• Wedding. Heartfelt phrases about the wedding. Wedding toasts. Quotes from great people


    1. The famous French writer Andre Maurois said: “A successful marriage is a structure that needs to be reconstructed every time.” We wish the newlyweds that they always have the strength for such reconstruction and that the “building” of their family stands strong, is beautiful on the outside, and warm on the inside!

    2. I wish the groom to become an ideal husband. How to do this? Bernard Shaw once said that ideal husband- this is a man who believes that he has perfect wife. With such a bride, this will not be difficult for our groom!

    3. Mark Twain believed that no man could understand what true love, until he has been married for a quarter of a century. Looking at our newlyweds, I allow myself to disagree with him, because true love is now shining in their eyes. However, I wish them that, having lived in marriage for a quarter of a century, they still understand and feel what true love is!

    3. Remember Victor Hugo. He owns a simple and at the same time brilliant statement: “The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved.” We sincerely wish our newlyweds to maintain confidence in mutual love for many years to come!

    4. I wish the young people to love each other more and more over the years. Is this possible? Surely yes! After all, as the writer Richard Bach noted, lovers who accept each other's ideals become more and more attractive to each other over the years. So, accept each other’s ideals, and may your young family only become stronger over the years!

    5. Albert Camus, writer and philosopher, said: “There is something in the world that one must always strive for and that is sometimes given into one’s hands, and this something is human tenderness.” I think that everyone who is destined to know human tenderness is lucky. Our newlyweds are doubly happy because their tenderness is mutual. I wish them to carry this tenderness throughout their lives!

    6. Newlyweds are often wished happiness in their family life. But how to achieve it and how to maintain it? Emil Zola said: “The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness and responsiveness.” I want to use this recipe, and maybe invent my own, but in any case, be happy!

    7. Family starts with children. I didn’t come up with this, Herzen said it. So today we are celebrating only a wedding - the union of two hearts. I hope that the appearance of a family, in the full sense of the word, will not be long in coming. I wish your family to be big and friendly!

    8. Leo Tolstoy very correctly noted that the only true marriage is the one that illuminates love. I see that the marriage of our young people is true in this sense, and I wish that they mutual love helped overcome difficulties and increased joy!

    9. You say that the fact that these two young people once met was an accident. And I will say in the words of Nabokov: “The game of chance is the logic of fate.” I raise a glass to their happy fate, may it favor them!

    10. Anything can happen in life - both sorrow and joy, but, as Stravinsky said: “There is no force more powerful than love!” So let this power help you in all life’s ups and downs!

    Say greetings and congratulations, wish happiness, love and prosperity, express your opinions or statements of great people. One thing is important, be sincere in your wishes, and we hope that these few useful toasts will help develop your eloquence!

    Before getting married, don't forget to let go of selfishness.

    White color represents joy. At weddings, women wear white, men wear black.

    Holiday romances end at the airport, not at the altar.

    The golden wedding is a symbol of swan fidelity.

    Girls, if you want grandiose fireworks on your wedding day, get married on May 9!

    The first wedding is a rehearsal for the second.

    It is not always the one who gets engaged who gets married.

    Keep your eyes wide before the wedding and close them after.

    Vasya, did you marry Olga? - No, she said that I was poor... - But you have a rich uncle! Why didn't you tell her about this? - I said... - So what! - Now she is my aunt...

    The main thing is not the rings, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the bride.

    Heartfelt phrases about the wedding

    Whether two people did the right thing by marrying each other cannot be judged even at their silver wedding.

    A free woman is one who allows herself sex before marriage and work after marriage.

    Funny, heartfelt phrases about a wedding

    I always get so excited at weddings! - Me too. I always think: “It’s good that it’s not me.”

    I don't trust weddings - everything ends in marriage.

    The best thing about getting married abroad is the guests: random people won't travel that far, but those few who really care about you make this effort.

    And no veil! I don't want to get married in a mosquito net.

    No matter what they say in favor of a civil marriage, but for me getting married is a completely different feeling of happiness, bearing a person’s surname, being one, being close in sorrow and joy.

    I’m marrying for sex, but sex is only for love, since I don’t have the ability to love for convenience...

    Life in 100 words: Cradle. Diapers. Cry. Word. Step. Cold. Doctor. Running around. Toys. . Yard Swing. Kindergarten. School. Two. Troika. Five. Ball. Step. Gypsum. Bed. Fight. Blood. Broken nose. Yard Friends. Party. Force. Institute. Spring. Bushes. Summer. Session. Tails. Beer. Vodka. Gin with ice. Coffee. Session. Diploma. Romanticism. Love. Star. Hands. Lips. A night without sleep. Wedding. Mother-in-law. Father-in-law. Trap. Argument. Club. Friends. Cup. House. Job. House. Family. Sun. Summer. Snow. Winter. Son. Diapers. Cradle. Stress. Mistress. Bed. Business. Money. Plan. Emergency. TV. Series. Country house. Cherries. Zucchini. Gray hair. Migraine. Glasses. Grandson. Diapers. Cradle. Stress. Pressure. Bed. Heart. Kidneys. Bones. Doctor. Speeches. Coffin. Farewell. Cry.

    Do you agree to love her, protect her from problems, admire her, worship her wisdom and talent? - Untie me, jackals!

    Good heartfelt phrases about the wedding

    A wedding is a holiday, but immediately after it everyday life begins, for which people are not yet psychologically ready. This is where conflicts, disappointments, divorces begin...

    You have a choice, but you can only choose one. No. 1. If you say yes, we'll get married right away. No. 2. If you say no, I make you say yes, and then we get married right away. No. 3. If you need time to think about it, I'll give you a whole day to think about it, and then we'll get married.

    Honey, when will we finally get married? - I'm afraid, dear, never. I'm allergic to gold, but what would a wedding be without wedding rings?

    It was a fun Scottish wedding: six bagpipes were broken!

    At the prosecutor's wedding, the guests who stole the bride's shoe received eight years with confiscation of property!

    A married couple celebrates their golden wedding. Restaurant. Banquet, a lot of guests. The hero of the occasion addresses his wife throughout the evening: - Zainka! Give me that piece! Fish, please put me some salad. Kitty, pour me some juice. Then the men went out to smoke and asked the hero of the day: - Tell me, you and she have been together for half a century, and you are her “Kitten, Fish, Bunny”! Do you really still love?! - Guys, you won’t believe it, I forgot my wife’s name!

    He had heard somewhere that the future newlywed should not see his intended bride before the wedding - probably so as not to change his mind.

    Everyday sincere phrases about the wedding

    Novels and comedies usually end with a wedding. It is assumed that there is nothing left to talk about afterwards.

    Where are you taking me? - At the registry office. - And you didn’t propose to me. - Why? To hear again that you are busy?

    Men have the ability to change after marriage. A chic suit turns into sweatpants with pulled knees, the fire in the eyes is replaced by the alcoholic drag of a football fan or an avid fisherman, and declarations of love are replaced by grunting in the toilet in the morning. So, I wish you that your fiance always remains bright, flying and unbridled.

    They danced like this - the plaster fell down, the button accordion played, everything was a success... Some crossed themselves: “They melted the idiot!” Others grinned: “They’ve installed a slut...”

    Many fools consider marriage to be a simple union. That is why this union is so neglected after the wedding.

    You can also say that we left the ceremony on a motorcycle with a sidecar. - No, it's implausible. - And the fact that the dove flew up and dressed wedding ring on your finger, it's real.

    This is a small, modest wedding. And this luxurious dress for a luxurious wedding! Do you have a dress that doesn't make noise when you walk? Or something less airy?

    There is nothing more useless in the world than a groom before his wedding.

    First wedding night The French, Germans and English make love, and the Russians count money...

    We go out into the world of the living to celebrate the wedding of the dead.

    Comical sincere phrases about the wedding

    Since we got married, we have never had a fight! If only the second day could go like this :)

    Matchmakers will find a good bride on the stove.

    How was your wedding? - Delightful. Just like all my other weddings.

    A wedding is good, but not as a way to impose terrible obligations on the newlyweds, but as a holiday confirming the union of two people who love and respect each other, who are ready to live together for many years without coercion or pretensions. If you think that everything will be exactly like this for you, then go ahead!

    Listen, friend, why are you getting divorced for the seventh time? Are there really only scoundrels? - No. I just really love weddings.

    Usually at weddings the bride is stolen, but my mother-in-law was stolen. There were no more expensive gifts.

    The first toast is given to the closest people of the bride: ex-husband and son.

    My friend is getting married. I pick out a bouquet for her. And there is an awesome option, but it’s purple and yellow flowers. And although yellow folk signs- this seems to lead to wealth, but for some reason many of us believe that it leads to separation. I decided to call my friend and ask: - Lucy, won’t you stress over yellow flowers? She answers: “I’m getting married on Friday the 13th.” Do you think yellow flowers will change anything?

    A wedding without a fool is like a bride without a groom.

    “Another fool has gone to wash the dishes,” my dad says jokingly if he sees the wedding procession)))

    I love weddings. Everyone is happy, everything is beautiful, and they even give you a cake. The bride pretends that she is a virgin, the groom pretends that he has found the one and only one, the parents on both sides pretend that they like each other.

    Expressions and statuses about the wedding

    • Seeing the number of my friends in contact, my mother said: “No, daughter, we can’t pull off such a wedding!”
    • You need to marry the kind of woman you would choose as your friend if she were a man.
    • Disposable packaging – wedding dress brides
    • One spoke a lot, the second wrote a lot. And the third one came and did it: he put a ring on her hand, took her to his place and made her happy!

    Broke your leg the day before your wedding? It will heal until the wedding!

    • If you haven't seen flying saucers, get married!
    • Yesterday I was a witness at a wedding. It would be better if I got married!
    • I?! Married?! What are you talking about?! My hamster even died... And then my husband is such a responsibility!
    • If a woman loves you, be careful: the matter may end in the registry office.

    • The worst wish is to say “good night” to the newlyweds when leaving a wedding.
    • Are you married?! No. When are you going? When I finish university. Are you married?! No. When are you going? When you graduate from university!
    • A wedding is the best day to express yourself!
    • A boy, what about a boy? Let me vilify the name!!!
    • If a woman feeds a man only delicacies before the wedding, he still has time to come to his senses.

    • Dima said “Hello,” and Katya mentally already had a wedding and gave birth to three children.
    • It’s trivial – it’s a mess for the ears and for bed. But for the hair and in the registry office - this is original!
    • I would like a ring, my fingers are freezing...

    Expressions about family life and marriage

    • I used to think that marriage was marital status, and now I know that this is a medal. It's called "For Courage!"
    • To the question: “What are you doing?” I always have one answer: “I’m helping my husband...carry his last name!”

    • A happy marriage is when you look at someone passing by handsome man, you look, look... and think: “damn, this jacket is cool, I need to buy my husband the same one!!!”
    • A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.
    • My husband will be the happiest man in the world, because I will be his wife!
    • Marriage is the most expensive way to both reduce the cost of a relationship and turn it into an invaluable one.
    • I called my husband. I ask: “Do you love me very much?” Answers: “Buy!” This is what real marital understanding is!
    • If men knew about women what their mothers know, the world would be full of bachelors.

    • Mom always told me: trust your husband, adore your husband and put as much property in your name as possible.
    • A man is not the one who has a woman, but the one who takes care of her.
    • What is the secret of our long marriage? No matter how busy we are, we go out to a restaurant twice a week. Candles on the table, dinner, pleasant music, dancing. She has dinner on Thursdays and I have dinner on Fridays.

    • There are marriages for love, for convenience and for stupidity.
    • Only the man who gave this house to the woman can demand cleanliness in the house. Only the man who bought the ingredients to prepare it can expect a delicious dinner. Well, only the man who dresses her can undress a woman.

    • My wife thinks I'm too nosy.... At least that's what it says in her diary.
    • In India, a girl who becomes a wife is painted with a red dot on her forehead... and her husband is given a sniper rifle... That's why they live happily ever after!
    • Marriage is 2 people, one of whom is always right, and the second is the husband!

    • Happiness is when there is the same person in the house, in bed and in your head...
    • “No man can understand what true love is until he has been married for a quarter of a century” (Mark Twain)
    • By choosing a husband, you choose a father to your children and the quality of your life.

    Beautiful thoughts about women, statuses for girls

    • Never play with a woman! You don't know if she plays better than you...

    • There must be ONE person in charge in the family!
    • Love your women, otherwise someone else will do it for you...
    • A girl becomes prettier before our eyes when she knows that she is loved.
    • In the evenings there is nothing more expensive than hearing..."and me too."

    If only a marriage based on love is moral, then it remains so only as long as love continues to exist. But the duration of the feeling of individual sexual love varies greatly among different individuals, especially among men, and once it has completely dried up or is replaced by new passionate love, then divorce becomes a blessing both for both parties and for society. We just need to save people from having to wade through the unnecessary mud of the divorce process.

    Without equality there is no marriage. A wife, excluded from all the interests that occupy her husband, alien to them, not sharing them, is a concubine, housekeeper, nanny, but not a wife in the full, noble sense of the word.

    The advantages of polygamy include, among other things, the fact that it eliminates the clashes necessary with monogamy with the wife’s parents, the fear of which keeps many from marriage. But, on the other hand, dealing with 10 mothers-in-law instead of one is also not a particularly pleasant prospect.

    A man is not the one who has a woman, but the one who takes care of her.

    Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities.

    We don’t know what they do in heaven; but we know exactly what they don’t do there: they don’t get married there.

    The honeymoon ends when the dog brings the husband's slippers and the wife starts grumbling.

    The bachelor knows no women at all; a married man knows them only through his wife.

    Get married no matter what. If you get caught good wife, you will be an exception, and if you are bad, you will become a philosopher.

    A man has no right to marry without first studying anatomy and performing an autopsy on at least one woman.

    You need to marry the kind of woman you would choose as your friend if she were a man.

    Marriage is distinguished by the peculiarity that with it the worship of an idol ceases. When a man takes a closer look at his goddess, she again becomes a simple woman.

    If I hadn't gotten married, I would be a different person. I would have remained the same aggressive scoundrel because that's all I knew how to do - hurt other people.

    To keep your husband, make him a little jealous; To lose your husband, make him a little more jealous.

    I?! Married?! What are you talking about?! My hamster even died... And here my husband is such a responsibility!

    Marriage is an ingenious attempt to cut expenses in half by doubling them.

    All women want to get married, and everyone is ready to believe in love for the sake of one day in a white dress.

    Yes, I’ll throw such a wedding as you’ve never seen: I’ll order musicians from Moscow, I’ll go alone in four carriages.

    I stick to the old rules. I believe that people should marry for life, like doves and Catholics.

    A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

    He who marries for wealth sells his freedom.

    IN wedding ceremony two rings are involved: one is put on the bride’s finger, the other is threaded through the groom’s nose.

    Young people are entirely tragic; in marriage they are united in eternal bonds with their public.

    If a woman feeds a man only delicacies before the wedding, he still has time to come to his senses.

    The only thing worse than a marriage without love is a marriage in which love exists only on one side.

    Mom always told me: trust your husband, adore your husband and put as much property in your name as possible.

    Again, someone's surrender, the wedding march is played.

    There is some romance in love, but there is none in engagement, because engagement usually ends in marriage.

    Marriage is a crime because it kills mystery.

    A man feels seven years older the day after his wedding.

    Women seek happiness in marriage, men put theirs at stake.

    The music of a wedding procession always reminds me of a military march before a battle.

    Only a reasonable marriage is successful, only a reckless one is exciting. Any other is built on base calculations.

    Every girl's life should have not only a little black dress, but also a big white one!!!

    Marriage makes us understand ourselves better, and this is not its least advantage, and also not its least flaw.

    There are no rumors that arise so easily and spread so quickly as rumors regarding weddings.

    It’s high time to replace the marriage formula about love and fidelity with a statement of willingness to wash the dishes and take out the trash.

    White color represents joy. At weddings, women wear white, men wear black.

    Marriages are made in heaven, but they do not care that they are successful.

    A wedding makes a man happy only in one case - if it is the wedding of his daughter.

    For wedding table guests say parting words to the newlyweds. Wish them to live amicably and happily, give them the order to love and take care of each other, bringing beautiful and wise quotes about the wedding.

    Find the right words It can be difficult to express your feelings on this exciting day. This page of our website contains wedding quotes that you can use in your speech.

    Quotes and aphorisms about weddings

    “A husband and wife are like an onion,
    A bow with a strong bowstring.
    Even though she pulls him,
    But she herself is obedient to him.
    Even though she bends him,
    But she herself is inseparable from him.
    Separately, both are useless.”

    “Marriage is the greatest happiness on earth if it is based on complete harmony.”
    Benjamin Disraeli.

    “In family life, the most important screw is love.”
    Anton Chekhov.

    “With a good wife, grief is half grief, joy is doubly.”
    Russian proverb.

    “Love is more valuable than all treasures. She is a diamond that even kings cannot buy. She is the whole world, although she is hugged with two hands.”
    Mor Yokai.

    What to say to the newlyweds on their wedding day, what to wish them? Let the leitmotif of your congratulations be the love and happiness of the young family. These wishes are always relevant, and the newlyweds will be pleased if you emphasize the importance family values, giving beautiful wedding quotes and aphorisms.

    “Any marriage, happy or unhappy, is infinitely more interesting and significant than any romance, even the most passionate.”
    Wysten Auden.

    “Marriage is too perfect a state for an imperfect person.”
    Nicola Chamfort.

    “What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.”
    Anton Chekhov

    "A home warmed by warmth true friend, makes a person invulnerable."
    Francis Bacon.

    “The golden rule of marriage is patience and forbearance.”
    Samuel Smiles.

    “A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget that they are lovers during the day, and that they are spouses at night.”

    “The dependence of family life makes a person more moral.”
    Alexander Pushkin.

    The words spoken on the wedding day sound especially touching, and the quotes given to the place and time are remembered for a long time. Therefore, the preparation of such a speech should be approached responsibly, having thought it through to the smallest detail. Read out the appropriate wedding quotes, raise your glasses and congratulate your loved ones on the start of your married life!

    “Those who marry should keep their eyes open before marriage and keep them half-closed after.”
    Madeleine Scuderi.

    “A wife is not a mistress, but a friend and companion of our life, and we must get used to the idea of ​​loving her even when she is an elderly woman, and then when she is an old woman.”
    Vissarion Belinsky.

    “A wedding is the culmination of a relationship that is in the process of development.”
    Vladimir Sukhorukov.

    “A wedding is the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.”
    Yuzef Bulatovich.

    Choose quotes and aphorisms about the wedding that seem most consonant and appropriate to the situation to raise a glass to the newlyweds.

    And if you do not have the opportunity to attend this celebration, you can congratulate the newlyweds in an email or SMS, post congratulations on their pages in social networks, giving suitable quotes about the wedding.

    “Lovers can love each other before they know each other; spouses must get to know each other before they can fall in love.”
    P. Buast.

    “Each of us is half of a whole, cut into two parts, and therefore everyone is always looking for the half that corresponds to him.”

    Cool wedding quotes

    Wedding quotes can be not only serious, but also humorous.

    “In every girl’s life there should be not only small black dress, but also long white.
    The worst wish is to wish the newlyweds “good night” at the end of the wedding.”

    “Marriage is a smart thing for a fool and a stupid thing for a smart one.”

    "If after silver wedding you noticed that you married the wrong woman, wait until the golden age: as they say, if you endure it, you will fall in love.”

    “With my dear, heaven is in the hut, but it’s better if this hut stands in heaven.”

    “Everything is shared equally in the family: a tie for the husband, a fur coat for the wife.”

    “I got married myself - help a friend.”

    “Keep your eyes wide before the wedding and close them after.”
    Benjamin Franklin.

    “The bride at the altar thinks: “Finally!” Finally!". Groom: “It’s too late! It's too late!
    Henry Mencken.

    “A man endures marriage because of his love for a woman. A woman tolerates a man out of love for marriage.”
    Gabriel Laub.

    “The wedding ceremony involves two rings: one is put on the bride’s finger, the other is threaded through the groom’s nose.”
    Robert Orben.

    “A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man doesn’t worry about the future until he gets married.”
    Coco Chanel.

    “Of course, your husband has his shortcomings! If he were a saint, he would never have married you."
    Dale Caregi

    “How many married couples need just a little passion to be happy! And how many lack just a little indifference!”
    Jean Rostand.

    “Marriage is like scissors: the halves may move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to come between them.”
    Sydney Smith.

    Wedding Quotes for Toasts and Congratulations

    In his speech at the end of the ceremony at the registry office or behind festive table you can use quotes and aphorisms on the wedding theme that will cheer up the newlyweds and guests and help create a relaxed atmosphere at the celebration.

    Bernard Shaw said: “To marry is stupid, not to marry is even more stupid.” Our young people chose the lesser of two stupidities. And they did it right! We raise a glass to you and your happiness!

    French writer André Terrier wrote: “There is no such thing as happy life"There are only happy days." Let's drink to the fact that the newly created family will have many happy days, which will lead to a happy life as a whole!

    A famous writer said: “Happiness is when you are understood.” And this is true. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is important for us to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young people mutual understanding and love for for many, many years! Happiness to you, dears!

    As one writer said, " happy marriage“It’s a long conversation, at the end of which it seems like it was very short.” So let it be yours family life will become a kind, vital conversation between two loving hearts for many years to come!

    What is happiness? It's different for everyone, but there is one thing wise saying: “Happiness is finding the half of your soul and holding it in your hands tightly, but tenderly and carefully, like beautiful snowflake, admiring its beauty and being afraid to melt it.” I would like to wish you to preserve and protect your happiness with the same affection and trepidation! Bitterly!

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