• Gold ring "Save and Preserve": how to wear, meaning. The meaning of the ring “Save and preserve Orthodox ring save and preserve to wear


    Misfortune, various adversities, as well as moments of true happiness accompany a person’s life every day. The power of faith in the best encourages people to create various amulets, but do they work?

    The “Save and Preserve” ring is the bearer of the strongest prayer, which means it has the power to preserve and protect not the human shell - the body, but something more - the human soul.

    The “Save and Preserve” ring is a Christian amulet that has its own wearing rules and signs that are worth studying before putting the ring on your finger.

    There are many signs, predictions, and superstitions associated with wearing or not wearing symbols of faith by a Christian. There is nothing wrong with any of the paths a person chooses. The main thing is faith within - in the heart, devotion to God and observance of all his commandments.

    A pectoral cross, rings, icons are just a reminder, an additional image, with the help of which it is easier for a person to materialize what he believes in. And only true faith can fill these things with the power that people write about.

    Silver ring “Save and Preserve”.

    The ring itself can be made in several versions:

    • the prayer can be written inside the ring;
    • or the words may be engraved on the outside of it.

    Is it possible to wear a “Save and Preserve” ring?

    There are people who are concerned about the question: is it possible to wear the “Save and Preserve” ring every day without taking it off, others are concerned about wearing the ring as an engagement ring, and still others are interested in when exactly can the ring be worn?

    There are no clear rules for wearing of this ring. You can wear it without taking it off, like a talisman, or you can put it on when going to church. This is the choice of each individual person, made according to his faith.

    “Save and Save” wedding rings, can “Save and Save” rings be wedding rings?

    Despite all the superstitions, neither the church nor public services cannot require a specific type of ring. Because there are no standards. therefore, you can safely choose the “Save and Preserve” ring as an engagement ring.

    People believe that “Save and Preserve” rings can help protect a young family from evil tongues and help overcome all difficulties.

    According to signs, a damaged ring is a harbinger of imminent failure. Therefore, it is recommended to replace it, but you should behave quite carefully in the near future. As for wedding rings, it is recommended to change both. Even if only one was damaged. You should not throw away rings or perform dubious rituals. It is enough to give them to church, or donate them to charity (if the rings are made of precious metal).

    Church rings “Save and Preserve”, the essence

    The “Save and Preserve” ring itself can hardly be called a talisman. This is a decoration on which the words of a short main prayer are engraved. To put it simply, the words on the ring completely repeat the prayer from the pectoral cross. And, if the latter happens to be not worn by a person, then the ring is often worn without taking it off.

    The essence of the “Save and Preserve” ring is not to save the human body. Its essence lies in the salvation of the soul by reminding a person of faith in God, in His strength and might.

    The “Save and Preserve” ring changes color, why

    By wearing the “Save and Preserve” chameleon ring on your finger, you can not only find out about the state of the soul and body of its owner, but also in some cases predict something bad. This feature of the ring makes it unique, as it helps prevent the worst consequences.

    But many people associate the change in color of a ring made of precious metals with a threat to the life of its owner. But don’t despair, maybe the ring just needs to be cleaned.

    The “Save and Save” ring burst, good or bad

    The Christian faith came to Rus' to replace paganism. No matter how hard the Church tried to get rid of pagan signs and rituals, faith in some was still firmly entrenched among the people.

    For example, no matter how much the clergy repeat that nothing bad awaits the owner of a broken ring, there is an opinion among the people that this is unfortunate. At the same time, it is worth noting that people have found a way out of this situation. It is believed that a broken ring wards off bad luck from its owner. In this way, the man bought off the grief that awaited him with his property.

    How to wear the “Save and Preserve” ring correctly

    Regarding the rules for wearing rings, it is worth noting that they can be worn on any finger. However, the church insists that this ring should not be worn on ring finger hands in the event that it is not wedding.

    Also, due to the fact that the ring carries the main prayer, it is necessary to wear it so that the words are addressed to the wearer, and not vice versa.

    Gold ring “Save and Save”, silver ring “Save and Save”: which is better?

    The abundance of jewelry and materials allows you to choose a ring to suit every taste: gold, silver, gilding, wood, metal, precious stone.

    It is believed that there is no difference in what exactly it is made of

    Where is the best place to buy a “Save and Preserve” ring?

    The “Save and Preserve” ring is an attribute of the Christian faith. It is not intended to show your status, condition, or religion. Its goal is to preserve human spirituality and loyalty to God.

    Therefore, many clergy emphasize the importance of purchasing a product from the church. Although, they do not rule out the possibility of purchasing a ring in a jewelry store, or one made to order.

    The meaning of the color of the ring “Save and Preserve”

    The “Save and Preserve” chameleon ring is especially popular among young people, and also as a gift for a loved one, since the ring signals an upcoming problem by changing color.

    The designations are no different from a regular ring that changes color:

    1. The blue color of the jewelry speaks of the inner harmony of its owner.
    2. Speaks of calm and balance green color rings.
    3. The color yellow indicates feelings of anger.
    4. The brown color may indicate that a person needs the support of loved ones.
    5. The black color of the ring indicates a depressed state or depression.
    6. Amber - oh important choice which the wearer of the ring cannot do.
    7. The gray color indicates the approaching state of black. This means a person is on the verge of an angry outburst.
    8. The color purple speaks of love affairs, pleasant feelings, or pleasure.
    9. Red color is a banner of experienced passion, love, and sometimes anger.
    10. Orange color means that a person is on the verge of important event, and therefore experiences a certain nervousness.

    Why do you dream about the “Save and Preserve” ring?

    Seeing a ring in a dream can interpret the relationship of the sleeping person with loved ones or lovers. Also, the ring often interprets partnerships, unions, or alliances.

    A golden ring can predict immediate success, a successful deal, wealth, or the fulfillment of a wish. But silver often speaks of certain successes in work, achieving certain successes, and career advancement.

    Receiving a ring in a dream means that your significant other may be planning to propose marriage. And here is the ring given business partner means the mandatory success of this relationship, or a successful upcoming deal.

    Lose wedding ring in a dream can speak of lost love between spouses, a broken ring can indicate that the relationship between spouses has cooled, or a breakup is approaching.

    If the ring darkens in a dream, this may indicate that the person has ceased to value what he has. But a rusty ring dreams of a damaged relationship. A dirty ring can be a sign of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one.

    The “Save and Preserve” ring turned black: why?

    According to folk superstitions, a blackened ring is a harbinger of something bad. However, the negativity does not concern the owner’s personal life. Rather, misfortune can affect a person’s health.

    • you shouldn’t fix something you haven’t been taught;
    • do not get involved in disputes and fights;
    • you should protect yourself from weather disasters;
    • devote Special attention your physical and psychological state.

    Does the “Save and Save” ring save?

    Having understood the meaning of the “Save and Preserve” ring, it is worth thinking about what exactly the ring itself saves from, and does it even have power?

    A person may believe that the “Save and Preserve” ring is a talisman, may believe that it is just another souvenir for tourists, just another decoration, or additional income for the Church. However, one thing remains obvious - the power of the ring lies in its true purpose. Looking at it by will, or simply on a subconscious level, a person reads the cherished prayer words, saving his sinful soul, preparing it for the highest destiny that the Lord God has prepared for everyone.

    When a person just begins to go to an Orthodox church, it can be difficult for him to understand both the meaning of the service and the numerous church paraphernalia. Every church has a shop where many items are sold - books, icons, amulet, even Jewelry. Chains, crosses, rings - including with prayer. Many people don’t know which finger to wear the “save and preserve” ring on. We will try to answer this question as fully as possible.

    Where did the tradition come from?

    Rings have accompanied the human race since the dawn of civilization - they were made from valuable wood species, then from semi-precious stones, gems. The circle, the shape of which is any ring (including “Save and Preserve”) has a deep symbolic meaning. This is infinity, cyclicality, like the cycle of life, which always returns to the beginning, having reached the end.

    It also mattered which finger to wear this or that jewelry. For example, Russian tsars wore them on thumb. Archers also put on a special device there to protect their hands from cuts. Today, each finger has its own meaning:

    • Big - talks about high level energy of the owner, because this finger corresponds to Mars, symbolizing belligerence. Wearing a ring on it can pacify the wearer.
    • Index - correlates with Jupiter and its energy. It is recommended to wear jewelry on it for those who are not very confident in themselves. It is also believed to bring good luck.
    • Medium - often chosen by those who face many difficulties in life. It is best to wear family jewelry on it, including the “Save and Preserve” ring. After all, such a gift often comes from close people - parents, spouse, close relatives.
    • Unnamed - chosen by those who love beauty and are able to appreciate a work of art. These people are also prone to romance - it’s not for nothing that no one doubts which finger to wear the wedding ring on. Orthodox married people wear them on their right hand. But widows should put the ring on their left.
    • The little finger is Mercury, which is responsible for business, politics, diplomacy and everything related to communication. We must be extremely careful when meeting people who wear rings on their little fingers - they may turn out to be deceivers and tricksters. The ability to find language with everyone is precisely the sign of such a person.

    When did Orthodox jewelry appear?

    Church rings came into use almost immediately after Russia adopted Orthodox faith. At first, they were most often used to secure marital ties. Their varieties today are very diverse, including those produced with prayers. Most often these are the words “save and preserve” - a prayer addressed to the Lord, which is also applied to the back of the pectoral cross. On rings it happens both on the outside and on the inside. This is not of fundamental importance.

    The priests say that it doesn’t matter which finger you put on a piece of jewelry purchased from a church store. It is important to understand that this is only an external attribute indicating belonging to Christianity. It does not have any magical protective properties. Only the Lord Jesus Christ has power over the world.

    Rings are made from different materials- silver, gold, even platinum. They can be different types, with or without stones. The price also varies. It is necessary to understand that the level of blessing does not depend on this. The size of the donation is unimportant for God; it is people who try to give Him the properties of their own petty nature.

    Only a pectoral cross is obligatory for an Orthodox Christian; everything else can be worn at will. Converts often strive to use as many paraphernalia as possible: hang more icons at home, purchase an amulet, icon, rings, belts with a psalm. Some people think that this way they will receive more grace. But this consumerist attitude has nothing to do with Christianity. Pray to the Lord, fight your sins, and God will bless you, with or without a ring!

    On which finger to wear the ring save and save was last modified: May 7th, 2018 by Bogolub

    Great article 0

    The “Save and Preserve” ring has a special meaning and is a symbol of strong faith and protection. Find out how to wear this jewelry correctly so that it helps in life and protects you from troubles.

    Ring meaning

    The ring is one of the most ancient jewelry. Our ancestors used them both to decorate their fingers and as a strong amulet. But a ring associated with religion carries special power. It can protect the wearer from misfortunes and illnesses and take on any negative influence. The words “Save and preserve” have a strong Orthodox energy. They are able to strengthen faith and clear thoughts of evil. Also, an unusual decoration is a good mentor - it can bring some sense to the owner and prevent sin. The inscription on the ring is a strong message to the Almighty and all the saints. In terms of its purpose and strength, it coincides with a cross or icon on the body.

    A church amulet must be consecrated. If it was purchased at a jewelry store, it should be taken to the temple. But it is best to buy such a product in a church shop. A ring purchased from the church where the person was baptized will have a stronger impact. The most suitable metal for sacred jewelry is silver. But we must not forget that the combination of different metals on one hand can harm the energy, so if you are more accustomed to wearing gold, then the “Save and Preserve” ring should be made of this noble alloy.

    How to wear a ring

    The symbol of faith can be worn on any finger, and this is in no way prohibited by the church. Many clergy are convinced that the most important thing is not the finger on which the ring is put, but the meaning that is put into it. Decoration with a religious text will only help a true Christian, in whose soul there is unshakable faith. After all, a ring cannot be treated as a consumerism - it is not a magnet for attracting good luck, but a sacred object.

    But still, there are some recommendations regarding wearing this Christian item. In Orthodoxy it is customary to be baptized with three fingers right hand when the thumb, index finger and middle fingers. They are the ones that will fit the best way in order to put on such a ring. Then, when performing a religious ceremony, it will become even more significant and stronger as a talisman.

    A married couple can wear rings on their ring fingers, along with their wedding ring. Those who did not take an oath eternal love before God, you should refrain from wearing the “Save and Preserve” ring on this finger.

    Having secured the power church ring, you will gain the support of Heaven and protect yourself from everything sinful. It's worth remembering special significance this jewelry and take its acquisition and wearing seriously. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and don't forget to press the buttons and

    15.09.2015 00:40

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    The “Save and Preserve” ring is an original piece of jewelry related to the Orthodox church tradition. This is not an ordinary decoration; there is an opinion that it serves as a talisman and protects its owner.

    The ring is one of the most ancient jewelry used by people.
    For several centuries, pilgrims could purchase such rings exclusively on the territory of monasteries, and only in the 19th century they began to be sold in icon shops and jewelry stores. Over time, rings began to be made more sophisticated, not only silver, but also gold, and even decorated precious stones. The traditional design of the ring looks quite simple - “Save and Preserve” is written on its rim in Old Slavonic script. There are rings that have an inscription inside the ring; they are preferred by those who do not want to draw attention to their religious beliefs.

    If you decide to purchase a ring, determine for what purpose you are doing this. Those who want to have a strong protective amulet should choose a simple silver product. Silver has long been considered a metal that protects against envious words and unkind glances. If you would like to have an attractive piece of jewelry, you can choose a more expensive option made of gold or platinum at a jewelry store.

    How to wear a ring correctly

    Opinions on which finger you should wear a ring on and how to choose it vary widely.

    In ancient times, the so-called “language of rings” arose, and it existed until the beginning of the twentieth century.
    There is no clear answer to this question. But there are some rules that will help you make a decision. Representatives make some recommendations in this regard. Some say that such a ring can be worn on any finger, others insist on wearing the ring on one of those fingers with which it is customary to make the sign of the cross - the index, middle or thumb. There is an opinion that such a ring should not be worn on the ring finger, on which a wedding ring is usually worn. If a person is not married, he can put such a ring on his ring finger, but only on condition that he has undergone baptism and is an Orthodox Christian.

    The “Save and Preserve” ring is truly capable of supporting its owner and helping him in various matters and endeavors. Since the hands with the ring are always in sight, difficult moments in life, it can serve as a kind of mentor, a reminder that everything is in the hands of God, and in any, even the most difficult, situation it is necessary to maintain faith and continue on your path.


    The good and perfect world created by God changed greatly after the Fall. Now all things created by man are considered unclean. Orthodox Christians try to consecrate objects that are dear and significant to them in church.


    If your cross is standard, similar to others, tie a bright ribbon or braid to it. Several items will be consecrated at the same time; do everything so as not to confuse your item with someone else’s. The purchased cross has already been consecrated; there is no need to perform the ceremony again.

    Contact the priest before the service. If you are unable to find it, ask any church employee for help. Usually, the employees responsible for organizing the rituals are located behind the counter where icons and candles are sold. Explain to him what is required. He will hand over the things to the priest behind the altar and voice your request to him.

    If you wish, you can be present in the church during the hymns. Try to renounce earthly thoughts and think only about spiritual things. Read “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” and “The Grace of the Holy Spirit.” Wait until the end of the service. The priest will sprinkle the objects with holy water three times and read psalms appropriate to the occasion. After this, the item is considered cleaned.

    When the prayer service is over, go to the priest for the consecrated cross. Don't forget to thank him and ask for his blessing.


    Remember that the rite of consecration of any thing is not the most important thing. The main thing is the thoughts that will be born at the same time. Without pure thoughts, it becomes meaningless. Before going to church, try to get rid of everything bad from your head, think only about good things, read prayers. When wearing a consecrated item on your body, you cannot swear, smoke, or get angry. Otherwise, the cross will have to be carried to church again.

    Helpful advice

    It is best to consecrate things on a weekday. There will be fewer people in the church, and you will be able to communicate with the priest and ask him for advice.

    A pectoral cross is placed on a person’s neck during the Sacrament of Baptism - from that moment on, it helps to endure all heaviness and adversity. The consecration of the cross is ritual in nature and means the purification of the material, and also symbolizes dedication to the Lord.


    The ones you purchase in jewelry stores are also subject to consecration. Everything that is sold in church shops, as a rule, is already consecrated - crosses, icons, candles, etc. If you do not know whether the cross has been consecrated (it was given to you, received from relatives, etc.), then it is better to consecrate it. It is important that the cross is exactly Orthodox - with all the necessary attributes.

    Choose the temple in which you want to consecrate the cross - the one near your home or the one where you always go to services. On a weekday, go to and find out all the details of the procedure. If you wish to be present at the consecration, please clarify this issue in advance.

    Behave accordingly in church - cross yourself, bow, seek help from any clergyman - any of them can consecrate the cross, regardless of rank. If there are none of the priests, then ask the employees who sell candles and icons to write down that they invite the priest.

    The procedure for the consecration of the cross may be paid, so you will need to pay the required amount in advance. The priest will examine your cross and check its compliance with Orthodox canons. You can give the cross along with the chain (although only the cross itself is subject to illumination) - they will put it on a tray and take it away. There the priest will perform all the necessary manipulations, read two prayers and ask the Lord for permission to consecrate your cross and pour heavenly power into it. From now on, the cross will protect your body and soul from evil spirits, enemies and sorcerers. It is better for you to spend this time reading a prayer - try to concentrate, throw all extraneous thoughts and feelings out of your head. Pray, venerate the icons, light candles.

    When they bring you the cross, put it on yourself. If you have any questions about the cross or any other problems, then talk to the clergyman, find out all the points of interest and be sure to thank him.

    Try to treat the cross with care - it is a symbol of your faith. If it breaks, don’t throw it away - take the cross to the temple. Wear the cross constantly without taking it off.

    If you are a baptized person or are just about to be baptized, you should wear a cross. But before you put it on, the cross should be consecrated in the church. You can buy it in a secular jewelry store or in any church shop. By the way, in temples, churches and chapels they sell crosses that have already been consecrated.


    Select Orthodox Church. All temples are open to believers from morning until late evening on any day of the week. You can consecrate the cross (and other things) at any time.

    If your cross is similar to others, in the event that several objects will be consecrated at the same time, mark it by tying, for example, a bright ribbon. The pectoral cross can be handed over for consecration along with the chain. It is important that the cross you choose is of the same type. An object that does not comply with the canons will not be taken for consecration.

    Contact the priest or any member of staff before the service. Explain what you require. The cross will be handed over to the altar. Any priest or bishop on duty at that time has the right to consecrate a pectoral cross.

    If you are handing over an unconsecrated cross for a ceremony, do not forget to inform the church minister about this in advance. The object will be illuminated directly during baptism, lowered into a font of holy water.

    After the consecration ceremony, the priest will take the tray with the cross out of the altar and give it to you, immediately put the cross on your neck. All Orthodox Christians must be in church only wearing a cross.

    Approach the priest, bow and thank him for his service and ask for his blessing.

    Pectoral cross for everyone Orthodox Christian- the main symbol of faith, the holy sign of the existence of Jesus Christ. Treat the consecrated cross with care. Try not to take it off even in the most unexpected situations.

    Jewelry with the faces of saints and the words of prayer appeared a very long time ago. These are rings, rings, pendants, bracelets and other jewelry. They serve as amulets for believers. They are made from precious metals and cheap alloys so that everyone can purchase the product they need.


    Due to its shape, the ring is one of the most powerful amulets. The circle is a symbol of infinity and strength; it protects from various troubles. The metal from which the ring is made is of no small importance. Each material has its own properties and energy. Choose the metal that suits you best.

    A silver ring will protect you during travel and develop your intuition. The sharp blackening of this metal indicates that the amulet has warded off trouble from you. Silver cleanses human energy, destroying all negativity. Try to buy the ring yourself high quality, because the purer the metal, the stronger its quality.

    IN church charter There is no clear time at which crosses should be blessed. Therefore, the time for performing this rite may vary. Most often people come to church on Sundays or holidays for worship. In the morning, after the liturgy, the priest may well bless the pectoral cross. Sometimes crosses are consecrated in the morning after prayers and the fulfillment of other requirements following the liturgy.

    Pectoral crosses can also be blessed in the evening after the evening service. There is also a practice of consecrating crucifixes immediately before the evening service.

    So, in order to consecrate your pectoral cross, you need to come to the temple at a time when you can find the priest. Next, you need to express your desire to consecrate the crucifix to the seller located in the church shop. In some parishes, church shops are located outside the church itself. In this case, you can go there.

    In addition, a pectoral cross can be consecrated at home if the priest performs any services at home. In order for the rite of consecration of a clergyman to take place, it is enough to simply ask for it.

    Video on the topic

    Save and Save rings can be worn on special occasions such as church holidays, you can wear it every day and leave it on at night. And these rings can also play the role of wedding rings. It doesn’t matter at all what metal your rings are made of, gold or silver. Here the sacred meaning comes first...

    Save and Preserve rings are considered to be security rings or Orthodox amulets. But this is a big mistake, rings and even crosses themselves cannot save us, they are a symbol of our faith and a reminder of God. Only true faith and God can save and preserve us from evil.

    Therefore, when buying a Save and Preserve ring, you should not perceive it as an Orthodox amulet. This approach turns the Orthodox faith into ordinary paganism and superstition. If you want to wear amulets and talismans, you should buy rings and pendants with runes and other symbols, which are obviously positioned as occult or pagan.

    How to wear the Save and Save ring correctly?

    Silver and gold rings Save and Save can be worn on any finger of any hand, but you should not put it on the ring finger of your right hand if this ring is not for you.

    In addition, wear the ring in such a way that the letters of the prayer are facing you. If you put it on backwards, nothing bad will happen, the essence of this ring is simply a prayer that needs to be read.

    The Save and Preserve ring is bought in the hope that it will constantly remind us of God, because the ring is constantly in sight and seems to really serve as a constant reminder. But in reality, people very quickly get used to such rings, and over time they no longer perceive them as a reminder of God, but treat them like an ordinary gold or silver ring.

    Only true faith fills rings and crosses with power. Although sometimes we see complex life situations and even tragedies in which rings and crosses cannot save even true believers from evil and disease. Why is this happening? The whole point is that God’s main goal is to save man spiritually, because earthly life will end in any case.

    Most people want to receive from God health for themselves and their loved ones, success in business and material well-being, and deliverance from all problems and sorrows. In general, people hope to use a ring and a cross to make their earthly life long and happy. But God has completely different plans for us, so the Save and Preserve ring may not at all live up to our worldly hopes.

    When a person begins a real spiritual life, instead of health and prosperity, illness, material losses and other trials may come into his reality. Therefore, if your main goal is worldly happiness, you should not rely on the help of the Save and Save ring.

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