• How to find the girl of your dreams - a detailed plan. Which girl to date and where to find a normal one


    Every girl already knows that there are a lot of guys around. Therefore, you can start a relationship at any time and with anyone. But how to find a normal guy, and not just anyone? How to choose directly the person with whom there will be no lies, scandals and jealousy? In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. You just need to think not with instincts, but with your own head.

    How to look for a normal guy?

    In general, the search for a normal person should be thorough. You shouldn't rush and follow the crowd. Or rather, on the contrary, you must go against the crowd.

    For example, in your society, girls like guys with beards. Then you need to definitely stay away from such guys. After all, it is clear in advance that all the lying freaks will begin to grow a beard on purpose so that girls will be attracted to it.

    You should also consider candidates from local losers. Yes Yes! And no “ugh”. If a guy is not very popular, this does not mean that he is downright bad.

    But if, on the contrary, it is very successful, then it may have a slight rottenness. And this is already bad. In general, give chances to those who at first glance do not deserve such chances. Here's a simple plan to work with.

    What guys are considered normal?

    To look for a normal guy, you need to know his characteristics, which include:

    • Lack of many relationships. If he always walks from one to another, then this is definitely not normal (!);
    • A moderate number of photos on social media. networks. Anyone who constantly takes pictures of themselves is not capable of good relationships;
    • Lack of pathos, show off and other things. Naturally... On the contrary, you want bright guys. And that's wrong;
    • Lack of big words and promises. Normal guys don't start conversations with some super compliments and loud shouts.

    And yet, for a relationship it is better to look for someone who is easy to communicate with. If a person lies, hides something, does not tell anything about himself or his friends, then he is already strange. It’s better not to communicate with such people at all.

    Where are the normal guys?

    In general, such people exist both in discos and on social media. networks. To start, you can take a look at your surroundings. Perhaps the one you are looking for is somewhere nearby.

    The main thing is not to look for love while drunk in a drunken company. Nothing good will definitely come of this.

    Try searching young man in some section or hobby group. It will be very good if your interests somehow coincide.

    In general, often good people meet during the day in parks and on the streets. Take note of this.

    And be careful with dating sites. There are a lot of scammers out there. Of course, you can find something good. But it’s easy to fall into deception.

    Change your thinking

    To search specifically for a more or less bad guy, you need to think most seriously and calmly. If you like noisy parties, adore guys who are always yelling and swearing, and are half a chap yourself, then nothing will work out for you.

    Such girls attract various moral monsters. Therefore, you need to start changing spiritually, and only then achieve something.

    And yet, you should always be able to brush off those who make you wary. A guy met you. He’s (let’s say) too secretive, so send him away.

    Only in this way will you be able to freely make your choice and look for those who you need, and not those who were imposed on you almost by force.

    What can I say about myself. An ordinary young man. Work, responsibilities, worries and so on. There were girls. We met. But nothing serious in terms of family. Cinema, cafe, sex. And everyone was happy with everything. The girls were first classmates, then classmates. I was interesting as a person. Although there was money.

    Over time, I began to think about the future. What will happen next, why am I working. All my friends bought cars. Most are on credit. I chose housing as my priority. Five years later, I have my own place, but I walk. Friends drive jeeps and luxury sedans, but live with their parents or in rented housing. However, despite all this, they have very good girls. Just sweeties who are proud of their guys.

    I have a place for my family and my children to live. But as soon as the girls find out that I’m a pedestrian, they lose interest in me. They say I'm a loser. Buying a cheap car is not an option as these guys are also called losers. That is, it will only help expensive car. But it costs money, and I am fully invested in housing. I tried to find an adequate girl who would see what I was thinking for the future. After all, housing is housing. This is the basis, and the car is a living thing. However, the standard phrase: pick me up - ok, I’ll pick you up in a taxi - and I’m left alone.

    Of course, there are girls who are interested in me, but they are defective or something. Some people have already lived with young people twice and then ended up on the street. There is a rich girl who is, to put it mildly, in the body. Another has health problems. It seems to me that they don’t need me, but anyone in general.

    Guys who are married to normal girls say that they created families during their student years, when they still had nothing at all. It's too late for me - my head has a glimpse of gray hair.

    I recently read something similar. There, a young man had an apartment in the city center in an elite building, but he drove an old foreign car with a very obscene appearance. So, with great difficulty, he found a girl for himself. He immediately married her. Now he travels in a jeep and is interesting to everyone. But it’s not he who is interesting, but his money and car.

    It turns out that if you want a beautiful girl, buy an expensive girl. But these are not sincere feelings, but simply behavior. With the money I spent on an apartment, you can buy a cool car, but you won’t live in it.

    How to explain to a girl that I want a family, and not take her off? I thought about finding a girl at work, but again they were either married or with children. I understand that I need to look for a girl much younger than myself. With a correct understanding of everything that is happening.

    Recently there was a meeting of classmates. Almost everyone is lonely. Nobody has anything. Unit apartments. He said, guys, why are we slowing down? Let's create families among ourselves! The girls laughed. After all, they need a rich man. We are looking for normal people, and they are looking for rich people. In the end, everyone is alone.

    How to break out of this circle? I thought about it and decided to save up money for a good car, and then show my license to the girls. Make them smile at me, rather than me trying to please them!

    Many people say that it is more difficult for girls in their personal lives; how difficult it is for them to find a real man, a normal guy, one who would love, care, provide and do much more. In fact, dear ladies, it is wrong to say that it is much easier for guys to find a soul mate. Where to find a normal girl? This question is also quite relevant. IN modern world, where everyone means something different by relationship, it is so difficult to find a person who is close in views.

    "Good guy looking for a girl"

    This is how many advertisements that are left on the Internet, in various chat rooms and other dating services begin. In such messages, the surprising thing is that the guy is “good”, but he does not have a girlfriend. At the same time, the young ladies themselves, as a rule, are looking for good ones. Those who, as it turns out, are themselves actively searching. It turns out to be a somewhat absurd situation when those in demand remain unclaimed and try to find their destiny on their own. Of course, not all guys understand how problematic the question “where to find a faithful girl?” can be. There is a category of young men for whom it is very easy to meet people of the opposite sex for the reason that either they have no internal barriers, embarrassment or fear of talking to a girl; or women themselves show interest in such guys (due to their attractiveness, for example). However, if you are a guy and are not endowed with extraordinary beauty, and finding a girl is an urgent task for you, a number of tips posted in this article will help you.

    Where do others find girls?

    If you are the one good guy from an advertisement and you don’t have a girlfriend, first of all you need to think: “How do other couples meet?” You need to remember to yourself all the known cases when your friends found their soulmate, and then analyze them to understand why and how this happened. You will be surprised, but most couples are formed among familiar people. For example, these could be classmates, classmates or colleagues who, after several days, months or years of dating, are unexpectedly drawn to each other. Most likely, they developed some kind of sympathy, they began to communicate more closely, after which meetings began. Soon the meetings developed into a relationship.

    Of course, there are other situations. For example, girls are met on the street, met on the subway, in the library, in clubs (though this applies to those guys who are interested in the question “where to find a girl for the night?”) and in many other places in our everyday life. Most encounters are something of a coincidence happy coincidences, although, of course, even for them there are certain prerequisites.

    Relationships with a girl from your circle of acquaintances or dating “from scratch”?

    You can make a number of arguments about what is better - meeting a person on the street, in the library or anywhere else, or developing a relationship with a girl you already know. Let's try to formulate a series of pros and cons. So, of course, the “circle of acquaintances” option will be ideal for those who do not know where to find the girl they love and what needs to be done for this. A person can simply begin closer communication with the one he likes best, and as such communication develops, he will understand the feelings of the girl herself regarding him. This is easier, because for many guys this option allows them to avoid that very “painful” acquaintance. On the other hand, having met a person “on the street” (roughly speaking), you can diversify your circle of friends and thus find someone you love. After all, it may be that no one from the circle of acquaintances can lay claim to such a role. Then another argument for dating someone you know is that you know the girl, and she knows you. It's better since you've seen each other in different situations, and therefore you can be more confident in the veracity of her behavior and words. This, again, is a clear advantage over a “meeting from scratch.” At the same time, of course, these approaches are individual, because for some it is easier to establish relationships with stranger, and for some, on the contrary, start dating a friend.

    What to do if “everything is bad”?

    If you are not satisfied with any of the options mentioned, and you still don’t know where to find a simple girl, with whom you could start dating, then the best advice to you is to understand yourself. Think about whether you consider yourself somehow less attractive or more boring and uninteresting to girls than others? Think about your complexes. The thing is that many good guys have problems with self-esteem. They believe that beautiful girls they will not want to meet and communicate with them, and therefore they are afraid to speak first. Of course, there may even be an option that these guys had unsuccessful attempts on the love front, after which they decided to “retreat” for a while and closed in on themselves. This situation is not scary. If you also don’t know where they find girls and partially recognize yourself, the following advice is definitely for you: change! How exactly this should be done is up to you to decide. For example, if you feel less attractive than other guys, it's time to join the gym. If shyness also bothers you, take public speaking or self-development courses. Take care of yourself, and believe me, the result will not take long to arrive! The main thing is to want and constantly remember that everything in this life can be changed!

    When can you meet a girl?

    If you understand where you can find a girl and want to try to meet someone, without having experience in such meetings, you need to have a good idea of ​​what you would like to talk about with the girl, how you want to address her , attract attention and so on. Of course, as you get to know each other, your entire plan will most likely change, so be prepared for this. But creating it is already a great step, which allows many to get rid of anxiety and unnecessary worries. In addition, with such “sketches” in your head you will never run out of ideas, which is also important. When you're ready, you can try meeting someone. However, even if you know where to find a girl in Moscow, do not forget about the right time for this. Firstly, you need to know for sure that the one you want to meet is free and can easily communicate now, and secondly, you cannot rush at her and be intrusive, trying to establish contact. Everything should look natural, for example, with a casual phrase or some remark about something.

    Let's continue getting acquainted correctly

    Obviously, every acquaintance must be properly continued. The main thing for this is to leave behind good impression and, of course, establish real contact in the form of exchanging a telephone number or other means of communication. For example, if you live in the same dorm, you can find out where your (now) friend is located and visit her somehow. This is the main thing, because this is how you let each other know that you are interested in further communication, future meetings, and therefore the development of relations to some level. Of course, this may not immediately reach the level of a romance, but at least you will begin to communicate as friends. Having successfully met at least one representative of the fairer sex in this way, you will already know where to find good girl, and also gain some experience in communication.

    First dates

    They are a special topic for thinking about where to find a good girl. Of course, it all depends on what exactly you (as a guy) expect from a relationship and what the girl will be ready for. Before you start dating, introduce yourself perfect date. It is advisable to analyze it in all details in order to understand what you want. After that, you can be sure that you have a goal. It lies in how you and your new girl hold a meeting. And, despite the fact that it will most likely pass differently, you will understand why you need this relationship and how you see your soulmate. Depending on how different her opinion is on this matter, you will understand how much you have in common.

    Disagreements in relationships

    When the question of where other guys find girls remains relevant to you, you don’t think about the disagreements that may arise between you. However, as soon as you start dating, when a certain period has passed (it all depends on your characters with her), disagreements will become inevitable, which can even develop into quarrels. Although, as already noted, at the “dreaming” stage, no one, as a rule, thinks about this, and this is normal. When a quarrel arises in your couple, do not be disappointed. Understand that this is a normal process. Rest assured that the reasons for these quarrels will soon disappear, but the relationship will remain. Moreover, over time they will strengthen and develop, moving to a new level. Your job is to enjoy it while loving each other.

    Goals that men set

    In all relationships, both partners set certain goals. Of course, not everyone can formulate them, but somewhere on a subconscious level, when the question is asked: “Where can I find a normal girl?” - a person knows what exactly that “normal” will be and what he expects from her. For men, as well as for women, there are quite a lot of goals, and they are determined individually in each case. However, the most popular goals among representatives of the stronger half of humanity are more global (to date, live and marry), less serious (to meet for a certain time) and generally short-term (a girl for the night). Of course, such a gradation is too rough, and it is impossible to “fit” all guys into these categories. Moreover, often men themselves do not know which group they belong to when starting a new relationship. However, the meaning of this division is clear.

    Goals that women set

    Girls who are looking for guys are divided into those looking for a serious relationship (as is the case with guys who want to date until marriage), less serious (for a while) and frivolous (for one time). However, there is an opinion that young ladies tend to detail the image of the man of their dreams. Thus, it is believed that women are looking for a protector, provider, father of children, and so on. It is quite possible that the same can be said about men, but, perhaps, their gradation of criteria is less “branched”. One of the main criteria is appearance, followed by intelligence and character. This is what men evaluate when they wonder where they can find a girl. For ladies, this is not only the beauty, intelligence and character of a man, but also his condition, charm, and so on. Although, of course, one can argue with this if we cite the example of men (they are called gigolos) who are wondering where to find a rich girl with wealthy parents (she would sponsor her chosen one).

    Experience in love and relationships

    Some guys who still don't know where they find girls sometimes have thoughts about whether they will be able to behave correctly in a relationship, whether they will be able to meet the expectations of their girlfriend, and so on. Regarding this, I would also like to note that there is nothing to be afraid of here. All the experience that humanity has has been gained through practice. This is especially true for experience in love affairs, where everything is purely individual and it is impossible to give any specific advice. Therefore, dear men, don’t worry - everything will work out for you, and it will be good, because many people go through this.

    We overcome difficulties with a smile!

    If you have already found your soul mate - be happy! If you still don’t know where to find a beautiful girl, don’t despair! You will definitely succeed, because there are so many young ladies around who would probably love you if they knew you better. Therefore, do not stop searching, namely, improve yourself, become more positive, kinder, brighter and more beautiful - and the whole world will reach out to you! And don't forget about a smile - the main key to success in this world.

    Hi all. The time comes and every young man thinks about how to find a girl for Serious relationships. Many guys are single and “actively searching.” Some don’t know where to look for their chosen one, others are disappointed in women because of past sad experiences, and still others consider themselves not attractive enough. There can be many reasons. Once you read my tips and follow them, the result will be guaranteed.

    How to find a girlfriend

    How to find a girlfriend? To do this, carefully read this plan:

    1. Representatives of the fair half of humanity value in men such qualities as determination, generosity, kindness, caring, charm, ability to conduct a conversation, and a sense of humor. Analyze what traits you need to develop and start improving yourself.
    2. Think about what your chosen one should be like: appearance, figure, character, habits. Visualize her image, make it complete in your thoughts. This way you can speed up your meeting.
    3. Don't sit at home. Visit places where you can see good girls more often: a gym, a park, an ice rink, an art exhibition, a cinema.
    4. Don’t think that the first young lady who paid attention to you is the love of your life. Chat with several beauties. You will not only be able to hone your seduction skills, but also develop confidence in your own attractiveness.
    5. You should not start a serious relationship with a woman for whom you do not at least feel sympathy.

    What to do if you meet a young lady

    If you meet an attractive lady, do not relax under any circumstances. To keep her interested, listen to the tips below:

    1. Watch your appearance, clothes, perfume. Girls like well-groomed guys.
    2. Visit the gym to make your body strong and resilient. A man with pumped up muscles looks very sexy.
    3. Expand your horizons, read books, watch interesting educational films. Serious girls they like guys with whom there is something to talk about.
    4. Look for a long-term relationship, not a one-night flirtation. If you see that the young lady is frivolous and flighty, it is better to stop communicating.

    Still thinking “how can I find a girl”? In order to achieve results faster, listen to the advice of experts:

    1. Don't be afraid to meet people. If one girl doesn’t want to talk to you, don’t be upset and continue your search. All people are different. And the fact that one of the female representatives did not like you does not mean at all that you cannot attract the attention of another.
    2. Some guys are afraid to meet beauties, justifying themselves by saying that “she’s too tough for me, and she probably has someone,” but beautiful girls are often lonely, since many young people think the same.
    3. Think about which guys most likely don’t like the girl you dream about (even if it’s just an imaginary one) and work on your weaknesses. For example, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and using obscene words in conversation.
    4. Girls love confident men who know what they want from life, so start eliminating your complexes.

    Getting rid of complexes

    There is often a situation when a guy considers himself unattractive in appearance, and on this basis he develops many complexes that prevent him from meeting women. Such a guy is constantly haunted by the question: how to find a girl if I’m scary. I think my recommendations will be useful.

    1. Women do not pay as much attention to appearance than men. For them, internal qualities are more important - whether the guy can support Hard time, will it change on the other, will it become in the future good father for children. If a woman loves you with all her soul, she will not look at your appearance.
    2. It is difficult to change facial features, but making the body attractive is quite possible. To do this, visit the gym regularly and play sports.
    3. Create your own unique look with clothes and accessories, listening to the advice of famous designers
    4. Don't let her know that you have a complex about your appearance. People see you as you present yourself during the first conversation and the beginning of a relationship.
    5. Almost all women believe that men do not understand them. If you show patience and prove to your passion that you are different, always understanding and caring, sometimes sympathetic, you can easily win her heart.

    Of course, it’s easy to give advice, but it’s much more difficult to put it into practice, especially if you’ve already had unsuccessful attempts to meet someone in the past, and even more so an unhappy relationship. However, you should put aside all the sad experiences and be confident that everything will work out.

    Remember that even charming handsome men have mistakes and failures. Appearance does not play the main role. Integrity of character is what is important for marriage.

    How to find a good girl

    Surely many guys will sigh and say that there are no more normal girls to date. Indeed, most modern ladies have become cynical, instead soul mate they are looking for money and status. Loyalty to one person and raising children mean nothing to them. However, there are still cuties with a normal upbringing and character. You need to look, and in the right places.

    1. It is unlikely that you can meet a decent and serious young lady in a nightclub or bar. Look for her in your educational institution among your classmates, in the theater or in in social networks. We'll talk about how to find a girl on the Internet a little later.
    2. Ask your friends or relatives to introduce you to a good girl without a significant other.
    3. Take a closer look at your friends. It is quite possible that one of them is secretly sighing for you, and you are not aware. Guys are often blind and may not notice that the love of their life is very close.

    Remember that finding a good girl is not easy. Only the real darlings of fate find it the first time. But this is rare. In most cases, you need constant work on yourself and perseverance in achieving your goal. No other way. You don't want to stay long years single, isn't it?

    How to find a girl on the Internet

    Here we come to the topic of social networks. On the Internet you can find many lonely unmarried ladies who crave male attention and dream of finding their “prince on a white horse.” This is a great way to meet a beauty on VKontakte, especially for shy guys who find it difficult to meet a representative of the weaker half of humanity in real life. You just need to know how best to do it. So, how to find a girl on VKontakte:

    • For searches you need to select free time when no one and nothing distracts you.
    • In the search, select the city in which you live. Build long term relationship It’s quite difficult with a foreigner. Such a romance is often doomed to failure. Please indicate your desired age. Next, questionnaires corresponding to the parameters you specified will appear on the monitor.
    • Don't forget to check them out Family status. Do not start a conversation with the goal of meeting married people.
    • Select the girls in the active search that you like. You can also look at their interests, hobbies, favorite movies and books. This will help you start a conversation, especially if your hobbies are at least somewhat similar.
    • Now start communicating. Write to a few cuties, invite them to meet you and give them a few compliments, tell them how charming, beautiful, charming they are, etc. Everyone knows that women “love with their ears.” Use your imagination, don’t use banal and hackneyed phrases. You can “like” their profile photos and “wall” posts.
    • After you receive an answer, feel free to start a conversation. However, you should not communicate with many ladies you like. Choose two or three, otherwise you will get confused about what you wrote and to whom, which will lead to unwanted embarrassment that can ruin everything.
    • You can communicate on any topic, but it is advisable to avoid discussions of politics and health.
    • You shouldn't write a lot about yourself. Better listen to your pen pal. This way you can better understand her character.
    • If you've been communicating for several days and there are still topics to talk about, set up a first date. Go to a cafe together or take a walk in the park. Or you can trust your companion to choose the meeting place. Don't forget to give beautiful bouquet colors.

    Communication online is not much different from real life, therefore, the main thing is to be sincere and in no case embellish your merits, since the untruth will most likely be revealed after several dates.

    Some guys say they have no luck with women. But in reality they just want to put in no effort. After all, a serious relationship presupposes caring for your chosen one, responsibility not only for yourself, but also for her, constant self-improvement, the ability to compromise and understand your partner.

    How to attract the attention of your crush

    In general, it is not so difficult to please a young lady. You just need to understand her needs and learn to satisfy them. Read carefully below to learn how to do this:

    • Admire your beauty, admire her. Make it clear that she is the most beautiful in your eyes. Under no circumstances stare at other ladies. It will make you upset and angry.
    • Talk casually about various topics. Ask about her past, family, hobbies, studies, work, and plans for the future. Comment on her phrases.
    • Be constantly present in her life. Call, write SMS, support and help if necessary. This way, you can build trust, which will have a positive impact on your relationship.
    • Give flowers and small but sweet gifts from time to time. Don't forget to wish happy holidays. Remember when you met. Young ladies love to celebrate a month, six months, or a year of dating and, as a rule, they are very offended if you forget about this symbolic date.
    • Give her your hand when leaving the vehicle, hold the door for her, help her put on her coat. Show your gallantry.
    • Hold her hand and hug her. Tactile contact very important during first meetings.
    • Under no circumstances should you talk about your former passions, much less compare her with them. Pay attention only to her and no one else.
    • Listen carefully to what she tells you and remember. Women are sensitive to being asked about something twice or, even worse, being listened to absentmindedly or distractedly.

    Where to find a girl, 9 best places to meet your dream

    The life of a young man is often scheduled by the hour. Work, gym, relaxation. Every day he thinks about where to find a girl, but he needs not to think, but to act. Now we will look best places to find the one and only one.

    1. Metro. You can meet a lot of pretty girls here. In addition, most likely they live at your station or a neighboring one. You don't have to drive across town for a date. You can invite her to your place or go to her without any problems.
    2. Cafe. In such establishments you can often notice bored girl, drinking juice or tea. Most likely, she is resting after studying or working. Come over and start a conversation. If a young lady has nothing against it and is happy to communicate, she was probably waiting for someone to notice her. Feel free to take the phone number and invite him on a date.
    3. Supermarket or hypermarket. Everyone goes shopping. There are thousands of girls in the shopping establishment every day. Choose the cutest one and go for it.
    4. Bus stop. Did you see a pretty young lady? Ask something about the transport schedule, and at the same time get to know each other.
    5. Minibus, tram or trolleybus. Eat free place near an attractive blonde or brunette, sit next to her and start communicating. It is important to do this right away, since starting a conversation after 10-20 minutes of traveling together will look rather ridiculous.
    6. At a pedestrian crossing near a traffic light. Waiting for it to light up green color, you can exchange a few phrases and get to know each other.
    7. Gym or swimming pool. Here you can meet young ladies who care about the slimness of their figure and strive for perfection.
    8. On the beach. Here you can find a real beauty with a stunning figure, revealing swimsuits will help.
    9. At a book exhibition. If you want to meet an erudite and well-read girl, go there.

    Character Traits Required for a Serious Relationship

    In order to find pretty girl, think about whether you meet the expectations of the woman of your dreams.

    7 character traits you need to develop in yourself

    1. Determination. Ladies love guys who are able to show courage in any situation, who know how to protect themselves and their significant other, and who are able to make decisions.
    2. Caring. Every lady highly values ​​caring for her, sympathy, the ability to understand her and listen to her.
    3. Sense of humor. An appropriate joke can defuse a situation, no matter how difficult it may seem.
    4. Romance. Beauties love young men who are capable of beautiful deeds for her sake, loved and desired.
    5. Honesty and loyalty. There’s not even anything to comment on here. Women have a hard time forgiving their lovers for betrayal or don’t forgive them at all.
    6. Generosity. Young ladies prefer not greedy guys who are ready to spend money on them and give them gifts.
    7. Ability to find compromises. This is a very important quality, a guarantee happy relationship all pairs

    Psychologists advise you to listen to several more features of meeting a beauty.

    What does a harmonious relationship consist of?

    We hope that our tips on how to find a normal girl helped you. Finally, a few principles of healthy harmonious relationships:

    1. The life of each of the lovers should improve with the beginning of a serious relationship, only in this case they will be together long time no other way. If you constantly quarrel, take offense at each other, or have conflicts out of nowhere, most likely you need to break up.
    2. Love can't be bought. If you think that you can win her over only with expensive gifts, then you are deeply mistaken. Selfish young ladies, of course, will agree. But think about whether you need it. Once your money runs out, love will disappear as if it never existed.
    3. Don’t be jealous of your chosen one towards everyone you meet. As a rule, insecure guys who doubt whether they can keep their soulmate are jealous. Trust her. Mutual respect and trust are the foundation of a love relationship.
    4. Don't try to change your partner. When you met her, you liked her with her individual character and characteristics. If your chosen one loves you, then she herself will begin to change in better side. Just be there for her and help her with everything.
    5. Feelings that flare up quickly fade away just as quickly. Test your love. Relationships are based not on words, but on actions. If your girlfriend constantly has excuses not to meet you, it is quite possible that she is not the one you were looking for.

    A little about the most secret...

    What should two people feel loving person while in a relationship:

    1. Love for each other. Without this feeling, there is no point in being together under any pretext.
    2. Mutual respect. Without it, you cannot build long-term relationships.
    3. Joy from every minute spent together. Of course, quarrels cannot be avoided. But, as they say, dear ones scold - they only amuse themselves.
    4. Feeling of inner harmony. Being nearby, lovers feel psychological comfort, calm and tranquility.
    5. The desire to help your partner in everything and to always be by his side, regardless of problems and difficulties.

    Well, this article has come to an end. I hope that she will help you find a really good girl who meets all your needs and expectations, and most importantly, sincerely loves you. Write your reviews and wishes in the comments, always your old womanizer Panteley.

    Many guys today are puzzled by the question: where and how find a normal girl which leads healthy image life, has an attractive appearance and correct character. Every guy has his own ideal girl, but basically everyone would like to see a normal girl next to them. But what needs to be done for this, what tips and methods are there to find such a girl, get to know her and live a happy life together.

    In this article you will learn where and how to find a normal girl , what are the places where such girls often go. Guys sometimes make the mistake of starting to look normal girls in clubs where they don’t go at all. Of course, there are guys who love to go to clubs and meet girls with similar personalities to them. But if you are a normal guy, don't stoop to that level and be sure to find a normal girl.

    How to find a girl

    Normal girls stay at home

    If you don’t understand where and how to find a normal girl, then remember that all normal girls sit at home and do not go to clubs, cafes and restaurants. A normal girl, busy with her own self-development, reading books, studying, playing sports. If you see a girl in a club, it means that in any case she is not interested in self-development.

    Where to find a girl

    At the library or bookstore

    To find a normal girl, you need to go either to the library or to the bookstore. Normal girls read books, so you also need to start reading and developing yourself so that the girl has something to talk to you about.

    In sports schools

    You can also find a normal girl in sports schools, gyms and other sports sections. The main thing is that you yourself like the sport and start doing it. A girl will have nothing to talk to you about if you don’t understand sports and don’t play them. Normal girls appreciate athletic guys who also lead a healthy lifestyle. So give up bad habits and play sports.

    How to find a normal girl

    On the street, while walking

    Almost all normal and not so normal girls surf the Internet. Therefore, to find a normal girl, you need to learn on the Internet, look for normal girls by profile and photo and distinguish them from not so normal girls. Beautiful appearance- this is not a sign that the girl is good. So meet a lot of girls online and ask them out as early as possible to get a feel for who she really is.

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