• DIY toy: a large jet plane made of paper. How to make an airplane out of paper To make this model we will prepare


    Who among us did not fold paper airplanes in our childhood?! A bunch of old notebooks, newspapers and magazines were used. This activity remains popular to this day. For children, assembling a paper airplane is exciting and quite simple; everyone has a desire to make the fastest and most beautiful model. This hobby is a well-known form of aerogami, one of the components of the art of paper folding.

    In this collection I will show you 5 ways to make a paper airplane with step-by-step photographs. Probably every adult remembers how to make an airplane from an ordinary piece of notebook paper in a matter of seconds. This simple toy, reminiscent of childhood, delights with its flying abilities. At a time when children did not yet know about phones and tablets, it was paper airplanes that entertained boys during school breaks.

    Our airplanes, made from plain paper, will help you build your own military aircraft kit. All the models available in this selection on our site are very easy to assemble.

    We hope you don't have any difficulties. There are many ways to make a flying plane, we will introduce you to only some of them. After reviewing the pictures, you can design an aircraft carrier or fighter that will not leave you and those around you indifferent. See how to do it here.

    DIY paper airplane

    Option 1 - combat fighter model

    Of course, making simple “ticks” in the form of airplanes is too simple. Using the origami technique, you can teach your child to fold a model of a combat fighter out of paper. The manufacturing process is simple if you follow step by step photos presented in this master class.

    To create our fighter, one A4 sheet will be enough. We used blue paper.

    First, fold the sheet in half.

    After this, we do another addition, but in a different direction.

    Now you need to bend the lower part to the just marked fold.

    We perform a symmetrical fold at the top.

    Let's unfold the blank of the future fighter and rotate it a little.

    Now let's start forming the wings. To do this, fold the upper right corner as follows.

    We will perform a symmetrical fold on the left.

    Let's bend the right side again.

    On the left side we will make the same fold, and then straighten it.

    On the right side, the folded fold needs to be straightened as follows.

    After this you need to bend upper layer to the right.

    We do the same with the other wing.

    We return to the right side again. Bend the top layer slightly to the left, focusing on the fold line.

    After this, fold the fold down.

    On the left side we perform the same actions.

    Let's turn the fighter blank over to the other side.

    Here we repeat all the folds made earlier. First we make small folds on the sides.

    After that, we bend everything to the center line.

    Now we fold the fighter blank lengthwise.

    Let's form its wings. To do this, bend the top layer down.

    On the other side, repeat the symmetrical fold.

    All that remains is to form the flaps. To do this, make the following folds on both sides.

    Our paper fighter plane, made using the origami technique, is ready to fly.

    Option 2 - a simple paper airplane model

    People have dreamed about flying into the sky since ancient times. Centuries have passed since then, and only 100 s small years old The first prototype of a modern aircraft took to the skies. As for children's fun, 21st century technology has allowed toy helicopters and airplanes not only to fly, but to perform aerobatic maneuvers. But these aircraft are expensive and are designed for teenage children.

    And if your little son is just beginning to be interested in aviation, then it’s time to start making paper airplane crafts with him. The creation of one of these airplanes is presented in this master class.

    To make this model we will prepare:

    • sheet of colored A4 paper;
    • transparent tape;
    • scissors.

    Before work, let's place our sheet horizontally. After this, the upper side corners need to be bent towards the middle.

    You need to do the same with the lower side corners, bend them upward.

    The lower edge of the future airplane blank must be folded upward.

    Now our triangle should be folded in half.

    Let's unfold the blank of the future airplane and rotate it 180 degrees.

    We perform a similar fold on the left side. Now the airplane blank has acquired a square shape.

    Let's continue working by turning the craft over to the other side.

    Here you need to bend the side corners to the center.

    We fold the blank of the future airplane lengthwise.

    Let's arrange the resulting trapezoid as follows.

    Let's start forming the wings of our aircraft. To do this, bend the top layer of the trapezoid at an angle, forming one wing.

    We make the second wing in a similar way.

    We form the tail part by arching the back part upward to form a triangular fold.

    Now it's time to use transparent tape. We connect the right and left halves with a small piece.

    Our airplane is ready!

    Option 3 - a model of a jet plane from individual paper elements

    When a person has a piece of paper at hand and an excess of free time, his hands automatically begin to fold paper airplane. This is a simple origami that everyone can do. Some inquisitive children go further - they begin to make paper models of real airplanes and spaceships.

    Of course, it is far from a fact that by making paper airplanes, a child will grow up to be an aircraft designer. But this activity develops spatial thinking well, and the child also gets pleasure from the result. If you notice a penchant for modeling in your son, then invite him to make a model of a jet plane from individual paper elements.

    To create such a paper airplane, we will prepare only 3 square sheets of the same size.

    For ease of display in the master class, we use different colors, but a paper airplane can be made in the same color scheme. For the front of the plane we use a red square of paper. Fold it diagonally.

    After this, we make a fold along a different diagonal. This is how we did it.

    This allows you to fold the red square into a double triangle.

    At the top layer of the resulting triangle, fold the right corner down.

    The left corner of the same top layer needs to be folded down.

    On the reverse side of the red blank we repeat the same thing.

    Let's slightly bend the corners of one layer. And we will bend the protruding corners of the other layer up.

    After this, tuck the folded corners inward.

    We will return the upper corners to their previous position. This completes the work with the red module.

    From the yellow square we will create the middle part of the plane. Fold it along two diagonals.

    Then we give it the appearance of a double square. In this case, the sequence of work is similar to the previous module.

    Bend the corners of the top layer down.

    The side corners of the other layer need to be folded towards the center. First we bend the right corner.

    After that, fold the left corner.

    Now let's tuck the slightly protruding corners inward.

    Let's turn the yellow workpiece over to the other side.

    The bottom corners need to be folded up.

    After that, we'll tuck them inside.

    This is what the second module for ours looks like paper airplane.

    We will make the tail part from a blue square. To do this, the initial steps are repeated until we form a figure in the form of a double triangle.

    We bend the side corners of the top layer towards the middle.

    After that, we raise them a little. This completes the work on the blue module.

    We got such preparations.

    You can start assembling the paper airplane. To do this, the corners of the red module must be inserted into the yellow one.

    This is how we connected the front and middle parts of the plane.

    In order to add the tail part, the workpiece must be turned over to the other side.

    After that, insert the blue module.

    Our paper jet plane is ready!

    Option 4 - fighter plane made of paper

    IN Soviet time mugs were very popular children's creativity at the Palace of Pioneers. Every second boy wanted to enroll in an auto, ship or aircraft modeling club. The choice of creative direction was directly related to the professions popular at that time: truck driver, sea captain or pilot.

    Perhaps in the 21st century these professions are not shrouded in an aura of heroism, but children still make models of tanks, ships and airplanes. We propose to make a paper fighter that will delight your child with its flight. The process of creating such a paper fighter is shown in this master class.

    To make a fighter out of paper, take:

    • A4 sheet;
    • glue;
    • scissors.

    First, the sheet must be folded in half lengthwise.

    Then we will form the bow part, for this we will make a fold in the form of a corner on one side.

    After this, the same fold must be made on the other side.

    In expanded form, the blank of the future aircraft looks like this.

    We bend the corner up.

    Now we bend it in reverse side, focusing on the edges of the resulting triangle.

    You need to give it the following look.

    On the other hand we do the same.

    On the left side, slightly raise the folds we made.

    Turn the inner corner outward.

    Now let's bend it inside.

    At the top of the resulting triangle, make another fold.

    Fold the fold we made into right side. This is how we got the cockpit.

    We fold the workpiece lengthwise.

    The back part needs to be cut along the indicated lines. Therefore, it is better to outline them in advance with a pencil.

    Cut with scissors. So we began the formation of the tail and wings.

    The narrow parts at the edges of the wings need to be folded forward.

    Let's do this on the second wing of the fighter.

    Let's bend the left wing to the side first.

    We also bend the right wing.

    Fold the narrow pieces along the edges of the wings in half.

    After that, bend them down again.

    The cut out part will not be superfluous. We will make the tail part from it.

    We paste it in.

    Our paper fighter is ready!

    Option 5 - a simple DIY paper airplane

    Collecting, to one degree or another, is characteristic of every person and especially a child. Some people collect stamps and coins, while others collect models of cars, tanks or airplanes. At the same time, collecting is not a cheap activity, because each model can cost hundreds of rubles. Therefore, you can start small - for example, a child is quite capable of independently making the likeness of some kind of airplane model.

    Our master class shows step by step production simple plane from colored paper.

    To create it, just prepare:

    • green sheet of A4 paper;
    • scissors;
    • glue stick.

    First, fold the sheet in half lengthwise.

    Now we outline the future nose of the plane. To do this, first bend the corner on one side.

    On the other side of the workpiece you need to do the same.

    This is what the blank of the future aircraft looks like if you unfold a sheet of paper.

    For further work, for the sake of convenience, let’s rotate the workpiece a little. After this, we bend the corner up.

    Now you need to make folds on the sides again, forming the nose of the aircraft. First we make a fold on the right.

    We make a symmetrical fold on the left.

    We bend the corner up again, aligning it with the very top edge of the workpiece.

    And now the same corner needs to be bent in the opposite direction so that it protrudes beyond the edge by about 2-3 cm.

    Fold the workpiece lengthwise.

    We begin to form the wings. To do this, first fold down on one side.

    After this, we make a symmetrical fold on the reverse side.

    Let's raise both wings up. Now we need scissors, with their help we need to cut along the intended line.

    Carefully cut along the marked lines. This made the wings and tail of the plane more clearly visible.

    Bend the wings again different sides. This is what our craft looks like at this stage.

    We make small folds along the edges of each wing.

    To finalize the tail section, you will need to cut out one more piece from green paper.

    We glue it. At the same time, apply glue to the inner fold.

    We carefully connect everything. Our airplane is ready!

    There are many airplane models, but the one from childhood, No1, is the simplest option. I took the paper, closed my eyes - after a couple of minutes the plane took off into the air... no, after 25 seconds, watch the video!

    How to make an airplane fly far and long?

    Airplanes that fly indoors need a shift in the center of gravity toward the nose. These models fly faster and better, and are convenient to launch into the air. If you decide to compete against the clock, then you should throw the plane as high as possible so that it can dive longer.

    There are as many ways to launch paper airplanes as there are structures for collecting them. The modeler who manages to design his own airplane model will be most satisfied with himself. Any correctly folded airplane will have good flight qualities.

    A model that flies for a long time - video lesson

    Helpful Tips:

    1. Carefully smooth out the fold lines with a hard object or your fingers.
    2. For products, choose only smooth paper sheets. The airplane will not come out right from crumpled, torn and bent sheets.
    3. Try to maintain symmetry around the axis when folding the airplane. If this is not done, it will tilt to the side during flight.

    In order to make a paper airplane, you need to take a rectangular sheet of paper; it can be of any color. You can use a sheet from a notebook or a newspaper spread; in general, any paper you have will do. The density of the base should be medium so that the aircraft can fly long distances and be easy to assemble (it is difficult to fix on too dense material straight line fold).

    A paper airplane is a great way to have fun, combining business with pleasure, developing fine motor skills, imagination and thinking. Most children are interested creative activities. If they fold paper crafts, this will help develop children's fingers.

    The child will learn to focus attention on the subject, think creatively and connect his imagination to business. For your birthday, you can arrange a competition between children to see who can fold the airplane the fastest.

    Working with paper is a real pleasure. A model with smooth, ironed curves will fly high and will not lose its shape for a long time. First get the hang of simple layouts, then move on to more complex models. Kids love doing origami, so they will be happy to join you in this activity.

    Interesting Facts

    1. In the Middle Ages, paper making in Japan became widespread, and origami became a samurai art. At the same time, the culture of folding secret letters emerged. Techniques and methods for folding paper into a variety of figures were practiced in temples over the course of several centuries. Perhaps if it were not for the red-crowned crane, we would not know anything about paper airplanes.
    2. Every child and adult dreams of an airplane that will fly 100 meters. Do you think this is unrealistic? In 1983, Ken Blackburn from America set a world record; his paper plane stayed in the air for 27.6 seconds.
    3. The Red Bull Paper Wings competition has reached a global scale. For many years, he and his friends were interested in paper airplanes. In 1989, he took a desperate step by creating the Paper Aircraft Association. From under his hand came a collection of rules for launching paper aircraft, which today is used at competitions at various levels as an official installation.
    4. The modern airplane was born in the hands of Jack Northrop in 1930, who was a co-founder of Lockheed Corporation. He used paper models to test the design of real aircraft.

    Do you still think that paper airplanes are simple creativity? Then let's put together a plane that flies well and folds quickly - perhaps you will become the owner of a new record.

    If you are just starting to get acquainted with origami, then first make simple models. When you find mutual language with paper and you realize that your models fly well, then move on to more complex designs. From photographs and videos from detailed instructions you can make your own airplane, playing with which will become a favorite thing for you and your children! Make several models at once and put on a real show on the street.

    Remember your childhood - launch a paper plane into the sky! Summer weather!

    Probably every adult in our country knows how to make a paper airplane. After all, this simple toy, originally from childhood, invariably delights and amazes with its ability to fly. Before the dominance of tablets and other gadgets, it was ordinary paper airplanes that delighted boys of all ages during recess.

    How many schemes for assembling this toy do you know? Did you know that from an ordinary sheet of A4 paper you can fold many various types aircraft, including long and far flying ones, as well as military models?

    Are you already intrigued? You can start folding airplanes right now. After all, all you need for this is paper, desire, a little patience and our diagrams. Let's fly!

    The simplest diagrams of a basic aircraft model

    Before moving on to complex models, let's brush up on the basics of aircraft construction. We present to your attention 2 of the most simple ways fold the airplane.

    Using the first scheme, it is easy to get a universal airplane familiar from childhood. It does not have any special takeoff and landing characteristics, but folding it is not difficult even for a child. An adult can complete the assembly in just a minute.

    If even the first scheme seemed too complicated to you, use the simplified method. It allows you to get the desired result as quickly as possible.

    He's in the video:

    An airplane that flies for a long time

    Every child’s dream is a long-flying airplane. And now we will help you make it a reality. Using the diagram provided, you can fold a model that differs in flight duration.

    Remember that flight performance is affected by the size of your aircraft.

    Excess weight, which means the length of the wings, prevents the plane from flying. That is, a glider must have short, wide wings. Another friend of planning is the absolute symmetry of the model.

    You need to throw it not forward, but upward. In this case, it will stay in the sky for a long time, smoothly descending from a height.

    Find answers to the remaining questions and all the subtleties of folding a paper glider in the step-by-step video tutorial.

    Circuits that provide fast flight

    Do you want to take part in an aircraft model competition? They are easy to arrange at home. Just make high-speed airplanes out of paper - and you can set your own records.

    Step-by-step following our photo instructions is the key to success. A number of general recommendations will also help beginning paper aviation enthusiasts.

    1. To improve flight performance, use only a completely flat sheet of paper. Ideal for regular office printers. Any bruises and folds will repeatedly worsen the aerodynamic properties of the model.
    2. Iron all folds with a ruler to make them clearer.
    3. Sharp nose of an airplane increases its speed, but at the same time range decreases flight.

    Ready-made crafts can be painted with the children. This exciting activity will allow you to turn a folded piece of paper into a real attack aircraft or an unusual fighter.

    Approach creating your models like a science experiment. The speed and ease of assembling origami airplanes allows you to analyze their flight and make the necessary changes to the design.

    Be sure to check out the video master classes on how to create fast paper airplanes to avoid annoying mistakes and learn from the experience of others.

    Paper long-range fighter

    Describing this aircraft model, many enthusiastically promise that it will be able to fly 100 meters and call it a super-airplane. At the same time, they are not at all embarrassed that the officially registered flight distance record paper airplane total 69 m 14 cm.

    However, doubts aside. In any case, such a cool handsome man is worthy of you working on his creation. For this craft, stock up on a sheet of A4 paper (you can take thick colored paper, so that the airplane turns out to be as beautiful as possible), with boundless patience and accuracy. If your goal is a realistic fighter, take your time assembling it and follow the photo instructions step by step.

    There is also a video at your disposal from which you will learn how to properly assemble a paper fighter plane that stays in the air for a long time.

    A model that features stable flight

    A paper airplane takes off and immediately begins to fall, or instead of a straight trajectory it writes arcs. Does this sound familiar to you?

    Even this children's toy has certain aerodynamic properties. This means that it is the duty of all novice aircraft builders to approach the design paper model with full responsibility.

    We invite you to fold another cool airplane. Thanks to its blunt nose and wide deltoid wings, it will not go into a tailspin, but will delight you with a beautiful flight.

    Do you want to perfectly master all the intricacies of building this glider? Check out the detailed and accessible video tutorial. After a powerful charge of inspiration, you will definitely want to fold an airplane with your own hands that will flutter like a bird.

    The corn plane is an original craft for young aircraft modelers

    Do you have a growing boy who already loves making things, gluing and cutting? Give him a little time - and together you can make a small model of a corn-crop airplane. It will definitely bring a lot of joy: first from joint creativity, and then from fun with a toy you made with your own hands.

    For work you will need the following materials:

    • colored paper;
    • double-sided colored cardboard;
    • Matchbox;
    • scissors;
    • PVA glue.
    The process of creating a toy is as simple as possible: forget about exact drawings and the need to first download and then print complex template. Even under your leadership Small child will be able to build his first plane.

    First of all, cover the matchbox with colored or white paper. Cut a strip of cardboard 3 cm wide. Half of its length will correspond to the length of the aircraft fuselage. Fold the strip in half and glue it to the box.

    Cut out two identical rounded wings, their width should be slightly larger than the width of the box.

    Glue the wings to the plane. You can entrust this to your little helper; he will be happy about such an important mission and will do everything well and thoroughly. Cut and glue a rectangle to the front to hide the box.

    Cut two elongated ovals for the tail of the plane and a strip for the vertical part. It needs to be folded as shown in the photo.

    Glue the blanks to the tail of the corn plant. The resulting cardboard masterpiece remains to be decorated according to your wishes. You can glue stars or small pictures to it. A propeller made from thin strips of paper would be a good addition.

    Such a wonderful airplane can be taken to kindergarten as a craft or to please dad on February 23rd.

    Video bonuses

    Do you want to get a plane that can not only take off high, but also return back to your hands? Do you think this can't happen? But you are wrong.

    Tireless experimental craftsmen have developed a design for an amazing aircraft - boomerang.

    With it, you can show your friends a stunning trick: a launched airplane will obediently fall right into your hands every time. To become known as the master of paper airplanes, check out our video - you will definitely succeed.

    It would seem that all the paper airplane samples have already been reviewed and tested in practice, but we still have something to surprise you with. We invite you to watch a video lesson on creating a realistic glider plane.

    You don't even need origami folding skills, you just cut out the outline from paper. This model has excellent flight characteristics, and the whole secret lies in... ordinary plasticine. Watch the video, be surprised and amazed.

    Creating various paper airplanes is not only a wonderful activity that allows you to drive away boredom and put away the ubiquitous gadgets. It develops intelligence, accuracy and fine motor skills hands That is why it is so useful to include this type of activity in the program of joint leisure with children.

    Perhaps the first unsightly model will be your child’s first step towards a serious hobby in aircraft modeling. And it is in your family that a brilliant designer of passenger airliners or new jet fighters will grow up. Anything is possible. There is no point in looking too far into the future, but devoting an hour or two to folding paper airplanes is definitely worth it.

    In order to make a paper airplane, you will need a rectangular paper sheet, which can be either white or colored. If desired, you can use notebook, photocopier, newspaper or any other paper that is available.

    It is better to choose the density of the base for the future aircraft closer to medium, so that it flies far and at the same time it is not too difficult to fold (on paper that is too thick, it is usually difficult to fix the folds and they turn out uneven).

    Folding the simplest airplane figurine

    It is better for beginning origami lovers to start with the simplest airplane model, familiar to everyone from childhood:

    For those who were unable to fold the plane according to the instructions, here is a video master class:

    If you got tired of this option back in school and you want to expand your paper airplane making skills, we’ll tell you how to step by step complete two simple variations of the previous model.

    Long-haul aircraft

    Step-by-step photo instructions

    1. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half along the larger side. We bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet. We turn the resulting corner “valley”, that is, towards ourselves.

    1. We bend the corners of the resulting rectangle towards the middle so that a small triangle looks out in the middle of the sheet.

    1. We bend the small triangle upward - it will fix the wings of the future aircraft.

    1. We fold the figure along the axis of symmetry, taking into account that the small triangle should remain outside.

    1. We bend the wings on both sides to the base.

    1. We set both wings of the plane at an angle of 90 degrees so that it can fly far.

    1. Thus, without spending a lot of time, we get a long-range airplane!

    Folding pattern

    1. Fold a rectangular paper sheet in half along its larger side.

    1. We bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet.

    1. We wrap the corners with a “valley” along the dotted line. In the origami technique, a “valley” is the process of bending a section of a sheet along a certain line in the “toward” direction.

    1. Fold the resulting figure along the axis of symmetry so that the corners are on the outside. Be sure to make sure that the contours of both halves of the future airplane coincide. How it will fly in the future depends on this.

    1. We bend the wings on both sides of the plane, as shown in the figure.

    1. Make sure the angle between the airplane's wing and its fuselage is 90 degrees.

    1. The result is such a fast airplane!

    How to make an airplane fly far?

    Do you want to learn how to properly launch a paper airplane that you just made with your own hands? Then carefully read the rules of its management:

    If all the rules are followed, but the model still does not fly as you would like, try improving it as follows:

    1. If the plane constantly strives to soar upward, and then, making a dead loop, sharply goes down, crashing its nose into the ground, it needs an upgrade in the form of increasing the density (weight) of the nose. This can be done by bending the nose of the paper model slightly inward, as shown in the picture, or by attaching a paper clip to the bottom.
    2. If during flight the model does not fly straight as it should, but to the side, equip it with a rudder by bending part of the wing along the line shown in the figure.
    3. If an airplane goes into a tailspin, it urgently needs a tail. Armed with scissors, give it a quick and functional upgrade.
    4. But if the model falls to one side during testing, most likely the reason for the failure is the lack of stabilizers. To add them to the structure, just bend the wings of the aircraft along the edges along the dotted lines indicated.

    We also offer you video instructions for manufacturing and testing. interesting model an aircraft that can fly not only far, but also for an incredibly long time:

    Now that you are confident in your abilities and have already gotten your hands on folding and launching simple airplanes, we offer instructions that will tell you how to make a paper airplane of a more complex model.

    Stealth aircraft F-117 ("Nighthawk")

    Bomb carrier

    Execution diagram

    1. Take a rectangular piece of paper. Fold the upper part of the rectangle into a double triangle: to do this, bend the upper right corner of the rectangle so that its upper side coincides with the left side.
    2. Then, by analogy, we bend the left corner, aligning the top of the rectangle with its right side.
    3. Through the intersection point of the resulting lines, we make a fold, which ultimately should be parallel to the smaller side of the rectangle.
    4. Along this line we fold the resulting side triangles inward. You should get the figure shown in Figure 2. Draw a line in the middle of the sheet at the bottom, similar to Figure 1.

    1. We designate a line parallel to the base of the triangle.

    1. We turn the figure over to the reverse side and bend the corner towards ourselves. You should get the following paper design:

    1. Again we shift the figure to the other side and bend two corners up, having first bent the upper part in half.

    1. Turn the figure over and bend the corner up.

    1. We fold the left and right corners, circled in the figure, in accordance with picture 7. This scheme will allow you to achieve the correct bending of the corner.

    1. We bend the corner away from ourselves and fold the figure along the middle line.

    1. We bring the edges inward, again fold the figure in half, and then on itself.

    1. In the end, you will end up with a paper toy like this - a bomb carrier plane!

    Bomber SU-35

    Razorback Hawk Fighter

    Step-by-step execution scheme

    1. Take a piece of rectangular paper, bend it in half along the larger side and mark the middle.

    1. We bend two corners of the rectangle towards ourselves.

    1. Bend the corners of the figure along the dotted line.

    1. Fold the figure crosswise so that the acute angle is in the middle of the opposite side.

    1. We turn the resulting figure over to the reverse side and form two folds, as shown in the figure. It is very important that the folds are not folded towards the midline, but at a slight angle to it.

    1. We bend the resulting corner towards ourselves and at the same time turn forward the corner, which after all the manipulations will be on the back side of the layout. You should end up with a shape as shown in the figure below.

    1. We bend the figure in half away from ourselves.

    1. We lower the wings of the airplane along the dotted line.

    1. We bend the ends of the wings a little to obtain the so-called winglets. Then we straighten the wings so that they form a right angle with the fuselage.

    The paper fighter is ready!

    Gliding Hawk Fighter

    Manufacturing instructions:

    1. Take a rectangular piece of paper and mark the middle by folding it in half along the larger side.

    1. We bend the two upper corners of the rectangle inward towards the middle.

    1. We turn the sheet over to the reverse side and fold the folds towards ourselves towards the center line. It is very important that the upper corners do not bend. You should get a figure like this.

    1. Fold the top of the square diagonally towards you.

    1. Fold the resulting figure in half.

    1. We outline the fold as shown in the figure.

    1. We fill the rectangular part of the fuselage of the future airplane inside.

    1. Bend the wings down along the dotted line at a right angle.

    1. The result is a paper airplane! It remains to see how it flies.

    F-15 Eagle fighter

    Airplane "Concorde"

    Following the given photo and video instructions, you can make a paper airplane with your own hands in a few minutes, playing with which will be a pleasant and entertaining pastime for you and your children!

    A long time ago, when we were all little, we made paper airplanes and sent them flying. It was exciting and fun to play with a paper toy. It would seem that this is an ordinary flying piece of paper. But no, designing an airplane that will last a long time and will delight you with long flight distances is a whole science.

    The main thing in the article

    What do you need for a DIY paper airplane?

    To construct a paper airplane with your own hands, you will need:

    • 5 minutes. time,
    • a sheet of paper in A4 or A3 format;
    • diagram with step-by-step instructions.

    If you want to give the airplane individuality and originality, prepare paints, brushes, markers and pencils.

    Previously, newspaper sheets were used as the main material. It had a rectangular shape and was suitable for creating a paper toy.

    Make a paper airplane with your child and at the same time remember your childhood. Your child will not only enjoy launching it, but also the process of simulating the aircraft itself. In the process of work, children develop accuracy, concentration, hand motor skills, perseverance and imagination.

    How to make a regular paper airplane: step-by-step instructions for beginners

    The simplest and easy way paper airplane

    To make the airplane float in the air longer, it is enough to make the ends of its wings “look” up. The dotted lines in the figure indicate the areas that need to be folded.

    How to make a far-flying paper airplane: instructions with photos

    1. Turn the sheet towards you with the wide side and fold it in half to create a clear center line.
    2. Fold the upper left corner to the middle of the fold, and do the same with the upper right corner.
    3. Bend the “nose” of the airplane across so that its end aligns with the edge of the sheet.
    4. Step back 1.5 cm from the top fold line and bend the nasal area, pointing it upward.
    5. Next, fold the structure in half lengthwise.
    6. Make the wings by placing the nose part to the left of the hand and the tail part to the right. Bend the top so that the nose does not break, as in the diagram.
    7. Make folds on the side edges of the wings so that they face up. This will give the aircraft aerodynamics and stabilization.

    What does it take for a paper airplane to fly far?

    • To make your paper airplane fly far, design narrow and long models. This design gives the aircraft rigidity, and the center of gravity, shifted towards the nose, will increase the flight length.
    • Choose spacious rooms so that the plane has room to fly. If you run it outside, it is better in calm weather.
    • When you launch the toy, try to do it gently.
    • The nose must be pointed upward, otherwise the plane will fall very quickly.
    • The thickness of the paper also plays an important role. The thicker the paper, the stronger and more durable the airplane.
    • The folds must be even and completely symmetrical.
    • To make a far-flying “device”, take clean and smooth paper.

    How to make a paper airplane with your own hands: 10 different methods with step-by-step diagrams

    Show your imagination and give the airplanes a colorful look, then they will look interesting and bright.

    How to make a cool paper airplane

    Behind simple instructions on design paper toys. Each of them contains a unique airplane. But how to make a cool paper airplane? Each person has their own parameters that correspond to coolness. Therefore, we offer one of the cool aircraft models.

    Model of a reconnaissance aircraft

    1. Place a piece of paper in front of you with the wide side facing you.
    2. Fold in the top right corner, then the top left corner. The result is an isosceles triangle.
    3. Fold it in half, pointing the top corner towards the bottom side of the shape.
    4. Measure 1.5 cm and bend the nose of the airplane upward.
    5. Bend the structure along the middle fold line.
    6. Make wings by directing the top corner to the bottom fold line. Turn it over and make a second wing.
    7. The paper airplane is ready for maneuverable flights.

    Military paper airplane

    Now try to make a more complex version of the paper airplane. You will need:

    1. Place the sheet with the narrow side facing you. Draw lines on the sheet according to first point of the diagram.
    2. Bend the resulting corners inward. You will get a triangle.
    3. Turn the structure over so that the bow is on the left hand.
    4. Find the middle in the triangular part of the airplane. Fold the remaining corner inward. You should get a hexagonal figure, as in the diagram in paragraph 6 .
    5. Fold in half, folding the bottom towards the top. Try to ensure that all lines match.
    6. Take a pencil and redraw the dotted lines with 7 paragraph of the diagram for your aircraft model.
    7. Use scissors to cut along the dotted line.
    8. Make wings based on 9 diagram point. Bend the wing along the dotted line, pointing it down.
    9. Step back a distance equal to the width of the main part of the plane and bend the wing up.
    10. Bend the wing down again.
    11. Items 12 , 13 And 14 show exactly how to bend the wing.
    12. Fold the top corner first, and then the entire wing down. Turn the structure over and make a second wing.
    13. Bend the tail along the dotted line, as in point 15 .
    14. Military aircraft is ready for launch.

    To make a paper military airplane fly far, launch it straight or upward with maximum force.

    Airplane with a paper propeller

    For an airplane with a propeller you will need:

    1. Take a square piece of paper, fold it diagonally, then straighten it out. Fold diagonally at the other corner.
    2. Cut a sheet of paper from four corners, but not all the way. Leave the middle untouched.
    3. Fold each corner toward the center of the sheet.
    4. Secure with a needle.
    5. Attach the finished propeller to the tail of the plane and launch it.

    Making an airplane from a sheet of paper: video master class

    In this article you will be presented with several popular aircraft designs that differ from each other not only appearance, but also flying properties. To create origami you only need a sheet of paper 20x30 cm or A4. All models can easily be assembled by a 5-year-old child with his own hands without the help of an adult. Waiting at the end of the article detailed description an airplane made of paper very similar to a modern fighter.

    How to make a flying airplane out of paper popular diagrams.

    1. Airplanes made according to the first and second schemes are the most common. This kind of origami can be assembled with your own hands quite quickly, despite this the plane flies far enough due to its design.

    2. As mentioned above, this paper airplane is the basic model. Almost all children and adults know it.

    3. The peculiarity of this aircraft model is its wide wings, similar to a paraglider. This design allows it to float high in the air. When rolled correctly, evenly such a paraglider can fly for a long time, far and most importantly beautifully. Don't expect super speeds from it.

    4. This model was obtained as a result of modernization of the first and second schemes. A distinctive feature of the aircraft model is its fast and uniform flight. Due to the front supporting wings, the nose does not collapse, ensuring a long flight.

    5. Also a very interesting design of a paper airplane. It is very quick and easy to assemble with your own hands. In terms of speed, it is certainly inferior to some previous schemes. But it will give your child a good, stable, long flight.

    6 . The model looks like a large passenger plane. It cannot boast of a flight range, but it flies quite beautifully from a great height.

    7. A very unusual fighter made of paper. It is easy to assemble, flies quickly and for a long time due to its balanced design.

    8 . The blunt-nosed design and wide fenders will delight you long, swift flight.

    9. The plane looks very unusual, it looks like a fighter jet. Don't expect any super abilities from him. It will delight you with its unusualness and complex DIY assembly process.

    10 . The diagram is very similar to diagram number 8. However, the nose of this model is very steep and folds much neater. Does not affect flight properties in any way.

    11. In shape and design it resembles model number 9. It’s just a little easier to assemble and flies a little further, due to the ribs on the wings.

    12. One of the varieties of fighter aircraft with wing flaps down. Anyone who flies such a plane will really enjoy the stable, fast flight.

    How to make a long-flying fighter plane out of paper.

    Above, step-by-step diagrams of airplanes were provided. Finally we get to the best part. Now you have to get acquainted with the step-by-step photo instructions for origami, assembling the farthest flying fighter. The plane not only has good flying properties, it also looks great and will give you a lot of positive emotions.

    Detailed, step by step photo instructions for wonderful origami.

    1 . We will need an A4 sheet, it is advisable to take thin paper, so a plane made with your own hands will fly even further. You can choose the color at your discretion. Fold and unfold the sheet in half along the short side.

    2 . Fold the sheet in half along the long side.

    3 . We bend and iron one corner as shown in the picture.

    4 . With the second corner we do the same as in step No. 3. It should look like in the photo.

    5 . We fold the resulting corners in half again and iron them well with our own hands.

    6 . Open each side and fold inward.

    7 . It should look like this.

    8 .

    9 . We bend the top of the paper airplane on both sides.

    10 . We turn the craft over and do the same on the other side.

    11 . Open both parts along the fold line. Look carefully as shown in the photo.

    12 . On the other side, do the same, you should get an isosceles triangle.

    13 . Fold the shape in half along the fold line. We get it as shown in the picture.

    14 . We mark a line on both sides approximately 2.5 cm from the base of the plane. Along this line we will bend our future wing.

    15 . Carefully bend and iron one wing from the beginning.

    16 . Folding the second wing

    17 . Draw another parallel line. We will need it to accurately bend the stability wings.

    18 .

    19 . On the second side, in the same way, draw a line and bend a corner along it.

    20. You can make small flaps at your discretion; if you make them carefully and bend them a little, your fighter will fly a little further. Also, these fender liners will keep the wings stable at a right angle.

    Congratulations, you have just learned how to make a paper airplane. If necessary, you can glue the base of a far-flying airplane with your own hands.

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