• Obsidian stone properties suitable for whom. Snow obsidian - magical properties and features


    Black, snow and rainbow obsidian stone, physical and magical properties mineral. Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign, what diseases it helps to treat. What amulets and talismans made from obsidian are capable of.

    This unusual volcanic formation was known to many peoples. Obsidian deposits are found in Ethiopia and Mexico, Iceland and the Canary Islands. In Russia, obsidian stone is mined in Siberia and Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and the Caucasus. In ancient times, the mineral was used to make knives and ritual objects. When the rock split, sharp edges were formed, suitable for creating spear and arrow tips. Today, it is mostly used to make jewelry.

    Colors and properties of the mineral

    In nature, there are obsidian deposits of the most various shades, one piece of rock can contain the entire range of colors. Most often, the stone has a translucent structure interspersed with black, gray, brown and brown tones.

    This is what snow obsidian looks like. You may notice characteristic inclusions of white-gray color, reminiscent of snowflakes. In ancient times, it was believed that such a mineral helps a person find harmony between the physical and spiritual, and also helps to get rid of bad habits. It could be used to make rosary beads used for prayer and meditation.

    Black obsidian has a deep, saturated color. It is believed that such a stone is capable of “absorbing” negative energy - vibrations of fear and aggression, bad thoughts, obsessions. In a word, it cleanses the aura and helps maintain.

    Rainbow obsidian can please the eye with its richness of colors. According to legend, this mineral helps its owner more easily endure suffering from unrequited love.

    Obsidian ore is formed when hot lava erupted by a volcano hardens. The chemical composition of the rock is varied, but from 66 to 72% is silica or silicon dioxide. The stone has a characteristic glassy luster; it is quite easy to cut and engrave, which makes it possible to use obsidian in jewelry. When split, a sharp cutting edge is formed.

    Compatibility with Zodiac signs

    Aries can use obsidian stone as a temporary catalyst of strength and energy, especially if financial issues need to be resolved. However, constant and prolonged contact with this mineral has an adverse effect on Aries - nervousness and irritability increase. In addition, stubbornness develops, which is already enough for this zodiac sign.

    Taurus contact with obsidian will only be beneficial. This mineral is imbued with the energy of the Earth (the native element for Taurus). Obsidian amulets and jewelry help Taurus draw the energy necessary to complete their tasks. In addition, the stone strengthens the immunity of its owner and protects him from infectious diseases.

    Twins with the help of the mineral they will be able to get rid of indecision. If you want, then buy a figurine or other souvenir made of rainbow obsidian and place it on your desktop.

    Cancer obsidian items are contraindicated. This mineral can make its owner more cautious and cautious, but you already have these qualities well developed. Contact with a stone will force you to be careful even in cases where you can take a risk and hit a solid jackpot. As a result, many favorable opportunities will be missed.

    Lviv Obsidian will relieve you of excessive temper and make you more emotionally self-possessed. The mineral allows its owner to concentrate on the task at hand and not be distracted by trifles. The talisman can be carried with you at all times, it will not cause any harm.

    Virgo can use the stone as a way to help arrange their personal life. But you should not wear it all the time, otherwise you may experience side effects. Some Virgo people become overly suspicious, others begin to “have their head in the clouds” and completely forget about everyday affairs.

    Libra It is rarely possible to establish full contact with obsidian gizmos. Such a mineral will not harm you, but it will not provide any particular benefit either.

    Scorpios short-term contact with obsidian will help put the psycho-emotional sphere in order. It can be used during stressful situations as a natural relaxant. But you need to remember that too much contact with obsidian objects can instill in you such negative qualities as narcissism and selfishness.

    Sagittarius the mineral will be useful if representatives of this zodiac sign are engaged in intellectual activity. Creative people can use obsidian to “awaken” their muse and discover some fresh ideas.

    Capricorn obsidian jewelry makes you more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, which will provoke positive changes in your personal life. In addition, the stone accentuates positive traits character, and pushes bad traits into the background.

    Aquarius Obsidian must be used if there is a desire to sharpen intuitive perception and awaken dormant mystical talents. The stone is suitable for everyday wear; it will help the owner in almost any matter.

    Pisces Periodic contact with obsidian will benefit. Representatives of this Zodiac constellation are not too decisive, and the mineral will give them the missing confidence. But contact should last no more than a few days - with longer wearing, you will begin to feel inner restlessness.

    Obsidian stone - magical properties

    Obsidian ore (also called volcanic glass) has the ability to resist odors and not change the properties of substances that interact with it. Thanks to these qualities, the priests of Ancient Egypt used this material to make vessels in which ritual incense was stored. Black balls and mirrors were made from black volcanic glass for scrying - an esoteric technique that gives a person clairvoyant abilities.

    Magicians from India used obsidian stone to cleanse the human soul and body. According to their ideas, this mineral has the following properties:

    • Protects a person from the influence of bad people
    • Warns against committing wrong or shameful acts
    • Relieves emotional stress and suppresses aggression
    • Provides protection from the evil eye
    • Concentrates energy and helps you concentrate
    • Stimulates mental activity when making important decisions

    An important quality of the stone is its ability to “absorb” energy negativity. The mineral protects its owner from bad energy, but over time it itself becomes “toxic”. To cleanse obsidian of negativity, you need to put it in a vessel with salt water for a while.

    Obsidian amulets and talismans should be used if you desire change or want to achieve some grandiose goal. Of course, to make your dreams come true, you will need to work hard. The stone will not do all the work for you, but it will strengthen your energy and will not allow you to be distracted by trifles.

    What diseases does it help treat?

    • Pressure changes, hypertension and hypotension
    • Colds caused by hypothermia
    • Neuroses, stress conditions
    • Heartburn, gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems
    • Rheumatism - can be used to relieve symptoms
    • Pathologies of the genitourinary system

    Obsidian amulets and talismans

    As mentioned above, obsidian amulets provide protection from energy attacks - damage and the evil eye. Just remember to regularly clean the talisman with salt water so that it does not turn into a “time bomb.” Cleaning once a month is sufficient.

    Obsidian has a mystical connection with the subtle world. It is for this reason that ritual objects and balls for clairvoyance were made from it. If you are engaged in esoteric practices, then obsidian amulets will be extremely useful to you. Their powerful energetic impact will allow you to capture subtle vibrations of the subtle world.

    Volcanic glass amulets help creative people to activate their talent and overcome crisis and stagnation. The obsidian item must correspond to the person's profession. For example, a pen from this natural material it will be easy the perfect gift for a writer or screenwriter.

    Legends about the origin of obsidian

    In the Caucasus and Transcaucasian republics, volcanic glass is called fragments of Satan’s claws. According to local legends, lava erupts when the evil spirit is enraged and wants to leave the Underworld. The black pieces of ore left after the eruption evoked associations among people with fragments of the claws of a terrible infernal creature.

    There is another American legend regarding the origin of volcanic glass. According to her, the tears of the wives of the Apache Indians became particles of obsidian. These women mourned their husbands when they threw themselves into the volcano, not wanting to become slaves to the colonizing invaders. Among the Apaches, black symbolized grief, mourning and separation.

    Obsidian has been known since ancient times. Scientists find tools made of volcanic glass, as this igneous rock is also called, during excavations at former sites of ancient settlements. The thing is that this stone has a very sharp chip. Ancient Mayan settlements made spears, stakes, and various jewelry from obsidian.

    Modern scientists use historical obsidian artifacts to study migration routes and contacts of ancient settlements.

    Scientists' findings show that high-quality stone raw materials were actively used both in the Neolithic and Paleolithic, that is, the last 15,000 years ago.

    There are two theories about the name “Obsidian”. Some scientists believe that the word comes from the Greek “obsis” - “spectacle” (small mirrors were made from stone). Others claim that "Obsidium" is the name of the Roman who first brought this mineral to Rome.

    Physical and chemical properties of obidian

    Obsidian is a stone that is formed by the rapid cooling of igneous rock. This is perlite, familiar to everyone from school, but with a much lower water content - only 1%.

    The chemical formula of Obsidian is SiO 2 - a glass-forming oxide with an acidic content. Obsidian does not conduct current. Color ranges from dark brown to black. Formed from flowing molten rocks, easy to sand. By the stripes of the stone, you can determine in which direction the magma flow was directed.

    Obsidian deposits

    Obsidian is considered a fairly rare stone. It is found only where there are ancient volcanoes, as well as in places where archaeologists have discovered ancient settlements. Such finds were in Russia, China and Japan, India, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan.

    Applications of obsidian

    Volcanic glass is a unique material for creating the perfect blade. The cutting edge is obtained at the molecular level, and this is not an exaggeration. This property was appreciated by gunsmiths who experimented with the composition of ceramics to invent extremely sharp knives. The disadvantage is the fragility of obsidian. However, when correct use and this is not a hindrance. The stone is used to create surgical blades.

    Due to the fact that obsidian is highly polished, it is used in making jewelry. Amulets, beads and talismans made of obsidian have been preserved since ancient times. Along with its other properties, this mineral is very beautiful. Black shiny glass with various inclusions and stains looks impressive on modern jewelry.

    Decorative elements in the form of boxes, stationery stands, obsidian photo frames are original decorative elements that will find a place in any interior.

    The magical properties of obsidian

    Obsidian is a powerful energy absorber and information storer. Magic balls and mirrors are made from it in order to see a person’s past and future. And obsidian talismans are able to protect their owner, attracting all the negativity directed towards him from strangers.

    However, you need to be extremely careful with the stone. The stone turns evil thoughts against the one who conceived them. The wearer of obsidian jewelry should be extremely honest with himself, and then this stone can bring good luck.

    Who is obsidian suitable for?

    Astrologers say that of all the zodiac signs, obsidian is ideal for Scorpios. Those who feel they have clairvoyant abilities should also have this stone with them.

    Obsidian is volcanic in nature, for which it is sometimes called volcanic glass. The rock is formed when lava flows to the surface and cools quickly. It received its official name thanks to a Roman warrior named Obsidius, who first brought such stones to Rome. Since ancient times, people have believed in the magical properties of obsidian, making all sorts of amulets and ritual knives from it. Nowadays the stone is actively used in jewelry, construction and industry.

    Colors and varieties of obsidian

    The main colors of obsidian are black, gray or reddish-brown. There are also three options for mixed stone colors.

    • Snow obsidian black in color, with small white spots resembling snowflakes.
    • Peanut obsidian has inclusions similar to peanuts.
    • Iridescent iridescent red, blue, green or blue shades so that the stone resembles a piece of the rainbow. When cut, the color looks like spilled oil. This is the most expensive and rare subtype of stone.

    Healing properties of the stone

    IN folk medicine Obsidian is widely used because it is believed to have not only strong magical properties, but also healing properties.

    Those who have kidney disease should wear obsidian with caution, since the stone can negatively affect the condition of these organs, disrupting their energy balance.

    The stone is also used in traditional medicine— many modern surgeons perform operations using instruments created on its basis. Patients note that after this, the body’s restoration and healing proceeds faster than in cases where instruments made from other materials are used.

    The magical properties of obsidian

    The mystical properties of the stone were known to people in ancient times. They believed in his unusual strength. According to historians, many cultures in different parts of the world used obsidian for various religious rites. Such popularity suggests that the stone really does have extraordinary features if people around the world have noticed it.

    The Sumerians believed that the stone simultaneously contained the energy of three planets - the Sun, Uranus and Saturn, which is why its influence is so powerful. It was also customary to make mirrors and magic balls from obsidian to look into the future.

    What other magical properties does this stone have?

    Obsidian combines best with silver - this metal more clearly reveals the magical properties of the stone. However, you can also wear individual items made entirely of obsidian. This stone is made from various decorations: bracelets, beads, earrings and others, and they may well become a talisman. And for those who do not want others to notice the mineral, we can recommend small teardrop-shaped pendants on laces that can be easily hidden under clothes. Obsidian's power is independent of its size, and even a small pendant can help as much as its larger counterparts.

    Meaning of zodiac signs

    Which zodiac sign will obsidian become a faithful assistant, and for whom is it better to be careful when dealing with this stone?

    1. Aries should not wear obsidian all the time; contact with the mineral should be limited. You can use the stone as a temporary assistant. Under the influence of obsidian, Aries can become hot-tempered and irritated; the stone will only aggravate stubbornness and pride. The mineral will best help Aries in matters related to money and career.
    2. Taurus people usually do not get along very well with obsidian and find it difficult to wear this stone all the time. Although he is very impressed by the determination of the representatives of this sign, Taurus extremely does not like change and prefers stability, which contradicts the essence of obsidian. However, the stone will become a reliable assistant if you do not use it too often.
    3. For Gemini, obsidian will give confidence, relieve indecision and help change their life for the better. Obsidian is suitable for this sign as an amulet for constant wear.
    4. Cancer is better off not using obsidian. Representatives of this sign are already very careful and logical; they are used to analyzing and weighing their steps a lot. Obsidian will do a disservice, making these people cautious to the point of absurdity and rushing between different elections.
    5. For Leos, the stone will help them become more reasonable, get rid of unnecessary temper and give them calmness and concentration. This sign can wear obsidian all the time.
    6. Virgos should use the stone with caution; it can help them become more confident and arrange their personal lives, but due to constant contact with obsidian, Virgos often become suspicious and become too immersed in dreams.
    7. For Libra, the stone is neutral, it will not harm them, but it is unlikely to work at full strength. Representatives of this sign can rarely build full contact with obsidian.
    8. Obsidian will help Scorpio find peace of mind psychologically, get rid of stressful conditions. The stone can also become an assistant in matters related to your personal life. However, you need to take breaks from working with the mineral, as it can make Scorpio too narcissistic and selfish.
    9. The stone helps Sagittarians well, stimulating mental activity in representatives of this sign. Negative influence obsidian usually has no effect on them.

    10. Obsidian is recommended for Capricorns; it enhances their positive qualities and helps get rid of negative ones, and also provokes changes for the better in life. Representatives of this sign have very good compatibility with obsidian.
    11. Aquarians will also find very quickly mutual language with obsidian and make friends with it. It will help them discover mystical talents, sharpen their intuition, and also become an assistant in almost any matter.
    12. Pisces can sometimes use the stone. They are not very decisive, so obsidian will help them become more confident, but if worn for a long time, it will begin to put pressure and cause anxiety.

    Stone cost

    The range of prices for stones is quite wide, and depends on the size, variety, shape and cut, as well as the overall complexity of the jewelry.

    • Small miniature stones irregular shape, cabachons and pendants a few centimeters in size can be bought for 100-700 rubles. This category includes the usual black obsidians, snow obsidians, and peanut obsidians.
    • The price of bracelets ranges from about 800-2000 rubles. This applies to products made from one mineral, without the addition of other stones or metals.
    • Small beads can be purchased for 1000-1500; the larger the diameter of the beads and the length of the product, the more expensive it is.
    • The cost of small spheres starts from 800-100 rubles.
    • Earrings and rings, as a rule, are made with a frame made of metal, for example, silver, so their price starts from about 2,500 thousand rubles.

    In general, obsidian is not too expensive, regular black stones can be purchased at an affordable price, and snow and peanut stones are usually not difficult to find either. But the rainbow is a more expensive and rare subspecies, so you will have to pay more for it.

    “Claws of Satan”, “tear of the Apaches”, “Icelandic agate” - this is just a small list of names mysterious stone- obsidian. In addition to unusual names, this mineral has many legends and beliefs associated with it. The most popular version is that these are the claws of Satan himself, who lost the heavenly battle.

    Physicochemical characteristics

    Obsidian is a mineral of volcanic origin. Another name for the stone is volcanic glass.

    FormulaSiO2; MgO, Fe3O4
    ColorBlack, less often brown or transparent
    TransparencyOpaque to translucent
    Density2.5-2.6 g/cm³
    Mountain volcanic rock

    Place of extraction

    The extraction of the mineral is directly related to volcanic activity. In order to obtain obsidian, volcanic eruptions, both modern and ancient, are needed. Today the mineral is mined almost all over the world:

    • Peru;
    • Indonesia;
    • Ethiopia;
    • Kamchatka;
    • Türkiye;
    • Caucasus;
    • Mexico;
    • Armenia;
    • Japan;
    • Ecuador;
    • Iceland;
    • Caucasus;
    • Aeolian Islands;
    • Hawaii;
    • Ukraine.

    It is worth mentioning separately about obsidians native to the USA and Mexico. Iridescent mineral is mined in America High Quality, and in Mexico there is very rare red-brown or simply red obsidian. Also found there is an unusual variety of this mineral, “velvet” - this is a matte stone of several shades at once.

    Mexican obsidian

    According to one version, obsidian was named after the ancient Roman legionnaire Obsidia, who brought it from Transcarpathia (Ukraine).

    Varieties and colors

    The magical properties and meaning of obsidian stone depend on its color. The most common minerals found in nature are:

    • black;
    • gray;
    • Brown color.

    Gray volcanic rock Black volcanic rock Brown volcanic rock

    In addition to the main colors, there are also:

    • Red. A rare species found in Mexico.

      red rock

    • Blue. Most popular for making jewelry.

    • Fiery. One of the most expensive minerals.

    • Leopard print, mahogany. These are reddish-brown or brown stones with black veins.

    • Green. Favorite stone of shamans. It is believed that it allows you to tame spirits.

    • Rainbow ones. This is a whole group, a subspecies of black. After polishing, stripes of different colors appear on the stones.

      Rainbow rock

    • Snow obsidian or peanut. White or gray inclusions are scattered on the black background of the stone. Such obsidian looks impressive in jewelry.

      Snow obsidian set

    • Labrador. A rare type of mineral. Reminds me of a drop of oil.

      Volcanic rock with an interesting color name - Labradorite

    This variety of colors and structures is due to the different chemical composition of the stone. During hardening, various inclusions and impurities can get into the stone, which determine its structure and shade.

    Medicinal properties

    Obsidian is well known in the fight against gout and diseases of the genital area. Even in ancient India, during meditation, a piece of the mineral was applied to the groin and navel area. Volcanic glass is believed to cleanse and open the sex chakra.

    Jewelry with obsidian will help in treating problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It has a great effect on the kidneys and adrenal glands.

    As already mentioned, obsidian helps to collect thoughts and calm down, so it has long been used in the treatment of nervous and mental disorders.

    Wearing items with obsidian can strengthen skeletal system body.

    Beautiful beads with a snow obsidian leaf

    The mineral will help people who have problems with blood pressure. He is able to both lower and increase it.

    Obsidian amulets and talismans are suitable for overweight people. They remove toxins, excess salts and promote weight loss. The mineral increases the activity of its owner.

    Another quality of the mineral is restoration skin after wounds or injuries. Currently, surgeons practice the use of obsidian scalpels. Doctors praise them for their sharpness and strength and claim that after using them, wounds heal much faster.

    Magic properties

    Obsidian is loved by all magicians and clairvoyants. Born in the very depths of the earth, it carries the strongest energy that even an ordinary person can feel. Since ancient times, the mineral has been used for fortune telling and all kinds of predictions. Obsidian helps clairvoyants concentrate on the task at hand and protects against energy attacks.

    Black obsidian pendant

    Due to its ability to concentrate thoughts and clear the mind, obsidian is ideal for all students and scholars. In ancient times, volcanic glass was made from writing instruments, it was believed that this helps better concentration and finding a quick solution.

    Obsidian is ideal for hot-tempered and impulsive people. The mineral is able to protect its owner from negative thoughts and actions. He will not allow aggression and sinful thoughts to break out. But he will help the soft and indecisive to take the first step and make the necessary decision.

    In Transcaucasia, obsidian is an unchanging children's amulet. Local residents know that the mineral will protect the child from the evil eye, damage, curses and any negative impact. They also believe that such an amulet will help the child grow into a strong, purposeful and self-confident person.

    The mineral is very popular among bankers, as it is believed that obsidian beads will help the owner repay any debts.

    If a person needs to avoid attracting unnecessary attention to himself, then before going out he should put on an obsidian jewelry or pick up a rosary made from it.

    Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

    Obsidian unique stone. It suits almost all zodiac signs, but only if the mineral is set in a silver frame. But still, the stone has its favorites and those who should take care of it.

    Zodiac signCompatibility
    a lion+

    (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

    Compatibility with other stones

    The combination of stones is a whole science. It is known for certain that the best combinations are made of minerals belonging to the same element. Also, according to astrologers, one should not neglect the connection of stones with the signs of the zodiac and the planets that protect them. If the stones are not aligned correctly, then best case scenario they will cancel each other out, and at worst, create negative vibrations.

    The mineral obsidian belongs to the element of Earth. His friends":

    • agate;
    • nephritis;
    • turquoise;
    • crocodile;
    • onyx;
    • malachite;
    • emerald;
    • aventurine;
    • jasper;
    • amber;
    • jet.

    Of its group of Earth stones, obsidian is unique in that it “feels” well next to Fire minerals. This is due to the origin of the stone - it was born from fire. Nice couple it will be:

    • with pomegranate;
    • topaz;
    • tiger eye;
    • carnelian;
    • red agate;
    • onyx;
    • hematitis;
    • red tourmaline;
    • diamond.

    Obsidian goes well with rock crystal. Their duet is most often used in meditation for enhanced cleansing and charging of the sex chakra. Together they are able to level out a person’s energy.

    Vintage set - ring and earrings made of silver and black obsidian

    According to the research of Pavel Globa, obsidian should never be combined with ruby.

    Where is it used

    The properties of obsidian contribute to its wide use in various fields.

    As already mentioned, surgical instruments are made from volcanic glass. They are more durable and sharp than metal ones. The ancient Mayans made their weapons and piercing tools from obsidian.

    The mineral is used as a raw material for the production of dark glass.

    Thanks to the magical properties of the stone, magic balls and mirrors for fortune telling are made from it. It helps to see the future and subjugate the spirits of the elements.

    Jewelry made from the mineral is very popular. Manufactured by:

    • rings;
    • bracelets;
    • beads;
    • earrings.

    Fabergé introduced the fashion for obsidian in jewelry, including the stone in his famous works.


    The magical characteristics of obsidian are used in the making of amulets and talismans.

    Writing materials. Besides the beautiful appearance, such things help to concentrate.

    Separately, it is worth highlighting the rosary made from this stone. They are used for meditation and concentration.

    Wearable icons. Obsidian is one of those rare stones on which it is officially permitted to paint the faces of saints and write prayers.

    Volcanic glass figures will allow you to protect your home from bad people and negative energy.

    How to spot a fake

    Obsidian is rarely counterfeited. This is due to the fact that the stone itself is not expensive. Most often, smoky quartz and black-painted glass are passed off as volcanic glass.

    Smoky quartz, sometimes passed off as obsidian

    In the first case, you can understand that this is a fake by the uneven distribution of color. The mineral is characterized by the same color over the entire area of ​​the stone with possible inclusions.

    Natural stones have a matte color and a characteristic shine. To find out whether it is stone or painted glass, you can use two methods:

    • Squeeze the mineral in your fist. Any stone will take a long time to heat up. It is enough to hold the supposed obsidian in your fist for 1 minute, during which time the glass will become warm, but the mineral will not.
    • For this method, you need to put half the stone in a glass of water for a while, and then simply compare the 2 halves. For a natural mineral they will remain identical, but if it is fake, the half that was in the water will fade and lose its shine.

    How to wear and care

    Volcanic glass jewelry should be worn with care. It is best to wear volcanic glass jewelry only on special occasions. Prolonged contact with the mineral will have a bad effect on the condition of the kidneys and will deprive its owner of determination. With constant contact with a person, the stone will deprive him of his willpower and completely subjugate him.

    Volcanic rock ring

    You need to be especially careful with black obsidian. Its energy is associated with spirits. It is believed that it concentrates the energy of death.

    Until now, in some European countries, according to the rules of decency, black obsidian is worn only at funerals.

    Product care

    Obsidian is a fragile stone. Therefore, proper care of products made from this mineral is necessary.

    • It is advisable to store the mineral in a separate box or bag so as not to scratch it.
    • Like many other stones, obsidians do not like sudden changes in temperature and prolonged exposure to the sun or water.
    • For cleaning jewelry It is advisable to use a weak soap solution or purchase special remedy. After cleaning, the mineral should be gently wiped with a soft cloth.
    • If volcanic glass is used as an amulet or talisman, then periodically it is necessary to place the stone under running water for 10–15 minutes. This procedure will help remove all the negativity that the mineral has managed to take on. It is advisable to clean the stone once every 1–1.5 months

    Snow volcanic rock bracelet

    At proper care The stone can be used for many years. For example, arrowheads made of obsidian have been discovered that are more than 6,000 years old.

    Favorable time to buy

    It is not advisable to buy obsidian for yourself. The magical properties of obsidian are best manifested if it was given as a gift.

    In the case when you still need to make a purchase, it is best to choose the 21st, 24th and 29th days of the lunar calendar.

    The cost of obsidian depends on several factors:

    • stone colors;
    • its size;
    • cutting;
    • forms;
    • processing difficulties.

    The price for 1 gram of obsidian is low, it starts from 50 rubles. But there is a rarest type of stone - green obsidian, the cost of which is higher than that of a diamond.

    Approximate cost of volcanic glass products:

    1. Beads - from 1000 rubles.
    2. Earrings, rings - 2500 rubles.
    3. Bracelets - 800 rubles.
    4. Pendants, amulets - 100 rubles.
    5. Small spheres, figurines - 1000 rubles.

    Despite the fact that the stone is not considered precious, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of obsidian for humanity. His medicinal properties known since the times of Ancient Egypt, and the magical properties of obsidian make it the most valuable mineral for practical magicians.

    Having reached the surface of the earth from the underground, the stone appeared before people as a tear of sparkling. A very mysterious and special mineral. He was often feared and even more often admired. Let’s look at what it actually represents below. In nature, there is not only black color, but still the main color of this stone is black.

    Black stone is most often mined in India, Mexico and Sweden, in some places in the USA, in Transcaucasia and in northern Russia. In other words, it is mined in places where there is volcanic activity that began more than 4 billion years ago.

    At the moment when lava from a volcano, under various circumstances, for example falling into cold water, cools down sharply. At such moments, it does not have time to crystallize and turns into an amphora. In this way the structure of obsidian is obtained.

    The oldest obsidian is approximately nine thousand years old.

    There are legends that in the times of polyolite the stone was used to make spear tips, blades and axes.

    Another legend says that the ancient Romans brought black obsidian of rare beauty from distant Ethiopia. Very quickly it gained popularity in Rome, where they began to make jewelry, amulets and various sculptures from it. At the direction of Emperor Augustus, elephants were made from it, the color of which was black, directly for the temples.

    Another legend tells about the origin of the name, from the word “obis”, meaning spectacle. In turn, we can say that it served as a mirror for a long time because of its brilliance.

    Magical and healing properties

    The magical properties have been glorified since ancient times. Various cultures on different parts planets used obsidian stone for various rituals and ceremonies. There was an opinion that the stone contained the energies of the Sun, Uranus and Saturn, for this reason mirrors and balls were made from obsidian to look into the future.

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