot of effort and time waiting, they are already don’t dare to break off the relationship...

    They tell me that it will be difficult for me to find her. They tell her that she is looking for a prince. Every day we pass each other on the gray streets of the city. They tell me that I have nothing, her friends are nagging her about the wedding.
    We remain silent and live inside ourselves, losing faith in the meeting every day. We don't have anything that they have, we have everything that they don't even know about. Their life and love are already burning out, but a bright fire of our eternal love awaits us.
    Forgive us for not being like you, we’re just bored by the director who wrote the script of your life. Let us, at least once, write our script ourselves... (A. Dadanov)

    For example, for one person the absence intimate life this is a disaster and an inevitable path to betrayal, separation or chronic depression and apathy. While for another, sex is not important at all and he may not engage in it for months without harming himself. Each person has an individual set of priorities, so to speak, the cubes of the base of the pyramid, and the more evenly their edges are to each other, the greater the chance for the couple to build their own stable pyramid of family happiness.

    If you idealize your partner too painstakingly, you will be busy placing small pebbles in the cracks between the main cubes of the base of the pyramid. Agree, they are of no use, and you can spend an infinite amount of energy and time... You should not try to eliminate these small cracks, set yourself the goal of building a pyramid on large strong supports - this is the only way to build a stable and durable pyramid of relationships in the future

    Statistical studies and population surveys have identified six main reasons for divorce among married couples:

    1) hasty, thoughtless marriage or marriage of convenience;
    2) adultery;
    3) sexual dissatisfaction with each other;
    4) incompatibility of characters and views;
    5) psychological and practical unpreparedness for family life and, as a consequence, the accumulation of mistakes in family relationships, disappointment in a loved one or oneself;
    6) drunkenness.

    As studies have shown, main reason divorces is the psychological and practical unpreparedness of spouses for family life (42% of divorces).

    This unpreparedness manifests itself in the rudeness of spouses, mutual insults and humiliations, inattentive attitude towards each other, reluctance to help with household chores and raising children, inability to give in to each other, in the absence of common spiritual interests, greed and money-grubbing of one of the spouses, unpreparedness for interaction, in the inability to smooth out and eliminate conflicts and in the desire to intensify conflicts, inability to run a household.

    In second place - drunkenness one of the spouses (this reason was indicated by 3100 of the surveyed women and 23% of men). Moreover, drunkenness of one of the spouses can also be a reason that destroys family relationships, and a consequence of abnormal relations between spouses.

    In third place is marital infidelity(this was indicated by 15% of women and 12% of men).

    In the study, only 9% of women indicated the lack of help from their spouse in household chores as a cause of conflicts and divorces. It can be assumed that most husbands help run the household (it turned out that 40% of men do everything around the house that their wife requires).

    Other reasons for divorce play an insignificant role: domestic instability (3.1%), differences in views on issues material well-being(1.6%), financial difficulties (1.8%), unreasonable jealousy of one of the spouses (1.5%), sexual dissatisfaction (0.8U0), lack of children (0.2%).

    Divorced men complain that there was no serious intimacy (37%), everyday tenderness (29%), an orderly sex life (14%), care for him (9%), felt enslaved (a rope around the neck) - 14% .

    All this becomes known when the family has already broken up. And before that, neither the spouses nor those around them have a clear understanding of what is happening. This reminds us of the parable of the Roman man who divorced his wife. Hearing the bewilderment and censure of those around him, he asked: Here is my shoe. Isn't he good? But how many of you know where he is shaking my leg?

    Perhaps we can conclude from this: if the spouses communicated normally, they could eliminate much of what led to the collapse of the family. Communicate! Talk about problems, don’t keep it to yourself, don’t accumulate that terrible lump inside yourself, be yourself and always remember that in family life you have to take into account the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, aspirations of your loved one. While maintaining your dignity, you must be able to give in to each other. Love and be loved!

    Almost every person on the globe dreams of meeting his soulmate, his love. But, alas, not everyone succeeds in this. Often you have to go through various griefs and very painful disappointments. What should you do to hit as few bumps as possible on the way to the one or only person with whom happiness is possible? Where do other people find love?


    In many cases, people who yearn for love, understanding, happiness, completely focus on this dream of theirs. Of course, the presence of a loved one in the life is a great happiness, although it sometimes requires a complete revision of one’s own and life’s priorities. The thirst for love can lead to a desperate search that alienates you from friends, family, and life in general, preventing you from revealing your individuality.

    In fact, you don't need to be so passionate about your goal. It is much more important and promising to meet different people, establish and maintain friendly connections. By constantly expanding the circle of your own knowledge and interests, enjoying communication with friends, traveling, you can get much more pleasure from life than as a result of eternal rushing in search of love. It's better to accept that you'll be single for a while and enjoy life than to worry about where love is found.

    Having made such a decision, you will continue to be an interesting person to your friends, enrich your communication experience, which ultimately will significantly increase the likelihood of finding your soulmate.

    Meet different people

    Before you finally settle on one person, you need to meet people various types. In this way, you will learn to better understand a person’s character and understand personalities. Having a rich store of knowledge about behavior in various situations, you have a better chance of successfully choosing a life partner. If you have many friends, then you are unlikely to allow your relationships to not be harmonious, respectful and fair.

    For shy people, psychologists have a recommendation: take communication skills courses. This will help get rid of discomfort on dates and better understand where love is found, because most often teachers are experienced psychologists that have a clear answer to this question.


    All people have unique techniques for sending signals to members of the opposite sex. This can be absolutely any action: eyebrow movements, suggestive glances, whispers, light touches, winks, etc. There can really be a lot of options, the main thing is that these signs are understandable to those to whom they are directed.

    Girls should not be shy about flirting in an attempt to attract a man. After all, for a very long time, representatives of the fairer sex have been taking the initiative, taking the first step towards the object of sympathy. During a conversation, be attentive to your interlocutor, noting his tone of speech and the topic of conversation. If your partner asks questions, this indicates that he is interested in you. If in response to touching, an attempt to come closer, a lowering of tone, a person reacts in a similar or positive way, then your mutual attraction increases. If the interlocutor averts his eyes, quietly moves away, listens more, then he is not interested in your company.

    Working team

    It would seem that the office is the last place where you can find love. Nevertheless, quite a lot of people have found their happiness in the work environment. The explanation for this is simple - firstly, we spend most of our time at work, so why not benefit from it for ourselves. Secondly, people working in the same organization initially have much more in common than people meeting, for example, on the street.

    Friendly meetings

    Surely, everyone was once invited by friends to visit with the goal of introducing them “to an interesting person.” You should not refuse such gatherings. Of course, it is far from a fact that this will be the same person with whom you will have an affair whirlwind romance and children will be born. It’s not at all a fact that even you will just like it. But if you don’t knock on every door, you’ll have to wait much longer for results. In the end, even if a spark doesn’t fly between you, you can just have a good evening in pleasant company. But there are still many couples who, when asked where they find love, proudly answer: “Friends!”

    Marriage Agency

    Let's consider another answer to the question of where to find. We will talk about marriage agencies. Such organizations, as a rule, take the selection of a couple quite seriously, focusing on common interests and mutual demands. At the agency, you will need to fill out a questionnaire, answering questions about yourself and your prospective partner. The computer will process the data and select candidates based on the results.

    Some marriage firms have their own halls where they hold events where you can meet your partner. Such organizations are useful for those who find it difficult to get along with people, who do not know where and therefore it is worth taking advantage of the opportunity they provide.

    Wherever you decide to look for your soul mate, no matter how often you ask yourself the questions: “Where is my love?”, “How to meet your love?”, “Why do you have to wait so long?”, do not forget, in order to meet an interesting person , you need to be no less interesting yourself. Therefore, the main rule is: do not get hung up on the search, develop and enjoy life. And someone will definitely appear with whom you will always want to be close, who will understand at a glance and at a glance, someone in front of whom you will not need to pretend and pretend to be happy, in a word, someone with whom you will be happy!

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