• Social adaptation of preschool children. Educational portal


    Social adaptation baby

    (English adaptation of child in society) - according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on guarantees of the rights of the child, the active adaptation of a child (i.e. a person until he reaches the age of 18) who is in difficult circumstances life situation, to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, as well as the process of overcoming the consequences of psychological or moral trauma (Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”**).

    Large legal dictionary. Akademik.ru. 2010.

    See what “Social adaptation of a child” is in other dictionaries:

      Social adaptation of the child- (English adaptation of child in society) according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on guarantees of the rights of the child, the process of active adaptation of a child (i.e. a person before reaching the age of 18), who is in a difficult life situation, to those accepted in society... ... Encyclopedia of Law

      Social adaptation of the child- the process of active adaptation of a child in a difficult life situation to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, as well as the process of overcoming the consequences of psychological or moral trauma;... Source: the federal law… … Official terminology

      adaptation- A state of dynamic correspondence, balance between a living system (human) and the external environment. The ability of a living organism to adapt to changes in the environment, external (internal) conditions of existence by preserving and... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

      Adaptation- is an integrative indicator of a person’s condition, reflecting his ability to perform certain biosocial functions, namely: adequate perception of the surrounding reality and his own body; an adequate system of relations and... ... Dictionary-reference book for social work

      Adaptation- 1. in evolutionary theory, any structural or behavioral change that is significant for the survival of the individual and species; 2. in social psychology, a change in the system of relationships of an individual in social psychological and cultural terms, serving the purpose... ...

      Social adaptation (in developmental psychology)- [lat. adaptare adapt; socialis social] process and result of a child’s adaptation to life in society. Initially (in infancy), society is represented for the child by the immediate family environment. This stage of A. s.... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

      SOCIAL ADAPTATION- 1) active adaptation of a person to a changed environment with the help of various social networks. means, which is characterized by the fact that a person, having realized the need for changes in relations with the environment, forms new ways of behavior aimed at... ... Pedagogical dictionary

      Social adaptation- 1) active adaptation of a person to a changed environment with the help of various social networks. means, which is characterized by the fact that a person, having realized the need for changes in relations with the environment, forms new ways of behavior aimed at... ... Pedagogical encyclopedia "Education" healthy image students' lives"

      social adaptation- (from the Latin adapto adapto and socium society) active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment by assimilation and acceptance of goals, values, norms and styles of behavior accepted in society. In the process of personality formation, A. s. happening... ... Defectology. Dictionary-reference book

      Methodology “Child’s Interpersonal Relationships”- Rene Gilles. Adaptation by I. N. Gilyasheva, N. D. Ignatieva. Designed to reveal structure interpersonal relationships child. The interpersonal relationships of a child are understood not only as relationships between parents and children, but also... ... Psychology of communication. encyclopedic Dictionary


    • Social adaptation of children with disabilities from 1.5 to 3 years. Educational planning activities. Interaction with parents, Mokhireva E.A.. Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education, as the main directions of psychological and pedagogical support for preschoolers, determines the formation, development and correction of their cognitive processes and social-personal... Buy for 113 rubles
    • Social adaptation of children with disabilities from 1.5 to 3 years. Planning educational activities, interaction with parents. Federal State Educational Standard of Education, Elena Anatolyevna Mokhireva, Elena Leonidovna Nazarova, Irina Vadimovna Timoshenko. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education determines the formation, development and correction of their cognitive processes and social-personal...

    IN modern world The problem of social development of the younger generation is becoming one of the most pressing. Today's teachers and parents are very concerned that the child entering this world becomes confident, happy, smart, kind and successful.

    In this complex process of human development and his socialization, a lot depends on how the child in the first years of life adapts to the world of people (adults and peers) in educational preschool institutions, whether he can find his place in life and realize his own potential. The problem of social adaptation of children and the pedagogical conditions for its successful development in preschool educational institutions is of great interest to modern pedagogy childhood.

    Analysis of research (N.M. Aksarina, N.D. Vatutina, G.G. Grigorieva, R.V. Tonkovo-Yanpolskaya, etc.) shows that pedagogy has thoroughly studied adaptation in early age to the conditions of a kindergarten. The studies highlight the degree of adaptation of the child; factors influencing the nature and duration of the adaptation period are revealed; Recommendations have been developed for teachers and parents on preparing children for admission to preschool and organization of the adaptation period in preschool educational institutions (E.P. Arnautov, N.N. Andreeva, T.N. Doronova, A.V. Kosheleva, T.A. Konstantinova, etc.).

    The issues of adaptation of older children deserve special attention. preschool age in the preschool educational institution group, and, above all, the study of factors and problems that cause difficulties in the process of social adaptation, which negatively affects the social and personal development of the older preschooler and his psychological readiness for school.

    In psychological and pedagogical research, attention is paid to the problem of interpersonal relationships of older preschoolers with peers and adults (V.N. Belkina, M.I. Lisina, E.A. Kudryavtseva, T.A. Repina, E.O. Smirnova, etc. ): the study of interpersonal relationships in a children's group (R.I. Zhukovskaya, S.A. Kozlova, A.S. Loginova, A.P. Usova, etc.). These studies (M.I. Lisina, R.S. Bure, L.S. Kolominsky, T.A. Repina, T.I. Babaeva, V.A. Derkunskaya, T.A. Vladimirova, etc.) indicate that the result of successful social adaptation of older preschoolers is their emotional well-being and active participation in life preschool educational institutions groups.

    The term “adaptation” is interpreted in various ways. In philosophy, adaptation is considered as an aspect of life in which one of the fundamental properties of living matter is realized - the ability for self-preservation and development in specific conditions;

    A number of authors consider adaptation as, firstly, a property of the organism, secondly, the process of adaptation to changing environmental conditions, the essence of which is to achieve simultaneous balance between the environment and the organism, thirdly, the result of interaction in the “man-environment” system, fourthly, the goal towards which the body strives (I. P. Pavlov, I. M. Sechenov, P. K. Anokhin, G. Selye); the famous psychologist Piaget emphasized that adaptation can be considered as a unity of oppositely directed processes: accommodation and assimilation.

    In the context of our study, the greatest interest is understanding social adaptation, as a process of active adaptation of an individual to the conditions of the social environment, as well as as a result of this process, manifested in the formation of self-awareness and role behavior, self-control, and the ability to make adequate connections with others.

    Self concept of “social adaptation” is considered as “the process of an individual’s adaptation to a changed environment with the help of various social funds. Social adaptation represents an element of activity, the function of which is to master relatively stable environmental conditions, solve repetitive, typical problems by using accepted methods of social behavior and action. The main way of social adaptation is the acceptance of the norms and values ​​of the new social environment, established forms of interaction, as well as forms of objective activity.” The result of social adaptation is the achievement of positive spiritual health and compliance of personal values ​​with the values ​​of society, the development of certain necessary personal qualities in the adapting individual (G. Allport, A. Maslow, S. Rogers, A. Bandura).

    Analysis scientific literature showed that social adaptation is a multifactorial phenomenon determined by socio-economic, demographic, economic, and psychophysiological factors.

    Our study was aimed at determining the reasons for the social adaptation of older preschool children to the preschool group. For this purpose, we have identified individual parameters:

    1. A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an individual’s active activity. Each person has their own optimal or desired level of anxiety - the so-called useful anxiety.

    2. Self-esteem refers to the fundamental formations of a person: it largely determines his activity, attitude towards himself and others. A person’s relationships with others, his criticality, self-demandingness, and attitude toward successes and failures depend on self-esteem.

    3. Interaction - the joint activity of several participants in order to achieve one final goal, the realization of which everyone strives to achieve in the most convenient way for themselves, taking into account the interests of their partners.

    4. Communication is one of the most important factors mental development from the first days of a child's life.

    5. Social status- a person’s position in the system of interpersonal relationships and the measure of his psychological influence on group members.

    Just as an analysis of research and psychological and pedagogical literature has shown, the process of social adaptation of a preschool child is greatly influenced by an adult as a bearer of social experience and values.

    An analysis of research has shown that in order for a child to successfully adapt to the conditions of a preschool institution, it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten. This largely depends on the competence of the teachers, on their ability and desire to create an atmosphere of warmth, kindness, and attention in the group. Therefore, the organization of the adaptation period begins with increasing the professional level of educators, their psychological education using traditional and new teaching methods (teacher councils, seminars, training, consultations), developing in them such qualities as the ability to empathize, communication skills, goodwill, organizational and artistic abilities , emotional stability, etc.

    The success of social adaptation of preschoolers is determined by a subject-developing educational environment, which includes the subject environment and the system of social relations between participants in the educational process in mastering a real role position in the process of inter-age interactions.

    Based on the analysis of research and psychological and pedagogical literature, we developed and conducted a confirmatory experiment.

    The study of social adaptation of children of senior preschool age in the preschool group was carried out on the basis of the State Preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 37, Primorsky district of St. Petersburg.

    The study involved 75 children of senior preschool age, as well as teachers and parents of the children.

    Let us present brief results of the ascertaining experiment, which was carried out in two directions:

    The first direction was aimed at identifying the level of social adaptation of children of senior preschool age in the preschool group and was carried out using a set of methods.

    Through the method of expert assessments, which was carried out in two stages, the first - starting from the third week of the child’s visit to the preschool group, the second was carried out in December. Comparison of the data obtained made it possible to identify children showing signs of problematic adaptation: refusal to eat, sleep, a negative attitude towards the kindergarten situation, a decrease in the general emotional background (tearfulness, anxiety). The identified problems made it possible to identify children at risk in terms of social adaptation.

    The results of the study of self-esteem made it possible to identify children with different levels of self-esteem, including low ones. The subjective experience of one’s own insignificance and undervaluation in the eyes of others can be a source of interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts and difficulties in social adaptation in a peer group and can have a negative impact on the child’s social adaptation.

    As a result of the observation, the following problems were identified in the relationships of children of senior preschool age with peers and adults:

    1. Lack of development of age-appropriate communication skills: inability to enter the game, contact a peer or adult.

    2. Inability to resolve independently conflict situations: intolerance of resistance from activity partners, avoidance of the situation.

    3. Negatively colored communication style: rudeness, teasing, stubbornness, etc.

    5. Uncertainty, timidity, decreased self-esteem, which prevents the child from showing his activity in the preschool group.

    The conducted sociometric study made it possible to identify children who are not accepted by their peers: these are precisely those children who, based on observation results, have identified a number of communication problems.

    Thus, the results of the experiment made it possible to identify children with pronounced communication problems. In addition, the main groups of problems in the relationships of older preschool children with peers and adults were identified. The first direction of the ascertaining experiment made it possible to identify 18 preschool children with a violation of social adaptation. These children are characterized by lack of self-confidence, lack of achievement motivation, peculiarities of the emotional-volitional sphere, and insufficient development of communication skills. The latter include: the inability to enter the game, turn to a peer or an adult; inability to independently resolve conflict situations; intolerance of resistance from partners in activities.

    In addition, factors leading to impaired social adaptation of children of senior preschool age were identified:

    1. Diseases that disrupt the functioning of the nervous system. For example, with ADHD, children are inattentive, impulsive, too active, which causes them to be rejected by others; atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma change the general nervous background: such children are more capricious, whiny, and unrestrained.

    2. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere, among which we can highlight increased level anxiety, aggression, slowness, shyness.

    3. Lack of communication skills, difficulties in communicating with adults and peers. It is this factor that most often causes a violation of social adaptation.

    The second direction was to study the level of competence of teachers on the problem of social adaptation of older preschoolers in a peer group.

    The results of the survey revealed “problem areas” of teachers regarding the issue of social adaptation of preschool children in preschool educational institutions. The teachers showed different depths of theoretical knowledge and ideas about social development and social adaptation. It should be noted that there were teachers who showed a complete misunderstanding of these terms. Not a single teacher indicated the role of the educator in the adaptation process. This situation may be associated both with insufficient understanding of the role of the teacher in the adaptation process, and with inflated professional self-esteem.

    As a result of observation, it was found that educators use different approaches to pedagogical communication and guidance of children with problems of social adaptation. Analysis of the observation results revealed a low degree of understanding by teachers of the characteristics and needs of preschoolers with problems of social adaptation, and insufficient emotional acceptance of such children. The teachers did not show tolerance for the pupils’ shortcomings, did not pay the necessary attention to their personal affairs and problems, thereby not providing them with the necessary level of support and psychological comfort in the kindergarten group. It should be noted that teachers who indicated during the survey some methods and techniques for working with children with problems of social adaptation rarely apply them in practice. Some educators tried to take into account in their work the characteristics of preschoolers with problems of social adaptation, but they did this unsystematically, situationally, using not special technology, but only individual techniques and methods.

    The conducted ascertaining experiment allows us to draw the following conclusions:

    1. In each of the surveyed groups, preschoolers with problems of social adaptation of preschool educational institutions were identified.

    2. The study identified factors leading to disruption of social adaptation of children of senior preschool age in the preschool group: diseases that disrupt the functioning of the nervous system; features of the emotional-volitional sphere and children’s attitude towards being in kindergarten poor communication skills, which leads to difficulties in communicating with adults and peers.

    3. In general, the experiment showed that the problem of social adaptation is associated with a violation of the motivational, content-activity and regulatory components. A particularly significant reason for the disruption of social adaptation of older preschoolers in a group is most often the lack of formation of 3 groups of communication skills (L.R. Munirova): the group of information and communication skills consists of the ability to engage in the communication process; navigate partners and communication situations; correlate the means of verbal and nonverbal communication; the group of regulatory-communication skills consists of the ability to coordinate one’s actions, opinions, and attitudes with the needs of fellow communicators; trust, help and support those with whom you communicate; apply your individual skills when solving joint problems; evaluate the results of joint communication; the group of affective-communication skills consists of the ability to share one’s feelings, interests, and moods with communication partners; show sensitivity, responsiveness, empathy to communication partners; assess each other's emotional behavior.

    4. An insufficient level of pedagogical competence of educators on issues of social adaptation of the child in the preschool group has been revealed. Educators do not realize the need for a holistic approach to the problem of social adaptation of an older preschooler in conjunction with a violation of the motivational, content-active and regulatory components of this process; the methods and techniques they use in relation to children with difficulties in social adaptation are not effective enough.

    Our research confirms the relevance of this problem and allows us to assert that there is an urgent need to find a solution to the issue of social adaptation of children of senior preschool age.

    Victoria Komarova
    Social adaptation of preschool children

    Social adaptation of preschool children.

    Relevance. In the process of developing the child’s personality and his socialization It is of great importance how he is in the first years of life adapts to the human world(adults and peers) in educational children's preschool institutions whether he can find his place in life and realize his own potential. Problem social adaptation of children and the pedagogical conditions for its successful implementation in preschool educational institutions is currently of great interest to teachers and psychologists, because preschool the institution is an institute socialization of children at its first stage, and the peer group represents a microform of society where the child preschool age becomes familiar with social norms, acquires certain social interaction skills society.

    So, before we talk about social adaptation of preschoolers, I would like to give a definition of what it is adaptation and social adaptation in general.

    Adaptation- this is a person’s adaptation to new circumstances and a new environment.

    Concept social adaptation will be considered within the scope of the report.

    Social adaptation- this is the child’s entry into a group of peers ( social group , acceptance of norms, rules of behavior existing in society, adaptation to living conditions in the process of which self-awareness and role behavior, the ability to self-control, self-service, and adequate connections with others are formed.

    As noted above social adaptation is a condition for the formation of a broader and more meaningful concept « socialization» .

    Socialization- the process and result of the child’s learning social experience. As a result socialization the child becomes a cultured, educated and well-mannered person.

    And the result socialization of preschool children is the child's readiness for school.

    Let's now consider social adaptation of preschoolers. As is known preschool age divisible by two period: Jr preschool age and senior preschool age. Therefore consider social adaptation We will be within these periods.

    So, junior preschool age– a period of rapid formation of all psychophysiological processes characteristic of humans. And the child’s further development and successful stay in kindergarten and in the family depend on how the child gets used to the new daily routine, to unfamiliar adults and peers.

    To the main criteria social adaptation child to conditions of the preschool educational institution relate:

    * behavioral reactions;

    * level of neuropsychic development;

    * morbidity and course of the disease;

    * main anthropometric indicators physical development (Height Weight).

    There are different degrees of severity of passage social adaptation for kindergarten for younger children preschoolers:

    1. Light adaptation:

    Temporary sleep disturbance (normalizes within 7-10 days);

    Appetite (norm after 10 days);

    Inappropriate emotional reactions (whims, isolation, aggression, depression, etc.) returns to normal in 20-30 days;

    The nature of relationships with adults and physical activity practically do not change;

    Functional disorders are practically not expressed, they normalize in 2-4 weeks, no diseases occur. The main symptoms disappear within a month (2-3 weeks is standard).

    2. Medium adaptation: all violations are more pronounced and for a long time: sleep, appetite are restored within 20-40 days, emotional condition(30 days, motor activity, which undergoes significant changes, returns to normal in 30-35 days. Interaction with adults and peers is not impaired. Functional changes are clearly expressed, diseases are recorded (for example, acute respiratory infection).

    3. Heavy adaptation(from 2 to 6 months) accompanied by a gross violation of all manifestations and reactions of the child. This type adaptation characterized by a decrease in appetite (sometimes vomiting occurs during feeding, severe sleep disturbances, the child often avoids contact with peers, tries to retire, there is a manifestation of aggression, a depressed state for a long time (the child cries, is passive, sometimes wave-like changes in mood occur). In severe adaptation As a rule, children get sick within the first 10 days and continue to get sick again throughout the entire period of getting used to a group of peers.

    4. Very heavy adaptation: about six months or more. The question arises whether the child should stay in kindergarten; perhaps he "non-Sadovsky" child.

    There are four main behavioral factors adaptation:

    emotional state of the child;

    child's social contacts;

    afternoon nap;

    child's appetite.


    a good appetite;

    restful sleep;

    willing communication with other children;

    adequate reaction to any proposal from the teacher;

    normal emotional state.

    In senior preschool age there is an intensive development of intellectual, moral-volitional and emotional sphere personality. Go to senior group associated with a change in psychological position children: for the first time they begin to feel like the oldest among others children in kindergarten.

    Factors leading to violation social adaptation of children of senior preschool age:

    1. Diseases that disrupt the functioning of the nervous system. For example, with ADHD, children are inattentive, impulsive, too active, which causes them to be rejected by others; atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma change the general nervous system background: such children are more capricious, whiny, and unrestrained.

    2. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere, among which one can highlight an increased level of anxiety, aggression, slowness, and shyness.

    3. Lack of communication skills, difficulties in communicating with adults and peers. It is this factor that most often causes violations social adaptation.

    4. Inability to independently resolve conflicts situations: intolerance of resistance from activity partners, avoidance of the situation, etc.

    To the main method of overcoming and preventing difficulties social adaptation refers to – game, because the game is the leading activity preschoolers. There are three classes games:

    1) games that arise on the initiative of the child ( children, - independent games:


    independent plot games:





    2) games that arise on the initiative of an adult who introduces them for educational reasons

    and educational purposes:

    educational games:




    leisure games:

    Fun games,

    Entertainment games,


    Festive and carnival,

    Theatrical productions;

    3) games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group (folk, which can arise on the initiative of both an adult and older children.

    Games for forming preschool children culture of communication

    "Life in the Forest"

    "Good Elves"

    "Shadow play"

    Games to develop the emotional, moral sphere and communication skills of children of senior preschool age.

    "Name yourself"

    "Call me kindly"

    "Magic Chair"

    "Gift for a Friend"


    "Pyramid of Love"

    Development games communication skills preschool children

    We teach you to control movements and work according to instructions

    "Cold - hot, right - left"

    We cultivate trust in each other, a sense of responsibility for each other


    We actively develop skills listen:

    We learn to communicate at verbal and non-verbal levels, determine the emotional state of other people, express our feelings

    "Pantomime Sketches"

    "Tales from the Inside Out"

    Developing auditory perception



    "Pum - pum - pum"

    We develop the ability to highlight the main idea of ​​a statement and summarize

    "Movement Mirror"

    We develop the ability to understand each other, to delve into the essence of the information received

    "A toy shop"

    We develop the ability to establish logical, cause-and-effect relationships, and make inferences

    "I'm throwing you the ball"

    Games to overcome negative emotions and anger

    "Picture an animal"

    "Go away, anger, go away"

    The concept of social adaptation of children

    Social adaptation is the adaptive ability of individuals to change their behavior depending on changes in the social environment.

    Note 1

    Social adaptation of children - continuous, specially organized process adaptation of the child to the social environment through the assimilation of certain norms and rules of behavior established in a given society.

    Orphans, disabled children, children with psychological trauma are especially in need of special measures of social rehabilitation and adaptation that can ensure their painless entry into society, as well as the realization of their working and creative potential.

    Social adaptation is carried out due to functional system adaptation mechanisms. Exceeding the adaptive capabilities of this system leads to the development of pathological adaptation. Social adaptation may be accompanied by emotional or mental stress.

    Social adaptation of preschool children

    Most children, having reached 3-4 years of age, begin to attend preschool institutions - a new and unknown environment. The beginning of visiting a nursery is associated with the need to adapt to a new social environment, establish contacts with unfamiliar children and adults, and develop adaptive mechanisms.

    A clear daily routine, certain responsibilities and requirements come as a surprise to the child, which causes stress.

    Lack of preliminary preparation for visiting preschool institutions can cause a number of reactions of a neurotic nature in a child: emotional disturbances, development of a feeling of fear of kindergarten, deterioration of appetite, sleep disturbances, and increased incidence of diseases.

    Social and psychological adaptation in children occurs differently and depends on age, type of higher nervous activity, health status, characteristics family education and relationships between its members, contact, goodwill, level of development of gaming skills, emotional dependence from mother.

    A child’s social adaptation to a preschool institution largely depends on moral and physical preparedness for changes, and on the type of higher nervous system. Thus, in sanguine and choleric people adaptation occurs faster than in melancholic and phlegmatic people.

    Social adaptation is significantly hampered by factors such as:

    • social incompetence;
    • emotional inadequacy;
    • unsocialized aggression;
    • resistance to the educational and educational process;
    • Poorly developed or absent skills for behavior in unfamiliar places;
    • lack of experience communicating with other children and unfamiliar adults.

    To soften the process of social adaptation, it is necessary to accustom the child to the correct daily routine, teach the art of communication, encourage the child’s independence, in a preschool institution take an individual approach to working with each child, and create a cozy and supportive atmosphere in children’s groups.

    Social adaptation of schoolchildren

    For a student, the most critical and difficult period is the first year of school. At this time, the child’s place in the system changes social relations, way of life, the psycho-emotional load increases greatly. The child is required to: intense mental work, focus on lessons, activate attention, maintain correct posture in lessons, establish contacts with classmates and teachers, and carry out school discipline.

    For many first-graders, especially six-year-olds, social adaptation presents great difficulties, since a personality capable of assimilating new school norms of behavior, obeying the school regime, and recognizing new responsibilities has not yet been formed.

    By the age of seven, a child already has a conscious regulation of his behavior; he is guided by social requirements and norms.

    Social adaptation of schoolchildren is reduced by hyperactivity and increased fatigue of the nervous system. Children may experience irritability in the first months of school, headache, increased fatigue, sleep disturbance, tearfulness, psychological difficulties (negative attitude towards learning, feelings of fear, misconception about one’s own capabilities and abilities).

    The adaptation process in schoolchildren is greatly influenced by the conditions in which it began. academic year. At the initial stage of education, the performance of a first-grader largely depends on how the process of social adaptation proceeds.

    Note 2

    The main task of parents and teachers during the period of a child’s adaptation to school is to interest him in learning and help him adapt to new social conditions. Adaptability is the result of adaptation, which is a system of skills, abilities, and personality traits that ensure effective further learning.

    Levels of adaptation to school education:

    1. High level. The child has a positive attitude towards the educational institution and its requirements; he calmly and easily accepts educational material, fully masters the educational material, is attentive, diligent, shows interest in independent work, conscientiously and willingly carries out public assignments, occupies a favorable status position in the class.
    2. Average level. Attending school does not cause negative emotions in the child, he understands the educational material, assimilates the main content of the educational material, can independently solve typical problems, is attentive and focused when completing tasks, conscientiously carries out public assignments, and is friends with classmates.
    3. Low level. The child has an indifferent or negative attitude towards school, often complains about his health, a depressed mood prevails, the educational material is absorbed fragmentarily, does not show interest in independent work, prepares for lessons irregularly, carries out social assignments without much desire, and has no close friends.

    T.V. Dorozhevets developed a model of child adaptation to school, according to which school adaptation occurs as:

    • academic – reflects the level of compliance of the student’s behavior with the norms of school life;
    • social – characterizes how successful the process of a child’s entry into a new social environment is;
    • personal – shows the degree to which the child accepts himself as a representative of a new social community.

    In modern science, the term “adaptation” is multidimensional, manifested at all levels of people’s lives, structural-functional, spiritual-practical education andbelongs to the category of interdisciplinary scientific concepts in the fields of philosophy, biology, sociology, psychology and pedagogy.

    In philosophical and sociological research (V.Yu. Vereshchagin, I. Kalaikov, I.A. Miloslavova, K.V. Rubchevsky, S.P. Tatarova, L.L. Shpak, G.I. Tsaregorodtsev, etc.) adaptation presented as a process of a person’s entry into the social environment, mastering its norms, rules, values, new social roles and positions.

    It should be noted that if psychological science studies primarily the adaptive properties of the individual, the nature of adaptive processes and the mechanisms of adaptation of the individual to the social environment, then pedagogy considers the issues of management and pedagogical support for adaptation of the younger generation, searches for means, forms, methods of prevention and correction of unfavorable adaptation options and studies the role of various socialization institutions in the adaptation of children and youth.

    The purpose of this work is to study the social adaptation of the child.

    This goal is revealed by solving the following tasks:

      Give the concept of social adaptation.

      Analyze aboutfeatures of children's adaptation to preschool institutions.

      Consider the features of the child’s social adaptation to school.

    The structure of the work is represented by an introduction, three paragraphs, a conclusion and a bibliography, which corresponds to the stated goals and objectives.

    1 The concept of social adaptation

    Admission to a preschool institution is always accompanied by certain psychological difficulties for a child. These difficulties arise due to the fact that the child moves from his familiar and usual family environment to the environment of a preschool institution. The conditions of preschool institutions are specific. This is a special microsocial environment that cannot be contrasted or identified with family conditions.

    The peculiarities of preschool institutions are, firstly, the long-term coexistence of a fairly significant number of peers, which increases the possibility of cross-infection (indeed, usually children attending preschool institutions get sick somewhat more often than children brought up in a family) and leads to faster than in family conditions, fatigue of children.

    Secondly, certain pedagogical standards in approaches to children somewhat fetter the child’s individuality, which can lead to negative manifestations in the behavior of children if not properly raised. Certain social conditions require forms of behavior that correspond to these conditions.

    The ability of people to change their behavior in response to change social conditions received the definition of social adaptation. The term "adaptation" means adjustment. This is a universal phenomenon of all living things, which can be observed in both the plant and animal worlds. Plants adapt to grow in a certain soil, in a certain climate. Animals adapt to a particular habitat - fish live in water, birds live in the air, and humans, in addition to adapting their body to climatic and geographical conditions (which is defined by the term “biological adaptation”), must have the ability to adapt to social conditions. A person has a special functional system of adaptation mechanisms that carries out all adaptive reactions. Social adaptation is also carried out within the framework of the same system.

    So, the property of adaptation creates conditions for the most optimal existence of the organism. If a person is healthy, he has a good emotional reaction, he is, as they say, satisfied with life, this state is defined as physiological adaptation. But then the need for some kind of change arises (a person walks up a hill, his breathing and heart rate increase). The systems involved begin to work more intensively, since any restructuring of reactions requires strengthening the voltage function. This state is referred to as tense adaptation. If the capabilities of the system of adaptation mechanisms are not exceeded, then such tension and restructuring will lead to a new level of physiological adaptation, i.e., reactions that best meet the needs of a given situation.

    When adaptive capabilities are exceeded, functional systems begin to operate in unfavorable modes - this is a form of pathological adaptation. Illness is a typical manifestation of pathological adaptation. The so-called stress reaction occurs when the capabilities of the system of adaptation mechanisms are exceeded. Depending on which system is most interested in the stress response, pain stress is distinguished, mental or emotional.

    How are a child’s ability to adapt developed? To what extent is this an innate quality, and how much is acquired through development? The birth of a child itself is a clear manifestation of biological adaptation. The transition from conditions of intrauterine to extrauterine existence requires a radical restructuring in the activities of all the main systems of the body - blood circulation, respiration, digestion. These systems must be able to carry out functional restructuring by the time of birth, i.e. there must be an appropriate innate level of readiness of these adaptation mechanisms. Indeed, a healthy newborn has this level of readiness and quickly adapts to existence in extrauterine conditions. Just like other functional systems, the system of adaptation mechanisms continues to mature and improve over a number of years of postnatal ontogenesis. Within the framework of this system, after birth, the child also develops the opportunity for social adaptation, as the child masters the social environment around him. This occurs simultaneously with the formation of the entire functional system of higher nervous activity and is closely related to the emergence of behavioral reactions familiar to the conditions of the family environment.

    So, when a child first enters a children's institution, all the basic parameters of the environment change for him - the material situation (interior of the group), meeting with unfamiliar adults, unusual big number peers, discrepancy between methods of treatment and education at home and in a preschool institution.

    2 Features of children’s adaptation to preschool

    Children experience difficulties associated with the state of emotional stress in different ways when adapting to conditions child care facility. There is an easy adaptation, in which the child manifests his existing state of tension in the form of a short-term negative emotional state; during the first time after entering a preschool institution, his sleep and appetite worsen, and he is reluctant to play with other children. But all these phenomena disappear within the first month after admission.

    With moderate adaptation, the child’s emotional state normalizes more slowly, and during the first month after admission, he suffers from an illness that lasts 7-10 days and ends without any complications.

    The most undesirable manifestation is severe adaptation, which is characterized by a very long course (sometimes several months) and can occur in two ways. These are either repeated diseases, often occurring with complications - otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., or persistent behavioral disorders bordering on pre-neurotic states. For example, children will never part with any item or toy brought from home. They often try to hide and go somewhere. They sit in the waiting room and call their mother, sleep only while sitting, etc. In such children, a strong negative emotional reaction and a negative attitude towards the entire environment of the child care facility, observed in the first days, are very often replaced by a lethargic, indifferent state.

    The studies carried out (Tonkova-Yampolskaya V., Golubeva L.G., Myshkis A.I.) showed that such children at an older age are registered with a neuropsychiatrist. In similar stressful situations - transition from nursery to kindergarten, entering school - children repeatedly give inappropriate behavioral reactions. In cases of severe adaptation, children are referred for consultation to a psychoneurologist.

    Both variants of severe adaptation negatively affect both the development and health of children, so the primary task is to prevent severe adaptation when a child enters a preschool institution.

    The severity of adaptation depends on several factors:

    1. The state of health and level of development of the child.

    2. Age of the child. The most difficult thing to endure is separation from loved ones and changes in living conditions for children aged 10-11 months to one and a half years. At this age, it is difficult to protect a child from mental stress. At an older age, after one and a half years, this temporary separation from the mother gradually loses its stressful effect.

    3. Biological and social history factors. TO biological factors include toxicosis and diseases of the mother during pregnancy, complications during childbirth, diseases of the newborn period and the first three months of life. Frequent illnesses of the child before entering preschool also influence the severity of adaptation. Adverse social influences are significant. They arise after the birth of the child and are expressed in the fact that parents do not provide the baby with the correct regime, appropriate for age, sufficient nap, don't follow proper organization wakefulness, etc. This leads to the child experiencing elements of fatigue, delayed neuropsychological development, those skills and personal qualities, which correspond to age (for example, a child in the second half of the second year of life cannot eat independently, play with toys, in the third year cannot play with other children, etc.).

    Such a child copes much worse with the difficulties of the adaptation period; he inevitably develops a state of emotional stress and, as a result, either becomes ill or exhibits severe adaptation.

    4. Level of training of adaptive capabilities in social terms. Such an opportunity does not form on its own. This quality requires certain training, which becomes more difficult with age, but should not exceed age-related capabilities. The formation of this important quality (not to become stressed in any unusual social situations) should go in parallel with the general socialization of the child with the development of his psyche. Even if a child does not enter a preschool institution, he must be placed (again in accordance with his age capabilities) in conditions where he needs to change his behavior patterns. Ego initially manifests itself in small things (you can’t shout on the street, it’s rude to be capricious at a party, you need to be able to play with other children, sacrificing your interests in some way, etc.), but it is precisely on such little things that the qualities that we combine with the term are formed “social maturity”, including opportunities for social adaptation.

    Easy adaptation is observed in children with a good medical history, healthy, with good physical and neuropsychic nutrition, who have optimal educational influences at home and who enter a preschool institution after one and a half years of life.

    Adaptation of a moderate type is observed either in healthy children or good conditions development, but entering both preschool and least favorable age(from 1.0-II to 13-15 months of life), or in children of any age who have had defects in upbringing in the family or troubled biological history.

    Severe adaptation (frequent recurrent illnesses) usually occurs in children entering preschool at the age of 10-15 months with an unfavorable biological history and some initial deviations in health. Severe adaptation (long-term distortion of behavioral reactions, depression) is observed in children over one and a half years old with unfavorable biological and social history.

    Thus, it would be wrong to think that the child should be protected from any manifestation of social adaptation. The task is not to purposefully form and train the child’s adaptive capabilities, without which he or she can behave adequately in various social situations.

    3 Social adaptation of the child to school

    The first year of school is an extremely difficult, turning point period in a child’s life. Its place in the system changes public relations, the whole way of his life changes, the psycho-emotional load increases. Carefree games are replaced by daily learning activities. They require intense mental work from the child, increased attention, concentrated work in lessons and a relatively motionless body position, maintaining the correct working posture. It is known that for a child of six or seven years old this so-called static load is very difficult. Lessons at school, as well as the passion of many first-graders for television programs, sometimes music and foreign language classes, lead to the fact that the child’s physical activity becomes half as much as it was before entering school. The need for movement remains great.

    A child coming to school for the first time will be greeted new team children and adults. He needs to establish contacts with peers and teachers, learn to fulfill the requirements of school discipline, new responsibilities associated with academic work. Experience shows that not all children are ready for this. Some first graders, even with high level intellectual development, find it difficult to bear the load to which they are obliged schooling. Psychologists point out that for many first-graders, and especially six-year-olds, social adaptation is difficult, since a personality capable of obeying the school regime, mastering school norms of behavior, and recognizing school responsibilities has not yet been formed.

    The year separating a six-year-old child from a seven-year-old is very important for mental development, because during this period the child develops voluntary regulation of his behavior, orientation towards social norms and requirements.

    More than ever, the question arises of how to help a child, without harming his health, learn to comply with the new rules and requirements of the teacher, how to smoothly and painlessly move from a game to a new, very complex one. educational activities. This applies to a greater extent to the so-called hyperactive children. They can't sit at their desks. They are disinhibited, immoderate in their movements, sometimes jump up from their seats, get distracted, speak loudly, even when they are asked not to do so. Such children do not always feel the distance between themselves and the teacher. Among them there are many fighters, easily excited and even aggressive towards their classmates. It is useless to condemn and punish hyperactive children; they need medical help.

    There are children with another problem related to the nervous system. They are also unable to sit through the entire lesson; after only a quarter of an hour they lose interest in the lesson, look out the window, and get distracted. They do not make noise, do not shout from their seats, and do not interfere with the teacher’s explanations. We are talking about children who quickly become tired and whose nervous system is easily exhausted. An attentive teacher will offer such a child an individual work schedule. Unfortunately, not all teachers quickly respond to such behavior from students. Due to their busyness and desire to do as much as possible in class, they increase the pace of work and do not notice those who are “lagging behind.” In this case, the correct intervention of parents who know their child better, his characteristics, and in a private conversation can tell the teacher a way out of the current situation is very useful.

    Many first graders take them to school with them.toys. Parents should not prohibit them from doing this. You just need to explain that you can only play during recess. Taking your favorite toy with you to school makes your child feel protected. A sense of security is especially important for timid, anxious and shy children. They have difficulty getting involved in games and cannot get close to their classmates. It will be later. In the meantime, let your favorite toy be nearby.

    As already mentioned, the initial period of education is quite difficult for all children entering school. In response to the new increased demands on the body of a first-grader in the first weeks and months of school, children may complain of fatigue, headaches, irritability, tearfulness, and sleep disturbances. Children's appetite and body weight decrease. There are also difficulties of a psychological nature, such as, for example, a feeling of fear, a negative attitude towards school, the teacher, and a misconception about one’s abilities and capabilities.

    The changes described above in the body of a first-grader associated with the start of school are called by some foreign scientists “adaptation disease”, “school shock”, “school stress”.

    The fact is that in the process of personality formation there are particularly important key points. They are almost inevitable for every child, confined to certain age periods and are called age-related crises. The most important crisis changes occur in the age intervals from two to four, from seven to nine and from thirteen to sixteen years. During these periods, significant changes occur in the body: a rapid increase in growth, changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and other systems. This leads to the appearance of unusual internal sensations: increased fatigue, irritability, mood swings. At the same time, even practically healthy children begin to get sick and show excessive vulnerability. During these periods, significant changes in character occur (children begin to show stubbornness and disobedience), inadequate changes in self-esteem (“At home I am good. But at school I am bad,” or vice versa). A new one is coming, difficult period in a child's life.

    This must be understood, first of all, by parents and not only notice changes in the child’s behavior, but also determine what causes them, and what actions to take to avoid conflicts with him. We adults are frightened by the incomprehensibility and uncertainty of what is happening, but perhaps our fears are in vain. It is worth thinking about the fact that self-esteem is formed from selfishness, from stubbornness - the perseverance necessary in life, from whims - flexibility of experience, from the need for praise - the desire to please people and earn their good assessment.

    Thus, entering school is a serious step from a carefree childhood to an age filled with a sense of responsibility. The period of adaptation to schooling helps to take this step.


    Adaptation is the process of adapting the body and psyche to new, unusual, or constantly changing conditions. From a scientific point of view, adaptation is an active process of changes in the functions of the body and psyche in relation to the environment. If these changes are not enough, and the two environments - internal and external - remain unbalanced, i.e. If adaptation is ineffective, then the person automatically compensates for the imbalance in one way or another.

    In the psychological literature, the concept of adaptation is revealed as a set of characteristics of a biological species that provide it with a specific way of life in certain environmental conditions. Among other types of adaptation, scientists distinguish between social adaptation.

    Main pedagogical condition successful adaptation child to the conditions of education in kindergarten is the unity of requirements for the child in the family and kindergarten. For this purpose, parents are introduced to the living conditions of children in the group, and the teacher also learns about the conditions for raising a child in the family, his individual characteristics, habits.

    A child's entry into school is new stage in his life, another step that he has to climb, a turning point, a stage of comprehension of new rules of behavior, new concepts, requirements. A child’s admission to school is a new stage in his life, another step that he has to climb, a turning point, a stage of comprehension of new rules of behavior, new concepts, requirements.

    So, the social adaptation of a child is associated, first of all, with birth, when he enters society and begins to adapt in it, then admission to a preschool institution and school become important periods of social adaptation.


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    Rean, A.A. On the problem of social adaptation of personality / A.A. Rean.// Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University.- No. 20.- P. 75

    Mardakhaev, L.V. Dictionary of social pedagogy / L.V. Mardakhaev. – M.: Academy, 2002.- P. 107

    Oslon, V.N. Problems of supporting a substitute professional family / V.N. Oslon // Defectology. – 2006. - No. 1. – P. 32

    Ternovskaya, M.F. Pedagogical principles of adaptation of social orphans in the foster care system / M.F. Ternovskaya. – M.: Vlados, 2004.- P. 108

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