• Little love stories. Category: Love stories


    My classmates used to call me Dilda in high school. At the age of 16, I already had a height of 195 cm. I did not play basketball or volleyball. Apparently due to good food or radiation such vymahala. At first they called names on the sly, and then they openly called me a tall one. I couldn't stand my classmates. The tallest guy in our class did not even reach 190 cm.

    I just fell in love with the guy. So the head was blown off. He's so handsome, it's crazy. He studies a year older than me, the whole university runs after him, and he chose me. I never thought that it could be like this with me - like in a fairy tale.

    Today I will tell you about how I met an insanely beautiful, but too hardworking woman.

    December 28th. Sitting in the office, rummaging through papers. It was Friday. Two of my employees are long gone. And I didn't want to leave the matter to next year. It was already almost eight o'clock on the clock. I really wanted to eat. Already at that time, almost no one was working, but I found a pizzeria where they didn’t send me to hell, but took the order. After 45 minutes, there was a box of hot pizza on the table.

    Five years ago I found out that my husband cheated on me. I found out, by the way, quite by accident ... a drunken husband rashly blurted out himself. He rarely drinks, but if he does, he cannot keep his mouth shut at all, becomes talkative and talks about things that were not even asked about.

    It's hard to live with someone who constantly plays the victim. At first, I felt sorry for my boyfriend when he told me in the evenings that at work the management does not appreciate him, his colleagues set him up. After the 100th complaint, I directly told the guy to look for new job. But he didn't look. I got the impression that he likes it when others feel sorry and sympathetic.

    I had a childhood friend, still at school, Artyom. For a long time we were friends with the company - girls from my class and boys from his (he is a year younger). They played together, rode bicycles, grew up, quarreled and put up. And then the period came when the girls grew up, and the boys ... Well, in short, not very much. We already wanted to go to discos, meet, fall in love, walk hand in hand, and they continued to build huts in the forest.

    Every morning, leaving home for work, I turn on the local radio. There is a constant presenter, whose name is ... let it be Vadim, greets the audience, wishes them good morning and includes upbeat music. He has excellent taste, I constantly replenish my playlist with his favorite compositions, and in general I trust his taste.

    I was married to a man I didn't love for 6 years. When I got married, I was 23 years old. Perhaps there was another way, but I did not see it. There were practically no prospects to stay after studying in the city. I didn't want to live with my parents, I just couldn't. At the time, my situation seemed hopeless.

    My story is very interesting. I'm with kindergarten was in love with Timur. He is nice and kind. I even go to school for him ahead of time went. We studied, and my love grew and grew stronger, but Tima did not have reciprocal feelings for me. Girls constantly hovered around him, he used this, flirted with them, but did not pay attention to me. I was constantly jealous and crying, but I could not confess my feelings. Our school consists of 9 classes. I lived in a small village, and then moved to the city with my parents. Entered the medical college, and healed quietly, peacefully. When I finished my first year, then in May I was sent to practice in the area where I used to live. But I was not sent there alone... When I got by minibus to my native village, I sat next to Timur. He has grown older and prettier. These thoughts made me blush. I still loved him! He noticed me and smiled. Then he sat down and began to ask me about life. I told him and asked about his life. It turned out that he lives in the city where I live and studies at the medical college where I also study. He is the second student sent to our district hospital. During the conversation, I admitted that I love him very much. And he told me that he loved me himself ... Then a kiss, long and sweet. We did not pay attention to the people in the minibus, but drowned in a sea of ​​tenderness.
    We are still learning together and going to be great doctors.

    Who were they, famous lovers? Heroes of the bright literary works, or real people? Now it doesn't matter at all! For they strive to be like them, their names are taken as pseudonyms, and, following their example, they perform genuine Actions. A dozen immortal love stories - only on the eve of the most romantic holiday in the world!


    This couple with light hand William Shakespeare has become synonymous with the word "love". Even though they real story incredibly tragic. Two loving teenagers managed to find the strength to oppose their feelings to the world, society, mortally hostile relatives. Little Verona became the backdrop for an epoch-making event. In its very center, in the fertile soil of two young hearts, a small seed of love at first sight was thrown. Soon it sprouted, turned into a beautiful flower of passionate feelings. And for the sake of such incredible love, you just had to die! It is unfortunate that death in this case was not a pompous promise, but a tragic reality. However, the love and death of young Romeo and Juliet was able to melt the hearts of the warring relatives, to reconcile them. Perhaps it is thanks to such an incredibly tragic ending that Shakespeare's plot leaves a deep mark on the hearts and souls of many generations!


    The intriguing love story of Antony and Cleopatra is still heard today. They fell in love at first sight, and became victims of tragic circumstances. Their relationship created a powerful foundation for the statehood and economy of Egypt. And it was this fact that caused confusion in the great and powerful state called Rome. Despite all the threats and prohibitions, Cleopatra and Mark Antony got married. Their marriage was the beginning of a great war between Rome and Egypt. In the midst of one of the great battles, false news was brought to Antony that Cleopatra had died. The glorious warrior, accustomed to always defeating even the most powerful enemy, could not survive the news of the death of his beloved. Heartbroken, he fell on his own sword. When Cleopatra found out about the death of Mark Antony, she also committed suicide. Indeed, great love requires very great sacrifices.


    This time, a tragic love story took place in good old England, between one of the bravest knights of King Arthur's Round Table, Sir Lancelot, and the king's wife, Queen Guinevere. It so happened that the marriage of Arthur and Guinevere was only a mutually beneficial contract for their families. But you can't tell your heart! And it was the heart that led the once noble knight, Sir Lancelot, to her window. At first, he called her his Lady of the Heart, dedicated victories in jousting tournaments and real battles to her. Guinevere accepted all romantic attentions, but nevertheless tried to keep Lancelot at a distance. But soon her heart could not resist and a deep feeling flared up in it. Lancelot and Guinevere began to secretly meet. One of these dates became a trap for them. Lancelot managed to escape, and Guinevere was sentenced to be burned at the stake for adultery. However, Lancelot did not leave his beloved. He saved her, snatched her right out of the "paws" of the fire. The subsequent history of the lovers is not known for certain. But they say that Guinevere became a nun in one of the remote monasteries of England, and Lancelot wandered the world for the rest of his life.


    Another, no less tragic story of great love with English roots. Middle Ages. England. The reign of King Arthur. Iseult was the daughter of the ruler of Ireland, and she was soon to be married to King Mark of Cornwall. King Mark sent his nephew Tristan to Ireland to accompany Iseult to Cornwall. But it so happened that during the trip the young people fell in love with each other. Although, following the duty of honor, she did marry Mark. Soon the king learned about the feelings of his nephew and wife. Scandal erupted. Pulling himself together, Mark forgave Isolde, and Tristan was banished from Cornwall forever.


    Homer's Iliad glorified these two lovers throughout the world. However, many scientists consider the existence of Elena the Beautiful to be more of a fiction, a beautiful ancient Greek legend, than a real fact. Nevertheless, the story of great love, which became the beginning of the Trojan War, continues to inspire romantics, writers and directors to create new magnificent masterpieces of art.

    Helen was the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. Paris is the son of the Trojan king Priam. The young man, once seeing Elena, a woman of unearthly beauty, fell in love. Burning with feeling from the inside, he kidnapped the Spartan queen and brought her home to Troy. Menelaus did not forgive such humiliation and betrayal, gathered a huge army and destroyed Troy to the ground. Helen was returned to Sparta. Menelaus, who sincerely loved her, forgave the traitor. The fate of Paris is not known for certain.


    Odysseus and Penelope are an example of a rare sacrifice in the name of love and the ability to wait. Immediately after the wedding, Odysseus was forced to leave his young wife and go to war. Penelope waited twenty long years for his return. During this time, she rejected the proposals of 108 men who sought to replace her husband. Odysseus, on the way, also remained faithful and chaste. One day he met a beautiful sorceress who offered him eternal youth in exchange for his love for her. Refusing such an offer, Odysseus underwent many trials and wanderings. But after 20 years, he, nevertheless, returned home to Penelope and his son.


    Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell is one of the few truly immortal literary works about love. All generations read it. At the same time, the girls strive to be like the explosive and passionate Scarlett. The girls are looking for their Butlers among the crowds of fans. They are looking for because the love of the main characters was great, stormy, passionate. She was born in the midst of the Civil War and was like a daily civil war that brought so much pain, loss, suffering and disappointment to both of them.


    The son of the Mughal emperor Akbar, Salim, fell in love with the beautiful courtesan Anarkali. But the emperor could not forgive his heir for his love for a fallen woman, he considered it a shame for himself and for the state. A real war broke out between father and son. Salim was defeated in battle with the mighty army of the emperor and was sentenced to death. On the day of the execution, Anarkali appeared on the square, threw herself at the emperor's feet and said that she was ready to die, if only Salim would live. Akbar accepted such a sacrifice. In front of her beloved, the girl was immured alive in a brick wall.


    This love story is a famous legend from the history of America. Pocahontas was the daughter of an Indian chief of the Algonquian Indians. In May 1607, the girl saw the English for the first time. And among them - John Smith, who seemed to her very attractive. However, Pocahontes and Smith met in the midst of a war between ethnic tribes and conquerors. Captured British Indians succumbed to terrible torture. Pocahontas saved John, and an affair began between them. By virtue of her love, the girl converted to Christianity. She was baptized with the name Rebecca.


    A love story of crowned persons. Victoria was a lively, cheerful girl, in love with painting and the world. She ascended the English throne in 1837 after the death of her uncle, King William IV. In 1840 she married her cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. At first, the choice of Victoria was not approved by the people. But then Albert earned the deep trust and respect of people with his honesty, hard work and devotion to his family. Albert and Victoria had nine children. The queen in all public affairs listened to the opinion of her husband. When Albert died (1861), Victoria observed strict mourning and did not appear in public for three whole years. Three years later, returning to public duties, she continued to mourn for her beloved spouse. She did not shoot black for 40 years, until her death. Dikmi: All the famous lovers in the world have been different. Exactly the same as their ways of life, meetings, happiness and tragedy were different. But we have a lot to learn from them. Learn loyalty, devotion, courage and sacrifice. However, our time also raises its heroes. And who knows, maybe in 100 years, we will describe exactly your Love on the pages of publications! And we will admire the deeds for the glory of her name and devotion in her honor! And let the wise thoughts of famous connoisseurs of real feelings inspire you to great deeds!

    Love stories, if this is true love, are not so easy to find. Just as it is difficult to find a person without weaknesses, so it is not easy to find love, without the vices of passion, selfishness. But there is love in this world! We will try to replenish this section with love stories - of our time, and more distant times.
    All these short stories about love, except for the story of Yulia Voznesenskaya, are documentary, truthful evidence of how beautiful love can be. Love the stories you've been looking for.

    Love Story: Love is stronger than death

    Tsarevich Nicholas and Princess Alice of Hesse fell in love at a very young age, but the feeling of these amazing people should not only take place and last for many, many happy years, but also be crowned with an end, terrible and at the same time beautiful ...
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    "Love story"

    It would seem that what can I have in common, jumping fireballs, with this quiet man! Nevertheless, we sit together for whole evenings, talking. About what? About literature, about life, about the past. He turns every second topic into a conversation about God...
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    Love of a Russian soldier

    In a dense forest near Vyazma, a tank was found rooted into the ground. When the car was opened, the remains of a junior lieutenant-tanker were found in the place of the driver. In his tablet lay a photograph of his girlfriend and an unsent letter...
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    Love Story: Man as a blooming garden

    Love is like the sea, sparkling with the colors of heaven. Happy is he who comes to the shore and, enchanted, harmonizes his soul with the majesty of the whole sea. Then the boundaries of the soul of a poor person expand to infinity, and the poor person then understands that there is no death ...
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    "Isaiah, rejoice!"

    It was so funny at the registration of the marriage, after which we had to appear before the altar: the aunt in the registry office, after reading a ritual appeal to the newlyweds, suggested that we congratulate each other. There was an awkward pause because we just shook hands...
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    Love Story: Boring Marriage

    A married wife is like the Motherland or the Church, I have her, she is far from ideal, but she is mine, and there will be no other. It's not that I myself, a far from perfect person, can in no way count on a perfect wife, and not even that there are no such people in the world at all. The point is rather that the spring near your house is water, not champagne, and it cannot and should not be champagne.
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    Love Story: Beloved wife of Abdullah

    Beautiful, smart, educated, kind and wise. She always fascinated me with her deeds and dignity. She never liked it when they said about her: “Oh, how unfortunate!” "Why am I unhappy? I have a wonderful husband, famous, strong, I have a grandson. Do you want a person to be absolutely happy ?!
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    Moments of love

    We don't know the names of these couples and their entire history, but we couldn't help but include these short stories about moments from the love story of these real people.
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    Margarita and Alexander Tuchkov: loyalty to love

    Fyodor Glinka in his "Sketches of the Battle of Borodino" recalls that two figures wandered around the night field: a male in monastic attire and a female, among huge bonfires, on which the peasants of the surrounding villages with blackened faces burned the bodies of the dead (to avoid epidemics). They were Tuchkova and her companion, an old hermit monk from the Luzhetsky Monastery. Her husband's body was never found.
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    "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia": test of love

    Many people know the love story of Peter and Fevronia from school anthologies. This is the story of a peasant woman who married a prince. A simple plot, a Russian version of Cinderella, containing a colossal inner meaning.
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    Together on an ice floe (Little summer story)

    The conference hall of the clinic at the Institute of Pediatric Oncology was located on the first floor, where there were no hospital wards, only an emergency room and offices, it was located far from the lobby, and therefore it was never locked...
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    Beautiful stories about romantic relationship. Here you will also find sad stories about unrequited unrequited love, and you can also give advice on how to forget ex boyfriend or ex-wife.

    If you also have something to tell on this topic, you can absolutely free right now, as well as support other authors who have fallen into similar difficult life situations with your advice.

    I am 20 years old. I've been dating a guy for 3 years now. Parents, relatives all know about our relationship. He is studying abroad and I am studying here. In short, our relationship is long distance.

    Last year he left me, said that I have a difficult character, he no longer loves me. And then a month later he returned, said that he was mistaken, he loves me and does not want to lose. And after 2-3 days I forgave him, and so our relationship continued. But it was not like before, there were often quarrels.

    I came across this site thanks to a friend. For certain reasons, she was a reader of this site, which she told me about. My curiosity got the better of me and I read a few stories, some of the comments were hooked.

    I am 32 years old, I am married, have been married for 14 years (from the age of 18). I am a mother of two children (daughter is 11 and son is 9). My husband is my first and only man in every sense, and believe me, this is already an indicator of my husband's exclusivity. No, I do not have a high opinion of myself, but I know my worth. I am the daughter of an officer, I think there are people here who will understand what this means. My father brought me up, raised and raised me all my life alone. My mother died when I was a year old, a serious illness that could not be treated in those days. As you understand, my father and his upbringing left a corresponding imprint on me and my life. I have never been a girl in full, I am a tomboy, while I have a pretty good appearance, and there was never a release from the boys, But I always ignored everyone.

    A typical life story, but I don't know how to pronounce it, that's why I'm writing here. I met a guy on the Internet, we live in different cities (his parents live in my city). Twice I was in my city, respectively, they lived together (as a result, 1.5 months). Fell in love immediately. We agreed that in 3 months I would come to him in another city, since I could not work before. We called each other every day, after 2 months, I understand that his relationship is cooling off towards me. If I don’t call myself, then he may not call for several days. And he just wrote.

    Then came the November weekend. He wrote to me in the morning, then disappeared for 3 days, did not pick up the phone. Eventually . All 2.5 months that we called up with him, he met with other girls, went to the movies or restaurants with them. And these three days he was with a girl, he says, he met on the Internet, called her to the cinema, then she called him to her place and everything happened there. He says that he went without sex for a long time, but could not refuse.

    I'm 27 years old, soon 28. Never been good relations life, no children. 10 years of sick love with betrayal and betrayal. I forgave everything, because I thought that I loved, I don’t know if it’s true. Time did not heal, I understood everything and realized that I was going into past relationships for the sake of entertainment, to brighten up the evening.

    And 1.5 years ago I met a man, two years older, decent, kind, without children, never married. Give me a ride in a Blacar. I wrote first, found a reason to thank him, since he did not take money from me. Added to social networks.

    I had a bad experience with my husband. Judge who is to blame and in general, tell me the opinion from the outside, maybe I'm stupid and don't understand what.

    We have a shift schedule. And joint weekends rarely coincide. Here we have 2 days off. To be more precise, the first day of sleep, that is, he came home from the night shift, and he needed to sleep. On this day we wanted to go for a walk. As we agreed with him, I woke him up at 2 o'clock, and we had to go. He has a warm jacket, which is very bad smell. No washing and cleaning did not help. Finally, it got warmer, he changed his jacket, and I asked him to put that old one in a bag and onto the balcony. As a result, he began to snap at me, throwing things on the floor, raising his voice and saying why this cannot be done later. And he just started to hang a light jacket on that old one with a smell, respectively, and she would stink of this one, well, is it really not clear.

    Throw out the old one, he doesn't want to. As a result, with grief, he removed it in half, you know, like a capricious child. I felt very offended by his attitude towards me, and I burst into tears. Previously, I often asked rudely about something, and thanks to my husband I became more affectionate or something and asked him in a kind voice, please, but he was so nervous because of a small request. I burst into tears, calmed down, he apologized. Let's go to the cinema. One film he really wanted to see, and I another. The one I wanted was horror. My husband hates them, but I have no one else to go to the movies with, so he agreed. As a result, the whole day was bad because of the morning situation, my mood was zero, and in general I thought that I should have stayed at home. The point is to go somewhere in such a mood.

    I am 20 years old, I have been in a relationship with a wonderful young man for a long time. In everyday life, we are ideally suited to each other, we got used to it very much, we are comfortable together, we are planning to buy an apartment. But here's the problem. I don't feel overwhelmed. Every now and then I look to the left, I don’t make any gestures in the same direction, but the fact itself is: I catch myself needing a bright passionate love, passion, I miss all sorts of uncertain looks, first kisses and the like.

    What is love? How is it expressed? I don't know how to answer this question anymore. The husband is sitting on the couch, drinking beer, the wife is in the kitchen, the TV is on, the children are playing, he seems to say that he loves, but he doesn’t really help with the children, he doesn’t rush to heights at work, the household is on his wife, loves to take a walk with friends, and , of course, duty sex.

    Or the husband is silent, not very emotional, but earns money, develops, makes a career, provides everything necessary, helps a lot with children and the house, listens to his wife about her problems at work, and there are no problems with sex.

    I thought that a woman needs security, stability, confidence, a wall in the face of her husband, behind which she can hide, change her unloved job, get a new education, give birth to her beloved children. Romance at a minimum, you're still a man. But I was wrong. Wife needed emotions, passions, explosions, scandals. Accusations that I did not love, that I did not pay attention, did not unexpectedly give flowers, that there was someone who gave it all to her. And , then the second.

    This year I will be retired. I'm scared. I never thought that I would come to this phase of my life in complete mental discord.

    At 22, I married an older guy than me. Without special emotions and love. It was believed that if you didn’t get married at the institute, then it would be worse and by 30 you could not count on anything. He was already a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Watched with adoration, looked after, True, he liked to miss another glass. But for some reason I thought that I could re-educate him. Although my parents grimaced and talked about their doubts, but I did not listen, I wanted my family, new status, and they decided for some reason to respect my decision. They have not been respected all their lives, but now they have decided to respect them.

    I wanted my grandmother to see her beloved granddaughter married. She was very worried and often told me: “You won’t get married until the age of 24, find yourself good manufacturer and bear a child for yourself." It was wild for me, but, in fact, I understood that she was right (my grandmother died six months later). Now many commentators on the site will be horrified by such a wording, but in the late 80s it didn’t seem like something very out of the ordinary, all the more I was afraid of men, I didn’t have relations with my peers at all, my character is cocky and cutting. I didn't get along with companies. I was shy to dance.

    I dated a guy for the first month ideal relationship, I already thought: “is it really fate that has finally rewarded me with my man?”. But no! , it showed up almost immediately. Even before I met him, I bought a trip with my sister to warm countries, and when it came to going for all the documents, I told him about it, it was just in the second month of the relationship. He immediately became angry, saying that I could cancel everything. He didn’t pick up the phone for a day, and the next day he told me that we had to leave, and that he was no longer involved in my life, that he didn’t love me and even cheated.

    I immediately had a strong hysteria, I was shaking and vomiting, as soon as I start to get nervous, I immediately feel sick. My heart was beating incredibly. And in the morning he came to put up, saying that he was angry, and therefore put pressure on everything that was sick, that he never cheated, and that he loves. Asked for forgiveness. But something inside me seems to have died.

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