• By guessing the isographs you will find out the names of the objects. Isograph - what is it? Rapidograph and isograph: the difference. Let's get ready for school"


    Class: 4

    Lesson topic: Development of reaction speed and thinking. Logical search tasks. Non-standard tasks. Tasks with matches.

    Purpose of the lesson: to continue to develop and train the basic mental mechanisms underlying the cognitive abilities of children; perform logical search tasks that teach analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification; solve non-standard problems; to form thinking and research skills, the habit of thinking about words.

    • Educational task
    • forms thinking and research skills that ensure the readiness of younger schoolchildren to perform logical search tasks.
    • Developmental task
    • guides students towards the formation of knowledge in the process of consolidating the studied material and solving logical search problems; teaches you to compare, classify and analyze non-standard problems.
    • Educational task
    • develops thinking and research skills.

    Equipment: projector, computer, screen, handouts, visual material (isographs).

    During the classes

    I. Updating knowledge.

    “Brain gymnastics”:

    • head shaking: breathe deeply, relax your shoulders and drop your head forward. Allow your head to slowly swing from side to side.
    • The chin crosses out a slightly curved line on the chest (30 seconds);
    • “lazy eights”: draw “eights” in the air in a horizontal plane 3 times with each hand, and then with both hands;
    • “hat for thinking”: “put on a hat,” that is, gently roll your ears from the top point to the lobes 3 times;
    • “watchful eyes”: with your eyes, draw 6 circles clockwise and 6 circles counterclockwise;

    “shooting with the eyes”: move your eyes right - left, up - down 6 times.

  • II. Warm up.
  • What grows upside down? (Icicle)
  • Twenty-four hours, otherwise? (Day)
  • What time of year “dresses” the forest with foliage? (Spring)
  • What is the name of the place where trees meet at every step, in which the deeper you go, the more firewood there is? (Forest)
  • Do they pass through it to get minced meat?
  • (Meat grinder)
  • What does tea with raspberry jam relieve when you have a cold? (Temperature)
  • What is the main monetary unit of Russia? (Ruble)
  • Why can’t you surround the hut? (Water in a sieve)
  • III. Development of reaction speed.

  • Using the cipher, quickly find the words hidden behind these numbers.
  • A V G I L M N O R T Y

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

  • Make up a chain of words as quickly as possible, filling in the letters instead of the gaps so that they
  • were the end of the previous word and the beginning of the next one.

    FISH (K) OMA (R) ADA (R) OKO (T) OR (F) LA (G) OLO (S) RO (K) OROVA

  • Read the proverb. To solve the code, you first need to complete the sentences.
  • 1, 5, 8, 6, 9 – best friend person. (Book)

    This year it was cold 11, 8, 4, 9. (Winter)

    11, 9, 7, 10, 4 did you do it? (For what)

    The children listened to the fairy tale “1, 3, 2 in Boots.” (Cat)

    (He who reads a lot knows a lot.)

    IV. Logical search tasks.

  • The letters in the word “YARD” were rearranged and the word “OVRD” was obtained. The same rearrangement was in the word “BOARD”. Emphasize what happened as a result. ROTB, ROBT, RBOT, RTOB, RBTO, RTBO.
  • Grandma put 8 meat pies on one plate, 3 on another, and 1 on a third. Help Sveta rearrange the pies so that when the guests arrive, there will be an equal amount of pies on all plates. You can shift it as many times as you like, but with each shift you are allowed to take the pie from only one plate and put it on only one plate. Moreover, you can only put as much on the plate as there is.
  • As you know, some words, including adjectives, can be used directly and figurative meaning. Find general definition to each group of three nouns, for example, bread, climate, pillow - soft.
  • V. Search for patterns.

  • Instead of dots, insert a three-letter word that would serve as the end of the first and the beginning of the second, for example, WOK (HALL) HEDGER.
  • Read the anagrams. Which meaning goes with the icon? Write next to the question mark.
  • VI. Fun break.

  • With your left hand you seem to hammer a nail, and with your right hand you iron something.
  • Use your hands to massage your earlobes, while simultaneously making circular movements with your toes.
  • Sit upright in a chair. First touch your right ear with your left hand, and touch your left ear with your right hand.
  • Now let’s change hands, move the left hand to the right shoulder, the right hand to the left; changed hands.

    They touched the waist, then the knees, and then the ankles. We do the same in the upward direction: knees - waist - shoulders - ears.

    1. VII. Isographers.
    2. Using isographs, guess the words hidden in the pictures. Make up other words from the words you receive.
    3. LANTERN (Fig. 1): background, hole, early, ar, early, op.
    4. LUNOKHOD (Fig. 2): move, ear, spirit, thin, barrel, valley, womb.

    HELICOPTER (Fig. 3): summer, body, mouth, departure, ox, thief, ditch, lot, veto, wind, cake, relay, op.

  • APPLE (Fig. 4): yak, block, eye, forehead, stake, Kolya, Olya.
  • VIII. Development of spatial imagination.
    1. Color the polygon in the picture with several colors. Neighboring ones should be painted in different colors. Try to use as few colors as possible. “Tasks with matches”: Arrange one match so that instead
    2. male name

    Tolya, it turned out to be a female name.

    Fold 13 matches, each 45 mm long, to make a meter.


    1. Problem solving.
    2. “Learn to decide by trying to reason.”
    3. The box contains blue, red, green pencils - 20 in total. Of these, there are 6 times more blue pencils than green ones. There are fewer red pencils than blue ones. How many red pencils? (Blue – 12, green – 2, red – 20-14 = 6 pieces).

    There are 2 children in the family. In 2 years the boy will be twice as old as he was 2 years ago. And the girl will be three times older in 3 years than she was 3 years ago. Who's older? (NO ONE. 6 years old).

    The jumping Dragonfly slept half the time of every day of the red summer, danced for a third of the time of every day, and sang for a sixth of the time.

    She decided to devote the rest of her time to preparing for winter. How many hours a day did Dragonfly prepare for winter? (0 hours).

    X. Lesson summary.

    During the lesson, logical search tasks were completed, non-standard problems were solved, and thinking and research skills were developed. My hobby is isographs. Introduction: Creation - an essential element in the development of human self-awareness and self-understanding. In creativity, a person, as it were, transforms First of all, there is a game and a desire not only to try oneself at something, but also to assert oneself, that is, to prove to oneself and others: I can do this! And this is the basis of a person’s success, faith in one’s own strength, which is very important for each of us. The more we believe in ourselves, the easier it is to learn and we become more successful in our studies. One of the tools for developing creativity is isographs, which help develop imagination.

    Literacy- this is the solid foundation on which everything is built more personality development. Being literate is very important nowadays. The ability to write competently, coherently and logically express one’s thoughts is part of a person’s general culture. People are valued and respected for their literacy and knowledge.

    One of the tools in the ability to write correctly is isographs, which develop memory, imagination and help to think logically.
    Is it possible to improve your literacy with the help of isographs? Will drawing letters help you remember vocabulary words better?

    During the work, the following goals were set:

    • Find out whether isographs are assistants in memorizing vocabulary words.

    • Collect information on the topic “Isographs”.

    • Depict objects using the letters that make up the word.

    • Conduct a vocabulary dictation for 3rd grade students: memorize and write down vocabulary words made in the form of isographs and traditional way.

    • Compare the degree of assimilation of words written in the form of isographs and in the traditional way, immediately after viewing and after 2-3 days.
    The following work methods were used during the research:

    Information retrieval method (with the help of methodological literature, the media and the Internet, all concepts were found, all issues related to the topic of my work were revealed);

    Creative approach (depict the word in letters in the form of a picture);

    Empirical method (applying your creative inventions in practice, by offering them to your relatives, peers and beginning schoolchildren);

    Theoretical method (certain assumptions and statements were made that led to accurate conclusions confirmed in practice).

    The work was carried out in several stages:

    Preparatory – showing interest in the concept of “isograph”;

    Creative - compiling isographs from different words;

    Practical use - offering to solve encrypted words to relatives and peers;

    Selection of information on the topic “Isographs” (with the help of methodological literature, SMS and the Internet, all answers to questions on the topic of interest were received);

    Formation of certain tasks and goals in the process of work;

    Experiment - offering the “Isographs” tool in the study of vocabulary words of the Russian language in our class and for beginning schoolchildren in the first grades

    Formation of conclusions.

    Main part:

    In logic lesson we saw in workbook interesting drawings- objects depicted using letters.

    The teacher told us that such images are called isographs. This interested me, and I turned to the reference book - what is an isograph? I was surprised to learn that icon painters are called isographers. Isography (from the Greek “iso-” “ίσος” - equal, from the Greek “graphia” - “γραφή” - writing) - an accurate reproduction of any writing, as well as a collection of photographs from original letters, manuscripts and signatures famous people. IN Ancient Rus' the words isography and “izograph” were used in the meaning of the words “painting”, or “icon painting” and “icon painter”.

    Besides, in modern world The word "isograph" is a tool for drawing work. The tool looks like a capillary pen. Used by architects, graphic artists, cartographers, engineers, graphic designers, designers.

    In our case, isographs are pictures on which words are drawn in letters, located in different ways in space and optically similar to the object whose name uses these letters.

    I wondered if I could draw objects using isographs. To do this, I examined many isographs. I became interested: how can letters make a picture? I took the words and analyzed whether I could draw it with the letters that make up the word. She offered the resulting isographs to her parents to solve, and then brought them to school. One of my isographs was solved by our teacher and other teachers for a very long time.

    Compiling isographs also interested other children in our class. They drew their isographs. Each author of the isograph proudly demonstrated it, and the rest of the guys tried to guess the word encrypted by the isograph. Here we realized that isographs are not interesting if the picture has a great resemblance to the subject. You can immediately recognize the object and say the word; interest in finding the letters “hidden” in the isograph disappears. Based on the work of the children in our class, we created a collection of isographs.

    Then I discovered that with the help of isographs it is easy to remember the letters that make up a word. This suggested that it would also be easy for other children to remember the letters. I decided to check it out.

    For example, in the isograph picture “knives”

    in the central place is the letter “o”, which automatically excludes the letter “a”, and on the pattern of the knife handle there is the letter “i” and there is no letter “s”.

    And if it’s easier to remember letters in a drawing, then why not use this method in spelling?! Later, I learned from the teacher that there is a way to better memorize vocabulary words. On the Internet I found “Vocabulary words in isographs” (teacher L.D. Komarova) and wanted to check if it was true that vocabulary words depicted in isographs are remembered better than words written in letters. The teacher and I selected for third-grade students several vocabulary words-isographs and words approximately equivalent in complexity to them, which the children will remember by letter: island, butterfly, tram, fire - in isographs and car, trolleybus, ocean, potato - in letters.

    Based on the results obtained, with the help of adults, I created graphs demonstrating the results obtained.

    45 students participated in the experiment.

    Short-term memory:

    • 9 students wrote without errors;

    • with errors in words studied with the help of isographs - 12 students;

    • with errors in words studied in the traditional way - 24 students.
    Long-term memory:

    • 3 students wrote without errors;

    • with errors in words learned with the help of isographs - 14 students;

    • with errors in words studied in the traditional way - 28 students.

    Thus, we can draw conclusions:

    1. When recalling vocabulary words immediately after learning, the number of errors in words studied using isographs is two times less than in vocabulary words studied in the usual way.
    2. As time passes, the number of errors in vocabulary words studied using isographs is also two times less than in vocabulary words studied in the usual way.

    3. Vocabulary words studied with the help of isographs remain more firmly in memory than vocabulary words studied in the usual way.


    By creating isographs, we master the skills of self-control and self-esteem, develop the ability to consistently isolate sounds and letters in words. Thus, literacy learning occurs:

    a.) a visual representation of the word is developed (drawings of objects);

    b.) hand-eye coordination develops (everything connects into a whole);

    c.) visual attention develops (focus on the shape of an object);

    d.) mental operations are included;

    d.) cognitive activity is stimulated;

    e.) visual perception develops in unity with attention, thinking, memory and speech.

    All this contributes to the constant repetition of grammatical material, forms a certain way of thinking, and trains in sound analysis and synthesis.

    In the future, I plan to confirm or refute all these conclusions and proposals by drawing up isographs with my friends and classmates.


    1. Bratchenko A.F., Serbina L.F. “Isographs”, Stavropol, 1999;

    2. Brockhaus F.A., Efron I.A. "Encyclopedic Dictionary", 1890-1907;

    3. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia;

    4. Efremova T.F. "Explanatory Dictionary", 2000;

    5. Komarova L.D. Trainer: “Vocabulary words in isographs”, St. Petersburg, Lyceum No. 265, 2012;

    6. Krysina L.P. “Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words” - M: Russian Language, 1998;

    7. Ushakova D.N. “Explanatory Dictionary”, 1935;

    8. Chudinov A.N. “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language”, 1910.

    Goals. We teach you to solve isographs (words encrypted in a picture). We consolidate the ability to recognize the studied letters written in different fonts. Using words as an example helicopter, plane Progress of the game. The child recognizes the image of a helicopter in the picture and determines that it is made using letters. The adult explains that the picture also contains the word itself. helicopter. By analyzing the sound composition of a word, the child consistently finds the letters included in it. At the same time, he notes that some letters in the picture are depicted incorrectly (B, P). The child explains What in the helicopter drawing each letter (B - helicopter propeller, R - body and tail etc.); independently writes this word, follows its sound and syllable patterns. The adult draws the child’s attention to the difference in the pronunciation and spelling of the word and asks him to highlight the letter O with a red pen - helicopter.

    The isograph is analyzed in the same way airplane. In conclusion, the child is asked to remember the professions of the people working on these machines.

    Animals of hot countries"

    Goals. We learn to form plural present tense verbs by coordinating them with nouns. We strengthen the skill of reading three-syllable words with a combination of consonants (crawl, swim, jump). We strengthen the child’s knowledge about animals of hot countries, the ability to recognize them in pictures and name them.

    Progress of the game. The child names the animals shown in the pictures and summarizes them: animals of hot countries.(A child’s comments or an adult’s story about the life and behavioral characteristics of these animals are required.)

    After reading the words written in a column on the right, the child remembers which of the drawn animals perform these actions best. (run, crawl, fly, swim, jump). The child connects the word and the corresponding animals with an arrow. (runningostrich, giraffe, etc.).

    Finally, the child colors the pictures.

    Going to the Zoo"

    Goals. We reinforce the recognition and correct spelling of the letters we have learned. We train the ability to form names from the given letters, consolidate knowledge of the rule about writing names with a capital letter. Using the example of sound-letter analysis and synthesis of names Yura, Yulia we consolidate knowledge about the letter Y. We train the ability to differentiate R and L, A and Z. We consolidate the ability to draw up a sentence diagram highlighting prepositions in it as separate “small words”. We develop the ability to write a story using story picture.

    Progress of the game. Having crossed out the incorrectly written letters, the child makes up the names of the children drawn in the picture from the remaining letters (at the same time remembering the rule about writing names with a capital letter); writes down names (Yura, Julia), fulfills their sound and syllabic patterns.

    Based on the adult's leading questions, he guesses where these children are coming from. Then he reads the unfinished sentence under the picture, guesses what words need to be written in, and writes them in with the help of an adult (Yulia, Yuroy or Yura, Yuleya). An adult needs to explain the correct spelling of words. Yura(or Yuley).

    The child checks whether everything in this sentence is correct. Having guessed that there is no punctuation mark at the end of the sentence, he puts it at his own discretion (.!?) and reads the sentence with the appropriate intonation. Having analyzed the sentence by the number of words, highlighting the preposition as “ small word", the child completes the sentence pattern.

    After completing the game, the child composes a story based on this plot picture about the children’s visit to the zoo.

    Ostrich" (Isograph)

    Goals and The course of this game is similar to those described earlier (see p. 56).

    Collect bouquets"

    Goals. By training the ability to fill in missing letters in words, we develop the skill of sound-letter analysis and synthesis. Consolidating knowledge on the topic "Flowers", we train the ability to differentiate types of flowers (garden And field).

    Progress of the game. The child gives a general name to the depicted objects: flowers. The adult offers to analyze this word and complete it by inserting letters. The child names each flower, remembers what type it belongs to (rose- garden flower, chamomile- wild flower etc.), explains why flowers are called wildflowers and garden flowers, remembers what other flowers belong to both types.

    An adult offers to make two bouquets from the flowers in the picture, distributing them by type. The child must guess which vase each bouquet will be in. (To do this, he needs to insert the missing letters and complete the words below.) Performing sound-letter analysis of words field And gardening, he fills in the missing letters, generalizes them (vowels). Then he indicates with arrows which vase each flower should be placed in.

    At the end of the game, the child is invited to draw his own bouquets of wild and garden flowers in vases.

    Sonya and flowers"

    Goals. We strengthen the ability to analyze a sentence by the number of words and add the necessary words to an unfinished sentence. We consolidate the ability to identify the preposition B in a sentence and highlight it on the sentence diagram as a separate “small word”. We continue to train in composing stories based on a plot picture.

    Progress of the game. While looking at the picture, the child answers the adult’s questions about its plot. The child reads the unfinished sentence written under the picture, analyzes its diagram, and fills in the missing words. (in, flowers). An adult suggests writing a story about how the girl Sonya grew flowers in the garden.


    Goals. We train the child in the ability to recognize letters by their incomplete spelling and to read words written clockwise. Using the word as an example narcissus We strengthen the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

    Progress of the game. The child must name the drawn flower and tell everything he knows about it. The adult suggests that the name of this flower is written inside the picture. Recognizing unfinished letters and commenting on their correct spelling, the child explains how to read the name of this flower (clockwise).

    In conclusion, the child writes the word independently narcissus and composes its sound and syllabic schemes.


    Goals. We strengthen the child’s recognition and correct spelling of the letter Ш. We train in highlighting and determining the place of Ш in a word, and consolidate knowledge about this sound. We consolidate knowledge about fish, the ability to recognize and name them from pictures, differentiating river and sea fish.

    Progress of the game. The child names the fish shown in the picture, finds the odd one among them and explains his choice. (The shark is superfluous, since this maritime fish, others river.)

    The child recognizes and completes the dotted letters Shch in the circle. An adult gives the task: draw arrows from the letter Ш to those fish whose names contain the sound Ш (bream, pike). The child must say which part of the word is in SCH.

    Pike and bream"

    Goals. We consolidate the child’s knowledge about the sound and letter Shch, the rules for writing the syllables ShchA, ShchU. We train in the ability to read short poetic texts. We strengthen the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis. We strengthen the ability to recognize and complete a familiar drawing by dots.

    Progress of the game. The child recognizes the bream and pike in the picture and completes the drawing, making up a short story based on the plot of the picture. The adult gives the task: choose from the proposed series of letters necessary to compose syllables right now, right now. The child crosses out unnecessary letters (I, yu), explains his choice, adds syllables right now, right now and executes their sound design. Then he is asked to read the text and insert the missing letters in the words.

    Collect letters and make words"

    Goals. We strengthen the ability to write familiar letters and distinguish Ш And Shch, E And E. We train the skill of composing words from the given letters - ruff, bream We strengthen the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

    Progress of the game. The adult explains that if you correctly “assemble” the letters from the given elements, you can make up the names of two river fish. The child “collects” the “scattered” letters and makes words from them bream, ruff, writes them down, performs sound and syllable patterns.

    In conclusion, you can ask your child to draw these fish themselves.

    H h

    Let's get ready for school"

    Goals. We strengthen the ability to complete words by inserting missing letters into them. We train the ability to distinguish between H and T. We consolidate knowledge on the topic "School and school supplies."

    Progress of the game. The child looks at the image of the backpack and briefcase, names these items and explains their purpose. Commenting on his actions, he adds words backpack, briefcase. The adult explains that the children were getting ready for school. The student collected all the objects with T in their names in the backpack, and the student put all the objects with H in the briefcase. The child needs to look at the proposed pictures and write under the images of the backpack and briefcase the names of the objects placed in them.

    The adult asks to explain whether the students collected everything correctly for school. The child crosses out words that are not related to school supplies. Then he is asked to write the names of the objects that he would take with him to school.

    Finally, the child paints his backpack, briefcase and school supplies.

    Label the pictures"

    Goals. We consolidate knowledge about the correct spelling of the syllables CHA, SHA; CHU, control room We train the ability to distinguish between Ch and Sh. Using words as an example grove, clock, stocking, pike We strengthen the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

    Progress of the game. An adult explains what you need to choose from those offered and write the missing letters in the syllables cha, now; chu, chu. The child crosses out unnecessary letters and, explaining the rule for writing syllables cha, sha; chu, I feel adds the given syllables.

    The child names the objects drawn in the pictures. Commenting on the spelling of syllables cha, sha; chu, chu, he signs the names of the depicted objects, performs sound and syllabic patterns of words grove, clock, stocking, pike.

    Pencil case" (Isograph)

    Goals. We consolidate the ability to solve isographs. We develop the ability to recognize familiar letters written in different fonts. Using the word pencil case as an example, we reinforce the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis. We train the ability to fill in the missing words in a sentence and draw up a sentence outline, highlighting the preposition in it as a separate word. We reinforce the knowledge that the first word in a sentence begins with a capital letter, and the sentence ends with some punctuation mark (. ! ?) . We learn to read sentences with intonation corresponding to the sign at the end of it.

    Progress of the game. As in previous games with isographs, the child examines the image and guesses the hidden word (pencil case). After that, he reads the unfinished sentence under the picture and writes the word given in the isograph.

    The child, independently or with a prompt from an adult, must explain the correct spelling of the first word in the sentence (with a capital letter), and at the end of the sentence put one of the punctuation marks (at his own discretion) and read the sentence with the appropriate intonation.

    At the end of the game, the child counts the number of words in the sentence, highlighting the preposition as a “small word,” and completes the sentence pattern.

    1. “The car was driving...”

    Goals. We consolidate the child’s knowledge about the dividing property of a solid sign. We learn to form verbs using prefixes. We strengthen the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

    Progress of the game. Having examined the drawing, the child points with an arrow from circle to circle, while simultaneously commenting on his actions and the path of movement of the drawn car. (The car drove onto the bridge, drove off the bridge, drove around a tree, drove up to the garage, drove into the garage.) Then he reads the words on the right.

    Analyzing the spelling of each word, the child inserts the missing b and paints the circles next to the words in different colors. After this, he is given the task: to color the circles along the route of the car in the same colors as the circles next to the words. drove in, drove out, drove around, drove up. Next to the mugs, the child can draw a car.

    Finally, sound And syllable patterns of words.


    Goals. We teach the child to solve puzzles, insert missing letters in a word, generalizing them (consonants in a word insects). We strengthen the skills of sound-letter analysis.

    Consolidating knowledge on the topic "Insects".

    Progress of the game. The child solves puzzles, commenting on the course of his reasoning, writes down the solved words (butterfly, dragonfly), performs sound and syllabic patterns of solved words. Then he summarizes the names of the guessed objects (insects). Analyzing the unfinished word on the right insects, the child inserts the missing letters (N, S, K, M), generalizing them as consonants.

    At the end of the game, the child draws familiar insects.

    Who sat down and who ate"

    Goals. Using the example of the words sat down and ate, we consolidate knowledge about the function of a hard sign. We train the ability to perform sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words with Kommersant. We teach the child to independently fill in the missing word in a sentence that is clear in meaning. We strengthen the skill of composing a short story based on a plot picture and the ability to complete a drawing point by point.

    Progress of the game. The child completes the dotted drawing and explains who and what he saw on it. Then the child reads and analyzes the words sat down, ate, fulfills their sound and syllabic patterns.

    The adult explains that these two words refer to the characters in the picture. The child comes up with a short story based on this picture using words sat down and ate. Then he reads and completes the unfinished sentences under the picture, completes the diagrams of these sentences, highlighting the preposition in them ON and union AND like "little words". The game can be completed by coloring the picture.

    Read, complete and remember"

    Goals. We strengthen the ability to recognize the outlines of the studied letters and distinguish letters that are similar in spelling (b, ы, р, Ъ). We consolidate knowledge about the properties of hard and soft signs.

    Progress of the game. The child crosses out the incorrectly written letters and names the correctly written ones. Then he needs to read the sentence and insert the missing letters in the words. Remembering the functions of hard and soft signs, the child explains the meaning of the rhyme. Then he recites it by heart.

    Learning to write by copybook is a task of the school period. Preschool preparation of the hand for writing will make this labor-intensive process easier for the child and will contribute to the development of good handwriting.

    The symbols K, C, 3 indicate color - red, blue, green, respectively.

    Tatyana Mikhailovna Belevich
    Solving puzzles, crosswords, isographs as one of the methods for preventing dysgraphia in children

    As you know, enormous changes are taking place in the field of education. We are talking about guidelines for a humanistic, personality-oriented model, about earlier inclusion of the child in systematic education. This problem can be solved only in conditions of continuous education. Therefore, we, preschool teachers, in particular, speech therapists in kindergartens, must take into account the two-sided nature of the learning process.

    On the one hand, recognize the intrinsic value of preschool childhood based on leading play activities, on the other hand, create conditions for the elements educational activities. Our task in progress knowledge develop thinking abilities children based on curiosity and interest. In many ways solution will depend on whether the teacher correctly understands the child’s readiness for schooling. After all, here we should take into account the “maturation” of all structures of the body, the formation of high-quality new formations in all areas personalities: physical, emotional-volitional, intellectual and communicative. The future student must have developed ability penetrate into the essence objects and phenomena, master such mental operations as analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, seriation and classification, and in the process of educational activities must be able to establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena, and must be able to resolve contradictions. All this plays a major role in mastering the system of concepts and generalized methods solutions practical tasks at school. The trend of modern preschool education is a transition from learning values ​​to development values.

    Its developmental vector is focused on creating for each child conditions in which the individual could realize himself to the maximum.

    The principle of development determines the starting position of the teacher in relation to to kid: rely on the existing natural potential, seek and reveal its talents, stimulate internal spiritual forces.

    Therefore, the main goal of education at the stage of preschool childhood is to create conditions and prepare children to continuous self-education.

    After working at school for some time, I realized that reading and writing disorders are the most common forms of speech pathology in primary schoolchildren. Therefore, in kindergarten I started paying a lot of attention prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia, using various methods and techniques. Effective method to solve this problem, in my opinion is children solving puzzles and isographs solving them crosswords. Of course, provided that children are proficient in sound-syllable and letter analysis of words. At the end of the first, at the beginning of the second year of study in speech therapy group Logopathic children can already solve simple problems puzzles and solve simple Crosswords.

    But first, children must master the process of sound-syllable analysis and word synthesis.

    Working with children on the development of phonemic perception and mastery of the sound-syllable structure of a word, we often encounter this position: the first stage of training has been completed - sounds have been introduced, the child correctly uses them in words and phrases, copes with the initial types of work on sound analysis, correctly determines the number of sounds and syllables in a single word.

    But now comes the period practical application acquired knowledge in daily educational activities and the use of acquired skills in independent speech. In their everyday speech practice, children must, in a split second, cope with a difficult task for them - correctly perceive and reproduce many sounds, words and their combinations. And it is precisely these practical skills, free unconscious mastery of speech that our children lack.

    The need to develop and improve a child’s speech skills, to develop speed of action and thinking, to accumulate quantity, to improve the quality of his skills, forces us, speech therapists, to constantly look for and expand practical material that trains speech hearing, clarity of perception, auditory and visual attention.

    His work on the formation of children skills of sound analysis and synthesis built step by step:

    Isolation of the first vowel sound in words.

    Analysis and synthesis of combinations of two vowels.

    Determining the presence or absence of a certain sound in words.

    Determining the last vowel sound in words.

    Isolation of stressed vowel in words.

    Synthesis of words consisting of two sounds: vowel and consonant (-AM-, AH-, -OX-, etc.)

    Determination of the first consonant sound in words.

    Determining the last consonant sound in words.

    Determining the vowel sound in the middle of monosyllabic words (-poppy-, -bow-, cat-, -whale-)

    Synthesis of monosyllabic words consisting of three sounds.

    Analysis of such words.

    Determining the position of a vowel sound in words (beginning, end).

    Determining the number of syllables in words.

    Identifying several vowel sounds in words.

    Synthesis of disyllabic words consisting of two open syllables (-mother-, paw-, -linden.).

    Majority children five years old cannot read.

    Preparing children to school education, she used sound symbols in her work. (The sound cannot be seen. It can only be heard, But the letter can be seen.)

    Together with the children, we establish a connection between sound and letter. Showing children a picture of a letter, I try to evoke visual associations in them. (what does the letter look like).

    To consolidate the visual image of letters, I offer children games - exercises:

    -make a letter from: sticks, strings, twigs.

    - lay out the letter from: seeds, cereals, seeds, shells, chestnut fruits, beans, peas, etc.

    Make a letter from plasticine, dough, clay.

    Compose a letter from ready-made elements.

    Add the missing element.

    Trace the letter on the stencil, shade it, etc.

    Draw a letter with your finger on the palm of your hand, on the back of each other, in the air, on a sheet of sandpaper.

    Type the letter in your notebook.

    All these exercises help prevention of optical dysgraphia and dysgraphia due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis.

    Dysgraphia due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis due to underdevelopment of phonemic analysis:

    Vowel omissions.

    Omissions of consonants in conjunction.

    Rearrangements of letters.

    Adding letters.

    Omissions, additions, rearrangements of syllables.

    Children older than school age must master those types of sound analysis that they available:

    1. Recognition of sound against the background of a word.

    2. Determining the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

    3. Isolating sound from the beginning and end of a word.

    To consolidate the material, it is important to connect safe analyzers, so sound circuits and various

    didactic games: ("who lives in the house", “who will go in the trailer”, “help the gnome get to the house”, "zoo", "circus"... etc.) Gradually the children begin "feel" sound composition of a word.

    Then the concepts are introduced "words-objects", "action words", concepts are introduced "offers", concepts are added "sign words", "prepositions", proposal schemes are drawn up.

    And optical dysgraphia due to the immaturity of visual-spatial functions, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations. With this form dysgraphia the following are observed violations:

    A). Distorted reproduction of letters in writing.

    B).Replacement and mixing of graphically similar letters (p-t, l-m, i-sh, v-d, e-s,

    B).Mirror writing of letters, writing from left to right.

    If a child does not know how to compare objects by size, shape, or does not know how to navigate in spatial location items, it will be difficult for him to learn the differences in the outline of optically similar letters.

    Important in preschool age teach baby:

    1).Understand the meaning of prepositions denoting location items in space in relation to each other.

    (show where the parrot is in the cage, behind the cage, on the cage, etc.)

    2).Know the left and right side space.

    Head's speech test: (instructions: Take your right ear with your left hand, show right hand left eye, etc.)

    To eliminate these violations, various exercises: graphic dictations, graphical reproduction of directions with arrows.

    3).Develop visual analysis and synthesis -

    For this I use the following. didactically games:

    - "find the differences",

    - “What did the artist mix up?”,

    - "what is missing?"

    - “make a whole from parts” ,

    - “assemble a letter from the elements”,

    - "find out the crossed out letters",

    - “fill in the letter” ,

    - “recognize the letters superimposed on each other”,

    - "find the correct letter") etc.

    All these exercises will help the child create stable patterns of letters in his imagination. When a child has learned to recognize letters well different positions, he can easily solve and read various isographers.

    First I invite the children to see isograph silhouette, the outline of the object itself. Then we find letters that are located unusually, differently in this isographer. And finally, from these letters we compose and lay out a word.

    An equally difficult type of work is solving puzzles.

    The skill is formed gradually, and the work on developing the skill proceeds in stages - from simple tasks to more complex ones.

    Letter games:

    1.“Which letter is lost?” (from single syllable words to complex ones)

    2.“Find the mistake in the word” (Kit-cat, puddle-ski, daughter-barrel)

    3.“What word was hidden?”

    4.“How are the words different?”

    5.“Which letter is missing?”(paint-helmet, elephant-dream, words-owl, etc.)

    6.“Switch the syllables and make a word” (suck-on____na-sos, etc.)

    7."Swap the letters" (sleep-nose, old man-washing, power-fox)

    9. "Find: "Cawing Words"- (POCKET, POTATO, MAP)

    "Purring Words"- (leMUR, MURZILKA, MURKA)

    "Croaking Words"- (aQUArium,tyKVA,Apartment,

    "Squeaking"- (Piano, PIONEERS, Captain, PYRAMID)

    "Growling"- (MOUNTAINS, Trough, HORES, Fish) etc.

    Having mastered these skills, children gradually master the skills of solving puzzles and crosswords.

    Children should be reminded of just a few rules for solving puzzles and crosswords.

    For example, children learn What:

    comma in rebus means the absence of a letter in a word.

    A comma at the beginning means the absence of the first letter of the word, and at the end - the last.

    The preposition encrypted in rebus, can stand either at the beginning of a word or in the middle (NATasha, owl, oak, field, feat, etc.)

    IN crossword puzzle: You can only write one letter in a box.

    By the end of the year the children preparatory group they themselves try to “encrypt” the words, their names and surnames in puzzles.

    I would like to note that for a complete prevention of dysgraphia Close contact between the speech therapist and parents and educators is necessary.

    It is necessary to discuss problems and correction programs together.

    It is important to set uniform requirements for the child.

    Isograph - what is it? What is this tool used for? Everything is in order and in more detail.

    Isograph - what is it?

    So you've heard an unfamiliar name and have a question about what it means. This tool has pens with an ink reservoir that is dispensed through a small tube. Most often it is used by artists. The price of such a tool differs from the price of ordinary pens, but it is worth it, because the line drawn by the isograph looks high-quality and solid. Such devices have become competitors to ordinary pens. They are much more functional, because, unlike a pen, you do not need to constantly carry an inkwell with you! The line of such a device is of the same diameter, so it is worth purchasing several more of these handles, but of different diameters. In general, an isograph is a tool for drawing work.

    Rapidographs - what are they?

    Rapidograph and isograph differ from each other. The designs of these devices are slightly different, but the lines are the same. It is unknown whether this is accurate or not, but according to rumors, the rapidograph can only draw perpendicularly on paper, and the isograph can only draw at angles. Many claim that both of these devices can draw on paper at an angle.

    Why buy such an expensive drawing tool?

    There is no need to buy such a tool. If you are comfortable drawing with ordinary pens, then draw with them, everything here completely depends on your desires and financial capabilities. The only thing that distinguishes a rapidograph and an isograph is that their ink resembles a special ink for drawing.

    Where can I buy

    A drawing set can even be purchased for school-age children. You can find these amazing sets in office supply stores or art specialty stores. That's what they're called - isographs for schoolchildren. In office supply stores, the selection of such drawing tools is usually very small. But don't despair! You can find online art stores on the Internet! In them you will definitely be able to choose the most suitable isograph or rapidograph for yourself. The diameter of the tip can be absolutely anything, that is, as you want. Such sets will cost from 400 to 700 rubles. If the set or tool is equipped with something else, the cost may be higher.

    Pay attention to the tanks. If you choose a tool with a removable cartridge, you will have to additionally purchase a special ink bottle.

    What to do if the isograph is broken

    These instruments are very capricious, but also expensive. They need to be treated with care and precision. The instructions say: be sure to clean it every month. Therefore, if you want your isograph to last longer, follow all instructions. Do not disassemble isographs and rapidographs beyond what is given in the instructions. You definitely won't be able to put them back together! Refill devices only with specifically designed ink. If you fill an isograph or rapidograph with the wrong ink or ink, the instrument will be damaged! Such instruments can deteriorate on their own, especially those that have a thin shaft.

    Causes of breakdown of drawing tools

    The most common reason for failure of such instruments is that the tip or metal thread has become bent. They are located inside the instrument on a weighting pad. Most often they break when subjected to strong shaking. This cannot be fixed at home. In this regard, the rapidograph and isograph are absolutely the same.

    Another cause of breakdowns is dried ink on the tip. You cannot leave the tool idle! It needs to be painted at least once every five days. The isograph and rapidograph must be screwed on with a cap! If you are going to leave the tool unused for a long time, then thoroughly rinse off the ink before doing so.

    Design of drawings using isographs and rapidographs

    Knowing what an isograph is, we can learn about the drawings made with this tool! Such drawings must be made of very high quality and meet all requirements. Isographs and rapidographs are used, respectively, to prepare drawings in accordance with GOST. But what is it? This design means that each line drawn with such a tool must be absolutely even. It will not be possible to draw up a drawing according to GOST if you only have an isograph with a tip of the same diameter. The ink in such tools must be branded and of high quality, then the drawing will turn out correct and according to GOST standards. The font according to GOST must be standard!

    Drawing tools

    We now know what an isograph is. We also know the features of such a tool and its functions! Is it possible to create drawings according to GOST using other drawing tools? Yes! For example, as mentioned earlier, you can draw on paper with a pen, as great writers such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy and others did in past centuries. Most often, ordinary feathers were made from duck feathers, and for thin ones, crow feathers were used. Pens for writing and drawing are significantly different! A drawing pen has a wide tip, while a writing pen has a finer tip. It will not be difficult to distinguish them, since the tip of the wide feathers resembles a small spatula, and the thin ones resemble the spear of a knight of the Middle Ages.

    In addition to pens, isographs and rapidographs, a metal pen is also used, it is called a rondo. This tool is used to draw posters. Most often, such a pen helps to write on paper in calligraphic handwriting and drawing font. This pen works just like a regular one. ball pen, which has a line of the same thickness anywhere! But this tool, like everything around it, has supporters and opponents.

    Liners are considered an analogue of isographs and rapidographs. This is a good tool that is also cheaper than an isograph. The line drawn with this tool will be smooth, there will be no smudges on it, which are noticeable when working with But the only negative and just the difference from expensive and capricious isographs is that the liners are disposable. Yes, you can use them once, and then you need to buy this tool again.

    There are a lot of drawing tools! It will not be difficult to choose the most convenient, correct and unusual one for yourself. No one will force you to buy the most expensive drawing tools, such as an isograph or rapidograph. Your choice will depend only on yourself. Perhaps you will purchase an isograph for yourself, and other instruments will no longer give you the same sensations as this one. Or maybe you want to write or draw with a pen. You will get used to the pen and other tools will not interest you. As they say, to each his own! You decide for yourself and choose for yourself what you want, so no one will force you to buy this or that drawing tool! Using any tool you can create drawings in accordance with GOST.

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