• What a surprise to give a child for his birthday. We come up with interesting surprises for children's birthdays


    A special holiday for everyone is approaching - a birthday, and parents are once again racking their brains on how to surprise their precious child. The obvious option is a toy, but many adults adhere to the principle that a gift should also have practical benefits and also be a kind of encouragement for good behavior.

    Common mistakes when choosing a gift

    Before we talk about useful and really interesting gifts, you should be warned against possible unsuccessful and even offensive acquisitions. There are many examples of this; photos and videos about unwanted gifts and children’s reactions are distributed on the Internet. Such examples can be assessed in two ways: on the one hand, the exact motives of the parents who committed such a “crime” against their offspring are unknown. On the other hand, you should not encourage a child to be permissive; remember how we were taught to accept any gift with gratitude?

    From childhood, children should be instilled with respect for the work of adults, and not beg for such purchases with tears and hysterics. Of course, this does not apply to the situation when parents give their son a Barbie doll for his birthday. best case scenario this can be regarded as a failed attempt at a joke, but worst option- just humiliate.

    TOP 5 unsuccessful gifts:

    1. A gift chosen not according to age. In order not to miss in this matter, communicate with children and find out their interests at the moment, and do not remember in the store that your daughter dreamed of a baby doll last year. Even without taking into account the fact that she already has this baby doll (other relatives could have given it to her), over the past year her interests could have changed dramatically, and baby cosmetics or jewelry have replaced baby dolls and strollers.
    2. Choose a gift specifically for your child. As paradoxical as it may sound, most parents buy their child exactly those toys that they subconsciously would like to receive themselves. Nobody disputes that twenty years ago the railway was the most a great gift for my birthday, but modern boys may be more interested in transformers, robots or modern construction kits. Giving your son a gift for his birthday that is by default intended for his dad is unfair, to say the least.
    3. Don’t try to put a strong meaning into the gift. No matter how strange it may sound, not all expensive and multifunctional toys and construction sets are to the taste of children. One can often note indifference to a fancy helicopter and absolutely sincere interest in plastic soldiers. It is useless to look for reasons here, because adult logic It is difficult to understand a child's feelings. Just take it for granted and don’t show your child resentment; interests can quickly change, and this is where a helicopter will be just right.
    4. Practical gifts. This is a separate topic for conversation, but remember how many jokes there are on the topic of traditional men's gifts: underpants, socks and shaving sets. About the same thing happens when you give your child another pack of markers or clothes. Not only should you buy such items as needed, and not for a birthday, but such a gift will not evoke strong emotions. An alternative is to provide a practical item with a pleasant and long-awaited mini gift.
    5. Replace time with a gift. Everyone has found themselves in such a situation in their lives. This is when parents brush off their child new toy or we ourselves, having already created our own families, return from work in the dark and in a hurry buy the first sweet or trinket we come across. Nobody argues that lack of time is a characteristic feature of “adult” life, but you should never feel sorry for it for your own children. From a business point of view, you can view this as an investment in the future of your grandchildren: as a rule, parents are more likely to spend time with their children if they themselves received enough attention in childhood. Give the children the right attitude and priorities: family, and then work.

    After reading, you might think that a birthday gift is definitely something supernatural, long-awaited and unique. It is a mistake to say that it is impossible to find something similar, if you correctly take into account the interests of your child and focus exclusively on his tastes (even down to color), making a pleasant birthday surprise for your precious child is extremely easy and even pleasant - you will see the sincere joy of the one for whom this is all what's going on.

    The very first one: do not put off purchasing or planning until the very last day, there is a risk of simply not having time or not choosing what you want. We choose gifts for children according to previously formulated principles.

    I won’t repeat myself, we have already clearly decided:

    • take into account the age of the child;
    • take into account his interests;
    • Do not go to extremes with a practical, but useless gift from the point of view of children.

    By the way, if you don’t consider a gift as something exclusively material, you can make a birthday or just a day off with a real gift, give up everything (which never ends anyway) and devote the whole day to the child and family vacation. Go to the park, the forest, a cafe, the beach, or just take a bike ride around the area. Believe me, such exercise will remain in the memory and in the photo for a long time as the most valuable and desired gift.

    In addition to the above, we can briefly formulate a list of the most successful gifts, from the point of view of children, of course. The behavior and interests of the “recipient” will tell you which one is right for you.

    TOP 5 successful gifts:

    1. exclusive magazine with a photo of the main character on the cover;
    2. a video filmed with his participation;
    3. a banal mug with a photo of the birthday boy will also become a pleasant surprise and a favorite thing in the future;
    4. a real book with a story or fairy tale, where your child will play the leading role;
    5. a photo of an idol with a personal autograph can be ordered via the Internet;
    6. an ant farm or an aqua farm, if the child has long dreamed of having a pet and other options are unacceptable;
    7. a photo collage is a wonderful gift for any celebration, and it will especially interest a teenager;
    8. a win-win option - a favorite delicacy, although such a gift for children can hardly be called unusual, but it is perfect for any occasion, even a birthday.
    • Fashionable gifts. These include all modern popular products. Remember the fashion for Chinese Tamagotchis? And who can now boast of an electronic pet? Such new products do not stay at the peak of popularity for long, but this is their highlight. By giving your child rubber bands for weaving, scary dolls or a cartoon car, you may overpay for the brand and fame, but your beloved child will be happy and will be able to show off a fashionable toy at school or kindergarten.

    Finally, I would like to mention a gift for the most difficult category of children - teenagers. Everything here is as unpredictable as mood changes at this age. You can simply “be behind the times” and buy the wrong computer game, cosmetics or jeans. By the way, this is where clothes would be appropriate as a gift, provided that you can please the precious fashionista. Paradoxically, it is better to make gifts for a teenage child together with him, but even then there is a risk of not pleasing...

    Mandatory moment: giving a gift

    It is advisable to do this unexpectedly and solemnly. You shouldn’t pretend that you completely forgot about your birthday, as this can cause offense, which is then difficult to make up for even with a good present.

    Most parents prefer to give in the morning, immediately upon waking up, some tolerate (and force to endure) until the evening. There are no definite tips, the main thing is to choose the moment when the child will receive maximum pleasure from the gift. If, for example, you need to quickly get ready for school without really considering the gift, the surprise will not be very successful: the whole day the child will worry and think about completely wrong things. The moment of presentation captured in the photo will also decorate the family album.

    Gift packaging also matters: a bright box will definitely lift your spirits better than a simple plastic bag. You can make a kind of treasure map, according to which children need to search for gifts according to the specified messages. Creative approach is welcome!

    On the day of special events, you always want to give your loved ones unforgettable holiday or at least arrange a surprise. If you like to give gifts and enjoy it, then you have come to the right place. We will tell you how to congratulate your loved ones, girlfriends in an original way, and arrange unforgettable gift for mother, lover, husband or child. Master classes, box surprises and unusual congratulations in the article below.

    Originality always comes first, and it doesn’t matter who you are going to congratulate, your mother or friend, sister or work colleague. Our options are suitable for any celebration.

    Option 1

    Jar with health vitamins. Fill a jar with colorful candies, such as raisin jelly beans, lollipops, or brightly colored M&Ms. We wish only the best to all our loved ones, let them eat these funny candies and they bring them joy. The situation is played out in different ways, for example, colored dragees can also be called candies of happiness or desire. After eating each candy, the birthday person will make a wish.

    Option 2

    Balloons. Suitable for both adults and children. inflate beautiful balls, it is desirable that the balls are transparent. You can take it with sparkles or inscriptions about the holiday. Before you inflate the balloons, you need to put banknotes in them. It is necessary to have several balls, “empty” and 1 “filled”. On the one hand, balloons are a good gift for children, they love to play with them, but there is one caveat with them: if the balloons are helium, they can fly away, so parents need to be vigilant so that the balloon cash gift didn't go to heaven.

    Option 3

    Door. This surprise is suitable for congratulations at home and at work. It is advisable to start making a surprise from the inside, it will be more convenient. The door from the inside along the opening is covered with film. In this case, the front door is closed, and at the end of the work, inflatable balls are placed in the upper hole of the film. There should be enough of them to fill the entire space between the doorway and the door. The end of the surprise is that the birthday boy opens the front door, and at that moment multi-colored balls rain down on him.

    Option 4

    Mirror. Every person starts their morning with a bath. Prepare for this in advance. Cover the bathroom mirror with bright stickers with wishes and confessions. As soon as the birthday boy comes in to take a shower, he will see the surprise prepared.

    Option 5

    Postcard. This is not an easy card; you need to make it from several folded sheets. On its pages there will be photographs from different times with memories. Decorate it in accordance with the holiday, the preferences of the birthday person, with his favorite colors and decorations.

    Birthday surprise for mom, ideas

    There are many options for how to congratulate your mother on her birthday. Remember what your parent likes, what her preferences are in desserts and flowers. Perhaps she has been dreaming about something for a long time and your surprise can be made with an emphasis on a long-standing desire.

    Boxing with congratulations

    Recently, handmade greeting envelopes and boxes have become popular as a fashion trend. They are made using the scrapbooking technique. But, if you don’t go into details, making such a box is quite simple, and it is not necessary to purchase special materials to make it. Cardboard, glue and a few decorative details are ideal for a surprise. Glue the cardboard box together and place a signed card with wishes or a small gift inside.

    With a creative impulse, you can approach the surprise in more detail. Remember the days that your mother probably remembered as joyful moments. Find photographs from that time and paste them onto the inside walls of the box. Arrange the walls of the box so that they open up like a flower. Cut the curves of the box; in the future, their shape will be held by the lid. The effect of memories will be amazing not only for mom, but for other birthday people.

    Magic ball

    Find big box. The size should be such that an inflated balloon. As you already understood, mom opens the box and a ball is waiting for her inside. You will need to put several homemade notes in a colorful and bright ball. You can write congratulations on them or items that the birthday girl will need to complete in the near future. Also, instead of wishes, declarations of love and compliments can be written for the most beloved mother. After preparing the projectile, it will need to be signed: “Burst me.” Mom opens the box, bursts the balloon, and as soon as the balloon bursts, notes with nice wishes or congratulations.

    Wall newspaper

    The workpiece is a large greeting card with sweets and wishes. The idea is that every sweet is the beginning of a congratulation. For example, “Miracle” yogurt: Mommy, you are a real “Miracle”. This phrase is completed by a box of yogurt, then the wishes continue, like the islands of an archipelago. The first wish may be followed by a declaration of love, for example: I love you very much. Instead of “I love”, chewing gum “Love is” will be stuck, etc.


    There can be several ideas for a collage. It all depends on what status your mother is in. If she doesn’t have grandchildren yet, then the congratulations will be limited to the phrase “mother,” if she already has one or more grandchildren, then the phrases may continue with “grandmother.” So, for the kit you need to have photographs with prepared phrases.

    All family members can participate in amateur performances, from the youngest to the oldest. The photo requires a person to stand and hold a sheet of paper with a phrase on it. For example, a daughter holds the phrase “Dear Mom”, the son in the next photo holds a sign with the words “this day”, the husband holds a piece of paper “we decided”, the grandson “congratulates you”. As a result, the beginning of the congratulation goes like this: “Dear mother, on this day we decided to congratulate you...”. To be continued as desired.

    Birthday surprise for your loved one, ideas

    • 50 reasons. A box or glass jar of the appropriate size holds 50 tea bags or sweets. Attached to them are written notes “Why I love you...”. The reasons can be very different, from personal to banal “for your kind heart", "for intelligence", "for sense of humor";

    • 100 reasons. Notes. Rolled notes are placed in a beautiful tin or glass jar. It is desirable that it be beautiful paper of the same color, for example red. It will be even better if each piece of paper is folded in the shape of a scroll, envelope, or triangle. On the inserts you can write declarations of love, congratulations, wishes, plans for your future life;

    • Dinner. It’s banal, but very romantic, especially if you’ve been living together for a long time and all your dinners are similar to one another. While your loved one is at work, you need to prepare his favorite dish, decorate the table beautifully, light candles, lay out the petals and wait... As soon as he enters, say words of congratulations and invite your man to the table. Continue the evening as desired;

    • Certificate. This is a rather difficult certificate. It applies to very unusual services: massage, striptease, washing dishes, kissing, etc. The value is expressed in points, each service costs a certain number of points. Valid until full use declared denomination;

    • Poster. Make a poster of sweets and wishes, your own drawings and additional pictures. Fantasize to your heart's content. Remember affectionate nickname your loved one, perhaps the store sells something from this series, and if for you he is simply a “favorite,” then the store always sells a box of juice of the same name.

    Birthday surprise for wife, ideas

    • Flowers. Think about romance, more and more women began to ask their husbands to replace flowers with breakfast sausage or something healthier for the home. Don't listen to her, give her her favorite flowers. In addition to bouquets, florist shops sell wooden signs that are inserted into bouquets; insert them into beautiful flowers and make a surprise;

    • A surprise of balloons and photographs. Order a couple dozen helium balloons. The balloons should have long ribbons; tie memorable photographs to the edge of each ribbon: from travel, from the moment you first met, from joint holidays. Attach a happy birthday card to the center of the balloons;

    • Wrappers of love. Remember the 90s, everyone collected inserts from “Love is” chewing gum. It just shows the reasons why you can be together and why you can love each other. This is the most romantic chewing gum that is sold so far. If you have the opportunity to acquire such candy wrappers, be sure to make a postcard or poster with stickers;

    • Guests. Surely you did not plan to celebrate this birthday. Encourage your guests to come at the appointed time to surprise your loved one. While she is taking off her shoes in the hallway after work or shopping, hide the guests in the next room, give them a cake, confetti, festive whistles and, on command, congratulate the birthday girl;

    • Dream gift. Remember what your wife has dreamed of for so long, a new hair straightener, a bicycle, leather bag or something different. Find this gift, package it beautifully and wait for the birthday girl. It will be a surprise for her.

    Surprise for a friend's birthday, ideas

    • Bucket of gifts. The surprise is based on a bucket. You can push foam or foam rubber into it so that skewers with gifts can be held on this material in the future. Now take the long ones wooden sticks, attach a small gift to them, perhaps it will be candy. Decorate them with beautiful wrappers, flavor them with symbolic numbers or a comic congratulation and you can present them to your beloved friend;

    • Sweets with photos. If your friend loves everything original, order candies with photos for her. For each chocolate bar, prepare a wrapper with its photo. Download photos from social networks in advance and go to a photo workshop or printing house. There they will also help you make a congratulatory box with a photo of the birthday girl and wishes;

    • Handmade soap. A very practical and at the same time unusual surprise gift. If you like to make soap or you have an experienced needlewoman, then your friend will surely like this surprise. Put it all in beautiful box, decorate it with ribbons and send it to the birthday girl by mail;

    • Decor. If your friend is also your neighbor in the room or apartment that you rent together, then decorate her territory holiday cards, balls and garlands.

    Birthday surprise for a child, ideas

    • Call an animator. Think about your child's favorite heroes. As soon as he sees his idol on the threshold of his house, happiness will know no bounds;

    • Cake. It must be decorated with your favorite fairy tale or cartoon characters;

    • Drive. Think of a place where your child would dream of visiting: Legoland, Dinopark, Amusement Park, Oceanarium, Zoo, Circus, Water Park, etc. Prepare him a surprise trip;

    • Surprise gift. It is different for each child. Perhaps your child dreams of some kind of toy, ask him to write his wish in a letter to the fairy, and if he is still very small, just let him tell his mother in his ear about his dream. On the morning of your birthday, take your child to the window and show him a gift from the fairy. This will be his surprise;

    • Birthday with friends. Prepare holiday caps, cupcakes and a delicious cake for everyone in advance. The celebration can be held at home or in a children's cafe. For such events, everything is usually already ready: an animator on duty, a set table and a fabulous atmosphere.

    Birthday surprise for dad, ideas

    • Congratulations from homemade gingerbread cookies. Co-production between children and mother is welcome;

    • Photo greeting. In each individual photo, the child is holding a letter, it can be drawn on paper or directly on the baby;

    • Suitcase. Prepare a suitcase filled with dad's favorite treats;

    • Pillow. Make a custom pillow. There should be family photos on the pillow;

    • Hobby. Surprise your dad by giving him a gift that reminds him of his hobby. For example, from candies you can make a fish figure - for a fisherman, for a motorist - a car figure, for those who like to play computer games "Tanks" - a tank figure.

    What surprise to give for your husband's birthday

    • Provide a comprehensive car wash. Some men care about cars the same way they care about women;

    • Erotic massage. Make a change to your usual sex life schedule;

    • The path to the gift. Receiving a gift immediately after a reported congratulation is trivial. Lay out the path of arrows to the prepared present;

    • Wall. Congratulate him right on the wall. Attach a poster with congratulations there. From photos or postcards, post a symbolic date, as soon as your husband opens his eyes, he sees the surprise;

    • Electronic photo postcard. Create a collage from your photos with gestures. It should look like a big heart. Send this to your loved one as a morning greeting by email.

    Original birthday surprise

    • Courier. A special service for the delivery of bouquets and gifts will make not only the morning, but also the whole day of the birthday person. A person will be pleased to receive a gift prepared in advance. Besides this original surprise works ideally if people are separated by distance;

    • Instructions for "Secret Date". Prepare several sheets of paper. Think about where you will hide them in your house or apartment. On each sheet, write down a task, for example: “Hi, today you will have an unforgettable surprise, follow the instructions to find it... Look for the following directions in the shoe drawer.” The next sheet will naturally end up there. The new sheet will contain a new task, for example: “Go to the bathroom and open my favorite closet (drawer).” IN new instructions indicate the final task. There should be a solution to the surprise, it could be an invitation to a cafe, a park, some memorable place known only to you;

    • Crossword. Prepare several vertical and horizontal tasks on whatman paper. Let the birthday boy guess them and find out who he is to you. You can also base the crossword puzzle on the name of the gift that you are going to present to him;

    • Date on the roof. Many restaurants are located in hotel buildings and the roofs of such buildings are often equipped with terraces. Give your other half a surprise: close his or her eyes before boarding the elevator, and open them when you arrive at the roof deck;

    • Exotic fruits. At any time of the year you can order a wide variety of fruits. This is done by top supermarkets that have fruit departments. For an additional fee, a whole exotic basket will be prepared for your birthday person. The surprise is suitable for those who really love fruits.

    Birthday surprise box

    The box itself suggests the contents of an item. Accordingly, for a birthday, it will be a gift. The size of the box depends on the size of the gift. For example, you can order an exclusive box or make it yourself, cover it with self-adhesive paper, decorate it with a bow and place a present in it.

    Video surprise day

    Is your child’s birthday coming soon and you want the holiday to be special so that your son or daughter will remember this day for a long time? Believe me, for this it is not at all necessary to invite animators from a special agency or to hold a holiday in some children's club. A fun, original, memorable children's birthday can be held at home. Parents are quite capable of organizing and holding a children's party themselves. The most important thing you will need is time to plan and prepare everything in advance. And we will help you valuable advice for holding a children's party at home.

    Child's birthday

    The baby is looking forward to his birthday, asking you several times a day: “Is it coming soon? And when? How much is left? In order not to answer the same question 100 times, the author recommends that you make a waiting calendar so that every day the child can cut off a number and see how many days are left until the holiday. The cake and circles with numbers are made of thick paper (cardboard).

    The most amazing and magical thing about this calendar is that when all the circles are cut off and only one paper cake remains from the calendar, then in the evening it suddenly magically materializes into a real cake, greatly surprising and delighting the birthday boy (birthday girl) and all those gathered.

    Organization of children's parties

    We've sorted out the decoration of the room for a children's party, now let's move on to the entertainment.

    Choose the ones you like best, which are on our website, and hold them at your children's birthday party. Make or buy the necessary equipment in advance for playing games at a children's party. In this article we want to offer you a few more win-win options entertainment for children's parties.

    Birthday Games

    Pranks are a big hit at children's birthday parties. small gifts for guests. A well-known classic version prize draw like this. Wrapped in beautiful paper the prizes are hung on strings, and blindfolded children cut them off one by one. Whoever cut off which bundle won a prize. The number of prizes should be greater than the number of participants in the drawing, so that the last ones also have plenty to choose from.

    Make raffle tickets for children's parties. Play them among your guests. The kids will love washing off the protective layer on lottery tickets and find out what prizes they won.

    Be sure to include in entertainment program several tricks. After all, all children simply love magic tricks! Nowadays you can find many interesting sets for magic tricks in stores. You can perform tricks yourself, or maybe a child too, if they practice well in advance.

    Don't forget to arrange a photo session for the birthday boy(s) and guests.

    Interesting and unusual idea— make special accessories for a photo shoot on sticks.
    See how you can experiment with them.

    Pinata “Donkey” master class

    A piñata is a great holiday activity for kids. Roughly speaking, a piñata is a box in the shape of an object or animal, covered with a fringe of corrugated paper. There are sweets and surprises hidden inside the piñata. Children take turns hitting the piñata with a stick. As a result, the box falls apart and surprises fall out.

    How to end a birthday

    The children's party is coming to an end, it's time for the little guests to go home... To make this inevitable part of the children's party not so sad, prepare small gifts for the children that they can take with them.

    Children's birthday menu

    A child's birthday is always a special day in the life of a family. I really want him to remember this memorable day for a long time. In order for the holiday to be a success, you need to take care in advance of both the cultural program (entertainment, competitions, sweepstakes) and the holiday menu.
    We recommend that you organize a children's birthday buffet based on the buffet principle. Everything should be small and portioned. Variety and beautiful design dishes are welcome. If you are preparing salads, then before serving, place them in small salad bowls or shortcrust pastry baskets. Salads served in transparent cups look very nice. Great idea— organize a salad bar. To do this, you need to place the chopped ingredients on separate plates - boiled potatoes, beets, carrots, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, canned corn and green peas, meat, chicken, sausage, boiled eggs, herbs, etc. And dressings for them - homemade mayonnaise, sour cream, butter. The children themselves serve what they like and mix their own salads. It is important to offer small plates for culinary experiments so that too much food does not suffer due to failures. Fruits and desserts can also be placed in portioned cups or, for example, waffle cones.

    Canapés are very popular among children. You will need sticks for canapés or wooden skewers for kebabs. And what to string on them: fresh and salted cucumbers, avocado, sweet bell pepper different colors, raw and boiled carrots, cheese, processed cheese in slices, boiled and peeled quail eggs, meat, chicken, sausage, olives, apples, oranges, cherry tomatoes, grapes, etc.

    The most wonderful and magical holiday in childhood for kids is their birthday. They wait for him, count the days and constantly pester their parents with questions about what they will be given. And moms and dads are already starting to worry and rack their brains about how to surprise their child. But you can capture a child’s imagination not only with a gift, you can make your child’s entire birthday unique, bright and joyful. You need to try so that nothing can upset your child on his birthday. The main task of parents is to create an unusual and festive atmosphere.

    Waking up on your birthday

    Of course, you can simply give your child a gift with words of congratulations, but it’s better to give him a holiday for the whole day. Your reward will be admiration, delight and childish glee! It's very nice to be a "wizard"!

    Surprises should begin from the very moment you wake up. After putting your child to bed early the night before, start decorating his bedroom festively. Tape as many around the room as possible. balloons, hang a “Happy Birthday!” poster on the door, and then do what your imagination tells you. The first surprise came, and this is just the beginning of the day. How many of them will still be ahead!

    It would be great if you could come up with original way giving gifts. Having received a portion of kisses and congratulations from the parents in the morning, the child goes to the bathroom. Just imagine his surprise and joy when he sees a new towel with his name embroidered or a portrait printed on it. The baby will be even more delighted when, looking at the mirror, he reads what was written for him funny congratulations or he will open the closet to take clothes, and they will fly out to meet him air balloons.

    Gift for a child's birthday

    You will find out what gift your child wants to receive for his birthday long before the celebration. Circumstances and financial situation do not always allow you to fulfill a child’s whim. But the gift must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the child’s character, trying not to deceive his expectations and taking into account his tastes. A child will not be too happy about an interesting and expensive book if he prefers cycling or roller skating to reading. A set of brushes and paints will most likely upset someone who likes to kick a ball.

    At the same time, try to awaken your child's desire for a new hobby, for example, by giving him a telescope or tennis rackets. For girls a good gift will become crochet hook and yarn, especially for children sewing machine. Who knows, maybe this gift will serve as the first step in acquiring a future profession. The gift must match the child's character. Although traditional gifts will also be good: dolls for girls, beautiful outfits, handbags, boys - cars, robots, weapons. But you just need to give such gifts from the heart and with love.

    The most the best gift could be a birthday spent with you. Carefully think through the program of the day, choose the places where you would like to go with the birthday person. You can find out from the hero of the occasion how he would like to spend the holiday. This could be going to the cinema, to the stadium, a walk to the park to feed the ducks on the pond, or going to the skating rink together. A visit to a cafe at the end of a busy day will be just the thing.

    We welcome guests

    While waiting for guests, decorate the room with colorful balloons of various shapes, posters with comic congratulations, all kinds of garlands. The more elegantly the room is decorated, the more elevated the mood of those present at the holiday will be. Buy funny paper caps for the guests themselves. To dispel the atmosphere of wariness and alienation among guests, conduct with them:

    • quizzes;
    • competitions;
    • games.

    Small theatrical performances or magic tricks can also be performed.

    The kids will really like the game of words and rhymes; it’s even better if they make up congratulatory poem hero of the occasion. The “Mirror” quiz will cause no less delight: for this, the child must repeat the movements of his friend in a mirror image or copy his characteristic habit of making faces. Organize a competition on three legs: partners tie up two adjacent ones, so the two of you on three legs need to be able to get ahead of your opponents. There are also plenty of quizzes and competitions that can and should be used during the celebration.

    Having selected several on the Internet simple tricks and after practicing, show them to the guys, and ask them to guess what the secret of the trick is. Just don't forget to demonstrate the solution. There will be no end to the delight, especially if one of the children can repeat one of the tricks.

    Having prepared simple costumes and scenery in advance, set up a home theater. Fairy tales such as “Turnip”, “Teremok” or “Kolobok”, in which almost everyone invited can take part, will completely melt the ice and wariness among children. All these activities will ensure your success, and the fun and excitement will not leave the party until the very end.

    Children's party finale

    And now it's time to bring in the birthday cake. Draw the curtains, turn off the lights, light the candles in the cake and bring in. Having made a wish and blown out the lit candles, the child will be extremely happy, because these few magical minutes belong only to him!

    Only a child can see the miracle in a falling snowflake and notice the interesting in everyday things. Child's world is beautiful and needs care from an adult. Preserve a fairy tale, maintain faith in miracles and surprise every day... A pleasant surprise for a child is needed even more by adults themselves, in order to see the happiness in children's eyes and feel a little like a child themselves.

    Features of children's perception of the world

    A child sees the world a little differently than an adult. The colors of life for the baby are brighter and more contrasting, there are no halftones or omissions, the most insignificant events are important, and the slightest notes of parental dissatisfaction are regarded as a loss of their love. But even tiny signs of attention, mini-kisses are of great importance for a pure child’s heart. That is why it is so nice to give a child joy in the form of a surprise, and then watch how the little man’s eyes widen in amazement!

    The most children's holidays

    Of course, the baby will always be glad to receive the attention of the parents, but a surprise for the child on the children's holidays increases the power of the baby's pleasant emotions at least twice. There are many holidays, but there are only two of the most children's ones: the baby's birthday and New Year.

    Every child really looks forward to his birthday so that he can confidently declare to everyone that he is already big, has grown up by whole year! And it is on this day that adults put off their important affairs for his sake, little man, give him attention and a bunch of gifts. It seems that even the sun wakes up on this day to congratulate the birthday boy.

    A is a holiday of legalized and generally accepted belief in miracles. Even adults become children for one evening, making their cherished wishes while the chimes strike. And when serious adults are always on the same wavelength with a child, even if only for a few hours, it is always pleasant.

    What is a surprise?

    So, what is a surprise and why is it so valuable? All dictionaries agree that a surprise is an unexpected gift, usually pleasant and organized in advance for a specific person by his close people. There are also not very pleasant surprises, when the expected reaction of the person for whom the surprise was prepared turned out to be exactly the opposite. This happens when a gift is chosen based on one’s preferences. Imagine how a teenager’s mother would react if he gave her a cool parachute jump as a birthday present?

    What kind of surprises are there for children?

    It’s almost impossible not to guess with a surprise for a child! As was said earlier, children are happy with any initiative from their parents, unless they arrange a surprise for themselves, for example, inviting adult guests to a party. children's party. If you have already decided to give your child a surprise, then let it be based on children’s hobbies, desires and dreams.

    In fact, all surprises can be classified into one of three groups:

    1. Surprise is a thing. A surprise gift for children should be specific and highly desirable. One that, in the child’s opinion, will never be bought for him, because “too expensive”, “another”, “breaks easily” and many other excuses from always practical parents. And then suddenly the dream came true!
    2. Surprise is action. This is where you can safely include a parachute jump, a walk with your parents and a trip to the sea. During joint actions, people become closer and understand each other better, because they have a common experience, shaped by similar emotions and reinforced by the release of adrenaline. There will be something to remember later on the long winter evenings.
    3. Surprise is a state. Organizing children's parties, decorating the apartment with balloons and flowers, a light aroma of belonging and love in the air. The child subtly senses such things and remembers them for a long time, carefully putting them in the piggy bank of his unconscious called “happy childhood.”

    Surprises for a spring birthday

    The spring awakening of nature and the joy of each new day can be invested in a surprise for the birthday boy:

    1. Decorate the entire apartment with balloons or give a huge box in which balloons with wishes are “hidden”.
    2. Organize a children's party with goodies and pleasant company, with competitions, music and a good mood.
    3. Invite your child's favorite character to visit. It could be Winnie the Pooh, or the little mermaid Ariel, or Masha and the Bear at once. Such amazing guests will be remembered by the little one for a long time.

    Summer birthday surprises

    If the baby is lucky enough to be born in the summer, then the child’s birthday surprise must necessarily be associated with walks, fun games in nature, swimming and nighttime starry romance:

    1. Organize a horseback ride for your child fresh air. Let him feel at his best in every sense, because riding a horse is first scary, then exciting, and then simply wonderful!
    2. Give your child a day at the water park. Let him splash, swim, explore the slides and attractions, and eat sweets. The charge of vivacity will be enough for the year ahead.
    3. A surprise for a child - launching lanterns with wishes straight into the sky! Let them fly as high as possible so that their deepest dreams are sure to come true.

    Surprises for an autumn birthday

    It is better to move the surprise for the birth of a child indoors in the fall - to playgrounds large shopping centers, children's cafes or home:

    1. Try putting on a real puppet show for your child.
    2. Surprise your baby by giving him a children's wish diary, which will contain pages with ice cream, movies, favorite cartoons, a day without cleaning up toys and a couple of free wishes. Let the child decide for himself when to use this or that piece of paper. But here parents deliberately take risks, for example, that the child will want ice cream in winter or watch cartoons instead of homework. That’s why it’s a gift, to make a surprise one time and deviate from the rules in favor of your child.
    3. Organize a real treasure hunt with a map and buried treasure! Let the child look for his gift using the arrows, solve charades and travel through rooms like distant seas and oceans.

    Winter birthday surprises

    Winter is already good because there will be New Year holidays with all the surprises that follow from this fact. But it can be made even better by surprising the baby at his personal celebration:

    1. Offer the birthday boy skiing or ice skating - a great surprise for the child if the family does not have a tradition of spending time together.
    2. Or you can shoot snowballs by organizing an impromptu paintball. It’s also good to build snow fences and invite your friends to fight, dividing into teams. The main thing is to dress warmly and protect your faces from snow blows. Fun is guaranteed for both kids and adults. But who will win is still unknown!
    3. You can arrange a real winter party. Let the birthday boy and his guests solve problems and find the right ways, learn team game and demonstrates his individual abilities. Then you should definitely celebrate each child’s results with small prizes and invite everyone to the table.

    Surprises for the New Year

    New Year's surprises for children have a special aroma of pine needles and oranges with cinnamon... Lots of chocolate, cartoons on TV and the opportunity to New Year's Eve staying up until 12 is the beginning of pleasant things. Children are waiting for the main miracle - a gift secretly left under the tree kind grandfather. He is the most important character of the holiday, therefore:

    1. You can invite Santa Claus to visit your child. Let him congratulate the baby and give him a small gift.
    2. Or you can go visit your grandfather on his estate in Veliky Ustyug. The fabulous atmosphere, Russian treats and costumed performances will not leave the child indifferent.
    3. A New Year's surprise for a child can also be in the form of an advent calendar made by the mother with love and care. You can count the days until the New Year or extend the holiday by counting the days from January 1 to Christmas. Each day can be assigned a fun task for the baby in accordance with age and be sure to provide a small pleasant reward to brighten up the anticipation.

    It should be remembered that in life there is always room pleasant surprises, which are not just desirable, but necessary to level out the harmful effects of routine and everyday life. Surprise your children, surprise your significant other, give attention to your parents and please yourself - this is the beauty of human existence.

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