• Children's hobbies that develop curiosity. A child with passion: he is a personality


    Nowadays, we hear more and more about various fashionable entertainment designed to create enjoyable leisure time for our children. But, many of them besides negative influence may pose a direct health hazard. Therefore, one of the important questions is which of the modern hobbies and hobbies are most suitable for the child’s psyche.

    Harmful childhood hobbies

    Let's start with which of the currently offered children's entertainment poses the greatest danger to children's mental health.

    Computer games

    Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that computer games have a great influence on the child's psyche. They can be used to develop positive qualities such as improving memory, developing ingenuity and improving concentration. But, unfortunately, games that provoke aggression and hatred are becoming increasingly popular. Various kinds of “shooting games” and games like find and destroy the enemy completely capture the child’s attention, creating a feeling of the real presence of an enemy who must be destroyed. After such games, children develop a certain pattern of behavior in which others can automatically become enemies, to whom violence, moral humiliation, or simply revenge can and should be applied, because they exist.


    This game is considered a military sport with attributes very much reminiscent of real weapons. There are different varieties of this game with a variety of weapons and types of bullets. The rules of the game require that participants wear special equipment that will protect participants from injury. The feeling of a real “hunt” contributes to the development of a “hunter’s mindset”, which is constantly in need of a new victim. Children very quickly turn not just into adults, but into selfish and ruthless representatives of them.

    Extreme sport

    This hobby is more typical for teenagers, but its popularity has begun to capture children more and more. younger age. In addition to the direct danger of fractures and injuries, such sport constantly creates the preconditions for internal conflicts. The disappointment of not being able to take the next “height” or perform a more difficult trick creates a situation of the “either I or me” principle. As a result, the child may lose control of his emotions, falling into anger at the slightest disappointment and destroying everything in his path. Roofing, skywalking, baseclimbing, parkour, etc. are modern hobbies that are dangerous not only for the psyche, but also for the health of the child.

    Dangerous games with toys for little ones

    The most dangerous are games using various unreal creatures, such as monsters, robots, pakimons, etc. Such toys form images in the child’s mind that displace the normal perception of the world around them. Distorted perception will form a gap between reality, plunging the child into a world of illusions. The same thing happens when girls use Barbie or similar dolls for their games. From childhood, they develop misconceptions about the forms and proportions of the feminine.

    The best children's hobbies

    Hobbies and interests should not only help the child develop his psyche, but also develop certain skills necessary in life. Everyday life. Let's consider the main directions that can help a child grow into a person with a healthy psyche.

    Physical activity

    Hobbies such as dancing, swimming, and various sports, thanks to properly selected movements, help relieve unnecessary activity, preventing aggression, anger and hot temper. Physical activity It also teaches the child to make thoughtful decisions and understand how one leads to another. The latter, in turn, contributes to the gradual acceptance of responsibility for one’s actions and actions.

    Creative directions

    Art and applied arts activities: sculpture, music, drawing, modeling, floristry, sewing, etc. contribute to the development of creativity. The development of creativity harmonizes all components of the child’s psyche, helping him in the future not only to control his emotions, but also to create reasonable mental images. Creativity works not only with the visible aspects of the psyche, but also helps to work out psychological problems to deeper levels.


    This type of hobby helps a child learn to think both inductively, that is, to move from details to the general, and deductively, when the child, based on the overall picture, can figure out all further details. This activity especially helps develop the ability to make decisions and see predicted results.

    Board games

    Eat Board games that develop a child's curiosity. Games based on geography, history, biology, zoology will become indispensable assistants not only in improving erudition, but will also help expand the child’s ideas about himself and the world around him. In turn, this will serve as a good foundation for the formation of humanism and tolerance.


    An activity that seems meaningless at first glance can turn into an indispensable assistant for developing self-discipline and organization. Collecting, for example, mineral stones, will create a great desire to replenish the collection and search for new specimens. This will teach the child how to organize his searches, prepare, if necessary, to work in natural conditions and process the whole variety of information to obtain the best result.

    It is necessary to understand the importance of what the child does, what hobbies attract him. Choosing the right hobby will help guide him in the right direction and will protect you from many psychological blocks in the future. Parents should not just force their child to do something, but explain to him all the benefits that can be obtained by choosing the right hobby.

    Now, more than ever, there is a huge selection of clubs and sections for children. How can parents decide in this diversity? This article discusses the most popular hobbies and hobbies for children of different age categories and characters.

    Difficulty of choice

    “Drama club, photo club, choir club - I want to sing!” - these lines about the difficulties of choosing a hobby for the pioneer Lidochka were written by A. Barto in 1934. Today the situation has become even more complicated, children of the 21st century and we, their parents, are forced to give preference to 1-2 hobbies out of hundreds of possible ones: sports, dance, art, music...

    Why go to the “circle”?

    The etymology of this old-fashioned word - “circle” - perhaps contains the main meaning of a child’s extracurricular hobbies. After all, it is important for each of us to find ourselves in a circle of like-minded people who share our interests. Only with them we truly relax and can develop the abilities inherent in us by nature.

    How not to turn pleasure into hard labor?

    “My child will be versatile developed personality“, - we say to ourselves and enroll our child in “English”, “music”, figure skating, swimming pool... And in the end we get a frequently ill child (FC), who catches all the illnesses and misses all additional classes (and school at the same time) due to poor health

    A lot of? Few? Just right!

    It's worth starting in one direction. Moreover, from the one that the child himself wishes, and not from what is “fashionable this year.” If your baby starts dancing every time the music turns on, then go with him to a dance club. If you turn a fork, spoon and TV remote into a microphone, you're on your way to a music studio. Be attentive to your child - he will tell you what is interesting to him in life!

    Benefit or interest?

    All parents want their child to grow up healthy and strong. Therefore, the first wish that we put forward for additional classes is that they be useful in terms of physical development. This is where they come to the rescue sport sections, yoga clubs, dance studios.

    Figure skating

    Children are taken to figure skating from the age of 4-5, because at this age children can easily stretch, and the feeling of fear is not as pronounced as in adults. This makes it possible to learn complex elements. If a child wants to achieve heights in this sport, and not just remain an amateur, you need to be prepared for hard work, falls and bruises.

    Skis and snowboard

    Alpine skiing and snowboarding develop dexterity, improve coordination of movements, and train the muscles of the back, legs, and abs. Children are accepted into professional sections from the age of 4-5. Parents who enroll their children in this sport need to understand that descending steep mountains is fraught with risk and can be dangerous.


    Karate develops coordination, flexibility, agility and strength. In addition, with the help of this martial arts, children learn to concentrate, manage emotions and direct their energy in the right direction. You can engage in this sport from 5-6 years old.


    Tennis gives a child a common physical development, develops coordination of movements. If you set a goal to achieve heights in this sport, you need to train from the age of 5, and a lot and persistently (at 5 years old - three times a week, at 6 years old - four times, etc.)


    Children as young as 4 years old can attend the Wushu section. This is a martial art with elements breathing exercises will strengthen children's body, will develop muscles and strength, teach you to remain calm in any circumstances.


    People can take up this sport, which develops the lungs and muscles, from the age of 2-3, of course, provided that the pool has a “paddling pool” and an instructor who works with children. There is also a swimming pool at almost every children's clinic; here you can go swimming with your child from the first months of life

    Dance clubs

    Classical choreography, folk dance (flamenco, oriental dance, latino, etc.), modern trends(breakdancing, hustle, hip-hop) - there are many offers on the “dance services” market. Come with your child for a few open lessons, all dance classes without exception are good for health, the main thing is to choose your style!

    A fantasy world that's good for your health

    Modeling, drawing, photography, macrame - all these “applied” types of fine art allow the child to express his emotions, hopes, fears. Therefore, one should not think that by visiting an art studio a child “loses time” that could be spent on hockey or classes Chinese. If drawing is what helps his self-expression, then these activities are good for health: both psychological and physical!

    To force or not?

    You can often hear from fully grown people: “It’s a shame that my parents didn’t force me to continue studying the piano (choreography, swimming, etc.), maybe I would have become good at it...” There’s no need to force, psychologists say, but here we are. helping to overcome the first difficulties, outlining prospects, and motivating them to study is entirely within the capabilities of parents.


    You should not expect that, having started playing hockey at the age of 5, your son will definitely become an Olympic champion. And is this necessary? After all, the main task is to allow the child to determine for himself what he likes. And if sport fishing is on the way to the main hobby of your life, ballroom dancing and a circle of young people - why not? After all, childhood is a wonderful time to find your place in this world!

    Often a child cannot independently decide on a hobby that he likes. You can’t do this without competent and timely advice from parents! The right hobby reveals talents, increases confidence, improves self-esteem and helps determine the path of life.

    Factors influencing choice

    Interest in something cannot grow out of nowhere. There are hidden reasons behind any child’s preferences:

    1. Parental hobby. Regardless of gender, all children are sponges, absorbing information from the environment. In a family of musicians, the child will most likely also be interested in music; If the parent is an artist, the child’s interest in drawing is understandable. Kids love to go fishing, hunting, or just hiking with their dad. Mom can always teach embroidery, knitting or beading. If a child spends uselessly free time, think about your own hobbies and don’t be afraid to introduce your children to them. They will be happy to become your like-minded people.
    2. It's all genes. Love for a certain thing with early years lies in genetic predisposition. Remember what your parents and grandparents were interested in. Most likely, their hobby will also be interesting to the child.
    3. Unfulfilled dreams of moms and dads. At a ballet school, you often meet an obese mother who brought her daughter to her first lesson. Once upon a time, dancing was her desire. Think about it, do you have secret dreams that you never managed to realize? Why not implement them in your child!
    4. Parental persistence. It’s rare that a proposed hobby captivates a child from the first minute. If you are confident in your goal, be persistent. Praise and encourage “small victories.” Over time, the children will thank you for your choice. But don’t go too far - if your child refuses to study for a long time and does not show interest, put the idea aside. Perhaps it's just not the time yet.

    We take into account temperament

    The choice of hobby is significantly influenced by character traits. Active choleric people will enjoy active sports. Football, volleyball, martial arts, tourism will help direct your energy in a useful direction.
    Impressionable and dreamy melancholic people will find themselves in drawing, modeling, appliqué, embroidery, and design. Best of all - joint creative activities with parents.

    An inquisitive phlegmatic person will be interested in collecting, theater club, chess, yoga, karting, swimming.

    Sanguine people will have the hardest time: their preferences change from day to day. Don't be afraid of diversity! Over time, the child will make his own choice.

    Choosing a hobby: problems and their solutions

    Sometimes spending time with a child becomes a real problem for parents. What to do if the following situations arise:

    • not interested in anything. Whatever idea you propose, does your child refuse it? Meetings with interesting people, professionals in their field will be useful. Let your child see that a hobby can become a lifelong passion. Visit together an artist’s studio, a theater backstage, a stadium, a photo studio, etc.;
    • hobbies interfere with studies. Often children are so engrossed that they forget to do their homework and even attend class! Convince your child of the importance school activities and the fact that they are inextricably linked with the hobby. For example, a future fashion designer needs to have a good knowledge of history and geometry;
    • Hobbies don't match gender. There are simply no inappropriate hobbies - they do not affect gender roles in any way. Don’t forbid or make fun of them if your son is interested in beadwork and your daughter is interested in football. If you are very worried, broaden your children's horizons - most likely, they will encounter other activities that will captivate them.

    Computer games will help you develop intellectual skills and finally decide on a hobby. Introduce your child to different types online games and pay attention to which ones he liked best. Racing is suitable for active guys; it increases reaction speed, teaches driving skills, and instills a desire for leadership.

    Assiduous boys are interested in playing quests - games that develop logical thinking. A great option for future entrepreneurs is business simulators. They introduce the child to the world of economics and introduce them to the principles of leadership. Many more interesting options You will find .

    Birth and child education, the happiest moments in the life of every family, but what useful children's hobbies and hobbies for the development of a child exist, they know, and not many parents can guess. Parents often make the mistake of forcing their child to do what they want and think is necessary. This traumatizes the child’s psyche, and all his innate talents leave him forever. Therefore, stop making this particular mistake.

    The reason for this error is that parents tend to consult with those who know little about this issue, or who have also traumatized their children. Often parents exercise power over the child, or for other reasons do not allow the child to develop in a normal way. Psychologists have studied this problem, and today in this article, they will tell you the most best methods so that the child does what will be useful to him.

    Write down what your child is doing

    In order to find useful ones for the child children's interests and hobbies, you need to analyze what the child is doing. Over the course of a week, write down on a piece of paper everything your child does, making a list. At the end of the week, analyze what your child does most often. This will save your time and energy in the future when searching for interests and hobbies for your child. Don't disturb your child when he is doing something, just take notes. Since you don’t need to force a child to do what you need, he won’t do it anyway, unless out of fear, and thus his psyche and his whole life will be traumatized.

    How to connect family and children's hobbies

    Often parents want their child to have useful children's hobbies, but they don’t understand whether they are suitable for the child. Also, parents often want their children to do what they are told, this is also wrong and will lead to bad consequences for the child. It is useful to connect family and children's hobbies, which will make your family better and more reliable. But for this, you need to realize what values ​​your family has. This article can help you decide:, which describes in detail how to find true values ​​in your family or change them. If you and your child are doing a common activity that brings you all joy, then this family, can rightfully be considered the most successful and best.

    Useful children's hobbies in sports

    Psychologists have proven that the type of sport a child plays in childhood will influence his lifestyle, work, career and business in the future. Therefore, useful children's hobbies and hobbies should be sought through sports. Today, there are many various types sports that they are suitable for every child. Give your child a chance to choose for himself the sport that he needs. The most useful sports: running, walking, swimming, tennis, gymnastics. If your child independently chooses something from this list, then it will be wonderful because he, and not you, chose a hobby for him, and that it is the most useful. If your child chooses another sport, do not be discouraged, as all sports are beneficial and will bring much more benefit than doing nothing at all.

    The benefits of reading books for a child as a hobby

    The most useful children's enthusiasm, this is reading useful books. If a child himself has shown a desire to read books, it means that in life he will become wise man, and achieve whatever he wants. After all, those people who read books will always control those who don’t read anything and watch TV. Don’t force your child to read, it’s better to make him want to read himself, for example, set an example, and start reading yourself. After all, children copy their parents, and if you read often and daily, your child will want to take up the same hobby.

    Drawing is very beneficial for a child

    Drawing, if the child wants to do it himself, is the most useful children's hobby and passion. Since those children who begin to learn and want to draw from childhood have creative inclinations, and in life they will approach everything from a creative side. Such people create successful business, find interesting work, live happily and enjoy life. There is no point in forcing a child to learn to draw, as it will not bring any benefit. Start leading by example and show your child how you draw, and if he likes this activity, he will definitely start drawing. In childhood, this hobby is the most popular among children, this suggests that we are all creative people, but we do not show our abilities, since they were destroyed by school, and improper upbringing, where you had to do not what you liked, but what you were told.

    There are many hobbies, and the children are different

    There is no need to make a mistake and follow the rules; useful children's interests and hobbies will manifest themselves in the process of child development. The main thing is that parents give the child a chance to engage in self-development, then his abilities will manifest themselves faster and more noticeably. Those parents who say that they do not have creative children themselves destroy the child’s talent when they force him to do something else, scold and insult children for mistakes and problems. Mind your own business, and the child will find on his own what is most interesting for him to do. Read more about this method, you can read in the article:

    Ask yourself a question: does your child have any interesting and developing hobbies? Or is everything all about entertainment - the child’s developmental activities are limited only to the notorious PC and TV? If the answer is NO, then you need to urgently take action! Undoubtedly good and loving parents must ensure that their children have interesting hobby. But what does this give?

    Firstly, a hobby is a great way for a child
    learn something new in game or any other activity that pleases him. When a child takes part, for example, in any sports competition, or for example in a creative hobby like music group or creation, he certainly gains a qualitatively new experience - a whole set of useful skills and abilities that he has not previously possessed.

    It is through gaining new and rewarding experiences that your child develops new ways of growth and development. This in turn gives the child a sense of pride in himself, which is very important. A very important feeling that even every adult needs when he succeeds in life, in his career, is an innate sense of pride and self-confidence. For children, the presence of such a feeling is especially important, because they still have a lot ahead of them and for all upcoming achievements they simply need a supply of some kind of motivation, which is directly influenced by the above-mentioned feeling.

    Having a hobby in a child gives him another important quality - the ability to achieve mastery and competence in any business that he will undertake later in his life. But you ask - where is the connection??? Everything here is quite simple - at the very beginning of learning a particular hobby, the child, in fact, is a beginner in it.

    In the process of mastering a hobby, the child will increase the level of his skill and acquire more and more useful skills, and with proper motivation, which will be fueled by a sense of pride in his small successes in the business, he will reach considerable heights in the hobby that he has chosen for himself. In a word, a hobby will teach your child to succeed, to win everywhere and in everything. In the future such quality or perhaps even in professional sports- after all, it is quite possible that your son or daughter will do something from this.

    We want to warn parents right away! During the course of life, a child may develop not one, but several hobbies at once. As a rule, before , the child performs a kind of “tasting” of the various hobbies available to him. It is quite possible that your child will turn out to be incredibly talented and will be able to engage in several useful hobbies at once.

    But in this case, parents will have to be well prepared for the fact that there may be some temporary, emotional and financial costs, without which your child will definitely not get what he wants. But don’t be intimidated by your child’s variety of activities, because this will only help him or her become more prepared for real life, sophisticated and well-educated adults in the future.

    Many parents have a stereotype that their child’s hobbies can be detrimental to education. We unequivocally reject this opinion that has developed in many adult heads. Quite the opposite - having a hobby for a child can greatly help him, at least in school education! After all, when studying a new hobby, a child will in any case want to know the history of the formation of his new field, learn something new and interesting about it, learn other people’s experience of more experienced colleagues in the business, etc.

    Having a hobby for a child can certainly help him with his future career or business! In general, the influence of the hobby industry on today’s global labor and business markets is enormous. Many of the successful careers of today's successful people began as a harmless hobby. It is amazing that in our 21st century, many career fields that were unheard of even 15 years ago today exist precisely because of what were once children's and youth hobbies. For example, who would have thought that today, for example, a career , professional skateboarder or surfer can bring thousands of dollars to an athlete and at the same time considerable fame?

    If your child does not yet have any interesting hobby or hobby - fix it immediately! Now you know how many wonderful moments any new career can bring into your child’s life!

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