• Marriage in China. Divorce in China: a mistake of youth or a cunning move


    At the moment, international unions are a fairly common phenomenon, especially. It is important to note that the legislation and registration procedure international marriage- these are the laws of the state in whose territory you are getting married.

    In most cases, there is simply no need to register a marriage in different countries, since even if issued in one state, it will be considered valid in all others.

    Among other things, there are certain points that may prevent the conclusion of an alliance. These include, for example, the minimum acceptable age of the bride or groom. The point is that in some countries those getting married must be eighteen years old.

    Also in some cultures a man can have several wives. But, when moving to another state where completely different laws apply, such a union will simply be considered invalid. It is important to remember that even if your marriage is recognized by law in your homeland, it is not a fact that there will be a similar situation in another country.

    In addition, if the state in whose territory the relationship was formalized recognizes your union, this does not guarantee the right to unhindered entry into the country, obtaining visas or other permits.

    Also, a foreign person does not receive the right to live in China just because he became the husband (wife) of a native resident. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to properly register a marriage with a foreigner in Shanghai.

    How to register a marriage with a foreigner in Shanghai and other cities of China?

    Since 2010, citizens of other countries who have official relations with residents of China and also live on its territory have the right to apply for a family visa or a residence permit with a longer stay in the country.

    All matters related to marriage registration are managed by the municipal bureau.

    It is important to first contact the legal office where your loved one’s hukou is registered. But, there are certain situations when the union was registered at the place of residence.

    The Chinese system involves various variations in the implementation of the law; it is at the moment when you go to get special papers for a marriage application that it is better to familiarize yourself with the procedure with the servants of the law.

    People who decide to formalize their relationship must definitely achieve minimum age, which is acceptable in China for marriage. The age of marriage is: twenty-two years for the stronger sex, and twenty years for women.

    It is important to note that, as in many other countries, people who are much younger than the specified age have the right to enter into a union only with permission.

    A person does not have the right to legitimize his relationship with another person who already has a spouse. It is strictly forbidden to have more than one official partner.

    This state also has a ban on same-sex unions. That is why only a man and a woman can formalize their relationship here.

    Conditions and circumstances that prevent marriage

    As noted earlier, only those bride and groom whose marriageable age is 22 and 20 years old, respectively, can get married. Only with parental permission for the man and woman who less years, can allow relationships to be cemented.

    Where to contact?

    Newlyweds need to contact the municipal civil affairs bureau. It is this that deals with the process of formalizing relationships.

    Documents for foreign and Chinese citizens

    The first step is to provide documents proving that you are not in an official relationship.

    Moreover, both partners need to do this. It can be obtained from the embassy or consulate. But a more detailed list of documentation on the basis of which you will be issued a certificate must be clarified at the embassy/consulate of a particular country.

    As a rule, this includes: a copy of an internal passport, an original and a copy of a foreign passport, a photocopy of a visa, an original certificate from a place of work or study. The last document must show the reason why you are in the territory of this state.

    The document can be in either Chinese or English language. This doesn't matter to the embassy. The most important thing is to have a fresh seal.

    After the package of documents has been collected, you need to call the embassy and find out on what days they process this type of certificate. You also need to pay attention to the fact that a document confirming that you are not in an official relationship must be translated into the state language.

    Procedure for official marriage registration

    It should be noted that the marriage procedure is official. There is no ceremony here. The process takes about a quarter of an hour. It is immediately necessary to stipulate that the forms must be prepared in advance. Only after this you need to go with them to the civil affairs bureau.

    You must submit an application to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the following documents:

    1. a divorce certificate, which will confirm that you are not in an official relationship. Documents must be certified. Here you need to include the death certificate of your spouse, of course, if this took place;
    2. birth certificate;
    3. three photographs of the couple together. They are made in the civil affairs department, where there is a photo studio.
    4. a Chinese citizen is required to provide a registration book - hukou;
    5. the foreign person is also required to provide his passport;
    6. a resident of another state must provide notarized translations into Chinese all originals. Of course, except for the passport.

    Wedding ceremony

    It is important to immediately note that a Chinese wedding takes place in a large circle and with fun.

    IN wedding days Brides always come to the grooms' houses. The whole action is accompanied by wedding processions, fireworks, and other interesting moments.

    It should be noted that a girl who marries a man from China must definitely taste traditional drinks with him, which consist of wine and honey.

    They must certainly be tied together with a red cord. This unique symbol binds the newlyweds with an invisible thread.

    At the moment, wedding celebrations in China have changed a little. They trace some of the most ancient eastern traditions, including Western ones.

    Ancient marriage traditions

    According to history, in China, a wedding was arranged between the parents of the bride and groom when the latter were still small.

    Three letters

    Since the wedding ceremony was taken with great seriousness, all traditions had to be observed.

    The girl's side matched the dates with eastern horoscope and determined whether the candidate was suitable for her daughter. The wedding could only take place if the dates coincided favorably.

    The bride's family sent similar information about the girl to the groom's family. The information received was also analyzed there. If the outcome was favorable, the letters were placed on home altars for three days.

    The wedding date is chosen by the groom's parents, informing the young family in a letter.

    Six Rites

    The tradition goes like this:

    1. offer. It consists of the groom's parents finding a potential bride;
    2. birthdays. If the parents and relatives of the prospective bride have nothing against the proposal, then the matchmaker compares the couple's birthdays. If, according to Chinese astrology, a girl and a guy are suitable for each other, then they move on to the next stage;
    3. bride price. The groom's family negotiates the terms of the ransom with the matchmaker;
    4. wedding gifts. The groom's family sends food and religious items to the bride's parents and relatives;
    5. wedding organization;
    6. wedding ceremony.

    The procedure for legalizing marriage for Russian citizens

    Are you going to formalize your relationship and register your marriage in China, but don’t know how to do it? Then this article is for you!

    Marriages in China for foreigners must be divided into 3 categories:

    1. Marriage between foreign citizens one state
    2. Marriage between foreign citizens of different countries
    3. Marriage between a foreigner and a citizen of the People's Republic of China.

    Each case is unique in its own way and requires a special approach in the legislative procedure.

    There is nothing complicated about this - and I am sure that this article will be fully enough for you to understand the essence of the procedure.

    The simplest situation when registering a marriage in China is when husband and wife are citizens of the same state.

    Your actions are:

    1. You come to the consulate with two passports (foreign and domestic) (consulates are usually located in three cities of China - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou) and write a statement that you are not married.
    2. Pay the consular fee (from 100 to 400 yuan - depending on the tariffs of your state).
    3. Set the desired date and time for the wedding with the consul.
    About fluffy dresses, costumes, carriage and a million red roses you can forget. The painting will take place directly at the consulate, by one of the employees. You will be given a marriage certificate, photographed and the official celebration will end)
    In general, the procedure will not take even 10 minutes.

    An option with a more complex procedure is marriage registration foreigners - citizens of different states, including between foreigners and citizens of the PRC.

    Your actions are:

    1. Go to the embassy of your country with two passports (foreign and domestic) and write a statement that you are not married.
    2. At the same consulate, you order a translation of this statement (stating that you are not married) into Chinese. The translation must be on official government letterhead with the signature and seal of the Consul General.
    In some consulates (for example, the Russian Federation in Shanghai), the extract is in full form - i.e. In addition to you, it mentions information about your future spouse. Full form is not mandatory, but if they give it, take it).
    3. Pay the consular fee (at the Russian consulate in Shanghai it costs about 150 yuan; at the Ukrainian consulate - 365 yuan (we live in a new way)))
    4. You go with this extract and your passport to the authorized Chinese registry office of your city. For example, in Shanghai, the state body Shanghai Registration Center of Marriage and Adoption (上海市民政局婚姻管理处) handles the marriage of foreigners. Address: 漕宝路80号D座.
    I would like to clarify that to register at the Chinese registry office you need a long-term visa (work or student - not a business visa).
    Here they check your documents (passport series/number, correct spelling of names in the consular translation). Next, you set your desired wedding date.
    The registration of marriage of foreigners in Shanghai is free, paid for by the Chinese government.
    5. On the appointed day, come to the Chinese registry office and fill out forms about voluntary consent to marry.
    Bring a photo for your marriage certificate (3x4 photo, husband and wife together, red background).
    The entire procedure takes about 5 minutes. After you are given red marriage books (Jie Hun Zheng) - you will be asked to go to the reception hall - where they will help you take a couple of wedding photos on your phone)))

    6. When you have the treasured red Chinese document in your hands, all that remains is to make sure that it is recognized not only in China, but also in your country. To do this, you need to come to the consulate, where they will tell you where to go for a notarized translation of the marriage certificate from Chinese into the official language of your country. As soon as you make a notarized translation, you come to the consulate again and register your Chinese marriage document in the document database of your state.
    The procedure for registering a marriage between a Chinese and a foreigner is the same as for two foreigners - citizens of different states.

    I hope this article was useful to you and you have successfully completed the circles of “bureaucratic hell” by reading our instructions! We will be grateful for the repost)

    Stories about happy marriages Slavic girls and there are more and more inhabitants of the Celestial Empire every day.

    And it is not surprising, because the diligence in work and love of this nation for children and family are legendary.

    Having decided to marry a Chinese, it is important to know what documents will be required and what pitfalls may be encountered on the path to legal marriage.

    Legal marriage - how to arrange everything according to the law

    When deciding to marry a citizen of the People's Republic of China, it will be necessary to collect and submit documents to the Chinese registry office.
    • The first thing you will need is a certificate confirming that there are no obstacles to marriage. Simply put, you need to provide a document confirming that the bride or groom is not married in their home country. In China, as in other countries, polygamy is prohibited. Therefore, without this certificate, they simply won’t sign it.

    You can obtain the document at the consulate or embassy of your country in China. In Chinese, the certificate is called 单身证明. To submit a request for this certificate you will need to provide the following set of documents:

    • Copy of internal passport.
    • Original passport (a copy is attached).
    • Certificates confirming the right to reside or stay in the territory of the PRC (copy of visa, documents from the place of study or work).

    You must come to the embassy or consulate with a package of documents to apply for a certificate. To do this, you must first make an appointment.

    Obtaining a certificate of no impediment to marriage usually does not take much time. Immediately after submitting the documents, the state fee is paid and the necessary certificate is issued. At the time of receiving the certificate, you must check whether all data is written correctly, including last name, first name and date of birth.

    Since the document is written in the recipient's native language, it is translated into Chinese.

    This can be done in any office that is officially registered and has the right to carry out this activity.

    A union between a citizen of the Middle Kingdom and a foreigner can be registered by the state only in the administrative-territorial region where the citizen of the Middle Kingdom was born and registered.

    • Marriage, ceremony at the local registry office.

    And this is where the first difficulties may arise. As stated earlier, the marriage of a Chinese citizen and a foreigner takes place exclusively in the capital of the province where the Chinese citizen was born. The place of birth and permanent residence do not always coincide, so future newlyweds often have to go to the opposite end of the country.

    Not everywhere an international couple can be signed. You will have to contact a special registry office that registers marriages with foreigners.

    But there are also advantages here. The wedding takes place immediately on the day of application - no prior registration is required, and the whole process takes just a few minutes. After checking the documents, the ceremony begins immediately and the marriage certificate is presented.

    Please note that there are age restrictions for marriage in China. So, a man can only get married after 22 years of age, and a woman can get married after 20. This is due to birth control.

    How to legalize marriage with a Chinese in your homeland

    Having received a marriage certificate in China, you will need to legalize the official union in your home country. To do this you will need the following:

    1. Translation of a document in any notary authorized office. The notary affixes all the necessary signatures and seals to the “foreign copy”. A document issued in China is also certified. This procedure may take up to five days.
    2. Next, you will have to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in order to verify (confirm) the translated documents. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China is located in Beijing.
    3. The last step is to legalize the marriage at the embassy of your native country. The procedure may take up to five business days.

    All Chinese authorities have days off in accordance with local holiday schedules. And foreign embassies are closed on national holidays.

    Marriage to a person of Asian descent - traditions

    When deciding to marry a Chinese citizen, you should remember not only the legal side of the issue, but also traditions. The Celestial Empire has its own rituals and customs that have evolved over centuries, and which they try to adhere to in modern times.

    From time immemorial, the so-called “six rites” have survived to this day:

    1. Previously, everything began with an engagement, when the first gift was sent to the bride's house.
    2. Then the bride's first and last name was requested. You can call this ritual an acquaintance.
    3. The groom's parents went to the bride's family to negotiate the marriage.
    4. The fourth ritual was again sending gifts to the bride's house. They had to seal the engagement.
    5. A request from the groom's parents to the bride's family about choosing the day for the upcoming wedding.
    6. And finally, the sixth ritual was the meeting of the future newlyweds in the bride’s house.

    Now everything is much simpler, and the old traditions have been lost or have simply been replayed in a new way.

    The celebration is usually scheduled for a “lucky date”, which is chosen by the parents or so-called “knowledgeable” relatives. There is a certain superstition regarding the number four. The Chinese will never schedule a wedding on the 4th, 14th or 24th. Because “four” in the eastern language is consonant with the word “death”. But eight is considered a positive number, because it looks like an infinity sign.

    Religious traditions as such are not followed in China. But today's youth last years often arranges a wedding ceremony in Catholic or Protestant traditions for the sake of prestige and in search of romance. The wedding is only part of an extensive program.

    An integral part of the wedding is the creation of a colorful photo album. Moreover, the shooting does not take place on the wedding day, but shortly before. Costumes are provided by a photo studio, where the newlyweds ordered an album and portraits.

    Wedding in Asian traditions

    On the wedding day, the bride wears a white dress. This happens in the parents' house, where the groom goes to pick up his beloved. He usually arrives in a red or white limousine. After which the newlyweds go for a short walk through the most beautiful places in the city. Then the couple heads to the restaurant, where everything is already prepared for the start of the celebration - the tables are set, the guests have gathered. Panels with hieroglyphs denoting “double happiness” are always hung throughout the hall. A special role is assigned to the groom's friend, who greets the guests with flowers and holds a box where the invitees must put money intended for the newlyweds.

    The celebration opens with a long official part. The bride and groom appear on stage first. They bow to the arriving guests and receive gift envelopes with money. Then the word goes to the parents, then to relatives and others. important guests. All this time, the young people do not leave the stage. They are supposed to stand next to each other and smile continuously. After the official part is completed, refreshments are served on the tables. The main dishes are lobster and chicken.

    Traditional wedding

    During the entire ceremony, the newlyweds have to change clothes twice, into traditional outfits of the 19th and 20th centuries.

    By the way, while the guests are enjoying the festive dishes, the newlyweds move from table to table and accept congratulations. But dancing at a Chinese wedding is not customary. Dancing is replaced by various competitions and karaoke.

    No wedding is complete without a tea ceremony. The bride and groom give cups of drink to the guests and receive wedding gifts in return.

    Weddings in China are not celebrated on the day of registration. In order to decide on the day of the holiday, they turn to the “yellow calendar”.

    History of mixed marriages in China

    The history of creating international marriages with Chinese citizens did not begin today. The first Russian-Chinese families began to appear at the beginning of the last century.

    Then in the Celestial Empire there was a clear “preponderance” towards the male part of the population. There were only a few dozen women per thousand representatives of the stronger sex.

    Over the past few decades, China has been one of the most rapidly developing countries. Changes in Chinese civilization are progressing day by day, moving away in many respects from existing traditions and customs, adopting the organization of certain relations from the West. Family - most important institution social life the Chinese people, who are also changing and modernizing.

    The issues of the institution of family and marriage, as well as the legal issues associated with it, are becoming increasingly important in the context of globalization, the progressive development of society, and the complication of relations within and outside it. The family in China has always been considered a model for building the entire state, headed by the Son of the Celestial Empire, raising its respectable citizens. The model of the state must correspond to the organization of family relations as its standard, a certain ideal - it must strive towards it. Thus, the family influences the historical process of development of society, the culture of the entire population. We should not forget that traditions, customs, and values ​​have been passed on from generation to generation for several millennia, some of which exist in Chinese society today.

    Regulatory family relationships The laws of East Asian countries do not define the concept of marriage. Analysis of norms allows us to identify the main features of marriage, on the basis of which marriage can be defined as a voluntary and now equal union of a man and a woman, concluded for the purpose of creating a family, subject to the conditions and order established by law, and giving rise to mutual rights and obligations of spouses.

    The form of marriage is understood as the manner in which it is concluded by law. The legal form of marriage is marriage through state registration in bodies authorized to produce civil registration.

    State registration of marriage has legal significance: from this moment, mutual rights and obligations of the spouses arise. State registration of marriage also has evidentiary value: on the basis of the completed registration of marriage, spouses are issued a marriage document of a certain type (8, p. 26). To register a marriage, citizens submit an application and documents, a list of which is contained in laws and other regulations.

    According to Article 5 of the Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the PRC) 1980 “On Marriage”, marriage must be free, monogamous and equal. Let's consider the main characteristics under which marriage can and should be concluded.

    Firstly, this is freedom of marriage. Since ancient times, it was considered unacceptable to enter into a marriage without the intervention of parents and matchmaker. They played a huge role at all stages of his imprisonment, adhering to all traditions and customs. Parents either independently participated in organizing the wedding, or hired a matchmaker, who resolved all issues down to the smallest detail regarding this union. Today, the principle of voluntariness of marriage does not allow interference or coercion on the part of third parties, or the spouses themselves, who have the right to independently and freely choose their future spouse. For the first time, such a right was reflected in the Law of 1950. Now the freedom of marriage is the foundation for creating a future family from a legal point of view.

    The freedom to marry also extends to the desire to remarry. Previously, there was a generally binding custom of mourning, during which the wife had to mourn the deceased spouse and subsequently did not have the right to remarry. Currently, there are no restrictions on remarriage in Chinese law.

    Secondly, this is a condition of monogamy. China of any era did not recognize polygamy and any of its forms, although in fact, it can be considered that they took place, for example, a legally recognized concubinage union had signs of polygamy. In the Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China, polygamy and its forms are recognized as crimes against the person, the punishment for which is imprisonment or arrest (1, p. 29). Among the countries of East Asia, only in Korea were there frequent cases of family unions where a man had several wives at the same time. The law recognized the possibility for every Korean to have one wife and no more than four concubines (2, p. 137).

    Thirdly, this is a sign of equality of the parties to the marriage union. Until the mid-21st century, marriages were not equal. We discussed this issue in more detail in the previous chapter. Marriage occurs only by the will of two persons - future spouses. This is stated in Article 5 of the Law “On Marriage”. No party shall be forced to enter into a marriage, and no third party shall be allowed to interfere in the marriage, a provision expressly provided for in Chinese law.

    Matrimonial marriage is the only legal form of marriage, that is, concluded in the authorities authorized for state registration of marriage. The Marriage Law establishes exceptions only for national minorities. Legal consequences also arise after concluding a traditional marriage according to existing centuries-old customs without state registration. The 2004 Regulation “On Marriage Registration” greatly simplified the marriage procedure by opening access to the portal for the provision of public services. Thus, young people have the opportunity to independently submit an application electronically or make an appointment by telephone for a specific date to receive a marriage registration certificate. Persons wishing to get married are required to be personally present on the day of marriage registration, having previously provided the necessary documents. These include documents proving the person’s identity and registration (7, p. 31).

    Spouses in East Asian countries are required to live together, unlike the legislation of most European countries, as well as Russia. A certain period of time that spouses have lived separately is grounds for divorce in court.

    Now it is possible to get married regardless of the nationality, gender, profession, religion, ethnicity of the man and woman - the future spouses. In old China, bans were introduced on the marriage of namesakes, those who lived on the territory of different administrative entities, and people of different nationalities (1, p. 29).

    Actual marriages are expressly prohibited in China. Family law The PRC has never established a legal regime for such alliances. By prohibiting actual marriage, the state has the opportunity to most effectively control the implementation of the birth control program (10, p. 28). Previously, there was a concubinage union, which, one way or another, is similar to an actual marriage relationship. A man who was already married was allowed, due to the illness of his wife, who was unable to give birth to a child, to have children with a concubine woman without entering into a legal marriage. At the same time, children born in a concubinage had the same status as children born in a legal marriage.

    All more people in practice, they do not want to register their relationship, avoiding mutual obligations, and live in de facto marital relations, refusing state protection. At the same time, this situation does not meet the interests of the state. By prohibiting actual marriage, the state, however, equalizes, as in past centuries, the status of children born in marriage and illegitimate children, and also, taking into account the real state of affairs, clarifies some issues related to the parties to an extramarital union, establishing their personal and property rights (1, p. 27). This is great progress from the 1980 Act.

    The age of consent has varied throughout history. Its border deviated from 14 to 30 years. In the villages it was believed that if a woman did not get married before the age of 27, then later she did not have the right to legal marriage. Public opinion played a decisive role. According to the law, young people, upon reaching marriageable age, were required to obtain a certificate of permission to have a child from the authorized bodies. This norm was constantly violated; before achieving it, couples lived in a civil marriage, forged documents, hiding their true age. This was a huge problem in practice. Now the situation has changed for the better.

    It is still not uncommon for parents to agree on the engagement of their children even before their birth, as was the case in the old days, but then it was possible to break the engagement only in the event of the death of one of the future spouses.

    The age of marriage is set quite reasonably under Chinese law: a man must be 22 years old, a woman must be 20 years old. This age is absolutely explainable by the usual behavior and customs of a given nation in relations between representatives of the opposite sex. In the first place is the person’s education in an educational institution; the person must enter adult life socially formed. The Law does not provide for a reduction in the marriageable age, which, in our opinion, is a definite advantage in the legislation, unlike the Russian one, when the presumption is that people are old enough to family life at the age of 16.

    In the territories of the autonomous regions of China, a different age for marriage is established, although the Law itself does not provide for the possibility of exceptions to the norm. For example, in Hong Kong the marriageable age is the same for men and women - 16 years, and in Taiwan - 20 years.

    On the territory of certain administrative entities, the marriageable age can be reduced only after the birth of a child and with the consent of the legal representative of the minor parent (6, p. 53). For example, the regulations of Shandong Province state that if unmarried persons have a child, they are required to obtain a marriage registration certificate within 60 days after the birth of the child. If they do not fulfill this requirement, they will then be deprived of their rights to a second child in the event of his birth.

    Those persons who wish to enter into a marriage union should not have a permanent ban or temporary restriction on marriage due to certain illnesses. This guarantees to a greater extent the protection of interests, normal existence and development of the family, but then the legislator in advance deprives the natural right of this person to start a family.

    There is a list of diseases that prevent marriage or are grounds for invalidation if it is concluded. The provision of Article 7 of the Law is referential in nature. These include the following: sexually transmitted diseases, severe mental disorders, severe delays in mental abilities, infectious, hereditary incurable venereal diseases, paralysis, leprosy. According to medical instructions in the event that a child is born from persons, one of whom has a mental disorder or mental disabilities, then the probability of the child becoming ill is 50-60%.

    Physiological defects were also considered as barriers to marriage before the introduction of the 1980 Law. In the event that a person with a prohibited disease enters into marriage without warning the other person, the party in good faith has the right to apply to the people's court to have the marriage terminated. The court is obliged to check the health status of the spouse and subsequently determine whether there are grounds for divorce.

    Those getting married should not have direct blood ties or be blood relatives in three generations. A marriage is not subject to registration if one of the persons wishing to marry is in a valid marriage.

    According to Chinese sociologists, 20-22% of married Chinese have sexual relations outside of marriage (9, p. 99). On the basis of cohabitation with another person during a legal marriage, people's courts increasingly began to terminate marital relations. After the amendments to the 2001 Law, people's representatives more than once discussed the introduction of measures of liability for a spouse who violates the legally established duty of fidelity to each other. This proposal, for obvious reasons, did not find the approval of the majority, since it is associated with high risks of violating everyone’s constitutional rights to non-interference in private life. To date this problem still not allowed. Many authors express the opinion that a revision of the current law will be required again in the near future.

    As part of the discussion of the issue of marriage, one cannot fail to mention the special institution of Chinese family law as invalidity and annulment of marriage. According to the literal interpretation of the 1980 Law, these categories are not authentic in their meaning.

    Invalidity of marriage “Wu xiao” - recognition of a marriage as invalid by the registration authority or court, concluded in violation necessary conditions or if there are circumstances that prevent its conclusion. Such a marriage has no legal consequences(5, p. 190). This institution is similar to the concept of Russian family law recognizing a marriage as invalid. According to Article 10 of the Law “On Marriage”, if the following conditions are met, marriage has no legal consequences:

    1. Bigamy;

    2. The presence of a disease that prevents marriage;

    3. Not reaching the marriageable age established by law;

    4. The presence of prohibited consanguineous relationships.

    As for the concept of annulment of marriage “Chhe Xiao”, this refers to the case of marriage under duress or in conditions of restriction of the freedom of one of the parties. Within one year after release, the aggrieved person has the right to file a lawsuit in the people's court to demand annulment of the marriage.

    An interesting fact is that if a marriage was declared invalid on the basis of the presence of a disease that interferes with marital relations, then the court obliges the person (spouse) with whom the person with the disease lives to provide material and other assistance in curing the disease. Accordingly, if such a person is cured, then the grounds for the impossibility of marriage disappear, and these persons have the right to apply for marriage again.

    The Marriage Act of 1950 abolished the feudal system marital relations, which was characterized by forced marriage, inequality between spouses with the dominance of the man in the family and the subordination of the woman to him, as well as neglect of the interests of children. Now there is no institution of matchmaking, sacrifice and other religious cults. The institution of witnesses, without whose presence at registration a marriage was recently declared invalid, has also been abolished. Accordingly, from the above one can judge how much the institution of marriage and family relations has evolved in Chinese society, what trends are taking place and how the state achieves certain goals through the legal regulation of these relations.


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