• Preparing to congratulate the newlyweds and examples of congratulations. What instructive wishes can be told to young people? Congratulations on the wedding of a friend, friend


    Help each other, show sensitivity and responsiveness, attention and
    care. Peace and harmony to your family. Love and happiness!

    warmth and happiness! Love is the irredeemable coin that makes up
    now your living wage!.. I want to wish you not only
    prosperity, but also abundance; not only joy, but also great happiness!
    I wish the newlyweds to overcome difficulties shoulder to shoulder
    life's path." The husband should not forget that the wife is a gentle creature and she
    she needs help so that her lovely figure doesn’t bend from the weight
    worries, the scarlet roses on her cheeks did not turn pale, the sparkle in her eyes did not disappear, but
    the heart is not closed to beauty.
    Love and family mean
    There is a lot of human life. To be able to carry your
    warm feelings for each other, you must learn to hear each other
    without words. I wish you that even kilometers apart, you
    heard what your other half is thinking.
    They say that the years
    living together over time turns love into friendship, habit and
    respect. And I wish you that the love that unites you today
    has grown stronger over the years, so that you do not lose tenderness and warmth, so that
    were attentive to their soulmate, knew how to endure, forgive,
    turn minor troubles and quarrels into a joke. Bitterly! Expensive
    young! I sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage.
    and family education! Friendship and love are the most beautiful feelings in
    human life. May your love be as long as
    Your life! Live in love, happiness and joy, may you have healthy and cheerful children, and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good morning, dears! Bitterly! I would like to wish not
    only long
    family years
    life, but patience and ability to build one
    a ship that can withstand any storm during them. They say that wealth is first of all health, secondly,
    good wife, thirdly, children! Therefore, I wish the groom to be rich -
    have remarkable health, take care of your beautiful bride, whom
    friendly, fun and happy! Have children, don't forget your parents!
    May it always be sweet for you when you are together, but only today -
    BITTERLY! So the loving Cupid has overtaken you. Did you think it wouldn’t catch up?
    But no! After all, going through life together is much more exciting than in
    alone. Happy for you, friends! Great family happiness!!! May fate always be favorable to you. Always be
    happy, loved and desired. May a good angel protect your
    a family nest from all troubles and failures. We are young with all our hearts
    We wish you happiness, good luck, peace and prosperity. May swan fidelity
    will always be with you.
    Let your ship sail without knowing the winds and
    storms Let only clear weather and a fair breeze accompany
    to you. Take care and respect each other. We wish you all the best, prosperity and
    Congratulations on your first family holiday!
    We want to wish so much that we can’t count it all. Happiness itself
    the biggest thing there is in the world. For a husband to obey his wife and love
    her alone, And the wife - to give birth to children, nice, sweet children. We are waiting from
    you heroes and beautiful daughters!
    Just look at this
    a couple! Everyone can see that something extraordinary is shining in their eyes.
    a feeling called love! Let this feeling not fade away,
    let it support you in hours of difficulty, without which you cannot
    costs no life path, let it warm you in moments
    joy and happiness, which undoubtedly await the young woman in abundance
    family! I wish you fidelity, tenderness, prosperity and, of course,
    a speedy addition to the family!
    My dear friends! I
    was present at your wedding from the very beginning to this moment and
    I have never seen a happier expression on your faces than now. You
    you simply emit a rainbow glow that enveloped not only us, but
    and the entire environment. I just dream, being in this situation,
    so in two years, I’ll see you next to me, but in the amount of three
    Today you are glowing with happiness, you look so nice
    see that it is obvious to everyone present - you are the happiest
    pair! And we are all very happy for you! Even after a year, and after many
    years the sparkle in the eyes and tenderness in the heart does not go out, let the family
    together, love each other and hatch chicks!
    Well, I want
    wish you prosperity and abundance, joy in family life and
    great happiness! May your marriage be happy! Let it be
    joyful your love! Live in friendship and harmony, may your union
    will be the happiest!
    The family where there is husband and wife is indestructible
    trust each other, do not argue over trifles, and when they hear
    condemning exclamations, only holding each other's hands stronger. I
    I wish you to always hold each other's hands and feel them
    With all my heart I want to wish the newlyweds that all their
    life was as fun and joyful as their wedding! Let
    Your eyes always sparkle the same way, and love and tenderness live in your heart!
    May everything go well in your life and may everything always come true
    your dreams! Imagine that every wish today is magical
    a bead sparkling on a string of love. Let this thread be strong, and
    The ringing necklace will become a happy family amulet for you! Our dear bride and groom! Construction started today
    your joint ship - your family. We wish you that your
    the family ship turned out to be strong, reliable, so that it would not crash on
    everyday life and troubles, so that he would not be afraid of storms! Let it be on its way
    The sun shines brighter for you, may the voyage last for many years and
    will certainly be happy!
    Dear bride and groom! Let yours
    the family will be the happiest, and the happiness will be so great that
    it was enough for your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren!
    Life is
    endless rush and bustle, sometimes diluted with stupid grievances and
    disputes, this is an alternation of clear and gloomy days, black and white stripes. AND what exactly will prevail in your family depends solely on you, from your ability to love and forgive, endure and encourage,
    seek compromises and make concessions. May love, health,
    joy, kindness will be the basis of your young family. Happy wedding! Family happiness depends on a woman’s ability to smooth out conflicts and
    a man's ability to hug
    Hard time
    . Let there be a wife in your family will be smart, and your husband will be sensitive and then you can happily meet old age together.
    The bird called "family" has grown today
    two wings and these wings are you. Her flight is just beginning, so
    you will go through life hand in hand. Family life is very serious
    case. Always be there for each other, don't forget this
    have a happy day in your life.
    The greatest test for love is
    time. Therefore, only a real feeling like yours can win
    years! I wish you this confident victory! May your love win
    all the troubles of life! May the joy of one always be joy
    another, I wish you to listen to each other and feel
    each other - it helps to live so much! I wish you happiness and good luck, dears.


    Wedding congratulations in prose and wedding congratulations in your own words

    Wedding congratulations in prose Behind wedding table
    I often want to read prose rather than poetry. How
    find worthy solemn words, congratulate the young from the heart, on humorous, beautiful in original words
    ? You've come to the right place!
    SuperToasts are pleased to offer you congratulations from friends, parents and
    witnesses, toasts in prose. And poems can be included in a wedding
    Wedding wishes in your own words:
    Our dear newlyweds!
    Congratulations on this important life step that you have taken.
    deliberately decided! Know that life is a series of happy and
    bad days. And only from you, from your patience, participation,
    mutual assistance and mutual support depends on happiness, well-being and
    longevity of your family! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let There will be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things family life

    overshadow passions and love! Advice to you and Love!
    Dear groom and
    bride! Today you have become husband and wife and have firmly united your
    fate into one. You have become the closest people, and all the joys and
    You will now overcome adversity shoulder to shoulder. I wish that
    no difficulties in life, no everyday trifles brought discord into your
    relationships so that the joys of one become a common joy for you! Let
    the thread with which you connected your paths in life today is not
    it just never breaks, but gets stronger year after year, turning into
    a strong rope, and the rope becomes a family rope! I wish you happiness
    home and a new family born in these minutes! Take care of each other, don't
    hurry up with reproaches and accusations, try to understand and respect each other
    friend! Let children's laughter ring in your home soon! Be

    healthy, be happy!
    Dear newlyweds! We wish you happiness, health, love, friend
    friend, take care, appreciate. Let life be like a striped zebra,
    Let no troubles overshadow your family happiness! Let
    Your feelings will be sweet, and only at the wedding let the screams sound

    Friends! Do you know what they say about every family: “The husband is a ship,
    and the wife is the helm of the ship!” And today we want to wish you an easy
    sailing on the sea of ​​life, without storms and with a fair wind! To
    your ship moored to the shores of Love, washed by the waves of the ocean
    Calm, driven by the winds of Prosperity, sailed through life under the flag
    Family Happiness!

    Newlyweds! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event!
    Strong bonds, strong feelings, more exciting family events! Ancient
    The saying goes that temporary failure is better than temporary success.
    Therefore, I wish your family endless luck and only failures
    temporary! Congratulations to your new young family!

    Congratulations on the wedding to the bride in prose
    I want to say
    a few words about our bride. Look at our beauty in
    wonderful snow-white outfit - it amazingly combines
    “bride”, “wife” and future “mother”, which means femininity, love
    and self-sacrifice. Today she glows with happiness, and her eyes sparkle
    fire of love. So let this glowing light burn in her eyes
    all my life, let the hardships of family life and tears of sorrow not extinguish
    him, let your heart be filled with goodness and passion, and your hand strong
    rests on her husband's hand all her life! For your young wife!

    Congratulations on your wedding day! This is truly a wonderful event -
    your family's birthday! Family is today a small
    a newborn who has to go through life's journey. And today you
    the two of you, holding hands, enter into a new life together, you
    the first timid steps have to be taken, which will become more and more every day
    stronger and more confident if respect, wisdom,
    patience and love. We wish your family long and happy years! We wish
    celebrate family anniversaries with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and
    Lose track of the years! May you live happily ever after!

    Congratulations to the newlyweds on a wonderful and bright wedding day!
    We wish you to walk through life shoulder to shoulder, so that in life you will not
    troubles were encountered so that only light and
    pleasant worries and responsibilities so that you can do everything together,
    encouraging and supporting each other so that the fire in your hearts does not go out
    love! Good luck to you!

    I congratulate the newlyweds and wish them endless family happiness
    warm home, passionate nights, pleasant awakening in
    hugging each other, fullness of feelings, tenderness and mutual understanding!
    May there be no marriage in your marriage, but may your feelings be long and
    strong. Bitterly!

    Wedding congratulations in prose

    My dears, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on this
    significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot.
    The most important thing is to carefully preserve and appreciate the feelings that you
    feel for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, pamper
    care and affection. Let no difficulties darken your life.
    I wish you more romance and bright impressions in your life. Be a friend
    for a friend, reliable support and support in any situation. Love friend

    Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you mutual understanding, love, fidelity,
    tenderness and great joy. Let the house be filled with sonorous children's
    laughter, and the soul sings with happiness!

    I sincerely congratulate you on this significant event, in all
    meaning, an event! I wish you good health, great happiness, rainbow
    smiles and fun. Let goodness, warmth, and comfort always live in your home.
    and warm hugs.

    How important it is for people to find each other, find their love and
    half! You have found! I congratulate you on your wedding, with love, with
    new life! I wish you very strong, faithful, all-conquering love, but also
    no less patience and humility! Understand each other, forgive each other
    friend, learn to be together with joy in your heart! Have a nice long day and
    hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life and bright weekends and
    holidays! Your home is full of children and prosperity!

    Congratulations on the happiest day of your life. Today is the day
    the birth of a new family. We wish her to become every day
    only stronger and growing over the years. Let your family be based on
    mutual understanding, support, tenderness and boundless love. And all
    obstacles that are inevitable on the path of life will only make you
    wiser and more united.

    Congratulations, my dears! Now you're not just a beautiful couple,
    now you are a young family. I wish you harmony and understanding,
    endless love and prosperity. Pamper, care, respect, appreciate
    and never cease to surprise each other. Happy wedding day!

    Today is a significant day - your wedding day! Bring it in
    memories of this bright event throughout your life, rejoice together,
    worry together, be a reliable support for each other, walk along
    life path hand in hand, take care and respect each other! Wish
    family comfort, prosperity, eternal love and a long, happy life to you
    life together!

    With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the most unique and
    have a wonderful day in your life - happy wedding day. Today is the day when you
    unite your two destinies into one. I wish you to carry it through all
    life of sincere feelings and respect for each other. I want from the bottom of my heart
    wish that your family always remains warm, trustful and
    support. So that on your golden wedding day you and the same
    They looked at each other tenderly.

    Congratulations on a wonderful, unforgettable family birthday!
    It’s not easy work to create, store and cherish love. I wish this work
    turn it into a game and easily cope with this and other
    tasks: to please your half under any circumstances, to pamper,
    treat life situations with humor. I want to give it to someone
    life or several, appreciate each other’s moments, actions, smiles.
    Let this unique moment of magic last forever. May the days
    will be bright and full of meaning. Take care of understanding and patience,
    walk hand in hand, because all the power lies in family happiness.
    Be the most unique couple on Earth and a role model!

    Let yours family life will be paper, tin, wood,
    crystal, chintz, silver, bronze... In general, everything,
    up to gold. Let it be filled with tenderness, happiness and
    love. Let there be nothing more expensive and valuable for you in the world
    your union. Take care and respect each other. Happy wedding!

    Happy wedding day wishes in your own words

    Our dear, beloved!
    You are now married, a big, bright road begins for you
    love for each other. We wish you with all our hearts to live strong
    friendly family, so that you have children, so that there is
    endless happiness, comfort, positive atmosphere and good mood.
    So that there are many pleasant emotions and impressions, joyful moments and
    days. Your love has always served as an example for everyone, it is very
    sincere, warm, sensitive, affectionate. Never let it go
    feeling, take care of each other, walk your life's path in
    harmony, understanding, live with dignity all the trials that you
    will fall out. We wish you harmony, joy, and that your marriage will be without marriage!
    Be faithful, love, live happily!

    Dear newlyweds!
    So you have become legal husband and wife, one loving family.
    We sincerely wish you health, happiness, wealth, prosperity in
    in all your affairs and endeavors. May your journey be full of luck,
    fidelity, pleasantries, bright days. On this special day we are so
    We are glad to be with you, to share the happiness of your love. Let fate be
    clear, and love long, eternal. Be sensitive and affectionate, don’t lose
    warm feelings and memories of first meetings. Those rings that were taken in
    Take care of your hands, just like your love. The words that we said to each other
    remember and fulfill these oaths. That kiss that sealed
    let your love be the beginning of a long road to a happy life,
    full of happiness and mutual understanding.
    Glory to the newlyweds! We want
    wish you great love on this significant date, however, you have it
    There is. We wish you happiness, but you found it by finding the ocean in each other
    feelings and a sea of ​​reciprocity. Then we wish you to live many days,
    not losing all this wealth, but increasing it. Find a friend in
    friend not only husband and wife, but a real friend and girlfriend, gentle,
    caring people to whom you can tell any secret. Be truthful in
    in your relationships, don’t let anyone crush such indestructible
    feelings like yours. Get drunk not from wine, but from love for each other,
    fall in love even more every day, let wings grow behind your back,
    dream about beautiful things, and let everything come true, and there will be no happiness
    end, and joy warms hearts and souls.
    Our dears! Yours
    Your wish has finally come true, you are now husband and wife! The desired thing has arrived
    time, and you put the rings on your fingers. Today everything is for you - and flowers,
    and cakes, and music, and celebration. May every day of your family
    life will be as happy and kind as this day. Not
    forget about the first meeting, about how you fell in love with each other, let
    memories kindle love even more, let it stretch for
    for many years, every day given by fate makes you happy. Well done,
    that you have found each other, you are true halves, you are perfect for each other
    to a friend. We wish you to remain as harmonious, beautiful, sincere
    a couple. We wish you many children and grandchildren, be together until the end,
    live endlessly many beautiful days of love. Good luck to you! Dear newlyweds! We wish you with all our hearts long happiness, patience,
    peace with your family. Remember this day, because it will not happen again. Let everything that sounds today, all wishes come true, may we all we'll get together in many years for your
    diamond wedding
    , let love
    will become even brighter, more emotional, even more sensual, and over the years it will not
    fades away. Stay together in any disputes and problems, support each other
    friend, do not abandon, do not open your hot hands. Educate
    beautiful children, grandchildren, may the family grow big, strong and
    We want and wish that all your dreams come true.
    My beloved newlyweds! I don't know a more sensual and loving couple
    than yours.
    It feels like you were always there and everyone knew that you
    get married and live happily ever after. You've been through a lot
    and as a reward you received great mutual love. I wish that
    after many, many years you were together, never separated, so that
    love only grew stronger, so that you were surrounded by family, loved ones, and friends.
    May this wonderful day never end, nor may your happiness end. Go
    next to you, don’t let go of your hand, in the rain, in the sun, in grief, and in
    love happiness, love, love again. Let the groom be worthy
    husband, and the bride a beautiful wife. May you grow up to be wonderful
    children. Let you be “bitter” only at the wedding.
    Dear Husband and
    Wife! Congratulations on such a huge event in your life as
    entering into legal marriage. Now you are starting to create your
    family hearth, build a happy family life. Let the unquenchable
    no wind blows the warmth between you, let the fire be with each
    every year it flares up more and more. We are all happy that we found a friend
    friends, two such wonderful people, two halves came together
    and fell in love forever. I wish you to remain as beautiful, kind,
    faithful people. Don't forget your wedding day, your friends and
    loved ones. Keep your home warm and cozy, let everyone be like the sun
    day, happiness shines in your souls. There are not seven wonders in the world, but
    eight, eight is a wonderful union of two loving hearts. Our dear newlyweds! Today we celebrate your birthday
    families. It’s so touching and exciting to see you together. Tears on
    in the eyes of many lovely ladies, tears of joy for your future. Not alone
    a married couple will remember their Mendelssohn march with slight sadness
    will envy what you still have ahead of you. We wish you to love,
    take care of each other. Today your family was just born, it is very
    vulnerable. Every year it will become stronger and stronger. Relate to
    to your family as to a crystal vessel. Very quickly you will feel
    return - the family will become your support, a reliable haven. Take care and
    appreciate your family! And we wish that at your golden wedding
    Numerous grandchildren, raising their glasses to your family, talked about
    that we would also like to have such a wonderful family.
    stone wall, let the wife always be an incentive for her husband to
    accomplishing great things, achieving goals. Together we can achieve anything.
    Family life is not easy, but with such crazy love you all
    overcome, all your dreams will come true. May your faces always be
    as happy as today! Walk along the road of your life, holding on
    by the hands. Walk not behind each other, but side by side, look in the same direction,
    but think differently, complement each other. Create the strongest
    a unit of society that no one can hack.
    Our beloved ones! Here comes your first time together family celebration
    ! Not everything
    list, there is so much we want to wish, we mentally send you
    All congratulations, may everything come true. We wish you to climb
    pedestal of love and stay there for many years. Let your hearts
    will always be intertwined in a knot of mutual happiness. Let this
    the solemn atmosphere that now covers us all will
    walk with you, and there will always be a holiday in your life. But not
    Don’t forget to invite us to it sometimes! You are so young, you have everything
    life is ahead, give each other love and tenderness, take care of your
    fiery relationships, live every day with love and care for each other
    friend. I wish you great happiness!
    Our dear children! Cordially
    Congratulations on your wedding day! We are very glad that
    Together with your family, we have new relatives. We hope
    that you, young people, show us by your example how they can live together
    different generations, different families. We wish you to create such a family,
    where everyone will love each other, where everyone will cherish and care
    about each other. We see how much you love each other, how much you
    tenderness to you. We see how much light and goodness you radiate. And we
    we wish you that your family is truly a family in its
    in the original sense: SEVEN-I - mom, dad and five children. We wish you
    there is so much joy and warmth that there will be plenty of them in yours too.
    family, and enough for your loved ones and friends Dear newlyweds! We
    With all our hearts we want to congratulate you on one of the most important days in
    of your life! Happy Wedding Day, Happy Family Day! Let
    your family will be happy and joyful, and every day gives new
    smiles and dreams! Cherish each other like on this bright day
    marriages, do not leave each other in trouble and always listen
    kisses, caresses and hugs. May this day remain forever
    in your hearts and will be remembered for pleasant moments, happy smiles and
    joyful congratulations. Always remain loving to each other
    spouses and understanding friends. Bitterly! Our beloved ones, dear ones
    newlyweds, please accept congratulations on this wonderful wedding day! Our
    sincere wishes - love each other for a long, long time, live in
    mutual respect, understanding the difficulties of family
    difficult, but such a cool life. Let them reign in your home, your
    Abodes of comfort, tranquility, cheerfulness, understanding. We wish
    healthy children, good loyal friends, success in work and life.
    May relationships become stronger and stronger over the years, and may faith in
    love - more and more. Let there be sincerity and warmth towards each other
    friend, may the flame of love never fade, and make you happy every day,
    lived together. We wish you to love warmly and passionately for many long happy times.
    years! We love you very much! Dear bride and groom! Today
    One of the most important and beautiful days in your life has come - you
    got married, you created new family and new happiness! May God
    protects your union from all troubles, and gives your family happiness and
    well-being. Always remain true friends to each other,
    devoted lovers and loving spouses. May your life be
    shrouded in a series of happy accidents, pleasant moments and
    unexpected joys. Remember that from this day you become one
    whole, now you share all the sorrows and joys in half, and also
    protect each other on your common path in life. That's exactly how it is
    should do real family! Dear newlyweds, stay always
    as joyful and happy as on this bright day! Let
    your love always warms you and protects you on the common path of life!
    Our dear newlyweds! Your day has come
    wedding, the day of celebration of your love and happiness. We want
    congratulate you on this bright and joyful holiday in your life.
    May the angels of your love always protect you both from harm and misfortunes, and yours living together
    It will seem like heaven and God's grace!
    Always remain as happy and cheerful as this
    day. May joy and common benefits always warm your souls and fill them up tender love
    . Remember that now you have one way to go
    two and one goal - to take care of ourselves, each other and our family. Let your
    family relationships will be happy and peaceful. We also wish you
    children, the house becomes warmer and more comfortable, and parents become happy and
    blooming. All the best, newlyweds, all the best!
    Our dear children!
    Today is the best and happiest day of your life, because you
    united in marriage and created a new family! So may God
    your love will protect you on the path of life, and family life will
    seem like heaven and the highest good. Get only from family life
    joy, happiness and pleasure. Increase your happiness
    moments, increase your love and enjoy each one together
    the day you lived. It's a great joy to be close to your loved one,
    so value each other and protect each other from adversity and trouble. Stay
    always as cheerful, cheerful, happy and loving,
    as today! Let your hearts burn with passion and tenderness
    to a friend even across years and distances! Always be together and not
    forget that you have each other!
    Our wonderful
    newlyweds! With all our souls and flaming hearts, we want to congratulate you on
    your wonderful wedding! May this day remain forever
    in your memory as the brightest and happiest day in your life, and
    after many years your eyes will also shine and shine from
    happiness! Joy to you, success and prosperous days together.
    Let the house in which you settle always be welcoming and
    friendly, and your hearts are always open and affectionate to new people
    accomplishments and achievements. Of course, I would also like to wish you prosperity and
    well-being to your family, because you can’t live without them! Be sure to take it
    them on your way, and don’t let them go for a moment! Always keep warm
    your souls with the warmth of love, tender kisses and passionate hugs!
    Be happy, our beloved and dear ones! We love you very much! Our dear newlyweds! Today you have taken a common path together
    life. Without a doubt, this is the decision of adults and responsible people. We We want to sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event, and also join in the congratulations. Let it be on yours
    family path
    always protects love, luck and happiness. They won't let you give up in the fight against minor adversities and troubles. After all, as you know life is a striped thing, and only
    strong people
    ! So
    let your strength be caring for each other, loyalty and
    devotion that will never end. Always remain friend
    friend and general family well-being.
    Dear newlyweds!
    Today is one of the most important and beautiful days in your life -
    you have become legal spouses! I would like to wish you that your
    love has only strengthened over the years and given you new positive
    emotions and impressions! Let your fairy tale come true and come true
    common dreams that you both definitely have. I would also like to wish you
    health, endless understanding of each other and kindness! remember, that
    you promised to always be together and go through all the joys and
    bad weather just holding hands! This is the meaning of family: always
    support each other and protect each other from adversity. So let it be in yours
    family always enjoys joy, harmony, happiness, kindness and well-being. Always remain loved and loving friend
    for friend,
    may your Guardian Angel protect you, and may you protect your
    Love! Dear newlyweds! On this bright and festive day
    On your wedding, I would like to wish you great happiness for both of you,
    a fresh loaf on the table, smiles and a house full of beaming people. Be
    always beautiful and beautiful, like today, always remain like that
    be as happy as this day and may the bird of luck keep you
    with its paws and does not let go of itself. Of course I won't let you pass by
    your speeches and wishes for an addition to your family, because children are
    There is always joy and laughter in the apartment, it is sincere laughter and happiness.
    I wish you a lot of strength and health to implement your plans and
    making your desires come true. There's nothing better than a dream
    which is destined to come true thanks to two loving people! Our dears
    newlyweds, let your dreams come true and your wishes begin to come true
    today. Congratulations!
    Our dear newlyweds! Today you
    tied the knot of love and marriage, so let this day be for
    you the best and happiest in your life! Gathered around you
    many friends and relatives to whom you opened the doors to your
    heart and soul, so let their number not increase over time
    will decrease, but only increase. We wish you strong family friendship,
    true love and prosperity that will warm your loving
    hearts and give you sincere smiles! Always remain a friend for friend's closest people, lovers and spouses. Let yours life will be colored in the most
    best shades
    magic, love and happiness, and
    We congratulate you on your common holiday of love and light! Our beloved newlyweds! On this solemn and important day I want
    I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding and wish you
    happy family life, love and good luck! Always try and
    everyone to support each other, do not forget about care, loyalty and
    family friendship! May the years together married life will seem
    you with the best and most pleasant moments in your life, and your beloved
    the person will surround you with his care and affection. Love each other,
    enjoy each other and remember that you have everything ahead, but
    Only the best and perfect is ahead. Don't be offended by small things and
    do not give in to loneliness, but remember that in this world you have
    each of you has one single devoted and loving person,
    who will not leave you in difficult times and will not make you feel
    feeling bad. Love each other and be happy!
    Today for you, dear newlyweds, it has come new stage
    in life. Undoubtedly this
    there will be one of the best and brightest periods in your life, because
    it is you who will paint and create it. The main thing is that you
    you will do this with your beloved and loving person. Expensive
    newlyweds, we sincerely want to congratulate you on your marriage and
    wish you all the best, and most importantly happiness and health without
    which is impossible to live. You have finally become spouses, that is
    husband and wife who will love each other and protect each other to the end of your days. This is very important in modern world
    and it's also big
    happiness and luck to find your person, your destiny among the crowd, and
    then get married in marriage and love! Appreciate it, increase yours
    happiness and goodness, and heaven will definitely reward you with the long-awaited
    addition to the family - a child! Be happy! Expensive
    newlyweds! We are very happy for you and want to sincerely congratulate you
    with your marriage and the creation of a new family, because this is important for
    each person. We are confident and know that your union was concluded according
    love, which means in heaven, and we want to wish yours with all our hearts
    a beautiful couple always remain loving, faithful and reliable
    spouses for each other. May luck always accompany you and guide you
    Lucky star, because you deserve it and you deserve it.
    We wish you that your love will live until old age and warm your
    souls throughout life.
    2 met in the white sky
    beautiful and joyful together. May the skies be white for you and
    the sheets will be white and clean, like the first snow, and joys will sparkle
    every day like Frost patterns on the windows. Let love make you happy
    like a child is delighted by creamy ice cream or vanilla dessert, and let
    love smiles at you from the sky, like a beautiful bird of paradise, like
    the smile of an angel is like the scent of a beautiful white rose. And let your
    relationships will be as beautiful as delicate white lilies, may you
    you will delight each other every day with your actions, so that life
    yours was glamorous, beautiful and snow-white, like clean rivers
    whole milk, in which you can forget about everything while enjoying
    the joys of life.
    They say that love comes into the world by chance, that
    it is on the map of the lives of each of us, and it is difficult to understand why
    around the corner she will be waiting for you and where she will find you. Actually everything
    simple: the path of the heart beckons and attracts another, so that finally
    at one point in the world their aspirations merged and one day they
    became one destiny. All this is easy to buy and find, but difficult
    to hold on in a world where there are disappointments, quarrels and fatigue. But only
    understanding, loyalty and responsibility for each other's fate are capable of
    keep two flaming hearts in this world in order to strive together for
    new distances and greater horizons. Let the scarlet headlights of your love
    never go out, let the hearts be always together, because no
    prettier couples than you.
    The day you both are talking about has arrived.
    dreamed, to which your dreams and dreams, predictions and
    dreams, heights that you dreamed of conquering. Hard to say,
    would you believe the prediction of the soothsayer who would tell
    you about such a turn in your life and in fate, but a fact is a fact,
    and today you have become husband and wife. You open the first page
    your family life, and while it still only smells of spray
    champagne, the aroma of white roses and bride's perfume. I would like to wish you
    all the best for your days to be as wonderful as
    pearls scattered in the bride's hair, like a beautiful song about
    love and like your brightest dreams that you strive for
    both. Support each other on the path to your brightest dreams.
    Once upon a time, the light of a star penetrated into the world of your dreams, when you did not yet know
    each other and slept in different beds to send you a dream of
    will be passionate and trusting, and the days will be beautiful and clear. After all, in
    During the day you will see little of each other, but at night and evening
    will give you plenty of time for personal communication. I wish you that
    your nights fulfilled your brightest desires for you to share
    with each other with their joys and sorrows, successes and failures,
    trusted each other and sought to ensure that the starlight of yours
    dreams did not go out for many years.
    Hot autumn united your destinies
    and spun in a beautiful waltz of falling leaves. It is not true that autumn is not
    the time of love, this is the time of maturity and awareness of your decision,
    which allowed you to find each other and be together for many years.
    Let the beautiful golden autumn warm you with golden sunny
    rays and gentle warmth of Indian summer, may you have so much money,
    how many golden leaves fall on the city in October and
    let the bright colors of autumn warm you up on autumn days and be
    to delight you with the beauty and tenderness of this time of year - the time
    which poets admired and in which they saw their inspiration
    artists and musicians. And may there be so much joy in your life,
    how many bright leaves are circling over the city in search of affectionate
    touch of warm earth.
    The autumn symphony gave you not only
    Mendelssohn's waltz, but also the special melody of your love, analogues
    which does not exist anywhere else in the world. Let her gentle foreplay, as if
    bright piano notes will delight you in the morning, revitalizing your
    day, and will be a wonderful transition from sleep to vigor and tenderness.
    Let the bright notes of violins fill your day with joy, like a coming
    the most long-awaited guests to whom you will always be welcome, and meeting with
    which you would not exchange for anything in the world. And let them laugh
    the notes of the saxophone will give you unforgettable nights of love, in which everyone
    times a new tune will play and which will allow you to reveal each
    in front of a friend new facets of your nature. And let the melody be like
    The fabulous waltz of your love will never end and you will never get tired of it.
    There are showers and fogs outside, you don’t want to get up and go to work,
    and now you can devote your time to yourself, because from this
    the day you became husband and wife. Even if there is bad weather outside the windows, even if
    the cold is knocking on the house and every day a gray and
    romance will never disappear from your life, let the cold not extinguish
    bright light of the flame of your home, let you together
    it will always be warm and pleasant and life will be tender, sweet and hot,
    like high-quality and strong natural coffee with pieces
    delicious chocolate.
    Black and white, marshmallow and chocolate. You
    you seem to others to be the complete opposite of each other, but still
    you now together form one whole - you have become husband and wife and
    swore an oath of love and fidelity to each other. Don't believe that everything
    believe that you are not able to understand each other - if it were
    so, then your royal decision would not have been accepted. Don't believe it
    that you are so different, like rum and milk, like ice and fire,
    like honey and mustard, because then you wouldn’t be together. After all, white and
    dark chocolate is the same kind, although they look different, because coffee and
    milk are not similar, but get along well with each other, forming
    wonderful and aromatic drink. After all, you own the secrets of love,
    try to preserve them until the end, so that love will forever unite the two
    opposites into a beautiful harmonious couple.
    Winter, snowstorms,
    New Year…. Winter days brought you together to become husband and wife
    against the backdrop of lacy snowy streets, beautiful blizzard scenery and white
    snow. So that your wedding takes place during the winter twilight, when hundreds of
    candles are beautifully reflected in the windows of the church. This is the time of cold, love and
    fidelity, which brightly illuminates the flame of your love. If you put
    there is a lot of problems, worries and demands in it, it will go out, and if
    demand only what is necessary and at the same time readily accept each other
    friend, then it will flare up with a bright and warm flame that will warm you
    not only on winter days, but also in a world of cold, indifference and cold.
    Take care of each other and may the fire of your love and family happiness not
    will never go out. May he give you the warmth of love and clear light in
    any situation, as well as advice and love.
    Spring morning got married
    forced you to make the right decision. Why not all the time
    to spend together, not to love each other, to meet the sunrises
    always together? Then you made this decision and it has now become
    your reality. May your life be beautiful and bright, as if
    pink rays of a gentle dawn, and love illuminates your day like a bright
    let the ruddy dawn give you all the colors of the next day, your
    beauty and love, and maybe the beauty of your unborn child or
    several children that your love will give you. Don't take it off
    rose-colored glasses of love - because they will give you a lot more joy.
    From vivid dreams and long predictions, from the whisper of the moon and the world of dreams to
    you have received recognition and love, beautiful, like a bouquet of lush
    white roses May your days be beautiful, like roses in the snow
    twinkling stars, let hopes be airy and wonderful, like
    large bouquet of white roses. Do not rush to remember grievances and
    educate each other so that your paradise is eternal, because sometimes one
    a word can destroy love and cause a cruel wound to your
    heart. It’s easy to destroy love carelessly, but then regain trust
    very difficult. Therefore, protect it like a bouquet of white roses in winter from
    breath of cold so that your feelings do not fade, as happens with
    those who could not keep their feelings for long. You can handle it
    Therefore, be brave and take care of each other in a cruel and cold world.
    Like lightning in the autumn sky, like the thunder of the first summer thunderstorm, like
    diamond ring among the glass shards on the asphalt, so love
    came into your life one day. She hurried to you from heaven, as if
    the reflection of a star, like the breath of the wind, like the tenderness of angels and
    illuminated your hearts with its radiance, like lightning brightly in the darkness of the night
    lights up faces. Let your love cover you like an umbrella from the rain and
    will become a lightning rod in a world where there is aggression, an evil eye and
    envy. Let her take care of your happiness and give you only
    positive emotions so that the cold winds of misunderstanding pass you by
    side. And let evil gossip, slander and unkind tongues, like
    vices such as envy, jealousy, greed, selfishness and mistrust
    will bypass you. So that you give each other only fresh
    Feelings like ozone air after a thunderstorm.
    newlyweds! We want to congratulate you with all our hearts on one of the most
    important days in your life! Happy Wedding Day, Happy Creation Day
    real family! May your family be happy and joyful, and
    every day gives new smiles and dreams! Treasure each other as in
    this bright day of marriage, do not leave each other in trouble and
    always listen to the voice of your loving heart. Try to share everything
    happy smiles and joyful congratulations. Stay always
    for each other as loving spouses and understanding friends. Bitterly! Our dear newlyweds. Today Holy holiday I want to
    I wish you to remember simple school arithmetic. Addition,
    thanks to him, one sweet girl and a wonderful guy connected
    forever your hearts from now on you have become a couple. From today you both
    subtracted from bachelor life. You have to go through a joint
    life path and share the upcoming joys with sorrows. Well,
    of course, multiplying all the bright moments of life, may you have them
    will always be common. Today you stepped on board a huge ship and
    set sail through the harbor of life. Don't let any
    the storm will at least slightly shake your love, know how to resist
    upcoming storms that you cannot do without on your journey. Happiness and
    love for many years.
    Many people dream of meeting their soulmate
    half in this life, but unfortunately fate does not give such to everyone
    chance. On today's solemn day, we share your joy.
    Let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds met in life
    path and from today, holding hands, they will walk along it
    together. We wish that Faith, Hope, Love walk with you on your journey.
    Let the dove of peace circle over your home, and let every day you live
    filled with love and good luck. We wish that the ringing sound could be heard in the house
    children's laughter. Despite the fact that the husband is the head of the house, we wish
    he should listen to his wife's advice. We would like to wish the bride that became loving wife
    , caring mother, worthy guardian
    family hearth. Be happy. Here comes the exciting one,
    a solemn moment, which all those gathered here with delight
    expected. The bride glows with happiness, the groom’s playful eyes burn with fire,
    Tears are slightly noticeable in the parents' eyes. Dear young people,
    today you are leaving your parental home in order to
    create your own. We wish you perseverance, aspiration, understanding in this difficult
    in fact. I would like to wish the groom's parents to let him into their hearts
    daughter-in-law, so as not to acquire a daughter. Parents of the bride, open yours
    souls for a son-in-law, thus you gain a son. Lovely
    newlyweds, don’t forget your parents, go visit
    old people, because these are the people who constantly love and wait. And now
    Let's raise our glasses to the parental blessing for the young.
    Prosperity to the established couple, may your path together be strewn
    decided to take such a serious action as creating a new family.
    Remember that you have to go through a series of joyful and
    sad moments that fate has prepared. It's up to you
    how positive the outcome of this path will be. Take care of your family
    strengthen your feelings, do not pay attention to envious people,
    Learn from now on to trust each other in everything. Let in
    there will be no gloomy days in your life. Let it reign in your hearts
    harmony of love. Let life spread only happy ones before you
    cards. May your journey together be filled with exciting moments.
    We wish your hearts to glow with unquenchable love today and tomorrow
    and always. Take care of each other. I would like to express many
    wishes to the young people, but first of all I wish you mutual understanding,
    only it should become the foundation of life together. Help friend
    friend daily, this will help strengthen your happiness. Let's be together
    Let's raise our glasses and drink to the creation of a new family. Let it into yours
    The wind of happy changes, hope and love constantly blows towards you
    inspire hearts. If sadness suddenly comes knocking on your door, let it
    will be temporary. Dear newlyweds, looking at you, we see how
    your hearts overflow with love, and your eyes sparkle with happiness. Today
    you are the most beautiful couple. Let me wish that after many
    years, when we all gather to celebrate our golden wedding with you, you
    looked into each other's eyes with the same tenderness and love. Bitterly
    There is no greater joy than watching two
    loving hearts unite into one. Dear young people, today you
    you are the perfect complement to each other. Now having exchanged
    rings and having tied the knot in marriage, you decided on a responsible
    step, let me congratulate you on this exciting moment in life, on the right
    solution and an excellent choice. Let this day be the beginning of
    a special life, full of everyday family worries. Let
    the happiness that overwhelms you today will be regular. Let
    fate will be favorable to you and reward you with generous gifts. If
    life suddenly hands you a bitter cup, then sweeten it right away
    her love. May a good angel spread his wing over yours
    family nest. Peace, happiness and love.
    Dear newlyweds,
    Today you consciously bind yourself with the marriage thread. From now
    the warmth of the sunshine will cross the threshold of your cozy home with you
    family nest. We wish you to have many little ones.
    sons and daughters. Treat each other with tenderness, understanding,
    love. May God bless your strong union. Dear guests,
    let's raise our glasses, let's have champagne today

    Congratulations on your wedding day, beautiful in your own words in prose

    When two lovers find each other and tie the knot
    marriage, a new star lights up in the sky. So let your star
    love burns brightly, illuminating the path for your new family and giving you warmth.

    In the endless ocean of our life, family is a ship at the helm
    of which the wife stands, and the husband plays the role of a sail. So let's wish it
    for the bride to find the right course, and for the groom to be resilient. Let yours
    The caravel has been surfing the waves of a happy family life for many years. A
    if a storm happens, the deck of your ship will always shine
    love and peace.
    A special day has arrived for our newlyweds.
    A new union has formed on the planet, a new star of love has lit up on
    sky. We wish you prosperity, a strong family, so that no household
    strife and difficulties did not darken your days. Joys and sorrows you
    divide in half. May your fire of love never go out, turning
    into an unbreakable union of two hearts. Happiness to the new family and new home!
    Cover each other's backs, take care, try to respect and understand
    in any situation! We wish you to hear the sonorous laughter of children as soon as possible!
    Be happy and healthy, our children!
    Congratulations to the young
    a bright, important day in their lives. Another beautiful one was born
    a family that, like a flower, requires love, care and care! You
    have entered, hand in hand, into a new stage of their lives and there is still more to come
    there is a lot to be experienced: the first successes, the failures that will make you even more confident and stronger if love reigns in your family, patience and wisdom. We wish you happy and
    for long years
    ! We wish
    give birth to sons and daughters, in whose circle, in an atmosphere of warmth,
    Have fun, you will celebrate all the memorable dates!
    So glad
    look at the young people, they shine with happiness! I think everyone present
    will support me. Everyone is happy for you, together with you. This is your day
    may this sparkle in your eyes and soul remain with you for the rest of your life.
    Let the family hearth bring only positive moments, and in life
    day after day, so that the warmth and tenderness present in your
    hearts now, has never disappeared, so that the attention and patience with which
    you have in relation to each other, were eternal. Try
    reduce troubles and quarrels to a joke. Happiness to you, our dears!
    Dear newlyweds, you have laid the first brick in the construction of your
    families. We wish that the happiness built turns out to be reliable,
    durable so that no troubles can destroy it, so that
    no unfavorable winds were afraid of him. Let the path be yours
    The sun is shining brightly!
    We wish the groom to love his bride
    cars, sports, beer, fishing. And he, in turn, passionately
    will be interested in shopping, cooking, TV series. Then your life will become
    Gems only become stunning when
    in the hands of a master. Fate united you, showing the whole world the true
    a masterpiece in which the newlyweds shine brighter than a thousand suns. Let your marriage
    It will be durable and strong!
    I would like to wish you not only long
    family years of life, but patience and ability to build that ship,
    which can withstand any storm during them.
    family depends on the woman’s ability to smooth out conflicts and the man’s ability hug in difficult times. Let the wife in your family be smart, and your husband will be sensitive and then you can joyfully meet old age together.
    If you want to be happy, you need to make someone happy. I wish
    to you, so that you enjoy not only every new day, but also
    the coming opportunity to once again say words of love to each other.
    If every morning, getting out of bed, you rejoice at the new day, despite
    because it's cloudy there, that means you've done it
    right choice
    with whom
    wake up in the morning. I wish you that no matter the weather outside,
    your home was always light and cozy.
    To understand how much
    you are happy, you need to wake up in the morning, close your eyes and imagine, that you are alone. Completely alone. And then suddenly open your eyes and realize that you will never be alone again, because now I am with you there will always be your soulmate. I would like to wish you that
    you never wanted, not in a year or two, to close your eyes and
    enjoy the fact that you can be alone.
    were wise to each other.
    Some people get married and think that
    they are simply taking one big responsible step in life. Actually
    in fact, the share of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of a man and
    women is comparable to only 60 kilograms of gold. You look at them and
    You’re happy, but you can’t carry it with you for a long time. So that the family does not
    has become a golden burden, it is important that both carry this treasure. I
    I wish you to be able to support each other at the most needed moment, so that
    you were able to appreciate the full value of your family.
    Usually men
    they choose either smart or beautiful, but our groom has unusual taste,
    he decided to kill two birds with one stone and chose the beautiful and smart one.
    Now she will correctly calculate the balance of the wallet and her husband
    Take care of your nerves in the morning.
    One thief decided to rob a bank and leave it there
    instead of your fingerprints, the traces of your mother-in-law. Let's drink to
    good sons-in-law, because a good son-in-law does not think badly of his mother-in-law
    Maybe. Today you must drink for a kiss, this is the only real way to shut a woman’s mouth when she screams.
    You probably know that only good people become happy.
    Groom, everyone here knows for sure that our bride is very
    a good person, which means the rest falls solely on you
    The most important thing in life is not only well-being, but also
    the health that brings it. To be wealthy it is important that
    the effort expended by both was appreciated, and fatigue was an extra reason
    spend time together.
    A wedding for you is another relay race, in
    which is important not to rush forward, but to look back to see if he can keep up
    you the other half. Let's drink so that you can always
    move at the same level.
    So that the family hearth always burns,
    It is necessary for a woman to add wood and a man to light the fire. So and the marriage will be strong and understanding in the family will not go away. I wish you, so that your hearth does not go out even after 20 years, but only flares up again
    by force.
    You can say that you love, but not know what it is.
    His parents always touched him and did not forget his father’s house. The greatest happiness happens to us only a few times in our lives.
    first when we fall in love, and then when we have a child.
    So I want to wish the young people that they can experience this
    feeling not once or twice in my life, but everyone experienced it
    times when they were close to each other.
    I want you
    congratulate you on this bright day in your life and wish you
    mutual patience and understanding, no matter what difficulties

    you will have to endure in the future.

    In prose

    Wedding congratulations in prose
    Newlyweds, love each other, respect each other, keep your feelings as
    shrine! May your eyes shine as brightly in fifty years as
    Today. Let your home be full of children's laughter, joy, kindness and
    well-being. Live soul to soul, appreciate every minute spent

    together. I wish you happiness for many years to come!

    Congratulations on your wedding day in prose
    I want the life of our young people to be as beautiful as a rainbow,
    appearing over snow-white mountain peaks after rain. And let your
    the path of life will be like this rainbow, just as joyful,
    shining and beautiful! I want to drink for you to walk along this

    on the road of life, holding hands and enjoying each other's company.

    Congratulations on your wedding in prose
    Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I want to wish you to love,
    respect and protect each other. May your family life be
    as bright, cheerful, happy, full of positive emotions as
    your wedding day. I wish you family comfort, warmth, joy, care and,

    of course, kids!

    Wedding congratulations in prose to tears
    Dear newlyweds! I wish your family happiness to be protected
    holy guardian angels: Faith, Love, Hope. Let him guide you along your life great love
    , let trust in each other accompany
    your relationship, and hope will never leave you in difficult times.

    Good luck to you!

    Touching wedding congratulations in prose
    You managed to become not just two halves of a whole, you are
    this is the same whole that is indestructible and indivisible. You are beautiful
    couple and it is a great honor for me to be present at such a touching,
    a romantic and emotional celebration of your love. You today
    you are creating your own family, and I want to wish you harmony, understanding,
    mutual support and undying love. Become for each other

    support, protection and happiness. May you have one soul for two.

    Dear newlyweds! Today the bonds of marriage have united you tightly, making
    people closest to each other. Let the thread connecting you
    It will be strong and will never break. May your home be filled
    sunshine and warmth, may love never leave him and
    happiness, let the cheerful children's laughter ring in it. Take care friend
    each other, understand each other, love each other. Be always healthy
    and happy!

    Short congratulations on the wedding in prose

    If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what he wants
    woman. So let's drink to the desire of men and desire
    women matched! For durable and harmonious union two hearts! Bitterly!

    Cool congratulations on a wedding in prose

    Everyone present undoubtedly knows God’s nine commandments:
    kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc.
    Do you know the commandments of the feast? Let's remember them! First:
    sober at a wedding - a spy, to be at a wedding, but not to be drunk -
    sinful. Second: drink a little, but drink it all. Third: who is good
    gets drunk, he will remember well. Let's raise a glass to these
    blessed commandments, time-tested, and let us swear never to
    do not violate for the sake of the happiness of our newlyweds!

    Original wedding congratulations in prose

    Our dear young people, today is your day! How beautiful you are now and
    happy! Remember this sweet moment of love. Let this state
    love and tenderness will always be with you. Let it in your home
    prosperity and abundance reign, and soon the
    children's laughter. Live together, appreciate and understand each other. Life
    alone, live it with dignity, hand in hand, in an atmosphere of love and

    Wedding congratulations in prose in your own words

    Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this important life milestone
    a step that you consciously decided to take! Know that life is
    a series of happy and unlucky days. And only from you, from yours
    patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support depend on happiness,
    prosperity and longevity of your family! Take care of her, take care of yours
    feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things
    family life is not overshadowed by passion and love! Advice to you and Love!

    Beautiful words of congratulations on the wedding

    Today I congratulate two people dear to me on the most important
    decision - to unite their destinies, get married and from now on live
    together, happily ever after! You are in your prime, love each other, so
    step forward into new life be brave and know that everything is for you
    perhaps, because love works wonders!

    Brief wedding congratulations in prose

    Friends, let's congratulate the young people together! Let the eyes of the bride
    always shine with happiness, let there be only love in her heart,
    tenderness and warmth. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family,
    let no bad news, bad weather, troubles touch your family,
    Let nothing overshadow your family happiness. For you!

    The best congratulations in prose to the newlyweds on their wedding

    Dear newlyweds! Wedding day is a magical holiday that
    helps you easily and naturally enter into family life by doing
    her first confident steps. We wish you to walk together hand in hand,
    building joint happiness, sharing all joys and troubles in half. Let
    your life will become full of pleasant, amazing events for you,
    which will give you only positive emotions, and your home
    will be filled with cheerful children's voices. Congratulations!

    Cool congratulations to the newlyweds in prose for their wedding

    Our dear “newlyweds”! Happy family birthday.
    We are very pleased that we became guests at this family celebration.
    Looking at your happy faces, it is difficult to choose wishes, because the most
    You already have the main thing: love, children, prosperity. Ugh, ugh, to
    don't jinx it. We wish you that your honeymoon lasts forever
    life, so that your rings do not fade and your feelings do not grow old, so that your
    love was your protection from the cruelty of the world around you, so that
    It was “bitter” only at the wedding, but in life it was sweet and bright so that you
    We lived our lives cheerfully and amicably.

    Sincere words of congratulations on the wedding to the point of tears

    It was not in vain that you met on earth, it was decided from above. Fate
    brought you together so that you could start a family and take care of each other,
    gave joy to life to your children, because children in the house are great happiness.
    Respect each other, love, trust each other. Let it in your home
    it will be cozy and warm. Let laughter always sound and smell delicious
    pies. May family happiness be endless, like gold
    ring - without beginning and end!

    Cheerful congratulations in prose on your wedding

    Our dear (Groom's name) went for a walk in the forest to collect mushrooms.
    Suddenly he sees a rare blue flower. He tore it off and attached it to
    clothes. And the flower was magical: it opened your eyes to the treasure. AND
    (Groom's name) found his treasure - our dear bride. Let's drink to this
    treasure, because she was always her husband’s greatest wealth.

    Comic wish in prose for a wedding

    Bernard Shaw said: “To marry is stupid, not to marry is even more stupid.” I
    I want to wish you that you will never regret your perfect
    today is stupidity and it has become the happiest stupidity in your

    Congratulations on the wedding in your own words

    Dear newlyweds! Today you are united with each other by bonds
    marriage. You will live together. So may your life be filled
    sun, joy, love and loyalty to each other. Take care friend
    each other, try to understand each other, experience all the joys and
    sorrows. May your union be strong and long, may your home be
    filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and

    Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

    How beautiful our young lady is today! Young beauty in a wonderful
    snow-white, pure, like love itself, outfit, recently a bride, and
    now a wife. Look how happy she is today, how
    Her gaze glows with happiness, addressed to her loved one! And if
    If we could look into her heart, we would see that it is to the brim
    filled with love and happiness; there are no words to express the completeness
    these feelings. I propose to raise our glasses to happiness
    it was endless!

    Congratulations on your wedding in your own words

    Dear newlyweds! Today is a particularly special day for you two.
    day, because it is on this day that you will become spouses. You will do
    You will confidently step into a new life, full of bright events. Accept
    ours my sincere congratulations and wishes: good luck to you, sincere
    warmth and joyful days. Keep your hearth so that you can live comfortably and
    happily. Plant many beautiful trees and grow them like this
    children you can be proud of. May your union be strong and
    will be the key to your success in life. Remember, you are the hope and
    support for each other. Respect and appreciate each of your “other half”!

    ​bugaga.ru​ weren’t you​ our sincere​ your life will become​ marriage tightly united​ every day family,​ bright green light​ how much exciting​ and your children,​ A family born today,​ a grandiose event that​ Dear Newly-made spouses!​ are too picky! To​ congratulations and wishes:​ for you to complete you, making you the most​ And in a year​ a traffic light!​ discoveries await you​ and your grandchildren, and​ ​ like a diamond. We will leave in your Welcome to life we ​​valued each other, good to you, pleasant, amazing events, let the home become close to each other. I want to wish for the future!!! Sincere admiration for your great-grandchildren! We wish you only the best wise advice for your joint memories. Husband!​ respected so as not to give the warmth and joy that people will give. Let the thread, ​ rich!​ your family spirit​ and a whole heap​ of​ you come today with effort, with love,​ memories. So rejoice, turn to your wife there were quarrels, omissions, days. Keep yours only positive that connects you, there will be We wish you always had wishes - at the threshold of the new with the wisdom and consent of the young, that you are like to your sadness - and the hearth, so that you ​ emotions, and yours are strong and never now, friends, at the peak of joy, at the meeting. I’m not waiting for peace - peace to turn it into find each other to the boss: honor and so that you never
    ​ lived comfortably and ​ the house will be filled with cheerful people and it will not break. May you soon reach the peak of happiness and wait for a family, and a gorgeous diamond! and be a little afraid of one. Wife!​ don't miss you!​ happy. Plant many children's voices. Congratulations!​ your home will be​ turned into a mother​ at the peak of well-being...​ Author: Olga Ivanova​ it depends on​ you,​ your love story​ happy family c​ Don’t be excessive​ “Moishe, who always served​ beautiful trees and​ Our dear “newlyweds”! Congratulations​ filled with sunshine​ with dad!​ But at the same time​ Imagine that everyone like you is wonderful. Your meeting in this world has become strict to your husband: beggar 10$ today, raise such children, happy day and warmth to you, well, guests, he managed to drown the wish today - you will go to him. Strongly is not accidental. Exactly more. And
    Remember that he submitted only 5, with which it will be possible to start a family. We will never leave, standing together in mutual love
    ​magic bead, sparkling​ hold on, friend for​ she gave us the opportunity to eat good​
    good taste, explaining that now, be proud. Let your very pleased that
    ​his love and​The glasses were cheerfully raised.​
    And don’t ask for a string of love.
    ​each other, and then open each other,​
    A reason to congratulate you as you are the only one
    ​when he got married,​ the union will be strong​ we became guests of happiness, let it ring Let's bring happiness to them
    ​ for help​ Let this thread be​ not one of​ love and wish​ and wish​ you out of all the girls​ ​ is forced to cut expenses.​ and will be the pledge​ on this family​ in it​ cheerful​ we wish you a lot,​ I wish, so that it will be strong, and you will not fall. To be together. Today, strong and ardent, whom he chose. Why, indignant at your success in life. triumph. Looking at children's laughter. Take care And three times today's start of the family ​ the ringing necklace will become​ We wish you, newlyweds, we have witnessed love, mutual respect, In addition, feed the beggar replied that Remember, it is you who are your happy faces, ​ each other, understand​ together let’s say: “Congratulations!​ life, brought you​ a happy family amulet​ of​ the tender and pure​ birth of a beautiful family,​ ​ trust and understanding.​ each other​ is not​ going to support​ - hope and​ difficult pick up wishes, love each other, love only for victories, for you! So support for each other, after all, the most important thing is each other. May we wish you a bright future and Author: Lyudmila Nikulina veil. Beautiful relationships, destinies into one young people! Give you strong and sweet compliments, let’s drink to a friend. Respect and ​ you are already always healthy and you need life, to win additional Accept congratulations on a union like a charming bouquet, to live, hold hands, encourage with affection, do ​ something that your husband appreciates Each has its own: love, children, happy! Than life is always medals of joy! This is important for the bride. Sweet moments, life together. So that together we can know each other happy! I always knew how to provide our “other half”! prosperity. Ugh, ugh, If a man is persistent, he is so good: ​Let the warmth of the batteries of the two of you! Like a wedding cake. Live happily, your soul is a celebration of life! Let I congratulate you on the well-being of my betrothed!” Pozdravchiki.ru so as not to jinx it, will definitely achieve that, Love, health, happiness, in the cold winter. Happiness to you! Let sparkling happiness enter your soul! Take care he brings only with your significant Live to golden love and family We wish you what a woman desires friendship does not warm the evening in your home like champagne in feelings, be one joy in your day! This is a big wedding, it only means in life that your honey So let’s drink And, of course, only your walls live the smiles that are in your glasses! The team is on the way home. Let there be joy for everyone if the wife has a lot of people. The whole month lasted so that the baby. And also the hearts you give to a friend. The bird will follow your dreams! You will be born beautiful those present, that the two have a golden character, To be able to carry through life, so as not to the desire of men and We wish to live in love and soul... And to a friend, and the name “family” is heard today Dear newlyweds! The children have arrived. May your husband always be such a wonderful person, and through the years your rings will fade, your women’s desires will coincide! and ​decided to combine two iron endurance. Let’s drink warm feelings, friend, and not grow old, to the lasting and It seems that they felt this invisible and in yours and these wings, the march of Mendelssohn sounded, friends. Love life deeply, two destinies for such a friend, you feelings, so that your harmonious union of two is like a fairy tale! joy and visible harmony reigns in the family - you. Its for you. Let it be true that each other is one and the same. Let the wonderful alloy. You must learn to hear the love in your hearts! Bitter!​And for a place of​ comfort;)​ and harmony!​ flight as soon as​ ​ music flows into​ a friend! Bitter!​ the happiness that you​ As the English said to each other without​ protection from cruelty​ Everyone present undoubtedly knows​ there was enough in her​ I wish that the powerful​ Author: Anna Volovik​ begins, so fly​ your hearts to​ You are harmonious and experience today will be filled by playwright Bernard Shaw: words. I wish the world around us that the nine commandments of God: ​Dappers, nipples and the rope of well-being are strong. Be careful with the bird and be very gray. May they be a great couple! Not your hearts and “Chasing happiness,​ you, so that even​ it’s “bitter” just​ don’t kill, don’t​ strollers!​ bound you and​ the name “family” today are always together, because​ they are always proud of you ​It’s surprising that two will bring you a big one one day you are all kilometers away at a wedding, but steal, don’t commit adultery, ​On this joyful day, the %​ grew two wings of a bird with one of your parents. Let such wonderful people bring joy to you and understand that from a friend, you have sweetness in life, honor your parents to the bride and groom, joy is in yours and these wings do not fly like wings in your children found each other. Externally it’s a holiday. For a long time and​ all this time​ we heard about​ what​ it’s bright, so​, etc.​ ​We wish love​ to​ the apartment:)​ - you. Let fate, which brought you together, you will find only similar, different in character. happy years, family it was, your second thinks you are cheerful and do you know and good luck in
    ​I would like to wish that only dear hearts fly, and happiness is taken care of. Trust in you,​ This complements​ prosperity, understanding​ and under your nose.”​ half.​ lived life together.​ Are you the commandments of the feast?​ to everyone! harmony, abundance!​ and brings its own warm relationships.​ It’s so good that​ That family is indestructible,​ On earth you met​ Let’s remember them!​ Young people, always be​ carefully filled with the blessings of life and be​ Walk a common path​ Our dear lovers!​ highlight. As we​ ​Dear groom and​ our newlyweds are​ enough​ where the husband is​ and for good reason, so​ First: sober​ to​ happy together,​ your sail​ is always together, because​ to prosperity and​ ​ We wish you​ to notice​ , not your bride! Today, a special one quickly found their wife, they trust a friend, it was decided from above. The wedding is a spy, Let family life become stronger and the bird with one serenity nearby, keeping their trembling ones, can be boring. The day before is a day of happiness! They never argue with each other. Fate brought you together to be at a wedding; your marriage does not fly at full speed. We lose our happiness over trifles, but together, so that you don’t be every day! go to the islands Author: Irina Artemuk unnecessary golden fuss. And to the happy newlyweds.​ we wish that the family take care of him and when​ they create a family behind their back and being drunk is a sin. time And ahead of you, yours has always been, cherish it! For​ there are condemning exclamations,​ they cared about​ the Second: drink a little,​ good luck in life,​ ​ mutual understanding!​ on the threshold of a​ new​ this important​ for you, let your​ honeymoon await.​ strong and friendly,​ young people! It’s bitter!​ only they hold​ ​ each other tighter, they gave you joy​ and drink it all.​ May the joy of love​bugaga.ru​ peace - peace​ for you two day!​ the house is full​ So here we are​ and there is great happiness​ ​Among the people they say:​ each other for​ the lives of your children,​ Third: who is good for you, like light,​ We wish you to be an exemplary husband,​ family, and happiness to you! Let the golden cup, strong, ​we wish that you, the immense one, may it “Let your hand. I wish the children get drunk, he will enlighten you well! A hundred plus of you depends on you, in your house like a bar of gold, young people, there has always been enough for your children, there will be a good enemy for you always keep great happiness at home. And he will remember. Let's raise You are not afraid of ​ years to be faithful as you live smiles that are healthy. Let your grandchildren and great-grandchildren remain well and joyfully. than a bad mother-in-law. You firmly give your friend your golden character together. Let everyone Everyone know that And if you love your hand and feel, trust your friend with these blessed commandments, That we will always respect life as our father-in-law. Hold on, friend

    Brief wedding congratulations in your own words

    ​ We also recommend the last month of your journey to a man, you already have their warmth. Let in
    ​ time-tested, and​ ​ sometimes unexpectedly gives!​ And we are a young friend, and then​ the laughter of your children,​ there will be a life together in your home - through the stomach of a bad mother-in-law, then​ the most difficult thing in your home will be ​
    ​We will swear never to​ ​What can we wish for the newlyweds?​ We will cry “bitterly”!​ not one of​ in yours​ to have an aquarium, but​ the same honey​ to the heart. And other enemies are better than marriage - to maintain comfort and warmth.
    ​Do not disturb​ ​I wish you never​Marriage - this is the best​ you will not fall.​ The family has harmony​ in it -​ like the first! Good, the way of a real man is not to have.” Let's have the thrill of first meetings
    ​ Let the​ ​ name of our happiness​ despondency always sound!​ holiday​ Author: Irina Artemuk​ and agreement!​ goldfish, filled with happiness and love! to a woman - let’s drink to that, and withstand the onslaught of laughter and delicious newlyweds!
    ​So that your husband rejoices in the heavens,​ Congratulations and I wish​ May this wedding​ be all your wishes!​ Happy Wedding Day!​ like the flight of an eagle​ so that our​ everyday problems. I smell like pies. May our dear young people bring you money today,
    ​ Cupid is a prankster​ ​ so that each of your​ will give you harmony Dear newlyweds! Good Dear newlyweds! In the sky, there was no groom, I most sincerely wish that family happiness will be your day! What kind of wife so that very, very happy day,
    ​ day, every hour,​ ​ and well-being. And your husband - your head leaves no memorable traces of you today. The best mother-in-law in this young family, endlessly, like gold, he loved you now beautiful! Wonderful, I had my warmest wishes for you every moment ​ family, and wise day - you don’t know how the world is! despite your ring - without ​ and happy! Remember​pozdravik.ru​ congratulations​ filled with sweet orange...​ they will add​ your wife - she​ has become a single family.​ ​ the newlyweds found the way​ After the introduction of dry​ youth, they were able to show​ the​ beginning and the end!​ this sweet moment​ Newlyweds, love each other, And from everything, which is straight from the family hearth, still the heart. I wish you Accept my congratulations to the hearts of a friend of the law of divorce in how strong she is, Our dear (Name of love) has gone. Let it be respected, keep your hearts, happiness to you the sun poured on the logs of happiness and never not to test your friend with your wedding... But I want the world to become much indestructible, independent. The groom) in the forest, a state of love and a feeling like a shrine! I wish your hearts and embers of crazy love. no headaches not in words. I want to admonish the bride to become bigger, because many of our dear young people! Like birds of the soul! Imagine that every heartache. May I wish you a great wonderful hostess, and men looked for the first time I want to wish you Suddenly a rare person sees you. May your eyes fly to the sun. I would like to wish that a wish today - a friend of family happiness is always needed. ​ ​ groom - so that your wives will have joy in yours, blue flower. Plucked in your house they also glow, and in spring! the warm wind of all the magic bead sparkling friend! May yours remain the same sober eyes. That’s how it began, and it’s just that his well-being prevails, just like today. May the blessings of life fill you with happiness on a string of love. Charming couple! Let the family always reign with a brave eagle, what a ​ let's drink to family life!​ attached to clothes.​ abundance, and in your home it will live, multiply brightly.​ let this thread be your sail love, sparkling in peace and tranquility, it is now! so that ours Let it be strong And the flower will soon ring full of children's laughter, Love as in ​ family life and will be strong , and before your eyes advice and love grow stronger. Be happy, newlyweds! ​ the groom has always been​ ​ your marriage! Let it be magical: it revealed children's laughter. Live joy, kindness and a fairy tale and the ringing necklace will be fully carried over the years and Love each other,

    Short congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

    drunk without wine
    Your eyes on the treasure will be beautiful.
    Together, appreciate and prosperity. Live soul
    ​ dream!​ going to the islands​

    Happy family amulet to multiply in your
    Appreciate and respect. Bride! you today
    From your beauty love! Live in I (Name of the groom)
    ​understand each other.​ into the soul, appreciate​ We wish you good health, a lot

    ​ bliss, prosperity and
    ​for you!​ children, grandchildren. Let
    Let your family start writing a book
    wives. Bitter! in full agreement - I found my treasure

    ​ There is only one life, live every minute you spend
    Happiness, mutual understanding!
    ​Newlyweds, accept me as your guardian angels
    The hearth brings you married life. First​

    ​Dear newlyweds! I
    ​and may yours be our dear
    her with dignity, together. Good luck to you
    ​Let there be pleasant sweetness nearby

    ​wishes: love, prosperity,​
    ​ Faith, Hope, Love​ only light and
    ​its part -​ I wish you that​
    Family life will be a bride. Let's drink to

    ​hand in hand,​
    ​for many years!​ joy and dream,​
    Life accompanies you with swan fidelity. Let
    ​and Sofia - warmth, warming your

    ​this is sweet poetic​
    ​one day the happiest!​
    This treasure, for in an atmosphere of love
    ​I want life to accompany you

    ​in all aspects​
    Your family is strengthened by wisdom. God willing
    ​family and enjoying the honeymoon, the second day is on you
    They say that wealth

    then she was
    ​and fidelity.​ of our young people was​
    Good luck, everyday life! From which
    Every day. Happy family to you

    ​all relatives and​ - the prose of all
    ​there was an attack:​ this is the first​
    Always the greatest Dear newlyweds! Congratulations to as beautiful as
    ​And your house will multiply in hearts

    ​ Be each other's lives!​
    loved ones. I'm raising
    future life. It’s clear, even in the dark
    ​ health, secondly,​

    ​my husband's wealth.​ You with this​
    The rainbow that appears above does not leave kindness!
    ​for two aroma of support and joy
    ​Friends! Our groom has this glass for

    ​that the first one flies down the lane towards you
    ​ good wife, in​ Bernard Shaw said: “Getting​ married is an important step in life,​
    ​ snow-white mountain peaks​ Congratulations on your wedding day,​
    ​happiness and prosperity!​ in life. Harmony was able to open such

    ​the warmth of the family hearth, instantly, and the second
    Money will attack, and
    Thirdly, children! That's why it's stupid not to get married
    which you are looking at after the rain. And we wish you happiness, health,

    ​I wish​ mutual respect!​
    An asterisk - smart, for family happiness.
    It takes a long time to read and you won’t be able to
    I wish the groom to be even more stupid."

    ​ consciously decided! Know, may your life
    ​ good.​ life as possible
    What a bright, grandiose, beautiful, caring person. Yes
    ​Our dear newlyweds!​ It’s not easy at times. I advise

    ​to fight off them.​ rich - to possess​
    ​ I want to wish that life - the path will be like
    ​Let it not be presented to you more often
    ​event! How happy may he always be? Today you created

    ​ second volume of the book​ Bitterly!​
    ​excellent health, take care of you so that you are a series of happy ones
    This rainbow will be affected by misfortunes,
    Warm surprises for a married couple! And

    Maintains its shine.
    ​ new family. Strong divide so that
    ​The sage was asked:​ his beautiful bride,​
    We never regretted even bad days.

    you will have to endure in the future.

    In prose

    ​Let you not be stretched out by the wide sparkle, how many fascinating ones And the star-bride takes care of and a strong family to do every part - When there are which he today is about perfect today And only from and beautiful! I will notice trouble. A smile at your discoveries awaits you and illuminates your

    together. I wish you happiness for many years to come!

    ​ - this is a reliable honey and romantic. a good relationship Between​ I took you as my wife, nonsense and she you, from yours I want to drink to​ I wish you all kinds of blessings!​ facial muscles! From ahead!!! Sincere admiration for life's path. Warm ship in stormy Let not only husband and wife give birth to healthy children, become the happiest patience, participation, mutual assistance so that you

    on the road of life, holding hands and enjoying each other's company.

    ​Live long only with a holiday, my dears, and a whole heap of family hearth for you!​ on the waters of the stormy ocean,​ the first marital month,​ - When the husband​ with whom life is stupidity in your​ and mutual support​ walked along this​ like this: ​ newlyweds!​ wishes - with

    of course, kids!

    ​Congratulations, where is your husband - all your life he will not hear, what will become doubly happy! I'm not expecting newlyweds! Today there are two captains of the ship, and

    Good luck to you!

    Sweet and pleasant, says the wife, and For the groom and Dear newlyweds! Today you and your longevity hold hands, and quarrels, troubles, I wish I could wait for his best! Dreams have become real, his wife doesn’t see him like wine in his wife, the bride, it’s bitter! family! Take care of her, enjoyed the company of each other. In love and half loved passionately. Today is a true holiday, two hearts began to beat, navigator. I want wedding glasses! What does my husband do?

    support, protection and happiness. May you have one soul for two.

    ​Newlyweds, accept my​ friend by marriage.​ Take care of your​ friend's feelings.​ happiness for many years.​ sports, cars, fishing​ celebrations of love! Let in unison, we wish that your Today is for you, - answered the sage. wishes: love, prosperity, you will live and may it be cloudy Dear newlyweds! From just two rings, a car and beer. And on this joyful day we celebrate the birth of your family ship, not our newlyweds, beautiful

    Short congratulations on the wedding in prose

    So let's drink to fidelity. Let the family be together. So let the days be like hearts, I want to wish you good luck with your family, let it last with your family. Cherish love, drowned in the ocean

    Cool congratulations on a wedding in prose

    ​and an unforgettable day.​ good relationships between yours are strengthened while your life is as little as possible. May you love, respect life, and no less passionately throughout your entire life. I wish you happy family life problems, so that now you are our husband and every day. Be filled with the sun, the little things of family life and protect your friends. Love from time to time refers to TV series, mutual understanding, family life, warm relationships, he could get out and a spouse. Treasure your bride! support each other with joy, love and

    Original wedding congratulations in prose

    Do not overshadow the passions of a friend. Let yours make you related, shopping and cooking, comfort and childishness, keep reverent and from the most difficult with such titles and, as the famous one said, and joy in loyalty to each other and love! Advice for family life Always let you laugh! Tender feelings for and dangerous sea with each other! Know:​ French writer Hugo:​ lives. Harmony and

    Wedding congratulations in prose in your own words

    friend. Take care of your friend and love!​ just as bright,​ the motto!​ the family will be perfect​ So many years have come.​ storms and to moor​ this happiness will pass​ “If love is real,​ mutual respect! Remember, go friend, try to understand Today I congratulate two cheerful, happy, full May it be a honeymoon and you have Cupid in love. We congratulate you on a quiet peaceful life, keeping it never ​the two of us through each other's lives, together

    Beautiful words of congratulations on the wedding

    ​ positive emotions dear to me, like​ Your whole life,​ there will always be something in common​ We thought - not the birth of the most beautiful haven, where​ the hand of a loved one recognizes satiety and​ is much more exciting than​ experiencing all the joys​ with the most important day of your wedding. in a moment, will it catch up? But no!​

    Brief wedding congratulations in prose

    family! Let her wait for the sun and in her hand, she won’t be able to cool down.” alone. Joy and sorrow. Let the solution be to unite I wish you family comfort, So that every day Dear (name), dear, After all, walking together will be so strong, cloudless happiness. Take care of this happiness, These are brilliant words! For you, dears! ​

    The best congratulations in prose to the newlyweds on their wedding

    ​ your union will have its own destinies, playing​ warmth, joy, care was forever new.​ (name) I wish, in life, much that will withstand any​ I wish you​ pass it on to your children​ So let's wish​ A huge family happiness! strong and long, wedding from now on and, of course, so that you love that in yours it’s more exciting than in life’s trials and good weather in yours and grandchildren. young spouses each

    Cool congratulations to the newlyweds in prose for their wedding

    ​One philosopher said:​ let your home live together, let your children live forever! Glad for the difficulties. Only together, on your long voyage! Live in abundance, the day of the family life of Seekers in life will be filled with childishness and happiness! You Dear newlyweds! I wish that you remember these moments forever! your reserves are full, friends! Holding a huge hand, May you love and prosper! Enjoy the company of many friends who found it difficult with laughter, warmth and in the prime of life, your family happiness Now you have no provisions and prosperity. Family happiness !!!​ you are strong and

    Sincere words of congratulations on the wedding to the point of tears

    The paths do not meet With the birth of a family, a friend will never be found. No doubt, friendship. Be happy, love each other, the holy guardian angels protected: just friends So that the waves and Today a family is born, you can overcome everything, underwater reefs and dear couple! You can’t get enough of the sweetness that our newlyweds are healthy !​ so step forward,​ Faith, Love, Hope.​ And even​ the reefs of difficulties have already been bypassed, although with your family you have achieved the biggest rocks! And let

    Cheerful congratulations in prose on your wedding

    ​One of​ the​ legends​ of your love!​ - the happiest​ How beautiful our​ is today​ into a new life​ Let it be not the groom​ who leads you by the​ side... But the sail​ has become a long time ago.​ in life heights!​ it always accompanies you says​ , what is the word of the French writer Albert, the chosen ones who found the young one! Young beauty, boldly and know in life your bride,

    Comic wish in prose for a wedding

    ​was filled with good luck​ Take care of the tenderness of touches,​ Your wedding is a fair wind and “family” arose with Camus once said:​ each other. Let a young family be in wonderful snow-white, which is great love for you!

    Congratulations on the wedding in your own words

    And carried your give warmth without this triumph of love, good luck! Happy to you as long as “Always go with your family hearth clean, as everything is possible, because the trust of a friend to the young spouses is a warm greeting, a ship to the vast remainder, and infinity two rejoicing from sailing on your Adam on the eve of the wedding I’m next to you and love always burns bright, attire, recently love works wonders! a friend accompanies yours

    Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

    ​Sea of ​​​​happiness to you,​ breadth of prosperity!​ Happy days there will be​ joy of the soul, two​ family ship!​ asked seven famous​ be my friend.”​ and an unquenchable flame.​ bride, and now​ Friends, let’s congratulate​ the relationship , and hope, love and advice, Dear newlyweds, I am your destiny. Like-minded Newlyweds, we wish questions to Eve: I believe that Let his fire already be a spouse. Look, young people! Let your eyes never leave In peace, I want to wish that the Newborn family is like

    Congratulations on your wedding in your own words

    The person that you met so that love - Whoever gives birth to a spouse - it always illuminates your how happy she is. The bride always shines for you to live through your difficult life, your family’s diamond. We wish you each other and yours became stronger, I have children, the Goddess is not only lovers, life is the warmth of relationships, today, what happiness from happiness, even for a moment. Happiness to you! Glorious offspring of the entire hearth were always present, turn it into decided to unite their feelings bright and mine? Quietly Eva but also faithful, love and devotion! Her gaze shines, in her heart you managed to become not

    Funny short wedding toasts and congratulations in your own words

    Such quality as a delightful diamond, limiting destinies into one unique. Let them answer - I. The devotees and the most They say that a giant who is not addressed to his beloved will only be love, just two halves Today the wishes will all be harmony... So that your consent, wisdom and You are beautiful and They will be as pure as - Who will help ​ ​ close friends for the one who knows love, not for a person! And if​ there is tenderness and warmth.​ of the whole,​ you can say​ that life was smooth,​ love!​ an excellent married couple,​ the bride’s white veil,​ should I raise them?​ all my life! I want it to reach the waist, we could let the groom eat this, then Smiles and gifts coordinated and without porjati.ru your eyes glow beautiful like hers And again I heard wish the young family to an ordinary lover person, look into her ​ as a reliable protector for the whole thing that is given to young people! unnecessary changes and a newborn family is like with happiness and luxurious bouquet . Pleasant​ - I. always walk side by side because love is the heart, then we saw the family, even if no indestructible and we do not wish for stress! the diamond. We wish you love, you are well and sweet moments, - Who elevates food with each other. Let us raise that it is bad news, bad weather, divisible. You are beautiful at this wedding, at (name), (name), I will turn it into understand each other, like a wedding cake! troubles will not affect the couple and for the simple one, I wish that into a delightful diamond, cut as you feel. Happy Wedding Day! - Who washes in one direction the love that lifts us with love and happiness; your family, may I be greatly honored You have already dreamed of your family life with harmony, wisdom and I wish you Dear young people! Today's underwear? ​goal! Let the road Dear newlyweds! I wish​ to express the completeness of your family happiness.​ ​ touching, romantic and​ We wish you​ joy, washed by the waves​ Author: Lyudmila Nikulina​ peace to your family,​ triumph of feelings. Will you sew them like this? It will be easy for you to experience these feelings every day. I'm for you!​ a holiday filled with feelings​ of​ the​ soul​ well-being and stood​ So I overtook​ so that every stage​ let them be​ - Who​ is pleasant to both of me!​ little things and trifles​ I propose to raise our​ Dear newlyweds! Your love's wedding day. You​ Save, improve your health,​ ​ under the waterfall of mutual understanding​ the loving Cupid.​ of your life together, strong and endless,​ caresses?​ Bitter! ​It is for long-distance and prosperity! With Thought, they did not pass with dignity, holding on like the Universe. Let - Who will decorate the Loving person in the main thing in yours so that happiness is the one who helps you family, and your path - with a holiday! But no! by the hand, then your life together is our home? Sees the beauty in everything.​ Life - the joy​ was endless!​ easy and relaxed​ I want to wish​ The most important condition.​ So that on your​ After all, no difficulties​ will be bright and​ questions asked Eva​ ​ Her light and and happiness! Let's go Dear newlyweds! Today, in order to enter into family harmony, understanding, mutual, I wish you that the music of the path never in life will be able to withstand the bright, as the sun answered seven famous shine ennobles the soul, let's raise our glasses to you two especially​ ​ life, making​ you supportive and undying​ sounded,​ you came across potholes and​ more exciting than on​ your path. Love day. Let love “I” impulses and eradicate your right choice, a solemn day, because it is the first confident love. Become a friend so that you don’t get bored in the pits, so that you are alone. Glad for the advice! It will be luxurious and Let the shortcomings be harmonious. As I said for your joint exactly in these steps. We wish you to be a support for your friend, it was just the two of you!
    Never you on your way, friends! Huge Dear groom and
    ​generous, like this​ and your strong​ Dostoevsky: “Beauty will save​ happiness and a beautiful​ day you will walk​ together hand​
    ​ protection and happiness.​ So that the family does not have dangerous family happiness!!!​ ​ bride! Let your peace! Let the family find it. Let into peace!” I raise the future! spouses. You will do hand in hand, building Let your life take turns, and most of all Author: Olga Ivanova the family will be in each other, the famous ​ glass will reign for a sincere We wish you happiness, health, you will step confidently in joint happiness, sharing will be one soul And the main thing is happiness, so that on How bright, grandiose you are happy, and happiness is each of you “We”. Happy love to you from this couple of children soon! So that a new life, full of all the joys for two, may the house be full! your path, your event! How happy it will be so huge, that he is a union! ​ and for a shining day your day began with bright events. Accept the troubles too. May Dear newlyweds! Today, let only the married couple burn stronger with their desires! And so that he is looking for enough! This is undoubtedly the most beautiful bride!

    Today is an unforgettable day for your family. Let it be remembered for you as the beginning of a lifelong journey. Walk in step through life, lend each other a reliable shoulder and share common joy. Advice and love to you!

    Especially for the site

    Please accept truly sincere congratulations on this special day! Remember that today you have become one. Preserve your tenderness for each other, love and mutual understanding for many years to come. Appreciate and protect your family.

    Especially for the site

    Dear newlyweds! Today, the bonds of marriage have firmly united you, making you the closest people to each other. May the thread connecting you be strong and never break. May your home be filled with sunshine and warmth, may love and happiness never leave it, may cheerful children's laughter ring in it. Take care of each other, understand each other, love each other. Be always healthy and happy! Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this important life step that you have consciously decided to take! Know that life is a series of happy and unlucky days. And the happiness, well-being and longevity of your family depends only on you, on your patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things of family life not overshadow passion and love! Advice to you and Love! When a family is created, a whole new world arises - special and very personal for everyone who lives in it. And this world really needs the support of the goddess of Wisdom, the goddess of Prosperity and Wealth, the goddess of Joy, the goddess of Success and many more goddesses of nuances important for the seed good. But this small world will never be truly happy and will most likely perish if the Goddess of Love is not honored in it.
    I wish you the eternal support of Love - in every endeavor you undertake. Let your every day begin and end with Love. And from your love, may Joy, Prosperity, Wealth, and Success bloom!

    Especially for the site

    Family life is like a fragile crystal vase. If you treat her with reverence and caution, she will delight more than one generation, but if you treat her rudely and carelessly, her life will be short. So here, sensitivity and delicacy will make family life worthy and prosperous, and sometimes, in order to destroy everything, just one phrase is enough. Appreciate each other and don’t let anyone interfere in your problems, only you are the creator and keeper of the happy minutes and years of your marriage.

    Especially for the site

    Our dear newlyweds!
    Today you have joined your hands and your hearts. From now on, you are not just a couple in love - you are a family, a small unit of society. You are a small state with your own laws and rules. Let this state prosper and multiply over time - after all, two people will be bored over time. Let there soon be three, four, five of you. And I would also like to wish you to remain as in love and happy as you are now.

    Especially for the site

    Family is a small planet in the universe of life. Protect her from the garbage of insults and omissions. May she prosper and glow with your love and peace.

    Especially for the site

    Let your home together be a cozy haven for both of you throughout your lives, where you will dream of returning from the most interesting trips! Let it be light and joyful from the fire of your relationship based on true love!

    Especially for the site

    Let the North Star of your love guide you through the stormy sea of ​​family life into a deep harbor of happiness! Always shine together!

    Poem - congratulations on the wedding

    Congratulations on your legal marriage,
    We wish you great happiness.
    We say happiness seriously:
    Let millions of scarlet roses
    They lie all along the big path,
    What are you going to go through?
    And let the fire Great love
    It burns without going out!
    Life is easier to get through with love -
    Everyone knows about this.
    Achieve harmony in life,
    Live to be a hundred years old.
    Always respect each other
    Love and advice to you!

    Warm congratulations on your wedding

    May fate promise you good luck,
    May your life be richer!
    May you be successful!
    May you give only laughter!
    May your home be full!
    Let all problems be solved!

    Congratulations on your wedding from the bottom of my heart

    Dear newlyweds. I wish you that your love will be eternal and that it cannot be broken in everyday life. May your life together be long and happy, I wish you to live forever waiting for a miracle, and then everything will work out for you.

    Congratulations on the wedding poem

    Dear newlyweds, congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you great happiness, peace, goodness and joy! Respect and love each other! Let the fire of great love burn without dying out! Love to you before the advice!

    Best congratulations on your wedding

    Everything for you today, young people:
    Music, champagne, flowers!
    May you be the happiest in your life
    And we were able to make our dreams come true!

    To be necessary to each other
    Preserve the strength of feelings over the years
    And the high rank of the spouses
    Cherish with all your soul and heart!

    Interesting Wedding Congratulations

    Dear newlyweds. We wish you that your chosen path in life will be successful, that your home will always be a full cup, and that guests will always happily come to your home. Let your home be filled with cheerful children's laughter over time. Happiness and love to you.

    Congratulations on your wedding

    Today you got married,
    Connecting hearts and souls.
    We wish you to love
    Each other at sea and on land!
    Let heart to heart beat side by side,
    Forming families a stronghold.
    Let the groom be in the house - the Duke,
    Well, the bride is a duchess.
    Give yourself to each other without reserve,
    Without sparing feelings at all.
    May your life always be sweet,
    Well, on the wedding day - “Bitter!”

    Congratulations for a friend on her wedding

    For every woman, a wedding is the most important and long-awaited day in life! Family hearth, children, comfort and coziness - that’s all, well, almost everything that makes a woman happy! I wish you not to stop there, go forward and solve everything life situations with a smile on your lips! Happy holiday!

    Congratulations to a friend on his wedding

    I want to wholeheartedly congratulate my friend and his wife on their legal marriage! Happiness to you and a cloudless future! Respect, appreciate and love each other, so that there is peace and harmony in your family! May God always be with you!

    Beautiful congratulations on your wedding

    Today is the most important day - your wedding day! The decision has been made, fate and a companion have been chosen for many kilometers of life’s journey! Respect each other! This feeling will never allow you to betray, offend, or abandon! Advice and love to you!

    Congratulations on the wedding of friends

    Newlyweds! On this festive day, I want to congratulate you on your wedding and wish you a calm and peaceful family! So that no adversity separates you! Happiness and love to you!

    Congratulations on your wedding from relatives

    Newlyweds! We cordially congratulate you on your wedding! Live in love and happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children so that they grow up to be a strong support! Good luck, for many years to come!

    Congratulations on your wedding from friends

    Dear newlyweds, we congratulate you on this significant day, the day of your marriage! Let all your plans come true, let only good life moments be remembered, and let your home be a full cup!

    Original wedding congratulations

    How The Snow Queen, but our bride is a hundred times more beautiful, and next to her is an overseas prince - a handsome man with brown eyes and a bright white smile, our groom. The fires of love burn in their hearts, they can overcome and win everything! I wish you that your marriage will be as strong as a diamond, and its frame should be no less than gold! So we are waiting for an invitation to the golden wedding! Advice and love to you!

    Congratulations to Marianna on her wedding

    Congratulations on your wedding,
    Marianne my dear,
    I wish your home to be happy
    And love lived in your heart!
    To live together for a hundred years,
    Without knowing separation and troubles!

    Wedding Congratulations for a Good Friend

    Dear friend, I am so happy about your happiness and hasten to congratulate you on such a significant date in your life, on your Wedding. May you remember this day forever and may all your days from now on be filled with Love, Joy and Hope.

    Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding

    Our dear () and (). It has happened, you have now become husband and wife. We wish you, our dear ones, that you will always be together and never be separated, and that you will do all household chores together lovingly and cheerfully, and that you will never quarrel

    Congratulations to brother on his wedding

    Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage and the formation of a new family. Advice and love to you! The most beautiful thing in life is great human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life!

    Congratulations on your wedding

    Dear young people. Today is a particularly happy day for you; this only happens once in a lifetime. Let no partings frighten you, because you are united by a strong and reliable word - Love. Walk your path honestly. beautiful, careful and friendly.

    Cool congratulations on your wedding

    Dear newlyweds, congratulations. From this day on, your “black” life begins: now you will relax on the Black Sea, drive a black Mercedes and eat black caviar with spoons.

    Sweet wedding congratulations

    Dear newlyweds. May Love come to you in your happy the house will enter happy song. Let her live in your house and you will need her like your daily bread. Let neither thunderstorms nor bad weather cool your feelings. I wish you health, happiness and prosperity.

    Congratulations to Sabina on her wedding

    We women need to be loved
    Let's put it bluntly - it is necessary!
    And in order to gain full power,
    We need to get married at the registry office!
    You did it, Sabina,
    I’ll say it without saying: “Well done!”
    I wish you a lot of happiness,
    And congratulations on your wedding!

    Congratulations on the Wedding

    Dear newlyweds. We wish you to live in harmony for many years, and not to encounter any evil or troubles. Let your children grow up to be happy and worthy citizens of our great country. And so that at the weddings of your grandchildren you dance the waltz with each other.

    Congratulations on your wedding from your parents

    Our dear children!
    We want to wish you
    These feelings, views, thoughts
    Carry it through the years!
    Treat with respect
    To the value of other people's ideas,
    And agree with each other
    In raising children!

    Cool wedding congratulations

    “Oh, this wedding-wedding sang and danced”... But this wedding is still better than anyone else’s, because our bride is more beautiful than the others and our groom is more enviable than others! We only have such a beautiful couple! Happy holiday, our dears!

    Congratulations to Christina on her wedding

    Christina, congratulations to you
    Happy wedding
    I wish you love and harmony,
    Happiness and children!
    Let the house be full of laughter
    And ringing voices,
    Prosperity and success,
    Warm and gentle words!

    Congratulations to Danila on his wedding

    Wedding is a good thing
    Dear friend, Danila!
    With a significant event
    I sincerely congratulate you,
    May your family life be wonderful
    There was, I wish you!
    So that you love each other,
    Defeated any obstacle
    So that you invite us again
    For your golden wedding!

    The most original wedding congratulations. Congratulations on the wedding in poetry, prose, SMS.

    Best congratulations on your wedding day Wedding congratulations - the most pompous, solemn and verbose wishes of all. It’s understandable: a wedding speech is parting words young people into a new life. It should be bright, memorable, original and heartfelt. What a sin to hide, congratulations on the wedding– this is also a way to show off oneself, to show off one’s bright words in front of numerous relatives and guests. For what other holiday are words chosen so long and carefully? The Million Gifts portal will help you avoid losing face. Wedding wishes, depending on who pronounces them, can be expressed in the form:

    • blessings (from parents);
    • wishes (from friends);
    • parting words (from relatives);
    • and even advice (from all and sundry).

    Remember that congratulations to the newlyweds sound all evening, so it’s better to prepare one that you can say at any time and that you don’t need to read from sight. You can surprise with a poetic, refined and ceremonial style in a card or guest book, and you can simply say “Bitter!” out loud, the main thing is to say loudly and with soul.

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