• Why does your heart hurt in early pregnancy? Is pain in the heart area dangerous for an expectant mother? Why does the heart hurt or worry in early pregnancy?


    To leave a mark in life - isn’t this the main desire of every person? When a woman suddenly begins to realize that something is wrong with her body, she eagerly peers at the readings of the test system... How many of them are there, one or two? At the sight of two stripes - long-awaited for some, perhaps alarming for others - every woman’s heart begins to pound at a frantic rhythm. But this is only the first test for him. Now we need to take it out little man, give birth to him, raise him, educate him, give him an education - and pass all this through the sensitive mother’s heart, through each of his vessels and muscles. You need to be able to fit into it all the experiences, joys and tears, pain and delight, pride and disappointment for your child.

    Mother’s heart, you can withstand anything, but from the very day when you began to beat faster at the sight of two fateful stripes, the mechanism of your intense work has already been launched...

    What happens to the heart during pregnancy?

    The fetus, which begins to develop in the uterine cavity, forms its own blood circulation. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, hormonal background the expectant mother changes, while regulating the functioning of the heart, water and electrolyte metabolism, and metabolism. The child grows and requires more and more oxygen and nutrients. At the same time, the volume of blood flowing to the uterus increases, and the flow of blood through the vessels accelerates. Even if all processes proceed normally, the heart still experiences increased stress during pregnancy, as does the vascular system. Clinical picture usually looks like this: a pregnant woman has an increased pulse and blood pressure. If there are no other deviations, then this is the norm.

    Pregnancy and heart problems

    It happens that women who previously had some cardiac problems (conduction disorders, anomalies, developmental defects, etc.) can calmly go through the entire nine months and not experience the slightest discomfort. They can be called real lucky ones! All that is necessary in such cases is to visit a gynecologist or therapist in a timely manner and lead a normal lifestyle, naturally, adjusted for the rounding tummy. A cardiovisor can help you constantly monitor your heart condition - only if you feel changes, use it immediately. Having the cardiovisor data, it will be much easier for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

    Unfortunately, not all patients’ hearts during pregnancy are able to withstand all the stress without loss. Diagnoses such as Morphan's syndrome, severe defects with symptoms of stenosis or heart failure, artificial heart valves and other diseases may be contraindications to pregnancy. This is due to fear for both lives - both the mother and the unborn child.

    The fact is that many drugs that a woman took before are blacklisted. Your heart is left without its usual support, and increasing hemodynamic changes increasingly affect the heart muscles. In some cases, this can even lead to sudden termination of pregnancy. But even if you continue to take approved cardiac medications, even then the risk to the fetus remains great. You need to know whether the child is receiving all the nutrients in full and carefully monitor the work of the heart. If you have the slightest pain in the left side of your chest or increased pressure, contact your cardiologist immediately. An equally alarming symptom may be a decrease in fetal activity - if you notice anything like this, immediately go to see an obstetrician.

    Common causes of heart pain in pregnant women

    Often mothers in " interesting position", who have never previously suffered from heart disease, begin to complain: something is pulling, then it aches, then it tingles. Don't forget - with every kilogram of weight you add, your heart beats faster during pregnancy. And now it works for two, and your task is to support it in every possible way, and not to get nervous over trifles. Don't put pressure on chest, wear loose clothing and underwear. In addition, such discomfort can be caused by a simple change in weather, incorrect sitting posture or disruption of sleep patterns. If you have intercostal neuralgia or vegetative-vascular dystonia, you will also feel discomfort in the heart area. Don't be afraid, this is not dangerous for the baby. The main thing is do not treat yourself and do not reach for Corvalol - it is strictly contraindicated for you!

    Strengthen your heart during pregnancy

    Pick up proper nutrition, drink more water (1.5–2 liters per day). It is very important to eat foods that contain a lot of potassium, calcium and fatty acids - they strengthen the cardiovascular system. Your favorite foods should be asparagus, Brussels sprouts, dried apricots, bananas, fatty sea fish and milk. Walk more, relax and take care of your heart and small heart the little person growing inside you.

    Let your loving hearts beat in unison throughout your life - evenly, rhythmically and without failures!

    In the body of a pregnant woman, from the moment of conception, dramatic changes. Hormonal levels change, as well as internal organs start working in a different mode. The main organ through which blood circulation is ensured is no exception and is also included in the risk group. Often the heart hurts during pregnancy or shows other signs: aching, pulling, stabbing. But in most cases, expectant mothers are not able to describe their condition: there is something bad, but what it is is not clear.

    Impact of external factors

    Due to their “special status,” which is what some women call pregnancy, their body becomes susceptible to many environmental influences.

    Sometimes some of these factors provoke painful sensations in the heart, and these may include the following:

    • Sudden change in weather conditions.
    • Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time.
    • Impact of stress.
    • Overwork.
    • Loud extraneous sounds (music, screams, street noise).
    • Being in a poorly ventilated area or in crowded places.

    Often, these factors lead to pain in the heart. In this case, it is enough to eliminate the provoking cause, and the symptoms will begin to decrease. That is, if heart problems are caused by stuffiness in the room, you should open the vents, or better yet the windows, and ventilate the room. The flow of fresh air will have a positive effect on the condition of a pregnant woman.

    Internal reasons

    However, when the heart hurts during pregnancy, there are reasons for this that are not related to the external environment and are caused purely by internal problems of the body. As a rule, they are persistent and clearly expressed. In this case, timely consultation with a specialist is necessary. Let's look at several cases when pain in the heart provokes some pathological condition of the body.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system

    Moreover, we are talking about those diseases that were diagnosed even before the moment of conception. Options include arterial hypertension, heart defects (acquired or congenital), coronary heart disease, and various types of cardiomyopathy. As is now known, the heart of the expectant mother is subjected to enormous stress, and in the presence of any disease, the pathological condition worsens.

    Those diseases that are in the chronic stage represent an extremely serious pathological condition. In this case, a woman who is carrying a child under her heart must be under constant medical supervision. She also receives supportive care. And when your heart hurts during pregnancy, all this is a prerequisite.

    Anemia or anemia

    The most common disease among pregnant women is iron deficiency anemia. This is primarily due to the fact that it develops in the womb new life, and she also needs iron. Therefore, there is a high need for this element. And the usual diet is often not enough to make up for losses.

    In this case, the appearance characteristic features cannot be avoided:

    • pallor;
    • attacks of dizziness;
    • weakness;
    • heart pain.

    Diagnose this type pathological condition not difficult. To do this, it is enough to pass general analysis blood, which will show the amount of hemoglobin. Treatment consists of adjusting the diet, as well as the need to take iron supplements.

    Why does the heart hurt during pregnancy, or a manifestation of toxicosis?

    In some cases, cardiac painful sensations They are distinguished by a persistent, increasing character, and against the background of increased blood pressure, swelling and headaches. If you have such signs, you should immediately go to the doctor. After all, all these symptoms indicate developing toxicosis, which tends to progress without proper medical care.

    It is worth considering what pathological complex condition negatively affects not only the mother’s body, the child also suffers.

    A comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out and, if necessary, adequate therapy should be prescribed. In this case, the woman must be under constant supervision by medical specialists. In addition, it is also impossible to do without clinical and laboratory control.

    Pain on the left side

    Why does it hurt under the left heart during pregnancy? The occurrence of any symptom usually indicates a problem in some internal organ or even the entire system. If there are such signs, a pregnant woman should definitely visit a doctor for a diagnosis that will help determine the cause of the pain. Based on this, the necessary therapy will be prescribed.

    As a rule, this is due to certain diseases, among which are the following:

    • pleurisy;
    • intercostal neuralgia;
    • heart disease;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • hernia;
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • colds.

    During pregnancy, the body produces the hormone relaxin, which has a special effect on all internal organs - they soften so that the uterus is freely located. In addition, the reproductive organ can put pressure on the ribs, and for this reason, during pregnancy, there is pain under the heart on the left side.

    In addition, expectant mother body weight increases, which in turn increases the load on the spine. Sometimes the center of gravity shifts, causing its uneven distribution. In this case, the pain is also localized on the left side of the chest.

    Healthy heart of a pregnant woman

    Pain in the heart area is not always pathological in nature and, as a rule, the cause of this phenomenon lies in physiology. Pain may not appear due to any disease, but due to internal changes in the body.

    What exactly could be causing this? It's all about this:

    • Increased blood volume.
    • Decreased blood pressure.
    • Influence of the reproductive organ.

    There is 22-25% more blood in a pregnant woman's body. Moreover, it becomes more fluid, which leads to an increase in the load on the myocardium and blood vessels. In other words, the heart now has to work twice as hard to pump all this increased volume of plasma. It’s also not easy for the vessels, because they need to accommodate all this quantity.

    As for blood pressure, fluctuations in blood pressure also cause pain in the heart area during pregnancy. This is mainly explained by the fact that the value begins to decrease with the arrival of the second trimester by 10-15 mm. rt. Art., which is due to the influence of placental hormones. In this case, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscles increases by 15-20 beats per minute. This also happens because the female reproductive organ puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, which leads to a decrease in the flow of venous blood to the heart and a drop in blood pressure. In this regard, pregnant women often suffer from tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

    As the uterus increases in size over time, this leads to a displacement of a number of internal organs upward. The mobility of the diaphragm is limited and it rises. As a result, the heart literally takes a supine position. In this case, a physiological murmur can be heard at the apex or pulmonary artery.

    Reason to seek medical help

    As we have now found out, if the heart hurts during pregnancy, this can endanger not only the pregnant woman’s body, but also the health of the child itself. When should you immediately go to the doctor? This must be done if the following symptoms occur:

    • Increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
    • Swelling of the lower extremities and the whole body.
    • Presence of headaches.
    • Fainting, dizziness.
    • Cloudiness in the eyes against the background of flickering flies.
    • Nausea, vomiting, changes in stool.

    A pregnant woman should take her health twice as seriously during pregnancy, because she now has double responsibility. The presence of at least one of the listed signs against the background of heart pain should be alarming. You should not hesitate to go to the doctor, who will prescribe a comprehensive examination and also select the necessary course of treatment.

    How do heart problems affect a child?

    Why can your heart hurt during pregnancy? early stages? Under normal conditions, oxygen-enriched plasma bypasses the placental barrier and enters the circulatory system of the embryo through umbilical vein. During intrauterine development In the fetus, its pulmonary circulation is not yet able to function, since the lungs do not work. Therefore, the main source of oxygen for the child is only the mother’s body.

    Now we can draw a simple conclusion - any dysfunction of the circulatory system of a pregnant woman leads to a disruption in the supply of oxygen to the fetus. In this case, events can occur in one of two main ways.

    Option #1

    Lack of oxygen may be due to anemia in the female body. In other words, anemia is implied when there is clearly not enough hemoglobin to transport required amount O2. The lack of this element noticeably affects both mother and child, and the consequences for the baby can be the most severe.

    Option No. 2

    Impaired oxygen transport (as a result of which the heart hurts during early pregnancy) is sometimes associated with its dysfunction. This may be due arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy and other manifestations. Although the reasons may be different, the mechanism is the same - cardiac output decreases, blood volume decreases, therefore, less plasma reaches the fetus (the same applies to oxygen).

    How important is O2?

    The role of oxygen is difficult to underestimate - it is necessary to maintain the vital activity of every cell in the human body. And in relation to the developing life in the womb, its value increases hundreds of times, if not more!

    Lack of oxygen leads to various consequences and sometimes very serious ones. We may be talking about intrauterine hypoxia or the formation of various developmental anomalies. Even the death of the fetus cannot be ruled out.

    However, you shouldn’t worry too much, because timely assistance health care, especially in modern conditions, when medicine has reached perfection, it will avoid unwanted consequences. With adequate treatment, the child will be born healthy and unharmed.

    Heart pain during pregnancy - what to do?

    Every woman should take pregnancy seriously, because this is the most crucial period in her life. And if heart pain occurs, it is highly not recommended to self-medicate in order to avoid more serious health problems.

    What can be done? First of all, it is worth understanding that taking any medications without the approval of a doctor is strictly prohibited! In this regard, it is preferable to do the following:

    • Unfasten the top buttons of your outerwear and bra.
    • Straighten your back, take a deep breath, then exhale. Repeat several times if necessary.
    • Open the window.
    • Lie down or take any comfortable position and relax.

    If the pain is severe and paroxysmal, you should immediately call ambulance, and before that, ensure yourself complete peace by providing access to fresh air. Since many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, when the heart hurts during pregnancy, only the doctor decides what to drink and only after a complete examination of the patient. Usually such products as “Riboxin”, “ATF-Long”, “Kratal”, “Panangin”, valerian extract appear. In this case, extreme caution is observed.

    Diuretic medications ("Hypothiazide") will help cope with swelling. Cardiac glycosides and beta blockers (Metoprolol) can be prescribed for tachycardia. In case of high blood pressure, the drug "Dopegit" (250 mg) will be useful.

    Prevention measures

    During pregnancy, every woman should follow simple rules in order to prevent problems with the heart and other internal organs. In this case, such a problem, when the heart hurts during pregnancy, will worry less often, or even not bother you at all. Actually, the recommendations themselves:

    • If possible, spend most of your time on fresh air, and it is recommended to walk.
    • Ventilate the room regularly.
    • The consumption of alcohol and tobacco products is strictly prohibited!
    • Wear a special bandage for pregnant women in later stages.
    • Give yourself proper rest and sleep at least 8 hours.
    • Take only comfortable positions, and sit only with a straight back.
    • Avoid stress, experience less nervous shock.
    • Consume 1.5-2 liters of water daily.
    • Watch your weight and avoid obesity.
    • Maintain a balanced diet, which includes raw vegetables, walnuts, apples, flaxseed or olive oil.

    In addition, it doesn’t hurt to do simple physical exercise, you can even go swimming. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise Not only will your heart hurt during pregnancy, but other problems may also arise.

    Complaints of pain in the heart, tingling sensation and discomfort accompany many pregnant women. These symptoms do not indicate that the woman is developing a serious pathology, but their presence cannot be ignored.

    Can pregnancy cause heart disease?

    Pregnancy creates a serious burden on the circulatory system and the woman’s body; it is not capable of triggering the development of cardiac diseases if none were observed before the child’s conception. Any painful sensations not associated with cardiac pathologies are considered physiological and are caused by an enlarged uterus.

    The period of bearing a baby provokes the development of chronic diseases. If a woman has serious heart disease, she should consult a cardiologist at the planning stage of conception and receive appropriate recommendations. In case of defects (at the stage of decompensation), rheumatic carditis, myocardial dystrophy, as well as malignant hypertension, severe arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy, conception is not recommended.

    These diseases are accompanied by severe pain, shortness of breath, swelling, severe fatigue, heart rhythm disturbances, and pathologically high blood pressure. This condition threatens the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. The baby constantly does not receive enough oxygen from the mother’s blood, which is fraught with fetal hypoxia, the formation of severe developmental anomalies, and congenital heart pathologies.

    Is pain in a mother's heart dangerous for her unborn child?

    Violation of the normal well-being of the expectant mother is a potential source of threat to the baby. If a mother experiences an exacerbation of chronic cardiac pathology, she needs to be accompanied by a cardiologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist monitoring the pregnancy. He will monitor the development of pathology, as well as the condition of the growing baby. If maternal health problems are serious (preeclampsia, anemia, cardiomyopathy) and are not detected in time and not treated, the fetus may develop oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

    A significant lack of oxygen in the blood flowing to the baby threatens to disrupt the functioning of his heart, as well as pathologies in the development of the brain and internal organs. Severe circulatory impairment of the fetus provokes premature birth.

    Lack of oxygen during fetal development does not always cause serious congenital pathologies. Signs of hypoxia in healthy child: nervous excitability, noted in the first years of a child’s life, inability to concentrate, frequent colds, weak immunity.

    Physiological pain syndrome associated with fetal growth is not dangerous to its health. The only risk is unjustified self-medication undertaken by a woman to eliminate it.

    Causes of pain

    Why do heart pains occur?

    The main reason why the heart begins to hurt at the beginning of pregnancy is a significant increase in the load on this organ. In the early stages (1st trimester), hormonal changes begin, leading to an increase in the amount of blood. The child's need for nutrition is constantly increasing, which provides him with the placental circulation. As the baby develops, it requires more oxygen supplied to it by blood cells.

    The cardiovascular system generates and pumps an increased amount of blood. The increased load is manifested by a drop in vascular tone, their dilation, spastic contractions, changes in the coronary arteries, which is why heart pain appears in the early stages of pregnancy, accompanying some expectant mothers throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

    Other reasons:

    • Mechanical compression causes pain in the heart during pregnancy. A growing child needs more space. Increasing in size, the uterus compresses the pulmonary artery and diaphragm. For this reason, many expectant mothers in later stages complain that they cannot sleep lying on their left side at night. This also leads to the fact that a woman in an “interesting position” has a numb left hand and an increased heart rate.
    • Load on the spine resulting from the growing size of the uterus, causes discomfort on the left side of the heart, which manifests itself at 6-9 months. From the second trimester, the load on the thoracic and lumbar regions increases, and the roots of the spinal cord are compressed. Spinal pain radiates to the left side of the sternum, it hurts under the ribs, so they can easily be confused with cardiac pathology.
    • Vitamin B deficiency. It is also due to the fact that the expectant mother experiences discomfort in the left side of her chest (at the same time it seems to her that her heart has begun to worry), due to a lack of vitamin B, which provokes a disruption of metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.
    • Preeclampsia. Swelling of the limbs and organs causes increased blood pressure and soreness in the heart muscle. This condition requires urgent contact with a supervising gynecologist.
    • Anemia. Iron deficiency in the blood causes tingling, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

    The occurrence of physiological pain syndrome is influenced by the mother’s age, her body weight, and blood pressure.

    What are the pains during pregnancy?

    Pain sensations in cardiology are divided into:

    • Ischemic. They are provoked by physical and emotional stress, causing insufficient coronary blood flow. The painful sensations are burning, pressing, “squeezing” the left side of the sternum. They radiate to the shoulder, left arm, chin or shoulder blade.
    • Cardialgia caused by defects, vegetative-vascular dystonia, inflammation. Characterized by diffuse, stabbing and aching sensations in the sternum. Intensified by coughing and deep breathing.

    The nature of the sensations allows you to determine the cause of the condition and choose treatment tactics.

    Why you should see a doctor

    If before conception the girl had no cardiac pathologies, and unpleasant symptoms in the form of slight tingling, discomfort and heaviness are noted due to fatigue, staying in a stuffy room, an uncomfortable sleeping position and are not accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, then cardiac tingling and a feeling of slight constriction in the chest at night are considered not dangerous and do not require referral to a specialist.

    Under no circumstances should pain and discomfort be ignored.

    It is necessary to call a doctor if they are accompanied by:

    • swelling;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • constriction behind the sternum;
    • shortness of breath;
    • feeling that the stomach hurts (uterine tone);
    • increased sweating.

    It is necessary to consult a specialist in any case due to pain. Even if they are not associated with serious health problems, it is important to make sure that the change in the mother’s condition does not harm the child.

    The reason for the appeal is the sick heart of the expectant mother. Knowing about the presence of cardiac pathology, she must see a specialist in order to avoid negative consequences for the child and so that the period of bearing the baby is not overshadowed by complications.

    Carrying and giving birth to a child is a lot of stress for a woman. For some, this is a joyful, expected event, while others did not plan to become a mother in the near future. In any case, there is a completely understandable reason for excitement and a serious shake-up for the nervous system. A pregnant woman’s heart cannot help but react to such changes in the body. Therefore, heart pain is not so uncommon for pregnant women. What do they mean, and is there any reason for concern for the expectant mother?

    There are plenty of reasons for heart pain in pregnant women. They may be a variant of the norm or indicate any serious disorders that must be treated promptly. The act of bearing a child in itself healthy woman cannot provoke heart disease, because nature provides special adaptation mechanisms to the changes occurring in the circulatory system. Problems arise for those who, before conceiving a baby, already had cardiac pathologies (arrhythmia, rheumatic heart disease, heart defects, severe hypertension, myocardial dystrophy). The condition of such women can be significantly worsened due to increased workload. Therefore, pregnancy is contraindicated for some of them.

    Most common reasons, which are physiological and not dangerous to the health of the expectant mother:

    1. Cardioneurosis can occur due to excessive anxiety. In the early stages of pregnancy, sometimes when a woman “digests” incredible news (which is not always welcome). During the second trimester, she worries about the health of the developing organs of the unborn baby, and during last month afraid of the upcoming birth.
    2. Heart pain during pregnancy is often in the early stages (up to the 10th week). Why? At this stage, the placental circulatory system is formed, the body is rebuilt, the myocardium adapts to a new, more intensive mode of operation. During the adaptation period, excessive tension of the blood vessels or their excessive relaxation is possible. That's why a woman's heart needs large quantities oxygen and nutrients. Their deficiency provokes discomfort and chest pain, iron deficiency anemia. Additional signs: dizziness, weakness, pallor, nausea, fainting, headache(otherwise – early toxicosis).
    3. The last trimester is characterized by a significant increase in abdominal volume. An enlarged uterus creates pressure on the internal organs, displacing their usual position. When the diaphragm, lungs and mediastinum are compressed, breathing difficulties, a feeling of tightness, and heaviness in the chest occur. The central organ of the circulatory system itself is also located differently at this time - horizontally. Due to these reasons, some pregnant women have heart pain.
    4. The expectant mother gains weight, especially towards the ninth month of pregnancy. This is an additional burden on the heart. To provide blood to the fetus and the woman’s enlarged body, the myocardium is forced to work with greater intensity. Hence the rapid heartbeat and attacks of ischemia, accompanied by heart pain.
    5. Discomfort and pain in the heart area occur during pregnancy later due to the tension experienced by the spine (thoracic and lumbar areas). It bends due to a shift in the center of gravity caused by the growing belly, which pulls the body down. The nerve roots in the spinal cord are compressed and cause pain. It looks like a heart. This phenomenon is usually called intercostal neuralgia.
    6. Tachycardia and hypoxia can also occur for other reasons: hot weather, stuffy room, increased physical activity, staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time, nervous stress, excessive coffee consumption, tight clothes, sudden changes in weather, too much lunch or dinner.

    The nature of heart pain during pregnancy

    A pregnant woman's heart can hurt in different ways. Based on the nature of the sensations, the doctor makes assumptions regarding the real reason deterioration of health.

    What is angiotic pain?

    The word “angiotic” comes from the Latin “ango” (I squeeze, squeeze), so angiotic pain is a feeling of squeezing, squeezing, burning, heaviness in the chest. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms spread to the left arm, radiate to the shoulder blade, the shoulder, neck, back, bottom of the chin go numb, the state of health deteriorates sharply, and it becomes difficult to breathe. This is how people describe their condition at the time of an acute ischemic attack - angina. Similar signs accompany the development of an even more dangerous pathology – myocardial infarction. If a pregnant woman is constantly bothered by anginal pain, she should sound the alarm.

    Expectant mothers may experience severe compression in their breasts after high loads, an emotional outburst, and pain is also caused by the restructuring of the body during pregnancy. The immediate cause of the attack is oxygen starvation.


    Painful sensations in the chest of this type can be caused by both cardiac and non-cardiac pathologies. What do these pains have in common? All of them are in no way related to ischemia, and their occurrence is not always related to emotional or physical stress.

    Distinctive features of cardialgia:

    • These are long-term conditions.
    • Cutting or stabbing pains in the heart occur during pregnancy.
    • There may be aching sensations.
    • Painful symptoms spread to the entire chest area (spread).
    • Unpleasant signs become stronger when a woman sneezes, takes a deep breath or coughs.

    Varieties of cardiac causes of such pain:

    • myocarditis;
    • endocarditis;
    • pericarditis;
    • hypertrophic changes in the myocardium;
    • development of dishormonal cardiomyopathy.

    When the heart still hurts during pregnancy (non-cardiac causes of cardialgia):

    • osteochondrosis;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • bronchitis, pleurisy;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • abdominal injuries.

    Pain in the heart can occur after taking No-shpy tablets, prescribed to many pregnant women as a medicine to reduce the tone of the uterus during pulling sensations lower abdomen.

    Is pain in the mother's heart dangerous for the fetus?

    Heart pain in certain cases can pose a danger to the mother and unborn child. Short-term discomfort caused by physiological reasons, should not cause alarm. But if the pain syndrome indicates the presence of pathology of the heart or other organs, there is reason for serious concern.

    Most often during pregnancy the following conditions develop that threaten the woman and the fetus:

    All these phenomena can disrupt placental blood flow, which can lead to hypoxia for the child. Lack of oxygen can lead not only to developmental delays and the formation of serious intrauterine pathologies, but also to premature birth, and even to the death of the fetus. In some cases, doctors talk about a threat to the mother's life. Therefore, if serious heart pathologies are detected, the obstetrician-gynecologist can prescribe the woman’s delivery by caesarean section at a certain stage, when the natural process of giving birth to a baby has not yet begun.

    Prevention measures

    In order for pregnancy to proceed easily and calmly, without heart pain, you need to prepare for it in advance. What is important is the woman’s psychological mood, her sufficient material security, and most importantly, her state of health at the time of conceiving a child. After undergoing a preliminary examination, the expectant mother will be able to determine the timing of pregnancy in accordance with the identified pathologies (taking into account the required time for their treatment). It is useful to take a course of vitamins before this, do not take medications, do not smoke and do not drink alcohol at all.

    It is not recommended to treat heart pain with medications during pregnancy. To relieve anxiety symptoms caused by a nervous system disorder, you can drink valerian tincture. You should take Validol, Corvalol, Nitroglycerin and other medications only as a last resort and with the permission of a doctor.

    To prevent an attack of heart pain directly during pregnancy, you need to follow the following recommendations:

    • Eat properly. The menu should include foods rich in magnesium and potassium (raisins, dried apricots, bananas, apples, fish, milk). You should not overeat, you should give up sweets and baked goods so as not to gain excess weight or not increase your blood sugar levels.
    • Get plenty of rest. Try not to be nervous. Find activities that bring positive emotions.
    • Move more. This required condition to improve blood circulation. Special physical education for pregnant women strengthens muscles and blood vessels, saturates the body with oxygen, and prepares the woman for childbirth.
    • Drink coffee and strong tea with caution, completely avoid alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
    • Try to lie in a comfortable position when resting at night. Do not cross your legs while sitting, place a pillow under your lower back or lean back in a chair.

    During pregnancy, the load on a woman's entire body increases. The kidneys, liver, lungs are forced to work for two, the nervous system is also under high stress. The heart is the main muscle of a person; it bears the main responsibility for the functioning of the developing life support systems of the fetus. Therefore, you should immediately report constant pain in this organ to your doctor. He will help you understand why there is cutting or pressing in the chest, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment or calm a woman’s false alarm. You should use home methods to relieve pain with caution, only after consultation with a specialist.

    Experts recommend that if you experience the slightest pain in the heart during pregnancy, immediately consult a doctor. Pain is not always a symptom of a serious illness or pathology. However, the possibility exists, and instead of guessing, it will be safer for the health of the baby’s future mother to turn to a cardiologist for help. The sooner this happens, the calmer the pregnant woman will be.

    Reasons for contacting a specialist if heart pain occurs during pregnancy:

    • Enlargement and stretching of the abdomen, which grows throughout the entire period, can become one of the causes of pain in the heart area, since the tummy begins to gradually press on the chest, thereby causing aching pain.
    • During pregnancy, a woman’s weight increases significantly, and the heart begins to work twice as fast. Additional weight puts more stress on the heart muscle. He now needs to work for two. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to be nervous.
    • if you feel tingling, aching pain to the left of the ribs, or on the left side of the shoulder blades, such symptoms may indicate intercostal neuralgia or vegetative-vascular dystonia. There is no serious reason for concern for the unborn child, but his mother, on the contrary, should make an appointment with a specialist.
    • pain in the heart during pregnancy of an aching and blurred nature can be triggered by a sudden change in weather: sudden rain, magnetic storms, temperature fluctuations, surges in atmospheric pressure.
    • A common cause that causes discomfort and pain on the left side may be an uncomfortable posture. You just need to try to change your position, the pain should immediately stop bothering you.
    • pain syndrome may also well be a harbinger of anemia during pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to start taking vitamins that help replenish the female body with the necessary microelements and vitamin complexes, which include iron. Its deficiency may manifest itself in dark circles under the eyes and pale skin. Iron is found in all dairy products, eggs, green leafy vegetables, fruits, etc.
    • During pregnancy, it is necessary to protect your health from drafts, not to overcool in winter and avoid direct rays of the sun in hot summer. It can also affect heart pain and subsequent pregnancy.
    • Hypertension (high blood pressure) in expectant mothers can also contribute to sharp or stabbing pain in the heart area. If swelling of the legs and constant headaches are observed due to hypertension, then it is urgently necessary to undergo all examinations and pass the necessary tests. But, most likely, the doctor will prescribe treatment in a hospital.
    • Angina pectoris is quite common in pregnant women. The disease is not threatening, but you still need to see a specialist.
    • a heart attack and pre-infarction condition can cause sudden and sharp pain in the heart muscle. Then the count begins in seconds. In such cases, unfortunately, termination of pregnancy is inevitable to save the mother’s life. But this happens very rarely.
    • a stressful state, worries - all this can also aggravate the situation, becoming a precursor to heart pain during pregnancy. We must remember that nothing and no one should cause the expectant mother’s worries and nerves. After all, now she is responsible both for herself and 100% for the little miracle that lives in her tummy.

    Be that as it may, if you experience sudden or constant aching, pulling, stabbing pain in the heart, it is better to consult a specialist. This way, the woman will be calmer about her own health and the health of her unborn baby.

    Prevention of heart pain during pregnancy

    If, nevertheless, the heart pain during pregnancy is minor, and this does not have an aggravating nature for her health and future motherhood in general, you need to know what needs to be done to at least somehow reduce the pain in the heart.

    First of all, you need to try to relax and calm down, without fail eliminating all bad thoughts. You can brew a cup of soothing tea, then get some sleep.

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