• “Easter - Holy Resurrection of Christ” (lesson notes in the preparatory group). Summary of educational activities on cognitive development in the preparatory group “Easter is coming”


    MDOU "Pock" Prepared by: Shulginova O.G. - higher education teacher categories Kazakova L.V. – higher education teacher categories Baranova O.V. - music supervisor. 2015

    Goal: to introduce children to the Orthodox customs of celebrating the Resurrection of Christ.


    1. Develop speech as a means of communication.
    2. Enrich children's vocabulary with concepts of spiritual and moral culture (Christians, temple, bell tower, God, Jesus Christ, Resurrection of Christ, bells, prayer).
    3. Familiarization with the Orthodox holiday as evidence of the beauty of the virtuous life of Christians.
    4. To form moral consciousness based on the basic concepts of spirituality, morality and the norms of Christian ethics.
    5. Develop skills in working with creative materials.
    6. To form a musical culture based on familiarity with works of church and folk music.
    7. Expand ideas about the native country as a country of Orthodox cultural tradition and Orthodox holidays.
    8. Teach children joint creative activities.
    9. To instill in children moral feelings: mercy, compassion, a kind, humane attitude towards the world around them.
    10. Cultivate attention to the people around you, a desire to please them with gifts.


    Preparatory work: a creative competition of crafts and drawings was held "Bright Easter" . Conversation about Easter, watching videos. Reading stories from teaching materials « Good world. Orthodox culture for kids"

    Music is playing. Children are included in the group. They stand in a semicircle.

    Hello, guests. Soon the entire Orthodox world will celebrate the brightest and main holiday Resurrection

    Christ, Easter. Every family prepares for this holiday. Children, tell us how will your family celebrate Easter? (We will bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, clean the apartment, etc.)

    Presenter. Christians are preparing for Easter: they try to become kinder, help the weak, sick, and poor people more, and fast. Today we will introduce you to Orthodox traditions Easter celebrations.

    1 Child.

    Easter is coming to us -
    This is a sweet holiday for me!
    How much joy it will bring
    And it will take away sorrows.

    Over meadows and fields,
    The sun is shining above us,
    The long-awaited spring
    The day of Easter brought us.

    2 Child.

    The gospel is buzzing everywhere.
    People are pouring out of all the churches.
    The dawn is already looking from the heavens.

    3 Child.

    The earth is waking up
    And the fields are getting dressed.
    Spring is coming full of miracles.

    4 Child.

    Spring is coming,
    Drops gurgle, ring, sing,
    Flowers and herbs appear
    In spring, nature wakes up.

    Drops are dripping loudly
    Near our window.
    The birds sang merrily.
    Easter is coming to visit us.

    5 Child.

    On an April day we are with spring
    Let's celebrate red Easter
    And the whole family is free
    We are releasing God's birds.

    Song "Easter has come."

    (to soundtrack)

    6 Child.

    The birds fly joyfully
    They sing a bird song,
    Congratulations on spring
    And greetings are sent from the sky.

    Whistles Orchestra

    (to soundtrack)

    Presentation "Easter"

    1slide "Title"

    Easter is the most joyful and bright Christian holiday. This is a holiday of saving all people from evil.

    God loved people so much. That he came into the world to save them. He took upon Himself all the bad deeds of people.

    But the evil people didn't want to. For Christ to save people. They captured Him and killed Him.

    But Christ conquered death. He is Risen from the dead.

    Therefore, all people are especially happy on this bright day and congratulate each other with the words: "Christ is risen" And they answer: “Truly He is Risen!”

    Children are especially happy these days. On Easter they are allowed into the church bell tower and allowed to ring the bells.

    The ringing of bells spreads the good news: "Christ is risen!"

    Festive Easter bell.

    A story about crafts for Easter

    Presenter: For Easter, you guys and your parents are preparing crafts. Tell us who did what. (3-4 works)

    Presenter: Are we going to play?

    The fastest. The most dexterous!

    Come on, brag about your dexterity!

    Game - round dance "Golden Gate"

    Rules of the game. The two presenters join hands and build "gates" (raise clasped hands up). The rest join hands and the round dance begins to move, passing under "gate" . The round dance must not be broken! Everyone says the following words in unison:

    “Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen:

    Saying goodbye for the first time

    The second time is prohibited

    And we won’t let you through the third time!”

    When the last phrase sounds, "the gate is closing" - the drivers give up.

    A game "Twist the Egg"

    Two children come out in front of the children and spin two eggs. Whoever spins the egg the longest wins. (3 times)

    Presenter: On Easter, all Christians will christen themselves, congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ and kiss each other three times. You and I, children, as Orthodox Christians, will also be Christed, but only on Easter.

    (children sit on chairs, artists change into costumes)

    Presenter: Every Sunday Christians go to church to pray to God. Listen to what the child is praying for.


    Let the rains pass by
    May the sun rise every day
    With bright rays over the world,
    Melting the ice in our hearts...

    Let mom smile tenderly
    And dad is always nearby
    Stays with his family...
    Let trouble not knock on our door...

    And may the sky be calm,
    Flowers in the meadows and children's laughter,
    And the house smells of fresh bread,
    God bless us, all of us!”

    Scene "Pysanky for Alyonka"

    Easter tale

    Presenter: The scene is revealed,

    The fairy tale begins!

    Two funny bunnies
    They ran through the forest,
    And on the forest lawn
    We met each other.

    2nd Bunny: Where are you running, Ushastik?

    1st Bunny: Easter is coming soon

    I need to buy Easter eggs -

    To the nice girl Alenka

    I want to give them as a gift.

    2nd BUNNY:

    Soon they will carry it to church

    Easter, holy Easter eggs,

    And you’ll be late to give paints to Alenka

    1st Bunny:

    Am I going to be late? How to be?

    Who can I ask to help me?

    2nd BUNNY:

    You know, in the rain and heat

    I am always next to you!

    Soroka has Easter eggs,

    Our aunt Belobokaya,

    Our aunt is a craftswoman,

    The capital sends her orders!


    So two Bunnies, two friends

    They ran after each other.

    Here's my aunt's house on the way,

    How can you not pass by!

    And Soroka-Beloboka

    I've already finished my work,

    I laid out all the Easter eggs,

    I dried them in the sun...

    1st Bunny: Hello, Auntie Soroka.

    2nd Bunny: Help us out, Belobok!

    SOROKA: What do the nice Bunnies need? (tapping one by the ears)

    You came running recently...

    TOGETHER: We really need Easter eggs!

    SOROKA: You are very nimble, I see. Do you have money?..

    1st Bunny:

    We... by the way...

    We thought it was possible without money...

    SOROKA: No! It's impossible without money!

    2nd Bunny: Hey, ay! Forest friends, Help me out, dear ones.

    (Mishka, Fox, Squirrel come running)

    1st Bunny: To buy Easter eggs,

    Need to pay money

    How can Alenka live without Easter eggs?

    Will be very, very upset

    BEAR: Yes, a task, what can I say? We need to help out the Bunny

    (gives Magpie a barrel of honey):

    On you, Soroka, honey,

    Take the whole deck

    Give me Easter eggs in return,

    There are seven brightest things.


    I'll give you a handkerchief

    And to boot, here are the mushrooms,

    Try on bright beads,

    Yes, put them on your neck.


    You gave me joy

    I forgot about money

    Take my pysanky,

    Bring it to your girl,

    I don't need your money

    I'm glad to help out the hares.


    Bunnies from the slide to the bridge

    Jump and hop with Easter eggs...

    And on the way to Alenka

    They wanted to come in

    ((The Bunnies come in and give a basket of Easter eggs)

    1st Bunny:

    Hello, dear Alenka,

    2nd Bunny: Here you go, Alenka,

    These Easter eggs are a reward!


    And happy Alenka

    Carrying a basket to the temple

    The gospel is buzzing everywhere:

    Red Easter is coming!

    The sun is playing merrily

    The sky is blue silk!

    Easter is coming! Easter is coming!

    The long-awaited spring.

    (children go to change clothes)

    Finger gymnastics

    (with adults).

    Commandments for young children

    10 fingers point us to these commandments:

    1. Soul, always pray.
    2. Fast in moderation.
    3. Don't judge anyone.
    4. Never be discouraged.
    5. Thank you for everything.
    6. Wealth, fame, money - don’t look for it.
    7. And don't be proud.
    8. And don't complain.
    9. But love everyone around you.
    10. And always look after yourself.

    Presenter: Dear adults, if you and I follow these commandments, we will get closer to God.

    Dance with lanterns

    Presenter: let this light symbolize the Light of God.

    Productive activity

    Making Easter boxes.

    Abstract open class V preparatory group"Painting Easter eggs"

    Goal: Formation of children’s ideas about folk ritual holiday- Easter.


      To deepen knowledge about the traditions of Easter egg painting, to introduce the characteristic features of painting.

      Learn to analyze and compare the paintings of Easter eggs of different types.

      Development of speech, memory, thinking, creative imagination, artistic and aesthetic skills of students, eye and fine motor skills of the hand.

      Foster a respectful attitude towards traditional Russian holidays.

    Equipment: laptop, presentation “For children about Easter”, audio recording of the bell ringing, collection of Easter eggs, gouache, brushes, cups of water, napkins.

    Progress of the lesson

    Guys! Every year in the spring we celebrate the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Easter is considered the main Christian holiday, the occasion of which was the saving suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word “Passover” translated from Hebrew means “transition, passing by, or liberation from trouble.” (slide 1)

    Christ is risen!
    The sun is shining from heaven!
    The dark forest has already turned green,
    Christ is truly risen!
    Spring has come - it's time for miracles! (slide 2)

    Easter is spring holiday. There are beautiful poems about him.

    Clear and sunny on Easter!
    Red paints, songs and dances.
    The light in the soul is like from a bright candle.
    And Easter cakes are already waiting on the table.
    Let it spread throughout the world: He is Risen!
    We will always be together in hope. (slide 3)

    Throughout the Easter week, bells were ringing in Rus'. Anyone could climb the bell tower and ring the bell. The ringing of the bells carried the good news of Easter and for this they called him the good news. (audio recording of bells ringing)

    Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

    People are pouring out of all the churches.

    The dawn is already looking from the sky...

    Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

    In the morning everyone went outside and watched the sun play. (slide 9)

    The children called the sun:
    Bucket sun,
    Come out from behind the bald spot.
    Sit on a tree stump
    Walk all day.

    Guys, what else do you know about Easter traditions? (children's answers)

    Beautiful holiday, solemn, abundant. There is a whole feast on the festive table: pies, Easter cakes, Easter cakes and colored eggs. (slide 10, 11)

    Today, guys, we will get acquainted with different ways Easter egg decorations. And, of course, we’ll try to paint the egg ourselves.

    According to archaeologists, the painting on the egg appeared several thousand years ago. At first they were only painted in different colors. And then they began to paint with patterns.

    There are several ways to color eggs. Krashenki - used in the old days natural dyes: onion skins, juices of plants, vegetables. Today they use food colorings. Specks - first boiled egg paint and then apply drops of hot wax. After which, the egg is placed in paint of a different color. Once the paint has dried, the egg is dipped in hot water. The wax melts in it and an original pattern is formed. (slide 13)

    Easter eggs are a whole work of folk art. Their paintings use images of plants and animals, geometric figures. The main colors of the Pysanok ornament are white, yellow, red and black. (slide 13)

    Color meaning:

    red is the color of joy, life, love;

    yellow – sun, moon, stars;

    green – symbolizes spring, youth;

    the combination of red and white - gratitude for protection from evil. (slide 14)

    Drapankas - eggs are boiled, then painted some darker color, then dried. The pattern is applied to the shell with a sharp object - a knife, an awl, scissors, a thick needle. (Slide 15)

    -Guys! How do you color eggs in your family? - Children's answers

    Guys, look at how else you can decorate Easter eggs (slide 16, 17, 18).

    And famous jewelry companies created works of art from porcelain, crystal, gold and silver, glass and bone. They could be of different sizes - from large ones, in which various surprises could be hidden, for example, Faberge Easter eggs).

      Physical education minute.

    And before we start practical work, let’s take a little rest, guys! Repeat the movements after me!

    We will all get up early in the morning,

    We'll raise our hands up with you,

    Let's do three tilts

    Right, left, straight, again

    We'll walk on the spot,

    Let's smile at our friends together,

    One - let's sit down, two - let's sit down

    And we’ll sit quietly on a chair.

    Independent creative work

    Guys, today you learned a lot about decorating Easter eggs.

    Now you will try to paint an egg. Feel free to show your imagination and creativity!

    Conversation at work:

    Easter eggs were given great importance.

    Scattered across the field eggshells for fertility.

    Dried yolk was used to treat burns.

    The shells were crushed and used as food to strengthen blood vessels.

    A piece of shell was strung on a thread and worn for colds.

    Guys! Look what wonderful pysankans and krapankas you have made.

    Why were pysanka eggs made?

    What colors did the masters use?

    Easter is a time of joy, a celebration of victory over death, sorrow and sorrow. I wish you to maintain a bright and joyful mood for a long time, may your soul be filled with love, kindness and hope!

    It's time for hope and revival

    She's here again! The soul sings!

    So let it Christ's Resurrection

    Will bring love and happiness!

    Summary of the integrated lesson “Easter is coming!” - page No. 1/1

    Educational areas– Socialization, Cognition, Communication, Artistic creativity, Physical Culture, Music.

    Preparatory group

    Summary of the integrated lesson

    “Easter is coming!”

    Target: to provide knowledge about forgotten and lost, respected and significant rituals, traditions, and customs originating from ancient times.

    Education of moral feelings: kindness, love for one's neighbor, hard work.

    Material for the lesson: finished products of Easter eggs, silhouettes of eggs of different colors for children, paints, brushes, napkins, water in jars, audio recording “Easter Blagovest”

    Reading of A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Christ is Risen”:

    Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

    People are pouring out of all the churches

    The dawn is already looking from the sky...

    The snow has already been removed from the fields,

    And the rivers break from their shackles,

    And the nearby forest turns green...

    Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

    The earth is waking up

    And the fields are getting dressed.

    Spring is coming, full of miracles

    Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

    There are many holidays that Russians like to celebrate. But one of the main ones is spring holiday - Easter. This bright and good holiday brings with it faith, hope and love.

    Eve of the strictest last week Lent - Passionate, when spring renewal is already felt in the air - falls on Palm Sunday, Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

    The Orthodox Slavs had many customs dedicated to the days of the Great Week. Thus, Maundy Thursday is traditionally called “clean”, and not only because on this day every Orthodox person strives to cleanse himself spiritually, take communion, and accept the sacrament established by Christ .

    During services on this day, the most important gospel event is remembered: the Last Supper, at which Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples, thereby showing an example of brotherly love and humility. From this day until Sunday, church services in all Orthodox churches will be dedicated to the memory of the earthly suffering of the Savior.

    Maundy Thursday was widespread folk custom cleansing with water - swimming in an ice hole, river, lake or dousing in a bathhouse before sunrise.

    On this day they cleaned the hut, washed and cleaned everything. In the North and Central Russia, it was customary to collect and burn juniper branches to fumigate homes and barns. It was believed that the healing juniper smoke protected humans and animals from diseases.

    There was also a belief that eggs laid on Holy Thursday and eaten on Easter protected against illness, and the shells of eggs buried in the ground in a pasture reliably protected livestock from the evil eye and any misfortune.

    People cleaned the yards, scrubbed and cleaned the house, went to the bathhouse, bought provisions, prepared lush Easter cakes and Easter cottage cheese.

    Starting from Maundy Thursday, we prepared for the festive table, painted and painted eggs. According to ancient tradition, colored eggs were placed on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green tiny leaves of watercress, which were specially sprouted in advance for the holiday. Onion peels and bright silk scraps were used to dye eggs.

    From Thursday they prepared Easter, baked Easter cakes, pancakes, small products from the best wheat flour with images of crosses, lambs, cockerels, hens, doves, larks, as well as honey gingerbread. Easter gingerbread cookies differed from ordinary ones in that they had the silhouettes of a lamb, bunny, cockerel, dove, lark and egg. By how the hostess did the Easter cake, they judged the future: if

    rose, everything will be fine, but if the crust is cracked -

    misfortune will happen.

    Grandma went to church. Children tell.

    Pray at God's temple

    Under candles and censer

    Easter cakes were blessed there.

    Soon Easter, Sunday,

    The bells will ring.

    Spring holiday of resurrection,

    Eternal praise to life!

    Of course, everything preparatory work: cooking, painting eggs, must be completed before Happy Sunday. On Easter morning they wash themselves with water left over from Maundy Thursday. It’s good to put a silver thing or a spoon in it, or maybe a coin. This type of washing will bring beauty and wealth.

    On the evening before Easter, everyone went to the temple, where the whole night went on.

    great service. That’s what it’s called – general vigil.

    “Vigil” – from the verb “to watch”: to be attentive, not to sleep.

    Together with their parents, their children did not sleep on this sacred night.

    They also took even the little ones to the temple for the holiday.

    Everyone, without exception, begins the Easter holiday in the family with the words: “Christ is risen” and answers: “Truly he is risen.”

    The Resurrection of Christ symbolizes red - the color of life itself, its victory over death; in Rus' they called Easter red. Therefore, bouquets of red roses, carnations and tulips are very appropriate on this day. White color symbolizes all that is most sacred and bright. Bouquets of flowers white, for example, roses or lilies, can be given for all Christian holidays.

    The flowers that were used in preparing the festive celebration were called Easter in Rus'. These were spring flowers that bloom just at this time: daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, lilies of the valley, violets, snowdrops, dandelions, coltsfoot, as well as roses and carnations. Easter flowers decorated churches, homes, festive table. It was believed that the colors of the Easter table - yellow and green - are the colors of the first spring flowers.

    Physical education minute
    Are you probably tired?

    Well, then everyone stood up together,

    They stomped their feet.

    Hands patted.

    Spun around, twirled around

    They sat back down at the tables

    We close our eyes tightly.

    We count to five together.

    Open, blink

    And we begin to work.

    Educator: Guys, do you want to make Easter painted eggs for your family?

    Show finished products, egg samples and their examination.

    What do you like about the eggs on display? What pattern is on the eggs? What paints should you use to paint eggs?

    Children choose the silhouette of an egg and independently creative activity, individual assistance during work.

    Educator: We have everything prepared for work, I invite you to show your imagination and paint the silhouettes of eggs for the Easter holiday with an interesting pattern.

    Result – analysis:

    Your Easter eggs will have a bright, colorful pattern; your family will be happy with such a gift, because it was made from the heart.

    How I love Easter! IN Holy holiday Sundays

    Get ready for Thursday I'll give it to my friends

    Grandmother paints testicles One testicle with congratulations

    I'll help her too. And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”

    On a fragile, thin shell

    For people, for beauty,

    I paint with a brush quietly:

    Cross, sun, flowers.

    In the old days, if they painted pine elements on an egg, it meant that they wished longevity to the one to whom this egg was given.

    The star is moral purity, philanthropy.

    Cockscomb - for the harvest.

    Flowers are a symbol of beauty.

    The dots are a symbol of fertility.

    Educator: “Easter is the most important Christian holiday. On this day, believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Orthodox Church has been celebrating Easter for more than two thousand years.

    Listen to the poems one of the poets wrote about Easter:

    Drops are dripping loudly

    Near our window.

    The birds sang merrily,

    Easter has come to visit us (K. Fofanov)

    Scripture says that after his ascension, Jesus ordered his disciples to go around the world and preach his teachings to the people. The poor woman Mary Magdalene also went to preach the teachings of Christ. She came to Rome, to the imperial palace to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. In those distant times, everyone who came to the emperor necessarily brought some kind of gift: the rich brought precious gifts and jewelry, and the poor - whatever they could. Mary had nothing with her except her faith in Christ. She handed the emperor a simple egg and said loudly: “Christ is risen!” The emperor was surprised and said: “How can you believe that someone can rise from the dead? It’s hard to believe, just like the fact that this white egg can turn red!” While he was saying these words, the egg began to change its color: it turned pink, darkened and finally became bright red. So the first one was given Easter Egg. That is why Easter is called “Red Easter” - after all, it is a “holiday of holidays”, glorifying the victory of good over evil, life over death, light over darkness.

    Since then, in memory of this event, symbolizing our faith in the Risen Lord, we paint eggs.

    The eggs are painted in different colors and presented with the words: “Christ is Risen!” In response, one should say: “Truly he is risen!” - and kiss three times as a sign of forgiveness and love for loved ones.”

    Educator: “Let’s try to give you an Easter egg.”

    The teacher chooses two people who want to, gives one of them a pysanka egg and invites the children to say hello according to the Easter custom.

    And much later, the tradition expanded; eggs began to be painted in different colors or have various designs applied to them.

    The teacher shows the children colored eggs: “How are these eggs different?” (children's answers).

    Educator: “That's right, guys. One egg is painted one color, and on the other we see a pattern.

    Eggs painted with paint are called “krashenki”, and eggs painted with fine patterns are called “pysanky”. When an artist draws, they say that he is painting a picture or a pattern.

    They also bake Easter cakes for Easter. Kulich symbolizes the red sun, and if a person tries Kulich, he absorbs the life-giving rays and becomes kind and strong.

    Easter always fell in the spring and people watched the weather, and this is how folk signs developed:

    Look outside, is there still snow? (children's answers)

    Educator: " Folk sign tells us: “If all the snow has already melted by Easter, then the year will be fruitful. And if there is still snow, then the year will be poor.”

    Educator: “Now look, is it raining or is the sun shining?” (children's answers)

    Educator: “There is another sign: if the weather is clear and sunny on Easter Sunday, then the summer will be hot but dry. If the “mushroom rain” passes, the summer will be warm but rainy. And if it is cloudy but without rain, then the summer will be cold but dry.

    Educator: “What kind of summer do you think we will have?” (children's answers)

    Educator: “The ritual of “letting the birds go free” has long existed.

    Let us imagine that we have birds in our hands and we are releasing them.

    (Children repeat after the teacher in chorus):

    Tit sisters,
    Tap dancers,
    You can fly freely,
    You will live in freedom,
    Bring spring to us soon.

    Educator: “So you and I released our birds into the wild, so that spring would come quickly, so that the snow would melt, so that the flowers would bloom.

    Easter all over the world is not only a church holiday, but also one of the most beloved family holidays.

    Preparations for Easter begin with cleaning the house; many people collect things for the poor and give them to those who need it. After all, Easter is a holiday of mercy and compassion, and each of us can show these qualities by helping our neighbor. And this, you see, is pleasant and not at all difficult.

    On Easter, you, too, together with your parents, can put together things you’ve outgrown and toys you don’t play with, and give them to younger children.

    On Thursday and Friday, housewives bake Easter cakes, and children decorate them with icing and sprinkle with colorful sugar stars and peas.

    The Easter holiday has always been accompanied by folk games and entertainment.

    Do you want to know how our grandparents celebrated Easter? (children's answer)

    Game “Find the Egg”: the teacher shows the children a Pysanka egg, after which he invites them to close their eyes, and at this time hides the egg in the group. It is advisable to put it in a visible place. Then the children are asked to find the Easter egg.

    Game “Chasing Two Hares”: the teacher takes three colored eggs. He places two next to each other. And the third offers to launch the children so that it hits these two and they roll into different sides. Children “cheer” for each other.

    Game “Egg Rolling”: the teacher lays out small souvenirs and sets up a small homemade slide or board. The child picks up the egg and rolls it down the slide. Whichever souvenir the egg rolls to, the child receives that gift.

    Outdoor games:

    “Laying egg game”: for this game you will need 2 eggs and 2 spoons. Children are divided into two teams, the teacher sets the flags. On command, children place an egg in a spoon and carry the egg so as not to drop it from the spoon, while avoiding the flags. Next, the egg and spoon are handed over to the team. The team that gets the egg around the flags first wins.

    “Confusion game”: A leader is chosen, the rest of the children stand in a circle, hold hands and get confused. The presenter must untangle them.

    Razinkova Natalia Alexandrovna
    VKK teacher
    MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 55"
    2016 Voronezh
    OD summary in the preparatory group Topic: “Easter egg”
    Continue introducing Russian to children folk traditions, with the skill of miniature painting.
    Learn to draw traditional elements;
    Clarify the information about the elements of decorative painting of the egg;
    Improve the ability to use acquired knowledge in your own creativity;
    Continue to learn to use color as a means of artistic expression;
    Develop imagination, observation and imagination;
    To form an emotional and aesthetic attitude towards what is depicted, to cultivate love and kindness towards the world around us, and interest in the art and culture of the Russian people.
    Preliminary work
    Introduction to the Easter holiday. Looking at illustrations of eggs. Playing a mini-museum of Easter eggs. A conversation about how the same decorative elements are often found in different types of decorative and applied art.
    Equipment, materials, tools:
    Posters with ornamental elements (symbols of the sun, infinities, stars, snowflakes, plant motifs; straight wavy zigzag lines), egg-shaped templates with ornamental grids; the game “Find a Pair” - egg-shaped templates with various paintings. Pysanky eggs. Photos depicting Easter eggs.
    Recording of bells and birdsong.
    Audio recording "Arabesque".
    Water in jars, brushes 3 pcs. No. 1, 2, 3 - squirrel, gouache in the palette - bright colors, smart sticks, simple pencils, napkin stands.
    The basket contains egg-shaped patterns in color, candy, towels.
    Progress of the lesson
    Emotional mood.
    "On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend
    Let's hold hands tightly,
    And let's smile at each other.
    Introductory part.
    Guys, last week we celebrated one of the greatest Christian holidays. What kind of holiday was this? What does the word “Easter” mean (deliverance, liberation). On this day we celebrate the victory of life over death. The victory of good over evil. This is a celebration of the celebration of life. What do you hear everywhere on this holiday (you can hear the ringing of bells)?
    The audio recording is turned on - “The ringing of a bell and the singing of birds”
    Child reading a poem
    "The dozing bell
    Woke up the fields
    Smiled at the sun
    Sleepy Land
    Quiet Valley
    Dispels sleep
    And beyond the blue forest
    The ringing stops!
    At what time of year does this happen (always in the spring, when nature awakens)? What day of the week is this holiday on? What was the belief that people used to have (people put swings on the main square, and whoever swings the highest will be the happiest and richest this year, they danced in circles - it resembled the movement of the sun, they believed that this would help the heat quickly approach)? What was the omen on Easter day (if the weather is sunny, then this means a good harvest for the hot summer)? How did you celebrate? What did you cook? What was the main symbol of the table? And why? The egg is a symbol of life, praising the sun as the source of life on Earth. What did people do with the eggs? What did they call them? What kind of eggs did they color? Then what did the eggs come to be called? Why? What did they do with them? Why were they painted? What custom was and is in our time? What do people say to each other on Easter?
    Display of eggs painted by craftswomen.
    Children, let's look at these eggs. What type of painting did the craftswomen use? What other painting do you know? What elements of the pattern do you know?
    Solar: circle, circle with straight and wavy lines, combination of circles, circles with dots. What color?
    Floral motifs: leaves, branches, flowers, trees, wreaths.
    Air elements: snowflakes, raindrops, rainbows.
    Infinity: reminiscent of a figure eight, curls symbolize the infinity of life, the rebirth of nature
    Zoomorphoric: images of birds, animals (or just horns).
    What helped the craftswomen in painting eggs (ornamental grid patterns)?
    How did they make the work easier (they divided it into parts so that a rhythmic pattern was visible from all sides). And elements can be placed inside the site and at the intersection of lines. You can create many compositions based on ornamental grids.
    Game "Find a Pair"
    Well done, as you know a lot, today, when I came to the d/s, the postman gave me a parcel from the city of Moscow from the children of d/s No. 3. They write to us that they have only learned how to color eggs, but do not yet know how to paint. But we found out that in our kindergarten real artists and ask you to help them paint eggs. Can we handle it? Then hurry up, please the kids and teach them skills.
    Finger gymnastics “Brush”
    I roll the brush in my hands and twirl it between my fingers.
    Definitely every finger, I’ll teach you to be obedient.
    I go up, I go down, I’ll start drawing now.
    Practical work for children to the music of “Arabesques”
    Who wants to talk about their work? What's your pattern? Color? Why? Well done, did you all like your work? You are real artists. And for your hard work, there is a treat for you.

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