• Crafts from pebbles for children. Original DIY stone crafts for children and adults. Panels, photo frames, paintings from sea pebbles


    Often children, walking along the seashore, collect pebbles and make various buildings out of them. They look at objects and understand that they can be different shapes, structure, color, even shade. Sometimes a single element reminds a child of someone, like a heart or a fish, a triangle or a cone.

    You can invite your child to make a picture out of stones while on vacation, right on the sand. The first time you can guide him and help him. Find the missing element, submit simple idea. But a picture made in the sand cannot be taken with you and shown to family and friends.

    Parents can give their child an idea - collect a set of different parts at home and make an applique of stones on cardboard. It is advisable to first lay it out on the shore, and then carefully collect all the elements in a bag and take it with you. But at home, in order for the picture to last longer, you need to do the preliminary work correctly.

    Preparing for work

    First the stones are prepared. If these are marine finds, then they need to be cleared of sand and washed. If they are found on a river bank, then after washing they must be boiled for 10 minutes in an enamel pan. This will kill the microflora and the stone will be clean and dry. Over time, it will not be affected by mold, and it will not become covered with green algae. After boiling, all items are laid out on a cotton napkin and dried thoroughly. Only now will it be possible to make appliqué from stones.

    You will also need good glue for the job, for example “Moment”. You need to think in advance whether other additional details may be useful for the design of the image. These can be branches, sticks. If necessary, supplement the drawing with pencil lines or use gouache paints to apply small details to the stones themselves. Let's look at several options for simple applications from stones that children of preschool and primary school age can make.


    To make such a flower you will need a branch on which it will be located. You can glue it to cardboard, or you can attach it with wire. To do this, use a sharp awl to pierce holes on both sides of the branch and twist it tightly on the reverse side. After the branch does not fall or move, you can begin to make an applique of stones.

    You will need one large and flat element, small rounded stones for leaves and petals of the same size and shape. To make the picture bright and colorful, each element must be prepared in advance.

    Painting stones

    You can, of course, simply lay out a picture from unpainted elements, many artists do just that, but children love bright colors so that the picture turns out to be multicolored. To do this, each element must first be painted with gouache. And first one side. Wait until it dries, turn it over and cover another one. You can paint it twice to avoid stains.

    After all the elements are ready, you need to first lay out all the details on cardboard, as is done with a simple paper appliqué, and then glue them. When the glue dries, the painting is ready.

    Birds on a branch

    For such an applique of stones you will need six small oval or triangular shape. These will be the bodies of birds. It will also be useful to have two thicker branches with thin and small ones placed on them. The thick ones are attached with wire, and the small ones stick out to the sides. This adds dimension to the picture.

    Bird stones are not placed on the branch itself, but higher up. Leave space for the paws drawn with paint or marker. The elements should be placed with the thick side down, similar to the structure of the bird. All that remains is to draw the beaks. If desired, the child can add more small details by drawing wings, eyes, and coloring feathers. This applique of stones for children will not be difficult. You can do it even with 3-4 year olds.

    Girl with balloons

    To make such a picture you need to select stones in the shape of balloons. This is not difficult as they come in different shapes. Both round and oval objects will do. To depict the girl’s body, you need to find one round stone and one long one, in the shape of a cone or trapezoid, so that it resembles the heroine’s dress.

    Balloons can be painted or left in in kind. Then all that remains is to place them correctly first without glue and draw the rest of the details. These are arms, legs and tails on the girl’s head. And for the balls - threads by which the character in the picture holds them. Next, the stones are coated with glue and glued to the already prepared places. This applique of stones on cardboard can be inserted into a frame and hung in a child’s room. She is very positive and will cheer up the child in the morning.

    Owls in winter

    Older children can make such a plot picture: despite the fact that there are only two flat stone, the image is complex. First you need to prepare the background by painting the details on cardboard. You can take black cardboard for the background and also make the moon from the finished part. To do this, you need to cut out a yellow circle using the template and glue it in the center of the future picture. Then they paint snow by applying the end part of the brush and twigs dusted with snow.

    There remains work on the stones. They are first painted by making a black background and drawing an owl. Then, after drying, they are varnished. Now you can plant them on a branch. Your handmade stone applique is ready!


    For such a picture you will need to find a root with a piece of stem. If you don’t find one like the one in the photo, don’t worry, you can use a simple thick twig, cutting it to size. Having attached the branch with wire, begin to shape the crown. To do this you need a lot of small rounded elements. You don’t even have to lay them out first, but just glue them onto cardboard right away.

    The second layer in the photo is attached to round pebbles that look like apples. If your child wants to make an apple tree, then you can look for such round parts. It is also recommended to paint the fruits bright red or yellow colors. This will bring the image to life.


    You can also make an applique from stones and shells. There are also many of them on the coast. You can use both natural materials in one image.

    To make a dancing ballerina, you need to select a round stone for the head, a conical one for the body, and a large shell that will represent the ballerina’s lush tutu. To depict arms and legs you will need 4 elongated and thin elements.

    Since in the picture the girl is dancing, her hands are positioned differently, conveying the movement. The legs are also attached to various positions. One leg is on the floor and the other is raised.


    Such story picture has a lot of details. They are all different sizes. You'll have to try hard to find such unique stones. The bodies of cats are oblong and thicken towards the bottom. The heads are rounded and oval. For the ears you need small stones with pointed ends.

    Before making an applique of stones, you can lay out all the details on a sheet of cardboard and check how it looks, maybe something needs to be added. Then proceed to gluing each individual element in the desired order.

    Such art develops in children the ability to fantasize and take initiative. In addition, working with such natural material fills you with energy. Children learn to navigate in space and correctly distribute the image on a sheet of paper.

    Making crafts with your own hands is one of the most simple ways have a fun and interesting time with the whole family. You can choose a variety of materials for work, depending on what you have at hand - fabric or colored cardboard, pine cones, flowers or polymer clay, plasticine or pebbles. Crafts made from stones - simple and original way diversify not only the interior of the apartment, but also country cottage area.

    Crafts from sea stones: examples of work


    You will need:

    1. Pebbles;
    2. Super glue;
    3. Colored paints;
    4. Tassels;
    5. Googly eyes;
    6. Materials for decoration (pieces of fur, fabric, feathers, beads, colored threads, etc.).


    • Wash and dry the pebbles well. Using a brush, apply glue to the pebbles and glue the eyes of the future brownies. If you can't find googly eyes, you can glue beautiful buttons or flat beads.
    • Draw noses on the stones or make them into beads or wool balls.
    • Decorate the faces of the housemates with smiles: draw them with paint or make them out of red thread or paper. Finally, make the hair for the craft: attach threads, fur, fluff or feathers.

    Monster fridge magnets

    You will need:

    1. Sea pebbles;
    2. Acrylic paints;
    3. Tassels;
    4. Super glue;
    5. Googly eyes;
    6. Magnets.


    • Wash and dry the stones well. Paint the pebbles alternately on both sides with bright colors.
    • When the paint is completely dry, paint scary mouths on the future monsters with paint and a thin brush. Let dry.
    • Glue googly eyes to the monsters. On reverse side attach the magnets with superglue to the pebbles. If a pebble big size, you may need 2 magnets.
    • Ready-made monsters can be attached to the refrigerator.

    Mouse and bird made of stones

    You will need:

    1. Sea pebbles;
    2. Super glue;
    3. Scissors;
    4. Multi-colored pieces of fabric;
    5. Colored paper;
    6. Decorative elements.


    • First make a mouse. To do this, cut out a tail and ears from fabric and glue it to an oblong pebble in the right places. You can make eyes from 2 circles of white and black paper (white more, black less), glue them on top of each other. You can make the mouse's antennae from threads, and its paws from smaller pebbles.
    • For the bird, take a rounder stone. Cut out a beak from yellow or red fabric - an oval with pointed edges. Fold the cut piece in half and glue the middle to the stone. Glue the eyes near the key. The bird is ready.

    Fish made from stones

    You will need:

    1. Oval-shaped sea pebbles;
    2. Simple pencil;
    3. Acrylic paints;
    4. Brush;
    5. Super glue;
    6. Colored fabric.


    • Rinse and dry the stones. Using a simple pencil, outline the contours of the fish's head, eyes, fins and tail on the stones.
    • Using acrylic paints, color the fish in different colors.
    • Make the tail and fins from fabric by first cutting out parts and gluing them with superglue. Such fish can be “settled” in an aquarium, decorated with colors, and placed with shells, algae and artificial plants.

    Stone crafts: photo

    Crafts made from stones for the garden

    A stone in a garden is good on its own. With its help you can decorate paths, flower beds, fences, create fountains, arrange terraces and even make garden furniture. Stone crafts used as decoration are especially beautiful. Figures can be created by placing pebbles one on top of another, gluing them, covering them with paints and decorating them with various decorative elements.

    Stones of different sizes, decorated in the form of ladybugs. Caterpillars, frogs, snails, dragonflies and other inhabitants will appear in your garden if you show a little imagination. Animals, vegetables and fruits look great. You can take a large stone and use paints to paint it, turning it into a cat, dog, shark, eagle owl, penguin, tiger, etc. You can make fairy-tale creatures. A bucket or pot filled with stones in the shape of strawberries or any other berries will look impressive.

    Crafts from stone - unique, a unique decor that you definitely won’t buy in more than one store. They require maximum of your imagination and imagination. You can make truly amazing figurines, magnets and souvenirs from stones. You can consult with your children and do a craft together.

    Stone is natural material, which man has learned to use since time immemorial. Tools were first made from it, and later they began to build houses. Several more centuries passed, and craftsmen appeared who learned to create real masterpieces of decorative and applied art from stone. And today there are many craftsmen who can make luxurious decorations for home and garden from this material. Such stone crafts can be both very complex and quite simple. Below are several options that you can make with your own hands.

    Simple DIY stone crafts

    Even without any special abilities, you can make something original. For example, everyone can create stone cacti. To do this you will need a flower pot, coarse sand and large pebbles. In addition, you should purchase bright green and white paints that are suitable for painting stone.

    To make crafts you should:

    • V flower pots add sand;
    • paint the pebbles green and wait until they dry;
    • Using a thin brush, apply white stripes to the “cacti” and draw needles;
    • wait until the paint dries;
    • bury the “cacti” 1/3 in the sand.

    Pots with such " indoor plants"can be installed in the garden or on the windowsill, and can also be used to decorate the terrace in the country house.

    But to create a stone craft in the shape of a turtle, which you can make with children, you only need plasticine and beads for the eyes.


    Remember the fairy tale about Danila the Master? The young man had to work hard to make a stone flower of unprecedented beauty.

    It will take years to learn how to work with a malachite carver, but a beautiful decorative element for the garden and home can be made using brushes and paints.

    Flowers made of stone, or rather, flowers on stone can simply be drawn. To do this, a large boulder with a smooth surface needs to be washed and dried. For painting, it is recommended to choose acrylic paints and brushes different types, so that you can both apply fine lines and small details, and paint large areas of the surface of the stone.

    The lower part of the boulder should be designed so that it resembles a basket woven from twigs. Then you should draw flowers. These could be roses, poppies or pansies. The main thing is that the unpainted surface of the boulder should not be visible from under the painting. To give the craft a shine, after the paint has dried, the surface can be varnished.


    Stone crafts can also be made in the form of various fruits and berries. For example, just paint small pebbles accordingly and you will have a handful of “strawberries” with which you can fill a vase to decorate your kitchen. You can also make orange slices, but you will have to use round, flat stones.

    Crafts for the garden made of stone in the form of butterflies

    Today, decorating a garden and summer cottage receives no less attention than interior design. Stone is ideal for these purposes, as this natural material successfully withstands any vagaries of the weather.

    As a simple but original decorative element, you can suggest laying butterflies out of large pebbles in the garden, which should then be painted in different colors. If you place them one after another at a close distance, you will get a beautiful path that will become the main decoration of the space around the house.

    How to make a butterfly

    Such crafts from sea ​​stones are created as follows:

    • draw a large butterfly on paper, cut it out and place it on leveled soil;
    • Wooden pegs are inserted along the edges of the pattern at a distance of 5 cm;
    • install the formwork on the edge, tucking it behind the sticks so that the flexible tape is stable;
    • fill the resulting form with a solution, which is obtained by mixing sand with cement in a ratio of 3 to 1 and adding required amount water;
    • lay out a mosaic of colored pebbles, which are sold in hardware stores, to create elegant wings.

    If we are talking about creating crafts from sea stones gray, then they will need to be painted in required colors facade paint. In this case, you should choose an option that is suitable for natural stone surfaces.

    Home decorations made of stones

    The combination of incongruous things always looks very original and stylish. For example, those who know how to crochet can create crafts from stones with their own hands. For this you will need white cotton yarn N10. Crochet from it openwork lace so that the pebbles are inside a kind of “case”.

    Such beautiful stones are placed in an aquarium vase or in a very large decorative glass and a few multi-colored beads, shells, artificial flowers and others are added. small items so that an original composition is obtained.

    Using the same technique, you can create original bijou in ethnic style. Small pebbles are suitable for this. irregular shape, which need to be crocheted using coarse threads and even twine. This bracelet or necklace can also be decorated with large multi-colored beads and fringe.

    Crafts made from decorative stones

    Today, in all more or less large cities there are shops where you can buy everything for making decorative items with your own hands. In particular, various pebbles are sold, including artificial ones. With their help you can create original lamps. To make such crafts from stones for the garden, you will also need jars with screw-on lids, glue, screws and a screwdriver.

    Manufacturing of the lamp:

    • jars are washed and dried;
    • apply glue to the surface;
    • press the pebbles;
    • wait until the glue dries;
    • a hole is made in the lid of the jar, wires are brought out through its end, at the other end of which there is a socket with a light bulb;
    • take a plastic pipe of the required length and make a side hole at a distance of 20-30 cm from the end;
    • the end of the wire is pulled through the other end and taken out through the hole;
    • put the jar on the lid;
    • fixed at the base with glue;
    • dig the end of the pipe into the ground so that the wire remains above the ground;
    • A plug is mounted at its end, with which the lamp is connected to the power supply.

    Artificial stone crafts can be in the form of bijou and various mosaics. For example, you can beautifully design a regular bottle using colorful shiny pebbles of different colors.

    Now you know what interesting crafts you can make it from stone with your own hands to decorate your home and garden, so you can surround yourself with original and beautiful things, which will exist in a single copy.

    Stone is a natural material that man has used since ancient times. Tools were made from it and houses were built. Over time, people began to make real objects of art from the material. Today there are many craftsmen who can make amazing decorations for your home or garden out of stone. DIY stone crafts can be either complex or very simple.

    Simple crafts from pebbles

    Even without great abilities, you can build something unusual from this material. Anyone can make cacti out of stone. To make a craft, you will need a regular flower pot, sand, but not fine sand, and pebbles. In addition, you need to buy green paint and white flowers for coloring pebbles.

    Work process:

    • Pour sand into a flower pot;
    • We paint the pebbles with green paint, the color of the plant, and wait for the paint to dry;
    • Using a thin brush, paint stripes and needles on the plants with white paint;
    • We wait for the paint to dry and bury the resulting plants one-third in the sand.

    Pots with these “indoor flowers” ​​can be placed in the garden or on the window, or you can decorate the veranda in your garden with them.

    Using stone, you can unusually design a fountain, decorate garden paths, or even make furniture. But most often they make crafts from sea stones. Many of them will be an excellent decoration for a personal plot. Depending on the size of the boulder, it is possible to make animal figures. Large cobblestones are placed near the entrance to the house as guards, and small ones are suitable for the house as decoration.

    Many people are interested not only in what can be made from cobblestones, but also in which stone is best to use for crafts. Preference is given to natural because of its unusual beauty. It’s not for nothing that many designers use only natural boulders to create unusual interiors.

    Stone flowers

    Many people know the tale about Danila the Master. The young man worked hard to create a flower from stone incredible beauty. It takes years to learn how to work with a stone cutter, but an unusual object for decorating an area or room can be made using only brushes and paints.

    Stone flowers or flower arrangement are easy to paint on a boulder. To do this, you need a large cobblestone with a flat surface. It needs to be washed and dried well. Acrylic paints and brushes are used for drawing. different types to draw both small and large details of the composition.

    The bottom of the stone needs to be shaped so that it looks like a basket made of branches. Then they draw different flowers. You can depict scarlet roses, large poppies or original pansies. The main thing is that the surface of the stone is not visible from under the design. To add shine to the composition, you can varnish the dried paint.

    Unusual rugs

    Pebbles are perfect for making a rug that can be used to decorate any interior.. It can also be used instead of a massager. Then the craft will have a healing effect for a person; foot massage is considered especially useful.

    The stone itself will tell you what intricate patterns can be made. To create a rug, you will need a base made of rubber or carpet. To form an unusual image, the stones must be of different sizes and shades.

    Before making a rug, you need to draw it on paper. It is also necessary to prepare the base: thoroughly clean it and give it the required shape. To make the process easier, first place all the pebbles on the backing according to the chosen pattern. Then each is attached separately.

    Most often, transparent glue that is resistant to water is used for this. All pebbles must be positioned so that they tightly cover the substrate. It is necessary to ensure that there are no significant gaps.

    If the rug is made for a bathroom with a tiled floor, then you need to use a rubber base so that it does not slip on the tiles. For a massage mat, pebbles with a large convexity are used.

    Stone jewelry

    What else can be made from this natural material?? If there are children in the family, then needlework will only benefit them, as it will develop in them fine motor skills hands To do original jewelry, use small pebbles from the seashore. It is preferred because of its streamlined shape.

    A drill is used to make holes in the stones for collecting unusual beads or bracelets. You can also make beautiful unusual earrings from stone. To do this, you need to buy a base, glue and paints in a special supermarket. From all the stones, a pair of similar ones are selected, which are then attached to the base. First, the joint areas must be degreased with an alcohol solution.

    If necessary, the stones are covered with “gilding”. The pebbles must be painted before they are fixed to the base. Using the same pattern, you can make a small ring to create a beautiful set. However, it is necessary to choose a smooth base to facilitate the process of selecting stones.

    Artificial stone products

    Artificial stone is unusual material, which is similar to natural. It became famous and widespread in construction. They are used to cover walls both outside and inside. Advantages of artificial stone:

    However, there are also disadvantages, including a significant level of surface wiping. But this matters only in cases where this material is used to form garden paths. After some time, the coating on the material loses color when exposed to sunlight.

    Artificial stone is perfect for making original compositions in the garden.

    Simple but important conditions must be observed:

    • The composition must be positioned relative to one point of view.
    • It is necessary to observe the contrast between emptiness and fullness. Asymmetry should be clearly expressed in the design of the site. Professionals in Japan also take into account the reflection of objects in water and the shadows they cast.
    • The number of objects in the composition must be odd. According to the classics, the composition is based on a regular heptagon.
    • It is also necessary to align the longitudinal and vertical lines of the composition. More boulders with longitudinal orientation are required, since there are already plenty of vertical objects in the garden plot: trees, fences, houses, etc.

    Applying these rules, it is possible to make a dry stream on the site or create a natural small pond. Small waterfalls or fountains look great. By forming walls for support, it is possible to decorate the yard of your site; this solution will be relevant for dachas located on the mountain.

    If you fantasize, it will appear in your head unusual solution: arrange flower beds or plant pots. You can fence an area with plantings with borders of small pebbles, arranging them in a straight order or in disorder, in several layers at a certain height.

    Crafts made from stones - simple, but sufficient interesting handicraft, which can captivate kids, developing their imagination and abilities as a professional designer. In the process of making crafts, time will be spent usefully, and people around will admire the work done.

    If you decide to decorate your country or summer cottage in an unusual way, it makes sense for you to pay attention to crafts made from stones with your own hands. Structures and products made from ordinary natural stone or sea pebbles allow you to achieve a unique natural landscape effect even in the city center. In addition, interiors and objects decorated with them bring eco-motives inside the premises, which makes it possible to add original notes even to a standard office environment.

    Crafts from stones that you can make with your own hands have several varieties. For example, they can be used to make figurines for the garden, which are used in landscape design and simply decorate a garden or summer cottage. By the way, a local landscape can be formed around them; for example, an alpine hill can be built near a gnome figurine.

    Another option for using them in design and decoration is painting on stone and making crafts from it using glue. Such products can be used both in a suburban area and indoors. This can be either a single painted boulder or a whole product, for example, a stand for tableware made from glued pebbles.

    Crafts made from shells go well with an aquarium

    By the way, handmade crafts made from shells and stones go well with an aquarium, forming a special water zone in the room. As a result, you can also create a work office in nautical style, where the main element will be an aquarium with sea inhabitants, and accessories made of stone will only complement it. If necessary, the aquarium can be replaced with any part of the attributes of sailors, for example, a steering wheel or an imitation of a boarding weapon.

    Another type of such crafts are various accessories and gifts. They are usually made of small stones, from which figurines of people and animals are made. A tube can be cut from soft rocks. In addition, specially selected specimens can serve as decoration or a person’s talisman. To do this, you need not only to process them beautifully, but also to select them in accordance with your zodiac sign or year of birth.

    You can make it from stones various decorations, such as bracelets

    You can improve your qualifications by attending master classes in relevant areas. They are usually free, or you will only be charged for the cost of the material used during the class. Over time, having learned to make a variety of crafts in various techniques, you yourself will be able to give certain master classes.

    Types of stone crafts

    DIY stone crafts come in several types depending on the technique used.

    • Thus, the following techniques for working with stone are currently used:
    • stone painting;
    • mosaic;

    stone cutting.

    The mosaic technique consists of selecting stones by color and gluing them onto a solid base. As a result, you can create various colored panels, graphic elements and real paintings in this way. In this case, you can take shells, pebbles, and multi-colored crushed stone as materials. In addition to creating the mosaic itself, this method can be used to decorate flower pots and other elements of room decoration.

    If we consider handmade crafts made from small stones, cutting them is an excellent way to work with them. Using stone carving, you can make small figures, for example, netsuke. In addition, if you have a soft rock, it is quite suitable for creating a real sculpture. Such figures can fit perfectly into the interior of your suburban area, and if you wish, they can easily find a place inside your home.

    There are other ways and techniques for working with this material, for example, it can be used as an auxiliary material for beading or creating costume jewelry. As for the simplest crafts, for example, bracelets or necklaces, you can easily make them without any special knowledge of stone processing techniques. To do this, it is enough to use a drill to drill the soft rock stones you need and string them on a silicone thread or wire.

    Stone crafts with children

    Children can also make crafts from stones with their own hands. This will not only be great fun for them, but will also give them the opportunity to do things that are useful to them on their own. For example, you can paint stones with your children. In this case, it is best for you to use acrylic paints and gouache.

    Attention! Usually they paint sea or river pebbles because it has a smooth surface.

    You can paint one stone or several. If you paint 1 pebble, it can make a great gift, or it can be used as a single decorative element when decorating a children's room.

    In the same case, when you paint a group of stones, you can create some kind of composition from them. For example, cacti are very popular among children, which can be made from round and oblong pebbles, coloring them in green color and attaching it to match needles using plasticine. Such cacti will look impressive in a pot decorated with colored crushed stone or granite chips.

    With children you can make various applications using stones

    In addition, with children you can make various mosaics from small stones. To do this, it is enough to have multi-colored small pebbles and PVC glue available. Next, you simply select the pebbles by color and glue them onto the same colored paper, plywood or wood. As a result, you can create very unusual paintings from pebbles, and if you add other materials to it, you will get an original panel created in the genre of naive art.

    Stone crafts for the garden

    If you want to make stone crafts with your own hands for the garden, then you will have a whole sea of ​​possibilities for this. Thus, one of the common uses of stone in the garden is the production of a wide variety of decorative figures. They serve a purely aesthetic function, but some figures can serve, for example, as a flower bed. To do this, you can lay out a turtle from suitable boulders, the shell of which will serve you as a flower bed.

    The second common way to make various homemade items in the garden are crafts made from sea stones, made with your own hands in the form of garden paths or places to relax. There is no particular difficulty in making them, since all you need to do is level a suitable area and lay the stone you have selected on the ground.

    A flowerbed in the shape of a castle using stones will look great in the garden

    Attention! With the help of stones you can decorate artificial reservoirs located in your summer cottage and garden.

    In this case, you can make crafts from sea stones with your own hands if you study the corresponding photos posted on sites dedicated to landscape design. Usually they consider options for designing the side, as well as the bottom of such reservoirs. They can be decorated with various shapes, as well as simply beautiful pebbles and boulders.

    The fourth option for using this building material in the garden is landscape design. Thus, not only flower beds and flowerpots are made from stones, but also alpine slides, as well as multi-level terraces. They can also be used to divide an area into several work areas, highlighting, for example, a recreation area. By the way, the grill can also be made of stone by arranging the boulders in a special way.

    Unusual ways to use stone in decoration

    There are also unusual ways decorating rooms with stone. For example, large pieces of rock or pebbles can be used as decoration for furniture and door handles; you just need to stick them on the handle using PVC glue or secure them through a drilled hole with a self-tapping screw. You can decorate walls or mirrors in the same way.

    If you decide to decorate a shoe stand in this way, it will be even easier to do. You simply take a shallow container made of plastic or metal the size of your intended shoe stand, put soil in it, and stones, such as crushed stone, on top. Such a stand will not only look unusual, but will also allow your shoes to dry quickly after rain, since all the moisture from them will drain through the ground.

    You can make approximately the same craft to decorate the entrance to your home. To do this, you will need to take a regular silicone mat and stick even pebbles on it. The result is a stone mat that will also allow unnecessary water to drain away from the porch and will trap dirt so it won't end up inside your home.

    Attention! Designers claim that stones are so versatile that they can be used to completely transform almost any room.

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