• The pants are shiny. How to remove shine from pants after long wear


    Every housewife has encountered in life such a problem as the appearance of shine and burns on clothes. There is no need to say goodbye to your favorite things because of stains after unsuccessful ironing! Iron marks can be removed, there is enough for this effective ways. We will tell you why they appear, how to save your favorite thing and not repeat mistakes in the future in this article.

    Reasons for the appearance of iron marks on clothes

    Shine, scorching, and dirt from the iron occur in the following cases.

    1. Violation of the rules for wet-heat treatment of products.
    2. The temperature does not correspond to the recommendations for ironing a certain type of fabric.
    3. Improper care of the iron, the sole of which can subsequently stain clothes.
    4. Poor rinsing of things. When it comes into contact with the iron, the remaining detergent begins to “burn”, contributing to the appearance of unsightly stains.

    Gloss is most often noticeable on fabrics dark colors, and tan marks are on light ones.

    Gloss is the shiny marks left by the iron, which are most noticeable on dark fabrics of both natural and mixed compositions.

    Burn marks are yellowish marks on white and colored fabrics.

    Scorches on a white shirt may appear due to poor rinsing of clothes

    Is it possible to get rid of stains after ironing?

    Methods for removing iron marks vary. The choice of means and methods of control depends on the type of fabric, its composition, and thickness. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to get rid of it. If your clothes are very burnt, there is still some residue left after ironing. dark spot, it is no longer possible to save the thing.

    If you have managed to burn fabric fibers, it is no longer possible to restore the original appearance of the product.

    We remove gloss and iron stains from different types of fabric

    The simplest and in a simple way The best way to remove iron stains from clothes is to wash them again. Steaming will help bring the item back to its original appearance and eliminate small shiny spots. For this you will need an ironing iron. This can be gauze, cotton cloth or paper.

    Using damp gauze, you can easily remove lasses from your favorite trousers or jacket.

    Gauze or fabric must be folded in several layers. Then put the clothes on a towel, and a damp iron on the place with the resulting gloss. Steam, barely touching the soleplate of the iron, until the shine disappears. This method is the easiest to remove lasses from cotton fabric.

    To remove gloss instead of gauze or cotton fabric you can use a sheet of paper

    If the product cannot be washed, and the stains cannot be removed by regular steaming, you can use modern stain removal products. Today their range is quite large. They are sold in any store household chemicals, the main thing is to act according to the instructions on the package.

    A damaged item can be taken to dry cleaning. There with help professional means iron stains will be eliminated and your favorite item will look beautiful again appearance.

    In addition to specialized stain removers and dry cleaning services, there are equally effective home methods. Using improvised means that can be found in every home, you can quickly and effectively eliminate shine and yellow spots on various types clothes.

    How to remove shiny spots and marks on a dark or black suit

    For trousers or skirts made of suiting fabric, frequent washing is not advisable. If after ironing a shine has formed on them, acetic acid will help remove it.

    1. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar 9% with 1 liter. water.
    2. Moisten the ironing iron in the resulting solution.
    3. Squeeze it out and put it in place with the formed lass.

    To eliminate yellow spots, use the following recipe.

    1. Take equal parts of vinegar 9% and water.
    2. Moisten the area with the scorch mark in the resulting solution.
    3. Sprinkle with regular salt and leave until completely dry.
    4. Wash the item.

    A good anti-shine remedy is black tea. To do this, you will need a strong brew of loose leaf tea without sugar.

    1. Soak a cotton swab in the tea leaves.
    2. Squeeze and rub the damaged area until the shine disappears.

    Eliminating shine with black tea should only be done on dark-colored fabrics, as tea leaves leave brown stains.

    Excellent modern means against iron marks are wet wipes. They just need to rub the shiny area or burn marks, and then iron the clothes. If the dirt has not disappeared, repeat the procedure. This method helps get rid of stains not only on suiting fabrics, but also on clothes made from cotton or mixed materials.

    Removing shine from trousers using vinegar - video

    Using baking soda against las on silk

    Silk fabrics are very delicate; there is an effective and harmless way to remove iron shine from this type of fabric using soda.

    1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water.
    2. Moisten the ironing iron in the resulting solution, squeeze it out and put it in place with the resulting shine.
    3. Steam until the gloss disappears.

    The next method is longer, but no less effective.

    1. Make a paste of soda and small quantity water.
    2. Apply a thin layer to the stain and wait until it dries completely.
    3. Remove soda using a dry sponge or soft brush.

    Baking soda - effective home remedy against shine on silk fabrics

    Boric acid against iron burn on a white shirt

    Boric acid helps lighten fabrics, so the following method should be used on light or white clothes.

    1. Dilute the acid in warm water in a 1:1 ratio.
    2. Using a cotton swab, apply the resulting solution to the stain.
    3. Leave to soak for 10–15 minutes.
    4. After the time has passed, wash the product.

    How to remove a burnt mark on a skirt

    When fighting yellow spots on light clothes will help you lemon juice and powdered sugar.

    1. Wet the stain with lemon juice.
    2. Then sprinkle with powdered sugar.
    3. Leave the clothes to dry completely.
    4. Wash the product in cool water.

    You can clean light-colored clothes from burnt iron using lemon juice and powdered sugar.

    Instead of powdered sugar, you can use fine salt. The effect of these ingredients is that they “absorb” the stain, and the lemon juice acts as a natural bleach. This method is very effective and is used by many housewives.

    How to clean jeans and pants made from commercial fabrics from yellow stains

    The following method is suitable for denim, clothes made of dense and thick fabrics. To do this you will need pumice or fine sandpaper. Rub your clothes with them without pressing too hard on the fabric.

    You can use a regular razor and “shave” the dirty area. Some inventive housewives even use a nail file.

    How to remove stains on woolen fabrics

    For items made of woolen fabric, you can use ammonia, onions or hydrogen peroxide. The following recipe will help eliminate laxness.

    1. Dilute 1 teaspoon of alcohol in 1 liter. water.
    2. Add a few drops of liquid soap to eliminate the pungent odor of ammonia.
    3. Moisten a sponge in the resulting solution and rub the area of ​​the resulting gloss until it disappears.
    4. Iron clothes through gauze or paper.

    If you slightly singe a wool product, use the “onion” method.

    1. Prepare half a medium sized onion.
    2. Rub it onto the stain.
    3. Leave until completely dry.
    4. Wash the product.

    For this method, you can grate the onion and apply the paste to the scorch area. Since this product may leave marks on light-colored clothing, this method is best used on colored wool fabrics.

    For white products it is better to use hydrogen peroxide 3%.

    1. Apply a little peroxide to a clean sponge.
    2. Apply it to the stain using circular movements from the center to the edges.
    3. Let the product dry. It's better to do it in the sun.
    4. Rinse clothes in cold water.

    The same method can be used for colored fabrics, but for this you need to take 1% hydrogen peroxide.

    A universal method for removing scorch marks from colored items - video

    How to clean linen products

    Sour milk or curdled milk will help you remove scorch marks on linen clothes. To do this you need:

    • soak the product in a mixture of curdled milk and water (ratio 1:2);
    • leave for several hours until the stain disappears;
    • rinse clothes.

    If linen fabric becomes shiny after heat treatment with an iron, you can use a soap solution.

    1. Take washing gel, laundry or liquid soap.
    2. Make a weak soap solution in 1 liter. water.
    3. Wet the sponge and lightly soap the shiny area.
    4. After the product has dried, iron it with light steaming through an iron.

    This method is also used for colored and plain fabrics, but it is advisable light shades, since soap can leave streaks.

    How to remove stubborn stains

    It is possible that after ironing the stain becomes very shiny or there is a significant trace left from the iron. In this case, gasoline will help you.

    1. Soak a cotton swab or sponge in gasoline.
    2. Rub the stain.
    3. Sprinkle with regular salt and leave to dry.
    4. Wash the product.

    Gasoline will help remove serious stains from the iron.

    What to do if synthetic clothes are burned

    In the fight against scorch marks on synthetic fabrics Ethyl alcohol will help you.

    1. Soak a cotton swab in alcohol.
    2. Wipe the yellowed area.
    3. Leave for an hour.
    4. Wash the product.

    How to avoid hassles when ironing clothes

    To prevent such unpleasant phenomena as shine and scorching on products from occurring in the future, every housewife should adhere to simple recommendations:

    • for ironing you must use an iron;
    • If possible, clothes should be ironed inside out;
    • The temperature must be adjusted in accordance with the type and composition of the fabric of the product;
    • Things should be rinsed thoroughly after washing;
    • The soleplate of the iron should always remain clean and free of carbon deposits.

    So that things do not become shiny from ironing, they must either be ironed through gauze (an old grandmother’s method) or special attachments are sold for the iron, such as a cover for the sole of their soft plastic.


    It helps a lot if you rub the area with half a cut onion



    girls, take a nail file... and CAREFULLY cut off upper layer places where they burned...



    To prevent clothes from changing their appearance for the worse after ironing, you must follow simple rules wet-heat treatment and keep the iron clean. But if trouble does occur, then do not rush to get upset! Use one of the above methods and your favorite thing will be like new again!

    Sometimes, after ironing clothes, “glossy” or shiny spots remain. Especially shine from iron noticeable on black clothes and dark fabrics. In every woman's arsenal you can find several folk ways, how to remove shine from iron on clothes:

    1. Eliminate shine on clothes resulting from prolonged wear or from ironing, salt and ammonia will help. Rub the shiny area with just dry salt or this solution: 15 g of table salt and 15 g ammonia dissolved in 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Then the area is washed in warm water and ironed through a damp cloth.

    2. Shiny shiny mark on black fabric can be removed using a soap solution. It is necessary to dilute the solution and wet the gauze through which the clothes are ironed with light touches of the iron. Next you need to dry your clothes. naturally without gauze.

    3. Fresh stain You can try to remove it from black fabric using lemon juice: wipe the stain with it.

    4. To get rid of shine, you can gently iron the clothes through old newspaper.

    5. Shine from the iron on clothes capable put away onion. You need to make a paste of onion and spread it on a shiny spot. After a few minutes, the clothes are rinsed in cool water.

    6. Most in a simple way Remove shine using a strong infusion of black tea. Only loose tea should be used, not tea bags. Shiny areas are wiped with a cloth soaked in the solution, and then gently ironed with an iron at moderate temperature.

    7. If shiny stripes appeared on products made of silk or wool, then baking soda, which is found in every home, will help you cope. One tablespoon of soda diluted in one glass of water will be enough. Using a sponge soaked in the solution, you need to treat the stain and then rinse the item in large quantities water.

    8. Mechanical method getting rid of stains left by iron - Shaver, pumice stone or a regular nail file. It is necessary to “shave” the stain with light efforts. The method is very risky, so it requires maximum concentration.

    When it is impossible to remove shine from an iron on clothes...

    9. There are some stains that, unfortunately, cannot be removed. And, in order not to throw away the item, you can “reanimate” it with the help of decorative embroidery or appliqué. You can also change an item into another, new item.

    10. In order to avoid such mistakes, you should remember that dark things must be ironed from the inside through gauze. It is advisable that the iron be equipped with a steaming system. Many housewives are gradually switching to steamers instead of irons. This is convenient and, moreover, protects against the appearance shiny iron stains.

    Every lover business style clothes sooner or later faces the fact that his suit begins to shine. Unwanted marks appear that spoil the appearance of the product. This happens more often with pants than with a jacket or skirt. And visually, the once beloved trousers look pretty worn.

    The main reason for the appearance of a shiny shine on clothes is improper ironing of the product. If you do not follow the rules, jackets and skirts may develop the same laces as trousers. You can remove shine from your iron by spending some time and effort, but it is much easier to prevent its appearance.

    First, before ironing, you need to read the instructions on the label and make sure that the product can be ironed . So that on trousers and other types of clothing There were no shiny spots from the iron; it was enough to iron things correctly.

    If, after all, scratches appear during the ironing process, this is not yet a reason for frustration. Exist different methods which will help both get rid of shine on trousers and restore them to their original appearance . Lasas effectively remove the following:

    When choosing one or another method in the fight against shine, one cannot proceed from how accessible the chosen method is. It is very important to consider the properties of the components used. Vinegar and ammonia are not suitable for colored or black fabric because they have whitening properties. If the item is made from fabric that requires careful handling, then it is better to use a piece of wool or baking soda: They will not harm the product.

    Use of acetic acid 9%

    To prepare the solution, you need to add two equal parts of water to one part of vinegar. The resulting composition is used to fill the spray tank and is used to steam trousers. You can also moisten a linen cloth with this solution and iron the area where the shine appears through it.

    If there are a lot of shiny areas, then the trousers can be soaked for two hours in a vinegar solution. To do this, add 16 g of vinegar (a tablespoon) to three liters of water. After soaking, the product must be washed and ironed.

    Ammonia will restore the appearance of things

    Use the prepared solution to wipe the shiny areas. Then iron the clothes through moistened gauze or white paper. To prepare the solution you need to mix:

    • Water - 1 liter.
    • Ammonia - 2 teaspoons.
    • Table salt - 1 teaspoon.

    Laundry soap 72% and boric acid

    The soap must be grated and dissolved in water. Then beat well to form a thick foam and spread it over the areas where shine has formed. Let the foam absorb and after half an hour you can rinse your trousers. After drying, the product should be ironed through gauze soaked in a weak vinegar solution.

    To make a solution from boric acid, you need to add a tablespoon of this acid to a glass of water. Soak the shiny area with the resulting mixture, after 30 minutes, rinse the trousers, dry and iron.

    Unexpected uses for wool and gasoline

    Prepare a piece of wool and a dampened cotton cloth. Place wool on the lasses, cover with a damp cloth on top and heat with an iron until the cloth is well heated. This method makes the lashes less noticeable or eliminates them completely.

    Removing shine with gasoline, you need to use a purified product. A woolen piece of fabric is moistened with gasoline and the shiny area is wiped. Then you need to sprinkle this place with salt and leave the trousers for two hours, and then clean the fabric with a brush. To eliminate the smell of gasoline, wipe your pants with ammonia.

    Onions or potatoes

    The onion must be crushed on a fine grater, rub the resulting mass onto the shiny areas and leave the product for two hours. Or cut the onion into two parts and rub the product so that the fabric is well saturated onion juice. To eliminate the smell, clothes must be washed and dried in the open air.

    When removing the gloss from potatoes, cut the root vegetable into two parts and rub the problem area with the cut. The cut should be juicy; if it begins to dry out, it means it needs to be renewed. The trousers must be dried without exposure to any heat devices. After drying, clean the product with a soft brush.

    Black tea and baking soda

    To remove shine from black trousers, tea is the most The best way, since it will give matte shade. This method is very easy to use and requires little time, so it is ideal for schoolchildren to match their uniform or for employees of companies that have a dress code. You need to wipe your lasses with tea leaves, then dry your trousers and iron them through damp gauze.

    Baking soda is the gentlest way to remove shine.. Suitable for any type of fabric. Used in two ways. First: add a teaspoon of soda to 200 ml of water, moisten a rag with the resulting solution and steam the problem area of ​​the trousers through it with an iron. Second: soda is mixed with water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply the mixture to the lasses and leave until completely dry. Then clean the trousers with a soft brush.

    Methods for removing shine from wear

    The second reason why shine appears on trousers is frequent wear. Mostly lasas appear on protruding places, namely on the buttocks, knees and thighs. There are several ways to remove shine from socks from trousers. Which method is suitable for restoring fabric depends on the degree of grease and wear of the product.

    In the fight against lass from frequent wear, the following will help you cope:

    Steaming in the fight against shine

    Steaming is essentially the most effective method eliminate grease on trousers, which also does not harm the fabric. Steam not only removes shine, but also evens out the product in protruding areas. Stretched fabric on the buttocks and knees returns to its original form after steaming. Steaming is a universal method. So you can remove the shine and on the back of the trousers and the sleeves of the jacket in the elbow area. It is important not to delay this procedure long time, since steam can only deal with marks that are not deeply embedded in the fabric. Otherwise, this procedure will not give any results, and your time will be wasted.

    Steaming should be done on vertically hung trousers. To do this, use steam cleaners or an iron with strong steam. If such equipment is not available, you can fix the product on a hanger or on clothespins over boiling water for half an hour, while periodically using a brush to remove any moisture from the trousers and wipe the shiny areas. Gradually, during the steaming process, the stain will completely disappear.

    Flannel cloth or newspaper to remove shine

    When using a flannel napkin, wet it with running water. Then fix the napkin on the problem area on the trousers and steam the area with an iron. After ironing, the product should be wiped with a soft clothes brush. Movements should be light, without pressure.

    Using a newspaper is one of the most simple methods get rid of grease, our grandmothers and mothers also used it when ironing school uniforms. The newspaper should be placed on the trousers and ironed with light movements with a warm iron, paying more attention to the greasy areas. But this method has a little trick: under no circumstances should you use high temperature conditions, otherwise the product will be irrevocably damaged, since the printing ink from the hot action of the iron will be imprinted on the trousers.

    How to use sandpaper or pumice

    When resorting to these means, it is important to know that they can only be used for trousers made of dense fabrics and in extreme cases, since their use thins the structure of the fabric and significantly reduces the service life of the product. To get the result, you need to rub the shiny area with a pumice stone or sandpaper until the shine disappears.

    Tea and gasoline not only remove shine from the iron, but also effectively remove greasy areas from frequent wear. They should be used in the same way.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    Shiny spots spoil the entire appearance of things. Most often they appear due to non-compliance with the temperature conditions when ironing or during prolonged wear. This makes clothes look sloppy. But there are many ways to remove shiny stains.

    Methods for removing shine depend on the cause of its occurrence, as well as the type of material and clothing. Trousers and small sweaters are easier to deal with: they can be washed or ironed again. Outerwear requires a more delicate approach.

    Jacket cleaning

    How to remove shiny stains from a jacket or coat made of wool or wool blend? In this case, ammonia will help; it removes dirt from such material well. The product is prepared as follows: alcohol and water are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Then the brush is moistened in the solution and the shiny area is cleaned. To treat the collar, you can use a less concentrated mixture: 1 part ammonia and 3 parts water. After such treatment, the jacket must be ventilated.

    You can also sprinkle shiny stains with salt and rub them with a regular school eraser. Then the crumbs from the eraser and salt are removed with a stiff brush.

    Other methods are used if necessary. This material is more sensitive, so you need to handle it more carefully. You can also use ammonia and water, but a more gentle concentration is used: 1:4. This product is good at removing shine from long-term wear, and also greasy shine. Then the cleaned area is wiped with a solution of vinegar and water. They are mixed in equal quantities, applied to cotton wool and wiped over the jacket.

    The shine can be removed by gently rubbing the jacket with fine-grit sandpaper or an eraser. You just need to act with extreme caution. To avoid damaging the product.

    A mixture of oxalic acid and soda works well. They are mixed in a 1:2 ratio and then diluted in 30 parts of water. A cotton pad or gauze is soaked in the solution and the shiny spots are wiped. Then carefully rinse the cleaned areas with cold water. Then the suede is dried and kneaded.

    The easiest thing is with the skin. Just wipe it with glycerin and it will stop shining. You can also use a regular detergent, for example, shampoo: mix it with water and use a sponge to treat the contaminated surface. There are more sophisticated ways to wash shiny areas on leather jacket. For example, beat egg white and treat the surface with it. Or dilute 1 tsp. soda in a glass of milk and wipe the skin with a cloth soaked in this solution.

    Cleaning a down jacket

    The upper part of down jackets is usually made from synthetic materials, which can be quite demanding in terms of cleaning methods. The filler also requires a delicate handling. It is not advisable to wet it frequently. Therefore, in case of extensive, heavy or unknown type of contamination, the down jacket should be dry cleaned. Here it will be cleaned without excess water.

    If the product does not allow it to get wet, then you can use one of the ways to wash the shiny areas on the down jacket. If shiny marks are left behind by grease, you can use a stain remover. It must be used strictly according to the instructions! This type of contamination can also be dealt with using the following product: 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and the same amount of salt should be dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. Wipe the shiny area with the resulting solution and dry it.

    If the down jacket has been worn, then it needs to be washed (if the product allows machine washable). A jacket and 3 tennis balls are placed in the machine. Turn on the delicate mode with minimal spin speed, and then dry thoroughly. If there are heavily soiled areas, it is recommended to wash them before putting the product into the machine.

    How to clean your pants

    More often than other wardrobe items, trousers suffer from gloss. Shine appears when you point the arrows when ironing incorrectly, from sitting for a long time and fidgeting on a chair and near your pockets. However, there are many ways to remove shiny stains.

    Signs of improper ironing can be easily removed with vinegar. To do this, it is mixed with water and poured into a liquid container in the iron. Then the item is ironed again, turning on the steam mode.

    By the way, even simple steaming, without adding vinegar or any other substances, hides the gloss that has appeared well. This is an absolutely safe procedure for clothing.

    Another option is ammonia. This powerful tool in the fight against various stains, including shiny ones. Alcohol is diluted in water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 0.5 liters of water. Then moisten a cotton wool or clean cloth in the resulting product and wipe the trousers. At the end of the procedure, iron the pants through gauze.

    You can add half a spoon of salt to this remedy. This will enhance the effect.

    If your wool trousers are shiny, you need to clean them with sand. The stains are slightly moistened and sprinkled with fine sand. Then the trousers are cleaned with a damp brush. Then the remaining sand is shaken off the trousers and ironed through gauze or steamed.

    Gasoline is effective in combating gloss, regardless of the cause of its appearance. The fuel copes equally well with greasy spots and with the consequences of wear. Proceed as follows:

    • a small piece of woolen fabric is moistened with gasoline;
    • then wipe the shiny areas with this cloth so that they are well saturated with fuel;
    • prepare a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:5 and soak a cotton cloth or napkin made of another material with this solution;
    • shiny spots are wiped again, but with a cloth soaked in a solution of water and ammonia;
    • wash the entire thing.

    After this, the trousers should become beautiful and not shiny.

    However, it is easier to prevent the appearance of gloss than to fight it later. Preventive measures are simple: iron things, observing the temperature regime and through the fabric, clean the iron in a timely manner and do not wear clothes.

    Many people have noticed that after wearing the trousers, after a while they begin to become shiny and “shiny” areas appear on the fabric. This thing looks untidy, and you don’t want to wear it anymore. Why does a gloss appear on fabric? This happens for two reasons: improper ironing of the product and too active use of the item. How to remove shine from trousers? To solve the problem, you can use one of the proposed methods.

    How to remove shine from pants from wear

    When the reason for the appearance of unwanted shine on the fabric is the frequent use of the item, this can be determined by the location of the shiny spots. As a rule, they appear in the knees, thighs and buttocks. What can be done in this case and what products can be used to get rid of shine? The task is not as difficult as it seems. Apply one of these methods and your item will look perfect again.


    This method will give desired result only if the item is not very worn. When the gloss on the fabric has appeared a long time ago and large areas of the material look “shabby”, steaming is useless.

    So, to remove shine from trousers and get rid of signs of wear, you will need to do the following:

    If the trousers have not absorbed much moisture, you can dry them with an iron.

    Laundry soap

    Prepare a solution of soap and warm water (do not use bars with aromatic additives and dyes, you need a regular alkaline version). Use a soft clothes brush to gently scrub problem areas. After processing, rinse the item and send it to dry.


    Dissolve 4 teaspoons of ammonia in a liter of water and generously soak a cloth in the resulting solution. Wipe the pants and then iron the pants with a moderately hot iron using gauze. If after the work done the shine has not completely gone off, repeat the procedure, adding a tablespoon of salt to the ammonia solution.

    Black tea

    Brew strong tea and cool the liquid. Then soak a piece of cloth, sponge or cotton swab in the drink and treat the shiny clothes. After this, send the trousers to dry, and when they are dry, iron them through gauze.

    Boric acid

    Prepare the product from 200 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of boric alcohol. Treat shiny areas with a sponge or cloth, moistening it generously in the solution. Then leave the item for 20-30 minutes so that the product is sufficiently absorbed. Afterwards, rinse the clothes thoroughly and leave them to dry in fresh air.

    Pants are shiny: what to do?

    Unsightly shine on fabric can also appear as a result of improper ironing, for example, when the iron was too hot or gauze was not used. You can remove traces by steaming over hot water, as well as using improvised means.

    How to get rid of fungus in shoes

    Refined gasoline and ammonia

    Gasoline helps not only in the fight against greasy stains, but also in restoring shiny areas of fabric. To enhance the cleaning effect, ammonia is needed. To tidy up your trousers, you will need to do the following:

    • Generously soak a piece of cloth (preferably wool) in gasoline.
    • Wipe the problem areas with the product so that the solution is well absorbed.
    • Then treat the lasses with a cloth soaked in a solution of ammonia (1 part ammonia to 5 parts water).
    • Rinse the trousers in warm water and set them to dry.
    • Clean dry clothes with a soft brush.

    When processing shiny fabric, act carefully; do not rub gasoline and ammonia with force - this will lead to the formation of pellets on the surface.


    This product is perfect for removing shine from clothes made of colored fabrics. Peel the onion and grind it to a paste using a meat grinder. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to problem areas of the fabric and leave for 1.5–2 hours. After this, wash the item and air it in the air to remove the specific smell. If you do not want to use onion, you can use a slice of lemon and apply it to the necessary areas.

    Raw potatoes

    Using natural products, you don't have to worry about ruining the item. Cut the raw tuber in half and treat problem areas with a cut. If the vegetable begins to “wear off” at the cut site, and you have not yet finished the work, make a fresh cut, removing the erased section of the tuber. After treatment, wait until the fabric dries and clean the trousers with a soft bristle brush. If necessary, iron the clothes using a piece of gauze.

    Emery or pumice

    This method is unsafe and is only suitable for products made of dense materials. It is worth using pumice or sandpaper in cases where the item is very worn and none of the above methods helped. When using these laz removers, be careful not to scrub the fabric too hard, or you may end up with a tattered item.

    How to iron so that pants don't shine

    It is easier to prevent any problem than to look for ways to solve it. In order not to spoil the item when ironing and subsequently not to struggle with the shine of the fabric, follow these recommendations:

    By putting these tricks into practice, you can avoid shiny iron marks on your favorite trousers.

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