• What to give for a sapphire wedding? Traditions and ideas. What to give your parents for their sapphire wedding anniversary (45 years)


    Sapphire wedding It is celebrated when a husband and wife have lived together for 45 years. This is enough a large number of years together family life, hence the name of the beautiful gemstone.

    Anniversary sapphire wedding comes after the ruby, which I celebrate after forty years of family life. Over the next five years after ruby wedding, the relationship between the spouses becomes even stronger and changes the rich red color to a calm blue.

    Sapphire has been a stone of wisdom since ancient times. It is believed that this stone helps the wearer to control emotions, have patience and courage, and improve health. This is just necessary for spouses who celebrated their sapphire wedding anniversary.

    This does not mean that the relationship between husband and wife becomes less sensual and passionate, but it means that the spouses are together forever, and nothing can separate them. Since they spent most of their lives together.

    Sapphire wedding: how to celebrate your 45th anniversary

    Having lived together for so many years, the spouses already have their own circle of friends, so it is usually celebrated wedding anniversary 45 years in the circle of the closest friends of the family, who will definitely come to congratulate the heroes of the day on such a significant event.

    You need to celebrate your 45th wedding anniversary, you can’t just forget about it, or celebrate it together, usually this event is celebrated magnificently. But everything, of course, depends on the family’s finances. Children and grandchildren help, and sometimes even take on all the responsibilities for organizing such a holiday. And the heroes of the occasion themselves only enjoy and accept congratulations.

    So that everything is done in sapphire shades, because the sapphire anniversary is celebrated for 45 years life together, everything must be decorated in shades of blue, tablecloths and napkins should also be blue, and outfits should also be in these tones.

    What to give your spouse for a sapphire wedding?

    Since the sapphire wedding anniversary comes after the couple has lived together in harmony for most of their lives, it cannot be left without at least small gift one's soul mate. What to give your husband or wife for their wedding anniversary?

    Usually, for such an anniversary, called a sapphire wedding, you need to give each other small gifts - products that contain sapphires. This could be jewelry, figurines, etc.

    What to give for a sapphire wedding if you are a guest

    Children, grandchildren and friends also cannot ignore such a significant date and not present at least a small gift. Children can draw a poster with wishes for the couple - it will be very nice.

    On a sapphire wedding anniversary, guests can simply give a blue gift, or, alternatively, wrap it in blue or blue paper. Gifts for a sapphire wedding are given at will, the main thing is that the spouses do not ignore such a date and surprise each other. Thus, The color of a sapphire wedding is blue and all its shades, so it should prevail in clothing for the holiday, in decorating the room and setting the table.

    Each year after the conclusion of a legal marriage has its own name. 45 years - what kind of wedding is this?

    The 45th wedding anniversary is usually called the sapphire anniversary. Sapphire is a blue or blue color, which is known for its strength and durability. That is why sapphire has become a symbol of indestructible and strong relationships. Moreover, sapphires are considered stones that symbolize renewal and increase vital energy. According to the biblical tradition, if you wear a sapphire product, you don’t have to be afraid of any diseases.

    The couple, who have lived together for 45 years, have come a long and thorny path, so celebrating such a significant event is extremely important.

    Blue is a color that symbolizes purity, strength and consistency. This is why blue is used as a symbol for a sapphire wedding.

    Sapphire is considered the stone that can give a new breath and bring harmony and peace of mind to the family. Sapphire also helps eliminate the effects of stress, which will not be superfluous for older people. Interestingly, 45 years of marriage is called a sapphire wedding, while the 40th anniversary is usually referred to as a ruby ​​wedding. Ruby is a stone that represents passion, drive, energy and great desire. Sapphire is a symbol of tenderness, calmness, harmony.

    Sapphire symbolizes tenderness and harmony in relationships

    However, this does not mean at all that passion goes away and indifference comes. This means that love has become eternal and no external circumstance can shake the tranquility of the marriage.

    The couple proved that being married for 45 years is not the limit, and over the years their love only becomes stronger.

    We all know that in marital relations first of all, it is necessary to repair, create, re-build, reanimate something, but under no circumstances destroy or break it. You can often hear golden words from the older generation: “Before, we didn’t get divorced so often because we were taught to fix broken things and not throw them away.” Marriage is the same work, only it requires even more mental effort on the part of two people.

    What do you give for a sapphire wedding?

    The couple, who have been together for 45 years, seem to have everything anyone could want. They found love for life and managed to carry it for 45 years.

    Particularly happy is the couple who managed to acquire their own continuation.

    The main question that faces the family and friends of a married couple is what to give for a sapphire wedding.

    Don't skimp on gifts for such a special occasion.

    Gifts for wedding anniversary can be completely different:

    When congratulating you on your 45th wedding anniversary (and on any event), it is important to remember that the main thing is attention and care from loved ones. A gift does not necessarily need to be material; it must be memorable and represent the love of loved ones.

    Sometimes congratulations with words are enough, because words can touch the soul. Therefore, the question of what to give for a sapphire wedding disappears.

    We must not forget that the spouses themselves present each other with gifts on this day, usually in the form of renewed rings.

    How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

    You can celebrate your wedding anniversary with family, friends, or alone with each other. Here, first of all, the wishes of the married couple themselves are taken into account. It would be appropriate if the organization of this event is taken over by the couple’s entourage.

    It will be romantic to hold a picnic-style holiday at the dacha. Especially if this event falls on warm days.

    The summer period allows you to celebrate 45 years of wedding in the open air with active games in which not only guests, but also the spouses themselves can take part. A poster or sign is hung on the porch of the house with the words “Happy Wedding Day!”, “45th Anniversary Wedding,” “Happy 45th Anniversary of Marriage,” etc. The 45th wedding anniversary is a great reason to get everyone together and try to do something with your own hands, for example, crafts, pastries, a cake. For more information on how to organize an anniversary, watch this video:

    Usually, the closest relatives and friends are invited to celebrate a sapphire wedding; they also invite colleagues and neighbors with whom the heroes of the occasion are closely acquainted and have lived for a long time. A special role here is played by “witnesses” from both the groom and the bride. If due to various circumstances it is not possible to invite them, then on this day the witnesses must be honored, since it was also thanks to them that this day took place.

    It is better to start congratulations on your 45th sapphire wedding with a short story and introduction of the family.

    As for the celebrants themselves, they exchange updated wedding rings, in which a sapphire, the symbol of this holiday, is set. Such a gift is not only beautiful, but also useful thanks to healing properties sapphires that are attributed to him. The main advantage of this stone is the relief of nervous tension and stress, which is important for older people.

    When choosing a gift for a sapphire wedding, focus on items related to water in some way: towels, bath utensils, bathroom accessories, etc. You can also give an indoor fountain or an aquarium, if, of course, you think that such a gift will please the anniversary .

    A memorable tradition is the replacement of stones in wedding rings: previously set rubies can be replaced with sapphires by this date.

    As the brightest and positive congratulations A sapphire wedding can include a fiery dance of children or grandchildren.


    If the married couple does not mind, then they can put on wedding dresses, returning to the day that was exactly 45 years ago, at the beginning of their life together, and which made more than one family and more than one generation happy.

    Don't be afraid that Wedding Dress it will look awkward on the hero of the occasion, on the contrary, the woman will clearly demonstrate that even 45 years after the wedding she still remains the most desirable and beautiful for her husband.

    Guests do not have to wear blue suits; it will be enough to add accenting elements to their outfits: brooches, scarves, cufflinks, gloves, necklaces, jewelry.

    Blue is the favorite color for this anniversary

    Decorating a wedding celebration will require a creative approach. The couple's table can be decorated beautiful balls and a tablecloth in blue and blue tones. It’s not scary if the wedding anniversary is celebrated during the cold season - you can celebrate it in any other place: restaurant, cafe, cinema, anti-cafe and, of course, at home.

    The venue should be decorated with family and couple photos.

    You can ask the husband and wife a few days before the event dedicated to celebrating 45 years of marriage to take part in a photo shoot and use the resulting photographs to decorate their house or apartment.

    Viewing the family archive will stir up old feelings in the spouses

    Watching a video of the family archive will be a pleasant and unforgettable moment. Such moments are designed to evoke nostalgia, they help unite and strengthen the family. If one of your relatives, loved ones or friends has moved away from the family for some reason, then celebrating the 45th anniversary of marriage will be an excellent opportunity to forget grievances and unite again.

    Sapphire wedding represents The best way gather in a narrow family circle.

    To ensure that this moment remains in the memory of every guest and spouse for as long as possible, you should invite a videographer and photographer or shoot it yourself. It will be nice to hear the story of the acquaintance and love of the heroes of the occasion accompanied by quiet and moody music. If your health allows, you can ask the spouses to dance a slow dance with each other and with their children.

    Love is the main thing

    A sapphire wedding is, first of all, proof that love exists, that the expression “love lives for three years” is nothing more than beautiful aphorism, which is easy to refute in practice. Living with a loved one for 45 years is the lot of the strong, responsible and patient. Spouses may have different family circumstances: they may find themselves without friends, without children, etc.

    Even if the couple did not have children, a relationship lasting 45 years is especially strong

    But in any case, it is very important to take part in such a family and try to organize, albeit a small, but still a holiday. If we congratulate our parents, grandparents and other people close to us on such an important and important event, then we will let them feel how much we appreciate them.

    Celebrating your wedding anniversary does not require large financial expenditures.

    You can do without buying expensive gifts and booking luxury restaurants. Today there is a fairly wide range of possibilities to celebrate any event. Picking flowers from your neighbors' flowerbeds, drawing a card and coming to the holiday with the whole family is the basis of any significant day. By using imagination and a creative approach, you can make spouses who have 45 years of marriage behind them and who have seen not only good things, but also quite unpleasant ones, happy.

    To bring the spouses back 45 years is the goal of organizing and celebrating the anniversary. To live 45 years after marriage and celebrate more than one anniversary is at least worthy of admiration. Questions about what to give should be the most pressing in every family.

    Congratulatory poem

    We lived together for forty-five not days, not months, but years! There is simply no more wonderful couple! And we hasten to congratulate you on this beautiful anniversary! His name is Sapphire. People love and honor sapphire: it makes feelings fresh, it is considered a stone of fidelity and attracts the mercy of God, relieves heavy thoughts, gives tired people strength. For an example of an anniversary greeting, watch this video:

    Your love, like a sapphire, protects you from all adversity and gives you enormous strength, so that there is harmony in your home and peace in your heart. And we want to wish you to live to see your golden wedding; in half a century, a wedding is a feast! There are only five years left to wait.

    Traditionally, there are many different anniversaries of joint married life. Married couples, living in love and harmony for many years, go through their life path step by step, on which they have met various wedding anniversaries many times. Spouses who have lived in perfect harmony for 45 years - what kind of wedding awaits them? Since childhood, we have all heard about a silver and gold wedding, but many do not know that there is also a sapphire wedding, which marks forty-five years of family life. It precedes the golden jubilee.

    Ancient traditions and customs for 45th wedding anniversary

    A sapphire wedding implies an important custom - decorating your wedding rings sapphires. The heavenly-colored sapphire gemstone symbolizes priceless feelings - love and fidelity, thanks to which the couple managed to live alone for so many years friendly family. Sapphire is a kind of amulet against stress and fatigue. This property is of great importance for the health of older people.

    Sapphire is an extremely hard stone; in terms of strength it is second only to diamond. That’s why the wedding is called sapphire, because the union of two people who have lived together for 45 years is confidently called strong, it was not broken by life’s storms or everyday troubles. Spouses are no longer simple people in close relationships; they live and breathe as one inseparable whole.

    Hindus called sapphire a good-luck, cleansing stone because of its exceptional purity and transparency. It is believed that it clears human thoughts, helps to gain mental strength. The sapphire wedding has an ancient tradition - cleansing. How to carry out the cleansing ceremony is up to each couple to decide for themselves. Some will visit a bathhouse or sauna, others will undergo a course of therapeutic fasting to cleanse the body.

    But the most important thing is to cleanse the soul. Spouses must admit what they have been silent about long years, ask each other for forgiveness for the grievances, quarrels and troubles that have arisen.

    Sapphire wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary?

    The sapphire wedding is celebrated - 45 years of marriage on such a grand scale that memories of it will warm the soul for many years to come. Do not spare money, organize a grand celebration for the anniversaries, celebrating it in a family circle or inviting friends and acquaintances of the couple. Start preparing for a beautiful sapphire wedding in advance to plan for everything and avoid unpleasant surprises.

    Choosing a venue for the celebration

    When deciding on the location of the event, take into account the age of the heroes of the day and guests, and their state of health. Mostly these are elderly people, so it is best to spend the holiday in a cozy, beautiful restaurant or banquet hall. It would be wonderful if the sapphire wedding was celebrated in the same place where their wedding was held 45 years ago.

    What to wear for spouses

    The dress code for spouses at a beautiful sapphire wedding is blue clothing and all its shades. Choose an outfit in those color shades that match the tone of the stone that gave the name to the anniversary. It is not necessary that all clothes be blue; one such element is enough, for example, a tie for a husband and a blouse for a wife.

    Who to invite

    Sapphire wedding anniversary gathers the closest and dearest people, it is celebrated in a narrow family circle. By that time, the newlyweds are already elderly people, have children and grandchildren, who must definitely take part in the celebration. If a couple has close friends, then they have stood the test of time, friendship has proven its truth. They also need to be invited.

    As at any wedding, there are other heroes of the occasion present here, in addition to the newlyweds - these are witnesses. They may not be so young and beautiful for a long time, but these people were once chosen as the main witnesses to your conclusion happy marriage. Even though 45 years of marriage have passed since then, what’s a wedding without witnesses?

    What should be on the table

    Banquet hall, as well as a festive table for the sapphire beautiful wedding decorated in blue or light blue tones - curtains, tablecloths, napkins, everything is harmoniously matched to the color of sapphire. On the tables there are cutlery with blue handles, a blue and white porcelain set, and small vases with blue flowers - lilacs, roses, tulips.

    In addition to a variety of snacks festive tables There should be sweet dishes symbolizing the long sweet life of the spouses.

    Celebration scenario

    The wedding anniversary scenario of 45 years of marriage needs to be carefully thought out in order to organize a celebration for everyone big family a memorable, solemn event. It is recommended that the celebration of the 45th anniversary of marriage be divided into two parts.

    The first part is solemn. Figure out how to beautifully introduce the spouses to the guests. Let them look like they stepped out of a beautiful picture - in elegant clothes in blue or blue tones, new fashionable shoes, with beautiful hairstyles. Those present will certainly appreciate how the couple has blossomed over the years.

    After the introduction of the spouses, there is an exchange of renewed wedding rings with inserted sapphires, a solemn oath of love and fidelity. traditionally ends the dance of the young. Your favorite song will sound, your partner will spin the young lady in a wedding waltz, throwing off the burden of their years from their shoulders, they will again feel like youthfully young people in love.

    The second part is congratulatory. The toastmaster gives the floor to the guests, who congratulate the spouses and give gifts. Each gift symbolizes a specific stage in the life of the hero of the day. Congratulations turn out to be informative, amusing, extremely warm, friendly and simple, understandable without unnecessary words.

    After such a cheerful, touching sapphire wedding, warmed by the warmth of dear hearts, there will be a lot of memorable photos and pleasant memories.

    How modestly, in a family way, but very fun and fiery the wife celebrated the sapphire anniversary surrounded by family and friends, see in the video presented:

    What to give for a sapphire wedding

    Don't know what to give your parents for a sapphire wedding? Stop your choice on sapphire products and souvenirs. A good gift would be either a trinket decorated with this stone or a solid piece of jewelry. Keychains, boxes, brooches, bracelets - anything will do, depending on the tastes and preferences of the hero of the day. If you can't afford sapphire items, choose a gift set with a similar stone.

    A wife will rejoice like a child if her husband gives her earrings, a ring or a necklace with sapphire for her sapphire wedding anniversary. A beautiful addition to the gift will be blue flowers - cornflowers, lilacs, blue hyacinth, orchids.

    A wife can give her husband beautiful sapphire cufflinks or a lighter with this or a similar stone.

    Guests invited to the anniversary can choose any gifts decorated in blue colors. It doesn't have to be jewelry, but choose expensive, worthy gifts, because the celebration is not simple. You can give household appliances, furniture, table sets, expensive blue or light blue bed linen, apartment interior decorations, and souvenirs.

    An original anniversary gift for spouses will be 45-year-old cognac. Such a gift symbolizes the number of years the celebrants have lived together. This gift will be complemented by an unusual bouquet of sweets with floral decoration.

    Congratulations on your sapphire wedding

    Is your friend, a lovely lovely couple, having a wedding anniversary? Then it is important to choose not only original gift, but also an appropriate verbal congratulation. We would like to wish our dear people so much that it is simply impossible to say everything. Formulate your thoughts beautiful text or a poem, a page with examples of congratulations will help you express it simply and clearly.

    A husband and wife go hand in hand for many years, overcoming many difficulties in order to preserve their love. In society, wedding anniversaries have been given symbolic names that emphasize the value of happy years of family life. If 45 years of marriage are behind us, what kind of wedding is it? Her symbol is sapphire, the stone of wisdom and infinity.

    What kind of wedding should the spouses celebrate if they have 45 years of marriage behind them? People who shared the cup of joys and sorrows for so many decades, thanks to their wisdom, did not allow the storms of life to destroy their family boat and thereby made their love eternal, like the sky above their heads. The calm color of the skies and the peaceful sea is reflected by the sapphire gemstone. Moreover, it symbolizes good health, which the spouses will need so that future years of happiness are not overshadowed by anything.

    Under no circumstances should such a significant wedding anniversary - 45 years - be ignored. We have already learned what kind of wedding it is - a sapphire wedding, a day of rich memories and bright hopes. How to mark it correctly?

    How to please your other half?

    When people have lived together for almost half a century, it is very difficult for them to surprise each other. But this must be done so that the wedding anniversary is not an ordinary date on the calendar. What to give your beloved wife on the sapphire anniversary of marriage? There are many options - you can choose from the list a gift that is financially affordable and matches the character and tastes of your wife:

    • jewelry inlaid with sapphire (earrings, necklace, bracelet, brooch, pendant);
    • combined handbag with blue elements;
    • a frame for a memorable photo with patterns of rhinestones in sea shades;
    • a novel about love in a designer cover made of beautiful fabric with decorations;
    • perfume that imitates the smell of your wife’s favorite flowers;
    • reading sconce lamp decorated in blue tones.

    A wonderful gift would be an item related to the profession or hobbies of the “lady of the heart”, for example:

    • dishes;
    • kitchen appliances;
    • a collection of new recipes;
    • book about plants;
    • exotic flower in a flowerpot;
    • karaoke;
    • tickets to a theater premiere or a concert of your favorite performer.

    For a woman who wants to thank her beloved for the wonderful 45 years since her wedding, it is also important what gift to give him. Men do not wear jewelry, but stones - symbols of the anniversary - can be on:

    • lighter;
    • cigarette case;
    • flask;
    • keychain;
    • cufflinks;
    • tie clip;
    • notepad and pen;
    • wristwatch.

    If your husband is a passionate hunter, fisherman, collector, or is interested in something else, you can give him:

    • modern fishing rods or hunting weapons;
    • comfortable camping tent;
    • warm sports suit;
    • portable radio;
    • antique item;
    • musical instrument;
    • camera, etc.

    It is a common tradition to exchange stones in wedding rings for sapphires on the day of the 45th anniversary of marriage. They will remind loving couple and to those around him about his vast life experience and the inviolability of sincere feelings.

    How to make your parents happy?

    For people mature age there is nothing more valuable than the attention of their children. They especially need the presence of their heirs on the day of the 45th anniversary of marriage. What kind of wedding this is and what to give to parents, everyone whose fathers and mothers are on the eve of such a holiday must know. The best surprise will be a gift that contains a piece of warmth and gratitude:

    • icon of the patron saints of the marriage of Saints Peter and Fevronia;
    • a portrait of the parents, embroidered or painted in oils from their wedding photo;
    • a family photo album in a cover with inserts of blue pebbles (you can make paper pages in this album so that the heroes of the occasion can write down their memories, and guests can write down their wishes);
    • a plasma TV or DVD player complete with discs containing parents’ favorite films and family videos;
    • cutlery with monograms of a specially created family coat of arms;
    • photographs arranged in the form of a family tree;
    • vouchers to a sanatorium;
    • huge cake with a congratulatory inscription.

    In addition to presenting a gift, you must not forget to help parents prepare for welcoming guests.

    Ideas for those invited to the anniversary

    Undoubtedly, 45 wedding years is a significant date. Therefore, what kind of wedding is it and what to give are questions that invariably concern all those invited to the celebration. Having learned that the symbol of a significant anniversary is a sapphire, many guests want to decorate their gifts with the appropriate jewelry. What items can such a stone make more valuable? This:

    • painting;
    • glasses;
    • samovar;
    • casket;
    • coasters for cups;
    • statuette.

    It is believed that it is not customary to give a watch, but on this day such a gift would be quite appropriate, because it symbolizes the years that the couple spent together. It would be great if the watch was vintage, designed to remind lovers of their youth and acquaintance.

    It is not necessary to encrust your gift with sapphires - you can simply wrap the box in sky blue foil and put it in it:

    • cover;
    • bed sheets;
    • pillowcases;
    • plaid;
    • tablecloth;
    • blanket;
    • set of napkins;
    • wall panel.

    Anniversary celebrants will be pleasantly surprised beautiful embroidery or hand-made appliqués on these things.

    Warm words are the heart of the holiday

    Even if you have already prepared for the celebration, taking into account the kind of wedding being celebrated after 45 years of marriage, congratulations are not limited to presenting a gift. For people who have carried their love through the trials of time, who have long ago equipped a family nest and raised children, good words from the lips of those invited. Express your admiration happy couple can be in the form:

    • advertisements in the press;
    • musical composition on radio or television;
    • a congratulatory film using photos from family history;
    • author's performance of the song.

    What can you say to those who built their dream home not on the sand of frivolity, but on strong stone mutual feelings, which do not fade for 45 years? Guests often put their wishes into poetic form:

    There was the best moment when

    With excitement you said: “Yes!”

    In the name of true love

    They fulfilled their words:

    There is no happier, stronger family!

    Let it shine for the whole world

    Wedding sapphire reward!

    They say that at forty-five

    Everything is blooming again!

    I want to wish you

    Every day is yours to fill

    Happiness, joy, warmth,

    And hope and goodness!

    Let the bright light sparkle

    Love that is so many years old!

    45 years have flown by

    From the day the rings rang

    For the first time in your arms.

    You dreamed of happiness in your dreams

    And it became a wonderful reality!

    And fidelity blossomed in hearts,

    Despite the moments of adversity.

    Let the sky shine above you

    Pure and delicate sapphire,

    And your love will protect you again

    The Creator who rules the world!

    Haven't you lost a drop of tenderness?

    Love hot and boundless fidelity,

    You saved like jewelers,

    Wonderful feelings, magical sapphires!

    Let them become an example for everyone,

    Let them never stop sounding in our hearts

    Words of support, joy and affection,

    Let life continue like a fairy tale!

    45 happy years

    Your hearth is family

    Gives everyone rays and light

    Every moment!

    Let the fire burn stronger

    And it never goes out!

    It's your wedding anniversary

    You are even more beautiful!

    If the guest would like to address the happy couple in prose, he first needs to name the heroes of the occasion by name, and then say something like the following.

    1. The years lived together are a real treasure that is more valuable than the largest sapphire. Every year of family life costs a lot, and we know it. Your ability to appreciate and understand each other is an example for all of us. Thank you for being in our not always sunny modern world you have preserved an island of true feelings and hope. We will learn from you to take care of our happiness. We sincerely wish you eternal youth, excellent health, pleasant surprises from those closest to you, faith in a wonderful future and unshakable prosperity! 45 you are “bitter”!
    2. Sapphire is blue like the sky and clear like spring water. A cloudless sky is a symbol of peace, water is a source of life, filling you with strength on the most difficult hot days. We wish you peace and purity in your relationship, so that you carry it through all the future years of your life together!
    3. For 45 years, you have given your other half warmth and tenderness, protected, protected, and supported each other. Love, tested over such a long time, can be considered eternal. Therefore, the symbol of this amazing date is sapphire, a stone reminiscent of wisdom and endless fidelity! Let it illuminate your path to happiness, because there is no limit to perfection!
    4. Spouses face many challenges. These are everyday life, time, financial difficulties, sometimes misunderstanding of others. You have been defeating such thorns for 45 years now and have not allowed them to interfere with the lush blossoming of your love! Confirmation of this are the flowers of life, your children and grandchildren. Let your family hearth For a very long time it will gather friends and loved ones to warm themselves near the bright flame of happiness and prosperity!
    5. Let today, on the day of the sapphire wedding, the same dazzling bonfire of love burn in your hearts as it did years ago! May your beloved’s eyes still resemble sapphires, and may your beloved’s voice resemble the most beautiful music! Be happy! Bitterly!

    Whatever wish you like - poetic or prosaic, you need to learn it by heart and pronounce it, putting your soul into every word. After all, congratulations only matter when they are sincere, and listeners always feel it.

    A date that not every couple achieves is the 45th wedding anniversary. Especially nowadays, when people are too focused on their own careers. We all know that for each anniversary there is a specific name associated with one or another material, which, in particular, is customary to give to those celebrating. If on a non-round date such traditions could still be neglected, then such beautiful number, like 45 years of marriage, deserves attention and proper celebration.

    What is the anniversary called?

    Let's start with the fact that the 45th anniversary of marriage is the so-called sapphire wedding. As often happens, such a name was not given at random and not even in a search. interesting options gifts that have accumulated over forty-five years of family life.

    It is assumed that the couple's relationship over the years has acquired the characteristics characteristic of sapphire, namely hardness and durability, inseparable from sophistication and wealth.

    In ancient times, precious stones were given a special symbolic meaning, believing that each of them symbolized something - supporters of this point of view still exist. In married life, sapphire signifies the strength of family ties, the well-being of subsequent generations (after so many years together, a couple usually manages to acquire not only children and grandchildren, but sometimes even great-grandchildren) and the purity of relationships, which, if tainted by something, would not last that long. At the same time, sapphire is associated with the renewal of relationships, since it is so long term relationship They don’t end easily - they must remain constantly young, because there are still many other significant dates ahead.

    Symbols and traditions

    The main symbol of such an anniversary, of course, is the sapphire - in particular, this precious gift is worthy of being given on such a significant date. If we abstract from the purely family aspect of esotericism, then this stone symbolizes life wisdom and the ability to control oneself - of course, people who have managed to find a compromise over such a long time simply must have these traits. Among other things, sapphire also indicates other positive traits of the wearer - for example, patience and perseverance in achieving goals, excellent fortitude and the same health.

    Esotericists see special meaning even in the color of the stone - here it symbolizes peaceful peace. Such symbolism in this case is very appropriate, because people of venerable age no longer have the passion of youth, however, such a characteristic does not mean that love has faded away - it has simply reached a new level, becoming deeper and more conscious.

    Theoretically, any gifts can be given for such an anniversary, and sapphire is not so obligatory there, but there is a long-standing tradition according to which a couple renews their wedding rings by giving each other those decorated with this precious stone. Although the symbolism of the celebration lies in calmness and tranquility, it is not customary to spend it in complete silence and away from others - on the contrary, it is so shining example undying love should become an example for the young. Since the anniversary marks a very long period of time spent together, the most appropriate guests will be those people who have traveled a significant part of the journey with the couple - these are, first of all, children and grandchildren, as well as other close relatives and old friends.

    How to celebrate?

    If people are interested in the traditional name of such an anniversary and its symbolism, then they would certainly like to give the celebration completely unique features so that the celebration would stand out in their memories even after many years. characteristic features, distinguishing it from numerous other similar festivals. Fortunately, previous generations left us detailed recommendations regarding how to organize a sapphire wedding.

    First of all, such a date, while not being perfectly round, is still too big to celebrate modestly, therefore it is assumed that the holiday should be held on a grand scale. A couple who have lived together for so many years, by definition, can no longer be young, because the celebrants themselves do not always take the initiative to the required extent, but they probably have grown-up and already established children who are capable of taking on at least some of the organizational issues. Actually, it is the descendants who have managed to become successful that usually symbolize the duration of such relationships, therefore, in many ways, it is their activity that is a gift to the celebrants.

    The financial situation does not always allow you to celebrate your anniversary on a grand scale, but this is not always required - good option There will also be a home celebration, as long as all your loved ones are nearby, and the money saved can be left until the fiftieth anniversary. If the possibilities and desires of the organizers allow, you can come up with something more unusual, but it is worth remembering that all this is done for the main heroes of the occasion, and at their current age they are not always able to appreciate active recreation.

    The vast majority will not be able to provide an interior decorated with real sapphires. modern families, but, as we already understood, not only the stone itself matters, but also the color it usually comes in.

    The interior can be decorated without jewelry, but in appropriate color shades - usually these are tones that occupy an intermediate position between the actual blue range and green shades.

    This design should be observed in everything, and special attention is paid to what is easiest to replace - woven design elements, which include curtains and tablecloths. If it is possible to use dishes of the same shades, you should use them too. Ceremonial elements of decoration such as candlesticks will also be very appropriate - it is difficult to find a more suitable occasion for such an environment. You can even use balls or garlands, but you should remember that the older generation does not always approve of excessive pomp.

    To support the theme of the party, you can also take care of the color matching of the outfits of those present., although, naturally, the heroes of the occasion themselves should pay special attention to the color scheme. The more color matches, the more themed the holiday will be, so even the cake can play on the theme of the sapphire wedding - it can be decorated with a corresponding edible decoration in the form of the same stone.

    Choosing gifts for an anniversary

    A forty-fifth wedding anniversary is a very significant reason for giving gifts, which cannot be avoided at such a celebration, but the problem may lie in the choice of gift. On the one hand, it should be quite valuable, on the other – symbolic, but at the same time, of course, affordable for guests. In this regard, traditional gifts from loved ones in the form jewelry using real sapphires are possible, but not so likely - you will have to look for alternative options.

    What is noteworthy is that only spouses can give rings to each other on such a date - such a gift, even from children, is not considered happy.

    It should be noted that at the age when I usually celebrate my own sapphire wedding, the couple usually no longer cares much about material things - they either already have them or are not really needed. At this moment, intangibles acquire special value, so relatives can further emphasize this desire of the celebrants, for example, by purchasing for them a tourist voucher to a holiday home or to any resort. Where they have long dreamed of visiting.

    Of course, the list of possible gifts is not limited to vouchers, so let’s pay attention to the most common and appropriate gifts for just such an occasion:

    • any sapphire-colored gifts are less valuable in terms of cost, but no less symbolic;
    • home decorations in appropriate shades, from figurines to paintings, do not enrich the couple financially, but they enrich them spiritually and remind them of the anniversary;
    • flowers are a gift that is appropriate in absolutely any situation, and if they are also chosen to match the color of the holiday, then they are simply an ideal option;
    • there will be a photo collage a good gift for absolutely any anniversary that celebrates the duration of something, and photographs of the best moments of a long life together often allow you to refresh and renew your feelings;
    • tickets to any expensive cultural event, be it a theater or a concert, can remind celebrants of how they spent their first dates in their youth;
    • beautiful textiles for home use would be an appropriate gift for any couple living together, so bed linen, bathrobes or towels can also be an excellent gift;
    • Some experts draw parallels between sapphire color and water, which is why those gifts that are directly related to it are also considered appropriate - for example, bathroom items or even a full-fledged aquarium with live fish will do.

    At such a moment, it is very important that everything is properly thought out and properly organized. Older people often remember small, seemingly insignificant details, so they should be paid attention to. Special attention. Beautiful words, said at the appropriate moment and once again emphasizing the importance of the couple for others, often seem more valuable to the elderly than any material gifts, therefore a thorough approach to organizing the holiday will be the main key to success.

    The idea of ​​congratulations from grandchildren for a sapphire wedding is in the next video.

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