• What signs should be observed at a wedding? Wedding signs and superstitions: how to perform the ceremony correctly


    Wedding signs and superstitions are rooted in the distant past, when people believed that everything could be changed by following the clues of fate, when, not having enough knowledge, people with their help found explanations for certain phenomena in their lives.

    The history of the emergence of folk signs and customs goes back to the distant past, during the times of pagan beliefs. People tried in every possible way to protect themselves from the powerful and unknown nature, from the fear that appears from things that have no logical explanation. People looked for patterns and analyzed their own observations. Thus, evil and good spirits, bad and good omens appeared, rituals and customs began to appear, designed to protect and help a person survive in this world.

    Many people ask themselves the question: when to get married? How to choose a wedding date? Best time for Wedding? There is no definite answer to these questions; it all depends on you. But if you still want to somehow decide, then here are some wedding signs and superstitions.

    Your wedding falls in January - it is possible that your spouse will die early. Maybe we should postpone the wedding for a month.

    Having got married in February, the couple will live happily ever after, in love and harmony.

    There is a belief that if a girl gets married in March, she will have to live with her husband in a foreign land.

    A wedding in April promises the same changeable weather in the house: either clear days or short-term cold snaps.

    Getting married in June means living happily ever after. All life will pass like a honeymoon.

    A July wedding promises bittersweet memories of marriage towards the end of your life. Not so bad, the main thing is that there are more “sweet” moments.

    A girl walking down the aisle in August acquires in her husband not only a lover, but also true friend. But which side will prevail in the spouse depends on her.

    A wedding in September promises a calm and quiet life.

    An October wedding promises numerous difficulties and obstacles.

    To get married in November means to live in wealth and ride like cheese all your life. However, money without love does not bring happiness.

    But getting married in December means there will be no wealth, but love becomes stronger every year.

    Getting married on a new moon - to a new one happy life.
    Getting married while the moon is waxing means rapid growth of capital.
    Getting married on a full moon means life will be full.
    When the moon is waning, getting married means all sorrows and adversity will go away.

    Wedding omens and superstitions about numbers and days of the week

    It was believed that on Wednesday and Friday one should not undertake any wedding matters, including matchmaking, since these days are unfavorable for marriage.

    Matchmaking, as a rule, went after sunset.

    They made sure that matchmaking, like the wedding day, did not fall on the 13th.

    And numbers such as 3, 5, 7, 9 played a certain ritual role in matchmaking and weddings and were considered lucky.

    Wedding signs about the weather on the day of the celebration

    The best time to get married is in the rain. It is known that water purifies, and therefore you will be protected from negative energy their ill-wishers, if they manage to get to the celebration. Or maybe they won’t come at all because of bad weather. This way you can check who really cares about you.

    Unexpected rain, snow or blizzard on your wedding day - to the wealth and well-being of a young family

    Signs and superstitions about the bride's wedding dress

    A wedding dress must be sewn or bought: borrowing from friends, girlfriends, mothers, aunts and future mothers-in-law is a bad omen. If you want to save now, you will never get out of debt for the rest of your life.

    Before the wedding, don’t show your dress to the groom; if he sees it, you’ll spend your whole life quarreling over trifles.

    A wedding dress, veil, shoes, ring should not be given to friends or sisters to try on, either before or after the wedding: this will lead to quarrels in the family.

    The bride should wear her wedding dress over her head (not over her legs!).

    You should not get married in a green dress. But old shoes on the bride will bring good luck in family life. That is why it is recommended before the wedding to walk around for at least a day in new shoes prepared for the wedding.

    Wedding signs about engagement rings

    Young people choose wedding rings together, and the groom pays for them. Nowadays, rings can be completely different: twisted, patterned, with precious stones. There is only one condition - the rings must be made of yellow or white gold.

    If you want a ring with stones, then remember: amethyst is a symbol of sincerity, carnelian brings happiness, agate - longevity, garnet and topaz - fidelity. If you want to be loved passionately, the ring should be with a ruby, if you long for happy love - with an emerald, and if you hope for eternal love, then choose a diamond.

    The bride should not wear anything gold on her wedding day except her wedding ring. You should wear costume jewelry to a wedding, not jewelry. On your wedding day, there should be no rings on your hands other than wedding rings.

    Bad omen - dropping wedding ring before putting it on your finger. The roots of this sign go back to the times when the ring was interpreted as a symbol of eternity. It was not for nothing that the young were led around the lectern, and even earlier - around the tree. In other words, the dropped ring suggests that this marriage will not last. If this suddenly happened, then a thread is threaded through the rings, which must be prepared in advance by witnesses; it will gather bad omens, only then the ring is put on. After registration is completed, the thread should be burned with the words: “Burn all my troubles and sorrows with fire.” The one who dropped the ring burns the thread.

    If you find someone else's wedding ring, you don't need to wear it - you'll take someone else's family problems.

    Various wedding signs and superstitions

    The marriage will be successful if on the eve of the wedding the bride puts a mirror under her pillow, and nightgown put it on inside out.

    On the morning of the wedding day, the bride should not see the groom, otherwise the marriage will not be successful. The bride should spend the night before the wedding either in her parents' house or in another room if the newlyweds already live together.

    If the newlyweds live separately before the wedding, then the bride should meet the groom already fully dressed for the wedding.

    The bride should not allow anyone to stand in front of the mirror in front of her - the groom will be taken away. The same applies to the groom, do not let your friend go ahead of you, no matter what happens. Also, young people should not cross the road or cross the road. Crossing the road is a violation of the integrity of the path. To avoid this, the witness and witness can walk a little ahead.

    In order to be happy in marriage, the bride must cry on her wedding day.

    When getting married, you must wear shoes that cover the toe and heel - happiness will not leak out of the house. Under no circumstances should you wear sandals - you'll go wild. Shoes without fastenings - easy birth child.

    On the wedding day, the mother of the bride gives her daughter some kind of family heirloom. The bride should keep this item with her to ensure well-being. If there is a funeral along the road of the wedding procession, you need to take a different road.

    If the bride lost her glove or broke a mirror before the wedding, this is a bad omen.

    So that young people do not need bread and money, they need to: put a few grains of wheat and a coin in their shoes. Shower the young people with rice, millet, and grains of wheat when leaving the registry office or church.

    Nowadays, it is common to break either the bride and groom's glasses or plates. They do it for luck. And then they look at the fragments to see who will appear first among the young: a boy or a girl. Large fragments - to the boy, small ones - to the girl.

    A broken heel not only during a wedding but in general is a bad omen.

    After the bride has left to get married, the floors in her house need to be washed. Then she will definitely not return back to her parents, because she will be happy with her husband.

    Young people going to the registry office or church to get married need to stick pins into their dress or shirt so that the newlyweds are not jinxed.

    The bride should be the first to step onto the carpet for the signature and after a moment step on the groom’s foot. This must be done as if by chance, then future husband will obey for the rest of my life.

    The father-in-law and mother-in-law welcome the newlyweds at home with bread and salt. Which of the young ones will take a bite larger piece, he will be the main one in the family.

    When young people from the registry office approach festive table, the eldest member of any family must lead the young ones around the table three times. By Slavic traditions it symbolizes the eternal bond between husband and wife.

    The wedding wreath cannot be thrown away. During the wedding, the wreath served as a talisman, since previously, talismanic plants, for example, basil, were woven into it. That is why you cannot throw away a wreath, just as you cannot throw away a talisman.

    At the end of the wedding evening, according to tradition, the bride throws her bouquet to the crowd unmarried girls. The one who catches this bouquet will get married next. Alternatively, guests can stand in a circle and wait until the bride, with her eyes closed, randomly hands her bouquet to someone.

    If the bells ring during a wedding, it is lucky. The ringing of bells disperses evil forces and can remove the effect of witchcraft, since it is the Voice of God. Science has already proven that ringing bells purifies the air. The ringing of bells when the newlyweds are already leaving the church is a bad sign. It's bad if the bride or groom stumbles on the wedding day, it means he or she is not sure of his choice.

    Funny wedding signs and superstitions

    Worry less about bad wedding omens or their mismatch! Any of them can be turned upside down! A cheerful interpretation of the most famous wedding signs. For your Have a good mood.

    • Seeing the bride in a wedding dress before the ceremony means the groom will be speechless.
    • If a cat runs between the newlyweds, their life will be like that of a cat and a dog, so get a dog so that the cat doesn’t run around everywhere.
    • A bride getting married wearing old shoes means good luck and easy wedding no calluses.
    • If on the eve of the wedding, in the morning the bride sneezes, it means a happy life in marriage; if she sneezes earlier or later, it means sick leave.
    • Not smooth rings - they constantly cling to clothes, and are in no way a symbol of a rough and problematic marriage.
    • Shaved groom with new haircut- to the loss of speech of the bride.
    • The groom's thick wallet means that the bride will be bought soon.
    • A groom who is late for the wedding means a quick and easy redemption.
    • The groom stumbled at the threshold of the registry office - towards an untied shoelace.
    • Stealing the bride's shoe means active participation in the purchase of this shoe.
    • If on the way the young couple meet a black cat, there is no need to go back - don’t complicate things, the animal also wants to get married and is looking for a mate.
    • A bride who stumbled at the threshold of the registry office - to a broken heel or too long dress.
    • If during the wedding ceremony the bride's left hand itched - to the rich married life, right - to an abundance of guests and fun in the house. (Do not allow the bride to wash her hands two or three days in advance).
    • A bride in a veil and with a lit candle in her hands - to a burnt hole in the veil.
    • Forgetting rings at the registry office means you will be late.
    • Drinking a lot at a wedding means a morning headache.
    • Catching a bride's bouquet means sudden profit and successful sale in the morning.
    • The bride who spilled a drink at the wedding - to a large number drunk.
    • Many young unmarried guests - to choose the best candidate for grooms.
    • A bride who loves to eat heartily is a plump wife.
    • Beautiful newlyweds mean beautiful children.
    • A wedding in the rain means a dirty dress, running makeup, wet feet.
    • A noisy wedding means the police will arrive.
    • Whistling at a wedding means the arrival of strangers.
    • If someone crosses the road when going to the registry office, they shouldn’t be together. Advice - do the third one quickly - then everything will be fine.

    There are still a lot of signs associated with a wedding, and let everyone decide for themselves whether to believe in wedding signs or not. The most important thing for your marriage to be successful... marry the person you love! And then you will not be afraid of any superstitions.

    Here's another sign:
    “You can’t believe in omens, otherwise the roof will completely fall off.”

    Oh, that solemn moment when the lover gets down on one knee, opens a small box and offers the girl his hand, heart and eternal love. This is confirmed by the contents of the velvet box - an engagement ring.

    For the future bride and groom, a trembling but troublesome period begins - preparation for one of major events in life, wedding day. A wedding involves many rituals and traditions. How this day goes, one can judge the future life of the newlyweds, their wealth and well-being.

    Signs for a wedding (what you can and cannot do) were collected by our ancestors and have not lost their relevance in the era of robotization and digital technology.

    Beliefs on your wedding day

    If on this day the sky was covered with clouds and it was drizzling, this is not a reason for sadness. The sky is blurring the bride's way back home, which means she will only go to visit mom and dad. The intensity of the rain determines the financial condition of the family. A light rain will tell you about financial difficulties, while a downpour foreshadows a life full of wealth and luxury.

    Wedding signs and beliefs favor the bride's unmarried friends. Before putting on a formal dress, the future wife should ask her unmarried girlfriend to wipe her feet with a handkerchief. The girl will soon find her love, and the wedding will not be long in coming.

    There is another interesting opinion. If, while putting on her festive shoes, the bride names the names of her three unmarried friends, they will become wives next year in the same order as they were named by the hero of the occasion.

    There are various signs and prohibitions. What not to do at a wedding? The bride looks at herself in the mirror in her wedding dress. Being in a tender and tremulous mood, the girl risks jinxing herself.

    To make the family happy, the beauty should cry a little before the wedding. The main thing is that the reason for the tears should be the parting words of the parents and sincere wishes guests, not quarrels and troubles.

    As soon as the bride crosses the threshold of her father's house, her mother should wipe the floors with a wet rag. This will make it easier for the lady to enter her husband’s house. A slight delay in the wedding procession should not be an obstacle.

    The first dish that a young woman will try at her own celebration should be sweet, then family life will be “like honey.”

    When getting into the honeymoon car, neither the bride nor the groom should look back. So they leave the past behind and start life with a bright, clean slate.

    When dressing up in her own room, a girl should have a pinch of sugar with her. Stepping over the threshold of her bedroom towards her future husband, she must quietly scatter him on the floor. Then the couple is guaranteed a sweet life without sadness and sadness!

    Superstitions and traditions around wedding dresses

    Wedding signs for the bride are largely related to her decoration. Any robe other than white promises misfortune and bitter tears in family life. To avoid a sad fate, future wives are recommended to choose a snow-white dress - a symbol of innocence, purity and fidelity. No less stringent requirements are imposed on its length. If the groom does not see the girl’s feet before the wedding night, he will kiss them for the rest of his life. Models with floor-length skirts look elegant and feminine.

    Blue Garter and more

    When thinking about wedding signs, what is possible and what is not, most brides remember the rule: you need to wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. The role of blue is given to a delicate blue garter, which is decorated with delicate lace, stones and satin ribbons. An excellent option for borrowing would be to wear your mother’s wedding dress, skillfully altered in a modern way. In the “something old” category, handkerchiefs and shoes take the lead. According to some beliefs, borrowed means stolen.

    Optimal time to try on a dress

    According to wedding signs and superstitions, the bride should not participate in creating her own outfit - sewing, hemming, decorating, etc. Failure to comply with this rule threatens great misfortune and the likelihood of soon being left alone. You can’t try on a dress until the wedding itself. If your betrothed cannot bear to try on a snow-white outfit, you should not look at yourself in a full-length mirror.

    Modern brides neglect the superstitions described above. Looking for yours ideal image they try on dozens of dresses and always turn around in front of the mirror. Experts advise: in order not to invite trouble on yourself, you should not try on the entire image; for example, you can put on a dress and shoes, but not try on a veil.

    Can the groom see the bride before the wedding?

    In order to unite a man and a woman and strengthen the marriage, wedding signs and superstitions recommend that the newlyweds not see each other for a couple of days before the celebration. It is highly discouraged for the groom to see the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding. This event foreshadows betrayal in family life.

    The material of a wedding dress will tell about the fate of its owner

    According to generally accepted wedding signs and wedding traditions, an ideal material for festive dress is silk. Smooth satin promises a series of endless failures in life, velvet promises poverty. Even if the dress was purchased in a mass-produced store and has at least one exact copy, you should give it uniqueness by sewing on a modest decorative element. This will guarantee that the bride will not repeat sad fate another woman.

    A lucky sign is not to fasten the last button of your outfit until the wedding ceremony. Another custom is to sew a few of the bride's hairs into the dress, for example on the hem, so that no one can see. This is believed to ensure future prosperity. A comfortable existence for a future family is foreshadowed by putting a coin in a shoe.

    Rules for choosing a veil

    A veil is an attribute that distinguishes a bride from an ordinary girl in a white dress. Its purpose was to hide the beauty of the bride and protect her from evil spirits. Wedding signs (do's and don'ts) say that trying on an outfit with a veil before the ceremony is not good. In the old days, the veil was not removed until the official wedding ceremony was completed.

    Signs about rings

    The marriage ceremony in the registry office is a reverent and responsible procedure that makes the newlyweds quite nervous. When exchanging wedding rings, they should be vigilant and try not to drop them. IN otherwise family life will be unhappy and short-lived.

    You should not let anyone try on your ring, not even your closest friend or my own sister. This leads to divorce or separation.

    If the engagement jewelry was lost, and all attempts to find it were unsuccessful, you should immediately buy a replacement, otherwise the couple cannot avoid quarrels and mutual distrust.

    The lucky one who manages to touch the rings of the bride and groom will soon celebrate his own wedding.

    Signs about a wedding bouquet

    What do these wedding signs mean? What is possible and what is not? They claim that throughout wedding day the bride should not let go of the bouquet. It can be passed on to the groom or mother for a few minutes.

    An unmarried girl who catches the bride's bouquet thrown over her back will be the next to marry.

    Weather and choice of month for the wedding: winter

    Snowy weather on your wedding day promises a wealthy, prosperous life. A strong wind will tell you that life for the young will be windy. The celebration of Maslenitsa means that the life of the husband and wife will be cheerful and prosperous.

    If the wedding is celebrated on a frosty day, the firstborn will be a healthy and strong boy.

    Weather and choice of month for the wedding: summer, autumn, spring

    According to wedding signs and beliefs, thunderstorms and storms during a wedding are a bad sign and misfortune awaits the newlyweds.

    Fall leaves and Indian summer will favor the newly-made family, money will flow like a river, and the firstborn will not be long in coming.

    On a hot summer day, you should pay attention to the water. When the sea is smooth, relations will be smooth; a storm will bring with it quarrels, clarification of interests, etc.

    Signs that parents should know about

    New parents greet them with bread and salt. The baked goods are placed on the red ends of the towel, the white parts should sag. The role of bread is often played by a loaf. Biting and breaking it is prohibited. The bride and groom must kiss him three times and bow. When fathers meet their spouses, they pour them a glass of vodka, but no one drinks alcohol. The newlyweds bring the glass to their lips and pour the contents over their shoulder. The procedure is repeated three times. For the last time, the glass is thrown away along with the vodka. If two containers break together or survive, the family will live happily ever after.

    While the parents are meeting their future husband and wife, the girl’s grandmother places the unlocked lock on the threshold and covers it with a towel. As soon as the couple crosses the threshold of the house, the old woman will close the lock and roll up the towel. The groom's parents will get the castle itself, the bride's parents will get the keys.

    What other signs are there for a wedding? What should not be allowed? Threshold swings! A girl comes to the house with the goal of continuing both families. Responsibility falls on the man - he must take his woman in his arms, stand on the red edges of the towel and enter the house.

    A young couple is often haunted by evil forces. In order to distract the monsters, the path along which the young people walk is strewn with grain, coins, sweets and flower petals.

    How should guests prepare for a wedding?

    If you are planning to attend a wedding ceremony in the near future, you should not pass the gift from hand to hand. Signs for a wedding (what is possible, what is not) say that this will be given with the gift negative energy and illness. It is better to present the gift through a towel. Sharp products and watches are taboo. This way, guests risk causing quarrels and discord with the young couple. To ward off bad weather, the bride and groom must transfer a symbolic payment for the gift to the guest.

    An odd number of people are invited to the wedding celebration. An unexpected guest is a sign of wealth and prosperity.

    When going to an event, guests should avoid black clothing. Such a decision can darken the entire future life of the couple. Light pastel colors are optimal.

    By believing in signs and superstitions, men and women getting married will be able to lift the veil of the future and find out what awaits them ahead. However, you should not take legends seriously. After all, every person is the architect of his own destiny.

    In April - enjoy changeable happiness

    In May - see betrayal in your own home

    In June - the honeymoon will last a lifetime

    In August - the husband will be a lover and friend

    In September - a quiet, calm life

    In October - life will be difficult and difficult

    In November - life is rich and happy

    In December - love will become stronger every year

    According to Russian tradition, it is worth carefully choosing not only the month of the wedding, but also the day of the week. Lucky days- Monday (for wealth), Tuesday (for health), Wednesday (for happiness), but Thursday and Friday - the most difficult for future family life. People's superstitious attitude towards certain numbers is reflected in wedding symbols. The most important thing is that the day of the ceremony does not fall on the “damn” 13th. But 3, 5, 7 and 9, on the contrary, were considered lucky for performing the ritual. According to the ancient Byzantine tradition that came to Russia, the best day to start family life is the holiday of the Intercession Holy Mother of God(October 14). Brides wear a wedding dress - a snow-white veil. A special note: those who got married on their own name day will, alas, be unhappy. Also considered bad dates for a wedding are February 29, June 11 and July 16.


    It turns out that numerous Internet videos of the bride and groom falling ridiculously during the wedding are documented evidence of what the couple did right choice. In Rus' it was believed that the one who stumbled and, especially, fell at the ceremony, found a soul mate. The newlyweds also benefit from natural disasters: rain and snow - to great happiness. But a strong wind on a wedding day is a subtle hint that someone in the couple is too “windy.”

    On the day of the celebration, the bride should cry a little. It's best if these tears come from parting words parents. “If you don’t cry at the table, you’ll cry behind the pillar (in marriage)”. To live in peace and harmony, the bride and groom first cut a piece of the wedding cake to each other, and only then to the rest of the guests.


    Do you want to live not only happily, but also richly? Place a coin in your right shoe(later it is kept as a family heirloom). Associated with the same belief is the spectacular tradition of throwing coins at the feet of the newlyweds when they leave the registry office or church (shower them with grains and millet - so that there are many children in the family, like in a spike of grains; with candies - for a sweet life; with flower petals - for romance in marriage). Or a more extravagant wedding sign “for prosperity”: during the celebration, the newlyweds must sit on a fur coat with the wool turned upside down. Another monetary sign is if the bride’s left palm itched during the wedding. But the right one, on the contrary, is for spending: apparently, there will always be a lot of guests in the house.

    After the ceremony, the newlyweds should not go directly to the banquet - they must be misled evil spirits. Therefore, it is better to wander around the city a little. For the same purpose, in Western countries, empty cans are tied to the rear bumper - so that they rattle along the road and scare away evil spirits.


    Sign for the long term: On your wedding day, tie two bottles of champagne tightly with a ribbon, but do not drink them, but save them. This is a guarantee that you will celebrate your wedding anniversary and the birth of your first child with sparkling wine.

    Do you want to be inseparable for the rest of your life? Do not leave each other from the moment the groom arrives to pick up the bride until the procedure of putting on the rings, do not allow anyone to pass or stand between you.

    How to determine Who is the head in this house? We offer three test versions. The most popular is the one who breaks off a larger piece of bread/loaf, which is presented by the mother-in-law and father-in-law. Another option: the head of the house will be the one who remains silent the longest after the ceremony. Or the one who is the first of the couple to cross the threshold of the house. An interesting compromise is to carry the bride into the house in his arms: such a groom will have the pleasant prospect of carrying his beloved in his arms all his life.


    Men, news for you! Anyone who was best man at a wedding will never marry more than ten times. So it is better for record-breaking polygamists to refuse the honorary role.

    Be on the lookout for your girlfriends too. The bride should not allow any woman to stand in front of the mirror in front of her- will take the groom away. The same rule applies to the future spouse, otherwise nothing would happen.

    To live in harmony with an intractable mother-in-law, perform the following ritual. At the moment when the parents or priest bless the newlyweds, the bride and groom must stand together on the same rug or towel, specially embroidered for this ceremony. There will be peace in the big family!


    If you want to contribute to the birth of a new couple, ask your unmarried friend to remove your veil. Thus, she will become the new “bride”. Often, at the end of the holiday, the bride stands with her back to the guests and throws the bouquet over her head. As they believe in Europe, the girl who catches him is the first of the “candidates” for marriage. It is interesting that in our country, the bride, on the contrary, was not supposed to give her bouquet to anyone: if you let the flowers out of your hands, you will miss happiness. An alternative to both signs is to throw a pre-ordered or “fake” wedding bouquet, which is very similar to the original one.

    By folk signs the lives of newlyweds are influenced by many various factors: the weather on the wedding day: if it’s windy - the wife or husband will cheat, sunny - life will be easy and colorful, if it rains or snows heavily - this good sign, which promises a harmonious and strong marriage. The newlyweds' rings should not fall off, and it is also unacceptable for the groom to see his beloved in a wedding dress before the wedding ceremony. The wedding date determines the future life of the young spouses: unfavorable numbers are February 29, June 11, favorable dates are June 25, October 14, September 3.

    Wedding signs

    Only an even number of guests should be invited to a formal event. For family happiness, seven bridges should be crossed on the wedding day, and the young wife should throw coins, a copper ring or bread crumbs into the water.

    By folk superstitions It is believed that the mother of the groom should not dress for a wedding in a trouser suit or an elegant jacket with a skirt, since the newlyweds will often have disagreements in the family. To ensure that the young couple lives in abundance and material prosperity, the newlyweds are sprinkled with rice, millet and various coins. The wedding loaf determines who will be in charge in the newly-made family: if the girl bites off a larger piece than her husband, the woman will be the leader in the relationship, if on the contrary, the man will become the head of his family.

    Young people need to break a plate before entering their apartment or house in order to avoid family scandals and grandiose quarrels with breaking dishes. The groom needs to take the bride in his arms and step over the lock, which was previously placed on the threshold of the house. Then the lock should be closed, and the key to it should be thrown out through the window - this is a sign that free life is in the past, and only family life is ahead.

    When the newlyweds leave the house, the groom's mother must hang a padlock, lock it with the key, and then throw both the lock and the key in opposite directions - now no one can unravel the secret of family well-being and happiness.

    Rainy weather on a wedding day is a sign of a strong and happy relationship between the newlyweds.

    No one should pass between the bride and groom on the wedding day - this promises a quick break in the marriage bond due to the intervention of an outsider.

    During the ceremonial event, the newlyweds should put coins in glasses with alcoholic beverages, which at the end of the wedding ceremony the newlyweds will put under their tablecloth so that they never need money and are financially secure.

    If the guy who is getting married accidentally stumbles near the doors of the registry office, it means that the groom is not sure of his feelings for the bride and has not fully decided on his choice. Newlyweds should not be allowed to have one of them photographed separately from each other, since a quick separation is possible.

    It is believed that there will be the most durable and harmonious marriage union if the official ceremony took place in the afternoon.

    The newlywed's girlfriends should not wash dishes, as this promises the occurrence of conflict situations with a young married couple. So that the girl who gets married is joyful and happy with everything, wedding decorations It should be worn by a woman who has successfully married. The bride and her parent should not iron the formal dress. Cannot be worn Wedding Dress through the legs - that counts bad omen.

    You cannot give newlyweds forks and various sets of knives, as such a gift will become the subject of quarrels in the newly-made family. None of the invited or strangers should adjust the newlyweds’ clothes.

    On the eve of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom should eat a chocolate bar, dividing it into two halves, so that life is joyful and sweet. The bride should not wear sandals to the wedding, so that family life is not poor.

    You should break the first glass of champagne you drink to live happily ever after. If at a formal event you tie satin ribbon two bottles of sparkling drink - the newlyweds will definitely celebrate the birth of their first child and their anniversary.

    If the groom steps in a puddle in front of his beloved’s house on the day of the celebration, the bride will have to connect her life with a person who will abuse alcohol. The groom must buy wedding rings. What kind of rings there will be - this is also the family life destined for a young couple, so the jewelry should be identical and smooth.

    It is forbidden for anyone to cross the path of the newlyweds before the marriage ceremony. You cannot wash the floor and threshold immediately after the bride has left her parents' house, otherwise she will soon return back.

    The cake for the newlyweds should be on their table; the newlyweds cut off the first piece of the wedding delicacy themselves. You cannot use the same spoon so that there is no discontent between the young people.

    A sign for unmarried girls: you cannot sit on the corner of the table during the wedding feast, otherwise she will not get married for another seven years.

    A ring falling on the floor during a wedding ceremony is considered a very bad sign. To avoid negative consequences, witnesses need to thread a thread through the wedding ring of the newlyweds white. In this way they will avert trouble from the young family.

    Superstitions for the bride

    What the bride should know:

    • The bride sneezes on her wedding day - the marriage will be successful.
    • The left palm itched during the wedding ceremony - he will live in abundance, without denying himself anything. Right palm - the house will always be filled with the laughter of friends and acquaintances, and the table will be bursting with various dishes.
    • A wedding dress cannot be sold; it should be preserved for life so that the marriage can be long and happy.
    • The groom should not see his beloved in a wedding dress before the ceremony, so as not to part with his beloved woman in the near future. You should not give jewelry from the bride’s head to friends or other strangers, so as not to lose your happiness. You cannot look back when the future spouse takes his beloved from the parental home. After the marriage ceremony, the newly-made spouses should look in the mirror together - this promises.
    • great luck The bride is not allowed to wear a wedding corset separately. full skirt
    • It is not recommended to choose a wedding dress that exposes the shoulders too much and has a deep cutout in the neckline in order to protect the young lady from female envy and the evil eye of ill-wishers.
    • A girl who is getting married should not allow her friend to stand in front of the mirror in front of the bride, so that her lover is not seduced by another woman. The same applies to the future spouse and his companion.
    • Pricking your finger on a special day means constantly quarreling with your future husband.
    • To live happily and not shed tears in marriage, you need to cry before the marriage ceremony.
    • The bride's shoes should be without locks or fasteners so that the woman can easily give birth to her first child. Shoes must have closed toes and closed heels.
    • You should not let anyone try on your wedding ring, otherwise the marriage will soon fall apart. Lose yours Golden ring- imminent separation from your lover.
    • Tearing a wedding dress or veil means the mother-in-law will be angry and grumpy.
    • The bride must wear a garter blue color- This is a symbol of fidelity and chastity of the future wife.
    • Set underwear The bride's dress should be white - this symbolizes the purity and pure thoughts of the future wife.

    An unmarried girl who catches a bouquet thrown by the bride will get married soon.

    Marriage date

    The month and date of marriage are of great importance for family life:

    • July - family life will not be cloudless; in order to become happy, you will have to overcome many difficulties together.
    • August - a strong spiritual connection with your lover.
    • September - measured and calm family life.
    • October - difficult family life, need and misfortune.
    • November - live in abundance, be lucky and happy.
    • December - strong and long-lasting relationships.
    • January - become a widow ahead of time.
    • February - peace and harmony in the newlywed family.
    • March - cheating, living a double life.
    • April - happiness will be short-term and deceptive.
    • May - you cannot get married this month, as the couple will suffer.
    • June - passion will not fade even after ten years of marriage.

    The most unlucky number for marriage is 13. Lucky numbers are 3, 5, 7, 9. If wedding ceremony falls on October 14 (Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary) - this is considered the best day for creating a strong and long-lasting marriage. You can't get married on Friday or Thursday - these are difficult days that promise unlucky luck. family life. The wedding date should not coincide with one’s own name day - the person will be unhappy in marriage.

    took place on the 13th, it means that the marriage will be unhappy, and if it is 3, 5, 7, 9, then it will be happy.
    Afternoon is considered more successful.
    Misfortune will befall a young couple who announce their upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year and get married at the beginning of the next.
    Unfavorable Wednesday and Friday.
    It is interesting, but true, that for the month of May there are significantly fewer applications submitted than for other warm months of the year, and all because of the wedding sign that “we will suffer all our lives.” Therefore, the choice of the time of year of the wedding month is yours:.

    This is interesting...

    Strange as it may sound, it’s best in the rain. It is known that water purifies, and therefore you will be protected from the negative energy of your ill-wishers if they manage to sneak into the celebration. Or maybe they won’t come at all because of bad weather. This way you can check who really cares about you.
    Unexpected rain, snow or snowstorm - to the wealth and well-being of a young family.

    To make the bride happy in marriage, for this it is necessary, so that her married friend can dress her.

    Before the newlyweds enter the house, an unlocked lock is placed under the threshold. As soon as you enter, the lock is locked with a key and thrown away. The lock and actions with a lock and key are given a special place in family magic. On the one hand, amok is a powerful amulet of family happiness, on the other hand, it is a powerful weapon in the hands of a sorcerer.
    Father-in-law and mother-in-law welcome the newlyweds at home with bread and salt. Whichever of the young people bites off the largest piece without using their hands will dominate the family. The sign is funny, invented, rather, to raise a cheerful mood. But the custom itself - to greet with bread and salt - is ancient. Bread is a powerful amulet against evil forces.
    The wedding wreath cannot be thrown away. During the wedding, the wreath served as a talisman, since previously, protective plants, for example, basil, were woven into it. That is why you cannot throw away a wreath, just as you cannot throw away a talisman.

    Forks, spoons and knives are not accepted. Such a gift is considered a bad omen. If someone managed to give one of these things, then you have to pay for it (at least a penny), and then accept it, but not as a gift, but as a purchase.

    Sweeping the table with your hand means the husband (wife) will be bald.
    For a husband to sleep a lot before the wedding - to sleep with his crooked-eyed wife.
    Sit on the corner of the table- seven years without getting married.
    Knit for your lover before the wedding any clothes - to betrayal and separation.
    For the bride look in the mirror in a wedding dress- to minor troubles.
    Crossing the path of the bride and groom means trouble and a quarrel between the spouses.
    Cross the threshold of the house first (groom or bride) - be the head of the family.
    Wash the threshold in the house after the bride leaves - for the bride's quick return to her parents.

    There are still a lot of signs associated with a wedding, and let everyone decide for themselves whether to believe in wedding signs or not. The most important thing for to make your marriage successful... marry the person you love!

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