• Magical and healing properties of chrysolite. Description of the chrysolite stone: characteristics and magical properties


    Peridot, or peridot, is a semi-precious stone whose color varies from yellow-green to emerald green. Sometimes the stone is also called olivine. Although, from the point of view of mineralogy, this is not entirely true, since olivine is a broader concept. Olivines also include other minerals.

    Magic properties

    Peridot attracts health, prosperity and wealth into life. It is ruled by the Sun and the Earth, and therefore the stone is endowed with the energy of growth and knowledge.

    The magical properties of chrysolite open the way to an intuitive understanding of the world and oneself in it. Gives the ability of internal vision.

    And, in addition, they drive away evil spirits and protect against the evil eye.

    The crystal has green color. This is the color of the Anahata heart chakra. That is why it is believed that the mineral improves the functioning of this chakra and promotes its more complete opening.

    The stone also contains yellow tints. Therefore, the second chakra on which it exerts its beneficial influence is Manipura.

    Metaphysical influence

    Peridot is endowed with friendly, joyful energy. It reduces selfishness, cleanses the heart and soul, helps get rid of jealousy, envy, and anger. Helps strengthen friendship.

    Although the stone fights selfishness, it increases self-confidence and patience. A person under its influence becomes more courageous and decisive, but not aggressive.

    Peridot helps you find your purpose in life and motivates you to personal growth.

    The mineral gives you the opportunity to look into your past and learn from it. It also eliminates the obsession with experiencing the same negative events that prevent you from moving forward.

    Healing Features

    On the physical level, chrysolite:

    • normalizes work endocrine system(especially adrenal glands);
    • promotes tissue regeneration;
    • removes waste and toxins, cleanses the liver;
    • improves digestion;
    • preserves vision (fights astigmatism and myopia);
    • eliminates fever;
    • heals the skin, preventing its early aging.

    Since ancient times, the mineral has been used to enhance labor activity and relief of pain during contractions.

    The influence of peridot on the mental sphere comes down to:

    • facilitating the experience of quitting smoking and other drug addictions;
    • stress management and peace;
    • improving memory and increasing cognitive abilities;
    • eliminating chronic irritation, jealousy and tendency to outbursts of anger;
    • overcoming hypochondriacal thoughts.

    Of course, all the healing abilities of the mineral listed above have not been scientifically proven. Therefore, if you have truly serious health problems, you should never rely on chrysolite treatment.

    Who is it suitable for?

    1. Peridot is suitable for people of the zodiac signs - Libra, Taurus, Leo and Virgo.
    2. Useful for healers who take on the negative energy of others.
    3. Necessary for those who, in their opinion, often deal with the negative impact of other people on their lives, for example, those who are afraid.
    4. Helps overly touchy, suspicious people who are prone to constant jealousy and who do not know how to forgive.
    5. Suitable for those suffering from chronic anxiety and associated physical discomfort (what in our country is called “vegetative-vascular dystonia - VSD”).
    6. Those who are ready to look back and start learning from their mistakes.
    7. For those who cannot find their purpose in this world.
    8. The mineral helps people who are starting something new in their lives, opening a business, or simply taking a new path. personal development;
    9. For those who have problems in interpersonal communication, who cannot learn to establish trusting contacts with people.

    In principle, peridot is a universal stone. It is suitable for men, women, children and the elderly. There are very few people in the world who know how to truly easily forgive and learn from their mistakes, have good developed intuition and know their purpose. Therefore, the mineral is useful to almost everyone and always.

    Because the crystal brings life to life and points out the mistakes of existence, it can be difficult to use for people suffering from constant fears and inhibitions. The magical properties of the chrysolite stone will highlight all their flaws, shortcomings and mistakes too sharply. Therefore, anxious individuals who are afraid to look into their past because they simply cannot face the truth must wear Peridot extremely carefully, little by little. Until purification and acceptance occurs.

    Charging and cleaning

    The new stone must be washed in running water. At least just under the tap.

    Wipe dry soft cloth. And put it on the window on a clear night on the Full Moon.

    The ritual must be repeated periodically to remove accumulated negative energy.

    How to use?

    Today you can buy the most various decorations from chrysolite. They all have its magical properties. But the most active ones are those that can be placed around the neck or worn on the left hand.

    A peridot ring worn on the little finger of the left hand works very well.

    For the stone to work as efficiently as possible, it must have a gold frame.

    1. If you suffer from physical symptoms of anxiety, place the stone on your solar plexus area. This will help reduce nervous excitement and eliminate its physical symptoms, especially those localized in the abdominal area - stomach cramps, nausea, nervous diarrhea, etc.
    2. If you suffer from heaviness in your heart associated with difficult memories, feelings of guilt or resentment, peridot should be placed in the Anahata region.
    3. The mineral gives eloquence and endows a person with charm. And if peridot is suitable for anyone, it is for those who must be able to convince other people that they are right. Therefore, try to always have it with you during public speaking and business negotiations.
    4. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this is a crystal of growth. And it should be located in the eastern and southeastern zone of the room. It is best to place peridot in the kitchen, children's room and office.

    Chrysolite is a stone that has long been valued by man for its unparalleled beauty. This affection is reflected in the name. Literally translated from Greek, “peridot” is “golden stone.” However, golden hue green in natural chrysolite is more rare than a given: in nature, crystals of the mineral are often not very intensely colored, and the color resembles an olive fruit. That is why the name “olivine” was assigned to the rock.

    However, there was some confusion. In the Romano-Germanic linguistic tradition, the greenish-golden gem is called “”. In the Russian mining community, the name “chrysolite” is assigned to demantoids. Portuguese-speaking Brazilians wanted to call it chrysolite. The Italians, in order to keep up with fashion, consider chrysolite to be their native... However, in modern mineralogy, only colored ones are considered chrysolites; and it is also possible to call olivines peridots. That's all!

    Physico-chemical properties of chrysolite

    • Chrysolite is an iron-magnesium orthosilicate.
    • Mineral class: silicates.
    • Chemical formula: (Mg,Fe)2SiO4.
    • Hardness: 6.5 - 7.0.
    • Density: 3.27-3.37.
    • Peridot color green with various shades: golden, yellow, pistachio, herbal, olive, brown.
    • The coloring is very rarely intense, often in pale tones.
    • Gloss: glassy.
    • Crystals are transparent to translucent.
    • Cleavage: imperfect.
    • Fracture: finely conchoidal.
    • Syngony: rhombic.
    • Is the mineral brittle?: Yes.
    • Light refraction: 1.654-1.690.
    Prismatic crystals of peridot have a pointed pyramidal head. The sufficiently high hardness of the mineral allows one to discern chrysolite crystals even in the rounded pebbles of mountain screes.

    Loved since ancient times, in fashion today

    The beauty of natural chrysolite has been revealed to people since time immemorial: the history of using the gem as decoration goes back at least 6,000 years. It never went out of fashion: pre-biblical kings decorated their clothes and chambers with green stones with a golden tint. The Jewish high priests wore it as part of their ceremonial vestments. The gold frames of ancient Christian icons highlight the beauty of the stone.

    Even the famous “emerald” of Nero, through which he loved to view bloody spectacles, according to historians, was also chrysolite. Moreover, there is reason to believe that this particular crystal is now kept in the Diamond Fund of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. It is considered one of the “seven historical stones” of Russia.

    Buying natural gem-quality chrysolite is an ever-present desire of stone-cutters of all centuries and peoples. The stone, whose color in nature can vary from olive greenish to apple green and grassy, ​​as a rule, does not need to be refined - unless the high fracturing of the crystal requires human intervention. Current price peridot can range from several tens to 300 dollars per carat.

    Due to the widespread occurrence of olivine deposits, precious peridots have never been particularly rare, but have always been valued for their golden luster in the green glow of the stone. Abundantly imported to Europe by medieval knights (who obtained this trophy in the Crusades), chrysolites gave rise to an anecdotal legend.

    Allegedly, warriors who endured the hardships and hardships of campaigns for a long time brought home chrysolites, for the most part, as a sure cure for impotence. Wives who met their travel-weary husbands rejoiced at the double gift...

    This maxim was born among adventurous historians of the nineteenth century, however, modern lithotherapists also find reliable evidence of the healing effectiveness of chrysolites.

    Chrysolite – green healer

    Wearing jewelry with chrysolite is an excellent way to increase mental abilities, adherents of alternative medicine are convinced. Having a healing effect on the human nervous system, the mineral helps in short time achieve harmony between mind and feelings. The use of chrysolite as a medicine for neuralgia, pain in muscles and joints, and radicular pain syndrome is also effective.

    According to the observations of amateur andrologists, olivines actually stimulate erectile function in men and help liberate female passion. This means that the knights who brought green and gold jewelry from Asia were not so wrong!

    With the help of chrysolite, lithotherapy of urological diseases is also successful. Testers note: the green mineral acts comprehensively, normalizing the functioning of the digestive tract and excretory system.

    While increasing the functional response of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system to irritants, peridot, however, is not able to independently fight infections, especially advanced, chronic ones. At the same time, it significantly increases the effectiveness of antibiotics.

    The most important healing function of the peridot stone is its ability to streamline thinking and thereby relieve a person from mental disorders. But there is some magic here...

    Chrysolite bridge between worlds

    Esotericists of all directions unanimously note: wearing chrysolite allows a person to maintain a constant connection with the world of subtle entities. At the same time, the stone independently protects the individual from the effects negative energies: this is its highest purpose and main property.

    Astrologers consider the green-gold gem one of the most powerful associates of the zodiac Leo. However, other signs should be careful when wearing jewelry with chrysolites: back in the last century, the French noticed that one peridot was enough for an ordinary person. Two is too many...

    Chrysolite talismans are readily purchased by people whose professional activity directly related to contacts of a special kind. Magic, astrology, palmistry, sorcery, healing - the list of callings that favorably accept the help of a wonderful mineral goes on and on.

    Chrysolite products placed in the house serve as reliable amulets against fire. Accidental fires and non-accidental arson are extinguished if a chrysolite product is stored in the room. The effectiveness of the stone is higher, the more attention is paid to it. You can’t put peridot into the far corner of the darkest drawer desk and expect real help from him...

    It is believed that ancient, “prayed” stones have much greater magical power than recently purchased amulets and jewelry. This opinion contradicts reality: the effectiveness of the supernatural power of peridot largely depends on its purity, transparency, color - in a word, on jewelry quality. How larger size, the higher the generally accepted standards of the stone, the greater the impact from it is observed when performing magical rituals.

    Chrysolite is a representative of the line of semi-precious stones. The color saturation and transparency of the mineral captivate the eye. That is why jewelers often choose it to create their masterpieces.

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    The mineral is known for its healing properties and is widely used in alternative medicine to treat eye diseases, relieve pain, relieve insomnia and stuttering. Chrysolite is endowed with powerful magical properties: the stone develops intuition and mental capacity, protects the owner from enemies and rash actions, brings good luck and sets the mood for positivity. The influence of chrysolite on representatives of different zodiac signs is different, but when choosing it as a talisman, it is necessary to take into account not only astrological, but also energetic compatibility with the stone.

      Color palette

      Geologists call it “olivine,” jewelers call it “peridot,” and people call it “evening emerald.” And all these names refer to semiprecious stone peridot. The color range of the mineral varies from gold to green. Mostly pale shades predominate; richly colored stones are quite rare. The more intense the color of a mineral, the more valuable it is.

      The following colors are characteristic of chrysolite:

      • green;
      • orange;
      • brown;
      • yellow;
      • olive;
      • brown;
      • golden.

      Under artificial light, the mineral can change its shade. For example, in dim lighting from candle flames, the stone takes on the color of rich green grass.

      The mineral is brittle, but quite hard. It can be easily polished, after which it acquires its characteristic radiant shine.

      The gem is used both in the form of jewelry and as various decorations for clothes. A variety of decorative items are also made from the mineral, which are subsequently used to decorate interiors.

      Magic of stone

      Chrysolite has a number of magical properties that endow its owner with positive energy and strength.

      According to legend, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra used the gem as a talisman, decorating her hair and clothes.

      • Chrysolite has a variety of magical properties: strengthens friendships and love relationship
      • , promotes mutual understanding between people;
      • develops mental abilities;
      • gives intuition and insight;
      • suppresses feelings of envy and relieves nervous tension;
      • serves as a kind of protection from enemies, negative events, slander and various kinds of dangers;
      • helps to cope with sleep problems (to get rid of bad dreams, you need to place a stone framed in gold under your pillow before going to bed);
      • brings good luck and helps in making the right decisions;
      • protects the owner from rash actions and wrong actions;
      • helps to tune in to a positive mood;
      • relieves depression, despondency, loss of strength and blues;

      helps the owner to reveal his intellectual and creative potential and develop the corresponding abilities.

      Chrysolite endows its owner with kindness, softness and tenderness. The owner of the stone easily finds compromises and can painlessly resolve quarrels and conflicts that arise in the family. Chrysolite is also a kind of home talisman - it drives away thieves and robbers, and protects the house from fire.

      The gem bestows good fortune and luck on those with sky-blue and green eyes. It makes women softer and more gentle, enhancing their attractiveness in men's eyes. The mineral is suitable for all representatives of the fairer sex - both single and married. It must be borne in mind that only real stone , so you should not expect the above properties from a fake.

      It is also believed that a gem framed in gold exhibits its magical abilities more strongly.

      Healing properties of the mineral In addition to magical properties, chrysolite has a number of healing properties . Even in ancient times, many peoples used this mineral to treat various diseases. Modern traditional medicine I did not find confirmation of this.

      • However, adherents of lithotherapy claim that the mineral has the following healing properties:
      • helps with headaches;
      • relieves insomnia and other sleep problems;
      • helps eliminate stuttering (for this it is recommended to constantly wear jewelry with peridot inserts);
      • helps improve vision and helps cure many eye diseases;
      • relieves pain during labor in women in labor;
      • helps reduce pain from pain in the stomach, kidneys, liver and gallbladder;
      • promotes speedy recovery vitality in the postoperative period;
      • relieves pain from neuralgia and spinal diseases;
      • helps with heart problems and diseases of the endocrine system;
      • relieves colds.

      The mineral is also used to treat various skin diseases. To improve the healing and regeneration effect skin, chrysolite powder is added to medicinal ointments.

      To treat eye diseases, it is necessary to continuously look at the gem for a long time. The same method is used to simply improve your vision.

      Astrological compatibility of the stone

      Astrologers believe that in order to choose a stone for yourself as a talisman, you need to rely on the zodiac horoscope. Using the table below, you can determine the compatibility of chrysolite with your zodiac sign.

      Zodiac sign Impact of stone
      AriesThe mineral will endow hot-tempered Aries with calmness and prudence. The calming effect of the gem will help get rid of many of the problems that arise for this fire sign due to its explosive nature. The stone will also relieve Aries from excessive impulsiveness and endow them with such qualities as perseverance.
      TaurusSelfish Taurus simply need to wear peridot jewelry. It will help representatives of the sign become more compliant and soft. The stone will also make Taurus less stubborn and give them generosity.
      TwinsFor changeable Geminis, the gem will help them become calmer and more balanced. The stone is a kind sedative, thanks to which Gemini will disappear such frequent changeability of desires and moods
      CancerChrysolite is contraindicated for Cancers. Representatives of this zodiac sign are known for their calmness and balance. The mineral will make Cancers even more calm and turn them into dull and phlegmatic people.
      a lionFor Leos, chrysolite is shown as a talisman and amulet. He will give them a sense of confidence in themselves, in their actions and decisions. Also, the stone will help reveal everything positive traits Lviv and will make them more attractive. All this will help achieve universal recognition, which is what almost all representatives of the sign need.
      VirgoFor practical Virgos, the stone will help develop their intellectual and mental abilities. The mineral will also help improve memory and concentration. Green-yellow chrysolite will help representatives of the sign become more patient and gentle. The gem will make Virgos more attractive to others
      ScalesThe mineral will help Libra get rid of feelings of fear and various complexes. The stone will contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the family, and will also help Libra to find happiness in their personal life.
      ScorpionRepresentatives of this zodiac sign should stay away from the gem. The stone will make the already secretive Scorpios even more withdrawn and unfriendly towards others
      SagittariusThe stone has a neutral relationship with this zodiac sign, which means that if you really want to, you shouldn’t refuse to wear the mineral. But it is necessary to take into account that the effect of the gem on Sagittarius will not be obvious, but rather neutral
      CapricornCapricorns are not contraindicated in wearing chrysolite as jewelry. But representatives of the sign must be prepared for the fact that the stone will show its properties weakly or not at all
      AquariusOften representatives of this sign suffer from laziness and isolation. Aquarians have a rather superficial attitude towards business, especially when it comes to everyday routine. The stone is completely unsuitable for people of this zodiac sign. It will only exacerbate all the negative qualities in the character of Aquarius
      FishFor representatives of this sign who are insecure, the mineral will help them become more decisive and will also increase their self-esteem. Chrysolite will help Pisces come to a meaningful and the right decision, avoiding acute and conflicting moments
    • 4. The mineral is considered the guardian of love and family hearth. According to legend, if a husband and wife exchange gifts made of chrysolite, then their living together promises to be long and happy.
    • 5. The stone is suitable for people working in trade, astrologers and bank employees.
    • 6. The mineral can act as an amulet for people who want to start a family.
    • Astrologers advise purchasing peridot products on the 28th day of the lunar month. Buying a gem during this period will increase the effectiveness of its magical properties.

      Peridot has the ability to absorb the energy of the sun. That is why in clear sunny weather it is necessary to hold it for some time under the rays of the luminary. In case of nervous tension or stress, this stone can be used to eliminate nervousness and calm. To do this, you just need to hold the mineral in your hands.

      If the gem falls into the hands of a person who is incompatible with the stone, but at the same time has a great desire to wear jewelry with it, then the peridot can be framed in silver, thereby weakening its power. Also, the effect of the stone is muffled when combined with other stones. The power of chrysolite is well “diluted” by the energy of stones such as pearls, amethyst and cubic zirconia.

      If at full zodiac compatibility If the owner feels uneasy and uncomfortable with the stone, the jewelry should be removed for a while. After all, chrysolite, like any other stone, needs a break from the energy of its owner. It also doesn’t hurt the owner of the gem to take a break from the powerful energy of the stone from time to time.

      When choosing a talisman stone, in addition to astrological compatibility, you need to rely on your inner feelings. Peridot is definitely suitable for those people who, when wearing it, feel a surge of positive energy and harmony in the soul.

      The mineral is considered a stone of tenderness, love, care, romance and sentimentality. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Where peridot lives, love lives there.”

    The transparent chrysolite stone is unusual: it combines the shine of gold and the soft green color of spring grass. He is charming, incredibly attractive.

    Features of the mineral

    Chrysolite is one of the most ancient minerals, which was known 4 millennia before the birth of Christ. It is mentioned as one of the “Biblical stones” with which the robes of the high priests were decorated. Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Egypt left many references to chrysolite. By the way, scientists have recently found that the notorious Emperor Nero, who set fire to Rome for inspiration, looked at the terrible fire through chrysolite, although previously the stone was considered an emerald.

    Hindus used chrysolite to find mutual language with representatives of the opposite sex, and merchants increased their wealth and protected goods from thieves. In Mongolia it was called the “Dragon Stone” because most of the peridot was found near volcanoes.

    And during the Middle Ages, chrysolite bore the name “Stone of the Crusaders”, since the crusading knights brought it from their campaigns and gave it to decorate church utensils. But in the 19th century, the stone acquired a different glory in Europe (a means of enhancing male strength). And at the same time, chrysolite awakened creativity in its owners.

    The beautiful green mineral was revered by Muslims, personifying Islam. It’s not for nothing that the Ottoman Empire keeps the most large collection these beautiful stones. Peridot adorned the turbans of the sultans, being a symbol of their nobility.

    The Bible refers to peridot as "Pitdah" - peridot, a stone used to decorate the breastplates of sacred robes.

    Peridot, or peridot, is a type of olivine, a mineral that is born in top layer magma, which determines its presence in volcanic vents. The second name of the stone means “irregular emerald”, it comes from the Arabic word “Faridat”.

    This mineral is a ferrous magnesium silicate and has the chemical formula (Mg, Fe) 2SiO4. It is divalent iron that gives it such an unusual color range (from pistachio to soft grassy shades, turning into golden-green and olive, and sometimes yellowish-brown). It may include ilmenites, chromites, spinels and magnetites.

    Chrysolite is a transparent variety of olivine formed due to magmatic crystallization. The bright shine of the stone is due to its high refractive index. Since the refraction of light in a stone is bidirectional (or double), the stone can create a double image when the sun's rays hit it.

    The properties of chrysolite also include increased fragility, while the mineral easily dissolves in acid. And it's easy to polish. In ancient Rome, peridot was even called the “Evening Emerald” because it glowed in the dark with a bright green light.

    Properties attributed to chrysolite

    Lithotherapy (stone treatment) believes that chrysolite can treat colds and cardiovascular diseases, stomach and kidney pain, diseases of the spine, endocrine system, and neuralgia. It was believed that it was also suitable for curing eye diseases, as well as stuttering. At the same time, the stone had a calming effect in psychosomatic disorders.

    It also has magical properties:

    • development and strengthening of intelligence;
    • ability to find mutual understanding;
    • maintaining the owner's self-esteem;
    • ability to make friends;
    • communicate easily with members of the opposite sex;
    • ability to resolve difficult situations and win litigation;
    • prevent the commission of rash acts;
    • protect the owner from bad dreams.

    The one who wore chrysolite became more attentive and caring, showed sympathy for troubles and tried to help. Those who wanted to gain eloquence believed that chrysolite was more suitable for this than other stones.

    The magical properties of the stone were not limited to this. He protected the family: the couple, who exchanged jewelry with chrysolite, lived long and without conflict, helping each other and finding compromises. This stone protected women from the evil eye and envy.

    The protective properties of the stone are such that it could even be used to drive out evil spirits. That’s why they tried to place a figurine of some animal or fish in the house, so that the stone would always be guarding the home it protected.

    But for all its beneficial properties, the mineral required one condition from the owner - moderation in the intake of bodily food. If a person indulged in the sin of gluttony, beneficial features chrysolite were cancelled.

    How to use chrysolite?

    Chrysolite is most in demand for making jewelry from it. It with dignity replaces an expensive emerald, being not much inferior to it in beauty and properties. This stone is usually given an emerald or diamond cut, sometimes stepped, but the cabochon cut is used extremely rarely.

    The importance of peridot for the jewelry industry can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to its crystalline structure, it is easy to cut and can be calibrated, because it is calibrated stones that jewelers prefer. The stone can be given various shapes: oval, pillow, round, octagon.

    Green stones have always been in high demand. This color is the color of spring, renewal, wealth (according to many beliefs). Therefore, green stones, such as chrysoprase, peridot, emerald, often adorn our outfits. And even men are not alien to the attraction to these stones. Tie pins and cufflinks decorated with it look very elegant.

    Peridot is used in necklaces, earrings and necklaces.

    Due to the fragility of the stone, rings and bracelets can quickly lose their luster.

    There are cases when, instead of natural peridot, jewelry use its imitation. To avoid becoming a victim of dishonest traders, you should know what signs can be used to determine the authenticity of a stone.

    You can squeeze the stone in your hand. A natural crystal will remain cold, but glass or plastic will quickly acquire the same temperature as the body. Moreover, if they are scratched, marks will certainly remain on the surface, while the surface of natural stone will not be damaged.

    Chrysolite is an inexpensive stone, but you can’t call it cheap either. At the same time, large specimens, due to their rarity, automatically become much more expensive than ordinary stones. So good chrysolite will not be cheap.

    Examine the stone with a magnifying glass. If the stone is natural, its color will be uniform, soft green with a slight tint of yellow. But glass or plastic will not have such uniformity. Besides a natural stone with double-beam refraction, it will create a double image when light passes through it. You can request a corresponding certificate from the seller.

    Caring for peridot jewelry

    Due to its fragility, jewelry with this stone requires great care, especially if you want to wear it constantly. Although such stones are more appropriate for special occasions. In addition, the mineral is chemically vulnerable, which requires care when using any substances (cosmetic or household chemicals). It is strictly not recommended to wash dishes while wearing jewelry with chrysolite. Even the presence of gloves is not a permissive factor.

    Protect jewelry with this stone from mechanical damage. Falling on the floor is especially bad for them. And it is not recommended to clean them with stiff bristled brushes. It is better to use a soft cloth and regular soap solution. However, you should rinse the stones after washing with special care, since the soap stains remaining on them will spoil the appearance and reduce the shine.

    Purchase a separate box for jewelry with peridot. Because the stone is hard, it can scratch softer minerals. But at the same time, the stone may split due to its fragility. Better to jewelry he was not contacted with anything else.

    Quite well studied. But even without scientific articles, simply by examining the surface of this magical mineral, you can get an idea about it.

    What does chrysolite look like?

    The greenery of spring is intertwined in this mineral with the gentle rays of the sun. When you look at jewelry with it, you forget that peridot is a stone. Properties, the zodiac sign associated with it, fade into the background. First, a feeling of youthful joy, magical spring, sunny tranquility and peace ripens in the soul. This is what the ancients immediately noticed. Legends have survived to this day that chrysolite protects against the “evil eye.” With its joyful “appearance,” the stone instills peace in the soul and creates a barrier to negative energy. And the comparison with emerald comes from the fact that in the rays of sunset, peridot acquires a deep, rich green. The yellow sunlight of this stone dims along with the luminary, as if plunging into the mineral.

    Healing with chrysolite

    IN folk medicine This mineral is often used. Based on its sunny “appearance”, it is usually recommended for the treatment of nervous diseases. Neuralgia or insomnia can go away if you contemplate the beauty of this green “medicine”. However, the properties of the chrysolite stone allow it to be used in the treatment of other diseases. In some cases, the stone is recommended to be worn to improve vision, treat the stomach, and relieve renal colic. The circulatory system can also be stimulated with chrysolite. To do this, it is recommended to apply the stone to the pulse. Some sources recommend wearing it during an epidemic colds. Chrysolite will protect the owner from infection and help him recover faster. Pain in the spine is also relieved by this mineral.

    Peridot: magical properties

    To protect against negative impacts this stone is used much more often than in medicine. It is considered one of the main amulets. Most likely this is due to his appearance, inspiring optimism and faith in all good things. chrysolite is used in magic to increase the energy of the object that needs to be protected. So, if you give a chrysolite figurine to newlyweds, they will be guaranteed a long life without quarrels and scandals. For lonely people, the stone will bring good luck on the love front. For those who have experienced the bitterness of loss, the gem will help restore mental strength. And just to protect yourself from the evil eye, it is recommended to wear chrysolite constantly. This is especially true for those who are constantly in sight. The stone repels envy and anger, carefully protecting the peace of its owner.

    Peridot gifts

    Figurines and jewelry with this mineral are appropriate in almost any situation. The properties of the chrysolite stone will allow, if not to please the recipient of the gift, then to protect him from negativity, of which there is a lot in our world. Astrologers say that the mineral is more suitable for Leo and Gemini. It is recommended for Virgos and Capricorns to wear jewelry with it. But other signs can also possess chrysolite and use its magical properties. Small crafts made from peridot are given as gifts for weddings (anniversaries), anniversaries, and just birthdays. A gifted stone has more power than one purchased independently. It seems to absorb the good intentions of the donor. Jewelry with chrysolite is presented to young girls so that they can successfully arrange their destiny.

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