• Formation of ecological culture and healthy lifestyle of students. Formation of an ecological culture and a healthy lifestyle among pupils of senior preschool age in the context of the Federal State Educational Standards Environmental aspects of a culture of a healthy lifestyle

  • 3. The concept of “method” of pedagogical research. Classification of pedagogical research methods. Pedagogical experiment as a research method: its essence, stages and types.
  • 1) Reproduction of the cultural and historical experience of humanity;
  • 2) Development of personality and society.
  • 6. Personality as a subject and object of education. Factors of personality development. The concept of “age periodization” in pedagogy.
  • 3) Features of cognitive, emotional, volitional processes of the individual;
  • 7. Education as a holistic pedagogical process. Structure and driving forces of the pedagogical process.
  • 8. Regularities and principles of the pedagogical process.
  • 9. Content of education as a pedagogical category. Structure of educational content. Documents defining the content of education at various levels.
  • 10. The concept of didactics. Its subject and tasks. Main categories of didactics
  • 11. The learning process: essence, features, structure and functions.
  • 12. 3Regularities and principles of the learning process.
  • 13. The concept of methods, techniques and teaching aids. Modern classification of teaching methods. Characteristics of individual of them.
  • 14. Forms of organization of training in pedagogy. Lesson as the main form of organization of learning. Requirements for the lesson.
  • 15. Education in a holistic pedagogical process, its features. Regularities and principles of the education process.
  • 17. The essence of the scientific worldview of schoolchildren, its types and functions. Criteria for the formation of a scientific worldview.
  • 18. Goal, objectives and content of moral education of schoolchildren. The essence and criteria for the formation of a person’s moral culture
  • 20. Formation of environmental culture and healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren.
  • 21. Educational systems of school and society: essence, structure, stages of formation.
  • 22. Personality and collective in the system of educational relations. A.S. Makarenko as the founder of the theory of collective education.
  • 23. Management of educational institutions, its essence and functions. Principles of management of pedagogical systems.
  • 24. Organization of methodological work at school. Its main forms. Pedagogical self-education of teachers.
  • 25. Class teacher in a modern school. Technological aspects of its activities.
  • 29. Technologies for organizing cognitive activity of schoolchildren: theoretical foundations, characteristics of one of them.
  • 2. Technologies for complete assimilation of knowledge and organization of assimilation of the lesson topic.
  • 30. Technologies for effective management of the learning process: theoretical foundations, characteristics of one of them.
  • 1. Technologies of group and collective training
  • 20. Formation of environmental culture and healthy image life of schoolchildren.

    Mastering by schoolchildren the values ​​and skills of a healthy lifestyle is one of the important tasks of education. According to the World Health Organization, health is not simply the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. In pedagogical reference literature, children's health is defined as the state of the body, characterized by its balance with the environment and the absence of any painful changes.

    Valeology – the science of the formation, preservation, strengthening of human health and a healthy lifestyle.

    Health – physical, social and psychological harmony of a person, his friendly relationship with himself and nature.

    “Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing”

    Signs of health :

    Mood, appearance

    Movement culture

    Food culture

    Culture of emotions

    Ecology – the relationship of living organisms with each other and with the environment.

    Environmental education – purposeful activity of the teacher to form ecological culture schoolchildren (the level of development of the system of environmental knowledge, moral and ethical attitudes towards nature, skills and abilities in environmental activities).

    Conditions for developing a healthy lifestyle:

    Systematic sports, physical education, tourism

    Formation of value attitudes towards healthy lifestyle and its promotion

    Countering the spread of harmful addictions

    Educational work during recreational activities

    Ped. team as a standard of healthy lifestyle

    Introduction of health-saving technologies in the educational process

    Main areas of work General educational institutions for preserving, strengthening the health of students and creating a healthy lifestyle are educational, diagnostic, preventive, and correctional work (see diagram 21, p. 130).

    Ways to improve the educational process at school:

    Creating a favorable microclimate in the relationships between teachers and students, students among themselves

    Improving the classroom-lesson system in the direction of organizing group forms of classes (17 people in a class or 30)

    Organization of compensatory training (additional classes, consultations)

    Activation cognitive activity schoolchildren (non-standard lessons, stimulation of creative exploration)

    Increasing the teacher's pedagogical skills in helping students learn

    Activation of the valeology service (nurse, psychologist)

    Knowledge of personal hygiene rules, nutritional culture, techniques and means of stress resistance

    Formation of the need for reasonable activity

    Valeology education presupposes hygienic provision of physical education classes, a rational regime of educational work, rest, nutrition, sleep, strict adherence to a number of sanitary and hygienic requirements for the construction, reconstruction, improvement and maintenance of school buildings, gyms, recreational and auxiliary premises (optimal area, light and thermal conditions, regular ventilation, wet cleaning).

    Means of creating a healthy lifestyle : sun, air, water, morning exercises, physical education lessons, sections, outdoor games, etc.

    Methods of environmental education : example, explanation, persuasion.

    Health- state of physical, mental and social well-being of a person.

    healthy lifestyle- a set of ways of life inherent in a person that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health.

    Personal healthy lifestyle culture demonstrated awareness of the value of health, desire and readiness to follow a healthy lifestyle. In the healthy lifestyle culture, individuals are distinguished 3 components:

    1. Need-motivational (-conviction in the value of health, responsible attitude towards the health of one’s own and future generations (one’s children); - the need to maintain and strengthen one’s health; - the need for regular physical activity; - interest in various sports);

    2. Knowledge/intellectual (-the importance of a healthy lifestyle for a person; - knowledge about the daily routine; - knowledge about proper nutrition; - knowledge about hygiene and its norms; - knowledge about the importance of physical exercise and the norms of its organization; - knowledge about hardening; - knowledge about rules of safe behavior (for example, at the table); - knowledge about the impact of emotional states on health;

    3. Behavioral (motor skills (walking, running, jumping,...); - skills, healthy lifestyle habits (hygiene, daily routine, proper nutrition); - skills safe behavior;- ability to overcome stressful conditions.

    Formation of healthy lifestyle- purposefully directed the process of organizing and stimulating physical education, health and knowledge of learning activities aimed at their health, physical development and introduction to healthy lifestyle.

    Target- physically developed healthy personality.

    Tasks- create a sustainable need for healthy lifestyle, expanding knowledge about the basics of healthy lifestyle; development of skills, abilities and habits of healthy lifestyle, as well as physical inclinations and abilities; prevention of bad habits.

    Means of education for healthy lifestyle: 1. Nature (sun, air and water). 2 . Hygiene. 3 . Sports and recreational activities.

    Areas of work:

    1. Organization of a health-saving environment (-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards; -compliance with the daily routine, work, nutrition; - psychological climate in the team; - use of health-saving technologies in the educational process (maintaining a high interest of children in the subject, taking into account individual capabilities); - use of art (music and other means) that have a beneficial effect on the mental state .

    2. Familiarization of students with healthy lifestyle standards. Formation of ideas and knowledge about healthy lifestyle. Implementation, as in other types of activities (physics, man and the world) and in extracurricular classes (HLS), educational work (film lectures, round tables, tournaments, quizzes, meetings with specialists).

    3. Organizing physical education will improve the health of activities. To form physical abilities, skills, habits. Implementation in educational activities (physics), electives (hour of health and sports); dynamic (moving) changes; morning work-out; Various forms of educational work (sportsland, relay race, health days, hikes, nature excursions).


    implementation of a comprehensive system of measures to create an environmental culture, the value of health and a healthy lifestyle for students in school conditions, the creation of sanitary hygienic conditions in combination with competent education and adherence to the principles of natural conformity and integrity of the development of the child’s personality.

    Tasks formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle for students:

    Extension ecological ideas younger schoolchildren, their specification, illustration with a significant number of vivid, accessible examples;

    Deepening students' theoretical knowledge in the field of ecology, forming

    a number of fundamental environmental concepts;

    Providing wider and more varied practice

    students in environmental studies and protection;

    Awakening in children the desire to take care of their health (formation

    interested attitude towards one’s own health, positive factors,

    affecting health);

    Formation of ideas about proper (healthy) nutrition, its regimen,

    structure, healthy products;

    Using optimal motor modes for children taking into account their age

    physical, psychological and other characteristics, development of the need for exercise

    physical culture and sports;

    Forming an idea of ​​​​the rational organization of the daily routine, study and

    recreation, motor activity, teach your child to compose, analyze and

    control your daily routine;

    Formation of a presentation taking into account the principle of information security

    about negative risk factors for children’s health (reduced motor activity,

    ness, infectious diseases, overwork, etc.), about the existence and

    causes of addiction to tobacco, alcohol, drugs and others

    psychoactive substances, their harmful effects on health;

    To teach students to consciously choose actions and behavior that allow

    maintain and improve health, comply with personal hygiene rules and develop

    readiness to independently support one’s health based on its use;

    Give an idea of ​​the influence of positive and negative emotions on health, in

    including those received from communicating with a computer, watching TV shows,

    tia in gambling;

    Teach basic skills of emotional relief (relaxation);

    Develop positive communication skills;

    To form an idea of ​​the main components of a culture of health and wellness

    new way of life;

    Formation of the child’s need to fearlessly consult a doctor for any

    issues related to the characteristics of growth and development, health status,

    development of readiness to independently maintain one’s health based on the use of

    training in personal hygiene skills;

    To develop in children the need to anticipate possible life extremes

    situations, develop the skill of correctly analyzing them and adequately

    actions, that is, competent actions in the conditions that may be encountered today

    struggle on the path of life;

    To form in children stable habits of disciplined, careful

    proper behavior on the streets, roads, at home, self-control skills,

    self-organization in certain life situations.

    In order to eliminate or minimize the effects of school and other activities harmful to the health of students educational process, the school should create a health-saving and health-enhancing space. In psychology - pedagogical model Based on the priority of psychological and pedagogical principles and health-saving pedagogy, the main role in preserving and strengthening the health of students should be given to the teacher.

    The model for the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle includes:

    1) Analysis of the state and planning of work in this area;

    2) Educational work

    a) educational work with students;

    b) educational and methodological work with teachers, specialists,


    The school gives priority to health, that is, competent health care, observing the principles of health-saving pedagogy:

    The principle of doing no harm;

    The principle of priority of effective care for the health of students and teachers (that is, everything that happens in the institution - from the development of plans, programs to verification of their implementation, including the conduct of lessons, breaks, the organization of extracurricular activities of students, training of teaching staff, work with parents, etc., is assessed from the point of view of the influence on the psychophysiological state and health of students and teachers. Monitoring of the physical, psychological, spiritual and moral health of students is carried out);

    The principle of the triune concept of health (the unity of physical, mental and spiritual - moral health);

    The principle of continuity and continuity (health-saving work is carried out at school every day and in every lesson, with mandatory consideration of what has already been done previously within the framework of organizational activities and directly in the educational educational work);

    The subject principle is a subjective relationship with students (health issues are included in the content of educational programs, the health-saving nature of the learning process is ensured). Teachers provide health-saving conditions for the educational process; the student himself helps them in solving this common problem. Students are taught responsibility for their health. Each student receives an individual approach;

    The principle of conformity of consciousness and the organization of teaching to the age characteristics of students. Correspondence of the volume of the teaching load and the level of complexity of the material being studied to the individual capabilities of students. The school follows a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach as the basis for effective work to protect human health. There is coordinated interaction between teachers, psychologists, and medical workers. Prioritizing positive impacts over negative ones. Priority of active learning methods;

    The principle of combining protective and training strategies: a level of educational load has been created for students that corresponds to the training regime and is protective (gentle), less than tiring.

    Systematic work on the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle is presented in the form of five interconnected blocks - on the creation of a health-preserving infrastructure, the rational organization of educational and educational activities students, the effective organization of physical education and health work, the implementation of an educational program and educational work with parents and should contribute to the formation of a responsible attitude towards nature, the value of health, the preservation and strengthening of their health.

    Fostering an ecological culture, a healthy culture

    and a safe lifestyle.



    1. The structure of work on the formation of an environmental culture, a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle for sixth-graders.

    2. Idea about health-saving educational technologies.

    3. Activity class teacher on health protection.

    4. Educational work with parents

    5. Results of the work.

    Annex 1.

    Appendix 2.

    Appendix 3.

    Appendix 4.

    Appendix 5.

    Appendix 6.

    Appendix 7.


    The health status of the younger generation is the most important indicator of the well-being of society and the state, reflecting not only the current situation, but also giving an accurate forecast for the future.

    The idea of ​​health as a trinity of physical (somatic), mental and spiritual-moral health reflects the impossibility of maintaining and strengthening health, caring only about physical or only spiritual well-being, the need for an integrated approach.

    It is known that healthy habits are formed from a very early age of the child. Therefore, the role and importance of family, family education in this process is difficult to overestimate. Undoubtedly, parents try to instill in their children basic hygienic skills and monitor their health. However, to ensure continuity in the formation of healthy lifestyle habits among schoolchildren, the joint work of teachers and parents is necessary.

    1. The structure of work on the formation of an environmental culture, a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle for sixth-graders.

    Target: creating conditions for protecting and promoting the health of schoolchildren through the use of pedagogical technologies and methodological techniques.


    1. Intensify the participation of teachers in the effective use of health-saving technologies in school programs.

    2. Diversify the forms of work to develop in students a culture of preserving and improving their own health.

    3. Provide health-improving activities in the schoolchild’s daily routine.

    Expected result: the effectiveness of solving the health problems of valeological education can be determined by the dynamics physical condition child, to reduce morbidity, to develop his skills to build relationships with peers, parents and other people, to show compassion, the desire to help others, to reduce the level of anxiety and aggressiveness.


    The tasks of educational institutions in the field of student health are enshrined in a number of legislative and regulatory documents. The significance of this work is indicated by two main provisions contained in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”:

    this is the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, free development of the individual (Article 2);

    it is the duty of an educational institution to create conditions that guarantee the protection and promotion of the health of students (Article 51).

    The Program for the Development of Education in the Russian Education System states that maintaining the health of students is one of the main directions and principles of organizing education in all educational institutions.

    The Concept of the next stage of education reform includes a section “Education and Health”, which outlines the main directions of activity of educational institutions in this area, including the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students.

    2. Idea of ​​health-saving educational technologies

    Technology is, first of all, a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize forms of education.

    The technology describes the student’s work system as an activity to achieve a set educational goal, and considers the teacher’s work system as an activity that provides conditions for the student’s work.

    Health-saving pedagogy cannot be expressed by any specific educational technology. At the same time, the concept of “health-saving technologies” combines all areas of activity of an educational institution to form, preserve and strengthen the health of students.

    By health-saving technologies we mean a system of measures to protect and promote the health of students, taking into account the most important characteristics educational environment and living conditions of the child, impact on health.

    The purpose of a modern school is to prepare children for life. Every student should gain knowledge during their studies that will be in demand in later life.

    There is no one unique health technology. Only through an integrated approach to teaching schoolchildren can the problems of developing and strengthening the health of students be solved.

    Only then can we say that the educational process is carried out using health-saving educational technologies if, in the implementation of the used pedagogical system the problem of preserving the health of students and teachers is being solved.

    Types and classification of technologies

    Physical education and health technologies are aimed at the physical development of those involved: hardening, training strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and other qualities. Basically, these technologies are implemented in physical education lessons and in the work of sports sections.

    Environmental health-saving technologies help to instill in schoolchildren a love for nature, a desire to take care of it, and familiarize students with research activities in the field of ecology, etc., all this has a powerful pedagogical influence, forming personality, strengthening the spiritual and moral health of students.

    Technologies for ensuring life safety are implemented by specialists in labor protection, emergency protection, architects, builders, representatives of public utilities, etc. Since health preservation is considered as a special case of the main task - preservation, the requirements and recommendations of these specialists are subject to mandatory consideration and integration into the general system of health-saving technologies. Students’ literacy on these issues is ensured by studying a life safety course, and for ensuring safe conditions stay at school is the responsibility of the director.

    Health-saving educational technologies, which should be recognized as the most significant of all listed in terms of the degree of impact on the health of students. Chief of them hallmark- not the place where they are implemented, but the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies, approaches to solving emerging problems.

    The basis of health-saving technology is the teacher’s adherence to such principles as:

    Taking into account age and gender characteristics.

    Taking into account the student’s health status and his individual psychophysiological characteristics when choosing forms, methods and means of teaching.

    Structuring the lesson into three parts depending on the level of mental performance of students.

    Using health-saving actions to maintain performance and expand the functional capabilities of students’ bodies.
    These include:

    optimal lesson density;

    alternating types of educational activities;

    presence of physical education;

    the presence of emotional discharges;

    correct working posture;

    positive emotions.

    3. Activities of the class teacher in health protection.

    1. Health days.

    2. School sports holidays.

    3. Conversations about health with students (Appendix 1, Appendix 2).

    4. Design of classroom and school health corners.

    5. Carrying out cool hours, competitions, quizzes, excursions.

    One of the tasks of the class teacher is to form in schoolchildren a system of knowledge and beliefs that ensure spiritual attitude to yourself, to your health, to the world around you.

    One of the methods of health-saving pedagogy can be consideredthief conductspecial health diary,in which the student will learn to write daily (first with the help of parents,and then - independently) the results of self-observation of your healthwe dig.

    When filling out the diary, the observation time is observed. Theirshould be done at the same timein the morningimmediately after sleep, thenIn the evening- before bedtime. When characterizing self-observation datatake into account indicators typical for the good state of the body, and their changes due to disturbances in the lifestyle.

    Well-being is a feeling experienced by a person depending onon the state of his physical and mental strength.

    They write in the diary: feeling good (feeling of paingrowth, cheerfulness, interest in the work being performed); bad (complaints of pain, weakness, lethargy, dizziness,palpitations and other unpleasant sensations).

    Pain is protective unconditioned reflex. Pain is accompaniedincreased heart rate, increased blood pressurepressure, increased blood sugar, etc. WhenIn order to relieve pain, it is necessary to urgently find out their cause (needConsult a doctor) and take the necessary measures.

    A change in well-being caused by a deterioration in the general condition of the body requires, in some cases, fundamental changes instudent's daily routine.

    In the diary they note: in the evening, before going to bed - tired/not tired, nottired; the next day - there is no fatigue, the feeling remainsfatigue, etc.

    Mood is an internal state of mind. Usually feeling wellyour thoughts and mood coincide, but there may also be a discrepancy betweenthem - satisfactory well-being in a bad mood, etc.A healthy person can also be in a bad mood when they have failures, unpleasant sensations, and good things are possible for a patient, for examplewith good news that evokes positive emotions.

    Write in the diary: good mood, satisfactorynew, bad.

    Sleep is of utmost importance for maintaining healthviya, performance and human life. He warnedreduces the depletion of nerve cells, creates conditions for restorationchecking their performance.

    Nothing can replace sleep. It should last 9-10hour. In the life of a junior schoolchild important has an organsleep zonation.The effectiveness of sleep depends on compliance with a number of hygienicrules: you should have dinner 2 - 3 hours before bedtime; a walk is useful (20-30 min.) before bedtime; you need to sleep with an open window or vent and, as a last resort, in a well-ventilated room; don't wrap yourself up.

    The fullness of sleep is determined by three main qualities:frequency, duration and depth. Periodicityimplies a very specific time of going to bed and getting up -this develops the habit of immediately waking up at a specific time, as well as quickly and soundly falling asleep at exactly the specified time.The duration of sleep is determined by the time required forgood rest. Drastic reduction in sleep durationnegatively affects the state of the student’s body: performance decreases, fatigue sets in faster, andoverwork.Insomnia or excessive sleepiness is often anone of the signs of overwork. After such a dreamthere is no feeling of vigor, a feeling of weakness and lethargy appears. INthe diary records the duration, quality of sleep, and also whenthe reasons for its violation.

    Appetite is one of the signs of normal lifety of the organism. Weakened appetite or lack of it may be due todiseases, as well as as a result of fatigue or painfulcondition. Important for the normal functioning of the bodycomposition of food and compliance with certain hygienic rules.Eating food at the same time causes appetite, improves workthat of the digestive glands, promotes the secretion of gastric juice, thanks to which food is better digested and absorbed.

    In the health diary, in the “Appetite” column, write down: good, satisfactory, increased, bad, absent.

    Digestion and appetite are interconnected. Indigestion in a healthy person may be one of the signs of insufficient recovery of the body or overwork.

    The diary records: normal stool, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, belching, etc.

    Performance depends on many reasons: well-being, mood, fatigue. They write in the diary: increased, normallow, lowered.

    Teachers are organizers of self-control and thereforeshould know its features well. They conduct conversations with the teachernicknames about the importance of self-observation for maintaining health, foradherence to the correct daily routine indicate inadmissibilitythe emergence of bad habits. They talk about the essence of everyoneindicator, its favorable and unfavorable changes,ways to correct any deviations that have arisen. Having studied the dynamics of reresults of observations of students' health status, teachertogether with parents can sum up the results of work on healthreduction in students.

    4. Educational work with parents (legal representatives) includes:

    Conversations (Appendix 3, 4), tests (Appendix 5, 6,7), lectures on various health issues, factors that positively and negatively affect children’s health, etc.;

    Purchase of necessary scientific and methodological literature for parents (legal representatives);

    Organizing joint work of teachers and parents (legal representatives) to hold sports competitions, health days, classes on the prevention of bad habits, etc.

    Identification of overload among schoolchildren based on studying their daily routine and information about visiting clubs, sections, and electives. To do this, a survey is carried out, and, if necessary, a conversation. For developed people with good health children, it is recommended to attend several clubs or electives. However, even in this case an individual approach is required. The teacher observes how such a load affects the fatigue and health of children. Teachers remember that students’ time spent on homework is: in elementary school no more than 1-2 hours, in middle school no more than 3 hours and in high school no more than 4 hours. Schoolchildren are taught the skills of planning their work and independence.

    The teacher's responsibility for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. He must know them and monitor changes in regulations. His responsibilities include monitoring compliance with these standards (lighting, temperature conditions). It is important that the furniture in the classroom complies with SanPiN standards. In the event of a malfunction, the teacher makes requests for repairs or replacement of equipment, and, if necessary, sets out his requirements to the head teacher or school superintendent. A teacher who cares about the health of schoolchildren must protect them from overload by checking the schedule.

    Compliance with safety precautions in lessons and extracurricular activities. Special rules have been developed for this. They are hung in offices where electrical appliances, workshops, sports equipment, demonstration equipment, etc. are located. The teacher is obliged to ensure that children know the safety rules and follow them. The most important condition for compliance with the rules is the discipline of students. In addition, the teacher, through his behavior and exactingness, forms this important quality in his students.

    5. Results of work

    Work continued on creating student health passports.

    A set of exercises has been mastered that are used during physical education and eye exercises.

    We are working with parents of students. At parent meetings, they are given information about seasonal epidemics and infectious diseases and ways to combat them.

    The teacher should not perform part of the duties of a doctor or nurse, but should be trained in psychological and pedagogical technologies that allow him to work in such a way as not to harm the health of his students both in his lessons and in the general work program of the school, which actually solves the priority task of protecting health everyone under her roof.

    ANNEX 1.

    From moral health to physical

    On the board there is an inscription: “What are the thoughts of a person and his heart, so is he himself.”

    How do you understand the words of the ancient sage?

    If the patient constantly tells himself that he is not when it doesn’t get better, most likely it will be so, and he will carry his sufferings to the grave. Glu body but we shouldn’t forget about this.

    What is a person’s “controller”?

    The only controlling factor century is the mind. The body cannot think for itself yourself, because it is controlled by instincts, and the mind must constantly command the body.

    Where should you start? Let's start with the daily routine.

    How many of you manage to do everything: walk, study lessons? ki, help around the house, go to music or sports school, clubs, fun?

    (Children's answers.)

    Does it help you in organizing such an active daily routine? Tell us about your location row of the day.

    (Children's answers.)

    Approximate daily routine for students attending school in I shift (when classes start at 8:30 a.m.)

    Climb 7.00

    Toilet, gymnastics, hardening procedures (drying off, shower), cleaning bed 7.00-7.35

    Breakfast 7.35-7.50

    Road to school 7.50-8.20

    Classes at school (lessons, extracurricular, public Job)


    Way home 13.30-14.00

    Dinner 14.00-14.30

    Staying outdoors, walking, outdoor games


    Prep 17.00-19.00

    Dinner and free activities 19.00-20.30

    Getting ready for bed 20.30-21.00

    Sleep 21.00-7.00

    Who hasn't had the flu this year? Who wants not get the flu? To do this, you need to harden yourself. Each do a cold rubdown first thing in the morning after gymnastics tion or take a cool shower. This will strengthen your nervous system, will protect you from colds.

    It is best to start wiping in the summer. Tempe The water temperature should initially be 30-32C. Post gradually it needs to be lowered to 16-18°C.

    Rubbing should take no more than 4-5 minutes. A hard terry towel is suitable for drying made of linen and a mitten made from old terry towels

    Wiping procedure

    Dip the mitten into a bowl of water. Slightly away from her press, but not dry. Wipe one hand from fingers to shoulder. Now rub your wet hand firmly dry with a towel from fingers to shoulder. The same do it with the other hand. The chest and stomach, as well as the back, are wiped with water and dried with a towel. with strong circular movements and be sure to dry. The feet are wiped and wiped from the toes upward. After a shower, wipe yourself in the same order: hands from fingers to shoulder; stomach, chest and back - in circular movements; legs - from bottom to top. After this Rubbing the body should feel warm and pleasant. If while wiping you feel a slight chill nob - it means the water is still too cold for you. It is best to pour water into a basin in the evening and let it will stay until the morning. Water at room temperature and dry yourself if there is no shower at home. When wiping Cover the window, especially in winter.


    - Do you have correct posture? Correct posture is characterized by good affected by the natural curves of the spine (in the neck, chest, lower back), while the head and the body are on the same vertical, of course ties are straightened.

    - Let's split into pairs. Now let's see friend at a friend from behind. Are they located symmetrically? us shoulders? If not - one is slightly higher than the other - let's be wary! This is one of the signs of sideways th curvature of the spine - scoliosis.

    - What troubles does the crooked one bring us?


    Weakness of the abdominal muscles. Belly fast becomes flabby, chest volume decreases cells, which means breathing suffers.

    Checking your posture

    We stand with our backs close to the wall. If posture correct, the shoulder blade, buttocks and heels will be hit the walls. If the walls only touch patties and heels, incorrect posture.

    To determine whether we will eliminate this defect or already fixed, stand at attention, stretching out. We've already touched the wall and buttocks!
    This means that in this case there are still no anatomical inclinations, but there is negligence, inattention to oneself. Now remember the correct pose and watch so as to maintain it while sitting and walking would. Otherwise, these violations will turn into anatomical
    changes, and in this case the command “attention” is already will not help.

    What to do then?

    And then, unfortunately, only treatment by orthopedic surgeons and wearing special devices will help. Comrade, sometimes it’s a complicated operation.

    Therefore, of course, it is better to start doing special gymnastics in time and take care of yourself.

    A What kind of exercises are useful? You will need a gymnastic stick (you can take mom's kitchen rolling pin).

    We hold the stick in our lowered hands, feet on shoulder width. Exhale and bend forward with straight (!) with our back, and raise our arms straight like as high as possible, we “pull” ourselves. Let's take a breath and energetically but we straighten up.

    We hold the stick behind our heads on our shoulder blades. Let's do
    inhale and sharply turn the body to the right; WHO rotate to the starting position (exhale).

    3. We hold the stick above our head. We lower it to shoulder blades, exhale, lift above your head and inhale Haem.

    4.Keep the stick down. Let's take a step forward howl with your foot and squat on it, raise the stick up (inhale). We return to the starting position and exhale.

    5. Raise the stick vertically in front of you.
    We squat with a straight (!) back.

    We repeat each exercise 8-10 times, yes we sing rhythmically. We take the rug.

    We get on all fours, bend and unbend hands, trying to touch the floor with your chest.

    Standing on all fours, bend our arms, and then quickly straighten both arms and legs,

    Lie on your stomach, do push-ups from the floor with your hand mi, slowly touching your toes to your head (ring).

    Now we get up and walk around the room, gradually slowing down your walking pace and deepening your breathing.

    Remember! All these exercises are really good which will strengthen the muscles of the back, abdominals and Poor posture if you do them every day. And not just doing it for show, but with diligence, consciously, receiving “muscular joy” from each before the movement.

    Only under this condition, but not immediately, but after Within a few months you may notice an improvement.


    Everyone is in tracksuits, with a mat. - Do you want to have beautiful figure?

    We lie down on the mat, put it on our stomach, happy but a heavy subject (for example, two textbooks). You we breathe with our stomachs, as if pushing the object up, At the same time, we hold our breath for 3-6 seconds. Repeat bark 10 times.

    We scatter matches on the floor (we have smokers no, so the cool manager brings the matches tel), and then collect one at a time, each time energy straightening up gracefully. Don't bend your knees! Already in
    a month after such daily systematic training alignment, the stomach will “tuck up” and the waist will narrow.

    3. We break into pairs. One lies on the floor, the other sits on his feet. Elastic movement lift your body and bend forward. Heels are not under take it! Slowly we lower ourselves onto our backs. Please note: The slower we perform the exercise, the more effective it is. more efficient. It must be performed at least 10 times. At home lie down on the rug near the closet so that your feet can but it was secured to its edge.

    The exercises are difficult, but effective. And if the work performed seems to be indifferent to the muscles, then there will be no training effect for which you are training. But you can avoid muscle pain fear. They will go away in a few days. When reading or watching TV

    We raise our hands up, we rise to the nose ki, let's pull ourselves up.

    We lean alternately to the right and to the left.

    We stand with our backs to the table, rest our palms on its edge and bend into the spine as much as possible nick.

    We squat in the same starting position.

    Front of the TV

    We rest our hands on the back of the sofa, on which rum we sit, raise alternately bent in the stake I grab my legs and try to touch my forehead with them.

    Lie on your stomach, wrap your arms around your neck ankle joints, bending your knees, and how Let’s “lift” ourselves off the couch.

    Stretch your legs forward, straighten your back and make circular movements with your head at every hundred Ron.

    Lying on the sofa on your back, we raise our legs straight, and then touch them to the sofa behind our heads.

    We make circular movements with our shoulders ed and back.

    We repeat each exercise 4-5 times, and the losiness was as if it had never happened.

    But watch TV for so long that you have to Doing gymnastics is not recommended for children.

    Your walk

    The step should be light and rhythmic. When walking there is no need to “squat”, but on the contrary, as if pulling the core push up, straighten your knees. Let your hands be free but they move in time with their steps, and their shoulders will turn you to the air without obstacles! entered the college cues. When walking, we “pick up the stomach”, and always the back keep it straight. We look in front of us and do not pull our heads into our shoulders, otherwise the day will develop lost. In order to always be vigorous and young, and not get tired when walking for a long time, we do special al physical exercises that coordinate the position of the torso and make a walk ku beautiful and light:

    We rise on our toes, vigorously withdraw arms back, bend, now sit on a chair.

    We lift the ball with straight arms and good Let's pull ourselves up.

    We lean towards the floor with the ball.

    Roll the ball across the floor with both feet.

    We grab the ball with our feet and, together with it, under pull your knees to your chest.

    Lying on your back, make an “angle” with your legs straight we hold them in this position.

    It is enough to do these exercises 3-4 times. once a week. We start and end the lesson walking in front of a mirror that will help us about identify gait defects.

    The sky turns yellow - to rain, a person - to illness.

    The careless person falls into a hole.

    Your foot will stumble and your head will get hurt.

    Old people grow younger from joy, young people lose weight from sadness.

    Expect trouble from sweet food.

    Moderate food brings strength, but abundant food brings death.

    I got up late - I lost the day, I didn’t study when I was young - lost his life.

    To sympathize with a sick person is to restore half of his health.

    Proper breathing is as necessary as food.

    Talking about illnesses harms oneself.

    Work while sitting, rest while standing.

    The sooner you start, the sooner you will be in time.

    A river begins with a stream, and sport begins with exercise.

    The most acute pain is the one that worries me now.

    Tell me how you sleep and I will tell you how tired you are.

    The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

    Follow the regime of work and life - your health will be stronger than granite.

    Taking a walk after eating is better than keeping a pharmacy.

    The ally of illness is despondency.

    When you combine sport with business, you are healthy in body and soul.

    The remedy for healing is movement.

    What you eat in the evening will not be used for future use.

    Good food cures a serious illness.

    Dinner is not needed, lunch would be friendly.

    Shortening dinner means lengthening life.

    Mind and health are more valuable than anything else.

    Eating in moderation is always healthy.

    Good luck for the student and joy for the teacher.

    Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.

    Well chewed - half digested.

    There was a scratch - he didn’t treat it, it became an ulcer - he wants to cure it.

    What you don’t want for yourself, don’t do to others.

    A person, swallowing food unchewed, swallows a lot many years of life unlived.

    The deeper the sleep, the brighter the thoughts.

    I scratched the scratch and scratched it to the bone.

    The joke takes a minute, but it charges for an hour.


    Forms of extracurricular activities

    as part of the implementation health-saving educational technologies

    Conversations (teachers, sanitary activists, medical workers nerds, parents).

    Working with a book (reading and discussing stories, poems voreniy).

    Health holidays.

    Class hours: “Ecology and us”, “Ecological kaleidoscope”, “Health is ...”, “Travel along the ecological path”, “Life without alcohol and tobacco”, “Educate yourself”

    Games, competitions, using knowledge of the rules traffic, personal hygiene, etc., ( "Traffic Light", "Student Ambulance"),

    Oral journals (“Sun, air and water are our best friends”, “If you want to be healthy, toughen up!”, “Why we are healthy)").

    Sanitary raids on the school.

    Organization of a sanitary corner, publication of bulletins
    (“Advice from Doctor Aibolit”, “About You”).

    Competitions: drawings “Don’t let them call you a slob”, posters “Healthy teeth mean healthy life”, competition children's poems, essays “My Light, Mirror, Tell”, “Secrets of Health”, riddles “Guessing Game”, vits and saying " Word of wisdom about health”, etc.

    Practical lessons hair care, nail care,
    teeth, body care, clothing and shoe care, and etc. (competitions)

    Discussion of situations: “What if you don’t wash your hands”, “Is it easy to be neat”, “Did you forget your handkerchief?”, “Sti heaven myself”, “I dress according to the weather”, etc.

    Humorous warm-up “Smeshinka”.



    Topics of conversations with parents:

    The state's concern for the health of the younger generation.

    What is a healthy child like?

    Community of doctor, teacher and family in hygienic training learning and education of primary school students.

    Major developmental and health conditions.

    Formation of personal hygiene skills in the family.

    Public hygiene.

    Radiation hygiene.

    Hygiene for boys and hygiene for girls.

    Personal hygiene in the daily routine.

    Hygienic requirements for children's clothing and shoes.

    Food hygiene.

    Hygiene of premises and household items.

    Healthy and bad habits.

    Hygienic requirements for the organization of educational work
    schoolchildren at home.

    What determines the performance of schoolchildren?

    About the fatigue of schoolchildren.

    Cultivating correct posture. The role of corrective
    gymnastics in the treatment of postural disorders.

    Physical education children in the family (morning gymnasium teak, games, walks, excursions, hikes).

    Prevention of myopia in primary schoolchildren.

    TV viewing mode for younger schoolchildren.

    Raise children to be seasoned. Rules of conduct for children fresh air, on the water.

    Active recreation for schoolchildren.

    Sex education for primary school children.

    Composition of food and rational school nutrition nicknames

    The role of the family in the prevention of neuroses in children.

    Prevention of household injuries.

    Prevention of food poisoning.

    Prevention of street injuries.


    Letter to parents of sixth graders

    Dear parents!

    Your children learn the basic rules during school lessons health saving. Students are taught to respect the public property, maintain cleanliness and order in in public places, in your yard, house, entrance, elevator.


    1. Talk to your child, for which it is very important to comply provide cleanliness and order in public places.

    2. Draw your child’s attention to the state of your two ra, houses, entrances, their walls.

    3. Teach your child:

    maintain cleanliness and order in public places, in
    your yard, house, entrance;

    do not litter in public places, yard, entrance ;

    do not write, do not draw on the walls of houses, entrances, do not stain them;

    make sure that younger children do not perform these acts twiya;

    Does your child meet these requirements?

    4. Organize a general cleaning of the entrance and yard! Wash
    windows, clear the walls of drawings and inscriptions, hang them up if
    perhaps flowers.

    5.Teach your child not to litter in the forest by personal example.
    when walking to pick mushrooms and berries, do not throw away wrappers, cans, backs.

    6.To ensure your child always looks neat, teach him:

    brush your teeth daily at least 2 times a day;

    take a shower every day;

    keep your nails in order;

    take care of your clothes and shoes;

    change underwear, stockings, socks daily;

    wash your socks and handkerchiefs daily;

    always have a clean handkerchief and mirror with you tse, comb;

    wash your hair at least once a week;

    keep your hair in order.

    We thank you and ask you to continue your education follow the basic rules of personal and public hygiene.



    (for teachers and parents)

    Mark your chosen answer

    1. Which of the following symptoms does not require a visit to the doctor?

    A) unusual fatigue

    b) winter cold

    V) chronic indigestion.

    2. How do you protect your ears when listening to music recorded through a stereo?

    A) I don’t turn it on at full volume;

    b) there is no need for this - the sound from the headphones does not reach loudness that irritates the ears;

    V) I don’t set it at such a volume that you can’t hear it external conversations.

    3. How often do you change your toothbrush?

    A) Twice a year

    b) every 3 - 6 months

    V) as soon as it takes on a shabby appearance.

    4. What protects you least from colds and flu?

    A) frequent hand washing

    b) influenza vaccine

    V) avoiding walking in cold weather.

    5. What time do you prefer to arrive at your destination? tions to avoid time transition?

    A) early evening

    b) with sunrise

    V) in the middle of the day.

    6. How often do you rest your eyes after using the computer? reader, reading or doing activities that require visual attention mania?

    A) each hour;

    b) every half hour;

    V) every 10 minutes.

    7. Which of the statements is true?

    A) you can tan even on a cloudy day

    b) if I want to sunbathe, I should use the sun protective agents with a factor below 10

    V) dark-skinned people do not need sun protection.

    8. Which of the following is most effective in resetting increase the weight?

    A) skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner

    b) reducing alcohol consumption

    V) exclusion of starchy foods from the diet,

    9. How to breathe correctly:

    A) mouth

    b) nose

    V) neither option is worse or better than the other.

    10. Which of the following will cause the least damage to your hair?

    A) perm

    b) blow drying hair

    V) hair bleaching.

    Summarize. Give yourself 1 point for each of the following The correct answers are 1(6), 2 (c), 3 (b), 4 (c), 5 (a), 6 (c), 7 (a), 8 (b), 9 (b) and 10 ( b). Add up the points you received.

    8-10 points - You know very well what contributes to healthy way of life, it’s just a matter of applying this knowledge in practice.

    5-7 points - You may have good knowledge foundations of most aspects of a healthy lifestyle, but some What questions would be good for you to brush up on?

    4 or less points - Don't despair, all is not lost yet.


    Test “ARE YOU IN GOOD SHAPE?” (for teachers and parents)

    1. How often do you get behind the wheel (or in a car, bus) to
    get to places you can walk to?

    A) Always;

    b) Sometimes;

    V) never.

    2. Do you often take part in sports or other
    competitions such as tennis, football, swimming or

    A) never or very rarely;

    b) several times a month;

    V) once a week or more often.

    3. If you need to climb several floors, how often do you go
    on foot?

    A) never or only if the elevator is broken

    b) when I feel especially energetic

    V) Always.

    4. Do you give yourself at least 20 minutes of physical activity?
    causing slight shortness of breath (eg, cycling
    or brisk walking)?

    A) never or rarely

    b) from once a week to once a month

    V) more than once a week.

    5. If you run 100 meters to get on the bus,
    how long does it take before your breath comes in

    A) 3 minutes or more;

    b) less than 3 minutes;

    V) breathing is unlikely to be rapid.

    6. Do you often walk 3 km at a time?

    a) never or infrequently; b) once or twice a month;

    V) once a week or more often.

    7. How do you usually spend your day?

    A) mostly sedentary

    b) depending on how, but, in general, quite active

    V) always in moving.

    8. How many hours a week do you watch TV on average?

    A) 24 hours or more;

    b) from 10 to 24 hours;

    V) less than 10 hours.

    9. Do you often do heavy lifting? physical work -
    digging up the garden, general cleaning?

    A) never or rarely

    b) several times a month

    V) once a week or more often.

    10. How do you usually spend your Sunday?

    A) I sleep or watch TV

    b) hanging around the house or in the garden

    V) I walk or play sports.

    Summarize. For each answer (a) - you are awarded 0 points; for answer (b) - 1 point; for answer (c) - 2 points.

    Add up the points you received.

    14 - 20 - Your lifestyle is almost certainly quite active to keep you in good shape,

    7 - 13 - You are probably in pretty decent physical condition technical form, but you are still far from perfect. Try Find time for daily physical activity.

    6 or less - It seems that you do not have a very active lifestyle.


    Test “DO YOU KNOW HOW TO PROTECT YOUR LIFE AND HEALTH?” (for teachers and parents)

    Test yourself by answering one of the questions provided, and then count the number of points scored.

    1. Where in the house should I install a smoke detector?

    A) on each floor;

    b) in the kitchen;

    V) under the stairs.

    2. How long should you ventilate the room after you
    did you put new carpet in there?

    A) a few days;

    b) few hours;

    V) one night.

    3. Which water is more dangerous for health?

    A) cloudy tap water

    b) supplied through lead pipes

    c) with fluorine additives.

    4. What is the risk of asthma in a child who has one or
    Do both parents smoke?

    A) none;

    b) the risk is high, but not so much to worry about;

    V) the risk doubles.

    5. Who is the least likely carrier of germs in the home?

    A) mice;

    b) cockroaches;

    V) ants.

    6. What to do if you are caught in a thunderstorm?

    A) hide in the car;

    b) stand under a tall tree;

    V) sprawl on the ground.

    7. What will reduce your car's environmental pollution? tire?

    a) regular maintenance

    b) engine idling while the car is stuck in a traffic jam
    (to avoid turning the ignition off or on nia)

    V) installation of radial tires.

    8. Which of these common plants is poisonous?

    A) amaryllis;

    b) African violet;

    V) rubber ficus.

    9. What provides the best protection during a car accident? rii.

    A) seat belts;

    b) airbag;

    V) seat belts and inflatable pillow the same effective.

    10. What should be the optimal distance from the screen when working? with a computer?

    A) 15 - 36 cm;

    b) 36 - 61 cm;

    V) 61 - 76 cm.

    Let's count the points. 1 (a), 2 (a), 3 (b), 4 (c), 5 (c), 6 (a), 7 (b), 8 (a), 9 (a), 10 (b) - correct answers. For each of those listed here Answers earn you one point. Now add them up and see what will happen.

    8-10 points - You are well aware of the dangers modern life and, apparently, take care of the environment environment and your own health.

    7 or less - Your knowledge about yourself and the world around you is clearly not enough.

    List of used literature

    Kazin E.M., Blinova N.G., Litvinova N.A. Basics of individual healthHuman health: Introduction to general and applied valeology. - M., 2000.

    Kovalev A.G. Psychology of Personality. - M., 1970. - P. 352 - 353.

    Komensky Y.A. Great didactics. - Selected pedagogical works. - M.,1982.- Tl.- c.329.

    Kuchma V.R. Theory and practice of hygiene of children and adolescents at the turn of the thousandchelety. - M., 2001.

    Kuchma V.R., Serdyukovskaya P.N., Demin A.K. Guidelines for hygiene and ochernot the health of schoolchildren. - M., 2000.

    Lebedeva N.T. Improving school education and student healthcurrent ones. // Physical culture and health. - 2000. - No. 2 - p. 90-96.

    Methodological recommendations: Health-saving technologies in secondary schools: analysis methodology, forms, methods, application experiencenia / Ed. MM. Bezrukikh, V.D. Sonkina. - M., 2002.

    Nazarenko LD. Health benefits of physical exercise. - M.,2002.

    Pedagogy and health psychology / Ed. N.K. Smirnova. - M.: AP-KiPRO, 2003

    Kolominsky Ya.L. Social educational psychology. -St. Petersburg, 2000

    Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies at workteachers and schools. - M.: ARKTI, 2003.-272 p.

    Modern educational technologies. Basic Concepts and Overview/author-compiler G.N.Petrovsky.-Mn.:NIO, 2000.- 92 p.

    Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Rostov Region

    State government educational institution of the Rostov region

    special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities

    special (correctional) comprehensive school №7 VIIview of the city of Azov

    Formation programecological culture,

    healthy and safe lifestyle

    Compiled by: teacherIcategories

    MALEIKO Elena Petrovna

    The program for the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle in accordance with the definition of the Standard is a comprehensive program for the formation of students’ knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and norms of behavior that ensure the preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological health as one of the value components that contribute to cognitive and emotional development child.

    The program is built on the basis of national values Russian society, such as citizenship, health, nature, environmental culture, human and state security. The program is aimed at developing the motivation and readiness of students to improve their environmental literacy, act prudently, consciously adhere to a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle, work on environmental education, and appreciate nature as a source of spiritual development, information, beauty, health, and material well-being.

    The program for the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle at the level of primary general education is formed taking into account factors that have a significant impact on the health of children:

    unfavorable environmental, social and economic conditions;

    risk factors occurring in educational institutions that lead to further deterioration in the health of children and adolescents from the first to the last year of study;

    sensitivity to impacts with simultaneous inertia to them by nature, causing a time gap between the impact and the result, which can be significant, reaching several years, and thus between the initial and significant manifestation of unfavorable population changes in the health of children and adolescents and the entire population of the country in in general;

    features of the attitude of primary school students to their health, which differ significantly from those of adults, which is associated with the lack of experience of “unhealthy” in children (with the exception of children with serious chronic diseases) and the child’s perception of the disease state mainly as a restriction of freedom (the need to lie in bed, painful injections).

    The most effective way to form an environmental culture and a healthy and safe lifestyle for students is the independent work of schoolchildren, directed and organized by adults, which contributes to the active and successful socialization of the child in educational institution, developing the ability to understand one’s condition, to know ways and options for rationally organizing the daily routine and physical activity, nutrition, and personal hygiene rules.

    However, only knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle does not ensure or guarantee their use, unless this becomes a necessary condition for the child’s daily life in the family and educational institution.

    When choosing a strategy for implementing this program, it is necessary to take into account the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children of primary school age and rely on the zone of current development. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle is a necessary and mandatory component of the health-preserving work of an educational institution, which requires an appropriate environmentally safe, health-preserving organization of the entire life of the educational institution, including its infrastructure, the creation of a favorable psychological climate, ensuring the rational organization of the educational process, effective physical education and health work, and the organization of rational nutrition.

    One of the components of the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle for students is educational work with their parents (legal representatives), involving parents (legal representatives) in joint work with children, in the development of a school program for protecting the health of students.

    Goals and objectives of the program

    The development of a program for the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle, as well as the organization of all work on its implementation is based on scientific validity, consistency, age and sociocultural adequacy, information security and practical expediency.

    Main target of this program - preserving and strengthening the physical, psychological and social health of students as one of the value components that contribute to the cognitive and emotional development of the child, achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

    Program objectives:

    to form ideas about the basics of environmental culture using the example of environmentally friendly behavior in everyday life and nature, safe for humans and the environment;

    form an idea of ​​the positive and negative factors affecting health, including the impact on health of positive and negative emotions received from communicating with a computer, watching television, and participating in gambling;

    give an idea, taking into account the principle of information security, about negative risk factors for children’s health (reduced physical activity, infectious diseases, overwork, etc.), about the existence and causes of addiction to tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances, about their harmful effects impact on health;

    to develop cognitive interest and respect for nature;

    teach schoolchildren to follow the rules of personal hygiene and develop a willingness to independently maintain their health based on them;

    form an idea of ​​proper (healthy) nutrition, its regimen, structure, healthy products;

    form an idea of ​​the rational organization of the daily routine, study and rest, physical activity, teach the child to create, analyze and control his daily routine;

    teach safe behavior in the environment and basic behavior skills in extreme situations;

    develop positive communication skills;

    teach conscious choice of actions and behavior styles that allow you to maintain and improve health;

    to formulate the child’s need to fearlessly consult a doctor on any health issues, including those related to growth and development.

    Stages of organizing work to implement the program

    Work to implement the program for the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle can be implemented in two stages.

    First stage - analysis of the state and planning of work in this area, including:

    organizing children's daily routine, their workload, nutrition, physical education and health work, developing basic hygiene skills, rational nutrition and prevention of bad habits;

    organization of educational work carried out and necessary for the implementation of the program with students and parents (legal representatives);

    identifying priorities, taking into account the results of the analysis, as well as age characteristics students at the level of primary general education.

    Second phase - organization of educational, educational and methodological work of an educational institution in this area.

    Educational, educational work with students, aimed at creating an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle, includes:

    introduction into the work system of additional educational courses that are aimed at developing students’ environmental culture, the value of health and a healthy lifestyle, and can be implemented in extracurricular activities or included in the educational process;

    lectures, conversations, consultations on the problems of environmental education, preserving and strengthening the health of students, and preventing bad habits;

    holding health days, competitions, ecological trails, holidays and other active events aimed at environmental education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

    creation of a public council for the implementation of the Program, including representatives of the administration, high school students, parents (legal representatives), representatives of children's physical education and health clubs, and environmental protection specialists.

    Educational and methodological work with teachers, specialists and parents (legal representatives), aimed at improving the qualifications of employees of educational institutions and increasing the level of knowledge of parents (legal representatives) on the problems of protecting and promoting children’s health, includes:

    holding relevant lectures, consultations, seminars, round tables, parent meetings, pedagogical councils on this issue;

    acquisition of necessary scientific and methodological literature for teachers, specialists and parents (legal representatives);

    involving teachers, medical workers, psychologists and parents (legal representatives) in joint work on environmental, recreational activities and sports competitions.

    Main directions, forms and methods of program implementation

    At the elementary school stage, the first place in classroom and extracurricular activities comes from the experience of applying the skills developed through the efforts of all educational subjects universal educational actions, value orientations and evaluative skills, social norms of behavior aimed at preserving health and ensuring the environmental safety of humans and nature. A personal experience of self-restraint is formed when solving the key contradiction of the ecological consciousness of this age “I want - I can’t” and its emotional experience.

    The main sources of content are environmental images in the traditions and creativity of different peoples, fiction, art, as well as elements of scientific knowledge.

    The main types of activities of students: educational, educational and research, figurative and cognitive, gaming, reflective and evaluative, regulatory, creative, socially useful.

    Formed values: nature, health, ecological culture, environmentally friendly behavior.

    The main forms of organizing extracurricular activities: developing situations of game and educational type.

    Systematic work at the level of primary general education on the formation of an environmental culture, healthy and safe lifestyle is organized in the following areas:

    creation of environmentally safe, health-saving infrastructure;

    organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students;

    organization of physical education and health activities;

    implementation of additional educational courses;

    organization of work with parents (legal representatives).

    Environmentally safe, health-saving infrastructure includes:

    compliance of the condition and maintenance of the school building and premises with environmental requirements, sanitary and hygienic standards, fire safety standards, health and safety requirements for students;

    availability and necessary equipment of premises for feeding students, as well as for storing and preparing food;

    organizing high-quality hot meals for students, including hot breakfasts;

    equipping classrooms, gyms, sports grounds with the necessary gaming and sports equipment and inventory;

    availability of premises for medical personnel;

    availability of the necessary (based on the number of students) and qualified staff of specialists providing health-improving work with students (speech therapists, physical education teachers, psychologists, medical workers).

    Organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the educational process, when alternating training and rest, includes:

    compliance with hygiene standards and requirements for the organization and volume of educational and extracurricular workload (homework, classes in clubs and sports sections) of students at all stages of education;

    the use of teaching methods and techniques that are adequate to the age capabilities and characteristics of students (the use of tested methods);

    introduction of any innovations into the educational process only under the supervision of specialists;

    strict compliance with all requirements for the use of technical teaching aids, including computers and audiovisual aids;

    individualization of training, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of students: the pace of development and pace of activity, training according to individual educational trajectories;

    conducting systematic work with children with poor health and with children with disabilities attending special medical groups under the strict supervision of medical workers

    The effectiveness of the implementation of this direction depends on the activities of each teacher.

    Most effective way the formation of an ecological culture, the value of health, a healthy lifestyle - independent work of students, directed and organized by adults: teachers, educators, psychologists. Independent work promotes the active and successful socialization of younger schoolchildren, develops the ability to understand their condition, know ways and options for rationally organizing the daily routine and physical activity, nutrition, and personal hygiene rules.

    Types of educational activities used in class and extracurricular activities: role-playing games, problem-value and leisure communication, project activities, socially creative and socially beneficial practice.

    Forms of educational activities used in the implementation of the program: research during walks, in the museum, classroom or school newspaper activities on health or environmental issues, mini-projects, discussion club, role-playing situational games, practical training, sports games, health days.

    Organization of physical education and health activities, aimed at ensuring rational organization of the motor regime, normal physical development and motor readiness, increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body, preserving and strengthening the health of students and creating a culture of health, includes:

    full and effective work with students of all health groups (in physical education lessons, in sections, etc.);

    rational organization of physical education lessons and active-motor activities;

    organization of classes on physical therapy;

    organization of the hour active movements(dynamic pause) between the 3rd and 4th lessons;

    organization of dynamic changes, physical education minutes in lessons that promote emotional relief and increase physical activity;

    organizing the work of sports sections and creating conditions for their effective functioning;

    regular holding of sports and recreational events (sports days, competitions, Olympiads, hikes, etc.).

    Implementation of additional educational courses, aimed at increasing the level of knowledge and practical skills of students in the field of environmental culture and health protection, provides:

    introduction into the work system of additional educational courses aimed at developing an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle, as separate educational modules or components included in the educational process;

    organization of clubs, sections, electives on selected topics;

    carrying out themed days health, intellectual competitions, competitions, holidays, etc.

    As one of the additional educational courses, the course “My Environmental Literacy” is used, aimed at environmental education of junior schoolchildren, developing in them the rules of communication between humans and nature in order to preserve and strengthen their health, environmentally literate behavior at school and at home.

    The course includes sections: “How to detect environmental hazards”, “Ecological lessons from the past”, “Safety at school and at home”, “Ecological safety in the natural environment”.

    In addition, to implement an additional educational course on the problems of protecting the health of students, the educational and methodological set “All colors except black” is used. The set includes notebooks for students “Learning to understand myself”, “Learning to understand others”, “Learning to communicate”, manuals for teachers “Organization of pedagogical prevention of bad habits among younger schoolchildren”.

    Teaching additional educational courses aimed at developing an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle, provides for various forms of organizing classes: integration into basic educational disciplines, elective classes, classes in clubs, holding leisure activities: competitions, holidays, quizzes, excursions, organizing thematic days of health.

    Main directions of educational and motivational work

    Area of ​​activity


    Sanitary educational work to promote a healthy lifestyle

    1. Introducing children and parents to the basic concepts of health and a healthy lifestyle.

    2. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills, hygiene, personal safety rules.

    3. Providing conditions for motivation and stimulation of a healthy lifestyle.

    Conducting health lessons, classroom hours and school-wide events to promote a healthy lifestyle, develop healthy lifestyle skills, hygiene and personal safety

    Preventive activities

    1. Providing conditions for early diagnosis of diseases and health prevention.

    2. Creating conditions that prevent deterioration of health.

    3. Providing assistance to children who have had illnesses in adapting to the educational process.

    4. Prevention of injuries.

    System of measures to improve children's nutrition: diet; aesthetics of premises; promotion of food culture in the family.

    System of measures to improve sanitation and hygiene: general cleaning of classrooms, schools; compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

    System of measures to prevent injuries: design of safety corners; providing instruction to children.

    Prevention of fatigue: carrying out active changes; equipment for recreation areas.

    Physical education, health, sports and mass work

    1. Strengthening children's health through therapeutic physical culture.

    Increasing the volume and improving the quality of health and mass work at school.

    Involving employees of children's sports schools in the organization of physical education, health and mass work with children.

    Structure of system activities:

    Health-saving infrastructure.

    Rational organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students.

    Effective organization of physical education and health activities.

    Implementation of additional programs.

    Educational work with parents.

    Monitoring the physical and psychological well-being of students.

    Monitoring the physical and psychological well-being of students:

    Degree of neurotization, prevalence of asthenic conditions and autonomic disorders (questionnaire survey).

    Physical development students.

    Morbidity of students.

    Physical fitness of students.

    Comprehensive assessment of health status (distribution of children into health groups).

    Healthy lifestyle of students.

    Program implementation activities

    Creative competitions:

    drawings “Health is fine - thanks to exercise!”, “We are growing healthy”;

    crafts “Golden hands know no boredom”;

    photo collages “Day off in our family”, “Family holidays”, “Family traditions”;

    poems to given rhymes “Simple water and soap make germs lose their strength”, “I will save my health - I will help myself!”;

    fairy tales “On the importance of a healthy lifestyle”, “A healthy mind in a healthy body”.

    Work of the Health Club

    1st year. Make friends with water. Secrets of Doctor Water. Friends Water and Soap.

    Eyes are the main assistants of a person. Prevention of myopia. Rules for preserving vision.

    Visit Queen Toothbrush. Dental care. How to keep your smile healthy.

    Reliable protection of the body. Skin care.

    So that the ears can hear (rules of personal hygiene skills).

    “Working tools” of a person (care for hands and feet).

    Indispensable helpers (comb, handkerchief, etc.).

    If you want to be healthy, toughen up! Rubbing, dousing. I choose healthy lifestyle.

    2nd year. Health is fine - thanks to exercise!

    Sleep is the best medicine.

    Healthy food for the whole family. How to eat.

    Muscles, bones and joints. Posture - slender back.

    Movement and health.

    Outdoor games.

    Folk games.

    Doctors of nature.

    3rd year. Grow healthy. Healthy lifestyle rules.

    How to cultivate confidence and fearlessness?

    How are you? Emotions, feelings, actions.

    How to cope with stress? Know how to restrain yourself.

    Boys and girls! Let's live in peace!

    Beauty of soul and body.

    Learning with passion.

    The best vacation is your favorite activity.

    Know how to organize your vacation.

    What depends on my decision?

    Why are some habits called bad?

    Evil is tobacco.

    Evil is alcohol.

    Evil is a drug.

    Help yourself. Volitional behavior. Safe behavior training.

    TV and computer - friends or enemies?

    Let's do good and not do bad.

    Health holidays:

    1st class -“Friends of Moidodyr” (matinee).

    2nd class -“Happy daily routine, friends!” (oral journal).

    3rd grade -“Parade of Hobbies” (forum).

    4th grade -“No bad habits!” (marathon).

    The work of the “Interesting Meetings Club”(parents, medical workers, and specialists from various professions are involved in organizing and conducting classes).

    1st year:

    What did the microscope reveal? (Hygienist).

    Take care of your teeth. (Dentist).

    First aid for frostbite. (School nurse).

    Attention, tick! (Nurse).

    2nd year:

    Prevention of childhood injuries. Operation "Attention: children!" (Traffic police inspector).

    If you are friends with exercise therapy.

    Prevention colds. (Nurse).

    Vitamins are around us. (Pediatrician).

    3rd year:

    Prevention of emotional stress (touchiness, fear, irritability). (Psychologist).

    In the world of beauty. (Music teacher).

    Profession: journalist. (Meeting with a local newspaper correspondent).

    4th year:

    Take care of your health from a young age! (Children's doctor).

    Prevention of alcoholism and tobacco smoking. (Social teacher).

    Prevention of drug addiction. (IDN).

    How to be a friend. (Psychologist).


    1st year -“On a safe route to the children's library, to the cinema;

    2nd year - to the pharmacy, to the fire station;

    3rd year - to the local history museum;

    4th year - in church".

    Working with parents. The main task is to create healthy leisure time for the family.

    Topics of parent meetings

    1st year. Child health is the basis for success in learning (problem lecture). Daily routine in the life of a schoolchild (workshop seminar).

    2nd year. The path to health (kaleidoscope collection). What parents need to know about the physiology of younger schoolchildren. ( Useful tips on every day).

    3rd year. Sports traditions of our family (round table). Emotional condition.

    4th year. How to protect yourself from a wrong step. (Prevention of bad habits).

    Annually: Final meeting “Inseparable friends - parents and children.” Parade of student achievements. (Annual ceremony for presenting the “Student of the Year” award according to nominations).

    Topics of consultation meetings:

    Hygienic requirements for organizing home work.

    A set of micro-pauses when doing homework.

    What determines the performance of younger schoolchildren?

    Fatigue of younger schoolchildren, ways to prevent fatigue.

    Prevention of myopia.

    Prevention of poor posture.

    Exercises to develop attention.

    Exercises to develop visual and auditory memory.

    Development exercises logical thinking.

    Prevention of neuroses.

    Class work schedule


    Morning exercises (before lessons), monitoring the thermal, sanitary conditions and lighting, providing hot meals, performing dynamic, relaxation breaks, preventive exercises and self-massage in lessons, walks.


    Publishing “Health Pages”, working in clubs, sports sections, classes at the “School of Health”, conducting lessons in the fresh air.


    Meeting of the “Health” club, consultation meetings with parents, diagnostics, general cleaning of the classroom.

    Once every quarter

    Class of the “Interesting Meetings Club”, cool family holidays, excursions, parent meetings.


    in half a year

    Open days (for parents), visits to the dentist's office.

    Once a year

    Medical examination, operation “Vitamin tea”, filling out a health passport, prevention of influenza and other viral infections, Health Day, health holiday.

    Planned results of the Program for creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle:

    improving the health of participants in the educational process;

    stability of indicators of physical and mental health of children;

    reducing the number of lessons missed due to illness;

    formation of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle;

    formation of an attitude to use healthy eating;

    a change in the attitude of all subjects of the educational process towards their health: developing the ability (will) to resist bad habits and negative environmental influences, the desire and ability to lead a healthy lifestyle;

    activating children's interest in physical therapy exercises;

    increasing the optimal motor modes of schoolchildren, taking into account their age and mental capabilities;

    inclusion of regular health weeks in the school work plan (once every quarter);

    the ability of a primary school graduate to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

    Links established to implement the program

    Internal: physical education teacher, school nurse, social worker, psychologist, school librarian.

    External: children's library, sports school

    Performance criteria:

    • automaticity of personal hygiene skills;
    • The effectiveness of the program is assessed based on the results of diagnostics (rapid diagnostics of health indicators of first-graders; questionnaires for parents “Child’s Health”, “Can your lifestyle be called healthy?”; for students “The importance of health in the value system”, “Development of personal hygiene skills”) .

    Criteria and performance indicators

    In order to obtain objective data on the results of program implementation and the need for its correction, it is advisable to conduct systematic monitoring in an educational institution.

    Monitoring the implementation of the Program includes:

    • analytical data on the level of students’ ideas about environmental issues, their health, proper nutrition, the influence of psychotropic substances on human health, rules of conduct at school and outside of school, including in transport;
    • tracking the dynamics of students’ health indicators: general health indicators, morbidity indicators of the visual organs and the musculoskeletal system;
    • tracking the dynamics of injuries in an educational institution, including road traffic injuries;
    • tracking the dynamics of indicators of the number of absences due to illness.

    Criteria for effective implementation Programs for the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle for students:

    • increasing the level of culture of interpersonal communication among students and the level of empathy for each other;
    • reducing the level of social tension in children's teenage environment;
    • results of express diagnostics of schoolchildren’s health indicators;
    • positive results analysis of questionnaires to study the life activity of schoolchildren, questionnaires for parents (legal representatives).
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