• Happy 9th wedding anniversary, beautiful congratulations. Faience wedding (9 years)


    Faience wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

    The presentation of a gift, if it is tableware, is best accompanied by the following words:

    “We are giving you a set of earthenware plates for your ninth wedding anniversary. Use it at a critical moment. When the arguments in your disputes are exhausted, it is better to break these plates than your relationship!”

    The Bible says: “Eat your bread with joy, drink your wine with joy in your heart, remove sorrow from your heart, and may the Lord be pleased with your deeds.” Dear young people, you have lived all these nine years according to the biblical rule, which is what we wish for you in the future life together!

    Congratulations on your faience wedding anniversary! I wish you a colorful and love-filled life together. Over the past 9 years, you have become a continuation of each other. So let family integrity be a privilege. Reliability and mutual understanding are a support. And the sincerity of feelings is the soul. Happiness, prosperity and health!

    Dear spouses, we congratulate you on a wonderful and beautiful date - a faience wedding! Over the years you have become closer and dearer friend friend, your love has stood the test of difficulty and time. We would like to wish you happiness together long years, mutual understanding, joy and smiles, may your family grow and strengthen!

    I sincerely congratulate you, dear ones, on your faience wedding, on your beautiful 9-year anniversary family life! I wish you many more great joint victories and joyful events, good luck and high prosperity, brave goals and undoubted successes, eternal love and reliable good, family health and sincere happiness!

    We are very pleased that throughout the nine years that you lived in love and harmony, we witnessed your fruitful work to create a strong and happy family! As in any family, you have disputes, there are small disagreements, but you always know how to find a solution that binds you even stronger, even more reliably with bonds of love and understanding to each other. Nine years is like the ninth wave - the most powerful, the most exciting! May this year be a new delightful outburst of your love for you, and may every day cover you with a wave of genuine happiness and joy!

    My dear “newlyweds”! Nine years after your wedding, you have so much love and adoration in your eyes! This is just wonderful, it means everything happened and everything is in great order! I congratulate you on your earthenware wedding and wish you: endless happiness, eternal health, earthly love, native country! Obedient children, caring friends, loving parents, rich patrons, heartfelt love, respect forever, joy without boundaries, in the hands of tits!

    Congratulations on your earthenware wedding, on the wonderful 9th ​​anniversary of your family life! I would like to wish you good health and respect in the family, eternal prosperity and happy events, mutual understanding and bright hopes, bright shine and strong love!

    Dear young people! You all know that under New Year In Italy, according to tradition, it is customary to throw all old, unnecessary things out of the windows of houses. Today I want to wish our newlyweds to follow this extremely useful tradition and throw out of their home, as well as from their hearts, along with the fragments of broken plates, all grievances, misunderstandings, jealousy, irritation and claims. Then not only will the past years seem happy to you, but the future years will also seem so. For your family happiness! Bitterly!

    Congratulations on a wonderful date married life, with a magnificent nine of marriage! A faience wedding is a wonderful occasion to once again express your tender feelings and give each other your love, care, warmth and attention. I wish you to become a happier year and always take care of the earthenware set of your family well-being!

    Dear ones, congratulations on your 9th anniversary - on your earthenware wedding! I wish your relationship to be as solid, durable and dense as the material called earthenware. Be happy and loved by each other, be successful and healthy. May your family become stronger every day, may understanding, prosperity, fidelity, luck and prosperity reign in your home!

    For the ninth year already, the first thing you see when you wake up is each other’s smile! Isn’t it wonderful to know that you are together forever, to know that no one and nothing will separate you and to know that your love will never die! Isn't it a miracle to take care of each other and at the same time enjoy being cared for! Today I join all the wishes addressed to you, and on my own I will only add that I admire your marriage! May your love pass all tests with dignity! Happy holiday to you!

    Dear spouses! Today you are celebrating a earthenware wedding, and according to tradition, you beat the dishes for good luck. We sincerely wish you that, together with these cups and plates, all your bad weather and worries will be broken, so that quarrels and sorrows will scatter into thousands of fragments and leave your home! A faience wedding is a great chance to leave behind everything unnecessary and step into new world harmony and happiness! We wish you to drink to the bottom the whole cup of family well-being and discover for yourself the path to perfection!

    Congratulations on your earthenware wedding and on your wonderful 9th ​​anniversary of family life! I want to wish you good and long years of goodness and love, success and good luck. May there be no place for storms and thunderstorms in your life, may the weather in your family always be sunny and warm!

    I will never get tired of saying that I simply admire you. I remember how you hid your relationship for a long time, then fought for the opportunity to be with each other, and then, finally, you were able to get married. I remember how you glowed with happiness that day, and we couldn’t stop looking at you. My dears, now, of course, all the difficulties are behind us, but I want to say that we are always with you, we will help and support, so don’t even doubt it. But that’s not about that now. I want to congratulate you on your ninth wedding anniversary. First of all, I want to wish you love, happiness and joy. I hope that the roaring laughter of a little child will soon be heard in your home again, because your eldest is already a completely grown-up and serious person. Be happy because you deserve it. Happy holiday, my dears! I love you very much and am proud of you!

    My beloved friends are celebrating their ninth wedding anniversary today. I would like to wish you to always remain as young and in love, because you cannot say that you have been married for nine years. I congratulate you on this incredible holiday! I still remember your wedding day. It was an amazing day that I would love to repeat. My dears, may all troubles and sorrows bypass your home, may all good things always pursue you. We all love you and want to say that we consider you an exemplary couple. We have always looked at you and admired your relationship. We hope this will always be the case, so don't let us down. Preserve your tender feelings for each other, or even better, increase them. We wish you well-being and mutual understanding. May your every moment be filled with love and joyful moments. Happy anniversary to you, my dears!

    Congratulations to the happy and beautiful family on their 9th anniversary and on their earthenware wedding. I wish you painted and bright earthenware happiness, eternal love and undoubted luck, a healthy family and prosperity in your home!

    My dears, today you are celebrating your ninth wedding anniversary. This date is also called a faience wedding. I remember this day very well, because it is impossible to forget. You and I were looking forward to this day so much that we simply forgot about everything and had fun until the morning. I think that many of your friends will remember various episodes from this day for a long time, because we all had a great time. Today we are celebrating your wedding again, or rather your anniversary. I want to wish you all the brightest on this beautiful day. May there always be harmony in your family, because this is very important for family relationships. In addition, I wish you well-being and mutual understanding. I am sure that you will continue to walk through life holding hands. I admire you and your perseverance, because you went to the wedding for a very long time, but everything turned out exactly the way you wanted. Happy holiday!

    Nine years have passed, you are already having a faience wedding, and you all look at each other so lovingly, as if you just got engaged yesterday! And age is not a hindrance to you, and how many things happened, but nothing could break your real sincere feelings that you so reverently cherish! Today, I just want to wish that this light of yours never goes out, but, on the contrary, only intensifies over the years! So that all the obstacles that you have already passed will affect your feelings only with benefit, because you went through all this together and still love and respect each other! Happy holiday to you!

    Our dears, we congratulate you on your nine-year anniversary of marriage - your earthenware wedding! Looking at your happy eyes, we can say with confidence that you are a worthy couple. I would like to wish you to maintain your relationship, increase your wealth and live together into old age. So let's break the dishes for luck so that all the troubles will scatter into thousands of pieces. Live in harmony, peace, harmony and love!

    Let's break old dishes today according to tradition! From now on, you have moved to a new level of relationship. They are no longer so fragile, not so vulnerable. Resentments and disagreements have smoothed over the years. Strong and stable to you family days, hugs full of love and tenderness, the joy of being together!

    Today we have gathered to celebrate such a glorious and significant event, which was even mentioned by all the world's media, including the BBC and our local radio station. And as an old friend, I want to remind those who have already forgotten that we have gathered here to once again congratulate this magnificent couple on their next solemn date, celebrating their life together. And I want to wish our young and devoted spouses, as well as faithful, not only spouses, but also friends (which we are all witnesses to) joyful days and tender nights! Good luck and long summer together! Bitterly!

    I sincerely congratulate you on your earthenware wedding, on your 9th anniversary of family life! Let your feelings never cool down and be always hot, like fresh tea in earthenware cups with a pleasant aroma of tenderness and an amazing taste of happiness!

    It seems to me that a faience wedding can be compared to an expensive set. Therefore, I wish you that your service will be designed for many people, and that as many relatives and friends as possible will enjoy the treat from its cutlery!

    We, all your friends and relatives, have probably been waiting for your wedding day for a very long time. We so wanted to see you in your wedding dresses and watch your first dance. Now nine years have passed, but I can say for sure that I have never seen a more romantic and tender wedding in my life. I had the feeling that you were constantly confessing your feelings to each other. You looked at each other so much that it seemed to us that you were getting to know each other again. I want to congratulate you on your next wedding anniversary. If I'm not mistaken, then it is also called earthenware. I wish you to preserve and increase your feelings, because you still have so many years of family life ahead of you. I want you to never quarrel or be offended by each other. Let your children grow up healthy and happy and make you happy every day. Happy holiday to you, my dears!

    What can you say about a faience wedding? And the fact that products made from this material are beautiful and expensive. To your family, which over the past 10 years has become truly dear to you, and to the beauty of feelings that have been preserved despite the passing years! Bitterly!

    We wish our beloved married couple a happy anniversary. Today they are having a faience wedding! 9 years behind them are reflected on their faces with beauty, love, sparks of happiness in their eyes. According to legend, the faience date marks a fragile turning point in relationships, so I would like to wish you to go through all the delicate places on the ice together, holding hands tightly, with a firm confident step, but with a soft tread. I wish you a strong union for many years, so that love takes root deeper and deeper, children grow and delight, and your home is fragrant with the aroma of flowers and pleasant smell Have a delicious dinner! We sincerely appreciate and value your family!

    They say that family life is like literary genres. First this fairy tale, then a love story, then a sad elegy and, finally, a sharp satire. But my wife violated all the canons of family life. And for nine years now he has kept me in the second phase of our marriage - in a love affair. So let's drink to my dear wife!

    This crazy world is full of various dangers, tragedies and disasters. And sometimes it becomes so scary that you just want to hide away from all these horrors modern world, from its formidable, intimidating and destructive power. But whatever you say, this crazy world can be beautiful. Of course, when my husband takes me by the hand, looks into my eyes and says tender, always new and long-awaited words. Therefore, I want to propose a toast to my husband, for the fact that throughout all nine years he was able to do everything to make this world more often seem beautiful to me!

    9 years have flown by like a year. I couldn’t even imagine our family life, and now I can’t imagine life without her. You and I are so different people that our union can safely be called something incredible, because it has existed for so many years. Every day I live married to you, I am convinced that I have chosen the right man with whom I will meet my old age. You fill my life with happiness and meaning, being my support and support. Thank you for this my dear. And today, on our ninth anniversary, I want to wish you peace, harmony and patience, as you need it, because you live with me. May everything be fine with us for many, many years to come!

    Faience wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

    Yes, 9 years is not yet an anniversary,

    But it is still a holiday.

    And we congratulate you on it!

    Let the years pass unnoticed,

    Without darkening the path of life with anything.

    And may your union be very strong,

    And let your feelings burn like a thousand candles!

    Came in a porcelain outfit

    To the spouses wedding on this date!

    Congratulations on your 9th year!

    We wish you to live in harmony and have fun!

    And we drink to your home

    He was famous for his light and goodness!

    May he always be a full cup,

    And happiness in life to your children!

    The longer the marriage, the deeper the feelings,

    People speak the truth.

    But being one family is an art,

    For nine whole years in a row!

    And you are capable of much more

    Spend time with each other!

    With experience, everything is simpler.

    There is a reason to be proud of yourself!

    In the heavenly office

    Love is being counted.

    It's gone off scale for you,

    And that means no calculation

    Strengthened your marriage for a long time

    Happy years!

    It's been nine years already,

    Happy wedding, gentlemen!

    Happy 9th family anniversary

    I congratulate you, friends!

    May all your days be bright!

    Live joyfully, lovingly!

    May God protect you from adversity,

    Sorrows will disappear without a trace.

    May you always be lucky in everything,

    Always be happy!

    Two earthenware vessels

    Full of sweet wine.

    Look - it's a miracle!

    Two hearts - one destiny!

    Together you meet the dawns,

    Inseparable and faithful.

    Never know grief

    May God give you a drunken spring!

    Days pass, years fly by,

    But only together you are always!

    Live in perfect harmony, together!

    Family is all you need in life!

    Today the marriage is nine years old!

    He is thriving!

    I wish you to protect your family,

    Love each other reverently!

    I always wish you good luck,

    An armful of roses, love in addition

    Beautiful gifts. And dreams

    Let them become like you

    In a magical fairyland

    You live for nine years. And me

    So very happy for you.

    Love and happiness many times!

    Faience today unites your union,

    And for nine years he has been protecting your wedding,

    You have been living together for quite some time,

    And the flower did not wither your love.

    Let difficulties not be a hindrance to you,

    And time together is just fun,

    Appreciate, respect and love,

    Find strength in each other!

    Faience wedding - 9 years,

    We want to congratulate you on this date!

    And the helmet is not only a fiery hello,

    But also gifts to make life rich!

    Nine years have flown by and again

    We are sitting at a laid table.

    Where to find the right word

    To congratulate you on your holiday?

    The clink of earthenware cups at the table

    And there are countless gifts from loved ones.

    May your happiness increase

    Let the good news warm the house!

    Congratulations on your faience wedding,

    Let your union be indestructible,

    Let the days be with affection, the nights with passion,

    Let the dishes break only for good luck.

    Love, like earthenware, will be tender, airy,

    Let her give you obedient children.

    We wish that the storms pass you by,

    At the wedding of the earthenware “Bitter!” shouted.

    9 years of family life

    Already behind your shoulders,

    How long ago did it seem that we had been together?

    You were walking around the city!

    Kissed and hugged!

    Then the wedding - we got married!

    And bad things won't happen!

    I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary,

    You have been together for exactly nine years!

    So be happy every moment,

    And let the whole world know about it,

    You give each other impressions,

    And you will be happy forever,

    Know how to cast aside doubts,

    Joy to you for many years to come!

    You have been married for nine years,

    In tenderness, trust, love!

    Happy faience wedding, dears,

    Please accept my congratulations!

    You are young, beautiful and successful,

    I wish you long and happy years!

    Let your union grow stronger and brighter

    The light of mutual love shines!

    The earthenware life will live,

    Life lesson learned

    This means your marriage has become strong,

    This is a wonderful sign!

    So, happiness is in the blood,

    You shine inside!

    There is love and affection in the family -

    Life will be a wonderful fairy tale!

    So live to be a hundred years old,

    I drink to your happiness -

    Bitter, dear friends!

    The young couple celebrates their nine-year anniversary!

    May the ringing of earthenware never turn into battle!

    And may, as before, your union not be spilled by water,

    And happiness, joy and love always accompany!

    A faience wedding is a sign of love,

    And the fidelity, the harmony in which you

    We walked through life boldly, saying

    That you love each other. And for good reason!

    May happiness come to you!

    Let there be hops of victory!

    Faience wedding!

    The family is already nine years old!

    Congratulations on your faience wedding,

    You two have been together for nine years now!

    We wish you only happiness,

    And pour glasses full of wine.

    Happiness and goodness, success in everything,

    Long, joyful family days,

    Lots of children's noise and laughter,

    Real sincere friends!

    Be patient, take care

    Your hearth is family. And love

    Carry it through the years together,

    My blood boiled with happiness!

    The old dishes are broken,

    And congratulations are not trite.

    We gave you new plates,

    We haven't forgotten about our wedding anniversary.

    At least break the dishes every day,

    But feel sorry for your family.

    The earthenware casts itself as new,

    Wishing you well-being!

    You've been married for nine years, but

    I see your marriage is strong!

    And this is a wonderful sign!

    So, happiness is in the blood,

    The soul shines all inside!

    And if there is love and affection -

    So your life will be

    A wonderful fairy tale!

    I drink to your happiness -

    Bitter, dear friends!

    You've been together for nine whole years,

    You are the bride and groom again!

    Guests are at the table again,

    It's just the three of you!

    Do you have a child?

    This is happiness for us too!

    Let more children be born

    The best children in the world!

    Happy faience wedding,

    On such a wonderful date!

    Financial stability

    We wish you guys

    Walk you in the direction

    Great success

    Live in a good mood

    Make friends with cheerful laughter!

    Happiness and goodness to you, and success!

    Long happy family days!

    Lots of children's noise and laughter,

    Real sincere friends!

    Be patient, take care

    Your hearth is family. And love

    Carry it through the years together,

    And save all your feelings for each other!

    You were born for each other

    We met by fate!

    You have become faithful spouses,

    Members of a wonderful family!

    Nine years already going on

    Marriage of two perfect people!

    Congratulations! Let them be fulfilled

    All wishes! Well, we’ll celebrate in a year

    Ten year anniversary!

    To this earthenware wedding

    We gathered relatives and friends.

    You definitely know the secrets

    How to love more tenderly for nine years!

    And we just wanted to wish,

    May this last for a century!

    Let the snowstorms blow outside the window,

    After all, there is a loved one nearby!

    You've been married for nine years now,

    But there is no more loving couple!

    Don't take your eyes off each other -

    You two suit each other very well!

    May every new anniversary

    Love is getting stronger!

    Let the years fly by

    We wish to be together always!

    Faience wedding - nine years!

    A simple bouquet of white daisies!

    Love - chamomile - a symbol of summer,

    Warmth and sun, wedding light!

    Fortune telling with daisies again,

    Let the petal remain - love!

    Let the earthenware be a little different from porcelain.

    We will not focus on this!

    Faience - when life is easy and smooth,

    After all, the symbol of constancy is very important!

    Let everything be fine in your family,

    And the cup is full of love and abundance!

    Have you grown spiritually and financially?

    And we got to the wedding, to the earthenware wedding!

    This is such beauty in the world,

    If love and kindness reign!

    Stay exemplary

    Cheerful, beautiful, wonderful!

    Be inseparable and faithful,

    May God give you Love and Spring in your souls!

    Happy faience wedding day to you

    We came to congratulate everyone,

    I wish it was like in the estate,

    Flowers have bloomed in our souls!

    May you live with love,

    Your house is filled with laughter,

    Let your heart beat in rhythm with your heart,

    And let joy live in him!

    We congratulate you on your nine-year anniversary!

    May everything be safe and smooth for you,

    Live together, happily, richly,

    Break dishes only for luck!

    Be proud that life has gifted you

    Love, loyalty, family!

    Try to be as beautiful as you are

    Golden until the wedding!

    Family - it is known through deeds!

    We want to raise worthy children,

    And never, never lose heart!

    Live also easily and carefree,

    May 9 years pass more than once!

    I wish you happiness and good health!

    Bloom yourself, and let the children bloom!

    Congratulations, you are a married couple!

    Let all your feelings be fresh,

    Your couple is very good!

    Let the days pass, the years fly,

    But only together you are always!

    Live in perfect harmony, together!

    Family is all you need in life!

    Nine years is a serious date,

    We met you once upon a time

    And we realized that this is fate, friend

    She brought us together with a friend!

    We have a family, the feelings are mutual,

    So fresh and strong!

    Let the Star of Luck shine above us

    And the aroma of happiness hovers above our heads!

    We have kept a sacred vow:

    To love each other, to be a support,

    Live and raise children in harmony!

    Together we achieved goals with you,

    You are my friend and husband, you are my beloved,

    Give each other your love!

    Faience wedding - we have been together for nine years.

    And I know there is no better spouse in the world.

    You are affectionate and gentle, and I love you.

    I thank you for our life with you.

    Let's celebrate this day together today.

    Let the sun shine brightly, let the shadow not darken us.

    With you again we feel “Bitter!” today they will shout.

    We are the bride and groom again, like nine years ago.

    We lived together for nine years

    And everything seems to be in one breath!

    And you are the creator of our victories,

    My other half.

    You have become a defense and a wall.

    To the beloved man of my life!

    Today is our wedding anniversary!

    You and I have been together for 9 years!

    And the sound of earthenware will tell us

    That our light with you is eternal!

    Let's remember this date

    And keep love in our hearts!

    And our world will turn into a fairy tale,

    And there will be a miracle again and again!

    Today is our anniversary

    Of course, 9 years is not an anniversary,

    But it has long been clear to me -

    You are the one I need most.

    I love it when you look tenderly

    And you hug with strong arms.

    I want love and happiness

    They have always been by our side throughout life!

    A faience wedding is our holiday with you.

    Nine years together days and nights

    My beloved, my wonderful, dear

    I want to congratulate you very, very much!

    My only wonderful husband,

    You are the best and you are my support.

    I'm proud and admire you,

    And I won’t get tired of repeating everything again.

    I'm proud of you, I love you, and I know:

    With you we will overcome all adversities.

    With you I just melt with happiness.

    And let the years of life flow freely!

    I want to tell my wife -

    You and I have been together for a long time!

    And nine years, don’t lose it

    We have achieved our own happiness!

    I want to wish you

    To be happy

    Believe me, don't be discouraged

    Love is always one!

    Nine years ago you got married

    Your bonds have become like a merger,

    You promised to love for centuries,

    So fulfill your promises!

    You love each other without looking back,

    Give joy for many, many years,

    And let through the years and decades

    There is simply no more beautiful couple than yours!

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

    You were gifted to each other by fate,

    And this is real happiness -

    Live next to your beloved soul!

    You have seen a lot together in life,

    But the main thing remains that love,

    Which warms you together,

    Protects your happiness again!

    Although a faience wedding is not your anniversary,

    But since you’ve been together for nine years, raise your glass quickly!

    May your happiness not change you, may no trouble come to your home,

    May love and understanding never leave!

    You two have been together for a long time!

    And in nine years you won’t lose

    You have found your happiness!

    Today we want to wish you,

    So that the family is always happy,

    You love each other, life,

    Love and life - just one!

    Let there be happiness, no offense,

    Take care of your love and luck,

    May fate favor you!

    You have lived together for nine years!

    We wish you on your special day

    Joy, harmony, victories

    And good, loyal friends!

    You two look great together!

    Cool, a happy family!

    Congratulations on your bright day!

    Happy wedding anniversary, friends!

    A faience wedding is a deadline!

    We've walked a lot of roads with you -

    For 9 years of marital paradise.

    Today we celebrate our anniversary!

    Our marriage union is still strong!

    Do not break our love bonds.

    Friends and family are all happy for us.

    A faience wedding is awesome!

    Nine years have passed, but it feels like yesterday

    Relatives and friends shouted: “Bitter!”

    Love reigns supreme in your family only.

    And may the joy that was in your hearts

    From the thought that we are now together forever,

    It won't decrease at all now,

    And it will increase by two hundred percent!

    They call it a chamomile wedding

    Nine-year anniversary of life.

    We sincerely wish you good luck,

    And purity, and loyal friends.

    Family - it is known through deeds!

    We need to raise worthy children,

    So that the sun always shines in your soul,

    And never, never lose heart!

    Although it’s not your anniversary,

    Faience year,

    I would like to congratulate you as soon as possible

    Family without delay!

    There is a whole year until the anniversary.

    But 9 years is more important.

    Here the minutes count down,

    Love is even stronger!

    You lived in love and harmony for nine years,

    There is no family stronger than yours in the whole world!

    We wish you health, peace, warmth,

    Easy and carefree, so that your life flows,

    Let happiness live in the house, let there be joy in it,

    Let your life become more beautiful every day!

    9 years ago they created a miracle,

    You became one family then,

    I won’t tire of congratulating you,

    I wish you a year of happiness!

    And also tolerance, prosperity,

    Harmony, warmth, kindness to you,

    So that everything is alright

    So that you are always nearby!

    Faience wedding - nine years!

    Today we wish you happiness,

    We give you a bouquet of daisies.

    May the angels protect your marriage

    And they protect you from various troubles.

    Let the dishes clink,

    Fortunately, it beats anyway.

    Congratulations flow like a river

    Eyes sparkle with joy.

    It's all because it's a miracle

    That the two of you are so firmly connected by fate!

    Nine years is not a short time,

    You were able to survive it

    Although they sometimes quarreled stubbornly,

    You were able to fight back against divorce,

    To your envious people, enemies,

    Although you often spoiled your nerves

    Love grew by leaps and bounds,

    Leave all doubts in the past

    Let there be no more insults,

    Take some luck with you on your journey,

    May fate favor you!

    May the youth of the family last longer.

    The kiss will always be hot

    Success is always reliable and bubbling.

    We wish you wonderful surprises,

    You multiply your love ninefold.

    And may happiness increase with her,

    And the health and laughter of the kids,

    Let the problems, bad weather disappear,

    And the family will be stronger and more friendly!

    Today is your wedding anniversary,

    Exactly 9 years behind us!

    We would like to know from you

    What is the secret of happiness and love?

    Looking at each other in love

    Look both still

    Beautiful husband and wife,

    You don’t know insults and quarrels,

    You know how to forgive, hear -

    This is the guarantee of your happiness,

    So let a hundred years under your roof

    A happy light is burning!

    In ancient teachings the number nine

    It was considered the completion phase...

    To dispel the experience of the past,

    Stepping into the new, and with zeal!

    And we wish you in a new way

    Take the path together again!

    And let the purple radiance

    Love shines brighter!

    Nine years have passed quickly since then,

    And as if a day, no more, had passed,

    A bright light burns in the eyes, as before,

    We gathered all our relatives at this table.

    Keep the happiness of life every moment,

    Love's beautiful bright lights,

    As one old man said long ago,

    Save the source of your love!

    In the family dates calendar

    Must be marked in red

    Her faience outfit

    Ringing and beautiful!

    A whole year until the anniversary:

    You can't count without nine!

    Although it’s not your anniversary,

    I would like to congratulate you as soon as possible

    Happy ninth anniversary

    Not without reason at all.

    Congratulations on this date!

    Live friendly and rich

    Love and happiness family,

    And so - until the wedding, golden!

    For the ninth time today, darling,

    I'm glad you're my wife

    I achieve with you every day,

    The heights of happiness, my dear!

    My beloved, thank you,

    That you tolerate me and understand.

    Because I don’t always give flowers,

    You forgive me with restraint.

    I want to live with you for tens more years,

    Protect you with love, protect you.

    You are my joy, you are my light.

    My love for you will never cease!

    For a faience wedding

    We will fulfill any whim -

    We will celebrate, we will walk,

    We'll bring the service with us.

    Let them be pure and flawless

    Your relationship will be

    Are preserved forever,

    Causing amazement.

    Live in love for each other -

    And it’s better that there’s no need for a miracle!

    Today we want to congratulate you!

    The solemn moment has arrived!

    You are having a faience wedding,

    You've been together for 9 years already!

    All these years are golden

    You are tightly intertwined.

    For you, love is not just a word!

    The Lord gave you this feeling.

    Blessed is your strong union,

    Your spirit and flesh are one!

    Nine years is an impressive time,

    But this is just the beginning.

    You have created a rich economy for future use,

    We wish it would expand.

    So that the house expands, so that the family grows,

    May only happiness shine in your home.

    Even though eight years have passed since the wedding,

    We remember the original celebration.

    That day you solemnly entered the registry office,

    They put rings on each other's fingers,

    And to this day you are in love with each other,

    So let there be limitless love!

    You've been married for nine years

    And this is a considerable period of time.

    And even unnoticeably

    That time has flown by.

    You're still together

    Still beautiful

    And your glances shine

    A happy smile.

    Faience wedding -

    Solemn date.

    Live well

    And may you be rich!

    It was not in vain that we rushed to the earthenware wedding,

    After all, today is the anniversary of a noble family!

    You’ve been together for nine years now, and there’s still the same light in your eyes!

    We wish you many, many more years to live together!

    Let prosperity come to your home every day,

    Create your own happiness in this life, the two of you!

    May fun and good luck be on your way,

    And love helps you overcome all obstacles!

    So that you do not know grief, and illnesses are avoided,

    So that you find peace, tranquility and care in your family,

    Where kids grow up, delighting you every hour...

    We wish with all our hearts that everything works out for you!

    Please accept congratulations on your anniversary -

    With a happy family for nine years

    You lived cheerfully and amicably,

    After all, you have everything you need:

    House, car, wealth...

    And the main thing is mutual understanding,

    There are also wonderful children -

    In a word, you best family in the world!

    We will give you poems today,

    We wish you happiness and health,

    Take care of love, become closer

    May you live happily for many days!

    Oh, today in your house

    Everything is visible at a glance -

    All earthenware happiness,

    9 years of love and passion.

    That's what it's called Anniversary

    And we don't have to guess

    Why in your family

    This understanding.

    You kept your feelings, -

    This is a whole art

    Love is a fragile space

    They didn’t break it like you did the earthenware.

    9 years you have loved each other,

    Take care of family peace!

    Earthenware is quite fragile,

    We won’t compare him with you.

    During this time, they gained wealth,

    Stable, happy family.

    You have an imprint of love on your heart,

    We would like to wish you more good things.

    To make your life beautiful,

    The wife is always loved, and the husband

    The warmth of your wife, warmed in the cold!

    Nine whole years have passed, friends,

    Since the family was created,

    And we congratulate you on this,

    We wish you all the best!

    Let your children grow up

    Everyone in the world will be happier

    Let family finances

    They sing only marches - not romances,

    May you have fun,

    Easy to work and sing,

    Let love illuminate your path,

    And happiness is just coming!

    Chamomile is a symbol of the sun, summer,

    Love, smiles and warmth!

    There is a lot of light in family life

    I wish you today!

    Happy nine year anniversary

    I hasten to congratulate you soon!

    Let life be full of fun

    On your chamomile anniversary!

    We give you a bouquet of daisies

    And we want to wish now,

    So that your family is big

    It grew stronger every day and hour!

    Let 9 years pass, so what?

    You are as happy today as you were then!

    And even though it may be a little difficult sometimes,

    But the main thing is that you are together forever!

    Loves, doesn't love - why guess with a daisy?

    When is the time to celebrate a faience wedding?

    And this stage is more serious than any other -

    Here the strength of your love is given a reason!

    Look into each other's eyes every time

    As if the first - with the same fervor of passion.

    Appreciate each other hundreds of times

    Stronger than was possible before!

    And we will give you chamomile,

    And maybe not even one,

    But still you, poor thing,

    Don't torture yourself to find out your fate

    We will tell you fortunes for free,

    No need to be a psychic here

    After all, everyone around has long understood,

    What is given to you to sail through life together!

    Today is your wedding anniversary!

    You have lived in harmony for nine years.

    I don’t know what I would wish for you?

    You have everything: love, peace and light...

    A faience wedding is a joy

    What fills life to us like a vessel.

    And the world is like a table that gives sweetness to life,

    Warmth, love, calmness, comfort!

    May your home forever be a full cup,

    Which life is not free to break.

    May your wedding anniversary be

    A vessel full of tart wine!

    Dishes break into pieces

    And happiness knows no bounds!

    Without regret and longing...

    There are no sad faces here!

    You two have been together for 9 years already

    You've been through a lot!

    And we drink to your happiness,

    After all, you found it!

    Found after a difficult journey

    Separation, loss, anxiety...

    Do you understand what life is all about -

    Opening your island!

    Happy ninth anniversary to the family,

    We have come to congratulate you now!

    And we love for a reason.

    Dear spouses, you!

    We congratulate you on this date!

    May all bad weather pass you by!

    Live peacefully and richly,

    Break dishes only for luck!

    Be proud that life has gifted you

    Love, loyalty, family,

    And she sentenced me to live in happiness,

    And so - until the golden wedding!

    Not a joke at all - nine years...

    You made a vow long ago

    But those words were honest

    You are together, friendly, as always!

    And if there is resentment in you,

    So take it all out now

    Congratulations, dear friends,

    Fate will not forget the awards!


    SMS congratulations on your 9th anniversary earthenware wedding in verse

    Wedding congratulations:

    "SMS congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary"

    Days pass, years fly by,
    But only together you are always!
    Live in perfect harmony, together!
    Family is all you need in life!

    Today the marriage is nine years old!
    He is thriving!
    I wish you to protect your family,
    Love each other reverently!

    "Congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary"

    Happy Anniversary!
    You have been together for many years,
    Nostalgia will not come,
    And there is no point in sadness.

    You are the most beautiful couple
    And a happy family!
    Happiness on this day is not without reason
    I wish from the bottom of my heart!

    "Short congratulations Happy 9 year wedding anniversary"

    I hope, my dear husband,
    I don't regret having you with me
    And now for nine whole years
    There is no happier person in the world!

    Thank you for the love
    For warming the blood with passion,
    You are the only one I have -
    You are the best of men!

    "Short congratulations on the earthenware wedding of 9 years"

    This day is special for you -
    Family birthday!
    And I wish you that
    There was a lot of love in it!

    A lot of tenderness and affection,
    Relationships are warmer!
    Let it pass as if in a fairy tale
    Nine-year anniversary!

    "SMS congratulations on your 9th anniversary earthenware wedding"

    You've been married for nine years now,
    But more loving couple No!
    Don't take your eyes off each other -
    You are suitable for each other!

    May every new anniversary
    Love is getting stronger!
    Let the years fly by
    We wish you to be together always!

    "Brief congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary"

    Chamomile is a symbol of the sun, summer,
    Love, smile and warmth.
    There is a lot of light in family life
    I wish you today.

    Happy nine year anniversary
    I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible.
    Let life be full of fun
    On your chamomile anniversary!

    "Cool congratulations Happy 9 year wedding anniversary"

    Love is not valuable to the romantic
    Going to a nearby restaurant,
    Not a general tour abroad
    Along European shores!

    Not a diamond ring
    Not a white dress on the bride,
    And because the common house is strong,
    And the fact that you have been together for nine years!

    9 years of marriage - earthenware, chamomile wedding. This year is a turning point in the life of a married couple. There is an opinion that partners who were able to find the right approach to family relationships, after 9 years of marriage they move to a new level: they become more tolerant and understanding, their feelings acquire greater depth and tenderness. What needs to be taken into account when celebrating such a symbolic anniversary?

    What wedding

    Popular wisdom associates two symbols with the ninth anniversary: ​​earthenware and chamomile. And even though a chamomile wedding sounds more romantic and sublime, most celebrants believe that a faience wedding is a more familiar and appropriate name. Faience is a fragile and delicate material made from several types of clay and has unique energy properties. Some claim that it can easily absorb negative energy from the environment.

    Knowing these amazing properties of earthenware, our great-grandmothers hung washed clay utensils to dry on fence stakes for a reason. They believed that this method of drying allows you to get rid of the negativity accumulated in the dishes and at the same time charges it with the positive energy of the four elements: sun, air, water and earth. And if it was not possible to dry earthenware in this way, housewives preferred to periodically replace old dishes with new ones that were not saturated with negative energies.

    A faience wedding also has another meaning. Pottery is used in Everyday life and demands careful care and neat storage. Any family relationships may crack if not taken care of. No family is immune from moments of crisis. It is believed that the ninth year is one of the periods when relationships become especially fragile, like a faience saucer. Therefore, this symbol is a kind of reminder that love must be protected. After all, you won’t be able to glue a broken bowl back together.

    However, we should not forget about the beautiful chamomile association. This flower is a sign of pure and tender love, romantic and devoted feelings. 9 years from the wedding date is a considerable period, which means that you no longer need to guess about your partner’s feelings. The spouses got used to each other, learned to anticipate desires, learned habits and character traits. A chamomile wedding is the blossoming of life together.

    Traditions and rituals

    There are many traditions and rituals associated with a faience wedding. One of the main customs that opens the feast is breaking dishes. The spouses need to break 9 plates. They simultaneously grab the edges of the plate and throw it onto the floor with all their strength. At the same time, guests count out loud the broken dishes. The ceremony ends with a kiss, which is also carried out during the count and ends when friends and relatives have counted to 9.

    It should be noted that a pile of fragments cannot be collected immediately. It must remain until the end of the event. To avoid injury, move it to the side. At the end of the celebration, the broken plates are collected in a special bag and stored for a year. This will be a kind of reminder that the relationship has acquired new qualities. All old grievances and misunderstandings were broken. Along with the dishes, the defects were also renewed.

    Below are a few more of the most popular customs for the ninth wedding anniversary.

    • A bouquet of daisies as a gift for my wife.
    • The married couple should spend the entire day together. Even if the celebration falls on a workday, try taking a day off. Spending time together will symbolize a strong and reliable union.
    • The number of invited guests must be at least nine. It would be better if 9 married couples come to the holiday.
    • Weaving wreaths from daisies.
    • Buying new dishes for the house.


    And of course, not a single holiday is complete without congratulations.

    Congratulations from friends (poems)

    You've been married for nine years
    And this is a considerable period of time.
    And even unnoticeably
    That time has flown by.

    You're still together
    Still beautiful
    And your glances shine
    A happy smile.

    Faience wedding -
    Solemn date.
    Live well
    And may you be rich!

    Today is your wedding anniversary.
    Yes, 9 years is not yet an anniversary,
    But it is still a holiday.
    And we congratulate you on it.

    Let the years pass unnoticed,
    Without darkening the path of life with anything.
    And may your union be very strong,
    And let your feelings burn like a thousand candles.

    Congratulations from friends (prose)

    I sincerely congratulate you on your earthenware wedding, on your 9th anniversary of family life. Let your feelings never cool down and be always hot, like fresh tea in earthenware cups with a pleasant aroma of tenderness and an amazing taste of happiness.

    Congratulations to the happy and beautiful family on their 9th anniversary and on their earthenware wedding. I wish you painted and bright earthenware happiness, eternal love and undoubted luck, a healthy family and prosperity in your home.

    Congratulations to the wife

    For the ninth time today, darling,
    I'm glad you're my wife
    I achieve with you every day,
    The heights of happiness, my dear!

    My beloved, thank you,
    That you tolerate me and understand.
    Because I don’t always give flowers,
    You forgive me with restraint.

    I want to live with you for tens more years,
    Protect you with love, protect you.
    You are my joy, you are my light.
    My love for you will never cease.
    We've been living with you for nine years,
    And every moment is complete happiness.
    Sent from above to me by fate.
    Life changed overnight

    In that glorious moment when with you,
    We were going to a wedding.
    Everything became a dream come true,
    Wonderful charm!

    I love you madly
    Your glorious, sweet, gentle image.
    And I adore you with all my heart!
    It’s not for nothing that our marriage is made in heaven!

    Congratulations to my husband

    We've been together for nine years,
    Much has already been lived,
    I wish that, as before,
    Passion circled in a turn.

    My glorious and beloved husband,
    I'm glad that we are a family.
    I want them to be forever
    You and I are one.
    Nine years of marriage -
    Life in joy, love.
    And with my wife, sometimes capricious,
    Lived, beloved husband, you.

    Happy Anniversary
    And I want to tell you:
    You are a real man
    I couldn't dream of anything better.

    What to gift

    What wedding is complete without gifts? It is believed that there will be no problems with the choice of gifts on the earthenware anniversary, because on this day it is customary to present one of the symbols of the celebration.

    What to give your husband

    Gift options for husband:

    • beer mug;
    • a new cup (can be with an original inscription or picture, there are even chameleon cups);
    • ceramic talisman (can take into account his zodiac sign)
    • for men who smoke – earthenware ashtray
    • earthenware barrel for jam or honey (if your spouse has a sweet tooth)

    What to give to your wife

    As a gift, you can give accessories with flowers: hairpins, jewelry, a cosmetic bag or an exquisite handbag. A bouquet of daisies would be a wonderful gift. They can be given in any quantity. The more flowers fill the house, the more happiness, joy and love they will bring with them. It is not at all necessary to adhere to the point of view that on a faience-chamomile wedding anniversary only items associated with the symbols of the celebration are given.

    What to give to friends

    Among earthenware products, the choice most often is coffee or tea sets, funny figurines, interior decor, candlesticks, boxes, etc. The decorative plate looks original. Especially if it depicts a portrait of a celebrating couple. You can give anything: jewelry, a cake (made by yourself), gift certificates, concert tickets, trips to exotic countries, etc. The choice of gift depends only on financial capabilities and flight of fancy. The most important thing is that the gift brings joy, reminds you of tender feelings and leaves the brightest and kindest memories of this day.

    Ideas for organization

    It is not customary to celebrate the ninth anniversary too noisily. You can arrange a more grandiose event at next year. It is better to celebrate a faience wedding among close friends and relatives. If the time of year and weather permits, it is advisable to spend the holiday outdoors. Light a fire in the forest or on the river bank and cook kebabs. Organize at fresh air games, sing your favorite songs. Have fun and joke from the heart. Let the guests say congratulations while children make noise and run around. Their joyful laughter will attract harmony, wealth and love to the family.

    If you can’t get out into nature, have a small celebration at home. Decorate the rooms with flowers. Place earthenware on the table, place napkins with the image of daisies near the plates. You can specifically purchase curtains or curtains with daisies for the upcoming event. They will not only become a decoration, but will also personify tenderness and vulnerability of feelings.

    Nine years of marriage. This year of married life is considered quite difficult, a year of change. Big number divorces occur precisely during this period. It all depends on the spouses who can overcome differences, learn life lessons from quarrels and family troubles and they will continue to live together. A 9 year wedding anniversary is called a faience wedding, the symbol of which is porcelain. Clay that has undergone special processing. Porcelain tableware, which is familiar to everyone, is a fragile material and requires careful and careful care. So is the relationship between spouses in the ninth year. An established way of life and a stable family life can be destroyed if, in the heat of quarrels and showdowns, a compromise is not found.

    What kind of wedding is this?

    Another beautiful symbol of this anniversary summer flower chamomile, chamomile anniversary. It is on this flower that people tell fortunes about love. Beautiful in its simplicity, the flower represents family and fidelity in love. Chamomile is a summer flower, the personification of sun and warmth, indicating that family life is in bloom.

    How to celebrate the faience anniversary?

    Most often, couples do not celebrate this anniversary, citing the fact that the date is not round. And if they celebrate, it is most often with family and close friends.

    It’s good if the wedding date falls in the warm season. It is best to hold such an event outdoors, organize a picnic in the forest, or a family party in a country house. Well, if the weather is not conducive to an outdoor celebration, choose a restaurant or cafe with a cozy home environment.

    Traditions of faience and chamomile wedding

    In the kitchen there will always be porcelain dishes with cracks and chips that you would hate to throw away and can use a little more. Celebrating your ninth anniversary is a great way to get rid of such dishes. According to tradition, a husband and wife at a wedding must break nine earthenware plates for good luck, one for each year of their life together. This process symbolizes getting rid of accumulated grievances and claims. Porcelain is able to absorb negative energy and release positive energy. By breaking dishes, spouses get rid of everything negative. The spouses break the first plate together and store its fragments; the remaining plates are broken in turn, one at a time. Each broken plate is followed by a kiss from the newlyweds, symbolizing reconciliation. After that, they must collect the fragments together and take them out of the house. There is a sign that a husband and wife should bury broken shards of dishes away from home.

    You can also involve guests in breaking dishes.

    Breaking dishes can be accompanied by humorous comments on the topic of what grievances the spouses harbor against each other, but the result is guaranteed to be real. According to psychologists, when breaking dishes, people get rid of stress, negativity and aggression accumulated over a long time.

    What should we give each other?

    A bouquet of daisies was a gift to my wife from my husband early in the morning. Before your wife wakes up, quickly visit the nearest flower shop and congratulate you in the morning by creating the right attitude all day.

    What else can you give your wife? Any decor items, kitchen utensils, clothes with a chamomile theme. A beautiful silk scarf with daisies, a summer bag with daisies, a beautiful still life of daisies. An original porcelain or crystal jewelry box for storing jewelry. Or jewelry with a floral theme.

    From loving wife a gift for my beloved husband in the form of a porcelain figurine with the inscription “For endurance!” or “For faith and devotion!” Darling alcoholic drink wife in an original porcelain bottle, personalized mug with a photo of her husband.

    What is customary to give to young people?

    Of course, porcelain dishes, because the newlyweds broke old dishes for good luck.

    You should give crystal and dishes. An earthenware tea or table set would be an excellent gift. Crystal glasses, vases, sets of decanters and glasses, porcelain and crystal figurines of lovers, candlesticks, porcelain photo frames.

    A large porcelain dish on a stand with a photograph of the newlyweds and a memorable inscription printed on it, large mugs for tea, with funny pictures about family life.

    Relatives and friends can also give more intimate gifts to the newlyweds. For example, a gift from sister or maybe a girlfriend underwear with chamomile print.

    Photo prop – gifts for a faience (chamomile) wedding

    Congratulations to the heroes of the day

    Beautiful cards decorated with daisies and warm congratulations for spouses, with wishes for a further happy family life in poetry and prose. A reminder that family relationships are like crystal and porcelain and require careful and careful treatment. Porcelain tableware, once cracked, will no longer please the eye, and therefore, like relationships, it should be protected. Second anniversary symbol, delicate daisy, flower mutual love and hopes for a prosperous family life in the future.

    Nobody argues about the strength of the family anymore. She's stronger than ever. Best gift spouses on this day - earthenware. Traditionally, on this holiday, spouses break their old earthenware. At the same time, with each broken object, past quarrels, discords and troubles are broken. It is believed that this ancient rite helps renew a marriage and make it stronger. The process of breaking dishes is very interesting and fun, so you can also involve your friends and guests in this action. Another name for the anniversary is chamomile - reminiscent of the chamomile flower, associated with love (fortune telling on “loves or dislikes”), summer, warmth, sun, and the name chamomile wedding suggests that the blossoming of married life is coming. It is better to celebrate the ninth anniversary outdoors with close friends and children. On this day, guests can give daisies to spouses.

    In the family dates calendar
    Her outfit is made of faience.
    A whole year until the anniversary:
    You can't count without "nine"!
    Although it’s not your anniversary,
    I would like to congratulate you as soon as possible
    Happy ninth anniversary
    Not without reason at all.
    Congratulations on this date!
    Live friendly and rich
    Love, happiness and family,
    And so - until the golden wedding!

    You've been together for nine whole years,
    Again you are the bride and groom!
    Guests are at the table again,
    It's just the three of you!
    Do you have a child?
    This is happiness for us too!
    Let more children be born
    The best children in the world!

    Faience wedding - nine years!
    A simple bouquet of white daisies!
    Love - chamomile - a symbol of summer,
    Warmth and sun, wedding light!
    Fortune telling with daisies again,
    Let the petal remain - love!
    Let the earthenware be a little different from porcelain.
    We will not focus on this!
    Faience - when life is easy and smooth,
    After all, the symbol of constancy is very important!
    Let everything be fine in your family,
    And the cup is full of love and abundance!

    The longer the marriage, the deeper the feelings,
    People speak the truth.
    But being one family is an art,
    For nine whole years in a row!
    And you are capable of much more
    Spend time with each other!
    With experience, everything is simpler.
    There is a reason to be proud of yourself!

    Congratulations on your faience wedding,
    You've been together for nine years now.
    We wish you only happiness,
    And pour glasses full of wine.
    Happiness and goodness, success in everything,
    Long, joyful family days,
    Lots of children's noise and laughter,
    Real sincere friends!
    Be patient, take care
    Your hearth is family. And love
    Carry it through the years together,
    My blood boiled with happiness!

    Happy anniversary
    You have become even wiser
    In a year we will celebrate together,
    Ten year anniversary
    The wedding turned out to be linen,
    Symbol of fidelity and feelings,
    Let love be endless
    Let the sadness go away forever,
    We cordially congratulate you,
    You are spouses anywhere,
    Your feelings will be eternal
    Your couple forever!

    Days pass, years fly by,
    But only together you are always!
    Live in perfect harmony, together!
    Family is all you need in life!
    Today the marriage is nine years old!
    He is thriving!
    I wish you to protect your family,
    Love each other reverently!

    You were born for each other
    We met by fate!
    You have become faithful spouses,
    Members of a wonderful family!
    Nine years already going on
    Marriage of two perfect people!
    Congratulations! Let them be fulfilled
    All wishes for your anniversary!

    The earthenware life will live,
    Life lesson learned
    This means your marriage has become strong,
    This is a wonderful sign!
    So, happiness is in the blood,
    You shine inside!
    There is love and affection in the family -
    Life will be a wonderful fairy tale!
    So live to be a hundred years old,
    How should we count these years?
    I drink to your happiness -
    Bitter, dear friends!

    In the heavenly office
    Love is being counted.
    It's gone off scale for you,
    And that means no calculation
    Strengthened your marriage for a long time
    Happy years!
    It's been nine years already,
    Happy wedding, gentlemen!

    I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary,
    You have been together for exactly nine years!
    So be happy every moment,
    And let the whole world know about it,
    You give each other impressions,
    And you will be happy forever,
    Know how to cast aside doubts,
    Joy to you for many years to come!

    A faience wedding is our holiday with you.
    Nine years together days and nights
    My beloved, my wonderful, dear
    I want to congratulate you very, very much!
    My only wonderful husband,
    You are the best and you are my support.
    I'm proud and admire you,
    And I won’t get tired of repeating everything again.
    I'm proud of you, I love you, and I know:
    With you we will overcome all adversities.
    With you I just melt with happiness.
    And let the years of life flow freely.

    Happy ninth anniversary to the family,
    We have come to congratulate you now!
    And we love for a reason.
    Dear spouses, you!
    We congratulate you on this date!
    May all bad weather pass you by!
    Live peacefully and richly,
    Break dishes only for luck!
    Be proud that life has gifted you
    Love, loyalty, family,
    And she sentenced me to live in happiness,
    And so - until the golden wedding!

    I want to tell my wife -
    You and I have been together for a long time!
    And nine years, don’t lose it
    We have achieved our own happiness!
    I want to wish you
    To be happy
    Believe me, don't be discouraged
    Love is always one!

    They call it a chamomile wedding
    Nine-year anniversary of life.
    We sincerely wish you good luck,
    And purity, and loyal friends.
    Family - it is known through deeds!
    We need to raise worthy children,
    So that the sun always shines in your soul,
    And never, never lose heart!

    Nine years is not a short time,
    You were able to survive it
    Although they sometimes quarreled stubbornly,
    We managed to keep our feelings,
    You were able to fight back against divorce,
    To your envious people, enemies,
    Although you often spoiled your nerves
    Love grew by leaps and bounds,
    Leave all doubts in the past
    Let there be no more insults,
    Take some luck with you on your journey,
    May fate favor you!

    I want to congratulate you
    With a crystal wedding,
    Be happy always, my
    Long-suffering wife!
    Don't be discouraged, even though life sometimes
    Sometimes it's too tough
    Let nine years be a long time,
    But it’s still nice to live!

    Nine years is an impressive time,
    But this is just the beginning.
    You have created a rich economy for future use,
    We wish it would expand.
    So that the house expands, so that the family grows,
    May only happiness shine in your home.
    Even though eight years have passed since the wedding,
    We remember the original celebration.
    That day you solemnly entered the registry office,
    They put rings on each other's fingers,
    And to this day you are in love with each other,
    So let love be limitless.

    Chamomile is a symbol of the sun, summer,
    Love, smile and warmth.
    There is a lot of light in family life
    I wish you today.
    Happy nine year anniversary
    I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible.
    Let life be full of fun
    On your chamomile anniversary!

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