• 35th wedding anniversary title. Coral wedding (35 years of marriage)


    Linen or coral anniversary celebrated 35 years from the wedding day. Its symbol is a tablecloth made of simple linen, which personifies the comfort of the hearth, peace and prosperity. This wedding anniversary pays tribute to the mistress of the house, who manages to maintain the warmth of mutual feelings. Corals represent health and long life together. Their branches are made up of a huge number of small calcareous polyp skeletons that settle on stones or algae. Sometimes corals grow to such a size that large islands are formed - so-called coral reefs or atolls. This suggests that family life was formed from thousands of days that the spouses spent together, days full of feelings and events experienced together. They intertwined and united into a single organism, like a coral, which is formed from several tens of thousands of polyp skeletons. Now this union is based not only on love and romance, but also on mutual respect, care and gratitude for the time spent together. We should not forget that coral is durable, which, of course, characterizes marriage itself after 35 years life together.

    Tablecloths, towels, napkins, bedspreads and linen sheets are presented as gifts for this anniversary. They also give coral products. The marriage has already been filled with feelings and events and has formed a whole island called a family.

    35th wedding anniversary. Linen or coral

    Perhaps some no longer believe that after so many years together tender mutual feelings can remain, but, approaching this particular time point, the spouses begin to understand the full depth of their love. In addition, joint experience married life confirms that the choice made 35 years ago was the right one. The color of coral is usually red, which means that this color becomes an integral attribute of this wedding anniversary. If the celebration of the coral celebration will be held at home, then it should be borne in mind that the tradition is the presence on the table of real red aged wine and other strong drinks, which on this day symbolically strengthen marriage and relationships. As for gifts, first of all, on this anniversary, the spouses themselves gave each other gifts, and then they were presented by relatives and friends. As already mentioned, you can present coral products, for example, coral beads. Children can give their parents a bottle of exquisite red wine, which will tell about the still unextinguished passion and love between mom and dad. Excellent maintenance of tradition - presented to my wife in the morning bridal bouquet from scarlet roses. This is proof that the husband still has passion for his wife, and in order to fully comply with all traditions, the bouquet must contain thirty-five roses. A wife can give her husband a linen shirt.

    There is another tradition that is carried out on coral wedding. Before the anniversary, the spouses leave their home and spend the night with their parents or friends. At the same time, the husband and wife should not just separate different sides, but take with him from home the most expensive thing for him, and it is desirable that it is a reminder to him of his soulmate.

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    Thirty fifth wedding anniversary- coral wedding. Corals, forming from small calcareous skeletons of polyps, form entire coral reefs. So the union of two loving hearts was formed from a thousand days spent together, filled mutual feelings and important events, and formed a whole island called a family.

    Now the marriage union is based not only on romance and love - it is firmly cemented by mutual respect, care and gratitude for the years spent together.

    Some may find it strange that after this wedding anniversary some tender feelings may still remain, but after crossing this particular line, the spouses begin to realize how deep their love is. In addition, the experience of family life proves the correctness of the choice they made many years ago, in their youth.

    In Rus', this wedding anniversary was called linen wedding. It received this name because the ancestors compared the years they lived together to a canvas, although woven from many thin threads, but very durable. The past years are spread out before the celebrants like a fabric on which all the patterns are visible, symbolizing the events of past years.

    Coral wedding traditions

    Coral wedding traditions are associated with the water element. Earlier that day, the couple walked to a nearby body of water to give him a scarf of red (coral) color as a symbol of their acceptance of the wisdom of nature.

    If the weather is good outside, then it is better to organize a celebration outdoors, in close proximity to a river or pond.

    When setting the table, be sure to use coral color, it can be coral napkins, a tablecloth, or just decorative elements- candles, frames, etc. Also, as a color scheme for the holiday, you can choose sea shades - blue, light blue, turquoise. Decorate the table with shells and coral branches.

    If you decide to celebrate a coral wedding at home, then it is worth considering that, according to tradition, there should be seafood and fish on the table, and mainly red, aged wines as drinks, symbolizing the strength of the marriage and your relationship.

    According to old custom a coral wedding is a time for passing on worldly wisdom to the younger generation. Therefore, on this day, spouses must write notes with the secrets of family happiness and, putting them in a box, hand them to their grandchildren. And the grandchildren should open this box only at their own wedding.

    Since in Rus' this anniversary was called a linen wedding, then there was such an interesting custom as making a “canvas of life.” On the day of this wedding anniversary, the couple had to weave a piece of fabric using 4 hands. The quality of the woven fabric was used to judge how the spouses worked as a couple and how they lived these years. If there are knots and uneven weaves, it means that there are some grievances for which we should ask each other for forgiveness.

    Congratulations on your coral wedding

    Coral wedding- an amazing anniversary, in which many spouses are waiting kind words And touching wishes from friends and family. A lot of beautiful congratulations in poetry and prose you will find here:

    What to give for a coral wedding?

    First of all, on this wedding anniversary, the spouses themselves give gifts to each other, and then they accept gifts from relatives and friends. Gifts for a wife can be items made from coral, for example, coral beads, a bracelet, etc. A wife can give her husband a real sprig of coral, which they will place in their bedroom as a talisman of their happiness and love.

    Children can give their parents real red wine, which can say a lot about the power of passion and love between spouses.

    An excellent way to maintain the tradition would be a bouquet of scarlet roses, which the husband will present to his wife at the very beginning of the wedding anniversary. This will show that his passion has not yet faded, and to fully comply with traditions, the bouquet must consist of 35 roses.

    The canvas symbolizes the strength of relationships, and the coral represents family well-being.

    Traditions for a coral wedding

    A linen or coral wedding is celebrated on a grand scale. Traditionally, 35 years of marriage are celebrated outside the walls of the house. According to ancient rite, on the eve of the celebration, the spouses leave for relatives, taking with them any item belonging to the other half.

    A husband and wife meet only early in the morning on the day of celebrating 35 years of marriage. According to tradition, the ritual of meeting after a forced separation should take place on the bank of a river or sea coast. Here the couple again confesses their love, carefully preserved all these years, and exchange gifts.

    What to give for your 35th wedding anniversary

    According to tradition, the husband gives his wife 35 luxurious bright red roses, symbolizing immeasurable gratitude for every year lived together. For their anniversary, it is customary to give coral jewelry to wives - beads, earrings, rings, necklaces.

    Wives on the 35th anniversary From the wedding day husbands are given:

    • set of cufflinks with tie clip;
    • an expensive cigarette case with a lighter;
    • Jewelry;
    • leather accessories

    An original gift for my husband on his 35th anniversary of marriage is a gift version of a Parker-type fountain pen with coral inlay.

    Scenario for celebrating 35 years of marriage

    An ideal option for celebrating an anniversary is to rent a coastal cafe. Therefore, gatherings within the walls own home for the 35th anniversary of marriage, surrounded by numerous relatives and friends, are cancelled.

    Traditionally, on the 35th anniversary of marriage, an arch entwined with ribbons and scarlet balls is built. Color palette celebration contains all shades of red, salmon, soft pink. In clothing, preference is given to bright colors. The spouse's dress for the 35th wedding anniversary is made from coral-colored material, and the lapel of the spouse's jacket is decorated with a red flower or a coral-colored ribbon.

    The dining table is covered with a red tablecloth. White tableware and clear glass glasses look especially solemn against a bright red background.

    They decorate the dining table for a wedding celebrating 35 years of marriage with unscented cut flowers.

    The menu must include seafood dishes, as well as traditional jellied pike. Among the drinks for 35 years of marriage, they prefer red wines and coral-colored champagne. A lot of clear drinks and clean still water are placed on the table.

    What to give to friends and parents for 35 years of marriage

    A special tradition on the day of celebrating 35 years of married life is a huge pie. The housewife must prepare the baked goods herself. The pie is served at the very beginning of the celebration, and only after that the spouses begin to accept congratulations on their 35th anniversary of marriage. It is customary to unpack gifts only the next day.

    It is customary to give linen sets to friends:

    • bed linen;
    • napkins with tablecloth;
    • towels;
    • bedspread

    Traditionally, on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of marriage, interior items are given - table lamps, boxes, figurines, souvenirs, amulets and amulets inlaid with coral.

    A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

    A time-tested symbol

    This anniversary is called coral. Why coral? It was not without reason that our ancestors gave a name to each year of marriage.

    Coral has amazing properties to grow. In the same way, a family that has reached its 35th anniversary grows very much by this time. Children, grandchildren - everyone is united by a very strong union. The copper, strawberry and amber anniversaries have already passed.

    Corals are formed from small cells, polyps, which grow to form huge colonies. In addition, these amazing creatures of nature are especially durable. Exactly the same family bonds, day after day and year after year, small joys, sorrows and plans for the future grow and become stronger over time.

    It is noteworthy that this anniversary has another name - linen wedding. Why is it called that and what does this symbol mean?

    The fact is that linen has long been woven by hand on a loom from flax. There was such a machine in every home and, accordingly, every woman had the art of weaving fabric, although this was not an easy craft. To obtain soft and delicate linen fabric, hard flax had to be soaked for a long time, dried, torn and disassembled into fibers.

    Only true craftswomen were able to create unusually soft linen, which in its natural, unbleached form also had a bactericidal effect.

    Not only bandages were made from it, but also ropes, clothes, canvas, and bags were sewn. Perhaps the second symbol of this anniversary year is connected precisely with the fact that only real housewives and wise women It is possible to create from the smallest details a truly harmonious and lasting union, which only becomes stronger every year.

    Personally, I like these two explanations for the name of the anniversary and I suggest using both as a choice of gifts.

    What to give to your beloved wife?

    And again, the symbol of the holiday itself tells us the most important gift that you can give to your beloved woman on this day.

    • Give her a string of coral beads or earrings or a bracelet.
    • You can play with the coral symbol and come up with gifts that indicate the date with your colors.
    • The stole is bright coral color.
    • Clutch or fashionable bag.
    • A woman who loves to travel will definitely appreciate a stylish suitcase in a fashionable bright color.
    • A laptop, tablet or smartphone in a rich coral shade.
    • Cosmetics. But you want the gift to be original and symbolic - so I suggest paying attention to the design itself. If you put cosmetics, perfumes in a beautiful straw basket and add seashells and coral as decoration, it will turn out very stylish.

    How to congratulate your husband beautifully?

    It is unlikely that anyone will argue with me that all men prefer practical and useful gifts. No, this does not mean that women like useless ones. We just value gifts more from the aesthetic side, we like cute trinkets, beautiful things, but for a man it is important that the gift is definitely useful in everyday life.

    Therefore, a symbol is a symbol, but I would not advise you to give souvenirs or decorated figurines to your spouses. Let's try for men to play up not so much the coral symbol of the holiday, but the linen one.

    For example, a suit can be an excellent gift option. This can be either a business or a sports copy. It all depends on the type of activity your man does and his preferences. If you're giving a tracksuit, you can add a bright coral T-shirt. A business suit complement with a stylish tie or shirt of this color.

    How to surprise your parents?

    It seems to me that the biggest surprise and gift for parents will be if the children completely take on the worries and expenses of organizing the 35th anniversary. What could be better for parents whose children are the fruit of their love, who, of course, have already grown up, become successful and can now pay tribute to their beloved parents!

    Coral must be present on the table as the main decoration, symbolizing well-being family life, love and longevity.

    You can edit a family film from the entire archive of videos and photographs that you have. Or you can make a real family website, a blog in which your family will share interesting events, thoughts, and travel reports. From the same series: newspaper wall, beautiful photo album.

    Shouldn't we give our parents a trip to hot countries? If your parents have never seen coral in their lives and have no idea how it grows in natural conditions, then a tourist trip to hot countries where they can admire the beauty of coral atolls would be a wonderful gift. And if the spirit of adventurism has not yet died out in your parents, then you can give them a gift of scuba diving to the bottom. They will definitely not forget such a beautiful sight.

    Don't forget to congratulate your friends

    1. There will be a linen tablecloth the best gift for friends on their anniversary. You can complement the set with beautiful embroidered napkins, apron, oven mitts for the kitchen.
    2. Coral decor. This could be a coffee table decoration or an intricate candle holder. Or maybe coral, sealed in a bottle, reminiscent of travel to hot countries. If your friends are full of adventure and love to travel, then they will definitely appreciate such a gift.
    3. Picture in a linen frame or decorated with corals.
    4. Cake in the shape of a coral reef.

    How can you send a cool congratulations on your 35th anniversary?

    1. If you want to specially congratulate your loved ones on this day, you can contact the agency organizing the holiday. Just imagine how surprised both spouses will be when, early in the morning, an orchestra with cheerful music will play under their windows!
    2. You can order a huge billboard and, under the pretext, lure the “newlyweds” to this place early in the morning, celebrating 35 years with a bottle of champagne.
    3. Organize all your friends and relatives who cannot come and congratulate you in person happy couple and ask them to say on camera nice words, toasts and wishes. Edit the film - it will be the best gift for everyone!

    How will we celebrate?

    Considering the significance and dates, you should not limit yourself to a simple dinner in a narrow family circle. You will still have dates and anniversaries when you can spend time at a romantic stop. Today is a big holiday, which means it needs to be celebrated on a grand scale. Take care of the script in advance and turn this day into an enchanting show.

    Restaurant. Classic and a win-win. Well, first of all, there is no need to fuss and cook. And secondly, you have the opportunity to gather all your favorite and closest people in a beautiful, solemn atmosphere.

    To make this anniversary sound beautiful, arrange a dress code. Choose one of the anniversary symbols: coral or linen. You can indicate in the invitations, which you can also design in a thematic style, that attendance will only be in bright coral-colored clothing. Or in linen clothes. This will not only be very interesting for the guests, but will also beautifully convey the overall atmosphere of the anniversary.

    Don't forget to take care of ordering a host and photographer. This day should remain not only in your memories, but also in wonderful photographs that your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will admire!)

    Celebrating on the seashore. Of course, what could be more beautiful? The symbol itself tells us about something marine. If you have the opportunity to have a beautiful ceremony on the seashore, then be sure to take advantage of it.

    Invite only the closest people who have been with you all these years, supporting you and sharing your joys. Close friends, parents, children and grandchildren. Exchange your wedding vows, slow dance, and then party all evening on the restaurant's outdoor patio. A wonderful celebration for such a wonderful anniversary!

    These are so interesting and bright ideas I got it. Found something new for yourself? Share your impressions in the comments. Subscribe and share with friends on in social networks. See you again!

    Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

    35 years of marriage - a linen wedding. Another name for the anniversary is “coral wedding.” Over 35 years, a strong union is formed, which is as difficult to break as a canvas. What to give each other for their anniversary and how to celebrate such an important date?

    What wedding

    35 years of marriage is called a linen wedding. Linen is a dense fabric that is difficult to tear with your hands. This material perfectly characterizes marriage at this stage.

    Another name for the 35th anniversary is a coral wedding. During for long years corals form in the depths of the sea. So it is with spouses: every day they strengthen their relationships with each other, gain children, grandchildren, relatives, friends, victories, losses, joys and disappointments. All these events turn the family into a “coral reef” - something expensive, beautiful, worthy of attention.


    One of the main traditions of the celebration invites spouses to spend the day separately. And not just in different rooms, but in different places. Someone may go to their children or relatives. You need to take your spouse’s valuable item with you: a photo, jewelry, talisman, accessory. Temporary separation will help you relax, miss each other, remember marital vows, past romance and sensuality. In the morning, the couple meet again, which symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in their life together. Together they go to the pond. Ideal if you have the opportunity to go to the sea.

    A coral wedding is closely associated with the water element. That is why it is customary to give something to water for the happiness and well-being of the family. Usually these are linen or linen handkerchiefs that need to be lowered into the river with a mental request for protection, harmony, and well-being.

    On their marriage anniversary, a married couple should pass on their knowledge and experience to the younger generation. During the celebration, write down the secrets of family happiness on pieces of paper. Then place them in small boxes and give them to your grandchildren.

    How to celebrate

    It is customary to celebrate the 35th wedding anniversary on a grand scale and with a large number of guests. You can invite relatives, close friends, neighbors, work colleagues. The event can be held either at home or in a restaurant, cafe or outdoors. The most advantageous option is to organize a celebration on the sea coast. This is not only an original move, but also a good omen. Some couples decide to have a holiday outside the city, in the form of a picnic.

    If you decide to gather in a banquet hall or residential building, decorate the room in a marine theme. Add elements of coral colors. For example, a red-brown tablecloth and napkins, photos and pictures with images of the sea, decorations in the form of corals.

    For a coral wedding, set the table in a marine theme.

    Must-have dishes holiday menu at a coral wedding - seafood. Shrimp, mussels, squid - all this should be on the table. For drinks, choose champagne or coral-colored wine. A traditional holiday dish is a large fish pie. The hostess must bake it. In this way, she will demonstrate the culinary skills that she has acquired over 35 years of family life. By dividing it into pieces and giving it to guests, you will symbolically unite the family.

    Don't forget about the entertainment program. Arrange funny Games or competitions, choose good music or come up with other entertainment. The main thing is that both adults and children can participate in them.

    Gift for husband

    The symbolism of the celebration gives free rein to imagination. There are no special traditions regarding gifts. You can give your spouse a lighter, pen or cigarette case with coral inlay. Cufflinks and other accessories are also suitable. Since the anniversary is also called a linen anniversary, you can safely give linen shirts or pajamas.

    Cognac or 35-year-old wine is a great gift for any man. This drink is expensive and prestigious. It will be a great addition romantic evening which you will spend together.

    Any family will need a set for outdoor recreation. We are talking about a set for barbecue. It usually includes skewers, a tray, a barbecue grid, and devices for lighting and maintaining the flame.

    For those who like to spend free time while reading, a good gift there will be a collection of books. Try to take into account your spouse’s preferences and not give him books he has already read.

    Gift for wife

    The 35th wedding anniversary is a date that requires a special approach in choosing a gift for your wife. Below are the possible options.

    • Jewelry. A woman will love coral beads, a bracelet or a necklace. Choose red-brown velvet packaging for your jewelry. Present them along with a bouquet of 35 red roses.
    • Interior items. An original gift for a coral wedding would be a box, candlestick, figurine, table lamp or frame with photo together in coral shades. Giving a photo on your anniversary is a great way to remember every year you have lived together.
    • Bed linen sets. Home textiles are always a relevant gift. Coral and red are the colors of love and passion. They will bring back the former romance, tenderness and sensuality. If you can't find coral-colored underwear, pay attention to 3D designs. Among them you can choose sets depicting a beach, a coral reef, or a sea breeze. In addition to bedding, you can give linen items for the home: sets of towels, tablecloths, capes, curtains, bedspreads. A woman will be pleased to receive a linen robe or dress.
    • Tea or table service. It will be useful in the home of any housewife. As an alternative, you can give sushi dishes, sets of plates for daily use, sets of pans and pots, and baking dishes. Dishes and accessories for table setting will not be superfluous: salad bowls, tureens, fruit bowls, bread bins, napkin holders, toothpick holders, napkin rings, pepper shakers, salt shakers.

    What do guests give?

    To celebrate a coral wedding, loved ones give things that are useful in everyday life:

    • Household appliances: TV, air conditioner, vacuum cleaner, laptop, tablet, electronic watch, acoustics, video center.
    • Subscription to a SPA salon or fitness center – practical gift for an older couple. Choose a program for multiple visits to beauty and massage sessions, and wellness treatments.
    • Journey. If the anniversary falls in the summer, give the spouses a trip to the sea. In the cold season, a trip to a sanatorium is appropriate. Choose a route based on the wishes of the couple, their health problems, and attractions in the resort town.
    • A wedding cake is an affordable and pleasant gift. The confectioner will create a sweet masterpiece taking into account any of your wishes. Order a design that matches the theme of the celebration.


    On the 35th wedding anniversary they should sound original congratulations. They can be expressed verbally or written on a card. Good idea decorate the house with banners beautiful wishes. You can also order a book of wishes in leather binding. In it, collect warm words from friends and family, decorating the pages with photographs and drawings.

    In honor of the holiday, you can compose poems or write a song that will sound especially touching when performed by the youngest members of the family. If you do not have such talents, use ready-made congratulations.

    Parents celebrate a coral wedding
    Friends and relatives are invited to a generous table.
    We want everything to go smoothly for you,
    Everything is fine in business, in health, in personal life!

    We wish you to enjoy each other,
    Always go forward and don't give up
    We wish you to be in love and affection
    And see life in colorful paint!

    Congratulations on your coral wedding!
    Respect, pride, honor!
    You didn’t live thirty-five in vain -
    Report in the form of children and grandchildren!

    We wish you luck, health,
    So that exactly the same number of years
    You lived with understanding and love
    And they did not know illnesses and troubles!

    35 years of marriage – an important event, requiring preparation both from the married couple and from the invitees. It is customary to celebrate a wedding anniversary in noisy company, with a feast and entertainment program. But the most important thing that you can give on this day is attention, family warmth, love, sincere care for each other.

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