• Make homemade toys. How to make a toy: a master class on making simple toys with your own hands. Sew an educational pillow: master class


    What do you need

    • children's white socks;
    • foam balls of various sizes;
    • scissors;
    • white thread;
    • wide red ribbon;
    • thin red ribbon
    • a piece of colored felt;
    • pins;
    • black buttons.

    How to do

    Place two foam balls in a baby's sock so that the large one is at the bottom and the smaller one is on top. Drag the sock between the two balls with white thread.

    Tie a wide red ribbon on top and cut its edges.

    Tie a thread over the top segment of the snowman. Turn the remaining part of the sock inside out. Cut a rectangular piece of felt and wrap it around the snowman's head to create a hat. Secure it with pins and fold the brim.

    Now tie a thin red ribbon around the top of the snowman's hat. From long ends make a loop with ribbon.

    Pin two black buttons to the bottom ball of the snowman. Use small pins with different colored heads to make the snowman's nose and eyes.

    2. Salt dough toys

    What do you need

    • 1 cup flour;
    • ¹⁄₂ glass of water;
    • ¹⁄₂ glass of salt;
    • baking paper;
    • cookie cutters or paper templates and blade;
    • cocktail straw;
    • stamps or toothpick;
    • baking tray;
    • acrylic paints or gouache;
    • thin brush;
    • rope or thread.

    How to do

    Mix flour with water and salt and knead the dough. Divide it into several pieces and roll each one out on baking paper. Using cutters or templates and a blade, cut out the desired shapes.

    Use a straw to make holes in the corners of the toys. You can stamp the pattern with stamps or a toothpick.

    Place the pieces on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes at 130°C.

    Color the finished decorations to your taste. Red and white colors go best with green pine needles.

    When the paint is dry, you can make loops.


    What do you need

    • sheet of cardboard;
    • a set of pushpins (at least 200 pieces);
    • multi-colored nail polish;
    • foam blanks in the form of eggs;
    • Super glue;
    • earrings from unnecessary earrings or paper clips;
    • ribbon or thread for the loop.

    How to do

    Place cardboard on the table, stick pushpins into it in rows and cover them with nail polish. Leave to dry overnight.

    In the morning you can decorate the eggs using foam. Carefully insert the buttons into the workpiece. It is important that one row slightly covers the other.

    Use superglue to glue a wire or paperclip to the top of the toy. Secure it on it decorative tape or thread.

    4. Thread stars

    What do you need

    • star pattern;
    • sheet of cardboard;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • Super glue;
    • beads;
    • any yarn.

    How to do

    Attach the template to a piece of cardboard and trace with a pencil. Cut out the star along the outline. Glue a bead to the tip of each ray.

    Secure the tip of the yarn with superglue in any convenient place. Wrap the star with yarn. Tie the end of the thread with a loop to hang the toy.

    5. Button Christmas trees

    What do you need

    • multi-colored buttons;
    • wire;
    • wire cutters;
    • thread.

    How to do

    Sort the buttons by color. Line up each set according to size. Bend the wire in half. Step back from the bend and cross one end of the wire over the other to form a loop. You can finally attach a thread to it to hang the toy.

    Thread on the smallest button. Add buttons one at a time bigger size. Important: push the wire through two button holes each time. For buttons with four holes, work the holes diagonally. Then add some dark buttons the same way small size: This will be a tree trunk.

    Twist the wire again and cut off the rest. Tie a thread to the loop.


    What do you need

    • cones;
    • Super glue;
    • a coil of thin rope;
    • colored tape.

    How to do

    Glue a rope loop to the base of each cone. Tie the required number of bows. Secure them to the pine cones with glue.

    7. Gift boxes

    What do you need

    • ruler;
    • pencil;
    • sheet of cardboard;
    • scissors;
    • thread or thin rope;
    • wrapping;
    • thin decorative tape.

    How to do

    Using a ruler and pencil, draw a grid of identical squares on a piece of cardboard. The length of the sides can be any, it all depends on the desired size of the future Christmas tree decoration.

    Cut out cardboard squares. Glue them into cubes. Before gluing the last segment, secure a loop inside the cube. Let it dry and then attach the box lid.

    Wrap the workpiece in paper and tie a ribbon on top.

    8. Rope balls

    What do you need

    • Balloons;
    • Bowl;
    • PVA glue;
    • a skein of jute rope;
    • glue gun or superglue;
    • spray paint optional.

    How to do

    Inflate small balloon. Pour PVA into a bowl and soak the rope in it. Tie the end of the rope around the tail of the ball and randomly wrap the future toy. As an option: you can first wrap the ball and then dip it in a container of glue.

    Let the toy dry. Then puncture the balloon and pull it out of the frozen frame of the toy. Don't forget the loop to hang your decoration.

    Make several toys of different sizes using this principle. Such rope balls look impressive on a Christmas tree or under the ceiling. Especially if you paint them.


    What do you need

    • Super glue;
    • broken light bulbs;
    • a skein of thread or ribbon;
    • gouache or glitter paints.

    How to do

    Glue loops of thread or ribbon to the light bulbs. Dip the bulbs one at a time into different colored paints. Let the toys dry.

    10. Dried oranges

    What do you need

    • oranges, lemons or limes;
    • sharp knife;
    • baking tray;
    • baking paper;
    • thick needle;
    • wire or thread.

    How to do

    Carefully cut the citrus into thin slices. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for two to three hours at 100°C.

    Use a needle to make a hole in the future toy. Thread a thread or plastic wire and secure it to create a pendant.

    Many teachers and educators persistently talk about the benefits of educational toys. In fact, such entertainment is aimed at developing some skill or ability in the child: fine motor skills, knowledge about colors, sizes, numbers, and so on. For each age, toys are selected individually, because what is interesting one year old child, is unlikely to attract the attention of the five-year plan.

    0-12 months

    At this age, the baby is just becoming aware of his abilities, so it is important to develop coordination, the ability to concentrate, grasp reflex. Toys should be bright, textured and light: beads, rattles, mobiles, rings, rag balls, educational rugs - what is needed for a child up to 6 months old. For older children, you can find musical toys, sorters, nesting dolls, and so on. From 9 months you can offer glove and finger puppets, strollers, soft books, insert toys, cubes, and so on - they are aimed at developing motor and speech activity, as well as fine motor skills.

    1-2 years

    Now you can give your child toys that can be disassembled and assembled; by the age of one and a half years, offer your child objects that can be generalized by one characteristic: color, size, and so on. By the age of two you can play subject games- construction, plot, use various cards, pyramids, sorters, books and so on.

    2-3 years

    The time has come to develop not only fine motor skills, but also the ability to distinguish the world around. Educational toys for this age include paper crafts, natural materials, plasticine, plot and subject games to test knowledge and skills, homemade cards that simulate situations.

    3-5 years

    All possible games for learning numbers, alphabet, seasons, clocks, children's Board games, puzzles, construction sets, lotto, books, educational boards and so on.

    What available materials can be used?

    Dear needlewomen, you can make toys with your own hands from various materials: scraps of fabric, yarn, old clothes.

    Using a variety of accessories (Velcro, large buttons, zippers, buttons, buckles, stripes, etc. - the main thing is that the child cannot tear them off and put them in his mouth), candy wrappers, cereals, pasta, bells, foil, fillers such as foam rubber or padding polyester and other things.

    DIY educational cube: master class

    To make such a cube you will need: 6 equal squares of fabric of different colors, padding polyester or foam rubber for filling, non-woven fabric, various accessories - buttons, ribbons, scraps of fabric, brooches, etc., thread, sewing machine.

    You need to cut 6 equal squares from the fabric.

    From non-woven fabric, you need to cut squares 1.5 cm smaller than fabric ones. We apply them to the fabric and heat them with an iron so that the interlining sticks to the base.

    Each side of the future cube needs to be decorated: make an applique from scraps, sew on beads, snakes, buttons, and so on. The easiest way is to draw a design with a disappearing marker and then lay it out on the fabric. For example, like this.

    When the decorative part is finished, you need to sew 4 squares into one strip.

    Then we sew on two more squares.

    All stitched seams must be secured and stitched along the contour of the non-woven edges. We sew a development: two edges need to be joined, and the allowance of the third should be folded inward.

    You need to leave a hole in the corner of the last edge: ready product turn it inside out, stuff it with padding polyester and sew it up with a hidden seam. You can also put a bell or rustling paper inside the square. The product is ready!

    Sew an educational pillow: master class

    Educational toys are a rather broad concept; they can also include a pillow, but not an ordinary one for sleeping, but one decorated with voluminous appliqués and details - excellent remedy for the development of fine motor skills. The Birdhouse pillow will be of interest to children of all ages.

    To create it you need multi-colored scraps of fabric, non-woven fabric or soft material like teak, padding polyester, braid, narrow tape, thread, needle. If desired, you can sew on beads and buttons.

    From teak we cut out the pillow itself in the form of a house (2 parts), sew it along the edge, leaving a small hole for stuffing.

    We sew a pillowcase of the same shape from bright fabric.

    From two rectangular pieces, folded in half, we make a roof for the birdhouse and decorate it with braid.

    We cut out a round hole in the frame of the house itself, hem the edges and decorate with braid.

    Now you can sew a bird (2 pieces for the body, 4 pieces for the wings), and you can also make eggs (two oval pieces sewn together).

    We use padding polyester as a filler, after which the hole in the body is sutured. We attach a ribbon to them, and attach the second end of the ribbon inside the birdhouse.

    On the outside we sew a pocket into which the “inhabitants” of the nest are placed.

    The pillowcase can be sewn together or fastened with a zipper - then the cover can be washed. We put a stuffed pillow in the pillowcase, you can decorate it with appliqués and beads and start the game!

    A few more options for developmental pillows:

    DIY lacing toys

    Children's fingers are still very inept, so it is very difficult for them to perform precise movements and coordinate their actions. Fine motor skills are not only development certain areas brain, but also preparing the hand for drawing and writing. Lacing games are an excellent simulator that you can make yourself without any material costs.

    The easiest way is to cut out a shoe-shaped figurine from thick cardboard, make holes using a hole punch, arm yourself with suitable laces and offer your child a new fun.

    A more complex option is lacing toys in the shape of animals or so-called “sew-on” toys with prepared parts and holes: for example, a tree with leaves or a hedgehog with apples, or a cheerful sun with rays.

    Educational mats for children of different ages

    Choose a dense base for the rug: it can be fabric with a padding polyester backing or an old baby blanket - then your child will not be cold crawling on the floor. The background can be made either plain or from large pieces; the easiest way is to place the fabric on an adhesive base - it will last longer. We carefully attach each element, from a button to a piece of fabric, so that the child cannot tear them off. It is best to duplicate buttons from the wrong side. Velcro, rattles, rings, bags with rustling paper inside, buttons and appliques - all this is suitable for decoration. By the way, if you wish, you can knit the rug - who knows what, as they say.

    By the way, for older children, rugs can be themed: they can be decorated with animal figures, numbers, letters of the alphabet, or even divided into 4 parts a la the 4 seasons and decorated with snowflakes, leaves and other paraphernalia.

    By analogy, you can make educational books with soft applications, the main thing is that they are bright and interesting.

    For the little ones, you can sew or knit a raised rattle bracelet: in the shape of a flower or a funny animal. You can put rustling bags or bells inside.

    But such a bracelet contributes to the development of the child’s vision and hearing, as well as coordination of movements.

    You can also make so-called sling beads - they also contribute to the development tactile sensations and fine motor skills. You can also attach fun knitted keychains to them. The easiest way to make beads is to crochet or knit them and then gather them together with a thick thread.

    You can also make a developmental stand from scrap materials; there are so many interesting things on it that you can turn, unfasten, press - a lot of fun for real researchers! And at the same time you can learn colors, numbers, letters and so on.

    You can make rag pillows or figures and fill them with various cereals - buckwheat, rice, beans, and so on. Give it to the baby and let him play with his fingers: it’s work for him, and a little rest for mom.

    For children from 3 years old, you can make a coloring book or applique with tree leaves; you can cut out figures, letters, numbers, etc. from cardboard or fabric and invite the child to recognize the figure by touch. Make cards, construct crafts from matches, wire, polymer clay, plasticine, you can make a lotto from old kinders, skittles from bottles, sew rag finger puppets and put on a show - this simple action will bring you closer to your child and at the same time is very useful for the development of the baby!

    Things tend to accumulate and also wear out. The question arises: how to use them, how to give them a second life. Interesting things for which a person has used his imagination carry a special energy.
    It doesn't take much effort to express your creative self. It's enough to just start doing something. And once you get carried away, it will be difficult to stop. It is in the process of work that a person increases the level of accuracy and precision. Ideas are updated faster, details are sewn together more carefully, hands do not tremble for fear of ruining something.

    How to make a toy with your own hands - types of toys

    • Educational toys. The main function of such products is to educate young children. Developed with the help of developers fine motor skills fingers, colors, shapes, textures are studied.
    • Primitive toys. Enough interesting view. Such toys perform a decorative function, participate in theatrical performances, and serve as pets.
    • Tilda toy. Funny and beautiful dolls, more suitable for girls because of their sophistication and external fragility. They can perform a decorative role and create comfort in the home.
    • Eco-friendly toys. Created from natural materials. If it is fabric, then natural cotton, jute, wool. Filling: wood shavings, cereals, dried herbs (fragrant flowers of cornflower, lavender, jasmine, mint). The buttons and beads are also wooden. The functionality of such a product is completely different: decor, active children's games, educational toys for little ones.
    • Sports toys. The product performs the function of a sporty but safe development tool that is not scary to use in the home. No need to worry about broken windows! The lightweight thing is filled with foam balls, padding polyester or padding polyester.

    How to make a toy with your own hands - types of materials used

    In order to create a beautiful, durable, functional toy, it is worth understanding what materials needlewomen use. Often these can be items that come to hand in abundance. Fabric and fur trimmings (natural or synthetic; plain or printed) are excellent.

    How to make a toy with your own hands - beads, buttons

    Will be used to create eyes, cheeks, and mouth. Serve frequently used decorations. The variety ranges from size, shape to material.

    How to make a toy with your own hands - basic fillers

    A wide variety of materials are used as filling for toys.

    • Cereals – millet, buckwheat, rice; fills space well; Before use, dry in a frying pan or in the oven.
    • Foam rubber is an artificial material that can be easily shaped into an angular shape.
    • Fragrant herbs - dried flowers, rough twigs; It's nice to sleep with these toys.
    • Fabric scraps - add the required form the product, make it heavier, and are always at hand.
    • Foam granules are a fairly light filler that rolls pleasantly in your hands.
    • Wood shavings, wood wool – has nice smell, gives good shape.
    • Dried bones sound unusual.

    How to make a toy with your own hands - working tools

    • Fabric is the main canvas for creativity.
    • Filler – gives the toy its shape.
    • Depending on the idea, threads are selected (natural, synthetic, by color).
    • Scissors – large, sharpened ones.
    • Meter - will measure the product if accuracy is needed.
    • Iron – straightens the pieces for precise cutting.
    • Pins – hold the parts together.
    • Paper, old wallpaper, pencil - for the pattern.
    • Soap or remnants are perfect for making markings on fabric.

    How to make a toy with your own hands - pattern, assembly process

    • You need to know the basic dimensions of the entire toy.
    • If there are parts that will have to be sewn on separately, a pattern is made. The main dimensions are indicated by a solid line, and the places where the cut will be made are indicated by a dotted line.
    • Individual parts are cut out and pinned to the fabric. Each individual fabric piece has a tolerance of 1 cm to ensure that the product can be sewn without problems.
    • The cut out parts are swept together, joined by hand or by machine.
    • Next, the toy receives its shape using filler.
    • Decorations are sewn on to bring the toy to life.

    It can be boring and lonely at home, but the child just wants new toy. Don't lose your chance to give a gift! Or, perhaps, there was a desire to decorate the interior with something special. Enough to rummage through old things! Searches may lead to interesting ideas. Good results in collecting material come from visits to your grandmothers and mothers, who may have some old clothes with an interesting print or beautiful buttons.

    DIY toys: simple master classes, best patterns, interesting ideas.

    As the great Coco Chanel said, “Handmade things are luxury. It is not necessary for everyone to have them. Anyone who wants to have them makes them himself or pays a master for his work.”

    A soft toy is the first association of a children's teddy bear. But the concept of a soft toy includes much more. This is an interior toy Tilda, and funny toys in the car, and much more. This article contains various types of soft toys, as well as techniques for making them and step-by-step master classes.

    Types of soft toys with your own hands

    Such toys can be divided into several subtypes: for children and adults, interior, with practical application(for example, pincushions).

    Also, toys can be divided according to the type of material used: fur, cotton or linen fabrics, felt, fancy fabrics.

    Today they have regained particular popularity folk toys, as well as soft toys made using national handicraft techniques.

    DIY soft fur toy

    Fur toy created with my own hands especially warm and beautiful. To sew it, you can use both natural and artificial fur. With artificial, of course, it is much easier to work with, but deciding to sew a toy with natural fur you will receive a unique designer toy! First, you need to decide on the pattern of the toy; the larger the finished product, the easier it will be to work with. Small details are especially difficult for beginners.

    Trace the details and cut out with a margin of 0.5 cm for the seam. Unlike fabric, it is best not to use scissors when working with fur. If you don't have a special tailor's knife, use a sharp utility knife. Cut with sharp short movements, do not move the knife deep so as not to cut off the fur.

    To sew the fur, it is necessary to apply the two front sides to each other and straighten the fur outward. After sewing the toy, you need to leave a small hole through which the toy is turned inside out and stuffed with filler. Previously, toys were stuffed with cotton wool and pieces of leftover fabric.

    But such stuffing takes a very long time to dry when washed, and often after cleaning the toy was thrown away only because the stuffing was not dry and mold appeared inside. Modern fillers are made from synthetic materials(sintepon and others), which dry quickly and well, do not bunch up and retain their shape. Having stuffed, all that remains is to sew it with a hidden seam.

    The final touch is the eyes, nose and mouth. You can embroider it yourself, or you can buy ready-made accessories in the store.


    Video: Warm cats toy, master class soft toy

    DIY felt soft toy

    Today, felt toys are the most popular in children's master classes and handicraft circles. But they appeared not so long ago, and there is even an exact date for their appearance.

    Margarete Steiff and her first dolls

    An enterprising German woman, Margarete Steiff, submitted an idea to sew in a magazine for housewives. soft toy with your own hands from felt. Margaret published a pattern and a detailed master class in the magazine absolutely free of charge. But in the note she said where exactly you can buy felt for such toys.

    This move in 1879 made it possible to establish a toy empire in just a few years. The nuance was that the toys were both sewn at the factory and they sold blanks for toys that you could sew yourself. She left an empire to her children and grandchildren, and gave the world the fashion for soft toys.

    Master class felt dog

    For work you will need: brown, white and black felt, scissors, a needle and thread, beads or eyes for toys and a hot glue gun.

    We print out the pattern, cut out and sew each detail step by step.

    Depending on the type of seam, you can create completely different textures of the toy.

    If the parts are connected with glue, the toy can only be cleaned dry. When wet, the parts will separate.

    DIY soft toys made of fabric

    Fabric toys appeared much earlier than felt ones. But with the advent of fur and plush toys, they were unfairly forgotten for some time. With the advent of plastic, even children's toys made of fabric went out of use. But today, with a new wave of popularity, handmade toys have again revived the popularity of fabric toys. The most popular interior toy today is Tilda.

    When looking at the Tilda doll, you get the feeling that the roots of this toy go back to the Middle Ages. Not at all. The appearance of Tilda was in the 90s of the last century by the young designer Toni Finnanger. The girl was full of ideas and Tilda turned out to be one of the many ideas. Today it is impossible to imagine tender, home interior. And craftswomen all over the world are simply in love with Tony’s idea and create prototypes to suit their tastes.

    Tilda Angels

    Video: Tilda's master class

    DIY soft animal toys: chicken, fox, horse, penguin, pig and others

    With the arrival of the baby, I want to change the world for the better and create a special atmosphere at home. And the child is perfection itself, and you really want him to play with unique toys filled with his mother’s love.

    DIY toys - simple. We have put together master classes on a variety of animal toys made from a variety of materials. Note that children under 2 years old put everything in their mouth. Therefore, the material must be natural, preferably lint-free. Wonderful fur toys are best given in the third year of life.

    Chicken pattern, you can sew it like for a baby and put in toys-eggs. Or you can create a miracle basket for Easter.

    Video: Learning to sew a designer soft textile toy Baby Elephant

    Video: How to Sew a Penguin Finger Toy

    Aleftinka pig pattern.

    Pattern of a giraffe and his company.

    Pattern Cheerful Giraffe Flower Elephant Pattern

    Since the release of Despicable Me, the world of toys has changed forever. Yes, everyone still loves bears, but when they see the cute minions, children and adults are delighted. Minion toys are the first to sell out at exhibitions. Do you want to sew it yourself for your child? As easy as pie! All you have to do is choose your baby’s favorite character.

    Video: Master class on sewing a minion

    DIY simple soft toys

    For beginners, a lot of details may seem too complicated and the desire to create will gradually disappear. For beginners we have selected simple patterns, which even children can handle connecting. These patterns are especially relevant for creativity lessons in schools.

    DIY bouquets of soft toys photo

    Bouquets of soft toys Teddy bears

    Conservationists fought for a long time against the sale of fresh flowers, until someone introduced bouquets of sweets or toys into fashion. Now this global trend is so popular that in some countries the sale of fresh flowers has halved.

    Bouquets of soft Kitty toys

    Are you going to celebrate? Make a bouquet of soft toys yourself! This is a unique gift that will last for a long time. place of honor in the birthday girl's bedroom.

    Video: Bouquet of toys. Master class for beginners

    DIY soft toys pillows

    Garfield pillow toy

    Well, having touched on the world of toys, it is impossible not to remember about the pillow toys that fill the sofas of all needlewomen. These are favorite things for both family and guests. Please note that sitting down on the sofa, few people can resist reaching out and touching the half-toy. And children happily travel with their favorite soft toys, falling asleep to the sound of the roads.

    Video: Toy pillow owl

    Video: Patchwork “Toy-Pillow”

    Flat toys are the easiest to make and are most often made with felt. But there are different variations. Such toys attract with their simplicity and laconic design, interesting textures and the ability to take them with you everywhere.

    Video: DIY soft toys. Master class, sewing cats

    DIY soft toys patterns for beginners

    Beginning needlewomen do not have to spend a lot of money on scraps and tools. Sometimes simple tights or socks are enough to create beauty.

    We have also collected simple patterns for beginners.

    The simplest toy patterns for beginners Kitten

    Monkey Pattern Smeshariki

    Video: Soft toy “Sock Bunny”

    It is no longer so easy to surprise a modern person with the sophistication and uniqueness of a soft toy, because the market is oversaturated with a wide variety of goods for every taste and age. True, the quality of market toys is not always able to satisfy the buyer and leaves much to be desired. For this reason, handmade toys are becoming increasingly valuable.

    The effort, labor and time required for manual work put into a product cannot be compared with the value of a purchased finished toy, even if it costs a lot of money. This kind of handicraft has a lot of advantages: handmade gives you the opportunity to relax after the everyday routine, express your creative self and do everything according to your taste and desire.

    This article will help you understand various options sewing the simplest soft toys with your own hands, the quality and appearance of which can maximally satisfy even the most demanding toy connoisseurs.

    How to sew a toy with your own hands?

    In order to sew a toy you will not need a lot of materials and all the blanks can be bought in a specialized store. If you have at least some of the necessary materials and sewing experience, you can improvise, use your imagination and adapt the toy to the available materials.

    Materials needed to make toys

    Fabric for a toy. Can be used different kinds fabrics, focusing on the purpose and own preferences. In most cases, needlewomen choose:

    • cotton
    • knitwear
    • wool
    1. If the toy falls into the hands of a child, it is better to use natural fabrics, namely - cotton. These fabrics are hypoallergenic and also have a wide range of colors.
    2. Universal for sewing large quantity items are knitted materials.
    3. Silk usually used as an accessory or element of a toy with a different background fabric.
    4. Wool Perfect for working on truly soft toys.

    As for the material for stuffing toys, they usually use:

    • holofiber
    • foam rubber
    • synthetic down

    The choice of filler depends on the preferences and characteristics of the toy. Experienced craftsmen consider the most suitable and easiest to use padding polyester and foam rubber cut into pieces. Also, materials from various cereals are especially popular as fillers: porridge, peas, grain, etc.

    These fillers will be most valuable for young children, as they contribute to the development of the child’s tactile senses.

    In addition to all of the above you will need:

    • Needle, multi-colored threads, scissors
    • You can use buttons, beads, ribbons, lace
    • Ruler 30 cm
    • Paper
    • Sewing machine

    DIY felt soft toy

    This DIY soft toy “Cat” made from felt is very easy to make, but incredibly beautiful and funny. This cat will true friend for kids, decorating his life with additional bright colors and a cheerful, touching smile.

    Materials for making a toy:

    • Bright colored felt
    • Material for filling the toy (optional and depending on who the toy will belong to)
    • Beads - 2 pcs.
    • Bows, colorful threads

    Manufacturing process:

    1. According to the given pattern, we draw a cat on felt and make a pattern in duplicate.
    2. Let's start designing the cat's face. Small circles cut out of felt are suitable for the eyes. Insert a bead in the center of the eyes. Using black threads, carefully embroider the cat's eyelashes and mouth.
    3. We fill the cat with the chosen stuffing material and sew both parts of the toy together in the form of a loop seam. At the end of sewing, we supplement the toy with filler as much as possible: we push the filler material through the remaining unsewn hole. It is best to use synthetic padding as padding, as it will not harm the baby.

    The soft toy cat is ready! You can sew a lot of these toys and then send them to a mobile for kids.

    DIY soft toy hare

    You can make a cute bunny without spending a lot of effort using an ordinary sock. Unlike all other bunnies, the “sock bunnie” will become indispensable in a child’s life, delighting him with his positive and unusual appearance.

    We will need:

    1. Sock (preferably plain)
    2. Pompon
    3. Beads
    4. Thin elastic bands
    5. Fabric glue
    6. Ribbons
    7. Filling material (any cereal or cotton wool is best)

    Master class on making toys step by step:

    • We fill the toy sock tightly with the selected material.
    • We determine on the sock a place for the hare's neck and tie it well with an elastic band or stiff thread.

    • We determine the place that will serve as the head and also bandage it.
    • We cut the piece of sock that remains into two parts. We cut out the ears for the toy, give them the appropriate shape and trim them around the edges.
    • We cut out a circle from felt, which we will sew in place of the animal’s navel; we also cut out the nose and teeth.
    • Eyes can be cut out of felt or made by sewing or gluing beads.
    • Sew on a small pompom as a tail.

    The funny bunny is ready!

    You can also make a bunny using this simple scheme:

    Rooster: DIY soft toy

    A toy in the shape of a rooster will be able to amuse not only children, but also adults.

    To make a toy we need:

    1. Different types of colored fabric (material optional)
    2. Multi-colored threads, needle or sewing machine
    3. Patterns and any filler material

    Manufacturing process:

    • Use the pattern diagrams given to you to determine the desired size and shape of the toy parts. The diagrams also indicate the required number of parts.

    • Based on the size of the patterns, cut out the parts of the toy from the fabrics. When cutting, it is important to deviate from the intended lines about 2 cm for the seams.
    • We sew the parts together, leaving a small hole to allow the toy to be filled with the material chosen for this.
    • After stuffing the toy, sew up the gaps.
    • The rooster's eyes can be made from cut out felt, either by purchasing ready-made ones or using buttons.

    Toy options:

    DIY soft toy “Bear”

    There probably isn't a child who doesn't love toy bears. Very often, it is this toy animal that deserves the title of the child’s most beloved, without which it is already difficult to fall asleep. And for girls and women of any age, this item will be an excellent gift, because no one will be indifferent to the fact that they had to work hard to prepare the gift, which means the person deserves it.

    Manufacturing process:

    • We print out the patterns and cut out the necessary parts for the toy from the fabric.

    • First, we cut out the head and connect all subsequent parts, focusing on the pattern diagrams.

    • Then we cut out and sew the fabric that will act as the body of the bear.

    • For paws, you can choose a fabric of a different color (optional).

    • Using the patterns, we cut out the bear's head and ears and sew them together. For the nose, you can use either ready-made parts purchased in a specialized store, or improvise with your choice (buttons, felt, etc.). The soft bear is ready!

    DIY soft toy “Owl”

    The image of an owl is very popular today: from various accessories to prints on clothes. This interesting bird has also gained success in the world of toys, differing from others in its symbolic meaning and mystery.

    An owl as a gift is a symbol of respect for a person, intelligence and success. All these toy symbols can also be diluted with a cheerful appearance that will delight the owner.

    For a toy owl, hard materials (for example, felt) are best suited, as they are distinguished by their ability to hold their shape well, have cheerful colors and create the appearance of a voluminous toy.

    Required materials:

    1. Cardboard or thick paper
    2. Textile
    3. Padding material
    4. Multi-colored threads, needle
    5. Material for the eyes (optional: buttons, multi-colored felt or beads)
    6. Scissors

    Manufacturing process:

    • First you need to prepare a pattern on paper according to a given pattern.

    • We attach the fabric to the pattern diagram and cut out the necessary parts. We sew all parts, except the bottom, together. As a result, we should get a figure that resembles a cone in shape.
    • Separate the top of the resulting figure with a pin (about a quarter of the total size).

    • We fill everything that is not separated by a pin with the material chosen for stuffing and sew it up along the edges.
    • We sew the end of the not yet connected corner to the finished part (body) of the toy. This will serve as the head and beak.

    • You can decorate an owl to suit every taste. One option is to focus on the finished pattern and cut off a circle slightly smaller than the bottom of the toy. We treat it with some hard material and sew it to the bottom of the toy. This will serve as a stand.
    • Eyes can be bought ready-made or cut out of felt. For the eyes, cut out white circles from felt corresponding to the size of the head (the color of the eyes can also be made as desired). You can use the same black felt, beads or buttons as pupils. You can complement the owl with various accessories to suit the desired image: bows, buttons, butterflies, etc.

    We offer you patterns of another version of the owl:

    DIY soft New Year's toy made from a sock

    Very soon, most people will begin to carefully prepare the decor of their homes. New Year. One of the items that can create a cozy New Year's atmosphere in the house is this cute and cheerful snowman. The manufacturing process is striking in its simplicity and low resource consumption. See for yourself.

    We will need:

    • White sock
    • Material for stuffing toys
    • Black wool threads
    • Peas, beans or grains
    • Pompoms, beads, buttons, bows as decoration
    • Fabric glue

    Manufacturing process:

    • With the filler you prefer, fill the sock to about ¾ of the total size. Separate the part free from stuffing with thread.

    • We roll up the upper part along the edges to make a hat.

    • We separate the head from the body by tying it with either multi-colored threads of medium thickness or with a ribbon. The head must be large enough to accommodate the snowman's eyes and mouth.

    • We place beads or buttons as eyes; the nose can be made from a pompom, button, or cut out felt. The mouth can be either drawn or sewn with black thread.
    • You can add fun to the look of toys with the help of ribbons, pompoms, buttons, focusing on the availability of details and your own preferences. Cheerful snowman ready to add some zest to your New Year's interior!

    In fact, handmade toy making is not as difficult and inaccessible as it seems to a beginner at first. In order for the toy to turn out beautiful, you only need a little imagination, effort and time. And we should also not forget the fact that by making certain efforts in some area, we develop our abilities and over time the result of our work becomes better and better, we just have to avoid being disappointed prematurely.

    Do-it-yourself soft toy patterns are very accessible today and you can find various versions of them even to suit the strangest wishes. So let’s sew soft toys and don’t forget to get the most out of the process!

    Video: How to easily make a soft toy with your own hands?

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