• Scenario “Birthday Day in the Class. Birthday boy's day in the classroom: ideas for fun congratulations


    The child's birthday is approaching, but according to the calendar it is a weekday. Despite this, I really want to arrange a a real holiday, and make this day special. How to have fun celebrating your child's birthday at school? Let's look at where to start and how to properly organize such an event.

    1. You shouldn’t wait for the holiday to arrive; you should start preparing in advance. To do this, you need to visit the school teacher and class teacher, and also clarify how these events are carried out at the school. Depending on the story you hear, you can plan something and start direct preparation. Take into account the fact that it is possible to hold a holiday only during a big break or after school. In order for children to stay at school, it is necessary to inform all parents and the class teacher.

    The most important thing to ask the teacher next questions:
    - Is it permissible to hold a holiday on school grounds?
    - Is it possible for animators to participate in the festival?
    - Is it possible to arrange a tea party for the students of the whole class?

    If the teacher answers positively, the date of the event and its duration should be clarified. It is important where they will allow you to arrange celebration: in the gym, cafeteria or classroom. The entertainment program depends on this.

    2. In order to order a treat and organize a tea party, you should ask the birthday person about the number of people in the class. To ensure that every child gets treats and sweets, you should play it safe and count on a larger number of students.

    3. In order to create a festive atmosphere in the room, take care in advance and think about how you can decorate it. The options for this are endless. A good idea for decorating a classroom would be homemade or ready-made garlands, which should be attached around the entire perimeter of the room. To decorate the classroom, you can use colorful balloons. The walls of the room should be transformed with the help of a variety of congratulatory posters. Parents, together with the future birthday boy, can draw beautiful posters at home, in the center of which, record photographs of the hero of the occasion. The walls are decorated, the balloons are hung, the room is ready for the birthday celebration!

    4. Important component school event There will be a well-designed menu. It would be right to ask the class teacher in advance whether everything is acceptable for schoolchildren to eat. It happens that among the students there are children for whom certain types of products are contraindicated. In order not to harm the health of students, this information must be clarified. And only then start drawing up the menu, discussing each item with the teacher.

    Should be considered.

    1. It is worth refusing when carrying out school holiday branded sweets and treats, as well as dishes that require several utensils.

    2. Eliminate all allergenic foods from the menu so that no child can harm their health.

    3. Include a variety of fruits in your holiday treats, such as apples, bananas, and grapes. Among sweet desserts, you can opt for cookies different types, waffles, chocolate bars and dried fruits. So that children can wash down sweets, it is worth organizing tea or buying juice.

    4. Not only parents and the birthday boy, but also his classmates will prepare for the birthday. They will prepare in advance a congratulation from the entire class in the form of singing a song, staging a skit or dancing. If desired, each student can show their performance. Also, from the whole class, the birthday boy can be presented with a wall newspaper, which will tell about the hero of the occasion, and also write congratulatory words and wishes.

    5. To prevent children from getting bored at the event, it is worth organizing entertainment program. You can do this on your own, or if you have the financial means, negotiate with an agency of professional animators who can provide and organize a real entertaining children's show.

    It doesn’t matter in what order the entertaining moments will take place. Children can lead the event themselves, choosing what to do next. An original idea will draw a flower on a large sheet of paper and attach colorful petals to it. Each of them will contain the name of the next action.

    If there is a presenter at the event - an animator, then you can use a ready-made theatrical greeting with a clear structure of competitions, games and quizzes.

    If approved class teacher, then you can invite funny clowns and pirates, as well as other equally famous and popular cartoon characters, to your school birthday.

    In order for children to have plenty of fun and communicate with each other, musical accompaniment can be provided. This will bring a lot of joy to the children, as well as a chance to dance.

    When organizing a birthday party on your own, it is worth detailing each competition and each competition, as well as thinking about awards for the winners. These can be various symbolic objects, such as cups, certificates, colored pencils.
    As for competitions, there are many of them and you will have to choose the most interesting and funny ones in order to amuse and amuse the students. These can be riddles, drawn puzzles, puzzles, guessing words and crosswords.

    A popular game among students is deaf telephone. Its essence lies in the fact that any word is spoken to the child standing at the beginning of the row, and then along the chain it must be passed from one student to another. The one who completes the chain must name the word he heard.
    For elementary school students, the game “stream” is suitable. Its essence lies in the fact that children stand in pairs with their hands clasped, pointing upward. One student does not get a pair; when he gets inside the stream, he must choose the student he likes.

    A fun activity at the holiday will be a game called “picture me.” To do this, one leader is selected, and the rest of the children must freeze in a row of three. As soon as the leader approaches a specific student, he must depict an object or animal. If the leader guesses right, they change places. The game is very interesting, and is always accompanied by delight and emotions.

    As a culmination of the school holiday, parents can order fireworks from balloons. The number of balloons produced will depend on financial resources. It could be 1000 pieces, 2 thousand and so on on an increasing scale. Thousands of colorful balls will rush into the sky. Children will experience an unforgettable delight. Someone will watch until the balls fly over the horizon, and someone will take pictures of classmates against a beautiful background. Children will be delighted with such an event.

    At the end of the school holiday, each child can be given pre-prepared bags of sweets. To do this, you will need several kilograms of different types of sweets, which should be divided into small bags. You can arrange them using wrapping paper. In the end it will work out big candy, inside which hidden real chocolate treats.

    Are you preparing for your child's birthday? You've probably thought about a party in a cafe, inviting guests home, salads and sandwiches, games for your son or daughter's friends, little relatives, or even for the whole family in a large group - everyone has their own traditions.

    But if your young man or mademoiselle was born in autumn, winter or spring, then on his birthday the student will go to school. And for many children, especially younger ones school age, this becomes an unpleasant surprise: what, don’t I have a day off in honor of the holiday?

    Rambler/Family offers ideas on how to celebrate a birthday at school so that in subsequent years your student does not look for his birthday on the calendar in the hope that it will fall on a Saturday or Sunday.


    As a rule, schools hold birthday parties once a quarter. There is a possibility that this is also the case in yours. But if you want to try to please your son or daughter closer to the date, it is better to think in advance about how to arrange this. (And be mentally prepared for the fact that this may not be possible, but you can try.)

    So, of course, you shouldn't plan after-school parties. No matter how popular your child is, it is not a fact that his classmates will agree to stay for a long party on a “working” day after school. We agree that even adults would not be happy to organize an unplanned corporate party in honor of the birthday of one of their colleagues, much less children running home. In addition, at a certain time, parents come for someone, and someone goes to a music school, an art school, to dance... What to do?

    First, talk to your class teacher. For example, if a class is having a planned Classroom hour and there is more than one birthday person during the week, children can cooperate and celebrate their birthday at this time. You can also organize a “birthday of the month” party, where you, having prepared in advance with other mothers, “roll up” the holiday for an entire hour.

    If you want to ask for time specifically for your child, it is better to be more modest and ask just a little bit directly, if such a practice has not yet been introduced. The fact is that other children and mothers may start to become “boisterous”. Think about this point and do not organize an outstanding carnival, which may then turn others against the child. (Other classmates will then also ask for a holiday, but they may be refused.)

    Let the cool lady take as much time as she sees fit. If this doesn’t work out, then you can limit yourself to the traditional distribution of treats at the end of lessons - and some of the “printed” entertainment, which we will talk about a little later. In the meantime... about the surprise. This is a great option, and you can arrange it right during the break. You know the child's schedule. He comes out after Russian or mathematics, and there you are, having set up a buffet table against the backdrop of some decorations!

    The advantage here is that it is unexpected, that such a surprise will not “stress” the teachers and will delight the students, who will “load up” with candy and spend time listening to your presenter.

    Children at the holiday


    It’s a good idea to invite one of the animators for this time, if this is your format. In any case, it is better not to make the child himself the “toastmaster” of the holiday if you know that he is prone to shyness (and many are prone to it, with the exception of the “stars” of the class).

    Even if you have thought through in advance all the games or competitions that the student could play, he may become shy at a crucial moment - and then cry bitterly at home because he looked stupid in front of everyone on his most important holiday. It’s one thing to entertain guests at home, and another to feel like you’re at the blackboard in a classroom where relationships aren’t necessarily smooth with all thirty students.

    It’s better to come and help him yourself (if the child doesn’t mind, sometimes he can protest, wanting to seem like an adult, this is normal, don’t be offended).

    Another option is to send your aunt, older sister, a friend, or ask the teacher to participate - so that your child is an accomplice of the leader and feels confident.

    If none of these options seem realistic, and your child is a timid child, it may be better to limit yourself to treats and natural chatter so as not to expose him to stress during the holiday.


    It is important, of course, that the treats are tasty! The kind that you have tasted more than once with your baby, because on the day of the holiday it is better not to experiment. And ideally, at least some of the food should be healthy and not get dirty. There must be sweets, fruits, juices, and mineral water on the table.

    Some of the children may have allergies. Therefore, plain water, tea without additives (in case of tea drinking), green apples are an excellent salvation for allergy sufferers. As for drinks, it is better not to buy cola or other sodas, opting for juice, compote and tea.

    It’s a good idea to make the cake yourself; if you’re good at it, order a special one for children with figures from a professional, or buy a very beautiful one with berries. If you really want to treat your children to your favorite salads, “pack” them in edible baskets, tubes (like for mini-pizza in a cone) or pita rolls (this option assumes that you will do this immediately before the celebration, that is, you will be ready for this moment at school themselves). Sandwiches, if you are in the mood for them, are best made in the form of canapés on skewers so that children do not get their hands dirty; for the cake, prepare spoons in advance.

    Birthday cake

    Game options

    • Plays in 1 minute: Fortune sheets. Roll a lot paper straws, on which write your kindest predictions and wishes, quotes and wise phrases. Put them in a hat or beautiful box. Let there be a little more of them than children, because someone will probably want to pull the second one out of the hat.

    When you pull even a phrase you know (for example, “Beauty will save the world”) from a hat with magical wishes, you will think about it more deeply. Maybe you will become an artist. Otherwise you can just look in the mirror and rejoice. Of course, wishes should be positive and, ideally, come true.

    Do not write specifics such as cars or a new computer. Wish you success in your studies, inspiration, find yourself, good relations, a new hobby - and so on. That is, such things that can suit everyone - and please everyone. And they will delight you, we love hints of miracles. Students can even pull pieces of paper out of a hat during recess (if the situation becomes tense over time), this will improve their mood and entertain them!

    - A game "And that's good, because". Prepare a felt-tip pen with a black and a white side. Or dark and light. The game begins with the presenter saying any sentence. For example: “Today I saw a black cat on the street...”.

    And he passes the marker to his neighbor with the white side first. The neighbor should take a marker and say “and that’s good, because.” And so the felt-tip pen goes around in a circle. This is a very useful and positive game because it can sometimes come to mind in difficult situation. You can always mentally turn the felt-tip pen to the white side. By the way, share this thought with your child after his birthday.

    – If you wish, you can prepare a small "What? Where? When?". Let the participants divide into two teams, and the teacher asks some of the questions you have prepared (make up interesting questions; V in this case It’s better either not to prepare a game, or to choose something really interesting from interesting facts, of which there are plenty on the Internet). For first and second place there will be delicious prizes for the teams in the form of different bags of candy. Don't make the questions too difficult, it's better to keep them funny. And let them be few, five in total. After all, the children had just answered at the board.

    You can prepare these or other options for games and treats, but keep in mind that in time, perhaps everyone will only have time to quickly eat the cake! Eat the canapés yourself later. Warn your child that if you don’t meet the deadline, the director will be indignant - or something will go wrong, this is nothing. You are waiting for him at home and will happily throw him a party where he can treat everyone with goodies and play as much as he wants. Don’t forget to create a joyful, festive mood for him early in the morning - a child who is confident that he is loved feels better at school, at home, and at any holiday!

    Elika, student: __“A child’s birthday is, first of all, his holiday, so I think it’s best to find out what his preferences are in this regard. You can persuade her classmates, and congratulate the child when he first enters the classroom. The event can be decorated with all kinds of balloons, confetti, etc. Or you can consult with your child in advance and have a small tea party with all your classmates and friends. The main thing is to remember that this is a holiday for the child himself, and not for adults!”

    Target: to unite the team, foster a kind and attentive attitude

    to each other, development creativity students.

    Class design:balloons, congratulatory drawings, computer.

    Leading: Good afternoon Today we have gathered together to congratulate

    our birthday boys. Today we are visiting summer and autumn

    birthday people. Birthday is one of the most important holidays

    every person, because on this day a new person appears.

    What is a birthday?

    I will answer without a doubt:

    Day of Boxing, Pies,

    Day of smiles and flowers!

    And we have a birthday party for you - we have a little surprise.

    Congratulations to all birthday people, we wish -

    From the sun - warmth,

    Good from people

    From mom and dad tenderness,

    From friends - love and eternity.

    Everyone should be cheerful today.

    Leading: Let's launch a rocket of fun - stomp our feet and clap our hands...

    Leading: - When guests come to someone’s birthday party, they always sing a song for the birthday person, let’s all remember and sing together“Song of the crocodile Gena”, lyrics. A. Timofeevskaya, music. V. Shainsky.(everyone sings a song).

    Leading: You have become a year older, grown up, prettier, learned a lot

    Congratulatory number - performance by A. Mikheev with a composition


    Leading: Our first competition is called “Warm-up”.

    1. Competition “Riddles about words”

    Women's beads decorate them, everyone knows about it.

    For men to wear them, something needs to be unhooked.

    What? Speak quickly! I count: one, two three... (unhook the letter B)

    If the scarf is shortened, what can it be? (ball)

    They brushed the lion's mane with a brush, and two letters fell from the mane to the floor.

    Who will guess, who will understand what grows on the left side instead of a mane? (willow)

    There is such a hat, children. She is more than anyone in the world.

    Our dad is so big, he drowns in his hat!

    Who can quickly guess what that hat is called? (hat)

    What should be added to the juice so that it can flow? (sand)

    With the letter G I fly across the sky, with the letter B I fly children. (rook - doctor)

    With the letter B - I am a container for pickles, with the letter T - at the end of the sentences. (barrel-dot)

    Leading: Today for children and adults, for thin and fat, obedient and naughty, cheerful and sad. Our most wonderful entertainment called BIRTHDAY!

    Birthdays are wonderful, wonderful and funny! Let the birthday boy go ahead, honest people. You guys, don’t yawn, help in unison.

    Happy birthday and, of course, we wish:

    Be beautiful, kind, sweet

    Be strong, healthy, brave

    Neat and skillful

    For mommy to love

    Host: Maybe that’s enough congratulations, it’s time for us to play games.

    Game "Dance on the newspaper".

    Participants stand in pairs, they are given a sheet of newspaper on which they dance, Tatar music is turned on, and the newspaper is made smaller each time. Whoever remains last on a small piece of newspaper wins.

    Game "Ha-ha-ha".

    This is a very simple game, and most importantly, no one loses at it. The players' task is not to laugh. Children sit down or stand in a circle, and one of the players HA as seriously as possible. The next one says HA-HA, the third HA-HA-HA, and so on. Anyone who says the wrong amount of HA or laughs is out of the game. The game continues, and those who are eliminated try to do everything to make the remaining players in the circle laugh. Whoever laughs last wins!

    Host: Questions.

    Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 24 named after Hero Soviet Union A.V. Koryavina.”

    Birthday 2nd grade B

    Teacher: Privalova Nadezhda Dmitrievna.

    Goals: - create a festive atmosphere for the child and guests; -contribute to the formation of ideas among students on how to spend a holiday in a meaningful and fun way.

    Equipment: Decorate the classroom with multi-colored balloons on which guests can write wishes with felt-tip pens; prepare small prizes to be awarded during the games; recording songs, funny music; envelope with letter; children's drawings, crafts, cards; birthday gifts from the class. We will not ignore summer birthday people.
    A recording of the song “It's Fun to Walk Together” is playing (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky)

    Teacher Today we have gathered for a holiday dedicated to summer and autumn birthdays.

    Suddenly today at dawn
    The wind opened the window,
    Over the expanses of the earth
    The cranes flew by.
    Didn't they drop it?
    Gave it to you and me
    On your birthday, on a wonderful day
    Are those painted leaves?

    (shows pieces of paper with children's names.)

    Everything is according to the rules: our address,
    The school number is here.
    I wonder from whom
    Does it contain a letter for us?

    Come to us for a birthday party
    Everyone wanted to get there so bad
    But they had to linger -
    We need to pick up games.

    Birthday people, attention!
    I am glad to inform you:
    Now they want to congratulate you
    Yours best friends!

    Come up with any 14 adjectives. Now I will read out a congratulation, in which you need to insert them instead of blanks.

    1st student:
    To everyone who on a clear summer day

    And with the autumn breeze
    Celebrates birthday
    Today we congratulate
    Happy wonderful, joyful day!

    2nd student:
    Congratulations to you guys
    And I wish you never
    You are not familiar with diseases,
    Always be healthy!

    3rd student:
    Don't hurt kids
    Don't upset moms and dads!

    4th student:
    Grow up as good children,
    To behave!

    5th student:
    Birthday is a wonderful day,
    Joyful, cheerful!
    We wish you "excellent"
    You go to school!

    To the music of Shainsky “Song of the crocodile Gena”
    1st presenter:
    Look at these guys:
    How smartly everyone is dressed!
    Look at these guys:
    Over the past year we have grown and become stronger!

    2nd presenter:
    Come on, stand in a big circle,
    Louder, music, play!
    For your cheerful friends
    We'll bake a loaf.
    Children perform the round dance song “Loaf”.

    Game “Relay of Wishes” Whose congratulation is more interesting will receive a prize.


    What a birthday
    If there's no fun?
    Here's another game
    You'll like her.
    I want to ask you a question,
    It's your job to answer.
    If you agree with me,
    Answer in unison, brothers:
    “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”
    If you don't agree,
    Then remain silent in response.

    I'll ask everyone now:
    Who here loves song and laughter?

    Answer in chorus instantly: “Who is the most mischievous here?
    Who is used to our order,
    Does he do exercises in the morning?

    Tell me which one of you, brothers,
    Forgets to wash your face?

    And one more question:
    Who doesn't wash their nose?

    All the riddles have been answered,
    Questions were answered.
    All I have to do is find out:
    Can you dance?
    You, friends, are in a hurry,
    Find yourself a mate
    Starts with us
    Merry dance.

    The game is being played "Dance on the newspaper." 10 people are invited. We need to find a partner and dance on the newspaper. When the music stops, the newspaper folds in half and the dance continues (and so on several times). The winners (those who stay on the newspaper without stepping on the floor) receive prizes.

    The game “We Sang a Song” is played: the first line of the song in the recording is given. Whoever continues first wins a prize.

    Teacher: We danced and sang, we need to rest a little. How?

    Game “Decorate the tree with leaves” ( 2 trees are drawn on the board. 2 blindfolded students decorate the tree, then the other 2)

    Game “Harvest” (2 baskets, 6 apples each)

    Game "Who's the odd one out?" (with chairs)

    Game "Name the Pair".
    Participants must quickly remember the name of the couple of the hero of the fairy tale:
    Ruslan (Lyudmila)
    Sister Alyonushka (brother Ivanushka)
    Crocodile Gena (Cheburashka)
    Kai (Gerda)
    Stepashka (Piggy)
    Baba Yaga (Koshey the Immortal)
    Old woman Shapoklyak (rat Larisa)
    Prince Guidon (Swan Princess)

    Teacher: And now riddles for the birthday people. Whoever guesses correctly will receive a prize.
    1.In our house under the window
    An accordion has grown to the wall.
    It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t play -
    Warms the whole apartment. Battery.
    House on legs
    in the middle there is a window,
    it will light up -
    a movie will appear.
    Invisible Man
    Sitting in a box
    He plays all the time
    He sings and speaks.

    « Win-win lottery»

      Thought Fixer (Pencil)

      Measuring device (Ruler)

      Remedy for talkativeness (Dummy)

      Spare parts for sneakers (Laces)

      Aircraft (Balloon)

      Small factory-made rug (Handkerchief)

    Competition "Merry Artists" Blindfolded, draw a house, a bunny, a mushroom.

    Game “Who will collect the bouquet faster?” Three pairs of children. Flowers are attached to children with clothespins. On command with eyes closed, quickly remove flowers from children

    Game "Firemen" Children take off their shoes and put them in the middle of the room. They themselves “sleep” on the rug. Quiet music is playing. And suddenly - the presenter: Fire! Who is the best fireman? Who will get ready faster?
    And now we invite everyone to our finger-licking cafe.

    If the blues suddenly set in,

    Bad mood in the morning.

    Dial your friends' phone numbers.

    On your birthday, gather around the table.

    They say you'll be lucky

    If birthday comes to the house again.

    This happens every year.

    May it bring you a lot of happiness

    Children sit at tables with tea and pastries.

    6. Birthday is a special date,

    This holiday cannot be compared with anything,

    Someone kind once came up with an idea

    Give joy to the birthday boy.

    7. Birthday!


    We congratulate everyone.

    And may you have success!

    8. Like a sunny day,

    Like a wonderful fairy tale

    Let your life be

    Beautiful all the time!

    9. We want on this day

    We only wish you happiness!

    Don't get sick, don't get bored

    And get straight A's!

    Birthday boy's day

    (summer-autumn, 1st grade)

    Tulinova Elena Dmitrievna, teacher primary classes Maryinskaya secondary school I-III stages No. 1.
    Description of material: This material will be useful to primary school teachers. Birthday is a special date that every child wants to celebrate in a fun and unforgettable way. It is advisable to hold the holiday in a classroom where children feel calm and free.
    Target: Congratulations to birthday people born in summer and autumn.
    - create a festive atmosphere;
    - develop communication skills students;
    - contribute to the formation of a friendly team;
    - develop attention, dexterity, speed and coordination of movements;
    - bring up friendly relations and mutual assistance.
    Facilities: “Birthday medal” (14 pieces), fake banana, 2 plates, bananas, toothpicks, handkerchief (or scarf), several rolls toilet paper, balloons, birthday gifts, memorable prizes for all participants, musical accompaniment.
    Methods: songs, games: “Congratulations.” “Wishers”, “Cake”, “Catch up with the banana”, “Who can eat the banana faster”, “Recognition”, “Swaddle the baby”, dance with balloons, balloon fireworks.
    Participants of the holiday: leading clowns (girls from 9th grade) Igrinka and Veselinka, 1st grade students, parents of birthday boys.
    Class design: balloons, posters: “Happy Birthday!”, “Congratulations!”, on one side of the board there is the inscription “Summer” and photographs of summer birthday people, crowned with flowers, on the other - “Autumn” and photographs of autumn birthday people on multi-colored leaves.

    Progress of the holiday.

    The holiday starts with children who are not birthday people.

    1.Attention! Attention! Attention!
    A fun party is starting!
    2. Hurry up, honest people,
    Our holiday is calling you!
    3. Many things await us:
    You can play games
    Mind, show your wits.
    4.Have fun from the heart
    Have some sweet tea!
    5.Today is our birthday day
    And we have gathered here for a reason.
    6.To sing songs and congratulate you as soon as possible
    Happy Birthday to all of you, friends!
    7. For someone to bake a birthday cake,
    And someone brought gifts.
    8. Well, where are the gifts, surprises, friends?
    We are tormented by this question!
    Teacher. Let's not rush and guess
    Everything will reveal itself to us.
    Let the heroes of this celebration
    Present to you immediately!
    The teacher names one birthday person at a time, they go out and receive the “Birthday Boy Medal”.
    Everyone sings the song “Let the pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles” together.

    Igrinka runs in.
    Igrinka. Hello kids, girls and boys! I am a cheerful and mischievous Igrinka. By the way, have you seen my friend Veselinka? No? It's always like this! As soon as he starts getting ready, dressing up, ironing bows, choosing a dress, polishing shoes... He will miss the whole holiday. It's just me:
    One or two and you're done! And without it it’s even better. I'll get more treats!

    Veselinka comes in.
    Veselinka. How is it better without me? And also called a friend!
    Igrinka.Oh, guys, look, Veselinka has come! Hello, buddy!
    Clowns greet each other funny.
    Veselinka. Oh, Igrinochka, how many guys have gathered here! And I didn’t even say hello!
    He begins to greet each child and introduce himself.

    Igrinka. Not so, Veselinka! You go out to the middle and shout loudly: “Hello.” Got it?
    Veselinka. Yeah. I'm going to try now (goes out into the middle and shouts)
    Hello, okay?
    Igrinka. But there was no need to say “understandable.”
    Veselinka.(To some child). But there was no need to say “understandable.”
    Igrinka. Yes, I’m not telling him, but you!
    Veselinka.(to another child) Yes, I’m not telling him, but you!
    Igrinka. To you, Veselinka!
    Veselinka. To me? What do I need? Gifts? Let's!
    Igrinka. Why are you getting gifts?
    Veselinka. She said that today is a holiday. And on holidays they always give gifts.
    Igrinka. Do you even know what holiday we have today?
    Veselinka. New Year.
    Igrinka. Hello, Snow Maiden! New Year happens in winter.
    Veselinka. Then March 8th. All girls are given gifts! Great!
    Igrinka. I guessed wrong again! The guys and I will tell you now. For children and adults, thin and fat, we are starting the coolest, most beautiful performance called...
    Children. Birthday!
    Veselinka. Hooray! So today is your birthday? Great! Only you have the wrong birthday. At birthday parties there are all sorts of chants, congratulations, noise makers and games.
    Igrinka. There will be congratulations for you!
    Game "Congratulations"
    The little girl divides the children into two teams: “Karapuziki” and “Chumaziki”. At the signal, one team shouts “happy birthday” and the other “birthday”. The little girl confuses the children by giving commands to the same children several times. At the end, everyone shouts “Happy Birthday” in unison.
    Igrinka. So congratulated, so congratulated! Is it our real birthday now?
    Veselinka. No. There were congratulatory cards, but what about wishes?
    Igrinka. There will be wishes for you too! Guys, I need your help again. You need to say “Yes, yes, yes!” or “No, no, no!”
    Game "Wishers"
    Igrinka. Happy birthday! Yes Yes Yes!
    And, of course, we wish you! Yes Yes Yes!
    Be beautiful, kind, sweet Yes, yes, yes!
    Both loud and pugnacious? No no no!
    So that mommy loves! Yes Yes Yes!
    Use a strap to hit her more often! ? No no no!
    OK OK! To give gifts! Yes Yes Yes!
    Maybe stop congratulating? Should we play games? ! Yes Yes Yes!
    Veselinka. Wait with your games. First, guess the riddle: who is the most important person at the birthday party?
    Igrinka. Oh, I made you laugh! Who doesn't know this? Of course it's me!
    Veselinka.You? No way! The most important people at a birthday party. Really, guys?
    Igrinka. How (offended)? Are these girls and boys the most important? (Walks aroundbirthday people). These are the ones in beautiful outfits, with such cute hairstyles, with such funny eyes? Are they the most important ones on Birthday Day? For this I won’t tell you which one new game I know.
    Veselinka. Aren `t you ashamed? The guys are having a holiday, and you are being capricious! You're Igrinka, so tell us about your game!
    Igrinka. So be it, I’ll tell you. The game is called "Cake"
    Game "Cake"
    Rules of the game. All children join hands and line up in a chain. Ahead is Igrinka, the last Veselinka. To the music, the children begin to “bake a cake.” The game turns around itself, winding the entire chain. Condition: do not release your hands!
    Igrinka. This is how the cake turned out! Children, what is our cake with?
    Children. With pineapple, jam, cream, berries, banana...
    Igrinka. What's missing from a birthday cake? Of course candles! Raise your hands up. That's a lot of candles!

    Now let everyone take a piece and sit in their place.
    Igrinka. This is the kind of cake we made: with pineapple, jam, cream, berries, banana...
    Veselinka tries to call Igrinka, but she doesn’t hear her.
    Veselinka. Ig-rin-ka! How long can I call you? Do you have bananas in your ears?
    Igrinka. Bananas? Where are the bananas? Who has bananas? (Looks in the children’s hands, under the chairs.)
    Veselinka. And here he is! Catch up! ( Veselinka takes out a fake banana).
    Game "Catch the Banana"
    Veselinka throws the banana in a circle, Igrinka tries to catch up with him, you can be tricky and throw the banana in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the banana still ends up in Igrinka’s hands.
    Igrinka. Ooh! This is not a real banana! I do not play like that!
    Veselinka. Don't be upset, Igrinochka. We also have real bananas. It's time for our guys to get some food. And at the same time, let’s check whether the guys gathered here are friendly?
    Game "Who can eat a banana faster"
    Veselinka divides the children into two teams. Teams line up in two lines. Each team receives a plate of sliced ​​bananas.
    Rules of the game. On command, you need to prick a piece of banana with a toothpick, treat it to the person standing next to you, and pass the plate. The team whose team eats all the bananas the fastest wins.

    Veselinka. Look, Igrinka, the guys ate all our bananas and immediately became so big that their mothers hardly recognize them now.
    Igrinka. So let's check whether mothers know their children well.
    Game "Recognition" (for birthday boys and their parents)
    Rules of the game: all birthday people are seated in one row. The mother is blindfolded with a scarf and the children are transferred. The little girl leads the mother along the entire row, strictly making sure that the mother recognizes her child only by his hands (knees, nose, ears, etc.).

    Veselinka. And I know another game about kids.
    Game "Swaddle the Baby"
    Rules of the game: birthday people are chosen as “babies”. Parents are given a roll of toilet paper. (these are diapers). At Igrinka’s signal, the “babies” begin to be swaddled from the legs to the neck. The couple who completes the task faster wins.
    Igrinka. So, are you comfortable in diapers? Oh no? Then quickly take off your swaddling clothes. At Igrinka’s signal, the “babies” tear the “diapers” and free themselves from them. The one who does it first wins.
    Veselinka. Now who will clean up the trash faster? Who makes the biggest lump? (As a rule, children take great pleasure in cleaning up scraps of paper after themselves, quickly clearing the area for the next games. Children take their places.)
    The little girl comes out with balloons.

    Igrinka. Veselinka, what is a holiday without dancing? I propose a competition for the best dancing couple.
    "Dance with Balloons"
    Children are divided into pairs. Between them - balloon, which they try to hold while dancing. You can hold it with your shoulders, heads, stomachs... but not with your hands. Whoever loses the ball sits on a chair. The game girl collects all the balls.

    Veselinka. Look at you, Iggy! Are not you ashamed? She took all the balls from the children. Just a real greedy person.
    Igrinka. Oh, really, how embarrassing! But now I’ll give all the kids a balloon and we’ll arrange a real fireworks display in honor of the birthday boys.
    "Balloon fireworks"
    Children, on command, throw the balls up and shout “Hurray!”

    Igrinka. You see, Veselinka, how great everything turned out!
    Veselinka. I see I liked it too. Igra, you are no longer greedy, bring our gifts to the birthday boys.
    The game girl gives gifts to the birthday people.
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