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    Eric Indikov, being an interior designer by profession, actively exhibited as a painter and graphic artist. Eric moved to Moscow as a makeup artist and in 1995 won the Second Open Russian Championship in decorative cosmetics, and later collaborated with the brands Guerlain, Elizabeth Arden, Shiseido, Chanel.

    Eric Indikov was invited to work on filming and interviews by leading glossy publications in Russia and the CIS, including Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan, and by NTV, RTR, TNT television channels and radio stations Europe Plus, Russian Radio, Humor FM - as a guest and beauty expert.

    In addition, he is a regular participant in fashion weeks in Moscow, he developed makeup for the shows of Elena Suprun and Yulia Dalakyan.
    And now he has been invited to join the international team of the Mary Kay Company, and this year he is collaborating with us. This year he comes to several cities in Russia for open classes, and Samara is on this list.
    On June 9 in Samara, Eric Indikov won the hearts of Consultants and clients with his charm and professional highlights.
    I jotted down Eric's notes directly on my tablet. Here's part one of Eric's Q&A and punchlines.

    QUESTION: Why do you like working with Mary Kay?
    ANSWER: Eric found the Mary Kay Company back in 1993, and now he is very glad that he was offered to cooperate with our Company. Eric: “The valuable thing about Mary Kay is that behind the brand there is a NAME, that there is a person. Moreover, this name is from this world, modern, this is a woman who dared to dream and realize her dream.
    There is a story behind each of our tubes at Mary Kay. Example - The story with the pen. Once at a master class, Eric said to one girl: “Will you sell me your pen for 10 rubles?” - Yes. “And if I tell you that Mary Kay Ash signed all documents with this pen before her death. How much does this pen cost now?” ... She had a face as if she had lost her inheritance. This is what history means: there is one subject, but there is a story behind it. So at Mary Kay there is a story behind every tube. And it's valuable.
    Moreover, Mary Kay Ash sought to communicate with the client and build the entire business on caring for the client.

    And now the rule: “Communicate directly” is becoming more and more important. Direct sales give more opportunities to the client. Big Plus - the client cannot receive the product without knowing anything about it. This can happen in a store.

    QUESTION: What category does Mary Kay cosmetics fall into? Is this mass market or luxury?

    ANSWER: Mary Kay has 4 lines of decorative cosmetics - from mass market to luxury:
    1. Classic. Our entire regular collection.

    At high fashion week, some fashion designers asked: “Do you have eyeliner in ANY color? We have a lot of makeup with colored eyeliners.” Eric takes out a palette of our SHADOWS: “Yes, here are eyeliners of all colors! These are our eyeshadows, applied with a damp brush. They go on brightly and last Great!"

    2. Fashion collection - "marykay at play". There will be a lot of information about her later.

    3. Super fashionable collection - our limited collections: “came out, showed off and left.” Ultra fashion cannot live long. She was created this way, this is her rule. It came and went, and this should always be perceived as a urge that something new will come soon. And she's spot on, especially in Mary Kay. Eric told episodes of working with fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev. At the High Fashion Week in the fall of 2013. he told Eric about the color of lipstick for models, which needs to be created, invented, mixed... (Ripe berry, lacquered, but not very, and a few other nuances). Eric takes out our “Fairytale Fantasies” varnish gloss and says: “You don’t need to look for it. Here!” And in the spring, again the next week, Zaitsev said that he needed lipstick “not very red, but nevertheless red, a little in the coral direction and matte and delicate...” And this time Eric handed over a lipstick from the Tru Demensions collection and again in period! This once again proves that our Company hits the mark with the release of new products - the most fashionable colors for sure! Be confident!

    Tru Demensions lipsticks belong to the luxury line both in terms of quality and packaging. Packaging with a twist, the very process of opening the lipstick is already a sign of originality and luxury. Quality ensures constant hydration of the lips, and this is the main factor in preventing skin aging. Luxury lipstick of this quality costs 2,000 rubles in the store. minimum. The cost is 2000 rubles. includes all expenses for selling lipstick: furniture for the store, a test stand, girls in a special uniform... and so on. We only invest in people and product, so we can provide luxury at this price.

    Sheer Demension powder is also a Lux product. Powders have embossed printing - incredibly complex technologies to ensure this printing. Eric drew attention to the depth of the powder relief - he says that other companies have no analogues with such depth! And that is why the lid of the powder is made and must be transparent so that the product itself can be seen! And again caring properties! Eric actually loves these powders.

    More about luxury:
    "Price without quality never lives." When we talk about quality, we always talk about high prices. As soon as we hear about quality, we find out the price, and sometimes we understand what can be found for this price best quality. And if someone says how inexpensive their products are, then they usually talk a little about quality!

    QUESTION: but the "Marykay at play" collection is inexpensive...
    ANSWER: yes, because it is really thought out that it is for young people and that usually a mother buys for herself and her daughter. And it would be right if cosmetics for mothers cost more, and for daughters cheaper.

    QUESTION. And if the client says that she uses professional cosmetics?
    ANSWER: Prof. Cosmetics are difficult to work with; they are made for models and actresses. Everything needs to be mixed there. And the most important thing is that producers don’t have to worry about the actresses’ skin. For them, taking care of their skin is an extra expense. The make-up artist, who was given cosmetics for the actress, will say: “You are an actress, skin problems from makeup are your professional problem. I’m a make-up artist - my back hurts.” And from us the client buys cosmetics, and not just gives them out for free! And it is important for us that the client buys more later. That's why we take care of the skin.

    Eric: “When they say to me: “I use professional cosmetics!”, I don’t understand what she is proud of. It’s the same as hearing: “I drive a race car to work around the city.” Go ahead!”

    QUESTION: “Why was Mary Kay invited to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week for the second time?”
    ANSWER: The first time we agreed, the second time we invited! Because we showed ourselves and, by the way, surprised everyone. Some brands were not believed in what they would do with their cosmetics good makeup. We proved this to models, fashion designers, television, and organizers.

    QUESTION: What were your selection criteria for fashion week?
    ANSWER: 1. Stress resistance (it’s a madhouse there, the models are capricious, the fashion designers are even more so... Unless... Vyacheslav Zaitsev is an exception - it’s very comfortable to work with him!)
    2. Technology, professional skills.
    3. Work quickly (most often 5 minutes for makeup).

    ERIC'S HIGHLIGHT: They ask him for models - “Give me a mirror!” Gives a lid to our loose powder! We were very surprised - it doesn’t distort, everything is visible! And it weighs little, meaning you can make your makeup bag less heavy by removing the mirror.

    ERIC'S HIGHLIGHT: There is an opinion that compact powder is meant to be taken with you, while loose powder is meant to be used at home. We went further - there is a loose grate, that is, it closes! If you want, take it with you!
    Quality compact powder and our loose ones are exactly the same. But not all companies do this. Many people have to add something to it to compress their powder. So how can you determine the quality of compact powder? If there is "something" in the powder for it to leave a mark on your finger, you will have to rub the powder with your finger. For ours, just touch it with your finger and the powder will already be on your finger.

    QUESTION: Is it also possible to check the quality of shadows?
    ANSWER: Yes. There will also be a mark on your finger without rubbing. Also, do not rub the applicator when applying eyeshadow. Just touch with one stroke.

    Another quality check: when applying eye shadow, take one stroke on your eyelids and you will have a perfect spot. If the shadows are of poor quality, the stain will appear in stripes; you need to rub and rub for uniformity.

    QUESTION: “The client says that Moisturizer cannot be applied in winter...”
    ANSWER: “I always ask why you think so? Usually the answer is that the water freezes in winter and the skin will peel off. My answer to her: “So water freezes at 0 degrees!” If you have 0 on the surface of your skin, then you don’t care anymore...” (laughter in the audience, as they say. Honestly, I answered this question myself more than once, but for some reason such a logical and simple answer never came to mind. .. Indeed, our skin, while we are alive, will give at least 36.6). Eric: “The skin peels in winter due to changes of 50 degrees. Then we’re at home and it’s plus 25, then we go out and it’s minus 25. Then we get back into the car and the car heats up, and it’s plus again, we go out and minus again. The skin does not have time to adjust, this is a lot of stress for it. Therefore, it needs to be moistened even more in winter. Well, on the surface the water can somehow freeze if you specifically go out to the balcony and apply moisture there"

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: Moisturizing, constant hydration - makes it possible to preserve youth. Old age is DRYING out, loss of moisture from cells. ATTENTION!!! Any cream, even a cheap one, can moisturize the skin, but...for 10 minutes. And then go and apply the cream every 10 minutes. The main thing in good hydration so that the water flows gradually. In our creams this is ensured with the help of special capsules; the capsules release water gradually, the skin is moisturized gradually throughout the day. And we don’t age, for this we need moisture all the time.

    QUESTION: What can you say about the new Mary Kay mousse shadows?
    ANSWER: Excellent product! I’ll tell you the secret of how to apply it to those who don’t have the skills. Apply mousse eyeshadow with a WET mousse eyeshadow brush. In general, these shadows are weightless! This is an indicator of the use of the highest technologies! It used to be like this - than brighter color

    shadows, the heavier and denser the texture was. Now you can do weightless things. INTERESTING FACT

    : A few years ago, achieving color in sheer lipsticks or subtle glosses was simply impossible. And now - please. (Showcases "marykay at play" glosses - one soft pink, the other coral, both translucent). And THESE delicate colors will be DIFFERENTIABLE on the skin of the lips. And this is high technology! This is not easy, and not every company can do this. QUESTION: How to apply makeup when different eyes
    (the size of the eyes is different, there is a defect). ANSWER: Take your eyes away from the place you don’t want to show. We always use make-up, as well as clothes, to emphasize the advantages and divert the gaze from the shortcomings. IN We do basic makeup on the lips. There is such a phrase: “Eyes are the mirror of the soul, then lips are the voice of the soul.” I understand that in the photo the girl’s eyes are beautiful, but the meaning is clear - no one will be able to look at them for a long time if she has such lips and such earrings!

    In the second part I will talk about what the most fashion trends now, features age makeup, the secret of competent work with clients in one question, a lot of highlights from the maestro’s pantry!

    Subscribe to updates on the blog (subscription form on the right), and you will always know when the second part of the article will be published.

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    It is unlikely that I will be mistaken if I say that Eric Indikov is one of the most famous and respected makeup artists in our country today. Among professionals, he is a recognized authority and trendsetter in makeup. Consumers, even if they don't know his name, are very familiar with his work, which graces the covers of leading women's magazines. More than once the faces he invented forced women to pick up issues of one or another magazine. He creates images for the covers of magazines “She”, “Voyage and Recreation”, Hair’s How, Beauty. He is one of the few people with whom editors of women's publications, fashion designers, photographers, and models always enjoy working. Many people come to shows to look at the makeup from Eric Indikov.

    “News in the world of cosmetics”: Do you think there is a makeup culture in our country and how developed is it?

    Eric Indikov: There is no doubt that we have a makeup culture. It cannot exist at all, and that makes me happy. But, unfortunately, our women are still far from this concept and do not know much. Often clients come who do not know how to line their eyes, choose eye shadow, or choose lipstick to match their eye shadow or their clothes. And they start by being embarrassed: “I don’t know, I don’t know how.” In fact, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, and I always try to reassure them. I believe that this is the fault of our state, which does not instill in our girls, our boys from childhood a love of art, of beauty; they are not taught how to dress, how to do makeup, how to choose a scent for a particular image. We have a lot of established opinions. Those perfumes and lipsticks that many bought for their mother, their beloved 20 years ago, are still bought now. Back in school, when I had no idea that I would be a makeup artist, I asked the art teacher why he didn’t teach our girls how to use makeup. They only scold them, but they still put on makeup - in the gateway, on the street. They were not taught basic color selection. Maybe because we were striving for communism and we didn’t need parasites, and creative people were then considered parasites. And I felt it myself. We were taught differently, prepared for something else. Everything was extremely simple: a man is a warrior-plowman, while a woman must give birth to offspring and milk cows. It’s difficult now to move from this to high aesthetics, but we are moving in this direction, and I think we are moving well. Over the past ten years, Russia has completely transformed. Previously, when a person was asked about his profession and he answered - make-up artist, the reaction was amazement, people could not understand what it was and why it was needed. Touch up a woman: why? Can't she do it herself?

    "NMK": It must have been difficult to become a makeup artist in Russia in the early nineties?

    E.I: First of all, in any business you need crazy love for what you are going to do. People sometimes ask if you need an art degree to become a makeup artist. It helps. But one thing I can say for sure: if a person with an art education wants to become a makeup artist, it is not necessary that he will succeed. And vice versa. You need will and desire. And if a person wants, he will plow. Like I did back in the day when I was painting. There were times when nothing worked out, when I wanted to quit everything. But then you get mad and realize that you still can’t live without it.

    "NMK": What happened before you became a makeup artist?

    E.I: I graduated from art school and art college. By profession, I am a decorator and designer; I have been involved in interior design for five to six years. I have looked through a lot of things during this time - shop windows, visual propaganda, party offices, halls, shops, a music class of the future, and vitamin bars. All this happened in Krasnodar. Then I fell in love with cosmetics.

    "NMK": How did your love affair with makeup begin?

    E.I: Probably because I was a “black sheep” among teachers and among friends, I mean artists. I don't know how it works, but I can actually write in a suit without getting paint all over it. So, one day I read an advertisement in the newspaper that a cosmetics company was hiring makeup artists, became interested and put it aside. My friend and teacher in painting and color Vadim Abramov came running and encouraged me to do this, reminded me of my boundless love for women and boundless love for art, convinced me that this profession has both. Indeed, it is probably impossible to work in the profession of a makeup artist without loving women - it is very difficult to feel a person if you don’t love him at least a little. Since this all started. At first, probably intuitively, as a man, as an artist, I worked, but there was little knowledge. Then I had to read literature and look at magazines. I passed the first stage of the competition, the second, the third... We studied for two weeks in Krasnodar, and then there were master classes in Moscow. This is how my journey began. It probably started with meeting Lena Tyukova. She taught at the studio “IKS” - “Information and Consulting Service”, there were monthly courses for makeup artists, after which, after talking with Lena Tyukova, it was impossible not to love makeup. She “infected” me with competitions. A year later I came to the first Russian championship in decorative cosmetics. It was 1993. Maybe I was a little stupid then, deciding to perform alone, without a coach. And I became fourth. I was happy - a boy from Krasnodar, he came on his own and suddenly - he made it into the top ten. I was happy. After this, two years in the Krasnodar regional experimental laboratory hairdressing services. In 1995 there was a second attempt to participate in the competition. Three first places. Then I worked as a makeup artist Rene Garroud in the salon of Nanara Berezina, worked in the Aida salon, then met Natalya Cherkasova. The Moscow Club of Makeup Artists opened, I became a member of it, and through it I got to the casting when they were selecting a makeup artist Guerlain. So I started working at the Hermitage company. After Guerlain waiting for a while Shiseido, worked with Elizabeth Arden. From December last year to October this year he was art director Shiseido in Russia. And since November I'm a makeup artist Chanel in Russia. I am very happy about this fact, because Chanel can safely be called the most fashionable cosmetic brand. In addition, this is the only company that releases new products every three months.

    "NMK": How do you assess the level of Russian makeup artists compared to Western ones?

    E.I: It's difficult for us to compete. In Russia this profession is still very young. In fact, it originated with us only in the late eighties. Before this, it was done by cosmetologists. Therefore, I am pleased to hear from Western hairdressers, makeup artists, and fashion designers that Russia today has a decent level of make-up And I have heard similar opinions more than once. I myself worked with Patrick Cameroon three times, even toured Russia with him, and he completely trusted me. That is, the models got dressed, came to me, I did their makeup as I saw it, and they went on the catwalk. The general level of our makeup artists is progressing noticeably. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of Russian art. As Western artists say: “You have something to worry about.” It's probably true.

    "NMK": What is more attractive about your work: creating looks for the catwalk or the opportunity to transform a woman who comes for a home makeover?

    E.I: Each side has its own interests. One thing is interesting on the catwalk, but working with clients is something completely different. A woman gets up, looks at herself in the mirror, and you see the smile on her face, the sparkle that immediately appears in her eyes, you hear words of gratitude from her - this is worth working for.

    "NMK": When a woman comes in and wants to learn how to do makeup, how do you start a conversation with her?

    E.I: When a woman comes for the first time, there is a light conversation and introduction. Makeup must be wearable, definitely wearable, otherwise there is no point in what we do. We need to find out what a woman loves. For example, she doesn’t like bright makeup, but the makeup artist sees that bright makeup would suit her. But what does bright makeup give? A woman goes out into the street, people pay attention to her, compliment her, but she feels awkward. She is embarrassed by the glances directed at her, feels uncomfortable, hides her eyes - there is no image. We just destroyed everything. And vice versa - a bright woman loves bright cosmetics, but I want to make her something in the naturelle style. She will go outside and definitely put on makeup. Therefore, you always need to find out: what a woman loves, what she considers necessary for herself. For example, a client says that they don’t suit her purple colors. This means that someone convinced her, although in reality this is not the case at all. You try to convince her as an artist, to explain her, using concepts such as “cold - warm”. You explain that you can find 20 purple shades that will suit her, and 20 purple shades that will not suit her.
    It is very important to find out what a woman’s job is and how much time she has to create an image. After all, if there is only five minutes of time, there is no point in offering complex makeup, she will not use it anyway. We need to find something optimal that will allow her to maximize her features in a minimum of time.
    Another rule is to never make drastic changes in your work. After all, habit plays a very important role, especially for women. If a woman is used to some lipstick, but it doesn’t suit her, you shouldn’t immediately convince her that it’s not her lipstick, she won’t believe you anyway. Even if the client herself comes with a desire to change radically, there is no need to do this. Change her, well, half at most the first time, then gradually you will lead her to more noticeable changes, and she will perceive them as if she herself did it.

    "NMK": There are some stereotypes common to all our women or typical mistakes? What recommendations can you give in connection with them?

    E.I: Of course there are stereotypes and mistakes. Many of our women listen to the advice of their friends, hence the belief that a certain color does not suit them.
    Another problem. Fortunately, we are now reaching an international level where sales of cosmetic products are accompanied by advice or consultations. A person saw, for example, a complete line of Shiseido cosmetics, and he is confused: “And for whom?”, “And how?” There's no way to figure this out without help. Many brands already have makeup artists and sales consultants who constantly undergo training and can give professional advice.
    One more thing needs to be said. Although I am a makeup artist and it would seem that I should only give advice on decorative cosmetics, I have always said and will continue to talk about a very important point. It's a shame that every a woman in our country may have twenty lipsticks, several eyeshadows, many pencils at home, but she will not have a single one good remedy skin care. After all, decorative cosmetics is just a way of transformation, and first of all you need to take care of yourself. Often women ask for very tight Foundation, and when asked “why?”, they refer to skin problems. You begin to offer a care product and explain that this problem needs to be treated. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready for this; many prefer not to bother with medicinal products, but simply to disguise the flaws. This happens very often in our country: we paint ourselves, but don’t take care of ourselves. In the West, on the contrary, a woman may have a minimum of decorative cosmetics, but the table will be lined with care products. You need to take care of your skin because well-groomed skin only needs a light tone. Then you won’t need thick tones, correctors, or concealers. This main advice women - use care products. By the way, it also applies to men. For some reason, men mostly shy away from skin care products.

    "NMK": What, in your opinion, are the features of modern daytime makeup?

    E.I: IN daytime makeup It is important to start from the style, the character of the person, and his place of work. The main thing in daytime makeup is to emphasize a person’s personality as much as possible. This does not mean that makeup should be bright, on the contrary. This, by the way, in my opinion, is the job of a makeup artist: not to show what you can do on one face and how many products to apply, but to emphasize what is given by nature. Very often I tell my students that when people look at their work they should say, “What a beautiful woman!”, and not “What beautiful make-up! If they say, “What great makeup!”, it’s a bad makeup artist. That is, the last thing people around should see is that a woman has great makeup. They should say, “You look good. Did you get enough sleep? Have you come back from vacation? No, she just took the lipstick that suits her very well.

    "NMK": How do makeup differ by season?

    E.I: Eat general rules. In winter, makeup is usually brighter. Still, the dull tones of nature, our eyes do not see green, they see only the gray sky, gray asphalt, snow. And, accordingly, winter fashion is bright, shiny, juicy. Spring comes, usually something more delicate and pleasing to the eye appears in fashion. Greenish, bluish, yellowish shades that warm. They are associated with the sun, which we missed all winter.
    Summer. Hot. It’s hard in the city, we get tired of it all and our eyes involuntarily look for something fresh, something cool, and the same thing can be seen in makeup.
    In autumn, as a rule, deeper, more bright shades. Autumn itself is interesting.
    Accordingly, different products are used depending on the season. If you take care products, then in winter they are more applicable nourishing creams, because in winter the skin has to endure a lot. Our skin, like our hair, does not like changes most of all. She is not afraid of frost. If the temperature in the room drops gradually, she will react calmly. But we are in a room with a temperature of plus 20-25 degrees, and we went outside, and in exactly one second the temperature changed to minus thirty. And so several times a day. These are wild swings. In summer you can use lighter products.

    "NMK": What is an art director of a brand? What are his responsibilities and capabilities?

    E.I: There are many responsibilities and many opportunities. Working with stores, conducting trainings for makeup artists, salespeople, working with regions, working with television, working with magazines. There are brands that have existed for more than 70 years, and in Russia they are known regardless of advertising. This Christian Dior, Chanel. But not everyone knows a brand like Shiseido, and advertising plays an important role here. Accordingly, women watch magazines and programs and understand that it is fashionable, prestigious and beautiful. For this purpose, we create covers for magazines, images on the pages of magazines, and work on the catwalks.

    "NMK": How is the brand’s team of makeup artists selected?

    E.I: Firstly, in appearance. So that the client who comes to the store has a desire to come up. Like in a hairdresser: if I see that the hairdresser has an unkempt hairstyle, I will never sit down with him. It's the same here. You approached the makeup artist. Then the communication begins. How sociable a makeup artist can be is also important. There must be contact so that the woman reveals to him the most intimate thing - the secret of her face. After all, a woman is shy, it is very difficult for her to say: “I have wrinkles, I don’t know what to do with them,” “I have circles under my eyes, what should I do?”, “I have small lips, I don’t like it.” She has complexes and finds it difficult to admit her problems to a stranger.
    In addition, a makeup artist should be able to choose the right lipstick very quickly - literally in a couple of minutes. Another important point. If we take all directions in the work of a makeup artist - on the catwalk, with a photographer, with a client, then in working with a client there must also be a share of artistry. A frowning face, a tense posture of a makeup artist, when he, bent over, “squeezes out” the makeup from himself, will lead to the fact that even if the quality of his work can be assessed highly, the woman will still doubt the result. So, appearance, communication skills, ability to work quickly and artistry are the qualities required by a makeup artist.

    "NMK": How much time is allocated for makeup in the store and what do you manage to do during this time?

    E.I: I was usually given about thirty minutes when they signed up clients. During this time, I have time to get acquainted, do make-up removal, because women know that they are going for makeup, but still they come painted. And we have no right to tell them to come washed. I think it would be extremely rude for a makeup artist to ask a woman to come without makeup. If a woman practically does not use decorative cosmetics, this is simple for her. But if she is used to wearing bright makeup, asking her to come across town washed is unpleasant. And besides, the makeup that the woman herself did is a very big clue.
    Next, during this time, you need to choose a line of care for her, a line of decorative cosmetics, show her how to use it, and at the end I always draw a sketch and write down the shade numbers of all products on the diagram. It is very comfortable. Because I did makeup on my face, and it won’t be easy for her to reconstruct it from memory. But with the help of a diagram it is not so difficult. This is all in half an hour. A professional must be able to work quickly. Then it helps at shows.

    "NMK": What attracted you to Shiseido?

    E.I: U Shiseido your approach to makeup, to collections, to production. They have an unconventional approach to cosmetics themselves. This is the most classic brand. She doesn't do anything fashionable, although she has everything. There are all the colors that are fashionable now. In this variety you can always choose any colors. Now they have a completely different approach to advertising decorative cosmetics. The company does not represent individuals, like other brands, but individual lines of decorative cosmetics. End of the year - emphasis on lips. January – foundations.

    "NMK": Who is your favorite artist?

    E.I: Mikhail Shemyakin. I love everything in his work: both painting and graphics. Ideal. I really love my teachers - artists Nikolai Vatoman, Valery Blokhin, Stas Serov. I was really lucky to have teachers.

    "NMK": What are the common features modern fashion in makeup?

    E.I: Fashion in makeup, if you try to express it in general terms, is very tasty, very beautiful. There is a mixture of cosmetics of different styles and different textures, both matte and shiny shades are used, and colored mascara is again popular. At the turn of the century, you need to not only remember everything that was once fashionable, but also guess what will be in fashion and try to connect it. It is worth paying attention to the fact that at the end of the century, sometimes even the sloppiest makeup has its own zest - somewhere in the blurriness, somewhere in the blurriness, but this blurriness and blurriness are now also becoming beautiful. Attention is paid to everything: everything should be great, stylish, beautiful.
    I noticed that all the new collections have common features. Everything is very chic. This probably dictates the end of the century.

    "NMK": How is fashion related to real life?

    E.I: It all depends on the individual, how much he is interested in fashion. After all, fashion is not created separately from our life, it is a reflection of our lifestyle. And if a person is “in fashion,” this should be visible in everything - in clothes, hairstyle, makeup, behavior - then this applies, then not a single detail falls out of the image. What I mean? Everything is important - the latest clothing collections, the latest hairstyles, latest makeups. If you lag behind in clothes and hairstyle and wear trendy makeup, the image will not work out. That is, fashion is applicable only to those who live by it, who do not think of themselves outside of it. There are such women, they follow all the new products, all the collections. But the same cannot be said about the population as a whole.
    I believe that there is no need to run after fashion, especially now. After all, if earlier it changed once every ten years, then once every five years, then once a year, every six months, now every day some new trend appears. And it’s impossible to keep up with them. The main thing is to find something of your own, find an interesting style and change in this style. Today you can, for example, choose a “hippie” style, and if you “make it”, it will be beautiful and fashionable. Naturally, these will no longer be the hippies of the seventies, but something more stylish and modern. But all directions have something in common, they are all acceptable and interesting.
    Besides, fashion is partly advertising. If we talk about makeup, then the image created by the artist is the face of the decorative cosmetics brand, which should attract, interest, and please. This kind of makeup doesn't have to be worn every day. Often during shows High fashion you can hear people shouting: “She should try to get on a trolleybus in this!” But this fashion is not for a trolleybus, this fashion is not even for a car, maybe this fashion is only for the catwalk. For advertising, makeup is stylized a little, for example, brighter colors are used, seemingly incompatible colors are used to make the face attractive. But any advertising image can be adjusted to what is applicable in life, to the person who will wear it: change it a little, shade it somewhere, and that’s it – the makeup is on.

    E.I: As a person born under the sign of Libra, I always want something grandiose. I have a dream, like Pinocchio’s - I want to create a theater. A fashion theater, an art theater, a huge center, the likes of which for some reason are nowhere to be found. It should have beauty salons and boutiques fashionable clothes, changing exhibitions of artists, poetry and music. I have always wanted to create such a center, and I am not afraid to talk about it, let them steal this idea, let at least someone do it while I have no money. There shouldn't be a boring fashion show. I want grandiose shows, theatrical fashion shows, so that not only hairstyles and makeup are specially designed for them, but also music is written, action is staged with characters, so that the scenery can be changed during the show, and paintings serve as the scenery. A center where you can relax, have fun, go shopping, play sports, and get involved in culture.

    Eric Indikov, makeup artist for Estee Lauder, international level master, member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

    Being an interior designer by profession, he actively exhibited as a painter and graphic artist..
    In 1995, he won the Second Russian Open Championship in decorative cosmetics, and later collaborated with the brands Guerlain, Elizabeth Arden, Shiseido, Chanel.

    Eric Indikov was invited to work on filming and interviews by leading glossy publications in Russia and the CIS, including Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan, and the NTV, RTR, TNT television channels and radio stations Europe Plus, Russian Radio, Humor FM - as a guest and beauty expert.

    • Sasha Savelyeva

    Everything is very great!
    I generally like natural images.

    A well-chosen tone, just enough powder on the face, and a slight shine - this is the result of the photographer’s flash.

    Correct eyebrow color.

    The lipstick is perfectly chosen - both in color and texture - light, silky, perfectly emphasizes the color of the eyes, making the blue even more delicate.

    • Sofia Coppola

    What image was the makeup artist trying to create?
    It turns out natural (face), romantic (lips), and sporty (eyes) styles at the same time.

    A complete lack of tone, that is, cream-powder, the lack of which, apparently, they decided to compensate for with powder, which is in abundance on the face.
    The result was a red and frankly, sorry, rough face.

    The more natural the image, the more carefully you need to approach your complexion and very carefully select foundation, and be extremely careful when powdering your face.

    Next are the shadows.
    Firstly, I would make them softer (since such a natural look) and would definitely apply them into the crease in order to lift it, thereby eliminating the problem of the impending eyelid, I would add shadows to the lower eyelid, thereby correcting the lower part of the face.

    Lipstick shade
    I don't know what the makeup artist was thinking, but why is it cool pink?

    In addition, I would definitely comb and style my eyebrows with gel, apply a natural, subtle blush and ask the hairdresser to sort out the hair strands
    For some reason they have gel on the face, and then everything is just combed.
    Or or

    • Renata Litvinova

    Firstly, what immediately catches your eye is that the tone of the face is pink and the tone of the neck is beige.
    This is the result of an incorrectly selected cream powder.

    I would move the blush from the front of the cheekbones to the periphery of the face, this will allow the cheeks to look less plump.
    Yes, and I would take a less aggressive color that doesn’t clash with lipstick.

    The lipstick itself is very beautiful and fashionable, matte red is a trend.
    But we must not forget that the brighter the lipstick, the more carefully you need to apply it, try to do it perfectly evenly and symmetrically, as any flaws will be visible
    In this case – asymmetry of the upper lip.

    I would advise a makeup artist to be interested not only in fashion and trends, but also to look at what the hairdresser does.
    In this case, the hairstyle emphasizes the upper part of the head, and the makeup artist emphasizes the lips - why?

    I would choose a softer lipstick, adjust my eyebrows a little, and bring the shadows into the crease of the upper eyelid, thereby lifting it and opening my eyes.

    • Britney Spears

    Good, old, forever fashionable classics.

    Excellent choice of glitter, soft shadows, pencil on the lower eyelid - I really like it all.
    But for some reason the color of the eyebrows is brown-gray, not blond.

    And the problem is with cream powder, and not in color, as is usually the case, but a problem either with the selection of texture, or with the application technique.
    Porous and uneven skin “loves” cream-powder with color-correcting pigments that hide this problem.
    I recommend applying it with a round brush rather than a sponge or your hands - this technique is ideal for even distribution over the surface of the skin.

    And we need to be very careful with powder, because it emphasizes the porosity of the skin and we risk getting a sandy effect on the face.

    In my opinion, a light touch of bronzing powder to the cheekbones and temples would add radiance to the face and add luxury to the overall makeup.

    • Yulia Savicheva

    Overall, not bad.
    Soft, gentle, but there are small mistakes.

    Firstly, there is the color problem again... I mean that all the makeup is done in one color:
    and eyes, and lips, and eyebrows, and blush.
    It shouldn’t be like this, one thing had to be highlighted.

    In this case, the makeup artist highlighted the eyebrows.

    I would focus on the lips - with a juicy, shining gloss.

    And for some reason the blush is brighter on the temples and not on the cheekbones.
    I would add creamy pink to the brown shade of blush in order to emphasize the youth and tenderness of the image.

    I would apply brown shadows with a purple pencil, and the color of the shadows would become deeper and the eye color would be brighter.

    And lastly.
    In my opinion, the eyebrow size is much longer than the face requires.

    • Christina Hendricks

    To be honest, I don’t like everything.
    It's just awful!

    Complete absence of tone and corrector, and as a result, red, shiny, sebaceous skin and circles under the eyes.

    The color of the eyebrows needs to be matched to the color of the hair, that is, a redder shade would be suitable here.

    The lipstick color is also poorly chosen.
    Need either more red or darker, or I would add gold glitter to this color.
    That would at least soften her up somehow..

    But the eyes are not so bad.
    They applied eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara very carefully..

    Eric Indikov was born in the southern part of Russia and spent his childhood and youth there. From the age of two he lived in a single-parent family. When the parents divorced, my mother took my older brother for herself, and my father left with Eric. Received a degree in interior design. With his works he actively took part in exhibitions of painting and graphics.

    In the early 90s he moved to Moscow for permanent residence. He arrived in the capital already as a makeup artist. It is worth noting that this metamorphosis occurred in the “dashing 90s,” a moment of moral and economic instability in our country. One can only guess how much work and effort it took to begin the journey of a makeup artist. In 1995 he won the Russian Open Championship decorative makeup", thanks to this achievement, his work begins with famous brands, including Chanel, Shiseido, Elizabeth Arden, Guerlain.

    Artist's career

    As mentioned earlier, Eric Indikov is an interior designer by profession. He received his education in stages. At first it was an art school in Grozny, then a design school, and subsequently the Krasnodar Institute of Culture and Art. Eric himself believes that his love for painting appeared in his early childhood. At that time, his parents constantly gave him pencils and paper in order to somehow distract him from mischief and calm the restlessness.

    The master draws subjects for his works from his personal life and his own emotions. He writes everything that once touched him and made him worry, while conveying the whole palette of feelings he experienced. When viewing his paintings, one gets a feeling of the versatility of the work and the depth of space of the canvas itself.

    “Dream in the Snow” is a very interesting work; its peculiarity is that if you turn the image over, the snow will turn into fluffy clouds. In his work, Eric uses many techniques and styles, from classic to avant-garde. According to the artist himself, despite the length of his career, he is constantly learning something and never ceases to discover something new for himself. Words from a professional!

    Work as a makeup artist

    Eric Indikov is a world-class makeup artist. This title is earned through tireless, hard work and enviable determination. Good specialist always and everywhere in demand, so is Eric Indikov, whose biography includes collaborations with many names known to the general public.

    IN different years prestigious glossy publications and central television channels invited Eric, in addition to working on the makeup of stars, for interviews. Thus, the work of the master makeup artist moved from behind the scenes to public view. Eric Indikov became a media personality, his opinion gained weight not only in show business circles, but also in the public. Thanks to his many years of experience, Eric had the opportunity to work with world-class stylists such as Tony & Guy, Lewis Humelt, Vidal Sassoon, Claudio Tolardo, Patrick Cameron. And this is not the entire list.

    In addition to working on television and in magazines, a master of this rank has to take part in well-known projects. Eric Indikov has mastered makeup, as a result of which he is a member of the jury of many competitions dedicated to decorative cosmetics, for example, the Azerbaijani championship, and at the Russian regional championships he is the chairman. Eric can also be seen on the jury of the Northern Lights competition for young performers.

    Domestic designers note the invaluable contribution of Eric Indikov to the development of makeup, which is necessary for shows at Fashion Week. Another of the master’s achievements is the post of art director in the Russian branch of the Chanel Fashion House.

    Eric Indikova Makeup School

    We can say that this interesting project appeared on a voluntary basis. All 5 video lessons are freely available on the Internet, anyone can view them. These videos are video trainings that were originally broadcast online and were conducted personally by Eric Indikov. The Makeup School lasts about an hour and a half and tells about Indikov’s vision of a particular problem.

    First lesson

    In this series, Eric talks about the properties of color and its combination with a particular skin color type. After watching this video, you will understand how important basic knowledge is even with a non-standard and individual approach. The viewer will be told about all the primary colors, the rules for their use and combination, as well as how to emphasize beauty and effectiveness.

    Lesson two

    And their adjustment. In this lesson, the master explains artistic techniques with which you can hide flaws in appearance or turn them to your advantage, emphasizing individuality. These are the observations of the master, collected over long years work in the profession.

    Lesson three

    Using unpopular techniques, Eric Indikov shows how to apply cosmetics correctly. The lesson will open little secret professional An attentive viewer will immediately understand that Eric combines his two professions into one, and his success largely depends on the artistic aspect and intuitive sense of beauty.

    Lesson four

    It tells about the uniqueness of different ones, reveals their features and application techniques. With the help of this video tutorial, Eric Indikov tried to convey to the audience how simple makeup is when the right approach with a clearly defined goal.

    Lesson five

    He teaches the intricacies of communication with clients and features of service. This series is addressed to Eric's colleagues, in which he reveals all the intricacies of his profession.

    Initially, this video course was conceived as a message to Eric’s future colleagues. An artistic approach is his main idea. In fact, it turned out that people far from this profession, in particular girls and women, will find it very useful to familiarize themselves with these materials.

    In addition to the school project, Eric Indikov shares his secrets in numerous interviews, which ultimately end up in print publications, on television, radio broadcasting and, of course, on the Internet. Finding all these materials will not be difficult.

    Let's look at three ways to create the perfect tone.

    Method one. You will need two powder brushes (a large round one and a short one), foundation, and powder.

    Apply a little foundation to back side your palm, dip a large round brush into it. Blend the tone with a brush on your palm so that the product is distributed in equal proportions over the bristles of the tool. Using movements that are comfortable for you (in no case smearing), spread foundation in your face. Reapply if necessary. Finally, apply the powder using a short brush and gentle circular motions. As a result, you will get the effect of lightness and weightlessness, ideal for masking problematic unevenness.

    Method two. You will need a dry sponge, foundation, and powder.
    Using your hands, apply foundation to the surface of your face. Using gentle blotting movements, without smearing, absorb all excess foundation into the sponge. To finish, lightly powder your face. You will get a lasting effect of a dense skin surface.

    Method three. You will need a proofreader. Apply foundation to the eyelid area and blend thoroughly with your fingers. Use powder. If in front of the layer foundation use a primer, you will get a glowing effect. Keep in mind that the foundation is designed for large pores and will slide off if applied incorrectly.


    Eric Indikov is an extremely charismatic person; there is no media personality without this. If you hear it on the radio or see it on TV, a joyful smile involuntarily appears on your face. Everyone has something to learn from this man, it doesn’t matter whether you have anything to do with cosmetics or not.

    One can only envy his determination and ambition; this man’s career is truly dizzying and his successes are very significant. His knowledge, coupled with experience, is unique; over the years of practice, Eric has developed his own unique style and technology, both in the artistic field and in the field of makeup.

    A deep sense of beauty helps him move further and further, discovering new horizons for himself. And a smile appears because you hear the speech of an intelligent, kind and open person, capable of correctly and accurately expressing his thoughts and conveying them to any audience. This is all about Eric Indikov, whose biography is interesting and instructive for many.

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