• Methods for eliminating semantic dyslexia. Exercises to help prevent and correct dyslexia


    The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that many students primary classes There are problems in mastering the reading process, developing vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. Many scientists point out the huge role of reading in the formation of a person as a self-developing personality. Famous psychologist B.G. Ananyev wrote that children first learn to read and write, and then through reading and writing. Timely elimination of reading prevents the occurrence of writing disorders.

    Reading is a complex psychophysiological process. It is carried out as a result of the joint activity of the visual, speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers. There are two sides to the reading process: the first is technical, this is the perception of letter signs, the correlation of a visual image, the second is understanding what is read. The formation of the technical side occurs in stages: from syllable-by-syllable to reading in whole words, then to phrases and sentences. Constant training turns the technical side into an automated process.

    What is dyslexia?

    An attentive speech therapist during a qualitative examination of a child in kindergarten should suspect possible difficulties with the formation of the reading process. However, most often parents hear the diagnosis of dyslexia for the first time when a first-grader has problems learning to read and write.

    Dyslexia- this is a specific violation of the process of learning to read while maintaining the general ability to learn. Dyslexia manifests itself in the child’s persistent inability to master syllables, reading in words and, as a result, misunderstanding of what is read. Children suffering from dyslexia distort words when reading, “swallowing” entire syllables, changing letters in places, omitting sounds or, conversely, adding unnecessary ones.

    It should be understood that dyslexia does not refer to reading and writing disorders that appear as a result of mental retardation, deviations in the development of hearing and vision. This is a partial inability to master reading skills associated with disorders or underdevelopment of certain areas of the cerebral cortex.

    Dyslexia is the most common disorder found in children and lasts a lifetime. The severity of the disease can range from mild to severe. The earlier the correction of this disorder begins, the better the results.

    Characteristics of children with dyslexia.

    Children with dyslexia have difficulty reading and have difficulty learning. The cause of this disorder is a disruption of certain functions in the child's brain, such as the transmission of a picture as a visual image to what a person hears and understands. This is not a consequence of visual or hearing impairment, nor is it the result of dementia or lack of intelligence.

    In the first years of a child's education, it may go unnoticed. The child is afraid of difficulty learning to read, and other problems associated with this disease may also arise. The child may show the first signs of depression and low self-esteem. You can often observe that a child, both at school and at home, behaves inappropriately. If this disease is not treated, the child’s problems at school will worsen.

    With dyslexia, the following groups of errors are observed:

    • Substitutions and mixing of graphically similar letters (I - Sh, B - D, X-Zh, P-N, Z-V), phonetically similar sounds (voiced - deaf, hard - soft)
    • Letter-by-letter reading, impaired merging of sounds into syllables and words.
    • Distortions of the sound-syllable structure of a word (omission of syllables or letters, rearrangements, additions, truncation of words).
    • Agrammatism when reading (missing words, sentences, paragraphs; violations of case endings, violations of coordination and control of words).
    • Impaired reading comprehension.

    Causes of dyslexia.

    • Neurobiological causes are associated with underdevelopment or damage to the brain in different periods child development (pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period). As a result, parts of the brain that provide psychological functions involved in the reading process suffer.
    • Heredity As it turns out, dyslexia is a syndrome with hereditary causes. The heritability rate for dyslexia is 40-70%. Molecular genetic studies have succeeded in identifying genes responsible for the occurrence of dyslexia.
    • Social and psychological reasons. Such reasons include insufficient speech contacts and pedagogical neglect.

    What risks does dyslexia pose to a child?

    A child with dyslexia often becomes the object of ridicule from classmates, as well as the object of dissatisfaction from teachers. At school, such a child feels uncomfortable, has difficulty communicating with peers and teachers, and begins to develop complexes.

    If you do not try to correct the situation, then with age the child will face even greater difficulties and problems, including: disorientation in space; disorganization; impaired coordination; difficulties in perceiving and assimilating information.

    Types of dyslexia.

    1. Phonemic dyslexia- this type of reading disorder is most common among younger schoolchildren. Phonemic dyslexia is associated with underdevelopment of the functions of the phonemic system. One phoneme differs from another by many semantic features (for example, hardness - softness; sonority - deafness; method and place of formation, etc.) A change in one of the phonemes in a word (braids - goats; house - tom - com) or a change in the sequence ( linden - saw) leads to a change in meaning.
    Most often, a child with this form of dyslexia mixes by ear sounds that differ in one semantic feature (ts-s; s-sh; zh-sh).
    Also noted: letter-by-letter reading; sound-syllable structure of the word (omissions of letters, insertions, rearrangements of sounds, syllables.)

    2. Semantic dyslexia(so-called mechanical reading). It manifests itself in a violation of the understanding of words, sentences, and texts read during technically correct reading. Impaired reading comprehension is caused by two facts: difficulties in sound-syllable synthesis and unclear ideas about syntactic connections within a sentence (when words during the reading process are perceived in isolation, without connection with other words in the sentence).

    3. Agrammatic dyslexia. Most often observed in children with systemic speech underdevelopment.

    With this form of dyslexia there is:

    • changing case endings and number of nouns (“in comrades”);
    • incorrect agreement in gender, number and case of a noun and adjective (“ interesting fairy tale»);
    • changing the endings of 3rd person past tense verbs.

    4. Optical dyslexia. It manifests itself in difficulties in assimilation and in mixing of similar graphic letters. Letters that differ in only one element are mixed (В-З; Б-М); letters consisting of identical elements, but differently located in space (T-G; R-L; P-N-I).

    5. Mnestic dyslexia. This form of dyslexia is characterized by difficulty learning letters. The child does not know which letter corresponds to which sound.

    Dyslexia correction

    Dyslexia is a neurobiological feature of a person and you can only help a child cope with the difficulties that arise with dyslexia, but not rid him of dyslexia forever.

    Dyslexia correction is most successful at the early stage of its development. Prevention is an even more effective measure to prevent these disorders.

    Most children cannot be diagnosed until they are 8 or 9 years old. If it were possible to diagnose the disease at an earlier stage, additional help could be provided before children begin to experience learning difficulties. Early phoneme training is essential to help dyslexics read better. This is a specific type of language training aimed at the sound structure of words, and not just general reading skills. There is software that allows you to slow down or stretch out the sounds of words, helping children practice breaking down words into phonemes.

    In addition, dyslexics may have trouble with long or new words. They find it difficult to master rote memorization because they need context clues to understand the meaning of a word. Children suffering from dyslexia need special remedial help, since reading difficulties cannot be overcome by regular school methods.

    We offer tasks and games that will benefit all children with dyslexia. The exercises are aimed at developing visual attention, perception and memory, enriching vocabulary and improving reading skills.

    1. Compiling a word from initial letters.

    Place pictures in front of your child, the initial letters of which together form a word. You can use toys or any other items. Try offering the opposite option: the baby will “bewitch” the word in the same way, and you will read it.

    2. Words are lost.

    “There are words hidden in the room that begin with the sound R. Let’s look for them.” Next, complicate the task and ask them to find objects that end with a certain sound.

    3. Writing from memory.

    4. Repair the word.

    Invite your child to make a word from a set of syllables. At the very beginning of learning, if difficulties arise, show a hint picture.

    5. Velcro words.

    “The words are stuck to each other. They need to be helped to separate.”

    Subsequently, complicate the task and offer to divide the sentence into words.

    6. Word game.

    We all played "city games". Just come up with a chain of words that end with the last sound of the previous one. For example: mother - album - chalk - moon - aquarium.

    7. Find the word.

    Print rows of letters on a piece of paper, among which the child must find a certain word. For example, "sausage". To begin with, you can make the task easier and place a card with the lost word in front of your student.

    8. Culinary ABC.

    Give your child the task of laying out “pasta” diagrams - the number of pasta should correspond to the number of sounds in the word. It’s great if you come up with your own personalized sound designation system together. For example, pasta represents vowels, beans represent hard consonants, and peas represent soft consonants. The result is an unusual “food” pictogram.

    9. We write, sculpt, cut out.

    Together with your child, look for objects that resemble naughty letters, write them on semolina, on foggy glass, lay them out, compare the graphemes and try to find pronounced differences. Sculpt, cut, lay out from beads, beans, pasta. There are many options, if you wish.

    10. Find out the letter from the description.

    "Attention! The letter has disappeared, special signs - two long, even sticks, with a short one in the middle between them. An urgent search is being announced." Let your child try to tell you a riddle and describe the letter in his own words.

    11. Letter on the back.

    The baby will not only improve his reading, but will also receive a nice relaxing massage when his mother draws letters, syllables and words on his back.

    12. Complete the letter.

    The essence of the task is clear from the title. Make your own cards with unfinished letters, skip individual elements. The child’s task is to restore the defective grapheme. The exercise is aimed at developing visual attention and imagination, as well as differentiating mixed letters.

    13. Call me affectionately.

    A chair is a chair, a table is a table, a tree is a tree, etc.

    16. Naughty words.

    “The words were playing around and became out of place. I wonder what was written. Let’s fix the proposal.” You can use pictures to help.


    Reading disorders have a negative impact on the entire learning process of a child, on his mental and speech development.

    When eliminating dyslexia, it is necessary to take into account that dyslexia is not an isolated disorder. The mechanisms that cause it cause disorders of both oral and writing. Therefore, overcoming this deficiency can be successful with a comprehensive impact on the entire complex of speech and mental disorders. Work with the child should be carried out in a complex by speech therapists, psychologists, teachers, medical workers and parents.

    When selecting tasks, it is necessary to take into account the following principles: gradual complication of tasks, a large number of exercises that bring the child’s developed temporary connections to complete automation. General didactic principles are also taken into account: individual approach, accessibility, clarity, specificity.

    Dyslexia- to some extent a gift that is not given to everyone (about 5% of them are Einstein, Walt Disney, Quentin Tarantino)

    Dyslexic children have out-of-the-box thinking, which allows them to approach problems that arise creatively. They have well-developed intuition, they are inquisitive and have a rich imagination. Children who are able to overcome their handicap can become very successful adults.


    • Aksenova, A.K., Yakubovskaya E.V. Didactic games in reading lessons in grades 1 - 4 of a auxiliary school: tutorial/ -M.: Education, 1991.
    • Akimenko V.M. Speech disorders in children - Rostov n/D Phoenix, 2008.
    • Volkova L.S., Speech therapy: Textbook for universities / - M.: Vlados, 2002.
    • Goncharova, E.L. Early stages reading development. To the theory of the issue:/ E.L. Goncharova // Defectology, 2007.-No. 1.
    • Efimenkova, L.N. Correction of oral and written speech for primary school students: a manual for speech therapists / - M.: VLADOS,
    • Kornev, A.N. Is dyslexia a real phenomenon or an artificial concept? / A.N.Kornev // Defectology. 2007.№1.
    • Lalaeva, R.I. Elimination of reading disorders in auxiliary school students: a manual for speech therapists / - M.: Prosveshchenie, 1978.
    • Speech therapy at school: Practical experience / Ed. V.S. Kukushina, Rostov n/D.: Publishing center "MarT", 2005.
    • Fundamentals of special psychology: Proc. A manual for students. / L.V. Kuznetsova, L.I. Peresleni, -M, Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.
    • Uzorova.O.V. Practical guide for teaching dates to read / Moscow: AST:Astrel, 20015.

    “Reading and writing problems.
    Games and exercises aimed at correcting dysgraphia and dyslexia"

    Municipal educational institution"Average comprehensive school No. 5p. Tavrichanka, Nadezhdinsky District, Primorsky Territory

    year 2012

    Explanatory note

    Increasingly, nowadays you can meet children with written language disorders (dysgraphia and dyslexia). Parents are perplexed: “Why does my child write with errors?” And teachers shrug their shoulders: “learn the rules, read more and copy,” if there is a speech therapist at school, they send him to him. What to do if there is no such specialist at school? Not all parents have this opportunity to hire a speech therapist on an individual basis. Often, problems with writing are left to chance, and everything goes as if in a vicious circle: the student writes and reads with errors, the teacher gives him negative marks, and the parents scold the child for this. This is how children develop a negative attitude towards Russian language and literary reading lessons.

    Problems with reading and writing

    As they begin school, some children suddenly develop difficulties with reading and writing. The guys find themselves at odds with the Russian language, although they do well in mathematics and other subjects where, it would seem, more intelligence is required. These “smart” ones, but lacking verbal talent, are sooner or later sent to a child psychiatrist.

    It is known that a person has at least three types of hearing. The first hearing is physical: it allows us to distinguish the noise of leaves and rain, summer thunder, the squeak of a mosquito, as well as the rumble of an airplane, the clatter of train wheels... The second type of musical hearing, thanks to it we can enjoy the melody of our favorite song and the beautiful music of great composers. Finally, the third type is speech hearing. You can have a good ear for music and a very poor ear for speech. Speech hearing allows you to understand speech, catch the subtlest nuances of what is said, and distinguish one sound from another.

    If speech hearing is insufficient, similar consonances cannot be distinguished, and spoken speech is perceived distorted.

    If a child has impaired speech hearing, then, of course, it is very difficult for him to learn to read and write. How can he read and write if he cannot hear speech clearly? He is also unable to master writing, since he does not know what sound this or that letter represents. The task is further complicated by the fact that the child must correctly grasp a certain sound and imagine it as a sign (letter) in the fast stream of speech he perceives.

    And it is necessary to learn because the distortion of one or two sounds changes the meaning of a word, for example: the words “daughter-dot”, “coal-corner”, “stick-beam”, “cup-Sashka”. Replacing a dull sound with a sonorous one, hard-soft, hissing-whistling, gives the word new content.

    Along with speech (phonemic) hearing, people have special vision for letters. It turns out that it's easy to see the world(light, trees, people, various objects) are not enough to master writing; you also need to have vision for letters, which allows you to remember and produce their outlines.

    This means that for full-fledged education, a child must have satisfactory intellectual development, speech hearing and special vision for letters. Otherwise, he will not be able to successfully master reading and writing. Often, a child’s low academic performance is explained not by the state of his intelligence, but by the presence of specific reading and writing disorders.


    Dysgraphia is a specific disorder of writing processes. It is customary to distinguish several types of dysgraphia.

      Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia. With it, the child both pronounces words and writes them. It manifests itself in substitutions and omissions of letters, similar to substitutions and omissions of sounds in spoken speech.

      Acoustic dysgraphia - arising as a result of disturbances in the differentiation (discrimination) of phonemes. The child replaces sounds that are similar in sound. Most often, whistling-hissing, voiced-voiceless, affricates and their components are replaced. Sometimes children incorrectly indicate softness in writing as a result of a violation of the differentiation of hard and soft consonants.

      Dysgraphia as a result of impairment of language analysis and synthesis. Manifests itself in distortion of the structure of words and sentences. Due to violations of phonemic analysis, the sound-letter structure of words especially suffers. The following errors may be observed: omissions of consonants when they are combined, omissions of vowels, rearrangements of letters or their additions, omissions, rearrangements and additions of syllables. Violations at the sentence level are manifested in the continuous spelling of words, especially words with prepositions; separate spelling of words, for example, separating a root from a prefix.

      Agrammatic dysgraphia is associated with underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. Manifests itself at the level of words, phrases, sentences and text. The child breaks the sequence of sentences that do not correspond to the sequence of events. In sentences, the morphological structure of the word is violated, prefixes, suffixes, case endings, prepositions and the number of nouns are replaced. In addition, the child has difficulty constructing complex sentences.

      Optical dysgraphia. It manifests itself as a result of underdevelopment of visual gnosis, analysis, synthesis and spatial representations. When writing, letters are distorted and changed. Most often, letters that are similar in spelling, which consist of identical elements, but are located differently on the letter, are interchanged (“IN " And "D "); letters that have the same elements, but differ in some additional elements (“L” and “M”). mirror writing of letters is observed; omissions of elements, especially when connecting letters that may contain the same extra elements or incorrectly located elements.

    Dysgraphia may also be accompanied by non-speech symptoms.

      Motor dysgraphia is a movement disorder: unfinished words, the appearance of extra words, double or even triple letters, omission of letters, syllables - associated with impaired control over one’s movements (neurological disorders - increased or decreased hand tone, increased fatigue).

      Ideational dysgraphia is associated with disorders of mental processes and the emotional-volitional sphere.

      A special type of dysgraphia is dysorthography - a persistent inability to master spelling skills, despite knowledge of the relevant rules. In dysorthography, it is also noted “... a persistent inability to master syntactic rules in writing, i.e. punctuation." (A.N. Kornev).

    The main difficulties are detecting spelling patterns and solving spelling problems. Spelling patterns with unstressed vowels at the end of words are especially difficult. Dysorthography is a special category of specific writing disorders that expresses the connection between words in a sentence.

    Agraphia is a disorder of the psychophysical processes that ensure the connection between the sound and written aspects of speech activity, leading to a complete inability to master the writing process or loss of this skill. Agraphia consists of a lack of awareness of letters as graphemes and an inability to combine them into words. The possibility of cheating with agraphia usually remains.

    One of necessary conditions prevention of writing disorders - early recognition of warning signs of speech underdevelopment.


    Dyslexia is a partial specific disorder of the reading process. Dyslexia occurs as a result of immaturity of higher mental functions and manifests itself in persistent errors. The causes of dyslexia can be organic or functional. There are several types of dyslexia.

      Phonemic dyslexia is associated with underdevelopment of the phonemic system of the language. The following functions of the phonemic system are distinguished: a) semantic-distinguishing function, when a change in one phoneme or one feature can lead to a change in meaning; b) auditory-pronunciation differentiation of phonemes - one phoneme differs from another articulatory and acoustically; c) phonemic analysis or decomposition of a word into phonemes. Phonemic dyslexia is divided into two forms: the first is associated with underdevelopment of phonemic perception, manifested in difficulties in learning letters and replacing letters that are similar in articulation and acoustics; the second form of reading impairment is associated with a violation of phonemic analysis, while disturbances in sound-syllable structure and letter-by-letter reading are observed. A child may skip letters when consonants are combined, insert extra vowels between consonants, and rearrange letters and syllables in words.

      Semantic dyslexia manifests itself in the fact that the child does not understand the meaning of what he read while reading the text intact. These difficulties arise in the child as a result of a violation of sound-syllable synthesis and unclear representation of syntaxical connections in a sentence. In the process of reading, the child divides words into syllables and, as a result, does not understand the meaning of what he read; he is not able to combine sequentially pronounced syllables into a single whole. He reads them mechanically without understanding the meaning. A child with such a disorder cannot pronounce a word together, which is pronounced separately by sounds with short pauses between them; reproduce a word divided by voice into syllables. During the reading process, words are perceived without connection with the rest of the sentence.

      Agrammatic dyslexia occurs as a result of underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech, syntactic, and morphological inversions. With this type of dyslexia, changes in case endings and number of nouns are observed, nouns incorrectly agree in gender, number and case with adjectives; gender endings of pronouns are used incorrectly; verb forms change.

      Mnestic dyslexia manifests itself in the fact that the child has difficulty learning letters and has difficulty distinguishing between them. It is caused by a disrupted process of establishing a connection between a sound and a letter and a violation of speech memory. Typical errors for mnestic dyslexia: omissions of sounds, their replacements, violation of the sequence of sounds.

      Optical dyslexia involves difficulty learning and mixing letters that are graphically similar. This type of dyslexia is similar to optical dysgraphia in its manifestations, but here the letters are not capitalized, but printed. Causes of optical dyslexia: underdevelopment of optical-spatial perception, violation of visual gnosis, analysis and synthesis, no differentiation of ideas about similar forms.

      Tactile dyslexia is observed in blind children. It is based on difficulties in tactile differentiation of Braille letters.

      Alexia is a complete inability or loss of the ability to master the reading process.

    The types of disorders associated with dysgraphia and dyslexia are largely similar, so the methods of correctional work have much in common and are considered together.

    Games and exercises aimed at correcting dysgraphia and dyslexia.

    Exercise No. 1. Working with syllable tables

    During the lesson, in random order, the teacher names the syllables in a table and invites the children to find the corresponding syllable and read them. When completing this task, students do not need to sort syllables into letters, since children remember the entire syllables spoken by an adult. Using these tables, you can offer children the following tasks: 1. Read syllables that begin with a vowel letter, with a consonant letter; 2. Find and read syllables that contain soft consonants; 3. Read a syllable that contains a given letter, for example, the letter A or Ш; 4. Read lines 1, 7, 5 or column; 5. Find, read a given syllable and come up with a word with it, etc.

    You can also read in different directions: horizontally, vertically and in a spiral.

    When carrying out similar work, I use the game “LOTO”, in which the children cover with chips the syllables pronounced by the teacher or chosen by the student. Syllables must be pronounced at a certain interval: 2-3 seconds. After the end of the game, the results are checked to see which of the children found all the syllables.










































    I honor










    Syllable tables can be used in other ways. Children are offered tables consisting of the syllables included in the table: the teacher names the word, and the students look in the tables for the syllables that make up this word. You can invite children to mark the word with a certain color, for example: in a syllable, the words “goat” should be painted red, and “puddle” – green, etc.

    Such exercises give good results with regular, systematic use; therefore, training exercises should be performed not only at school, but also at home under the supervision of parents.

    Every day, schoolchildren involuntarily remember the syllables included in them, so the material and tasks must be systematically changed.












    target audience

































    Exercise No. 2. Reading words of different syllable structures or the game "LADDER".











    1. Read the words included in it, going from top to bottom.

    2. if you come across a word you don’t understand, stop and find out the meaning of this word

    3. if you come across a word that is difficult for you to read in its entirety, stop and divide it into syllables.

    4. find the “TRICKY” letters and underline them.

    5. Now read “LADDER” from bottom to top.

    6. read the words corresponding to a certain syllable structure. For example: consonant + consonant + consonant + vowel.

    7.read words with stress on the first, second, third syllable.

    Exercise No. 3. Match the word with the diagram.


    ROSE V V

    ASTER - V



    Such exercises develop sound-syllable analysis of words and attention. When children have automated reading of syllables of different structures, it is necessary to complicate the speech material.

    Exercise No. 4. Reading words with the same root.

    It gives children the opportunity not only to improve their reading skills, but also to fill gaps in the development of their vocabulary. For variety, this task can be completed with handouts consisting of a set of words with a similar sound. Children are offered cards with words; they must be divided into two columns according to their meaning.







    Exercise #5

    Help the hedgehog and the squirrel collect mushrooms and berries.

    Circle the objects on which syllables like SSG are written in blue, and syllables like GSS in red.

    Collect starfish

    Make words from syllables and circle them in different colors. Speech material: whale, dolphins, shark, jellyfish, octopus, turtle.


    The purpose of these games is to strengthen the ability to distinguish syllables by composition.

    Exercise No. 5. To consolidate syllabic analysis and word analysis.

    "Get to Treasure Island"


    Make up the words and fill them in with the appropriate colors. Speech material: continent, islands, ocean, equator, reefs, rocks, cave, pirates, jungle.

    Make up words and connect them with pictures.

    To diversify and increase motivation for Russian language and literary reading lessons and create a favorable atmosphere, you can use other games.

    Target. Improving the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis, identifying words denoting objects and actions; development of visual attention and hand-eye coordination, stability and concentration.

    Make up and read the words. Name the objects first, then the words-attributes, then the words-actions.







    Connect the syllables and read first the names of fruits and then vegetables.



















    Make up phrases with two formed words using a sign word that has a suitable meaning or word-action from the first task.

    Read the word, connecting the syllables in order.

    1 PA

    2 TA

    3 LO

    What is written in the boxes? Read the syllables. In each box, select the necessary syllables to form a word. Write down the words you made in your notebook. Highlight the stressed syllable in each word.

    BAK, LA, RY

    KA,LO, RO, SO



    Read the syllables and make words from them, connecting the syllables with an arrow.





















    Goal: to consolidate the concept of vowels and consonants (hard and soft) sounds and letters, skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis; development of self-control.

    Look carefully at the pictures and diagrams. Match the pictures to the diagrams and prove that you completed the task correctly.

    Read the words carefully and explain their meaning. Insert the consonant letter L into these words. How has the meaning of the words changed?







    Go through the maze, collecting all the letters. What words did you come up with? Write these words in your notebook and put emphasis on them.

    Game "SEA BATTLE"

    Goal: to teach children to orient themselves on a plane, to improve the ability to reproduce a syllable as an integral unit of reading, to develop syllabic analysis and synthesis of words, to form an active and passive vocabulary of students.

    Children are offered a playing field on which ships are depicted with syllables written on them: the teacher names a place on the field, the children find it and name the syllable written on it, analyzing it if necessary.

    If the ships are named in a certain sequence, then words can be made from the syllables. To do this, the named syllables are written out and then synthesized. To make words easy, you must first name the syllables of one word, then the other.

    Speech material for the game “BATTLE SEA”



    E-1, D-7, A-9


    E-8, Zh-4


    AT 8


    B-4, K-7


    K-5, A-7


    Z-5, A-1


    Zh-7, G-2, Z-3


    Zh-10, I-3


    I-8, D-3


    E-5, B-6,


    G-10, B-2


    I-6, D-9


    Lotto game “ROOT OF THE WORD”

    Children are offered cards, for example, with the words:







    The teacher takes out small cards from a bag on which words are written, for example: frost, light, hunger, fly, guarded, winter, color and others. Children read the word, identify the root in it and find the word with the same root on their cards. If a word is found, the student names it and covers it with a chip. The one who doesn't miss a single word wins.

    Another interesting trick is finding words among other letters:




    In this exercise, words can be selected to correspond to one or two lexical topics.

    A more difficult exercise is finding words in a square filled with letters. In a square, words are located not only horizontally, but also vertically. When completing these tasks, you can ask children to underline the words they find, write them down and divide them into syllables, and distribute them into groups according to the topic.



































































































































    The task “FIND LETTER COMBINATIONS OR WORDS THAT ARE WRITTEN BEFORE THE DASH” is performed in the same way; this task can be completed for a while.









































    Exercise No. 6

    Solve the puzzles

    A rebus is a picture in which a word is hidden. The rule by which puzzles are composed and solved: 1. If you add written letters to the name of the picture shown in the figure, you will get a new word. 2. A comma at the beginning or end of the picture indicates the need to remove the letter to the left or right of the image title. 3. If the rebus is made up of only letters, then you need to figure out how they are located and choose a suitable preposition.

    Exercise No. 7.

    Work with text

    By adding one word at a time, make a sentence based on the picture.







    This game has been known to everyone since kindergarten, but I remade it for my first-graders. I cut out letters from linoleum, or from another material, and sewed a bag of opaque fabric for each letter. I put all the bags with letters in a chest. There are several variants of this game:

      The child takes out a bag with a letter, determines by touch which letter it is, describes it (what elements it consists of). Can think of words where this letter-sound is at the beginning of a word, in the middle or at the end.

      In the second option, letters remain in the chest from which certain words can be made. You need to come up with a sentence for the composed word.

    Experience shows that if these exercises, types of work and games, and similar exercises and games given in this work are used systematically, then many students cope with their difficulties. Schoolchildren improve their reading quality and technique, their cognitive interest grows, their learning skills improve, and their self-esteem and self-confidence increase.



    Dyslexia is a specific reading disorder that involves the inability to correctly and quickly recognize words. This disease is neurological in nature and is characterized by difficulties in reproducing, understanding and comprehending information read. Moreover, despite the external similarity, dyslexia is not a consequence of mental retardation. The disease is not associated with hearing or vision impairment.

    In this article, we will look at the causes of this disorder, consider its symptoms, and most importantly, we will talk about how to correct dyslexia with the help of exercises.

    The essence of the disorder

    This problem is found in children in the graduating group of kindergarten or in primary school when a child begins to master reading and writing skills. The child cannot remember and reproduce the information read; when reading, he confuses sounds or changes their places. Moreover, a child with dyslexia does not understand the meaning of words read and is not able to arrange words into a logical chain when trying to retell the content.

    Causes of dyslexia

    The exact causes of this disorder are unknown to science. However, doctors associate this problem with genetic predisposition, with damage to certain areas of the brain, as well as intrauterine development child. Provoking factors for the development of dyslexia include:

    • viral and infectious diseases women during pregnancy;
    • toxic damage to the central nervous system during intrauterine development;
    • umbilical cord entanglement or early placental abruption;
    • fetal asphyxia;
    • premature birth;
    • brain injuries during difficult childbirth;
    • social and everyday factor and associated speech development deficit.

    Symptoms and forms of dyslexia

    To understand how dyslexia manifests itself in a child, one should consider the forms of this disease, which manifest themselves not only in reading disorder, but also in the child’s behavioral characteristics.

    1. Acoustic form. The child has difficulty reproducing letters that sound similar (Zh-Sh, D-T, Z-S). The baby can skip them or change places. In addition, this form of the disease is characterized by problems with memory, inattention, absent-mindedness and lack of concentration.

    2. Optical form. The baby has difficulty remembering and reproducing letters that are similar in spelling (Z-V, L-M, R-L). Because of this feature, it is difficult for him to understand what is being said in the text he reads and it is difficult for him to express his own thoughts.

    3. Phonemic form. The child has dysgraphic errors; he often changes the letters in a word, which leads to a loss of semantic meaning (goats-braids, house-tom). In addition, a person with this disorder lacks the perception of certain symbols.

    4. Semantic form. This feature leads to the fact that the child does not perceive and does not assimilate the text read. He perceives information poorly by sound, suffers from poor memory, which is why he has poor performance in school.

    5. Agrammatical form. In this case, the child has problems reproducing case endings and gender of nouns, which causes problems with understanding the information read (it was a good day, heavy rains).

    It is worth noting that dyslexia affects not only a child’s reading, but also his perception of the surrounding reality. Children with this disease experience problems with the perception of information, disorganization, spatial disorientation, attention deficit, clumsiness, and hyper- or hypoactivity.

    However, children with this anomaly may differ developed intellect, they are more curious, they have well-developed insight and intuition, and all because they perceive reality in a multidimensional representation. In addition, such children have a vivid imagination and all senses are heightened.

    Be that as it may, dyslexia needs to be identified and corrected in a timely manner, because it creates many problems for the child. And if it is possible to correct the deficiency in the perception of information, the child will eventually receive two quality characteristicshigh intelligence and developed creative abilities.

    Methods for correcting dyslexia

    The treatment of dyslexia is based on the correctional work of a speech therapist. It is the specialist who must identify the form of the disease and select the appropriate treatment method.

    Correction carried out by speech therapists

    1. Correction of phonemic dyslexia. IN in this case The specialist’s work takes place in two stages. At the first stage, the articulation of the young patient is clarified (the speech therapist shows him how to open his mouth correctly and where to position his tongue to correctly pronounce the word). Once this stage has been mastered, the child moves on to comparing different sounds, both when listening and when pronouncing. Gradually complicating the task, the specialist seeks to eliminate dysgraphic errors that the child previously made.

    2. Correction of agrammatic dyslexia. The specialist solves this problem by composing with the child first small and then more complex sentences in the correct case and with the correct endings.

    3. Correction of optical dyslexia. In this case, the specialist plays an interesting game with the child - asks him to find the right letter. Such a letter may be hidden in the drawing, among other letters, or perhaps it needs not only to be found, but also to be completed. Composing letters using counting sticks or sculpting letters from plasticine is also used.

    4. Correction of semantic dyslexia. With this form of the disease, the speech therapist must teach the child to understand the meaning of certain words. This is a long and extremely painstaking work, as a result of which the young patient must learn to understand the meaning of what he read.

    5. Correction of acoustic dyslexia. In his work, a speech therapist uses various objects that clearly or vaguely resemble a certain letter. At the same time, the specialist pronounces the sound, ensuring that the child remembers which letter is meant.

    Exercises to correct dyslexia

    The specialist not only works with the child himself, but also recommends exercises to correct reading disorders at home. If you work with your child every day for 30–40 minutes, you can achieve impressive progress in a few months.

    1. Gymnastics for articulation. This includes various breathing exercises given by a speech therapist. As a rule, they are a warm-up before corrective classes.

    2. Tongue twisters. Learn a variety of tongue twisters with your child, from elementary to complex. Tongue twisters themselves are nothing more than sequences of words that sound similar. Trying to read words in reverse order will also be beneficial.

    3. Pronouncing sounds. The child must be taught to pronounce vowels first and then consonants, in any order. Over time, when the baby masters this element, you can move on to mixing vowels and consonants.

    4. Exercise “Rings”. To correct dyslexia it is necessary to develop fine motor skills hands An exercise in which the child must learn to put his fingers into rings is well suited for this. First, ask your baby to form a ring by connecting thumb with the index finger, and then, in turn, with all the other fingers. Moreover, first the exercise must be performed with one hand, and then you can switch to two-handed execution. Moreover, rings can be formed from left to right and from right to left.

    5. Exercise “Rubber ball”. This exercise is designed to teach your child to read syllables. The rubber ball is necessary so that the child squeezes it every time he pronounces a syllable.

    6. Exercise “Tugboat”. In this activity, the parent reads the text with the child. First, they learn to read the text out loud synchronously, and then to themselves. Here parents need to be patient, because they need to adapt to the reading of a child who may read slowly.

    7. Exercise “Mirror drawing”. Having given your child a landscape sheet of paper and two pencils (felt-tip pens), teach him to write identical letters in a mirror image or draw shapes with both hands at the same time. To be effective, the exercise should be done every day for at least 15 minutes.

    8. Exercise “Corrector”. The child is offered a small text from which they are asked to cross out a specific letter. Start telling him vowels and then move on to consonants. Once the task is mastered, you can make it more difficult by asking your child to circle the vowels and underline the consonants. You need to start with simple letters, gradually moving on to those that are most difficult for the baby. As soon as the child learns to recognize letters, you can begin to write them first separately, then in words and sentences.

    9. Exercise “Missing letters”. Parents write a word to their child in which they deliberately leave out one or two letters. The kid must try to read what is written and insert the missing letters. Examples: fishing rod, machine.

    10. Exercise “Second half”. This is another writing exercise in which parents write the first half of a word to the baby, and he must figure it out and write the ending correctly. You need to start with simple words, in which one letter is missing, gradually complicating the task. Examples: speech (ka), chocolate (lad).

    11. Reading the text. The child is given an excerpt from the text, which he reads for a minute. Parents mark the place to which the baby managed to read. After a while, the child begins to read the same passage again, and so on several times a day with breaks. Parents should monitor whether the child has read more or less, and ask him what he understood from what he read.

    12. Diactants. It is recommended to alternate reading texts with written exercises. To begin with, choose light texts for children, 200 characters long. They will not be tiring for the child, which means he will make fewer mistakes. There is no need to correct errors in the text. It is worth taking a pen with a colored tip (not red, preferably black or green) and making notes in the margins opposite the line with the error. After this, you should ask the child to find his own inaccuracy. Such activities will help the child learn to write without errors and will contribute to the treatment of dyslexia.

    Davis method

    The Ronald Davis system has gained enormous popularity in the correction of dyslexia. The researcher himself suffered from this disease as a child, and therefore knew all the nuances of fighting it very well. Davis's technique is divided into several stages, each of which plays a specific role in the treatment of dyslexia, improving memory, developing attention and thinking.

    Stages of the Davis Method

    1. The first step is comfortable conditions, in which the child should be.

    2. At the second stage, the specialist moves on to work with coordination. The child must understand where the top, bottom, right and left sides are.

    3. Correction using sculpting. The baby is given plasticine, with the help of which he, together with a speech therapist, sculpts numbers, letters and even syllables. Such activities help the child to better master letters and symbols, because he can not only look at them, but also touch and even smell them.

    4. The key stage of correction is reading. Davis divides it into three sections. At first, the baby should simply move his gaze from left to right across the text, recognizing the necessary groups of letters. The second stage involves consolidating this skill and recognizing words. At the third and final stage, the child must learn to understand the meaning of the entire sentence, and then the text read.

    Practice shows that classes with a child using the Davis method can improve his reading, as well as improve his overall performance at school. Over time, such a child will be able to read and comprehend up to 50–60 pages a day. Moreover, in addition to reading, the child will begin to write legibly and more competently than before treatment. All this has the most beneficial effect on the child’s learning and allows him to forget about such an unpleasant problem as dyslexia.
    Take care of your children!

    As classmates confidently and expressively tackle page after page, does your little one have difficulty connecting familiar letters into words? Most likely, the speech therapist will give a verdict - dyslexia. Let's try to figure out this buzzword and decide what to do so that it forever disappears from the list of your reasons for frustration.

    Is your baby smart, cunning and showing all sorts of abilities? Dad proudly claims that these are his genes and goes to school with pleasure. parent meetings to a kindergarten. But in first grade the picture changes. It turns out that not everything is so smooth. The child cannot learn to read. This is a problem, and it worries you, because you want to see your child successful, you want (and rightly so!) for him to read correctly and quickly in 1st grade, fit into the norms and understand what he read. Let's find out...

    What is dyslexia?

    An attentive speech therapist, during a qualitative examination of a child in kindergarten, should suspect possible difficulties with the development of the reading process. However, most often parents hear the diagnosis of dyslexia for the first time when a first-grader has problems learning to read and write.

    Dyslexia is a partial impairment of the ability to master reading skills.

    If a child mixes up letters at the beginning of learning, this does not mean that he has serious problems. Please note if the child:

    • replaces graphically similar letters (I – Sh, B – D);
    • reads letter by letter;
    • mixes or replaces graphemes that indicate similar-sounding sounds;
    • skips syllables or letters when reading, rearranges, adds;
    • skips words, sentences, or even entire paragraphs;
    • does not understand the meaning of what is read;
    • closes one eye while reading.

    If the above symptoms are persistent and appear periodically, consult a specialist, because the problem of dyslexia is solved comprehensively - your child may be recommended to visit a neurologist, ENT specialist, psychologist, ophthalmologist and speech therapist.

    Well, well, calm down. Your baby is normal, completely normal. He cannot be capable in all areas. Therefore, we do not escalate the situation and certainly do not blame him for the problem that has arisen. Follow the doctors' recommendations, be prepared for the fact that classes can last for years, so you and your baby will need quite a lot of patience.

    How to help a child suffering from dyslexia?

    Of course, dyslexia requires increased attention not only from specialists, but also from parents. Help your child.

    Before you start your homework on correcting the now fashionable disease, remember some rules.

    • Calmness and patience. Even when your nerves are at their limit. Remember that dyslexia is not a sign of laziness, it is truly a disorder, a health problem.
    • You cannot punish a sluggishly reading child for mistakes when reading.
    • Praise. Highlight achievements. The situation of success is inspiring.
    • Do not share your feelings about this with other people in front of your child, this can seriously hurt him.
    • Dyslexia can manifest itself in various options. Let's not go deeper, there are specialists for this.

    When starting classes, remember that they should not be done occasionally, but regularly. To prevent your baby from getting bored with daily exercises, try to organize them in a fun way. game form, do not overload the growing body.

    Reading impairment: exercises to correct dyslexia

    We offer you tasks that will benefit all children with dyslexia. The exercises are aimed at developing visual attention, perception and memory, enriching vocabulary and improving reading skills.

    Making a word from initial letters

    Place pictures in front of your child, the initial letters of which together form a word. You can use toys or any other items. Try offering the opposite option: the baby will “bewitch” the word in the same way, and you will read it.

    The words are lost

    “There are words hidden in the room that begin with the sound R. Let’s look for them.” Next, complicate the task and ask them to find objects that end with a certain sound.

    Letter from memory

    Fix the word

    Invite your child to make a word from a set of syllables. At the very beginning of learning, if difficulties arise, show a hint picture.

    Velcro words

    “The words are stuck to each other. They need to be helped to separate.”


    Subsequently, complicate the task and offer to divide the sentence into words.


    Word game

    We all played "city games". The principle of playing with a child is similar, only define the theme more simply. Or even without it at all. Just come up with a chain of words together that end with the last sound of the previous one. For example: mother - album - chalk - moon - aquarium.

    Find the word

    Print rows of letters on a piece of paper, among which the child must find a certain word. For example, "sausage". To begin with, you can make the task easier and place a card with the lost word in front of your student.

    Culinary ABC

    While you are preparing lunch, give your child the task of laying out “pasta” diagrams - the number of pasta should correspond to the number of sounds in the word. It’s great if you come up with your own personalized sound designation system together. For example, pasta represents vowels, beans represent hard consonants, and peas represent soft consonants. The result is an unusual “food” pictogram.

    We write, we sculpt, we cut out

    If a first-grader mixes visually similar letters when reading, you can use the exercises that are suggested for eliminating dysgraphia (writing impairment). We wrote about this in the article

    Together with your child, look for objects that resemble naughty letters, write them on semolina, on foggy glass, lay them out, compare the graphemes and try to find pronounced differences. Sculpt, cut, burn on a board, lay out with beads. There are many options, if you wish.

    Find out the letter from the description

    "Attention! The letter disappeared, special signs - two long, even sticks, with a short one in the middle between them. An urgent search is being announced." Let your child try to tell you a riddle and describe the letter in his own words.

    Letter on the back

    The baby will not only improve his reading, but will also receive a nice relaxing massage when his mother draws letters, syllables and words on his back.

    Find the letter

    Offer your child shaded letters and objects superimposed on each other, upside down. Interesting option: add an element to a letter to make another grapheme.

    Complete the letter

    The essence of the task is clear from the title. Make your own cards with unfinished letters, skip individual elements. The child’s task is to restore the defective grapheme. The exercise is aimed at developing visual attention and imagination, as well as differentiating mixed letters.

    Dyslexics often have limited vocabulary, so important part classes is to enrich the vocabulary and develop the skill of inflection.

    To make it clearer, let's look at several game options.

    Call me kindly

    Chair - chair, table - table, tree - tree, etc.

    Whose tail?

    “A cat’s is cat-like, but a dog’s? What about the wolf?


    “Who raises the children? Who sews the clothes? (teacher, seamstress).”

    Naughty words

    “The words were playing around and became out of place. I wonder what was written. Let’s fix the proposal.” You can use pictures to help.

    Don’t forget to buy your child children’s magazines with crosswords, anagrams and other “developmental” games.

    Is dyslexia a gift?

    And now - a couple of spoons of honey on a big barrel of tar.

    Dyslexia is somewhat of a gift that is not given to everyone (about 5% of people). In most cases, children with this disorder have remarkable abilities in other areas.

    Dyslexics have innovative thinking, which allows them to approach problems in a creative way. They have well-developed intuition, they are inquisitive and have a rich imagination.

    Einstein, Walt Disney, Quentin Tarantino... What if your child can continue the list of these talented people who also enriched their biography with a diagnosis of dyslexia?

    How have you and your child dealt with dyslexia? Tell our readers ways to eliminate problems when learning to read and the addresses of the centers where you received help.

    In a broad sense, mnestic dyslexia is a neurological disease that is based on difficulties in mastering reading and writing. At the same time, the child retains the ability to fully learn. The term “mnestic” means that the patient has difficulty or does not remember the appearance of symbols (“mnesis” is translated as memory). In the narrow understanding, which has developed mainly in Western medicine, dyslexia is a collective concept denoting a disorder of written speech.

    The same term exists in pedagogical practice, where the concept of dyslexia means a reading disorder caused by the immaturity of the higher cortical functions of the brain. Reading is accompanied by many similar and repeated errors.

    Syllable fusion is the foundation on which dyslexia stands. This concept is characterized by a persistent inability to read and write entire words. So, already adult children read and write syllables. In addition, the disease is accompanied not only by a violation of reading itself, but also by an incomplete understanding of the essence of the material read.

    Reading is a complex psychophysiological process that involves many areas of the cerebral cortex. This means that when these parts are damaged, the child develops dyslexia. There are many factors that can disrupt the performance of higher cortical centers. In general, all reasons can be divided into three groups: internal, or organic, social and psychological.

    Mechanisms of dyslexia

    Impaired reading and writing are based on damaged auditory-speech memory mechanisms. At the heart of memorization as a mental function are the processes of association formation - neural networks, chains. When information arrives, a chain consisting of individual links is activated. Each link is certain areas in the brain. Thus, if one or more links are damaged, the integrity of the network is disrupted, causing dyslexia.

    In a broad sense, when reading and writing are impaired, several common mechanisms can be identified:


    Mnestic dyslexia is a type of reading and writing disorder. In addition to mnestic defects, there are other types of dyslexia:

    1. Phonemic type: a person has difficulty distinguishing the sound component of a syllable and a word. Thus, the patient confuses words that are similar in sound information: cold-hunger, door-beast, scarf-skating rink.
    2. Semantic option. The essence of the violation is that the child does not understand the meaning of the material read. At the same time, he retains the ability to read and write correctly.
    3. The ungrammatical form of dyslexia is manifested by incorrect grammatical components of a sentence. The semantic and morphological components of speech are also partially lost. With this variant of the disorder, altered pronouns and cases are observed in the child’s speech.
    4. Optical dyslexia. People suffering from this form have trouble learning similar letters. So, children do not distinguish letters by their external signs: L and M, G and T.

    There are other classifications:

    According to the level of pathology:

    • literal: the child does not learn letters;
    • verbal: difficulties arise when reading whole words.

    By sensory systems:

    Diagnosis of dyslexia

    You can suspect dyslexia if you have the following signs:

    If you suspect such symptoms in your child, you should first contact a speech therapist. The specialist will assess the level of speech abilities and determine the level of pathology (psychogenic or organic). If the reading and writing disorder is of a psychological nature, a speech therapist, together with a psychotherapist, will begin correction.

    When the disease is due to organic causes, treatment is carried out after consultation pediatric neurologist and a number of examinations: objective examination, electroencephalogram, echoEG. An ophthalmologist is also involved to determine the cause. Consultation with a psychologist is another diagnostic method. Thus, the causes of dyslexia may include emotional disorders. A psychologist will be able to identify these problems and provide an appropriate assessment.

    Dyslexia correction

    The basis for treating the disorder is the activation of all parts of the brain. During the correction process, specialists try to stimulate the activity of the right hemisphere. At the first stages, the child works with images and spatial thinking. Children make letters from plasticine, cut out numbers from paper, and guess symbols by touch. For better effect sensory stimuli are connected to the figure: color, shape, temperature, sounds.

    Corrective work for mnestic dyslexia consists of a set of exercises and games. Studying block letters This is easiest when tracing their contours. It is best to outline the outline with bright colors. Also, letters can be laid out from beads or beads and matches.

    The game “wonderful bag” contains a set of exercises. The large letters are in a bag, and a blindfolded child must get them out. The child takes out the letters and names them.

    Exercise on contaminated letters (two existing letters are combined into one non-existent one). The task allows the child not only to learn letters, but also to develop imagination.

    Prognosis and prevention

    Like any disease, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the faster the effect of treatment will occur. It is extremely important to notice at least a few symptoms in a child at first in order to show him to a specialist. With timely learning of speech and writing skills, the prognosis is favorable. However, the neglected version of the flow does not have a good ending.

    With age, the human brain becomes less and less trainable, and mental processes become rigid. Prevention consists of constant and targeted development mental functions of the child through ordinary reading and writing.


    Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is one way to cure a child of dyslexia. The following principles are used during the work:

    • explaining to the child his illness;
    • providing attention;
    • patience and kindness;
    • praise for actions performed;
    • stimulation mental abilities;
    • teach your child to find his mistakes on his own;
    • observe occupational hygiene: correctly distribute working time and take timely short rest breaks.
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