• Diaries to sew a beach rug with your own hands. How to sew a beach rug - transformer bag ideas. Bedding with an inflatable pillow


    Sew by yourself beach bag even a novice craftswoman can. Find the right material in the house, and get to work!

    With the onset of summer, we are thinking about the long-awaited vacation. But, going on vacation, it is important to foresee everything and prepare everything you need for walking and the beach.

    Important: The most important accessory during the holidays is a beach bag. It is she who should be in the first place on the list when you are going on vacation.

    A stylish and fashionable beach bag does not have to be bought in an expensive store. You can sew this beautiful accessory on your own, and you will be irresistible on the beach and while walking along the promenade.

    To create some models of beach bags, you don’t even need a pattern. It is necessary to cut a rectangle out of the fabric, fold it in half, and sew along the edges. Sew the handles to such a blank, and a stylish beach bag is ready.

    How to sew a beach bag? The master class for sewing such a product will be in the video below, and now it is worth considering the process of creating a bag in stages:

    1. Prepare the fabric. You can take several large patches and arrange them, creating an original masterpiece according to your own idea.
    2. Cut out two sides of the bag measuring 26cm x 26cm
    3. Measure on the fabric and cut out 3 pieces: 2 sides and bottom. The dimensions of these parts are 26cm x 10cm
    4. Carefully stitch two large pieces where the top of the bag will be, and mark for sewing on the handles.
    5. Sew the bottom and sew the sides
    6. Make handles from any braid that matches the color and sew them in the places marked earlier. Bag ready

    Workshop on sewing a stylish beach bag made of thick cotton with a marine pattern and leather trim:

    Video: Olga Nikishicheva. Sew a beach bag (Sew a beach bag)

    This video shows how easy it is to sew a cotton bag beach bag:

    Video: How to sew a beach bag (package bag)?

    Bag-mat - simple and easy in a matter of hours with your own hands:

    Video: How to make a beach bag - Everything will be kind - Issue 411 - 06/18/2014 - Everything will be fine?

    Such products are different models. Each woman chooses a bag with which it will be convenient for her to go to the sea. It should fit everything you need to relax on the beach: a towel, rug, swimsuit, comb and much more.

    Patterns of beach bags:

    Choose the pattern of your favorite bag and sew it in a short period of time to look original on the beach.

    Such a product can not only be sewn, but also crocheted or knitted. If knitting is your favorite pastime, then start creating a unique masterpiece.

    Do not sew, but knit a beach bag - easy and fast!

    Video: How to crochet a bag? Beach bag baby bag Sea bag

    If you want to sew this beach accessory, then you can safely use the following fabrics:

    • raincoat fabric
    • denim
    • tapestry
    • felt
    • any thick cotton fabric

    Important: Colors can be any, but with a large pattern or ornament. Inside the bag can be decorated with any lining fabric, satin or cotton material.

    Tip: If you have a question about what to sew a beach bag from, and there is no time to go to the store, you can use scraps of any fabric that is in the house.

    A beach bag should not only be beautiful and comfortable, but it should also be easy to wash. Therefore, fabric bags for relaxing near the sea are so popular.

    Sewing such a product is simple, but there are several nuances that need to be considered:

    • the pattern must first be done on paper, and only then cut out the details on the fabric
    • it is better for beginner needlewomen to sew a simple bag model consisting of a rectangle

    For the rest, fabric bag should be sewn on the same principle as the same accessories from other materials.

    You don't want to wear jeans that are already out of fashion, but it's a pity to throw them away. Therefore, various accessories can be sewn from them, including a stylish beach bag.

    How to sew a beach bag from jeans is described in this. Get an extraordinary accessory that will emphasize your individuality.

    A beach mat is so necessary for relaxing on the sand, but you don’t always want to carry it with you in your bag, as it takes up a lot of space. But you can sew a bag and a rug - two in one.

    Let's make this accessory from foam rubber and waterproof fabric. Prepare the following materials:

    • Bright cotton fabric
    • A piece of waterproof material
    • Braid, fabric applications

    Also prepare scissors, threads to match the upper material and a needle. Follow these steps:

    • Cut the braid into 8 pieces of 5 cm each - these are the ties that will be on the side
    • Sew the ties from the inside along the long edge of the top bright fabric
    • Sew two parts of the bag - the top and the inside. Leave one edge unsewn so that the foam can be inserted
    • Lay the foam and sew the last edge
    • Sew the ribbon handles and sew to the bag. You can make pens from the remaining bright fabric

    To decorate a beach bag with your own hands, use various beads, decorative yarn and satin ribbons. There is no limit to your imagination, so create real masterpieces with your own hands and enjoy your vacation near the sea!

    Video: 027 - Olga Nikishicheva. DIY beach bag

    It's overcast today and raining most of the day. And I, in defiance of the rain, remembered summer, the river-sea and sunburn, of course. It's called - look for positive :-) You need to sunbathe comfortably even by the pond. And the little thing is quite convenient, with a package assembled on hastily do not compare. And it's comfortable to lie down and read. Look, at first we have such a handbag in our hands, in which there is where to put a book, and tanning oil, and all sorts of ladies' things, such as a powder box and lipstick

    and unfolded the bag and got - a comfortable recumbent place with a pillow

    Of course, experienced people understand how to sew something similar, and for those who don’t know

    What you need: a large towel and a smaller towel, a piece of cotton fabric, pillow filler. And then everything - according to the pictures

    Cut the first towel into the following pieces (you should have a middle piece left)

    fastener - Velcro

    Even if someone did not understand something, and I do not exclude that this is possible - rydarkhorse.blogspot.com.br - the general principle is still clear. So, a sun towel will still work out, only in your own interpretation, which is more good than bad. The main thing is the idea, and it is in front of you. On the sides, of course, the towel is not stitched. I would have sewn enough pockets to lie comfortably in those places that are always hard :-)

    We sew and wait for summer. And my school friend lives on the Black Sea coast and she already swam yesterday! I can not believe it...

    Going to the beach, any fashionista will never forget to take her handbag with her. Modern stylists are constantly supplementing summer clothing collections with these accessories. Not only beautiful, but also functional is the beach mat bag, which easily transforms into a leisure accessory.

    Among the wide variety of models, you can choose a bag for every taste and color. The main selection criterion is the compatibility of the product with the selected outfit intended for relaxation. Since the device is not only designed to transform the model into an accessory for the beach, it must also be roomy.

    On the beach, you need to take a bottle of water, swimming accessories, as well as your favorite book - all this can easily be included in a medium-sized product. Today, designers offer the following types of beach mat bags:

    1. soft model. These products are characterized by a soft base of the rug, on which it is pleasant to soak up the sun. Externally, the models are bright and attractive, so the process of selecting an option for yourself will not cause difficulties.
    2. Product including accessories. They are equipped with inflatable pillows. The unfolded headboard has a small cushion that needs to be inflated by hand.
    3. Bag with waterproof bottom. The optimal model for the beach, which will save things in case of contact with water. When choosing such a product, pay attention to the ability to reflect light rays. The best option becomes a bag with a solid straw base.

    A beach mat is an accessory that should be comfortable and pleasant. appearance. When purchasing a model with the possibility of transformation, consider those factors in the presence of which the rest will be comfortable. Beach bags and backpacks are popular this summer.

    Bags bags can be both small and voluminous enough - to put a rug in them without any problems.

    Manufacturers always emphasize Special attention on the material of the product, which must meet all the requirements of a beach holiday. For example, natural fabrics, such as cotton and linen, are not at all suitable as the basis for a rug. Today, designers use such raw materials to create fashionable beach bags for sun loungers:

    • nylon;
    • oilcloth;
    • raincoat fabric;
    • foam rubber sheathed with synthetic material.

    While the bag bases listed are simple, they also come in a rich range of colors. Nylon perfectly protects the product from fading, such bags are produced in yellow, orange, blue and other bright colors.

    Subconsciously, the girl chooses the color that will be associated with relaxation, but this does not mean that you should strictly adhere to this canon. Choose a bag according to your mood, a swimsuit and a hat.

    Oilcloth is a suitable raw material for protecting the product from water. If moisture accidentally gets on the bag, there is no fear that the contents will get wet. Raincoat fabric will also reliably protect the inside of the transformer beach bag from liquid materials.

    A foam model covered with fabric is an excellent option for a soft rug. Resting on such a product is a pleasure.

    Also, bamboo rods, straw and soft-coated latex are used as a material for rugs. The latter option serves as the basis for inflatable products - pillows and sun loungers.

    Choose those models that will not stick to the body. Under the influence of moisture and the sun, some materials can melt, which causes discomfort to the vacationer.

    Every year, summer fashion brings new surprises. Today, as before, bright models of bags remain in the trend. The beach version of the product provides for the presence of natural images, as well as ethnic motifs. We offer to consider the most popular color combinations:

    1. Dark stripe on a bright background. A good choice– yellow bag with brown stripes. Since most swimsuits are made of bright material, this bag will be appropriate for relaxing on the beach. In this case, the rug can be made of any material, it is important that it also harmonizes with the swimsuit in color.
    2. Rainbow palette. Another option is a bag with fabric inserts of different colors. This is a combination of pink, green, yellow and blue shades on one product. Such a model instantly attracts the eyes of others and fits any swimsuit. The cover or rug that the model is equipped with is also made in a similar color.
    3. Bag with nature or animal prints. Pay attention to models depicting colorful birds, butterflies or wild animals. Such models will be appropriate for relaxing on the beach, combined with the color of sea sand and colored pebbles.

    True followers of fashion will always be in the know the latest innovations that designers offer today. Follow the updates from the world of fashion and stay in the rhythm of style.

    To make this accessory is not difficult. You must first determine the size of the product. The length of the rug should be equal to the height of the resting person, and the width is measured based on the size of the half-girth of the shoulder area. Don't forget to stock up on some fabric.

    The principle of sewing the product is to attach the mat to the outside of the bag in such a way that when it is closed, the beach accessory is inside. Buttons, zippers or carabiners are used as fasteners. Don't forget to equip the bag with comfortable long handles, and add decorative details to give the product an individual style.

    Popular today, bags for relaxing on the beach should have every girl planning a vacation at sea. Such a stylish accessory will not only complete summer look but also practical and convenient.

    On the video: how to sew a bag for the beach with your own hands.

    For the first model you will need:

    • the main material is 70x140 cm in size (we have this cotton fabric in black and white stripes);
    • lining material (we have pink crepe satin). The size is the same;
    • synthetic winterizer for laying;
    • rep tape;
    • "zipper" for pockets (if you plan to make them);
    • elastic band (it is better to take a width of 1.5 cm).

    Do not forget about scissors, thread, pattern paper, chalk, ruler, pencil, safety pins. Clean and dry your sewing machine before starting work.

    A synthetic winterizer is needed for laying, because we will sew a pillow bag. You will appreciate its advantages over the usual "sack" as soon as you get to the pebble beach.
    Sewing in a padding polyester will make the sewing process just a few minutes longer, but ready product will be more functional.


    You can immediately cut out the details on the fabric by drawing it into pieces with a ruler and chalk the right sizes. But it is better to use the good old method - a paper pattern.

    Detail dimensions:

    1) Front and back of the bag(2 pieces), 36x40 (height * width) or one with a fold - 72x40 (length * width).

    Here you need to add 5 cm in width on each side - for the side parts, so as not to cut a separate part. In this way, you will get either 2 rectangles 46x40 cm, or one rectangle 82x40 cm.

    2) Bottom- rectangle 36x9 cm.

    3) Pens- 100x2 cm (length * width). This is conditional, you can make handles of any length and width, to your taste.

    Don't forget about seam allowances when cutting fabric pieces.. Leave 1.5 cm for them on each side.
    We cut out all the details, except for the handles, the same, both from the main and from the lining fabric. The synthetic winterizer does not need to be cut.

    Instructions (steps in the photo)

    We duplicate the front and back sides of the bag with synthetic winterizer. We do the same with the bottom. To do this, you must first pin the part to the padding polyester, and then stitch them together.

    Do not forget to cut off the extra padding polyester from the allowances, you don’t need extra thickening.

    1. Sew the back and front sides together.
    2. All seams are ironed out.
    3. On the narrow side of the bottom, mark the middle and align it with the side seam of the bag (both sides).
    4. Stitch everything together, synthetic winterizer, if there is an extra one, cut it off.
    5. Iron the seams.
    6. Turn the material inside out - you should get a rectangular bag, as in the last picture.

    You need to sew exactly the same bag from the lining fabric.

    For pockets, you need to “by eye” cut out details from the lining fabric suitable sizes. One pocket is usually fastened with a zipper, we have already provided for its presence.

    Finish the edges of the pocket details so that they do not fray. Sew a “zipper” into one, baste them. Choose the location yourself, where it will be convenient for you. Sew the pockets to the inner "pouch" of the bag. Turn out, iron.

    You can also add an elastic band that will act as a "holder" for combs, water, etc.

    How will it look like.


    We have indicated the conditional length of the handles, but you can choose the one that will be convenient for you - longer or shorter.

    They are made simply.
    We cut out the strips of the desired length from the fabric, iron the allowances inside, chop off, tack, close the allowances, sewing on them rep tape- handles are ready.

    We tuck the ends of the handles with the “square” sewing technique, attach them to the bag.

    We put the inner "pouch" into the outer one - inside out to the wrong side, we chop it together (look at the photo on the right), sew them together. We advise you to lay a double line along the edge of the bag - this will not allow it to “bubble”. In addition, the additional fastening of the lining has not bothered anyone yet.

    You can decorate the product as you see fit. For example, we used a ribbon bow brooch, but there can be a great many options.

    You saw the image of the resulting masterpiece at the very beginning of the article under the main heading.

    How to sew from old jeans?

    From old pants that are a pity to throw away, you can make many different useful gizmos. The simplest is shorts with your own hands. We are also interested in a summer denim bag, so let's get to work.

    For the second model you need:

    • old jeans;
    • lining fabric;
    • "lightning";
    • rep tape;
    • pattern paper, ruler, pencil;
    • chalk, thread, needles;
    • decorations - sequins, buttons, beads, bows, applications, etc., to your taste.

    O sewing machine take care before starting work: lubricate it, clean it, replace the needle in it, if necessary, with a thicker one suitable for denim.

    Cutting denim

    This model, like the previous one, consists of several parts:

    1) Two halves - side and front- size 49x40x30 (bottom width * top width * height).

    2) One piece for sides and bottom- a strip 90 cm long, 9 cm wide.

    3) A pen 85 cm long, 4 cm wide. You can also lengthen or shorten the handle, as well as make three pieces - one long and 2 short ones.

    4) Top of the bag, consisting of a denim ribbon - 2 strips 60 cm long, 3 cm wide.

    When cutting out, do not forget about seam allowances - 1-1.5 cm. We advise you to iron the parts with steam after preparations, so that it is more convenient to work with them.

    How to sew?

    We start by attaching a "zipper" to the details of the top of the bag. Then they need to be sewn to the front and back.

    The next step is to sew in the strip (sidewall + bottom). We iron the seams.

    Let's move on to the handles.

    You can choose any length, make one or more. In our case, it is one - 85 cm long and 4 cm wide.

    We cut it out of the fabric, tuck it, iron it and sew it on. We put a rep tape on top of the sewn allowances, closing them. Sew the finished handle to the front and back of the bag.

    Final stage

    We cut out the lining in the same way as the outer part of the product. We sew the details, we tack to the top of the outer part.

    It is better to sew the lining by hand, but you can also use a typewriter if the handles and clasp do not interfere with you.

    You can see the finished version in the photo. We use decorations (beads, sequins, appliqués) according to our taste.

    Carpet bag

    The transformer is very convenient because it allows you to fit everything you need for a seaside holiday, as well as turn into a beach mat.

    What you need for the third model:

    • bright cotton fabric;
    • waterproof material;
    • braid;
    • needles, threads, chalk, pattern paper, scissors, sewing machine;
    • for decoration it is better to use fabric applications.

    Pattern and dimensions of parts

    You need two pieces of fabric 160 cm long and 55 cm wide. Let one piece be from bright fabric, and the second from waterproof material - varnish.
    Also stock up on 4 pieces of foam rubber measuring 50x39 cm, tape for handles and ties about 5 meters long and 5 cm wide.

    You can do patch pockets, or you can not do it - at your discretion. We do not give patterns for them, since you will choose their size and shape yourself.

    Guide to action

    From the braid you need to cut 8 segments - 5 cm long. These are the future ties for the sidewalls.


    If you decide to make pockets, then sew them on the piece of fabric used for the front of the bag. Just make sure that they are not sewn onto the folds of the future bag.

    The upper sections of the pockets can be processed with braid or simply seams "in the hem".


    Sew them along the long edges of the "bright" part, attaching them from the wrong side. To properly attach them, fold the future bag along the folds, and sew on the ribbons at the top and bottom - opposite each other so that you can tie them together.

    Almost done

    Once the foam is in place, stitch the open cut. Don't forget to tuck the seam allowances inward. Lay a line between each piece of foam rubber so that they do not move and do not “run into” each other.


    Process the ends of the remaining braid, tuck and sew to the top with a “square”. You can also make handles from the remnants of bright fabric for the front of the product. But in this case, they need to be sewn in immediately, along with ribbons for ties, on the wrong side of the “front” piece of fabric.

    I have this bag:
    would need:
    fabric for the rug itself 1.6 m coarse calico of bright colors 1.4 m wide;
    thin synthetic winterizer 1.6 m wide 1.4;
    2 detachable zippers to match the fabric, 40 cm long;
    1.4 m strap for handles.
    Cutting (in finished form 0.7 x1.6 m):
    rug - 1 piece with a fold (0.7 x 1.6 m)
    synthetic padding - 1 piece (0.7 x 1.6 m)

    Fold the synthetic padding together with the upper part and bast along the edge.

    Run the handles and sew them on the marks.

    Fold the rug along the fold facing inward and stitch along the perimeter, leaving 20 cm unstitched.

    Turn the rug inside out, baste the edges and lay a finishing line along the perimeter at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the edge. At a distance of 15 cm from the edge along and every 40 cm across, lay relief lines.

    Fold the zipper and the underside of the mat face in and sew from mark A to mark B.
    I've thought that you can double the width. Then, when folding along, first bend the mat. The bedspread will already be 1.40 wide, not 70 cm.
    Having slightly changed the drawing above, I sewed just such a bag - a suitcase - a bedspread

    composition - coarse calico, isocom 3mm (substrate for laminate), bologna
    not only for the beach, but also for grass, including cold spring
    size 150 x 125 approx.

    a description of such a coverlet bag (diameter 114 cm) in Polish (if someone really needs it, I can make a translation). But I don't know how to post without copyright infringement.


    Cover bag:

    Beach mat-bag (knitted version, but you can also sew a similar one)


    Pattern of a plaid bag in Burda 10.1997



    A beach bag, she is a bedding, she is a towel - all in one.


    Beach mat with pillow

    “Get your sleigh ready in summer!” - says folk wisdom. Now it's time for us to think about the beach season. And so that a beach holiday brings you not only a chic bronze tan, but also relaxation - we suggest you sew such a beach mat with a pillow.

    How is it better than a regular bedding with a pillow? Convenience. Here 2 in 1 - both a pillow and a bedding, which, moreover, are much more convenient to carry from the beach because of the handles.

    We will need:

    1. Two terry towels.
    2. Sintepon for a pillow (or a ready-made pillow).
    3. Sewing machine.
    4. Straps for pens.
    5. Velcro (30 cm).

    Fold the towels together (or the fabric that you have instead of towels), divide visually into 3 parts: 1st is a pillow, 2nd secret pocket. Adjust the dimensions under the pillow and under the pocket. Sew the towels around the perimeter of all parts on the right, and then the top and bottom, the left side remains unsewn.

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