• 15 ideas for Christmas tree decorations. ✂Original and amazing DIY New Year's toys made from paper and more. DIY Christmas tree decorations “Gilded skates”


    New Year is probably the most favorite holiday of adults and children. A beautiful Christmas tree exuding a fresh pine aroma, all kinds of toys, and even a festive feast - all these are attributes of a wonderful celebration, symbolizing the onset of a new, promising year. That’s why the mood during the holidays is special; the whole world is waiting for something wonderful.

    New Year is coming to us
    He brings laughter and joy,
    Christmas tree toys glitter
    And sparklers...

    Moreover, the pre-holiday bustle captivates us no less than the holiday itself. What a long-awaited and desired activity this is, decorating a Christmas tree. He is especially loved by children who strive to really place of honor hang your favorites Christmas decorations- those that are made with your own hands.

    But making toys with children - a most exciting activity. If you haven’t done this yet, be sure to try it, and we’ll tell you how to make a New Year’s toy so that it is no worse, and even better, than the usual store-bought ones.

    How to make New Year's toys with your own hands?

    As you understand, the material for making Christmas tree decorations can be different, as well as the toys themselves. Therefore, there cannot be a definite scheme on how to do it New Year's toys with your own hands.

    Let's take one look at how and what New Year's toys can be made from paper, beads, pine cones, plastic bottles, felt and buttons, thread and glue.

    New Year's paper toys

    Surely many remember how in kindergarten and school they made various applications and crafts from paper. That is, we already have experience working with this material. Today we will learn how to make a New Year's toy out of paper. You can too.


    Despite the abundance Christmas decorations on sale, there are more and more fans of creating their own unique Christmas tree. A forest beauty decorated with Christmas tree decorations made with your own hands from scrap materials for the New Year 2019 can bring a special unique aura and charm of magic.

    In addition, this is a fascinating activity that can unite the whole family in a single creative impulse and increase mutual understanding between parents and children. We offer you a selection of Christmas tree decorations, very simple to make, but incredibly effective in result.

    Photos of Christmas tree decorations made from scrap materials

    Christmas ball pig


    • Christmas ball;
    • hot glue;
    • acrylic paint soft Pink colour, black;
    • acrylic lacquer;
    • sponge;
    • brush;
    • polymer clay – pink and white.

    Making a Christmas tree toy in the shape of a pig:

    • Remove the loop from a Christmas ball of any size you choose.

    • We paint the ball itself in a soft pink color using acrylic paint and a sponge, and let it dry. It’s very convenient to make several of these cute toys for a Christmas tree of different sizes at once.

    • After drying, apply acrylic varnish to the ball to fix the paint and give the Christmas tree toy a smoother and shiny surface.

    • After the ball has dried again, we insert the hanging loop that was removed at the beginning; you can thread a pre-prepared ribbon into it, tying it with a spectacular bow.
    • We take any work surface on which we will create all the decorative elements for the Christmas tree decoration in the form of a symbol of the coming year.

    • First, take a small piece of pink polymer clay, knead it and shape it into a round or oval patch; you can do both if you are making several Christmas tree decorations for the New Year 2019.

    • We attach the resulting patch in the middle of the ball, with a sharp stick or a regular pencil we form two holes on the patch.

    • From a piece of white clay, divided into two equal parts, we form eyes in the form of two flat droplets, attach them above the patch, close to each other.

    • Next, take a small piece of white clay, divide it in half, and give the two pieces the shape of small identical triangles.
    • From pink clay we make similar triangles of a smaller size, place them on white triangles, slightly bend the tops to make them look like pig ears, and attach them to the top of the ball.

    • We make a sausage from a piece of pink clay, divide it into 4 parts, make a notch on one side of each part with any object, so we get hooves. We also attach the legs to the ball and check that it stands stable.

    • Remove all the parts from the ball or several balls and place in the oven for 15 minutes.

    • After removing from the oven, glue all the parts to the ball with hot glue. We draw the eyes with black paint.

    You can also continue the decor by applying “freckles” to your cheeks in any way.

    Photo: Christmas tree toy pig

    Christmas ball made of paper

    This DIY Christmas tree toy, made from scrap materials, will decorate the atmosphere for the New Year 2019!


    • colored double-sided paper of different colors - 12–13 sheets;
    • scissors;
    • glue.
    • Fold each sheet of paper in half and cut out two circles with a diameter of approximately 14 cm.
    • We bend each circle in half, put all the halves in one stack, determine the middle on the rounded side and make a small notch with scissors.

    • We glue each circle from the inside at the notch, dripping a little glue.
    • From plain paper we cut out exactly the same circle as all the others, bend it in half, then in half two more times. Unfold to the first fold, marking the last fold with a pencil.

    • We again collect all the bent semicircles from colored paper into a stack, attach a semicircle with notes, and make the same notes on the first colored semicircle.
    • We remove the plain paper blank, align the stack in our hands and make notches with scissors in the places of the marks.

    • Applying glue to the places of the notches, we glue all the colored semicircles together, placing them on top of each other one by one.

    • After the glue has dried, unfold the resulting structure and glue the first and last halves of the circle.

    We got a great bright ball for our Christmas tree - simple and effective!

    You can thread a piece of Christmas tree tinsel into the central hole, making a knot at the bottom. We hang several of these balls, made from improvised materials with our own hands, on the Christmas tree.

    Ribbon pig

    A cute pig from improvised materials will decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019. And you can make it together with your children using our photo master class.


    • pink silk ribbon measuring 12 cm in width and 3.5 m in length, as well as two squares measuring 5 cm * 5 cm;
    • pink felt, square size 7 cm * 7 cm;
    • red or black beads – 2 pcs.;
    • lace – 30 cm;
    • small pieces of red and white felt or other dense fabric;
    • needle and light thread;
    • hot glue.

    Manufacturing with step-by-step photos:

    • We sew the entire satin ribbon, having previously treated the edges with a lighter, in the middle with a basting stitch, gathering it to a size of 26 cm, and secure the thread at the end with a knot.

    • We cut out two circles from pink felt, a base with a diameter of 5 cm for the pig’s muzzle and a base for the snout, with a diameter of 2 cm.
    • From small squares satin ribbon We make ears, for which we bend each one diagonally, and then twice more. We seal the joint with a lighter, cut off the bottom at an angle, and process it again with a lighter.

    • We give the blanks the shape of ears, apply glue to the very corner, press it to create a more natural look.

    • Now, in a small felt blank, mark two holes using black thread, making several stitches at a time.
    • We bend the prepared cord, glue it to the felt base, and glue two ears next to it.

    • Apply glue to the center of a large felt blank, glue one end of the assembled satin ribbon, then glue it in a circle, coating the base with glue.

    • In the center we glue the blank for the snout and the eyes - beads, the Christmas tree toy in the shape of a pig is ready, it will certainly appreciate your efforts.

    • If desired, you can also glue together a Santa Claus cap from red and white felt and glue it on top. You can make toys with or without a cap for variety.


    Snowflakes made from glue

    It couldn't be simpler! And what beauty from scrap materials!


    • silicone glue (gun);
    • white acrylic paint;
    • any sparkles;
    • polyethylene, foam;
    • paper clips

    Making a Christmas tree decoration step by step:

    1. Samples of snowflakes can be printed from the Internet; select several types you like at once.
    2. Secure the snowflakes with paper clips and polyethylene, place them on the work surface so that the polyethylene is on top.
    3. Apply glue to each line of the snowflake, let it dry, and remove it from the polyethylene.
    4. Apply white acrylic paint to the snowflake, sprinkle with glitter and dry.
    5. Thread a beautiful lace or satin ribbon and decorate your magical New Year tree with snowflakes.

    Photo: Snowflake made of glue

    Flower garlands made from plastic bottles

    You can make such a Christmas tree toy with your own hands from plastic bottles, which is quite easy and simple. The final craft for the New Year 2019 will be a decoration for the holiday.


    • several plastic bottles with caps (depending on the size of the garland, but not less than 30–40);
    • sharp knife;
    • spray paints;
    • scissors;
    • electric garland.

    Manufacturing with step-by-step photos:

    • We cut off the tops of all plastic bottles, divide the cut surface into several segments, and draw the corresponding lines with a pencil.

    • We cut the plastic tops along the lines with scissors, round the edges, giving the shape to stylized petals (the shape can be different, round or pointed).

    • We paint all the petals with multi-colored paint, showing imagination and creativity, and leave to dry.
    • While the petals are drying, we make cross-shaped cuts in each lid and insert light bulbs from the garland into the resulting holes.

    Christmas tree decorations made from pasta for the New Year 2019


    • pasta: spirals, wheels, horns, shells, bows;
    • glue moment;
    • PVA glue;
    • gouache paint, titanium white;
    • paint brush;
    • any sparkles.


    1. Prepare the work surface and lay out the pasta various types whimsical compositions, showing imagination.
    2. Place the pasta tightly next to each other, seal the joints with instant glue, and let it dry.
    3. Cover the pasta snowflakes with white gouache using a brush and leave to dry.
    4. Apply PVA glue to the surface of the snowflakes with a brush, sprinkle with various prepared sparkles. Dry and decorate the tree by threading a hanging loop into any hole.

    New Year's ball made of ribbons

    Christmas tree decorations do not always have to be difficult to make; beautiful products with your own hands can be made from scrap materials quickly and easily!


    • foam ball, ready-made or cut from a foam blank;
    • satin ribbons of different colors;
    • thin sewing needles with heads.


    • You can make such balls in either mono or multi-colored colors. We cut several blanks of satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide and 7 cm long, as well as a square measuring 3 cm * 3 cm.

    • We secure a square of satin ribbon of the color of your choice on one side of the ball with pins.
    • We roll each piece so that we get a triangle and attach them on all four sides of the square.

    • We lay the workpiece so that the top of the triangle falls in the middle of the square, secure the triangles with pins in the places where the tape bends at the bottom on both sides.

    • We begin to attach the satin ribbon triangles to the second row, placing them in a checkerboard pattern.

    • We fill the entire surface of the ball, close the remaining gap with a square of satin ribbon, and attach a bow from the same ribbon or a ribbon of a smaller width on top.

    Photo: This is beauty from improvised means

    Christmas balls from disposable alcohol cups


    • foam balls 7 cm in diameter;
    • small disposable cups – 17 pcs. (for one ball);
    • various acrylic paints;
    • brush;
    • hot glue;
    • PVA glue;
    • any sparkles.


    1. We paint all the cups with acrylic paint from the inside using a brush and dry them.
    2. We paint the rim on the outside and inside with white paint and dry it.
    3. Apply glue to the white rim on the outside and inside and sprinkle with glitter.
    4. We attach the prepared cups to a foam ball with a bottom greased with hot glue, placing them as close to each other as possible.
    5. We do it in free space There is a small hole in the foam ball with a sharp object and insert the end of a loop prepared from any thread and lubricate it with glue.
    6. Similarly, you can make Christmas balls, gluing multi-colored cones painted with paint to a foam ball, and also fluffy pompoms from knitting threads.

    Christmas tree made of satin ribbons


    • blanks made of multi-colored satin ribbons size: 2.5 * 5 cm, 4 * 7 cm, 5 * 9 cm - 15 pcs.;
    • hot glue;
    • small base pin;
    • lighter;
    • a loop from any Christmas tree decoration;
    • scissors;
    • beads or rhinestones, as well as one shiny element to decorate the bottom of the Christmas tree.

    Manufacturing with video step by step:

    1. We fold each piece in half twice, and treat the bottom with fire from a lighter.
    2. We stack the resulting blanks of three different sizes one on top of the other in descending order of size.
    3. We fold the resulting structure in half, cut off the bottom at an angle and treat it with fire. So we prepare all the elements, giving them the shape of a stylized petal.
    4. Glue the petals together in groups of 5, smearing the sides and pressing them tightly to each other. We will have three tiers for the Christmas tree decoration.
    5. We string all the blanks onto the prepared pin, coating the joints with the blanks with glue.
    6. On top of the stylized Christmas tree we attach a loop from a Christmas tree decoration using glue.
    7. At the bottom of the Christmas tree we glue a prepared shiny element or a large bead in the center.
    8. We glue a bead or rhinestones into the central inner corner of each leaf, and an incredibly stylish and elegant Christmas tree toy is ready.

    Video of making a beautiful Christmas tree toy:

    Felt Christmas toys

    Felt Christmas tree decorations amaze with their variety, they are easy to make and are an excellent decoration for a cozy home Christmas tree.


    • felt multi-colored pieces;
    • multi-colored knitting threads;
    • needle with a large eye;
    • beads, rhinestones, sequins, buttons and other similar decorative elements;
    • padding polyester or cotton wool;
    • paper;
    • pencil;
    • scissors.

    Patterns for Christmas tree toys made of felt (photo gallery):

    Manufacturing step by step:

    1. We put animal figures or other objects on paper and cut out patterns.
    2. We place the patterns on the prepared pieces of felt. If we are making a toy from thick felt, then we cut out one part of each pattern.
    3. If we manufacture voluminous toys from thin felt, then cut out two parts for each figure.
    4. We sew the parts either from the inside, then turn them inside out, or we sew them with a decorative seam using multi-colored knitting threads on the front side of the toy.
    5. We fill the workpiece with padding polyester or cotton wool, giving it the required volume, and process the open area.
    6. We sew the corresponding decorative elements onto the toys, showing our imagination. You can also actively use embroidery, as well as decorative colored stitching, to decorate felt toys.
    7. If we are making a toy in the form of an animal, then we attach all the necessary details from scrap materials: eyes, nose, mouth.
    8. We sew loops onto the resulting bright and varied felt Christmas tree decorations and decorate the tree for the New Year 2019.

    Christmas tree decorations made from multi-colored paper napkins for the New Year 2019


    • paper napkins of different colors;
    • scotch;
    • stapler;
    • scissors;
    • PVA glue.


    1. First, we prepare a ball of small diameter from newspapers, squeezing them into a tight lump, such a ball will be very light. Having achieved the required diameter, we secure the paper with threads or tape, then wrap it in white paper and coat with glue.
    2. We make blanks from paper napkins, why fold them in four if the napkins are ordinary. We first cut large holiday napkins into large squares along the creases, and then into three strips, which we also divide into squares.
    3. We put the resulting squares in a stack, take 8 pieces each and connect them with a stapler in the center. You can round the squares and get circles for a greater variety of options for such crafts.
    4. We lift each square upward and thoroughly compress it, then we fluff all the layers a little and get a nice stylized flower.
    5. Glue a loop from a Christmas tree toy onto the ball using hot glue.
    6. Apply glue to the base of each flower and glue them onto the ball tightly to each other, filling the entire surface of the ball with flowers.

    If desired, you can glue various shiny decorative elements in some places, the incredibly beautiful, fluffy and light Christmas tree toy is ready.

    Christmas tree toy made from a wooden blank

    Experienced crafters will appreciate this Christmas tree toy!


    • round wooden blank for needlework;
    • acrylic paint of any color;
    • white acrylic paint;
    • sponge;
    • brush;
    • glue;
    • decorative elements.


    1. We generously paint the wooden blank with acrylic paint in the color of your choice and dry it.
    2. We paint the end part of the workpiece with white acrylic paint using a sponge.
    3. We glue the prepared decorative elements onto both sides of the Christmas tree decoration, showing our imagination.

    If the blank you purchased has an eyelet for a rope, then use it and thread a ribbon or cord, securing an elegant bow made of satin ribbon at the base of the eyelet, securing it with glue.


    The new year 2020 begins anew to go through the twelve-year cycle of Eastern calendar. Therefore, the symbol of the New Year will be a white metal rat. It is she who is the first in the list of symbols in the calendar. As the legend goes, the rat was able to trick all the animals and was the first to come to the Buddha. To please this little rodent, you need to make New Year's toys for 2020 with your own hands, and most importantly, make this year's mascot - a white metal rat. In addition, if you demonstrate the main qualities of a rat, determination, perseverance and perseverance, then all next year These crafts will bring you good luck.

    Rat craft made from threads

    Even if you have never handled threads, don’t worry, because even a child can make this craft.

    For work we will need:

    • thick threads for knitting;
    • glue moment;
    • food foil;
    • paints.

    Manufacturing process:

    1. Cut a piece of food foil and crumple it into the shape of a rat's body.
    2. We make two loops on the threads in a small gap, which will then become the ears of a small rodent.
    3. Then we glue the made loops to the body with glue and wrap it completely with threads.
    4. At the end of the body we do not cut off the thread completely, as we need to leave a tail.
    5. At the end of the work, draw the nose and eyes.


    It’s impossible to imagine without snowflakes New Year, since they are an indispensable element of this celebration. There are many ways to make this craft; they can be crocheted, cut from paper, felt fabric, woven from beads and much more.

    To make our snowflake you will need:

    • colored paper;
    • pencil;
    • stapler;
    • beads or rhinestones.

    Manufacturing process:

    1. Cut out six medium-sized strips of paper.
    2. We wind the cut strips onto a pencil and wait five hours.
    3. We remove the stripes from the pencil and connect them together with a stapler.
    4. Glue a bead or rhinestone into the middle of the snowflake to make it more beautiful.

    Light bulb snowman

    A Christmas tree toy can even be made from an ordinary used light bulb. The main thing is that it is in the shape of a pear.

    To make this craft you will need:

    • gouache white;
    • wool fabric;
    • glue;
    • cardboard;
    • foam;
    • twig;
    • leg-split;
    • threads;
    • buttons.

    Manufacturing process:

    1. First, paint the light bulb with white gouache. Apply the paint in two layers.
    2. We cut a small part from the woolen fabric and make a hat for the snowman from it.
    3. Then glue it to the metal part of the light bulb.
    4. We make a pompom from twine and sew it to the hat of our New Year's toy.
    5. Cut out the nose and eyes for the snowman from cardboard, and then glue them to the light bulb.
    6. We make hands from a branch, cut out a scarf from woolen fabric and glue these parts to the snowman.
    7. At the end of the work you need to glue the buttons.

    Fabric ball

    If you have a child who goes to kindergarten, then you will definitely enroll homework in the form of making a New Year's toy. Of course, children want to do it on their own, but due to their age they are not always able to do this. Although there is no difficulty in making this craft, your help will still be needed, of course. But you can safely entrust some work to your child, since the most dangerous object here are only scissors.

    • bright fabric;
    • scissors;
    • threads;
    • spruce branches;
    • foam ball;
    • tourniquet;
    • large satin ribbon;
    • tulle;
    • artificial or natural dried berries.

    Manufacturing process:

    1. To begin, take a foam ball and apply it to the fabric.
    2. Cut off the excess part.
    3. Now we place the foam ball on the fabric, wrapping it with tulle and bright material at the same time.
    4. We gather the fabric at the base of the foam ball with a rope and tie it beautifully with an inconspicuous rope.
    5. Now we take berries and spruce branches and tie them with thread.
    6. We insert the resulting decoration into the base of the ball.
    7. At the end of the work, we secure our toy with a large satin ribbon.

    Paper lantern

    A paper lantern will be a wonderful decoration on the New 2020 Christmas tree, so I recommend starting to make it right now.

    For work we will need:

    • bright colored paper;
    • scissors;
    • white thread;
    • ruler;
    • pencil;
    • needle;
    • beads.

    The work is carried out as follows:

    1. We measure out equal strips 12 cm long and 1 cm wide on a sheet of bright colored paper. You need to make 18 such strips. We also draw two circles for the base and end of the toy.
    2. We cut out the drawn elements and assemble them. To do this, you need to take a white double thread with a needle and first put a bead on it, and then a cut out circle of paper.
    3. Then we put the strips in half on the thread as well.
    4. We attach a circle of paper to the end of the craft and decorate it with a bead.
    5. Now we straighten the paper strips and that’s it, the paper lantern is ready.

    New Year's toys for the tree made of walnuts

    Walnuts can be used not only for food, but also as Christmas tree decorations. Now we will make a beautiful New Year's toy for 2020 from this nut.

    For work we will use:

    • walnuts;
    • glue;
    • ribbon;
    • golden spray paint;
    • satin bow.

    The craft is made as follows:

    1. Clean the walnuts thoroughly.
    2. We treat it with golden spray paint.
    3. Attach a loop.
    4. We decorate our toy with a small bow at the edge of the rope.

    That's it, the walnut craft is ready, now you can safely hang it on the Christmas tree.

    Christmas tree made of pasta

    A pasta tree is original craft, which will delight not only you, but also your guests. In addition, it will beautifully decorate your New Year tree.

    To make it you will need:

    • pasta;
    • glue;
    • a thread;
    • green spray paint;
    • beads.

    There are a lot of options on how to make Christmas tree decorations from paper for the New Year, we tried to make interesting selection ideas and master classes. All you need is available materials that can be found in any home, any paper, a little patience and creative imagination!


    The most common and versatile DIY toys for the New Year are: Christmas balls. You can make it from any thick paper: colored cardboard, colorful postcards or old magazine covers. Plain colored balls will give a uniform style to the room, while multi-colored ones will give an atmosphere of fun and fairy-tale magic.

    So, before you start making New Year's paper toys, you need to prepare the following:

    • thick paper with a pattern;
    • scissors;
    • PVA glue;
    • a compass or any object that, when outlined, can be used to reproduce a circle (jars, lids, glasses, etc.).

    How to do:

    • Draw 21 identical circles on paper and cut them out with scissors.

    Prepare the mugs as follows:

    • bend the circle in half twice (this is necessary to determine the center);
    • straighten the circle and bend one side so that the edge of the circle is exactly in the center;
    • bend two more sides of the circle to form a triangle with equal sides;
    • cut out the resulting triangle, which will act as a pattern for the remaining parts;
    • Place the triangle on the remaining circles, trace with a pencil and bend the edges outward along the lines.
    • Glue 10 circles together on both sides so that you get a strip: 5 circles on top, and 5 on the bottom. The strip must be glued into a ring. This will be the base for the ball.

    • Divide the 10 remaining parts into 5 pieces, which are glued into a circle. The result was two “lids”.

    • Glue the upper and lower “lid” to the base in sequence.
    • The loop by which the ball is suspended can be made from a thread threaded through the top of the toy using a needle, or from beautiful ribbon. The ribbon loop is secured with a knot and threaded through the top of the ball “cap” before gluing it to the base. The knot remains inside the toy, and the loop remains outside.

    An original do-it-yourself paper toy for the new coming year is ready!

    Balls made from strips of paper

    Make these New Year's balls so simple that there is no point in describing it in detail - see the pictures below. The secret of success: pleasantly colored paper and decorative beads for decoration.

    Volumetric snowflake

    Another indispensable attribute of the New Year is snowflakes. They can be the simplest, cut out of a sheet of paper in a random pattern, or they can be voluminous using the origami technique. We suggest making the latest version of the New Year's snowflake with your own hands.

    To do this, you need to cut out six squares of the same size, fold each of them diagonally, and then in half. Parallel cuts are made along the fold. The square unfolds, the inner tabs are wrapped and fastened together.

    The outer petals are connected to the same petals of the remaining squares. You can attach them using either glue or a regular stapler.

    Paper candies for the Christmas tree

    This decor can be made even for kids. How to create well Christmas mood together with children, who did this - knows what I mean :)

    Lots of ideas and workshops on paper candies for a holiday with your own hands.

    Cubes with photos

    Original and memorable toys for New Year's holiday will come from paper cubes with photographs of family members or events of the past year.

    Moreover, you can make such Christmas tree decorations with your own hands every year by pasting in a current photograph.

    Thus, in a few years you will have a whole Christmas tree photo album!

    To form such a cube, you need to cut out six identical circles from paper or squares. The edges of each element are bent so that a square is formed at the base. Then the folded edges are glued between the remaining parts into a box. Favorite photos from the past year are glued to the sides of the toy and a loop is threaded.

    Paper lanterns for the Christmas tree

    I think everyone made paper lanterns when they were kids. Old idea in a new incarnation:

    More diagrams and photographs of paper lanterns.

    Paper angels for the Christmas tree

    What's Christmas without angels? The easiest way to make a must-have for each home is from paper:

    A large selection of master classes with stencils of angels.

    By the way, these could just be angel wings, look how simple and beautiful it is:

    Stencil, click to enlarge:

    Magic garland

    On the eve of the New Year, you can make an original magic lamp from a simple LED garland. To do this, you just need to cut out the usual paper snowflakes with your own hands.

    If you don’t have the time or desire to do this, you can buy lace paper napkins at the store and use them as snowflakes.

    All that remains is to thread the garland bulbs through ready-made snowflakes and hang a Christmas tree, wall or window. The twinkling of colorful lights through intricate patterns will create a truly fabulous atmosphere for the New Year.

    Paper snowflakes for Christmas tree

    There’s nothing new to say here, perhaps we’ll just recommend trying it out of paper.

    Paper flowers for the Christmas tree

    It's a good idea to vary the decor. Why only snowflakes, balls and lanterns? Let's decorate the Christmas trees with flowers! See the photo below and get inspired:

    Paper stars for Christmas tree

    The star on the tree is a classic. Let's make it out of paper, and the pictures below will help you evaluate the options:

    Cardboard Santa Claus

    Funny paper Christmas decorations are made using a small piece of cardboard, glue and a felt-tip pen. You can make any fairy-tale character for the New Year, but the most relevant of them is Santa Claus.

    A red cardboard square is rolled up into a tube and fixed with glue. The top of the toy is bent in the shape of a triangle-cap, the bottom is crushed into a semicircle in the form of legs. A white beard triangle is glued to the cap, and a face is drawn with a black felt-tip pen. All that remains is to secure the loop.

    In a similar way, you can perform a whole New Year's landing of Santa Clauses and decorate the entire Christmas tree with them. (Click to enlarge image).

    Such unusual toys with your own hands for the new coming year will remain in the memory of all household members for a long time, especially the little ones.

    Santa Clauses made from cones

    New Year cards

    Did not you forget? ? Watch the video for simple and quick ways:

    I really liked the simple and stylish cards from kraft paper:

    Handmade Christmas decorations allow you not only to decorate your Christmas tree and home in an original way for the New Year, but also to have fun and give free rein to your imagination. In addition, homemade toys will bring special comfort, harmony and love with which they are made to your home.

    When making Christmas tree decorations, bring your most incredible fantasies to life. You will have most available materials at your disposal, for example, plastic bottles, felt, burnt out light bulbs, cotton wool, foam, natural resources.

    DIY Christmas tree decorations master class

    Nowadays, you can easily buy Christmas tree decorations, but sometimes you just want to decorate your home with something unique, beautiful, and special. If you have a desire to create, try making a few toys yourself.

    Multi-colored paper balls look stylish and modern on the Christmas tree. As a rule, they are made from colored paper, but let’s leave this material for the children in kindergarten, and use a spectacular scheme for making balls from colorful greeting cards or calendars.

    What you will need:

    • postcards;
    • stationery scissors;
    • glue;
    • cup.

    Let's start our master class:

    • Using a glass, we make a mark on the cards and cut out eight identical circles.
    • Fold each circle in half, then fold the semicircle in half again.
    • Cut out one smaller circle and glue the folded circles to it.
    • Then we turn the workpiece over and glue the remaining four folded circles on the other side.
    • When the glue dries, unfold each circle and connect the walls to the adjacent circles. Use a hot gun or stapler.
    • Attach a ribbon to one side to make it easy to secure the ball to the tree.
    • The ball can be left as is, or decorated acrylic paints, multi-colored glitters, rhinestones.

    You can make different balls from postcards using blanks different forms- triangles, semicircles, cones.

    A great idea for homemade Christmas tree decorations - multi-colored designs from wine corks. For work you may need:

    • paints;
    • ribbons;
    • beads;
    • wire;
    • threads;
    • Super glue;
    • special New Year's decor(miniature twigs, snowflakes, berries in the snow, etc.).

    For example, you can make a silhouette of a Christmas tree from cork:

    • Using a sharp knife, divide each cork into three equal parts. We prepare 18 blanks for work.

    • Now on a flat surface we lay out 6 corks in the form of Christmas trees and glue them together. You will get 3 Christmas trees.

    • While the trees are drying, cut three pieces of twine or ribbon, each 40 cm long. We make a loop in the middle.

    • We apply the knot to the top of the tree, and wrap the edges around the perimeter. We attach the twine with glue.
    • We tie the ends together and further strengthen them with a drop of glue.

    • We form the remaining two trees in the same way.

    • Additionally, the plugs on the Christmas trees can be decorated with rhinestones, confetti, sparkles, and painted.

    Do you want to decorate your Christmas tree in unusual snowflakes?! Then go to the store for pasta! Choose rings, shells, spirals and other unusual shapes. Additionally, get hot glue and spray paint.

    So let's get started:

    • Grab a handful of shells and wheels. It is advisable to choose products of the same size.

    • Come up with a snowflake template or use ready-made patterns.

    • Arrange the pasta in the required order and glue them together using hot glue.
    • Spray the snowflakes with spray paint and let dry.

    • Tie ribbon loops to the snowflakes.
    • If you want to make snowflakes more attractive, cover them with a thin layer of PVA and sprinkle with glitter.

    • By the way, it is not necessary to make snowflakes white. For example, you can add gold and get bright and mysterious snowflakes...

    • ...or change direction and make a quirky creation out of navy shells and farfalle.

    DIY Christmas tree decorations made of cotton wool, with photos step by step

    Cotton wool makes cute and budget-friendly Christmas tree crafts.

    Let's make a cute Snow Maiden from cotton wool.

    You'll need:

    • a lot of cotton wool;
    • varied decor;
    • glue;
    • newspapers;
    • textile paints;
    • wire.

    How to make a toy:

    • Divide the roll of medical cotton into several fragments. Then color them using textile paints. This is easy to do: pour water into a fireproof container, add dye, add cotton wool and bring to a boil. Let stand for 15 minutes, remove the cotton wool from the water and squeeze it out.

    • The next stage is preparing the paste. Bring 200 ml of water to a boil, dissolve 2 tbsp in it. l. starch. Instead of paste, you can also use PVA.
    • If you want to make the Snow Maiden realistic, you will have to knead salty dough to make a face out of him. Combine two parts flour, part salt, and a little water. Form a face from the dough and dry it in the oven at 120⁰C. When the face has cooled, paint on the elements - eyes, nose, eyelashes. Attach it to the frame using hot glue.

    • Take a piece of wire and make a frame out of it that resembles human body. Soak the cotton balls in the paste and wrap them around the parts of the workpiece that will be your future arms and legs. Then tear a piece of newspaper into pieces, moisten it with paste and wrap it around the “body”, modeling the silhouette of the Snow Maiden.

    • At the end, apply another layer of cotton wool with paste, from which you form clothes, a braid and a hat for the Snow Maiden. At this stage, make sure your fingers are clean, as your beauty’s outfit can easily get dirty.

    A cute little lamb will complement the look of your holiday tree.

    For creativity you need to prepare:

    • roll of cotton wool;
    • toothpicks;
    • paste;
    • cotton pads;
    • empty chicken egg;
    • syringe.

    Master Class:

    • Make a paste from a glass of water and 2 tbsp. l. starch.

    • Pierce the washed egg with a syringe needle on one side and carefully remove its contents. Rinse the inside of the shell twice with water using the same syringe to prevent a rotten smell.
    • Divide the cotton wool into parts. Separately, prepare 15-20 cotton wool balls with a diameter of up to 2 cm.
    • Place the balls on toothpicks, moisten with paste and let dry.
    • Make two punctures on the side of the egg with a needle and insert the thread. The distance between the holes should be 2 cm.
    • Spread half the shell with paste and stick cotton wool on it. Do the same steps on the other side of the egg. You will end up with a ball of cotton wool with two threads.
    • While the cotton ball is drying, roll the pieces of cotton into four cones - these will be the legs. Paint them with black acrylic paint.
    • Make an oval 4-5 cm long from black cardboard. And also two smaller ovals - these are the ears. Immediately glue them to the sheep's head.
    • From cotton pads cut out the eyes and attach them to the head.
    • Glue the head and legs to the body using PVA. At the end, glue cotton balls - this will be the wool of the New Year's lamb.

    Or you can make Winnie the Pooh:

    DIY Christmas decorations for kindergarten, ideas with photos

    On the eve of the New Year in kindergarten They organize exciting competitions for the best Christmas tree decoration. In order not to waste a lot of time coming up with original toys, we offer three great ideas.

    Beautiful and bright felt toys:

    Unusual button balls:

    Christmas tree toys made of paper:

    Do-it-yourself national Christmas tree toy, ideas with photos

    If you want to move away from foreign Santa Clauses and elves, decorate your Christmas tree with national toys. For example, you can make several nesting dolls from felt.

    If you have already mastered the technique of making toys from cotton wool, make a stork and a peasant woman.

    And, of course, you can’t do without Santa Claus. Using quilling you can make such a cute toy for the Christmas tree.

    DIY Christmas tree toy for the competition, details with photos

    If you are making a Christmas tree toy for a competition, you will win New Year's ball using quilling technique.

    You will need:

    • Blank ball made of foam plastic.
    • Quillig paper.
    • Glue.
    • Satin ribbon.

    How to make a toy:

    • Select a few quilling pieces to use and make them out of paper.

    • For better attachment of quilling elements, stick several paper strips along the perimeter.
    • Then, using PVA, glue all the blanks onto the ball in accordance with the design idea.

    Another one great idea for a Christmas tree decoration for the competition - crafts made from felt sheets.


    • multi-colored satin;
    • sewing threads;
    • toy patterns;
    • decor

    You need to start making a Christmas tree toy by choosing a high-quality pattern. Without it, the toy will be sloppy. You can use these templates:

    Additionally, cut out small details from felt - eyes, noses, etc. It is advisable to glue them to the toy using glue. To make the toys attractive, decorate them with beads, sparkles, and sequins. This is the beauty you will get:

    Well, another option for a Christmas tree decoration for the competition is New Year’s figures and characters made from buttons and beads. All you need is a set of multi-colored buttons, a sewing needle, beads and thread. Using your imagination, you can create these original Christmas tree decorations:

    DIY Christmas tree decorations from scrap materials, details with photos

    Get yourself original toys on the Christmas tree using light bulbs, sparkles, ribbons, plastic bottles and other small things.

    The first option for a Christmas tree decoration is decorated light bulbs that have already served their purpose. They can be painted with multi-colored acrylic paints and then dressed up as a snowman. You can use a cut baby sock as a hat:

    Or decorate them with colorful glitter and ribbons using hot glue:

    You can also attach twigs to the light bulbs to make snowman arms, and then attach a piece of twine as a loop:

    The second version of a beautiful Christmas tree toy - a Christmas tree made from branches:

    • Take three popsicle sticks, a few thin twigs and some braid.

    • Using PVA, attach the broken branches to sticks, starting with the shortest and ending with the longest, so that the silhouette of a Christmas tree emerges.
    • Then glue on a loop of braid and some sparkles in the shape of snowflakes.

    The third version of the toy is decorated with pine cones:

    • Take a few pine cones and cover them with glitter varnish or spray paint if desired.

    • Insert a pin into the base of the cone and tie a ribbon to it.
    • Then decorate the cones with colorful balls, beads or glitter, securing them with hot glue.

    DIY outdoor Christmas decorations, with photos

    You can decorate a Christmas tree outside with homemade toys. It looks fashionable, stylish, original.

    Bells made from plastic bottles:

    • Prepare several half-liter bottles, for example, Coca-Cola or Fanta.
    • Cut them in half, and take only the top parts of the bottle with the cap.
    • Make a hole in the lid and attach a string to it.
    • Degrease the surface of the bottle with alcohol and cover it with acrylic paint.
    • If desired, decorate the surface of the resulting bells with rhinestones, sparkles, and glitter.
    • Tie a festive bow around the cork.
    • Attach a bell in the middle of the bell.

    And don’t rush to throw away bottle bottoms. From them you can glue a New Year's ball like this:

    Decorations made from jar lids will look impressive on the Christmas tree, although it is advisable to take large lids.

    • Prepare a piece of fabric whose colors will resemble the winter holidays.
    • Also purchase New Year's stickers of a snowman, deer, snowflakes, or cut out similar silhouettes from thick paper.
    • Using a sharp knife, cut out the bottom of the lid, wrap it with fabric and place it in place. At this point, tie a piece of twine to the lid body.
    • Attach the design to the fabric and cover the entire surface with thick varnish for outdoor work.

    You can decorate the Christmas tree in your yard with wooden decorations. True, for the work you will need a burning machine, as well as round cuts of wood, wire and a drill.

    • Using the machine, burn snowflakes onto wooden circles.
    • Make a hole and thread it.
    • Coat toys with varnish to extend their life.

    Video: DIY Christmas tree decorations

    Interesting ideas for New Year's toys in the video:

    Do-it-yourself pig Christmas decorations, with photos

    The pig is the symbol of 2019, so the presence of the hero of the occasion is simply mandatory.

    You can make cute felt pigs quickly and beautifully. A little pink felt, thread and scissors are all you need to get creative. See what you can do with these simple materials:

    A pig made from thread will be no less attractive. You need to take a container with glue, insert an acrylic thread through it, which should be wound around balloon. Soon the ball can be deflated and the missing elements can be attached to the pig.

    DIY Christmas tree decorations made from ribbons, with photos

    A scattering of satin ribbons is a universal material for beautiful crafts. Using ribbons, foam blanks, and glue, you can make wonderful Christmas tree decorations.

    Satin ball for Christmas tree:

    • Divide the foam ball superficially into four slices.
    • Take four pieces of crimson tape and use a sharp knife to “slide” them onto the slices.

    • Then decorate the ball with a chain of beads, covering the joints of the ribbons inserted into the cuts.

    Christmas tree in kanzashi style:

    • Take a red and green ribbon of sufficient width and a few beads.
    • Make a Christmas tree using this simple pattern:

    Now you've got some inspiration, so get creative!

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