• The baby grunts through his nose, but there is no snot: possible options for the problem and advice for moms and dads. The infant wheezes when breathing


    When it appears in the house Small child, all the attention of adults focuses only on him. Parents constantly look closely and listen to the baby and begin to worry greatly if it seems to them that there is some kind of deviation. In this case, mom or dad immediately call the local pediatrician and ask questions that concern them. Often parents begin to worry if the newborn wheezes, but this phenomenon can be completely physiological. Due to this, the baby's respiratory system adapts to existence outside the mother's womb.

    Features of infant breathing

    The respiratory system of an infant is noticeably different from the respiratory system of an adult. After birth and throughout infancy The baby's respiratory organs develop and adapt to environmental conditions. Both the upper and lower respiratory tracts of babies are quite narrow and are not designed for deep breathing. This is why newborns breathe quickly and shallowly.

    The nasopharynx of infants is very narrow, so the smallest particle of irritant leads to repeated sneezing. A runny nose is also dangerous for the baby. With this pathological phenomenon, the mucous membrane swells greatly and contributes to an even greater narrowing of the nasal passages. If the baby's nose becomes clogged and swollen, wheezing may be heard when he breathes.

    To prevent a runny nose and wheezing, the baby needs to clean his nose in a timely manner.. To do this, use cotton wool pads soaked in saline solution or sterile vegetable oil.

    A child's nose may wheeze from the first day after birth. The wheezing is especially loud during eating and sleeping. If parents are very concerned about this, they should consult a pediatrician.


    There are many reasons for wheezing in a baby. Both physiological and pathological reasons can be distinguished:

    • Sensitivity of the baby to the surrounding air. The atmosphere contains tiny particles of dust, allergens and other irritants, which, settling on the membrane of the nose, form a dense crust, making breathing difficult and leading to snoring.
    • Drying of the nasopharyngeal mucosa can also lead to wheezing and coughing. This is especially common in children born in winter time of the year. In such cases, parents almost never take the baby outside and the room is ventilated extremely rarely, which leads to dry mucous membrane in the nasopharynx cavity.
    • If a newborn wheezes a lot when he breathes, then the reason for this phenomenon may be completely physiological. This is due to the very narrow nasal passages and the narrow lumen of the pharynx.
    • The baby's larynx is not fully developed. When breathing, the vocal cords vibrate strongly and produce peculiar sounds. Wheezing in an infant may also indicate the development of serious pathologies. These may be pathologies of the following nature:
    • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • accumulation of fluid in the lower respiratory organs;
    • allergic reaction;
    • enlargement of the thymus gland;
    • foreign body in the nose or throat.

    If noisy breathing is accompanied by a high temperature, then we can talk about a respiratory disease. In this case, all other symptoms of acute respiratory pathology are also present. A baby with a cold may cough and have a cough and runny nose. If wheezing occurs without high temperature, then we can talk about physiological phenomenon or allergies.

    Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after examining the child and passing some tests.

    Treatment of wheezing

    If the child feels normal, then no special treatment is required. It is enough to simply examine the baby’s nose for mucus and crusts. If they are in the nose, then drop a few drops of sea water or saline into the nasal passages, then wait a couple of minutes and clean the nostrils with cotton swabs.

    If a child, in addition to noisy breathing, has a fever, cough and runny nose, you should contact your local pediatrician. In this case, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, which may include:

    • rinsing the nasal passages with salt water or saline;
    • instillation of vasoconstrictor drops into the nose;
    • antipyretic drugs;
    • Antihistamines.

    Treatment of a child under one year of age should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. It is unacceptable to replace prescribed medications without the consent of the doctor. If, despite treatment, the baby's condition does not improve for three days, additional examination or treatment should be adjusted.

    It is strictly forbidden to use vasoconstrictor drops more three days in a row, as they lead to drying out of the mucous membrane. Sprays should not be used to treat infants.

    What sounds can a baby make?

    If the baby is absolutely healthy, then his breathing is smooth, without any extraneous sounds. If your baby wheezes in his throat or nose, you should show him to your pediatrician to avoid serious problems:

    • Wheezing, whistling and groaning indicate that the airways are narrowed and air passes through with great difficulty. In addition, such extraneous sounds can indicate infections, swelling, spasms, and foreign objects entering the respiratory organs. It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance if the baby’s nasolabial triangle turns blue or he cannot make any sounds.
    • If a runny nose and cough are observed simultaneously with noisy breathing, this indicates a cold. If shortness of breath is observed and it is difficult for the baby to eat, you should call a doctor; perhaps the baby’s bronchi are inflamed.
    • If gurgling sounds occur when breathing, this means that the baby does not have time to swallow saliva, and it accumulates in the throat. This condition goes away quite quickly without any treatment.
    • The baby may breathe noisily if he chokes on food. This sometimes happens if the baby is not applied to the breast correctly.
    • Sometimes small children experience short-term breath holdings, which frighten parents very much. After such a pause, the baby may breathe noisily for a couple of minutes. If this phenomenon is observed, you should show the baby to a doctor.

    If a baby holds his breath for 10 seconds or more, he should be examined. The cause of this pathological phenomenon may be serious congenital diseases.

    Apnea can be a cause of sudden infant death in infants, so children suffering from this pathology must be constantly monitored.

    What else can you do to help your child?

    To prevent the nasopharyngeal mucosa from drying out and the child making extraneous sounds when breathing, the room should be maintained at optimal temperature and humidity.
    . This can be achieved in the following ways:

    • Ventilate the children's room often. While the child is being ventilated, the child is taken out of the room or covered warmly;
    • To humidify the air, you can use a household humidifier or hang wet towels over the radiators. In the children's room, you can constantly dry one diaper, only it must first be thoroughly rinsed to remove any detergent.

    To control temperature and humidity in the children's room there should be not only a thermometer, but also a household hygrometer.

    The causes of noisy breathing in infants can be physiological and pathological. If, apart from wheezing, there are no other symptoms, then most likely the nasopharyngeal mucosa is dry. To soften it, just drip some saline into your nose.

    Often parents are faced with the problem of wheezing in their infants. Before you panic and start any treatment, you should consult a specialist. He will be able to determine the severity of the condition. Wheezing is not always associated with illness, and sometimes you can get rid of it without medication.

    The appearance of various noises in a child during breathing will not be ignored by any adult.

    According to the location of wheezing, organs such as the lungs, bronchi, trachea, nasopharynx, and throat are distinguished.

    If wheezing refers to the throat and nasopharynx, it may be accompanied by pain, hoarseness and difficulty breathing. Such noises can be heard from a distance. Usually wheezing is detected using a phonendoscope.

    Wheezing during breathing can be dry or moist, constant or transient, accompanying inhalation or exhalation.

    Reasons for appearance

    The infant's wheezing appears and then disappears. Their occurrence may be associated with illness or other environmental factors.

    1. Swelling of the larynx.
    2. Accumulation of fluid in the respiratory system.
    3. Entry of a foreign body into the child's respiratory tract. The cough occurs suddenly, loudly, frequently. Skin turn blue, difficulty breathing.
    4. Dry air in the room (especially in winter season when the heaters are on). The mucus in the nose turns into crusts, which make it difficult for oxygen to reach the lungs.
    5. Insufficiently formed airways. In this case, the organs have thin walls, which begin to vibrate when breathing, and wheezing appears.
    6. Inflammatory processes that occur when viruses and bacteria enter.
    7. Allergic symptom. The irritant should be found and eliminated as quickly as possible to prevent more serious illnesses.
    8. Asthma. With this disease, the child coughs, wheezing, and attacks of suffocation appear.

    Often, hoarseness when breathing occurs after prolonged crying. In this case, hoarseness goes away after some time.

    At the stage of recovery from a cold, which is accompanied by a cough, active discharge of sputum occurs. Wheezing may occur after sleep when phlegm accumulates in the throat.

    Symptoms of the disease

    If, in addition to wheezing, your child has other warning symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

    These symptoms include:

    • increased body temperature;
    • it becomes difficult for the child to breathe;
    • skin color changes (pale or red);
    • frequent regurgitation not associated with food appears;
    • the child becomes lethargic and drowsy.

    If a child coughs or has a fever, you should call a pediatrician at home. Most often these are signs of ARVI. Wheezing can also accompany serious illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

    Bronchitis is characterized by hard breathing and the appearance of wheezing in the upper bronchi. The temperature may not rise.

    It happens that a child under one year of age has any colds quickly descends to the lungs, resulting in inflammation and an increase in temperature. In some cases, you can hear wheezing in the chest even without a phonendoscope. The child finds it difficult to breathe out, he begins to cry and get nervous, and vomits.

    Treatment of the disorder

    To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional methods of examining the child’s body:

    • X-ray of the sinuses, bronchi and lungs;
    • Blood and urine tests: elevated white blood cells will indicate an inflammatory process, and eosinophils will indicate an allergy.

    After examining and listening to the respiratory organs, the doctor decides on further treatment:

    • To relieve swelling or remove the allergen from the body, antihistamines are prescribed;
    • for inflammatory bacterial diseases, a course of antibiotics is used;
    • antiviral drugs may be prescribed;
    • vitamin complex to improve immunity;
    • If a child coughs, medications are prescribed depending on the type of cough (dry or wet).

    Colds in children can also be treated with folk remedies:

    1. You can use mustard plasters, which help thin the mucus.
    2. A decoction of chamomile and coltsfoot has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
    3. You can make compresses from mustard and honey. These components are connected to vegetable oil and alcohol. The resulting cake is placed on the child's chest or back. A warm scarf is tied over the top.
    4. For inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, steam inhalation can be used (laryngitis, tracheitis). For inflammation of the lower sections, nebulizers are used. The nebulizer container can be filled with: medicinal product, and ordinary physical. solution.
    5. Massage helps chest and back, which promotes the removal of sputum.


    If the child is active, eats and sleeps well, then there should be no cause for concern. If wheezing interferes with breathing, the child becomes lethargic, or other respiratory symptoms appear, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

    From the moment a tiny miracle is born, family worries and worries double. Mom and dad listen every second and look closely at every little thing. And even small deviation from the norm established by the parents causes them a storm of emotions: fear, excitement, panic. And then a call to the pediatrician follows and a lot of questions. To avoid this, you need to learn some rules.

    Newborns are very different from adults. The period of their adaptation to the outside world lasts quite a long time, so most body systems (digestive, respiratory, etc.) operate in a special mode. But over time, all discrepancies with the baby’s health status, which cause panic in parents, will simply disappear.

    The phenomenon of wheezing in a baby is quite common and can occur even from the day of birth. They often intensify when eating or sleeping. Of course, parental anxiety will always be present, so it makes sense to see a doctor, at least for your own peace of mind. If no serious health problems have been identified for the baby, then mom and dad can independently help the child cope with the problem.

    Causes of wheezing in newborns

    There are many reasons for wheezing in infants.

    The first and most common reason for the appearance of this problem is sensitivity to the air around the child. This is explained by the fact that newborns have very small nasal passages, so microparticles contained in the air, including dust, quickly accumulate, forming a kind of crust, and make it difficult for the baby to breathe. This is where the wheezing comes from.

    In frequent cases, the occurrence of this trouble is partly the fault of the parents themselves. This is especially true for babies who were born in winter. When the temperature outside is sub-zero, the room is practically not ventilated, walks in the fresh air are postponed until better times, and the temperature in the room exceeds the norm. All this has Negative influence on the child's condition.

    An important reason is the child’s naturally narrow respiratory passages. In this case, air is unable to flow freely into the lungs, thereby causing wheezing in the baby.

    An infant's larynx is not fully developed. When breathing, the soft edges fall in, and the nasopharynx begins to vibrate strongly, creating peculiar sounds.

    In addition, the occurrence of wheezing in a baby may indicate serious illnesses:

    • swelling of the nasal passages;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • accumulated fluid in the respiratory tract;
    • allergic reaction (quite rare);
    • enlarged thymus gland;
    • a foreign object stuck in a small child's nose;
    • asthma.

    Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Parents should only follow his immediate recommendations for caring for a newborn child.

    Treatment of wheezing in an infant

    If the overall health of the baby is normal, but the child still wheezes when breathing, it is necessary to examine his small nose; perhaps a crust has formed there, which does not allow the baby to breathe calmly. It won't be difficult to get rid of it. Nowadays, there are many options for special drops and sprays for this. With their help, you can moisten the nasal passage, and then carefully remove the crust.

    However, this will not solve the problem completely. The cause of crust formation is improper care, so all your methods need to be carefully reviewed:

    • First of all, the premises. It should be regularly ventilated, regardless of the time of year.
    • The temperature in the room should not be higher or lower than 20–22 degrees, and the humidity should not be up to 50 percent.
    • It is necessary to remove possible dust collectors from the room where the child lives: carpets, Stuffed Toys and so on. Plus, wet cleaning the room every day.
    • Walking outdoors should always be possible, regardless of weather conditions. If the weather is not suitable for walking outside, you can spend about 30 minutes on the balcony. The main thing is that the child breathes fresh air.
    • In case of inflammation of the respiratory tract as a result allergic reaction need to completely get rid of possible sources, causing a similar phenomenon: dust (remove carpets, toys, directly carry out wet cleaning), wool, fluff (relocate animals, exclude things from use from natural fur, bird feather and so on). Under no circumstances should you keep a child and flowering plants in the same room.
    • You should not give your baby toys that consist of small dismountable parts, so that any component does not accidentally get stuck in his respiratory tract.
    • Avoid hypothermia, drafts, and contact with people who have recently had a viral disease.

    If wheezing in a baby occurs as a result of a weak larynx, then treatment is not required. As a rule, by the age of one year everything goes away on its own.

    The appearance of wheezing in infants caused by serious illnesses can only be dealt with by a specialist. Even if, at first glance, the child’s general health is normal, you should not neglect consulting a doctor. But if wheezing is also accompanied by deterioration in health, then in this case you need to immediately call emergency help.

    And this is how baby otters squeal))))

    When a child is born, parents are concerned about its health. Mothers often turn to specialists with complaints of wheezing. infant.

    It is important to know that this phenomenon is not always associated with the appearance and development of the disease. Existothersreasons why a baby makes a wheezing sound when breathing.

    Wheezing in an infant requires special attention from the parents. Prolonged sobbing can provoke strange sounds. As soon as the baby calms down, breathing becomes clear and even. Such manifestations of third-party sounds should not cause panic in mom or dad, even if the baby wheezes after crying. When a bluish tint appears on the skin, and breathing is harsh, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Manifestations may be a signal:

    • colds;
    • infectious pathology;
    • allergic reaction;
    • inhalation of foreign objects.

    Urgent diagnosis will help in a short period of time to cope with pathologies that are accompanied by wheezing in an infant.

    A healthy newborn breathes easily, without special effort. If there are deviations in the respiratory system caused by an infectious disease, the baby creates a specific sound when inhaling and exhaling. Wheezing occurs in the nasopharynx, which is often accompanied by coughing and runny nose.

    The breathing process becomes difficult, air flows with effort through the narrowed airways. Patency is impaired due to swelling, which appears due to infectious disease, inflammatory process. IN in this case Parents should sound the alarm, contact a specialist for help, and undergo a full examination so that the pathology does not lead to complications with unexpected unpleasant results.

    Children of the first year of life have underdeveloped respiratory tracts. With swelling, the mucous membranes secrete a considerable amount of secretion; the narrow passages of the respiratory system cannot cope with them. A child's wheezing in the nasopharynx and cough sometimes appear due to polluted air, especially if there is cigarette smoke in it. Therefore, the main condition for normal development respiratory tract is clean indoor air.

    It happens that a child makes a wheezing sound only when he inhales. Apart from specific wheezing, no pathological symptoms are observed. The baby's health is satisfactory, his appetite is normal, and his sleep is restful. Noises during inhalation characterize insufficient elasticity of the airways. By the age of 1.5 years, breathing normalizes, as the cartilage and tissue of the larynx become much denser. But consulting a specialist in case of such a violation will not hurt.

    Sudden wheezing when breathing in a child indicates entry into the respiratory system. foreign bodies. A cough, runny nose, and wheezing in a child’s throat indicate viral or infectious illnesses that require the help of a professional.

    You should urgently call an ambulance when your baby’s wheezing, runny nose, or cough is combined with difficulty breathing, drowsiness, lethargy, or blueness around the lips.

    Drug intervention for wheezing emitted from the nasopharynx, accompanied by a cough, is possible only after a complete examination by a specialist. If the cause is allergic manifestations, inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, colds, specialists prescribe a course of treatment, which takes place under their strict supervision. Treatment is often offered in hospitals of medical institutions, since infants have underdeveloped immune system and one disease can provoke pathology of another direction.

    Wheezing in a child when breathing in the nasopharynx in combination with a cough may appear in dry air in the room. Such phenomena are observed in winter, when parents turn on the heaters so that the newborn does not freeze or catch a cold. Such care does not bring any benefit, but only harms the baby.

    It becomes difficult to breathe with the respiratory organs that are not yet fully formed in this environment. The baby's nose accumulates mucus, which dries out and forms crusts. They don't go out naturally, occupying the narrow, thin passages of the nose, which causes wheezing in the baby. In this case, due to difficulty breathing, a dry cough appears.

    Naturally, this reason does not require treatment. The main task of parents is to create comfortable conditions in the room for your baby to sleep and play:

    • You should humidify the dry air flow by placing a container of water near the heater;
    • It is recommended to humidify dry air using a wet towel placed next to the heating device;
    • Be sure to ventilate the room, even if it is not very hot.

    During sleep, you can open the window slightly and wrap the baby in a warm blanket. Flow fresh air Promotes sound and long-lasting sleep for the baby.

    If an infant wheezes, coughs, or has an increase in body temperature, then most often this indicates the presence of a respiratory viral disease. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease must be carried out by a professional. Parents should create the most comfortable conditions during the period of illness:

    • promptly clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus;
    • follow all doctor's recommendations;
    • Give your child plenty of fluids;
    • monitor body temperature;
    • do not overdry the room temperature with heaters;
    • ventilate the room;
    • spend more time outdoors.

    An increase in temperature, runny nose, cough, rapid breathing, wheezing can be a signal of the development of pneumonia. The disease is a consequence of a runny nose and mild cold, which parents do not treat in a timely manner. It is possible that pneumonia will require a long inpatient treatment. Diagnosing a disease on your own or giving your child medications without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited.

    Bronchiolitis most often occurs in newborns under one year of age. When the disease occurs, inflammation affects small areas of the bronchi. The symptoms are:

    • cough that lasts up to two hours;
    • the baby wheezes after a runny nose;
    • other signs of a cold;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • lack of appetite;
    • moodiness, irritability, tearfulness.

    Symptoms require immediate medical attention. It is recommended to call an ambulance, because in 90% of cases the newborn is hospitalized to confirm the diagnosis.

    If someone in the family suffers from allergies, a child who experiences attacks of difficulty breathing at night or wheezing after a runny nose should be treated with special attention. Symptoms may be the first sign of the development of bronchial asthma.

    The diagnosis is quite complex and requires a full examination with additional laboratory tests. The doctor prescribes treatment for the pathology and adjusts it if necessary. A child who once finds himself in a risk zone bronchial asthma, is registered in medical institution, passes periodically routine examination and treatment.

    If the baby snores in his sleep, breathes through his mouth, often gets colds, has ear infections, and babbles through his nose, most likely the symptoms indicate enlarged adenoids. It should be remembered that only a professional pediatrician after a complete examination, additional laboratory research can diagnose a particular disease.

    When a child breathes wheezingly, there is difficulty in inhaling, choking, a dry, hacking cough, a fever appears, and the symptoms intensify significantly at night, most likely the baby has croup. Croup is an inflammatory process caused by narrowing of the upper respiratory tract, which is accompanied by severe difficulty breathing. Seizures require special parental attention. Ambulance must be called instantly to help the child. Before specialists arrive, they recommend holding the baby over a bathtub with hot water so that he can breathe humidified air. The cool air flow will also be a lifesaver during an attack. The baby's nose should be instilled with vasoconstrictor medications. Independent solution, which drugs are suitable for getting rid of the pathology will harm the baby’s health. Therefore, in order to avoid unforeseen situations, you should give your baby only medications prescribed by the doctor.

    Parents are always wary of the health of their infant, because his body is not yet fully strengthened. Therefore, any deviations from the norm may be a cause for concern.

    For example, if a baby grunts through his nose, but there is no snot, he sniffles, his nose is stuffy, parents need to figure out why the grunting occurs, why it is dangerous, and what to do.

    Causes in newborns and infants

    The situation in which a newborn baby grunts and sniffles, but there is no snot or inflammation, and he develops well, is quite common.

    The nasal passages of a newborn are very narrow, and even a small air obstruction provokes trouble.

    The mucous membrane may be irritated by air or regurgitation, mucus or milk block the nasal passages and provoke sounds when air passes, which sound like a characteristic grunting.”

    Why does a newborn grunt, sniffle, and his nose is empty, what should I do? The reason may be trivial - parents simply don’t clean their baby’s nose or don’t do it completely.

    This is called a physiological runny nose. Usually after some time this problem goes away on its own.

    But things could be worse. If the baby suddenly starts grunting without snot, this may indicate unfavorable conditions around him.

    The issue may be viral infection, too dry air or an allergic reaction that may occur to dust, animal hair .

    If grunting sounds occur only at night, this may indicate that phlegm accumulates in the back of the throat during the night.

    This often appears in autumn period when the heating starts working and the air in the room is dry, in winter due to frost or in autumn during rainy weather. All these are variants of the norm.

    Room air is too dry or warm- a common reason why an infant grunts through his nose, but there is no snot. To normalize the condition, it is necessary to humidify the air and regularly wet clean the room.

    The nose may grunt due to a viral infection. In infants, this may occur due to severe hypothermia. A mild cold often manifests itself this way: wheezing (the newborn wheezes through the nose), not accompanied by nasal discharge.

    Breathing may become grunting due to various diseases, and quite serious. The following diseases cannot be excluded:

    • transient tachypnea in infants. Occurs in 1% of cases. Characterized by rapid breathing, bluish skin, wheezing in the lungs. Usually passes without a trace;
    • hyaline membrane disease. It makes itself felt in the first days of life, and its main symptom is shortness of breath. Medicines will allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms within a week;
    • polycythemia. Manifested by cyanosis of the limb, shortness of breath, convulsions, suppression of reflexes.

    It is usually easy to exclude such diseases - grunting is not the main or only symptom; more unpleasant signs usually appear.

    What to do

    What should parents do if their newborn baby grunts? If the matter is physiological reasons, then there is no need to treat the baby. You can only alleviate his condition by adjusting the temperature and humidity level in the room.

    You can use saline solution or drops based on sea water - Aquamaris, Aqualor.

    In the presence of small quantity clear discharge they need to be removed using a nasal aspirator.

    How to properly clean a newborn's nose:

    If yellow-green mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx, this suggests that the cause is infectious in nature. Possible increased body temperature, coughing, sneezing, and general malaise.

    The newborn has a runny nose, he wheezes and grunts. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

    Vasoconstrictor drops designed specifically for children are prescribed. Use them carefully, according to the instructions.

    Children are often prescribed medications such as Nazivin and Otrivin. To combat viruses and bacteria in the nasopharynx area, the drug is used Protargol or. It is an antiseptic that constricts blood vessels and at the same time makes breathing easier.

    Home treatment methods also include inhalations, for which saline or mineral water. This alleviates the “grunting” symptom in the newborn.

    If the mucous membrane of the sinuses is not sufficiently moistened, it is recommended to lubricate the nasal passages with flagella lubricated with oily solutions of medications.

    However, this method is risky, since such products are strong allergens, so they can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

    Used from folk remedies chamomile or calendula decoction. They are applied with a pipette. Sea water-based products can be replaced with a weakly concentrated saline solution.

    You can moisturize the mucous membrane with sea buckthorn oil, aloe or kalanchoe juice, diluted with water in equal proportions.

    Such remedies help get rid of the symptoms of a “grunting” nose, when a newborn wheezes through the nose, but there is no snot, but a specialist must determine the cause of this phenomenon.

    Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

    The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky says that if a newborn grunts through his nose, but there is no snot, the baby does not show any unpleasant symptoms, he has no signs of infection, then it is enough to ease breathing with simple measures getting rid of grunting.

    It is important to create a favorable climate in the room where the baby is. The room needs to be ventilated, especially before bed. Children tolerate fresh, cool air better than dry air.

    The problem may be dry, “compressed” air. To ensure normal humidity, you can use special humidifiers, complex air purification systems.

    After spending water procedures, clean your baby’s nose using thin gauze strips or turundas moistened with boiled water. If these manipulations do not help, rinse the nose with saline solution or slightly salted water.

    If you want to find out whether you need to do this, read our article.

    The material will tell you how many times to treat a newborn’s navel with a clothespin.

    To rinse the baby's nose, place him on his side and irrigate the upper nostril with the solution. For newborns, drops rather than sprays are optimal.

    Do not use saline solutions with a concentration of 9%. The concentration of salts in them exceeds their concentration in the blood, which can cause drying of the delicate mucous membrane, and grunting can only become stronger as a result.

    If the baby wheezes, grunts through his nose without snot, you can try to pay more attention to cleaning the room and hygiene procedures. At proper care the symptoms should go away on their own, even if the baby is hypothermic or has a cold.

    H To be on the safe side, it's better call a pediatrician to your home, which will help make sure that the baby is healthy and answer the question of why newborn babies grunt.

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