• Craft a Christmas miracle for kindergarten. Christmas composition with angels! Our master class. Simple Christmas crafts for kindergarten


    Happy child 03.01.2018

    Dear readers, here we are New Year, congratulated your family and friends, and made your deepest wish. But the fairy tale does not end there - Christmas is ahead. And, of course, when we prepare for this holiday, we will also make Christmas crafts with the children.

    Anna Pavlovskikh will share with us ideas for DIY Christmas crafts. Among them beautiful card, window decorations, magic angels made of paper, fabric and other materials. These crafts are suitable for decorating your home, for participating in a competition or exhibition at school or kindergarten, or as a gift to your loved ones. A master class with photos will make this process easy and understandable. I give the floor to Anya.

    Hello, dear readers, I am glad to see you new meeting. Let's spend the holiday weekend doing interesting activities that will not only entertain us, but also fill us with warmth and light. After all, Christmas-themed crafts are always the creation of a fairy tale, and I am sure it will bring great joy to both you and your children. While this requires minimal materials, almost all of them can be found at home or replaced with some others.

    Window decoration for Christmas

    Windows decorated with Christmas pictures cut out of paper using templates look very beautiful and fabulous. How to decorate windows for Christmas? I suggest you print the templates on a printer or redraw them on paper with a simple pencil. Carefully cut out the design along the contours with scissors or a cutter. Let the children stick the finished pictures to the window using thin transparent tape.

    As you work, you can tell a story about a good angel who looks into the windows of houses on Christmas Eve. This angel puts gifts under the tree for those children who are waiting for Christmas and preparing for it. And, of course, in this case you also need to hang Christmas decorations on the tree. The best option For this purpose there will be angels made with their own hands from various materials.

    Craft “Angel of Christmas” from paper and napkins

    Materials that we will need for the Christmas Angel craft:

    • two sheets of colored paper 10 by 15 cm, you can use decorative or metallized;
    • white plain napkins;
    • openwork paper napkins- 3 pcs.;
    • colored paper;
    • a piece of padding polyester;
    • glue stick;
    • scissors;
    • stapler

    Cut one openwork napkin in half, and the second into four equal parts and glue on colored paper as in the photo.

    Cut along the outline again, now along with colored paper. Roll large cones out of semicircles, and small ones out of quarters, fasten them with a stapler.

    Cut off the tops of large cones. The large cones will be the angel's dress, and the small cones will be the sleeves. Fasten the sleeves together. Cut the third napkin into 4 parts - these will be the wings of angels.

    At the back of the large cone, first attach the sleeves and then the wings.

    You need to make a head from a simple napkin. To do this, separate a single napkin, cut out a square, place the crumpled remaining napkin in the middle of the square, fold it and rewind it with thread.

    Insert the resulting head into the hole of the large cone. Glue the end of the napkin inside the cone.

    Glue a hairstyle made of padding polyester, eyes and a mouth made of colored paper onto the head.

    ...There are festive speeches everywhere,
    Happiness awaits children everywhere...
    Throwing the Christmas tree over your shoulders,
    Angel with goes with joy
    Look through the windows yourself -
    There's a big celebration there!
    The Christmas trees glow with lights,
    As it happens at Christmas...
    F. M. Dostoevsky

    Christmas angel made of fabric

    To make this craft for Christmas in the form of an angel, you need to take a mesh from flower bouquets, as it holds its shape very well. You can also use thick fabric or burlap.

    For the body, take a rectangular piece of fabric 11 by 15 cm. Roll it lengthwise into a thin tube. Bend the tube in half and tie the head with thread.

    Roll a piece of fabric 11 by 6 cm into a tube along its length and tie it at the edges with thread, insert this tube between two parts of the body and tie it crosswise on the chest with thread.

    To make wings, fold an 11 by 11 cm square in half diagonally and secure it in half with thread and tie it to the angel’s back.

    Wrap another rectangular piece of fabric around the angel - this will be a skirt.

    An angel flew across the midnight sky,
    And he sang a quiet song,
    And the month, and the stars, and the clouds in a crowd
    Listen to that holy song.
    He sang about the bliss of sinless spirits
    Under the bushes of the Gardens of Eden,
    He sang about the great God, and praise
    His was unfeigned.
    He carried the young soul in his arms
    For a world of sadness and tears;
    And the sound of his song in the soul is young
    He remained - without words, but alive.
    And for a long time she languished in the world,
    Full of wonderful desires,
    And the sounds of heaven could not be replaced
    She finds the songs of the earth boring.
    M. Yu. Lermontov

    Christmas angels made from cotton pads

    Christmas angels can be made from the most different materials, and one of them is simple cotton pads. Ideas for such DIY Christmas crafts are also simple and easy to implement.

    Option 1

    For such an angel you will need 3 cotton pads, eyes, thread for hanging, felt-tip pens.

    Bend the first cotton pad and glue it together, as in the photo. This will be the body of an angel. Glue a loop of thread to it.

    Cut the second disk in half - these will be two wings, cut a circle for the head from the third disk. Carefully glue all the parts together, attach the eyes, and the child can paint and decorate it at his own discretion.

    Option 2

    Materials for making an angel:

    • 5 cotton pads;
    • PVA glue;
    • pen;
    • scissors;
    • beads, beads for decoration;
    • threads with a needle;
    • “grass” threads;
    • padding polyester or decorative cotton wool.

    Draw a wing template for the angel on paper. Cut out two wings from cotton pads according to the template.

    Divide the next cotton pad into two layers, roll one layer into a ball and wrap it in another layer, wrapping it with thread. You will get a dense ball-head.

    Cut out a small sector from another cotton pad.

    Make a cone out of this cotton pad by wrapping the head in it. Glue everything well with glue. Cut a quarter out of the disk and divide into 2 layers. Wrap each layer with a cone at the end of the handle and glue it. These will be the hands of an angel.

    Collect and glue all the parts of the angel. Style the angel's hair, decorate the dress, and attach a loop for hanging.

    Craft on the theme of Christmas “Fan Angel”

    I really like the option of making an angel from paper accordion. This option is very simple, but it turns out very original gift for Christmas or beautiful decoration on the Christmas tree. I suggest you watch the video and try to make such a Christmas-themed craft with your children with your own hands. I think you will appreciate such a simple but effective idea.

    Christmas card "Candle"

    And now I propose to make a Christmas card with your own hands.

    Necessary materials:

    • metallized cardboard A4 format;
    • foil;
    • openwork napkin;
    • yellow paper 6 by 11 cm;
    • green paper;
    • sequins, beads for decoration;
    • glue stick;
    • scissors.

    Fold the cardboard in half to form the base of the card.

    Glue an openwork napkin to the top part, and glue a cut-out candle flame from foil on top. Fold the yellow paper into an accordion lengthwise and glue it just below the flame.

    Cut strips from green paper different lengths and width and twist into spirals with scissors.

    Beautifully straighten the spirals and glue the candles at the base, decorate the card with sequins and beads.

    Craft for the Nativity “Nativity scene”

    Also very interesting activity With children during the holidays, making a Christmas nativity scene can be a great idea. This is wonderful old tradition. Try making figurines of the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the Magi, and several animals. Be sure to make a bright star. You can put on a real performance on the table. Tell your child a Christmas story and let him choose the appropriate role for himself.

    Soon Christmas is a traditional Christian holiday, usually celebrated with family and full of evangelical symbolism. Many Christmas elements have become familiar New Year's elements: candles, a green Christmas tree as a symbol eternal life, decorations in the form of a star and angels, etc. Therefore, when decorating your home (apartment or house) for Christmas, we’ll simply complement the existing one. New Year's decor separate elements. As you might have guessed, today we are discussing DIY crafts for Christmas 2019.

    Nowadays, almost all decorative elements can be purchased in the appropriate stores, but many prefer to make them with their own hands, selling Creative skills and a love of handicrafts. We offer several ideas, by implementing which you can better prepare for the long-awaited holiday.

    As usual, when creating crafts, we will do without expensive materials and complex processes. The tools are also familiar and, we hope, you know how to handle them properly. In any case, our ideas will help you creatively organize your leisure time and spend your time interestingly and usefully.

    Christmas wreath, usually decorating the front door, came to us from the West, but fits perfectly into the Orthodox and secular traditions and can be used both as a hanging decoration and as a decoration for candles or a separate decorative element.

    To make a Christmas wreath, you will need a round ring base suitable size, usually made of thick cardboard, less often from other materials, for example, flexible branches, twisted and tied together: metal and plastic rings are not considered a suitable base, but no one is stopping you from using them. The next stage is to design this very ring: it is best to first wrap it with a fabric or lace ribbon of a color that matches the main decorative element, then using hot melt glue, thread or thin copper wire(can be combined) attach decor - pine needles, beads, bows, ribbons, pine or fir cones etc. The more imagination, the better and more original; the presented photos can serve as both a source of inspiration and a model for you.

    | DIY Christmas crafts

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    Make wonderful crafts for Christmas with your children, inspired by the example of your colleagues. You will find many options for touching Christmas gifts created by yourself on the pages of this section. Angels, homemade cards, flowers, decorations and lamps, topiaries and wreaths, toys and souvenirs in a wide variety of creative techniques... And even master classes on making Christmas cookies! In a word, it will be interesting, come in and choose useful materials to suit your taste.

    Welcome to the special world of Christmas creativity!

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    The traditional elements of this holiday are stars, angels, bells and candles. In addition, New Year trees continue to stand in all houses, because few people part with these beauties before the Old New Year. However, we want to emphasize the Christmas atmosphere as much as possible, so we look for all kinds of themed decorations on store shelves.

    Homemade jewelry from simple materials will help you decorate your home!

    However, lately everything more people decorate houses, because they bring much more joy, home comfort and warmth. The master classes below will help you make unusual and original decorative crafts at no extra cost!

    Idea No. 1: Salt dough stars

    It is not for nothing that we associate Christmas with the stars, because even people far from religion remember that in ancient times our ancestors always sat down to the table only after the first evening star appeared in the sky. That is why salt dough stars will be filled with a deep symbolic meaning that fully corresponds to the spirit of this holiday. By the way, they will be a wonderful decoration for the New Year tree!

    Preparing and cutting salt dough for Christmas crafts

    To prepare this decor you will need:

    • wheat flour - 2 cups;
    • salt – 1 glass;
    • lemon juice- 1 tablespoon;
    • purified water;
    • parchment paper;
    • baking dish (large and small stars);
    • fine sandpaper;
    • gold and silver acrylic paints;
    • paint-contour;
    • glue;
    • beads, rhinestones;
    • clear varnish;
    • decorative cord.

    Step-by-step instruction on design and painting of stars

    The process of preparing stars involves the following sequence of actions:

    • Step 1. Take a deep bowl and mix flour and salt in it, add lemon juice. Gradually add purified water to the mixture. The dough is ready when it becomes smooth, elastic and does not stick to your hands.
    • Step 2. Place parchment paper on the table. Separate a piece of dough and roll it into a layer up to 2 centimeters thick.
    • Step 3: Make using a star shape. Make a hole in one of the beams so that the figures can then be hung from the spruce paw. Continue making shapes until you run out of dough.
    • Step 4. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper and lay out the figures. Preheat the oven to 80 degrees. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 3.5-4 hours. Don't forget to check your baked goods to make sure they don't burn. By the way, you don’t even need to bake this dough, but dry it in a ventilated room, but this will take 2-3 days.
    • Step 5. Sand the finished figures with sandpaper.
    • Step 6: Cover the stars with gold and silver paint. Apply patterns using outline paint. Glue beads or rhinestones. To ensure that the product shines beautifully and the decor does not crumble, cover the stars with colorless varnish.
    • Step 7. Make loops from decorative cord and hang the stars on the tree.

    Idea No. 2: Sweet sleigh

    A sleigh made from sweets and lollipops is a great option for a sweet gift!

    Christmas is a holiday on which expensive gifts are rarely given. The only exceptions are close relatives, loved ones and godchildren. However, this celebration is shrouded in a special atmosphere of kindness and love, so we want to make the people with whom we communicate at work or gather in the same company at least a little happy. Best idea For a little Christmas surprise, sweet gifts certainly count.

    However, it would hardly occur to you to give someone a bag of sweets or a pack of cookies, because the gift should be unusual and beautifully decorated. For example, in the form New Year's sleigh! Such a gift is sure to leave the most favorable impression and will be remembered by the recipient for a long time, and you won’t need a lot of money and time to prepare it. To make sleigh gifts you will need to buy:

    • multi-colored lollipops with curved tails;
    • chocolates in bright wrappers;
    • several large sweets;
    • satin or foil bows;
    • artificial Christmas tree branches;
    • small Christmas tree balls;
    • decorative braid or ribbons;
    • beads;
    • small bumps;
    • artificial snow;
    • glue gun

    Stages of making sweet sleighs:

    • Step 1. Lay out the ribbon or braid on the table. Place two candies on top to become the runners of the sleigh. The candies need to be placed perpendicularly so that the products can be secured with ribbons later.
    • Step 2. Place the largest chocolate bar, waffle pack, or other suitable confectionery item on top of the lollipops. Arrange the rest of the candies in a pyramid shape. Secure the sled and weight with ribbons or braid.
    • Step 4. Take the artificial spruce into small pieces and combine them into a compact bundle. By using glue gun attach red berry beads, small balls or cones. Sprinkle the composition with artificial snow and glue it to the bow.
    • Step 5: Attach decorative elements to the sleigh with sweets. A sweet surprise is ready!

    Idea No. 3: Fireplace made from boxes

    Spectacular Christmas decor - fireplace made of boxes and garlands

    There is no such person who would not dream of warming up by the fireplace on long winter evenings. Of course, not every one of us is an owner own home, which has a fireplace, but it is at Christmas that such dreams tend to come true. It's enough to make a fireplace with your own hands! like this unusual craft you can even place it in an apartment, enjoying evenings spent by the fireplace with your family. In order to decorate your apartment with a fireplace, you need to get:

    • several cardboard boxes;
    • scotch;
    • glue;
    • stationery knife;
    • scissors;
    • self-adhesive film imitating brickwork;
    • white paint;
    • Garlands;
    • foil;
    • small logs;
    • New Year's socks for gifts;
    • brushes;
    • tinsel and other New Year's decorations.

    Step-by-step instructions for assembling a cardboard fireplace

    The process of making crafts includes the following stages:

    • Step 1. Connect with tape carton boxes so that the arch learns.
    • Step 2. Decorate the fireplace with self-adhesive brick pattern.
    • Step 3. Paint the “slopes” of the fireplace with white paint.
    • Step 4: Wrap the logs in foil.
    • Step 5. When the fireplace is dry, place logs inside and arrange a garland on them.
    • Step 6. Decorate the craft with tinsel, Christmas balls, socks for gifts, hang on the mantelpiece. At dusk, light the garland located inside the fireplace and enjoy the comfort of the fire!

    Idea #4: Paper angels

    Paper angels - an elementary craft for children's creativity

    Another indispensable attribute of Christmas are angels. You can make such a craft from almost anything - for example, sew babies from felt or sculpt from polymer clay, however, the simplest material is ordinary. Angels from it turn out to be especially airy and graceful. This craft will require you to have:

    • glue;
    • scissors;
    • white paper;
    • thick paper coasters for dishes;
    • hole punch;
    • beads;
    • wires;
    • pencil;
    • decorative cord;
    • paper clips

    Step-by-step instructions for creating an angel from cardboard

    The process of making angels is as simple as possible:

    • Step 1. Cut a small segment from the round stand as shown in the picture.
    • Step 2: Draw or print wings on white paper. Cut out enough of them so that there is enough for each angel (there should be two pairs of wings - a larger one and a smaller one).
    • Step 3: Roll up most of the cut coaster using a pencil. You should end up with a cone. Coat the joint with glue and fasten with a paper clip. Let the workpiece dry.
    • Step 4. Make a loop out of the cord and thread it through the cone to form a bell with a tongue. String a bead onto the ends of the lace and make a knot.
    • Step 5. Pull the loop higher and make an angel head from a half bead and a white paper circle.
    • Step 6. String two small beads onto the wire and make an angel's hands. To keep the structure in place, you can glue a small strip of white paper into the shape of the collar.
    • Step 7. Glue the large and small pairs of wings and attach them to the back of the figure. Your guardian angel is ready!

    Idea No. 5: Sisal Christmas tree

    A handmade Christmas tree can be decorated with dried berries and oranges

    Festive decor for the New Year is not only balls, snowflakes and wreaths, but also a huge number of compositions that can be placed on a windowsill, desktop or mantelpiece. One of the most unusual compositions is a decorative sisal Christmas tree, which you can use to decorate your own home or give as a Christmas present. To make a Christmas tree you will need.

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