• Ecological trail in kindergarten as a means of educating preschoolers. Ecological trail in dhow conditions


    Municipal budget preschool educational institution "Kindergarten combined type No. 11" urban district of the city of Salavat of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

    • Currently, preschool pedagogy pays great attention to the environmental education of children. Any comprehensive program reveals a section of environmental education, and they all agree that it is necessary to begin this work with regional material. One of the most important conditions for the formation of ecological and local history ideas is children's direct observations of objects and phenomena in nature. Therefore, it is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to communicate with wildlife and observe plants and animals. Plants that grow in kindergarten areas can provide children with a wealth of cognitive material, and the teacher with opportunities to implement full-fledged environmental education.

    Introducing children to plants, teaching them to love and appreciate them is not an easy task. The main tasks that, in our opinion, the teacher solves when introducing preschoolers to plants are the following:

    • give an idea that plants are living beings, and very fragile ones;
    • to form a cognitive interest in the world of plants.

    Forms pedagogical work to familiarize preschoolers with plants can be: “laying” ecological trails, developing routes and themes for excursions and ecological walks; design of nature calendars; organizing and holding competitions of children's works; environmental holidays and activities.

    IN younger group Children learn to recognize plants in pictures and in nature. Dandelion usually evokes strong emotions in children, and their first instinct is to pick it. We need to teach children to refrain from this: after all, picking a flower means destroying it!

    In the middle group, children learn that the dandelion reacts to changes in weather and time of day: it turns its corolla towards the sun, closes at dusk and before rain. It is a living organism: it grows, reproduces, and reacts to some external influences.

    IN senior groups e children will learn about the purpose of individual parts of a dandelion - stem, leaves, roots, flowers. They can observe the formation and spread of dandelion seeds.

    Organizing work on the ecological path, we have developed a special "Passport of the ecological trail" . The passport contains a description of the trail stops according to specified patterns. Photographs or drawings of objects are attached to separate sheets and the information necessary for the teacher is provided. Thus, when describing a tree, its biological and environmental characteristics, distribution characteristics, origin of the name, folk names, and reflection of its image in folklore are given. (fairy tales, riddles, proverbs), songs, poems, its connection with other plants and animals, its role in people’s lives are noted (health, aesthetic, etc.) and recommendations for using the object in environmental education of preschool children and parent education.

    Stop #1.

    Stop #1

    "Flower Garden" .

    Goal: to familiarize children with flowers growing in a flower bed, expanding children’s knowledge about the structure of a flower and instilling a caring attitude towards flowers growing in a kindergarten flower bed and in city flower beds through the development of labor skills in caring for flowers.

    The teacher observes the flowers.

    Have a conversation "Rainbow in the flower beds" .

    The teacher's story about daffodils, peonies, irises, nasturtiums, marigolds and other flowers growing in flower beds.

    Reading stories and poems about flowers: "Lily of the valley" , "Bell" , V. Korabelnikov "Porcelain bells" .

    Observation of flowers.

    1. Planting seeds. Give children knowledge of what is needed to plant seeds: the soil must be dug up, loosened, sowed, watered.

    Conducting a didactic game "Seed Store" .

    Goal: Group plants according to place of growth and use in everyday life; describe objects and find them by description.

    2. Germination of flower seedlings. What do they need to grow? Conclusion: for better growth Seedlings require care: loosening, watering.

    3. The appearance of leaves.

    4. Flowering.

    Flower garden care (watering, weeding, loosening, collecting seeds).

    Hot - cold

    Goal: to maintain children’s interest in plants and to reinforce their names.

    Game task: find where the game character is hiding.

    Rule: You can't turn the cards over.

    Materials: cards with images of plants, image of a game character.

    Game progress: The presenter hides the character (Kapitoshka, Leshonka, Gnome, etc.) under a card with a picture of one of the plants. At this time, children stand with their eyes closed. After a conditional signal, the players walk between the cards, and the leader, when approaching or moving away from the hidden card, says: “Warm, cold or hot.” You can give hints. For example: “Kapitoshka hid under a tree,” “Kapitoshka hid among the meadow plants.” The one who finds the game character faster wins.

    Lotto "What grows where?"

    Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to classify plants according to their place of growth; develop mindfulness.

    Game task: fill the playing field.

    Materials: playing fields - meadow, forest, pond, swamp. Cards depicting plants growing in these ecosystems.

    Progress of the game: Children choose playing fields. The presenter shuffles the cards and, taking out one at a time, names the plant. Children playing take away those cards that correspond to their playing field. The one who fills the playing field faster wins.

    Stop #2.

    "Rowan" .

    Goal: to improve children’s skills in recognizing trees by their leaves and trunk.

    At this stop, the teacher introduces the children to trees (Rowan). Organizes observation, didactic games, conversations.

    What to look for during the examination.

    Smooth, shiny bark that changes color and smell depending on the weather; a lot of light comes through the openwork leaves (examine and sketch the shadow of the leaves). Consider the shape of the leaves, determine whether they are smooth or rough, what shade of green they are (light or dark). Listen to the rustle of the leaves different weather; watch how flowers appear on the rowan tree; what do they smell like, what are their petals, what do they look like?

    Questions for children.

    What insects come to visit flowers and why?

    What color, taste, what shape are rowan berries?

    What birds fly to your rowan tree? Why do they arrive in autumn and winter, and not in spring and summer?

    Where are the rowan roots? What kind of soil under the mountain ash is it dry or wet, hard or soft?

    Examine the bark with a magnifying glass, does anyone live on the trunk? Are there any cracks or cuts on it?

    I’m even scared - she’s so thin and so tall!
    Shakes with every sharp sound
    And every breeze bends everything
    And he wrings his hands.

    A thunderstorm will come and a storm will fly,
    It will bend all the way to the ground and spread out...

    Dot "Rowan"

    Biological features. Tree up to 10 m high. Trunk with light gray bark. The bark is smooth. The crown is openwork and spreading, so they say "curly rowan" . The leaves are openwork, large, with jagged edges, initially pubescent, then glabrous. Leaves usually appear simultaneously with birch leaves. In autumn they often turn crimson-red. The flowers are small, yellowish-white, with a strong, bitter-almond scent, collected in corymbs. Blooms in May. The fruits are bright red, similar to small apples, with juicy pulp and three small, sickle-like seeds. The fruits are initially bitter and astringent, but after frost they acquire a sweet taste and almost lose their bitterness. They ripen in August-September, the berries remain hanging on the branches until winter.

    Where does rowan grow? Rowan grows wild in forests, but humans introduced it into cultivation long ago. This is one of the most winter-hardy fruit crops. Tolerates frosts down to –50°C. In Russia it grows throughout the European part of the country - from the Khibiny Mountains in the north to the Crimea and the Caucasus in the south.

    It is undemanding to the soil, but light-requiring and does not like shade. Prefers river banks, clearings, forest edges, roadsides. Lives up to 200 years. Fruits appear annually starting from 8-10 years.

    Name of the tree. The Latin name of this plant consists of two words, one of which is translated as "tart" , and the second - "catching birds" , since there was a long-standing custom of luring birds into snares with rowan berries. There are also legends about the origin of the name.

    Rowan and animals. Thrushes feed on rowan berries (field thrush), tits, starlings, waxwings, and in cities - crows. Sometimes so many birds flock to the fieldfare that the branches cannot support the living load, and the ripe bunches fall to the ground, where they become prey for forest voles, hedgehogs and other animals. Rowan berries are loved by moose and bears.

    Rowan in Russian folklore. Rowan is a favorite character in Russian folklore. There is a day in the folk calendar "Peter-Paul the Fieldfare" , which occurs at the end of September - the time of ripening of rowan berries. On this day, branches with fruits were tied into bunches and hung under the roofs of houses. This custom is associated with the idea of ​​rowan as a tree that can protect a person from all sorts of troubles. It was widespread not only in Russia, but also in Western Europe. Rowan branches were used to decorate not only living quarters, but also barns and gates; even rowan branches were stuck at the edge of each field. She is sung in songs, poems, proverbs, and riddles are written about her. Most often, in the popular imagination, rowan is a thin and gentle girl, suffering and crying.

    Use of the plant

    Fruit collection. The fruits are collected in September-October, picked off along with the scutes. After frost, the amount of bitterness in them decreases. It is strictly forbidden to cut down and

    wash the branches! The berries are dried in thermal dryers or ovens at a temperature of 60-80°C. Dried berries retain their healing properties for 2 years.

    For food purposes. Rowan is a very productive crop (up to 10 quintals of fruits are collected from one tree), its berries have long been used by humans. Particularly famous is the Nevezhin rowan, the fruits of which do not contain bitterness, and sugars accumulate in it up to 9%. They say that at the beginning of the 19th century, in the vicinity of the village of Nevezhino, Vladimir region, an unusually sweet rowan was found, which was transplanted to the estate. Then it was multiplied and even before the revolution they began to plant it in large quantities. Rowan is used to make jam, marshmallows, sweets, and tinctures. It has been on the menu of Russians for a long time: it is good with sugar and doused with honey, pickled and dried. It was believed that “Rowan berries, especially those touched by frost, mixed with flour and honey, baked in the oven, have the same pleasant taste as sweets made from them in sugar, with which even the tables of the rich are decorated.” . Another option for using berries: rowan paste (frozen fruits were crushed with wooden spoons and mixed with powdered sugar).

    Rowan has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. In ancient Rome it was used to strengthen the stomach. In Russian folk medicine Jam was made from the fruits as a sedative, infusions from the fruits were made as a diuretic, gastric and hemostatic. Not only fruits, but also leaves are used as multivitamins. Rowan bark was used to treat liver diseases. Traditional healers considered rowan one of the main healing plants. In modern medicine, fresh and dry rowan fruits are recommended for vitamin deficiency. Juice from fresh berries is used for low stomach acidity, tincture from the fruit is used as an appetite enhancer. Rowan fruit powder is part of the diet for patients with diabetes and obesity.

    Use in cosmetics. Rowan fruits are used as a disinfectant. Nutritious masks are prepared from mashed fresh fruits with cream or sour cream; a decoction of dried fruits can be used to rinse hair after washing for seborrhea.

    Disinfecting effect. Rowan leaves have a strong phytoncidal effect. In the North, in the summer, sick people were taken out under rowan trees, because they believed that “The Rowan spirit drives away illnesses” .

    And chopped leaves were used to store vegetables and fruits. Even the Greeks and Romans noticed that rowan fruits have disinfectant properties. Our ancestors also discovered this property. In order to keep the water drinkable for a long time, they threw a rowan branch into it, after which the water acquired a pleasant taste and did not spoil for quite a long time. In the same way, nowadays it is recommended to use rowan leaves to disinfect water while hiking.

    Other uses. The wood of this tree is valued in carpentry and in the manufacture of musical instruments. Young branches and shoots were fed to livestock, and raw berries were fed to livestock and poultry. A good honey plant. As an ornamental plant, it is grown in cities, along roads. The cultivated weeping rowan with branches hanging to the ground is very beautiful.

    Riddles about rowan. “Under the tier, tier hangs a zipun with a red garus” .

    Folk signs associated with rowan
    The rowan tree is blooming - it’s time to sow flax.
    The rowan tree blooms brightly - there will be a lot of oats.
    The rowan tree blooms well - for the flax harvest.

    Late flowering of rowan - for a long autumn.
    If rowan is born, rye will be good.
    There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if there are few - dry.

    Poems about rowan

    I knew you, my rowan...
    You sat on the outskirts of the village
    Above the gray barn roof
    It grew under the northern sky.

    You were tormented by bad weather,
    And you - in spite of all sorrows -
    Grew and grew stronger year after year,
    Looking into the lake glass.

    (V. Rozhdestvensky)

    Stop #3.

    "Birds are our friends" .

    Goal: Expanding children's knowledge about the birds that fly to the kindergarten site.

    The teacher talks with the children about birds. Together they listen to birds singing and watch nesting. Children will learn what to do to protect their feathered friends. Children take care of birds. Didactic games are organized. In this case, poems, stories, reproductions of paintings, riddles, proverbs, and sayings are used.

    Conversation between teacher and children.

    1. What benefits do birds bring?
    2. What signs, proverbs, sayings, riddles associated with birds do you know?
    3. Tell us about the rules of behavior in the forest (don't destroy birds' nests).

    Observing bird behavior (sparrow).

    As the weather gets warmer, the birds' behavior changes. Sparrows sit on sunlit places, bask, bathe in puddles, chirp and fight.

    Why do I love the sparrow!

    Because he is like me

    When the cold comes, -

    It doesn't fly anywhere!

    1. Look at the sparrows, listen to how they scream.
    2. Answer the questions:

    Why is the bird called a sparrow?

    What kind of plumage does he have?

    Where in the forest can you find sparrows?

    How do they like to settle?

    How is a sparrow useful for the forest?

    The hut was built without hands, without an axe.

    Screams "krak" - the enemy of worms.

    Stop number 4.

    "Birch" .

    Goal: consolidation of knowledge about white-trunked birch.

    The teacher observes the birch tree with the children. Notes that only the birch tree has a trunk white, the tree is slender, curly. Cultivate a caring attitude towards trees.

    Proverbs and sayings about trees.

    A person has not lived his life in vain if he has grown at least one tree.

    Every tree is precious to the city.

    A tree is expensive not only for its fruits. But also leaves.


    Draw children's attention to birch leaves (how the leaves split, what shape they are - round); compare the trunk of a birch and an aspen (color, structure).

    The teacher's story about the birch tree: “It’s nice in the birch grove in spring! The air is as clean and fragrant as ever. Catkins hang from the branches, sending clouds of yellow pollen into the wind. In early April, you can collect fragrant, resinous buds. The buds along with the branches are dried in the shade; the resinous, aromatic buds of birch are highly valued. Birch will not only heal, but also give you water. If you drink juice, you must seal the hole with a wooden plug so that the tree does not rot.” .

    Reading a poem by V. Rozhdestvensky "Birch" . Give children the opportunity to see the beauty of birch.

    Making riddles.

    The trunk turns white, the cap turns green.
    -* * *

    Standing in white clothes, dangling earrings.

    Russian beauty stands in a clearing,
    in a green blouse and a white sundress.

    An artistic word when used in working with an ecological trail.

    Riddles, proverbs and sayings about plants

    • There is a lot of forest - don’t cut it down, a little forest - take care, no forest - plant it.
    • He who has not planted a tree should not lie in the shade.
    • One person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred - a path, a thousand - a desert.


    It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, and warms in the winter. (Tree)

    Reading and storytelling material

    Riddles about birch:

    The pillars stand white,
    Their caps are green.
    Girls in the clearings
    In white shirts.

    There are green scarves on the shoulders,
    The earrings are silver plated.
    A maiden in summer, a young woman in winter,
    Spring will come, tears will flow.

    Who hasn't seen the lines on a birch tree? They are called lentils. Through these lentil vents, air penetrates into the trunk, and this is how the tree breathes. During the winter, the lentils close and the tree hardly breathes.

    In forests, groves, and parks, not only single birches are often found, but also picturesque families of 3-4 birches or more. These are the children of the same mother, who grew out of the overgrowth of a stump. They grow quickly, as they receive nutrition from the powerful root system of the mother plant.

    I.N. Balbyshev

    Our forest beauty is not capricious; the birch tree loves only light and space, and grows even on permafrost. Not afraid of severe frosts and treacherous spring frosts. The sun begins to shine in the spring, and tree sap wakes up from hibernation. This is when there is a danger of dying from frost, because aqueous solutions, which are tree sap, quickly freeze and destroy the tree. While the plant is sleeping, frosts are not terrible. The birch tree has its own device to cope with spring frosts - white bark. The birch tree does not trust the spring sun. The bark reflects sunlight and prevents the inner layers of the tree from heating up quickly, i.e. prevents tree sap from quickly waking up from hibernation.

    Birch sap is tasty and healthy. Not only people, but various forest birds and animals drink it with pleasure. A woodpecker breaks through the thin white bark with its sharp beak and feasts on the sap: when the woodpecker flies away, other birds flock to the birch tree. Sweet birch tears are loved by bears, wood grouse, ants, lemongrass and urticaria butterflies, and all other forest midges. Birch sap has long been used in folk medicine for furunculosis, sore throat, difficult-to-heal wounds, and ulcers. People often destroy birch trees for this healing gift. When extracting birch sap, the tree loses nutrients and water, and this affects its general condition. The trees from which the sap is taken grow more slowly, their branches are shorter and the leaves are smaller. Seeds from trees weakened by tapping have less germination. In the end, regular taking of sap leads to complete depletion and death of the birch tree. Therefore, when collecting juice, special rules must be followed. What to do if in front of you is a tree bleeding sap: if the wound is fresh, you need to apply a plaster or bandage made of a clean cloth and damp clay, and if the process of rotting has begun and the cut area has darkened, you need to clear it with a knife to healthy light wood and then only apply a bandage.


    Stop No. 5.

    "Nature is our healer" .

    Goal: Expanding children's knowledge about medicinal plants, that people are increasingly resorting to plants, using them for healing and ailments.

    The teacher introduces children to medicinal herbs, the rules for their collection and preparation. Organizes observations, experiments, didactic games.

    The teacher, in a conversation with the children, says that people have increasingly begun to resort to plants, using them for healing and ailments.

    Medicinal properties of green pharmacies.


    Plantain has hemostatic properties. Conduct an experiment and apply it to the wound.

    Remind children that dandelion is a medicinal plant. The leaves are used for salad, the roots are used for stomach diseases, and the flowers are used to make jam, which is used for colds.

    Shepherd's purse, sorrel, and rhubarb contain large amounts of vitamin C; young leaves are used to prepare spring salads, prepare soups and as a filling for pies.

    Mint is often found on the territory of the kindergarten, pay attention to the leaves (rough, soft. Fragrant). Used throughout the year in the form of tea to prevent colds.

    Di "Guess the plant" .

    Purpose: Describe appearance plants and find them by description.

    Who is faster?

    Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the appearance of a plant.

    Game task: find a picture of a certain plant.

    Material for the game: cards with pictures of plants (several cards of each plant).

    Progress of the game: The teacher lays out cards with pictures of different plants in the group room. Names one of the available plants. For example, dandelion. Children collect all the cards with a picture of a dandelion. The winner is the one who finds the named plant faster.

    Find by description

    Goal: to consolidate an understanding of the features of the appearance of plants, to teach children to independently describe a plant.

    Game task: find a plant based on the listed characteristics.

    Material: cards with pictures of plants.

    Progress of the game: The presenter names the characteristic features of a particular plant without naming it. Children look for his image among the cards. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly finds or names the answer.

    Didactic games that help consolidate knowledge acquired on the ecological trail

    Ambulance (environmental game Outdoors)

    Goal: to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants, a desire to help, and develop observation skills.

    Game task: examine the “patients” - trees and bushes, notice mutilated branches and provide the necessary assistance.

    Materials: sticks, strings, rags, scissors.

    Progress of the game: children walk around the kindergarten site - “make a walk”; if there are “sick people”, they are given the necessary help.

    Young artists

    Goal: to clarify the features of the appearance of plants, to learn to convey one’s attitude towards what is depicted.

    Game task: draw a portrait of a plant.

    Material: any visual materials.

    How to play: The game is played while walking. The “artist” accepts an order to draw a “portrait” of a particular plant and tries to accurately convey the features of its appearance. At the end of the work, an exhibition of children's drawings is organized.


    Goal: to develop cognitive interest in living nature, observation skills, and teach children to draw basic conclusions.

    Game task: unravel the mystery of nature.

    Material: for playing in the kindergarten area, a strip of soil or sand, free from vegetation, is prepared.

    Progress of the game: The players examine the strip and determine “who could have left their traces.” These can be not only animal tracks, but also leaves, twigs, and plant seeds. The teacher leads the children to a conclusion about how these objects could have gotten here. For example: how did the cones get here if there is no Christmas tree or pine tree nearby? Who could scatter rowan berries on the path? The seeds of what plants and where did the wind bring them from?

    Fireweed (Blooming Sally)


    Ivashka grew up:
    Red shirt,
    Green palms,
    Green boots.

    invites you to visit,
    He treats me to tea.

    K. Manokhina, E. Voitenko

    Riddles about nettles:

    • It's not fire, it burns.
    • Not a bumblebee, not a bee, but stings.
    • Without a fire it burns.
    • A green bush is growing.

    If you touch it, it will bite.

    Grass that burns

    As soon as they don’t scold the nettle, which is only to blame for the fact that it knows how to defend itself! Of course, nettle burns. If you touch it carelessly, your hand will “burn” for a long time. Nettle burns because there are hard hairs on its stem and leaves. There is a caustic liquid inside the hairs. If you touch the plant, the needles will dig into the skin, break off, and the caustic liquid will spill out. This is what causes a burning sensation on the skin. How amazing it is that from nettles, which are scary to touch, you can cook very tasty and healthy soups!

    A.A. Pleshakov



    * Both dear mother and evil stepmother
    They live side by side - through a wall.

    * On a slope, in a meadow,
    Barefoot in the snow
    The first flowers -
    Yellow eyes.

    Fearless weed.

    It’s still damp in the forest, gray blocks of snow are flowing in streams, and at the edge, among last year’s grass, tiny coltsfoot lanterns sparkle. She was the first to set the sweet table for the insects. Bumblebees and bees rush to the early flowers. Early honey is known to be the most healing.

    With the approach of spring, the coltsfoot wakes up, the plant turns on the development mechanism - and the stem moves upward. From the breath of the coltsfoot, the snow melted and an ice dome formed. Why not a greenhouse? And as soon as the sun destroyed the ice house, the coltsfoot opened her fragrant flowers. Spring frosts also occur, but the grass is not afraid of them - it is all covered with thick felt pubescence.

    S.P. Matsyutsky

    Coltsfoot flowers are very similar to dandelions - they are the same yellow. But you can’t confuse it with a dandelion. Dandelion leaves grow first, and only then flowers appear. But with coltsfoot it’s the other way around. She can sometimes meet spring under the snow. You dig up a snowdrift, and underneath it a yellow peephole peeks out. He slept and waited until the sun called him free.


    Riddles about plantain:

    • He lay down next to the road and spread his arms and legs.
    • They beat him with boots, they crush him with a wheel,

    He does not care a straw.

    * A doctor grew up by the road,
    Along the meadow path;
    He is a pharmacist for you and me.
    Guess who he is?

    Thanks plantain

    You went into the forest and - what a nuisance! - cut yourself or rubbed your leg. No problem. Tear off a plantain leaf, rinse it with water to remove dust, and apply it to the wound. And soon the bleeding will stop, the pain will subside... You will say: “Thank you, plantain!” - and you will regret that you cannot thank him with anything...

    But you have already helped this grass many times and will continue to help. Only you didn’t notice it yourself and you won’t notice it! The fact is that tiny plantain seeds become sticky from rain or dew. You walked along the road, a lot of seeds stuck to your shoes... You walk, and the seeds gradually fall off your feet. And where the seed falls, in time a young plantain will appear.

    A.A. Pleshakov

    Traveler grass

    Plantain is called a traveler grass. This unpretentious plant was able to travel around the whole world. “The White Man’s Trace” is what the Indians called the plantain, the seeds of which, together with settlers from Europe, crossed the ocean and came to America. Wherever the aliens appeared, this grass grew. The plantain settled in both Africa and Australia.

    V.N. Andreeva


    Riddles about dandelion:

    * I'm a fluffy ball
    I turn white in a clean field.
    And the breeze will blow -
    A stalk remains.

    * Parachutes over the meadow
    Swinging on a twig.

    Dandelion is a very curious flower. Waking up in the spring, he carefully looked around him and saw the sun, which noticed a dandelion and illuminated it with a yellow ray. The dandelion turned yellow and fell in love with the luminary so much that it did not take its admiring gaze away from it. The sun will rise in the east - the dandelion looks to the east, rises to the zenith - the dandelion will raise its head upward, approaches the sunset - the dandelion does not take its eyes off the sunset. And so on all his life until he turns gray. And it will turn gray, fluff up, and fluffy parachutes with seeds will fly in the wind, see a nice clearing, descend, the grain will hide in some hollow and lie there until spring.

    S.P. Krasikov

    Riddles about chamomile:

    • White petal with yolk in the middle. What flower is this?

    * I walked through the meadow, along the path,
    I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
    But not hot at all
    The sun's burning rays.

    • Little sisters are standing in the field: a yellow eye, white eyelashes.

    At the top of the stem -
    Sun and clouds.
    White basket, golden bottom,
    There is a dewdrop in it

    And the sun sparkles.

    * There is a curl in the field -
    White shirt,
    Heart of gold,
    What it is?

    Hiding their faces in wide panama hats,
    Daisies come out for a walk in the meadows.
    Each daisy has an embroidered shirt
    With a green leaf handkerchief in the pocket.

    S.P. Krasikov

    Sister of Mercy

    This flower is popularly called the sister of mercy. The healing properties of chamomile have been known since ancient times. It will comfort you in trouble, lift up the sick, and delight you with a fragrant bouquet - that’s what chamomile is. He stands in the middle of a clearing in a white cap, as if offering a life-saving tincture in a faience cup. Pharmaceutical chamomile can be recognized by its smell, it resembles the aroma of apples.

    If you are in the forest or near a fire and mosquitoes start to attack you, throw a bunch of chamomile into the fire and they will disappear in an instant.

    I.G. Belavina, N.G. Naydenskaya

    Pine is an amazing tree. It grows in swamps and sands. It consumes little moisture, and most importantly, it knows how to use it, i.e. evaporates economically. It grows quickly, is not afraid of frost or wind, and lives a long time. Thick, long needles trap myriads of snowflakes. The branches are not cold in a snow coat. But sometimes this fur coat brings death to the pine trees. Under the weight of snow, a tree trunk can break, and sometimes trees are uprooted.

    I.N. Balbyshev

    Apothecary Pine

    Pine needles are used as a source of vitamins. During the war, soldiers were treated with pine needle infusion. This infusion is still used today.

    L.I. Egorenkov

    Do you know that…

    • ...not all algae are plants? The most ancient ones are blue-green (those to which the Earth owes the appearance of oxygen in the atmosphere)- closer to bacteria than to plants. They appeared in the ocean 2.5 billion years before the appearance of land plants.
    • ...not all algae live in water? Some algae live in the soil.
    • ...the longest living plants are lichens? They grow very slowly, but are also record holders for longevity.
    • ...not all plant flowers smell good? There are plants (for example, common kirkazon) which are pollinated by flies. To attract the attention of these specific helpers, the plant created a flower with the smell and color of rotten meat.
    • ...many years ago, ferns up to 30 m high grew on Earth? If you lie face up in a thicket of ferns, you can imagine what the earth looked like during the Carboniferous period.
    • ...are there predators among plants that feed on insects? These include, for example, sundew (lives in central Russia), pepentes liana (inhabitant of tropical forests of Asia), Venus flytrap (grows in America). These plants attract insects with sweet droplets of sticky sap on their leaves or flowers. The insect sticks to the leaf, the leaf curls up, and the plant secretes a caustic liquid that kills and dissolves the victim. All that remains is an empty skin. Predatory plants usually live in swamps, where they experience “hunger” due to a lack of mineral salts. So they have to “make a living off of their animals.”
    • ...bananas and pineapples do not grow on palm trees, but on perennial herbs? Banana grass is tall, up to 15 m in height. And the pineapple one is small, no higher than 60 cm.
    • ...is it impossible to eat wild bananas due to the abundance of seeds in the fruit?
    • ...are edible bananas not only yellow, but also red? But the tender flesh of red bananas cannot withstand transportation, so we never saw them.
    • ...the fastest growing plant is bamboo? In one day, bamboo grows almost 90 cm and can break through asphalt with its sprouts. In the old days in Japan there was execution by bamboo: a person sentenced to death was placed on bamboo shoots, which within a few hours grew through the person and killed him.
    • ...bamboo blooms once every 50-100 years? After flowering, bamboo forests completely die. This is a real disaster for owners of bamboo thickets.
    • ...reed is usually incorrectly called another coastal plant - cattail? This cattail has the famous black "plush" ears that hobbyists love. But both reeds and cattails are relatives of sedge.
    • ...is paper made from wood? First of all, spruce wood is used for its production. And the predecessor of paper was papyrus. Papyrus got its name from the name of the plant from which it was made. A relative of Cyperus papyrus can often be seen among indoor plants.
    • ...plant pollinators can be not only wind and insects, but also small animals? Baobab flowers, for example, are pollinated by bats and lemurs.
    • ...the flowers of giant baobab trees only live one night? They bloom at sunset and wither at dawn.
    • ...rubber is obtained from the sap of the Hevea brasiliensis tree? This juice is called rubber.
    • ...is the root of the ginseng plant shaped like a person? The name "ginseng" comes from the Chinese word, which means "root man".
    • ...can one banyan tree resemble an entire forest? An old banyan tree, with its roots reaching down from its branches to the ground, can cover an area of ​​up to 1 hectare.

    So, the ecological path allows you to more productively use ordinary walks with children for environmental activities and at the same time for the improvement of children’s health fresh air. Observations, games, theatrical activities, and excursions are held along the trail. It is very important to remember about the integrated approach: an ecologist or teacher works with the children on the path; they express their impressions of what they saw in classes in music, art, theatrical activities, and outdoor games.

    The objects of the ecological path provide great opportunities for the sensory development of the child, for conducting systematic observations, environmental holidays, games, performances with the participation of the owner of the path, the emotional development of children, in particular, the formation of a sense of closeness to nature and empathy for living organisms.

    Used Books

    1. Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. M.: Karapuz, 2000.
    2. Ryzhova N.A. Developmental environment of preschool institutions. M.: Linka-Press, 2003.
    3. Ryzhova N.A. Not just fairy tales. M.: Linka-Press, 2000.
    4. Ryzhova N.A. Who dined on the rowan tree? Game and children No. 1, 2003. Hello, tree!
    5. Ryzhova N.A. Introducing children to soil. Preschool education No. 4, 1998.
    6. Ryzhova N.A. Soil is living earth. M.: Karapuz-Didaktika, 2005.
    7. Ryzhova N.A. What's under our feet (Block "Sand. Clay. Stones" ) . M.: Karapuz-Didaktika, 2005.
    8. Ryzhova N.A. Ecological path. Preschool education No. 7, 2000.
    9. Ryzhova N.A. Who is what color? Preschool education No. 7, 2000.
    10. Ryzhova N.A. Why does a butterfly need circles? Hoop No. 5, 2000.
    11. Ryzhova N.A. Introduction to the Underground Kingdom. Preschool education No. 7, 1997.
    12. Ryzhova N.A. Visiting the trees. Preschool education No. 7, 1994.
    13. Ryzhova N.A. Visit dangerous plants. Preschool education No. 7, 1994.

    Materials from the Wikipedia site.

    Stop "Nature is our healer"






    Stop "Rowan"

    Stop "Flower Garden"

    While watching the trees, my children and I observed old stumps.

    Stop "Rowan" comparison of rowan with acacia

    Stop "Nature is our healer"


    State educational institution "Nursery-garden No. 6 of Novogrudok"

    Ecological trail in kindergarten as a means of educating preschoolers

    Educator preschool education without category E.V. Amelko

    Ecological trail is a special educational route in natural conditions where there are environmentally significant natural objects. On these routes, children become acquainted with natural biocenoses, the diversity of plants and animals, the connections that exist between them, and introduce environmental protection activities in practice. The ecological trail plays an important role in the system of accumulation of personal experience for each child.

    Relevance of the topic.

    The main task is to foster an environmental culture among preschoolers, and, as we know, we, educators, must instill a respectful attitude towards nature in children from an early age.

    Let's take a broader look at the problem that has arisen: often, out of ignorance, children have a negative attitude towards nature - they broke a bush, collected insects in a box, tore off a bud from a flower, uprooted a mushroom. The child performs these actions without understanding that this is bad. The question arises: why doesn’t he understand? Answer: because no one explained to him that this cannot be done, because children do not have the necessary knowledge about plants, animals, insects, etc. Such children are not able to empathize, sympathize, feel sorry, cannot understand the pain of others and come to the rescue. All this is the result of the moral bad manners of children.

    Children are especially characterized by imitation, the basis for which they see the behavior patterns of adults, their actions, attitudes towards animals, plants, birds, insects, etc.

    Target: to form a consciously correct attitude of pupils towards nature through the use of various types of activities on the ecological path of the nursery-garden

    • introduce different objects of living nature and show its relationship with the outside world;
    • develop imagination, thinking, attention, speech;
    • cultivate aesthetic feelings, love of nature

    Why is the ecological route interesting?



    Information content

    The beauty of the landscape - the ability

    Each path is different and satisfying than the others.

    • Must have good roads

    Ability to meet children's needs for a variety of problems

    Be safe.

    • There shouldn't be a path


    Ecological trail in kindergarten is a demonstration, specially equipped route into nature, passing through various natural objects and used for the purposes of environmental education for children. In the preschool education system, you can use various forms of environmental education for children up to school age, among which such a form as an ecological trail deserves special attention.

    To organize an ecological trail, we examined the territory and selected the most interesting objects for study - viewpoints:

    • Village courtyard
    • Our wonderful garden
    • Green pharmacy
    • Shrubs and berries
    • Weather station
    • Path of health
    • The princess has frogs
    • Humming and crawling world
    • Trees in our yard
    • Bird town
    • Glade of fairy tales
    • Amazing stumps
    • Halt "Meeting Place"

    Based on these data, a passport for the ecological trail is drawn up.

    10.Bird town

    11. Glade of fairy tales

    9.Trees in our yard

    13. Halt “Meeting Place”

    7. The princess has frogs

    12. Amazing hemp

    8. Humming and crawling world

    State educational institution "Nursery-garden No. 6 of Novogrudok"

    6. Path of health

    1. Village courtyard

    4. Shrubs and berries

    2. Our wonderful garden

    3.Green pharmacy

    5.Weather station

    Rules of behavior on the ecological path in kindergarten.

    • The excursion participants follow the leader in a group, without overtaking him or stretching out in a long chain.
    • - Conversations during the excursion are unacceptable; questions should be asked to the leader in a low voice.
    • - When remembering the most typical plants, you should not collect them. It is better to write down their names and distinctive features, sketch their appearance in a notebook.
    • - When observing animals (butterflies, beetles, amphibians), you should not catch them.


    • pollute the natural environment; -
    • break trees, trample plants
    • disturb animals, destroy birds' nests.


    Walk along the paths, preserve plants;

    Feed and protect the birds.

    Forms and methods of working with children on the ecological path.

    • Ecological conversations
    • Observations in nature
    • Targeted walks
    • Solving environmental situational problems
    • Labor landing
    • Green Patrol
    • Forest pharmacy
    • Ecological entertainment
    • Ecological tales
    • Drawing up environmental maps
    • Environmental competitions
    • Exhibitions and expositions
    • Research activities
    • Reading fiction.

    General recommendations for working with children on the ecological trail in kindergarten: – Use walks to connect children with the nature of their immediate environment and improve children’s health in the fresh air. – Use observations of wildlife to develop the sensory qualities of each child.

    – Introduce various objects of living nature and show its relationship with the outside world. – Make the child’s communication with nature safe for the child and nature itself. – To develop feelings of closeness to nature and empathy for all living things, care and respect for nature. – To develop the ability to convey your impressions of communication with nature in drawings, crafts, stories and others creative works. – Conduct observations along the trail at different times of the year, games, excursions, research, theatrical activities and other activities.

    Work on species points

    We organized a variety of work activities on the ecological trail. Children not only observe plants, but also make beds and sow seeds. Pupils enjoy working in nature.

    • Birch, pine, and spruce seedlings were planted at the “Trees of Our Yard” viewpoints. Children take care of the seedlings, water them, loosen the soil around them. At the Bird Town viewpoint, children and their parents made and hung feeders in winter, and birdhouses in spring. \

    Subject development Wednesday

    • An experimentation corner equipped with a microscope and magnifying glasses, with the help of which we, together with the children, examine stones, twigs, leaves and cones, and the bark of various trees.
    • “Vegetable garden on the window”, where vegetables were grown in winter.
    • A corner of nature.
    • Library. It presents children's fiction about nature. Parents and children have the opportunity to use this literature.

    • On the ecological trail we play outdoor games. Playing and working among plants improves the psychological state of children, bringing them closer to nature. Natural aromas of plants restore the body's defenses, create a good mood, and have a positive effect on the central nervous system and the body as a whole.
    • Let's decide problematic situations“Why do trees need leaves?”, “Who is in charge in the anthill?”

    . We base our work on children’s assimilation of a system of knowledge about nature.

    • We contribute to the formation of labor skills and abilities, cultivate emotional responsiveness, love for nature, and the desire to protect and increase its wealth. We consolidate the knowledge gained on the ecological trail in the group. We carry out direct educational activities in which we give children the opportunity to compare, analyze, use existing knowledge, and also introduce children to new material that we use on the ecological trail.
    • We widely use riddles, proverbs, literary works, as well as visual aids (pictures, illustrations, photographs).

    • For children's independent activities we suggest viewing the illustrations on environmental theme“Plants of Belarus”, “Animals and birds of Belarus”.

    Conclusion: Environmental education and human upbringing must be done from early childhood. The main participants in the educational process are the child, parents and teachers. Relationships between subjects are built on the basis of cooperation and respect. As a result of examining the ecological trail in children:  the level of environmental knowledge, cognitive and speech activity of preschool children will increase;  the mental health of children will improve: the child’s interaction with nature will reduce the level of anxiety and have a positive effect on the emotional well-being of children;  the level of professional preparedness of teachers in conducting excursions to the objects of the ecological trail will increase;

    The ecological trail allows preschool children to: -visually become familiar with the various processes occurring in nature; - study living objects in their natural environment; - gain skills in basic environmental research; - understand the general connection of a living organism with the external environment, observe the life of living organisms, their influence on each other.

    Ecological trails in kindergarten allow preschoolers to develop a culture of behavior and respect for nature. Teachers emphasize the importance of such activities as part of updating the content of preschool education.

    The knowledge that kids gain on the trail allows them to deepen and expand the knowledge gained in theoretical classes.

    Significance of creation

    Preschoolers master practical skills and abilities, comprehend the unity of man and the natural environment.

    Ecological trails in kindergarten help to inform preschoolers' knowledge about ethical and legal standards related to environmental management.

    This is where optimal conditions are created for the combination of action, feeling, and thought.

    Such a synthesis is the most important condition for educating the worldview of the younger generation of Russians.

    An ecological trail in the kindergarten area allows the teacher to instill in children respect for work. Preschoolers not only expand their scientific knowledge, but also learn to build relationships with nature during work and leisure.

    Together with the teacher, they predict the consequences of negative human activities and try to find ways to improve the state of the natural balance within the preschool educational institution.

    The creation of an ecological trail in kindergarten can be considered the highest manifestation of the connection between learning and real life, an option for the humanization of education.

    Abilities, skills, beliefs, feelings formed as part of activities on the trail are used to solve the main task - the formation of an environmental culture of the younger generation.

    Functions of the ecological trail

    There are several of its purposes:

    • health;
    • introductory;
    • developing;
    • cognitive.

    As part of environmental and pedagogical work with preschool children on a personal plot, in addition to the development of the child’s sensory and emotional environment, there is also the formation of ideas and knowledge about the rules of communication with nature.

    Ecological trails in kindergarten represent a promising educational theory, where children act as workers, propagandists, and teachers, developing civic qualities and an active life position.

    It is important for children that, in addition to learning scientific information about the natural environment, they take personal part in various practical activities aimed at improving and protecting nature, and promoting knowledge about its proper protection.

    Ecological trails in kindergarten are the “youngest” type of pedagogically created route on the ground, used for propaganda and educational environmental activities.

    Purpose of created objects

    It differs significantly from ordinary educational nature trails in terms of length, set of objects, and methods of propaganda work.

    The ecological trail on the territory of the kindergarten involves several stages.

    The serious one comes first preparatory work. The teacher is preparing a small group of preschoolers who will be organizers and teachers.

    They are given certain goals and objectives, and the place of each of them in the upcoming project is determined. The success of the planned business largely depends on the emotional mood of the kids.

    The ecological trail being developed at the kindergarten site is an important event in which a large number of children are involved. The guys are divided into “teams”, and one leader is appointed in each of them.

    After identifying the list of objects that need to be created and installed on the trail, the teacher announces a competition for teams of parents and children to the best option structures. To evaluate the competition works, a competent jury is created, which includes parents, educators, and representatives of the public.

    The results are summed up in a solemn atmosphere, the winners are rewarded with certificates and sweet prizes.

    It is on the basis of such projects that an ecological trail is created in kindergarten. The senior group is optimally suited for creative joint activities of children, parents, and educators.


    First, a detailed survey of the territory is carried out, the brightest objects are identified. Next, the ecological trail itself in the kindergarten is thought through. Description, map with drawings or circles - the next stage of work.

    When drawing up a map, preschoolers can use the help of a teacher and parents. Ready-made options should include minimal information about symbols as well as arrows that indicate the route.

    How to attract children

    If an ecological trail is being drawn up in a kindergarten group for children, the icons should be large and unusual. For example, circles depict a tree, a butterfly, a flower, all of them are united by a line - a path.

    Together with the children, the teacher chooses a fairy-tale hero who will become the “master of the trail”, invite friends to visit, and give them interesting tasks.

    If an ecological trail is being developed in a kindergarten building, different groups of preschool educational institutions can be involved.

    Object passport

    It involves the following actions:

    • creating signs with bright drawings and captions for the main stops along the route;
    • development of recommendations for the use of trail objects for practical work with children.

    Opening a project

    This stage is the most solemn and exciting; it is best carried out in the spring, demonstrating to parents the work that the children have done during the school year. Representatives of environmental authorities, as well as mothers and fathers of kindergarten students, whose efforts created the ecological trail in the kindergarten, are invited to the celebration. Photos of the “teachers” who became heroes of the occasion can be placed on a special stand.

    Job Opportunities

    Once the trail is officially open, you can use it for the following activities:

    • meetings with interesting people related to nature conservation;
    • conduct observations of certain objects;
    • organize excursions and classes for preschoolers.

    What will the final project “Ecological trail in kindergarten” look like? The second generation Federal State Educational Standards, developed for preschool institutions, require a clear structure, as well as a passport indicating the location of the trail. There should also be a detailed description of all objects located on the route.

    Important points

    During an excursion with children, several types of ecological trails are allowed:

    • on the territory of the children's preschool;
    • in natural conditions.

    When choosing the first option, you must remember that you can use those objects on the route that already exist on the territory of the preschool educational institution, as well as plant shrubs and create an artificial pond to diversify the ecological trail.

    In this case, shrubs and trees of various species, shapes, and ages can be made into species points. This will allow the teacher to create optimal conditions for conducting observations and introducing children to the characteristics of living nature.

    If the area adjacent to the kindergarten has a significant area, it is possible to recreate fragments of various natural plant communities inherent in this region.

    Educational effect

    Its educational and developmental opportunities depend on the diversity of flora and fauna chosen for the ecological trail.

    When placing plants on the territory of a preschool educational institution, you need to take into account open and shaded, dry and wet areas.

    An excellent option would be to place a small pond with animals and plants on the trail. It will increase the educational effect and also perform an aesthetic function. The presence of small elevations along the route allows you to create different types observations. The stones available on the site will not only decorate the path, but will also be a good refuge for various woodlice, snails, and insects.

    Environmental activities

    In preschool institutions, educators try to allocate small areas for growing medicinal herbs, as well as for planting those plants that are subject to protection.

    You can also include a “continuous flowering” flower bed among the plants on the trail. Of interest for observations is the “anthill” point, as well as the original weather site, which is equipped with certain equipment: a thermometer, a barometer.

    When organizing an ecological route in natural conditions, it is advisable to use points on the trail in low and high areas, small slopes, as well as natural reservoirs.

    Taking into account individual characteristics

    In order for simple walks with children in the fresh air to turn into a fascinating acquaintance with the diversity of living nature, the teacher uses ecological trails.

    When creating them, it is important to consider age characteristics preschoolers, their intellectual level. To develop children’s cognitive interest and develop skills research activities, it is recommended to visit the same object, located on the ecological trail, at different times of the year.

    In junior preschool age classes can be conducted with the aim of introducing children to the outside world, the work of older children and adults in natural conditions. Among the forms of work suitable for this age are:

    • excursions;
    • observations;
    • didactic games;
    • memorizing poetry;
    • reading books about nature.

    In the process of such classes, children gain skills in growing certain plants: beans, peas, nasturtiums, onions.

    In the middle group, environmental education takes on purposeful work. The teacher shows students the connection between various natural phenomena, teaches them to help animals and plants, and practice behavioral skills in the natural community.

    The knowledge gained while traveling along the ecological trail is practiced and consolidated in classes in kindergarten. For example, kids come up with riddles about those plants, animals, and natural phenomena that they managed to meet along the route. Together with the teacher, they look for and memorize proverbs and sayings about plants, flowers, and also get acquainted with the purpose of medicinal herbs. During labor classes, older preschoolers create unique souvenirs from natural materials.


    Environmental education of preschool children is an important section of the activities of teachers of preschool institutions within the framework of the requirements of new federal educational standards.

    Excursions along the ecological trail, created through the joint efforts of children, teachers, and parents, become longer as the children grow up. They provide for the organization of labor, environmental, educational, and artistic activities of preschoolers. Children from the middle and senior groups of preschool educational institutions can act as tour guides, real masters of the ecological trail. This not only contributes to their environmental education, but also allows them to develop communication skills, improve speech, and develop scientific discussion skills.

    It is environmental education that has now become one of the factors in the formation of patriotism, citizenship, and a sense of respect for their historical and cultural roots in the younger generation of Russians.

    The development of theoretical knowledge acquired in classes is carried out on an ecological trail, in the process of work activity on certain sections of the developed route.

    This project took place in the summer while working in a kindergarten. The goal of the project was to develop knowledge about ecology, plants and flowers, trees and shrubs. Throughout the project, the children worked, observed, explored, and conducted experiments.

    TO this project There is a detailed presentation.



    Ecological project

    "Ecological trail in kindergarten"

    Polikarpova Yu.M.

    year 2013

    1. Explanatory note
    2. Project content
    3. Planned results
    4. Project implementation plan:
    • Object of study
    • Subject
    • Target
    • Project type
    • Project participants
    • Implementation deadlines
    • Problem
    • Educational areas
    • Development of integrative qualities
    • Preliminary work
    • Project stages
    1. Teacher's work with parents
    2. Lesson notes for the senior group
    3. Description of activities
    4. Conclusion
    5. Bibliography
    1. Explanatory note

    Currently, preschool pedagogy pays great attention to the environmental education of children. One of the most important conditions for the formation of ecological and local history ideas is children’s direct observations of objects and phenomena in nature. Therefore, it is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to communicate with wildlife and observe plants and animals. Plants that grow in kindergarten areas can provide children with a wealth of cognitive material, and the teacher with opportunities to implement full-fledged environmental education.

    1. Project content


    • Expand your understanding of plants...
    • Develop cognitive interest.
    • To develop practical skills in creating conditions for growing plants.
    • Determine the stages of growth of vegetable, garden, forest and field crops and the role of humans in their cultivation.
    • To give an idea that plants are living beings, and very fragile ones at that.
    • To develop a cognitive interest in the world of plants.
    • Involve parents in the process of environmental education of children.
    1. Planned results.
    • Involving parents in educational, educational and labor processes.
    • Expanding your horizons (formed understanding of different vegetables, growing conditions, harvesting, consumption).
    • Formation of a positive attitude towards nature, research and work activities.
    • Feelings of satisfaction from the joint activities of children, parents and teachers.
    • In the course of collective activity, interact productively, listen to each other and express their attitude to proposals in a socially acceptable form.
    • Uniting children, parents and educators.
    1. Project implementation plan:
    • Object of study: children’s cognitive interest in plants and animals;
    • Subject: “Ecological path in a preschool educational institution”;
    • Target : Creating conditions for the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities, thinking, imagination, fine motor skills and work skills.
    • Project type : research, cognitive and creative.
    • Project participants: children, parents, teachers;
    • Implementation deadlines: 3 months;
    • Problem: formation of environmental education in preschool children;
    • Educational areas:

    Physical Culture

    Development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination); accumulation of enrichment of children's motor experience (mastery of basic movements); formation in pupils of the need for motor activity and physical improvement;


    Develop basic personal hygiene skills; eating habits. Give initial presentation O healthy way life ( proper nutrition, movement, sleep) and factors that destroy health. Talk about the importance of morning exercises, hardening the body and maintaining a daily routine.


    Develop the ability to negotiate with partners what to play and obey the rules of the game. Development of children's play activities; familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;


    Development of labor activity; fostering a holistic attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results; the formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person;


    To consolidate knowledge about basic rules of behavior in kindergarten and other places (on the street, in transport); Traffic Laws.


    Strengthen the ability to work in a team; Development of elementary mathematical representations. Formation of a holistic picture of the world.


    Strengthen the ability to reasonedly and favorably evaluate a peer’s answer or statement. Development of free communication with adults and children; development of all components oral speech children in various forms and types of children's activities.

    Reading fiction

    Formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas; development of literary speech; introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste;

    • Development of integrative qualities:

    Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills:

    • Able to independently perform age-appropriate hygiene procedures
    • Observes basic rules of behavior while eating at the table
    • Has a basic understanding of the value of health, the benefits of hardening, the need to observe hygiene rules in Everyday life
    • Knows the benefits of morning exercises and exercise
    • Begins to demonstrate the ability to take care of one’s health

    Curious, active:

    • Uses various sources of information to enrich the game
    • Shows a strong interest in various types of children's activities
    • Shows curiosity, interest in research, experimentation, research activities

    Emotionally responsive:

    • Emotionally sensitive to the experiences of adults, children, characters
    • Shows emotional attitude to literary works
    • Shows aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste

    Having mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers:

    • Game interaction is accompanied by speech
    • Speech becomes the main means of communication
    • Can create original, sequential stories and tell them to peers and adults
    • Able to share various impressions with the teacher and other children, citing the source of the information received
    • Shows a desire to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view, agreement or disagreement with a friend’s answer.

    Able to manage one’s behavior and plan one’s actions based on primaryvalues, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior:

    • Demonstrates the ability to work collectively and negotiate with peers about who will do what part of the work
    • Conflicts are resolved through speech
    • Understands that it is necessary to take care of the younger ones
    • Complies with basic generally accepted rules of behavior in kindergarten and on the street
    • In everyday life, he himself uses “polite words” without prompting from an adult.

    Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for age:

    • Possesses basic self-care skills
    • Orients itself in the surrounding space
    • Able to reason and give adequate causal explanations
    • Can find quickly interesting activity for myself

    Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities:

    • Has skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, on the street, at home
    • Able to accept a memorization task, remembers instructions from an adult
    • Able to act with concentration for 15-20 minutes
    • Shows responsibility for carrying out work assignments
    • Shows a desire to please adults with good deeds

    Has mastered the necessary skills and abilities;

    • Preliminary work
    • Select methodological, popular scientific literature, and illustrative material on this topic;
    • Organizational: the activities of teachers and children are regulated in accordance with the content of educational work in preschool educational institutions - the program “From birth to school”.
    • Informational: children's fiction, Internet resources, poster material, interaction between participants in this project.
    • Financial support: charitable funds from parents, (budget), waste material.
    • Logistics: video, audio, photographic equipment, computer, planting kits (boxes, cups for seedlings), technical equipment (rakes, shovels, watering cans).
    • Project stages

    Stage 1. Goal setting (problem identification).
    Stage 2. Project development.
    Stage 3. Implementation of the project (organization of joint work of children and teachers on the project).
    Stage 4. Summing up (presentation).

    The first stage is preparatory

    • Preparation for project implementation.
    • Formation of sustainable interest in the subject of the project.
    • Updating the topic for parents, getting children interested in the idea.
    • Preparation natural material for children's activities

    The second stage is the main one.

    Formation of partnership activities between an adult and children, where children have the opportunity to demonstrate their own research activity and determine cause-and-effect relationships

    The second stage of the project is to walk with the children along the ecological path of the kindergarten and explore all the plants located there. Thus, we ended up with several “Stops” at each of which the children received information, conducted research, made experiments and sketches.

    There were 8 stops in total:

    1. Stand "Ecological trail"
    2. Trees (coniferous, deciduous). We created a herbarium on this topic and put it in a separate folder; subsequently we examined each sheet under a magnifying glass.
    3. Shrubs. Garden bushes. I really enjoyed picking currants and raspberries. We got to know these plants by taste.
    4. Garden. In the spring we planted plants in the garden, and in the summer we work in the garden. We learned how to care for potatoes, grew tomatoes, broccoli and even eggplants. We took the entire harvest to the kitchen and they prepared a delicious lunch for us.
    5. Field. On this topic we studied all cereal plants. We looked at how they are grown, how they are harvested and how they are processed to make such a delicious porridge that is prepared for us every morning.
    6. Medicinal plants. We studied the properties of medicinal plants.
    7. Pond. There are a lot of diverse and amazing plants in the pond. We were unable to collect a herbarium collection of aquatic plants, because... These plants are poorly preserved without moisture, i.e. water. Thus, we found out that aquatic plants always need water. But since in the summer we often go with our parents to reservoirs to swim, relax and sunbathe, we had the opportunity, together with our parents, to study aquatic plants in the reservoirs of our city, outside the kindergarten.
    8. Flowers. We got acquainted with the flowers that grow not only in the flowerbed of our kindergarten, but also meadow, garden, decorative flowers. From these flowers we made a good and very beautiful herbarium, which we also put in a folder (so that in the future we could come back and look at the plants again). But we studied indoor plants in more detail. We entered all our data into a passport of indoor plants, which is now in our group in a natural corner. This way you can see the name of this or that indoor plant in our group, how to care for it, and what not to do with it.

    The third stage is the final one.

    • Forming in children a sense of responsibility for the result of the work performed, respect for the work of people in nature.
    • Development of creative abilities
    • Plant herbarium collection “Trees”, “Flowers”
    • Group indoor plant passport
    • Ecological quiz
    • Sports and recreational activity “Walking in the forest - loving the forest”

    In the course of organizing work on the ecological path, we developed a special “Passport for the ecological path”. The passport provides a description of the trail stops according to given patterns. Photographs or drawings of objects are attached to separate sheets, and the information necessary for the teacher is provided. Thus, when describing a tree, its biological, environmental characteristics, distribution characteristics, origin of the name, folk names, reflection of its image in folklore (fairy tales, riddles, poems), etc. are given.

    1. Forms and methods of working with children
    • Collaboration between a child and adults in developmental activities
    • Game form of classes
    • Introduction to fiction
    • exhibition of drawings and crafts
    • Role-playing game
    • Visual propaganda
    • Matinees, quizzes, KVN
    • Excursions, observations
    • Independent children's activities
    • Games: didactic, verbal, board games, competitions
    1. Work of a teacher with parents and educators
    • Conversation about the relevance of this problem (study of opinions)
    • Questioning with parents, collecting information
    • Visual propaganda: moving folders on topics:
    • Tips and tricks
    1. Lesson summary:

    Physical education and environmental holiday in senior groups

    “Walking in the forest means loving the forest”

    Target: consolidate motor activity skills acquired in physical education and music lessons; to form positive emotions, to reveal the creative abilities of children.


    • V game form strengthen love for native nature;
    • develop children's intellectual abilities;
    • develop speed, agility, attention;
    • develop communication skills.


    Children enter the gym to the music “It’s Fun to Walk Together.”
    They go through an obstacle course: they step over a “log”; crawl under “fallen trees” (under sticks); jump over the “stream”; walk on toes over “pebbles”;
    follows the “footprints” (the footprints are very large). After the obstacle course, the children sit in a “halt” circle.
    Yeti (Bigfoot) Enters


    I hurt my leg with glass
    I walk with a bandage
    And I endure such torment,
    I'm not friends with glass!(Crying)

    Leading: What happened, who are you, and where did you cut your leg?

    Yeti: I am Yeti. I am a Bigfoot and always go barefoot. Someone scattered broken glass in the forest, I stepped on it and injured my leg.

    Leading: Children. Let's help Bigfoot and collect all the glass in the forest?

    1. Relay race “Collect glass”

    Children are divided into 2 teams. At the signal, the first child runs to the landmark, where cut pieces from plastic “glass” bottles are in a box. They take one “glass”, run back and put the “glasses” in a bucket. Pass the baton to another player. The team that collects the glass the fastest wins.

    Yeti: Well done guys, you did a great job, but you don’t know who scattered the “glasses” in the forest?

    Children. No

    The Nightingale the Robber enters.

    – What kind of a gathering is this, look!!! They put things in order, I don’t like order. Right now I’m going to hang my nose and all the leaves from the trees will fly off.

    Whistles. At this time, the presenter scatters leaves around the hall.

    2. Relay race “Collect leaves”

    The first one runs, goes around the landmarks of 5 pieces of “Christmas tree” to the leaves, takes the leaf and hangs it on the tree. Returns to the team and passes the baton. One team takes only birch leaves, and the other only oak leaves. The team that collects all the leaves on the tree the fastest wins.

    Yeti: Well done guys, you’re doing great, you probably practice a lot in kindergarten?

    1st child: 2nd child:

    To us, brave, and strong, and dexterous, To us, brave, and strong, and dexterous,
    Sports are always on the way. You must always be ahead.
    The guys are not afraid of training, Health, strength, agility -
    Let your heart beat in your chest. This is a fiery testament to sports.

    Nightingale the Robber:They are strong, they are brave, they are dexterous and skillful! Now I’ll see how brave you are, I’ll whistle now and not a single animal, not a single insect will remain in the forest, you will be bored and not interested in the forest.

    Whistles. At this time, the presenter lays out pictures of forest animals on the floor.

    3rd relay race “Find the animal by the trail”

    The first child runs to a landmark where forest animal toys are laid out. Takes any animal, finds its track, puts a toy on the track, runs to the team, passes the baton to the next player. The winner is the team that puts the toys in the tracks the fastest.

    Nightingale the Robber:Fu-you chickpeas, and here these naughty kids did it.
    Let’s agree, I’ll tell you riddles now, if you don’t guess them, you’ll leave the forest and never come here again and take this shaggy monster with you. Otherwise, you are all so kind and cheerful, they love the forest, they don’t do any dirty tricks, you chickpeas!

    Makes riddles:

    Nightingale the Robber:Okay, okay, I see that everyone here is smart. But I deceived you, I will still drive you out of the forest. Now I will whistle, and your forest will burn, and only coals will remain from it.


    Yeti: I'm scared, where will I live, and the animals, my friends?

    Leading: Don’t worry Bigfoot, now our guys will help you and put out the fire.

    4th relay race “Put out the fire”

    The first child runs with a small bucket, jumping over the “bumps”, collects water from the large bucket, runs back, pours the water into an empty bucket, and passes the baton to the next player.

    Leading: Well, the fire has been put out. Nightingale the Robber, leave the forest, you have nothing to do here, you only know how to do mischief.

    Yeti: The guys and I love our forest very much and protect it from all wickedness and hooligans.

    Leading: The guys and I often go to the forest and collect all kinds of garbage that bad people leave behind. Here, Nightingale the Robber, look how our children quickly and cleanly remove the garbage.

    5th relay race “Collect garbage”

    The presenter pours garbage (papers, plastic bottles, candy wrappers, etc.) out of a bag onto the floor. Children, on command, collect trash in their baskets. The team that fills its trash bin with trash the fastest wins.

    Yeti: It's great, it's great how clean our forest is, well done guys, I love you all so much!!! I will always be waiting for you in our beautiful forest!!! I see that you love him very much too!!!

    Nightingale the Robber:Love!!! Take care!!! But I’ll just die, and not a single flower or blade of grass will remain in your beloved forest. And it won’t be beautiful or good for you here, and then I’ll settle here with my robber friends.


    Yeti: Oh, guys, look, there isn’t a single flower left in the clearing, what should we do?

    Leading: This is a fixable matter, our guys will cope with this disaster, right, guys?

    6th relay race “Collect a daisy”

    Children run to a landmark where yellow circles (“daisy core”) are laid out. Each participant must attach a petal to the core. The team that collects the daisy first wins.

    1st child:

    We have come to the spring forest, we will not pick flowers,
    And they found a clearing there. And we will take care of them and love them.
    And they grow in that clearing. Let them grow to the joy of people,
    All kinds of flowers We will never forget them!

    Nightingale the Robber:What, do you like flowers? Ugh, what disgusting.

    Children: Yes!!!

    Leading: And children know poems about flowers, now they will tell you.

    1st child: 2nd child:

    A snowdrop looked out in the twilight of the forest - In the meadow near that path,
    A little scout sent in the spring; What runs straight into our house,
    Let the snow still rule under the forest, A flower grows on a long stem
    Let the sleepy meadows lie under the snow; White with a yellow eye.
    Let the ice remain motionless on the sleeping river, -
    Once the scout has come, spring will come.

    3rd child: 4th child:

    Blue bell A violet blossomed at the sunny edge.
    Bowed to you and me; She quietly raised her lilac ears.
    Bells - flowers She is pretty in the grass, she doesn’t like to get in front of her.
    Very polite... But everyone will bend down and take it carefully.
    And you?

    Nightingale the Robber:But I don’t like flowers, no one has ever given them to me.

    Yeti: And this is because you are evil and don’t like nature. Come to our forest and admire the flowers, trees, and everything that is in our forest.

    Nightingale the Robber:Yes, I’m angry, I’m about to lose my breath...

    He whistles, but nothing happens.

    Yeti: That nothing works? Stop doing nasty things to everyone, let’s play and have fun with us, love the forest and everyone who lives in it.

    Nightingale the Robber:Will you forgive me? Will you play with me? Because I’m really tired of everyone doing nasty things and ruining our wonderful nature,will you forgive me?

    Yeti: Guys, will we forgive the Nightingale the Robber? Then let's play a fun game.

    7. Outdoor game “Cones, acorns, nuts”

    And so that there are a lot of trees in the forest and they always make us happy, we need to plant them.

    8. Game stretching “The seed flew”


    The seeds scattered
    They fell quietly onto the grass.
    Through forests, fields, meadows.
    And quietly sprouted

    "Little Christmas Tree"

    1 – spread your socks apart;
    2 – stretch the spine up, spread your arms slightly downwards to the sides, palms pointing to the floor (inhale);
    3-4 – squat down. Lift your heels off the floor (exhale), maintain balance.

    "Christmas tree"

    IP: standing, legs together, arms along the body.
    1 – spread your socks apart;
    stretch your spine up, spread your arms slightly downwards to the sides, palms facing the floor (inhale);
    3-4 – half squat. Do not lift your heels off the floor (exhale).

    "Big Spruce"

    IP: standing, legs together, arms along the body.
    1 – spread your socks apart (inhale);
    2 – stretch your spine up, spread your arms slightly downwards, palms facing the floor (inhale).

    Yeti: Oh, guys, how great you are, how you helped me out, thank you very much, and Nightingale the Robber will now keep order in the forest, it’s time for us to go, goodbye!


    Children with Yeti forever, And protect animals.
    Inseparable friends. Spiders, dragonflies, flies
    We will protect our forest, And the little green frogs!!!

    The holiday ends, the results are counted

    1. Description of activities
    • Game activity.

    The main feature of the game is that it represents children’s reflection of the life around them - the actions, activities of people, their relationships in an environment created by the child’s imagination. Our project used games such as: “How to play with water”, “Pour and pour”, “Hide and seek”, “Play with colors”, “Snowflake on the palm”, “Turning water into ice”, “Play with some water for me.” Used board game"Water Inhabitants"

    • Educational activities

    Educational activities are formed under direct pedagogical influence. Children in preschool age need to be taught so that they can master the information and skills that are important for their proper development at this stage.

    In the project we used a series of frontal lessons on a relevant topic. Many lessons were supported by presentations and visual aids.

    Thematic conversations were actively used, and children were asked leading questions so that the child could present his topic in an interesting way.

    Thematic observations were organized, both on the street and in groups. In joint activities, we solved riddles, learned poems, conducted experiments and experiments, looked at photographs and visual pictures.

    Training also took place through observation, both on the street and in a group.

    An effective means of teaching is work in subgroups, when a controversial issue raised by the teacher is resolved. This is how children come to their own conclusion about a problematic issue.

    • Labor activity

    Labor activity is the formation of a positive attitude towards work, that is:

    • familiarization with the work of adults, the formation of ideas about the social significance of work and instilling respect for working people, as well as a careful attitude towards its results;
    • organization of children's work activities, during which work skills, work organization skills are formed, as well as positive relationships between the child and adults and peers.

    These tasks are solved through familiarizing children with the work of adults and through the direct participation of children in feasible labor activities in kindergarten and at home.

    During the project, children also continued to strengthen their skills in:

    • Self-care – developing the skills of eating, washing, undressing and dressing; development of skills to use hygiene items; fostering a caring attitude towards your belongings and household items.
    • Household work – development of children’s household work skills in everyday life. Children actively took part in preparing for experiments and experiments. Helped each other in completing the task. We prepared appropriate material for classes in modeling, appliqué or drawing. Children also developed an additional skill of being careful not only with water, but also with other objects.
    • Labor in nature is the active, feasible participation of children in working in the flower garden, berry garden, vegetable garden, as well as caring for indoor plants and pets. When working in a corner of nature, the children began to moderately pour water into the plants and use the “sprinkler” sparingly, because... learned that water in large quantities is harmful to plants.
    1. Long-term planning, lesson cycle


    Lesson cycles

    1. “The forest is our wealth”

    2. “Autumn in the forest”

    3. Examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”

    4. Conversation about coniferous and deciduous trees

    Bird watching in the forest

    Target walks:

    1.Into the autumn forest

    2. Watching the squirrel

    3. “Visiting Lesovichka”

    Conversations on the topic:

    1. How to behave in the forest

    2. Why do the leaves turn yellow?

    3. How animals prepare for winter

    Learning poems and riddles about trees

    Didactic game “Name the tree”, “Guess which tree the leaf comes from”

    Sketches of an autumn forest

    Drawing: “Autumn in the forest”

    Conversation about wild animals

    1. “Mushrooms in the forest”

    2. “Who lives in the forest”

    Animal Sketches

    1. “Mushrooms”, “Insects”

    2. “Forest at different times of the year”

    KVN on the topic: “Forest in autumn”

    Application on the theme: “Branch with autumn leaves”

    Experiments with leaves: “Why do the leaves turn yellow?”

    Holiday on the theme: “I love my native land”

    Write a fairy tale on the topic: “How I made friends with the forest”

    Collecting autumn leaves in the forest

    1. I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”, “Forest, Like a Painted Tower”

    2. A. Pushkin “Sad time”

    3. E. Blyton “What is a forest?”

    1. “We will become trees”

    2. “The tree swayed”

    Construction from natural materials “Animals in the forest”

    Playing the game: “What? Where? When?" on the topic: “Forest”

    Group work “Colorful autumn”

    1. “All year round”

    2. “Chains in the forest”

    3. “Who lives where”

    Leisure evening on the theme: “All about the forest”


    1.Collecting information, looking at encyclopedias, newspaper clippings, postcards, selecting illustrations.

    2.Preparing seeds for sowing.

    3. Preparing the soil for sowing seeds.

    4.Planting vegetable seeds

    5. Caring for seedlings 6. Observing seedlings, seedlings and making notes in the observation diary.

    7.Applique “Zayushkin’s vegetable garden”.

    8. Modeling “Store - vegetables”.

    9. Dramatization game “Vegetable market”, “Vegetable dispute”.

    10.Preparing drawings for crossword puzzles about vegetables and harvests.

    11. Planting seedlings in open ground, planting seeds in the ground.

    12. Compilation of stories “I am working in the garden.”

    13. Artistic creativity “Riddles from the garden”, “Still life with vegetables”.

    14. Participation in the workshop “Vegetables to the store” (from salt dough).

    15. Selection of material for the album “Vegetable Marathon” (poems, riddles, stories).

    16. Joint performance of labor actions to care for plantings (watering, weeding, loosening).

    17. Participation in the theatrical lesson “Vegetables in the garden.”

    18.Construction of “Vegetable Basket”.

    19. Participation in the evening of leisure “Oh, potatoes, you are potatoes.”

    20.Collective work “Vegetable salad”.

    21. Participation in the “Borsch” entertainment.


    23. Making crafts from vegetables.

    1. Selection of information material on the topic “Vegetables”.

    2. Making educational games about vegetables.

    3. Carrying out a cycle practical classes on growing plants from seed to fruit.

    4. Making a diary of observations of seed germination.

    5. Conversations “Dunno came to visit”, “Can vegetables harm our health?”

    6.Organization of dramatization games.

    7.Organization of the performance “The Tale of Why the Tomato Turned Red.”

    8.Organization of the workshop “Vegetables to the store” (from salt dough).

    9. Conducting a theatrical lesson “Vegetables in the garden.”

    10. Design of the album “Vegetable Marathon”.

    11.Recording the stories “I’m working in the garden.”

    12. Knowledge of the FCCM “Riddles in the garden”.

    13.Organization of a leisure evening “Oh potato, you potato.”

    14. Conducting collective work “Vegetable salad”. 15.Organization of entertainment “Borsch”.


    17.Organization of the exhibition “Amazing Vegetables”.


    • Houseplants.
    • Garden flowers.
    • Meadow flowers.
    • Forest flowers.
    • Medicinal plants.
    • Ball of flowers.
    • Exhibition of posters “Save the world around us.”

    Specially organized activities.

    Journey to the kingdom of indoor plants.

    Goals: consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; continue to teach children to describe plants, noting the differences and similarities between them, their characteristic features; develop speech and thinking; maintain interest in indoor plants, the desire to observe and care for them.

    A corner of nature. Plant care.

    Goals: summarize children’s ideas about caring for indoor plants; consolidate knowledge about the basic needs of indoor plants, provide information about the telltale signs of unmet needs; generalize knowledge about methods of caring for plants (watering, dust removal, loosening); develop coherent monologue speech through the ability to talk about the structural features of plants, about performing one’s actions, taking into account the structure of the labor process; develop labor skills that correspond to the content of knowledge; introduce a new type of flower care - fertilizing; cultivate a love for plants, a desire to care for them, and the ability to communicate with nature as a living organism.

    Spring primroses(integrated lesson).

    Goals: to arouse in children interest in the world around them, to form a realistic idea of ​​the nature around us, and a desire to become a friend of nature. Take care and protect it; expand children’s ideas and knowledge about spring forest primroses and their significance in our lives; develop children's speech, activate attention and memory.

    Plants heal.

    Goals: introduce children to medicinal plants, give them knowledge about the simplest ways to use some medicinal plants for treatment, and the rules for collecting them:
    - develop environmental thinking in the process of research activities; instill interest in children in it;
    - develop creative imagination and enrich communication skills, based on a free volume of opinions;
    - induce a positive economic mood.

    Dandelion and meadow plants.

    Goals: cultivate a caring attitude towards dandelion and wildflowers. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of flowers and their names. Develop children's powers of observation and speech. Clarify ideas about the sequence of plant growth and development.

    The Red Book is a danger signal.

    Goal 1: develop in children ideas about the purpose of the Red Book; To develop in children a caring attitude towards endangered plant species.

    Goal 2: compile the Red Book of your district, find out which plants and animals are rare in our district, what plants grow in our district that are officially included in the Red Book.

    Joint activities of children and teachers.

    Morning exercises “Magic flowers”.

    The fairy tells the children that from the seed they grew to become beautiful flowers. Around which butterflies fly. Dragonflies. Children - unusual flowers. Which can move. He offers to stand in a circle and weave a wreath of flowers with them.

    Drawing up a modelconditional life of indoor plants, primroses with the help of signs and symbols (light, water, heat, soil).

    Didactic games.

    • "Find a plant"
    • “Find what I’ll describe”
    • “Guess what kind of plant”
    • “Run to the named plant”
    • "Collect a flower"
    • “Find the same plant”
    • “Which flower is missing?”
    • "Guess the riddle"
    • "Collect a bouquet"
    • "The Fourth Wheel"
    • "Let's decorate the room"
    • "Find the same one"
    • "What changed?"
    • “Where is the nesting doll hiding?”
    • “Find a plant by name”
    • “Sell what I name”
    • “Where is the plant hidden?”
    • "Get to know the plant"
    • Shop "Flowers"
    • “Find something to talk about”

    Word games.

    Target. Develop the ability to describe plants and find them by description.

    • "I was born a gardener"
    • “Describe the flower”
    • "Render a guess, we'll guess it"

    Making riddles.

    Target. Develop figurative and associative thinking, imagination, memory; increase observation and interest in the native language, enrich children's speech with images.

    Productive activities.

    Collage "Flower Kingdom".

    Target. Continue to arouse children’s interest in collective artistic and decorative activities. Practice your ability to create a collage.

    Applique “Aster made of threads”.

    Target. Introduce children to a new type of image - using threads. Build confidence in yourself and your capabilities when creating an application.

    Application "Magic Flowers".

    Target. Teach to practice collective activity; strengthen cutting and pasting skills; develop aesthetic taste. Ability to compose a composition and navigate on a sheet of paper; develop imagination and creative thinking.

    Modeling “And we walked through the meadow...”.

    Target. Encourage children, using modeling techniques available to them, to transform the features of fairy-tale images of flowers, achieving expressiveness by introducing other materials (small objects). Develop children's imagination and creativity.

    Drawing “My favorite flower” (using the “poke” method).

    Target. Reinforce the “poke” drawing method in the image of flowers. Develop imagination, sense of color, ability to convey the colors of colors. Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly.

    Drawing “My favorite meadow flower.”

    Target. Develop visual skills, imagination, precision of hand movement, color perception.

    Drawing with plasticine “I’ll plant a flower and dress up our group.”

    Target. To form in children the idea that when depicting flowers, they themselves can choose visual materials, as well as techniques and methods of working with them. Encourage children to actively experiment with plasticine. Help achieve the most expressive solution and receive satisfaction from the result obtained.

    Drawing "My favorite flower."

    Target. Continue to encourage children to convey the beauty of spring flowers in their drawings using accessible means of expression. Encourage children's initiative and independence when choosing visual materials and combining them with each other to create an expressive image.

    Origami "Tulip".

    Target. Strengthen children's knowledge and skills in making paper crafts; develop the eye, analytical thinking, memory; cultivate a sense of care for loved ones, a desire to bring them joy.

    Finger games.

    Target. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers and a sense of rhythm.

    The teacher says that the children’s hands have turned into dandelion flowers. The petals are closed, tightly closed.

    • "Our scarlet flowers"
    • "Flowers"
    • "Poppy"
    • "Plants"

    Outdoor games.

    Target. Develop the ability to act on a signal, restrain oneself, and perform movements expressively; develop imagination.

    • "Sun and Rain"
    • "Flowers and Wind"
    • "Plants"

    Round dance games.

    Target. Develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, the ability to combine movements with words, expressiveness, and singing skills.

    • "We went to the meadow"
    • “Galya was walking around the garden”

    Game-conversation “If you were a medicinal (garden, meadow, field, indoor) flower.

    Target. To clarify children’s knowledge about colors and their characteristics; develop imagination and the ability to conduct dialogue on behalf of a flower; develop empathy.

    Conversation “What I remember and liked most.”

    Target. Every day, in the evening, systematize the children’s knowledge acquired during the day; activate memory.

    Labor activity.

    Watering indoor plants.

    Target. Fostering an ecological culture. A caring attitude towards the surrounding nature, a desire to take care of it, cultivating a sense of responsibility for one’s actions in relation to natural objects. Expanding children's horizons, their knowledge about indoor plants and how to care for them, enriching their vocabulary, familiarizing themselves with the rules of watering indoor plants.

    Washing indoor plants.

    Target. Strengthen the ability to remove dust from plants using a damp brush, spray with a spray bottle; determine the need for care, focusing on the condition of the plant’s leaves, establish a connection between the characteristics of the leaves and methods of caring for them. Enrich your vocabulary by introducing words: spray, spray. Develop the ability to work carefully and responsibly in providing assistance to a living being.

    Watering flower beds with perennials.

    Target. Strengthen the ability to water plants on the site, help adults; to form a desire to care for plants, aesthetic pleasure from admiring fresh flowers.

    Planting flower seedlings.

    Target. Give ideas about the life of a plant, teach some ways of growing seedlings.

    Cuttings of indoor plants.

    Target. To clarify children’s knowledge of what a plant can grow; give an idea of ​​a new method of growing plants - cuttings; teach techniques correct landing cuttings; develop a desire to grow your own plants.

    Replanting indoor plants.

    Target. To consolidate ideas about the life of a plant and show some ways of replanting flowers.


    Dandelion observation.

    Target. Cultivate a caring attitude towards dandelion and other medicinal plants. To consolidate knowledge about the structure and purpose of dandelion. Develop observation skills. Children's speech. Clarify ideas about the sequence of plant growth and development.

    Observing the flowers in the flowerbed (shades of flowers in greenery).

    Target. Fix the names of flowers, their color; form aesthetic taste. Observation; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants; consolidate knowledge about flowers, the color of their petals; develop a sense of beauty, speech.

    Observation and care of indoor plants in a group.

    Target. Strengthen plant care skills; create a desire to grow plants with your own hands. Increase the beauty of the surrounding world; develop a verbal vocabulary.


    Target. Develop interest in literature, fairy tales, stories; develop speech and attention.

    • Poems about flowers.
    • Shorygina T. “Bells and a gnome.”
    • Prishvin M. “Golden Meadow”.
    • The fairy tale “How the Plants Quarreled” from A. Pleshkov’s textbook.
    • J. Sand. “What did the flowers say?
    • Dmitriev Yu. Round dance of petals.
    • Onegov A. The first flower. In the meadow. In a forest clearing. Field path.
    • Smirnov A. Flower of the sun. Who looks like an apple tree?
    • Sokolov-Mikitov I. Colors of the forest. Legends about flowers.
    • Gabe D. “Yellow, white, purple.”

    Reading poetry (using the “Tell poetry with your hands” method).

    Poem “Bell Flower”, etc.

    Independent play activities of children.

    Looking at books, illustrations, albums, postcards with indoor plants, flowers.
    Coloring flowers in coloring books.
    Productive activities.
    Board, didactic, finger, outdoor games.
    Compiling stories about flowers, composing poems, riddles.

    Board games.

    • “Lay out the flowers” ​​(mosaic)
    • "Get a houseplant"
    • "Collect a bouquet"
    • "Flower Lotto"
    • Domino – “Our Garden”

    Ecological fairy tale “Magic Dream”

    (about garbage)


    (ecological tale)

    On our beautiful planet,
    Where the birds sing on the branches,
    On our planet EARTH
    Good people live.
    On one of the streets
    Perhaps on yours too
    There lives one boy
    Petya Promokashkin.
    The boy is not a robber,
    And smart - he knows the letters
    And even mom and dad
    Helps at home.
    Only one drawback
    Our hero has -
    He's counting the street
    A large slop bucket.
    And candy wrappers,
    Paper scraps
    Petya throws out the window,
    Got it on my uncle's hat.
    And my uncle got angry.
    Of course - sorry for the hat!
    I thought: “I’ll visit
    I am the robber's father!"
    I’ll tell him: “Comrade!
    How did you raise your son?
    Probably yourself
    Nature has been polluted!”
    And dad was ashamed
    And mom is so upset.
    Well, really Petechka
    Such a bandit?!
    Not true! Good son!
    He just forgot
    Parent lessons;
    He frowned and whined:
    "Sorry dad, mom!
    I won't do this anymore -
    Throwing our dirty trash
    For hats for adults..."
    Parents are serious
    Slightly holding back a sigh,
    They said: “Sit down and think!
    After all, you are a big son!"
    Dad's voice is stern
    And mom doesn't laugh.
    The door to the room was closed
    And they departed decorously...
    And Petya cried bitterly,
    Petya felt offended,
    What about the guy's hat?
    Parents are angry.
    "What did I do?
    Well, I threw away the wrapper...
    Just think! Not a stone
    Hit him on the nose...
    And the candy wrappers are not in sugar,
    And they didn’t stick to my uncle...
    Oh, what a shame, mommy-ee-ee...
    Oh, what a shame..."
    Well, maybe just hats
    Do they suffer from garbage?!
    And what happened next
    Now we will find out everything.
    Petya remained in the room,
    Lay down on your bed
    Offended, scowling,
    I got tired and started yawning.
    And into a small room
    Through an open window
    A cloud flew in
    Everything was shrouded in sleep.
    Petya Promokashkin
    Woke up on the planet
    Where did everyone litter:
    Both adults and children.
    And in this strange place,
    No sunshine
    Although by all indications
    It must be summer now.

    There are black clouds in the sky
    From factory smoke,
    Dirty grass, earth -
    Terrible picture!!!
    Can't hear the birdsong
    And the squeak of a mosquito,
    Not a single animal is visible
    Not even an ant.
    There's dirt and grime everywhere,
    All the foliage has withered,
    Birds and animals are sick,
    The whole EARTH is crying!
    Our boy Petya wanders
    Along the river bank,
    Ominous silence
    Suddenly, there are circles on the water...
    Petya stopped,
    Doesn't take his eyes off the circle,
    The boy was happy
    I thought: “Diver!”
    Suddenly out of the muddy water
    Pike swims out
    And in a tired voice
    Petya asks:
    “Why are you doing this, Monster,
    They treated us
    Why our planet
    Turned into filth?
    Fish died in the water
    From your wastewater,
    What have we done wrong?
    Why are we so unlucky?
    And Petya was indignant:
    “I’m not a Monster at all!”
    He leaned towards the water
    And I didn’t recognize myself!
    All scary and shaggy,
    Evil face
    Well, just some kind of monster
    Looks at him.
    Our Petya was scared,
    He pulled away from the water.
    And I realized what happened
    There is no way back.
    He walked along the path,
    I found myself in a dense forest.
    The forest is not magical
    He is completely without miracles.
    A raven sits on a branch,
    Shakes his head
    The culprit of all troubles
    He sees before him.
    There are bottles all around in the forest,
    Papers and bags.
    You guys don't know
    Where does all this come from?
    And then we meet the Beast
    The gray wolf came out
    In a serious conversation
    The gray wolf knows a lot.
    “Why did you litter here,
    Have you ruined our forest?
    All the animals cried:
    “Our house has completely disappeared!”
    And from such shame
    Petya rushed away.
    Petrusha began to think:
    “How can we help everyone?”
    While he was walking across the field,
    High in the sky
    The kite flew in circles,
    I was looking for my nest.
    The task is not easy
    Fly through the gray smoke
    Find your chicks
    Don't let them die...
    Petya Promokashkin
    I cried from sadness:
    "I didn't think it was
    It could happen!

    How is it before you now?
    Atone for guilt
    How can I get to my mother?
    I can not do it anymore!!!"
    There is only silence in response
    And evil silence
    Only the raven from the oak tree
    The dust was shaken off the wing.
    Our Petrusha worked
    All day and night.
    I decided on my own
    He helps nature.
    That boy worked
    Without resting your hands,
    All the animals noticed
    That everything around is cleaner!
    The sun appeared
    Flowers bloomed
    The water sparkled
    The nightingales began to sing!
    Sky is blue,
    Blue water,
    The sun is golden
    Pure EARTH!!!
    Petya Promokashkin
    I ran to the river,
    He looked at the water
    And I recognized myself.
    Witchcraft spells
    Turned to dust
    Clean planet
    Let it always be like this!
    Everyone around is having fun
    And Petya felt sad,
    Missed my mom
    My heart is somehow empty.
    Suddenly my uncle comes to meet me
    He's wearing that hat,
    He winks at Petya,
    Sings songs.
    Petya Promokashkin
    I finally understood
    What's this guy wearing a hat?
    A swashbuckling wizard.
    Our Petya apologized
    And he began to promise
    That never nature
    Will not offend!
    And that uncle is the Wizard
    Waved his hand
    And Petya Promokashkin
    I got to my home.
    He opened his eyes and sees
    Your room,
    Open window
    And a bright star.
    And in the morning mom and dad
    They entered the room.
    From joy and happiness
    Petya's tears flowed.
    Everyone was very happy
    That the whole family is together
    And they heard it from the street
    Trills of the nightingale!
    So that it doesn't happen to you
    Stories like this
    Protect nature
    Take care of the EARTH!!!

    Listening to the audio encyclopedia of Uncle Kuzi and Chevostik “Plants”


    1. V.V. Petrov Plant world of our homeland (70)
    2. N. Ryzhova “Trees are our friends” (3.122)
    3. T.N. Nuzhdina “Encyclopedia for kids Miracle is everywhere” (57)
    4. Plants of Moscow Summer (3.81)
    5. Plants of Moscow Autumn (3.82)
    6. Medical guide to the series “Demonstration material for frontal exercises)
    7. Visual demonstration material “Wild berries” (78)
    8. Visual demonstration material “Garden berries” (77)
    9. Visual demonstration material “Trees and Leaves” (80)
    10. Visual demonstration material “Trees” (32)
    11. Encyclopedia All about everything “Plants” (22)
    12. Complete encyclopedia "Plants" (38)
    13. Alyabyeva, E. A. Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten. Planning and notes
    14. Bondarenko, T. M. Ecological activities with children 5-6 years old.
    15. Gorkova, L. G., Kochergina A. V., Obukhova L. A. Scenarios for classes in environmental education.
    16. Children's encyclopedia. Flowers from A to Z.
    17. Makhaneva, M. D. Ecological development children of preschool and primary school age. Methodological manual for preschool teachers and primary school teachers

    Project participants: children, teachers, parents of preschool educational institutions.

    Objective of the project:

    Development of the cognitive attitude of children 3-7 years old to the nature of their native land through acquaintance with the animal and plant world of the kindergarten site.

    Formation of an environmental culture, which is understood as a combination of environmental consciousness, environmental feelings and environmental activities.

    Formation of a system of environmental knowledge and ideas.

    Development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it).

    Participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to protect and protect nature.

    The ecological trail performs educational, developmental, aesthetic and health-improving functions. It is located on the territory of a preschool institution. The main criterion for choosing the route and objects of the ecological trail is the inclusion in it of as many diverse objects as possible that attract the attention of children, and their accessibility for preschoolers. As objects of the ecological trail, we selected objects - natural and artificially created by teachers and parents.

    Stages of creating and designing a trail:

    1) A detailed examination of the territory of the kindergarten and highlighting the most interesting objects.

    2) Drawing up a map of the path with the route and all its objects

    3) Together with the children, choose the owner of the path - a fairy-tale character.

    4) Drawing up a passport of all points of the path.

    5) Making callout signs indicating each point.

    – Use walks to connect children with the nature of their immediate environment and improve children’s health in the fresh air.

    – Use observations of wildlife to develop the sensory qualities of each child.

    – Introduce various objects of living nature and show its relationship with the outside world.

    – Make the child’s communication with nature safe for the child and nature itself.

    – To develop feelings of closeness to nature and empathy for all living things, care and respect for nature.

    – To develop the ability to convey your impressions of communication with nature in drawings, crafts, stories and other creative works.

    – Conduct observations along the trail at different times of the year, games, excursions, research, theatrical activities and other activities.

    Design of the path and equipment for organizing observations.

    To increase the interest of children, the teacher together with them chooses the “owner of the path”, and each group has its own owner or hostess: Borovichok, Lesovichok, Sorceress Flora, Florik, Strawberry, Ladybug, etc. The characters stand at the beginning of the route, greet the children, and periodically send writing assignments for children, participating in theatrical performances. At the beginning of the path along the ecological trail there is a plan.

    The ecological path of Preschool Educational Institution No. 80 includes the following viewpoints:


    Spruce with a nest of wild pigeons

    Old tree stumps

    Meadow grass

    Forest herbs

    Maple Grove


    Thuja grove

    Birch Grove

    Stylized and specially created objects of the ecological trail

    Flower beds

    Alpine slide


    Bird feeders

    Ethnic corner

    Children's weather station

    Forest Lake

    rural yard

    Children's garden

    Corner of medicinal plants

    Corner of the forest

    Insect clearing

    We involved adults and children in the selection of objects and their creation: we listened to their suggestions and tried to take into account at least some of them. Thus, we gave the children the opportunity to feel involved in the creation of the ecological trail; the children began to have a special attitude towards it, consider it theirs, and show greater interest

    Near each object there is a sign with the name. The information on the signs is short and expressive. At the Vegetable Garden facility there is a calendar of crop observations: time of planting, first shoots, flowering, fruit appearance, ripening, harvesting. On the path there is a “Sign Tree”, where various environmental signs and a wise owl holding the red book of nature are attached:

    There is one garden planet

    In this cold space.

    Only here the forests are noisy,

    Birds clique I migratory,

    There's only one thing on her th bloom

    Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

    And dragonflies are only here

    They look into the river in surprise...

    Take care of your planet -

    After all, there is no other one like it!

    When creating an ecological trail on the territory of the kindergarten, we tried to make maximum use of the species richness of trees, shrubs, and herbs, which for 40 years have been carefully preserved by more than one generation of employees and parents. We included in the plan of the ecological trail different breeds trees, shrubs, grass and mosses. Using their example, we can show the differences between different life forms of plants. Our site is quite large, so we recreated on it fragments of natural plant communities characteristic of our Kursk area (forest, meadow, clearing, pond, lake). This helps teachers introduce children to representatives of local flora and fauna, forest and meadow ecosystems. We also presented a variety of insects, invertebrate animals, mammals, with certain plants as they are associated with certain plants, food and living conditions

    As a result of the project:

    The level of environmental knowledge about the nature of the Kursk region has increased significantly,

    The level of cognitive and speech activity of preschool children has increased;

    The mental health of children has improved: the child’s interaction with nature reduced the level of anxiety and had a positive effect on the emotional well-being of children;

    The level of professional preparedness of teachers in conducting excursions to ecological trail sites has increased

    Development prospects for the environmental project:

    1. Creation of natural corners of different climatic zones.

    2. Corner "Wonderful Weed".

    3. Drawing up the “Complaint Book of Nature” together with the children.

    4. Maximum use of the “Pigeon Mail” gaming technique.

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