• The hairless cat is the most gentle miracle of nature. How to care for Sphynx kittens and adult cats


    The Sphynx cat has a special character, which corresponds to its unusual appearance. These creatures cannot be confused with any other cat breed. The main difference is that they do not have wool. Because of this appearance people treat them differently. Some categorically do not perceive animals that look like alien creatures next to them. But those who saw in them best qualities pets, never part with these cats, take care of them, sew different outfits for their purrs and simply adore them. But before you get an exotic breed, you need to know who the Sphynx is and how to care for it - this is very important. After all, he will not survive without human attention. It is impossible to say exactly why cats lack hair, because they appeared as a result of natural mutations.

    From the history

    The Egyptian Sphynx is one of the hairless cat breeds registered in the last century. As legends say, such animals were conductors between people and gods.

    But there is information that the bald Sphynx cat was tamed in ancient times, during the time of the Aztecs, who worshiped unusual animals. These creatures were a living decoration of the palaces of the pharaohs of Egypt. There is evidence that a breed of unusual-looking cat existed at the beginning of the century in Mexico, Morocco and India. But since these animals were not given special significance, they became extinct.

    Modern sphinxes appeared in the 60s of the last century in Canada. A shorthair cat gave birth to a completely hairless kitten. This became the reason to try to breed this unique breed, but the experiment was unsuccessful. Newborn kittens turned out to be nonviable due to a number of reasons, including lack of knowledge of genetics and incorrect breeding strategy.

    But in 1975, the American state of Minnesota became the birthplace of an elite breed of kittens. An ordinary short-haired mother gave birth to a naked kitten, then another. Soon, kittens of a similar appearance were found in the Canadian city of Toronto. Two cats from this trio came to Europe and became the ancestors of the European branch. They were crossed with Devon Rex animals. And subsequent kittens of the Canadian Sphynx breed no longer had wrinkled skin (only the neck and limbs retained such skin folds).

    The little sphinx still retains its wrinkled skin, but as it grows it becomes like an elegant figurine.

    Breeds and colors of cats

    The Sphynx cat has the following types:

    • Canadian;
    • Don;
    • Petersburg

    The most famous is the Canadian Sphynx, which has existed for almost half a century. The other two breeds are more than 15 years old and have not yet fully formed. These are the main types of sphinxes.

    What does a modern Sphynx cat look like? This animal has a muscular body, a prominent muzzle, huge ears and oval-shaped eyes. It is not too large, but not small either. Until 1987, the Sphynx was the only species naked cats, until a compassionate woman found a furless kitten on a city street. This happened in Rostov-on-Don. The savior decided that the foundling was sick. But it was a healthy kitten, which is considered the ancestor of a new species of sphinx, called the Don.

    Both of these species are similar in that cats have no hair, but their appearance and body structure are different. The Canadian sphinx has more refined muscles. Donskoy is heavier and thicker in bones. Different from the first type almond-shaped eyes, which squint a little.

    When an Oriental cat was crossed with a Don representative of the breed, they got the St. Petersburg look. This graceful sphinx has a different description. It has its own characteristics - medium size, tall stature and long limbs. The animal is smaller than the Don. The body is covered with a thin undercoat.

    Sphynx colors come in a wide variety of colors:

    1. Solid - black, blue, chocolate, purple, red, cream, white.
    2. The tortoiseshell animal has two tones of pigmentation. For example, red and chocolate shades are present in the chocolate turtle.
    3. Tabby, or marbled.
    4. Biocolor - combination white and main color (tabby, tortoiseshell and solid color). More often one ear or tail is white.
    5. Color point, or Siamese. Kittens are born white, but then the tip of the nose, tail, paws and edges of the ears become colored.

    The Sphynx can change colors under the influence of sunlight; its skin tans, just like a person’s.

    How are they different from other cats?

    Here is a description of the breed. These cats with a hot, suede-like rough body (you feel it when you take your pet in your arms) are not averse to sitting on the shoulder of the mistress or owner. Unlike their relatives of other breeds, they are calm about water procedures and rejoice at the opportunity to splash around. They have unusual paws with toes, between which there are membranes. Therefore, it is not difficult for cats to pick up food and put it in their mouth.

    Besides the fact that these cats can be admired, they have enough advantages. They are attached to their owners. Being alone is stressful for them, so you should not get a Sphynx if the owners are often at work. Showing tenderness, cats nudge their owners with their muzzles and are ready to gaze for a long time with a bewitching gaze. The Sphynx cat loves when people pay attention to her and talk to her. Pets are artistic and know how to pose in front of television and video cameras.

    A curious animal will always be close to household members and other pets. The Sphynx cat has a wonderful character. Aggression is not in her nature, so you can safely have such pets if there are children in the family. They can become good nannies for babies and help parents raise them. Given these qualities, the Sphynx cat is loved because it is smart and knows how to communicate. It is used as therapy for patients. They are turned on by adherents of spiritual practices.

    The character of Sphynxes is very different from that of other breeds. These animals have no fear of dogs. They treat people as equals.

    Another important difference- cleanliness. They will tolerate it, but will not go to the toilet if the tray is not cleaned.

    Sphynxes love care

    How to care for a Sphynx? Since hairless purrs do not have fur, they require special care and content. They should be in well-heated rooms; they will need warm clothes for walks. Although it cannot be said that cats are very afraid of cool air.

    Caring for Sphynx cats involves caring for their skin. Gentle cats may be affected by acne, sunburn, dermatitis, rashes, so they need to be bathed in the bathroom 2-3 times a week. If water procedures are not possible, then the pet’s skin should be wiped using a special antibacterial agent.

    It is touching how sphinxes sleep - wrapped in a blanket. The head is placed on a pillow. They have a hot body (somewhat elevated temperature, unlike people), to whom they cuddle up to their mistress or owner during sleep. They sweat like people.

    This breed requires special treatment.

    Secretions accumulate in cats' ears, which requires periodic cleaning. Sphynx cats do not have eyelashes, so you need to take care of their eyes - wash them every day. Due to hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, it can bother pets acne. This disease is inherited and depends on color. It occurs especially often in blue, cream and red sphinxes.

    How to extend the life of cats

    Can a Sphynx, if cared for with quality and nutritious food, live longer than usual? This question is sometimes asked by pet owners. But how long do sphinxes live? Like ordinary cats - up to 15 years, but the duration of existence depends on the following factors:

    • pedigree;
    • health conditions;
    • care

    If the parents were distinguished by longevity, then small sphinxes can live the same amount. With the right and balanced diet With proper care, a cat of this breed has a chance to extend its existence to 20 years. Care and love for animals significantly increases their lifespan.

    The animal becomes an adult by 7 months. A hairless Sphynx cat usually brings 3-4 kittens with folded skin. After 2-3 weeks, newborn babies begin to stand up and try to walk. At this time their ears are drooping. Active animals immediately show their unique abilities - intelligence and intelligence. They begin to participate in exhibitions at the age of 2–3 and continue to do so until old age.

    Knowing everything about sphinxes, you don’t have to worry about how comfortable this wonderful creature will be in the house.

    How to organize meals

    Due to increased heat exchange, these animals have an excellent appetite and do not feel in moderation in food. A hairless cat can eat and chew constantly, and everything that comes into its paws goes into its mouth. This should not be allowed, because overeating and eating poor quality food is fraught with the development of urolithiasis. Excessive consumption of meat can cause protein poisoning. If a cat eats often and in large quantities, then obesity develops. Malnutrition is also undesirable, it causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Rules for feeding:

    1. Compliance with nutritional standards, food should be divided into portions.
    2. It is required to maintain the regime.
    3. You need to watch the cat. There should be no toxic substances or plants near it that the animal might try out of curiosity.

    If your pet suddenly becomes lethargic and loses its appetite, you should immediately show it to a veterinarian.

    A Sphynx kitten needs to be given more food than a representative of another breed. Since he has no fur, he is active and runs around a lot. Feeding frequency is 6–8 times a day. He needs to eat 25 g of food at one time. And so on until 3 months. By 0.5 years, you need to develop a new regime: the number of feedings is reduced to 2-3 times, the volume of food received increases to 50 g.

    What to feed the Sphynx

    What is included in the baby's diet? It resembles a child's menu. A month old kitten gets semolina porridge, formula, milk and egg yolk. By 2 months, the kitten needs a supplement in the form of calcined cottage cheese, cheese and chopped beef or chicken breast (1 tsp).

    From the age of 3 months, his diet becomes more varied; raw and boiled meat is included in the menu.

    The baby may not refuse vegetables, fruits and herbs seasoned with vegetable oil.

    What to feed a Sphynx cat? It is best to give natural products. For an animal to be healthy and active, it needs high-quality food. On the list natural products should be: beef meat, chicken fillet (skin and bones are removed), liver, cereals (rice, buckwheat, wheat), vegetables and fruits, herbs (spinach, parsley), egg yolk, dairy products, cheese.

    Weekly diet:

    1. Raw meat (no more than 40 g) and clean filtered water are needed daily.
    2. Once a week it is allowed to feed boiled low-fat sea fish, liver, kefir or cottage cheese, egg yolk (can be added to food), cheese.
    3. Beef or chicken kidneys, lungs and hearts are given frozen or boiled (can be with cereals and oatmeal) 2-3 times a week.
    4. Cats need boiled chicken and brewer's yeast 3-4 times a week.

    To keep your teeth strong, give them crackers to chew on; for this, a chicken neck once a week would be appropriate. Vegetable oil, green grass (oats and wheat can grow in a pot on the windowsill), added to a cat's dish, will help improve your pet's digestion.

    If you have an upset stomach, you can switch to fermented milk products for 3 days. If this was not enough, then the help of a veterinarian will be required.

    Feeding without problems

    Sometimes it happens that there is no time to cook or go shopping, but you need to feed your cat. There is a way to provide it with nutrition, armed with the following recipe.


    • 1 kg of lean beef or chicken breast minced;
    • 150 g low-fat cheese;
    • 2 carrots;
    • some greens, cauliflower and seaweed;
    • 1 chicken yolk or 3 quail;
    • 5 chalk tablets;
    • 20 drops of vitamin D;
    • brewer's yeast (1 tbsp.) - to replenish the balance of B vitamins.

    From all this you need to form portioned balls or small pancakes and put them in the freezer. This food is convenient to take out and defrost as needed. And the cat will receive adequate nutrition necessary for growth and maintenance of health.

    You can give ready-made food that is sold in the store, but only high-quality premium or super-premium varieties. Cheap food can harm the health of the animal, as it contains additives that do not provide any benefit, but only give a temporary feeling of fullness.

    According to the rules, organized care and maintenance, feeding, love and care will help you have an affectionate friend or girlfriend next to you for a long time. In addition, sphinxes have a character quite suitable for while away the evenings with them, which is important for lonely people.

    Cats are one of the most beloved pets on the entire planet. Almost every home has such a fluffy and cute little ball. I think this article should be dedicated specifically to cats. However, not the ordinary one familiar to everyone. We will talk about Sphynx cats.
    Very often these cats are called aliens. Not surprising, because they have practically no hair, and some varieties of this breed have no hair at all on their entire body.

    Also, these cats are considered by many to be Egyptian. However, this is a big misconception. The breed is called the Don Sphynx and it was bred artificially through long and painstaking work. These cats were bred in the south of Russia. The basis for the development of such an unusual breed was a bald stray cat found in a street dump.

    But I think that's enough about history. After all, the main topic of the article is caring for such cats.
    Due to the lack of hair on the skin, it is susceptible to strong exposure to harmful sun rays. If you don't take care of your baby, you will have to treat him for severe burns. Therefore, take sunbathing It is recommended for the cat to stay in the shade. The received light will be quite enough for him.

    Also, these cats sweat quite a lot and excrete a large number of substances that serve to protect the skin, since they have no wool at all to perform this function. Therefore, cats’ skin needs to be regularly wiped with a damp sponge or alcohol-free cloth. In addition, many cats of this breed have a very positive attitude towards water procedures. Therefore, they can be bathed from time to time. Such procedures will help keep the Sphynx's skin clean.

    A special shampoo has been created for bathing cats of this breed, which even helps eliminate skin problems, if any. And immediately after bathing, the cat’s body must be wiped dry with a towel.

    When cold weather sets in, your cat may develop several hairs. However, as you understand, this does not help retain heat. Therefore, you need to either additionally heat the room in which the pet lives, or get warm clothes for it. In such clothes, cats look very cute and funny. In addition, today the choice of clothing for cats is very large.

    Next is food. In order to maintain body heat, a cat needs to expend a large amount of energy. Accordingly, he needs to eat more. Sphynx cats need to be fed twice as much as a regular domestic cat. This cat is not picky when it comes to food and eats everything. However, you need to carefully ensure that the food contains a minimum of salt and sugar, and that there are no additives that stimulate hair growth. These cats can enjoy vegetables, fruits and even chocolate. But the diet must be followed to avoid problems with the skin or digestion.

    Another feature of this breed is that cats have no eyelashes at all. Because of this, dirt and mucus collect in the corners of the eyes. It must be removed by wiping the eyes with a cotton pad soaked in a special product or in ordinary boiled water or tea leaves.
    Sphynxes also produce a lot of earwax. Therefore, the ears also need to be cleaned regularly. And of course, it is necessary to trim the claws so that the pet does not cause harm to itself and others.

    The cat’s personal hygiene rules also include dental care. Shouldn't come from a cat's mouth bad smell, and the gums should be light and healthy. That’s why you need to brush your pet’s teeth every day. It is best to accustom them to this from childhood, as well as to bathing. But, if cats are too negative about brushing their teeth in this way, you can buy special food. Nowadays there is even one like this. In the event that the cat is on natural nutrition, she should be given boiled chicken necks. They also clean teeth well.

    There are many sebaceous glands located on the outside of the Sphynx's tail. Therefore, it must be periodically wiped with a degreaser. But you should be very careful, as the skin on the tail is very sensitive and easily affected.
    Sphinxes have a positive attitude towards hardening. They love to go for walks fresh air. But you need to make sure that the cat is not in a draft. Since the breed was bred artificially, they are not adapted to life on the street and, accordingly, in the cold. Care must be taken to ensure that the cat does not become overcooled.

    Sphynx cats have a very pleasant character. They get along well with people and small children. But they cannot stand tense, conflictual situations. The same goes for other pets. They are able to get along well with anyone. Even with a dog, such a cat easily finds a common language.

    Despite the fact that these cats look rather fragile and easily susceptible to all sorts of diseases, they are different good health. Thanks to high temperature of their body, they are able to quickly endure any infectious diseases. And upon recovery, they develop strong immunity for life.

    It is also very interesting that cats of a certain color are prone to certain diseases. There are, like any breed, congenital diseases. Breeding such cats is prohibited in order to avoid problems with the offspring. Due to their bare skin, Sphynx cats can develop skin diseases. But they are all treatable.

    Sphynxes are very unusual, attractive and extremely responsive cats in their own way. They will always keep you in good company and help you cope with stress.

    The Sphynx is an unusual hairless cat with large ears and folded skin. The animal combines extraordinary appearance and amazing character. This mysterious creature does not tolerate loneliness, is loving and desires constant communication with its owner.

    There are three types of sphinxes in Russia:
    - Canadian Sphynx
    - Don Sphynx
    - Peterbald.

    Choosing a kitten
    The right choice of breed is the key to a harmonious existence of the owner with his four-legged pet. If you have decided on the breed, you need to decide for what purpose you are getting a kitten; the content of the Sphynx will largely depend on this. In order to participate in exhibitions, for breeding, for the “soul”? The answer to this question is very relevant, since kittens are divided into classes:
    - show - class - future exhibitors;
    - pet class - animals for home keeping, “for the soul”. Most often, such animals are sold with the condition of mandatory sterilization or castration;
    - breeding class - these animals participate in exhibitions and can be used for breeding.

    When purchasing a kitten, you must be provided with documents for the animal: the kitten's birth certificate, a pedigree or a coupon for obtaining a pedigree, a veterinary passport with notes on timely deworming and vaccination.

    Kitten at home
    And now you have become the happy owner of a mysterious creature. Sphynxes very quickly adapt to new living conditions and master a home that can be fraught with a lot of dangers for a cat. Here are just a few of them:
    - windows, vents, balcony doors - often a very traumatic release into freedom!
    - sockets, wires;
    - medicines, cosmetics, household chemicals;
    - house plants, holiday bouquets, Christmas decorations, threads, laces, etc.

    Cats are naturally curious and playful, and all of the above can be of interest to both a kitten and an adult cat. To avoid unfortunate consequences from play or your pet's unusual appetite, it is best to limit your pet's access to these items.

    Cat place
    It is chosen in advance for the kitten; it should be quite secluded, but at the same time leave a field of view so that the kitten is aware of all the events at home. The place should be warm, not in a draft, and away from the toilet and feeding area. Special houses, various mattresses, and shelters on braided posts are often used as a place. In pet stores you will find big choice related products for cats.

    Cosmetic care for the Sphynx
    These animals sensitive skin, requiring special attention by the owner. There is a wax-like coating on the skin of Sphynx cats, which is produced by the sebaceous glands. When there is too much secretion, a pungent odor may appear, the animal will look greasy, and it will become unpleasant to handle. To ensure that the skin is always in good condition, it must be wiped with a damp sponge or special wipes that do not contain alcohol. It is recommended to wash the Sphynx with shampoos with pH 5.5. Cats do not like to wash themselves and most often experience stress during this procedure. Therefore, in order for your pet to perceive this necessary procedure more calmly, it must be taught from childhood. First, the cat is placed in an empty basin, accustomed to the sound of pouring water, then in a basin with a small amount of water, etc. A rubber mat should be placed on the bottom of the basin so that the paws do not slip, the water should be at a comfortable temperature for the animal, then the bathing process will be more enjoyable.

    May accumulate in the corners of the eyes insignificant amount mucus, and if it is not a pathological discharge, it is enough to sometimes wipe your eyes with a cotton pad. The ears are wiped with ear lotion approximately once every two weeks. Teeth can be brushed by special means, which are sold in a pet store, and only a veterinarian can rid your pet of tartar. Nails are trimmed approximately once every two weeks. All cats have a group of sebaceous glands on the outside of their tail, so it is necessary to regularly wipe the outside of the tail with a cloth moistened with a degreaser.

    When purchasing a kitten, you should definitely ask what it was fed, and if for some reason you do not agree with the proposed food, gradually switch the animal to another food. Sphinxes often have a desire to eat something unusual, this could be pickled cucumbers, chocolate candies, but this does not mean that the cat can be allowed to eat these foods. If you decide to feed your animal with industrial feed, then you need to stick to the chosen diet and not mix it with natural feeding.

    The frequency of feeding the sphinx depends on age:
    from 2 to 4 months. - 4 times a day;
    from 4 to 8 months. - 3 times a day;
    from 8 months switch to two meals a day.

    Regardless of the food chosen (wet or dry), fresh water should be available at all times. From all the variety of industrial foods, you need to choose one that your pet will like and suit.

    Be attentive to your four-legged friends! When choosing a kitten, pay attention to the breed characteristics; the more you know about your pet, the easier and more enjoyable your communication will be. By choosing a Sphynx kitten, you will get a cheerful and devoted friend for many years.

    Before making the final choice and bringing a Sphynx kitten into your home, a person must fully assess not only his capabilities (financial and time), but also the temperature of his home. You will learn from the article how to care for a Sphynx.

    Needless to say, ordinary cats simply adore warmth, while hairless cats love it ten times more. After all, the proper functioning of the animal’s entire body will depend on the home temperature regime.

    If everything is in order, then you need to think about proper care.

    Sphinxes are not used to aggressively accepting hygiene procedures, but they need careful treatment from people.


    The generally accepted opinion of all breeders is that kittens have “maternal” immunity until almost two months of age. True, despite this, kittens still begin to receive basic vaccinations from 9 weeks of age.

    Re-vaccination is carried out a month after the first.

    It is quite natural that such a responsibility falls on the human breeder, who issues a veterinary passport.

    In the future, the new owner must monitor his health in the same way, invite a veterinarian to the house (until the kitten is six months old) and not deviate from the vaccination schedule.

    It is also important for one week after vaccination not to let the cat go outside (even on the balcony) and not allow it to interact with other animals.

    Skin care

    Caring for your Sphynx starts with paying attention to skin. Due to the fact that these cats are not protected by fur, it is very important to ensure that their skin is always elastic, soft and without any damage.

    • daily wiping of the body with a damp, soft towel;
    • periodic bathing (at least once every two weeks); For bathing, you should not take products (soap or shampoo) with a pH exceeding 5.5, so Johnson’s & Johnson’s hygiene products for small children would be an excellent choice;
    • It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the cat’s skin with any additional fatty creams;
    • using a deep and wide plastic basin for water procedures, with a rubber mat placed on the bottom (to prevent the paws from moving apart), and filling it only with warm water at room temperature (it must be measured with a special thermometer).

    To ensure that your pet is not afraid of the bathing procedure, it is not enough to accustom the kitten to it from an early age. You should still always consult a veterinarian (perhaps the cat needs a sedative) and go to the bathroom only after a three-hour break after feeding and playing.

    Ear care

    The ears also require special attention.

    They seem simply huge, but if they are not regularly wiped with antiseptic wipes on the inside and outside, then even minor contamination can cause the appearance of pustules and even hearing loss. You won’t be able to remove them on your own; you’ll have to ask for help. In turn, the cat becomes restless and even aggressive for a certain time (until the disease is cured), constantly shaking its head and scratching its ears with its claws, making it even worse.

    How to care for Sphynx eyes?

    The eyes of sphinxes will be the first to “tell” about a change in the cat’s well-being. Therefore, it is important to carefully examine the eyelids and, at the slightest deviation from the norm, call a veterinarian at home (do not think that the animal will easily endure the road).

    As you know, sphinxes do not have eyelashes, which is why they need to wash their eyes daily with saline solution or distilled water to prevent eyelids from sticking together.

    Do you need a scratching post?

    Many owners who have experience keeping cats of other breeds mistakenly believe that a wooden block for sharpening claws is also important for a hairless pet. Surely, such cat lovers forget that the skin of sphinxes is very delicate and can easily be damaged during normal scratching. So with this issue, you will have to come to the veterinarian once a month and use special pliers to trim the claws. By the way, it is not recommended to go to grooming salons, because this procedure can only be performed by a medical specialist who knows the anatomy of the animal well.

    Sphynx care: attention to teeth

    It is not uncommon for Sphynx owners to pay absolutely no attention to the health of their cat’s teeth. Unfortunately, such negligence can lead to their complete loss.

    Unlike the Don Sphynx, which can compensate for the lack of calcium and remove tartar thanks to proper nutrition, representatives purely Egyptian breed they won't be able to do this. In such cases, veterinarians and experienced breeders advise owners to quickly wipe their pet’s teeth with gauze soaked in oak decoction or plantain infusion (infusion, not alcohol tincture). The duration of the procedure should not take more than two minutes.

    It is worth alternating natural soft food with ready-made solid dry food.

    Anyone who wants to have a hairless cat must understand that the Sphynx requires special care and will always have the status of a newborn child in need of care and attention. If you decide to buy a Sphynx, then in the TAM.BY catalog you will find contacts of catteries.

    But still, the vast majority of sphinxes are completely hairless, so you need to carefully monitor the temperature in the room. Drafts and dampness should not be allowed, otherwise the cat may catch a cold. Normal room temperature can be considered normal for these cats - 20-25 degrees.

    Sphynxes love to bask in the sun. Being in the sun for a long time can cause a cat to tan, and its creamy skin will turn into chocolate. But under no circumstances should a cat be allowed to receive such a dose of ultraviolet radiation. Soft skin A sphinx cat, just like a human cat, can get sunburn.

    Heat-loving sphinxes can burn their delicate bodies near a hot radiator or fireplace, so watch them closely, as you would a small child. If it's cold at home, you can even dress up the Sphynx in a warm jumpsuit. Hairless cats usually don't mind a warm suit, and some simply love to dress up!

    Because these cats sweat, they need to be bathed regularly in warm water and mild baby shampoo. By the way, they have a very positive attitude towards this procedure. Sphynxes are bathed approximately once every two weeks.

    Some cats of this breed even know how to swim, which they readily demonstrate when they are washed in the bath. Water procedures will bring a lot of positive emotions to both the cat and the owner, but during bathing, be careful not to let water get into the cat’s ears or eyes.

    Sphynx ears are not protected by fur, so when they become dirty they need to be very carefully cleaned with a cotton swab lightly moistened with water or Vaseline oil.

    It is also necessary to trim the claws carefully so that the cat does not scratch itself. The claws are trimmed with special nippers, biting off only the very tip. Some cats do not require nail trimming as they do it themselves. My cat bites his claws with his teeth almost every day.

    To maintain heat exchange, sphinxes require a lot of energy. Therefore, they always have a good appetite and need to be fed a lot. You can feed it with special ready-made food. But it’s better if the Sphynx’s diet is natural.

    Of course, the pet's diet must be balanced and include all the necessary substances. The better the food for your cat, the healthier he will be. On cold days, it is necessary to increase the level of caloric intake so that the sphinxes do not freeze.

    A complete diet should include a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Sources of protein in cats' diets include meat, fish, cottage cheese and other dairy products. Meat is the most valuable protein product. Sphynx cats should be fed lean beef or chicken. Meat can be either raw or cooked.

    • But never give your cat boiled bones - their nutritional value is zero, but they can cause intestinal blockage for a long time. Avoid pork if you don't want your animal to have health problems.

    Be sure to include fiber in your pet’s diet - boiled carrots, beets, zucchini, cauliflower. Don't forget about the grass. Cats need all this for good digestion.

    Among dairy products, cottage cheese should occupy the first place in a cat’s diet, since milk often weakens. In the morning, instead of cottage cheese, you can give kefir or yogurt, especially if the cat is overweight. IN small quantity Grated cheese is useful; it is added to vegetables and porridge. Just make sure that the cheese is not spicy or salty. If milk does not cause digestive problems in a cat, it should also be present in its diet.

    Eggs are a very nutritious product, but raw protein is difficult to digest; it is better not to give it to your cat. The yolk is given once every 5-7 days, preferably with fish. If you give it more often, you can damage the cat’s liver. Fish should be given boiled and no more than once or twice a week.

    Vegetables and greens serve as a source of vitamins in a cat’s diet. Considering that cats do not chew their food very thoroughly, it is better to give raw vegetables and herbs in grated or chopped form mixed with vegetable oil, adding them to meat food. Many cats willingly eat boiled pumpkin, which also has an anthelmintic effect.

    The Sphynx should be accustomed to raw or boiled vegetables with early age and make sure that this habit is not lost, since adult cats are more picky about food.

    Vitamins and dietary supplements for complete nutrition and good health the sphinx does not need them and are even harmful, since they can disrupt the natural balance of vitamins in the cat’s body. They can be given only as prescribed by a veterinarian and in strictly limited quantities.

    Sphinxes are very smart and sociable. They remain playful and mischievous until old age. This cat really needs a playmate, and if you can't devote much time to your Sphynx, it might even be worth getting several animals. These cats are very friendly and easily get along with other pets.

    At my friend's house there live two Don Sphynxes. The comrades are simply inseparable, they always sleep in an embrace, suck each other’s bellies in their sleep, after which sometimes even small bruises remain on the delicate skin of the sphinxes!

    Sphynxes do not have any special problems with childbirth, unlike some other artificially bred breeds. Cats tolerate pregnancy well and cope with childbirth themselves. These gentle and caring cats have very strong maternal instincts, which is especially valuable. Cats even help each other during childbirth and feeding their offspring. Cats lick and warm kittens, participate in their games and upbringing.

    Sphynxes are very sociable and active cats. When you take home this cute animal, remember that the sphinx will always participate with you in all your affairs and communicate with everyone who comes to your home. If you don’t give your pet enough attention, he will suffer, so when you decide to get a hairless cat, first of all think about whether you can give her all your free time?

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