• Horoscope for cats according to zodiac signs. Cat horoscope: how the stars influence the character of a pet


    Find out more about your pet and yourself: why did this particular kitten fascinate you so much? Why exactly “today” do you need a furry friend so much?

    What is Horoscope? This astrological forecast, which allows you to determine the main character traits, the possibilities of the best interaction with the outside world, the ability to adapt to current conditions, possible problems with health... All this is quite fair in relation to our pets. Zodiac signs also reward them with a special character, forming basic habits and behavior patterns, preferences in food and relationships with people.

    ARIES (21.03. - 20.04.)

    Element: Fire.

    Well compatible signs

    Since Aries Cats are very curious and very active, they love to be in the center of attention of all the inhabitants of the house, their most favorable alliance is with the owners Libra and Aries. They get along quite comfortably with Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini. But with representatives of the Leo sign, who have charm and strength, the Aries Cat will most likely have disagreements.


    Cats born under the zodiac sign Aries are born leaders, courageous and fearless, with a huge reserve internal energy. If several animals live in the house, then most likely the Aries Cat will become the leader. Stubbornness and an indomitable fighting spirit define your pet's character. At the same time, Aries Cats are very curious. They can sit motionless on the windowsill for hours, looking at the street. And at the first opportunity they can run away from home. If possible, give the Aries cat free range. She will happily transfer her energy into a “peaceful channel” while climbing trees, hunting, exploring the territory. When locking your cat within four walls, it is better to take care of the safety of fragile and expensive items in advance.

    The Aries cat loves to show off, he needs admiration, is always curious and ready to try something new. There are practically no obstacles for him. This allows such a cat to easily learn various tricks, and he is ready to work, bringing their performance to brilliance. The result of such a violent temper is a “wolfish” appetite. The Aries cat is not particularly picky about food; he prefers quantity, but all his food must be absolutely fresh.

    Aries cats can show affection towards a person, but very indulgently and on their own terms. They will let you know when they can be petted. If you want to keep your restless cat under control, you need to show him who's boss, otherwise the cat will immediately take advantage of any weakness you allow. He loves to play with children, but at the same time he wants them to fulfill his whims and fantasies, he must always be the ringleader. You need to talk to him without coercion or violence, without even raising your voice. It is absolutely forbidden to hit! Otherwise it will be an enemy for life. If a kitten has misbehaved, you need to explain everything to him firmly, but kindly. You'll see, he'll understand everything. If you truly love him, then you will not find a more devoted creature.

    Came to the house

    In the month of Aries (March 21 - April 20), a cat appears when one of the family members needs energy support. In addition, a cat coming at this time will force you to open up to the world around you: it seems that energy reserves in the house have been depleted, and the wind of change is passing you by. True, the Aries kitty will bring a lot of trouble: she is capable of running away in the middle of the night, scratching at the door at any time of the day, and demanding attention. In search of your beloved pet, you will run through the streets or climb trees to remove the unfortunate animal from the branch. But this is for your own good: your home and you are too closed. Typically, cat families do not settle in such “blocked” houses and do not have kittens. By the way, about cat families: the right cat, who has not lost her sense of smell and professional skills, will breed kittens only if there is a human magician nearby - at least a weak one, even if she is unaware of her magical potential.

    The magic of color

    If a cat was born under the Sign of Aries, then the occult significance of coat color is enhanced. Consequently, a white Aries cat (despite its restless disposition) will have the greatest healing abilities, and, for example, a black cat is a born battle magician.

    TAURUS (21.04. - 21.05.)

    Element: Earth.

    Well compatible signs

    Taurus cats choose an imposing rhythm of life, they do not really like to move a lot, they are clumsy and leisurely, they prefer to lie peacefully on the windowsill. This often irritates owners who are not known for their patience. Among such inappropriate signs are Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius. The best partner for a Taurus Cat is a representative of his own sign, because they both love warmth and peace in a beautiful, cozy home. Taurus also gets along well with their master Pisces and Libra.


    Taurus cats attract attention with their prudence and desire for peace. These lazy beauties definitely won’t destroy anything and are quite capable of becoming a decoration for your home. They are not very interested in games and intrigue. They are simple-minded and cannot be bribed. They exude nobility. Taurus cats do not get involved in any adventures and do not cause trouble. They are big owners and will not share their bowl, basket or toys with anyone. Taurus cats are homebodies and most of all do not like change. It takes a very long time to get used to any moves or changes. As a result of their good-natured and lazy disposition, they gain weight very easily. Compliance with the “diet regime” is more important for them than a variety of dishes.

    Taurus are very sensitive to rudeness and can take offense for a long time. These good-natured animals are difficult to anger (but if you succeed, beware of their anger). They are attached to their owners and love to look after children. Are different tender love, subtly sense the mood of the owner, guess his intentions. They will happily lie down on your lap, purring for a long time. They love affection and need signs of attention. The Taurus cat feels happy in a small harmonious family, where no one makes excessive demands on her. Loves comfort. Buy him a comfortable, soft and beautiful bed and place it in a certain place - the Taurus Cat will be grateful to you..

    Came to the house

    In the month of Taurus (April 21 - May 20), a cat will bring protection from energy losses, from thieves, from loss of material assets, and from negative emotions.

    If a cat appears at this time, it means that someone wants to rob you or damage your property. All this applies not only to apartments and houses, but to offices. By the way, a “Taurus” cat can charge your wallet, savings book or credit card. Stroke your pussy with these symbols of material success, let him rub your back against them, and you’ll see, the negativity will go away.

    The magic of color

    A cat under the Sign of Taurus protects against property losses and wards off thieves. In this Sign will manifest themselves most magical abilities“Grey cardinals,” that is, the gray Taurus cat acquires the properties of a money talisman and can charge wallets or credit cards.

    GEMINI (22.05. - 21.06.)

    Element: Air.

    Well compatible signs

    Geminis are somewhat arrogant and cunning. Although cats of this sign are friendly, curious and charming, being nice for a long time is not their style. They need an owner who is active and young at heart, and who sometimes understands the pet’s desire to be alone. The most harmonious is their union with Sagittarius, who is also freedom-loving, like Gemini.


    Geminis are made of contradictions and mood swings. They are sociable, inquisitive, everything is interesting to them. Surprisingly inventive in pranks. They are capable of bringing people to a white heat with their pranks, but usually they are quickly forgiven: it is not easy to resist their charm. These sociable cats purr more often and louder than others. Gemini cats love the menu to be varied and, of course, highest quality. If you ignore their refined tastes, they will take what they like from the plate and leave the rest. For people who love their pets with all their hearts, Gemini will bring great joy. In any company, Gemini will be present nearby and communicate with new people in his cat language. Be sure to let him get enough sleep so that the nervous system can fully recover after unrestrained games. Close washing machines, windows and other dangerous things, because The main property of the Gemini kitten is its curiosity, because of which it gets into all sorts of unpleasant stories.

    When guests arrive, the Twin Cat is the first to run to meet them. You can pull it by the tail, turn it over from its back to its stomach, i.e. squeeze and torment him in every possible way, but he not only does not let out his claws and does not bite, but does not even take offense at all. She loves to play tag with kittens, run races with the babies, and then lick them like a father. His Kotovsky pride is not at all hurt by the fact that he can be the last one to approach the bowl, letting the cats and kittens go first. The main thing for him is to be aware of everything that happens in your home.

    Came to the house

    A cat that appears in the month of Gemini (21.05 - 21.06) will save the owners from bad connections and unnecessary people in the house. She is excellent at relieving headaches and can improve the memory of her owners: this is exactly what the four-legged healer does, purring under your ear.

    The “twin” cat will help pupils and students prepare for tests and exams. If it's bad the process is underway training, pay more attention to your pussy: play with it, chase a ball or a plastic mouse. And when the animal gets tired of chasing the bow on the string and curls up into a ball, place notebooks, textbooks, and a record book under it to clean it. And most importantly, don't forget

    stroke the purr's fur, the positive charge perceived through the hands will have a positive effect on intellectual abilities.

    The magic of color

    Cats under the Sign of Gemini help to establish fruitful contacts and save the owner from unprofitable connections, bad people and uninvited guests. "Mercurian" cats gray- the best companions for women involved in entrepreneurship, trade, law and

    intellectual work. They improve memory, so they are also good in a house where there are schoolchildren.

    CANCER (22.06. - 22.07.)

    Element: Water.

    Well compatible signs

    A cat born under the constellation Cancer is very attached to its owner - as soon as he sits down, the pet immediately settles down next to him. The Cancer cat is caring, she loves to be with her owner and will bask in his arms. Such a cat gives warmth, but she must be sure that she is loved in return. Suitable and appreciative positive traits pet are signs such as

    Taurus, Capricorn and Cancer. The tenderness of the Cancer cat will seem unnecessary to Aquarius, Aries and Gemini - these people will not be able to be responsive owners for such a pet.


    The Cancer Cat attracts attention with its “fine nervous organization.” Any trifle can throw him off balance. If you do not pamper your pet and indulge his weaknesses, this can seriously affect his condition. Such cats are usually distinguished by a fragile, graceful physique. They often look tired and incapable of physical effort and get their way by playing on your kindness and sympathy for them. They pretend that they have no appetite, and they only eat to please you. They are not mischievous, they do not have destructive tendencies. But even the quiet, modest Cancer cat doesn’t want to stay in the background forever; she likes to live with strong man. Deep down, she wants her family to make her life easy and enjoyable. In this case, very soon she begins to trust you and becomes gentle and affectionate. A very trusting creature - she goes to a person with an open soul and it is very important not to betray his trust, not to offend him in any way, otherwise he will withdraw into himself and you will lose true friend. For Cancer, it is necessary to follow a healthy, balanced, nutritious diet, and take care of health constantly, since due to increased sensitivity, it is susceptible to all sorts of bad influences from the external environment. You also need to be very careful when choosing new dishes to avoid problems with digestion. Cancer does not like to be alone for a long time, and also does not like confined spaces.

    Cancer is very attached to his home; if possible, do not move him from one place to another. Create him comfortable conditions, his own cozy corner where he can curl up and sleep and where he won’t be disturbed by small children, if there are any in your house.

    Came to the house

    If a cat bestows its company on you in the month of Cancer (06/22 - 07/22) or in the month of Taurus, it means that a lot of things saturated with negative energy have accumulated in the house. Feel free to throw everything out of the closets directly onto the floor - let the cat roll on the stale clothes. And at the same time, you’ll figure out what’s worth keeping and what’s time to get rid of. Sometimes a cat appears at this time if one of the older relatives is in poor condition and is ready to leave this world. If a cat has enough strength and capabilities, it will certainly save your loved ones from a crisis. And also, keep in mind that the “crayfish” cat is very sensitive to the quality of food: you can safely use it as an expert.

    The magic of color

    Under the Sign of Cancer, exceptionally sensitive cats are born - sensitive ones. They are very suitable for women not only in terms of energy, but also in character. If a woman is irritable or often sick, it is necessary to throw out some of the things saturated with stagnant energy from the closet and let the cat lie on stale sweaters and skirts. White cat-Cancer helps with hormonal disorders and mastopathy.

    LEO (23.07. - 23.08.)

    Element: Fire.

    Well compatible signs

    A cat born in this Sign is a true noble lion who graciously accepts the admiring attention of its owner. The Leo cat is the master of the house, and the Leo cat is the embodiment of elegant nobility. But despite their proud and independent disposition, these animals are very attached to their owners and love to be the center of attention of the whole family. Leo cats have the most harmonious unions stack with the owners Cancer and Libra. Relations with representatives of your sign will be overshadowed by frequent disagreements and struggles for power in the house.


    The Leo Cat, a proud and independent person, goes through life with his head held high. He loves the thrill of the hunt, but is sober enough to waste time on a hopeless pursuit. She devotes a lot of time to beauty, loves to be photographed and receive compliments. As for diet, his favorite foods are fresh meat and liver. Just don't make him wait too long for an invitation to dinner! Never allow a condescending attitude towards the Leo cat: he claims equality with you and does not forgive patronizing treatment. He is trusting, friendly and not afraid of strangers. The Leo Cat makes many friends among women who respect his strength and are not going to boss him around. In personal relationships, he claims the lion's share of adoration and believes that he has achieved success if those around him have duly flattered his vanity. Under no circumstances should you shout or scold the Leo cat. Especially in the presence of other cats. He must be the best! And it is completely useless to force him to do something by poking him with his nose or pulling his ear. You will only achieve that the kitten will do everything out of spite. The best thing to do is to calmly but firmly ask him for what you want from him and to your surprise, he will understand. Praise the lion cub often, especially when he did everything right. The Lioness cat is an ideal mother.

    Came to the house

    In the month of Leo (July 22 - August 22), cats appear in order to save their owners from unnecessary expenses and from the invasion of dark forces. In especially dangerous cases, not one, but several cats may settle in the house to protect you and your children from destructive emotions and destructive addictions.

    The magic of color

    The sign of Leo most enhances the energy of ginger cats. However, some negative properties red color are lost, and only positive ones remain. Such a “koshkolev” literally saves you from the invasion of dark forces, protects you not only from destructive emotions, but also from accidents. Red Leo cats enhance the charm of women in creative professions.

    VIRGO (24.08. - 23.09.)

    Element: Earth.

    Well compatible signs

    Virgo cats are very clean; they can tidy up their appearance all day. Cats born under this Sign are not inclined to show their feelings clearly, so do not expect her to immediately demonstrate her affection. She is willful and independent - in order to make friends with her, you will have to try. Geminis are the best owners for such pets, because they are the ones who are best able to appreciate the independence of a pet.


    The Virgo cat is endowed with keen powers of observation and is calculating by nature. Her reason and logic are stronger than her natural instincts. The only thing that can stop her on the way to her goal is the danger that she senses a mile away. If she happens to be climbing a tree or performing acrobatics on furniture, she will first make sure that an accidental fall is unlikely. Virgo lives by her own rules, try not to impose your views on her. Never lose sight of your cat for long because she takes every opportunity to mischief. A set table is a temptation that Virgo cannot resist. She likes to eat the same food that you eat, even if it's mushrooms or pickles. Virgo loves everything around her to be absolutely clean. She gets along quite well with other animals if they are sufficiently restrained and willing to put up with her love of order. Your kitten is a terrible neat freak. Never and under no circumstances will he allow himself to make a puddle in the wrong place. This is simply impossible for him. He will lick himself for hours, even when his fur shines and shimmers with cleanliness. Perhaps if you teach him to bathe as a child, he will enjoy doing it as an adult.

    The Virgo kitten is prone to allergies, so carefully select food, which should always be fresh. Give more vegetables and cereals so that digestion does not stagnate. A Virgo needs to be stroked and caressed, groomed and cherished more often, otherwise he will always be a little withdrawn.

    Came to the house

    In the month of Virgo (August 23 - September 22), cats come to the homes of seriously ill people, as well as to places where major repairs are required. They are the best fighters against the dominance of any evil spirits, both ordinary and astral (mice, cockroaches, all kinds of drummers). Such cats do not stay in the house for a long time: this is a crisis - managers of your life. They show up, do their job and go home.

    The magic of color

    The Virgo cat is indispensable for elderly ladies, as well as those suffering from diseases that are accompanied by acute pain. The snow-white Virgo cat is the most active fighter against physical ailments.

    LIBRA (24.09. - 23.10.)

    Element: Air.

    Well compatible signs

    Libra cats are balanced and self-sufficient homebodies; their character successfully combines intelligence and charm. They are friendly and able to yield to the owner and other pets. The main goal of Libra cats is to achieve love and admiration, in return they will please their owner with the same. As soon as the cat hears the steps of its owner, it immediately rushes and rubs against his legs. Libra cats are pets and are always welcome have a cozy evening with your beloved owner. Their character helps to find mutual language with almost any sign of the zodiac, because by their presence they already symbolize harmony and mutual understanding.


    Tall is very important for Libra standard of living and elegant surroundings. Cat - Libra is balanced, does not tolerate conflicts, loves harmony in the house and will do everything to establish a relationship with you a good relationship. This cat's favorite pastime is watching people while they work. She can sit like that for hours, watching your every move. Even as adults, these cats love to play. They are not picky and moderate when it comes to food. They love children very much and can be ideal playmates with them. Often follows on the heels of a loved one, like a dog. Prefers a beautiful, soft bed. If she chooses yours, it will not be easy to convince her. You will be lucky if you manage to teach her to sleep on the edge of the bed, and not take up your entire pillow. A good-natured, not capricious, sociable little bundle. He gets along with people easily, but at the same time maintains his independence. Growing up, it becomes an elegant, beautiful animal. At any age, he must be protected from physical overload, excessive excitement and rudeness, because... due to a disorder of the nervous system, he may even get sick. The Libra kitten should never be physically punished, or even raise your voice, not only when addressing it, but also when talking between family members. He cannot stand shouting and scandals. Violence and rudeness literally kill him. It is harmful for him to catch a cold, so when transported to winter time be sure to wrap him in a blanket. Also avoid drafts in the apartment and pay great attention to his complaints and ailments.

    The Libra kitten vitally needs long and deep rest, so if you have small children in your family, explain to them that the kitten is not a toy, it must be allowed to sleep. Don’t limit him in anything, give the kitten complete freedom, but always and everywhere be there, don’t leave him to the mercy of fate, be sensitive and attentive to him, then he will definitely grow up to be a very kind, cozy cat.

    Came to the house

    In the month of Libra (September 23 - October 22), a cat appears with the goal of saving your home and family from falling apart. It will help you cope with negativity and damage caused by slander on your personal life, on property - especially if someone is going to sue you for it. If a cat moved into your home at this time, I advise you to insure the house against all possible damages, just in case. And an animal that comes to you at this time indicates a possible change of housing, and not without judicial intervention (forced sale, exchange).

    The magic of color

    SCORPIO (24.10. - 22.11.)

    Element: Water.

    Well compatible signs

    The Scorpio cat is a very capricious animal, whose favor must be earned. Such pets sense the emotional strength of the owner, so a Taurus owner is most suitable for them. They will definitely find common interests, among which the main thing is constancy and, of course, the fluffy Scorpio will respect its strong owner. Cancer and Pisces can also be excellent owners, thanks to whom the animal will feel the comfort, warmth and security that it so needs. The Scorpio cat is actually a very gentle animal, but skillfully hides it.


    The Scorpio cat sometimes demonstrates unusual strength of character. He is patient and too proud to accept help. Wants a share of everything - from the ham on your sandwich to the seat on your new chair. His inventive mind can find completely new uses for your furniture and household items. He can stand up for himself when meeting other animals, and will not be afraid even of an adult shepherd dog. He eats everything, sometimes he can even vomit from indiscriminateness, but whatever he does, he does it with dignity. If he let you into his heart, he will consider you his property, constantly demanding your attention. Sex life your cat will be disorderly: a scratched face and torn ears are almost indispensable attributes of a Scorpio in love. But even in this form, he is able to captivate his chosen one, just as he captivated you. Being partly an aggressive egoist, he asserts his primacy in battle, from which he always emerges victorious. This kid is crazy. Either he is a bully and a fighter, or he is thoughtful and quiet. At the moment when energy overwhelms him, he must be given the opportunity to escape. Hang a thick rope in your apartment, like in a sports gym. children's corner, nail a piece of felt to the corner of any wall. Let the kitten climb it vertically. If he has nowhere to dump his energy, he can become viciously aggressive and then all the unspent energy can pour out in the form of aggression on your family members. Punishing a Scorpio kitten makes him even more stubborn, angrier and harder. But if you are calm, affectionate and respectful, then you can always come to an agreement with him. The Scorpio kitten is very clean.

    Came to the house

    In the month of Scorpio (October 23 - November 22), the cat comes to specifically fight black magic. The appearance of a four-legged magician directly indicates a strong dark influence, most often directed at one of the spouses (all kinds of love spells).

    The magic of color

    The energy of cats born under the Sign of Scorpio is especially strong. This Sign allows you to maximize the energy potential of a cat, regardless of color.

    SAGITTARIUS (23.11. - 21.12.)

    Element: Fire.

    Well compatible signs

    Sagittarius cats are cheerful and restless. Curiosity pushes them to perform various feats that amuse their household. It is worth noting that these cats like to sleep less than others. They are very active, constantly in a state of search, and this is why they do not like to lie still and wait to be petted. They do not waste time, but look for adventure. This character of Sagittarius will appeal to the Aries owners; their communication brings mutual pleasure. Also, the union of the Sagittarius cat will be very successful with Aquarius, Leo and Gemini.


    Sagittarius Cat is an eternal adventurer. An incorrigible optimist, he never learns from his mistakes and immediately starts a new risky adventure. He is by no means a homebody; he cannot stand confinement within four walls. Constantly locked indoors, he spends excess energy on mischief, causing a lot of harm. He is always hungry, but this does not reduce his demands on the quality of food. He likes to spend time close to his owners, but at night he must be able to leave the house. He likes to take risks, so take care of his safety. The Sagittarius cat easily gets along with everyone who does not interfere with his habits. He behaves friendly with other cats, but is somewhat aloof. The Sagittarius cat does everything he can to continue the cat family. The life of Sagittarius cats is one endless adventure, full of love dates, separations and unplanned children. There is nothing you can do about it, so it is better not to pay attention to it. A cheerful creature, always in good mood, always cheerful, friendly, peaceful. His bioenergy is quite strong, but it is very harmful for the Sagittarius kitten to freeze and overheat. It should not be overfed, fatty or smoked, as it can cause serious problems with the liver, as well as excess weight. The Sagittarius kitten is easily and often injured with possible suppuration and extensive inflammatory processes. Therefore, you need to be very careful about every scratch on his cat’s body. He loves to be the center of attention. If guests come to you, then the Sagittarius kitten will certainly come out to show off, show off, receive admiration, and just chat. If you have a country house, take your pet out for a walk on the grass, he should really like it. Among the cat society that may be at the dacha, he will certainly be a leader. All the cats in the area recognize his primacy, and the cats will be happy to get to know each other better.

    Came to the house

    In the month of Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21), a cat rarely comes into the house, but if this happens, consider this a serious warning: negative energy is directed at your home

    The magic of color

    The energy of cats under the Sign of Sagittarius works better at a distance. This cat is most suitable for a woman whose work involves traveling and business trips. The cat will be an invisible companion, protecting you from troubles and losses along the way.

    CAPRICORN (22.12 - 20.01.)

    Element: Earth.

    Well compatible signs

    Capricorn cats are very stubborn and often even harmful. At the same time, they can become true friends if they become attached to their owner; they are capable of this more than it might seem at first glance. A harmonious partnership of such pets is possible with Taurus people - after all, they are united by a love of comfort and security. With their stability, Cancers and Libra are also suitable for Capricorns. An ambiguous but favorable union is characteristic of Gemini and Capricorn cats, although it is characterized by inconstancy.


    Capricorn cats are cunning, smart and have their own minds. If your Capricorn pet has started some kind of enterprise, it is impossible to force him to abandon it. He is so smart that he can anticipate “slippery” situations and avoid them. Capricorn is extremely ambitious. Brave, inventive and always goes to the end. However, having achieved what he wanted, he is completely satisfied with himself and his life. Appreciates quality food, but does not pursue delicacies. Stability and peace are more important to him than good nutrition. His desire to communicate alternates with the desire to be alone. If you allowed them something once, you will never be able to prohibit it again. Good way to cope with his tendency to dominate - take into the house another, younger cat, to whom he can explain “who is in charge here.” While the kitten is small, it would be good not to leave it alone in the new home at first. He needs to be protected from accidents, especially when he is pulled onto the roof of a house, a window or a fire escape. As a child, he is often weak and sickly. Diseases should be treated very carefully; it is better to play it safe and go to the veterinarian. But when proper care he is guaranteed a long life, and with age his health becomes stronger and all ailments go away on their own. And the frail Capricorn kitten turns into a strong and healthy cat. Add more vegetables and cereals to his food, because... Possible problems with slow digestion. Don't scare him or he'll have a nervous breakdown. When guests come to your house, it is more comfortable for him to hide in a closet or under the bed. Don’t drag him out, he doesn’t like noisy gatherings, and as soon as the guests leave and the apartment becomes quiet again, he will crawl out of his secluded place on his own. And with his family members he is gentle, calm and affectionate. A very neat and clean kitten. It is unlikely that even at a very tender age he will allow himself some kind of hooliganism in the form of a puddle in the wrong place.

    Came to the house

    In the month of Capricorn (December 22 - January 20), the cat's arrival indicates that you are too closed and it's time to let someone else into your home. If at this time a single woman becomes the owner of a cat, know: in the near future she will not be able to get married or make friends. Don’t take a cat—it’s better to try to get rid of loneliness as quickly as possible and transform yourself and your home. You can even let in tenants, as long as the apartment does not completely turn into a lonely den. Sometimes in the month of Capricorn, a cat comes before the death of an older female relative.

    The magic of color

    Capricorn cats are under the influence of Saturn, the planet of loneliness and restrictions. A black Capricorn cat will not be beneficial to a single woman who wants to get married.

    AQUARIUS (21.01. - 19.02.)

    Element: Air

    Well compatible signs

    Aquarius cats are characterized by excessive arrogance. If the Aquarius cat could speak, then his word would always be the last. Such animals often repel attempts to communicate with them closer, although this does not mean that they are not receptive to affection and tenderness. Such pets are pleasant to watch from the outside, so Libra and Virgo, who are similar to them, would be suitable owners for them. But the most ideal union is a partnership with Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius - after all, such people will never try to invade the personal territory of an independent pet.


    The Aquarius cat is often at odds with himself: he wants to be loving and affectionate, but is also not averse to showing his claws. Aquarius has an extraordinary need for love; if he is scolded, he does not sulk for very long. The Aquarius cat itself is a balanced animal who rarely comes up with stupid ideas. But once he gets an audience, his behavior becomes exuberant and attention-grabbing. His tastes in food are very changeable: tomorrow he may refuse a dish that he enjoyed eating today. The Aquarius cat needs an owner with strong nerves who will not allow himself to be commanded. In relation to children, he easily becomes a tyrant and will not calm down until everyone starts dancing to his tune. But at the same time, you will never be able to stop loving him. The Aquarius kitten is very sociable, easily gets along with any people, is open and friendly, treats everyone equally and equally. Likes to be in noisy and fun company and at the same time happily communicates even with strangers. But after such noisy communication, the best medicine is peace and quiet.

    If you like to travel outside the city, take your pet with you, he should like it. You can even take a walk into the forest together, but, of course, protecting it from oncoming dogs. The food of an Aquarius kitten should not only be tasty, but also complete, varied, and most importantly, fully consistent with unexpected, sometimes unpredictably radical changes in its taste. Its overall vitality is not very high, so overloads are, in general, harmful. Any conflicts raging around cause anxiety and trauma. If you have an Italian family, where everyone speaks in a raised voice, then it will be difficult for the kitten to constantly be in such a noisy atmosphere.

    Came to the house

    In the month of Aquarius (January 21 - February 19), a cat will bring a wind of freedom and change into your life. She is literally ready to kick you out of the house if you don’t stop being a recluse, don’t expand your social circle, don’t finally decide to have a child - or at least get any pets: dogs, birds, turtles. This month, a cat is ready to breed feline life in your home. kindergarten just to fill the space with fresh energy. With all her might, she shows that your home lacks warmth, love and friendship.

    The magic of color

    A cat under the Sign of Aquarius brings the “wind of change” into a woman’s life if it has a striped color.

    PISCES (20.02. - 20.03.)

    Element: Water.

    Well compatible signs

    Pisces cats sit with great pleasure in their arms. If a cat makes friends with someone, then it will be for almost a lifetime. She is very scrupulous about choosing a partner, because he must be both gentle and strong. The most harmonious is the union with Cancer and Taurus. Pisces cats have serious and deep feelings for their chosen owner, and believe that betraying loyalty is the worst act. The Pisces cat dreams of a comfortable home, and it doesn’t matter which zodiac constellation its patron is a representative of - his main thing is to be a homebody.


    The Pisces Cat develops its own rules and lives according to them. He has a gentle character and will not get angry if you wake him up. However, he learns from his mistakes and next time he will try to hide better before falling asleep. He feels good in a family where there are no strict rules, and everyone lives on their own. He quickly figures out what benefits him and what benefits you, but if he is confident in your devotion to him, then he will very touchingly try to please you and will become an ideal pupil. Instinct helps him accurately capture human moods and respond to them. He tends to focus his attention and feelings on his human partner and will be jealous of your friendships with other animals or people. A gentle and affectionate creature that cannot tolerate rough treatment. He really needs a peaceful and affectionate atmosphere, protect him from swearing and noise - do not quarrel or shout in his presence. This kitten should not be frightened by anything, otherwise he may get sick from nervous breakdown. Diseases in a Pisces kitten occur in a strange way, and it is sometimes very difficult to make a diagnosis. It's better to play it safe and go to a good, experienced veterinarian. The Pisces kitten likes to be alone, daydream, sitting on the windowsill, watching the bird. Organize him a cozy bed, which is located in a secluded corner - he will be comfortable and safe there. You can buy a Cat House - there is now a huge selection of them in Pet Stores.

    If guests come to you, do not take it out for everyone to see, because... a large number of people are stressful for him. But if you have a headache, your kitten will be your cure. Take it with you on your pillow and you will feel better in a few minutes.

    Came to the house

    In the month of Pisces (February 19 - March 20), a cat will come to your hearth if the sharp smell of loneliness emanates from it, if there is a sign of loneliness on your house, as, in fact, on you. magic sign widowhood or "crown of celibacy". During this month, cats also come to the homes of magicians and sorcerers, helping them perform magical work.

    The magic of color

    Pisces cats are conductors of subtle plans and enhance women's intuition.

    Black cat-Pisces promotes prophetic dreams, helps to guess, make magical rituals. The white cat-Pisces is a subtle psychologist, helps to get rid of addictions, as well as with nervous disorders and headaches.

    Contrary to popular belief, cats of different breeds can differ greatly not only in appearance, but also in character. Anyone who is suitable for a Sphynx is unlikely to get along with a Persian cat. Have you ever wondered what kind of cat is yours? Fortunately, we have selected our own for everyone on the site. cat breed, based on zodiac sign.


    Aries are active, fearless and energetic. They want a cat who is as dynamic as they are. Therefore, on our website we suggest that Aries get a Siberian cat as soon as possible. These fluffy balls very playful. Even when the Siberian cat reaches adulthood, she will not stop running around the house, performing acrobatics and playing with her favorite toys.


    Tactile by nature, Taurus will agree that they like to experience the world through touch. Like people of this zodiac sign, the Laperm cat constantly touches everything with its paws. They are known for rubbing against everyone and everything in their path. A pleasant addition for Taurus owners will be the fact that Laperms have curly fur.


    The most sociable sign is Gemini. They always know what to say, when and how to say it. Siamese cats are the most vocal of all other breeds; owners will constantly hear their “meow” from all over the apartment. A well-known distinctive feature of this breed is its canine habits: the cat will protect its household members and guard the house.


    Cancers are sensitive and emotional people. They want a cat breed that will always be on their side. Of course, Cancers can't would be better suited Somali cat. These guys can be quite active, but also just lie on their laps if the owner is not in the mood for games right now.

    a lion

    It is vital for Leos to always be the center of attention. They constantly seek praise and admiration from others, which is why Abyssinians are best suited for them. The owner will be very similar to his cat, who will want to be the only cat in the house and will not tolerate other pets.


    Virgos are known for being a little shy, so they always take time to accept new people. The same goes for the Persian cat. These furry guys may be a little aggressive and distrustful at first, but will be yours forever once you win their respect and love.


    Libras always want to be in company; loneliness is completely unbearable for them. The Ragdoll cat will be their most devoted companion. These plush creatures will follow you around all day and make ideal sofa or bed neighbors. In addition, they are incredibly cute and affectionate.


    Scorpios know what they want and will do anything to get it. They are natural leaders who are not afraid to be assertive, so the Russian Blue is the kitten that is just meant for them. They know how to get what they want, be it games or treats. Russian Blue cats can be a little mischievous at times, but owners will be embarrassed to be angry with these cute creatures.


    Sagittarius is interested the world, so they constantly strive to travel and learn new things. People born under this sign are also incredibly open-minded compared to the rest of the zodiac, which is why they need a Sphynx cat. Many find naked cats unattractive, not realizing that these are very affectionate and devoted creatures. And they are quite funny cats, which reflect Sagittarius' humorous personality.


    For Capricorns, nothing is more important than family. They love to spend time with their loved ones as often as possible, which is why the Korat cat is the best cat for them. Like Capricorns, these cats form strong bonds with the people in their lives and are always nearby. They are more than just pets - they are true family members.


    The Ragamuffin cat is ideal for Pisces. Pisces are always reserved and calm and do not like it when people try to upset them. This is why the Ragamuffin cat is an ideal breed for them. They love to curl up on their lap while their owner watches TV, listens to music, or reads a book. Ragamuffins also have a calm and patient nature, which allows them to be in the company of a wide variety of people.

    People are divided into two camps: those who love cats and those who prefer dogs. For the latter, we have prepared a selection of dog breeds for each representative of the zodiac circle. And if furry four-legged animals are not for you, then read the material about exotic pets.
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    Aries sign suits active cats with a straight or “Roman” profile, such as Siamese, Sphynx or Balinese cats. After all, it is known that cats of the Siamese-Oriental breed, like people born under this zodiac sign, are very active, sociable and agile. They meow a lot, have a large number of different intonations, and the timbre of the voice of most Siamese cats is hoarse and persistent.





    This sign corresponds to cats that are squat with rounded shapes, such as Persians and exotics. The character of these cats is calm and balanced. It is believed that Persian cats are quite lazy, much like their Taurus owners, who will happily sit on a soft, cozy sofa with a warm and fluffy lump on their laps.


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    Geminis can be recommended sophisticated and tall cats, such as Russian Blues and Nibelungs. By nature, these cats are sociable and not very demanding. People of this sign are also suitable for American national cat breeds, including Maine Coons, which are very friendly and active.



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    Cancers can have almost any cat, since people of this sign love and appreciate these pets like no other. At the same time, astrologers advise Cancers to choose cat breeds originating from South Asia: Burmese and Burmese, Burmilla, Thai, Ceylon.

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    A LION

    The two most graceful cat breeds are associated with the sign of Leo - the Abyssinian and Somali. Their golden color is reminiscent of lions themselves - the most regal predators of the cat family. Overall, these are very independent cat breeds, with a sense of self-esteem. At the same time, they are strongly attached to their owner and cannot stand loneliness.

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    The Virgo sign is associated with hybrid cat breeds. For example, a Bengal cat, obtained by crossing a domestic and an Asian leopard breed, has the temperament of both a domestic animal and a wild animal. The Bengal cat is slender and elegant, and also very smart and quick-witted.

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    For the sign of Libra, Turkish Angoras are suitable - graceful and elegant, which have long been considered the cats of aristocrats. Cats of this breed are intelligent and very inquisitive, spending most of their time on the move. Moreover, they move very gracefully and gracefully, like ballerinas.





    The sign of Scorpio is associated with the characteristics of the hairline. Therefore, his field of activity is cats with unusual fur. There are quite a lot of such cats: sphinxes without hair at all (Canadian, Don, St. Petersburg), rexes with curly hair (Cornish, Devon, German, Oregon, Ural Rex). All these cats are so unusual that they look like aliens from other worlds.


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    For Sagittarius, we can recommend breeds with an unusual structure of the rear part of the body. For example, there is a whole group of cat breeds with a very short and curved tail - bobtails (Kurilian, Japanese, Karelian). These short-tailed cats are very friendly and curious, and usually exhibit the habits of dogs - chasing a toy, fetching it, and loving to go for walks. In addition, they are very loyal to their owners.


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    The sign of Capricorn is associated with the structural features of the limbs. Therefore, astrologers recommend that such people choose munchkin cats. These short-legged cats, which resemble dachshunds, have wonderful personalities - they are peaceful, sociable and affectionate. The short legs of these pussies do not at all prevent them from being nimble and agile.





    Russian national cat breeds are associated with the sign of Aquarius, and in particular, Siberian cats, European shorthair cats, Siberians, Don Sphynxes, Ural Rexes, Kuril and Karelian bobtails.

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    Singapura cats can be classified as Pisces. These small and funny colored cats Ivory They carry such a charge of vivacity and positivity that they quickly become favorites of both children and adults. They can be very energetic, cheerful and unusually modest at the same time. Unfortunately, this is a fairly rare breed of cat and is not easy to find.

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    The fate and character of each person is determined by his date of birth. The same goes for animals. The habits and behavior of pets often depend on the zodiac sign under which they were born. To know what to expect from a new pet or to understand why a cat behaves the way it does, you need to study the cat's horoscope.

    Aries (from March 21 to April 20)

    Cats born under the sign of Aries have an independent and decisive character. Such animals are very inquisitive, they are interested in studying new subjects and getting to know the world around them. Often, pets of this zodiac sign are characterized by excessive activity, which during outdoor games can develop into a real riot. A wound up Aries cat can long time run nonstop, knocking down everything that stands in his way. It can be very difficult to stop him.

    In most cases, Aries cats are bullies. By nature, furry fidgets are leaders, so they like to attack other animals living in the same apartment with them. At the slightest danger, the pet will not hide or run away. A brave and courageous animal will be able to stand up for itself and, most likely, will emerge victorious from any fight. Another distinctive character trait of freedom-loving Aries can be called their love of street walks.

    The Aries animal will get along well with the Leo owner. The pet will also find a common language with Libra and Gemini. When choosing a name for your furry friend, a person may give preference to nicknames such as Rambo or Hooligan.

    Taurus (from April 21 to May 21)

    The Taurus cat is a peace-loving and calm creature with a good-natured character. Animals of this zodiac sign love comfort. They can lie on a soft pillow for several hours in a row or bask on a windowsill illuminated by warm rays. At such moments, you should not pick up the pet or move it to another place; for such actions, it can take offense at the owner for a long time. Taurus is indifferent to toys. They are also of little interest in outdoor games.

    Cats born under the sign of Taurus are not shy about showing their feelings for a person. If the owner comes home from work, the pet will definitely rub against his legs, and then jump onto his lap and purr loudly. Showing its affection, the animal waits for a response from people. Taurus likes to be stroked, scratched, and combed out.

    Taurus animals are distinguished by obedience and submissiveness. The pet will definitely come running when the owner screams and will stop doing dirty tricks when he hears the word “No!” Cats of this zodiac sign do not have a tendency to run away from home; the street and new surroundings frighten timid animals.

    Taurus cats have excellent compatibility with owners born under zodiac signs such as Cancer and Libra. They will also get along with Aries. Nicknames such as Tom or Henry are suitable for animals.

    Gemini (from May 22 to June 21)

    Gemini Cat is interested in everything around him. Insatiable curiosity makes him climb into all the cabinets, drawers and holes. This active fidget will not leave any nook unattended and will stick his nose into every crevice. Cats of this zodiac sign have a huge amount of energy. They love to climb trees (and can easily climb to the highest branch and immediately descend from it), often chase mice or birds, and can tease the neighbor's dog.

    Cats born in late spring or early summer are distinguished by their intelligence and cunning. These animals are almost never in a bad mood. Pets always make contact with people, but in some cases they can be obstinate. If an animal wants to play, it will never sit on a person’s lap and endure his stroking.

    Gemini cats have ideal compatibility with Taurus, Gemini, and Virgo people. An active and inquisitive pet can be called Felix or Icarus.

    Cancer (from June 22 to July 23)

    The Cancer cat's favorite pastime is lying on the couch and eating various delicacies. Such a pet will not hesitate to beg for its favorite treats during lunch. And if a person does not see, the furry prankster can easily jump onto the table in search of prey. In general, the Cancer animal is very friendly and always tries to establish close, warm relationships with its owners.

    Cats of this zodiac sign are usually strongly attached to home. Any exit outside the apartment becomes a real stress for them. At the same time, they are loyal to the guests who come to their owners. But Cancers perceive new animals with caution. When other pets appear in the house, they may show jealousy. To calm a cat, a person needs to make a lot of effort; sometimes a piece of tasty meat helps to improve the relationship.

    Cancer animals get along well with Pisces, Capricorn and Taurus people. A cat born under this zodiac sign will be given the name Martha; the cat can be called Opal.

    Leo (from July 24 to August 23)

    The Leo cat, who has settled with a person under the same roof, will become the real master of the house. Even small kittens of this zodiac sign are proud. In any environment, such animals feel their greatness and superiority over other living beings. At the same time, a cat with the habits of the king of beasts will never refuse the affection of its owner. The pet will receive great pleasure if it is scratched behind the ear or stroked on the back.

    Noble Leo cats usually become good hunters. They will be able to protect their home from the invasion of mice, and if they wish, they can easily catch a bird (this is why owners should not have parrots or canaries at home). The pet will certainly bring its prey to the person and will expect praise and gratitude from him. With age, Leo may become lazier, but he will never lose his hunting qualities.

    Leo cats have good compatibility with Libra and Cancer owners. Among the names for Leo pets, nicknames such as Leo or Caesar are suitable.

    Virgo (from August 24 to September 23)

    Virgo cats are always particularly clean. Animals can take care of their coats for several hours at a time. In addition, a clean pet may refuse to eat from a dirty bowl or go to the toilet in an uncleaned litter tray. At the same time, both problems will ruin the cat’s mood and cause psychological discomfort. In order not to unnecessarily irritate the animal, the owner must carefully monitor the cleanliness of the places where the pet most often spends time and the objects that the animal uses.

    Cats born under the sign of Virgo have well-developed intellectual abilities. In addition, pets born in late summer or early autumn are very dexterous and agile. It will not be difficult for them to open a locked door or jump onto the highest cabinet in the apartment. The Virgo animal does not like it when scandals occur in the family. The cat will also not tolerate shouting at itself.

    The Virgo cat will match the characters of the owners Aries, Taurus, Capricorn. Nicknames such as Leopold or Suzanne are suitable for Virgo pets.

    Libra (September 24 to October 23)

    Cats born under the sign of Libra do not like loneliness and try to spend as much time as possible with people. These animals trust people and are always affectionate and friendly even to strangers. Libra pets have a very friendly, peaceful character and good manners. The cat will never misbehave or do anything to spite its owner.

    A calm animal will not disturb people when they are busy with any business. At such moments, an intelligent companion cat can sit down not far from the owner and simply carefully watch his every move. Libra animals are usually not picky about food; feeding such pets will not be difficult at all.

    Cats of this zodiac sign get along well with all people. But their best compatibility is with Scorpios and Taurus. When choosing a nickname for an animal, you can give preference to the names Greta, Leonardo, Adonis.

    Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)

    Scorpio cats are, by their nature, rare tricksters. These animals always know where their favorite treat is hidden and can get tasty food even from tightly closed cabinets. Animals love to play and communicate with people, and it doesn’t matter to them what their owner is doing at this time. If Scorpio is in the mood to have fun, he will not hesitate to wake up his owner early in the morning or distract him from homework.

    Pets of this zodiac sign love to play various pranks. They are capable of scattering garbage from a bucket, sharpening their claws on a new sofa and doing many other things that people will not like. To avoid punishment, a cat, having committed a dirty trick, can hide in a secluded place and leave its shelter only when the person finally calms down and has time to eliminate the traces of the pogrom.

    Scorpio cats have excellent compatibility with Pisces, Cancers and Taurus. The following nicknames are suitable for mischievous animals: Katie, Lily, Shustrik.

    Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21)

    Animals born under the sign of Sagittarius have a very freedom-loving character. A cat can be carefully locked in the house, but it will definitely find a loophole to run outside. The furry hooligan will return home only after he has explored all the surroundings and met the local inhabitants. In order not to worry about their pet once again, people should take it for walks on a harness or leash at least 2-3 times a week.

    Sagittarius cats love pranks and adventures and cannot stand any prohibitions. These active animals feel at ease everywhere. The pet can easily take the owner’s place on the bed or even go to sleep on the kitchen table. The cat will try to ignore any comments from people. Despite the fact that Sagittarius does not have good manners, he will definitely become an excellent hunter, capable of catching birds and rodents.

    The easiest way for Sagittarius to get along on the same territory is with representatives of such zodiac signs as Gemini and Aquarius. Nicknames such as Joy, Wulf, Zephyr are perfect for self-satisfied cats.

    Capricorn (from December 22 to January 20)

    Among other animals, Capricorn cats are distinguished by their intelligence and slowness. Before committing any action, the pet will carefully think about everything, and only then begin active activity. Cats of this zodiac sign are very dependent on people; their character does not allow them to be alone for a long time. Such animals are very vulnerable and touchy. The owner needs to behave with the pet as delicately as possible, so as not to hurt his sensitive soul.

    The Capricorn cat will most likely perceive the appearance of other animals in the house negatively. He will also be especially careful around small children. Of course, he will not cause harm, but he will not show any tender feelings towards them. To feel safe, representatives of this zodiac sign like to arrange places for sleeping and relaxation at altitude. If your pet is not visible nearby, you should raise your head and look at the highest cabinet or shelf in the apartment.

    Despite their peculiar character, Sagittarius cats are compatible with Cancers, Capricorns, and Virgos. When choosing a name for a pet of this sign, owners may give preference to names such as Fresh, Frost or Garfield.

    Aquarius (from January 21 to February 19)

    Aquarius cats have an independent character. They do not require a lot of human attention or frequent petting. Such animals usually act as observers. They like to watch what a person does. But pets try to avoid close contact with their owners.

    Felines born under the sign of Aquarius love to explore the world around them. They are interested not only in their home, but also in everything that is outside it. Cats do not like closed doors; they like to move freely indoors and have constant access to the outside. It would be best for these animals to live in a private house with a spacious local area. In this case, the owners will have to install a special folding door on the front door for their pets.

    Aquarius cats are not very sociable; most of all they trust their owners Libra, Aries, and Sagittarius. The nicknames Freddie, Buddy, and Ricky are suitable for Aquarius animals.

    Pisces (from February 20 to March 20)

    Cats born under the sign of Pisces have a calm character. They are very loyal to their owner, but do not like new people too much. Animals born at the end of winter or early spring do not tolerate fuss. They like a measured, quiet life; they absolutely do not want to change their habits. Modest and graceful pets can stare out the window for hours without showing any desire to go outside. They feel much closer and dearer to their home, where there is a warm bed and a full cup of delicious food.

    Pisces cats always feel a person’s emotional mood. If a pet notices that its owner is upset or preoccupied with something, he will definitely jump into his arms and try to console him with his sonorous purring. Such animals perfectly relieve stress and relieve people of negative emotions.

    Pisces cats will like the character of their owners Gemini and Libra. Among the names of animals, nicknames such as Snack, Merlin, Dustin are suitable.

    Aries- these are militant stubborn people. In their actions they are guided only by their desires and are irritable. A Burmese cat would be suitable for this sign. He is also cocky, aggressive and belligerent.

    Taurus- persistent and patient workers. They always try to achieve the intended goal. Money, at the behest of Lady Fate, constantly accompanies their path. A Persian cat is suitable for them, with rich fur and an expensive price. These cats, just like their owners, are stubborn and patient.

    Twins- very fickle, easily adapt to different circumstances, but at the same time intellectually developed people. They would like a Scottish Fold who loves to play, adapts well to a new place of residence and easily gets along with other animals.

    For the sensual, vulnerable, faithful and devoted Rakov The suitable breed is Siberian. These cats differ from others not only in their beauty, but also in their affection and care. If the owner is sad or upset, the cat will definitely come up and surround him with his love, relieve fatigue and irritation.

    Lions It is useless to manage and command; they are leaders themselves. At the same time, they are noble, sincere and honest. Karmically suitable for this sign big cat, but not everyone can afford to keep a lion in their apartment. From more small breeds British cats will suit them. This breed is imposing, reserved, and independent. They never impose themselves on communication; they do not like to be teased and caressed against their will.

    For intelligent, observant people striving for excellence Dev An American shorthair cat would be suitable. They are understanding and obedient. Well trained. They love to sing songs. Very clean.

    Scales- these are people who are ruled by beauty, generosity, striving for harmony. Always surrounded by people, without society, they simply suffocate. The cat that will suit them is a graceful and gentle angora. This zodiac sign is strongly influenced by the planet Chiron, which is responsible for duality, and this particular breed of cat often has eyes of different colors.

    People born under the sign Scorpion, are strong personalities. To achieve their goals, they will sweep away any obstacle. As opponents they are very dangerous - ruthless, vengeful, vindictive. A Siamese cat is good for them. It is believed that the character of these cats cannot be fully revealed and understood; they are too mysterious. These cats are beautiful and graceful, but at the same time full of cunning and cynicism. They need to be loved, otherwise no one will live in the house.

    Sagittarius- freedom-loving. Sociable and good-natured. Everyone's favorites. Any exotic breed is suitable for them, but the Ocicat is best. These cats match well with their owners, as they are active, cheerful, affectionate and love attention. If these cats are brushed and massaged frequently, they will be the happiest animal in the world.

    Ambitious and calculating Capricorns, of course, are faithful and reliable, but at the same time they rarely find a common language with people. Therefore, a Thai cat is just right for them. The ancestors of this breed were Siamese, so their character and appearance are the same. The difference is in size - Thai cats are slightly larger.

    Fair, smart and original Aquarius It is very difficult for them to endure a breakup in a relationship; they are very affectionate. The Balinese cat breed is good for them. Sociable, affectionate. They have a strong, almost dog-like attachment to their owner and have difficulty withstanding separation.

    Fish They have honesty and hard work, while remaining great dreamers until old age. They have good intuition, but in life they are often hindered by the duality of character. A Norwegian Forest cat would be a good choice for them. These animals are mysterious, incomprehensible and mystically distant. Even when playing with them, you get the feeling that they are on “their own wavelength.” But they love the owners with all their hearts.

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