• Party in the style of the 80s competitions. Party in Retro style: script, music, design and competitions


    In the past, as usual, the grass was greener, the ice cream tasted better, and the country was united, great and powerful... The past does not return, but you can briefly plunge into the special atmosphere of the past during a party organized in the style of the USSR.

    Time Soviet Union are still vivid in the memories of not-yet-elderly people, while young people will happily immerse themselves in the romance of past decades.

    Former times, as a rule, are remembered only for good things, and these memories are worth reviving. The attributes and special spirit of the Soviet Union, recreated for the duration of the celebration, is not just a theme party, but, one might say, a kind of “reconstruction”. Let nostalgia for the “good old days” bloom in full bloom, the connection between generations be strengthened and a good and bright mood simply reign!

    What and where can be noted in the style of the USSR?

    USSR-style will be appropriate for any celebration:

    • name day of those born in the Soviet Union;
    • company party on the occasion of February 23, May 1, March 8;
    • New Year's party;
    • corporate celebration, for example, a company anniversary;
    • alumni meeting;
    • professional holiday (Builder, Metallurgist or Accountant Day);
    • and, of course, on anniversaries, starting from the new five-year anniversary in the life of the family and ending memorable dates in the life of any person for whom the abbreviation “USSR” carries a special meaning.

    Almost any room can be adapted for a celebration. It is quite acceptable to organize a party in an apartment, it is not that difficult and will not require large expenses, we will tell you how to do it as simply and efficiently as possible. An office space is also suitable for this.

    If you are planning a cafe or restaurant, you will be closer to the revitalized era if you choose those located in buildings from the 70s-80s, but you can easily add uniqueness to any interior yourself. A great option is a summer playground or a celebration in the lap of nature: you can recreate the atmosphere of a pioneer camp or cleanup event!

    We invite guests

    The very first thing you need to do when preparing for any holiday is to make and present invitations. After all, at a themed party, a dress code is required, and guests will need time to prepare a costume. Therefore, it is better if they are aware of the time, place and theme of the holiday 1-2 weeks in advance.

    Of course, the style of the celebration should be reflected in the invitation. Let's give a few hints interesting options its design:

    1. Soviet postcard. Many people still have elements of their children's collections in their homes. Write the invitation text with an ink pen or imitate a typewriter font.
    2. Telegram form. The sample can also be found on the Internet. Another option is to print the letters on yellowish paper like wrapping paper, cut them out in the form of ribbons and stick them inside postcards (this is how congratulatory telegrams came to the USSR).
    3. Party card. One of the most respected documents of that era. Presenting such a document at the entrance - what could be more prestigious! Except that mandate of a deputy of the Supreme Council.
    4. Certificate. Giving such an invitation to the “Guest of Honor” or the “Excellent Party Member” will be fun and unusual.
    5. Poster. Soviet posters are a very recognizable attribute of the era, so it’s worth finding a suitable example on the Internet and reducing it to a postcard format. And if in Photoshop you insert a photo of your guest in place of the hero depicted on the poster, then he will keep your invitation as a souvenir and will proudly show it to his friends!
    6. Soviet invitation card. It was possible to get to the most interesting events in the USSR only by personal invitation. So make a ticket like this: use the color red, the coat of arms of the USSR, images in a recognizable style (the same postcards will serve as examples), sweeping painting and a government seal.

    When formulating the text, remember the expressions of a bygone era: “Dear comrade (name)! We invite you to take part in the ceremonial meeting on the occasion of (specify the occasion). The dress code is formal. Please arrive promptly. Committee of organizers of the solemn holiday."

    70 years, so different...

    The era of the USSR lasted 70 years, which included several different times, distinguished by their originality: for example, NEP, the time of dudes, the post-war industrial boom, the 80s with their famous Olympics, etc. Of course, you can choose to celebrate a specific era with all its features and subtleties. This will be especially appropriate when celebrating an anniversary, in order to remind the birthday person of the times of his youth or childhood.

    Or you can avoid delving into the intricacies of historical reconstruction and create a cheerful festive “mix”, which will simply be called “USSR style”, in which case it will be easier for the owner to choose attributes, and for the guests - costumes.

    What might be needed to organize such a holiday? Go through the attic of your grandmother's house, the mezzanine of an old closet, visit former school: suddenly, somewhere in the closet there are still decommissioned pioneer belongings and outdated maps of the country that changed its borders.

    You may find it useful:

    • old Soviet newspapers and magazines;
    • toys of that time - dolls, cars, bears, bunnies;
    • glass bottles for kefir and Soviet champagne;
    • labels, wrappers, pictures, etc.;
    • Soviet money or its imitation;
    • any pioneer attributes - tie, armband, bugle, drum, pennant;
    • retro things: a lamp with a lampshade, a decanter with cut glasses, a gramophone or record receiver, a cassette or reel-to-reel tape recorder, an abacus.

    Welcome! Wipe your feet

    In order to transform the room and give it a resemblance to the chosen era, first decide what exactly it will depict: a party meeting hall, a Soviet apartment, or maybe a working canteen for Komsomol members who explored virgin lands? This is not mandatory; you can simply adhere to the general style trends and decorate the room in a festive way, but in accordance with the theme.

    At the entrance put a rug with a thoughtful inscription “Wipe your feet”, and hang a “Wardrobe” sign on the hanger (and the numbers that you give out to guests can be used for drawing forfeits).

    Table. The main color of the holiday will, of course, be red, but be careful not to overdo it, because in large quantities this color builds tension. A red tablecloth can be used to cover a large table; tablecloths with fringes are also suitable. Place a vase of wildflowers and a water decanter with glasses on each table.

    Walls Posters must be decorated: after all, at that time not a single room could do without them. Choose bright ones that are appropriate in meaning: for example, “Man is a friend, comrade and brother to man,” “I have friends everywhere,” etc.

    You can play with Photoshop and transform them a little. You can also hang printed portraits of party and government members or famous singers and film artists on the walls. A banner made of red fabric with white letters with some slogan suitable for the occasion will look beautiful; “Peace to the World” will be universal. A map of the USSR with the coats of arms of all union republics will immediately add a “thematic” feel.

    "Hall of Fame" will gather guests around for a long time, because it will contain their photographs (preferably black and white) with flattering individual signatures, for example, “Production Leader”, “Excellent Activist”, “Mentor and Teacher”, “Chief Leader”, “Noble Grain Grower” ", "Hero of Labor".

    Other accessories.Everything that you can find to add color to the room should take its appropriate place. Place a stack of newspapers on the coffee table: surely one of the guests will want to take a break from the general bustle and leaf through Literary Gazette or Collective Farm Woman. You can also put a lotto set and a chessboard there.

    Place a lamp with a shade on your nightstand or hang it above your desk. Place Soviet dolls and bears on the back of the sofa. Hang a grocery bag with a can of sprat in tomato, green peas and a bottle of lemonade or Zhigulevsky on each chair - you can give them to guests as souvenirs. Don’t forget about the red banner - place it on a stand in the center of the room or in the “red corner”.

    Watch this video where the hostess of the celebration shows how she decorated the room for a party in the style of the USSR.

    If you are registering New Year's celebration, look for glass toys for the Christmas tree or make decorations yourself, and for the top you just need a red star.

    Festive set or why there was everything on the table that was not in stores

    You can approach the issue from two sides: serve popular dishes of the Soviet era, or stylize and decorate any modern treats. Both ways are good in their own way, both will create the necessary atmosphere at the table.

    If you choose the first path, then place on the table:

    • Olivier salad;
    • herring under a fur coat;
    • jellied fish;
    • boiled potatoes with dill;
    • dishes with sliced ​​cervelat;
    • pickled cucumbers;
    • canned fish salad;
    • sprats, sprat in tomato;
    • processed cheese "Druzhba";
    • sandwiches with squash caviar (if the table is set “richly”, then you can have red and black, just don’t spread it over a slice, but put it in a small mound);
    • the Kiev's cutlets.

    For dessert, the cakes “Bird's Milk”, “Log”, “Fairy Tale”, cakes “Korzinochki”, “Eclairs” or “Tubules with Protein Cream”, chocolate “Alenka” are suitable.

    For drinks - lemonade in glass bottles (look for the brands "Buratino" or "Duchess"), homemade compote or juice in three-liter jars, for alcohol - "Soviet champagne", vodka "Russian" or "Stolichnaya", five-star cognac, you can put for lovers of a bottle of fruit and berry wine. If you don’t find any rarities, print and re-glue the labels.

    Any familiar dishes will become in keeping with the style if you serve them in an original way, for example, by cutting out decorative red stars from tomatoes to decorate sandwiches or by placing a scarlet banner from tomatoes on top of a salad. bell pepper on a toothpick. Or you can download the flags, cut them and secure them on toothpicks or skewers..

    If you prefer a buffet format, decorate it in the style of a Soviet buffet; it is advisable to have a chubby barmaid in a white headdress behind the counter.

    Who to be? Choosing an image

    Of course, for such a holiday you need to reincarnate yourself. We have already agreed that it is not necessary to strictly adhere to one exact time for choosing a suit. During the Soviet era, there were many recognizable images and colorful characters that can be embodied as a model.

    The owner of the house or the leader. This role is the main one, so the image of a party leader (you can choose a specific person!) or the host of some important event (such as Comrade Ogurtsov from “Carnival Night”) would be appropriate. For a woman, the image of a counselor, teacher, or Komsomol athlete is suitable.

    Images of guests. Use your imagination or simply ask older relatives and ask them to lend you things that were popular at that time.

    Depending on the chosen image, you can become:

    • dude: pipe trousers or bell-bottoms and bright jackets for men, fluffy dresses polka dots for girls.
    • schoolboy or schoolgirl. The famous brown dress with an apron for girls (white bows and socks are a must!), white shirt with blue or black trousers for boys.
    • pioneer (pioneer). The pioneer uniform, unlike the school uniform, had a blue bottom and a white top, and, of course, a pioneer tie; you can complement the suit with a cap and an armband;
    • workers and collective farmers. Proletarians came to the holidays dressed up, in light shirts (you can roll up the sleeves), sometimes in jackets with leather patches on the elbows. The trousers may well be a little short. Work overalls are, of course, colorful, but it’s up to you to decide whether they are appropriate for a holiday. A girl needs a blouse with a flower or polka dots, a plain six-piece skirt and a bright scarf tied under her braids.
    • Komsomol member/Komsomol member. Leather jacket for both sexes, for women a red skirt and scarf. A Komsomol badge is required.
    • fashionable student of the late 80s– girls are mastering colored leggings (“dolchiki”), and boys are working their magic in the kitchen, making homemade “varenki”, because where does the money for “branded jeans” come from for poor students?
    • athlete. Suit for men: in those days, most were fond of sports, so they could often be found in a tracksuit (on the way to training or back), many wore blue “sweatpants” from Adidas at home.
    • Soviet citizens. Here the scope for imagination is simply immense. For inspiration, watch again Soviet films where the heroes are celebrating something: the same “Carnival Night”, “Sorcerers”, “Enjoy Your Bath”, “This Merry Planet” and others. You will have fun and gain ideas!

    For girls, in addition to the suit, hair and makeup are of great importance.

    For the looks of young pioneers and schoolgirls, ponytails or braids with bows are suitable. The peak of fashion was the “palm” - a high ponytail decorated with several elastic bands at once. As Soviet girls grew up, they had perms, and bouffant hairstyles were also very popular among them. Bright makeup with clear black arrows on the eyelids, well-blackened eyelashes and blush on the cheekbones is appropriate for the holiday.

    Meeting with guests

    It’s better that guests get into the festive atmosphere right from the doorstep. Let the owner or hostess meet them already in character. You can organize a “registration” of guests: a signature in a special “registration book”, which by the end of the evening will turn into a “book of wishes”.

    If a guest fails to comply with the dress code, a stern Komsomol member can reprimand him: “Comrade, you are out of shape!” and offer to choose for yourself one of the pre-prepared accessories for careless guests (a scarlet armband with the inscription “Duzhinnik” or “Duty Officer”, a pioneer tie, a cap, a badge, etc.).

    The holiday can begin with a solemn speech by the host. Make it according to the model of the Soviet speeches, but just don’t drag it out. It’s worth looking on the Internet for samples of speeches of state leaders and stocking up on “tasty” quotes like “The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, with a feeling of deep joy, inform the party and the entire Soviet people...” In general, “You are on the right road comrades!

    Here again we recall the principle that we decided to adhere to at the beginning: we mix both the original amusements of that era and modern competitions, adapted and stylized to the chosen theme.

    How did Soviet people have fun when they got together for the holidays?

    • sang with a guitar;
    • played charades, burime or “typography” - games related to words, because it was not for nothing that the inhabitants of the USSR were considered the most reading nation;
    • danced to a tape recorder;
    • participated in various competitions invented by mass entertainers (that was the name of the animators).

    You can modernize these entertainments a little, and also add to them other games and competitions, colored with the appropriate surroundings.

    For winning competitions, give the winners incentive prizes-souvenirs (magnets with USSR symbols, pencils, notepads, etc.) Or you can give a Soviet banknote or coin (or its imitation) as a prize, and at the end of the evening hold an auction where lots goods of the USSR will serve: a can of sprat in a tomato sauce, a roll of scarce toilet paper, magazine “Rabotnitsa”, etc.

    We offer you several options that will help push your imagination and quickly and easily resolve the issue of the holiday program.

    Karaoke - a win-win entertainment, which is usually to the taste of most guests. Select a repertoire from your parents’ favorite films: “The Adventures of Electronics”, “Jolly Guys”, “ Love affair at work", etc. If you want to really have fun, use the musical motifs of popular Soviet cartoons: "The Bremen Town Musicians", "On the Road with the Clouds", "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat". Or you can pay tribute to the pioneer past and perform “Soar with fires, blue nights” or “Our locomotive, fly forward.”

    For example:

    I am a piece of the banner
    Scarlet three ends,
    Once you put it on, carry me,
    Don't lose face! (Pioneer tie).

    Handbag in a hole
    In general, decent
    Very convenient, environmentally friendly! (String bag).

    You will find this blue cabinet everywhere.
    If you need fresh water,
    Throw in a penny and drink your own water,
    Well, in three he’ll pour cream soda too! (Soda water machine).


    For smart audiences, you can set interesting questions about the USSR:

    • How many republics were there in the USSR? (15). And in 1924? (6)
    • Whose name did the pioneer organization bear before it became Lenin's? (Spartak).
    • What was the name of the Soviet Sunday morning program for children? ("Alarm").
    • What about a daily radio program for schoolchildren? (Pioneer Dawn").
    • What could you buy in the USSR for 1 kopeck? (A box of matches, a glass of soda, 2 envelopes without stamps, a simple pencil, a sheet of paper, a metal pen for writing, 1 cigarette, a sewing needle, a piece of chalk, a very simple notebook, paper bookmark for books...)

    The quiz can be supplemented with a competition for knowledge of Soviet advertising. Questions and answers can be viewed.


    “Competition is the creativity of the masses,” as the great leader said. Various competitions, especially socialist ones, were very popular among Soviet people.

    So organize a competition on any topic you like:

    • who can tie a pioneer tie faster (you can do it for yourself, or you can do it for a friend!);
    • who remembers more catch phrases from Soviet films (if you think about it for a long time, you’re out, there’s only one winner!);
    • who can solve the Rubik's Cube or the Snake Cube faster (if you find enough props);
    • who can better make a cap for a construction brigade from a sheet of Pravda;
    • relay race “collect a string bag”, etc.!

    Who said that?

    • “You can, of course, teach a hare to smoke! But, in principle, nothing is impossible. For a person. With Intelligence! - secretary Verochka from “Office Romance”.
    • “At 40, life is just beginning. Now I know that for sure!” - the main character of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.”
    • “I demand the continuation of the banquet! – Ivan Bunsha (“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”).
    • “What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is!” – Hippolyte (“Enjoy your bath”).
    • “I feel sorry for the bird!” – Shurik, “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”
    • I can go on for a long time...

    Nostalgia for prices or who remembers how much sausage cost 2.20?

    The presenter shows the product, and the participants try to guess how much it cost in Soviet time. Whose option turns out to be closer to the truth gets the product!

    • Pie with cabbage, potatoes, onion and egg – 4 kopecks.
    • Cake “Potato” – 22 kopecks.
    • Baby soap – 14 kopecks.
    • Balloon – 3 kopecks.
    • Cologne “Russian Forest” – 1 rub. 20 kopecks

    If you find other items, Soviet prices for them can always be checked on the Internet.

    New life for old abbreviations

    Give the participants cards with Soviet abbreviations written on them. Offer to come up with a new decoding of them related to the hero of the occasion, for example, CPSU - Handsome guy Seryoga Super, VDNKh - Friends met and we feel good.

    Ready-made set of abbreviations: CPSU, Komsomol, VDNKh, TASS, DOSAAF, GTO, CMEA, VChK, RSDLP, All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, MTS, Red Army.

    Outdoor games

    They are best held for a younger audience, especially if the meeting format is “open air”. So, Soviet girls loved jump ropes and rubber bands: it’s worth remembering and trying “both running, and on the spot, and with both feet together!”

    Mobile relay races will add to the fun, for example, “collecting waste paper” - while the music is playing, you need to pick up as many newspapers (pre-scattered) as possible; the music has stopped - tie them up in a bundle and run to the “reception point”! Whose pack is heavier? Who is first?

    Disco or "dancing"?

    In the USSR, both options were used, and this, of course, is an integral part of the party. Let the guests dance to the tunes of VIA “Zemlyane”, “Verasy”, “Pesnyary”, to the early songs of Pugacheva and Rotaru. Compositions of “Tender May”, “Combination”, “Secret”, “Bravo” and other disco will add sweet retro nostalgia to the evening.

    A fitting end to the party

    To make the ending worthy of the whole holiday, think about it in advance. After dancing, when the guests are quite tired from all the entertainment, they need something calm, peaceful, summing up the evening. Maybe each guest will make an entry in the book of “Complaints and Suggestions” (remember, at the beginning of the evening it was the “Registration Book”?) A final ceremonial speech by the host or host of the party would be appropriate. It will be interesting to present gifts at the end of the evening, for example, pre-prepared pennants with comic inscriptions“Drummer of dance work”, “Excellence in competitions”, “For the most original hairstyle– forward to new achievements!” etc.

    If the celebration takes place outdoors, a pioneer bonfire will be a great finale.

    Parties in the style of the USSR are gaining popularity, because any past is fraught with inexplicable attractiveness and romance. Please yourself and your guests, because prepare for such a party, thanks to our detailed recommendations, it won't be difficult at all!

    If you haven't yet decided which idea to go with, then the video below will convince you that a USSR-themed party is a great idea!

    It’s not for nothing that they say that the new is the well-forgotten old. Today, many people remember with sadness the past eighties. And the music that the generation of the 80s worshiped is now again finding a second life in the performance of young musicians. If you want to relive the romantic atmosphere of a past life, throw an 80s themed party. An enterprise can organize a corporate party in the style of the 80s: despite the fact that you have people working for you different ages, everyone will enjoy having fun at a disco party.

    First of all, send out invitation cards to all your guests, which can be made in the form of period postcards or movie tickets. Be sure to decorate the room: hang a mirrored disco ball, garlands, and flags, which was especially fashionable in those years. All this paraphernalia can be bought or ordered in the online store. Decorate the walls with posters of the legendary idols of that time: Madonna, Michael Jackson and others. Clippings and posts from old magazines will do. And if there is a soda machine somewhere, it will be another reminder of that era.

    There are many companies involved in organizing holidays and parties. At your request, they will provide the script, the host of the evening, and even their own sound equipment. Sometimes a company may offer to arrange more serious entertainment: fireworks or a laser show. However, you can organize such a party yourself. Think in advance about the exclusive scenario of your holiday in the style of the 80s and the costumes of the guests. Songs that were popular 30 years ago will evoke nostalgia among the older generation, while young boys and girls will happily party to the sounds of ABBA or the fiery Lambada.

    80s style outfits

    In order for the upcoming party to be successful, you need to prepare for it in advance. This is especially true when choosing outfits. For women, fashionable outfits this decade included a variety of flounced skirts and colorful leggings worn with an 80s-style tunic or T-shirt dress. All jackets and blouses had to have wide shoulders. Gloves with cut off fingers are still popular now, so girls will be interested in showing off in such outfits.

    Important place in women's attire costume jewelry always occupies. In the eighties, buying something worthwhile in a store was a great success. Therefore, jewelry at that time was most often made of plastic: bright hoop earrings, voluminous clip-on earrings, large beads.

    Men from the times of stagnation wore boiled banana jeans, black turtlenecks or bright shirts. The look was necessarily complemented with a belt and bracelet.

    Hairstyles in the style of the 80s include voluminous backcombing and perms.

    80's disco

    Popular music of that time had two directions: songs of Tsoi, Shatunov, DDT groups, Aquarium on the one hand, and foreign pop music represented by Moden Talkin, “Bone-M”, Dr. Alban on the other hand. Music that sounded thirty years ago still has many fans today. Find an old cassette recorder with these recordings and have a fiery disco evening in the style of the 80s.

    80s style competitions

    Karaoke had not yet been invented in the eighties, but everyone loved to sing at holidays. So, organize a competition at your 80s-style party: who can perform the best hit or correctly guess the melody that was popular at that time. Games of “Fanta” or “Ring” were also popular in that decade. Everyone will definitely enjoy the best dressed competition.

    Come up with each of the guests small gifts, which can be given as a gift for participating in competitions. These can be small souvenirs: a pen, a small calendar, etc.

    A well-organized little excursion into the past - a party in the style of the 80s - will leave you with the most pleasant and unforgettable impressions.

    Exit of the presenters.

    Good evening, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you today to the New Year's Eve party!

    New Year- the most fun, bright and joyful holiday! Both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way...

    Do you know that before the New Year a sociological survey was conducted on the topic “Where do Russians celebrate the New Year?”

    And where is?

    — To the question “where do Russians celebrate the New Year,” the following answers were received:
    Under the Christmas tree – 8%
    Under the table – 20%
    With mayonnaise – 32%
    Under the thumb of the wife – 17%
    Under the supervision of law enforcement agencies - 23%

    You and I, dear friends, are lucky because we are celebrating the New Year at the Cuba nightclub at the Blue Light in the style of the 70s!

    Dear friends, we invite you (despite the fact that 2008 is just around the corner) to plunge into the atmosphere of the 70s and remember everything that you associate with this “golden” time. We'll arrange an auction.
    (explains the rules of the auction)
    The winner receives a “present” from the 70s.

    Competition - auction
    "Nostalgic Moment"

    Presentation of a gift to the winner
    (bottle of Zhigulevskoe beer)

    By the way, dear friends, you compiled the announcement of our New Year’s Eve “Blue Light of the 70s” with amazing accuracy.

    Competition "Battle for Lemon":

    Dear friends, we offer you to celebrate with honor Old year Pigs - do a little brainstorming and earn what you didn’t manage to earn in the past year.

    It's no secret that the best reward for work is money, and for work of thought it should be big money. Let's say a million. Or, as they say now, “lemon.”

    - But since we have “Blue Light in the style of the 70s”, then the lemons will also only be those that could have been in those years. Each correct answer is worth one lemon.

    (The presenters ask a question to which there are several possible answers. This game is more about speed of reaction.)

    1. “What song does Myagkov perform in the film “The Irony of Fate...”:
    A). "If you don't have money.."
    B). “If you don’t have a mother-in-law...”
    IN). "If you don't have an aunt..."
    G). "If you have nothing at all..."

    2. What is the name of the New Year's television concert:
    A). Red lantern
    B). Yellow lightning
    IN). Black ember
    G). Blue light

    3.What comes after the New Year:
    A). hangover
    B). dirty dishes
    IN). Amnesia
    G). 1st of January

    4. Who melted at the stake in the famous Russian fairy tale:
    A). pay
    B). The Snow Queen
    IN). Snow Maiden
    G). Snowman

    5. What phrase is most often said during New Year celebrations:
    A). "Do you respect me?"
    B). "Where I am?"
    IN). "Everybody dance!"
    G). "Happy New Year!"

    6. The most New Year's drink:
    A). brine
    B). champagne
    IN). Ruff
    G). "Rastishka"

    7. One of Eldar Ryazanov’s films is called:
    A). "Phase Shift"
    B). "Roadside Picnic"
    IN). "Zigzag of luck"
    G). "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

    8. What is the favorite holiday of Russians?
    A). Bastille Day
    B). Friday
    IN). Centenary of the birth of Budyonny's horse
    G). New Year!

    9. What do you call summing up at the end of the year at work?
    A). Annual report
    B). Last straw
    IN). Terror that flies on the wings of the night
    G). Last Stand

    10. In the most famous New Year's song there are these words:
    A). “I don’t know what to do with this trouble”
    B). "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"
    IN). “And the little clock laughs - tick-tock”
    G). "My bunny, I'm your bunny"

    11. What is traditionally placed under the Christmas tree?
    A). Empty bottles
    B). Overflowing guests
    IN). Present
    G). Skis

    Summarizing. The one who receives the most lemons is declared the First Honorary Millionaire of the 70s.
    (+ you can organize a competition “Eating Lemons at Speed”)

    TOAST for seeing off the old year:
    Tired old year!
    You've been with us too long!
    We will remember you now
    And we take you to the gate.
    Take the trouble with you
    And sadness and loss,
    So that we don't have them
    In the coming year!
    Happy New Year! With new happiness!

    - without whom not a single New Year is complete - Without Santa Claus.

    Well, so, do you want Santa Claus to come? No problem. You don't even need magic words here. All you need is your great desire! Let's call him together!

    Guests call Santa Claus 3 times.
    The appearance of Santa Claus.

    Oh, hello, good people! Have they already called me, or are these hallucinations from last year? I still hear in my ears: “Santa Claus! Father Frost!"

    D.M. communicates with guests, asks what year 2008 is eastern calendar(yellow pig)

    The presenters invite everyone who was born in the year of the Rat (1996, 1984, 1972,1960, 1948, 1936, 1924, 1912...) to stand up, raise their glasses and shout in turn: “Happy New Year!...”, “Happy new happiness!” .
    And all together: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!"

    Elections of the Snow Maiden:

    - Dear friends! Did it seem to me or, in fact, is there something missing from our holiday?

    - Let's check. Are there any guests? Eat.
    The table is set? Covered.
    Music plays? Playing.
    Is Santa Claus present? Present.
    Where is the Snow Maiden?

    That’s right, that’s what we miss about the Snow Maiden. And where can you get the Real Snow Maiden on New Year’s Day? You do not know? No? And I know. Now together we will choose the best of all possible Snow Maidens among the women present at the festival.

    “For this we will need contenders for the title of “Miss Snow Maiden 2008.”

    (Women are called from the audience).

    — Dear participants, we invite you to present to the public the best outfit of the “Winter 2007-2008” season. Moreover, the outfit should consist of items of the favorite color of all Snow Maidens - blue.

    1 Competition “Winter outfit”:

    (Several contenders for the title of Snow Maiden must collect and wear, hold in their hands, etc., as many blue objects as possible).

    Dear friends! We are starting... no, not KVN, but the most grandiose show in the world - the New Year's show of the new collection!

    Chic fashion show “Blue Light”.

    Ladies and Gentlemen. We have a difficult task ahead of us. With the help of applause, choose “The Bluest (in the literal sense of the word) Snow Maiden 2008”!

    Based on applause, the bluest (in the literal sense of the word) participant is selected and awarded the title of Snow Maiden.
    The Snow Maiden is wearing a tiara on her head.
    Toast from the Snow Maiden.
    Option 2: “Advertisement in the newspaper: “Ladies and gentlemen! Make the New Year unforgettable for your children, invite Santa Claus to your place!”
    P.S. Gentlemen, do not deprive yourself of pleasure this evening - invite the Snow Maiden to your place.”

    1. “Flares” (dancing in shorts with a twist and shake) and striptease of the 70s
    2. “Hippie” (who can place the most cigarettes on their head or in their hair)
    3. “Letka-enka” (like “Lambada”)
    4. “Mouse King” (fatten with balls)
    5. “Longest X”
    6. Getters (“The Diamond Arm”)

    Where to start to have a fun ending?!

    An 80s-style party is a great script idea for any occasion: be it a birthday, New Year, graduation or a regular meeting of best friends! The main thing is that it is crazy, funny and memorable. long years! How to arrange it? Easily! We do this with pleasure and from the heart!

    We start with invitations. We create a positive, colorful and friendly invitation to in electronic format or print it on paper. We indicate the place, date and time of the festive event! We celebrate the style of the party and warn about the upcoming dress code! We do it fun and with a sense of humor! We send it by mail, hand it over directly, share it on social networks or send it electronically. Doesn't matter! The main thing is that the recipient receives it, smiles and arrives!

    We will organize the party organizers. Let's gather a group of optimists, although one perky companion with a bunch of crazy fun ideas will also do! We discuss, share ideas, prepare a script together.

    Downloading 80s music. We download such music that even the most modest “nerd” will start dancing. It is advisable to take into account the age and preferences of the company. We focus on the periods of those years. In the early 80s, ABBA and Boney M were at their peak, and in the middle were the Italian pop stars Celentano and Toto Cutunier. During the same period, Sandra, CC Cache and Arabesque, Modern Talking and Bad Boys Blue, etc. were popular. Let’s not forget about the Soviet pop stars: everyone’s favorite Yura Shatunov, the Mirage group, Yuri Antonov, Minaev, Pugacheva and others. We search on the Internet, go through old discs, you can visit a music store, it doesn’t matter. The main criterion is compliance with the style of the holiday - music of the 80s. Cheerful, positive, danceable!

    We buy supplies for the party. The attributes for an 80s-style party can be anything that will lift your spirits, make the photo bright, and save someone who came without “makeup.” It could be funny glasses, funny hats, bright ties with inscriptions, crazy standing wigs, suspenders from dad's closet. In general, take whatever makes you smile - it won’t be too much! You can stop by the holiday supply store to buy garlands, flags and confetti. Another option: decorate the room with vinyl records or photographs of friends from their nostalgic times, as well as posters of your favorite 80s stars from old magazines. Another important attribute of the evening is a mirror disco ball. You can make it yourself by easily finding manufacturing instructions on the Internet. Color music will immerse you in the atmosphere of disco times. A cassette recorder will add color to the holiday! Even better if it plays music :)

    We dress in the style of the eighties.The outfit may vary. At least come in tights and with a string bag. The main thing is that it should be in accordance with that wonderful era! Well, but seriously, representatives of the 80s era preferred flashiness and brightness in clothes, too narrow and too wide cuts, as well as short length, glitter of sequins and rhinestones. Girls' clothing should contain a challenge to the whole world and obsessive sexuality: miniskirts, bodysuits, leggings, leggings, fishnet tights, shoulder pads, sweaters bat, banana trousers. Shoes: sneakers, pumps and sneakers.

    N drinks and snacks from the past. Party food is also required creativity. It is better to replace sandwiches with red fish with sandwiches with sprats or doctor's sausage, and serve Olivier instead of Caesar. Dumplings with sour cream, fried chicken, homemade cutlets, shuboy herring and mimosa, lightly salted cucumbers and pickled mushrooms - that’s what was on the table in an ordinary Soviet family for the New Year or birthday. It will also be relevant to have soda or compote in a huge pan or jars. And of course, you can’t do without Soviet champagne, Zhigulevskoye beer and Stolichnaya. For dessert, Napoleon cake, eclairs, Potato cake, puff tongues, Alenka chocolate and Eskimo ice cream. Beautiful tablecloths, bright napkins and colored straws will make the treat more appetizing.

    We are writing a party script in the style of the 80s.

    The main criterion is lightness and ease. These can be interesting and funny forfeits, competitions, sweepstakes, lotteries, or simple funny questions! Do this taking into account the holiday habits and preferences of your group. We prepare prizes in advance: pennants, chewing gum, toffees, calendars with Olympic symbols. Everything that is associated with that era.

    Funny and humorous questions about how much food and things cost at that time will relieve guests and mentally immerse them in time of shortage. By the way, the guess the melody game will come in handy. Do It good selection favorite songs of the 80s. You can organize a competition for the best party look, the participants will walk down the catwalk and receive a storm of applause!

    A disco marathon or dancing on a newspaper will reveal the talents of the guests and give them the opportunity to express themselves in the spirit of that time! Choosing the king and queen of the disco evening or (as an option) Miss and Mister USSR will be the perfect ending to your positive program.

    In general, more positivity, more colors and the party will be remembered by everyone for a long time! Good luck, good mood and positive emotions!



    Several more different competitions and draft scripts.

    A competition in which men must solve a Rubik's cube is also popular, but the girls from among the guests act as the cube. The man’s task is to dress his “cube” in one color, and the task is complicated by the fact that when trying to get rid of one piece of clothing, another part of it may fall off.

    Definitely passes and dance competition, and the “Guess the Hit” game, where, based on several parts of a song from the 80s, guests must guess who performs the composition. To the winner who guessed right greatest number compositions, a CD with songs is awarded.

    Pioneer chant
    Who walks together in a row?
    Our pioneer squad!
    Strong, brave. Dexterous, skillful.
    You walk, don’t lag behind,
    Sing the song loudly.
    Who goes? We are going!
    Who sings? We sing!
    Who walks together in a row?
    - Our pioneer squad!
    Friendly, cheerful, we are always right there
    - Leninist pioneers, Leninists are coming!
    Be ready always ready!
    Be healthy - always healthy!
    We are great guys, Leninist pioneers!
    We are loud, we are curly,
    We don't need peace of mind.
    We are romantics, we are dreamers,
    Pioneer combat detachment.
    One-two! Three four! Three four! One-two!
    Who walks together in a row?
    This is a change of Komsomol, our pioneer detachment!
    Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward, and only everyone together!
    One two. Three four! Three four One two!
    Who walks together in a row?
    Our pioneer squad.
    Who's tired? Don't get tired!
    Who's behind? Keep,
    Mood at 5,
    Follow all laws
    Let's sing a song.
    Whose guys are these?
    Daring Octobers
    Strong and brave!
    Dexterous, skillful!
    Red red star
    We are Ilyich's grandchildren.
    Standard bearer, raise the banner higher, raise the banner higher.
    Sing, sing our song, sing our song!

    COMPETITIONS: "Total Recall"
    To determine which team responds first, you can use a bell: whoever presses faster, that team is responsible; for a false start, the turn goes to the opposing team.
    The host names a word that denotes a modern object, and the guests quickly come up with and name a Soviet analogue, perhaps with humor, playing out the analogy in an interesting way. For each successfully selected analogue - one toffee. So you can score a lot of toffees in this competition.

    a) DVD player - VCR or filmoscope

    b) Parmesan - processed cheese "Druzhba"

    c) MP3 player - bobinnik

    d) Coca-Cola - lemonade "Buratino" or "Citro"

    e) CD - gramophone record

    e) Shrek - crocodile Gena

    g) Laptop - calculator, typewriter or game "Electronics"

    g) ATM - savings bank

    h) Dolphin on skis - Olympic bear

    i) Colgate paste - tooth powder

    j) Barbie is a baby

    k) Cosmopolitan magazine - “Working Woman” or “Peasant Woman”

    l) Angelina Jolie - Sophia Loren (or, for example, Anastasia Vertinskaya)

    m) Pokemon Pikachu - the hare from Well, wait a minute

    "Soviet space: pioneers".
    The bottom line is this: Your task is to discover a new planet, plant the Soviet flag on it and populate it with Soviet people. Our planets will be in the form of balls, and we will populate people using a marker. So, all the guys just inflate the balloons, and the girls put people on it, drawing as many simple figures as possible, depicting people. But time is strictly limited. The squad that populates will win more people. You have three minutes to do everything.
    The presenters distribute balls according to the number of guys and markers according to the number of girls. The competition begins and ends with the music “And we don’t dream about the roar of the cosmodrome.” The winning team will receive three toffees.

    « Soviet Army: Red Star"
    Now you will have the opportunity to earn yourself a red star. We need three brave participants who will cut stars out of these apples. We have three nominations: “The Biggest Star”, “The Fastest”, “Jewelry Work” (the neatest and beautiful star). The winner in each category will be awarded two toffees. Participants are called to a table prepared especially for this competition. The rest support their participants.

    You can make a game 80's style crocodile. That is, show excerpts from famous Soviet films with actions. And the guests guess.

    “I poured it, drank it, ate it.”The competition involves an odd number of participants. The first player runs to a chair on which there is a bottle of vodka (wine, beer), a glass (glass), a snack, pours the contents of the bottle into the glass, and returns to the team. The second player runs up to a chair, drinks, and returns to the team. The third player runs up to the chair, has a snack, and returns. The fourth pours, the fifth drinks, the sixth has a snack. And so on until the liquid in the bottle runs out. If you don’t want the relay to drag on, place an incomplete bottle.

    It is imperative to reward the winners of the game with products available in the eighties: either caramel or gingerbread.


    After the guests sat down at the tables for the second time, ate hot food, and wanted to dance. At the disco, use music that was popular in the eighties and nineties. Sometimes include modern compositions.

    Musical competition.

    Competition for the best dancer: lambada, macarena, letka-enka, rock and roll.

    "The Longest Train"

    The head of the two locomotives is the birthday boy and one of the relatives (wife, children). During the dance, they gather themselves “cars” - guests, moving to the beat of the music, holding each other by the belt.


    At the end of the evening, you can make a fire (prepare firewood in advance). Sing tourist songs from your youth with your guests. It would be good if there was a guitar available and someone could play along. After a few songs, it's time for a birthday cake with candles. The hero of the day makes a wish, puts out the candles, and the guests chant “Congratulations!” Tea should be served with the cake.

    Scenario 4
    The beginning is admission to the Pioneers (they are given ties and caps from newspapers for everyone, October stars are attached with a pin to the chest).
    First, let's line up! The oath of the “pioneers” is something funny like “we will drink and have fun.”

    Competition 1 “Fifth Nutrition”. Quickly eating a bun and drinking kefir
    Competition 2 “Cabbage”. Karaoke - sheets with songs are given, a dramatization of the song should be prepared.
    Competition 3 “Royal Night / Body Art”. 1 participant each Body art on the belly with toothpaste. Each team member completes something. As a result, they describe the resulting picture. Props: 2 bottles of toothpaste, water, towel (for rinsing).
    Quiz competition. Questions for the teams one by one.
    Adiki - Adidas sneakers,
    Kross - Sneakers, mostly foreign-made (Poland, Czech Republic, East Germany, and, of course, Adidas).
    Elastic bands - Short, tight skirts.
    Alaska - Fashionable in the 80s, a bologna jacket with fur on the hood.
    Soap dishes - Rubber sandals.
    Bolted - Jeans with buttons, especially prestigious in those days - Levi's 501.
    Palmochka- Women's hairstyle. The hair was gathered into a ponytail at the crown of the head, secured with a colored elastic band(s), then fluffed out in the shape of a palm tree.
    Cheburashki - Soviet-made jeans.
    Violet - (no matter)
    Diskach - (Disco.)
    Laces are parents.
    Shoes - shoes.
    "Funny Pictures" - children's magazine
    "Murzilka" - children's magazine
    Rhodope - cigarettes
    Turbo - chewing gum
    Bicycle shorts - short, tight pants.
    Hoodie - outfit for punks
    Baubles - beaded bracelets, hand laces.
    Kapor - women's headdress-hood (fluffy angora).
    Kuku-ruku - waffles with stickers
    Varenki (jeans that were specially boiled in bleach)
    Zuko, Yuppii, Invite - dry drinks
    High ponytails held in place with a dozen colored elastic bands were fashionable. So the competition can be held on men with elastic bands and tufts. For participation in game program give guests pennants with different titles, for example, food activist for eating buns -). And the theme with haberdashery is interesting: while dancing, guests pass a bag with clothes and accessories in the style of the 80s, the music has ended - whoever has the bag takes out and puts on whatever they find. And so on. And be sure to set up a photo studio with Soviet-era outfits.

    Scenario 5

    At the entrance, we will attach a red ribbon to each guest's chest.
    PREPARE: red ribbons.
    Before sitting down at the table, you can arrange for rations to be issued using coupons :)
    PREPARE: printed coupons.
    (The “Pioneer” song is turned on), with it in the background
    We, the pioneers, are the children of our country!
    There is no one happier than us in the world.
    To be with you again today,

    Their whole life serves as an example for their children.
    Both the October soldiers and the pioneers.
    I will continue to follow their example,
    I came to congratulate the heroes of the day!
    I came to the holiday to learn from the elders,
    How should you drink so as not to get completely drunk?
    How should you eat to keep your figure?
    I came to congratulate the heroes of the day!
    I am a pioneer of the Soviet country.
    Everyone is in love with you, heroes of the day.
    I can't find better friends -
    I came to congratulate you today!
    I say without despondency or laziness:
    I don't know about generational conflict.
    You, heroes of the day, are always good,
    I must take an example from you!
    Let the blue nights fly like fires!
    We, the pioneers, “want a glass.”
    It's high time for us adults to pour:
    After all, I came to congratulate the heroes of the day!

    (The hero of the day pours a drink for the “pioneer woman.”)

    Accept, in your prime,
    Our warm rainbow greetings
    And, without hiding our feelings,
    We will raise our cups for you!

    And now we will hold a solemn ceremony of entry into the pioneers of OUR BIRTHDAY BOYS

    Dear birthday people! Please accept our congratulations,
    And instructions for life.
    Promise not to get sick
    Getting younger every year
    Don't be sad and don't be bored,
    Every day is easy to meet.
    Be ready!

    Birthday boys: Always ready!

    Do physical exercises
    And in the garden digging in the beds,
    Don't forget about friends
    Invite me to visit you more often.
    Be ready!
    Birthday boys: Always ready!

    (Drum roll, I tie a tie for the birthday boy).

    This intellectual game is also carried out right at the table. The host hands out paper sheets with Soviet abbreviations to the guests. First, he asks the guests to decipher them, and then gives the task to come up with a new decoding - so that it will certainly be associated with the hero of the day. At the end, you can vote to determine the coolest decoding of the Soviet abbreviation in a new way.
    CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)
    GTO (ready for work and defense)
    DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy)
    Komsomol (All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League)
    BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline)
    TASS (telegraph agency of the Soviet Union)
    HPP (hydroelectric power station)
    GOELRO (state commission for electrification of Russia)
    MTS (machine and tractor station)
    PGT (urban-type settlement)
    ASSR (autonomous Soviet socialist republic)
    SRI (research institute)

    Example of a new decryption: The hero of the day is Nikolai. Decoding the abbreviation CPSU: “Kolya is the sexiest guy!”

    Competition "Soviet Breakfast"

    for 1 kopeck? Blitz survey "What could you buy in the 80s" for 1 kopeck? A glass of sparkling water without syrup, matches

    2) 2 kopecks - call from a machine
    1) 3 kopecks gas water with syrup, notebook
    2) 4kop - the most erotic question is a condom
    3) 5 kopecks per bun, travel on public transport
    4) 10 kopecks - milk ice cream, haircut
    5) 22 kopecks - cake, popsicle in chocolate
    6) 30 kopeck lottery ticket
    7) 56 kopecks cost a dollar
    8) 96 kopecks
    9) -wine -autumn garden
    10) 1 rub. 50 kopecks - application to the registry office
    11) 2 rub. 82 kopecks - a bottle of vodka
    12) 120 rubles - salary for an engineer
    13) 5000-"Zhiguli"
    14) 10000 - "Volga"

    15000 get 15 years with confiscation

    Toys in the USSR, even if everyone had the same ones, were dear to the heart.
    Remember - the tumbler, the doll Masha and...
    What toys did you have???
    And we have a spinning top toy.
    Unwind the spinning top.
    Who has it longer?
    Spin - win.


    1. Previously an accountant, and now a financial director...
    2.manager - merchandiser (senior salesman)
    3.designer - artist (designer)
    4.makeup artist - make-up artist
    5.stylist - hairdresser
    6. assistant - secretary
    7.teacher tutor - counselor
    8.marketer - packer
    9. art director - artistic director
    10.creative director - chairman of the trade union committee
    11.President - General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee
    12. mayor of the city - chairman of the city council

    So that the holiday does not turn into a boring feast, diluted in best case scenario songs and jokes, you need to come up with a theme for it. Theme parties Recently it has become quite a popular phenomenon among both young people and adults. For those who love history and want to plunge into the relatively recent past, we can offer you a party in the style of the 80s.

    Room decoration

    First of all, for a theme evening, you need to decorate the room. First, you should remove from it (as far as possible) all modern things. And those that cannot be removed are better hidden. For registration use:

    • a large mirror ball in the center under the ceiling (you can cut unnecessary CDs into pieces and paste them over an old globe or ball),
    • posters with stars of those times on the walls,
    • glowing garlands (color music),
    • cassette recorder (it should be placed on a shelf to create the necessary ambiance),
    • record player (it’s very good if it’s in working order: then you can play music on it),
    • vinyl records (or use them for their intended purpose, or simply decorate the walls with them).

    Some people find old black and white photos and decorate the room with them, or they specially “age” photographs of invited guests on the computer and hang them on the walls. These photos can be an excellent keepsake for guests.


    It is imperative to warn all guests about the theme of the event: the clothing of all invitees and hosts of the evening must correspond to the time. How to dress for women:

    • on feet - pumps without heels or low heels, ballet shoes, sneakers;
    • leggings or leggings, fishnet tights;
    • clothes must have large shoulder pads, raglan or batwing sleeves (most often these are voluminous jackets, leather jackets or dresses);
    • Miniskirts are also a symbol of the era, but they can be replaced with banana pants.

    The general trend looks like this: bright colors(blue, pink, fuchsia, etc.); animal prints, large checks; makeup should be somewhat vulgar (although no one thought so then) with a lot of bright shadows and pearlescent lipstick; in general, as much shine as possible. Hairstyle: permed or simply backcombed.

    Men should look for the following things:

    • shirts in sporty style with a pointed collar;
    • bright turtlenecks with a light jacket;
    • blouse shirts that are tucked into trousers;
    • banana trousers or boiled jeans;
    • on your feet - sneakers or sneakers.

    Many men then wore mustaches and long hair(some - with perm), therefore, if there is an opportunity and desire to fully comply with the spirit of the times, then you can risk letting go of the “vegetation”.


    Food should be as simple as possible. Back then, at least on the territory of the USSR, it was difficult to get any gourmet products, so dishes were prepared from what was available in stores:

    • sandwiches made of black bread with pickled cucumber, a piece of egg and sprats,
    • sliced ​​boiled and smoked sausage,
    • salad “Herring under a fur coat” and “Winter”,
    • squash caviar,
    • fried chicken,
    • homemade Napoleon or Sour cream cake, etc.

    Particular attention should be paid to drinks. At that time, they put “Soviet champagne” on the table (it can be found in stores to this day), Pepsi-Cola, homemade fruit drinks, port wine, and vodka. Cocktails were often prepared based on all this. To prevent them from being boring, you can add liqueur to the ingredients.


    Last but not least, you should take care of the musical accompaniment: Soviet pop songs are used as background music (you can choose anything, just make sure that the compositions do not include those that appeared in the 90s and later), for dancing - disco.

    Games and competitions for the holiday should be related to the 80s or simply need to stylize modern entertainment.

    “Come on, girls!”

    A program called “Come on, girls!” appeared on television at the end of the last century. It is quite possible to arrange something similar at a party. Competitions will be held only among representatives of the fairer sex. They need to be given several tasks:

    • Peel the potatoes for a while (neatness is also assessed);
    • dance to music chosen by the presenter;
    • talk about some landmark - it’s better to take a landmark of the city where the girl lives or grew up;
    • make one for yourself stylish outfit from the proposed items of clothing (the most unexpected things are put in the box, from work mittens to fins).

    For each test, the girls are awarded points; they are nominated by the spectators (men) using secret voting. The one who scores wins greatest number points. As a prize, a memorable prize is awarded: a keychain, a notebook, a book.


    For the 80s, of course, the 80s are memorable because the Olympic Games were held in Moscow, so guests can be invited to compete in various sports categories. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to organize pole vaulting or a 100-meter race in a small city apartment, but you can and should play with the theme:

    • if there is a horizontal bar, compete to see who can do the most pull-ups;
    • arrange long jumps in a spacious corridor or large room;
    • who can pack into a sleeping bag faster (game for time, so you will need a stopwatch).

    A competition for best performance dance called "Lambada". To make it more fun, the music for it is not the most suitable, for example, Russian folk tunes.


    The quiz on knowledge of the 80s is most often carried out among adults who were already born at that time and were far from babies. However, it will be even more interesting if young people take part in the quiz. What questions are asked?

    1. What do you do with a pencil and a cassette tape? Answer: put the cassette on a pencil and rewind the film.
    2. What do you do with sugar, water and a comb? Answer: sugar is diluted in water, a comb is dipped into it and styled.
    3. How much did a can of condensed milk (a carton of milk, green peas, etc.) cost in the mid-80s?
    4. What kind of performer? You need to turn on the music and ask the guests to guess who is performing it.
    5. Name the films that were released at that time. The one who names the most films wins.
    Questions for the quiz must be thought up in advance and the guests must be warned (written in the party invitation) that such a competition is planned: let them complete “ homework"and prepare properly for the holiday.

    You definitely need to take pictures. If possible, it is better to shoot on film, but even if this doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter. On a computer, you can color correct frames and print stylized photographs.

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