• Hardening activities. Hardening activities for children in kindergarten


    Lyudmila Tereshchenko
    Hardening activities in kindergarten

    Hardening activities

    General requirements

    1. Creation of environmentally friendly conditions in premises for games and activities children:

    Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements;

    Through ventilation (3-5 times a day in the absence of children);

    Maintaining air temperature within 20-22 0C.

    2. High culture of hygienic care for children (toilet, feeding, sleeping, dressing for a walk).

    3. Ensuring psychological comfort throughout the entire stay in kindergarten.

    4. Individualization and differentiation of regime processes and their educational orientation, taking into account the health and development of children.

    Organized motor activity

    1. Morning exercises (daily)

    2. Physical education classes (3 times a week)

    3. Outdoor games on the first and second walks (daily)

    4. Independent motor activity with various physical education benefits:

    After breakfast

    On a walk

    After sleep

    On the second walk

    5. Basic and play activities

    6. Hardening:

    Healthy walks, daily;

    Washing with cool water before eating, after each time you get your hands dirty;

    Rinsing your mouth after every meal and after sleep with water at room temperature (cool)

    Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

    Walking barefoot under normal conditions and on ribbed paths after sleep, during physical education classes (time increases gradually).

    Health work

    1. Through ventilation

    2. Sanitary regime

    4. Individualization of regime processes taking into account the health and development of children

    5. Optimal motor volume (4 hours per day)

    6. Morning exercises

    7. Physical education classes

    8. Outdoor games

    9. Hardening:

    Health walks;

    Washing with cool water;

    - air baths:

    a) gymnastics after sleep (with elements breathing exercises) ;

    b) health track;

    c) lightweight clothing;

    d) sleeping with an open transom.

    10. Consumption of onions and garlic in the autumn-winter period

    11. Taking vitamins during a disease outbreak

    12. Fortification of the third dish

    Basic principles and tools hardening

    The main and most effective means have been used since ancient times and still remain hardening natural forces nature: sun, air and water.

    The purpose of physical influence is to educate healthy, persistent, courageous people, active builders of a communist society and fearless defenders of the Motherland. Hardening children's bodies serve the same purpose.

    Hardening is most often considered as a process of adaptation of the body to changing weather and climate conditions. But speaking of hardening As a means of physical education, we mean not only the adaptation of the body that occurs under the influence of unfavorable conditions. Hardening must be considered as a conscious application in a specific system events, increasing the body’s resistance, fostering the ability to quickly and without harm to health apply to different conditions external environment. Hardening should start from the earliest childhood and continue throughout life, modifying the forms and methods of its use depending on age. The healing value of air, sunbathing, water procedures undoubtedly. Hardened children get sick less, tolerate diseases more easily. The availability of funds, that they are always at hand, the main thing is that they can be used in one form or another, at any time of the year, in any conditions. They do not require complex equipment and special rooms; the methods of their use in skillful hands are not difficult.

    At hardening one must be guided by certain principles, including relate: gradualism, systematicity, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. If these principles are not followed, then hardening will be random.

    You cannot place too many demands on an unprepared body; it may not be able to cope with them. Compliance with the principle of gradualism is especially important for children, since children's The body does not yet have much resistance. To have an effect hardening it is necessary to gradually increase the load.

    You can't interrupt what you started Events. But systematicity is needed not only in carrying out this or that special Events. If all Events, and children don’t go out for walks enough, dress too warmly, not in accordance with the weather, then hardening cannot be considered complete. Hardening should be carried out systematically, preferably from birth and continue throughout life. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

    There are children who are sensitive, more gentle means are used for them. hardening or more gradually, carefully, but completely abandon funds hardening is impractical. Children should take an active part in hardening activities, know the order in which they are carried out.

    The interest of children is also of great importance. The personal example of adults is also important meaning: if adults themselves are afraid of the cold and don’t like walking, they are unlikely to be able to raise children hardened.

    Water is a generally accepted remedy hardening. The advantage of water over other means hardening is that water procedures are easy to dose.

    The principle of gradualism is easiest to maintain when applying water: you can take water at the temperature that is needed in this case, gradually reducing it.

    When carrying out water procedures with preschool children, you should adhere to the following: rules:

    1. It is necessary that children approach the water with a warm body, and it is necessary that in the room where this happens, the temperature must correspond to that accepted for a given age, and also that children do not have to wait long for their turn.

    2. It is necessary to monitor the timely appearance of skin redness. If this reaction is delayed, it is necessary to promote its onset by thoroughly rubbing the skin with a towel “until it turns red.”

    3. The colder the water, the shorter the time of its “contact with the body” should be.

    There are several separate ways water hardening:

    1. Rubbing is the most gentle of all water procedures. It can be used at all ages, starting from infancy. Wiping is carried out with a cloth soaked in water, the fabric of which must satisfy the following conditions: Absorb water well, don't be too soft. It is advisable that the mittens are well moistened, but water should not drip from them.

    After drying, the body is rubbed with a dry towel. Rubbing is accompanied by a light massaging action, and the massage is always done from the periphery to the center, so the limbs must be wiped from the bottom up (arms from hand, legs from foot). Temperature drops by one degree after 2-3 days.

    2. Dousing - can be local or general. Local dousing: foot soaking, most often used in nurseries and junior groups. The initial water temperature is +30, then brought to +18, and in older groups to +16. The time of pouring the legs is 20-30 seconds.

    General dousing should be started at a higher temperature, mainly in children, and in the autumn-winter period it should be organized so that the water covers the largest possible surface of the body, the back, then the chest and stomach, then the right and left sides. After finishing, rub with a towel. Time under the stream is 20-40 seconds. A shower is more powerful than a simple douche. The water from the shower has a massaging effect and feels warmer than even pouring water.

    3. Bathing is carried out in natural conditions, that is, in reservoirs (river, lake, sea) in the summer - is one of the best ways hardening. You can bathe children from an early age, starting at a temperature of +24 - 26 air and not lower than +22 water, more hardened Children can be bathed at a water temperature of +19 - 20. The duration of stay in water increases from 1-2 minutes to 5-8 minutes. There should always be some movement after bathing.

    Bathing is contraindicated for children with heart disease, diseases of the postures, renal pelvis, children who have recently suffered from pleurisy, pneumonia.

    In each individual case, the question of using bathing is decided by doctors.

    Air is the environment that constantly surrounds a person. It comes into contact with the skin - directly or through the fabric of clothing and with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. From special measures air hardening is used in kindergartens: sleeping in the air, in cold weather and air baths. IN kindergarten we use air mode.

    Hardening The meaning of the sun's action is unique. The sun is a powerful remedy hardening. The sun's rays have a general strengthening effect on the body, increase metabolism in the body, health and sleep become better, and the skin better regulates heat exchange. But the sun can also have negative action. Therefore, this procedure must be approached very carefully. Sunbathing is especially beneficial for younger children, but an individual approach is important. Sunbathing should be done while moving, but games should be of a calm nature. Sunbathing increases gradually:

    In younger groups up to 20-25 minutes.

    In older groups up to 30-40 minutes.

    It is better to take sunbathing from 8 to 9 o'clock and from 15 to 16 o'clock. You should start after eating, so that at least an hour and a half passes, and half an hour before the start of the meal. We must be wary of overheating. We need light-colored Panama hats. If the child is overheated, cover his face with a towel, take him to the shade, wash him, and give him water.

    IN kindergarten hardening carried out by including elements hardening into the daily lives of children and special measures hardening. Hardening to the daily routine Everyday life comes down to next:

    a) creating the habit of extensive use of fresh outdoor air indoors;

    b) rational clothing;

    c) prolonged exposure to air, regardless of the weather;

    d) developing the habit of cold water.

    Application hardening varies somewhat depending on the time of year and the age of the children.

    All hardening procedures must be carried out daily. Rubbing and dousing are carried out after sleep, strictly under the supervision of medical workers.

    Children's clothing for a walk in the winter season

    from + 6 to - 3: 4-layer cloth: underwear, dress, knitted jacket, tights, leggings, jacket or demi-season coat (without a jersey if t0 is above 0 degrees).

    from -3 to -8: 4-layer cloth: underwear, dress, jacket, tights, leggings, winter coat, insulated boots.

    from -9 to -14: 5-layer cloth: underwear, dress, jacket or sweater, tights, leggings (2 pairs, winter coat, insulated boots.

    Sleeping in a group at t0 +16 +15 - a warm long-sleeved shirt or pajamas, a warm blanket.

    Children's clothing at different room air t0

    23 and above

    1-2 layer clothing: thin cotton underwear, light cotton dress, short sleeves, socks, sandals.

    2-layer clothing: linen, cotton or wool blend dress with long sleeve, tights for children 3-4 years old, for children 5-7 years old - knee socks, shoes.

    2-layer clothing: underwear, long sleeve dress, tights, shoes.

    3-layer clothing: cotton linen, knitted or woolen dress with long sleeves, jacket, tights, shoes or warm slippers.

    Traditional types hardening children.

    Morning reception in the fresh air, gymnastics

    Health walk

    Air baths

    Air baths with exercises

    Sleep with fresh air

    Washing your face with cool water throughout the day

    Rinsing your mouth with cool water

    Walking barefoot before and after naps

    Walking barefoot "health path"

    (massage mats) after a nap


    Approximate diagram hardening children from two to seven years old

    The air temperature in the room where the child is is + 18, + 20 degrees.

    1. Air bath - 10-15 minutes. The child moves, runs; dressed in panties, a T-shirt with short sleeves, slippers on bare feet or short socks. Of the time (6-7 minutes) allocated to gymnastic exercises from the given complex.

    2. Washing with water, the temperature of which decreases from +28 degrees by the end of the year hardening in summer up to +18, in winter up to +20. Children over two years old wash their face, neck, arms up to the elbow, over three years old wash the upper chest and arms above the elbow. The initial water temperature for children over three years old is also +28, and the minimum in summer is +16, in winter + 18 degrees.

    3. Daytime nap in summer with access to fresh air, in winter in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of + 15 +16 degrees.

    4. Sleep without T-shirts. Held all year round. In case the temperature drops due to interruptions in heating or established cold weather, warm socks for feet and second blankets should be prepared. Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be below +14 degrees Celsius.

    5. Walk twice a day at temperatures up to -15 degrees, duration from 1-1.5 hours to 2-3 hours.

    6. In summer, sunbathing from 5-6 to 8-10 minutes two to three times a day; stay in the fresh air and shade is unlimited.

    7. Mouth rinse (children two to four years old, throat (children over four years old) boiled water at room temperature with the addition of chamomile or sage infusion twice a day - morning and evening. Use about 1/3 cup of water for each rinse.

    Wellness complex activities after sleep

    The teacher calls bell:

    Golden bell,

    He is always, everywhere with me.

    "Wake up!"- speaks.

    « Temper yourself- he tells everyone.

    Complex hardening exercises.

    1. “Pussy is waking up! (Invite the children to stretch out in the crib, arch their backs, and stretch their arms up).

    Kittens sleep on the rug,

    They don't want to wake up.

    Here they all lay down on their backs,

    They got crazy here.

    It's good for us to rest,

    But it's time to get up.

    Stretch, smile

    Everyone open their eyes and stand up.

    2. "Blanket Games" (Children hide under the blanket 2-3 times)

    Here comes the shaggy dog

    And his name is Barbos!

    What kind of animals are playing pranks here?

    Will catch all the kittens.

    3. "Light massage". (Iron your arms and legs from toes up, smooth your back and chest)

    4. Children leave the bedroom to join the group. Walking on "paths of health"

    1st track – massage mats

    2nd – ribbed

    3rd – with a hard washcloth

    4th step over obstacles (bricks)

    The legs started walking, stomping, stomping, stomping!

    Come on, more fun, stomp, stomp, stomp!

    That's how we do it, top-top-top!

    Feet stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!

    Straight along the path, stomp, stomp, stomp!

    5. Hygiene procedures.

    Open the tap! Wash your nose!

    Wash both eyes at once!

    Wash, wash, shower!

    Temper yourself! Temper yourself!

    Some tricks hardening preschool children in preschool and family settings

    1. Extensive washing

    The child must:

    Open the water tap, wet your right palm and run it from your fingertips to the elbow of your left hand, say "once"; do the same with your left hand.

    Wet both palms, place them on the back of the neck and move them simultaneously to the chin, say "once".

    Wet your right palm and make a circular motion along the upper chest, say "once".

    Wet both palms and wash your face.

    Rinse, "squeeze" both hands, wipe dry.


    After some time, the duration of the procedure increases, and exactly: children wash each hand, as well as the neck and chest twice, saying "one, two" etc.

    2. Sleep without T-shirts.

    Held all year round. In case the temperature drops due to interruptions in heating or established cold weather, warm socks for feet and second blankets should be prepared. Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be below +14 degrees Celsius.

    Wellness complex events by age group

    2nd junior group

    Reception of children on the street (at temperatures above -15°)

    Morning exercises in the group 8.00

    Mouth rinse after breakfast, lunch, dinner. Gradual learning to brush teeth

    Physical education classes (in socks)

    Phytoncides (onion garlic)

    Walks: daytime 10.30-11.40; evening 17.45-18.30

    Optimal motor mode

    Sleep without shirts

    Breathing exercises in bed

    (from 3rd quarter)

    Elements of extensive washing

    Middle group

    Reception of children on the street (at temperatures down to -15°)

    Morning exercises

    (in socks)+ dynamic hour of walking once a week

    Physical education sessions during classes, prevention of visual impairment

    (from October to April)

    Phytoncides (onion garlic)

    Walks: daytime 10.15 – 11.50; evening 17.30 – 18.30

    Optimal motor mode

    Sleep without T-shirts and pillows

    Exercises to prevent flat feet + individual work to correct flat feet and flattening of the foot

    After snack, mouth rinse

    Senior preschool age

    Reception of children on the street (at temperatures up to -15°-18°)

    Morning exercises (from May to October - outdoors, from October to April - indoors according to schedule)

    Brushing your teeth after breakfast and rinsing your mouth after lunch

    Physical education classes in the hall (barefoot)+ dynamic hour of walking once a week

    Physical education sessions during classes, prevention of visual impairment, ear massage

    Before a walk, rinse your mouth with garlic infusion (from October to April)

    Phytoncides (onion garlic)

    Walks: morning 7.00 – 8.00; daytime 10.45 – 12.10; evening 17.45 – 18.30

    Optimal motor mode

    Sleep without shirts

    Breathing exercises in bed

    Extensive washing, walking barefoot

    Exercises to prevent flat feet + individual work to correct flat feet and flattening of the foot

    After snack, mouth rinse


    (September October November)


    Track "Zigzag"

    Ribbed board

    Rope (jump rope)


    Rugs with buttons

    Hardening after sleep.

    Lying in bed.

    1. How will the puppies wake up?

    they will definitely yawn, stretch, stretch,

    deftly wag their tail.

    hands in front of you, palms together,

    show of swings

    2. And the kittens’ backs are arched,

    Before you go for a walk

    arch your back while standing on your hands and feet

    3. Well, the bear is clubfooted

    Spreads paws wide

    Either one or both together

    And when there is little charge

    Starts all over again

    arms down, legs together

    raise your hands up and

    spread apart

    cross on the count of two

    repeat only with legs

    Leaving the bedroom

    Air hardening,

    1. The legs started walking, stomping, stomping, stomping!

    Straight along the path, top, top, top.

    Come on, more fun, stomp, stomp, stomp.

    That's how we do it, top, top, top.

    snake walking (zigzag path)

    2. Here are the frogs along the path

    They jump with their legs stretched out:

    Kva-kva, kva-kva.

    I. p. hands on the belt, legs together, jumping on two legs, through "trickle", moving forward.

    3. Passers-by cannot pass here,

    There's a rope on the way.

    arms are lowered along the body,

    crawling under a rope (jump rope).

    4. The children stood in a circle,

    We saw a flag.

    Who should I give it to, who should I raise the flag?

    The children stood in a circle

    And they raised the flag!

    feet shoulder width apart,

    hands with ribbons are lowered,

    standing in a circle, raise your hands up and look at your hands.

    5. Stand on one leg

    It's like you're a steadfast soldier.

    Left leg to chest

    Yes, be careful not to fall.

    Now stay on the left

    If you are a brave soldier!

    legs together, arms at random, standing in a circle, alternately raise your left leg, arms to the sides, and right leg.

    6. This is how a top spins,

    Buzz-zz-zzzzh and on the side!

    arms are lowered, spinning in place, then squatting, head tilted to the side, leaning on the floor, arms to the sides.

    7. Blow up your bubble

    swell up big

    stay like this

    don't burst out.

    deep breath in through the nose, exhale through the mouth (at the same time showing with his hands how the bubble is inflated).

    Mouth rinse.

    Glug-glug-glug - the water is calling,

    It's time to rinse our mouth.

    So that your teeth don't hurt,

    We ate the food well.

    Put some water in your mouth

    Close your lips like a castle

    And water back and forth

    Wash your teeth with it.


    (December January February)


    Ribbed board

    Rope (jump rope)

    Rugs with buttons


    Mouthwash cups

    Hardening after sleep.

    Lying in bed.

    Turned from side to side

    We reached out sweetly

    stretching alternately on the right and left sides

    2. How good we are

    How beautiful we are

    raise your hands up

    massage movements of arms and legs

    3. The sun has come to us

    It became cheerfully bright

    4. Play the music louder

    Invite us to exercise.

    Leaving the bedroom

    Air hardening,

    gymnastics after sleep with non-standard equipment.

    1. Let's jump over the jumping ropes

    Far along the path

    Even a ball couldn't do it

    So jump high.

    I.P. hands on the belt, legs together, jumping on two legs moving forward.

    2. Spread the branches wide

    An old maple tree near the house

    The neighbor's cat arched his back,

    He loves physical education.

    arms down along the body, feet shoulder-width apart, walking on a ribbed board.

    arms raised up above your head, to the sides, bend over, arching your back, crawl under the rope

    3. Along the sole like a rake

    Let's give you a massage

    Both useful and pleasant -

    This has long been clear to everyone.

    hands on the belt walking on massage mats

    4. And snowflakes now

    They want to fly away from us.

    arms down along the body, rise on tiptoes, blow on "snowflakes"

    Mouth rinse

    Take a sip of water in your mouth

    Press your lips tightly

    Puff out your cheeks quickly

    Rinse your teeth with water

    Don't swallow the water

    Pour it into the sink.


    (March April May)


    Ribbed board

    Rugs with buttons


    Mouthwash cups

    Hardening after sleep.

    Lying in bed.

    1. Everyone woke up and smiled

    Turned from side to side

    We reached out sweetly

    I. p. arms along the body - turns to the right side, left side,

    stretching alternately on the right and left sides

    2. How good we are

    How beautiful we are

    raise your arms up - massage movements of the arms and legs

    3. The sun has come to us

    It became cheerfully bright

    legs together, arms raised and spread to the sides

    4. Play the music louder

    Invite us to exercise.

    stand up, walk in place, raising your legs high

    Leaving the bedroom

    Air hardening,

    gymnastics after sleep with non-standard equipment

    1. We walk on our feet

    Walking on your toes

    2. And like a gray wolf, a wolf

    And like a clubfooted bear,

    Walking on button mats with high leg lifts

    3. Like a bunny jump-jump,

    And the fox sniffs and sniffs

    Jumping from foot to foot

    walking on a ribbed board,

    on sandbags,

    4. Let's run silently

    Running between the pins

    5. Fresh air Let's breathe.

    Standing, hands up – inhale, lower – exhale

    Mouth rinse.

    We ate and drank

    Your teeth are dirty

    We need to remove the crumbs from them

    And rinse with water.

    Alternate walking on wet and dry paths.

    We walked, we jumped,

    Our little legs are tired.

    Let's all rest together

    And let's start massaging the soles. I. p. arms are lowered along the body, walking in place, jumping on the floor on two legs. They vigorously wipe their feet, jumping onto a dry path.

    Little Antoshka walked along the path

    I found a pile of peas on the path.

    A heap of peas

    The cockerel is laid.

    We repeat 2 times. P. arms are arbitrarily lowered along the body, walking in place.

    Hands on the belt, jumping on two legs.

    Hands down, energetically wiping the soles of the feet on the dry path.

    One, two, three straight ahead

    Then strong and healthy

    From charging you will become.

    walking on a ribbed path

    and rugs with buttons

    System of hardening measures in preschool educational institutions

    Purpose of hardening – training the body’s defenses, developing the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions.

    The main task : to implement an integrated approach to improving the health of a preschooler with the help of nature, taking into account the level of his individual health with the active inclusion of the child in the process of his formation.

    Hardening of preschool children in preschool educational institutions consists of a system of activities that include elements of hardening in everyday life, which are included in routine moments and special events: air baths, sunbathing, water procedures, properly organized walks, are part of physical education classes.

    When organizing hardening, it is necessary to follow a number of rules and principles of hardening in order to achieve the greatest effect from its implementation.

    1. The effect on the body of an irritating factor should be gradual. This principle is very important, since the child’s body does not have much resistance and the use of strong irritants, without preliminary, gradual preparation, can lead to negative results. Hardening children will give the best results if a strict dosage is established and irritation is gradually increased. It is best to start hardening in the warm season.

    2. The sequence of application of hardening procedures. First, air baths should be carried out, and then you can move on to water and solar baths.

    3. It is necessary to be systematic when carrying out hardening. With systematic hardening, the body's response accelerates and improves. A habit to a stimulus is formed only if this stimulus acts continuously for a more or less long time. If hardening procedures are carried out randomly, with interruptions, then the child’s body will not have time to get used to the action of cool air, water, solar radiation, and will not be able to consolidate the results obtained.

    4. The complexity of the hardening measures carried out must be observed, then the body is fully hardened. Hardening activities should be combined with physical activity of children, gymnastic exercises, spending time in the fresh air, maintaining a daily routine...

    5. When carrying out hardening procedures, the principle of individuality is of great importance (age of the child, state of his health, level of hardening, gender). All children in relation to hardening can be divided into three groups: 1- healthy children, previously hardened (since these are already hardened children, they can use any hardening measures, even intensive ones); 2- healthy children who have started hardening for the first time, or children who have functional abnormalities in their health; 3- having chronic diseases or pronounced deviations in the functional state. This category includes children who are often ill (this is gentle hardening, most applicable in preschool institutions).

    6. Required condition for carrying out hardening procedures is a positive emotional reaction to the procedure. Nothing will work if the child is crying or tired from previous activities. It is important to create a favorable environment, create play motivation in combination with music, and set the child up to have fun, gain vigor and feel great. The role of an adult is important. He must be a role model to achieve the main goal - improving the health of students.

    There are a number of contraindications when hardening in kindergarten is not recommended for a child, namely:

    if five days have not yet passed since the illness or preventive vaccination,

    if two weeks have not yet passed since the exacerbation of a chronic disease,

    the child has an elevated temperature in the evening,

    The child has a fear of hardening.

    We carry out hardening through the complex influence of natural factors (sun, air, water)

    Sun hardening

    In summer, the most effective measure for hardening the body of children is the use of sunbathing. It is carried out in a sunlit area with a short stay of 5-6 minutes a day; as the tan appears, the duration of exposure to the sun does not increase, but during the day it can be 40-50 minutes. It is best to sunbathe early in the morning or in the evening after 16:00; At this time, the spectrum of sunlight contains the largest number of ultraviolet rays and the smallest number of infrared rays (carrying heat and burning). In urban conditions, in the second half of the day the air is most dusty and polluted - therefore, for children, sunbathing remains favorable in the morning.

    The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the body only when correct use, V otherwise may cause harm. The child’s head must be covered with a hat and drinking regime must be observed.

    Air hardening the most affordable means of hardening, which is suitable for all children. Air baths help improve metabolism, increase appetite, and normalize sleep. Depending on the air temperature, they are distinguished: warm - from 20 and above, cool - 16-19 and cold baths - 15 and below. Warm air baths are the most tolerable. Air hardening should begin with them. When taking cool and cold air baths, you need to actively move - walk or do exercises.

    The daily routine of the preschool educational institution is aimed at hardening the child’s body.

    Children are admitted to kindergarten every day from May to September outside. Morning exercises are also carried out outside. In the cold season - in the gym in a lightweight uniform at a temperature not exceeding 19°

    Before daytime sleep, we carry out a special contrasting air hardening, its meaning is to create a pulsating microclimate, which is created by periodically moving the players from a warmer room to a colder one and vice versa (game technique “Birds Migration”, “Planes”, “Centipede”, “Train” " etc). The number of movements from one room to another should be at least 5-6 times, staying in each room for 1 - 1.5 minutes. It is very important to use rhythmic music to accompany the procedure, which has a positive effect on the emotional tone of children. Children who have had acute respiratory infections undergo hardening for one week at half the specified time, children's clothing is individually gentle (socks, T-shirts).

    Daytime naps take place without shirts. Performing gymnastics in bed and making beds in panties also helps to harden the child’s body.

    One of the forms of hardening iswalking barefoot , as a form of mechanical and thermal acupressure of the feet, which reflexively improves the activity of the vessels of the upper respiratory tract.

    You should start walking barefoot on hot, sunny days, on well-cleaned soil (pebbles, gravel, sand, grass, gradually increasing the time from 2-3 minutes to 10-12 minutes or more. Walking barefoot on the site is allowed when the air temperature is at least 20 –22°.

    Then we teach children to walk barefoot and indoors (initially in socks) at a floor temperature of at least 18°. They start with 2–3 minutes (before napping, they are allowed to walk to their bed on the floor barefoot, increasing this time by 1 minute per day and gradually increasing it to the duration of a full playing physical education hour.

    Air shower as an innovative method of hardening can be used in kindergarten.

    One of the reasons for colds in children may be their instability to drafts. Tempering children over 5 years old with an air shower develops their resistance to drafts. A shower is air at room temperature, and a draft brings air at a lower temperature.

    Mass air showers are carried out from household table or floor fans during physical education classes or game hour. The only requirement is that children should not be constantly exposed to the air stream. This is achieved either by a certain operation of the fan, or by playing games with children actively moving around the room, during which they enter the air shower area for short periods of time.

    Since active game activities or sports relay races take up only part of the time of a physical education lesson, an air shower is used only during them.

    Water hardening

    Water procedures stimulate the nervous system, so they should be performed after morning or afternoon sleep. Wiping the skin after any water procedure with a dry towel provides a good massage, promotes better blood circulation, and therefore nutrition.

    Traditional water procedures that are carried out in kindergartens are wiping, dousing, bathing. In addition to traditional ones, you can use special water hardening methods.

    Before morning exercises, gargling with boiled water is carried out. This is a very effective means for hardening the nasopharynx: preventing sore throats, proliferation of tonsils and adenoids. Game exercise“Cuckoo” is performed with musical accompaniment. For each rinse, use approximately 1/2 - 1/3 cup of water. The initial water temperature is 23-28°, lowering it by 1-2° every week and gradually bringing the water to room temperature.

    After physical education classes, water applications are carried out - patting the friend’s arms, chest, and back with the palm. Without drying themselves with a towel, children perform musical-rhythmic and dance exercises to the music, then get dressed.

    IN summer period For the purpose of hardening, we use a shower. A shower has a stronger effect than, for example, dousing or wiping, since here the effect of jet pressure is added to the temperature factor. Water flowing from the shower under pressure has a massaging effect. The water from the shower feels warmer than water of the same temperature when doused or rubbed. Water temperature that does not cause a feeling of cooling at first (approximately +36+37 degrees) with a gradual decrease with careful monitoring of the children’s reaction. But for this procedure, the temperature decrease occurs slowly. This raises the tone of the muscular system, increases efficiency, gives vigor, and helps increase energy.

    In our work, after a nap, we use a combination of hardening the feet with cool water and walking barefoot along tactile paths to prevent flat feet. Rough skin on the feet dulls pain and susceptibility to cold.

    TOintensive (non-traditional) hardening methods include any methods in which there is at least short-term contact of a person’s naked body with snow, ice water, or air at negative temperatures.

    There is sufficient experience in intensive hardening of young children in parental health clubs. However, there are practically no scientific studies indicating the possibility of using this type of hardening.

    Gargling with cool water with a decrease in its temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal diseases. Children of senior preschool age know how to gargle and begin these procedures at a water temperature of +36-37C. The water temperature is reduced every 2-3 days by 1C and brought to 20-22C in order to achieve a hardening effect.

    Walking barefoot also applies to unconventional methods hardening, which is also a good means of strengthening the arches of the foot and its ligaments. Since walking barefoot is a means of hardening, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of gradualness and systematicity.

    You need to start walking barefoot in the room, first for 1 minute and add 1 minute every 5-7 days, bringing the total duration to 8-10 minutes daily. Walking barefoot is recommended in all age groups.

    Methodsalt hardening (Riga method) is indicated for all preschool children. Hardening is carried out after daytime sleep under the supervision of a teacher. The child walks barefoot on a flannel mat moistened with a 10% solution of table salt at room temperature. Stomp on the mat for 2 minutes. Children then move to the second mat, wiping the salt off the soles of their feet, and then move to a dry mat and wipe their feet dry. An important point when carrying out hardening is that the foot must be preheated. For this purpose, foot massagers, button and stick paths are used. This hardening method is accessible and simple, does not require large material costs and time, and is enjoyable for children. And most importantly, it has a pronounced effect and plays a significant role in the prevention of colds in children.

    The effectiveness of hardening procedures largely depends on the correctness of their implementation, when every little thing at first glance matters.

    All hygienic water procedures have a hardening effect if they are skillfully combined with special techniques. Hardening with cold water will not bring the desired effect if ordinary hygienic washing is performed with warm water. By combining hygienic measures with hardening measures, systematic training of the body is achieved and the time specifically allocated for procedures is reduced. In addition, a positive psychological effect is achieved by raising in adults and children an understanding of the need for hardening activities in the daily routine.

    Hardening should be considered as a conscious application in a certain system of measures that increase the body's resistance, develop the ability to quickly and without harm to health apply to various environmental conditions, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body: it increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation and metabolism.

    The health benefits of air, sunbathing, and water treatments are undeniable. Hardened people get sick less and tolerate diseases more easily. The availability of hardening agents lies in the fact that they are always at hand, the main thing is that they can be used in one form or another, at any time of the year, in any conditions. They do not require complex equipment and special rooms; the methods of their use in skillful hands are not difficult.

    Thus, hardening is an important means of prevention negative consequences cooling the body or exposure to high temperatures. The systematic use of hardening procedures reduces the number of colds in children by 2-5 times, and in some cases almost completely eliminates them.

    Hardening is an increase in the body's resistance to various unfavorable environmental conditions. Hardening consists of consistently accustoming and adapting the body to the effects of cold, heat, ultraviolet rays of the sun, etc.
    Hardening should begin from the first not even years, but days of a child’s life. But, if you have not done this in a timely manner, start immediately, without delay.
    In the Ivanovo region, where there are significant seasonal fluctuations in air temperature with a predominance of low values ​​in winter and below thermoneutral (comfortable) values ​​in summer, it is advisable to build the resistance of children’s bodies primarily to cold stimuli by using cooling in the hardening system.
    In practice, often the use of any one special hardening procedure, for example, dousing the feet or showering, already serves as the basis for considering hardening to be carried out. However, the use of only one special hardening procedure, even a strong one, does not have the desired effect. Therefore, when organizing the health of children in a preschool institution, it is necessary to remember that hardening is a whole system of activities that are repeated many times during the day, and not a separate procedure.

    Positive results Hardening procedures can only be expected if a number of principles are observed.

    1. Gradually increasing the dosage of the stimulus.

    Graduality lies, first of all, in the fact that the first hardening procedures should, both in strength and duration, cause minimal changes in the body, and only as you get used to a given stimulus can they be carefully intensified. It is better to start hardening in the summer, when the air temperature is higher than in other seasons, and its fluctuations are not sharp.

    2. The sequence of application of hardening procedures.

    You can switch to water procedures and sunbathing after the child has become accustomed to air baths, which cause smaller changes in the body; Children are not allowed to douche until they are not accustomed to wiping, and children are not allowed to swim in open water until they have not been doused.

    2. Systematicity.

    It is impossible to interrupt hardening procedures without serious reasons, since in this case those adaptive changes, or “mechanisms” that have already been developed during the hardening process, disappear, and thereby the body’s sensitivity to external stimuli increases again.

    4. Complexity.

    Special hardening procedures do not provide desired results, if in the child’s daily life they are not combined with activities aimed at strengthening his body (walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, regular ventilation of rooms, etc.), and if they are not carried out comprehensively. Thus, it is advisable to combine air baths with outdoor games, physical exercise and physical work.

    These activities are accompanied active movements, causing the need for deep breathing, in which the area of ​​the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in contact with air increases. In addition, movement increases heat generation, which prevents the body from hypothermia in cool weather. After the child gets used to air baths, it is good to combine them with solar and water procedures, and in the summer - with swimming.

    5. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

    Before starting hardening, it is necessary to carefully study the physical and mental development every child. Based on medical examination data, pedagogical observations, and information received from parents, the teacher draws up a profile of the child. When carrying out hardening activities in children's institutions, all children are divided into 3 groups based on their health status:

    1) healthy, previously hardened;

    2) healthy people starting hardening activities for the first time, and children with functional deviations in health;

    3) with chronic diseases and those who returned to preschool after long-term illnesses.

    As they harden, but not earlier than after 2 months, students are transferred from one group to another. The basis for transfer should be the following indicators: the absence of acute diseases during this period, the child’s positive emotional reaction to the procedure, the absence of negative external signs to a cold stimulus (severe shortness of breath, a sharp increase in heart rate, the appearance of “goose bumps”).

    The presented indicators correspond (meet) the functional capabilities of children of the 2nd group. For children of the 1st group, the final temperature of air and water during hardening can be 2-4°C lower, for children of the 3rd group (based on the recommendations of the preschool doctor) - 2°C higher. The temperature of the active factor should be reduced gradually (after 3-4 days for local exposure and after 5-6 days for general exposure) or reduce the time of its exposure.

    6. Active and positive attitude of children towards hardening procedures.

    The results of hardening largely depend on how children treat it. Fear of procedures, and especially their forced implementation, will not contribute to a positive effect on the body. It is important to think through and organize procedures so that they evoke positive emotions in children.

    The teacher should keep a special card for each child, in which the date, air and water temperature, duration of the procedure, as well as the child’s reaction to it are noted daily. Good sleep, normal appetite, cheerful mood of children, and further improvement in their physical development and health will indicate the positive effect of hardening procedures.

    Air hardening

    Air is the most accessible means of hardening at any time of the year. In the atmosphere, air movement occurs more intensely than in a room, therefore skin people outdoors are exposed to stronger influences, which causes continuous protective work of vasomotor mechanisms (constriction or expansion of skin capillaries). Systematic exposure of a child to the air helps the body develop the ability to quickly adapt to new temperature conditions.

    Air hardening begins with good ventilation of the room in which the children are located. Its health-improving effect is greater the larger the surface of the skin is exposed to air, so it is necessary to gradually teach children to wear lightweight clothing (indoors in winter, and outside in warm weather). At normal temperature air, children should wear two-layer clothing and knee socks.

    During an air bath, the child’s body is affected by temperature, humidity and air speed, and in the spring-summer period - also by reflected, scattered sun rays. With children of the first year of life, air baths can be performed 30-40 minutes after eating, and over a year old- after 1 -1.5 hours.

    Air baths are good to combine with massage, passive and active gymnastics (children of the first year of life), outdoor games, work in the garden (older preschoolers). During movements and work activities, heat is generated in the child’s body, which protects against hypothermia and colds.

    During the air bath, younger children (the first year of life) are left in their undershirts for several minutes, and then completely undressed. Children over 1 year of age first take air baths in T-shirts, shorts and light shoes, and as they harden, in shorts and, if conditions permit, barefoot.

    Walking barefoot is a good way to harden, strengthen and shape the arch of the foot. In the summer, children should be taught to walk barefoot on well-cleaned soil (grass, gravel, sand). You should start walking barefoot on hot, sunny days, gradually increasing the time from 2 - 3 minutes to 10 - 12 minutes or more. The minimum air temperature at which children are allowed to walk barefoot is 20 - 22 °C.

    Children are then taught to walk barefoot and indoors. Before napping, they are allowed to walk barefoot to their bed along the carpet. For children aged 5 - 7 years, it is recommended to carry out morning exercises and physical education classes, first in socks, and then barefoot. The floors in the hall should be parquet or covered with plastic or carpet. At temperatures above or below those indicated, overheating or hypothermia occurs, respectively, which can cause illness.

    The healing effect of air should also be used when organizing daytime sleep and walks.

    Air baths begin with children aged two months. In warm weather, their sleep is organized in places protected from the wind and direct sunlight: on open verandas, terraces, specially equipped areas under a canopy or in the shade of trees, on the banks of a river or sea, in the forest, on rainy days and in winter - on verandas or in rooms with open transoms and vents.

    Sun hardening

    The radiant energy of the sun has a huge impact on the life of the body. Sun rays, in addition to visible ones, with a wavelength from 390 to 760 nm, contain invisible rays: infrared (wavelength more than 760 nm) and ultraviolet (wavelength about 390 nm). The biological influence on a living organism is exerted mainly ultra-violet rays.

    Under the influence of sunlight, chemical and biological processes in cells and tissues are accelerated, overall metabolism increases, the layer of the epidermis thickens, especially due to an increase in the number of pigment cells, which at the same time begin to intensively produce the coloring substance melanin. In the subcutaneous fat layer, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, active vitamin D is produced from provitamin D. The general condition of the body changes, mood, sleep, appetite improve, performance and resistance to various diseases increase.

    Sun rays have a beneficial effect on the body only if used correctly, otherwise they can cause harm, cause severe burns, eye disease, exacerbation of certain diseases (pulmonary tuberculosis, toxic diffuse goiter, gastrointestinal disorders). Even with short-term exposure to the sun, redness (erythema) or a first-degree burn may appear on the skin of children who are not accustomed to it; with longer exposure, blisters may form (second-degree burn) and even necrosis of the skin (third-degree burn). Sunburns of the skin, even the first degree, especially if they are extensive, are accompanied by a general painful reaction: body temperature may rise, chills, lethargy may appear, headache, nausea. Therefore, sunbathing should be done carefully, taking into account the age and health status of the children.

    There are a number of contraindications to the use of solar radiation for hardening purposes. Exposure to direct sunlight is not recommended for all children of the first year of life and older children with a sharp delay in physical development, suffering from anemia, with increased nervous excitability, during the acute period of the disease. In these cases, irradiation with scattered light and reflected sunlight is used.

    In preschool institutions, sun hardening is carried out during a walk, especially in spring and summer, during the usual varied activities of children. They start with light-air baths in the shade of trees, then move on to local sunbathing, for which children bare their arms and legs (they should have a light cap on their head). To carry out sunbathing, children's games are organized under direct rays of the sun for 5 - 6 minutes, and then the children are again taken into the shade. As the tan appears, sunbathing becomes common; for this, the pupils are undressed, leaving them in shorts and T-shirts, and then in only shorts. Continuous exposure of children to direct sunlight is initially 5 minutes, gradually increased to 10 minutes. During the day, the duration of sunbathing can be 40-50 minutes.

    In autumn and winter in the middle zone and especially in the Far North, where there are few sunny days, children are irradiated with mercury-quartz lamps. It is recommended that all children be irradiated with ultraviolet rays 2 times a year: in November-December and in March-April (15 - 20 procedures), always without breaks. When irradiated, it is necessary to ensure the correct dosage of ultraviolet rays, protect the eyes of children and staff with dark glasses, and strictly monitor the reaction of each child. These procedures, carried out by medical personnel, are not only a health event, but also a good preventive measure against diseases of children with rickets, as well as colds and other diseases.

    Water as a factor of healing and hardening

    Water procedures can be local (washing, foot baths, rubbing or pouring down to the waist) and general (rubbing and pouring over the whole body, swimming in pools, open reservoirs). Water is used at a temperature that does not cause much strain on the child’s thermoregulatory mechanisms (28 - 36 °C), and is carried out when his body is not overcooled or overheated.

    Water procedures have the advantage over air and sun baths that they can be easily dosed. When dousing with water, swimming in open reservoirs, the human body is influenced not only by temperature, but also by water pressure, and when taking salt, pine baths, swimming in the sea, or medicinal springs - also by its chemical composition. Wiping the skin after any water procedure with a dry towel provides good massage it promotes better blood supply, and therefore nutrition. Water procedures are a stimulant and tonic, so they should be performed after morning or afternoon sleep.

    Washing, which is carried out daily in the morning for hygienic purposes, with certain organization can have a hardening effect on children. To do this, the temperature of the water when washing is gradually (every 2 - 3 days) reduced by 1 degree and brought for children from 1 to 2 years from 28 to 20 ° C, from 2 to 3 years - to 16 "C, for children 3 years and older - up to 14 "C.

    Children under 2 years old usually wash their face and hands, 2 - 3 years old, in addition, their neck and arms to the elbow, from 3 years old and older, when washing, you can also wash the upper chest.

    Foot baths are a good means of hardening. As is known, hypothermia of the feet often leads to colds, since when they are severely cooled, the blood vessels of the nasopharynx reflexively narrow, as a result of which the nutrition of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx deteriorates, and the vital activity of microorganisms that are always present there increases. Foot baths help harden the entire body. In addition, daily foot baths reduce foot sweating and prevent flat feet.

    Local dousing of the feet is carried out from a 0.5 liter ladle at a room temperature of at least 20 °C. During the procedure, the lower half of the lower leg and foot are moistened. The vessel with water is kept at a close distance from the body (4-5 cm). For each dousing, 2 - 3 liters of water at the appropriate temperature are consumed. The actual dousing continues for 15-20 seconds, then the child’s feet are wiped with a dry towel until the skin turns slightly pink. It should be remembered that the hardening effect will only occur if cool water is poured onto the child’s warm feet. In this regard, dousing the feet is usually carried out after a nap. In summer, it is advisable to combine dousing your feet with washing them after a walk: wash your feet with warm water and soap and pour water at the appropriate temperature.

    When pouring the feet of children in the first years of life, use water at an initial temperature of 30 °C, and then reduce it every 1 - 2 days by 2 °C. In preschool groups, they use water with an initial temperature of 30 ° C, reducing it every 1 - 2 days by 2 ° C and gradually bringing it to 18 - 16 ° C for children of the first years of life, and in preschool groups (4 - 7 years old) to 16-14 °C.

    Pouring feet using water of contrasting temperatures can be recommended for young children during the cold season, when the frequency of respiratory diseases increases. Contrast dousing is also used during periods of unfavorable epidemic conditions (presence of respiratory and infectious diseases in preschool institutions), as well as when the air temperature in group rooms is below 20 °C.

    Contrast dousing can be gentle: first, the legs are doused with warm water (35 - 36 °C), and then immediately with cool water (24 - 25 °C), and then again with warm water (35 - 36 °C). Gradually, the temperature of warm water is increased to 40 °C, and cool water is reduced to 18 °C. Finish the procedure with dry rubbing. This method of dousing is recommended for weakened children or those who have had an illness. For hardened and rarely ill pupils, it is better to carry out this procedure in the reverse order, starting with cold water (24 - 25 ° C) and moving to water at a temperature of 35 - 36 ° C, and then again to cold water with the same gradual change in temperature. After dousing, dry rubbing. General water procedures (rubbing, dousing, bathing) are carried out no earlier than 30 - 40 minutes after eating.

    Rubbing can begin at 3 months of age. Children of the first year of life, as well as weakened older children, before wiping with water for 1 - 2 weeks, should dry rub the skin with a clean soft cloth until it becomes slightly reddened. To prevent undressed children from waiting for the procedure, you should prepare everything you need in advance. Boys and girls over 3 years old are wiped separately.

    Mittens made of soft material, which are used to wipe children, are placed in a large basin with water at the desired temperature. Add sea or table salt to the water (2 tablespoons per bucket). After wiping with a well-moistened mitten, the child’s body is immediately rubbed with a dry bath towel.

    For infants, their arms and legs are first wiped, then their neck, chest, stomach, and only then their back. The legs and arms are wiped, lightly massaging the skin from the fingers to the body (this prevents stagnation of blood in the veins and capillaries). Children who can stand well are wiped while standing: first the upper and then the lower part of the body.

    From 5 to 7 years old, preschoolers are taught to wipe themselves, helping them wet the mitten and wipe their backs. After use, the mittens are boiled and dried.

    Dousing the entire body is carried out at an air temperature of at least 23 ° C. Water is poured from a watering can onto the shoulders, chest, back (water consumption 1.5 - 2.0 l), while the vessel with water is held 6 -8 cm above the child. After dousing, dry rubbing immediately follows. The duration of the procedure is increased from 15 to 35 s. The water temperature is reduced after 3-4 days by 2 °C. Shower installations (mixers) are used for water hardening only if they provide a constant temperature. Typically, water at the required temperature is diluted in special tanks.

    Approximate water temperature for wiping

    Children's age

    Initial temperature °C

    Limit temperature°C

    First year of life

    From 1 year to 3 years

    From 4 to 7 years

    Approximate temperature of water for dousing

    Children's age

    Initial temperature, °C

    Final temperature, °C

    Up to 3 years


    3-4 years


    5-7 years


    In summer, dousing and showering are recommended to be done outdoors. When the final temperatures of water and air are reached during hardening, they are stopped for 2 months to ensure the training effect. Then you can strengthen the active factor (move from local to general, from weak to stronger procedures) or increase the duration of its action.

    Swimming in open bodies of water (swimming pool, river, lake, sea) is one of children’s favorite hardening procedures. The child’s body is simultaneously affected by air, sun, water (its temperature, composition). All this, combined with the movements that the child makes while swimming or playing in the water, activates the work of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems.

    Swimming in open water causes significant stress on the child's thermoregulatory mechanisms and therefore must be strictly controlled. In preschool institutions, only healthy children (health group 1) over 3 years old are allowed to swim in open water.

    Preschoolers can start swimming in calm weather at an air temperature of at least 25 °C and a water temperature of 23 °C. Seasoned children can be allowed to swim in cooler water, reducing the bathing time. Children should not be bathed on an empty stomach or earlier than 1.5 hours after taking food. Pupils bathe once a day.

    The duration of the first bathing should not exceed 3 minutes, then it is gradually increased: for children 3 - 5 years old up to 5 minutes, 6 - 7 years old - up to 8 - 10 minutes. Children should be bathed in the morning after sunbathing.

    6 children can swim at the same time, while one teacher who knows how to swim should be in the water with them, and the other teacher or nanny remains on the shore and monitors the rest of the children. In water, children should move all the time, play with balls and rubber toys. Five-year-old children can already be taught swimming.

    During bathing, children should not be allowed to go further than the specified place, be naughty, push each other, or plunge headlong into the water. If any child gets cold and starts to tremble, he must be immediately taken out of the water, rubbed well with a towel and dressed.

    After bathing, all pupils are quickly dried with individual towels, and outdoor games are organized in the shade. Sunbathing after swimming is not recommended.

    For children to swim in populated areas, it is necessary to fence off part of the public beach and a reservoir with a proven bottom. The depth of the reservoir should be no more than 60-70 cm. You cannot arrange a bathing area where cattle are bathed or watered upstream. On the shore, it is good to have individual bedding for undressing children.

    The water pool where children swim must be flowing, clean, and the bottom of the pool must be free of holes and stones, with a gradual decrease.

    Sea bathing is the most powerful complex hardening agent. When swimming in the sea, the child’s body is affected not only by the temperature of the water, but also by its pressure and chemical composition (sodium chloride salts, etc.). Warm seawater baths indoors are beneficial for children of any age, especially those suffering from rickets.

    Over the course of a month, it is enough to spend 20 sea baths with children (swim once a day). In cool and rainy weather, bathing is replaced by dousing or wiping with sea water.

    Many preschool educational institutions have created splash pools for bathing children in hot weather. Such pools greatly facilitate the work of hardening children in the summer, but they can only be used if the water in them is regularly changed and the walls and bottom are cleaned of dirt and foreign objects.

    In the summer, for the purpose of hardening, children can be allowed to play in water in pools, streams and other flowing bodies of water. The water temperature should not be lower than 20 °C. The game time gradually increases to 5-10 minutes.

    A good remedy hardening of the oral cavity and nasopharynx is their systematic rinsing with water at room temperature. It is most convenient to carry out this procedure in the morning after sleep and before going to bed at night. Children can be taught to rinse their mouths from the age of 2 - 3; from the age of 4 - 5 they can gargle. Use 1/2-1/3 cup of water for rinsing. Experience shows that this procedure is an effective means of preventing sore throats, tonsillitis, and adenoids.

    Hardening activities are especially important to carry out during periods of increased morbidity in children, quarantines and after illnesses. At the same time, the strength of the influencing factor is temporarily reduced, and medical control over children is enhanced. There should be no medical exemptions from hardening in children's groups of preschool institutions, since methods and means of hardening are selected individually depending on the age, condition of the child and environmental conditions. The manager is responsible for the proper organization of work on hardening children. preschool and a doctor.

    Air baths .
    They are considered the mildest hardening procedure. The child receives a local air bath while wearing ordinary clothes, leaving his arms and legs bare, during physical education and music lessons, morning exercises, and a general air bath - when changing linen, during daytime and night sleep.
    Air baths can be performed both at rest and in motion.
    Air flow hardening.
    In everyday life, flows of cooled air, acting on a child’s body indoors or outdoors, can provoke the development of not only various colds, but also asthmatic reactions and other negative phenomena. Therefore, to avoid the harmful effects of drafts and wind cooling, it is recommended to train children by creating an artificial air flow caused by fans in the room.
    In a room designated for hardening (bedroom, gym) at a height of 30-40 cm from the floor, one or more fans are placed, located in a circle or in a semi-ring so that the air flows are separated and do not reinforce each other during blowing.
    Opposite each fan, at a distance, there are children stripped to their underpants (two children per fan).
    At the teacher’s command, children turn their faces or backs to the source of the air flow.
    It is necessary to start hardening children with an air flow at a temperature not lower than 22 C.
    The time of the first procedure is 20 seconds (10 seconds each on the front and back surfaces of the body) at a distance of 6 m from the source of the air flow.
    Every two days of hardening, the time of blowing the front and back surfaces of the child’s body increases by 20 seconds and by the 24th day of hardening it is increased to 3 minutes (90 seconds each on the front and back surfaces of the body).
    The distance from the fans to the children decreases by 0.5 m every two days, remaining equal to 0.5 meters by the 24th day of hardening.
    In the initial hardening period, the lowest blade rotation speed is used.
    The most convenient time for hardening with air flow during the daily routine of a childcare facility is before naptime.

    Sun hardening .
    It is carried out during a walk, especially in spring and summer. There should always be a light-colored cap on your head.
    As the tan appears, the children are undressed, leaving them in panties and T-shirts, and then only in shorts. The duration of sunbathing is initially 5 minutes, then it is increased to 10 minutes, and during the day the time spent in the sun by children can be 40-50 minutes.

    Water procedures.
    Hardening begins with washing, rinsing the feet, and simple games with water.

    Wet wipe. This procedure is carried out indoors at an air temperature of at least 18-200C. The child can be wiped with a damp towel, sponge or simply with your hand. Children older than one year begin to be wiped with water at 320-330C and gradually bring it to +260C in winter and +240C in summer. Schoolchildren should be accustomed to water at room temperature.
    For the first 2-3 weeks, the baby is wiped to the waist. Then they move on to rubbing the entire body in the following sequence: neck - chest - arms - back - legs. The duration of the procedure, depending on age, ranges from 1 to 5 minutes.

    Local hardening can also become a reliable barrier against colds. It is especially useful for children suffering from chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, prone to sore throats, and runny nose. Teach them to wipe their necks with cold water in the morning and evening. They start with a temperature of +22, + 23 C and gradually lower it to +10, + 12 C. It is also recommended to rinse your feet with cool water every day before going to bed.
    Hardening of the nasopharynx and oral mucosa is aimed at preventing sore throats. From the age of 2-3, children should be taught to rinse their mouths with water at room temperature. From 4-5 years of age, you can teach them to gargle.
    To achieve a positive effect from hardening, the child begins to gargle with water, first at a temperature of +36.+37 C, followed by a decrease every three to four days by 1-2 C up to +8.+10 C. For gargling, use 1/3 glass of water (50 ml plastic or glass beakers).
    For weakened children, it is advisable to use herbal decoctions (St. John's wort, chamomile, sage) for rinsing.
    The “gurgling” of water in the throat should last as long as possible. Gargling in the morning after sleep, in the evening before bed, before lunch, after lunch is an effective means of preventing sore throat, overgrowth of adenoids and tonsils.

    Hardening the nasopharynx with garlic solution cleanses the blood, kills pathogenic microbes, as a remedy against acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
    At the rate of 1 clove of garlic per 1 glass of water. Mash the garlic, add chilled boiled water and leave for 1 hour. Gargle, you can (if necessary) drop it into your nose. Use the solution within 2 hours after preparation.
    Apply from October 1 to April 1 daily after classes, before going for a walk.

    Hardening the feet. It can be carried out in the form of washing the feet as an independent hardening procedure, foot baths, and also in combination with walking barefoot on the floor, cold and hot sand, etc.
    Walking barefoot on the floor in a preschool institution begins at a floor temperature of at least +18 C, first with socks (3-5 days), then without them. The cooling time for the first time is 5-7 days for 3-4 minutes, then it increases by 1 minute per day up to 15-20 minutes. After walking, you should definitely wash your feet for hygienic and hardening purposes. Washing begins at a water temperature of +360, +370C, decreasing it by 1 C every other day, bringing it to 18-20 C. After dousing, you can use the option of drying the feet in the air, for which only large drops of water are removed from the surface of the feet with a towel. Drying of feet should be carried out at a room temperature of at least 18 C.
    We must remember that the hardening effect will only occur if cool water is poured onto the child’s warm feet. In this regard, it is recommended to douse the feet after a nap.

    Contrast dousing of legs. For children aged 3 to 5, we perform a contrast douse on the feet in combination with air baths.
    For healthy children, the water temperature is +38, +18, +38, +18, etc., for weakened children - +38, +28, +38, +28, etc.
    The second part of the procedure is to vigorously rub your feet with a dry towel from the foot to the shin until the skin turns red. This is done by the child himself with the help of a nanny. The whole procedure takes 7-8 minutes.

    Hardening the feet by walking on a wet blanket. After a nap, children wake up to the sounds of music, usually quickly and simultaneously. At the same time, they take off the blankets and, lying in bed, perform 3-4 physical exercises for 2-3 minutes (pulling bent knees to the chest; cross and parallel movements of arms and legs; rocking bent knees to the right and left; various exercises on stomach). At the teacher’s command, children stand up, walk barefoot on a ribbed board, rubber mats, then walk on a wet blanket (tread on it), pausing, starting for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 2 minutes. The initial temperature for soaking the blanket is +38*,+40*C. Every two days the temperature drops by 1*C to +20*C.
    It is advisable to use a wool blanket for hardening, after placing an oilcloth under it.
    The swimming pool is considered the most powerful complex hardening agent. When practicing in the pool, children receive a set of contrasting water and air hardening procedures:
    - contrast air baths (four air changes)
    - air bath during warm-up
    - foot massage (twice)
    - self-massage (rubbing the whole body with a towel)
    - water procedure when exercising in water plus higher intensity physical activity.

    Games and exercises in water not only strengthen the body, but also bring great joy and lift children’s spirits.

    It is possible to raise healthy, strong, physically developed children only if there is close contact with the family.
    On parent meetings, consultations, and conversations, we explain to parents that the physical education work begun in a child care institution must be continued at home. We introduce moms and dads to morning exercise routines, hardening procedures, give advice on how to organize a sports corner at home, introduce corrective exercises to parents whose children have poor posture, and recommend reading special literature.
    One of the forms of working with parents is open days dedicated to various issues of physical education.

    Systematically carried out methodological work gave good results: the number of colds decreased significantly, the children became stronger, and learned to perform basic movements correctly. Physical education has entered the everyday life of preschoolers.

    The effectiveness of hardening is monitored using the following indicators:
    1. Children’s behavior at various routine moments – decreased excitability, falling asleep quickly, deep sleep, good appetite, increased attention and activity in general education classes.
    2. The desire of children to perform hardening procedures, a positive emotional attitude during their implementation.
    3. Improving the vegetative-vascular reaction in children - increasing the skin temperature of the hands and feet (warm hands and feet during the day)
    4. Dynamics of the disease in children:
    - reducing the number of frequently ill children,
    - number of cases of acute respiratory infections per child,
    - the number of days missed by one child due to illness per year.
    5. Comprehensive assessment of children's health and redistribution by health groups.

    All this is just the beginning of a lot of serious work that we have to deepen and improve in order to raise healthy, strong, physically developed people.

    Room temperature

    For children over one year old, the indoor temperature ranges, as for adults, from + 17° to + 19°C. In autumn-winter, ventilation of the room must be carried out 4-5 times for at least 10-15 minutes. For this purpose, the window must have vents or transoms. When a window or transom is opened, the air is directed to the ceiling; then, having warmed up somewhat, it goes down, goes up and leaves the room.

    The best way to freshen the air is through ventilation. At the same time, air exchange is carried out 7 times faster than with an open window. The criterion for stopping the ventilation of the room is the air temperature, which decreases by 2 - 3 ° C. In the warm season, a window or window can be kept open throughout the day; at night it is necessary to close the windows, since at night the temperature in the room is more difficult to control.

    Walks in the open air

    Walking and sleeping in the fresh air can be prescribed for children in the summer, 2 weeks after the child is discharged from the maternity hospital. It is necessary to start walking with your child on a dry and warm, non-rainy day; in the cold season - at an air temperature of at least 5°C. Children over 1.5 years old need to walk outdoors at least 2 times a day. 2.5 - 3 hours. In the cold season, walk at a temperature not lower than - 15 - 16°C. In the conditions of the Far North, for children aged 1 year, walks are carried out at an air temperature of not lower than - 15 ° C, for children 3-4 years old - not lower than 30 0 C with a wind force not exceeding 5 m/s. When the wind force increases to 10 m/s, the permissible air temperature is 25 ° C. Children 5 - 7 years old can walk at a temperature of - 35 ° C (with a wind force of 5 m/s). The duration of the walks is 15 - 30 minutes. A winter walk lasts 1.5 - 2 hours, and the walk is organized in such a way that the first part consists of quiet activity for children for 15 - 20 minutes, followed by outdoor games for 25 - 30 minutes, alternating quiet games. At the end, children play for 20 - 25 minutes.

    Hygienic requirements for children's clothing in different seasons

    Winter, summer, autumn, spring, wind, rain, snow or hot sun... How to dress a child so that he is comfortable and comfortable, to keep the baby healthy.

    I. Summer clothes In summer, depending on meteorological conditions, children wear one- or two-layer clothes. The first layer of clothing is underwear (sleeveless shirt or T-shirt, panties). The second is a light dress (for a girl - a dress or skirt with a blouse, for boys - short pants and a shirt). Underwear should not interfere with the removal of metabolic products from the underwear space (the space between the skin and the inner layer of clothing), otherwise normal skin “breathing” and normal body activity will be disrupted. To do this, linen fabrics must be soft, thin, have high breathability (200 - 500 dm3/m2s), good hygroscopicity (20%) and high vapor permeability (about 90%) and wettability (hydrophilicity). Some should dry quickly. The underwear should be loose-fitting, not squeeze the child’s skin, and not have thick scars. In panties and nightwear, the elastic should only be inserted at the back. Thin and soft cotton and linen fabrics (batiste, madepolam, linen, etc.) satisfy these requirements to the greatest extent. Knitted cotton underwear has a number of advantages (high softness, flexibility, high air and vapor permeability), but due to the fact that it fits more tightly to the skin than fabric and easily sticks to it when sweating, it should not be used for high air temperature.

    At night, the child should sleep in a long, loose nightgown (down to the toes) or pajamas with soft, loose elastic. It is recommended to make children's underwear from light-colored, preferably white, fabrics. It should not be starched, as starch clogs the pores of the fabric. Linen should be changed when soiled, at least twice a week. When washing, if synthetic detergents are used, the laundry must be rinsed several times in clean water. After drying, iron it to disinfect. The addition of synthetic and acetate fibers to the materials used to make linen for newborns, toddlers and preschool children is strictly prohibited. For children of preschool and school age, capro-viscose fabric and fabric made from cotton lavsan yarn with a nylon and lavsan content of no more than 40%, as well as cotton fabric in combination with nylon textured elastic thread (no more than 23%) can be used. Light dress Just like lingerie, dresses should be loose-fitting, with short sleeves (no elastic or cuff) or sleeveless with a loose neckline. It is better for the hem of the dress to be higher or lower than the waist - this provides greater freedom of movement. The skirt should be wide and short (above the knees). Just like pants and shorts, it should be held in place by wide straps. Elastic bands, belts, etc. are not acceptable. The color of summer clothing should be light, since light fabrics transmit ultraviolet rays, which are necessary for the child’s health, well and reflect heat. In the conditions of the south, where ultraviolet radiation is sharply increased, in conditions of direct irradiation, it is more appropriate to wear red and blue color, since it transmits ultraviolet rays to a lesser extent than white. Fabrics used for summer dresses, should be, like linen, soft, have high air and vapor permeability, high thermal conductivity, should be washed and ironed well, without losing their qualities. Thin cotton and linen fabrics (chintz, linen, satin, cambric, etc.) meet these requirements. Silk fabrics, as a rule, are lighter and softer than cotton fabrics; they are inferior to the latter in terms of hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity. Therefore, silk dresses for children are not recommended for constant wear in hot weather. The use of materials with the addition of synthetic fibers is prohibited in light summer clothing for newborns and toddlers. For the manufacture of children's clothing, 1 layer up to size 30 inclusive, it is recommended to use only natural fabrics. II. Winter clothing In winter, clothing plays a significant role in maintaining a state of thermal comfort. Its role is especially great when children are outdoors. While protecting the child from cooling, clothing should not interfere with the normal functioning of the body: heat transfer, gas exchange, moisture evaporation, etc. In addition, clothing should not interfere with the child’s high natural need for movement. The degree of insulation of clothing should be directly proportional to the cooling effect of the environment (and primarily the temperature of the air and the speed of its movement) and inversely proportional to energy costs, depending on the type of activity.

    Children's clothing in winter is multi-layered: underwear, dress, knitted jacket, tights; outside - additionally a sweater, leggings, and coat. Each new layer in clothing increases its heat-protective properties and at the same time increases its weight. It is necessary to take into account that the effectiveness of each subsequent layer of clothing (counting from the surface of the body) is less than the previous one. Thus, in a child staying indoors, the skin temperature in the torso area increases due to an increase in layers of clothing from 2 to 3 by approximately 1.5 degrees, and from 3 to 4 - only by 0.5 degrees. In the same way, during a walk, the most significant heat-protective effect is provided by adding a 4th layer to clothing (underwear, dress, jersey, coat). The fifth layer, for example, another jacket, has a much smaller effect, and the sixth has practically no effect. In this case, only the total weight of the clothes increases and the child’s mobility during a walk is limited. Therefore, excessively layered and heavy clothing is undesirable for children. The same requirements apply to linen in the cold season as in summer. At this time of year, we recommend underwear made from cotton jersey, which has favorable hygienic properties and at the same time lower thermal conductivity than corresponding fabric materials. During outdoor physical education, it is recommended to wear woolen knitwear under a sports suit. Light clothing for children indoors is determined by the air temperature. When the air temperature is sufficiently high (above 20°C), children’s clothing should be close to summer clothing. As the air temperature in the room decreases, the heat-protective effect of clothing should increase (see Table 1). Table 1 Recommendations for clothing for preschool children indoors at different air temperatures (moderate physical activity) Air temperature °C Items of clothing Permissible number of layers of clothing in the torso area 16-17° Cotton underwear, dress made of cotton or wool, knitted jacket, tights (shoes or warm slippers on feet). 3 - 4 18-20° Cotton underwear, plain or thick cotton fabric dress, tights (shoes on feet) 2 - 3 21-22° Cotton underwear, dress made of thin cotton fabric with short sleeves, knee socks (shoes or sandals on feet) 2 23° and above Thin cotton dress or without it; light summer dress without sleeves, socks (sandals on feet) 1 - 2 For a children's light winter dress, it is recommended to use thick cotton fabrics (flannel, flannel, corduroy, plaid), wool and wool blend (with the addition of cotton and viscose), fabrics from various yarns (cotton, wool, viscose). It is acceptable to use woolen fabrics mixed with nitron fiber (no more than 35%) and viscolavsan yarn (no more than 40% lavsan). It is advisable to use outerwear in children's clothing. knitwear: blouses, jumpers, vests, suits. For older toddlers and older children, it is allowed to use wool blend yarn (50% black and white and 50% nitron) and polyacrylic yarn, both in pure form and in combination with natural and artificial (viscose) fibers. Outerwear The warmest outerwear is fur (sheepskin coats). Their use is most appropriate in areas with harsh climatic conditions (North, Siberia). In temperate climates, using these fur coats as the only outerwear in winter for preschool children is irrational, since there are relatively few days with harsh weather conditions. In moderate frost (up to - 15°C) and the absence of strong wind (within 3 - 7 m/sec), 70 - 80% of children walking in fur coats return indoors with severe sweating, indicating overheating. This eliminates the hardening effect of the cooling factor on the child’s body. Therefore, it is more rational to use lighter clothing for children in temperate climates. At the same time, the most common outerwear for children - a standard winter coat (made of lightweight drape with cotton wool) is also not optimal: due to its high air permeability (about 90 dm3/m2s), it significantly loses its heat-protective properties in the presence of even a relatively small wind (within 3 - 7 m/sec), and does not provide uniform insulation of the child’s body. More rational for children younger ages Those who spend a significant part of their time outdoors, in motion, wear outerwear with the design of overalls or bib overalls. At the same time, it is desirable that the heat-protective properties of such clothing could be changed (for example, due to the presence of a vest attached to the trousers). For outerwear in temperate climates, it is recommended to use fabrics that are light in weight and have low levels of breathability and moisture retention (raincoat fabric with water-repellent impregnation, art. 629, etc.). The insulation can be half-woolen batting (1.5 - 2 layers) or a combination of batting with synthetic insulation ( artificial fur, synthetic wool, etc.). The thermal resistance of such clothing should be about 0.4°C m2/W. This clothing ensures a comfortable thermal state for children during a 1.5 - 2 hour walk with moderate physical activity in conditions of air temperature up to - 15 ° C and wind speed within 3 - 7 m/sec (according to the weather report). The optimal conditions for using ordinary winter clothing, taking into account weather conditions, the level of physical activity and the total number of layers of clothing in the torso area are given in Table 2. Table 2 Recommendations for the use of ordinary winter outerwear when walking children, depending on weather conditions, taking into account physical activity

    Weather Type of activity Outerwear Total number of layers

    3 - 3°, wind up to 2 m/s Sports activities (outdoor games) Ski suit 3

    3 - 3°, Wind 3 - 7 m/s Ski suit, windproof jacket 4

    3 - 3°, wind up to 2 m/s Games of average mobility Insulated jacket with trousers 4

    3 - 3°, wind 3 - 7 m/s 4 -4-10°, wind up to 2 m/s Winter coat Fur coat 4 -4-10°, wind 3 - 7 m/s Winter coat Fur coat 5 4 -11 - 15°, wind up to 2 m/s Winter coat Fur coat 5 4 -11 - 15°, wind 3 - 7 m/s Outdoor games, intense walking Winter coat Fur coat 5 4 -16 - 20°, wind up to 2 m/s Winter coat Shuba 5 4 -16 - 20°, wind 3 - 7 m/s Shuba 4

    Note: children should wear insulated boots on their feet in sub-zero temperatures. At air temperatures below –10°, boots with fur or felt boots. A standard winter children's coat does not provide sufficient protection against cooling in harsh weather conditions typical for the regions of the North and Siberia. This is due to the open design of clothing ("bell" shape), which creates enhanced ventilation in the space under clothing, the insufficient thermal resistance of the "package" of clothing materials and their high air permeability. Winter children's clothing with increased heat-protective properties, intended for harsh climatic conditions, must have a closed structure (overalls, bib overalls) with protective devices against the penetration of cold air under clothing. The thickness of clothing should be increased compared to standard clothing by adding an additional layer of insulation up to 16-18 mm in coats and 8-10 mm in trousers. The air permeability of such clothing should be no more than 60 dm3/m2s (at 196 Pa). Thermal resistance in conditions of relatively calm air at a temperature of - 30 - 40 ° C is about 0.7 ° C / m2 / W. A standard winter coat under similar conditions provides thermal resistance almost four times less (about 0.2°C/m2/W). For areas whose climate is characterized by a combination of frost and pronounced wind, the breathability of clothing can be further reduced - to 10 - 20 dm3/m2s, which is achieved either by replacing the outer fabric (children's drape) with a denser one, or by introducing windproof clothing into the "package". . In the manufacture of children's outerwear, it is allowed to use materials with the addition of synthetic and artificial fibers for the outer fabric, except for clothing for toddlers (the admixture of synthetic fibers is no more than 50%). For insulation, it is allowed to use materials with the addition of synthetic and artificial fibers of no more than 50% in clothing for older toddlers and preschool children. For younger children, the admixture of synthetic fibers in the insulation is prohibited. Materials made from natural and viscose fibers should be used as lining. Synthetic materials use for lining is prohibited.


    The air temperature in the room is 20 – 22°C.

    Hardening procedures:

      A short-term air bath (2 – 4 minutes) with each change of linen or swaddling.

      Air bath with massage and gymnastics for 4 minutes. In the first months and 10 - 12 minutes - at the end of the first year.

      Washing (the water temperature in the first weeks is 28°C, during the year it is reduced to 20°C).

      Daytime sleep in the open air 2-3 times a day at air temperatures from -12 to +30°C.

      General daily bath at a water temperature of 36 - 37°C for 5 - 6 minutes. followed by dousing (water temperature 34 – 35°C).

      Stay in an outdoor arena (summer) or in a well-ventilated area (winter).

      In summer, stay 2-3 times a day in the diffused rays of the sun. Start the procedure with 3 – 4 minutes.

    and gradually increase to 10 minutes.

    Age 1-3 years.

    Hardening procedures:

      The air temperature in the room is 18 – 19°C.

      Air bath during morning exercises and washing.

      Washing (water temperature at the beginning of hardening is 28°C, later it is gradually reduced to 18 – 16°C). For children over 2 years old, wash their neck, upper chest and arms up to the elbow.

      Daytime sleep in the open air at temperatures from -15 to +30°C in calm weather.

      Walks 2 times a day at air temperatures ranging from -15 to +30°C.

      Stay in the sun for 5 – 6 to 8 – 10 minutes. 2 – 3 times a day.

      General hardening and shower after the walk (initial water temperature 34 – 35°C, gradually reduced to 24 – 26°C).

      Pouring your feet before napping (initial water temperature is 28°C, gradually reduced to 18°C).

    General bath at a water temperature of 36°C for 5 minutes. followed by dousing (water temperature 34°C) before bedtime 2 times a week.

    Preschool age

    Hardening procedures:

      The air temperature in the room is 16 – 18°C.

      Air bath during morning exercises and subsequent washing. The duration of the air bath is 10 – 15 minutes, of which 6-7 minutes are allocated for gymnastics.

      Washing (water temperature 24°C). Wash the neck, upper chest and arms above the elbow. Older children dry themselves to the waist.

      Daytime sleep in the open air at temperatures from -15 to +30°C.

      Walks 2 times a day at air temperatures from -15 to +30°C.

      Stay in the sun for 5 – 6 to 10 – 15 minutes. 2 – 3 times a day.

      After a walk, general hardening or shower at a water temperature of 34°C at the beginning of hardening with a gradual decrease to 25 - 24°C.

      Pouring your feet before napping (initial water temperature is 28°C, gradually reduced to 16°C).

    General bath at a water temperature of 35 – 36°C, followed by dousing (water temperature 33°C) before bedtime, 2 times a week.

    Responsibility for the correct organization of work on hardening the child’s body lies with the head and doctor serving the preschool institution.


      Monitors the work of medical, teaching and service personnel in hardening children of all age groups of children's collectives and individual children.

      Organizes training for educators and service personnel in the methods of carrying out all hardening activities, regularly checks how the doctor’s instructions are followed.

      Establishes contact with parents, achieving an agreed upon unified system of hardening children in a preschool institution and in the family.

      Provides equipment and all the necessary conditions for the implementation of the entire complex for hardening the child’s body.


      Develops a plan of activities for hardening children in different seasons of the year based on data from a thorough study of the health of each child, his physical education in the family and in kindergarten.

      Gives specific instructions for medical and service personnel on the organization and methodology of carrying out all activities to harden children in each age group of a given preschool institution.

      Trains medical, teaching and service personnel in the methods of conducting hardening procedures.

      Conducts conversations with parents about the importance of hardening for strengthening the health of children, teaches them methods of carrying out various activities to harden a child in the family.

      Carries out systematic monitoring of the work of the staff in hardening children in each age group, over compliance with medical instructions in relation to the children's team and each child individually.

      Visits, in accordance with the work plan, all age groups of the preschool institution (each group at least once a month).

      Regularly monitors the impact of the hardening system on the health of each child.

    Introduces educators to the results of the impact of hardening activities on the health of children, and, if necessary, makes appropriate adjustments (depending on the degree of hardening of children, the epidemic situation, the child’s illness, changes in weather conditions, season, etc.).


      Participates in organizing all work on hardening children in accordance with the plan developed by the doctor.

      Draws up and controls the ventilation regime and schedule for special procedures.

      Every day he checks the accuracy and thoroughness of their implementation, monitors the well-being and reaction of the children.

      Regularly informs the doctor about the progress and results of hardening, and about his observations of the children.


      With the help of a nanny-cleaner, guided by doctor’s prescriptions, she carries out the whole range of measures to harden the body in her group.

      Thinks through the organization of children's groups and adults when carrying out hardening procedures.

      They monitor the well-being of children, instilling in them a positive attitude towards hardening.

      Make sure that clothing matches the air temperature indoors and outdoors.

      They keep records of special hardening procedures, noting on the report card which of the children received them and in what dosage.

    Methods for determining the degree of hardening of the body. The hardening of the body can be determined through the combined use of a number of techniques. They study shifts in the sensation of heat, a drop in skin temperature in various microclimatic conditions, the difference between the skin temperature of the chest and big toe, changes in vascular reactions during cooling, determine thermal asymmetry, average weighted temperature, immunological reactivity of the body and study the frequency of colds. Taking into account that the initial data of these indicators depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, their changes can only be judged through a dynamic examination.

    Thermal sensation research

    One of the indicators of hardening is the body’s attitude to given microclimatic conditions. Research is carried out in specified air temperature conditions. The required microclimatic conditions in the room are achieved through extensive aeration. Initial studies are carried out in comfortable conditions(air temperature in the room +22...+18°C, depending on the age of the children), subsequent ones - with a gradual decrease in it to 15°C (air movement speed - no more than 0.1 m/s, relative humidity - 40 - 60 %). After establishing the required temperature in the room, children are seated at some distance from heat sources. Then, at the chest level of the sitting children, the air temperature is determined again. After this, the children undress to the waist and expose their left leg. A child’s good thermal condition is determined by the presence of a free posture, normal coloring of the skin and mucous membrane of the lips. The decrease in thermal state is distinguished by degrees.

    1st degree characterized by paleness of the face, stiff posture, and a feeling of slight cooling.

    2nd degree characterized by an unpleasant feeling of heat (cool, cold), blue lips, the appearance of “goose bumps” and sometimes hiccups. If there is a decrease in the thermal state of degrees 1 and 2, the child is noted at the time and told to get dressed.

    30 minutes after the start of the study, all other children get dressed. It is believed that the air temperature at which a child maintains a good thermal state for 30 minutes, which is an indicator of a balanced state of heat exchange for a given time, indicates the degree of hardening of the body. On the other hand, the time during which a naked child retains a good sensation of heat under given conditions is also an indicator of his hardening. A child’s sense of heat is somewhat subjective and it is not always possible to detect stage 1 of a decrease in his thermal state. An objective indicator of thermal state is skin temperature. The skin temperature decreases under the influence of cooling. In this regard, it is advisable to measure skin temperatures during the study described above. Using an electric thermometer, measure the temperature of the skin of the chest along the left nipple line 2 cm above the nipple and the temperature of the dorsal surface of the phalanx of the big toe of the left foot. Measurements are taken at the very beginning of the study and after 30 minutes. In a hardened child, when the air temperature in the room decreases to a certain limit, the skin temperature changes slightly. So, with good thermal condition, the skin temperature of the chest drops by 0.5 - 1.5 ° C, the foot - by 1 - 2.5 ° C. In children with a slight deterioration in thermal condition, the drop in chest skin temperature is almost different from its fall in children with good thermal condition (decreases by 1 - 1.8 ° C), but the skin temperature of the big toe drops by 3 - 5 ° C. A large drop in skin temperature is observed in children with a significant deterioration in thermal condition: the skin temperature of the chest drops by 2 - 3°C, legs - by 4 - 8°C. An additional criterion for thermal status is the gradient between the skin temperature of the chest and the big toe. With a temperature difference of up to 6°C, a satisfactory thermal state of the child is noted; an increase in this difference towards a decrease in leg temperature by more than 6°C indicates a violation of the thermal state - cooling; a convergence of indicators is observed with overheating.

    Hardening activities

    In preschool institutions, a whole range of hardening measures is used, since any one procedure cannot sufficiently ensure the full hardening of the child’s body. Hardening activities should be combined with physical exercises and carried out systematically. Hardening procedures are provided for in the kindergarten program. The following types of hardening activities are recommended for preschoolers:

    1) rubbing: light massaging movements from the periphery to the center. It is extremely important to have a special mitten for wiping. It is extremely important to combine this procedure with movements: the child wipes himself, wipes a friend;

    2) dousing has a stronger effect on the body than wiping. The flow of water affecting the body increases muscle tone, stimulates the nervous system, and causes vigor. During dousing, the child turns around, exposing all parts of the body to the stream of water. After finishing the dousing, the children wipe themselves dry with a towel. Many preschool institutions practice dousing to the waist after morning exercises;

    3) bathing, if appropriate conditions exist, should be carried out daily. It is useful to combine swimming with movements in the water, learning to swim, and sunbathing. Bathing for the purpose of hardening is recommended by the program for children of the 2nd junior, middle and senior groups. Children can be introduced to water from the age of 1.5–2 years. When organizing swimming, weather conditions, water and air temperature are taken into account. This procedure is carried out under the supervision of a teacher in compliance with the doctor’s recommendations. Bathing and learning to swim can be done all year round if there is a pool;

    4) sunbathing has a beneficial effect on the child’s body. Accepting them requires caution. You can take sunbathing from an early age until your children leave kindergarten. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations. It is useful to combine all hardening activities with physical exercise and remember to be systematic in the complex application of hardening measures.

    Outdoor games and exercise while walking form of physical education and recreational work. These types of exercises can be planned in the daily routine for each age group for morning, afternoon and evening walks. In this case, the time of year, weather conditions, previous and subsequent types of children’s activities and a number of other factors should be taken into account. While walking, games with rules should be widely used. Older preschoolers can be invited to come up with a game themselves. You can teach elements of sports games and sports exercises.

    Forms of active recreation. These include walks and excursions outside the kindergarten, a physical education holiday, physical education leisure, a health day, and vacations.

    Walks and excursions outside the kindergarten are considered the simplest children's tourism. This form of work is carried out for a specific purpose. The best time to carry it out is early autumn. The content of hiking trips includes outdoor games, and in winter - skiing. When conducting walks, a number of methodological rules should be followed:

    1. Warn children and parents about the upcoming walk in advance.

    2. On the day of the walk, do not overload the children.

    3. Give the walk the form of a hike, using appropriate equipment.

    4. When walking, you can walk in groups freely. Use pair formation when moving across the highway.

    You can do physical exercise and nature observations while walking.

    Sports holiday– another form of active recreation. The holiday demonstrates children's motor achievements, health, and cheerful state. The content of a physical education holiday includes fun outdoor games, physical exercises, a holiday script is drawn up, surprise moments and prizes are prepared. The first part of the holiday should be held in the form of a physical education parade. In the second part you can hold competitions and entertainment events. It is recommended to hold holidays twice a year: summer and winter. The duration of the holiday is 45 minutes in senior groups and 1 hour in preparatory groups.

    Physical education also applies to forms of active recreation. This is a spectacular, like a holiday, form of work based on the fun physical activity of children. Its content consists of games and exercises familiar to children, based on unusual combinations and options. Leisure planning should be done taking into account the physical development and preparedness of children. The leisure program for children of the second younger group includes simple games that emotionally attract children. In older groups there are individual and collective competitions and attractions. Physical education It is recommended to conduct it once a month, lasting from 15–20 minutes in junior groups, 20 minutes in middle groups, in senior and preparatory groups up to 40 minutes.

    Health Day should be carried out starting from the second youngest group. The main goal of health day is to improve the health of the child’s body. Children's favorite games and activities are included in the content of the health day. On this day, children are freed from activities associated with mental stress. If possible, the day should be spent outdoors, in nature.

    Holidays are held at the beginning of January and at the end of March. Their duration is a week. The purpose of the holidays is to provide rest for the child’s nervous system, to create conditions appropriate to the healing and strengthening of the child’s body and psyche. The content of the vacation should be artistic, creative, physical education, musical activity. At this time, you can go for walks, trips out of town, or ski trips in winter.

    Independent motor activity of children as an organizational form is important for ensuring a full motor regime. At the same time, she requires mandatory supervision of the teacher. In independent physical exercises, the child focuses his attention on the goal that attracts him. He can creatively use movements, use various equipment and aids. All this stimulates children’s physical activity and helps increase interest in physical exercise.

    Individual work should be done from an early age. It is planned throughout the day, especially during play and walking hours. The content of this form of work includes corrective exercises on program material in which some children fall behind. The main goal of this work is to increase the level of preparedness of children.

    Homework assignments. For successful interaction between preschool educational institutions and families, solving joint problems of the child’s physical education, preschool teachers can give homework assignments in physical education. The child must complete these tasks at home with the help and supervision of his parents. If it is extremely important, parents are advised by a physical education specialist.


    The development and comprehensive improvement of a child in the process of physical education, the organization of influences on his body is a long and complex process. For this reason, teaching material for physical education in preschool institutions must be planned. Planning involves the distribution of physical exercises in various forms of physical education work for a certain period of time.

    Program material for the section “physical culture” includes drill and general developmental exercises, basic movements, outdoor games, relay games, sports exercises, sports games and their elements. The teacher must also carefully consider the system of preparatory and lead-in exercises for mastering basic movements and must take into account the basic didactic principles. When planning, it is important to take into account the stages of movement training, which ensures systematic assimilation of program material.

    In preschool institutions, different forms of planning are used and for different periods of time.

    When planning physical exercise, it is extremely important to consider the following factors:

    1. Selection of exercises - ϶ᴛᴏ important aspect organizing the process of physical education, which predetermines the comprehensive physical improvement of children. The plan must take into account various factors ensuring the success of physical education. These should include specific economic and living conditions, hygiene rules, work and rest schedules, characteristics of the physical development of children, as well as the correspondence of the number of movements and the child’s ability to perform them while maintaining a positive emotional state.

    2. Planning must ensure timely and correct execution educational and developmental, health and educational tasks at different stages of education. Must take into account program requirements, characteristics of the group contingent and working conditions. Based on these data, the content of physical education classes is compiled and teaching methods are selected.

    3. It is necessary to plan not only the learning of new exercises, but also the subsequent stages of training, which ensure the solid formation of motor skills.

    In preschool institutions, a general annual work plan is drawn up, as well as a schedule for completing educational material for each age group.

    The general annual plan is developed by the head of the preschool institution together with the physical education teacher and the entire teaching staff. In the plan, in the physical education section, specific tasks and activities are outlined that contribute to the successful solution of learning problems, the selection of teaching methods, and the selection of equipment and inventory. The general plan provides for advanced training of teachers in the physical education of children, indicating specific topics for meetings and seminars at which these issues will be resolved. The persons responsible for carrying out the events are indicated, the time of classes, sports equipment and inventory are scheduled, incl. and the one that will be purchased. In general terms, they reflect the contacts of the kindergarten with parents, their joint activities to improve the health and comprehensive physical development of children.

    Educational work in a preschool educational institution is a systematic, constant, clearly directed activity. The organization of physical education classes, in which children learn basic, gradually more complex movements, must also meet these requirements. Physical education classes should be held on the same days of the week and hours, as this helps to form in children certain habits and a desire to engage in physical exercise, and a desire to achieve better results appears. During physical education classes, all the tasks of physical education set in preschool educational institutions are solved. The content of classes should be dominated by elements that develop movements and shape children’s posture. It is very important to correctly distribute program material in planning for individual lessons. The most suitable for this is graphic planning. In a schedule, the method of spiral planning is advisable, i.e. the same exercises are studied in several lessons in a row and then returned to them after a month, two, three. It is recommended to study 2-4 exercises during one lesson. A schedule is drawn up in accordance with the time of year. The complexity of the exercises and their impact on the child’s physical development should be taken into account. The sequence of planned exercises should provide for the children’s ability to learn them.

    Children of all age groups learn best exercises with elements of walking, running, and maintaining balance, since the learning process occurs not only in the main part of the lesson, but throughout the entire lesson, in all types of children’s activities.

    In the schedule, program material should be presented in such a way that all the tasks of physical education are consistently presented in it: physical development the child’s body, developing correct posture, mastering the basic movements presented in the program, conditions for the free development of positive character traits and moral and volitional qualities in children. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to teach children to overcome difficulties and take into account the interests of the team.

    When drawing up a schedule, it is extremely important to rely on the following principles:

    1. Select exercises for each lesson in such a way that they develop all the main muscle groups: arms and shoulder girdle, torso, abdominals, but...

    2. With such planning of exercises, children should receive sufficient physical activity.

    3. Select exercises so that complex and difficult ones alternate with easier ones. After static exercises, plan to perform dynamic ones.

    The schedule also provides for the psychophysiological purpose of individual exercises, the level of their mastery, as well as the possibility of performing them correctly (Table 10).

    Table 10

    Hardening activities - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Hardening events" 2017, 2018.

    Hardening activities

    General requirements

    1. Creation of environmentally friendly conditions in premises for children’s games and activities:
    - compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements;
    - through ventilation (3-5 times a day in the absence of children);
    - special selection of indoor plants that absorb harmful chemicals, release phytoncides and moisturize the air;
    - maintaining air temperature within 20-22 0C.
    2. High culture of hygienic care for children (toilet, feeding, sleeping, dressing for a walk).
    3. Ensuring psychological comfort throughout the entire stay in kindergarten.
    4. Individualization and differentiation of regime processes and their educational orientation, taking into account the health and development of children.
    5. Optimal motor mode.

    Organized motor activity

    1. Morning exercises (daily)
    2. Physical education classes (2 times a week)
    3. Outdoor games on the first and second walks (daily)
    4. Independent motor activity with various physical education aids:
      - in the morning
      - after breakfast
      - on a walk
      - After sleep
      - on the second walk
    5. Basic and play activities
    6. Hardening:
      - health walks, daily
      - washing with cool water before eating, after each time you get your hands dirty
      - rinse your mouth after each meal and after sleep with room temperature (cool) water
      - air baths after sleep, during physical education class
      - walking barefoot under normal conditions and along ribbed paths after sleep, during physical education classes (time increases gradually)

    System of events in senior group will differ from the one given in the motor mode and stronger doses of hardening (for example, washing, gargling can be done with cool, cold and even ice water, the duration of air baths and barefoot walking increases, etc.).

    Health work

    1. Through ventilation
    2. Sanitary regime
    3.t 0 = 20-22C
    4. Individualization of regime processes taking into account the health and development of children
    5. Optimal motor volume (4 hours per day)
    6. Morning exercises
    7. Physical education classes
    8. Outdoor games
    9. Hardening:
    - health walks;
    - washing with cool water;
    - air baths:
    a) gymnastics after sleep (with elements of breathing exercises);
    b) health track;
    c) lightweight clothing;
    d) sleeping with an open transom.
    10. Consumption of onions and garlic in the autumn-winter period
    11. Taking vitamins during a disease outbreak
    12. Fortification of the third dish

    Basic principles and means of hardening

    Since ancient times, the natural forces of nature have been used and remain the main and most effective means of hardening:sun, air and water.

    The purpose of physical influence is to educate healthy, persistent, courageous people, active builders of a communist society and fearless defenders of the Motherland. Hardening the children's body serves the same purpose.

    Hardening is most often considered as a process of adaptation of the body to changing weather and climate conditions. But when we talk about hardening as a means of physical education, we mean not only the adaptation of the body that occurs under the influence of unfavorable conditions. Hardening should be considered as a conscious application in a certain system of measures that increase the body's resistance, developing the ability to quickly and without harm to health be applied to various environmental conditions. Hardening should begin from early childhood and continue throughout life, modifying the forms and methods of its use depending on age. The health benefits of air, sunbathing, and water procedures are undeniable. Hardened children get sick less and tolerate diseases more easily. The availability of hardening agents lies in the fact that they are always at hand, the main thing is that they can be used in one form or another, at any time of the year, in any conditions. They do not require complex equipment and special rooms; the methods of their use in skillful hands are not difficult.

    When hardening, one must be guided by certain principles, such as: gradualism, systematicity, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. If these principles are not followed, then hardening will be random.

    You cannot place too many demands on an unprepared body; it may not be able to cope with them. Compliance with the principle of gradualism is especially important for children, since the child’s body does not yet have much resistance. For the effect of hardening to occur, it is necessary to gradually increase the load.

    You cannot interrupt ongoing activities. But systematicity is needed not only in holding this or that special event. If all the activities are carried out, but the children do not walk much, dress too warmly, not in accordance with the weather, then hardening cannot be considered complete. Hardening should be carried out systematically, preferably from birth and continue throughout life. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.
    There are sensitive children; more gentle means of hardening are used for them, or more gradually, carefully, but it is not advisable to completely abandon hardening means. Children should take an active part in hardening activities and know the order of their implementation.

    The interest of children is also of great importance. The personal example of adults is also of great importance: if adults themselves are afraid of the cold and do not like walking, they are unlikely to be able to raise their children to be hardened.


    Water is a generally accepted means of hardening. The advantage of water over other means of hardening is that water procedures are easy to dose.

    The principle of gradualism is easiest to maintain when using water: you can take water at the temperature that is needed in this case, gradually reducing it.

    When carrying out water procedures with preschool children, you should adhere to the following rules:
    1. It is necessary that children approach the water with a warm body, and it is necessary that in the room where this happens, the temperature must correspond to that accepted for a given age, and also that children do not have to wait long for their turn.
    2. It is necessary to monitor the timely appearance of skin redness. If this reaction is delayed, it is necessary to promote its onset by thoroughly rubbing the skin with a towel “until it turns red.”
    3. The colder the water, the shorter the time of its “contact with the body” should be.

    There are several separate methods of water hardening:

    1. Rubdown - the most gentle of all water procedures. It can be used at all ages, starting from infancy. Wiping is carried out with a cloth soaked in water, the fabric of which must satisfy the following conditions: absorb water well, not be too soft. It is advisable that the mittens are well moistened, but water should not drip from them.
    After drying, the body is rubbed with a dry towel. Rubbing is accompanied by a light massaging effect, and massage is always done from the periphery to the center, so the limbs must be wiped from the bottom up (arms from the hand, legs from the foot). Temperature drops by one degree after 2-3 days.
    Pouring - there is local and general. Local dousing: dousing the feet, most often used in nurseries and junior groups. The initial water temperature is +30, then brought to +18, and in older groups to +16. The time of pouring the legs is 20-30 seconds.
    General dousing should be started at a higher temperature, mainly in children, and in the autumn-winter period it should be organized so that the water covers the largest possible surface of the body, the back, then the chest and stomach, then the right and left sides. After finishing, rub with a towel. Time under the stream is 20-40 seconds. A shower is more powerful than a simple douche. The water from the shower has a massaging effect and feels warmer than even pouring water.
    Bathing carried out in natural conditions, that is, in reservoirs (river, lake, sea) in the summer - is one of the best methods of hardening. You can bathe children from an early age, starting at a temperature of +24 - 26 air and not lower than +22 water; more seasoned children can be bathed at a temperature of +19 - 20 water. The duration of stay in water increases from 1-2 minutes to 5-8 minutes. There should always be some movement after bathing.

    Bathing is contraindicated for children with heart disease, diseases of the postures, renal pelvis, children who have recently suffered from pleurisy, pneumonia.

    In each individual case, the question of using bathing is decided by doctors.


    Air is the environment that constantly surrounds a person. It comes into contact with the skin - directly or through the fabric of clothing and with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Among the special air hardening measures used in kindergartens are: sleeping in the air, in cold weather, and air baths. In kindergarten we use air mode.


    The hardening effect of the sun is unique. The sun is a powerful hardening agent. The sun's rays have a general strengthening effect on the body, increase metabolism in the body, health and sleep become better, and the skin better regulates heat exchange. But the sun can also have a negative effect. Therefore, this procedure must be approached very carefully. Sunbathing is especially beneficial for younger children, but an individual approach is important. Sunbathing should be done while moving, but games should be of a calm nature. Sunbathing increases gradually:

    In younger groups up to 20-25 minutes.

    In older groups up to 30-40 minutes.

    It is better to take sunbathing from 8 to 9 o'clock and from 15 to 16 o'clock. You should start after eating, so that at least an hour and a half passes, and half an hour before the start of the meal. We must be wary of overheating. We need light-colored Panama hats. If the child is overheated, cover his face with a towel, take him to the shade, wash him, and give him water.

    In kindergarten, hardening is carried out by including elements of hardening in the daily life of children and carrying out special hardening measures. Hardening into the daily routine of everyday life comes down to the following:

    A) creating the habit of extensive use of fresh outdoor air indoors;

    b) rational clothing;

    c) prolonged exposure to air, regardless of the weather;
    d) developing the habit of cold water.

    The use of hardening varies somewhat depending on the time of year and the age of the children.

    All hardening procedures must be carried out daily. Rubbing and dousing are carried out after sleep, strictly under the supervision of medical workers.

    Children's clothing for a walk in the winter season

    • from + 6 to - 3: 4-layer clothing: underwear, dress, jersey jacket, tights, leggings, jacket or demi-season coat (without jersey jacket, if t 0 above 0 degrees).
    • from -3 to -8: 4-layer clothing: underwear, dress, jacket, tights, leggings, winter coat, insulated boots.
    • from -9 to -14: 5-layer clothing: underwear, dress, jacket or sweater, tights, leggings (2 pairs), winter coat, insulated boots.

    Sleeping in a group at t 0 +16 +15 - warm long-sleeved shirt or pajamas, warm blanket.

    Children's clothing at different t 0 room air

    23 and above

    1-2-layer clothing: thin cotton underwear, light cotton dress, short sleeves, socks, sandals.
    +21- 22

    2-layer clothing: underwear, cotton or wool blend dress with long sleeves, tights for children 3-4 years old, for children 5-7 years old - knee socks, shoes.
    +18 – 20

    2-layer clothing: underwear, long sleeve dress, tights, shoes.
    +16 – 17

    3-layer clothing: cotton underwear, knitted or woolen dress with long sleeves, jacket, tights, shoes or warm slippers.

    Traditional types of hardening of children.

    • morning reception in the fresh air, gymnastics
    • health walk
    • air baths
    • air baths with exercises
    • sleep with fresh air
    • washing your face with cool water throughout the day
    • rinsing your mouth with cool water
    • walking barefoot before and after naps
    • walking barefoot along the “health path”
    • (massage mats) after a nap
    • sunbathing

    Approximate scheme for hardening children from two to seven years old

    • The air temperature in the room where the child is is + 18, + 20 degrees.
    • 1. Air bath - 10-15 minutes. The child moves, runs; dressed in panties, a T-shirt with short sleeves, slippers on bare feet or short socks. Part of the time (6-7 minutes) is allocated to gymnastic exercises from the given complex.
    • 2. Washing with water, the temperature of which decreases from +28 degrees by the end of the hardening year to +18 in the summer, and to +20 in the winter. Children over two years old wash their face, neck, arms up to the elbow, over three years old wash the upper chest and arms above the elbow. The initial water temperature for children over three years old is also +28, and the minimum in summer is +16, in winter + 18 degrees.
    • 3. Daytime sleep in summer with access to fresh air, in winter in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of + 15 +16 degrees.
    • 4.Sleep without T-shirts. Held all year round. In case the temperature drops due to interruptions in heating or established cold weather, warm socks for feet and second blankets should be prepared. Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be below +14 degrees Celsius.
    • 5. Walk twice a day at temperatures up to -15 degrees, duration from 1-1.5 hours to 2-3 hours.
    • 6. In summer, sunbathing from 5-6 to 8-10 minutes two to three times a day; stay in the fresh air and shade is unlimited.
    • 7. Rinse the mouth (children two to four years old), throat (children over four years old) with boiled water at room temperature with the addition of chamomile or sage infusion twice a day - morning and evening. Use about 1/3 cup of water for each rinse.

    A set of health-improving activities after sleep

    The teacher rings the bell:

    Golden bell,
    He is always, everywhere with me.
    "Wake up!" - speaks.
    “Toughen up!” - he tells everyone.

    A set of hardening exercises.

    1. “Pussy is waking up! (Invite the children to stretch out in the crib, arch their backs, and stretch their arms up).

    Kittens sleep on the rug,
    They don't want to wake up.
    Here they all lay down on their backs,
    They got crazy here.
    It's good for us to rest,
    But it's time to get up.
    Stretch, smile
    Everyone open their eyes and stand up.

    2. “Games with a blanket” (Children hide under the blanket 2-3 times)

    Here comes the shaggy dog
    And his name is Barbos!
    What kind of animals are playing pranks here?
    Will catch all the kittens.

    3. "Light massage." (Iron your arms and legs from toes up, smooth your back and chest)

    4. Children leave the bedroom to join the group. Walking along the “paths of health”
    1st track – massage mats
    2nd – ribbed
    3rd – with a hard washcloth
    4th step over obstacles (bricks)

    The legs started walking, stomping, stomping, stomping!
    Straight along the path, stomp, stomp, stomp!
    Come on, more fun, stomp, stomp, stomp!
    That's how we do it, top-top-top!
    Feet stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!
    Straight along the path, stomp, stomp, stomp!

    5. Hygiene procedures.

    Open the tap! Wash your nose!
    Wash both eyes at once!
    Wash, wash, shower!
    Toughen up! Temper yourself!

    Some techniques for hardening preschool childrenin preschool and family settings

    1. Extensive washing

    The child must:

    Open the water tap, wet your right palm and run it from your fingertips to the elbow of your left hand, say “one”; do the same with your left hand.

    Wet both palms, place them on the back of the neck and move them simultaneously to the chin, say “one.”

    Wet your right palm and make a circular motion along the upper chest, say “one.”

    Wet both palms and wash your face.

    Rinse, wring out both hands, and wipe dry.


    After some time, the duration of the procedure increases, namely: children wash each hand, as well as the neck and chest twice, saying “one, two,” etc.

    2. Sleep without T-shirts.

    Held all year round. In case the temperature drops due to interruptions in heating or established cold weather, warm socks for feet and second blankets should be prepared. Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be below +14 degrees Celsius.

    A set of recreational activities by age group

    2nd junior group

    • Receiving children outdoors (at temperatures above -15°)
    • Morning exercises in the group 8.00
    • Mouth rinse after breakfast, lunch, dinner. Gradual learning to brush teeth
    • Physical education classes (in socks) + dynamic hour of walking once a week
    • Phytoncides (onion, garlic)
    • Walks: daytime 10.30-11.40; evening 17.45-18.30
    • Sleep without shirts
    • Breathing exercises in bed
    • Exercises to prevent flat feet + individual work to correct flat feet and flattening of the foot (from the 3rd quarter)
    • Elements of extensive washing

    Middle group

    • Receiving children outdoors (at temperatures down to -15°)
    • Physical education classes in the gym (in socks) + dynamic hour of walking once a week
    • Physical education sessions during classes, prevention of visual impairment
    • Phytoncides (onion, garlic)
    • Walks: daytime 10.15 – 11.50; evening 17.30 – 18.30
    • Optimal motor mode
    • Sleep without T-shirts and pillows
    • After snack, mouth rinse

    Senior preschool age

    • Receiving children outdoors (at temperatures down to -15°-18°)
    • Morning exercises (from May to October - outdoors, from October to April - in the hall according to schedule)
    • Brushing your teeth after breakfast and rinsing your mouth after lunch
    • Physical education classes in the gym (barefoot) + dynamic hour of walking once a week
    • Physical education sessions during classes, prevention of visual impairment, ear massage
    • Before a walk, rinse your mouth with garlic infusion (from October to April)
    • Phytoncides (onion, garlic)
    • Walks: morning 7.00 – 8.00; daytime 10.45 – 12.10; evening 17.45 – 18.30
    • Optimal motor mode
    • Sleep without shirts
    • Breathing exercises in bed
    • Extensive washing, walking barefoot
    • Exercises to prevent flat feet + individual work to correct flat feet and flattening of the foot
    • After snack, mouth rinse


    (September October November)


    • Path "Zigzag"
    • Ribbed board
    • Rope (jump rope)
    • Ribbons
    • Rugs with buttons

    Hardening after sleep.

    Lying in bed.

    1. How about the puppies waking up?

    they will definitely yawn, stretch, stretch,

    They deftly wave their tail.

    hands in front of you, palms together,

    Showing swings

    1. And the kittens' backs are arched,

    Before you go for a walk

    arch your back while standing on your hands and feet

    3. Well, the bear is clubfooted

    Spreads paws wide

    Either one or both together

    And when there is little charge

    Starts all over again

    arms down, legs together

    raise your hands up and

    spread apart

    cross on the count of two

    repeat only with legs

    Leaving the bedroom

    Air hardening,

    1. The legs started walking, stomping, stomping, stomping!

    Straight along the path, top, top, top.

    Come on, more fun, stomp, stomp, stomp.

    That's how we do it, top, top, top.

    Walking on a snake (zigzag path)

    2. Here are the frogs along the path

    They jump with their legs stretched out:

    Kva-kva, kva-kva.

    I.p. hands on the belt, legs together, jumping on two legs, across the “stream”, moving forward.

    3. Passers-by cannot pass here,

    There's a rope on the way.

    arms are lowered along the body,

    crawling under a rope (jump rope).

    4. The children stood in a circle,

    We saw a flag.

    Who should I give it to, who should I raise the flag?

    The children stood in a circle

    And they raised the flag!

    feet shoulder width apart,

    Hands with ribbons are lowered,

    standing in a circle, raise your hands up and look at your hands.

    5. Stand on one leg

    It's like you're a steadfast soldier.

    Left leg to chest

    Yes, be careful not to fall.

    Now stay on the left

    If you are a brave soldier!

    legs together, arms at random, standing in a circle, alternately raise your left leg, arms to the sides, and right leg.

    6. This is how a top spins,

    Buzz-zz-zzzzh and on the side!

    arms are lowered, spinning in place, then squatting, head tilted to the side, leaning on the floor, arms to the sides.

    7. Blow up your bubble

    Blow up big

    Stay like this

    Don't burst out.

    take a deep breath through your nose, exhale through your mouth (at the same time showing with your hands how the bubble is inflated).

    Mouth rinse.

    Glug-glug-glug - the water is calling,

    It's time to rinse our mouth.

    So that your teeth don't hurt,

    We ate the food well.

    Put some water in your mouth

    Close your lips like a castle

    And water back and forth

    Wash your teeth with it.


    (December January February)


    • Ribbed board
    • Rope (jump rope)
    • Rugs with buttons
    • Snowflakes
    • Mouthwash cups

    Hardening after sleep.

    Lying in bed.

    Turned from side to side

    We reached out sweetly

    stretching alternately on the right and left sides

    2. How good we are

    How beautiful we are

    raise your hands up

    massage movements of arms and legs

    It became cheerfully bright

    4. Play the music louder

    Invite us to exercise.

    Leaving the bedroom

    Air hardening,

    gymnastics after sleep with non-standard equipment.

    1. Let's jump over the jumping ropes

    Far along the path

    Even a ball couldn't do it

    So jump high.

    I.P. hands on the belt, feet together, jumping on two legs moving forward.

    2. Spread the branches wide

    An old maple tree near the house

    The neighbor's cat arched his back,

    He loves physical education.

    arms down along the body, feet shoulder-width apart, walking on a ribbed board.

    arms raised up above your head, to the sides, bend over, arching your back, crawl under the rope

    3. Along the sole like a rake

    Let's give you a massage

    Both useful and pleasant -

    This has long been clear to everyone.

    hands on the belt walking on massage mats

    4. And snowflakes now

    They want to fly away from us.

    arms down along the body, rise on tiptoes, blow on “snowflakes”

    Mouth rinse

    Take a sip of water in your mouth

    Press your lips tightly

    Puff out your cheeks quickly

    Rinse your teeth with water

    Don't swallow the water

    Pour it into the sink.


    (March April May)


    • ribbed board
    • rugs with buttons
    • sandbags
    • skittles
    • mouthwash cups

    Hardening after sleep.

    Lying in bed.

    1. Everyone woke up and smiled

    Turned from side to side

    We reached out sweetly

    I.p. arms along the body - turns to the right side, left side,

    stretching alternately on the right and left sides

    2. How good we are

    How beautiful we are

    raise your arms up - massage movements of the arms and legs

    3. The sun has come to us

    It became cheerfully bright

    legs together, arms raised and spread to the sides

    4. Play the music louder

    Invite us to exercise.

    stand up, walk in place, raising your legs high

    Leaving the bedroom

    Air hardening,

    gymnastics after sleep with non-standard equipment

    1. We walk on our feet

    Walking on your toes

    2. And like a gray wolf, a wolf

    And like a clubfooted bear,

    Walking on button mats with high leg lifts

    3. Like a bunny jump-jump,

    And the fox sniffs and sniffs

    Jumping from foot to foot

    walking on a ribbed board,

    on sandbags,

    4. Let's run silently

    Running between the pins

    5. Let's get some fresh air.

    Standing, hands up – inhale, lower – exhale

    Mouth rinse.

    We ate and drank

    Your teeth are dirty

    We need to remove the crumbs from them

    And rinse with water.

    Alternate walking on wet and dry paths.

    We walked, we jumped,

    Our little legs are tired.

    Let's all rest together

    And let's start massaging the soles.

    I.p. arms down along the body, walking in place, jumping on the floor on two legs. They vigorously wipe their feet, jumping onto a dry path.

    Little Antoshka walked along the path

    I found a pile of peas on the path.

    A heap of peas

    The cockerel is laid.

    Repeat 2 times

    I.P. arms are arbitrarily lowered along the body, walking in place.

    Hands on the belt, jumping on two legs.

    Hands down, energetically wiping the soles of the feet on the dry path.

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