• Old signs and superstitions for a wedding. Signs and superstitions Folk signs for a wedding. The meaning of signs and superstitions Holiday beliefs and omens Wedding omens Wedding traditions


    From time immemorial, the wedding ceremony, like other rituals, has traditionally not been without folk signs and superstitions. Our ancestors believed in otherworldly forces and many inexplicable phenomena; these beliefs little by little resulted in established wedding signs. Any little thing during wedding ceremonies What mattered was the weather, gifts, the color of clothing details, cutlery.

    Of course, it is not necessary to believe in omens for a wedding, because omens are not predictions, horoscopes or prophecies; superstitions do not necessarily have to come true. This type of folk art is good because it gives wide scope for folk imagination, and sometimes even cultivates positive qualities in people.

    If you are superstitious enough, to calm your soul, you can choose on our website a lucky wedding date, according to signs. We also have collected wedding signs and superstitions about the bride’s dress, the wedding ceremony, flowers, banquets, gifts for the newlyweds and many other signs. If you are not completely superstitious, but people's councils listen, believe only in good omens for the wedding - there are many of them on our website!

    In general, there are many things associated with a wedding. most interesting traditions, some of which go back to ancient times. For example, the custom of cutting a wedding cake came to us from the Roman Empire. The ancient Romans baked the main wedding delicacy in the form of a barley cake, which the groom had to break over the bride's head as a sign of conquering his wife. And the medieval English, instead of a wedding cake, baked small buns, which the guests placed in a high mound between the newlyweds. If the newlyweds managed to kiss over the slide without destroying it, their union promised to be long-lasting and happy.

    Wedding signs, associated with the bride’s bouquet, also came to us from ancient times. One of the funniest traditions existed in Ancient Greece. There, the bride herself was turned into a bouquet: she was decorated with orange blossoms and ivy. And in ancient Rome, the bride was given a bouquet of... garlic and wheat ears.

    1. Do not give wedding rings to anyone to try on, either before or after the wedding.

    2. When preparing the bed for the newlyweds on their wedding night (this can be done by a close married relative), the pillows are laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases touch. Towards a friendly life.

    3. So that the newlyweds do not need money, the groom should put a coin in his right shoe on the wedding day, which is then kept as a family heirloom.

    4. Mandatory rule: the newlyweds should enter the wedding table only clockwise or in the direction of the sun, and leave in the opposite direction.

    5. Both the bride and groom need to fasten a safety pin on their clothes, head down, to protect against the evil eye. For the bride on the hem of the dress, for the groom where the boutonniere is, but so that the pin is not visible.

    6. The bride's wedding shoes should not be new. As a last resort, buy them in advance and wear them several times before the wedding. Then they will attract good luck and favor of fate to your newly created family.

    7. The bride should make a couple of stitches against the evil eye on the hem of the dress or in another place invisible to the eye. Shoes must be with closed toes.

    8. If the bride, standing under the aisle, drops her scarf, it means that her husband will die and she will be a widow.

    9. Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little - the marriage will be happy. It is best if these tears come from the parting words of the parents, and not because of some problems or problems.

    10. The bride's dress should be just a dress, and not a corset with a skirt, otherwise there will be a separate life.

    11. When the bride goes to church/registry office, the mother gives her daughter a family heirloom: a ring, a cross, a brooch, a bracelet, etc., so that this item will be with her during the wedding, protecting her.

    12. Until the wedding/registration, the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full attire. For example, you can look at yourself without gloves or in a dress, but without a veil.

    13. The bride should not let go of the groom’s bouquet throughout the day. In an emergency, you can let the groom or mother hold the bouquet. Only on wedding banquet you can put it on the table in front of you, and in the evening you should take it to your bedroom.

    14. You can't wear pearls to a wedding. This is to the tears of the bride.

    15. When leaving home for the wedding/registration, it is advisable that the bride wear a veil against the evil eye. When she enters the House of Celebrations or the church, the veil can be thrown back if desired.

    16. If the witnesses at the wedding are divorced, this means the newlyweds will divorce.

    17. After the groom has dressed the bride wedding ring, neither she nor he should take the empty ring box or the plate on which it was lying. It is better to take the box to an unmarried girlfriend or friend.

    18. If the groom cuts his hair on the eve of the wedding, the children will be sick.

    19. On the wedding day, parents must ensure that no strangers or guests adjust the clothes on the bride and groom.

    20. The bride should not allow her friends to stand in front of her in front of the mirror, so that they do not take her loved one away.

    21. Newlyweds must stay together at all times so that no one passes or stands between them, so that the union is unbreakable.

    22. When the groom takes the bride from her parents' house, he should never look back.

    23. The bride and groom should blow out their wedding candles at the same time - this means a long life together.

    24. Under no circumstances should the bride be the first or the last to enter the house. The young husband must carry it in his arms. (And he will wear it like this all his life, however, with a stop for everyday affairs).

    25. After the wedding, the newlyweds should look in the same mirror - to good luck, to a friendly and happy life.

    26. It’s good if the earrings are put on the bride by her beloved and happily married friend.

    27. When leaving the church/registry office, you need to sprinkle the young people with cereal: rice, millet or wheat grains - this means living in abundance.

    28. Wedding rings should be smooth, classic, without notches or stones, so that the life of the newlyweds is smooth, without pitfalls.

    29. Young people should not go straight to the banquet. People say that it is necessary to mislead evil spirits, and therefore the route chosen is complex and ornate. By the way, on this occasion, in some countries, empty cans are tied to the rear bumper so that they rattle along the road and scare away all evil spirits.

    30. There should be no jewelry on your hands. They will be decorated with a wedding ring.

    31. When the newlyweds drive up to the wedding venue, the car should honk loudly. This also applies to repelling evil spirits.

    32. If during a ceremony wedding photo shoot In the registry office, the bride’s left palm itched - she should be rich, and if her right hand is there, then there will be no guests in her new home

    33. The newlyweds should dance at the wedding banquet only together and a little with their parents. After dancing with their children, parents must reunite them and bring them to each other.

    34. Whoever stands up first on the towel laid out by witnesses in front of the young people in the registry office will be the master of the house.

    35. A wedding cake the bride cuts, the groom supports the knife. The groom places a piece of cake with the main design on his fiancée’s plate, the bride presents the next piece to the groom, and then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and helping each other.

    36. The marriage will be successful if on the eve of the wedding the bride puts a mirror under her pillow, and nightgown put it on inside out.

    37. You can’t part with your veil and boutonniere. The veil and boutonniere are kept at home as a family heirloom, and when a child is born in the family, the veil, for example, is covered with the baby when he is sick, or hung over his crib to protect against the evil eye.


    Read also

    Signs and superstitions
    Folk signs for the wedding. Superstitions will also take on meaning
    Holiday beliefs and omens
    Wedding signs Wedding traditions
    Love omens
    Wedding signs, wedding traditions
    Signs - to get married (get married)

    There are so many wrinkles between the eyebrows, so many times to get married (or get married).

    How many crowns a person has, there will be so many marriages.

    How many longitudinal lines on the bend of the elbow on the inside - so many defects

    If you sweep someone with a broom, you will remain single forever (you will not get married).

    If a girl is in New Year's Eve pricks or cuts your finger - it will come out in the new year

    If there is a girl-bride in the house, then you cannot keep an oleander flower, otherwise
    the girl will not marry.

    You cannot wear any rings before the engagement. wedding finger" - not married
    you will come out.

    If you sit on the corner, you won’t get married for seven years.
    Poor relatives, dowry girls and women usually sat on the corner in village families.
    hangers-on who were reluctantly married and without any signs.

    A guy can’t sit on the doorstep - no one will marry him.

    For a guy to sit on a corner means he will have his own corner (house).

    If after dinner the guests leave before the hostess removes the tablecloth from the table,
    Brides will not get married in this house.

    Sitting between two sisters or brothers means getting married soon.

    Don't sit on the windowsill, girl, you won't get married.

    If a girl tears off a long thread while sewing (by hand), then she will get married far away.

    On Ascension, birch trees are curled: if the wreath does not wither before the day of Pentecost (Trinity),
    then the one for whom the birch tree is curled will live this year, and the girl will get married.
    Signs - falling in love

    The girl hurts her elbow - the single guy remembers.

    If a girl pricks her finger while sewing, it means she is in love.

    If you cut your own hair, there will be no love.

    If, when trying on a dress, they sew it onto a shirt, then someone will fall in love with you.
    Signs - what it will be like future husband(wife)

    If a girl often burns pancakes, cutlets, etc. - the husband will be “dark” (brunet).

    If a girl sweeps the floor uncleanly, then she will have a clumsy husband (with smallpox on his face).

    If a girl doesn’t wring out clothes well when washing, her husband will be a drinker.

    The apron on a girl's stomach often gets wet - the husband will be a drunkard.

    If a girl's hem is always wet or dirty, then her future husband will

    Anyone who spills food on the table while eating will be married to
    bitter drunkard.

    If a single man sleeps a lot, he will get himself a crooked-eyed wife.

    If a girl has cacti or indoor violets at home, the man in this house will not
    will take root.

    The guy who doesn't fill his cup with enough tea will have a wife with thick lips.

    Don't smooth the mess - the groom will be bald.

    To a sloppy girl who doesn’t sweep the floor well or sweeps crumbs off the table with her hand,
    signs promise an unimportant husband (pockmarked or bald).

    Women, looking for husbands, must put a sprig of rosemary and six small coins
    under your pillow on Halloween night. The sign assures that she will have a dream that night
    future spouse.

    Girls who carry lamps to the water source on Halloween night can see
    her future husband in the reflection.

    If a girl’s second toe is longer than her big toe, she will be the head of the family.

    Signs for the wedding:

    A dove flying into a girl’s room (little room) means a wedding.
    The belief is rooted in the biblical tales of the dove and the Virgin Mary.

    If a lot of jackdaws and crows gather on the roof of a house, it means there will be

    If four people, when greeting or saying goodbye, shake hands crosswise,
    means there will be a wedding.

    You cannot get married in May. If you get married in May, you will be with me for the rest of your life.

    If you like to eat foam, your wedding will take place in rainy weather.

    The bride is required to cry on her bachelorette party and before the wedding in accordance with
    old saying: “If you don’t cry at the table, you’ll cry behind the pillar (i.e. in
    Wedding traditions - preparation for the wedding

    You can't get married in a green dress, and a white dress only brings good luck

    You can only get married in a white dress for the first time, for remarriage
    the bride must sew a dress from fabric of any other color, in otherwise
    a white dress will bring her bad luck.

    The groom shouldn't see Wedding Dress before the wedding, otherwise expect trouble.

    You can't wear jewelry to a wedding, but you should wear costume jewelry.

    In order for the bride to have a good married life, earrings are put on by the happily married woman.

    The bride is not allowed to wear her wedding dress through her legs.

    You cannot wear a wedding dress above your knees. How long dress, the longer
    married life.

    If the bride's dress is torn at the wedding, then the mother-in-law will be angry.

    Old shoes on the bride will bring good luck in family life. Therefore, in a day or two
    Before the wedding, it is recommended to wear new shoes prepared for the wedding.

    If the bird in the cage dies on the morning before the wedding, the marriage will be fragile and
    the couple will soon separate.

    The bride must pin the hem of the dress from the inside with pins all over

    You should not let your friends try on your dress, veil, or ring. By old superstition This
    will lead to quarrels.

    If you take an unmarried, unmarried person (and not divorced) as a witness, this is
    happy family life.
    Signs - wedding

    Whoever got married on the day of his angel will be unhappy.

    Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little, then the marriage will be happy.
    It is best if these tears come from the parting words of the parents, and not because
    any glitches or problems.

    When the bride goes to church/registry office, the mother gives her daughter the family
    relic: ring, cross, brooch, bracelet, etc., so that this item is with her
    at the wedding, protecting her.

    The wedding candles of the bride and groom should be blown out at the same time for a long time together.

    After the wedding, the newlyweds should look in the same mirror for good luck, friendly and
    happy life.

    No one should cross the path of the bride and groom going to the wedding.

    During a wedding, when the crowns are on or above the head, the newlyweds should not
    look into each other's eyes. They also don’t look at the candles, but look at the priest.

    Newlyweds go to get married one way and return another.

    When future spouses go to the registry office or church to get married, it is forbidden
    look back, because at this moment there is a mental return home, and
    after this there will be no agreement in married life.

    In the registry office, the bride, holding the groom's arm, creates a closed energy
    space. Nothing external or bad penetrates into him. Therefore, among themselves
    No one should be allowed through so that happiness is not broken and to avoid the evil eye.
    Wedding signs and beliefs - registry office, wedding banquet

    When young people from the registry office come to festive table, respected or senior member
    Any member of the family must circle the young people around the table three times. According to Slavic
    According to traditions, this symbolizes the eternal bond between husband and wife.

    Before sitting down at the wedding table, the newlyweds must break a plate and together
    step over the pieces so as not to quarrel in marriage.

    The wedding cake is cut by the bride, the groom holds the knife. Piece of cake with main
    the groom puts the picture on his bride's plate, the next piece is the bride
    presents it to the groom. Then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and help
    each other.

    When the newlyweds sit down at the wedding table, it is necessary that they sit on
    one bench (not on chairs), then the family will be friendly, otherwise marriage
    will be unsuccessful.

    If the newlyweds take individual treats themselves, then they must take two -
    otherwise they will live apart.

    When newlyweds are greeted with bread and salt, who will pinch off larger piece and eat it
    he will be the master of the house.

    Husband and wife should not eat from the same spoon, so as not to be dissatisfied with each other later

    Young people should not go straight to the banquet. People say that it is necessary to introduce
    misleading evil spirits, and therefore choose a complex, ornate route.

    Empty cans are tied to the rear bumper so they can rattle along the road.
    and scared away all evil spirits.

    When the groom takes the bride from her parents' house, he must under no circumstances
    look back.

    If you put a lock under the threshold before entering the newlyweds’ house, and when they
    if they cross him - lock him and throw the key into the water, the marriage will be long and

    A ring is not given to anyone except the betrothed; give a ring to someone
    It’s like giving your life.
    The wedding ring should not be given to anyone to try on, otherwise between
    spouses will occur constant quarrels and troubles. Lose
    a wedding ring is not good.
    After the bride has left home for the wedding or registration, she must
    at least symbolically wash the floors to make it easier for the bride to enter her husband’s house.
    The best thing to do is for her mother to do this. For a few minutes the wedding procession may well
    When the newlyweds drive up to the wedding venue, the car should be loud
    honk. This also applies to scaring away evil spirits from the evil eye. At the registry office
    the bride and groom must go to different cars. If on the way to the registry office
    wedding procession meets a funeral, we must take a different road, otherwise
    you'll spell trouble.
    Ribbons on the wedding card from pink to burgundy tones with knots and bows
    protect the young couple from foreign energy, symbolize goodness and
    mutual understanding, preserve marital happiness, the indissolubility of marriage both in happiness and
    in grief, are amulets of health.
    Ribbons of lilac, violet, lilac, blue, yellow flowers attract
    evil eye to yourself. The ringing of little bells when you return home
    young spouses after the official part of the marriage, drives away everything unclean,
    evil and anger, calls good forces to help a young family; ringing bells
    expels negative energy and from the newlyweds themselves.
    Young spouses are greeted with bread and salt, which are amulets against the evil eye and
    diseases, symbols of joy, success, spiritual comfort, rich, comfortable life
    for many years.
    The salt shaker placed on the bread (loaf) is a symbol of a woman-mother, a guardian
    hearth, a talisman for health and against the evil eye and damage to future children. There should be a salt shaker
    oval shaped rather than round. Spouses must definitely take a bite of the loaf
    a piece, if one of them could not bite off the bread, the family will face divorce.
    The husband carries his young wife home in his arms as a sign that life will not be difficult.
    He is warned in advance that while holding his wife in his arms, he must step on
    a towel along which it goes so as to split several plates located
    under him. These old, unwanted plates carry past sins: it is believed that
    evil spirits live in them and new life You should not take them with you. Dishes
    are thrown away, and the towel is put away and kept in the family throughout life:
    it is a talisman against illnesses and accidents, as well as against evil spells.
    Wine glasses from which strong drinks were drunk must not be broken (!) (so often
    act by saying: “For good luck!”), since a broken wine glass is fragments carrying
    misfortune, but remaining intact, it is a monetary talisman and must live with
    with a young family for as long as possible so that she has prosperity.
    The bride should not let go of the groom's bouquet throughout the day. IN
    In an emergency, you can let the groom or mother hold the bouquet. Only on
    at a wedding banquet you can place it on the table in front of you, and in the evening you should
    take it to your bedroom. It is believed: if you release a bouquet, happiness may disappear
    like a bird.
    If at a wedding you tie two bottles of champagne with a ribbon and don’t drink them, but...
    leave - the newlyweds will definitely celebrate their wedding anniversary and birth
    first child.
    If you cover the wedding anniversary with a wedding tablecloth for three years in a row
    table, then the young will live together until old age. Dancing at a wedding reception
    newlyweds should only be together and a little with their parents. Parents after the dance
    with their children, they must definitely reconnect them and bring them to each other.
    Signs at a wedding

    The bride should not cross the threshold of her new home alone. The husband must move it to
    hands. Then the young wife will be “carried in her arms” all her life in the new house.

    It is not customary to give forks, spoons and knives as wedding gifts. Such a gift is considered bad

    If they give you cutlery (especially knives), give a coin - otherwise
    be discordant.

    Roses, especially red ones, should not be given as a wedding gift.

    Giving a photo before the wedding means separation.

    A man who has been best man more than ten times will never marry himself. Same
    refers to a girl who attended the weddings of more than seven girlfriends.

    If you attended two weddings, the third should be your own.

    At a wake, pancakes are always served in advance (the first course), and at a wedding - after
    total (last dish).
    The wedding ceremony has always been accompanied by a large number of wedding traditions,
    will also accept superstitions. This is explained by the importance of the event - the newlyweds themselves and their
    relatives were afraid that the planned wedding would fall through and preferred to be prepared for
    everything, not disdaining warnings and signs even from otherworldly forces. That's why
    every little thing at the wedding mattered - the weather, the details of the newlyweds’ clothes and
    guests, cutlery and wedding gifts.

    You shouldn’t believe in wedding omens unconditionally - this way you can
    program yourself for a certain outcome of events. If at the registry office you dropped
    a wedding ring, which, according to wedding omen, leads to the breakup of a marriage, is
    explained by ordinary excitement, and not a sign from above. And there is no need to lament
    constantly expect bad things, otherwise your other half will really run away from you.
    However, if you are superstitious, you can choose the “right” day and month of the wedding (favorable
    The numbers 3,5,7,9, as well as June, August, September and November are considered).

    Series of messages "

    A wedding is an important and exciting event in people's lives. As a rule, young people preparing for a wedding celebration, as well as their parents, worry about various reasons: “Will everything go well?”, “Will they be happy in marriage?” etc. In this regard, when preparing and holding the celebration, they try to observe all traditions, take into account all the little details, paying attention Special attention to the existing signs so that the married life of the young will be immensely happy and long. Whether or not to believe in wedding signs and superstitions is up to you. Just remember that our happiness is in our hands, so don’t worry about it.

    Before moving directly to existing wedding signs and superstitions, I would like to note that it is popularly believed that “if you don’t know anything about a sign, then it will not come true.”

    Well, now, in fact, the wedding signs and superstitions themselves associated with wedding rings.
    Those wishing to get married should not let anyone try on their wedding rings.
    It is believed that wedding rings should be chosen smooth classic shape, without stones, notches, so that the life of the newlyweds is just as smooth.
    After the bride and groom have exchanged rings, neither of them should take the empty ring box or the dish on which it was lying. As a rule, it is taken by an unmarried friend of the bride or an unmarried friend of the groom.
    If one of the spouses drops the wedding ring before putting it on their finger, this is a sign of impending separation. To avert “trouble” to in this case a thread should be threaded through the dropped ring (which should be prepared in advance by witnesses), which will take away all the bad things, after which the ring can be put on the finger. After the wedding ceremony is over, the thread should be burned by the one who dropped the ring, while saying the words “burn all my troubles and sorrows with fire.”
    On your wedding day, you cannot wear other rings on your hand other than the wedding ring.
    Losing an engagement ring is considered a sign of divorce or separation.

    Signs and superstitions associated with the bride's dress.
    It is believed that a wedding dress should only be worn by a virgin bride; otherwise, the bride should choose a dress of a different color (pink, beige, cream, blue, etc.).
    The groom should not see the bride in her wedding attire before the wedding.
    It is believed that before the wedding, the bride should not look in the mirror in full wedding attire, otherwise there will be minor troubles in family life. The bride can look at herself in the mirror, for example, without gloves or without a veil.
    If the bride wears a wedding dress before the wedding, then the wedding will not take place. It was believed: if you put on a dress, you get married.
    A wedding dress, like a wedding ring, should not be given to anyone to try on.
    A wedding dress should be made in the form of a dress, and not a corset with a skirt, otherwise life will be separate.
    The outfit of the mothers of the bride and groom should also be in the form of a dress (but not a suit), otherwise this portends a divorce for the young.
    If the wedding dress has buttons, then their number should be even.
    It is believed that underwear girls on their wedding day should be white.
    You should not wear pearl jewelry to a wedding - it will lead to the bride's tears.
    Jewelry cannot be worn to a wedding ceremony either; they are replaced with costume jewelry.
    When choosing wedding accessories for the bride, you should try to buy the veil and dress on Wednesday, and shoes on Friday.
    It is advisable that the style of the wedding dress be without a deep neckline and open shoulders. It is believed that the bride's too exposed breasts remain without protection from the evil eye of envious women.
    According to old wedding traditions, the bride must be dressed up in her neighbors’ house (not in her own apartment or house), which is located on the same side as her parents’ house, since a dressed up bride cannot be taken across the road.
    Old wedding signs say that brides should buy exactly closed shoes(not sandals), without laces, otherwise she will face divorce and poverty.
    Good luck in family life awaits the bride if she wears old shoes on her wedding day.
    Therefore, it is often recommended to wear new shoes purchased for the wedding for a day the day before the wedding.
    Popular beliefs also say that the absence of fasteners on a wedding dress was a guarantee of an easy delivery in the future.
    It is considered a bad omen if a bride wears her wedding dress over her legs. Therefore, you should still put it on over your head.
    To protect against the evil eye, the bride needs to make a couple of surrounding stitches on her wedding dress that are invisible to the eye. And if you make a couple of stitches immediately after the wedding, the marriage will be long and happy.
    To protect against the evil eye, the bride and groom need to attach a safety pin to their clothes with the head down in a place where it will be invisible or hide small icons of the Virgin Mary (for the bride) and Jesus Christ (for the groom) or personalized icons in their clothes until the end of the wedding .
    In a day wedding ceremony Parents must ensure that none of the invited guests or strangers adjust the clothes of the bride and groom.
    A wedding dress cannot be sold after the wedding; it must be kept for life so that the marriage does not break up. The same applies to the veil and boutonniere. When a child is born, a veil, for example, is used to cover the baby if he is sick, or hung over his crib to protect him from the evil eye.
    In case of pregnancy, the bride should shield the unborn child with a wide red ribbon or belt, which should be carefully disguised under clothing.

    What should a bride take to her wedding?
    The bride to the wedding must take with her something new, symbolizing the beginning of her new status (veil, outfit, etc.), something old, as a symbol of peace and wisdom in the future family (old ring, brooch, etc.). etc., the main thing is that it is an item from the pre-marital home), an item received as a loan from a happy woman in family plan women, as well as something blue, symbolizing love, modesty and fidelity (garter, hair decoration or jewelry).

    Signs and superstitions before the wedding.
    If the bride and groom live together before the wedding, then they must spend the night before the wedding ceremony separately. The groom must still pick up the bride from his parents' house or from his own, where he did not spend the night.
    When the groom takes the bride from her parents' house, he should not look back.
    It is a bad omen for the bride and groom to be photographed together before the wedding and separately after it - to separation.
    If the bride cries a little before the wedding (preferably from parting words from her parents), then family life will be happy.
    To protect against the evil eye, the bride must throw a veil over her face before leaving the house, but at the registry office it can be thrown back.
    It is considered a good sign that one of the bride's relatives sneezing in the morning on the eve of the wedding - it means a happy marriage.
    If the bride and groom stealthily eat a chocolate bar for two in front of the Wedding Palace, a “sweet” life awaits them.
    The bride should not allow her friends to stand in front of her in front of the mirror, so as not to take her beloved away. The same applies to the groom.
    It is necessary to ensure that no one crosses the road for the bride and groom on the way to the registry office.
    According to popular belief, if the groom stumbles at the door of the registry office, this indicates his uncertainty in his choice.
    If in the registry office someone steps on the carpet with the bride and groom, this means frequent infidelity.

    Wedding signs associated with the day or time of the wedding.
    You shouldn’t set your wedding day on the thirteenth – it’s a bad omen.
    It is considered a good omen if the wedding time is scheduled after noon - the marriage will be long and successful.
    You shouldn’t get married in May, such marriages are never happy (“In May good people don’t get married”, “whoever gets married in May will suffer for a century”).
    Misfortune promises those couples who announced their upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year, and the wedding took place at the beginning of the next.
    You cannot get married on a leap year.

    Wedding signs associated with the wedding:
    Whichever of the newlyweds has a wedding candle that burns longer will live longer in this world.
    If the bride dropped her scarf while standing under the aisle, according to legend, her husband will die and she will be a widow.
    A suddenly extinguished wedding candle promises a difficult family life or an early death.
    Wedding candles should be blown out simultaneously by the bride and groom, which will symbolize a long life together.

    Signs after marriage or wedding.
    If after the wedding the newlyweds look in the same mirror, there will be good luck.
    After the wedding procedure, when leaving, the bride should give out change to prevent troubles in her future family life.
    The newlyweds should break the first glass of champagne for good luck. Previously, they used the fragments to determine who would be born first to the young: many large fragments - a boy, small fragments - a girl.
    It was believed that if the bride’s heel breaks on the wedding day, family life will be “limpy.”
    According to tradition, the husband carries his wife over the threshold of the new house in his arms. It was believed that then she would be “carried in her arms” all her life in her new home. However, the sign “does not work” if the young people lived in this house before marriage.
    After the blessing of their parents, the young people must stand together on the same rug, then they will live in harmony with their relatives and among themselves.
    It is considered a bad omen if the bride pricks her finger during the wedding - this means frequent quarrels with her husband.
    It is believed that if at a wedding you tie two bottles of champagne with a ribbon and leave them, the newlyweds will definitely celebrate their wedding anniversary and the birth of their first child.

    Wedding signs for good luck.
    The bride should not let go of the wedding bouquet throughout the day (in emergency cases, you can let the groom or mother hold it). Directly at the wedding reception, the bouquet should be placed on the table in front of you, and in the evening - taken to your bedroom.
    Good luck in family life awaits young people whose wedding day it rains or snows.
    The groom needs to carry the bride across the bridge in his arms for a long and happy life together.
    During the wedding celebration, the newlyweds must sit at wedding table on the same bench (not on chairs) so that the family is friendly, otherwise the marriage will fail.
    To ensure that the new family always has prosperity, the newlyweds are showered with grain, millet, coins and sweets along the way, and the coins placed in the glasses of the bride and groom during the wedding are kept at home, under the tablecloth.
    No one should be allowed to come between the bride and groom so that the marriage is unbreakable, otherwise they will separate.
    In order for the newlyweds to have a happy family life, it is necessary to take unmarried and unmarried, as well as non-divorced friends and girlfriends as witnesses. If one witness is married to another, the witnesses' marriage will break up.
    In order for the young family to be friendly, when preparing the bed for the young, the pillows are laid in such a way that the cuts of the pillowcases (where the buttons are sewn) touch.
    The newlyweds should be seated at the table on a fur coat, with the fur facing up, so that they can live richly.
    In order for the new family to always have prosperity, the groom should put a coin in his right shoe on the wedding day, which is then kept as a family heirloom.
    At the wedding banquet, the newlyweds should dance all the dances together, and only a little with their parents, who after the dance must lead the newlyweds to each other.

    Other wedding signs and superstitions.
    Invited guests are not allowed to wear black clothing to the wedding.
    It is believed that if you knit something for your loved one before the wedding, it will lead to betrayal and separation.
    Washing the threshold of the house from which the bride left promises her speedy return to her parents.
    The newlyweds should not leave wine in their glasses at the wedding banquet - tears will remain.
    If the bride's left palm itches during the wedding, it means wealth; the right one means the house will always be full of guests and fun.
    It is considered a bad omen to break a mirror before the wedding.
    You should know that it is not customary to give knives and forks at a wedding, otherwise the young family will live in quarrels.
    If you still give cutlery with knives and forks, you should give the coin to the giver.

    On the eve of the wedding, the bride places a mirror up to her pillow at night.
    An odd number of guests are invited to the wedding.

    Everyone decides for themselves whether to follow wedding traditions and superstitions. But still, if you are invited to a wedding, regardless of whether the newlyweds adhere to the signs or not, you should follow traditions so as not to upset the future spouses.

    A wedding is one of the most special events in the life of every person. On this day, you want absolutely everything to be perfect and nothing to interfere with happiness. However, before preparing for a significant celebration, you need to find out what wedding signs exist.

    Signs for a wedding - what is possible, what is not?

    In order for this exciting day to become a good memory not only for relatives and guests, you need to think through all the details in advance. In this case, it is necessary to take into account both good and bad omens at the wedding. The most famous :

    1. Try on and wear Jewelry Only newlyweds are allowed. Everyone else should not have access to them.
    2. Young people need to sew a safety pin onto their clothes to help protect them from the evil eye. It is important that it is secured with the head down.
    3. In order for happiness to always reign in the new family, a woman needs to cry a little before the wedding ceremony. It is important that the cause of this disorder was parting words moms and dads, not some problems.
    4. The newlyweds need to be together all the time, that is, on this day it is impossible for strangers to pass between them.
    5. At the end of the wedding, the newlyweds need to look in the mirror. It is believed that this way life will be harmonious, happy and successful.
    6. Before the spouses leave the registry office, parents must sprinkle them with grain so that their life will be prosperous.

    Wedding signs for the bride

    Every girl waits for this day with special trepidation. However, it is important not just to wait, but also to remember the details, to do everything to ensure that happiness lasts, if not forever, then at least as long as possible. Exist :

    1. On this day, the newly-made wife must wear something that belongs to another person, and she needs to make several stitches with blue thread on the hem of her dress.
    2. The bride should only buy shoes with closed toes.
    3. Before marriage, a woman is not allowed to look in the mirror in full attire.
    4. If the bride lets out bridal bouquet out of hand, happiness will immediately disappear.
    5. If a woman starts sneezing on the morning before her wedding, her marriage will be happy.
    6. To make life happy, a happily married friend must wear earrings
    7. It is unacceptable for a friend to stand in front of her in front of the mirror.
    8. It is not recommended to buy a wedding dress in green tones.
    9. It is considered a bad sign if the hero of the occasion sees her husband without being fully dressed.

    Wedding dress color - signs

    Modern women are offered a wide variety of dress models in different colors. However, here it is important not to chase fashion, but to find out what this or that color of the outfit can mean, what wedding signs it has:

    1. The color white symbolizes joy, innocence and purity. For this reason, a girl who was getting married for the first time wore such an outfit.
    2. A red wedding dress does not have very good omens. This outfit is interpreted as a harbinger of quarrels and disagreements in the family.
    3. The golden color is the personification of the prosperity and wealth of the family.
    4. Silver color - symbolizes the transience of family happiness. It is generally accepted that such a marriage will soon fall apart or the family will live unhappily.
    5. Pink shades - for delicate and long love couples.
    6. A purple dress is interpreted as a harbinger of divorce and a symbol.
    7. Orange colors mean respect in society.

    Wedding veil - signs

    Many signs for the bride on her wedding day are related to the veil:

    1. You cannot sell the veil or give it to friends for their celebration. Otherwise, the marriage may be unsuccessful.
    2. The veil and boutonniere should be kept in the family as a special heirloom. When a child is born, a veil is used to cover the baby during illness. The thing is hung over the baby's crib so that...
    3. Without a veil and wreath, the future wife is not allowed to decorate her hair with flowers.
    4. If the bride is not wearing a veil, but a hat, such a marriage often breaks up.
    5. Wedding in short veil- to sick children, and a ritual without it - to deception and suffering.

    Wedding shoes - signs

    Preparing for a celebration is always exciting, and for a girl these are very pleasant moments when she has to choose an outfit. When buying shoes, it is important to remember about folk signs for a wedding:

    1. If you choose sandals, the couple will live in poverty.
    2. Closed shoes represent the stable financial situation of the family and the generosity of the husband.
    3. Shoes with fasteners - to family conflicts, and without them - to fast and easy birth child.
    4. There should be one pair of shoes for the whole day.
    5. It is better to buy wedding shoes on Friday.
    6. Shoes should be selected according to high heels, and the higher it is, the more significant its place in family life will be.

    Wedding bouquet - signs

    An important attribute at the celebration is the wedding bouquet of the young wife. It is believed that a woman should carry it with her all day and not let go of her hands. Everyone knows that it is very good for unmarried friends. This means that soon the girl will also get married. When choosing flowers for such a special bouquet, you need to know what wedding signs are and what the flowers symbolize:

    1. Roses represent tender affection for a loved one. Moreover, flowers of different colors can have different meanings. Red is a symbol of passionate love, and yellow is a sign of friendly sympathy.
    2. Orchids represent excessive affection and fidelity.
    3. Gerberas are a symbol of easy relationships and flirting, friendly sympathy.
    4. Lilies will tell about young man as about a stable and reliable man.

    Signs about wedding rings

    Before an important holiday in life, you need to find out about the signs on your wedding day. There are many wedding signs about wedding rings:

    1. Young people need to buy wedding jewelry in one place and at the same time.
    2. It is not advisable for rings to have inscriptions or carvings. If wedding rings have a smooth surface, then the life of the newlyweds will be smooth and even.
    3. You can’t lose rings and let someone else try them on.
    4. It is considered a bad sign to try on the rings of divorced or widowed people.

    Wedding signs for the groom

    Men rarely believe in folk omens, but when it comes to such an important celebration in life, they are sometimes careful and more attentive to details. There are such wedding signs and superstitions for the groom:

    1. If the future spouse gets into a puddle in front of his beloved’s house, the man will abuse alcohol in his family life.
    2. When the groom picks up the bride from his parents' house, there is no need to turn around.
    3. Before the celebration, the groom is not allowed to look at the bride in her wedding dress.
    4. If he stumbles on the threshold of the registry office, there is uncertainty about the correctness of the decision.
    5. When he eats and drinks a lot during a feast - the wedding night will not be calm. If he eats a lot of sweets, the bride will receive passionate kisses.
    6. To new family there were no problems with money, the new husband should put a coin in his shoe, which would later need to be preserved as a family heirloom.

    Witnesses at a wedding - signs

    Exist interesting signs about witnesses at a wedding:

    1. If the newlyweds invite married people, the couple will break up.
    2. The newlyweds are not allowed to be assistants more than twice. Otherwise, they will never know what it is.
    3. A loving but unmarried couple as witnesses is an excellent option.
    4. The witness should be slightly younger than the hero of the occasion.
    5. If desired, you need to choose baptized believers as assistants.

    Weather for a wedding - signs

    On this special day, everything matters and therefore newlyweds and their relatives often pay attention to signs about the wedding. Among these popular comments is the weather:

    1. If the weather is sunny and clear, the life of a young family will be easy and happy.
    2. Rain on the holiday also promises happiness in marriage. Water symbolizes purity and innocence, therefore it will mean harmonious relationships paired with.
    3. If there is a thunderstorm on the day of the celebration, this means difficult relationships in the family, since thunder is a harbinger of difficulties.
    4. Snow and blizzards represent fidelity and honesty between spouses.
    5. A strong wind means that children will be born soon.

    Rain on the wedding

    Future spouses are very worried that everything will be perfect on this day, and try to take into account the signs before the wedding. Often rain on this day spoils the rosy picture, but what do folk signs for a wedding say about this:

    1. The first drop falls on the bride - to a happy life in the woman’s marriage, and if on the groom - to a more comfortable position for the spouse.
    2. Counts good sign when raindrops fall on a loaf. This is how higher powers bless people for marriage.
    3. Blind rain on a holiday is a good omen, because even the sun rejoices and illuminates the path for the young.
    4. In winter, rain sometimes turns to snow. The parents of the newlyweds need to dial it and throw it at each other in order to live in peace.

    Snow for a wedding is a sign

    A special holiday is not always held in the summer or spring. Sometimes the ceremony takes place in winter. Then young people are often interested in whether it is a sign of snow for a wedding. Such weather conditions are considered to be favorable for family life, since snow and blizzards symbolize fidelity and honesty between spouses. Flying beautiful white snowflakes on this day will mean a long happy life in family.

    A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of every person who decided to take such a step. It is important both for the newlyweds themselves and for their relatives and parents.

    Since every person wants this event to go as well as possible and bring only good things to their future family life, whether they are superstitious or skeptic, the wedding process is still not complete without different traditions, superstitions and rituals. This is especially true for the bride herself.

    To prepare for this great day, what a girl doesn’t do and what she’s not ready to believe for the sake of her bright future. A special place in the pre-wedding bustle is occupied by signs about the bride’s wedding dress. There are many beliefs for her and her outfit.

    Superstitions and signs regarding the bride's attire

    The most famous superstition about the dress is that the groom should never see it before the wedding. Any purchases and fittings that concern him should not involve his future husband. Such trouble promises folk beliefs a quick quarrel and breakup of the marriage.

    According to the sayings of old people, there is a sign that her happy friend, who is already married, should wear earrings for her wedding.

    When the bride does a pre-wedding fitting of her outfit, it is necessary that the image is not completely complete, even if she is missing one of the accessories, one earring, a glove, or a stocking. To in full image she appeared only on the wedding day, then she will be completely happy in her married life.

    It’s not at all easy since the preferred color of the bride’s dress is white. It means that the bride is pure and innocent, that she is ready for a new life from a clean white slate, that she forgives all insults and is ready to forget about the hardships that were in her life.

    If the dress contains gold-colored jewelry or accessories, this is a sign of wealth and prosperity, pink is a sign of tender and pure love.

    Girl's underwear on own wedding must be white, this means that she is pure in her intentions and her love.

    A sign about jewelry. The bride should wear only her wedding ring made of natural gold on her wedding day; the rest of the accessories should be made of good quality jewelry.

    There is also an opinion about the bride’s shoes: firstly, they should have closed toes and heels, and secondly, they should not be completely new. Before the wedding, the bride needs to space them out a little so that there is no discomfort at the wedding, then the marital living together will be happy and smooth.

    Signs with the bride for her wedding day

    They say that if a bride accidentally breaks her heel at a wedding, then she has bewitched her groom, or they have been hexed.

    It is considered bad omens when on the wedding day the bride accidentally drops the mirror and it breaks, if she loses her wedding glove, a pin from her head, in such cases her luck runs out.

    There is also an unkind belief on the wedding day that if the bride stumbles, doubt arises about the correctness of her choice.

    If her left hand itches on this day, it means wealth, when her right hand itches, it means permanent guests in the house.

    When the bride drops her glass at the wedding table and the champagne spills, this means that the husband will have an alcohol addiction.

    It is considered beneficial if a girl cries on her wedding day, and the more the better, because tears bring happiness.

    If a bride's dress tears at a wedding, an evil mother-in-law awaits her.

    Dropping a ring during a wedding ceremony is also considered a rather bad sign and does not bode well for a strong family.

    Wedding signs and amulets for the bride to make the marriage happy

    In order for a young couple to live happily ever after, according to popular belief, the bride’s wedding bouquet should consist only of fresh flowers. According to legend, the girl who catches him may soon be preparing for her own wedding.

    A very good step for a happy and devoted life on the part of the husband without betrayal would be if the bride embroiders her own nightgown.

    To ensure that no one jinxes the bride at the wedding, you need to attach a pin to the inside of the dress, with the head down.

    Also, to protect her from the evil thoughts of those around her, the stitches on the inside of the dress will protect her. blue color, she needs to make them herself.

    It is a good sign when a bride's shoe is stolen. According to superstition, this means that the one who stole it took “good luck” to hold in his hands, since the bride got married and did not remain single.

    The bride should not be allowed to try on her dress and veil for anyone; this promises a quick break in the relationship and foreshadows that someone else may appear between the young people.

    You should not wear a wedding ring before the wedding; this also threatens a short-lived relationship.

    The bride needs to protect her veil from strangers and store it after the wedding. In the future, it will serve as a talisman for the family and for the unborn baby; it is even recommended to hang it over the baby’s crib to protect him from the evil eye and damage.

    Signs that the bride should know about

    Under no circumstances should the newlyweds spend the pre-wedding night together in the same house. The bride especially should not see her chosen one in the morning before the wedding; this can lead to failures and quarrels in family life.

    Newlyweds’ rings, according to the old custom, should be smooth, without any patterns or stones. This will protect their marriage from all sorts of troubles and stumbles, and their life together will be smooth and smooth.

    There is also a rather serious saying that you should never, under any circumstances, allow anyone into the room where the newlyweds will have their first wedding night. This will protect them from outside evil interference.

    To summarize, it is worth noting that a wedding is a great solemn event in the life of every girl. Almost everyone dreams of white fluffy dress, chic unforgettable wedding and subsequent happy family life until the end of his days. And everyone has the right to choose whether to believe in signs and superstitions or not. But it’s worth listening to them, and maybe there really is something in this.

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