• Hair removal in intimate places: a review of techniques. Basic methods of depilation. Problems and solution


    Epilation intimate areas- a procedure associated not only with external attractiveness, but also with culture, hygiene and health of the human body. But not many people know how to properly remove excess hair without causing severe damage to the skin.

    Opinions are divided on whether intimate areas should be epilated. Some people are confident that the hair in these places protects the vagina from the penetration of bacteria and germs. But that's a lie. The vegetation in this area creates an excellent environment for microbes to live and function. In addition, hair in the intimate area is the main cause of unpleasant odor.


    The most affordable, instant and easy method of removing unwanted hair. Modern manufacturing companies never cease to amaze with their range: some differ in the number of blades, others have a strip with moisturizing components that make the device easier to glide.

    Epilation of intimate areas using a razor should be carried out after steaming the pubic area and pre-trimming long hairs. Next is applied special remedy and the removal of excess vegetation begins. To avoid irritation, you need to shave your hair according to its growth. At the end of the procedure, the pubic area is rinsed with cool water and baby oil is applied.

    The advantages of shaving include affordable price, ease of execution, speed and painlessness of the procedure. The method has many disadvantages: the formation of irritations and cuts, a short-term effect, the gradual formation of stubble and ingrown hairs, and, finally, the inability to carry out deep hair removal (the area between the buttocks).

    Use of creams and reviews of their effectiveness

    Chemical hair removal of intimate areas is represented by the use of special creams, gels and aerosols. Each product consists of a substance that provokes the breakdown of hair protein. As a result, having separated from the bulb, it falls out.

    Using an epilator

    Epilation of the intimate area at home is often carried out with an epilator equipped with small tweezers that grab and pull out hairs by the roots. The procedure is very painful and there is severe redness in the bikini area for several hours. But, fortunately, it goes away, and the effect of smooth skin lasts up to 4 weeks.

    Intimate epilation of the bikini area using an epilator is an unpleasant and painful procedure, and to reduce pain modern manufacturers The devices are equipped with special cooling devices.

    This hair removal method has a number of advantages and disadvantages and is only suitable for removing hair from the pubic area. The advantages include maintaining the result for a long time, the ability to carry out the procedure at home and independently.

    The main disadvantages of using an epilator, according to women, are pain, a large waste of time, the appearance of ingrown hairs and the high price for a high-quality epilator.

    Waxing (waxing)

    Before the waxing procedure, hair in the intimate area is grown to a certain length. There are three types: warm, hot, cold. We will talk more about cold wax hair removal later, but now let’s look at the first two types.

    Warm wax is preheated in a water bath. It is applied in the same way as all types, that is, according to hair growth, and removed against hair growth. After epilation, the treated skin feels tight. It's all about wax residues on the epilated area, which is what causes discomfort.

    Hot wax is heated to 42 degrees in a wax melter and applied using a spatula. The steaming effect makes the procedure for hair removal of intimate areas less painful and faster.


    Electrolysis is one of the most painful, but effective ways hair removal in any area, including intimate ones. During the procedure, a needle electrode is inserted into the hair follicle. The main disadvantage of this method: the possibility of scars appearing.

    Photo and laser hair removal

    Laser and photoepilation are similar in principle, since in both cases the effect on the skin is carried out using light fluxes. In the first case, the beam affects the melanin contained in the hair, damages the follicles, thereby causing their loss. To treat 2 cm of skin, one epilator flash is sufficient. The procedure is most effective for fair-skinned brunettes.

    Full laser hair removal intimate areas is limited to 5-7 visits to the beauty salon with an interval of 6-8 weeks.

    Epilation of the intimate area at home

    Of course, the most reliable and common way to remove hair in the bikini area is to use an epilator. But it has a significant disadvantage - the procedure is very painful. Agree, not everyone can cause such suffering to themselves, and sometimes there is not enough time or finances to go to beauty salons.

    IN last years Sugaring has become a popular method of hair removal in the intimate area. This method is old, less painful, reliable and accessible. Sugaring can be done by women with sensitive skin and different types hardness In addition, sugar is hypoallergenic and has an antimicrobial function, so there will be no inflammation or irritation during and after the procedure.

    Men's intimate hair removal

    The procedure for removing hair in delicate places is in demand not only among the fair sex, but also among the stronger. Removing vegetation in an intimate area for men is different in that the hair in this area grows faster and has a dense structure.

    Hair removal of intimate areas for men is carried out using the same methods as for women. But since the stronger sex is prone to the fear of pain (especially in such a delicate place), in most cases preference is given to the old and proven method - shaving. But this gives rise to the following fear: the possibility of injuring the skin or getting irritated, after which your hands will constantly ask to go there.

    That's why, dear men, in order to make your intimate area clean and tidy, go to a beauty salon. Forget about embarrassment and discomfort, because for the master you are an ordinary client, and there is nothing terrible and certainly not shameful about it.

    Proper care of the intimate area after hair removal procedure

    How to do hair removal in the intimate area in the salon and at home is now clear, it remains to consider the last, no less important issue regarding proper care behind the skin field of the procedure for removing excess vegetation.

    To begin with, during the first days after the procedure, you need to provide the delicate area with special care, that is, use special gels. If pimples form on the skin after hair removal, treat them with calendula tincture or salicylic solution, but under no circumstances squeeze them out.

    And finally, do not forget to use caring and restorative products, and then you are guaranteed a wonderful result in the form of smooth and soft skin!

    Nowadays, bikini hair removal has become one of the most popular hygiene procedures for women and men. Hair removal in intimate places allows you not only to maintain ideal cleanliness, but also increases your own self-esteem, liberates your partners in bed and brings zest to your personal life. There are many ways to carry out hair removal and depilation in this area; such diversity allows everyone to choose the appropriate method based on its qualities and characteristics.

    The function of hair in the intimate area and the meaning of its removal

    Hairs in the intimate area perform a protective function. They retain heat and protect the genitals from the cold, and also represent a natural barrier that prevents the penetration of bacteria from the outside. At the same time, they trap particles of secretion from the person himself and create a pathogenic environment for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Based on this information, it is unrealistic to give a definite answer to the question of whether it is necessary to remove hair in intimate places.

    By conducting surveys of people for what purpose they perform bikini hair removal, the following results were revealed. About 50 percent of people consider this procedure hygienic and perform it to maintain beauty and cleanliness. Approximately one third of our fellow citizens undergo hair removal before going to the sea, and another 10 - 15 percent assume that this will make positive changes in their sex life.

    Intimate hair removal is divided into classic and deep bikini. In the first case, hair is removed along the line of underwear and on the pubic area, in the second, hair is removed completely, starting from the line along the underwear, pubis, and then the perineum and intergluteal space (in men, on the scrotum and at the base of the penis).

    Depilation with razor

    A popular and inexpensive method is to use a razor that cuts hairs on the surface of the skin. The machine can be used in any conditions, it allows you to quickly achieve visual results and lasts a long time. However, the very next day the hair begins to grow back in the form of prickly stubble, causing irritation and itching.

    Helpful advice - to avoid side effects, hair is shaved diagonally, and not according to the classic pattern against its growth.

    Depilation with cream

    This is special chemical composition, applied to the surface of the skin, softens the hairs, which can later be easily removed with a spatula. You can evaluate the result within 15 minutes after applying the cream; it lasts for 5 - 10 days. The cost of the procedure ranges from 100 to 400 rubles, depending on the type of composition purchased.

    Helpful advice - choose a cream specifically designed for treating the intimate area, and do an allergy test before using it. The product should not come into contact with mucous membranes.

    Waxing (wax epilation)

    The procedure involves hair removal using wax. It is applied to the skin and secured with a strip (bandage), which is jerked off along with the hairs. The main advantage of this method is the removal of hair along with the bulb, due to which it stops growing within 4 - 5 weeks. The cost of such a procedure in a salon is approximately 2,000 rubles, the cost of home procedures is 3–4 times less. The technique is quite painful and requires applying a local anesthetic to the skin. After the procedure, swelling and redness are often observed, side effects pass within a day.

    Helpful advice - it is better to do waxing of intimate places with warm wax, rather than hot or cold wax.

    Sugaring (sugar hair removal)

    A popular alternative to waxing, during which the skin is treated with a sugar-based mixture. After application, the composition is fixed with strips - bandages, which are then torn off against hair growth, removing them along with the bulb. As a result, the skin remains smooth for a month. Sugaring has a minimum of contraindications and complications, as well as low cost. You can carry out the procedure at home for less than 100 rubles; in the salon, the price of treating a deep bikini is 1,500 rubles.

    Brazilian hair removal acquired its name thanks to a team of women masters from Brazil who opened their beauty salon in 1987 in the USA and began to actively practice their method of hair removal.

    This term refers to deep hair removal: hairs are removed from the pubis, the inner thighs, the labia, and the intergluteal space. That is, the entire intimate area remains absolutely smooth.

    Features of bikini and deep bikini depilation

    Despite the fact that waxing is somewhat painful, the procedure solves the main problem - the presence of hair in unwanted areas.

    Plus - there is almost complete absence of irritation and ingrown hairs, so wax is good way remove hair from the bikini area for women who suffer from blocking pores with growing hair and do not want to repeat the procedure more than twice a month.

    Waxing (waxing) is a popular effective method to combat unwanted hair. This method is used mainly in salons. Self-depilation of the bikini area with wax is possible.

    Hair removal occurs in zones. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify how the bikini area differs from a deep bikini.

    • Classic or average depilation.
    • Most suitable for girls who have decided to undergo the procedure for the first time. Hair is removed only up to the underwear line and on the inner thighs. This is a less sensitive area. With minimal pain, you can maintain it for a long time well-groomed appearance, don't worry about irritation. The session usually takes no more than 30 minutes.

      Deep bikini depilation.

      The treatment is carried out on the pubic area that is hidden under the underwear, as well as on the inner thighs. In this area, the hairs are hard, so they require the use of thicker wax than with the classic method. The skin in this area is thin and delicate, so painful sensations significantly higher during the procedure. Variety deep method is a Brazilian bikini. It additionally covers the labia and anal area. This is the most painful method. It is recommended to choose it only after getting used to the first two types of depilation.

    The hair removal technique is similar in all cases.
    The length of the hairs should be at least 0.5 cm. Each time they become less rigid, thicker, the bulbs are weaker, so the pain also decreases.

    Using a spatula, warm wax is applied in a thin layer to a small area. A strip of fabric is glued on top, pressed well to the body, held for 10–15 seconds and torn off from the body with a sharp movement against the growth of the hairline. To avoid it being too painful, apply the product to a small area.

    When depilating with cold wax, it is more convenient to use ready-made strips. They simply separate, stick to the skin, then come off.

    Using hot wax in a delicate area is not recommended; the skin there is very sensitive and may cause burns.

    After the procedure, the epidermis is treated with an antiseptic, and after 15 minutes a soothing cream or cosmetic oil(olive, peach, sea buckthorn, almond).

    The effect of wax is quite long-lasting - hair will not grow for 25-30 days.
    Each of these methods of getting rid of vegetation has its pros and cons.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a classic bikini

    Its main advantages:

    suitable for shy girls;

    you can do it yourself at home using wax or sugar paste;

    speed – performed quickly.

    If we talk about the disadvantages, it is believed that classic depilation is decorative. The hair is not completely removed. The remaining hairs can become a source of unpleasant odor and become an environment for the development of pathogenic microflora.

      Advantages and disadvantages of a deep bikini

      The advantages of the method include:

      efficiency - complete removal hair in the delicate area ensures hygiene and comfort. You don’t have to think about choosing a swimsuit or underwear.

      achieving grooming, which is especially valued by men.

      performed different ways: wax, sugaring, photoepilation, laser and others.

        However, this method has significant disadvantages that scare off many women:

        Soreness (especially sensitive and soft skin near the labia, not everyone can tolerate hair removal in this area without pain relief).

        It is necessary to overcome shyness in order to be completely naked in front of a specialist.

        High price.

        It is impossible to do it efficiently at home. Cosmetologists recommend using only the hardware method.

        Ingrowth problem. You can get rid of it only by following the rules of skin care after hair removal and using special cosmetics.

          Preparing for bikini and deep bikini waxing

          Before you go for waxing, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications. If in doubt, you can be examined by a trichologist or dermatologist.

          A specialist cosmetologist will select the time of hair removal and the optimal method, a paste suitable for your skin type. First, you need to grow your hair to a length of 5 mm. If they are shorter, epilation will be painful, and some of them may remain. Too much short hair trimmed to the required length.

          Hot wax epilation is carried out after critical days, since sensitivity increases before menstruation. There is no need to use scrubs or peelings, steam the skin, or visit a solarium before the procedure.

          The skin is treated with an antibacterial spray or gel and, if necessary, numbed.

          Hair removal procedure in the salon

          You need to choose a salon with a positive reputation, where high-quality materials are used and experienced professionals work. A serious barrier to depilation of the bikini area is the client’s embarrassment. Such a visit can safely be equated to a visit to the doctor; do not forget that the cosmetologist is just doing his job, encountering dozens of patients every day.

          It is better to make an appointment in the first half of the day, at this time sensitivity is lower. To be on the safe side, you can take painkillers a few hours before. If cream or lotion has been applied to the intimate area, they must be wiped off for better adhesion of the material to the hairs.

          In a salon environment, the procedure is as follows:

          • The master will offer to sit comfortably on the cosmetology couch, to expose the area for hair removal; determine the limits of the intimate area where depilation needs to be performed.
          • The skin is degreased with lotion, wiped dry with napkins and treated with an anesthetic gel.
          • After maintaining the required time interval and waiting until the area loses sensitivity, apply preheated wax, distributing it evenly.
          • After time, the wax is removed with a cosmetic spatula, scraping off unwanted vegetation.
          • Use cosmetic wipes to get rid of waxy residue on the skin.
          • The area where intimate depilation was performed is treated with a soothing cream to avoid irritation.

          If hot wax is used, the material is heated in a wax melter, applied to the body with a spatula, and held until it hardens. The wax is applied according to the growth of the hairs, and is torn off against the growth.

          If it seems that the wax is hot, you should definitely tell the master, he will lower the temperature of the wax melter.

          Bandage strips are applied to the wax or torn off by hand. The master must wear gloves; all tools are disposable. The remaining single hairs are removed with tweezers.

          Depending on the thickness of the hair and the client’s feelings, the duration of the procedure is from 20 to 40 minutes. Finally, a soothing gel is applied. The price depends on the skill level of the master and the prestige of the salon, ranging from $6-10.

          Which wax is best to use for depilation at home?

          There are several types of hair removal using wax.

    1. Cold wax. Do quick hair removal Waxing of the bikini area is possible thanks to the use of special strips that are applied to the intimate area, smoothed, and removed with a sharp movement against the growth direction. This approach to eliminating vegetation is relevant for women with sparse hair. The cold method will not be effective on tough, dense vegetation.
    2. Hot wax used more often within the salon. The procedure requires a special heating device - a wax melter. At home, it can be replaced with a microwave oven or water bath. The mixture is applied with a spatula, and after hardening it is abruptly torn off. The procedure is high-quality, but at home it may carry some risk. The fact is that wax is for intimate depilation needs to be heated to high temperature– it’s difficult to calculate correctly – you can cause a burn.
    3. Warm waxalternative way for people with sensitive skin. Suitable for deep epilation of the bikini area. The advantage is that the hairs grow back thin and soft. It is better to work with warm wax after a shower, after wiping the skin dry.
    4. Bikini waxing– a variation of this procedure: wax is applied to the surface of the skin with hairs on it. For thorough distribution, use a spatula or roller specially designed for this purpose. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, rubber can be added to the paste.

    Depilation of the bikini area is usually a somewhat traumatic process. After all, to remove the hair shaft from the root means to inflict a microscopic wound, so after the procedure you have to treat irritated skin, apply a soothing cream and not expose it to ultraviolet radiation on the beach or in a solarium.

    Wax does not clog pores, which is also one of its advantages, and waxing itself allows you to slow down the growth of new hairs.
    One jar of wax will last for a long time, so there is no point in saving. Poor quality composition can lead to allergic reactions, irritation.

    Bikini hair removal at home

    Epilation of the intimate area at home is less comfortable due to the hard-to-reach area. With experience, the discomfort will become less and less. For a home session, you will only need a large mirror; otherwise, the procedure is no different from a salon session. A specialist can react correctly to unforeseen circumstances (for example, hairs are not removed the first time, irritation has spread).

    Inexperience sometimes affects the result of the procedure. Therefore, it is better to entrust serious action professional cosmetologist, especially if you plan to use hot wax. Salon master high level service, gives detailed advice, and after the procedure will definitely offer cosmetics for the bikini area, which will slow down hair growth.

    Stages of waxing at home:

    1. The wax is heating up.
    2. An antiseptic is applied to the treated area.
    3. After talc.
    4. Then wax.
    5. The material comes off abruptly.
    6. The skin is processed.

    You should use a scrub every week to prevent ingrown hairs. If they do grow in and lead to inflammation, a cosmetologist can remove them with a needle.

    A day before the procedure, you should avoid a hot bath, steam bath, or sauna. You should not visit these places for 24 hours after the procedure.

    Depilation of such a hard-to-reach area at home is done in parts. A strip that is too thick can cause severe pain and damage the skin.

    Suitable wax for the bikini area

    ABOUT the best wax for the bikini area and the choice for home use - only a specialist can tell you. He will take into account your skin type, take an interest in the characteristics of hair growth, its character: long, fluffy or bristly, short - this factor also determines the result of the action.

    Skin care after waxing

    After the procedure, a gel or spray is applied to the skin, which soothes the skin and prevents ingrown hairs. You should have this product at home and apply it daily after a shower. After 3-5 days, use a harder washcloth, scrub or peeling.

    Synthetic underwear should be replaced with cotton. If the red spots do not go away within a day, the skin can be treated pharmacy cream Boro Plus or Rescuer. The product has healing and restorative properties.


    Before waxing, women need to consider the phase menstrual cycle– if you decide to have the procedure a week before the onset of your period, you will be able to avoid skin irritation.

    The following conditions are contraindications:

    • high body temperature;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • neoplasms of an oncological nature;
    • high blood pressure is also a limiting factor for performing the procedure, since epilation of the intimate area is an exciting process;
    • panic attacks, nervousness, irritability;
    • diabetes;
    • formations on the skin;
    • injured skin;
    • inflammation, fungus, ulcers;
    • pregnancy;
    • allergy to resins;
    • too short or long hair in the proposed area;
    • early period after surgery.

    Possible negative consequences

    Usually the procedure is easily tolerated. Complications can arise when choosing low-quality wax, incorrect hair removal technique, or when hair has not grown back enough.

    If the material is overheated, burns, irritation or redness are possible. If the hair is not removed correctly and the rules of skin care are not followed, the follicles may change their position and the hair will grow in.

    Frequently asked questions and answers

    Is it painful to wax your intimate area?

    The sensations depend on the individual pain threshold and menstrual cycle. Each time the procedure will be more tolerable. Sensitivity – important aspect, since it is precisely because of the pain that some refuse this method, preferring traditional wet shaving. But the degree of sensitivity depends on the length of the hair shaft: for example, it is better to grow hair up to 6 mm for depilation with hot wax, and 3–5 mm if cold paraffin is used.

    Do I need pain relief when bikini waxing?

    The first time it is better to take a painkiller orally. Pain may intensify due to internal fear and emotional discomfort.

    How long does it take for hair to appear after bikini waxing?

    The effect lasts for at least 3 weeks, in some cases up to 5 weeks.

    Does the skin in the bikini area deteriorate from this procedure?

    If you neglect care procedures, the skin may become rougher and flake. Regular scrubbing will prevent epidermis from accumulating and will make the skin soft and elastic. When removing unwanted vegetation, you need to understand that after a certain period of time the procedure will have to be repeated - after bikini waxing, you need to visit the specialist again after 3 weeks.

    Removing unwanted hairs in the groin area is one of the components of feminine intimate hygiene. Despite the prevalence of hardware methods for removing hair from intimate places and not only, most ladies prefer to remove unwanted hair on one's own. All home methods of getting rid of hair refer to depilation, which involves the destruction of only the visible part of the “vegetation”.

    Shaving the bikini area is considered the easiest and cheapest way to care for the skin of intimate areas. For this purpose they are used razors, equipped with a specific set of blades and moisturizing strips that ensure the blades glide gently over the skin. To protect yourself from cuts and abrasions, it is recommended to shave only after taking a shower or bath. You also need to use shaving gel or foam.

    If the hairs are long, it is recommended to shorten them with a trimmer or scissors. After applying the foam (gel), you can begin to remove hairs: all movements with the razor should be carried out according to the growth of the hairs. After each movement, the blades should be rinsed with cold water. After completing the procedure, wash off the remaining foam (gel) from the skin and gently blot the intimate area with a towel. To prevent irritation, it is recommended to apply a little soothing cream or oil to the skin.

    Shaving, despite its popularity, has the following disadvantages:

    • short-term results;
    • Frequent shaving provokes the appearance of unaesthetic stubble;
    • shaving does not allow deep depilation of delicate areas, as it threatens cuts and abrasions;
    • Frequent use of a razor provokes skin pigmentation.

    Chemical depilation

    On sale you can find special cosmetical tools, which are intended for depilation at home. The depilatory cream acts gently, and at the same time effectively and quickly. These products contain chemical components that dissolve keratin, thereby destroying hairs. However, depilation of the bikini area with cream does not allow you to get rid of hair follicles, which is why the effect of depilation cannot be called long-lasting.

    Advantages of depilation with cream:

    • absence of pain and microtraumas;
    • minimum duration of depilation;
    • cheapness;
    • ease of implementation.
    • possible allergy to the cream;
    • hairs grow back within 5-7 days;
    • impossibility of performing Brazilian depilation, since contact of the cream with the mucous membrane of the genital organs is unacceptable.

    To obtain desired result, you should use the depilator correctly, in accordance with the instructions. A day before the procedure, it is recommended to treat the skin of the bikini area with a delicate scrub. This approach will prevent hairs from growing into the skin.

    Before depilation, it is advisable to take a warm shower. If the hairs are too long and thick, they can be cut to simplify chemical depilation. Before applying the cream to large areas of the skin, you need to perform an allergy test: a minimum portion of the cream is applied to the skin of the forearm and washed off with water after a few minutes. If after 10 minutes a rash, blisters or redness appears on the skin, you should avoid depilating with cream.

    Rules for using depilatory cream:

    1. The product is applied in a thin layer to the bikini line and pubis.
    2. After a few minutes, the cream is removed with a spatula against hair growth.
    3. Remains of the depilator are washed off in the shower.
    4. After depilation, you can apply a little oil and cream to the skin to slow down hair growth.

    The depilator should not be applied to scars, wounds, nevi, pustules and warts.

    Waxing and sugaring

    Waxing of intimate areas is done with cold or warm (hot) wax. Cold depilation is an application wax strips industrial production. Using such products is not difficult: before sticking to the hairs, the strip is heated in the palms, after which it is attached to the “vegetation” with the waxy side and after a few seconds the strip is sharply torn off from the skin in the direction of hair growth. This method is suitable for performing a classic bikini (hair removal only along the line of underwear).

    Warm (hot) waxing requires special skill, including otherwise You may get a skin burn. Do waxing recommended for hairs longer than 3 millimeters, because wax will not be able to capture shorter hair. Before waxing, it is recommended to perform peeling of intimate areas, since exfoliation of dead skin particles helps to “expose” each hair. Progress of waxing:

    1. The skin from which hairs will be removed is disinfected with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide, and then treated with talcum powder.
    2. Melted wax is applied with a spatula in the direction of hair growth. Then the master sticks a paper or fabric strip onto the wax and removes it from the skin with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth. If epilation is performed for the first time, there may be protrusion at the site of the removed hair. insignificant amount blood, but you shouldn't be afraid of that. On the second day, the micro-wounds heal on their own. With each procedure, the pain will not be as severe, since the hairs after waxing will not grow as thick and dense.
    3. Remains of wax are removed with napkins, and the skin of the intimate area is disinfected.

    After waxing, the intimate area is in perfect condition for more than 3 weeks. Pros of waxing:

    • reasonable price;
    • possibility of holding at home;
    • hairs stop growing rapidly.

    However, wax hair removal has several disadvantages:

    • soreness;
    • the possibility of an allergy to wax;
    • the need to wear unaesthetic hairs a couple of days before the procedure;
    • increased likelihood of ingrown hairs;
    • hairs may break off against the skin during the removal process.

    Waxing should not be done during pregnancy, as well as diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation, dermatitis, exacerbation of herpes and varicose veins veins of the genital organs.

    Sugaring of intimate areas is not much different from waxing, but this method still has its own characteristics. To perform the procedure, homemade or industrially produced sugar paste is used. The composition of this paste is quite simple: sugar, lemon juice and water. This paste not only removes hair, but also provides gentle peeling of the skin during depilation, thereby reducing the likelihood of ingrown hairs into the skin. Sugaring can be done on hairs as small as 1 millimeter.

    Sugaring technology:

    1. The skin of intimate places is disinfected and talc is applied to it.
    2. A small piece of paste is heated in the palms and evenly glued onto the hairs with your hands or a spatula against the hair growth. After 30 seconds, you need to pick up the edge of the sugar cake with your fingers and sharply tear it off along the growth of the hairs.
    3. The remaining paste is removed from the skin, and after depilation, a soothing agent is applied to the treated areas.

    Effect of sugar hair removal lasts for about a month. Many girls prefer sugaring, as it has the following advantages:

    • versatility;
    • combination of depilation and peeling;
    • minimal risk of allergy to sugar paste;
    • the ability to prepare paste and perform the procedure at home.
    • sugaring takes a lot of time;
    • pain during the first sessions.

    Contraindications for sugaring are similar to waxing.

    It is worth noting that none of the described methods allows you to get rid of body hair. If you want to remove hair permanently, it is recommended to resort to hardware hair removal techniques. To do good choice techniques, you should consult a cosmetologist.

    Several ways to do depilation in intimate places. The basic means for depilation and the technology of hair removal with wax and sugar paste.


    Depilation is the removal of part of the hair that is located above the skin. Accordingly, this concept can only include shaving and removing unwanted hair with special chemicals, destroying hair protein (cream). Nowadays, depilation is often referred to as removal with wax, sugar paste and using special devices.

    Types of intimate depilation

    There are several types of depilation performed in intimate places. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

    Deep bikini

    Removing unwanted hair in the deep bikini area means completely getting rid of hair in the pubic area and labia. Typically, such manipulation is performed using combined methods or just one. The easiest way is to shave off the fur, but in the corners and on the inner thighs the hair becomes very coarse and thick after shaving. Therefore, it is better to do hair removal in the deep bikini area using sugaring or wax. It is worth considering that such procedures allow you to get rid of hair for 2 weeks, but they are very painful. Many girls, after removing a piece of hair with wax or sugar paste, do not have the courage to complete the procedure.

    Depilation in the bikini area

    In this case, hair is removed only in the corners and on the inside of the thigh. In this case, the area of ​​the anus and labia remains covered with vegetation. Many girls prefer this type of hair removal. There is no need to remove panties during the procedure. Simply put, what peeks out from regular slips is removed.

    Brazilian depilation

    This type of vegetation removal is considered the most merciless. Accordingly, there is no hair left anywhere. During the procedure, “fur” is removed both between the buttocks and in the perineal area. If desired, clients can leave a “lunar path” - a thin strip covering the entrance to the vagina. Usually this type of depilation is combined with tattooing or drawings with special paints.

    Methods of intimate depilation

    For depilation you can use various means and tools, from a traditional razor to sugar mass.

    Depilatory cream for intimate areas

    These are depilatory products that contain a component that destroys hair protein. Therefore, 10 minutes after application, all vegetation is removed along with the cream using a spatula. The bulb remains untouched.

    Now there are many formulations from different manufacturers on sale, but they are all approximately the same in composition. Pay attention to the designation “for sensitive skin”; this cream can be applied to the face and labia. If you have pimples or cuts in your bikini area, you should not use a depilatory product, otherwise you may cause an abscess or infection.

    Waxing in intimate areas

    Film, hot, cold and Brazilian waxes can be selected for this procedure. Nowadays film wax is considered one of the most popular. It belongs to the hot compositions, but has all the advantages of warm wax. When applied to the hair, the substance covers it with a thin film, tightly gluing it together. Then all that remains is to sharply remove the strip. For film wax, you do not need to use napkins or strips; it is very flexible and durable, so it does not tear when removed with hairs.

    Hot wax is most often used in beauty salons, since at home it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature of the mixture and prevent it from overheating. In salons, special devices are used for this - wax melters. At home, you need to use a thermometer or also purchase a wax melter.

    Most often, cold and warm wax are used at home. It is not necessary to have any special equipment for the procedure. Warm wax melts at a temperature of 45°C. Using a special spatula, the mixture is applied to the hair and, after hardening, torn off. For this type of wax, paper or fabric strips are used.

    The easiest way to do depilation at home is with cold wax. It is sold already applied to strips. You just need to glue the strip along the hairline and rip in the opposite direction. This procedure is one of the most painful, since the skin is not steamed, and the wax sticks not only to the hair, but also to it.

    Hot wax is often called Brazilian wax, since it can be used to remove “fur” from all corners of intimate places. Accordingly, it is very painful to remove wax from sensitive areas. You can reduce pain by warming up the skin and expanding the pores. This is done using hot wax. It consists of natural oils and distillation fractions of petroleum products. Melts at a temperature of 60°C.

    Sugar depilation of intimate areas

    This is one of the most affordable and simple ways do hair removal at home. To do this you will spend a minimum of money. All you need is a little patience and practice.

    To prepare the pasta you need:

    • 200 g sugar;
    • 3 tablespoons water;
    • juice of half a lemon.
    Pour sugar into a saucepan and add liquid ingredients. Heat the mixture over low heat until you get a liquid paste. Constantly stir the contents of the pan. You want the mixture to become amber in color and smell like caramel. Turn off the heat and leave the mixture until it cools to a warm state. As it cools, the mixture becomes thicker, so don’t miss the moment when you can handle the paste with your hands without getting burned. It is best to apply the paste along the hairline and pluck in the opposite direction.

    Among the advantages of the procedure are low price and ease of implementation. Of course, if this is your first time doing sugaring in the bikini area, you may feel pain. After several procedures, the pain will disappear.

    Shaving as a method of intimate depilation

    The easiest, fastest and cheapest way to remove hair in the bikini area. Rarely used for Brazilian and deep bikinis. Usually, a razor is used to remove hair in the corners, that is, in the classic bikini area.

    Body care after intimate depilation

    How to use cream after depilation in intimate places

    These are substances with natural oils, which reduce irritation after hair removal. Many people consider such cosmetics to be a waste of money, but in fact, with their help you can moisturize your skin and relieve itching and redness. To reduce skin injury during depilation, use creams with substances that slow down hair growth. Such cosmetics are produced by Avon, Oriflame and Johnson.

    How to relieve irritation after intimate depilation

    This is a completely normal skin reaction to depilation. After all, during the procedure, the upper layers of the epidermis are removed.

    To reduce irritation, you must follow some rules:

    1. Rinse off the depilatory cream with cool water.
    2. Before removing hair, cleanse and exfoliate your skin.
    3. After the procedure, apply a special moisturizer.
    4. Do not apply hair removal products to irritated or damaged skin.

    Skin care after depilation of intimate areas

    After shaving or waxing, it is necessary to wipe the skin with antibacterial agents. Many women use aftershave lotion, but if you sensitive skin, this can cause redness and burning. It's best to wipe skin covering hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. After the antibacterial drug has dried, lubricate the bikini area with baby cream. It is not recommended to use talc as it can clog pores and cause ingrown hairs.

    For details of preparing sugar mass for sugaring, watch the video:

    Don't save money on beauty and health! The bikini area is very sensitive, so to reduce the likelihood of irritation and microtrauma, use our recommendations.
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