• Introducing the sound k and the letter k. Master class “games for getting to know each other” Reading syllables with the letter Вв in the Primer on page 116


    And we try to do everything possible to make it so. But all children are different - each has its own temperament and distinctive character traits, is endowed from birth with abilities unique to it, and, accordingly, the development of each child follows its own unique path.

    Today I would like to touch upon very important topic introducing a child to letters - after all, how can one learn to read without them? For some children, the process of learning and memorizing the alphabet is very easy, and they smoothly and also without special effort go straight to reading. But this does not happen for all babies. It happens that a child cannot remember letters, and simply does not show any desire to do it. That's pretty much how it was with us.

    our history

    In my opinion, my son and I started getting acquainted with the alphabet quite late - from about 4.5 years old. And all because for a long time I couldn’t get my baby interested in letters. Most likely, the reasons for this were hidden in his restless disposition and penchant for an active lifestyle.

    Games and developmental activities that required perseverance, albeit not very long, were always quite difficult for us. Even when he was little, he always gave preference to mastering sports complexes and running. I think many mothers of boys, and some girls too, face such difficulties.

    I often had to literally come up with developmental moments on the fly and, in the meantime, imperceptibly weave them into my son’s favorite activities. Therefore, while my son was little, the letters were not pasted into our cognitive environment in any way. Although I still did not give up trying to interest my restless baby in the letters of his native alphabet.

    Sound poster "Talking ABC"

    Our “letter” affairs moved forward a little when, as a gift for his 3rd birthday, my son received a “Talking ABC” sound poster. I think that now many kids have such an alphabet. The son at first became interested in the new interesting thing, but soon stopped paying attention to it. Perhaps the time had not yet come, or perhaps he simply did not fully understand the meaning of this “talking” object. After that, we decided to remove the alphabet poster from a prominent place for now, but left it within the child’s access area.

    After some time, my son himself began to periodically take it out, turn it on and play with it. Moreover, he loved to do it alone, without our participation. And from then on, the process somehow began by itself.

    Shortly after Talking Alphabet, we had the Alphabet set of wooden letters. Wonderful set! How many times he helped us out in activities and games. We made words from them, used them in game quests, traced them and cut them out, and then decorated the blank letters using various creative techniques, and implemented many other interesting ideas with their help.

    We also got this set at an early age, but, unlike “Talking Alphabet,” my son quite often opened the box with letters, looked at them and studied them by touch, looking for the same letters on a poster with the alphabet. And in this case, I also preferred to deal with them on my own. Only sometimes he invited me to play with him - and we made up various simple words known to him. The first word we posted, of course, was the son’s name.

    We also have cubes with letters, but for some reason my son didn’t really like playing with them for their intended purpose - he mostly built different buildings out of them. Although, in my opinion, letter cubes are an excellent opportunity in simple game situations to introduce a child to the alphabet from the very beginning. early age.

    Our set of dice "Letters" looks like this:

    The cubes are wooden, very smooth, with rounded corners, with bright colored letters - quite a worthy choice for games and activities with kids.

    Books are helpers

    I believe that one of the significant impetuses for my son’s active mastery of the alphabet was the appearance of a wonderful book Georgy Yudin “Little Book”(Labyrinth, Ozone). The book has everything that can attract a child's attention:

    • large distinct letters;
    • interesting associations;
    • examples of onomatopoeia;
    • short funny and entertaining stories associated with each letter;
    • Short story inventions and the emergence of various objects, presented in accessible language.

    They gave us this book for a while - and we read it very quickly and with great pleasure. Initially, we agreed to read three letters a day so that the new information would be well absorbed, and every day my little son looked forward to the moment when we would open the book again.

    Getting acquainted with the letters of the Russian alphabet in the Bukvarenka company is fun, easy, playful and with great interest. I believe that every child should definitely hold in their hands and leaf through the pages of this magnificent publication.

    And at the same time as “Bukvarenok”, we regularly and, most importantly, with pleasure began to look through the alphabet, which I used to study letters in childhood and which has been perfectly preserved from those times.

    Gradually we added another very entertaining book-album “Home ABC”(authors V. Bukatov, M. Gankina, T. Yarygina). This practical guide for classes with children 4-7 years old, or, as indicated on the cover, “A fun textbook for parents and young children.”

    Indeed, the book contains many game tasks and activities for the development of fine motor skills and thinking. There is a constant interweaving of educational material into the everyday environment, as well as a gradual consolidation of acquired knowledge in games and tasks under the “Recess” heading. I will say more, this book is simply a treasure trove of fascinating ideas for easy learning of the alphabet.

    At the end of the book there is a large explanatory section “How to work with the alphabet”. And after studying the entire alphabet, the authors suggest holding a home holiday “My ABC” and give not only detailed plan preparations for it, but also even the script of the holiday itself. My son and I haven’t organized such a holiday yet, but I think there’s more to come.

    Board games and cards

    There are several in our game collection board games aimed at learning the alphabet. Each of them is interesting in its own way and helps the baby master letters. I'll tell you briefly about these games.

    Set of soft letters "Alphabet" is a universal and very entertaining stencil game made from porous rubber. We got this set a long time ago, my son immediately fell in love with it, and he still sometimes turns to it. You can play with this alphabet in different ways - here are some game options:

    Each time you can come up with new game situations with a set of soft letters. I think that you can try to make a similar alphabet at home from porous rubber for creativity or from thick household sponge napkins, cutting out the pre-marked contours of the letters with a stationery knife.

    Educational game "Letters" for children from 3 to 7 years old - consists of 8 blocks with letters and 40 puzzle cards depicting various animals and objects.

    The rules provide for several game options of different difficulty levels:

    • pick and attach necessary pictures to each block;
    • “Riddle” - guess the selected picture only from the description, without looking;
    • “Chain” - the ability to find common signs and properties of objects;
    • “Hide and seek” is for the development of visual memory.

    Educational game “Scrabble. Friendly letters"(from 3 years old). The game includes 9 huge playing fields, as well as a set of 88 letter tiles and 33 blank tiles.

    Starting the game, the baby finds himself in the country of Bukovka and gradually gets acquainted with the inhabitants of this bright country - the Letters. There are several different game options for each playing field; you can also come up with your own stories together with your child.

    Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

    All nine fields are very large and bright - a great way to interest and captivate your child with an educational game.

    Educational cards “The Smurfs. Letters and syllables" (from 3 years old) - these are 33 bright cards with letters and tasks. By studying with them, the baby, in addition to learning the alphabet, learns to form syllables and simple words.

    On two separate cards there are seven different and available options games (finds, word games, inventions, “Random”, “Who is bigger”, “Got it!”). We usually took these cards with us on various trips by transport or to the clinic - with their help we spent time fun and usefully during periods of long waits.

    Garden alphabet poster

    We spent almost all of last summer at the dacha. And upon our arrival there, I came up with an idea on how to consolidate the basic knowledge I had recently acquired in a simple and informative way. We made a long poster from a roll of wallpaper left at the dacha, wrote the name “Garden ABC” on top in large letters and hung it on the wall on the veranda.

    I prepared in advance by writing out all the gardening products we have in our flower garden, vegetable garden and around summer cottage- so as not to miss anything and make our gardening alphabet as complete and rich as possible. I will say right away that there were plants around us in the garden for almost every letter, and for some letters there were even several types. The only difficulty was with the letter “yu” - we found a bindweed for this letter and in the signature on the poster we simply underlined this letter in the word.

    Then gradually we began to fill out the poster: every day we marked a new letter on it, moving in alphabetical order, and immediately went out into the garden to look for plants, flowers, shrubs, trees, berries, fruits or vegetables whose names begin with this letter. Having found the plant we needed, we carefully tore off a small twig, leaf or flower from it, and glued (with PVA glue or tape) this part of the plant to the poster next to the corresponding letter. Next to the plant I signed its name, and we read it together several times.

    Our lessons on the garden summer alphabet, to my great joy, greatly fascinated my son. Not only did he constantly repeat letters in completely relaxed conditions and acquire the reading skills he needed so much, but also in the meantime he became acquainted with new species of plants and learned a lot of interesting things about them. Gradually, the twigs and flowers on the poster dried out in hot and slightly shaded conditions and took on the appearance of a kind of herbarium - it looks quite attractive. It’s just a pity that I won’t be able to show our “Garden ABC” now - it remained at the dacha, and we didn’t have time to photograph it.

    Homemade letters and simple games

    And now I would like to mention a few more easy-to-implement ideas for visually familiarizing yourself with letters and memorizing them, which I occasionally included in our gaming activities in different periods. I think that many of them are known to you and have already been used in classes, but I’d better tell you anyway.

    Letters from salt dough or plasticine- we sculpt, dry and play.

    Letters from products(from beans, legumes, different types pasta) is an excellent option for developmental and educational activities in the kitchen.

    Letters from scrap materials— in our homes there are a lot of safe household items that can be used in educational activities with children, including learning the alphabet.

    It can be wooden sticks and blocks, buttons, decorative stones, sea or river stones, covers from plastic bottles, clothespins, shells, etc.

    We lay out letters with these objects and at the same time develop fine motor skills.

    Street ABC— on a casual walk, write a few letters or a word in the snow, on the sand, on the ground and ask your child to repeat after you. Also, letters and words can be made from twigs, pebbles and fallen leaves.

    - from any used cardboard packaging and boxes with large inscriptions, we cut out letters and make up various syllables and words from them:

    - We write three-dimensional letters on separate album sheets and ask the child to select from the available pictures the images in which begin with these letters, and glue them next to the desired letter. The photographs show pages from our homemade alphabet, made when our son was just over 3 years old:

    Game "Guess the letter"— we write one letter with our hand in the air or on the baby’s back and ask him to guess it. Change roles periodically - let the child show and the adult guess. Letters can also be represented using the body. These fun activities Children usually really like them.

    — an adult writes large three-dimensional letters on a piece of landscape paper and invites the child to walk through the letter maze with a pencil. You can draw lines in different ways, showing your imagination: each time tracing a new contour or, without lifting the pencil from the paper, making contours in a spiral. Letter blanks can be used repeatedly, drawing paths in different colors. This good activity to prepare your hand for writing. Then the letters can be cut out along the contour (at the same time the baby will practice) and used in other interesting games and activities.


    So, gradually using all the methods listed above, my son and I finally mastered the letters, although it was late and not without difficulty. Now we are in a different period - active learning to read. And my son prefers to study not at all according to N.S.’s now very popular primer. Zhukova ( Labyrinth, Ozone), which he teaches in kindergarten. At home, he always chooses the same Soviet primer - a preserved legacy of past generations. My son received two primers from his mom and dad, slightly different from each other. And every time he chooses which ABC book we will read, mom’s or dad’s. My son is very sensitive to these books. Who knows, maybe a very real connection between generations will do its job - and very soon our child will be reading on his own.

    Getting acquainted in the training is perhaps the main part of the training! The effectiveness of further work in the group depends on how you start. Whether there will be difficulties, “difficult” participants, whether you will quickly pass the stage of adaptation in group dynamics, whether the participants will relax, whether they will take off their “epaulets” and usual “masks”, and therefore whether the planned result will be achieved, depends largely on acquaintance. Therefore, it is better to carry it out in game form.

    As a result, the participants get to know each other better, “stretch” their brains, tune in to a creative wave, relax, take on roles, get closer, and “get” energy and enthusiasm.

    I present 10 ways to meet people in training and other group work!

    1. Come up with a game name for yourself (during this session, call each other by these names)
    2. Draw associations: Who am I? What do I do at work? My interests outside of work? What do I want from this event? Company image? Problem image? etc.
    3. Call names in a circle: the first participant says his name, the second - the name of the previous one and his own, the third - the names of the two previous ones and his own, etc. The last one, therefore, must name the names of all members of the group sitting in front of him. You can't write down names - just remember them.
    4. You can modify the previous one. Each participant adds to his name a quality that characterizes him, starting with the first letter of his name.
    5. Another modification: each participant adds one word or phrase to his name, for example, on the topics “My interest”, “My achievement”, “My dream”, “Others can learn from me”, etc. Here It is important to focus only on the positive.
    6. You can get acquainted while standing in a circle. Each person in turn takes a step towards the center of the circle and says their name or the name they like best. After this, at the leader’s signal, everyone also takes a step towards the center and repeats his name. The participant himself stands and silently watches this.
    7. Group members, as in previous versions, take turns pronouncing their game names, but accompany them with a certain movement of their hands - a gesture. Then everyone in chorus calls the name of the next participant and repeats his gesture.
    8. Use a verb to describe your character and an adjective to describe your work.
    9. Acquaintance in groups. Unite participants into groups (3-5 people), give a task, find at least 10 things that unite all people, at least 10 differences, come up with a name and show it to others.
    10. Dating in pairs. Ten minutes are given to tell each other about yourself in as much detail as possible in order to introduce your partner to the group. You can set the direction of what needs to be learned. Eg.



    MBOU "General Educational School No. 6"

    Report on the topic

    “Game moments in reading lessons in first grade”

    Prepared by Vasilyeva L.I.

    Stary Oskol

    The formation of the personality of a seven-year-old child occurs within the framework of play activities. Children can't help but play. And it’s natural that the game game situation integral to a lesson in a seven-year-old class. Properly selected and well-organized play contributes to the comprehensive development of the child, helps strengthen his health, and helps develop useful skills and qualities.

    “However, we must remember,” warns the outstanding teacher and scientist Sh.A. Amonashvili - that the game is not universal form or method, because a game cannot always bring joy to seven-year-old children, it can get boring for them, but a serious and even very difficult one academic work keep them busy as much as the game. An unsuccessfully chosen game can harm the lesson and take children away from the topic. Therefore, when planning a game in a lesson, you need to carefully consider in advance:

    1. what skills and abilities will be formed in the process of its implementation,
    1. at what stage of the lesson is it most appropriate?
    2. should it last the entire lesson,
    3. what kind of illustrated material is needed?
    4. what will be the procedure for completing tasks, summing up results, and assessing children’s activities in the game.

    In reading lessons, individual game moments are used to play out learning situations. You can conduct the entire lesson as one game or fairy tale.

    As illustrated material in didactic game you can use positive and negative heroes of fairy tales: Pinocchio, Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Chippolino, Snowman, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Firebird, Carlson, Barmaley, etc.

    To develop the ability to hear sounds in words, select words with certain sounds, divide words into syllables, determine the number of syllables, you can conduct the following games - exercises:

    1. A game “Who is attentive?”
    1. Using object pictures on the board, children find the same sound in words.
    2. Read the name of the fairy-tale character using the first letters of the names of the objects.
    3. Remember words with sounds, for example [b,b’], that will appear in the fairy tale.
    1. A game "Sound Lost"
    2. Game "Who is more"
    1. Think of words in which the sound [a] would be at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.
    2. Name the names and nicknames of animals in which the sound [a] would be at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.
    3. Remember the words about winter with the sound [a], without the sound [a].
    4. List the months of the year that have the sound [a].
    5. Choose words: with one sound [a], with two [a], with three [a]
    1. A game "Let's make up a fairy tale"
    2. A game “Who will live in the house?”

    On the board there is a model of a house - a tower. Insects (animals, birds) will live in it. Apartment No. 1 will have residents whose name has only one syllable, apartment No. 2 will have two syllables, and apartment No. 3 will have three syllables.

    1. Flower shop.

    The teacher prepares cards in advance with images of flowers, the names of which consist of two, three, four syllables. Children have number cards - “money” with two, three, four circles. The child “buys” a flower whose name has as many syllables as there are circles on his card, proving that he chose the card correctly.

    1. Finish the word, determine the number of syllables.

    The plane has been prepared, it will go on... (flight).

    1. Knock and knock, find the word, dear friend.

    If I knock on the table once, give the name of a flower consisting of one syllable, twice - of two syllables, three times - of three syllables, etc.

    If I hit the hammer once, name the flowers where the stress falls on the first syllable, twice on the second syllable, etc.

    1. We are building a pyramid.

    On the board, the teacher places a sheet of paper with a drawing of a pyramid. At the base of the pyramid there are five squares, in the second row there are four, then three, two, one... The pyramid ends with triangles.

    On the typesetting canvas is a set of subject pictures containing from two to five sounds in the title. The called student begins to build a pyramid from the base, chooses the most long word(name of the picture), inserts the picture into the pocket of the lower pyramid. Next, a picture is selected, the name of which is made up of four sounds, and is placed in a pocket on the second tier of the pyramid, etc. The game ends when all the pictures are correctly distributed among the pockets.

    1. Let's decorate the Christmas tree.

    On the board there is a drawing of a Christmas tree, on the table there are drawings depicting Christmas tree toys. The toys should be placed on the Christmas tree in this order: first those whose names contain the sound [s], then the sound [z], then the sound [w], etc.

    1. Guess yourself .

    On the children’s desks there is one circle on the left, and two on the right. distributed to everyone subject pictures. Children must divide the names of the pictures into syllables, place the emphasis, determine which syllable (first or second) the stress falls on, and place the picture under one or two circles, respectively.

    1. Who will make up more words?

    Mergers are written on the board, individual letters in approximately this order

    SI SA NY O

    S U NA N

    NI SY SO

    The fox scattered these syllables and letters, and covered the tracks with its tail. You need to make as many words as possible from scattered syllables and letters. Whoever does this wins.

    1. Game plot “Forest School”

    The visual material is made of cardboard and colored paper and is attached to the board in any sequence necessary for the lesson. On the windows of the forest school and on the mushrooms that grow next to the school, there are devices that allow you to attach letters, numbers, and pictures.

    Some tasks:

    1. What letters live on the first floor?
    2. What sounds do they represent?
    3. How are the residents of the lower floor similar?
    4. Name the residents of the second floor. What sounds do they represent, what are their similarities?
    5. What letters grow on the mushrooms to the left of the house?
    6. Why are these mushrooms growing under a blue cloud?
    7. Show in which basket you will collect these mushrooms (children show the supporting pattern of the syllable - merger).
    8. Why mushrooms I and E hid under the green Christmas tree? Show me the basket for these mushrooms.
    1. "Hard - soft"

    If the word has a hard sound, Tom’s friends stand up, if there is a soft sound, Tim’s (there are portraits of Tom and Tim on the board).

    The book “ entertaining alphabet learning" To better memorize letters, I play games: “Bag with a secret”, “Half-letter”, “Put the letters correctly”, “The letter is hidden”, “Confusion”, “The word has crumbled”, “Transforming words - a magic chain”, “Ladder”, “ Think of words in which the syllable SA first or last”, “Find a word in a word”, “Typesetter”, etc.

    Gradually, children remember all the letters, remember their sound meanings, and consolidate primary information about the language.

    Syllable – sound analysis.This type of work is very important. It was used in all structural components of the lesson: repetition, learning new things, consolidation. When repeating, before becoming familiar with the new sounds [t], [t’] and, accordingly, the letters denoting them, the children were given the task of reading the words in the Murzilka corner and correlating them with the diagrams:





    Students found words for the given diagrams, then read those for which no diagrams were given (spout, sled, braids); to the subsequent ones they made up from cards necessary diagrams. Thus, analysis was combined with reading, reading with analysis.

    There are interesting readings in “ABC” - reading mergers, “wailing”, reading words of different structures. This is the most difficult section of learning to read and write. And here it is especially important to carry out the work in a variety of ways so that children, while reading a lot, do not get tired and do not lose interest in reading. Learn by playing. Here are some games:

    1. Game "Live Letters"

    First, live letters are used (their role is played by children), then a table is used.

    1. I use the manual"Clock nose",

    where a large dial is depicted, on which all the vowels are indicated in a circle. In the middle of the dial there is a pocket for inserting consonants and an arrow. The teacher inserts the consonant letter being studied and, moving the arrow from one vowel to another, reads the syllables - mergers - with the children.

    1. Syllable mergers help us read"Captains".

    Sea waves are drawn on a sheet of paper. Cards with vowel letters are placed - “piers”. The student, appointed captain, “swims”, adding a consonant to the vowels, reads the syllables and sounds the beep: KA, KU, KI, KO, etc. The rest control the captain. If the “beep” is given incorrectly, everyone claps their hands once.

    1. A game "Help Carlson land".

    Children love to solve puzzles. Puzzles are prepared on tablets, I draw and write on the board. First, individual students solve the puzzles, then the whole class gets involved.

    To develop sufficient reading skills, extensive reading is necessary in every lesson. Reading texts in the textbook is combined with the games “To whom?”, “Who has?”, “Find the diagram”, etc. The games feature favorite children's characters: Murzilka, Dunno, Carlson, Tube and others.

    Reading tongue twisters contributes to the development of reading pronunciation and improvement of children’s articulatory apparatus.

    Verbal drawing helps with speech development. In ABC, tasks for verbal drawing are given in special frames. Words are brought to class either by Dunno in a basket, or by a hedgehog on needles. The name of the painting is printed on the board. Nearby is the artist Tube. And so we help him “draw.” To do this, we read the brought words, the title of the story and the “drawing” - we develop speech through composing a story - a picture using these words.

    There are many techniques that a teacher can use when teaching six-year-old first-graders to read and write. It is necessary to select the most necessary ones for a particular lesson, provide the lesson with good visibility, and create an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding in the class. All this will be a good incentive for the teacher and students.

    II. Working on a new topic.

    1) Work in pairs(a card with words is given on the desk)

    Name the objects depicted in group 1. (chair, wave, table)

    Name the objects depicted in group 2. (oak, branch, maple)

    Eliminate 1 word from the first group according to a self-selected criterion. (Wave, since it has 2 syllables, and the rest have 1 syllable each. Wave, since it begins with the sound (B), and the rest of the words with the sound (S), ends with a vowel sound, and others with a consonant (L). This word starts with a letter that we haven't learned yet.

    Which word can be excluded from the second group? ? (Branch, because it has 2 syllables, and the rest of the words have 1 syllable each. The branch ends with a vowel sound, and other words - with a consonant. This word begins with a letter that we have not yet studied.


    2) - Say the first sounds of the excluded words and formulate topic today's lesson.

    The word WAVE begins with a sound[V], and the word BRANCH - from the sound[V, ].

    Subject today's lesson - "Acquaintance with the sounds [in, in , ] and the letter that represents them.”

    3) Which learning objectives what will we set for ourselves in class?

    (slide – lesson plan)

      Describe new sounds

      Get to know a new letter

    PHYSICAL MINUTE “STARS”(According to the “MOLECULES” principle)

    The music is playing, when it stops you need to quickly connect to the constellations 3 stars, 5 stars

    I give the task while the groups are at the board.

    Quiet, quiet, quiet

    Let's go through our class.

    And it’s quiet, quiet at the desk

    Let's get together five of us.

    4) Work in groups (5 people each)

    What work do we need to do? (sound-letter analysis using chips)

    Sound-letter analysis of wordsbranch Andwave .

    Children in groups make a diagram of the word, give detailedcharacteristics 1st sound .

    Select the necessary cards that characterize the soundconsonant or vowel, hard or soft, voiced or voiceless.


    Groups take turns leavingto the blackboard , attach your model, and below attach a sound characteristic.

    - How are the characteristics different? Why?

    Tell me how did you determine that sounds [v], [v"]


      hard (soft),

    What place will it take on letter tape a new letter denoting the sounds [v], [v"]?

    (slide - lesson plan)

    - (characterized new sounds)

    5) Introducing the letter B, c

      Who knows what the new letter is called correctly?

      How does she look?


    Show the new letter using your body (fingers)

    Showing cards with new printed and in written letters In in.

      What do you think are the purpose of two letters: uppercase and lowercase?

    I glue a new letter B onto the letter tape.

    6. CARTOON Introducing the letter In in .

    What words with a new letter did you remember?

    (slide - lesson plan)

    - What learning task did you complete?(we got acquainted with a new letter)

    III. Primary consolidation. Working with the textbook p.116

    1) Reading syllables with the letter Вв in the Primer on p. 116

      Reading syllables “in a chain”

      loudly (in unison)

      joyfully (girls)

      interrogative (boys)

      solemnly (one)

    What groups can they be divided into? On what basis?
    - What vowels indicate a soft sound?

    2) Reading words with a task:

    Row 1 – words consisting of 1 syllable

    Row 2 – words consisting of 2 syllables

    Row 3 – words consisting of 3 syllables

    What word remains unread? (bike)

    IV. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

    1) Working with texts

      Reading children role-play the story by A. Shibaev “One Letter”

    Perception check:

    What mistake did the girl make?

    How did you understand: what does one letter mean?

    CONCLUSION: changing 1 letter in a word changes its meaning.

      Poor readers children read the story about the raven and the sparrow on p. 117

    A) reading in a chain;

    B) perception check:

    Why is the crow ashamed?

    Q) -How can you title this text?

    2) Independent work. Work in a printed notebook.

    3) Consolidation of knowledge in external speech.

    Reading by well-read children the story “For Mushrooms” by Ya. Taits

    A) Discussion of the situation in the story.

    B) Selection of words that characterize the girl: honest, ..., ....,

    Q) Would you like to have such a girlfriend?

    VI. Lesson summary.

    Well done! You have completed all the tasks. Let's summarize our lesson.

    What new letter did we meet today?

    What sounds does this letter represent?

    Describe these sounds.

    (slide - lesson plan)

    Let's think and answer whether we managed to complete all the learning tasks in the lesson.

    - For what did we complete all these tasks?

    Children are always internally ready for play, fun and entertainment , therefore, there is no need to waste effort persuading them to go to the holiday, but making sure that the children feel comfortable and safe at the holiday is simply necessary. The best way To do this, prepare the room in advance and, from the first minutes of meeting, involve children in a friendly festive atmosphere.

    If among the children invited to the house there are children who do not know each other well, children who rarely see each other or are not often visited, then it is worth unobtrusively, preferably in a playful way, to help them loosen up, relieve tension and introduce them to each other. To do this, we recommend including in your entertainment program games to get children to know each other at the festive table.

    There are about 20 similar games in our selection, here are games for toddlers and older children, games with pronouncing the names of little guests and those that simply help them get to know each other better, unite and activate the general festive mood - choose the ones that are suitable for your specific situation .

    1. Games at the table for getting to know each other:

    Children under 5 years old usually come to the holiday with their parents; they are calmer and more interested in games when mom or dad is nearby. When drawing up a program, it is worth remembering this, and more actively involve the adults present at the children's party in all entertainment. Table games are no exception, and the more interested and emotionally parents participate in them, the faster children get used to the new environment, get acquainted and join in the festive fun.

    Dating game "Attention! Looking for a friend!"

    This game is aimed not only at getting to know each other and establishing contact between children, but also promotes the development of their speech and attention.

    The game must involve at least five people, so if there are not enough small players, involve adults. The presenter begins: he declares that his friend has disappeared and begins to describe one of the kids present. For example: “My friend’s name begins with the letter “S.” After kindergarten he goes to art school and his little sister will soon be born.” This is how the presenter describes the hidden child until one of the children present guesses it.

    If the game involves very young children (three to four years old) or children who are new to each other, then it is quite appropriate to call external signs“wanted” - color of eyes and hair, elements of clothing. This information will facilitate recognition, and therefore make the game process especially productive and interesting.

    Guest performance "A sparrow walked on the roof"

    Game at the table "Little Experts".

    This mini-quiz can be done even with the smallest children, but you need to select books of the “appropriate repertoire”. The essence of the game is simple: the presenter reads out loud a recognizable line from some literary work, and the children must listen and guess which book is hidden. With older kids we play according to the principle “whoever guessed right raises their hand”; with kids it’s better to guess the name in random order.

    "The sun smiles on those who..."

    This game will also help children get to know each other better and can become a transition point between table and outdoor games.

    Take care of the sun image in advance: it may be soft toy or a drawing on whatman paper. “Sun” is mounted on one of the walls of the room. Along the opposite wall we line up the children whom we want to introduce to each other.

    We explain the rules: the presenter names some sign with the same saying “The sun smiles at the one who...”. And, if the child believes that the sign applies to him, then he runs to the opposite wall and touches the sun with his hand.

    It is best for the presenter to start with general signs, for example, say: “The sun smiles at the one who is wearing a dress today.” Of course, some of the girls will go to stroke the sun. Then - something for boys (“... for the one in shorts”). Then something common to most of the children present: who has a cat/dog at home. Be sure to involve the emotional component: whoever loves mom, helps grandma, listens to dad.

    Add some humorous signs so that the children finally relax and can laugh at themselves: who brushed their teeth with jam today, watered the orange tree, etc. Inattentive children can be puzzled with various forfeits: ask everyone a riddle, pretend to be a mouse or a frog, sing a verse from your favorite song.

    So, with the help of unifying topics and questions, you can create a light and cheerful atmosphere and awaken children's interest in each other.

    "Come on, let's say hello!"

    (to download - click files)

    2. Table games and dating games for children over 5 years old:

    Sit the children in a circle and explain the rules of the game. Tell them that you are offering to cheat a little: point to your hand, but say that it is your “forehead.” The child sitting to your right should point to the forehead, but call it another part of the body, such as the heel. The point of such a fun deception is to confuse the kids a little. And the one who gets confused and shows not the part of the body that is named (heel), but the one that is pointed at (forehead), is eliminated from the game and lines up for the next one, so through one (one lines up on the right, the other on the left) two teams are created for the next team game.

    An introduction to the “Visiting a Fairy Tale” cake.

    Every children's party should have a game related to fairy tales. To provide intellectual content for such entertainment, you can build the game “Visiting a Fairy Tale” on the principle of a quiz. Her first round could be a question: list the fairy tales in which birds are the main characters.

    The second task is to remember as many magical objects as possible (a self-assembled tablecloth, a self-shaking wallet, a seven-flowered flower). Invite the children to write them down on a piece of paper, and check the task after 4 - 5 minutes. Whoever has more wins a point.

    The third round is more difficult: invite the children to remember all the “magic words” and spells (for example, Hottabych’s magic spell “fuck-tibidoh!” or “mutabor!” from oriental fairy tale about the curious pasha).

    This game can be played, for example, before taking out the cake, ask them to remember the spell from the fairy tale “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves” (after closing the door to the room), and when the children call the spell “Sim-Sim, open up!”, ask them to shout louder , maybe this door will open. Let one of the adults wait outside the door with a cake.

    Entertainment at the table "Fairytale confusion".

    And it is advisable to use this entertainment after outdoor games: sit the children around you and invite them to listen to a fairy tale. But! If you make a mistake, ask the children to clap their hands. The fairy tale can be anything your imagination dictates, for example, with the following content: “Grandfather planted a carrot. No? What, potatoes? Not again? Ah-ah-ah, turnip! The turnip grew very small. Wrong? Big, very big! Grandfather began to dig potatoes... oh, I remembered! Turnip! He pulls and pulls, and he pulled it out...Ah! can't pull it out! The grandfather called his friends. No? Little Red Riding Hood? Crane? Is it really a grandmother? That's right, grandma! The two of them began to pull rutabaga. Oh, turnip! They pulled and pulled, and they pulled it out... Oh, no! They can’t pull it out! They called the aliens. Wrong again?! And, probably, a granddaughter! They pulled and pulled, and they tore off the tail of the rutabaga. Didn't it get torn off? Not rutabaga? Repke! They called Sharik... Ah, Zhuchka! They pulled and pulled, and they pulled it out...no again? Well, okay, okay, they can’t pull it out. They called the cat Matroskin. Wrong? Murzika? exactly! cat, a simple cat! They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

    The cat called her kitten. No? Well, such a small, cute one...no?! Really, a mouse? Right? A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip... They beat and beat the egg and did not break it! Oh, not an egg! They pulled and pulled, and they pulled out a turnip! And I was there, drinking honey-beer, running down my ears... not down my ears, but down my mustache? Right! But it didn’t get into my mouth! Although, most likely, they made porridge from the turnip! That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - a tomato! Ugh, cucumber! No? Ah, I got it! WELL DONE!"

    Arranging children's party, don't forget aboutdating games - they help to properly build the dynamics of the holiday and unite all the guests.

    And also remember that the success of anyone children's event depends not only, or rather, not so much on its clear organization and invested funds, but on the mood of adults, on their sincere desire to give children joy. Love for children and caring attitude towards little guests will tell you how to get out of a difficult situation, what games to choose, and in what order to play!

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