• Examples of what to write to a girl to get acquainted. Original greeting - let's start correctly. How to write something nice to a girl in your own words


    Generations replace each other, but the difficulties faced by young people do not change. If before guys didn’t know how to say “hello” to a young lady on the street, today they are embarrassed to start communicating online.

    Thus, new technologies have not at all eased the problem of dating, but on the contrary, they have added another burning question: how to start a correspondence with a girl. Maybe dedicate touching poems to her to make a good impression?

    Let's bring specific examples proper communication with representatives of the fairer sex on social networks.

    Communication in real life differs significantly from dating on VKontakte. When meeting in person, a young man is able to impress a young lady with a worthy appearance and charm her with refined manners.

    Conversation on social media networks depends, first of all, on the guy’s ability to interest a potential interlocutor with the information on his profile, the ability to communicate and look after him beautifully (in the virtual world).

    That’s why, before doing so, you need to analyze your own page for provocative information and try to look at it from the point of view of a young lady sitting in front of a computer screen.

    What needs to be done before direct communication?

    The first most important thing is to properly design the page on the site so that it does not seem empty. Required condition– uploading high-quality photographs, For example:

    1. A personal photo portrait made in high-quality resolution, with a minimum amount of Photoshop effects.
    2. Captured moments of your life - playing sports, sightseeing in various places around the country and the planet.
    3. Pictures with different girls, so that after the first message you have a reason to tell who these young ladies are to you.

    Don’t forget to join various VK groups and indicate a variety of hobbies. However, do not start a conversation if you are in such ambiguous communities as, for example, “Pickup Truck Features,” “Pickup Truck for Macho,” or “We Divorce Girls for Sex.”

    Before you start communicating on VK, quietly “scroll through” her page to get certain information that will make getting to know each other easier. This will help you avoid mistakes in your first message and find different common ground. On the site you can find out:

    • how often the potential interlocutor surfs the Internet and VKontakte;
    • in which communities it is registered;
    • how many online fans does she have;
    • supposed hobbies.

    Before you meet a girl on the Internet and start full-fledged communication, offer her friendship on VK. This will give you the opportunity to study her profile better (you will see personal albums, contact information) and form a preliminary opinion on how to conduct the conversation.

    You can start communication not only with a personal message, but also by leaving comments under girlish photos and posts on the wall. Pickup artists advise arousing women's interest with various provocative remarks, but without offensive hints.

    So, your profile is completed, information has been added, it’s time for direct communication.

    At this stage, a man is faced with a variety of questions: how to communicate correctly and correctly with a young lady, what to write to a girl so that she will respond. Let's talk about this in more detail.

    To ensure constructive communication online, decide for yourself what the purpose of the upcoming acquaintance is: correspondence for “general development”, pickup and subsequent sexual contact, serious connection.

    So, how to properly meet people on the Internet?

    1. Radiate positivity. Communicate with a woman with humor, but do not use sarcasm towards the interlocutor. Make jokes more often, use emoticons in moderation in your messages, and do not burden the girl with sad stories at the beginning of your acquaintance.
    2. Write correctly. The absence of errors is perhaps the first thing that many representatives of the fairer sex pay attention to when corresponding. Before sending a message, check it for literacy through various services that can be found on the Internet.
    3. Be polite. Don't forget to say hello. Greeting is a mandatory element of the message, as well as the absence of obscenities, swear words and vulgar words. Advice from pickup truck experts: do not forget to call the young lady by name when communicating, since the name is the most favorite word for every person.
    4. Intrigue your interlocutor. Followers of pickup recommend changing communication tactics. For example, after making sure that the girl is interested, try to disappear from VKontakte for several days, stopping the conversation at the most interesting place.
    5. Be different. If your first words were extremely brutal, during the communication process, surprise the young lady, for example, by sending her romantic poems. Or inadvertently indicate in the message that you once danced.
    6. Be interested in the girl. Communicating with an unfamiliar girl is quite difficult, but pickup truck experts recommend asking the young lady more often about her hobbies, being interested in her desires and plans for the future. Talking about your interlocutor is a good move.
    7. Communicate via SMS. Communication on VK is, of course, wonderful, but if you want to meet in real life, after some time, switch to SMS. A phone message allows you to send poems and greetings in the morning, and generally stay in touch. Of course, there is no need to insist on switching to SMS.

    How to start a correspondence?

    Find a nice person to talk to on social media. networks and specifically VK is quite simple. However, the following problems immediately arise: what to write to a girl in contact in the first message, how to start a conversation, what should be avoided in communication and how to translate the dialogue into a real meeting.

    The first rule of pickup is no platitudes! Forever get rid of the standard messages “Hello, how are you?”, “Let’s meet?”, “Hello, beautiful” from your mind.

    Many guys start communicating with girls online using exactly similar phrases. But if the young lady is pretty, such messages on VK come to her regularly.

    The first message should be short and concise. Pickup artists recommend that before sending a message, check whether it answers three important questions that arise in every pretty girl’s head after the young lady reads your succinct “hello.”

    Here next questions for dating and communication on the Internet:

    1. Who are you? I mean, your name.
    2. For what purpose did you start communicating? Your tasks: just communicate, find out something from the girl, invite her on a date, etc.
    3. Why did you choose her from the numerous female company on VK? Perhaps you found common ground, noticed something on her page, etc.

    The first messages and masculine greetings should interest the potential interlocutor, force her to start and continue communication.

    Do you need to come up with a complex greeting or write a huge text? Another pickup rule is that the first message can consist of two or three sentences, but they must be catchy.

    Don’t forget to say hello and include your own name in the greeting - you need to introduce yourself even if you have personal information on your page. You want your interlocutor to form a positive opinion about you, right? Moreover, in decent societies it is customary to voice your name when meeting someone.

    If you don't know what excuse to give as a reason for communication, don't worry. Your desire to communicate, carry on a conversation and simply get to know a pretty young lady is already a sufficient excuse to send a message. Of course, you should not indicate in the first sentences that you dream of having children with her and walking down the aisle next Sunday.

    So, the first message should be original and creative. You need to avoid vulgarities and all sorts of sexual innuendos, so as not to end up on the blacklist of unreliable users. Even if you are a pick-up guy, you don't need to immediately demonstrate the true purpose of the communication.

    We offer the following phrases for meeting people as a greeting and to start a conversation:

    1. “Hello, Katerina. I saw you in the group (the name of the community the girl is a member of). I wanted to get to know you because I’m also fascinated by this problem. Yes, my name is Sergei! The first message demonstrates common hobbies and interests.
    2. “Svetlana, hello! My sister’s birthday is in a couple of days, and I still don’t know what to give her. I decided to ask girls her age on VK what gifts they would like best. Maybe you can help? The first message indicates a request for help, and young girls love to give advice.
    3. "Hello, Maria. My name is Alexander, and I am interested in the work of the group (the name of the musical group). I saw a video file online that you posted in the community (name of the group on VK), and I want to ask, did you go okay? I’m planning to attend their concert, but I don’t know whether to go or not...” It’s a good option in which you immediately point out common interests in the first message and ask for advice.
    4. “Greetings, lovely stranger. In today's dream I saw a girl who very, very much resembles you. And suddenly today I met you on VK. Do you believe in such coincidences? Although some conditions are not observed here, they are rules, so that they can be broken occasionally. This first message also has the right to "life" because it shows your romantic mood.
    5. "Hello, Elena. It seems like you were the one I met yesterday in the city center. In real life you are even more beautiful than in your wonderful photographs.” In a similar first message, you express, and also “cast a bait”, forcing the girl to find out where you could see her.

    Of course, these are only approximate phrases for dating, unique examples and guidelines that you can use to start a conversation and start communicating online. Perhaps you have more effective options for greeting and competent pickup in your arsenal.

    Let's say you succeeded, she decided to keep the conversation going and responded to the message addressed to her. What are the next steps? Continue to communicate on VK, periodically sending her poems and beautifully courting her in the virtual space?

    If your goal is in real life, you shouldn’t delay asking for a date and taking a phone number. Pickup experts recommend immediately pulling your interlocutor out of the network for a meeting, since you absolutely do not need to delay the communication.

    The girl does not agree to communicate via SMS and does not want to meet in real life? Don’t immediately dismiss her, try to practice communication and tackles with representatives of the fairer sex. In addition, perhaps after one or two messages the young lady will change her mind and go on a date with you.

    If you really serious intentions, and not just a pickup, then there is no specific time frame for meeting and communicating on the Internet with the girl you like.

    Keep up the conversation, send poems and pictures to the cute young lady, in general, show yourself to be a good conversationalist. Then, when it opens, you can switch to communicating via SMS. And there it’s already close to the real meeting.

    Getting to know a pretty young lady on VK is not so difficult, but only if you adhere to certain rules and are not afraid of numerous pitfalls.

    It is important to understand that the first message is the main key for subsequent communication and further development of relationships. Avoid platitudes, use original phrases and write compliments to girls. Perhaps an ordinary conversation online will be the beginning of a passionate romance and love!

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers deal with any difficulties.

    Many people are faced with the question of what to write to a girl when meeting on VKontakte. The opportunity to meet a girl on the Internet can help people who feel insecure when trying to meet people on the street. In the 21st century, people are accustomed to trusting acquaintances on a social network rather than in in public places. The social network guarantees advantages when meeting people.

    1. Protection from physical impact. When meeting online, you begin a correspondence, and a personal meeting occurs after the consent of both opponents. The social network acts as a kind of protection between a girl or a guy who does not want a real meeting.
    2. An opportunity to get to know a person better than in a personal meeting. VKontakte pages contain a lot of information. Photos (sometimes reflecting the entire life path of a person), marks of places of residence (which show where a person lives and what places he has visited), people who are on the list of friends (you can find mutual acquaintances and remember a long-ago meeting at some event ).
    3. A chance to postpone a meeting until a certain point. You can define your social circle and, after a long correspondence, agree to personal contact. This will help you get to know your interlocutor well before the meeting.

    We are getting a new culture of social communication. A culture that poses an additional question for young people, VKontakte, how to start a conversation online. Most of the younger generation no longer believes that simply approaching a girl on the street - good idea, and the other half has no idea how to meet a girl on VKontakte. We will analyze all aspects of the new branch of social communication.

    Correctly filling out a profile on a social network

    The page should have a lot of information about you. Profiles, which contain only a name and often no photo, are regarded by users as “fake” (pages used by scammers to try to deceive users of a social network). Indicate your gender, age, city in which you live, and upload photos. Tell us about yourself in the appropriate field, see what other aspects of your life you want to highlight in front of society. It is not necessary to fill out all the possible information that is in the profile, but the required minimum must be present.

    Photography - business card

    The face of your VKontakte page is a photograph. If you uploaded one old photo, no one will like it. Try to post fresh pictures; a good move would be to attach a few photos of how you spend time with friends. Just try to share decent photos, I don’t think a girl will show interest if her profile photo contains two albums, “Max’s Bukhach” and “Alcohol Marathon, Morning.”

    Update your avatar, updates in your profile will show that you lead an active and varied life, in most cases this will be another plus for a successful start to a conversation with a girl.

    Lead an active social life

    Pages with well-filled profiles look quite strange, beautiful photo on the avatar and an empty wall. It’s as if the person has no position in life. Fill the space between collections of photos with reposts from groups. On the wall you reflect interests: by looking at the wall of an active VKontakte user, you can find out his hobbies, whether he has a sense of humor, and see which girls or guys the owner of the page prefers.

    Family status

    How to start a conversation if you have Family status It says “married”, and two children are noted as an addition to the picture. I in no way suggest that you hide your marital status, but you should remember that our goal is to establish communication with a representative of the opposite sex. Part of your personal life should not be exposed to the public. Get the girl interested, and if the communication is positive, show your cards to each other. It happens that the lady you decide to meet has children, and you can perfectly complement each other.

    Real information

    Do not write down real data in your profile, place of residence or phone number. Real information is a double-edged sword, and all of them can negatively impact your chances.

    • Open access to real information - show scammers the path to your address and phone number. A dishonest person may contact you under the guise of a girl and try to drag you into a scam.
    • Girls don't like available guys: by revealing your phone number, you show that you are ready to give it to anyone. Try to hide this information, let it be a kind of quest for her, the prize for which will be an address, phone number or a personal meeting.

    Friend list

    In the latest updates of our favorite social network, we added the function of hiding contacts from the friends list. Review your “friend list” and edit it. You will make a strange initial impression if your friends are only girls. It’s no better than the huge number of people you don’t know who fill the “Friends” tab on the page. The fact that most of them will be online traders and advertising bots will not add any advantages. Some men in this tab may also leave an ambiguous impression. We get the recipe for a friends list.

    • Beautiful girls. This is one of the mandatory items. If you want to hit on a girl the right way, you need to make her feel proud to be added to your “friend list.”
    • Friends. Try to leave close friends as friends and successful people. Don't forget that your friends should be about 50/50 girls and guys.
    • Do not clutter the list with a huge number of unfamiliar faces; the girl may think that you are a public person or an advertising bot that is added in order to pour another portion of unnecessary advertising into your chat.


    Before you know what to write unknown girl VKontakte, prepare a springboard, that is, create a page on VK. Fill out your information correctly. Post a certain amount different photos. Fill in the feed with the information you want to offer the girl as business card. Edit your friends list. And after that, start thinking, in the first message on VKontakte.

    Start of correspondence


    In detective slang, this is called “breaking the ground.” Look at the information listed on her profile.

    • Find out her interests. Hobbies, what she does in her free time from work/study. This will help when choosing a topic for conversation; all girls, to one degree or another, love to chat about themselves, and by asking the right questions, you will increase the chance that they will answer you several times.
    • View the photos, profile pictures, and albums she has shared. There is quite a lot of information to be found in this environment. You can find out what kind of vacation the person with whom you decide to start corresponding with prefers. If you have seen several albums of photographs with trips to the forest, tents, backpacks and beautiful landscapes, which were clearly taken far outside the city, I don’t think that she will be interested in going to a club or talking about a fashionable DJ. In such cases, it is better to talk about trips into nature and the beauty of the mountains. They will tell you different stories, and this will take communication to a new level.

    First message

    The first message should spark interest in you, not necessarily as someone she would want to spend time alone with. You can show sympathy for interesting interlocutor. Formulate the main idea of ​​the message based on the information you found in the girl’s profile. You can try to start the correspondence with a question related directly to her or the type of activity with which she associates herself. This is one of the main ways to interest a girl in communication.

    If you are not a master of the pen and find it difficult to build long interesting conversations, just write that you looked at her photos, read the posts on the wall, she seems attractive and positive, and you would like to get to know her better.

    Don’t worry that you immediately blurted out the whole point of your attempt to speak. In certain circles, honesty and openness in communication will only be a plus. Another positive aspect of this will be that the girl will immediately begin to consider you as a gentleman (there are situations when it is quite difficult to get out of the friend zone).

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    Any communication with a girl (not just live) should take place in such a way that interest in you is not lost, but, on the contrary, intensifies many times over. For this, it’s not enough to just write something to a girl (I’ll even say more: it’s better not to write anything if your message is banal).

    Your messages should be really unusual and interesting, so that the girl will gladly run to the phone in order to quickly read what you wrote.

    Yes, my friend, it's real! You can write her messages that will cause a whole storm of emotions in her.

    Moreover, the messages themselves can be written not only in SMS, but also on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and any other networks.

    What to write to a girl to shock her?

    Write something she doesn't expect

    Ask her some dumbfounding question. For example: “Have you ever eaten jerboas?” or “It turns out that Chinese beetles need to be cooked in sweet and sour sauce.”


    After such a message (which, mind you, is very different from “How are you? How are you?”) she will definitely have a whole mixture of emotions. And emotions are the engine of seduction.

    Don't be afraid to write something unusual to a girl. You can always justify your message. For example, in response to the examples above, you can say: “I found out that the Chinese eat even the nastiest bugs. How can you even eat this crap? :)".

    One day while walking on the street, I saw big woman, passing from big dog. Behind her was a medium-sized girl with a slightly smaller dog. And a couple of minutes later a little girl with a very small dog was walking towards me.

    What do you think is a good idea for a fun message? ;)

    Of course, such unusual situations rarely happen. But you can notice the interesting and unusual even in banal everyday situations.

    What do you think will happen if you write to a girl: “I saw a girl very similar to you. She looked at me as if yesterday I had spent a date with her, and not with you. Do you have a double? ;)".

    That's right: she will have a mixed feeling, where there will be jealousy, fun and intrigue.

    Moreover, SMS of this “type” may concern not only what you actually saw. You can even write your thoughts. If an unusual thought comes into your head, be sure to write to the girl about it.

    “I thought, why...” and you write whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that it should be something interesting and unusual. Eliminate negativity and complaints from your speech forever.

    Challenge her!

    You can ask some provocative question. For example: “You say you’re strong...can you do 15 push-ups? :)".

    Or: “What would you tell me if I came home drunk and covered in lipstick?”

    “Would you forgive me if I slept with all your friends? :)".

    “If I fall and stop breathing, will you give me artificial respiration?”

    “Would you be jealous of me if I were your boyfriend and someone constantly called or wrote to me?”

    By the way, all these questions do not just challenge her.

    If you have noticed, they form the correct image of you in her head. She involuntarily begins to perceive you as a sought-after man, whom all the girls are after.

    And if in a normal situation she thinks that the guy will start running after her, then here everything happens the other way around: she is already starting to think that her friends will be able to take you away from her, and that she will have to fight for you.

    You can also challenge yourself with a test. A simple one will be enough: “A little test: strawberries or raspberries?” or “Is the glass half empty or half full?” In the case of the second message, you yourself know perfectly well what she will answer. But the main thing is to get this answer in order to make her like you and start playing by your rules.

    By the way, when you ask her provocative questions or arrange mini-tests, sometimes it is useful to remain silent after her answer. By doing this, you will warm up the situation and make her think about whether she answered you correctly (which is to our advantage).

    100 character rule

    I don’t advise you to write something very long to a girl. The fact is that large text messages are an indicator of your excessive efforts to prove something, to say something, to please someone. She begins to understand that if you wrote a lot of letters, then you are trying really hard. Which means your value is too low.

    It has long been noted: the less you try to conquer a girl, the easier it is to seduce her. And the faster it becomes yours.

    On the other hand, when you write very briefly, she understands that you have high value and that you you're not going to spend more than 2 minutes writing a message.

    That's why we introduced the 100 character rule. If your SMS exceeds this volume, then think about how exactly you can send it shorten so that it remains the same emotional and does not lose its meaning.

    And if you also answer a little longer than she does, the effect will be more interesting.

    She will have a whole bunch of thoughts from “he’s probably having fun now and that’s why he writes to me so little” to “did I really say something wrong?” Both thoughts make her think about you. And, as you know, the more she thinks about you, the greater the chances of seducing her.

    By the way, keep in mind: when corresponding with a girl, you cannot respond to her messages faster than she responds to yours. If this happens, consider that you have moved back a lot and you will have to start all over again. Well, girls don’t appreciate it when you answer them faster than they do! They don't appreciate it.

    Use all these examples, and then the process of communicating with you will turn into something unusual for her. She will always be waiting for the next message from you, because she will know that now you will write something fun, emotional and unusual.

    Agree, there is nothing more pleasant than when a girl is waiting for a message from you and is happy to keep in touch. Often even forgetting about household chores. ;)

    Today, dating via the Internet is possible and even necessary! IN modern world many opportunities to communicate without boundaries. Place an ad on a dating site and wait. It is advisable to attach several high-quality photographs to it. This will allow girls to take a closer look at you. When the lady has replied, try to write to her as early as possible. Depending on whether you like her or not, you choose. In the first message, you need to either reject her or give her a chance. Although you are in control of the situation, try not to let the girl know about it. Answer softly: “Sorry, but I think I’ve already found my one and only. Don’t be discouraged, better luck next time!”

    Meeting a girl on the Internet: an example

    “Hi, let's get to know each other a little better. Tell about yourself. What do you like the most? What's annoying? What do you think about online dating? - after that, try to read at least two sentences from what she writes, and act based on the information that is available. Try to show sympathy and condescension.

    First meeting

    Many boys are interested in the answer to the question of what to write to a girl in the first message. But few people think about the fact that first you need to get to know each other. Even the most sophisticated words may have no effect on a beauty if she doesn’t know you. Therefore, first of all, you need to somehow get into her social circle. If you meet through social networks, send her a request to add you as “friends”.

    Social media

    Modern Internet resources allow people to communicate at a distance and get to know the young people they like. The advent of the Internet solved the problem of where to meet girls. However, it should be noted that not all Internet users want communication, much less dating.


    If you are still interested in what to write to a girl in the first message, we offer step-by-step instructions.

    1. Give yourself a good photo shoot. Girls, like men, “love with their eyes.” Based on this, before writing a message, make sure that you have beautiful photos. If you manage to attract the attention of your sweetheart, the first thing she will want to do is look at you. Beautiful appearance and favorable angles are half the battle!

    2. Determine why you need a girl. Do you want from her Serious relationships or just sex without commitment? Some young men do not know how to behave simply because they cannot even model a goal. Everyone decides for themselves what to write to a girl. In the first message, you can simply introduce yourself and say a couple of compliments.

    3. Be different. Guys very often try to embellish the truth. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because in the case of closer communication, you will either be exposed and called a liar, or you will be in a stressful state, afraid that the truth will be revealed. Therefore, we recommend that you speak honestly everything at once. To avoid seeming completely boring, try making jokes.

    4. Never start a conversation with a vulgar joke or suggestion. This not only repels a person, but also spoils the mood. Try to be interesting and not boring.

    5. Give detailed answers to questions. Monosyllabic phrases make a person feel as if you don’t want to communicate. When writing messages over the Internet, do not use a large number of emoticons

    6. It is advisable to make prepared messages. This will allow you to send them to girls you like like spam. Some will reject you, while others will want to get to know each other better.

    SMS message

    This type of message should be short and concise, so you need to contain all your feelings in a few lines. Examples of messages that will surely be pleasant:

    • If you want to wish good morning, you can write the following words: “My beauty, have a sunny morning and have a nice day”
    • When planning your next weekend together, you can “prepare” the girl by sending her a message: “I want to be with you this weekend. I ordered a hang gliding flight.”
    • If you want to give a compliment, you can write the following words: “Darling, you are my most beautiful, yesterday you looked simply luxurious.”
    • Girls love it when guys spend money on them, even small amounts. Therefore, such an SMS will come in handy if you want to cheer up your loved one: “My card is on the refrigerator, the PIN code is nearby. Buy whatever you want, you can show it off in the evening.”
    • After stormy night The following words would not be out of place: “The night was unforgettable. You are the best.” This nice message - a win-win, each of them will cause a sea of ​​pleasant emotions

    A little bit of creativity

    If your girlfriend is not devoid of a sense of humor, and she, of course, is not, then you can write her humorous and funny messages. Examples of similar SMS for your beloved:

    • "You're like a lollipop to me - I want to eat you"
    • "Bunny, you are a fairy - you cured me of color blindness, I now see the world in bright colors"
    • “A surprise awaits you - cool, funny and bright. I won’t tell you what it is. You’ll find out when night falls.”
    • “My glutton, a messenger is coming to you with a basket of sweets for your beloved. Meet him, he’s already on his way.”

    Apology messages

    There are times when you need to write something to her in order to make amends. If the guilt is really real, and not invented by the girl’s imagination, then you will have to try to make peace. Various emoticons will help you a lot - they will be able to express the full depth of your experiences, and will also complement the right words. Examples of apology messages:

    • “My baby, have you noticed that the weather has turned bad? It’s not because it’s night, it’s because you’re sulking. Let’s turn on the sun and start smiling.”
    • “Darling, I’m far from you, forgive me, forgive me, but will you teach me to be persistent and unshakable?”
    • "The very best best girl on earth I invite you to dinner with candles. I'm sorry for what happened, I was wrong, but I will definitely make amends - you'll see."


    It will be interesting, unusual, very pleasant if you write a letter and send it by mail. Now such letters come only from the tax office and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which is a pity - it’s so romantic and incredibly pleasant. In addition, paper allows you to fully express your feelings, unlike SMS.

    In the letter, even write how you imagine your life together, make promises. You can describe the future romantic night, just without fanaticism. Such a letter can become a real ticket into a girl’s heart.

    Lettering on the asphalt

    Girls are very romantic creatures, so your beloved will definitely appreciate the eloquent inscription on the asphalt under her windows. In addition, you can brag about such an inscription to your girlfriends, and this is almost more pleasant than the inscription itself. It is advisable to decorate the words with heart flowers; you can do a little graffiti if you have artistic abilities.

    You can draw with chalk - but the effect will be short-lived; the most durable drawings on asphalt are made using a can of paint or using a regular brush and white enamel from a hardware store. The only thing is that there is no need to express gratitude to her for the night spent in a message on the asphalt, in case her dad reads it.


    There really is a good reason, order poetry or congratulations in prose from a professional poet and a banner with a photo of your beloved girl with this congratulation. The banner should be positioned so that it catches the girl’s eye every day - preferably several times. Such pleasant congratulations are unforgettable.

    Of course, no one cancels words of love. These are the most beautiful, wonderful words that can ever be written. Even without any creativity and creative ideas, a simple word “I love” can sometimes lift her spirits much more than 10 invitations to ride horses or jump with a parachute.

    Therefore, if you love, write about love, you can’t go wrong. And more compliments - there are never enough of them either. Anyone likes to know that she looks great, beautiful. And for a delightful night together, words of love and gratitude are simply required.

    What to write on social networks

    If in the open spaces social networks you were captivated by the photo beautiful girl and she also happens to be from your city, and her status does not include a karateka husband and three children, which means there is every chance of starting to date this girl. But for this you need to at least see her and get to know her. What to write in the first message? “Hi, how are you?” won’t work. This makes me terribly bored. Most likely, the answer will be no less original: “Thank you, everything is fine” - and this is in the best case.

    When meeting on VKontakte and other social networks, you need to immediately impress with your originality so that the girl pays attention and is interested in communicating with you. Because if a girl is beautiful, imagine how many people like you will write to her in a day. Therefore, it is necessary to become the best among the rest, to somehow stand out.

    But still - what to write in the first message? To begin, carefully read the girl’s profile: what school did she attend, her hobbies, interests, friends, look - maybe you’ll find mutual acquaintances, there will be something to start a conversation about. In any case, when starting communication, it is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards you. Therefore, it cannot be loaded, you need to communicate cheerfully, casually and funny, talk only pleasant words- this manner of communication is most captivating.

    Write about yourself, but not all the details, ask what was interesting in her life. Tell funny and amusing stories from your life, you can lie a little, it’s okay, you’ll figure it out later. The main thing now is to hook her.

    Topics for discussion:

    • Musical

    Check out the playlist. Which performer she prefers - maybe on this basis you will have something to talk about. What are her favorite bands? What if your favorite performer is soon expected in your city, after all, you can go to the concert together.

    You can offer to buy tickets - she is unlikely to refuse. And the night after the concert is a great opportunity to go for a walk and get to know each other better.

    Discuss your favorite films. Buy tickets to an interesting new movie, invite a girl. If the film is in her style and taste, she will definitely go with you. And after the movie, there is also a whole night for a walk together.

    • Books and authors

    If the girl is a student and is receiving an education in a specialty familiar to you, you can give her valuable advice, which may be useful. Both pleasant and useful. The main thing when giving advice is not to be boring.

    • Pets

    If you have pets and the girl too, then the question of what to write to a girl in the first message obviously does not bother you. A win-win topic for conversation is pets. If you both have dogs or cats, write about this topic.

    Share secrets, addresses of veterinary clinics, medications, remember the funniest episodes associated with pets. And then we can all go for a walk together. It’s simply impossible not to become here good friends- a message with the question: “How is your dog or cat doing?” - always especially pleasant for any girl.

    Sports, city life, upcoming cultural events, exhibitions - there are many topics to start a conversation, make friends. Find one or more of yours and write on these topics. The main thing is that in the beginning there is something to talk about.

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