• Men dressed with taste. Note: men's clothing that annoys girls


    Too many young people start their professional lives with no idea how to dress stylishly. This needs to change. Young people are the future leaders of society, and dressing stylishly is the first step to becoming a professional. However... Clothes do not make a man. The right clothes can give young man precious seconds to assert your position and influence other people. Young lawyer, consultant, medical worker, or manager, everyone must understand this. Today we will look at 9 useful tips that will allow a man to dress stylishly.

    It's important to note that it's worth paying attention to clothing when you're young, even if you work in a field where strict regulations are not followed. Ironed, clean, and well-fitting clothes—everywhere you go—encourages others to take you more seriously.

    The basis stylish clothesgood shoes. The traditional idea that you can judge a person by his shoes is still relevant today. If you've never had good shoes, get your act together and be prepared to pay a significant amount for quality ones. classic shoes. You may be shocked by the price tag on a good pair of shoes, but the quality and comfort will pay dividends in the future. Good couple dress shoes will serve you for years and retain their appearance, perhaps losing only their shine. High-quality leather shoes are not a luxury for especially rich people, they are a necessity for any person.

    We have a good article that describes in detail. I recommend reading it.

    Dress shoes are just as important as dress clothes.

    How you dress determines how you are perceived. If you still wear clothes reminiscent of your “college days,” others will perceive you as a boy who has no real life experience. If you want to know how to dress stylishly, look at older people. Follow the trend of adding a little age and get the respect you deserve from older people. This means organizing your wardrobe and getting rid of most of your clutter. casual wear: T-shirts, pants, denim shorts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, baseball cap.

    Leave a few things for gardening and physical training, donate the rest to charity (give to church or Orphanage) and start replacing it with fashionable clothes that speak of your maturity.

    Mark Zuckerberg is not poor, but it is still difficult to perceive him as an adult in a T-shirt and sweatshirt.

    The latest fashion trends are changing too quickly for us to embrace them. useful ideas for the wardrobe. Most young people don't have the budget to buy new pants every month or two, so stay away from pants that are only presentable during the current fashion season.

    Frayed or faded jeans are a great example; a few designer brands managed to sell the image to the public in a short period of time, and then the trend changed, leaving many people with very expensive jeans but too unpresentable to wear them in in public places. Stick to a classic wardrobe staple, and avoid items that don't go with it at all, even if they look good.

    And yet, how to dress fashionably? Not long ago, we prepared a series of articles on the topic “” (,). They detail recommendations on how to assemble a universal classic wardrobe that will not lose its relevance. long years and will be fashionable for many years. In addition to recommendations on the topic of setting up a wardrobe, we have also collected recommendations on choosing clothing brands. After reading these articles you will learn how to dress stylishly as a man.

    Models are paid to make stupid clothes fashionable. Don't fall for it.

    Most young people don't have a lot of free money to throw around (we don't count parties ;)). If you spent money on several items of clothing High Quality, - a custom-made suit, a pair of expensive shoes, then keeping them in good condition will cost you another hundred or more.

    This means using a good hanger for your clothes, shoe racks, and gentle washing with washing machine. Some of your items may be purchased from clearance stores if you are lucky enough to find your size. This is a great way to dress well and inexpensively. A few adjustments at the tailor, and a budget suit from a store can turn into a worthy item in your wardrobe. Just take care of it and protect your investment with proper care and maintenance.

    Nice hanger, much cheaper than new suit. Start there.

    Tip #5. Have at least one good suit in your wardrobe

    No matter what your job is, you need a decent suit for a special occasion. If you work in a field where you need to wear suits regularly, you should look for different colors and styles; If you just need one suit for infrequent special events, then you should prefer a classic single-breasted two-button suit in charcoal gray or navy blue.

    Well-tailored and classic style trousers will make you look a little more stylish at social events than jeans.

    Pants are less common among young people, so you will stand out. It is better to buy wool or cotton ones than blue jeans. You can read more about it in our previous publications.

    Tip #9. Replace T-shirts with polos and sports shirts

    You can wear T-shirts to the gym or while working around the house. But you should never wear a T-shirt to social events or to work, especially if it is too large and made of low-quality fabric with a company logo.

    Good polo in a simple way, dark color– always presentable and always flattering if it fits well. You can also choose a short-sleeved button-down shirt for summer, ranging from linen casual shirts to striped or checkered shirts. If you do wear a T-shirt, make sure it is new, clean, a solid dark color and fits you well. I recommend reading which ones are on sale.

    How to dress stylishly for a man - video

    On how to dress a guy - we offer 10 tips from famous designers.

    How should a guy dress to look fashionable, attractive and at the same time not funny?

    Many tips that you will find in the article will help you in this matter.

    In men usually difficult relationships with clothes.

    Some people don’t even worry about how things, colors and textures from their wardrobe are combined with each other.

    Thank you also for taking care of the cleanliness of your clothes.

    Some go to extremes and experiment so boldly that they start to look ridiculous.

    Some people buy standard sweaters, jeans, T-shirts and shirts, looking dull.

    Well and how to dress for a guy to avoid basic mistakes, to attract admiring glances with your appearance, and not ridicule?

    Yes, very simple!

    The guys are generally lucky - they don’t have to follow fashion trends, buy an abundance of things and spend a lot of money on accessories.

    All they need to do is determine their size, figure out what suits them and what doesn’t, learn how to combine things and show a little imagination.

    Well, why shouldn't everyone dress like this guy?

    Agree, you rarely meet a truly stylishly dressed guy.

    Males prefer to dress either in business suits(by the way, they often fit disgustingly), either in jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, or, even worse, in terrible sweaters and ankle boots, thanks also to the fact that the handles are not tucked into the socks.

    There are, however, still guys from informal movements, but those, as for me, often go overboard with the desire to stand out from the crowd and start dressing simply ridiculous.

    Of course, there are very pleasant exceptions, like, for example, the guy I met a few years ago in the Kiev metro.

    He was so stylishly dressed that I still remember his image.

    It would seem a simple shirt, slightly tapered trousers and moccasins, with a leather tablet bag over the shoulder.

    • in his clothes he combined three colors - brown, mustard and marsh green;
    • his bag and belt were the same color and seemed terribly expensive;
    • the shirt had small decorations – contrasting stitching, wooden buttons, stylized “epaulets” on the shoulders.

    I noticed that I was not the only one looking at this guy; many girls on the subway noticed his appearance.

    I just wanted to shout to other representatives of the stronger sex traveling in the same carriage: “Take an example, this is how a guy should dress!”

    Let's start with some general tips on how to dress a guy:

      Wear clothes in your size.

      Not sure what size you are?

      Ask the store clerk.

      Keep your clothes clean and in good condition.

      You can dress in expensive things, but if they are stained or stink of sweat, then what is the point.

    1. Any thing fits perfectly on a good figure, so you shouldn’t grow a huge belly and fatten yourself up to the size of an elephant.
    2. Choose clothes according to your figure.

      Short guys don't like baggy clothes, but by choosing trousers that are several shades darker than your shirt, you can visually increase your height.

    3. Wear long socks under your pants to prevent hairy legs from showing when you sit down.
    4. Even if you have little money, you can’t wear the same thing every day and drag your clothes to the holes.
    5. Don't chase fashion trends, choose things that are out of fashion.

      Guys who stick to classics always manage to dress stylishly.

    6. Combine rich and calm colors in your clothes, do not turn into a solid gray or black spot.
    7. It’s better for a guy to dress in high-quality things - they last longer and look expensive.
    8. It doesn’t matter what you wear, the main thing is to look confident, then others will believe in the stylishness of your image.

    Any guy needs to dress according to his style and taste

    Naturally, in order to do this, you need to define your own style and develop taste.

    Let's say you're a fan of the classics, and working in an office leaves its mark on your clothing style.

    Then your wardrobe should have:

    • several suits that fit you perfectly;
    • a couple of shirts to go with suits and a few that you can wear on their own with trousers and fashionable tie or a scarf;
    • V-neck jumper;
    • classic dark jeans;
    • several versatile trousers;
    • a pair of polo shirts and tennis shoes;

    If you don’t have a dress code at work and you are a supporter of a relaxed urban style, this does not mean that you can climb everywhere in a tracksuit or wear your jeans to holes.

    Any guy can dress more stylishly - you have a choice:

    • jeans - dark and light tones;
    • pants with patch pockets;
    • cotton and linen shirts;
    • regular T-shirts (pay attention to the quality of the fabric) and polo T-shirts;
    • sweatshirts, t-shirts with long sleeve, Bambers and more;

    People who choose sports as their profession usually want to emphasize this with clothing.

    Coaches are allowed to wear tracksuits.

    But, again, you shouldn’t limit yourself to them: in any sports store you will find a huge selection of different clothes.

    Any guy should dress appropriately

    The ability to dress according to the event, place, profession and age is something that not all guys remember.

    I understand that this is not just a matter of not caring about one’s own appearance, but also in the reluctance to spend a lot of money on clothes - “I’m not a girl.”

    That is why a guy can come to special events in the same boring jeans and a ridiculously colored T-shirt, and, like an office clerk, look extremely ridiculous in a suit borrowed from his older brother.

    To avoid such problems, build your wardrobe correctly.

    In addition to the things you wear daily, based on your style, taste, profession, etc., You must have in your wardrobe:

    1. A good sports suit - for trips to nature, for example.
    2. A couple of t-shirts that go well with both it and jeans.
    3. A pair of jeans (if you prefer to wear trousers every day) are expensive and fit your figure perfectly.
    4. A weekend suit (jacket and trousers), preferably a dark (not necessarily black) solid color.

      Your jacket should not be too big or small, your trousers should not be too long or short.

    5. Shirt and tie to go with this suit.

    Some more tips on how to dress stylishly for young guys in the video:

    A guy who wants to dress stylishly should not forget about shoes and accessories

    Most guys who want to dress stylishly somehow completely ignore the power of accessories, so they forget that:

    • the belt should be in harmony with the shoes;
    • tie clip and cufflinks can show off your sophisticated taste;
    • the watch should match the overall style of your clothing and be expensive;
    • a cross is not a decoration, so there is no need to hang it on a thick tsepura and put it on display for everyone to see;
    • the shape of your glasses (both regular and sunglasses) should suit you;
    • scarves and arafatkas are worn not only by informals or guys of non-traditional sexual orientation;
    • a headdress can be worn not only in winter (“because the head gets cold”), but at any time of the year, creating stylish looks.

    A guy who wants to dress well should pay a lot of attention to his shoes - they should:

    1. Be in good condition: polished, without holes or worn heels.
    2. Expensive enough to wear well and look presentable.
    3. Match your clothes in color and style.

      You cannot wear shoes with a tracksuit or sneakers with dress pants.

      Flip flops are shoes for the beach.

      Winter boots should not be rough if you are a fan of the classics (yes, I understand that shoes with thick soles are warmer, but we endure inconvenience for the sake of beauty) or pointy-toed with thin soles if all your pants are sports style.

    If you still don't fully understand, how to dress for a guy, check out men's magazines and websites to understand what and how to combine with what, get some ideas from your favorite stars, contact a stylist, in the end.

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    Some people believe that fashion is exclusively for women. But with every goal there are fewer and fewer such people. After all, stronger sex I also want to look bright and stylish. Therefore, every young man should know how to dress beautifully for a guy. Moreover, it is not necessary to go to expensive boutiques in search of fashion trends. Even simple decisions can turn you into a real playboy.

    How can a 14 year old boy dress nicely?

    If you are 14, then you may have problems with body proportions. At this age, your legs may seem too thin, your arms too long, etc. Therefore, you should choose clothes that slightly enhance your figure. Avoid tight sweatpants and T-shirts.

    Look good on young people:

    • Breeches;
    • Jeans;
    • Polo shirts;
    • Bulky sweaters;
    • Long jackets.

    At the same time, you shouldn’t hide from the world. Do not place a hat over your eyes or a hood over your head. This is very noticeable from the outside and looks stupid.

    Also, don't wear baggy, blue-collar rap clothes. You can overdo it with carelessness and turn into a young homeless person.

    How should a 16 year old guy dress?

    At this age you have to start growing up. This way you will be better perceived by adults and girls your age who look older due to hormonal features (and boobs).

    Use colors such as:

    • Dark grey;
    • Black;
    • Blue;
    • Green;
    • Brown;
    • Beige.

    Try to look respectable and not too flashy. In order to emphasize your image, you should use scarves, belts, harnesses, etc. This will make you look the most masculine.

    Select items that suit your figure only. Don't take anything for growth. Otherwise, you will not save money, but will only spoil your image.

    Don't listen fashion tips(type " Fashionable verdict"). Think for yourself and look at yourself from the outside. You can also ask your friends to evaluate your choice. At the same time, don’t be afraid to experiment. If you are a supporter of shocking, then do not resort to the classics. The main thing is not to carry out all the experiments too radically.

    How can a 20-year-old guy dress stylishly?

    At this age, it is important to transform into a man from a youth. To do this, you will have to give up:

    1. Wide pants;
    2. Sweatshirts;
    3. Short shorts;
    4. Short jackets;
    5. Too bright colors;
    6. Rapper sneakers.

    Classics should settle into your style. Be sure to buy yourself one normal dress suit. It will definitely come in handy in adult life.

    Watch your shoes. Give up shapeless flip-flops and huge boots. Buy sneakers and shoes that fit well and make your feet appear smaller.

    Pay attention to coats, straight sweaters, and classic shirts. It's important to remember that a little older guy makes the pants. But jeans, on the contrary, make you look a little younger. So it's not worth purchasing a large number of jeans

    And don't dress casually. Many young people take care of their clothes if they go to school or to a holiday. But it’s worth being beautiful in other situations too. This way you will develop a sense of style and be able to take care of yourself without unnecessary problems.

    How to dress to please a girl?

    In order for girls to perceive you as a young gentleman, and not as a child, you need to take care of your wardrobe. Unwashed, unironed and torn things are disgusting. And you won’t prove to anyone that you came out wearing this by accident.

    Clean your shoes regularly. Girls, it doesn't matter what you wear. The main thing is that it is clean. According to statistics, most ladies on a date look exclusively at the gentleman’s shoes.

    Feel free to go clothing shopping. Consider several options at several outlets until you find something that suits you. This is the only way to achieve the ideal image.

    A guy doesn’t need a lot of things to dress nicely. It is enough to buy a couple of sets of normal clothes. And you will look serious and attractive.

    In order for a man to look stylish and beautiful, it is important to remember the rules for choosing colors, combining wardrobe items, and the importance of choosing your clothing size. And also about what to wear where and with what. And much more...

    1. Right size - this is the most important and necessary conditions dressing skills.

    2. As is known, men are attracted to women in red - the most passionate and ardent of colors. Women, in turn, are attracted to men who prefer blue in their clothes. Women are attracted to men who prefer blue in their clothes.
    3. If you are wearing a suit, make sure the shirt is lighter than the jacket. This is an ideal way to make your figure visually slimmer.

    4. You need costumes for any situation and you don't want to waste money? Then limit your basic wardrobe dark blue, gray (for the vast majority of cases) and black (for rare formal events).

    5. For 92% of women it matters how well a man is dressed.

    6. Don't tuck your jeans into your shoes. Instead, turn them up a turn or two. First, your great shoes will be fully visible. Secondly, rolling up your pants is a fashion trend today.

    8.Don't wear sunglasses on the head. This will loosen the frames, and they will subsequently fit poorly.

    9. Wash denim as little as possible. Frequent washing makes this fabric weak and discolored.

    10. Create accents in clothing. Scarf, tie, pocket square- These are the ideal accessories to create a color accent.

    11. The darker your skin, the more bright and warm colors you can use in clothes.

    Wear jeans in a darker shade than your shirt or T-shirt.
    12. One- or two-button The jacket slims your figure.

    13. Want to look slimmer- avoid horizontal stripes in clothing of any kind.

    14. Wear jeans a darker shade than a shirt or T-shirt. This will make you look taller.

    15. Short guys Baggy and too loose clothing should be avoided. This further suppresses growth.

    16. Wear socks of sufficient length so that the leg is not exposed when sitting. By the way, bright socks are one of the powerful trends in men's style today.

    17. Try to match the colors correctly in one set are metal accessories such as watches, cufflinks, tie clip, belt buckle.

    18. The length of your tie should be such that it reaches the top of the belt buckle.

    19. Wear a pocket square. This will add personality to your look. Combine its color with the color of your tie.

    20. Men with big broad figure It is better to choose a single-breasted jacket rather than a double-breasted one.

    21. Rolled up chinos and desert boots are a great combination.

    You should not leave more than two or three buttons undone on a sports shirt.

    22. Don't leave More than two or three buttons are undone on a sports shirt.

    23. Plaid shirt goes well with a plain tie in gray or black, or the same shade as the check on the shirt.

    24. If you feel the harmony of colors, you can try other options.

    25. Don't wear the same thing leather shoes two days in a row. This will extend its service life.

    26. Double denim – jeans and denim shirt- work well together only if the top is one or two shades lighter than the bottom.

    27. Many people know that you should leave the bottom button of your jacket undone. However, not everyone knows that this rule also applies to a cardigan.

    28. Regardless No matter what style you are dressed in - formal, smart casual or just casual - the sleeve of your shirt should invariably peek out from under the sleeve of your jacket.

    29. Combine colors in clothes, focusing on saturation. A light gray suit is in harmony with a not too rich shade of a tie. A dark suit - with a more saturated one, respectively.

    30. Dark brown brogues and dark blue jeans are a classic, time-tested combination.

    31. Combination of clothes white and cream shades create a rather expensive visual effect.

    32. Never let the shirt collar should remain unironed.

    The shirt sleeve should always peek out from under the jacket sleeve.

    33. Scarf hanging loosely around the neck - good way smooth out the impression of a bulging belly and make you slimmer overall.

    34. Combine widths tie with the size and width of the jacket lapels.

    35. Don't wear a formal classic jacket separate from a suit (what to wear with a men's jacket).

    36. Go out more often out of the “comfort zone” - sometimes try things of a new style. It is likely that you will discover new possibilities in clothing.

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    The main mistakes of overweight people are putting off buying beautiful things until they lose weight, and dressing in baggy clothes, trying to hide figure flaws. The first leads to a depressed moral state, the second leads to a disgusting appearance.

    Even if you are an obese man with a belly, you can choose stylish, comfortable things that will correct your figure, give you self-confidence and a good mood.

    Clothes make a person. Naked people have very little, if any, influence in society.

    Mark Twain, writer

    Why is it so important for large men to dress correctly?

    Overweight people often feel uncomfortable being in society. They are accused, even behind their backs, of laziness, incontinence in eating and other sins that lead to obesity. The accusations are not always fair, but there is no escape from them.

    Undoubtedly it is necessary. And the point is not even in condemnation by society, but in the fact that it is important for maintaining good health. However, you should not dream that you will lose weight and buy clothes. Dress nicely and correctly now.

    If a thin or athletic person is dressed casually, he is not particularly noticed. The sloppy appearance of an overweight man is another confirmation of how lazy he is: after all, he didn’t even have the desire to put together a decent wardrobe.

    We understand that it is unpleasant to hear this. But let this be a strong argument for changing something in your style.

    Basic rules for choosing clothes for large men

    Later we'll talk about which items of clothing will help you look your best, but first, remember the four basic rules.

    1. Good fit is important.

    Extra folds on clothing, sagging fabric, and wrinkles give the suit an unkempt appearance. On full man this effect is enhanced. Attempts to disguise excess weight Wearing clothes a size or two larger leads to the opposite: you only draw even more attention to your figure.

    How better clothes sits, the more comfortable you feel in it, and this improves your mood and appearance.
    So, clothes should not be too tight, but should not hang in folds. Finding something that fits perfectly in a store is an almost impossible task, don’t even torture yourself with searching. It is more profitable to find a good atelier or tailor who will fit the purchased clothes to your figure.

    2. The simpler the better

    Your physique already makes you look impressive. Therefore, you should dress more simply, so as not to overwhelm others with your appearance.

    Clothes without bright patterns and prints are suitable: basic, plain.

    3. Advantages of lightweight fabric

    Thick, heavy fabric emphasizes your size and makes you look bulky. It's hot in such clothes and you sweat more. And even if you don't suffer from sweating, still try to choose lighter clothes.

    At first glance, you probably won't notice the difference between thin wool trousers and thick jeans, but as you wear them, you'll realize just how different they are. Smooth, lightweight fabric that drapes neatly will flatter your figure and make you feel more comfortable.

    4. Don't try to tighten your figure

    All things that are aimed at tightening - corsets, special underwear, etc. - have a short-term effect (only while you are wearing them) and deprive you of comfort. And this is a big minus. A person who is uncomfortable constantly twitches, trying to adjust his clothes, looks nervous, unsure of himself.

    How exactly the right clothes will help you

    Good clothes will visually change the shape of your body: you will look proportionate and neat.

    Best effect the right clothes- change the first impression of you: not a fat man, but a big man. It seems not so significant, but in people’s minds you will appear not as lazy, soft-bodied and weak, but as powerful, impressive, and self-confident. This means they will communicate with you differently.

    Clothing for Large Men: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    So, with general principles We’ve decided on the selection of clothes, let’s add specifics.

    Good clothes

    The right clothes create a neat, clean and collected silhouette. Suits, blazers, and sports jackets cope with this task.

    Instead of jeans, choose loose-fitting trousers made from thick cotton or wool fabric. In cooler weather, complement your look with a long coat for a polished look.


    Bad clothes

    Danger awaits you when choosing soft, shapeless clothes. Be careful when purchasing sweaters and hoodies. They can visually reduce the belly, as they cover the waistband of the trousers, but these things should fit quite tightly to the body so that there are no wrinkles, folds, or overhanging fabric.

    Sportswear will make you look shapeless. Therefore, wear it only for training. By appearing in other places in sweatpants and a T-shirt, you will again confirm the stereotype of the lazy fat slob.

    Terrible clothes

    The worst outfit combines shapelessness, low-rise trousers or jeans and too much bare arms and legs. The point is, when your arms and legs are bare, you draw a lot more attention to your sizable belly.

    How to look better now without throwing your entire wardrobe in the trash

    Are you depressed? Are you thinking that you will have to change your wardrobe completely, but you don’t have the money or energy for it? There are seven tricks you can use to make visible changes to your existing wardrobe.

    1. Replace your belts with suspenders

    The belt does not always cope with its functions on a full man. Trying to secure your pants at the waist with a belt is similar to trying to tighten the belt on the bottom of a basketball.

    But suspenders will definitely prevent your trousers from falling off you, and besides, your trousers will fit correctly and beautifully, without sliding under your stomach.

    There are two types of suspenders: with buttons (classic) and with metal clips. Metal clips will look very frivolous and even funny. Therefore, it is better to take the trousers to the tailor and ask them to sew on buttons or buttons with reverse side belts so that they can be worn with classic suspenders.

    Of course, this will not be an ideal result, since the waist of trousers worn with suspenders should be slightly higher than the waist of ordinary trousers, but for a while you can put up with this state of affairs, and buy the next trousers specifically for suspenders.


    2. Choose shirts with shark collars

    “Shark” is a collar whose ends are widely spread to the sides. The edges of the collar can be rounded, sharp, cut off, the collar itself can be longer or shorter - choose what you like best.

    With shark collar wide face it looks proportional, and with this type of collar you can tie a large one (Windsor, for example) or a neckerchief. And you only need to use wide ties and large knots, because big man with a thin tie and a tiny knot it looks ridiculous.


    3. Wear a hat

    A hat is a magical wardrobe item that turns almost any outfit into an outfit for going out. By wearing a stylish hat, you show others that you put a lot of effort into your outfit. This will dispel their assumptions that your obesity is the result of laziness.

    And the hat will visually elongate your figure a little.


    4. Swap jeans for overalls

    When you have to do some work with your hands, wear overalls instead of jeans and a T-shirt, which will constantly ride up or slide down.

    Work overalls are a classic men's clothing, which will hide your stomach and protect you from minor abrasions.

    5. Grow a beard

    You don’t need a thick boyar’s one, but a short and neat one will hide the excessive fullness of the face. A goatee will sharpen your chin, and a mustache will correct the shape of your cheeks.

    Just watch your beard very carefully. A big guy with well-groomed facial hair is a stylish man, a big guy with tufts of hair sticking out is a lazy man.


    6. Use large accessories

    It is important to maintain proportions in everything. The bigger you are, the larger your accessories should be: watches, ties. Even plastic ballpoint pen, which you regularly use, it is better to replace it with a heavier one.

    Bonus - large accessories are perceived as an indicator of the strength and power of the owner. And these are exactly the feelings that you should evoke with your appearance.

    7. Wear untucked shirts

    This will help elongate the silhouette, hiding the belly hanging over the trouser belt. Pay attention to shirts with a rounded hem and guayaberas - classic Cuban shirts. You can replace the shirt with a thin sweater.

    Hemingway in guayabera

    Be honest with yourself, accept your body as it is at the moment, and dress it beautifully. By correctly selecting the elements of your suit and adjusting them to your figure in the studio, you will look stylish, neat and elegant, regardless of your figure size.

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