• Catchphrases about family and family values. Warm and funny quotes and aphorisms about family (35 cards)


    The new collection includes beautiful sayings about family, about love, about relationships and feelings.

    A man who builds his house on one heart builds it on a fire-breathing mountain. People who base all the good of their lives on family life, building a house on the sand. (A.I. Herzen)

    Those who love the truth should seek love in marriage, that is, love without illusions. Camus A.

    Ma famille est toujours dans mon coeur. My family is always in my heart.

    Marriage is a means of saving oneself from passion in love. ( MM. Prishvin)

    A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. (A. Maurois)

    Marriage follows love, just like smoke follows fire. (S. Chamfort)

    Marriage is an agreement, the terms of which are reviewed and reaffirmed daily. (B. Bardo)

    In family life, the main thing is patience... Love cannot last long. (A.P. Chekhov)

    Family is kinship not only by blood. ()

    The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that your family loves you, loves you for who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.

    Family is not the blood that flows in you. These are the ones you love and who love you.

    “In family life, everyone must forget himself completely, think only about others - such an attitude towards each other of family members binds the family together so that they all feel that it is impossible for each of them to live without the others. ( Righteous Alexy Mechev)

    “Life with a wife is not easy, but life without her is completely impossible.” ( Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder)

    “When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water except that which you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, in less than two months the water of the spring becomes bitter.” (Stendhal)

    “From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure them and nurse them back to health!” (Leonardo da Vinci)

    “A just husband commands his wife not as the owner of property, but as the soul of the body: taking into account her feelings and invariably benevolently.” (Plutarch)

    “A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.” (Alfred Hitchcock)

    A wise wife is a strong attraction for family happiness. (Konstantin Madei)

    A wise woman multiplies blessings and her family prospers at all times. (Konstantin Madei)

    There is nothing stronger than a mother's request. /Greek proverb/

    (E. Zola)

    Just as branches and fruits decorate a tree, and a dense forest decorates a mountain, so a husband is decorated by his children and his wife. A man who has no brothers, no wife, no sons is insignificant in the eyes of his enemies. He is like a tree growing at a crossroads: every passer-by picks its fruit, every beast of the field devours it. (Ahikar)

    Accepting a person as he is, with his habits and views, is the highest wisdom of family life. (Ilya Shevelev)

    Family life, watered by women's tears, does not bear fruit well. (Boris Kovalerchik)

    A separate wallet for spouses is as unnatural as a separate bed. (Joseph Addison)

    The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state. (Sergey Dovlatov)

    Family is one of nature's masterpieces. (George Santayana)

    Marital love, which passes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary. (Francois Mauriac)

    Marriage is an art and it must be renewed every day . (R. Tagore.)

    Only husband and wife together form the reality of man; husband and wife together are the existence of the race, for their union is the source of multitudes, the source of other people. (Ludwig Feuerbach)

    Only a family can teach a person not to tremble before public opinion or some authority, showing respect to them, but reserving the right to their own position. Happy are the children of such families. (Victor Shepel)

    Value unanimity in the family above all else and do everything in this way and strive to ensure that peace and silence are constantly preserved in the marriage. Then the children will imitate the virtues of their parents, and virtue will flourish throughout the house, and there will be prosperity in all matters.” (St. John Chrysostom)

    A feeling of reliability, no less than a feeling of love, strengthens the foundation of a family. (Ilya Shevelev)

    Lately I have been returning to my family - mother, father, brothers... What I once gave without hesitation for creativity, for independence, for some distant high shores, which after a long journey to them turned out to be bare rocks. And then I realized that at the end of the path, only the dear things with which you started this path remain. Everything else is shaky... (Dina Rubina)

    All happy families are alike, each unhappy family unhappy in her own way.

    Family is what is worth waking up for every day, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect...

    The most important thing in life is family. A career doesn’t wait for you at home, money won’t wipe away your tears, and fame won’t hug you at night.

    Family is the only real wealth.

    The main secret of a successful marriage is to see accidents in misfortunes, and not to perceive accidents as misfortunes. (G. Nicholson)

    Family is not defined by blood relationship, family is those you care about.

    For a happy family life, the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just a pretty appearance is enough.

    A person given over to drunkenness reveals more shaky views on honor, customs and decency, is indifferent to moral conflicts, to the ruin of his family, to the contempt of his fellow citizens; he becomes a cruel egoist and cynic.

    If the family is not filled with children's screams, they are more than compensated for by adults.

    As long as the spouses are united by passion, they will always be at peace, despite serious disagreements. (E. Zola)

    A wife who does not lead her husband forward certainly pushes him back. (D. Mill)

    Society as such does not exist: there are only men and women. Oh yes, more families.

    A woman in a family is like a translator: she understands both baby babble and drunken delirium.

    Somewhat frightened and alarmed love becomes more tender, cares more carefully, from the selfishness of two it becomes not only the selfishness of three, but the selflessness of two for the third; family starts with children.

    The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, and responsiveness. (E. Zola)

    The most vile ingratitude, but at the same time the most primordial, is the ingratitude of children towards their parents. (L.K. Vauvenargues)

    No matter how respectfully the female half of your family treats you, no matter how much she appreciates your virtues and authority, secretly she always looks at you like a donkey and has something like pity for you.

    No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family. Family cannot be replaced by money, career, or friends. Family is like an element of a puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will come together.

    The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. (T. Hesberg)

    My family is my strength and my weakness.

    Life is love... Love is family... Family is children, they are the most important thing in life...

    Whoever got a good son-in-law gained a son, and whoever got a bad one lost a daughter. (Democritus)

    The strongest family is the one where there is no possession of the letter I, where only the word WE rules, where there are joint dreams.

    Who is in charge in the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to save the life of the family.

    Man and woman are an eternal battle. Love lasts until there is a winner, until one has spoken out completely and there is a secret. And when someone lost, but the other did not show it and began to tactfully support the weakest, then a family arises.

    Getting married without tying yourself to anything is a betrayal. ( Montaigne M.)

    In my opinion, marriage and its bonds are either the greatest good or the greatest evil; there is no middle. ( Voltaire)

    A wife is not a mistress, but a friend and companion of our life, and we must get accustomed in advance to the idea of ​​loving her even when she an elderly woman, and then she will be an old woman. ( V.G. Belinsky)

    Only the family truly knows a person and is faithful to him to the end.

    Family life may never be a complete holiday. Know how to share not only joys, but also grief, misfortune, misfortune. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

    Family is what matters most, that's what makes my heart beat.

    To create a family, it is enough to love. And to save, you need to learn to endure, forgive and understand!

    The main idea and goal of family life is raising children. Main school Education is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

    Family is if you can guess by the sound who is washing in the shower.

    Family is not where everything is perfect, but it is a place where they forgive each other!

    A person in love with himself cannot be capable of true love. Selfishness is a terrible vice that poisons love. If you are selfish, it is better not to start a family.

    Family is not necessarily relatives, but also friends, and everyone who is dear to you.

    There is no such thing in a family that spouses do not influence each other. Where there is love, this happens easily, but where there is no love, the use of violence causes what we call tragedy. (Tagore R.)

    Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond of your life.

    Family starts with children. (A.I. Herzen)

    A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say. (A. Hitchcock)

    A marriage cannot be happy if the spouses, before entering into a union, do not know each other’s morals, habits and characters perfectly. (O. Balzac)

    Happiness is when you don’t have time to go online because you constantly spend time with your family.

    Marriage is a long conversation punctuated by arguments. (R. Stevenson)

    A successful marriage is a building that needs to be reconstructed every day. (A. Maurois)

    La famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours.-Family is always in my heart.

    Topic of the article: beautiful sayings about family, children, marriage and of course about love...

    Wise words with meaning about family. Family is the greatest joy, support, love and happiness.

    Every person should be born, grow and be brought up in a family, and that’s when he will grow up to be a truly happy person.

    A house is not just a street, or a city, or even a building made of bricks and mortar. Home is where your family is.

    “True wealth and the greatest happiness is when a husband and wife do not disagree with each other, they are united with each other as one flesh. Such spouses, even if they lived poorly and were ignorant, can be the happiest of all, because they enjoy true happiness and live in eternal peace” /John Chrysostom/

    If you want to live happily, then remember: a child should appear in a family, and not a family because of a child.

    Love is not a goal, but a means to create family hearth. /Honore de Balzac/

    Good family- one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night they forget that they are spouses. /Jean Rostand/

    A child is a mirror reflection of the situation in the family, the relationship between parents, whether the parents want to admit it or not. /Luule Viilma/

    There is a strange, deep-rooted misconception that cooking, sewing, washing, and babysitting are exclusively women’s work, and that it is even shameful for a man to do this. Meanwhile, the opposite is offensive: it is a shame for a man, often unoccupied, to spend time on trifles or do nothing while a tired, often weak, pregnant woman struggles to cook, wash or nurse a sick child. /Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy/

    Family harmony does not consist in all its members thinking and acting the same, or having or not keeping secrets from each other. And in that royally lavished love, where no one demands obligations from each other, in that highest honor to each other, where there are no words about self-sacrifice, but there is a thought about help, about the joy of being useful.

    Not tyranny, not anger, not shouting, not pleading, not begging, but calm, serious and business-like orders - this is what should outwardly express the technique of family discipline. Neither you nor your children should have any doubt that you have the right to such an order as one of the senior authorized members of the team. /Joseph Addison/

    Union stupid man and a stupid woman gives birth to a heroine mother. Union of a stupid woman and smart man gives birth to a single mother. Union smart woman and gives birth to a stupid man an ordinary family. The union of an intelligent man and an intelligent woman gives rise to light flirting. /Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky/

    Man and woman are an eternal battle. Love lasts until there is a winner, until one has spoken out completely and there is a secret. And when someone lost, but the other did not show it and began to tactfully support the weakest, then a family arises. /Anton Pavlovich Chekhov/

    Always work. Always love. Love your wife and children more than yourself. Don’t expect gratitude from people and don’t be upset if they don’t thank you. Instruction instead of hatred, smile instead of contempt. /Vladimir Epifantsev/

    Parents who work for their children and root for them, even despite all their mistakes, give their children a living and real lesson of altruism, as if introducing into their creation the duty to show human feelings to their future children, and through them to all other people . /M. M. Rubinstein/

    The only way to force a woman to submit is by force. Intimidate, put on a chain. Many people, by the way, do just that. But this leads to terrible relationships. The man simply withdraws into himself, becomes arrogant, and does not devote his wife to anything. Why, since she already obeys him. And it all ends. Feelings go somewhere. It seems to me that family is work. Well, how to plant a tree. /Concordia Antarova/

    Parents raise, and children are raised by the family life that develops intentionally or unintentionally. A family can live harmoniously and be friendly towards strangers, but it can also quarrel, get angry, show callousness and hostility not only towards strangers, but also towards their loved ones. A family can live by spiritual interests, love reading, music, paintings, or become completely absorbed in squabbles, economic bustle, and worries about pennies. There can be both order and confusion in a family. Life, one way or another, of a family is strong because its impressions are constant, ordinary, that it acts unnoticed, strengthens or poisons the human spirit, just as the air we breathe strengthens or poisons our physical body. /Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrogorsky/

    No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family. Family cannot be replaced by money, career, or friends. family is like an element of a puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will come together.

    Remember your youth. But when you help your children, demand that they help themselves. They will have neither strong character nor willpower if they do not learn to overcome obstacles. The bird feeds the chicks from its beak and at the same time teaches them to fly independently.

    If you have money, then you can never lose your family, children always come first and are most important, and a man must provide for everyone. And it provides, even if no one wanted to give a damn. And they don’t respect, and they don’t even like. And he takes it out. He takes it out because... because he is a man.

    When love blooms between husband and wife, it shines in everything and takes over everything... Subtlety and purity mutual love Not only do they not stand outside of physical closeness, but on the contrary, they feed on it and there is nothing kinder than that deep tenderness that blossoms only in marriage and the meaning of which lies in a living feeling of mutual completion of each other. The sense of “I” as a separate person disappears... both husband and wife feel like only part of some common whole - one doesn’t want to experience anything without the other, they want to see everything together, do everything together, always be together in everything. /IN. Zenkovsky/

    Section topic: words of wisdom, with a meaning about family. The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that your family loves you, loves you for who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are. Happy is the one who managed to save burning coals from the fire of his love for the warmth of the family home.

    Family starts with children. Herzen A.I.


    A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers and at night that they are spouses. J. Rostand


    The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends. Felix Adler


    All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Tolstoy L. N.


    A family is a group of people who are united by blood and quarrel over money issues. Etienne Rey


    The homeland and parents should come first, then the children and the whole family, and then the rest of the relatives. Marcus Tullius Cicero


    To appreciate marital happiness requires patience; impatient natures prefer misfortune. George Santayana


    The purpose of dinner is nutrition and the purpose of marriage is family. Tolstoy L. N.


    Family is like that a good thing that many men start two families at the same time. Adrian Decourcel


    In family life, the most important screw is love. Chekhov A.P.


    Happy is the one who has a family where he can complain about his family. Jules Renard


    In family life, the main thing is patience. Love cannot last long. Chernyshevsky N. G.


    Ensuring the normal course of one's family affairs is often more difficult than governing a province. Publius Cornelius Tacitus


    There is no such thing in a family that spouses do not influence each other. Where there is love, this happens easily, but where there is no love, the use of violence causes what we call tragedy. Rabindranath Tagore


    The dependence of family life makes a person more moral. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin


    Any social doctrine that attempts to destroy the family is worthless and, moreover, inapplicable. The family is the crystal of society. Hugo V.


    Family interests almost always destroy public interests. Bacon F.


    In family life, while maintaining your dignity, you must be able to give in to each other. Sukhomlinsky V. A.


    A woman is the salvation or death of a family. A. Amiel


    The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good. Sukhomlinsky V. A.


    Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family. Faina Ranevskaya


    Where does a family begin? Since a young man falls in love with a girl, no other way has yet been invented. Winston Churchill


    Even the strongest family is no stronger than a house of cards. George Halifax


    Nature, having created people as they are, gave them great consolation from many evils, endowing them with family and homeland. Hugo Foscolo


    The family is a judicial chamber, whose sessions are not interrupted even at night. Malcolm Chazal


    A lonely person quickly wastes his strength, and his family supports him. However, if everything were so smooth and smooth, then numerous aphorisms and quotes about family and marriage would not have arisen, some of which are quite serious and moralizing, while others are imbued with sparkling humor. The important thing is that all aphorisms and quotes about family are instructive and can affect relationships in the family and married life.


    “If you are afraid of loneliness, then don’t get married.” Anton Pavlovich Chekhov


    “It is not safe for husbands to tell the truth about their wives! It’s funny, but wives can tell the truth about their husbands quite calmly!” Agatha Christie


    “Without equality there is no marriage. A wife, excluded from all the interests that occupy her husband, alien to them, not sharing them, is a concubine, housekeeper, nanny, but not a wife in the full, noble sense of the word.” Alexander Ivanovich Herzen


    “All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy


    “Marriage without love is terrible. But there is something even worse: this is a marriage in which love is present, but only on one side; fidelity, but only on one side... in such a marriage, out of two hearts, one is undoubtedly broken.” Oscar Wilde


    “Most men demand from their wives virtues that they themselves are not worth.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy


    « Family quarrels- routine repairs of dilapidated family love" Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky


    “A wife is not a mistress, but a friend and companion of our life, and we must get used to the idea of ​​loving her both when she is an elderly woman and when she is an old woman.” Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky


    “When a man takes a wife below himself in rank, he does not humiliate himself, but elevates his wife; on the contrary, by entering into a marriage with a person of a higher rank, he humiliates her and does not elevate himself.” Jean Jacques Rousseau


    “Family will always be the foundation of society.” Honore de Balzac


    “Marriage may seem suitable to people who are incapable of either love or friendship and who willingly try to mislead themselves and others about this deficiency - who, having no experience of either love or friendship, cannot be disappointed and the marriage itself." Friedrich Nietzsche


    “The French hardly talk about their wives: they are afraid to talk in front of strangers who know these wives better than the husbands themselves.” Charles Louis Montesquieu


    “...The main thing is not to forget for a minute because of marital love, not to lose love and respect, as one person to another.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy


    “The education of a man or woman is tested by how he behaves during a quarrel.” Bernard Show


    “In my opinion, marriage and its bonds are either the greatest good or the greatest evil; there is no middle ground." Voltaire


    “In married life, the united couple should form, as it were, a single moral personality.” Immanuel Kant


    “Look at your wife as you looked at your bride, know that every minute she has the right to say: “I’m unhappy with you, get away from me”; look at her like that, and she will inspire you with the same poetic feeling as a bride.” Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky


    “At every age, honor your parents.” Catherine II


    “Marriage based on mutual inclination and reason is one of the greatest blessings human life" Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev


    “A wife who seeks power becomes a tyrant of her husband, and a master who becomes a slave becomes a ridiculous and pitiful creature.” Jean Jacques Rousseau


    “According to my deep conviction, the marriage union should be alien to any publicity, this matter concerns only two people - no one else.” Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky


    “I have always noticed that spouses who make up a bad couple are the most vindictive: they are ready to take revenge on the whole world because they can no longer separate.” Friedrich Nietzsche


    “People usually marry hopes, marry promises. And since it is much easier to fulfill one’s promise than to justify other people’s hopes, one often encounters disappointed husbands than deceived wives.” Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky


    “If a wife surpasses her husband in prudence and skill, and he willingly yields, then the higher and more natural law comes into play, that the wiser should rule the less wise, whether he be a man or a woman.” John Milton


    “Parents love their children with an anxious and indulgent love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, which makes them honest. And so it is real love father." Denis Diderot


    “The main thing in family life is patience. Love cannot last long.” Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky


    “We must always marry in the same way as we die, that is, only when it is impossible otherwise.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy


    “It’s still wonderfully established in nature. Any man who looks completely unattractive inevitably becomes the chosen one of some woman.” Agatha Christie


    “If Laura had been Petrarch’s wife, would he have written sonnets to her all his life?” George Byron


    “The job of a good housewife is to be quiet, modest, constant, careful; Diligent to God, respectful to father-in-law and mother-in-law; treat your husband lovingly and decently, teach small children to justice and love for your neighbor; Be polite in front of relatives and relatives, listen willingly to kind speeches, and abhor lies and deceit; not to be idle, but diligent in every product and frugal in expenses.” Catherine II


    “Celibacy is created by promiscuity. Both sexes avoid the union that should make them better, and remain in a union that makes them worse." Charles Louis Montesquieu


    “Men marry out of boredom, women out of curiosity. Both are disappointed." Oscar Wilde


    “A marriage without love is devoid of true existence, goodness, consolation, has nothing in it from God’s institution, nothing but the most wretched and base, which any self-respecting person can easily neglect. The carnal life may continue, but it will be neither holy nor pure, nor upholding the sacred bonds of marriage, but will become best case scenario animal function... For in human affairs the soul is acting force, and the body is in a sense passive. And if in this case the body acts contrary to what the soul demands, how can a person think that it is he who is acting, and not something below him? John Milton


    “...Everyone knows that if a husband and wife live harmoniously and happily, then their mutual affection intensifies every year and finally reaches such a development that they literally “cannot live without each other.” Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky


    “If the purpose of marriage is a family, then anyone who wants to have many wives and husbands may get a lot of pleasure, but in no case will have a family.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy


    “...If spouses love each other for many years, then love imperceptibly turns into a sweet habit and ardent passion is replaced by tender friendship.” Jean Jacques Rousseau


    “Nothing promotes mutual affection more than the possibility of divorce: husband and wife easily endure the hardships of family life, and often, having had this opportunity all their lives, they did not take advantage of it only because they were free to do so.” Charles Louis Montesquieu


    “When a woman marries for the second time, it means that she hated her first husband; when a man marries a second time, it is because he adored his first wife.” Oscar Wilde


    “The purpose of dinner is nutrition and the purpose of marriage is family.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy


    Family will always be the basis of society. Honore de Balzac


    Somewhat frightened and alarmed love becomes more tender, cares more carefully, from the selfishness of two it becomes not only the selfishness of three, but the selflessness of two for the third; family starts with children. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen


    All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy


    Even the strongest family is no stronger than a house of cards. George Saville Halifax


    The homeland and parents should come first, then the children and the whole family, and then (the rest) relatives. Marcus Tullius Cicero


    Family breaks up more often because of the husband's sanity than because of anything else. How can a woman be happy with a man who stubbornly wants to see her as a completely rational being? Oscar Wilde


    The Creator united the entire human race with a chain of love. I often think that there is no person in the world who would never have good feelings for another person and would not himself take advantage of someone’s kindness; for we are all united family, coming from Adam. William Makepeace Thackeray


    Any social doctrine that attempts to destroy the family is worthless and, moreover, inapplicable. The family is the crystal of society. Victor-Marie Hugo


    Just as branches and fruits decorate a tree, and a dense forest decorates a mountain, so a husband is decorated by his children and his wife. A man who has no brothers, no wife, no sons is insignificant in the eyes of his enemies. He is like a tree growing at a crossroads: every passer-by picks its fruit, all the beasts of the field devour it. Ahikar


    If you are going to get married, then first find out what the language of the woman you have chosen as your wife is. A tongue-tied wife is a living hell. Menander


    A wife should not make her own friends; She's had enough of her husband's friends. Plutarch


    Get married no matter what. If you get caught good wife, you will be an exception, and if you are bad, you will become a philosopher. Socrates


    A man looks like April when he is courting, and like December when he is already married. William Shakespeare


    Parents who notice that their son wants to become a poet should flog him until he either gives up poetry or becomes a great poet. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg


    Sons believe in the goodness of their mothers. Daughters too, but less so. Anatole France


    • A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
    • In the family the porridge is thicker.
    • The family is at war, and the lonely one is grieving.
    • The family agrees that things are going great.
    • Family harmony is the most valuable thing.
    • Land without water is dead, a man without a family is empty.
    • They show off their daughters, and live in honor with their sons.
    • To a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the way.
    • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
    • You can't really screw up your family.
    • A quarrel in your family before the first sight.
    • Rich bride Come on, think about how to feed your family.
    • He is young and walks around the world; old, but feeds his family.
    • Large pot for the whole family.
    • The son-in-law loves to take, the father-in-law loves honor, and the brother-in-law squints his eyes.
    • Matchmaker, no matchmaker, don't mess around with it.
    • A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its family.
    • The mother-in-law thought that five people couldn’t eat; and the son-in-law sat down and ate it in one sitting.
    • There are relatives, there is fuss.
    • Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.
    • Why should I be a father-in-law if I have nothing to eat?
    • Grandmother - only grandfather is not a grandson.
    • Tenth water on jelly.
    • He's fat in the family, but not simple in the family.
    • He is our locksmith’s second cousin, a blacksmith.
    • How are your family? Yes, we are looking at the same sun.
    • Your grandmother led my grandfather by the nose.
    • His dogs ate oatmeal, and ours looked at them through the backdrop.
    • Two brothers for a bear, and two matchmakers for jelly.
    • Hints and reproaches are family vices.
    • Thick porridge will not disperse a family.
    • The mother swings high, but doesn’t hit hard; The stepmother swings low and hits him painfully.
    • The sweet child has many names.
    • Good children grow up in a good family.
    • A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
    • What is the treasure for if there is harmony in the family?
    • For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
    • Every layman is a family man to his brother.
    • The food tastes better at a communal table.
    • Daughter's children are sweeter than their own.
    • Where there is a fool's family, there is his own land.
    • Relatives until noon, but nowhere to have lunch.
    • Every family has its black sheep.
    • I love my children, but my grandchildren are sweeter.
    • There is no salt, so there is no word; and the torment reached, negotiations began throughout the whole family.
    • Children are not judges of parents.
    • Matchmaker, not matchmaker, he would be a kind person.
    • When I don’t see my people, I feel so sick without them; But when I see my own people, it’s better without them.
    • Although the inheritance cannot be divided, we must consider it our own.
    • I am your matchmaker, and who are you to me?
    • I also have brothers, but they are not my own, they are strangers.
    • Everyone in the family is asleep, but the daughter-in-law is told to grind.
    • The father's son is stupider - pity; the father's son is smarter - joy; and brother's brother is smarter - envy.
    • This is the master's hen's nephew.
    • His grandmother’s sundress was burning, and my grandfather came and warmed his hands.
    • A Russian person cannot live without relatives.
    • Spiritual kinship is more important than carnal kinship.
    • Wherever you take your grandmother, feed your grandson!
    • Don't hide your failures from your parents.
    • What kind of calculation is there in your family?
    • Harmony in the family is wealth.

    About family, about marriage.

    Girls strive to get married, but are unable to believe that in later life a woman is just a servant.

    Is it worth having hopes only to suffer later? Should you, having achieved your goal, assume that all this will last forever? But marriage is about hopes, and if they do not come true, it is unreasonable to demand permanence.

    Society would be ideal if all women were married and all men were bachelors.

    Marriage is like a fortress under siege; those who inside would like to get out of it; those outside would like to break into it. (E. Bazin).

    It is better that children are the result of calculations, not miscalculations.

    You cannot separate what God has united.

    Strong and happy families are not the same thing. Eat strong families, but without warmth and happiness, and there are happy ones, but fragile ones.

    Dating service problems:

    20-25 years old - there are guys, no girls.

    30-35 years old - a lot of women, no men at all.

    50-60 years old - men appear, but do not look at women their own age, but look for young women who do not look at them.

    Over 60 years, women completely disappear, and men are still searching.

    Chris Norman is the lead singer of the famous band "Smoky". In 1996 - he is 46 years old. Lives with his family on the island. Maine. I was never known as a ladies' man. For more than a quarter of a century he has been faithful to his wife Linda. They say that he fell in love with her at first sight when he was 17 years old and she was 20. The Normans have 5 children - from 5 to 26 years old.

    It is much easier to be a lover than a husband, for the simple reason that it is much more difficult to demonstrate intelligence and wit all day long than to say something smart only from time to time. (O. Balzac).

    Get married by all means. If you get a good wife, you will become happy. If you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher. (Munchausen attributed these words to Socrates).

    If the bride leaves for someone else, then who knows who is lucky.

    Happiness married man in the woman he didn't marry. (Oscar Wilde).

    A marriage proposal is the last compliment a woman can receive. Addiction kills love.

    When a man gets married because it’s time, it’s already too late.

    Remarriage is the victory of hope over life experience.

    Men in remarriage live in the past, women in the future.

    Love and marriage - study. Remarriage is like repeating a year of schooling. It is necessary to live without repeating a year, to love at "A", and your golden wedding will be the gold medal for your studies.

    You can reproach your lover, but is it appropriate to reproach your husband when he is not guilty of anything other than the fact that his love has faded away? (Madeleine de Lafayette).

    You can love a lover before you know him; You need to know your husband before you love him. (Julie de Lespinasse)

    No matter how carefully two people choose each other, they can never be everything to each other. (Doris Lessing)

    The only true happiness in this world is happy marriage. (Maria Theresa)

    Marriage is the cause of misfortune for three-quarters of the human race. (Françoise d'Maintenon)

    He led a double life. So he was a liar? No, he didn't feel like a liar. He was a man with two truths.

    Marriage: in dreams - a nest, in reality - a cage.

    The higher the intelligence, the more difficult it is to get married.

    When the marriage is strong, having an affair is easy, but when the marriage breaks up, it is much more difficult. (A. Haley)

    Whether you get married or not, you will still repent. (Socrates)

    In essence, a person initially lives in a house, for the sake of the house and for the house, for the family, for procreation. And everything that happens outside the walls of a house is ultimately done for the same house, although in the heat of battle it completely forgets its starting point.

    People get married for meat, and for cabbage soup they get married. (folk proverb)

    The wife will find someone else, but the mother of her son will never. (proverb)

    The woman’s husband does not drink or smoke, and always helps with the housework. Is she happy about this, that is, is she worried about it in a good way? Not at all. But if his salary is not enough, then the woman has emotions about this, and what kind of ones! The mechanism of such “suffering” is more than simple: good man he just knows, remembers a little, and he not only realizes and remembers bad things well, but also actively experiences them.

    It goes without saying that such experiences (including envy) have an extremely negative effect on mood... And if optimism and goodwill reign in the family, then problems are usually resolved in a positive way.

    You need to go out before marriage. Try everything. Estimate. Marriage is a contract. If you start changing, an adequate response will immediately follow. Instead of one bucket of slop, there will be two in the house. And if in the spring rays you are uncontrollably drawn to the left, then it’s time to change your wife. And boldly go on new campaigns for that “only citizen with whom you will finally find peace.” About civil marriage. "...Sometimes I wonder: do women understand what their consent to sex without commitment turned out to be for them? As a result, a man can get sex on a silver platter whenever he wants, and men have no reason left to get married. As one very noted attractive 29- summer woman

    , who had just broken up with her boyfriend of several years, “if all women agreed to deny all men sex outside of marriage, all the men would be lining up at the altar.” Women have simply forgotten what true love is. The guy tells the girl that he loves her, that he wants to share his life with her, that she is beautiful and that he cannot live without her. She likes it. She's flattered by it. So she packs her things and moves in with him. However, the only real compliment to a woman that can come from a man’s mouth is: “Will you marry me?” That's the only real compliment because that's the price he's willing to pay. All other compliments are just words. When he proposes, it means that he is not only thinking about sex, but also about the future in which you will be together. By proposing marriage, he chooses not to look for another woman, he sacrifices the opportunity to have an affair with another woman. The concept of "cohabitation" has absolutely different meaning for different people. However, all the people present at your wedding are understood equally by all people in the same way. Marriage is understood by all people in the same way. When people just live together, every now and then one of them is asked if their relationship is serious. But asking the same question to two

    married people

    it would be funny.

    "... Why can't she find the time to apply a little liner to her eyes in the morning? Before he can leave the house, she immediately begins to paint her eyelashes and apply tone to her upper eyelids, after which her eyes become much more expressive. If she is able to do this for the sake of the foreman and the workers rebuilding their house, for the sake of the doormen and maids of the hotel and all those random people she meets during the day, then why can’t she do this for own husband, whom he sees so little?" (Leslie Waller. From the novel "The Banker")

    Marriage is a union of two people to jointly overcome problems that they would not have had without this union.

    Every mother hopes that her daughter will have a happier marriage than herself, but no mother hopes that her son will have a better marriage than his father.

    My mother-in-law's mother-in-law is my friend.

    The worst thing is when you are nothing. It’s even more convenient to raise children when you’re busy, when you’re achieving success in your profession. I don't think I can give them more while standing at the stove.

    To marry out of pity is madness; and if you think that you can influence men of this sort (“oh, he never had a chance, poor thing!”), then you are deeply mistaken. Only a strong character can be influenced, not a weak one, and it is the height of conceit to believe that you can make a real person out of anyone.

    Marriage requires the most sophisticated insincerity possible between two people.

    Marriage is like a long sea voyage, where very soon the calms become boring and the storms are dangerous; where you rarely see anything new - the whole sea and the sea; all husband and husband, daily, hourly, until satiety.

    Novels and comedies usually end with a wedding; it is assumed that there is nothing left to talk about afterwards.

    Single man's prayer:

    Lord, save me from marriage!

    But if I do get married, spare me the horns!

    But if you can’t live without horns, don’t let me know about it!

    But if I find out about it, don’t let it bother me!

    Divorce is a failure.

    In youth, marriage seems like a train that is easy to board. And so, you wake up after him and run, and finally jump in while running; then you sit down, look out the window and begin to realize that you are bored.

    Divorce is the only human tragedy in which everything comes down to the issue of money.

    A man in love is somehow incomplete until he gets married. And then he is already a finished man.

    Getting a divorce just because you don't love is almost as stupid as getting married just because you're in love.

    Women's domestic work, of course, allows men to produce more than if they had to work at home. Thus, women become an economic factor. But the same applies to horses.

    It is believed that being a wife and mother is a woman's true calling. God and nature destined her for this, she is prepared for this from early childhood, here she can express herself. This, as a rule, is her only opportunity to exist with dignity and achieve something in life. But - she shouldn’t even show the appearance that she wants exactly this!

    Home is just a place where you go when you have nowhere else to go.

    A woman should not require a man to wash the dishes. After all, when she fell in love with him, he was not standing near the sink.

    A man would rather see an unmade bed and a happy wife at home than a perfectly made bed and a dissatisfied wife. My advice: make your bed and be happy!

    A truly good wife does not need to dramatize everyday life.

    There are so many people who consider divorce a panacea for all ills, and then discover that the cure is worse than the disease.

    Getting a divorce is like being hit by a truck; If you manage to survive, you look around more carefully.

    No matter how carefully two people choose each other, they can never be everything to each other.

    Don't you think there's something terrible about two adults spending their entire lives side by side, like Siamese twins?

    It's funny to think that you can live your whole life with one person. The correct number is something around three. Yes, perhaps three husbands would be enough.

    There's nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife's worth.

    Women are more likely to fall in love with the person they married than to marry the person they love.

    If you make a list of the reasons why two people get married and a list of the reasons why they get divorced, you will be amazed at the number of similarities in both lists.

    If a man loves his children too passionately, it is safe to say that he is unhappy.

    Marriage is a long voyage in a cramped cabin.

    There is a kind of family enmity between married and single people.

    Happiness in marriage is purely a matter of chance.

    I've been married three times and I've always been happy. My husbands were unhappy because I sacrificed them to the stage (A. Pugacheva, after three marriages, then there were more marriages).

    My mother always told me: trust your husband, adore your husband, and put as much property in your name as possible.

    When a girl gets married, she exchanges the attention of many men for the inattention of one.

    Marriage is what remains as a memory of love.

    Marriage is the greatest compliment a man can give a woman. Usually he is the last one.

    Marriage is the miracle of turning a kiss from a pleasure into an obligation.

    Only in marriage can a woman enjoy the company of another person and at the same time the feeling of complete loneliness.

    All marriages are successful. Difficulties begin after marriage.

    A successful marriage pays all bills.

    It is easy to shoot a leering capercaillie, taking advantage of his insanity. The current man is not shot, but in a semi-conscious state is led to the altar.

    It’s a common thing: you declare your love to an angel, and then marry the cook.

    A mitigating circumstance in a divorce should be that when entering into marriage, the parties acted in a state of passion.

    Marriage is not such a terrible thing; You can join it from time to time.

    Love is blind, but marriage is a brilliant eye doctor.

    Look into both eyes before marriage and keep them half-closed after.

    The best way to become single is to get married.

    Why does a wife spend ten years trying hard to change her husband's habits, and then complain that he is not the man she married?

    “A genius must be created in a peaceful, cheerful, comfortable environment, a genius must be fed, washed, dressed, his works must be rewritten countless times, he must be loved, not given reasons for jealousy, so that he can be calm, countless children must be fed and raised, whom a genius will give birth to, but with whom he is bored and has no time, since he needs to communicate with Epictets, Socrates, Buddhas, etc., and he himself must strive to be one And when those close to him at home, having given away his youth, strength, beauty. - all to the service of these geniuses, then they are reproached for not understanding geniuses enough.” (Sofia Tolstaya, wife of L.N. Tolstoy)

    Although many marriages break up, they remain indissoluble. A real divorce, a divorce of hearts, nerves and feelings, is impossible, because you cannot divorce your memory.

    Kinship by blood is coarse and strong, kinship by election is subtle. Where it is thin, it breaks.

    The trouble with many women is that they admire literally nothing - and then marry him.

    Many marriages are a state in which two people cannot endure for long, either with or without each other.

    Marriages are made in heaven, but they do not care that they are successful.

    Whether two people did the right thing by marrying each other cannot be judged even at their silver wedding.

    If women had wives to run the house, look after children who are vomiting, pick up the car from repair, fight with painters, go to the supermarket, sort out bank accounts, listen to everyone's complaints, stock up on food for guests... - imagine , how many books they could write, how many companies they could found, how many dissertations they could defend and how many political positions they could hold!

    When two people marry, they become one person in the eyes of the law, and that person is the husband.

    A man who loves a woman very much asks her to marry him - that is, change her name, quit her job, give birth and raise his children, be at home when he comes home from work, move with him to another city when he changes work. It's hard to even imagine what he would demand from a woman he doesn't love.

    Many women get married because they are tired of spending evenings alone. And many women get divorced because they are tired of spending evenings alone.

    Marriage is a lottery in which a man puts his freedom on the line and a woman puts her happiness on the line.

    If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, then there is probably a reason.

    The bonds of marriage are invisible, but everyone hears when they break.

    The worst thing about working from home is that everything you do gets dirty, thrown away, or eaten within 24 hours.

    When you live with an angel for a long time, the rustling of his wings irritates you.

    ABOUT new family should be thought when opinion ex-spouse you will become absolutely indifferent about your new family life.

    It’s stupid to go to the registry office only on the grounds that you feel good together.

    You need to think about independence when putting a ring on your finger. Independence has never harmed a single woman.

    A bad marriage is based on guilt.

    You can't find happiness in marriage unless you bring it with you.

    The main problem of those who are looking for a life partner is that they involve emotions. But you need to reason from a position of reason. After all, feelings pass sooner or later, but you have to live with character.

    A person can never experience excessive happiness in a family.

    In a relationship, it is not passion that is important, but stability. There should be someone nearby with whom you could feel calm and confident. We need consistency.

    We call a marriage for love a marriage in which wealthy man marries a beautiful and rich girl. (Pierre Bonnard)

    Twenty years of love makes a woman a wreck; Twenty years of marriage give it the appearance of a public building. (Oscar Wilde)

    If you can’t provide your wife with a housekeeper, take a mop and don’t show off. (actor A. Smolyakov)

    A smart wife will do everything not to find out about her beloved’s betrayal. (Eastern wisdom)

    No need to be confused sexual attraction And marital relations. These are still different things.

    Having a husband is not a small achievement in life.

    When a woman has nothing to be proud of, she is proud of her children.

    Before getting married, you need to choose a mother-in-law.

    You should never put up with shortcomings initially, hoping for their elimination in the future.

    And everyone will be sure that this will not happen to her... but no, the goats are skillfully placed in our path (with humor).

    Because there is a crack in the family

    Everywhere there is one reason:

    The woman in the wife has awakened,

    A man fell asleep inside his husband.

    (I. Guberman)

    Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.

    There is, as we know, no equality in marriage. The advantage is always on the side of the one who loves less. If this can be called an advantage.

    A stupid woman looks after her husband, but a smart woman looks after herself.

    Often the difference between a successful and unsuccessful marriage lies in 3-4 unspoken remarks daily. (H. Miller)

    What a lesson we should understand when it comes to betrayal.

    What do you need to know if you decide to improve yourself and please others?

    I urgently want to go to the registry office..... I'm marrying a girl, a woman, a lady under 45 years old, with external characteristics from 40 to 50 kg, slender, thin, charming, pretty, beautiful, sexy, who likes to wear heels very much high heels. Alexander 39 years old 170 cm 80 kg I am a native Muscovite, not married and never have been... I really want to Serious relationships family I don’t need housing for my wife, I’m waiting for offers and photos from YOU...Do not call agents and dating clubs 8910-430-8095

    Vitaly Sundakov

    Stir life, because the sugar is at the bottom.
    Be in YOUR mind more often.
    To do this, collect wine corks
    into jars in the kitchen, not into their skulls.

    Is a unique signal seducing consciousness?
    So maybe I've squeezed something with my cowards?
    Have the channels of collective consciousness dried up?
    The diagnosis is “self-incontinence.”

    Bablology is the main ideology today.
    There is time as a reward, and there is time as a burden.
    The keepers of time live in your darkness.

    Came in for one hour and stayed there for a whole hour?
    You can just kick the ball, or you can make a pass.
    A sad thing has been noticed - science has stopped dreaming.
    Castration of the spirit leads to a fracture of the soul.
    Get a tattoo on your carcass - “Don’t rush!”

    In the absence of liquidity of conscience and honor,
    we deserve both bad news and bad news.
    Vacuum your brains, don't remake your body.
    Burying seeds is a joyful thing.

    A meteorite will break your roof
    or when it becomes dilapidated it will fall on your head,
    I don't see the difference. I hate to hate.
    But you have to live life.

    If you can't sleep, don't sleep. Love love.
    Sometimes it's okay to drink
    how sometimes you have to fight.
    The last thing is to be ashamed of yourself.

    Happiness means living differently
    as forced, but as it should!

    Girl, can you... - Of course you can!
    God, are you mine? There is a man behind you, like behind a wall.
    Then please pass on... my genes.
    A roof without walls is better than walls without a roof.

    The fewer needs, the more opportunities.
    The more options, the more difficult the choice.
    It is clearer than clear: everything is softer for the weak, and everything is stronger for the strong.
    Make life easier for good people.
    Or at least don’t help those who don’t.

    Remember: an imbecile will not give you ideas, an unfinished one will not finish it.
    The horizons are broad, but the views are narrow.
    How will it be in Russian?
    The one who does not love his country, his Fatherland
    and his homeland, - a degenerate and an ugly thing.

    There is Moscow, St. Petersburg.. And there is Russia - the periphery.
    Or is it the other way around - What do you think, people?
    Remembering that not only “strength lies in truth”,
    but “the truth is in force” - we will overcome everything!

    We lift moratoriums on our rights
    We will either become a right-wing power in the future,
    or in the past - left history.

    The condition for successful progress towards the goal,
    - formation of events and connections between them.
    By the way, are you with me, or already with strangers?

    In the one who really created the sun, the earth and man,
    Apparently only australopithecines believed.
    By the way, how much is the action to privatize God?
    The path is not the Path, and the Path is not the road.

    Don't confuse pride with arrogance, honor with vanity,
    and cowardice - with humility...
    worse than ALIEN opinion.

    Life is the movement of Being from non-existence to non-existence.
    That's why I eat and drink while on the move.
    Moving sometimes wildly, sometimes barely.
    I relieve tension by moving on someone else's body.

    I move the planet towards myself with my feet,
    under oneself, from oneself.
    How to move furniture in a one-room apartment
    I consider myself a Feng Shuist.

    Even with words I move things like gunpowder moves a bullet.
    If it's rude to say no,
    then I politely show the muzzle.
    Empty trees are in vain N E T R Y S I!

    Do you want to know what heaven thinks of you?
    If you're not afraid, ask...

    Vitaly Sundakov


    Eduard Asadov.

    Past the constellation Virgo,
    Constellations Leo and Libra
    Rushing across the dark sky
    Constellation Canes Venatici.

    It swirls, rustling in their wake,
    Space blizzard.
    Are they chasing a comet?
    Or are they chasing the enemy in the darkness?

    I saw their shadows tight
    Through the haze of boyish dreams,
    And they were as if alive,
    In addition, what words are:
    "Constellation Canes Venatici"!

    Childhood has passed, rushed away,
    Has melted without a trace
    But the song remained in my soul,
    And, it seems, forever.

    A pack of dogs rushes
    Millions of centuries ahead.
    And I, as in childhood, wonder:
    Where are they going? Who's waiting for them?

    What mystery is driving them?
    In the midst of cold and silence?
    What if they are desperate there?
    Looking for the owner in the darkness,

    Whom are you separated from?
    He is kind, cheerful, stellar,
    But from very distant times
    Somewhere in the frosty darkness

    Captivated by monsters.
    In the vastness of worlds and centuries,
    Where there was neither sound nor sight,
    He's off to the black giant planet

    It is pressed with a magnetic ring.
    There are strange measurements:
    A hundred miles is just a small step,
    A century is one moment,

    And the lake is liquid darkness...
    Monsters swimming in rivers
    And then, drying out on a rock,

    They are kept in the darkness of the cave.
    Stacked electrides -
    In every paw there is a brain,
    They convince him to give it away

    He's everything he's ever seen
    And most importantly - the secret of the stars!
    How they light up
    Is the cold driving me from the planets?

    How do they cool down?
    How to turn off their light?
    So, silently and ugly,
    Chewing the gelatinous darkness,

    Your will patiently
    They inspire him.
    But he doesn't give an answer.
    And only stubborn: SOS!

    From a planet as black as darkness
    Sends to the bright world of stars!
    The call sweeps across the universe,
    And everything that lives somewhere,

    He says: - Leap year. -
    Or: - Year of active sun.
    And only in the bottomless darkness,
    Where there are neither nights nor days,

    Fire dogs
    They rush even faster!
    All brighter than the eyes sparkle
    The ridges tensed like a string,

    And hot sparks fall
    Flame tails.
    The universe beats in clubs
    Cosmic dust in the chest,

    And it rings subtly under the claws
    Silver Milky Way...
    But through centuries and spaces
    They will hunt and find

    Planet of the Black Kingdom
    And the monsters will be chewed up.
    Paws - on the shoulders of the owner,
    And the starry man will sigh.

    Here it is, the main secret,
    The basis of the entire universe:
    In love no matter the test
    And devotion forever!

    The end of adversity! Victory!
    Sound the bells of the stars.
    Let the waves of heat and light
    They will rush to all ends!

    And they will rush to the right and to the left,
    Carrying a silver din.
    And the Virgin will scream joyfully,
    Believe fearing news!

    I'll grab my heart with my hand,
    He will press his cheek to Taurus,
    And starry tears will roll
    By the flushed face!

    Fantasy? Let be! I know!
    And yet, from childhood
    I believe in the stubborn pack
    What rushes after a friend!

    Everything perishable falls from the soul,
    Stories strike the clock
    The universe rings with silver,
    Dogs fly through the universe...

    The colors are burning fantastically,
    And, no matter how wise the head is,
    You still believe the fairy tale.
    The fairy tale is always right!

    Eduard Asadov

    You are happier than 90% of people on Earth
    If you reduce all of humanity to a village of one hundred inhabitants, taking into account all proportional relationships, this is what the population of this village would look like:
    57 Asians - 21 Europeans;
    8 Africans - 14 residents of North and South America;
    52 will be women; 48 men;
    70 non-white; 30 white;
    96 heterosexual; 4 non-traditional sexual orientation;
    6 people will own 59% of the world's wealth;
    80 won't have enough living conditions;
    70 will be illiterate; 50 will be malnourished;
    1 will die; 2 will be born;
    1 will have a computer; 1 will have a higher education.
    If you look at the world from this point of view, it becomes clear that the need for solidarity, understanding, tolerance, education is very high. Think about it.
    If you woke up healthy this morning, you are happier than 1 million people who will not live to see next week.
    If you have never experienced war, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or hunger, you are luckier than 500 million people in this world.
    If you have food in your refrigerator, you are clothed, you have a roof over your head and a bed, you are richer than 75% of the people in this world.
    If you have a bank account, money in your wallet and some change in your piggy bank, you belong to the 8% of wealthy people in this world.
    If you are reading this text, you are doubly blessed because:
    1) You are not one of the 2 billion people who cannot read, and...
    2) you have a computer!

    Of the billions of people on our planet, there are those who know you best. Although it is often forgotten, family is the most important thing in the world. The closest and Dear people are those with whom we share unconditional love. Mother, father, siblings, spouse, grandparents, aunts, uncles - these are the ones who cherish you, and those you should cherish in return. In confirmation of this, there are numerous statements by great people about the family.

    Family relationships

    Of course, almost always family relationships turn out to be difficult. But given their importance in human life throughout history, people from all walks of life have not stopped reflecting on their relationships. The statements of great people about family, love and children are the fruit of long and important reflections on the complex nature of family ties.

    Sayings of great people about family and children

    Quotes famous people about the family reflect the centuries-old history of relationships between close people. Here there is happiness, love, pain, and emotional wounds. Here are some sayings of great people about family:

    • A man who has not experienced the childlike gratitude and love of a woman has never lived
    • Family is the most important thing in the world (Princess Diana).
    • In the end, loving family must be able to forgive (Mark W. Olsen).
    • Siblings are children of the same parents, each of whom is completely normal until they are together (Sam Levenson).
    • A person wanders around the world, looking for what he needs, and finds it only when he returns home. (J. Moore).
    • All happy families are alike, all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way (Leo Tolstoy).
    • Family is not the main thing, family is everything (Michael J. Fox).
    • If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you can make it dance (George
    • Call it clan, networks, tribe, family: whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need it (Jane Howard).
    • What you can do to contribute Just go to your home and love your family (Mother Teresa).

    Family is not the main thing, family is everything

    At all times, the family was considered something sacred. It does not lose its value even today. Numerous statements by great people about family and friends once again confirm the importance and indestructibility of relationships between loved ones and relatives.

    • There is no doubt that around family and home all great virtues, including human dignity, are created, strengthened and maintained (Winston Churchill).
    • In order to put the world in order, we must first put the country in order. To do this, you need to put your family in order. To do this, we must first of all pay attention to our personal lives, for this we need to put our hearts in order (Confucius).
    • Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. This is not what they teach in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you haven't really learned anything (Muhammad Ali).
    • What is a friend? This is when one soul resides in two bodies (Aristotle).
    • Without a family, a person shivers from the cold (André Morois).
    • Enmity and quarrels with relatives are endured much more painfully and painfully than with strangers (Democritus).
    • A marriage cannot be happy if the husband and wife have not learned each other’s true morals, habits and character before marriage (Honoré de Balzac).
    • A man should never neglect his family for business (Walt Disney).
    • The strength of a nation comes from the integrity of the home (Confucius).
    • Home is people, not a place. If you go there after everyone has left, all you can see is that there is nothing there anymore (Robin Hobb).
    • Learn to enjoy every minute. Be happy now. Don't wait for something to make you happy in the future. Think about how precious the time you have to spend, whether at work or with your family, truly is. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored (Earl Nightingale).
    • Happiness is when you happily go to work in the morning, and happily return home in the evening (Yu. Nikulin)
    • Peace is the beauty of life, it is the sun, the smile of a mother, the joy of a father, the unity of the family, it is the victory of a just cause and the triumph of truth (Menachem Begin).
    • The homeland and parents always come first, followed by children and the whole family, and then all other relatives (Cicero).
    • If you treat your loved ones the way they deserve, they will become worse. If they are treated as if they are better than who they really are, we thereby help them become better (J.V. Goethe)

    Just a few words...

    Sometimes even a couple of words can carry the deepest meaning. Here are some short statements about a family of great people and celebrities who, despite their banality and simplicity, make you think about a lot.

    • The most important thing in the world is family and love
    • You don't choose your family. She is God's gift (Desmond Tutu).
    • My family is my strength and my weakness (Aishwarya Rai).
    • The love of family and the admiration of friends are far more important than wealth and privilege (Charles Kuralt).
    • There is no nicer place in the world than native home(Cicero).

    Family is love

    What other sayings of great people about family and love are there? There are a huge variety of them, among them:

    • The best thing a father can do for his children is to truly love their mother (Henry Ward Beecher).
    • It doesn't matter how big our home is, what matters is that there is love in it. (Peter Buffett).
    • After people get married, they most often stop living only one for one, as it was before. Now they live together for someone else, and the spouse soon has dangerous competitors in the form of household and children's affairs (S. Freud)
    • Only in the case of simply living with a person when you do not find him higher and better than you, but he is higher and better than you (L. Tolstoy)
    • What a husband will be like depends largely on his wife (E. Rotterdamsky).

    The most important in life

    A real man and a happy husband will always love his wife and consider his family the most important thing in life. As a great swindler and talented schemer once said, nothing brought him more peace and meaning in life than just being good husband and father. Inspirational sayings about family great people make you think about what is really important in modern world, where money and vanity rule.

    The wise philosopher Voltaire once said that marriage and its bonds are either the greatest good or the greatest evil, there is no middle ground. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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