• Spinel stone - healing and magical properties. Spinel stone - the stone of good people


    Then it became clear that she is the main character of the headdress of the Russian Empress Catherine the 2nd.

    The photo shows a red spinel, which has long been considered a ruby. It has several names - Timur Tamerlane Ruby, Black Prince Ruby, Raja Ratna Ruby

    Disappointment also awaited the Iranian from Tigiran, in whose treasury there are 2 with a total mass of about a kilogram. One of them, as similar as two peas in a pod, turned out to be a spinel.

    What kind of mineral is this? Should you be upset if it turns out to be your loved one? Where do you get the double? Answers to all these questions below.

    Spinel deposits

    Spinel - stone, in the mines of Badakhshan in the Pamirs. This mountain system passes through the territories of Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Ruby doubles are also actively mined in Thailand. The deposits are located in the Chantabu region.

    There spinel is found together with and. The place is called “Pomegranate Mines”, and was also mentioned by Marco Polo. Burma and Ceylon are also famous for their mineral deposits.

    Not rich in spinel. samples were found only near the bed of the Slyudyanka River. The manifestation is called "The Pass". The Malobystrinskoye deposit is also located near Baikal.

    It is also on Slyudyanka. But there spinel, properties which is under the “sight” in this, colorless. This is the rarest type of stone. It is valued less, but is of interest to geologists.

    In the photo there is a red spinel in the rock

    The Urals are famous for their gems. But, there, only spinels were found. Their number is minimal. Crystals are found in the south of the ridge, in the Kochkarsky district. Due to its color, the mineral is often mistaken for.

    There are also . They are also found in the Kochkarsky district, in the Kamenka River. It appears not only in mineralogical reference books, but also in fairy tales, for example, in “The Mistress Copper Mountain» Bazhova.

    The largest spinel crystals were found in Yakutia. Here, in the Sakha Republic, at the Emeldzhak deposit, samples are found. 8-12 centimeters - this is the level that Emeldzhak reaches spinel stone. Properties It is similar to other types of mineral, but there is a special name - hercynite.

    Physical properties spinels

    Spinel on photo indistinguishable from the same. But the formula of the twin is different - MgAl 2 O 4. In a pomegranate there is both , and , and . Being a complex oxide, spinel is capable of absorbing third-party ions. So, crystals with impurities are called chlorspinel.

    It has a bottle green color. The presence of manganese gives a purple tint. Stones of this tone are called picotites. contain rubicella. Interestingly, the admixture of iron, like chromium ions, reduces the mineral to 7.5 points. The usual score is 8 points.

    The photo shows blue spinel crystals

    Before buy spinel, it’s good to know that the stone is only completely transparent. Otherwise it's not black spinel, green, or any other.

    The mineral has a high density of 3.5 grams per cubic centimeter. Y, for example, has a density of 2.6. Accordingly, rubicillium crystals of equal mass will be of different sizes.

    Large spinel samples are quite weighty. Of the minerals, they are only equal in density. With them synthetic spinel, and natural, also similar in shape to the crystals. Both stones have a cubic system, that is, octahedrons. There are single and double samples.

    Features of spinel formation

    While double octahedra are rare in spinel, they are the rule. Geologists even call all fused crystals of other minerals spinel. Its units are not perfect shape. A couple of edges are always more developed than others. Usually, this is a pair of opposite faces. In this case, the spinel crystals resemble ruby ​​ones.

    This also became a reason for confusion. However, geologists have learned to distinguish between stones. Spinel does not have birefringence of light. Therefore, there is no dichronism, that is, the crystals do not change tone depending on the angle of incidence of the rays on them.

    The photo shows untreated spinel, rich red color

    On spinel price high if she is friend. This is a collection of randomly fused crystals. For a garnet double, such a formation is rare. Therefore, they charge decent prices for solid druses. Typically, the total mass of the mineral formation does not exceed 12 carats. There are only a few larger drusen.

    Red spinel, black spinel, or other types of gems are metamorphic. That is, they are formed by transforming existing rocks.

    Magnesium-containing carbonates and layers with granitoids are transformed into spinel under the influence of pressure in the earth's crust and temperatures. The process is solid phase. In other words, there is no precipitation of crystals from solutions.

    Application of spinel

    Basically, it goes for rings red spinel. Most of the famous, large rubies in the royal decorations and treasuries turned out to be fake for a reason. Large garnets are almost never found. Impressive spinel aggregates are found more often.

    High-ranking people sought to take possession of massive crystals that emphasized their wealth and status. As a result, the seekers turned out to be the owners spinel stone. Price it was paid like for a pomegranate.

    The twin mineral replaces not only rubies. Blue spinel passes for, green - for emeralds. samples are sometimes passed off as dark. So, when purchasing, or, it doesn’t hurt to check for the quality certificate included with the stone.

    In the photo there is a blue spinel

    Transparent samples of rich tones are called noble spinel. Wikipedia The term “ordinary spinel” also indicates this. These are slightly cloudy crystals of brown, dark green color.

    Jewelry craftsmen often use synthetic ones instead of natural ones. spinel stone. His properties visible on photo. The differences from real stone are visible in person. Laboratory crystals have double refraction of light. Therefore, it is impossible to visually distinguish synthetic inserts from garnet and sapphire.

    Manufacturers take advantage of this. If experts are able to identify natural spinel, then all that remains is to take it to the gemological laboratory. Few people want and dare to look for it, pay for it, or extract the crystal from it.

    Medicinal properties of spinel

    Paracelsus first spoke about the mineral as a medicine. He lived in the 15th century, was a doctor, naturalist, and was interested in the occult. The scientist began to use the gem to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. During experiments, Paracelsus noticed a difference in the effect of crystals of different colors on the body.

    So, black spinel stone, increasing pressure, relieving pain syndrome. For digestive disorders, the doctor was helped only by the blue variety of the mineral. It also turned out to be a drug for ailments of the liver, lungs and kidneys.

    The photo shows a faceted pink spinel

    Green spinel stone, photo which can be easily found on the Internet, has become an assistant for people with diseases. Emerald crystals were also recommended by Paracelsus for eye diseases.

    For skin problems, spinel is needed. She calms you down. Red samples stimulate the immune system and accelerate blood circulation. In the East, ruby ​​crystals are also recognized as an amplifier sexual desire. It is believed that the stone helps restore the functions of the reproductive system.

    The magical properties of spinel

    Spinel stone properties gave more than one Zodiac sign, or rather, more than one planet. The mineral is patronized by three celestial bodies at once - Jupiter, Venus and

    The photo shows blue spinel artificially grown in the laboratory.

    As for the professional field of activity, it is ideal for those who need to make decisions quickly and often go on business trips. Such people choose their spinel. Zodiac sign, which she especially protects - .

    And professions in which the gem becomes an indispensable assistant are air traffic controllers, drivers, journalists, and doctors. Apparently, spinel helped Paracelsus not only treat people, but also take right decisions, learn new things.

    Spinel is rare and unusual stone. This can be judged by how this mineral looks. The name of the gem “spinos” is translated from Greek as “spark.” In Latin it is called “small thorn” - “spinelle”.

    It has been known to jewelers since the 13th century, after M. Polo visited the Pamir Mountains. Spinel has been known there since the 9th century.

    It was called by different names:

    • Rubicebreaker.
    • Picotite.
    • Lalom.
    • Celonite.
    • Noble spinel.

    Magical properties of the stone:

    • The ability to bring good luck.
    • Develops the ability to foresight.
    • Helps you easily reach your goal.
    • Increases sexuality.
    • Rejuvenates both physically and spiritually.
    • Helps make friends.
    • Feeds energy and brings happiness.

    Note! The ability of a stone to change in better side human life manifests itself only under certain conditions. A person must be sincere, he must be motivated by good intentions. A stone can destroy an evil and greedy person.

    The gem gives energy, but if worn constantly, it can take away the strength of its owner.

    Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

    The gem is suitable for people who frequently travel on business trips. The stone helps in making quick decisions.

    Compatibility of the mineral with the host:

    Note! The changeable nature of the stone is influenced by three heavenly patrons at once: the Sun, Jupiter and Vinera. The mineral goes well with gold, which directs the energy of the stone in a positive direction.

    What color and what it looks like: types of stone

    Types of gems differ in color and transparency.

    Varieties of the mineral are called:

    1. Noble spinel. It includes: purple minerals called oriental amethyst; red - orange - rubicelloma; ruby – red spinel rich color; pale blue - sapphire mineral; pink gems – ruby ​​– bale; blue - blue spinel.
    2. An ordinary spinel that has a dark green or dark brown color. Includes two types: ceylonite and pleonast, differing in iron content.
    3. Chrome gem or picotite, painted black.
    4. Zinc mineral or blue ganite.

    Note! The color and shades of the mineral depend on the impurities it contains. Gems also differ in their degree of transparency.

    How much does it cost: price

    How much a gem costs depends on its type and size. Compared to others, the mineral is expensive.

    Approximate price of a gem for 1 carat:

    • With a gray-blue tint – up to $25;
    • Pink or blue – up to $300;
    • WITH purple tint– up to 200 $;
    • Red – up to $600.

    Note! These are fused crystals called druses. They are much more expensive than regular ones, especially if large sizes.

    Products and decorations made of stone and its use

    The artificial gem found its application as an optical and dielectric material.

    Jewelers love this natural mineral; they make products with it for women, and they also attract men. In Russia, this gem has always been valued on a par with emeralds, diamonds and amethysts.

    Famous gem jewelry:

    • The Black Prince Ruby, which adorns the crown of the English royal family, has been known since 1376.
    • “Ruby of Timur”, whose owner is the conqueror Tamerlane.
    • A gem from the crown of French monarchs, kept in the Louvre.
    • A dark red gem adorned the imperial crown of Catherine II.
    • The stone with which the “Monomakh's Cap” was inlaid.

    Note! The stone is known for often masquerading as another gem.

    Medicinal properties: do they exist?

    The importance of the stone in healing has been known since the time of the healer Paracelsus, and modern doctors confirm this.

    Medicinal properties of spinel:

    • Red is used to improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, and stimulate sexual activity.
    • Pink – relieves skin diseases and insomnia, acts as a sedative.
    • Green - relieves all types of pain, solves eye problems, improves the process of deception of substances.
    • Blue – helps with gastrointestinal problems, relieves problems with the kidneys, lungs, liver and endocrine system.
    • Black – relieves pain from bruises, helps improve well-being and stop bleeding.

    Note! Ancient healers used the gem, crushed into powder, for treatment.

    How to distinguish a fake: checking for authenticity

    Only a gemological expert can determine the authenticity of a stone. An artificial crystal has a double refraction and is not visually visible.

    Mineral deposits

    Where is spinel mined?

    • The largest deposits are located in Vietnam, Kampuchea and Thailand.
    • The origin of expensive red crystals is associated with Myanmar, blue minerals with Sri Lanka.
    • The stone is not often found in Russia: at the Malobystrinskoye deposit it is rare, colorless; in the Urals in the Kochkarsky district - green and purple; in Yakutia in Emeldzhak - black crystals - herzenites.

    Care and storage

    A mineral with excellent characteristics must be treated with care. The edges of the gem are erased, which means that it is not recommended to wear it every day.

    The crystal must be cleaned with a soft-bristled toothbrush every 5 months.

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    Spinel is an unusual, beautiful and quite rare mineral. Among others, it stands out for its bright shine, rich color shades and high transparency. A spinel talisman or decoration brings happiness and love to its owner. What are the healing properties of spinel stone, and which zodiac signs is it suitable for?

    Spinel: general characteristics of the stone

    Spinel is quite rare in nature.

    Spinel is a fairly rare mineral. By chemical composition it is a mixture of magnesium and aluminum oxides. The word "spinel" most likely comes from the Latin name for the stone, "spina", which can be translated as "small spike". It is possible that it comes from the Greek “spinos” (to spark).

    Deposits of the mineral are found in several countries - in Thailand, Brazil, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and on the island of Sri Lanka. The richest deposit of red spinel is being developed in the Mogok Valley (Myanmar). Moreover, ruby ​​is also extracted from the depths there (both minerals are quite difficult to distinguish from each other).

    It should be noted that red spinel is extremely rare in nature. Therefore, such a mineral is highly valued by jewelers.

    Stories and legends about the stone

    Marco Polo (Italian: Marco Polo) – Italian merchant and traveler

    Information about the spinel jewelry stone was first brought to Europe by the famous wanderer Marco Polo. In the 12th century, a traveler visited the Pamirs, where he saw with his own eyes how this stone was mined. True, at that time it was considered a type of ruby. That’s why Marco Polo called the spinel deposits in the Pamir Mountains ruby ​​mines.

    Celonite, picotite, rubicel, lal - there were an unusually many names for this stone. Only several centuries later, geologists established that spinel is a separate mineral with a whole list of specific properties. One way or another, this stone has been loved and respected since ancient times. In the culture of many eastern peoples, it was considered a very expensive and luxurious decoration.

    Large Imperial Crown, made for Catherine II in 1762.

    A very interesting fact from history: it was the spinel that was used to decorate the crown of the odious Russian Empress Catherine II in 1762. Encrusted with this rare mineral also the famous "Monomakh's Cap". In Ancient Rus', this stone was equated in value to emeralds. Nowadays, jewelry made from it is on a par with jewelry made from pearls or diamonds.

    Spinel: varieties and colors of stone

    Spinel is very rich in shades

    Spinel contains many different particles and impurities. Because of this, the mineral can take on a variety of color shades. He can be:

    • red;
    • pink;
    • blue;
    • green;
    • purple;
    • orange;
    • black;
    • colorless.

    The stone can be transparent or cloudy. Spinel consists of small crystals that often form druses. Thus, spinel is characterized by a huge variety of colors and shades.

    It is worth noting that in jewelry Not all varieties of spinel are used. Yes, minerals dark shades(black, brown and others) are not considered precious and are not used in production jewelry. But red or orange spinel are considered the most valuable. Instances dark blue shades are also highly valued by jewelers.

    It is not difficult to guess that the cost of this mineral is quite high, since it is not so easy to find large specimens of a suitable color in nature. There is a so-called synthetic spinel created in the laboratory. This stone looks very much like sapphire or aquamarine and can have absolutely any color.

    The most expensive varieties of red spinel are mined in the deposits of the country of Myanmar, blue - in the territory of the island of Sri Lanka.

    Spinel stone: average prices and scope of use

    The general price range for spinel in today's market is from $25 to $500 per carat weight. The mineral is unusually expensive, so buyers should beware of scams and fakes.

    Red spinel is the most valuable type of stone

    The cheapest spinel - gray or bluish in color - costs about $25 (per 1 carat). Purple, pink or blue spinel is much more valuable. Such stones will be sold to you for 100-200 dollars per carat. The rarest and most expensive are red specimens. This mineral can be purchased for $600 or more per carat.

    In general, the price of spinel depends on the color, clarity, size and area in which the mineral was mined.

    Naturally occurring spinel is used in jewelry making. The scope of application of synthetic spinel is much wider and more diverse.

    Like many other inventions, spinel was synthesized by accident. The first experiments turned out to be quite successful and served as a springboard for further research. This is how scientists obtained synthetic spinel and continued to study its properties and capabilities. practical application.

    Synthetic spinel is widely used in instrument making

    Today this synthetic mineral is used quite widely in production. Thus, it is present in many devices as a dielectric or optical element. In the jewelry industry, synthetic spinel is used extremely rarely. However, for the production of some jewelry, spinel of artificial origin, colored with chrome, manganese or copper, is used. Thanks to this, the color of the material becomes brighter and more saturated.

    Spinel: magical properties of the stone and zodiac signs

    Spinel is considered a stone with powerful magical properties. He is quite capable of radically changing a person’s life for the better.

    In some people, spinel can open the gift of clairvoyance

    The stone brings to its owner sincere love, good luck and success, helps you believe in yourself and set a life goal. In some cases, spinel can develop the gift of clairvoyance in a person. However, it is worth noting important point: the stone helps only those people whose thoughts and intentions are absolutely pure. Spinel immediately senses greed, envy and anger in people.

    The mineral is closely associated with the Sun and two planets solar system- Venus and Jupiter. That is why the energy of the stone is very variable over time; it can affect a person with greater or less intensity. The magical properties of spinel are most evident when the stone is cut into a gold frame.

    Spinel is a source of powerful love energy

    In many Eastern countries, spinel has long been used to increase sexual energy in men. The stone helps single ladies find their one and only love.

    Lithotherapists advise purchasing earrings and rings with this stone. Moreover, rings with spinel are recommended to be worn on the left hand, on the ring or index finger.

    Due to its unique properties, spinel stone is well suited for the fire signs of the zodiac:,, and. The mineral will help these representatives of the zodiac circle take right decisions in one way or another life situations. The stone adds strength and energy, promotes the development of intelligence and willpower.

    Spinel is also useful for some other zodiac signs, in particular, and. For these signs, the stone will significantly improve their well-being. For this stone is one of the best and suitable options of all that exist.

    Spinel: medicinal properties and effects on humans

    Paracelsus (lat. Paracelsus, real name Philip Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim, German Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim) - Swiss alchemist, physician, philosopher, naturalist, natural philosopher of the Renaissance, one of the founders of iatrochemistry.

    The influence of this mineral on human health was carefully studied by the famous Swiss alchemist Paracelsus. Using spinel powder, the healer treated a wide variety of ailments. Experts of our time also assure that the properties of spinel can effectively combat a number of various diseases and problems in the human body.

    In general, this stone strengthens the body, relieves joint pain, improves blood circulation, and eliminates defects skin. Specific healing properties largely depend on the color of the stone.

    Red spinel is a “friend” of the human circulatory system, which is not surprising given its color. The mineral activates blood circulation in the body and also strengthens the immune system. Red spinel is also used to stimulate sexual energy in both women and men. Even in ancient times, healers made talismans from this stone to attract the attention of the opposite sex. By the way, for this reason, red spinel jewelry is not recommended as a gift to children and teenagers.

    Blue spinel will help solve gastrointestinal problems

    Blue spinel will help solve problems with the stomach, liver and intestines. A stone of this shade is also useful for diseases of the lungs, kidneys, as well as for disorders of the endocrine system.

    Pink spinel perfectly calms the nervous system, relieves insomnia and cures skin diseases.

    Green spinel has a strong analgesic effect

    Green spinel is an excellent pain reliever. The mineral relieves headaches and joint pain, normalizes blood pressure and helps normalize metabolic processes. Green spinel therapy is also recommended for various problems with vision.

    Black spinel can stop bleeding

    Black spinel effectively removes painful sensations and also helps stop bleeding. Black spinel increases blood pressure and significantly improves a person’s physical well-being.

    Thus, spinel is a rare and quite expensive gemstone. Its price primarily depends on the color. Its healing properties also depend on the shade of the stone. The mineral improves well-being, stimulates sexual activity, normalizes metabolism and relieves joint pain. Spinel is a stone that suits many zodiac signs. First of all - Leo, Sagittarius, Aries and Pisces.

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    Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

    Spinel is a gemstone used as a decoration in jewelry. Since the price of this stone is high, recently synthetic spinel obtained in artificial conditions and very successfully imitates not only a natural crystal, but also some other gems (aquamarine, zircon, sapphire, topaz, alexandrite). We will talk about this stone in more detail below.

    Origin story

    The famous traveler M. Polo, who visited the Pamir Mountains in the thirteenth century, first spoke about spinel. There was a little-known Kuhilale deposit, where mining of this gem had been going on for about four centuries. Polo called this place "the ruby ​​mines" - he confused spinel with ruby ​​and corundum, like many others.

    A few years later, scientists concluded that spinel belongs to a separate group of minerals, which has physical properties different from others.

    This gem has been revered since ancient times, as it was not only very beautiful, but also a rare mineral, and therefore expensive. In 1762, this gem, which had a unique dark red hue, was crowned with the crown of Empress Catherine II. Also, a natural spinel stone was framed by the famous Monomakh Cap.

    Over the past centuries, the history of the stone has several names - it was called picotite, coelonite, rubicel, lal and noble spinel. In Rus', the gem was placed on a par with emerald, sapphire and amethyst. Today, spinel is used in jewelry as often as pearls and diamonds.

    Why artificial

    Currently, natural gems are very rarely used for making jewelry, and you almost never see them on the open market. This is caused by a number of factors, such as the rarity of the mineral, the high complexity of its extraction and subsequent processing. It is for this reason that synthetic spinel, a stone of artificial origin, is now popular and in high demand.

    Outwardly, such a crystal can hardly be distinguished from its natural analogue, and due to the fact that various pigments are added to it during production, crystals of any shade are obtained. Similarities synthetic stone with natural is quite high, but in most cases it is still used to imitate other gems.

    Spinel is a rather unusual and rare stone, so many legends and superstitions are associated with it. From Latin its name is translated as “small thorn” - spinella or spina, and from Greek as “spark” - spinos. In Russia, the mineral has the same name as the mountain where it was mined.

    Types of jewelry stone

    Due to the fact that synthetic spinel contains various impurities, it can easily acquire any color shades (from yellow and pink to purple and black).

    Also, subspecies of this mineral can have different transparency - from completely cloudy to completely transparent.

    Spinel is also produced in the form of crystals of different sizes, which can be combined into druses.

    Mineral value

    It is worth noting that not all varieties of this gem are recognized as precious stones and are intended for jewelry production. In the process of research, mineral scientists have identified a number of types of spinel, which are classified as ordinary stones and are not considered precious - these are black and brown gems.

    The most valuable is considered to be spinel (including synthetic) in orange and red shades, similar in saturation to ruby, as well as neon and dark blue crystals. Natural specimens of the stone are quite rare, and their price is incredibly high. Laboratory conditions make it possible to obtain the mineral the right size and shade. Especially fashionable now is a gem of a blue hue, close to sapphire or aquamarine.

    Under natural conditions, spinel is mined in large deposits of Thailand, Kampuchea, and Vietnam. Less significant mining sites are located in Madagascar, India and Australia. The most valuable types of red mineral are mined in Myanmar, and blue ones are mined in Sri Lanka.

    Properties of synthetic mineral

    Crystals that are grown artificially have different shades depending on the added coloring impurities. Each type of mineral is assigned a specific name among specialists:

    • degussite is a colorless gem;
    • erinide - green synthetic spinel;
    • azurlite - blue crystal.

    Gemstones obtained artificially are distinguished by high density and cleavage, as well as purity indicators, which are rarely found in natural minerals.

    Also, the advantage of synthetic crystals over natural ones is that they do not contain stripes or small bubbles inside, and the growth lines of a curved or broken shape are extremely weakly visible or absent altogether. And if the gem does have bubbles, then their sizes are different, and their shape is complex and asymmetrical, which creates a certain play of light. Laboratory spinel also allows two-phase inclusions in the form of flat voids of small diameter, the cavity of which can be filled with gas or liquid, giving them bizarre shapes.

    How to distinguish a synthetic mineral

    Despite the fact that natural and artificial gems are similar in appearance, they differ radically in composition and properties. Synthetic spinel stone (most of it) consists of magnesium and aluminum oxide, since these substances are used as starting components in laboratory crystallization of the mineral. This property manifests itself in such a way that the refraction of an artificial crystal is much more noticeable than a natural one.

    In the modern market of precious stones for the jewelry industry, blue minerals are in greatest demand, replacing sapphire, lapis lazuli or aquamarine, depending on the shade.

    To distinguish a blue artificial analogue from a natural crystal, experts use the Chelsea method, which consists of the following:

    • To carry out the analysis, a special filter of the same name is used;
    • if, upon closer examination, it is discovered that the blue gem has a clearly visible scarlet or burgundy glow, this indicates the artificial origin of the mineral.

    This is explained by the fact that the red tint comes from cobalt, which is added to magnesium and aluminum oxide during cultivation to produce blue or blue synthetic spinel.

    Application area

    Despite the fact that the first experiments in growing an artificial crystal were unsuccessful and the result was accidental, Scientific research on synthesis continued and were quickly crowned with success. They served as an impetus for the active promotion of the production of spinel in laboratory conditions, the study of its characteristics and practical application.

    Today, this synthetic crystal has become quite widespread in two areas of industry:

    • manufacturing of devices and instruments - spinel is used as a dielectric and optical material;
    • jewelry production - mineral bright colors used as raw material for making jewelry.

    A distinctive characteristic of a processed (cut) artificial stone is the play of light rays, which is practically not inferior to the properties of other stones, for example, a diamond. It follows from this that such synthetic spinel in jewelry often serves as a cheaper analogue of expensive precious stones.

    Magical properties of the stone

    Since ancient times, it has been believed that spinel has quite strong magical properties.

    According to them, the stone changes life for the better and is even able to return to ordinary life a desperate man. However, he can only help a sincere person with good intentions. The gem also brings good luck and love, develops a gift that allows you to see the future.

    But according to signs, an evil and greedy person is prohibited from touching the mineral - it can cause harm to health and even destroy it.

    Not only does it have these properties natural stone, but also synthetic spinel, like a natural crystal, is energetically connected with three celestial bodies - Jupiter, Venus and the Sun. The effect of the mineral depends on the activity of these bodies and therefore exhibits different intensities.

    A gold frame enhances the influence of spinel, so jewelry made of this metal, inlaid with such a gem, will affect a person the best way.

    The healing properties of the mineral

    The miraculous healing effect of spinel was first described by the famous healer and occultist Paracelsus, who widely used the crushed mineral to treat various diseases.

    Modern folk healers claim that this crystal is excellent in treating many diseases.

    It is believed that the stone produces a general strengthening effect, activates blood circulation, and heals some skin diseases, helps with vision problems, relieves pain in joints and muscles. In this case, the color of the crystal has a certain meaning:

    • red - has a positive effect on blood circulation, sex life, helps to endure paralysis and strengthens the immune system;
    • synthetic light green spinel will help with headaches, joint and heart pain, poor vision, normalize blood pressure and restore metabolism;
    • pink mineral affects skin diseases, produces a calming effect and improves sleep;
    • blue crystal helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, liver and endocrine system;
    • black stone relieves pain from injuries, increases blood pressure, reduces bleeding and improves well-being.

    Zodiac signs and spinel

    Astrologers claim that the characteristics of the stone depend not only on the color, but also on the zodiac signs. Even the stars can influence the properties of synthetic spinel stone.

    The stone is well suited for those born under the signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Capricorn. For these people, the mineral will improve physical fitness and activate intellectual activity, as well as strengthen the will.

    It will add strength and energy to Libra and Taurus, and will help Pisces make the right decision.

    Characteristics of spinel

    (from the Latin "spinella" - small thorn) - from a chemical point of view, it is an oxide of magnesium and aluminum. In this case, magnesium can be replaced by zinc, iron or manganese, and aluminum - by iron, manganese or chromium. As a result, spinel colors are varied: red, orange, pink, green, yellow, blue, black. The most valuable are blood-red ones, reminiscent of rubies. Spinel is transparent. Hardness: 8.

    Spinel is at a huge disadvantage as a gemstone, being overshadowed in almost every way by its luxurious and famous cousins ​​sapphire and ruby, and not being as widely known as it deserves to be. The only varieties that are highly valued as gems closely resemble the real ruby. They are probably often confused, especially since they occur together in nature. Spinels of other colors are not very beautiful and are unlikely to be in great demand. Blue spinel is rare in nature, and its color has a steely tint and is far inferior to the excellent coloring of real sapphires. Spinel is a very hard mineral and is therefore good for ring inserts. At the same time, it rarely reaches large sizes and sufficient transparency to be used in large jewelry.

    Spinels are allowed various shapes processing depending on the purpose of the products. So, they can be faceted, or cut, and also in the form.

    Spinel, depending on its color, can have its own name: red - “ruby spinel”, pink - “ruby-bale”, green and blue - “ganospinel” or “ganit”, dark green and black opaque spinel is called ceylonite, brown - picotite , yellow - rubicell. Transparent stones are called "noble spinel".

    Select spinel in separate class minerals began only in the 19th century. In Rus' and the East, red precious stones were called lalas. Spinel often fell into this category until it began to be classified as a separate category of precious stones. By the way, some of the famous rubies turned out to be spinel. For example, the crown of the Russian Empress Catherine II, made by jeweler Jeremiah Pozier, is crowned with a 400-carat spinel. Two famous spinels adorn the British crown. These stones are known as " " and " ".

    Synthetic spinel

    Synthetic spinel is produced by the Verneuil method (melting in a flame). From the powder, which is a mixture of pure oxides of magnesium and aluminum, is produced colorless boules (the French word boule, meaning "ball", is used for convenience and clarity to designate the drop obtained in a Verneuil tube), which when cut produce beautiful transparent stones. These stones were so beautiful that, under the influence of first impressions, they could be mistaken for artificial diamonds. The most famous of the many colored varieties is blue spinel. It was possible to obtain all shades of this color, including the popular zircon blue, and it was stones with such shades that were in greatest demand, since they even resembled zircon. However, all of these cobalt-dyed spinel varieties are easily identified by their reddish tint when viewed through a Chelsea filter.

    By adding chromium oxide in various proportions, you can get various shades red and Pink colour, just like for corundum, however, if you increase the flame temperature, a green bubble forms. In fact, it was possible to achieve the same variety of shades as for synthetic corundum.

    An unforeseen discovery during the synthesis of spinel was the establishment of the fact that aluminum oxide can combine with magnesium oxide in much larger proportions than required by the equimolecular ratio, without any noticeable change in the structure of the crystal.

    IN artificial stones optical anomalies are almost always observed, birefringence visible with crossed nicols, and even a weak negative uniaxial interference figure in convergent light; moreover, discovered obvious signs the fact that the refractive index changes depending on the orientation of the crystal, sometimes by up to 0.002.

    A bluish or silvery sheen, similar to radiance, can be given to synthetic spinel by special heat treatment; The reason for this may be the development of a system of microcracks.

    Artificial deep spinel of blue color, similar to lapis lazuli (to enhance the similarity, small particles of gold or pyrite are sometimes added to it), is obviously made in some other way, and not by the usual melting in the flame of a Verneuil burner. By melting with the addition of flux - lead fluoride - it was possible to very quickly grow large crystals of artificial spinel in various shades: pale and dark blue, pale green, yellow and red.

    Spinel deposits

    The main deposits of spinel are located in Burma (Myanmar) and Sri Lanka.

    Noble spinel is found in crystalline limestones and crystalline schists, as well as in alluvial deposits formed due to the erosion of these rocks.

    Red spinel and rubies occur together in the Mogok pebbles of Upper Burma (Myanmar). It is surprising that rubies are usually rounded, while spinel is found in the form of regular octahedrons with a very perfect color. In Ceylon, in addition to the red varieties, beautiful purple and blue stones are mined, and, as the name given to the black variety indicates, pleonaste or ceylonite is common here. Spinel, along with sapphires and rubies, is present in the alluvial deposits of Chanthabun in Thailand. It was found in the mines of Badakhshan (Pamir).

    Spinel is also mined in Brazil, Cambodia, and the USA.

    Mystical properties of spinel

    In the East, red gemstones have a strong reputation as powerful stimulants of sexual energy, love and passion. This is exactly how they treated the stones that we now call spinel. They were believed to have the ability to arouse irresistible passion. These stones fuel people vitality, concentrate lust in them, giving them a happy opportunity to feel young for a moment. Spinel is contraindicated for people with excessive impulsiveness - under its influence they can quickly “burn out”.

    Medicinal properties of spinel

    It is believed that spinel has projective Yang energy and is able to influence the Svadhisthana chakra. The stone has a good effect on the physical and emotional condition body. According to lithotherapists, it strengthens the immune system, increases blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration, treats infectious, skin and gastric diseases, and also increases potency.


    • Marchenkov V.I. Jewelry making. - M.: Higher School, 1992.
    • Jasper Stone. All about precious stones. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Crystal", 2005.
    • G. Smith. Gems- M.: Mir, 1984.

    especially for the online catalog of the jewelry workshop "Jewelry Dreams". Copying the text or part thereof is permitted only with attribution and a link to this page.

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