• How to develop a child's mental abilities. A developed child, or how to develop a child comprehensively


    Hello, dear readers! Psychologist-defectologist Irina Ivanova is with you. Today I want to tell you about how to develop a child up to one year old month by month. Recently I had to attend a discussion that unfolded in a company of young modern women.

    We were talking about what is now popular. All the mothers spoke with enthusiasm about the achievements of their children. Someone takes them to the studio early development, of which a lot has now been opened. Some people use the method at home, and their children already know the letters by the age of three or four and are almost ready to read books on their own.

    There were even adherents of the now half-forgotten, but no less valuable, system of raising the Nikitin family, very popular at the end of the last century. Well, now the only people who don’t use benefits are those who are not interested in anything at all. But... all this concerned children older than one and a half to two years. What about children who are less than a year old? Do they really only need healthy sleep and good nutrition?

    One of the participants in the discussion, a girl working in a development center, undertook to enlighten the audience on this matter. children's center psychologist. I want to introduce you to what she told us. Firstly, she gave us the authoritative opinions of many well-known experts in the field of child psychology. It turns out that you should not place unreasonable expectations on artificial stimulation of development.

    Each skill will come to the child only when the psyche, brain cells and the entire body rise to a certain level in its development in order to master it. This is a genetically inherent property in humans. After all, you won’t be able to do the splits right away if you’ve never done gymnastics? Even if two chickens are planted on one egg at once, the chicken will still hatch only on the 21st day.

    Yes, it is necessary to prepare the basis for new skills and abilities. When the time comes, the grain will fall into the prepared soil, but it is unnecessary to force events too much. As for infants up to one year old, they can and should be developed, but in accordance with the baby’s capabilities.

    What to do with an infant

    There are no words, it is very important that “the butt is dry” and “the tummy works like a clock,” but we must also remember that every day of a baby’s life is invaluable for its development. Here are some recommendations on how to develop your baby month by month, what to play and do with him.

    • First month

    There is no need to care for your child in complete silence. Talk to him in a calm, gentle voice, and by the end of the month he will begin to linger his gaze on your face, and you will wait for the first precious smile - an invitation to further communication. Hang a bright rattle above the crib at a distance of 60 cm and let him try to focus his gaze on it. For the first time this is enough.

    • Second month

    Take the baby in your arms more often, and he himself prefers this position. This is how the genetically inherent desire for knowledge in a person is realized. Moreover, when you are holding the baby, do not even think about arguing with someone at this time or getting angry. Only kind facial expressions, only a calm and even tone of conversation. At this stage of development, the main thing is to satisfy the orientation reflex.

    • Third month

    Place the baby on his tummy with a bright object in front of him. Talk to him, respond to his hum: a-a-a, goo-goo, boo-boo. Sing songs, turn on melodic music, and don’t leave him crying in the crib for a long time to “train” you to occupy yourself independently. These are prerequisites for future neurosis.

    • Fourth month

    Decorate as colorfully as possible the interior in which the baby spends the most time - bright colors fabrics, a carousel with melodic music, or moving modules will create the right mood and prepare you for mastering shapes and shades of color. Place rattles in its handle, hang them at hand level, change the baby’s position more often: in the crib, in the playpen, or in your arms.

    • Fifth month

    This is the month of showing interest in toys. From now on, the child can take them, grab them, and pull them towards him. Now teach him how to handle them: knock, move them from hand to hand, and examine them carefully. Show him moving toys - jumping, spinning. Developing attention is the basis for future successful learning. Do not forget to respond to the humming, which by the fifth month becomes active and very melodic. This way you help develop speech, the foundations of which are being laid right now.

    • Sixth month

    The child strives to start crawling, and now we need to create the conditions for this. It is better if it is a special playpen, but a part of the carpet covered with a thick blanket will also work. Place toys in front of the baby lying on his tummy. He will reach for them and try to crawl, perhaps on his tummy or on all fours.

    The main educational games this month are all kinds of boxes and modules into which you can put objects in and take them out. It is advisable that they be equipped with lids that the baby really likes to open and close.

    • Seventh month

    This is a period of intensive development of speech understanding. Talk to your baby, show objects of the surrounding world, toys, name them. This is how a passive vocabulary develops and the prerequisites for it to begin to speak. The most best toys at the moment - a box or box with cubes and balls, small toys. Let the child take them out and put them back.

    Playing with water while swimming, with objects floating in it, is very useful. From this age, the concepts of “possible” and “impossible” need to be introduced wisely into everyday life. We should not forget that indulgence in whims is the basis for the development of hysteria, and excessive severity is the prerequisite for raising either a rebel or a person who is indecisive in the future.

    • Eighth month

    Don’t put out a lot of toys at once; it’s better to hide them periodically and take them out one by one. In order for thinking to develop, you need to play out small scenes with them that are understandable to the baby. Let the dolls walk, eat, sleep, feed cats and dogs. Accompany these performances with clear comments and onomatopoeia. They will bring much more benefits to the development of children's intelligence and speech than the best educational cartoons.

    • Ninth month

    Play hide and seek where you hide yourself, your baby or a toy under a scarf or diaper. Children at this age develop modulated babbling. Select syllables from it that are similar to words in your native language, repeat them expressively several times. This way you create the preconditions for your baby to say them.

    Play music to listen to, be it light melodies or children's songs. Children will dance to them while standing on the floor or in the playpen. Play with toys together, show them their capabilities, name the color and shape of objects, ask for a certain thing. The baby’s tenacious memory will retain this knowledge, and soon he himself will operate with these concepts.

    • From 10 months to a year

    During this period, you need to tirelessly talk with your child. Say whatever you want, you just can’t remain silent. Accompany your actions with comments, talk about what is happening in the house, what you see on a walk, outside the window.

    All kinds of pyramids, inserts, games where you need to put something somewhere (such as the “mailbox” game), rings that fit on pins, nesting dolls, large plastic puzzles - this is the minimum set of educational games and toys. Give your child a sheet of thick paper and a soft pencil. He is already able to leave a mark on a sheet of paper, to draw a line. Read books, play games finger games, sing him songs and tell him nursery rhymes.

    It would seem that just recently the parents brought from the maternity hospital a small bundle containing such a long-awaited baby. He couldn't do anything on his own yet. And after twelve months, adults see a small personality in front of them: the baby can already walk or is trying to take his first steps, pronounces individual words and shows character. After all, a one-year-old child is already an individual, with his own desires and requirements. Doctors never tire of repeating that each child is individual and the pace of development of children may differ. But the World Health Organization has developed norms and standards within which the baby should fit at the age of one. Let's take a closer look at what a child should be able to do at twelve months. What are the signs that indicate you need to see a doctor?

    Features of the physical development of boys and girls

    By the age of one year, the baby makes a big leap in physical development. Some children begin to walk on their own, while others take their first steps with caution. At the same time, babies continue to actively crawl; for them, this method of movement is more familiar and faster. It is on all fours that the child fully feels his body and can control it.

    Experts point out that parents should not worry if the baby is not yet walking independently at one year old. But the baby must confidently stand and walk with support, hand in hand with adults. If at twelve months the child does not try to perform these actions, this is a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

    By the age of one year, babies are very inquisitive, they know how to sit down and stand up, they can climb on and off the sofa or bed. Many parents notice that by the age of one year, children are very interested in music, they have an excellent sense of rhythm and begin to sway from side to side to the sounds of songs. Despite the fact that each child is individual and the time frame for him to learn new skills may differ, there are generally accepted standards for the physical development of children. A child develops according to his age if by twelve months he can:

    • sit independently, confidently holding your back;
    • Active crawling: Doctors warn that some children go beyond the crawling stage and immediately begin to sit up and then stand up. This is also considered a variant of the norm. Such babies can master crawling after they take their first steps;
    • climb onto the bed, climb the steps of the stairs;
    • stand on your own, with or without support;
    • walk with support or hand in hand with an adult;
    • drink from a cup with the help of parents and try to perform this action independently, eat from a spoon with mother’s help;
    • move objects from place to place, collect your toys, point to an object of interest to the child.

    Some children are already walking independently by the age of one year. But experts point out that if a child does not walk on his own at twelve months, this is not a reason to panic. Normally, babies begin to take their first steps on their own by the age of 1.2 years.

    By the time of their first anniversary, a baby has an average of 8 teeth. But this figure is approximate: some children have 4-6 baby teeth, while others can boast of having as many as 12 helpers to chew food.

    The eruption rates for baby teeth are approximate. But if the baby does not have a single tooth in a year, this is a reason to show the child to an orthodontist.

    Sleep and rest time at twelve months

    The child’s daily routine also changes: the baby is more awake than asleep. Night sleep takes 11 hours, and during the day the baby rests only 3 hours, which are distributed over two daytime naps. Some children already at this age switch to one nap during the day. Dr. Komarovsky explains that this is not a deviation from the norm, but the individual needs of the body. The fact is that babies who lay down on night sleep later, they wake up later in the morning, so they don’t need rest in the first half of the day. The body needs a nap in the afternoon.

    If the child is active, has a good appetite and develops according to norms, then one day's sleep is enough for him. Dr. Komarovsky recommends listening to your baby’s needs and not forcing him to sleep twice during the day.

    Baby's height and weight depending on gender - table

    Height and weight are the main indicators that confirm that the child is developing according to standards. From birth, every month the doctor and nurse evaluate the baby's growth in centimeters and grams. Lack of body weight in children under one year of age can signal anemia, problems in the functioning of the digestive and endocrine systems, as well as disorders of the central nervous system.

    Experts draw the attention of parents that constant underweight, which leads to a child’s underweight, can cause a lag in the physical and mental development of the baby.

    Basic reflexes, skills and abilities of a 1 year old child

    For children of different ages There are specific parameters for psychological, mental and speech development. Every mother compares her child with others. And if her baby lags behind according to some criteria, he immediately rushes to the doctor. Experts warn that the pace of development depends on the baby’s temperament, as well as genetic predisposition. Therefore, at the appointment, the doctor evaluates the skills that the baby has acquired by the age of one year, his height and weight, and explains to the parents whether they should worry or whether there is time to wait a little for the child to learn new skills.

    Parents need to take a direct part in the development of the child: talk to the baby, read fairy tales and play

    Psychological and emotional development of a one-year-old baby

    It is at this age that the baby begins to show character. Some parents are perplexed: just yesterday the child was completely obedient, did not throw tantrums, but today he is simply unrecognizable. Child psychologists explain this behavior as the first psychological crisis. The baby is learning the boundaries of what is permitted: the baby may not pay attention to the word “not allowed” and throw a tantrum on every occasion.

    Psychologists explain that parents should not be allowed to a small child manipulate yourself. At this age, children understand that crying can achieve what they want. Adults must clearly define boundaries; if something is forbidden to a child, they must stand their ground, even when he cries and is hysterical. Over time, children understand that a parental ban cannot be canceled with tears.

    This behavior can continue for up to six months. At this time, parents need to be patient in order to explain to the baby why certain things are not allowed. At one year old, he already understands well what can and cannot be done. Knows how to recognize praise and also reacts when he is scolded for wrongdoing. The child understands when he is asked to bring or serve something. Distinguishes between parents and acquaintances: joy appears on the face at the sight of mom and dad.

    At twelve months of age, communication is important for a child. He learns to communicate with peers. The baby is no longer so afraid strangers, but his mother remains the most important person for him. The presence of the mother calms the baby, he feels safe. Child psychologists recommend that parents teach their children to communicate in the company of peers. It is at this age that you can explain to your child that toys can be shared and that you cannot offend peers. For social adaptation Early development schools are excellent, where the baby will study in a group with other children.

    How to determine whether a child’s psychological development is normal - video

    Learning to speak: baby’s speech development

    Children at twelve months can pronounce the simplest words: mom, dad, baba, dai, am, lalya and others. The baby’s vocabulary already contains 10–20 words, although the child does not pronounce many of them completely, and some sounds are missing from them. But he tries to repeat the words after his parents, and over time his vocabulary will expand.

    Some children do not speak a year, or their vocabulary is limited to two or three words. If the doctor does not see any developmental abnormalities, this situation may be due to the child’s genetic predisposition and temperamental characteristics. But parents should pay attention to speech development, read more fairy tales to the baby, and talk to him often. During the game, you can explain each action and name objects.

    There are many manuals and materials with which you can work with your child on speech development.

    The child is already trying to tell something to his parents using words. For example, when he sees a car, he can say “beep,” or ask for an object or toy that interests him: “give me.” The kid is trying to voice his requests and dissatisfaction. At this age, his facial expressions and intonation are well developed: what the baby cannot express with words, he tries to say with the intonation of his pronunciation.

    How to develop your baby's speech

    • read stories and fairy tales every day;
    • look at pictures and illustrations in books, while naming each object, animal, etc., clearly pronouncing the name;
    • explain to the baby all actions and situations: for example, while bathing, you can tell him that this is water, and this is soap, etc.;
    • create children's songs: a child at this age loves music very much, this also develops a sense of rhythm;
    • develop fine motor skills: Scientists have proven that such activities directly affect the mental development of the baby, including the formation of speech.

    How to help your baby learn to speak: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

    Development of a child's motor skills

    • collect your toys in place: in play corner or a toy basket;
    • grasp objects with two fingers;
    • play independently for half an hour;
    • assemble a pyramid;
    • place cube on cube;
    • play with the ball: tries to throw it into a box or basket.

    Pyramids are a great way to develop your baby's fine motor skills.

    If parents notice that the child does not show interest in toys, a ball, or cannot hold objects in his hands, this is a reason to seek advice from a pediatrician and neurologist. One of the reasons may be hyper- or hypotonicity of the muscles. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations.

    Introducing to beauty: musical development

    According to psychologists, you need to pay attention not only to the physical and mental, but also musical development child. At the age of twelve months, he already has a sense of rhythm, he is interested in moving to music, listening to children's songs and cheerful notes. Many children love to play toy musical instruments: they like to reproduce sounds and create sounds. Music has the properties of relaxing and calming: the sounds of nature have a positive effect on the child’s nervous system.

    Musical development is simply necessary for children. Music influences active processes in the brain and also has a positive effect on the development of thinking, memory and attention.

    Doctors often recommend using music as a healing therapy. For example, for children with hyperactivity, neurologists prescribe turning on the sound of water and the sounds of dolphins in order to calm the nervous system and relax the baby. Psychologists recommend playing music to your child every day. These don’t have to be classical works; children’s songs or sounds of nature can be used. The main thing is that the baby likes the music. But you shouldn’t overload your baby’s hearing: 10–20 minutes a day to listen to music is enough.

    Norms and terms of child development - video

    Necessary activities: how to develop, what to teach a child at this age

    A child cannot develop independently; he needs help, prompting, and most importantly - to create comfortable conditions. Doctors warn that physical and mental development Parents must pay equal attention so that the baby develops harmoniously.

    Sports is required

    From birth, doctors insist that to strengthen the baby’s muscles, it is necessary to do massage and gymnastics. Although a child is already more independent at one year old, there is no need to give up physical exercise. After waking up, it is recommended to do gymnastics, which will invigorate you and set you up for an active pastime. In the evening you can have a relaxing massage.

    Exercise is compulsory at twelve months of age

    • walks are required fresh air, games on sports grounds, as well as ball activities;
    • If possible, you can install a sports complex for your baby at home. Doctors are only for it if a child is introduced to sports with early age. This perfectly strengthens muscles and prevents problems with the spine;
    • Swimming in the pool is beneficial. You can study with an instructor or on your own. Hydromassage is also very useful for the general condition of the body, as well as strengthening the muscles of the whole body;
    • Fitball exercises not only appeal to children, but are also useful for training the vestibular system.

    Exercises on a fitball for a one-year-old baby - video

    Development of fine motor skills

    The development of fine motor skills plays a huge role for a child at the age of one year. It is at this time that the baby becomes more active and inquisitive. And the task of parents is to direct his interest in the right direction. Today, adults can enroll their children in classes at children's development centers, where experienced teachers will work with them. Parents can also develop a training program on their own to perform various exercises with their child at home.

    There are proprietary methods that are developed for children of different ages. Parents can study according to one method or choose individual tasks that are interesting to the child. The most popular today are the methods of Maria Monessori, Glen Doman and Nikitins.

    Fine motor exercises - video

    Teachers and child psychologists say that at twelve months you can do the following with your baby:

    • modeling: plasticine, salty dough, or a special modeling compound perfectly develops imagination, thinking and fine motor skills;
    • Playing with sand and water: children are interested in learning different shapes. Liquid can be poured from one container to another. And make different figures or castles from sand. Today there is special kinetic sand on sale that does not leave stains and you can play with it at home when it’s cold outside and you can’t go to the sandbox;
    • exercises with a busy board: hard or soft educational boards, rugs or books will definitely interest the child. Details and elements that are attached to busy boards perfectly develop fine motor skills, patience, logic, thinking and attention;
    • drawing: development creativity affects speech development. You can begin to introduce the baby to a brush and paints; if the baby is not interested in this method of painting, it is recommended to try finger paints;
    • games with construction sets: for children of this age there are construction sets on sale with large blocks that they cannot swallow.

    Games with a constructor have a positive effect on the development of thinking, attention and logic

    Dr. Komarovsky argues that it is imperative to work with children. But there are certain rules: classes must take place in game form, and also only if the child wishes. If the baby is capricious and does not want to do the exercises, it is better to postpone the classes to a later time or another day.

    Early child development: opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

    Caring for a one year old child

    Cleanliness is the key to health. This phrase is familiar to everyone since childhood. A one-year-old baby requires special care, because he cannot yet perform many actions independently.

    Water treatments

    Water procedures are required: in the morning it can be a light shower, during which the mother washes the child, brushes the teeth, ears and nose. In the evening, it is better to run a bath and the baby can swim and play in the water for at least 30–40 minutes.

    Pediatricians and dermatologists warn that when bathing a child, you need to use special shampoos or soaps designed for children of this age. Adult shower gels may cause allergic reaction, irritation or excessive dryness of the baby’s delicate skin.

    It is necessary to bathe your child every day, morning and evening. During the hot season, water procedures can be carried out more often

    How to bathe a child - video

    How to dress a child correctly

    Another important point - right choice clothes:

    • things must be from natural materials to allow the skin to breathe and not cause allergic reactions;
    • You should not dress your baby too warmly: children have different thermoregulation from adults, so the child should be dressed according to the weather;
    • clothing should be comfortable: it cannot be too tight or loose. A small margin is allowed so that the baby can move freely.

    Walks in the open air

    At any age, a child can benefit from walks outside. Pediatricians recommend walking even in bad weather, with exceptions very coldy, below - 15 degrees, and showers. The rest of the time you need to be outside for at least two hours a day. In good weather, one of the following is recommended day dreams spend in the fresh air. This is very beneficial for the baby's health.

    Do not forget about fresh air in the room where the child sleeps. The room should be frequently ventilated and wet cleaned at least twice a week. If there are houseplants, make sure that they cannot cause allergies in the baby, in otherwise flowers need to be removed from the room.

    Child and walks - video

    Baby's nutrition at twelve months

    At one year old, a child already eats not only breast milk or mixture, but also many solid foods in the form of purees or juices. The baby eats 4-5 times a day, with an interval of 3-4 hours. Children at this age have an average of eight teeth, so chewing skills are actively developing. Parents should help their child learn to chew; to do this, they don’t have to puree the food, but leave small pieces. There are special cereals on sale for training the chewing reflex.

    At one year old, the baby cannot yet eat on his own, but he is already making attempts to take a spoon and scoop up food.

    The baby's diet should be balanced; the menu includes:

    • meat and fish purees;
    • vegetable dishes;
    • fermented milk products: cottage cheese and kefir, yogurt;
    • yolk;
    • creamy and vegetable oil added to dishes;
    • fruit purees and juices;
    • porridge.

    All dishes are steamed or boiled. It is strictly forbidden to give a child at this age smoked and fried foods, because the unformed gastrointestinal tract is not able to accept food prepared in this way. Pediatric gastroenterologists warn that it is too early to transfer children to a common diet.

    Pediatrician's advice on feeding a child at 9–12 months - video

    Children develop every day. A one-year-old child is very inquisitive, strives to learn as much new things as possible, and also repeats everything after adults. Experts keep repeating that you definitely need to work with your baby. A properly planned daily routine will allow you to allocate time to have time to walk with the baby, conduct developmental activities, eat on time, and also leave time for rest. You should pay attention not only to mental development, but also not to forget about physical exercise. The child must develop comprehensively.

    Modern pedagogy offers a whole list of methods for the development of children. Many mothers try to follow one or more methods. It’s difficult to constantly come up with new activities and games with your baby, but the methods already include a collection ready-made options that need to fill a child’s everyday life.

    From 1 to 1.5 years the child loves:

    • Walk around the apartment holding something in your hands;
    • Get up and sit down;
    • Play while squatting;
    • Walk up the stairs;
    • Climb onto a sofa, armchair;
    • Imitate your actions;
    • Object by saying “no”;
    • Use 1-2 words in combination with gestures;
    • Achieve what you want, be the center of attention, have listeners;
    • Answer simple questions;
    • Hide, hide and look for hidden toys;
    • Throw objects with great accuracy, throw and kick a ball;
    • Add two or three cubes, create simple buildings and immediately destroy them;
    • Fill and empty bags, boxes, drawers;
    • Play with sand, with water;
    • Eat on your own.

    Provide a child from 1 to 1.5 years old:

    • Your attention;
    • Time to play together;
    • A place to play on the floor - it’s good if part of the space is in the space under the table;
    • A comfortable place to walk - stable furniture, a non-slip floor or a fleecy carpet, securely pressed against the furniture;
    • Children's stable chair and table;
    • Cubes - build simple buildings, load them into the car and transport them;
    • Sorter with 2-3 different simple holes (ball, cube, triangular prism);
    • A pyramid of three to four rings that can be strung in any order;
    • Round and square shape— build towers, invest one in another;
    • Various boxes, caskets, old bags;
    • Large toys for the street - a bucket, a shovel, molds, cars with a body;
    • Toys that can be pulled and pushed - different types trolleys with rotating parts, machines;
    • Large Stuffed Toys- feed them, comb their hair, put them to bed;
    • Items for playing with water - plastic cups, watering can, water mill, floating toys;
    • Toys that can be knocked on - a plastic or wooden hammer and objects for hammering - pegs, balls, etc.;
    • A toy telephone, plastic dishes, other household items - a comb, a sponge, so that the baby can play, imitating your everyday actions;
    • A cardboard book with simple, clear pictures;
    • Musical toys and simple instruments with in different ways sound extraction - tambourine, metallophone, pipe;
    • His own plate, cup, spoon - comfortable and unbreakable.

    From 1.5 to 2 years old, the child loves:

    • Use words in speech;
    • Use sentences of 2-3 or more words;
    • Run, help around the house;
    • Affirm “mine”;
    • Observe elders;
    • Come when called;
    • Climb on all objects;
    • Listen to melodies, dance, move to the music;
    • Carry and bring items;
    • Examine, recognize and show parts of the face and body;
    • Sort items;
    • Dig and stir;
    • Putting objects in place;
    • Scribble on paper;
    • Turn pages, show pictures in a book;
    • Screwing and unscrewing.

    Provide your child 1.5 to 2 years old with:

    • Sorter - with 3 - 4 different holes;
    • Children's tape recorder, activated by pressing;
    • A bag for carrying items;
    • Pastel, crayons large sizes and paper;
    • A picture book showing simple steps: the cat washes itself, the dog chews a bone;
    • Books with simple, familiar fairy tales;
    • Simple constructor, simple puzzles;
    • Shelves for toys and help in putting things in place;
    • Plastic jars with screw caps;
    • A constant favorite toy - a doll or Teddy bear and a set of story toys, a steering wheel.

    I think that after reading the lists, you are convinced that this is exactly the basis that you need to adhere to for harmonious development. Me before I buy it for my daughter new toy, I’m studying these lists for missing items.

    Since we are talking about development one year old child, then you should know what we strive for in the development of a one-year-old baby - the thresholds for the development of children at 1.5-2 years (according to data, again Polina Lvovna from the forum of the Discussion Club of the Russian Medical Server) :

    • speech- by 1.5 years, a vocabulary of about 10 words (a phrase consists of 1-2 words and a gesture) -> by the 2nd year, a vocabulary of 50-200 words (the phrase becomes expanded and it becomes possible to describe what is happening in words).
    • thought processes— an understanding of the connection between objects and their functions appears: sweeping with a broom, combing one’s hair with a comb. As a result, the child can foresee the outcome of actions. Those. The child acquires the ability to predict and he begins, first of all, to mentally test it on all the objects that surround him - he fantasizes what will happen to this or that object if he is treated in a certain way. If the child is provided with toys that are analogues of real objects, the child will try to imitate imaginary situations on the toys.
    • socialization- increasing the number of contacts with peers regarding toys and other objects -> imitation in the game -> joint play.

    Guidelines for development

    It is best to start forming your approach to development by studying the development programs recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and developmental methods. When applying techniques, it is necessary to avoid their disadvantages. Read in detail about existing programs and methods.

    The basic principle development of children of any age is to focus on meeting age-related needs. For maximum effect the emergence of these needs should be monitored and satisfied - offering activities, games and toys in accordance with the soon expected needs;

    How to develop a child at 1 year old | Practical lessons

    For maximum effect, you should ensure the baby’s development in all main directions. The table shows options for classes in various areas.


    1. Classes with specialized equipment. As a rule, children fill the need for development in this area themselves, but if you do not want to be content with little and the size of your living space allows, you can purchase a sports complex. My choice of a sports complex is described. Also in the post there are photos of sports complexes that are on sale and comments on them, operating experience with video (Yana in video 1,3).
    2. Also large engine physical development stimulate active games and toys (balls, jumpers)
    3. Fine motor development - stimulated by playing with, finger games. The development of fine motor skills contributes to the development of speech, as it stimulates its centers located on the fingers.
    4. As part of the hearing development of a second-year baby, you can
    5. Tactile. Let your child explore as many different textures as possible. For example, you can There is also a row useful games To get acquainted with the temperature, place towels soaked in warm and ice water on the floor and invite the child to walk on them. Learn the concepts of warm/cold.

    Cognitive. Expanding your horizons and erudition. This is facilitated by the study of the surrounding world, including visual, tactile, and complex through games.

    1. At this age, very relevant, including descriptions from the Shichida technique;
    2. There is a wide variety for one-year-old babies interesting books and therefore, if you choose the right books, there is a high probability of discovering the joy of reading already at this age. A review of books for children is posted here. The formation of relationships with loved ones continues. For building harmonious relations It is important to understand the child, so parents are advised to study the relevant literature. There is no need to communicate with peers at this age.

    You can find even more activity options in development methods.

    I hope that reading this post will allow you to take a more systematic approach to the development of your baby.

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    Time flies very quickly with a small child. More recently, the baby was a tiny lump, unable to raise his head, utter any sounds, or focus his eyes. During the first year, the baby changed dramatically, began to understand a lot, uttered his first words, took his first steps and continues to learn the world. Let's find out how to determine whether a child is developing normally, as well as how to stimulate the further development of a one-year-old baby.

    Physiological changes

    • By 12 months the child is usually triples the weight he was born with. Now the rate of weight gain and height increase is significantly slower compared to the first six months of life.
    • The feet of a one-year-old child are still flat, and they have no arch. If the baby has just begun to walk independently, there are still fatty pads on his feet. As they master walking, they disappear, and a bend appears at the feet.
    • The average number of teeth that one-year-old babies have is 8. Moreover, some children may already have 12 teeth, while others may have only 1-2 first teeth. These are all normal options that do not require seeing a doctor. You need to consult a pediatrician only if teeth are missing at 1 year of age.

    Physical development

    During the twelfth month of life, the baby gains approximately 350 grams of weight, and his height lengthens by another 1-1.5 centimeters. Both the head circumference and chest circumference of a child at this age increases by an average of 0.5 centimeters.

    Different children develop physically at different rates, but based on indicators large number For children of a certain age category, experts have established normal limits for such indicators. We noted these boundaries, along with the average indicators for one-year-old children, in the table:

    When hitting pieces of furniture, some parents teach the child to give “change.” Is it worth doing this, see the next video by Larisa Sviridova.

    What can the baby do?

    • A 12 month old child moves very actively and a lot. By the age of one year, most toddlers already know how to walk independently and are constantly improving this skill. However, some 1-year-old children still need their mother’s support while walking or are in no hurry to start walking, preferring to move quickly on all fours.
    • Also, a one-year-old child can already squat and independently rise from this position. The baby confidently climbs the steps and climbs onto the sofa.
    • A one-year-old baby can take 2 small objects in one hand. The child picks up buttons and other tiny objects with his index finger and thumb.
    • A one-year-old child manages to assemble a pyramid and build towers from cubes.
    • A child's speech includes approximately 10-15 simple words of 1-2 syllables. One word karapuz can have several meanings. The baby does not yet pronounce all the letters and may confuse the syllables.
    • A 1-year-old child understands parents’ speech well. He knows the meaning of the words “can”, “cannot”, “give”, “take”, “come” and many others. He also knows the names of people with whom he often communicates. The baby can already answer a simple question.
    • The baby can carry out simple tasks, for example, wash vegetables, arrange cutlery, wipe off dust.
    • The baby likes to hide and look for toys, throw toys, create and destroy buildings from blocks, fill drawers and boxes and then empty them.
    • Twelve month old baby is interested story games and knows how to play them. The baby can put the toy to sleep or feed it.
    • Hearing the music, the baby will dance and try to sing along.
    • The kid knows many animals and can show them both on a walk and in pictures.
    • The baby knows way of using different objects.
    • Long-term memory The child is developing - the baby is already able to remember events of several days ago.
    • Child becomes more independent every day. At the table he can already handle a spoon and drink from a cup himself. The toddler already has certain preferences in food - the baby does not like some foods at all, but some, on the contrary, the child eats with great pleasure.

    To check if your baby is developing at a normal pace, you should:

    • Assess whether the baby can crawl, stand holding your hand, and take a few steps with your support.
    • Make sure your baby uses at least one gesture, such as shaking his head or waving his hand “bye.”
    • Check that your child understands your simple requests, such as taking a toy or giving it to you.
    • Make sure that the child’s speech contains at least one meaningful word.
    • Check if the baby has at least one tooth or signs of its appearance in the near future.

    If anything alarms you during such a check, tell your pediatrician about it during scheduled inspection in year.

    Development activities

    • The main skill that is being “worked on” one year old child, is walking. If the baby continues to crawl and is in no hurry to take his first steps, you can attract the baby with his favorite toy. Some children are afraid of losing their balance, so holding a toy in their hands can help them start walking.
    • If possible, give the baby go barefoot on the ground, sand or grass.
    • To stimulate gross motor skills, offer your child play with big cars balls and other large toys.
    • Continue working with your child development of fine motor skills. For example, you could attach clothespins to the edges of a coffee can and encourage your child to remove them. Games with beans, cereals, sand, and water are still interesting and useful for a child.
    • Also continue speech development toddler. Talk to your child a lot so that the child can explore a large number of new words. Describe everything you do and the objects your baby sees.
    • Play with your little one but at the same time, allow the baby to do what he can on his own. Play out different scenes together with toys, for example, how a bunny shares cookies with a bear cub, a doll bathes in a bath, a mouse invites a bear cub to visit.
    • Play different genres of music for your child as well as the sounds of various objects. This will stimulate your hearing development.
    • Exercise with your baby drawing, allowing the little one to make the first doodles finger paints, crayons or felt-tip pens. Your little one will also love to create using plasticine and salt dough.
    • Walk with your baby into the sandbox, offering to play with a scoop, molds, sieve, rake.
    • On a sunny day, pay attention to the crumbs your shadows. Offer to step on your shadow.
    • Give your child the opportunity play with other children. If your baby doesn’t have a sister or brother, invite familiar families with preschoolers to visit.
    • Make it for your baby photo album, which will contain photos of all close relatives, as well as pictures of animals. The little one will look at it for a long time.
    • Spend some time every day shared reading with the baby. Buy children's books with bright illustrations for your little one. Let your child choose which book he will “read” today.
    • While swimming, throw small toys that can float in the bathtub, and then give the baby a sieve or scoop, offering to collect the floating objects in a bucket.

    Diversify your day with a lesson using the “Little Leonardo” method by O. N. Teplyakova, an expert on intellectual development.

    Mental development

    The development of the mental sphere of a one-year-old baby continues to remain very intense. The child stays awake longer and is able to concentrate on an interesting game with his mother for several minutes. That is why all developmental activities should be carried out only in the form of a game.

    Based on communication with his mother, by his first birthday, the baby develops trust or distrust in the world that surrounds him.

    If this communication experience is positive, the baby will feel safe and will also project positive emotions onto the world around him. In the second year of life, the child actively continues sensory and cognitive development

    . The baby learns the properties of objects, their shape, colors. In games, parents should constantly guide their one-year-old toddler, since without outside help and prompts, the baby’s actions will remain monotonous. By conducting simple activities with 1-year-old children, parents help the little one compare and distinguish objects, develop memory, and master everyday skills. To evaluate mental development

    • child at 1 year old, you can use the following tests:
    • Give your child 2 blocks and show him how to build a tower. The child will not throw the cubes or drag them into his mouth, but will place one on top of the other. By 18 months, the baby will already be able to use 3-4 cubes to build a tower. Offer your baby a toy to invest in(insert frame or sorter). A one-year-old baby must place the circle in the hole for it.
    • Give the little one a pyramid and ask him to assemble it. A 1-1.5 year old child will try to string rings, but will not take into account their size. Children learn to fold a pyramid correctly, taking into account the size of the rings, only by the age of 2.
    • Assess your skills in using household items. A 12-15 month old toddler can already use a spoon and cup correctly. At 1.5 years old, a child is able to take off socks, a hat and mittens.

    Play with your little one and build towers with him from different figures, explain why the tower falls

    Motor skills

    To assess the baby’s gross motor skills, find out whether the baby can walk for a long time, whether he has learned to bend and squat, and whether he is able to get up from his knees and climb onto the sofa. Exercises that develop gross motor skills will include:

    • Jumping. Hold the little one under the armpits or by the arms and let the baby jump in place.
    • Climbing onto the sofa and lowering back to the floor. For this purpose, you can attract your toddler with your favorite toy.
    • Climbing. Invite the baby to crawl under the chair, climb into big box and get out of it.
    • Stepping over. Having laid out various objects on the floor, walk around the room with your toddler, holding the child’s hand. When the baby approaches an obstacle, show that you first need to lift one leg and step over the object, and then take the same step with the other leg.
    • Ball games. Teach your child to throw a ball on the floor, first give the ball to the baby in his hands, and then place it next to him so that the child can pick up the ball himself. Next, learn to catch the ball. To develop your eye, you can throw a ball into a box.

    To develop fine motor skills of a one-year-old child, you can:

    • Draw with pencils. First, hold the baby's pen with a pencil and simply leave marks on the paper. Try to interest your baby in drawing.
    • Draw with paints. Give your child a dry brush and show him how to make strokes, and then begin to master painting with paints.
    • Sculpt from plasticine. Roll a ball and show your baby how to make a cake out of it, then invite your little one to repeat.
    • Stick pebbles, buttons, and tubes into plasticine.
    • Shape from salt dough.
    • Place stickers on yourself or on a piece of paper.
    • Paint with finger paints.
    • Play with lacing.
    • Wind the threads around the ball.
    • Play with water, cereal or sand using a sieve and spoon.
    • Screw and unscrew the caps.
    • Play with the sorter and frame inserts.
    • Learn to deal with hooks, Velcro, snaps, buttons.
    • Play with clothespins.
    • Practice with a sensory box.

    Speech development

    In the second year of life, the baby’s speech develops, as well as its rapid improvement. First, the baby begins to understand speech, and then at a high pace it replenishes its vocabulary and the stage of active speech begins. At the same time, the toddler’s facial expressions and gestures are enriched. At one year old, one word from a baby can mean an entire phrase.

    To stimulate the speech development of a one-year-old child, you can:

    • Look at pictures in books, voicing what is drawn and asking the child simple questions based on the drawing, for example, “where is the dog?”
    • Read rhymes and nursery rhymes with little ones, short tales and rhymes, as well as sing songs.
    • Perform articulation gymnastics.
    • Do gymnastics and finger massage.
    • Tell the baby about everything that can interest the little one - about nature, animals, seasons, houses and much more.

    Finger games will help the baby's development. Watch Tatyana Lazareva's video, where she shows how you can play with a 1-year-old child.

    Approximate weekly plan for the development of a one-year-old child

    To ensure that the classes do not bore the baby, are not repeated and include all important areas of development, it is worth planning them in advance for at least one week. This will allow the mother to cover all areas of the toddler’s development and prepare materials for educational games in advance.

    We offer an example of a weekly schedule of developmental activities for a child aged 1-1.5 years:








    Physical development

    Ball games

    Gymnastics to music

    Fitball exercises

    Walking with obstacles

    Gymnastics video lesson

    Cognitive development

    Putting the puzzle together

    Finding the whole from the parts

    Games with dice

    Studying fruits

    Sort items by color

    Pyramid games

    Looking for a missing toy

    Sensory and musical development

    Listening to the sounds of musical instruments

    Studying smells

    Studying materials by touch

    Listening to children's songs

    Studying tastes

    Playing with a sensory box

    Listening to classical music

    Fine motor skills

    Finger gymnastics

    Games with cereals

    Lacing games

    Finger gymnastics

    Games with clothespins

    Games with stickers

    Sand games

    Speech development

    Reading a fairy tale

    Articulation gymnastics

    Discussion of the plot picture

    Reading poetry

    Articulation gymnastics

    Looking at pictures and discussing them

    Reading nursery rhymes

    Creative development

    Finger painting


    Drawing with pencils

    Salt dough modeling

    Drawing with paints

    Playing with a constructor

    Modeling from plasticine

    This is just a rough plan that should be modified for each individual child. Be sure to include activities that your baby enjoys in your weekly routine. At the end of the week, make an analysis of what you have completed, based on which you can add any activities or reduce the list of games for the day.

    Toys from 1 to 2 years

    Toys help the baby develop both physical and emotional sphere. With their help, the child learns about the world, explores the environment, develops imagination, becomes proactive and learns cause-and-effect relationships.

    For information on what toys are worth purchasing for a 1-2 year old child, watch Anna Gapchenko’s video.

    Among the toys of a 1-2 year old child should be:

    • Cubes.
    • Sorter with several simple holes.
    • Pyramid with 3-4 rings.
    • Cups are square and round.
    • Boxes of different sizes.
    • Outdoor toys - a shovel, molds, a car with a body, a bucket.
    • Toys that pull or push.
    • Soft toys that the baby can put to sleep and feed.
    • Toys for playing with water.
    • Plastic dishes.
    • Toy phone.
    • Toys that imitate household items.
    • Musical toys.
    • Cardboard or fabric books.

    And a few more tips regarding toys for a one-year-old child:

    • Do not give your baby a large number of items to play with at once. They will quickly bore the little one and cause fatigue. Put some of the toys in a distant drawer or hide them, and after a while replace the missing toys with those that the child is already slightly tired of.
    • When visiting friends with children, pay attention to which toys are most interesting to the little one. This will give you the opportunity to replenish your supply of toys with items that your baby will probably play with.
    • Many children like to play with everyday objects (pot lids, sheets, mirrors, etc.). Don't ban them, but make sure these games are safe.

    Games with cereals are one of the baby's favorites. How to conduct such classes, see the following video.


    Hygiene procedures are an important element of the daily routine in the life of a one-year-old toddler. In the morning, the child is washed and cleaned. It is also important for your baby to brush his teeth and be sure to wash his hands before eating and after walking. Before going to bed, the baby is traditionally bathed, combining this water procedure with fun games in the water.

    Daily regime

    By the age of one year, all children have a certain daily routine, changing several times over the 12 months of life. Its maintenance is important for the baby’s well-being. The main points of a 12-month-old child’s daily routine are the organization of sleep and wakefulness, as well as nutrition.


    Children aged 1 year are awake more, but still sleep about 14-15 hours a day. Night rest lasts on average 10-11 hours, and during the day a 12-month-old child sleeps twice. In this case, the first nap usually lasts longer (2-2.5 hours), and the second nap is shorter (1.5 hours). Children begin to transition to one nap at around 18 months.


    The daily routine of a 12-month-old baby includes active and quiet games, gymnastic exercises, reading books, walks, visits and much more. In the first half of the day, active games are welcome, but in the evening they should be avoided. Gymnastics with your child should be performed an hour before meals.


    It is recommended to take your one-year-old for walks 2 times a day, and in good weather, at least one of the daytime naps should be organized during a walk. It is recommended to go outside with the baby in the morning at 10-11 o’clock, and in the afternoon at 16-17 o’clock. The duration of walks should be 2 hours or more. It will be affected by weather conditions, e.g. summer days The baby can easily spend 5-6 hours walking. If the frost outside is below -10, there is heavy rain or it is very windy, you should refrain from walking.


    A 1-year-old child still eats 5 times a day with pauses between meals of 3.5-4 hours. It is recommended to adhere to a feeding schedule, offering your baby food at approximately the same time, and also avoiding long breaks. You can determine the total daily amount of food for a one-year-old baby by dividing the baby’s body weight by 9. On average, children of this age eat 1000-1300 ml of food per day. Dividing this volume by the number of feedings, you will get an average serving volume of 200-260 ml.

    P baby's feeding breastfeeding includes more and more complementary foods. The baby is latched to the breast mainly around sleep, during the day (for example, if he falls) and after eating (with complementary foods). At night, active mid-morning feedings remain, which occur at 4-8 am.

    Children on artificial feeding you can continue to feed with an adapted formula, offering it at two feedings (the first and before bedtime). If necessary, the mixture can already be canceled by offering the baby porridge for breakfast and replacing the mixture before bed with a fermented milk drink.

    Spices, herbs, salt, and some types of sweets (marshmallows, marshmallows) appear in the diet of a one-year-old child. It is still too early for such children to become acquainted with fried foods, sausages, smoked meats, fatty meats, exotic fruits, mushrooms and chocolate.

    Calculate your complementary feeding table

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