• Course work on the topic “Social work with orphans in foster families.” Work with orphans and children without parental care Main directions of social work with orphans


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    1. Social work with orphans without parental care

    1.1 Education and socialization of orphans left without parental care in Russia

    2. Social work with orphans in an educational institution, using the example of the Voronezh Orphanage

    2.1 Social protection system for orphans left without parental care, using the example of the Voronezh Orphanage

    2.2 Study of the features of socialization of orphans and children left without parental care in an educational institution

    2.3 Program for social protection and rehabilitation of orphans and children left without parental care in an orphanage


    List of used literature



    Today, the most important task in Russian social policy is the social security of citizens and improving the mechanisms for its regulation.

    Currently, the social policy of Russia has undergone a number of significant changes. This is due to the implementation of socio-economic reforms in the country. The transition to a market economy has exacerbated issues financial situation the majority of citizens, which resulted in the emergence of not only purely economic, but also social, moral and ethical problems that practically did not arise before and were a threat to the safety of various groups of the population (pensioners, disabled people, large families, youth, women). socialization orphan rehabilitation

    The relevance of the topic of my research lies in the fact that in modern Russia, children are a more vulnerable group than other segments of society based on the current socio-economic conditions, and orphans are especially not protected. An analysis of the situation of children in the Russian Federation indicates the presence of problems in the real implementation of their rights and legitimate interests. Childhood problems arise from the discrepancy between the child’s real needs for survival, development and maintenance and the nature and ways of satisfying them by society.

    A feature of the current situation of children in Russia is social deprivation, the extreme expression of which has become the continuously increasing number of orphans and children left without parental care. In this regard, the task is to improve the mechanisms that ensure social protection of the rights and interests of children left without parental care and their education in an educational institution.

    Both scientists in our country and foreign specialists have been studying orphanhood as a social phenomenon. Issues of social protection of orphans, problems of their education, employment, housing and other social aspects of their life have been and are being studied within the framework of family sociology by many scientists, such as: M.L. Arakelova, T.A. Gurko, I.F. Dementieva, A.N. Elizarov, G.G. Sillaste, G.I. Osadchaya, E.G. Smirnova, V.V. Forsova, D.S. Barashkova, E.M. Rybinsky, L.V. Kuznetsova, M.I. Nesmeyanova, S.Yu. Barsukova, S.V. Kochetkova, O.G. Isupov and others.

    However, the problems of social protection of orphans and children left without parental care, which have theoretical and practical significance, are not sufficiently covered in the scientific literature; the problem of social orphanhood is still one of the most pressing.

    An analysis of Russian and foreign research confirms that the issues of socialization of orphans in an educational institution, preparing them for independent life and activity are insufficiently developed and require their own scientific understanding and comprehensive methodological elaboration.

    The focus of the research on filling these gaps determines the relevance of the topic not only due to their insufficient scientific study, but also due to the great significance of the issues under consideration, because the main goal of social protection of orphans and children without parental care is to protect them rights and interests, ensure their guarantees, create prerequisites for their socialization.

    The purpose of the study is the directions and features of social work with orphans in an educational institution.

    Object of study: the social protection system for orphans and children without parental care in an institutional setting.

    research: social care and remaining parental care.

    Research objectives:

    1. Consider the upbringing of orphans and those left without parents in the literature.

    2. Study the basics and content of working with children without parental care.

    3. a social system for orphans and left without parents, at the “Children's City of Voronezh”.

    4. To study the socialization of orphans and children left in parental care.

    5. Develop social services for orphans and those left without parents.

    The theoretical basis and basis of the study are the works of domestic foreign scientists in the field of theory and practice of various social policies, protection, including orphans, children left in parental care. The research base is the legislative framework, statistical materials.

    the base of my research is the VO house of Voronezh, located at: Voronezh, st. d. 57.

    1. Joborphans,without parental care

    1.1 UpbringingAndorphans left behindparental careRussia

    For a long time in human history, a child has no value. Children are an extension of their property. did not have for society for parents, was considered as a consequence of sexual intercourse. Thus, for example, in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, infanticide (infanticide) was quite widespread, condemned by the public and unpunished, but only with Christianity did the attitude towards children gradually change.

    In the Middle Ages, the status of children was determined not by age, but by that other class of social group. could not value himself outside the family. Children in society only have connections with family. From society and Christianity to the family, from the spouses of their children, undoubtedly entailed a change in the status of children, on the part, and the responsibility of parents by society for raising the child, on the other Vasilkova Yu.V. The work of a social teacher in shelters and boarding schools // Methods and experience of a social teacher. - M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2011.-P.76-90..

    This period of society can be the starting point for the problem of social. The strengthening of the role in socialization has led to children who have lost their responsibilities, morality and law.

    historical context Russian society was perceived not as deprivation or both, but as outside the sphere of community.

    Orphanhood as a phenomenon exists as much as society, and is an integral element of the problem. The most pressing problem is in countries experiencing social transformations, including Russia. military conflicts, reforms and revolutions are inevitable.

    in ours it has a long history and it dates back to the period of the feudal state. Since then, decrees have concerned the form of settlement for those left without parents.

    Currently, the following theoretical concepts are widely used: orphan and social (social orphanhood).

    So, the concepts are clear and have meaning:

    Orphans are children under 18 who have both or a parent. Social - this is one that has parents, but for some reason they do not take care of the child and take care of it. In this case, society and the state take care of it.

    orphanhood is a phenomenon caused in society by those left without parents as a result of their parents recognizing their parents as missing, etc.

    Hidden orphans are those who, by force of reason, are engaged in education. leads to the fact that a large number of data fall into the asocial group Gusev A. Nurturing social competence in orphanage pupils//Teacher.-2013.-No.6.-P.12-15..

    orphanhood is one of the key problems of modern society. The spread of social orphanhood in our country is a complex of special processes in society that characterize Russia in the 20th century associated with 1917, wars (the First Civil War, the Great Terror of the 20-30s, as well as perestroika in the late and early years. According to the data, the number was at the beginning 1993, thousands of children, 90% of them are social Bocharova V.G. Pedagogy of social work - M.: SvR-Lrgus, 2016. - 208 p.

    The phenomenon of orphanhood is associated with two factors: the Cree family and instability in these factors that cause social orphans:

    Social families;

    And housing parents;

    Unhealthy between parents;

    Weakness of moral principles;

    Phenomena associated with the degradation of a person’s personality, drug addiction, evasion of responsibilities for raising a child).

    families in forms that are distinguished:

    Violation and families;

    Increase in divorces and single-parent families;

    The increase in unregistered marriages in 2010 is about women aged 20-24 in “civil” in 2013 - 14%, in 2016 - 17.4%);

    Antisocial life series

    A drop in the level (at the time, 33% of the population in the country were considered poor; in 2016, the poor were 27.6%);

    Psycho-emotional overload of the adult population affecting children;

    Abuse of children in and boarding schools with a decline in their fate.

    The number of divorces is one of the adverse factors affecting the fate of children. There are more children where there is one father. number of children out of wedlock 1990 - 2016 - Material difficulties, the circle of intra-family incompleteness negatively affect children. They establish contacts with peers; more often, especially boys, symptoms occur. More than 30% of minor offenders with mental disabilities grew up without a father Vasiliev A.Yu. Protection of the rights of orphans in modern Russian society // Modern law. - 2016. - No. 9. - P.54-57..

    Parents become an additional risk of development in March 2017, according to 6 unemployed people).

    One of the main causes of orphanhood, especially in the case of severely disabled parents, who are progressively inclined to “leave the disease” consciously from relatives, children, is to infect Which such si include, mainly, current or susceptible diseases. in total, various immunodeficiency conditions, lupus, sclerosis), other diseases, demyelinating diseases.

    It is also necessary to talk about social orphanhood. Children under parental care who are prone to vagrancy are at risk of becoming victims of violent crimes (objects of assault and trafficking) or involved in activities that involve them in drugs. gynecological pathologies of neglected teenage girls 12-14%. The disorder was noted among street children, 15% of whom used drugs and psychotropic substances. and street children are most susceptible to HIV infection Bocharova V.G. Pedagogy of social work. - M.: SvR-Lrgus, 2016. - 208 p..

    Orphanhood is a factor in the child's emotional environment and social environment with adult peers, once in a favorable and profound secondary violation of personality development.

    separated from the parents of the placed condition of the child, the general tone, self-regulatory processes dominate the mood. The majority develop anxiety, self-doubt, interest in, and deteriorating regulation - cognitive interactions as a result, intellectual development.

    The longer a child is separated from his parental family, the more isolated he is, the more deformed his mental development is.

    Most home graduates are capable of learning the school program, as the general child population of persons with delayed development exceeds 8-10%.

    an orphan child is a complex of emotional development disorders: emotional difficulties in communication, to the absence of an increase in passivity, loss of incentives.

    children in orphanages were studied in detail by M.I. V.S. A.M. E.O. Smirnova etc.

    For children of age, as in studies, the teacher is dominant and dissatisfied in the attention of goodwill from adults. The desire for cooperation and joint activities by adults is not sufficient to develop the communication that encourages children to communicate, due to the fact that the child himself is an adult and children willingly contact adults.

    There are noticeable differences in the development of communication between children in orphanages, which manifest themselves in a personal way, in which the need for mutual understanding and empathy.

    For a home, the presence of adults with different behavior, like a family with adults for one program. Finally, for children, the emotional communication of an adult with a child means poorer. It should also be noted that the child has a regulated nature with his family.

    For school-age pupils, the motives for activity in children of this group are clearly expressed and directly related to their daily activities in the implementation of the regime in the children's rules of conduct in the orphanage at school, as in children of this group the motives for activity are much richer and more varied. This and the poverty of the sphere are connected by the living conditions in the children's room and their complete communication with adults. Scientists have studied the specifics of the development of needs and spheres of personality of pupils at home.

    At age, the reasons for certain labor in a teenager’s environment are in his own “I”.

    Health problems are added to the behavioral and motivational characteristics of children's pupils. In fact, there are almost no healthy people in children's children; chronically disabled people are often found among them. Moreover, in children there is a lack of mental development. For pupils of an orphanage, phenomena such as drug addiction, disinhibition of drives, etc. are characteristic.

    With these problems, many problems arise in the orphanage: personal obtaining personal (passports, birth certificates, death certificates of parents, etc.); financial pensions, benefits, housing, some children have their own registration), graduates, and further professional education.

    Thus, the formation of orphans occurs in a state of deprivation, which represents a loss from, of course, the desired conditions of the individual - In this, the negative deprivation on the individual represents factors of a biological social nature, ultimately determining social and human activity. The detected social, physiological, pedagogical adaptations of orphans are great.

    social problems seem possible with an integrated state and public organizations. There are two ways, preventive and corrective, that can partially solve this problem.

    The primary national importance for the prevention of orphanhood in Russia is the support and status of a socially healthy giving society an able-bodied, educated generation capable of development issues, the Russian Federation. will eliminate the most serious problems that pose national security: non-growth of social production of asocial prostitution, drug addiction and other antisocial. Prevention of orphanhood is a solution to problems.

    When developing programs to reduce orphanhood, social organizations build theirs comprehensively, according to the levels of intervention influence on primary, secondary and tertiary.

    Primary, preventive ones are aimed at the population; secondary on those considered as a risk, to or narrow the action of the problem in this case of treatment of child neglect, from the child); intended for part of the population, the gap is already and a child is needed in the family.

    Thus, in the time it is possible for three groups facing education, the solution will significantly improve the situation of orphans left in parental care:

    1. social and family support;

    2. development of forms of placement for orphans and those left without parents;

    3. development of a system for orphans left in parental care.

    Another difficult path to social orphanhood is the correctional path. relies on experience, support for a gradual scale up to the regional systemic problem of orphanhood.

    The social method is based on two interventions.

    The first change intervention is aimed at preventing impacts affecting the family; wide range of events:

    Eliminating poverty of all forms of deprivation, ensuring the standard of living of the population and helping large young families are the basic conditions essential for social orphanhood;

    Networks and gardens;

    Child leave;

    School meals;

    Organization of holidays for children's free time;

    And implementation at all levels, social, psi or financial, of all families and children.

    The second level of social orphanhood is carried out by identifying work at high risk.

    The Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes the protection of the rights and interests of children in cases of deprivation of parental rights, their rights at birth, recognition as incompetent, evasion of parental education, and in cases of parental authority and guardianship.

    guardianship, trusteeship and self-government bodies. organizing the activities of local self-guardianship of children left without parents, specified in the charters of entities in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and this Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    Local authorities as guardians and trustees are assigned a number of functions:

    Children left in parental care;

    Management of such children;

    Choosing a placement for children without care based on the circumstances of the loss of their parents;

    Implementation of education following the conditions of detention and upbringing Galaguzova Yu.N. Theory and practice of systemic professional training of social educators. - M., 2011. - 373 p.

    According to the Federation Law “On Guarantees for the Protection of Orphans and Children Remaining in Parental Care” and guardianship is the norm for the placement of children to support their upbringing, education, and their rights and interests. Having established guardianship over children who have reached the age of 18, guardianship is established over these children from 14 to 18 years of age.

    Guardianship is a form of personal and minor rights of some other people).

    This is the protection of personal property rights of non-defective persons (children, parents, mentally ill people). guardianship is also the person and on whom such supervision is carried out. to whom the entrusted is called the guardian, his obligations are guardianship.

    care, compared to guardianship, falls into category K, which includes parents whose:

    Parental rights (parental rights) is a measure applied by a court decision to parents who are not properly fulfilling their responsibilities, as a result of which they are all based on the fact with the child);

    In parental rights - consisting of the fact that the child is taken away by the parents by decision and is lost to raising the child);

    Unaccountably absent;

    Incapacitated are capable);

    Serving sentences in correctional colonies;

    Those accused of committing crimes are in custody;

    From raising children;

    Take the children for medical treatment and social care where they are temporarily placed.

    or is a form of placement of children without parental care.

    a family is formed on the basis of an agreement for the transfer of a child to be raised by a family. The agreement on the transfer (of children) is concluded by the guardianship authority and the parents (spouses of individual citizens who take the children into the family).

    In contrast, only children with a certain legal status can be transferred to the foster care, but those whose births are not deprived of rights, and for health reasons can perform responsibilities. The family may also include one whose parents are wanted and have a certain residence. The fact is that it is transferred to the family for maybe - from the month and the age of majority of the child Galaguzova Yu.N. Theory and practice of systemic professional training of social educators. - M., 2011. - 373 p.

    In from guardianship adoption legislation payment of parents. The amount of payment and the amount provided to the receptionist is established by the regional legislator in those taking care of children.

    Devices for remaining care give birth on in and educational assistance for or remaining care parents.

    Types of patronage are:

    Education - placement of children without parents, to whom the upbringing is transferred to the family of the educator;

    Foster care in a guest - arrangement of remaining care when the child is transferred to the care of the family caregiver for a period of 30 days;

    Patronage is a form of foster care that provides educational assistance to orphans, children without parents, during the period of adaptation to independent life.

    The child's placement takes into account factors such as his ethnicity, religion and native language, ensuring continuity of upbringing and education.

    choosing a permanent form, it is usually necessary to arrange times, which is often by transferring the child, without care, to relatives or other close ones (neighbors, friends of the parents, etc.). If there are no persons, the transfer of the child to them is contrary to the interests of the minor, the minor is temporarily placed in or otherwise. While a guardian or legal representative is appointed, he must, without any reason, during the period of execution of guardians and guardianship in relation to children by the guardianship and guardianship authorities themselves.

    If it is impossible to return his relative to his birth parents (or from them), the question of permanent placement is possible. There are two possible placements: placement in a family for children or placement in an institution. Preference for family education, so that the child is at least close to the normal life of a person.

    So, the various forms of children left in parental care:


    Adoptive family;

    Family house

    Institution for children in need of state support.

    These forms are in the family, but there are others that are included in the issues under study: device, children's SOS, family various forms of postinstitution adaptation of orphans.

    So, adoption is a priority form for the Russian Federation in family education, and adoption is a priority form, as is the child’s birth or in the case of a specific form is taken into account (with and in the family from the age of the child’s consent). Not every child can be placed in a childcare center or institution.

    In the matter of social orphanhood, assistance is provided to temporary accommodation families who do not remain in

    In the new Russia, the form of orphans is the foster care family. This provides for the creation in Russia of an institute of educators, replacing for a certain time

    1.2. contentbasicsocialWith


    When considering social work for orphans and left without parents, it is necessary to have regulatory and legal aspects of providing these children.

    The Federation's regulatory legal acts were adopted in full compliance with the international documents signed by it. The main ones are: "Declaration of Man and Citizenship (1948); "Declaration of the Child" (1959); on the rights of children (1989). In the adopted "Convention of the Rights of the Child aimed at full development of the individual in the corners of the Earth, “A child who is either permanently from his family or who is unable to do so on his own has the right to special protection of assistance provided by the Member States in accordance with their laws to ensure care for such (Article 20).

    documents for the orphan service base system Constitution of the Federation Art. The social policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at creating a life that ensures the life of a free person), the Family Code of the Russian Federation. support by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation for the basics of service in the Federation", defines the social principles of which the provision of services, to the volume and social order provision.

    Directly addressing issues of social assistance for orphans is the law of additional protection and remaining care (1996, also 1998 2002, which determines the general content of support measures de Important in social support for orphans, the RF priority decrees on the World Survival Act, and children of the 90th (1992 ), prevention and minors, their (1993), measures to prevent vagrancy and (1993).

    In order to implement the above, there was, for example, the federal target “Children of Russia” with additions in 1998, 2002, 2014) and the target program of Russia 2016-2020.

    Within the framework of these programs, as a separate program, there is a program aimed at favorable conditions for the preparation of children, parental care, independent life of modern socio-economic development of various arrangements for orphans, improvement of their services, development and material of orphan institutions, socio-economic support for the care of orphans in them.

    implementation of the regulatory and legal provision of assistance to orphans and those left without parents, includes the post and order of the Russian Federation, “On approval of the regulations on institutions for children without care (1995). This regulation regulates state and municipal institutions. For educational institutions for children - orphans left in the care of their parents. Typical provision of exemplary functions. The role in social assistance is played by departmental ones (Ministries of Labor, Social Development, Education, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.), as well as legal entities of the Russian Federation.

    social maintenance with orphans left in parental care, in protecting rights, monitoring the conditions of their social rehabilitation, adaptation, assistance in employment and housing. The implementation of tasks is entrusted to the guardianship authorities. Responsibilities are assigned to identifying, taking into account the selection of forms of children left in parental care, as well as regarding the conditions of detention and education. They shall, within three days from the date of receipt of the message, carry out living conditions and ensure protection and

    Children without guardianship are subject to transfer of upbringing to (adoption, guardianship/trusteeship or a foster family), if there is no possibility of an institution for or children without guardianship. Legislation gives children to family forms, as meeting the needs and creating conditions for socialization, education and development .

    Social assistance for children without parental care, which is branched into several

    As a subject of assistance;

    Social services and municipal) territorial structures that provide such

    Mixed - and structures, in the socio-psychological

    Established by charities, religions and others as charities

    The efforts mentioned above are aimed at the adaptation of orphans, their behavior associated with the form of value orientations in the conditions of a child care institution, their relationship with parents who, in social cases, abandoned them, and prevention, pre-legal education, etc. Let's consider common forms of assistance to orphans and children who find themselves in parental care.

    Transfer of children without care to specialized educational institutions, who are kept and/or educated) and children without care to social institutions (children's care for children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, centers for helping those left without parents, shelters); child health care) others created in accordance with the established procedure.

    Children aged 0-3 are placed at home. Upon reaching the age of 10 years, children are transferred to pre-school schools, specialized for those with physical disabilities and disabilities, boarding schools for delinquents and to each children's institution for retarded and handicapped children.

    For a child identified by an institution, the referring institution(s) submit:

    The decision of the relevant body or local government in the direction of

    Referral by an institution, issued by or by the department in charge of which the institution;

    About the birth and in the absence - a medical examination report, the age of the child;

    Medical about health;

    Documents about (for children of age);

    Child life survey report;

    Information about or persons replacing (copies of death sentence or court, certificate of illness or parents and documents confirming the absence of parents or their raising of children);

    Certificate of residence of sisters and close relatives;

    Inventory of property, after death, information about those responsible for its safety;

    On fixing the area occupied imperfectly or its

    The pension of the child receiving a copy of the decision of the su on the collection of securities received by their child's parents is a person, their psychological, medical and pedagogical conclusion (for children with developmental disabilities).

    Although noticeable positive changes are taking place in this area (differentiation of houses, the emergence of shelters and centers for help centers, etc.), the problem of the child’s personality in closed conditions remains very relevant. Research shows that maternal care leads to delay in the child and manifests symptoms and physical neglect. Isolation of the child by the mother from to 3 usually leads to severe consequences of intelligence and functions that can be corrected.

    The constant microsocial environment of a child - an orphanage or an orphanage for school children - has a significant impact on the child's psyche and his health. Most of those brought up in institutions are behind their peers in development. They begin to walk and talk, and often study worse. 20% of institution pupils can participate in school programs.

    organizing new homes, the restructuring process should pay attention to the following: bringing the nursery into line with specific children and dividing them into small groups; social and family-like environment; organizing family groups where educators would allow children to live independently; encouraging attention to psycho-emotional needs; limiting children from an orphanage to another by not separating siblings in institutions; strengthening between children and their parents in cases of social development in skills, everyday social skills, not in future life. It is not important to decide on the residence of future graduates.

    Adoption of a child is a state act, relations between adopted children, their offspring, their adoptive parents, and children. children lose their moral rights also in relation to their parents. Adoption is carried out at the request of (the person) who wants the child, with the obligatory participation of authorities and guardianship. there may be capable persons of the sex, except for whom, they do not have the right to (deprived of parental rights, removed from the guardian due to health, etc.). The age difference between the adopted child and the adopted child may not be 16 years, but for reasons valid by the court, it may be reduced

    For adoptions over the age of 10, consent is required, except specifically by law. Proceed with the questions in detail in the transfer of the child's secrets approved by the Government 15 1995 No. secrets are a crime. Adoption is also criminal.

    Practice shows that, as a rule, children up to 12 years old children remain in institutions until recently. There has been an increase in adoptions by foreign citizens.

    to the social must be complete on the following issues:

    Whether the child is socially adopted;

    Is it legal

    Whether the parents do this and it is possible for the child to consciously do so without any assistance;

    If the question is international, then take the country to the child;

    There is a system that allows you to support your family.

    In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of adoption in connection with the carefully psychological, social, physical, economic and cultural desires of the child in their environment; It definitely answers their plan and whether the married family will help the adoptive parent focus on the child, on their own.

    In addition, it follows that the adaptation duration of an orphan in a family depends individual child his mustache (age, health, features); the child's life changes, parents' characteristics (especially when childless people adopt. Family structure, economic opportunities play an important role. Finally, it is necessary to think through the child's decision in a possible unsuccessful adoption.

    for the provision of social protection for children without care, as well as for children without care, are based on the state minimum social protection for determining the financial costs of their implementation.

    And the remaining care is provided for basic or (full) education in secondary higher education without charging them tuition fees; can receive a second vocational education free of charge.

    Persons of the number of orphans, children left in parental care, in all state institutions of primary and higher education, and students who have lost a period of study or the only one are enrolled in state support for their graduation from an educational institution.

    Orphans, children left in the care of their parents, as well as persons of the number of orphans, children left in the care of their parents, receive free medical and surgical treatment in any municipal institution, including health improvement, regular examinations at an appropriate cost. They are provided with vouchers to student sports camps (bases) and recreation, sanatorium-resort institutions have medical free travel to the place of recreation, and back the account of funds, these from the corresponding extra-budgetary funds from other non-legal sources.

    If housing is necessary, such persons are provided with a targeted loan for residential premises with an area not established by social funds at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation.

    State employment authorities address orphans and those left without parents, from fourteen to eighteen years of age, career guidance work provides diagnostics of professional suitability taking into account the state of the enterprises, institutions creating special workers can be provided with tax benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Federation.

    The executive bodies of the Russian constituent entities provide professional and professional education to graduates of service institutions for children without parents. service establishments should be specialized places.

    As there was orphanhood to problems, apparently, His share of orphanhood can be reduced. In connection with this, highlight policy directions for the prevention of orphanhood of such diseases, antisocial behavior, alcohol, etc.; family assistance to single people, sex education, etc.) development of a protection system and children left in parental care.

    Psychological educational process of the institution, advisory preventive work teaching staff educational psychologists. Psychological includes psychoprophylaxis and psychodiagnostics; psychological intervention in crisis situations; communication trainings; development of emotional self-regulation; education, etc.

    Overcoming the deprivation of the negative influence of the home with pedagogical help and the help of the reception room can be effective, provided there are appropriate material, psychological, moral and ethical problems. At the same time, individual socio-pedagogical work with orphans and teenagers is inextricably linked with the provision of social pedagogical and psychological support to the children themselves; the range of work methods is quite wide.

    basic methods, by a social worker, according to the diagram in Fig. 1.

    Based on the content of the “social teacher child (adolescent)” decision, it is necessary to consider those included in the pedagogical interaction. Scientific pedagogy has different classification schemes. The scheme closest to our goals seems to be 2) proposed by Shchurkova. She uses the following groups:

    Influence on children, views (ideas) are formed, carried out by operational information by members of the system;

    It turns out that in children, their motivations are stimulated in adolescent children;

    Help with children's self-esteem.

    If the basis for the classification of work methods is to take the methods of influencing the state and the individual or community, then we can distinguish three main groups: organizational-administrative and

    The group of methods combines those ways in which the social sphere influences moral, family and interests, and family and methods of influencing social and economic needs and are used in in-kind and monetary assistance; establishing both lump sum and compensation; and everyday moral encouragement, sanctions, etc.

    Organizational and administrative methods are oriented in such a way as people's motives, such as the need for social labor discipline, duty and responsibility. Their distinctive feature is their direct impact, since, first of all, on regulatory legal acts.

    The group of methods is characterized by influencing behavior through the mechanism of its well-being. Behavior, as was above, is to a large extent determined by phenomena: public group opinion, in the family, certain socio-pedagogical moods, tastes, hobbies, etc. So, the child’s socio-psychological, arising as a result of uncomfortable communication, acquires it relative and influences actions.

    The group includes the following beliefs (implemented in social and pedagogical practice in various and previously in the form of advice, reasoned by positive examples of samples of the child’s active life), observation, diagnosis, suggestion, humanization of living conditions and attraction to and expansion for the manifestation of the child’s abilities, customs, traditions etc. Everything allows about the results of work, the level of tasks set by the specialist.

    therapy (Greek) “care, treatment”) systematic, measures to provide a person with a group and in feelings, thoughts, relationships Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 304 p. Therapy has a number of support functions from families, including therapeutic assistance in its collaboration with physicians); development of his active work, development process, influencing the child’s social); interests (explaining the needs or vulnerable to society, organizations).

    therapy, this can be considered the method of “social as a method associated with and professional as an instrument of control, as communication. Social therapy includes: correction, correction, prevention, provision of a social child; personality.

    Another method is self-education. includes self-esteem; own introspection, past, individual “psychological barriers”; the desired image of myself. This is built using self-persuasion, both in itself and in communication activities. The undoubted advantage is the use of skills in everyday life as a result of work.

    Another type of group therapy is psychodrama - used in social and pedagogical work by children and when the child plays different roles, portrays himself in various stressful social roles, plays the roles of antipodes. This gives him the opportunity to overcome anxiety, control himself in various situations, and look at the problem from a person’s point of view.

    The most actively used social and pedagogical work by children is play - this is psychotherapy aimed at teaching communication. groups use for situations and which are difficult for them

    The best results with teenage children are observed with an individual approach, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children.

    Consider activities in a home as a typical child care facility, without parents. and the need for social and pedagogical activities in an orphanage due to the pupils’ spectrum of social, psychological, pedagogical and lack of proper experience.

    Considering the socio-pedagogical purpose, we will determine the purpose of the activity, the subjects are the objects of this

    The goal is socialization. As this activity, a team of educators: teacher, social speech therapist, educator, music worker, labor physical education, orphanage. on which social and pedagogical activities, children's pupils, each individually, the entire team as a whole

    The main social activities are determining the status of the child in the institution, gender information (date of birth, location of parents, relatives, state of living conditions, health status) registration of children in a boarding school.

    the institution is sent by parents whose children are recognized as missing, the remaining care of parents is deprived or parental rights are in prison, in a psychiatric hospital these children are abandoned by their parents. These tasks are of particular importance; the development of further organ-related social and pedagogical protection directly depends on the information received.

    In a number of cases, the social teacher participates in the initiation and materials to or restriction of parental rights of children's parents. The social boarding school, appearing in the case of deprivation of parents, collects materials, submits a petition, and participates in the study as evidence to the court.

    one of the directions of a social teacher at a boarding school for children without care with developmental disabilities is a set of measures to protect material and civil rights

    With the material rights of a boarding school, which include the right to receive parental alimony, survivor's pension, social), social interaction is carried out by such institutions, the social prosecutor's office department, the heads of cities and the justice department, the pension fund, judicial courts, savings banks.

    As the main socialization of children in orphanages, family socialization follows due to the lack of an example of family effective school and work necessary for the pupil to set up for life and prepare for the social and functions necessary for society.

    conclusionsChapter 1

    Orphans are children under the age of two whose only parent has died. An orphan is a child whose biological parents, for reasons of not raising them, take care of him. This is the care of children by the state society.

    Social - a phenomenon in which the presence of remaining care in society due to their rights, parents are unknown absent and Hidden orphans are those who have parents who, for the force of reasons, are engaged in upbringing. leads to large amounts of data falling into an antisocial group.

    The main forms of children left in parental care: guardianship; reception orphanage type; establishment of children in need of state support. forms are enshrined in the Family Code, there are also those that also cover the range of issues: foster care families, boarding houses, forms of adaptation of institutions for orphans.

    The primary state priority in orphanhood in Russia is the status of the social family, a society that is able-bodied, educated, competent and capable of deciding the development and prosperity of the Federation.

    2. work withVeducationalFor example" Children'scity ​​of Voronezh"

    2.1 social protectionleft without careFor exampleChildren'shouse in Voronezh

    Social features of orphans and left without parents in an educational institution based on the KU VO house of the city located in Voronezh, Ostrogozhskaya, no. 57.

    placement of children in an orphanage - family, miscellaneous children and a teacher. the family lives in a separate three-room apartment with an entrance hall, two bedrooms, and a shower. The apartments are equipped with furniture, TV, games, toys. On the floors there is a laundry room with washing machines and a drying room. There is a modern bar, a gym, a dance hall, sports billiards and halls, etc.

    system of the educational institution "house of the city of Voronezh", there is a children's primary school, a secondary high school, pupils from up to 18. On the first floor there is a medical one, including a reception room, a sanitary inspection room, an isolation ward, doctors, a treatment canteen. On the floor there are also school classes, the office of the head teacher. The system for providing pupils is designed internally the needs of the orphanage, the administration pursues goals in the field.

    Life activity is so that the child is comfortable at home. Corrective work is being carried out by everyone. maximum to life, education. An aspect of the work is the creation of pedagogical and psychological support for pupils and employees. home conditions, which the pupil has in a new way and the prospect of a positive environment in everyone, can be socially useful. Psychologists consult with children, study interpersonal relationships in families.

    The teaching staff of the orphanage ensures the safety of the pupils, protecting them from life-threatening and healthy exposure. To a greater extent, this is the zone in which the house is located, the absence of points and work on pre-teen drug addiction and substance abuse, aimed at enriching spiritual and needs, creative abilities for organizing leisure time.

    The orphanage cannot compensate for the loss, but partly this problem, it is possible to effectively prepare for independence in society in our family home. Principles of the orphanage:

    Groups of families with family ties,

    Organization of everyday life,

    Transition of work and children to the level of cooperation,

    Adaptation through self-service,

    Shelter adaptation to the principle: a graduate is a member of his family.

    Conditions have been created that are close to a play system for each child in the family, and an individual child program is also being developed.

    The orphanage should achieve a sufficient level of interaction between executive bodies and public organizations that contribute to the orphanage

    teachers at home using the method ra Teachers in groups of one next for a shift Organization and during shifts in the same at the meeting they get to know each other assigned for the week. during the work of the team, senior vos. Such work avoids shifts in raising a child, allowing for psychological connections with this whole gives educators a long-term connection with the wards. perform a function in the group, take into account the system, you can be sure of what the students spend their lives on.

    In an educational home, attention to the problem of a graduate of an orphanage As children in life, quite a baggage of social skills: difficult on the spot, problems with employment, sometimes with For these similar problems at home, a whole organizational, legal, and adaptation measures Social orphanage Responsibilities for completing tasks for departments social, departments, family groups, medical and health complex, even a library. The main objectives for achieving the best results are identified as follows:

    The study discipline of graduates of educational institutions.

    Assistance in solving social and legal issues.

    Graduates have opportunities at home during vacations and holidays.

    Graduates participate in sports competitions and programs.

    Graduate jobs.

    Graduates have the opportunity to attend student camps, trains held at home base.

    Invitation of graduates to large birthday parties at home, graduation party).

    Graduates have access to medical and health clinic services.

    Thus, in the "Children's City of Voronezh" scientific and methodological prerequisites for providing social and pedagogical support to pupils have been created: individual teams have developed a number of programs and a regulatory framework adapted to the conditions.

    Education at home progressively at 20 years old has its successes and problems.

    In education, educational programs are being implemented, in the educational “The world is us, we are in this and for children” (Table 1).

    EducationalprogramsadditionalMOUhouse (20 16 -20 17 uch. year)

    educational programs


    Implementation deadlines

    (tomboy theater)

    Artistic and aesthetic


    Scientific and technical



    Social and pedagogical

    "Merry Shred"



    Ballroom "Floating figures"

    Artistic and aesthetic


    Artistic and aesthetic


    Artistic and aesthetic

    Checkers universal education

    Sports and technical


    Tourism and local history

    Museum Council


    self management)

    Social and pedagogical


    The uniqueness of the additional is manifested:

    When used purposefully by a child, free from lessons to fully fulfill their potential

    In choosing teacher directions, educational

    Opportunities types team,

    In the creative educational process, based on educational programs;

    In special children and (cooperation, co-creativity, approach to

    Get trained.

    Based on the listed features of education, it can function as an orphanage. these include:

    1) - a child according to educational programs, giving them new knowledge;

    educational - enrichment of the cultural layer of the general institution, the formation of a school cultural definition based on clear guidelines, unobtrusive children through familiarization with culture;

    creative - creating a flexible personality for the realization of individual creative interests;

    compensatory - the child’s mastery of areas of activity that complement (basic) education, creating emotional mastery of the content of education for the child, providing certain guarantees of success in their areas of activity;

    5) recreational - meaningful as the restoration of the child’s strength;

    career guidance - sustainable towards socially significant activities, determining plans, including orientation. This is facilitated only by the child’s various interests, and by choosing an additional education where specialists’ ability to receive further development;

    integration - creating a unified space for the orphanage;

    the function of socialization is the development of social skills and qualities for life;

    function - self-determination in meaningful life activities, success, self-development.

    The given functions are that the education of children should be an integral part of the educational system. The relationship between teachers and additional education should not be competition, but cooperation.

    analysis of the daily life activities of family groups and additional education teachers, pointing to the weakness of the educator and psychologist, speech therapist, and additional teacher, insufficient interaction with social institutions.


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    Orphanhood as a social phenomenon has existed as long as human society and is an integral element of civilization. At all times, wars, epidemics, natural disasters, and other causes led to the death of parents, as a result of which children became orphans. Apparently, with the emergence of class society, so-called social orphanhood also appears, when children are deprived of parental care due to the latter’s unwillingness or inability to fulfill parental responsibilities, as a result of which parents abandon the child or are removed from his upbringing. In the Bible and other literary sources of antiquity, there are references to parents’ abandonment of their children, and to foundlings raised in other people’s families.
    From the middle of the 20th century. social orphanhood began to acquire alarming proportions, and the growth of “refusalism” is observed in many countries of the world, including developed ones (France, Italy, etc.). In Russian federation social orphans make up the absolute majority of children left without parental care (95%), and in 60% of cases they were born to mothers aged 16 to 19 years.
    IN last years In Russia, “hidden” social orphanhood is making itself known more and more loudly. Declining standard of living, increasing number dysfunctional families, the decline in morality has led to the fact that children are often “pushed out” onto the streets, which results in an increase in homelessness unprecedented since the post-war period. Due to the imperfection of the accounting system, the high dynamics of growth in the number of children losing parental care, it is hardly possible to name the exact number of orphans and children left without parental care in our country. The main reasons for modern orphanhood are as follows: firstly, it is the voluntary abandonment of parents of their child, as a rule, soon after his birth - in a legal or illegal form (foundling children, children “forgotten” in clinics or sold to other persons) ; secondly, deprivation of parental rights; and thirdly, the loss of a child by parents due to social upheavals or natural disasters that force the population into chaotic migration.
    Providing assistance to children left without parental care for various reasons is the most important direction of the state’s social policy. The content of social work with this category of children is determined by the priorities of state policy.
    The concept of “orphanhood”. Orphanhood is a social concept that reflects the situation of orphans. An orphan is a child who is temporarily or permanently either deprived of his family environment or cannot remain in such an environment and is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state. To provide targeted assistance, the Federal Law “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care” uses several concepts of orphans.
    Orphans are persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parents have died (direct orphans).
    Children without parental care are persons under the age of 18 who are left without the care of one or both parents. This category includes children who do not have parents or have been deprived of parental rights. This also includes restrictions on parental rights, recognition of parents as missing, incompetent (limitedly capable), located in medical institutions, declaring them dead, serving their sentences in institutions executing sentences of imprisonment, being in places of detention of suspects and accused in committing crimes. Children are considered orphans due to parents’ evasion of their upbringing or protection of their rights and interests, parents’ refusal to take their children from educational, medical institutions, social welfare institutions and other similar institutions, and in other cases where a child is recognized as being left without parental care in accordance with the established rules. law order. The largest category of orphans consists of children whose parents are deprived of parental rights as a result of antisocial behavior (social orphanhood).
    Persons from among orphans and children left without parental care - persons aged 18 to 23 years, who, when they were under 18 years of age, both or only parent died, as well as those who were left without care only or both parents.
    Regulatory framework and mechanisms for its implementation. The regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation were adopted in full compliance with the international documents signed and recognized by it. The main ones are: “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen” (1948); “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” (1959); “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (1989). In particular, the UNESCO Convention on the Rights of the Child, aimed at ensuring the full development of his personality in all corners of the Earth, states: “A child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment or who, in his own interests, cannot remain in such an environment, has the right to special protection and assistance provided by the state. States Parties shall provide, in accordance with their national laws, substitute care for such a child” (Article 20).
    The fundamental documents in the system of regulatory framework for social services for orphans are the Constitution of the Russian Federation (in Article 7 of the Russian Federation it is proclaimed a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person), the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Family Code of the Russian Federation. State support is provided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation,” which defines the system of social services, the principles on which the provision of social services is based, requirements for the volume and quality of social services, and the procedure for their provision.
    The law directly regulating the provision of social assistance to orphans is the Federal Law “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care” (1996, as well as editions of 1998 and 2002), which defines the general principles, content and measures of state support for children. An important role in providing social assistance to orphans is played by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation “On priority measures to implement the World Declaration on ensuring the survival, protection and development of children in the 90s” (1992), “On the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, the protection of their rights ” (1993), “On measures to prevent vagrancy and begging” (1993).
    For the purpose of practical implementation of these decrees, for example, the federal target program “Children of Russia” was approved (1992, with additions in 1996, 1998, 2002). Within the framework of this program, there is a target program “Orphans”, aimed at creating favorable conditions for preparing children who have lost parental care for independent life in the modern socio-economic situation, development various forms placement of orphaned children, improvement of their medical care, development of the personnel and material base of orphan institutions, improvement of the socio-economic support of orphans raised in them.
    The mechanism for implementing the regulatory framework for providing assistance to orphans and children without parental care includes decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, for example, “On approval of a standard regulation on an educational institution for orphans and children without parental care” (1995 ). This Model Regulation regulates the activities of state and municipal educational institutions. For non-state educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, this Model Regulation serves as an example. An important role in the implementation of social assistance to orphans is played by departmental acts (Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.), as well as legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    The main content of social work with orphans and children without parental care is to protect their rights, control the conditions of their detention, social rehabilitation and adaptation, assistance in finding employment and providing housing. The implementation of these tasks is entrusted to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. They are entrusted with the responsibilities of identifying, recording and choosing forms of placement for children left without parental care, as well as monitoring the conditions of their detention, upbringing and education. They are obliged, within three days from the date of receipt of the message, to conduct an examination of the child’s living conditions and ensure his protection and placement. Children left without parental care are subject to transfer to a family for upbringing (for adoption, under guardianship/trusteeship or to a foster family), and in the absence of such an opportunity, to the appropriate institutions for orphans or children left without parental care. Legislation gives priority to family forms of placement for children, as they best meet the needs of the child and create optimal conditions for his socialization, upbringing and development.
    The main subjects and forms of providing social assistance. Social assistance to orphans and children without parental care is carried out through a branched system that includes several levels: the state as the main entity in organizing assistance; state social services (federal and municipal) as territorial structures that directly provide such assistance; mixed services - government and commercial structures focused mainly on providing socio-psychological assistance; institutions created by public, charitable, religious and other organizations as charity centers. The efforts of each of these subjects are aimed at the social adaptation of orphans, correction of their behavior, which is associated with the formation of value orientations of orphans in a closed children's institution, correction of their attitude towards parents who, in cases of social orphanhood, abandoned them, prevention and crime prevention, legal education, etc. Let's name the most common forms of social assistance for orphans and children without parental care.
    Transfer of orphans and children without parental care to specialized institutions. These include: educational institutions where orphans and children left without parental care are kept (trained and/or raised); social service institutions (orphanages for disabled children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, social rehabilitation centers for children without parental care, social shelters); healthcare institutions (orphanages) and other institutions created in accordance with the procedure established by law.
    Children aged 0 to 3 years are placed in orphanages. Upon reaching the age of 3 years, orphans are transferred to orphanages for preschool and preschool children. school age, specialized boarding schools for children with physical and mental disabilities, closed boarding schools for delinquent children and adolescents. In Russia, every fifth orphanage is an institution for mentally retarded and physically handicapped children.
    For each child assigned to an institution, the sending authorities (institutions) submit: the decision of the relevant state body or local government on sending to the institution; referral to an institution issued by the founder or the department in charge of the institution;
    birth certificate (original), and in its absence - a medical examination report certifying the age of the child; medical documents on health status; educational documents (for school-age children); act of examining the child’s living conditions; information about parents or persons replacing them (copies of the death certificate of parents, a sentence or court decision, a certificate of illness or search for parents and other documents confirming the absence of parents or their inability to raise their children); certificate of presence and place of residence of brothers, sisters and other close relatives; an inventory of the property left after the death of the parents, information about the persons responsible for its safety; documents confirming the assignment of living space occupied by a minor or his parents; pension book of a child receiving a pension, a copy of the court decision on the collection of alimony, securities (if they are received for the child by the parents or the person replacing them); conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (for children with developmental disabilities).
    Despite the fact that noticeable positive changes are taking place in this area (differentiation of orphanages, the emergence of social shelters and social rehabilitation centers for minors, assistance centers, etc.), the problem of forming a child’s personality in a closed institution remains very acute and relevant. . Research shows that deprivation of maternal care leads to delays in child development and can manifest as symptoms of mental and physical illness. Isolation of a child from his mother from 0 to 3 years of age usually leads to severe consequences for intelligence and personal functions that cannot be corrected. Constant changes in the microsocial environment (children's home - preschool orphanage - orphanage for school-age children) cause significant damage to the child's psyche and worsen his health. Children raised in boarding schools, for the most part, lag behind their peers in psychophysical development. They begin to walk and talk later, get sick more often, and study worse. Only 20% of pupils in orphanages can study under the programs of mass schools. The domestic system of education in orphanages is based on the fact that children, as a rule, live and study in the same institution. This “chainedness” to one place and the isolation of orphanages increases children’s dependence on the institution and does not contribute to the formation of independent living skills. Often, graduates of boarding schools do not have basic everyday skills:
    prepare food, buy something, organize free time, etc. All this must be taken into account in social work with children raised in orphanages. When organizing new orphanages and restructuring the educational process, attention should be paid to the following tasks: bringing the orphanage into compliance with standards for a certain number of children and the possibility of dividing them into small groups; creating a social and emotional environment close to that of a family; organizing small family-type groups, where teachers and children live as independent “families”, encouraging attention to the psycho-emotional needs of the child; maximum restrictions on the transition of children from one orphanage to another based on age; non-segregation of brothers and sisters in different institutions; strengthening ties between children and their parents (in cases of social orphanhood); development in children of skills, everyday and social skills necessary for future independent life. It is equally important to resolve issues of accommodation and employment of future graduates.
    Adoption of a child is a state act in connection with which between adopted children and their offspring, as well as adoptive parents and their relatives, parents and children. Adopted children lose personal non-property and property rights and obligations in relation to their parents (relatives). Adoption is carried out by the court upon the application of the person(s) wishing to adopt the child, with the obligatory participation of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. Adoptive parents can be adults with legal capacity of both sexes, except for persons who do not have the right to adoption (deprived of parental rights, removed from the duties of a guardian for health reasons, etc.). The age difference between the adoptive parent and the adopted child must be at least 16 years, however, for reasons recognized by the court as valid, it can be reduced. To adopt a child who has reached the age of 10 years, his consent is required, except in cases specifically provided for by law. Procedural issues of adoption are regulated in detail in the “Regulations on the procedure for transferring children”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on September 15, 1995 No. 917. The law guarantees the secrecy of the adoption of a child. Disclosure of adoption secrets is a criminal offense. Illegal adoption is also a criminal offense.
    Practice shows that, as a rule, children under the age of 12 are adopted. Older children remain in boarding schools until graduation. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of adoptions by foreign citizens.
    When starting adoption work, a social worker must receive complete information on the following questions: is the child psychologically and socially ready for adoption; whether he is legally adopted; whether the blood parents (when necessary and when possible) and the child himself gave consent to the adoption consciously and without pressure from anyone; if there is a question about international adoption, then whether the receiving country has given permission for the child to enter; Is there an adoption monitoring system in place to support the child and the adoptive family?
    In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of adoptive parents. In this regard, it is necessary: ​​to carefully study the psychological, social, physical and economic state, as well as the cultural level of those wishing to adopt a child and their immediate environment;
    one should definitely know whether the adoption plan meets their wishes and whether their marital and family situation is conducive to such an undertaking; Helping adoptive parents focus primarily on the child’s needs rather than their own. In addition, one should take into account the fact that the transfer of an orphaned child to a new family presupposes an adaptation period, the duration of which depends on: the individual properties of the child and his adoptive parents (age, state of health, characterological characteristics); the child’s preparedness for changes in life, and parents’ preparedness for the children’s characteristics (especially when childless citizens adopt). Family structure, relationships, and economic opportunities play an important role. And finally, it is necessary to think in advance about the fate of the child in the event of a possible unsuccessful adoption.
    Guardianship (trusteeship) is a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, for the purpose of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as to protect their rights and interests; guardianship is established over children under the age of 14; guardianship - over children aged 14 to 18 years. Guardians are representatives of the wards and make all necessary transactions on their behalf and in their interests. Trustees give consent to carry out those transactions that citizens under guardianship do not have the right to carry out independently. Responsibilities for guardianship (trusteeship) are performed free of charge. For the maintenance of the child, the guardian (trustee) is paid monthly money in the manner and amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Some experts believe that guardianship is preferable in some cases. For example, in some cases of loss of parental care (illness, long-term absence), a guardian can be appointed in parallel with them, come to the family, and take the child with him. The guardian is obliged to raise the child and take care of his health. He has the right to demand in court the return of the child from any persons, including close relatives, if they are holding him illegally. However, he does not have the right to prevent the child from communicating with his family and friends. The law provides for the protection of children from possible abuse by guardians, in particular, it establishes restrictions on their powers and independence in disposing of the property of the ward. Typically, close relatives of the ward become guardians. The state must constantly monitor the living conditions of the ward, the performance of the guardian’s duties, and provide assistance to guardians.
    A foster family is a form of placement for orphans and children left without parental care, on the basis of an agreement between the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and the foster parents on the transfer of the child (children) for upbringing (spouses or individual citizens wishing to take children into the family for upbringing) for the period established by the contract. According to the Regulations on Foster Family, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996, such a family should have no more than 8 children. Foster parents serve as educators and receive payment for their work. Between them and their adopted children there are no alimony, kinship or other legal relations similar to the relationship between parents and children that may arise in the case of adoption of adopted children. The state and local governments allocate funds for the maintenance of each adopted child and provide appropriate benefits established by law. Guardianship and trusteeship authorities are obliged to provide the foster family with the necessary assistance, promote the creation of normal conditions for the life and upbringing of children, and also have the right to monitor the fulfillment of the responsibilities assigned to foster parents for the maintenance, upbringing and education of children.
    The transfer of a child to a foster family over the age of 10 requires his consent. It is prohibited, as in the case of adoption, to separate brothers and sisters, except in cases where separation is permissible in the interests of the child. According to various estimates, from 5 to 10% of orphans are currently being raised in foster families.
    The main directions of providing social assistance to orphans and children without parental care. Measures to provide guarantees of social protection for orphans and children without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children without parental care, are based on state minimum social standards for determining the financial costs of their implementation.
    Financial support. Expenses for the implementation of measures to ensure them are made from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, from state extra-budgetary funds and other sources not prohibited by law.
    The procedure for reimbursement of expenses for the payment of monthly benefits to guardians for food, clothing, shoes, soft equipment per individual, making cash payments for orphans and children left without parental care upon employment and admission to educational institutions in accordance with the standards for providing for pupils orphanages are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    Order No. 199 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 19, 1999 approved the Regulations on the procedure for paying money for food, purchasing clothes, shoes, soft equipment for children under guardianship (trusteeship).
    Additional guarantees of the right to education. Orphans and children left without parental care have the right to receive basic general or secondary (complete) education. Those who have received such education are enrolled in courses to prepare for entry into institutions of secondary and higher vocational education without charging them tuition fees; can receive free second primary vocational education.
    Persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, studying in all types of state or municipal institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, as well as students who lost both or only parents during their studies, are enrolled in full state support until graduation them of this educational institution.
    Graduates of these educational institutions are provided by the relevant educational institution with seasonal clothing and footwear in accordance with the standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as a one-time cash allowance in the amount of at least 200 rubles. (as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ 08/07/2000). In addition to full state support, they are paid a scholarship, the amount of which increases by no less than 50% compared to the amount of the scholarship established for students at this educational institution, and is also paid 100% wages, accrued during the period of industrial training and practical training.
    In addition, they are paid an annual allowance for the purchase of educational literature and writing materials in the amount of a three-month stipend. Payment of the specified benefit is carried out within 30 days from the beginning of the academic year at the expense of a deposit in the name of the graduate to the institution of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (as amended by Federal Laws No. 122-FZ of 08/07/2000, No. 34-FZ of 04/08/02) .
    When students from among orphans and children left without parental care are granted academic leave for medical reasons, they retain full state support for the entire period, and they are paid a stipend. The educational institution facilitates the organization of their treatment.
    Additional guarantees of the right to medical care. Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, are provided with free medical care and surgical treatment in any state and municipal medical institution, including medical examination, health improvement, regular medical examinations at the expense of the appropriate budget. They are provided with free trips to school and student sports and health camps (bases) for work and recreation, to sanatorium and resort institutions if there are medical indications, free travel to the place of recreation, treatment and back at the expense of funds allocated for these purposes from the appropriate budget, at the expense of extra-budgetary funds and other sources not prohibited by law.
    The main responsibilities of the institution’s medical workers include: monitoring the state of health, physical and neuropsychic development pupils, provision medical care; organizing and conducting in-depth medical examinations, preventive and therapeutic measures twice a year, assessing their effectiveness; medical control over the implementation of the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime; monitoring the quality of food, compliance with a rational regime of educational and extracurricular activities of pupils, ensuring sanitary and hygienic requirements in the process of labor training; professional recommendations for pupils taking into account their health status; working with students on hygiene education, promoting sanitary education knowledge.
    Additional guarantees of rights to property and residential premises. Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children under guardianship (trusteeship) who had assigned residential premises, retain the right to it for the entire period of stay in an educational institution or social service institution, as well as in institutions of all types professional education, regardless of the form of ownership, for the period of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, for the period of stay in institutions executing punishment in the form of imprisonment (as amended by Federal Law No. 17-FZ of 02/08/98).
    If they did not have such assigned living quarters, after completing their stay in an educational institution or social service institution, as well as in institutions of all types of vocational education, or upon completion of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, or after returning from institutions performing punishment in the form of imprisonment is provided by executive authorities at the place of residence, out of turn, equivalent to the residential premises previously occupied by them (or their parents) with a living space not lower than established social norms (as amended by Federal Law No. 17-FZ of 02/08/98).
    Registration of orphans and children without parental care is carried out both at the place of residence (the place where they are assigned living space) and at the place of temporary stay (institution for orphans and children without parental care, hostel, family guardian (trustee), foster family). Removal of orphans and children left without parental care from registration at the place of residence or place of stay is carried out only with the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
    In the absence of the necessary housing stock, such persons may be provided with a targeted non-repayable loan for the purchase of residential premises with a living space not lower than the established social standards at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    The legislative requirement on the need for prior permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to carry out transactions in relation to privatized residential premises, the owners of which are orphans and children left without parental care, also applies to residential premises in which minors are temporarily absent, but at the time of privatization they have rights to this residential premises are equal to those of the owner or tenant.
    In the event of the death of parents, as well as in other cases of loss of parental care, if only minors remain in the residential premises, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, heads of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, guardians (trustees), adoptive parents or other legal representatives of minors, within three months, draw up an agreement on the transfer of residential premises into the ownership of orphans and children left without parental care. Agreements for the transfer of residential premises into ownership of minors under the age of 14 are drawn up at the request of their legal representatives with the prior permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities or, if necessary, on the initiative of such authorities. These agreements are drawn up by minors who have reached the age of 14 years independently with the consent of their legal representatives and guardianship authorities.
    To provide living space for orphans and children left without parental care, special housing funds may be created using funds from the relevant budgets and other sources not prohibited by law.
    Additional guarantees of the right to work. Bodies of the state employment service, when orphans and children left without parental care, aged fourteen to eighteen years, apply to them, carry out career guidance work and provide diagnostics of their professional suitability, taking into account their health status, at the expense of the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation. The operating procedure of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation was approved by a resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 1998. Enterprises, institutions, and organizations that create special jobs for them may be provided with tax benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide professional training and professional activities for graduates of social service institutions for orphans and children without parental care. Specialized jobs can be created in a social service institution.
    Social and legal services. To protect their rights, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as their legal representatives, guardians (trustees), guardianship and trusteeship authorities and the prosecutor have the right to apply in the prescribed manner to the relevant courts of the Russian Federation. They are provided with assistance in writing and processing documents related to the protection of their rights and interests; legal education is provided.
    Officials of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments bear disciplinary, administrative, criminal or civil liability for failure to comply with the provisions of the Federal Law in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    Psychological help. Psychological support for the educational process in the institution, advisory and preventive work with teaching staff is carried out by educational psychologists. Psychological assistance includes: psychoprophylaxis and mental hygiene; psychodiagnostics; psychological counseling; psychological intervention in crisis situations; conducting trainings on communicative communication; development of emotional self-regulation skills; psychological education, etc.
    As already noted, orphanhood is a social problem that, apparently, will always exist. Its volume can be reduced by reducing the share of social orphanhood. In this regard, several areas of state social policy can be distinguished: prevention of social orphanhood (elimination of social diseases such as antisocial, maladjusted behavior, alcohol consumption, drug addiction, etc.; effective family policy;
    providing assistance to single mothers, sex education, etc.) and developing a system of social protection and education for children left without parental care.

  • 15. Basic models of social work abroad (using the example of a foreign country).
  • 16. The essence and content of social technologies.
  • 17. Essence and classification of social work technologies.
  • 19. Types, forms and methods of social work technology
  • 20. Social diagnostics as a technology of social work, its goals and methods of implementation.
  • 22. Social therapy as a technology of social work and methods of its implementation.
  • 23. Technology of social expertise: essence and forms
  • 24. The essence and technologies of social forecasting and modeling.
  • 25. Social rehabilitation: essence and content.
  • 26. Technology of consultation in social work.
  • 27. Technology of mediation in social work.
  • 28. Social prevention as a technology of social work and methods of its implementation.
  • 29. Technologies for working with older people
  • 1. Social status and mental characteristics of older people
  • 2. An elderly person in the family
  • 3. Medical and social rehabilitation of older people
  • 4. Social services and provision for older people.
  • 5. Social care for older people
  • 29. Essence and technology of S.R. With older people.
  • 30. Technology of social work with disabled people.
  • 31. The process of social work with a client: structure and content.
  • 32. Social technologies Work with the unemployed
  • 33. Technologies of social work in the Armed Forces.
  • Chapter 2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Military Personnel”
  • §1. The need for adoption and general characteristics of the federal law “on the status of military personnel.”
  • §2. Rights and freedoms of military personnel.
  • 35. Specifics of social technologies. Work in penitentiary institutions.
  • 36. Technologies of social work in the enterprise
  • 37. Features of social work technologies in rural areas.
  • 38. Technologies of social work with the homeless
  • 39. Technologies of social work with orphans.
  • 40. Main goals, objectives and functions of social services.
  • 41. Problems of scientific organization of labor in social work.
  • 42. Modern technologies of social work with at-risk families
  • 43. Technologies of social work with drug addicts.
  • 44. Technologies of social work with families with children with disabilities.
  • 45. Professionally significant values ​​of social work. Their essence and typology.
  • 46. ​​International principles and standards of social work ethics.
  • 47. Professional and ethical requirements for the personality of a social worker.
  • 47. Professional and ethical requirements for the personality of social work.
  • 48. Social charity: its goals and main directions. The relationship between charity and social work.
  • 49. Socially oriented economy as the material basis for social work and social support for the population.
  • 50. Economic policy of the state essence and content
  • 51. Economic fundamentals of the activities of organizations, institutions and social services
  • 53. Features of research activities in social work.
  • 54. Methods of planning and organizing research in the field of social work.
  • 55. The essence of social and medical work. Subject and tasks.
  • 56. Features of social ecology. General principles and methods of environmental protection.
  • 57. Technologies of social work in medicine
  • 58. Health and a healthy lifestyle are the target parameters of social work.
  • 59. State legal foundations of social work in modern society.
  • 60. Social and legal status of a social worker.
  • 2. Spiritual and moral portrait of a social worker
  • 61. Management of the state system of social services.
  • 62. Management of social work as one of the areas of social work. Management.
  • 63. Subjects and objects of management in social work, their brief characteristics.
  • 64. Classification of social service institutions.
  • 65. The process of preparation and methods of making management decisions in the social sphere.
  • 67. Methodology of organizational and administrative work in social work centers and in the social work system.
  • 66. Planning in social services as a management function.
  • 67. Organizational activities to implement decisions and plans.
  • 68. Regulation and control in the social work system. Ways to improve management efficiency in organizations, institutions and social services.
  • 69. The essence of the effectiveness of management activities in the system of social services.
  • 69. The essence of the effectiveness of management activities in the system of social services.
  • 1. Social personnel Works
  • 3. Systematic approach to personnel development in social media. Sphere
  • 4. Certification of employees
  • 71. Motivation and stimulation of personnel activities in social services.
  • 72. Staffing of social services. Service
  • 73. Social work specialist as a subject of professional activity: personal characteristics and professional competence.
  • 74. Professionalism in social work: its components and formation factors. Professional risks.
  • 75. System of professional training of social specialists. Works in Russia.
  • 76. The system of social work management at the federal and regional levels and the powers of authorities in the field of social services.
  • 76. The system of management of social work at the federal and regional levels and the powers of authorities in the field of social services.
  • Municipal management in the field of social support for certain population groups
  • 80. Game techniques in the practice of social work, goals, objectives, content.
  • Gaming technologies
  • [ Periods
  • Academic
  • Informal
  • By the way players interact and modeling conventions
  • [By type of characters played
  • Classification of business games
  • Gameplay methodology
  • Stages of the game
  • Preparatory stage The main components are:
  • Prerequisites and initial framework of gaming technology
  • Practice order implementer
  • Implementer of ordering methodology.
  • Translator of methodological tools
  • Executor (standard implementer of macrogame technology norms)
  • 81. Head of social service. Manager's work culture
  • Management and Leadership Styles
  • The concept of management and its functions
  • Motivation criteria
  • Control functions
  • Leadership Tools
  • Subjective reasons
  • Rules for preventing conflicts
  • Management communication
  • 82. Features of the professional activities of social specialists. Works.
  • 83. The essence of social administration in modern social service organizations.
  • 84. The essence of professional deformation of a social work specialist
  • 86. Communications in social work.
  • 87. Gender relations in modern society.
  • 88. Family and its basic life functions.
  • 1. The main functions of the family and their relationship.
  • Types of family organization and family life cycle
  • 89. Main directions and mechanisms of social protection of the family. Social protection of motherhood and childhood.
  • 90. State family policy and mechanisms for its implementation.
  • 91. Equality between men and women as a social problem.
  • 92. The status of women in modern society.
  • 93. Women and employment: social aspects.
  • 94. Social and pedagogical process: essence, content, characteristics of components.
  • 95. Social and pedagogical problems of working with persons of deviant behavior. Deviant behavior as a problem of social work Concept and causes of deviant behavior
  • Reasons for deviant behavior
  • Basic forms of social control
  • 96. Education as a social value, socio-cultural phenomenon and pedagogical process.
  • 97. The system of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation: main areas of activity and organizational and legal forms.
  • 3. State guarantees and minimum social standards in the system of social protection of the population.
  • 98. Social services to the population: principles, functions, organizational forms and legal methods.
  • 99. Organizational and legal forms and types of social security of the population in the Russian Federation.
  • 100. The essence, content and goals of state social. Help the population.
  • I. Personality, its development and socialization at different age periods
  • 1. Interdisciplinary meaning of the concept of “personality”; socialization
  • 1.2. Grounds and goals of age periodization in the field of social work
  • 2. Specifics of social assistance to individuals at different age periods
  • 2.2. Problems of middle and adulthood (using the example of social work with women)
  • 2.3. Social protection of elderly people and disabled people
  • 39. Technologies of social work with orphans.

    Orphanhood is a social concept that reflects the situation of orphans. An orphan is a child who is temporarily or permanently either deprived of his family environment or cannot remain in such an environment and is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state. Children- orphans - persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parents have died (direct orphans). The law directly regulating the provision of social assistance to orphans is the Federal Law “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care” (1996, as well as editions of 1998 and 2002), which defines the general principles, content and measures of state support for children. In 1992, the federal target program “Children of Russia” was approved. Within the framework of this program, there is a target program “Orphans”, aimed at creating favorable conditions for preparing children who have lost parental care for independent life in the modern socio-economic situation, developing various forms of placement for orphaned children, improving their medical care, developing human resources and the material base of orphan institutions” to improve the socio-economic provision of orphans raised in them.

    Basics content social work with orphans and children left without parental care is to protect their rights, control the conditions of their detention, social rehabilitation and adaptation, assistance in employment and housing. The implementation of these tasks is entrusted to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. They are entrusted with the responsibilities of identifying, recording and choosing forms of placement for children left without parental care, as well as monitoring the conditions of their detention, upbringing and education. They are obliged, within three days from the date of receipt of the message, to conduct an examination of the child’s living conditions and ensure his protection and placement. Children left without parental care are subject to transfer to a family for upbringing (for adoption, under guardianship/trusteeship or to a foster family), and in the absence of such an opportunity, to the appropriate institutions for orphans or children left without parental care. Legislation gives priority to family forms of placement for children, as they best meet the needs of the child and create optimal conditions for his socialization, upbringing and development.

    Social assistance to orphans and children without parental care is carried out through a branched system that includes several levels: the state as the main entity in organizing assistance; state social services (federal and municipal) as territorial structures that directly provide such assistance; mixed services - government and commercial structures focused mainly on providing socio-psychological assistance; institutions created by public, charitable, religious and other organizations as charity centers. The efforts of each of these subjects are aimed at the social adaptation of orphans, correction of their behavior, which is associated with the formation of value orientations of orphans in a closed children's institution, correction of their attitude towards parents who, in cases of social orphanhood, abandoned them, prevention and crime prevention, legal education, etc. Let's name the most common forms of social assistance for orphans and children without parental care.

    Broadcast children- orphans And children, turned out to be without By­ cookies parents, V specialized institutions. These include: educational institutions in which orphans and children left without parental care are kept (trained and/or raised); uch­ cuts social service population (orphanages for disabled children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, social rehabilitation centers for children without parental care, social shelters); institutions hello­ defense (orphanages) and other institutions created in accordance with the procedure established by law.

    Adoption (adoption) baby - this is a state act in connection with which the same rights and obligations arise between adopted children and their offspring, as well as adoptive parents and their relatives that, by law, exist between parents and children. Adopted children lose personal non-property and property rights and obligations in relation to their parents (relatives). Adoption is carried out by the court upon the application of the person(s) wishing to adopt the child, with the obligatory participation of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. Practice shows that, as a rule, children under the age of 12 are adopted. Older children remain in boarding schools until graduation. When starting work on adoption, a social worker must receive complete information on the following issues: is the child psychologically and socially ready for adoption; whether he is legally adopted; whether the blood parents (when necessary and when possible) and the child himself gave consent to the adoption consciously and without pressure from anyone; if there is a question about international adoption, then whether the receiving country has given permission for the child to enter; Is there an adoption monitoring system in place to support the child and the adoptive family? In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of adoptive parents. In this regard, it is necessary: ​​to carefully study the psychological, social, physical and economic state, as well as the cultural level of those wishing to adopt a child and their immediate environment; one should definitely know whether the adoption plan meets their wishes and whether their marital and family situation is conducive to such an undertaking; Helping adoptive parents focus primarily on the child’s needs rather than their own.

    Guardianship (guardianship) - form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, for the purpose of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as to protect their rights and interests; guardianship is established over children under 14 years of age; guardianship - over children aged 14 to 18 years. Typically, close relatives of the ward become guardians. The state must constantly monitor the living conditions of the ward, the performance of the guardian’s duties, and provide assistance to guardians.

    Reception family - this is a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, on the basis of an agreement between the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and adoptive parents on the transfer of the child (children) for upbringing (by spouses or individual citizens wishing to take children into the family for upbringing) for a period established by the contract. According to the Regulations on Foster Family, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996, such a family should have no more than 8 children. Foster parents serve as educators and receive payment for their work.

    Basic directions providing social help children- orphans And children, remaining without care ro­ parents. Measures to provide guarantees of social protection for orphans and children without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children without parental care, are based on state minimum social standards for determining the financial costs of their implementation. Expenses for the implementation of measures to ensure them are made from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, from state extra-budgetary funds and other sources not prohibited by law.

    Additional guarantees rights on education. Orphans and children left without parental care have the right to receive basic general or secondary (complete) education. Those who have received such education are enrolled in courses to prepare for entry into institutions of secondary and higher vocational education without charging them tuition fees; can receive free second primary vocational education.

    Graduates of these educational institutions are provided with seasonal clothing and footwear by the relevant educational institution. In addition to full state support, they are paid a scholarship, the amount of which increases by no less than 50% compared to the amount of the scholarship established for students in a given educational institution, and they are also paid 100% of wages accrued during the period of industrial training and practical training.

    In addition, they are paid an annual allowance for the purchase of educational literature and writing materials in the amount of a three-month stipend.

    Additional guarantees rights on medical about­ service. Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, are provided with free medical care and surgical treatment in any state and municipal medical institution, including medical examination, health improvement, regular medical examinations at the expense of the appropriate budget. They are provided with free trips to school and student sports and health camps (bases) for work and recreation, to sanatorium and resort institutions if there are medical indications, free travel to the place of recreation, treatment and back at the expense of funds allocated for these purposes from the appropriate budget, at the expense of extra-budgetary funds and other sources not prohibited by law.

    Additional guarantees rights on property And residential room. Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children under guardianship (trusteeship) who had assigned residential premises, retain the right to it for the entire period of stay in an educational institution or social service institution, as well as in institutions of all types professional education, regardless of the form of ownership, for the period of military service, for the period of stay in institutions executing punishment in the form of imprisonment. If they did not have such assigned residential premises, after the end of their stay, they are provided by the executive authorities at the place of residence, out of turn, with a living space equivalent to the previously occupied by them (or their parents) with a living space not lower than established social norms. In the absence of the necessary housing stock, such persons may be provided with a targeted non-repayable loan for the purchase of residential premises with a living space not lower than the established social standards at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Additional guarantees rights on work. Bodies of the state employment service, when orphans and children left without parental care, aged fourteen to eighteen years, apply to them, carry out career guidance work and provide diagnostics of their professional suitability, taking into account their health status, at the expense of the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation.

    Socially- legal services. To protect their rights, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as their legal representatives, guardians (trustees), guardianship and trusteeship authorities and the prosecutor have the right to apply in the prescribed manner to the relevant courts of the Russian Federation. They are provided with assistance in writing and processing documents related to the protection of their rights and interests; legal education is provided.

    Psychological help. Psychological support for the educational process in the institution, advisory and preventive work with teaching staff is carried out by educational psychologists. Psychological assistance includes: psychoprophylaxis and mental hygiene; psychodiagnostics; psychological counseling; psychological intervention in crisis situations; conducting trainings on communicative communication; development of emotional self-regulation skills; psychological education, etc.

    Several areas of state social policy can be distinguished: prevention of social orphanhood (elimination of social diseases such as antisocial, maladjusted behavior, alcohol consumption, drug addiction, etc.; effective family policy; assistance to single mothers, sex education, etc.) and the development of a system of social protection and education of children left without parental care.

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    Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children under guardianship (trusteeship) who had assigned residential premises, retain the right to it for the entire period of stay in an educational institution or social service institution. And also in institutions of all types of vocational education, regardless of form of ownership, for the period of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, for the period of stay in institutions executing punishment in the form of imprisonment. And persons who do not have assigned residential premises are provided by the executive authorities at their place of residence, out of turn, with a living space equivalent to the residential premises previously occupied by them (or their parents) not lower than the established standards.

    The rules for the provision in 2008-2010 of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of children in families of guardians (trustees) and foster families, as well as for the remuneration of foster parents, are specified in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for provision in 2008-2010 subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of children in families of guardians (trustees) and foster families, as well as for the remuneration of foster parents” dated December 29, 2007 N 944.

    This resolution indicates that the maintenance of 1 child in a family of guardians (trustees) or a foster family should be at least 4,000 rubles per month, and the cost of paying foster parents - at least 2,500 rubles per month.

    A very important area of ​​government work is the formation of family policy aimed at strengthening the family as a social institution, and the promotion of family values ​​in the media.

    Educational authorities and social teachers of educational institutions carry out comprehensive work with parents and children in order to return children to their families of origin. Persons are selected to perform the functions of guardians and trustees, adoptive parents, foster parents; control is exercised over the residence of children left without parental care in the families of citizens; assistance is provided to persons acting as substitute parents in the upbringing, training and organization of summer holidays for children. The rights and interests of children are protected in court.

    The main reasons for the increase in the number of orphans with living parents are the decline in the social prestige of the family, its material and housing difficulties, interethnic conflicts, the increase in out-of-wedlock births, the high percentage of parents leading antisocial image life. In this regard, the protection of the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care is becoming extremely important in the Russian Federation.

    Thus, the main regulatory documents affecting the problems of orphans and children left without parental care are:

    1. Family Code of the Russian Federation;

    2. Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    4. Housing Code;

    5. Civil Code;

    6. Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    8. Federal Law “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care” dated December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ;

    9. Law of the Russian Federation of July 6, 1991 No. 1550-1 “On local self-government in the Russian Federation”, with subsequent amendments and additions;

    10. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On priority measures to improve the situation of orphans and children left without parental care” dated May 14, 2001. No. 374;

    11. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for providing subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2008-2010 for the maintenance of children in families of guardians (trustees) and foster families, as well as for remuneration of foster parents” dated December 29, 2007. N 944.

    In accordance with the requirements of the standards international law a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment or who can no longer remain in such an environment has the right to special protection and assistance provided by the State (Article 20 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child). In the Russian Federation, a task of national importance is to create conditions for the full physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development of orphans and children without parental care, preparing them for independent life in modern society. For this purpose, a comprehensive implementation of measures is provided, both at the federal level and at the level of the constituent entities of the federation, aimed at the formation and implementation of state policy in relation to children left without parental care, and ensuring their social security, vocational training, employment and full integration into society. According to experts, the most preferable form of placing a child if it is impossible to return to the biological (blood) family is to transfer him for adoption, into the care of relatives or into a foster family. Life in a family (guardian, foster or foster) allows an orphan child to make up for what he lacked, namely to undergo a full course of home socialization (experiencing and mastering various roles in the family), observing patterns of parent-child and marital relationships, developing deficient feelings of compassion, parental warmth, etc., and most importantly - to get the necessary launching pad for later life, namely that set of statuses that will help, after receiving a decent education, to find a good job and make a business career.

    Chapter 2. Main directions of social work with children without parental care.

    2.1 Social adaptation as the main direction of social work with children without parental care.

    The main areas of social work with orphans and children without parental care are social prevention, social rehabilitation and social adaptation. However, it is the latter that is the fundamental technology in working with this category of children, due to the specifics of their psycho-emotional development and the characteristics of education in state care institutions. It is with its help that a whole range of problems faced by pupils and graduates of boarding schools is solved.

    Due to the existence of various directions in the study of adaptation processes, there are many definitions that characterize various aspects of this phenomenon. However, many scientists agree that of all types of adaptation, social occupies a decisive place.

    According to the dictionary-reference book on social work edited by E.I. Holostov, social adaptation is the process of an individual’s adaptation to the conditions of the social environment; type of interaction of an individual or social group with the social environment. According to I.G. Zaynyshev, social adaptation is not only a human condition, but also a process during which a social organism acquires balance and resistance to the influence and influence of the social environment. He believes that social adaptation acquires exceptional relevance during critical periods of human life.

    V.A. Petrovsky insists that social adaptation to the environment in the form of a person’s fulfillment of the norms, requirements and expectations of society guarantees the “fullness” of the subject as a member of society. In addition, when considering the process of social adaptation, he also means the processes of “self-adaptation” of the individual: self-regulation, subordination to higher interests, etc. Thus, the individual defends himself before the world in those manifestations that were and are already in him and are gradually revealed.

    Experts note the main types of human social adaptation through adaptation to existing circumstances by growing into the environment or changing oneself (a person’s activity in this case is directed towards better and more complete adaptation to the environment at the expense of one’s own reserves and personal resources) and self-elimination, leaving the environment , if it is impossible to accept the values ​​of the environment as your own and failed to change and conquer the world(in this case, a person may lose a sense of his own value or the value of what surrounds him).

    The process of social adaptation is traditionally considered at three levels:

    1) society (macroenvironment) - adaptation of the individual and various layers of society to various changes in the socio-economic, political, ideological and cultural relations of society. These include the adaptation of new residents of a boarding school to life outside the home, the adaptation of a graduate of a state care institution to independent life;

    2) social group (microenvironment) - adaptation of a person or, conversely, a discrepancy between a person’s interests and a social group (institutions, organizations, study groups, changed relationships between the teacher of a boarding school and the student, etc.);

    3) the individual himself is the individual’s desire to achieve harmony, a balanced internal position, and compliance of self-esteem with the level of aspirations.

    Scientists identify the following types of adaptation:

    1) physiological - involves the construction of a new system of conditioned reflex connections, the breaking of the old and the formation of a new life stereotype, a set of response adaptive reactions of a mobilization and protective-adaptive nature to environmental conditions, as well as to changes in the physiological state;

    2) pedagogical - this is an adaptation to the system of education, training and upbringing, which form a system of value guidelines;

    3) economic - the process of assimilation of new socio-economic norms and principles of economic relations of individuals and subjects;

    4) managerial - the process of self-government of the individual, which is expressed in a person’s demanding, self-critical attitude towards himself, his thoughts and actions;

    5) psychological - such a relationship between the environment and the individual that leads to an optimal balance between the goals and values ​​of the individual and the group; This type of adaptation presupposes the search activity of the individual, his awareness of his social status and social role behavior. The immediate social environment of an individual can be various social groups - family, educational or work team, friends, etc. For many children in our country, such a social environment becomes a boarding school.

    6) labor (professional) - this is the adaptation of an individual to a new type of professional activity, a work team, working conditions, the characteristics of a particular specialty, and the acquisition of labor skills.

    All these types of adaptation are interconnected and are necessary for the complete social adaptation of a person.

    In the content of social work with orphans and children without parental care, social adaptation occupies a significant place. The team of educators in such institutions is faced with the task of not only helping the child adapt to a new environment for him, but also organizing the life of the pupils in such a way that, upon leaving the orphanage, they feel socially protected and psychologically prepared for adult independent life. In the development of personality and the formation of a life position, a lot depends on the extent to which and how specifically a pupil of a boarding school prepares for integration into society. Socially adapting a pupil of a boarding school means giving him an understanding of his social roles in society, i.e. help to internalize a set of norms that determine how people should behave in a given social situation.

    However, life shows that graduates of boarding schools often leave them unprepared for independent life and face a whole range of problems. This happens despite the fact that, for the purpose of their social adaptation, specialized hostels, social hotels and centers are being created for patronage and social support of former pupils of state care institutions.

    Pupils and graduates of boarding schools face many difficulties throughout their lives. They are due to the psycho-emotional trauma they have experienced, early socio-pedagogical neglect, the specifics of education systems in residential institutions and other factors. For example, E.V. Sakvarelidze identifies the following factors that influence the formation of the personality of a student and graduate of a boarding school and the process of their social adaptation:

    Lack of permanent emotional attachments;

    Lack and poor quality of communication with adults;

    Inability to be alone due to overcrowding;

    The monotony of life (i.e. the absence of emergency situations requiring quick reactions and extraordinary actions);

    Isolation from real life, its laws, requirements;

    Low material and technical support of institutions;

    Insufficient, poor-quality nutrition for pupils;

    Incompetence of staff in boarding schools, rudeness, cruelty to children, antisocial behavior of teachers (for example, theft, alcoholism, pedophilia).

    All these factors underlie a number of difficulties with which

    faced by both pupils and graduates of boarding schools.

    Analysis of data from domestic researchers, literary sources and documentary materials allows us to identify the following problems that are relevant for this social group:

    Weak social connections due to insufficiently developed ability to communicate and build relationships with others;

    Instability family relations due to lack of positive experience family life in childhood;

    Stereotypes of perception of pupils and graduates of boarding schools in society;

    Difficulties in obtaining the desired education;

    Difficulties with professional identification and employment;

    Problem with providing legally guaranteed housing;

    Lack of skills in conducting independent household activities;

    Low level of knowledge about their rights and benefits, inability to defend them in human rights organizations. Let's look at these problems in more detail.

    Researchers dealing with the problems of social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools note that orphans and children left without parental care are a problem group not only in psychological terms. Under normal conditions, as a rule, the child’s adaptive potential is given by the family: social status, upbringing, health, etc. The initial “capital” of pupils of boarding schools is often the lack of empathic communication in the family, cruel treatment, and status ranking as the social “bottom”.

    A child raised in a family has several social circles: family, kindergarten (school), various clubs and sports clubs, close and distant relatives, personal friends and friends of parents, neighbors, yard, etc. Pupils of boarding schools have significantly fewer social circles, and all of them can be defined by the same territory and the same persons.

    Meanwhile, according to practitioners studying this problem, institutions of out-of-school education and leisure are an important means of their social adaptation and a smoother entry into society. S.Sh. Kiseleva emphasizes that in a boarding school it is especially important to help the child understand his inclinations and inclinations, which can subsequently develop to a professional level. The system of out-of-school additional education with its various activities in clubs and interest groups, according to I.I. Shevchenko, plays a unique role in children’s adaptation to modern living conditions, in mastering everyday norms of behavior, and in forming decent relationships with others.

    I.B. studied the influence of the orphanhood factor on the social adaptation of graduates of boarding schools. Nazarova. In 1999-2000 she conducted a study with the participation of graduates of boarding schools, experts (these are representatives of the education system, non-governmental organizations, various faiths) and pupils of boarding schools, shelters, and orphanages. And I came to the conclusion that the existing system of working with children in government institutions depends on many factors of a socio-psychological, objective and subjective nature and does not always contribute to the successful adaptation of the individual. Thus, her data indicate that a child in a state institution does not have a sense of a permanent home: some children had to change up to six settlements, including the place of birth and education after graduation, four or five child care institutions. Thus, home ties among orphans and children left without parental care are destroyed several times:

    1) actual domestic connections and separation from relatives;

    2) home connections, when the child begins to consider the child care institution as home, and the teachers and children as relatives.

    At the same time, M.V. also establishes the connection between the possession of property by a pupil of a boarding school and the respect of others. Osorina. Perhaps it is precisely the phenomenon of public ownership that subsequently determines the inability of graduates of public care institutions not only to manage the funds that are allocated for their maintenance until the age of 23, but also to “retain” ownership of the housing provided in accordance with the law. One of the conditions for successful social adaptation of boarding school students is their preparedness for marriage and family life. According to surveys conducted by the Childhood Research Institute, a significant proportion of graduates of public care institutions are divorced. Among the reasons for this are the inability to establish family relationships, the lack of comfortable housing, material support and the absence of a stereotype of maternal behavior. Thus, about 75% of graduates of boarding schools abandon their children. According to statistics from the Moscow charity center “Complicity in Fate,” which helps former orphanage residents arrange their lives, motherhood is the lot of half of orphan girls; 2/3 of the wards of this center are single mothers. Moreover, it turns out that they are in a hurry to give birth not only because of their immaturity, but also in search of a way out of loneliness.

    It should be noted that the unsuccessful marriage relationships of graduates of boarding schools is not only a consequence of social and everyday disadaptation, violation of gender-role identification, lack of positive experience of family life, but also a problem of public opinion. It is extremely important how a person is perceived by others, therefore collective attitudes and stereotypes regarding graduates of boarding schools are of no small importance for their successful adaptation: if the social environment negatively perceives this group, then successful adaptation is unlikely to take place.

    The specifics of the organization of their school education also leave their mark on the process of social adaptation of boarding school students. Due to mental and psychological characteristics, many of them are trained in correctional classes or assigned to special schools for children with mental retardation. However, even in regular schools, pupils of boarding institutions often evoke a negative attitude from teachers. True, there are examples when close cooperation between school teachers and educators in boarding schools is being established, which helps solve the problems of deprivation of children, overcome their educational lag, and increase the level of intellectual development and abilities.

    However, most boarding institutions, as numerous studies show, with rare exceptions, provide their students with the opportunity to study only up to 9th grade, trying to place them in vocational schools and citing the following “arguments”: “For our genetically retarded people, primary education is enough.” Of course, this is easier than working to expand the child’s potential.

    The problem of career guidance and post-school education is also acute for pupils and graduates of boarding schools. According to E.V. Sekvarelidze, every year 80-95% of children from state care institutions expect to be sent to vocational schools, to work, and only a few dream of continuing their education in grades 10-11, and even more so of receiving secondary specialized and higher education. Moreover, older pupils of boarding schools do not see the point in this, citing the lack of material support for further education and prospects for obtaining housing. Hence the orientation of pupils of state care institutions towards working professions.

    At the same time, pupils of boarding institutions are often limited both in the freedom to choose an educational institution and in the possibility of enrolling in it, despite the available benefits. In the entire Perm region, for example, only 3-5 graduates of boarding schools enter universities every year.

    There are several reasons for this:

    1) firstly, they are often prevented from enrolling in universities due to the insufficient level of education they have received;

    2) secondly, today they do not want to admit children from orphanages not only to universities and technical schools, but also to vocational schools, since for educational institutions this results in certain obligations (providing benefits, places in a dormitory, social and pedagogical support, etc. .d.);

    3) thirdly, the problem is not only to enter educational institutions, but also to adapt and stay in them.

    In some cases, restrictions on obtaining the desired specialty, and then work, are related to the housing problem. Graduates of boarding schools, when graduating from school, in the overwhelming majority of cases, can choose only those educational institutions, and then only the place of work that provides housing, where registration will be provided. But today many organizations do not have dormitories. It is also difficult to take advantage of the employment quotas provided for graduates of boarding schools.

    As a rule, graduates of public care institutions are uncompetitive in the labor market, and the professions they acquire are unclaimed. Those non-governmental organizations that are ready to help them are few in number. At the same time, some institutions do not pay due attention to the development of work skills among students. As a result, being only consumers of state guarantees, children enter independent life completely unprepared for work. Thus, of all the graduates who left Russian boarding institutions in 2003, almost 30% studied, 40% worked. 35% of former orphanage residents did not study or work.

    The housing issue remains no less pressing for residents and graduates of boarding schools. There are not isolated cases when failed parents sell apartments without the knowledge of their children who are being raised in state care institutions. As a result, the latter gain early experience of struggling for housing and registration, entering into conflicts with would-be parents, turning to the judiciary and housing commissions. Some, without solving the housing problem, become homeless. According to statistics, every year a fifth of graduates of boarding schools end up among those without a fixed place of residence, every tenth, not finding their “place in the sun,” commits suicide.

    Despite the provisions of Art. 8 of the Federal Law “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care” (1996) the right of orphans and children left without parental care to be provided with housing, this issue is resolved very difficult.

    Due to the lack of their own housing, some graduates of boarding schools, who have not communicated with their parents for a long time, have to return to them and live under the same roof. Sometimes it turns out that they end up with the same thing that the state once protected them from: if their parents continue to lead an asocial lifestyle, then they themselves often take the same path. Here we can talk about negative adaptation, as in cases when graduates of boarding schools prefer to become homeless, join a gang, but not return to their parents.

    “Information hunger” also has a negative impact on the social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools. Often, children are not only not told which educational institutions they can enroll in, but also not given basic information about their legal rights provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Future graduates of boarding schools sometimes have no idea that, upon leaving the boarding school, they should be assigned a living space, that they should be given a graduation allowance and their personal money (pensions and alimony accumulated over the years in the institution).

    As already mentioned, a few graduates of boarding schools receive a high level of education and prestigious jobs. Given the socio-economic instability in the country, many of them went through the liquidation of enterprises and lost social guarantees. At the same time, many did not have and do not have important adaptation resources: material (housing, in-demand profession, savings) and psychological (adequate upbringing, support from relatives). Those. their potential for increasing or maintaining their previous status is lower than that of other citizens.

    Thus, from all of the above it follows that when working with pupils and graduates of boarding schools, special attention should be paid to the development of their adaptive skills that help them most painlessly integrate into society, which can be:

    2.2 Labor adaptation of children left without parental care

    Social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools can take place using various methods. One of the most promising technologies of social work in this direction is such a component as labor adaptation.

    Labor (professional) is the adaptation of an individual to a new type of professional activity, a new social environment, working conditions and the characteristics of a specific specialty.

    An analysis of the literature on the topic under study allows us to conclude that labor adaptation in a residential care facility includes several elements:

    Mastering the basics of any professional activity through classes in clubs, creative associations (for example, in a cutting and sewing club, theater, dance groups, in a woodworking workshop, etc.);3

    Training students in household self-service skills (washing, ironing, cooking, repairing clothes, preparing food (canning), creating comfort in the room, etc.);

    Involving children in feasible labor activities (cleaning premises, territory, working on farms, etc.);

    Career guidance work in order to identify the child’s individual inclinations and abilities for one or another professional activity, taking into account his intellectual and physical potential (various trainings and testing, conversations, meetings with representatives of different professions, excursions to enterprises, etc.);

    And, finally, actually facilitating the placement of a graduate in a professional educational institution or facilitating his employment with monitoring of his adaptation in the workplace.

    Conducted by I.F. Dementieva’s 2002 survey of residents and graduates of boarding schools showed that even in such a simple activity as cleaning an apartment, 12% of the latter experienced certain difficulties. As a rule, even girls do not know how to give their home a neat appearance; they do not strive to make the bed or wash dirty dishes in a timely manner. There is a fairly high percentage among senior students (44%) and graduates (56%) who do not know how to cook. Given by I.F. Dementieva’s data indicate a low level of readiness of boarding school residents and graduates for independent living.

    Such a disappointing picture is partly explained by the fact that in some boarding institutions conditions have not been created to ensure that children, for example, have the opportunity to cook on their own: either there are no equipped kitchens, or there are not enough products, or the staff of the institutions simply do not consider such activities necessary.

    No less problems arise with career guidance work, and then with the employment of graduates. Social workers and teachers, inspectors for guardianship and protection of children's rights are called upon to deal with these issues. local authorities self-government. But the latter, due to their workload (housing issues, courts, paper reporting) and distance from children, can only take an occasional part in their lives. The catastrophic shortage of personnel also has an impact: in the Moscow region, for example, child care departments are half staffed, and there is one specialist for every 5 thousand or more children. In this situation, there is no need to talk about an individual approach and taking into account the personal interests of each child.

    It must be said that the history of charity for orphans and children left without parental care indicates that society has always cared not only about ensuring that children are fed, clothed and receive a primary education. In many orphanages, they were given their first work skills, taught professions so that they could later begin an independent life. So, in the XVII-XIX centuries. in charitable institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, pupils, as a rule, received skills in sewing and needlework, carpentry and turning, shoemaking, bookbinding, metalsmithing and blacksmithing, basket making, and learned farming , weaving, etc.

    A school for poor children and orphans of the evangelical confession assigned its pupils to nannies after graduation, and its pupils to factories, crafts and trading companies. The Nikolaev Orphan Institute accepted noble girls who received the profession of a home teacher, studied fine needlework, etc. The Elizabethan charitable society in Moscow and the Moscow province, which accepted children from infancy, provided for “further care for such children, providing them with an initial education and preparing them for independent work.”

    It is no coincidence that so much time and attention was paid to the labor training of pupils in special institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. As a means of education, work was unusually effective. For example, in the Rukovishnikovsky shelter the average percentage of relapse in 1879-1888. was 10%, in 1889-1904. - 9.2% (versus the usual 80-90% after keeping teenagers in prison-type institutions).

    During the years of Soviet power, the greatest teacher of the 20th century devoted great importance to the labor training of his students. A.S. Makarenko. His experience of labor adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care, and the historical experience of labor communes organized in the 20-30s. XX century very indicative. In “Lectures on the upbringing of children” he said: “Correct... upbringing cannot be imagined as education without labor... In educational work, work should be one of the most basic elements.”

    The labor activity of the pupils was led by A.S. Makarenko institutions are a great place. He put his students in the position of masters of life in communes. This gave them a sense of responsibility, put them in the position of fighters for the organization and growth of the commune, and gave rise to initiative and creativity. Successes instilled in children confidence in their strengths and capabilities, excited new impulse activities.

    Areas of work activity proposed by A.S. Makarenko to his students were very different. In 1921, when the commune moved to them. A.M. Gorky on the Trepke estate, agricultural work began, a forge and a carpentry workshop began operating. With the advent of an agronomist in the commune, many children became truly interested in working on the land.

    The communes built a cowshed and a greenhouse, repaired houses, laid out paths and flower beds. When the commune received a steam mill for rent, they began to serve the peasants of nearby farms. A group of pig breeders studied advanced animal science techniques and mechanized all services on the farm. Such an organization of business not only gave children vocational training, but turned them towards knowledge.

    It should be said here that by involving children in work, A.S. Makarenko paid special attention to their inclinations. He gave them the right to choose those school items, which corresponded to their innate abilities and in which they can achieve success with an eye to professional destiny2. As a result, the success of his activities exceeded all expectations. The commune became a “brand supplier” of excellent workers to enterprises and applicants to universities. They came to production ready-made organizers who had mastered in the commune the art of building human relationships without conflicts.

    Findings made during work in the commune named after. A.M. Gorky, A.S. Makarenko at a higher level are implemented in the commune named after. F.E.

    Dzerzhinsky, opened in December 1927. University preparation courses were created here, as well as factory training courses to improve skills and technical knowledge. The labor adaptation of the communes was facilitated by the self-government of the pupils. The creation of the FED plant for the production of cameras can be considered the pinnacle of the work of the labor commune. Subsequently, innovators and inventors appeared among the students of the commune, and engineers from among the former communes who graduated from universities worked at the plant. Experience of A.S. Makarenko’s work on the labor adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care is a shining example for social service employees.

    It must be said that even now, when working with residents of boarding schools, labor adaptation is considered as the basis and condition for their complete social adaptation and preparation for independent life. For example, the experience of specialists from the Employment Center of the Sverdlovsk Region deserves attention. Here, with the financial support of the employment service, in 2001 labor teams from among the pupils of these institutions worked in orphanages and boarding schools. Teenagers carried out work on repairing schools and library book collections, grew vegetables in field crews, landscaped areas, and put things in order in their premises.

    The Laishevsky orphanage (Tatarstan), according to its director, has had an open-air labor school for about half a century. It is located in a rural area, and its pupils have 28 hectares of land at their disposal. They grow vegetables and herbs, work on the livestock farm, caring for the animals and preparing feed for them. To stimulate the work of the children, the district administration found an opportunity to provide financial incentives for the children. The money earned is distributed among the members of the brigades by the council of brigadiers without the participation of adults. Considering work to be an important element of social adaptation of boarding school residents, the director of the orphanage is convinced that it should be a joy for the child - “duty” will only give negative result. Apparently, here it is possible to establish a labor process with a “+” sign, as evidenced by the subsequent professional well-being of graduates of the Laishevsky orphanage.

    Thus, labor adaptation can become one of the promising areas in the technology of social work with children raised in state care institutions. It contributes to their further life determination and contributes to their complete social adaptation. How fruitful and successful the work on social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools will be today directly relates to what kind of members society will receive tomorrow - asocial and dependent or capable of independent responsible life.

    2.3 Individual support for graduates of orphanages

    Preparing pupils for independent life and their successful adaptation is the main task of the orphanage. Long-term practice of working in boarding schools shows that when entering the “big world”, a graduate does not know how to apply different strategies of behavior with different people in different situations. The current social relations have aggravated the urgency of the problem, because the sociocultural requirements for young people starting an independent life outside the walls of an orphanage have changed. Children brought up in boarding conditions experience great difficulties when they find themselves alone with an independent life. Most graduates of boarding schools cannot successfully adapt to life. After leaving the orphanage, the graduate is unable to solve many of the problems that he has to face every day without the support of an adult. Knowledge, skills and abilities alone are no longer enough for full adaptation in society; a system of interaction is needed, based on a creative, interactive approach, focused on the personal self-determination of students. The graduates’ fear of the future and the teaching staff’s fear of negating the results of many years of work with each student led to the decision on the need to create a system of work to support graduates, aimed at providing them with competencies that would ensure successful integration into society. At the same time, all components of a teenager’s social competence acquire fundamental importance: adequate self-esteem, consistent with the level of aspiration, self-control of behavior, responsibility, the formation of positive motivation for learning and the predominance of achievement motivation, skills of constructive interaction in various life situations.

    Therefore, the problem of personality development and preparing children for independent life comes to the fore, i.e. their integration into the surrounding society, which can be achieved by special measures associated with individual psychological, medical and pedagogical support.

    The fates of orphanage graduates largely depend on the help and support they can count on after leaving the orphanage. One might object: “They are already adults. At their age, it’s time to be independent”; but we must not forget that most graduates had a difficult fate; sometimes it is much more difficult for them to adapt to society, become independent, gain their own “I” and the respect of others. That is why they so need participation and attention, the help of kind, caring and wise people.

    On the threshold of independent life, each person faces many problems, which his family helps him solve, and the orphanage graduate finds himself alone with his difficulties. Thanks to the “Children’s Right to Family” program and the Fund for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations.

    Each graduate needs individual support from a specialist who will assist him in resolving problem situations and contributes to the development of his independence. Experience shows that many graduates doubt that their lives will turn out well, do not believe in their success and classify themselves as helpless. Not many of them get settled in life: get an education, a profession, find a job and start a family. And the rest, unfortunately, join the ranks of those without a profession, the unemployed, criminals, and people who are disillusioned with life.

    “Support” is such assistance, which is based on maintaining maximum freedom and responsibility of the development subject for choosing a solution to an urgent problem. Accompaniment is a complex process of interaction between the accompanied and the accompanying person, the result of which is a decision and action leading to progress in the development of the accompanied person. Which includes the following:

    Psychological and pedagogical support for graduate students within the framework of the new pedagogical system for the formation of resilience in the process of sports-based physical education and spiritual and moral development;

    Determination and development of forms of social partnership to solve psychological, pedagogical and medical-social problems of orphanage graduates (targeted assistance);

    Monitoring the socialization and life conditions of graduates (timely provision of housing);

    Improving the availability of quality services to support graduates of orphanages (development of a social support network);

    Finding new resources for working with youth from among orphans (while providing new jobs);

    Uniting all subjects of the educational process to provide professional assistance and support to students from the orphan category (providing the opportunity to obtain a prestigious professional education, a profession that is competitive in the labor market);

    Promoting their socialization, professional self-determination and formation (primary employment).

    Participation and support are important for every person; the main thing in life is not to give up in the face of difficulties, no matter how difficult it is, and to believe that everything will work out. The life success of a graduate depends on the ability to solve problems and the willingness to cope with difficulties. After all, each of us wants a successful, happy future: a good education, a decent job, a happy family. To do this, of course, you need to try a lot, you need to make a lot of effort to look human in the eyes of others.

    The most difficult year for graduates of orphanages is the first year of independent life. Behind the threshold of the orphanage, a graduate will experience almost limitless, sudden and at the same time long-awaited freedom. Meanwhile, what his future will be directly depends on how he uses his freedom, what interests he has, who surrounds him.

    Thus, the main directions of social work with children left without parental care work effectively only until the children reach adulthood, and after that they do not regulate any work on the integration of young people from orphanages into society. Often they are left alone in front of their new, sometimes insoluble problems.


    The presence of various kinds of problems in children left without parental care confirms the need to create new approaches and organize the activities of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, allowing the creation of authorized organizations whose main tasks will be the early detection of child troubles, the organization of social protection of children in their birth families, as well as social work, both with children and their families, selection and preparation of families wishing to become foster parents, educators, guardians or adoptive parents.

    However, to improve the situation of orphans and ensure their rights, it is necessary:

    Continue work on family placement for orphans and children left without parental care, develop new forms of family placement for this category of children (within the framework of current legislation);

    Continue work to improve the activities of guardianship and trusteeship authorities;

    Ensure the implementation of current legislation on the protection and protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care (for housing, education, employment), by regulating inter-budgetary relations between government structures;

    Attract funds from extra-budgetary sources to finance educational institutions for orphans and children without parental care;

    Annually include in the budget of the Russian Federation items of expenditure on the construction and purchase of housing for graduates of orphanages, on the payment of funds to guardians (trustees) of orphans and children without parental care raised in families.

    The main regulatory documents affecting the problems of orphans and children left without parental care are:

    Family Code of the Russian Federation;

    Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    Code on Marriage and Family;

    Housing Code;

    Civil Code;

    Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    Federal Law “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care” dated December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ;

    Law of the Russian Federation of July 6, 1991 No. 1550-1 “On local self-government in the Russian Federation”, with subsequent amendments and additions;

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On priority measures to improve the situation of orphans and children left without parental care” dated May 14, 2001. No. 374;

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2007 No. 172 “On the federal target program “Children of Russia” for 2007 - 2010”;

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for providing subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2008-2010 for the maintenance of children in families of guardians (trustees) and foster families, as well as for remuneration of foster parents” dated December 29, 2007 N 944 .

    In recent years, in Russia, in the context of ongoing instability in socio-economic and political life, there has been a steady upward trend in the number of orphans and children left without parental care. According to statistics as of January 1, 2009, their total number is now about 700 thousand people. Moreover, only a small number of these children were left without care as a result of the death of their parents. The rest belong to the phenomenon of so-called “social orphanhood”, that is, they are orphans with living parents, and their number is growing catastrophically.

    The main reasons for the increase in the number of orphans with living parents are the decline in the social prestige of the family, its material and housing difficulties, interethnic conflicts, the increase in out-of-wedlock births, and the high percentage of parents leading an antisocial lifestyle. In this regard, the protection of the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care is becoming extremely important in the Russian Federation.

    In accordance with the requirements of international law, a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment or can no longer remain in such an environment has the right to special protection and assistance provided by the state (Article 20 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child). In the Russian Federation, a task of national importance is to create conditions for the full physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development of orphans and children without parental care, preparing them for independent life in modern society. For this purpose, a comprehensive implementation of measures is provided, both at the federal level and at the level of the constituent entities of the federation, aimed at the formation and implementation of state policy in relation to children left without parental care, and ensuring their social security, vocational training, employment and full integration into society. According to experts, the most preferable form of placing a child if it is impossible to return to the biological (blood) family is to transfer him for adoption, into the care of relatives or into a foster family.

    When working with pupils and graduates of boarding schools, special attention should be paid to developing their adaptive skills that help them integrate into society as painlessly as possible, which can be:

    Labor adaptation of graduates of boarding schools;

    Individual support programs for this category of the population.

    Labor adaptation can become one of the promising areas in the technology of social work with children brought up in state care institutions. It contributes to their further life determination and contributes to their complete social adaptation. How fruitful and successful the work on social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools will be today directly relates to what kind of members society will receive tomorrow - asocial and dependent or capable of independent responsible life.

    Of course, a lot here depends on the desire, readiness and ability of the employees of boarding schools themselves to provide support and assistance to their students in solving emerging problems related to their social adaptation. This applies to both the time children spend within the walls of a state institution and the crisis period after leaving it - at the time of formation of independent life.

    The main directions of social work with children left without parental care work effectively only until the children reach adulthood, and after that they do not regulate any work on the integration of young people from orphanages into society. Often they are left alone in front of their new, sometimes insoluble problems.


    1. Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation - M.: Legal literature, 2003.

    2. Alekseeva, L.S. Technologies of social work with children affected by family violence: scientific and methodological manual/L.S. Alekseeva. -M.: State Research Institute of Family and Education, 2001. 208 p.

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      Characteristics of social work with orphans and children without parental care brought up in orphanages. Study of the characteristics of personal and social development of orphans in shelter conditions. Social correction program.

      scientific work, added 11/30/2015

      Regulatory and legal framework for social support for orphans and children without parental care. Problems of social adaptation of graduates of boarding schools. Study of the level of preparedness of pupils for independent living.

      thesis, added 02/08/2014

      State system of social support for children in the KBR. Development of a system of social service institutions for families and children. Social work with orphans and children without parental care. Social support for disabled children.

      abstract, added 11/20/2007

      Orphanhood as a social phenomenon and psychological and pedagogical problem. Types of social institutions. Regulatory framework for working with children without parental care. Educational work with children and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation.

      course work, added 01/04/2015

      Basic aspects of employment and employment of orphans and children without parental care. Regulatory and legal framework for their social support. Analysis of professional self-determination of orphans and children left without parental care.

      course work, added 09/26/2012

      The problem of social adaptation and socialization in society of pupils of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. Practical activities of post-boarding support, development of organizational methods of social work.

    Social work with orphans

    Since the family is the very first and main social institution in the life of every child, its loss affects his further development and prevents the formation of his autonomy, initiative, gender identity, etc. Formation of a mature healthy personality without these neoplasms and the transformation of the child into a full-fledged subject of interpersonal relationships It's simply impossible. Therefore, it is important to build a system of high-quality social, psychological and pedagogical assistance and support for orphans.

    The relevance of this study arises from the current needs of practice in the field of education:

    · the need for new facts that allow expanding the theory and the scope of its application;

    · the need for the development of psychological recommendations and for solving practical problems based on the use of psychological knowledge.

    Psychological characteristics the development of orphans is devoted to the works of I.V. Dubrovina, L.G. Zhedunova, M.I. Lisina, B.C. Mukhina, A.M. Parishioner, H.H. Tolstykh, I.A. Furmanova and others.

    Various aspects social education the works of L.V. are devoted to children left without parental care. Bayborodova, N.P. Ivanova, A.M. Nechaeva, L.Ya. Oliferenko, M.I. Rozhkova, E.E. Chepurnykh, L.M. Shipitsyna, T.I. Shulgi et al.

    The problems of professional development and professional training in the field of social pedagogy and social work at various stages and levels of professional education were dealt with by such researchers as V.G. Bocharova, B.Z. Vulfov, M.P. Guryanova, N.Yu. Klimenko, P.M. Kulichenko, T.V. Lodkina, V.Sh. Maslennikova, G.V. Mukhametzyanova, L.E. Nikitina, S.V. Tetersky and others.

    The purpose of this study was to study the features of effective social work with orphans in a boarding school.

    · will reveal the relationship between the created pedagogical conditions for accompanying boarding school students and the quality of social adaptation and integration into society of the children of the boarding school under study;

    The methodological basis of the study consists of the following scientific ideas and principles:

    · the idea of ​​development through the development of the cultural heritage of mankind

    (L.S. Vygotsky);

    · the idea of ​​the decisive role of social conditions and education in the development of personality (A.N. Leontyev);

    · the idea of ​​the mediation of a person’s system of relationships to existence through his relationships with other people (S.L. Rubinstein), etc.

    The research was carried out in several stages:

    Stage 1 - search and theoretical, in which the state of the problem in psychological and pedagogical theory and the real experience of practicing teachers was studied, the starting positions of the study were determined (goals, objectives, methods), and a working version of the hypothesis was formulated.

    Stage 2 – analytical and research related to the conduct of psychological and pedagogical research.

    Stage 3 - final and generalizing, at this stage the material was systematized and the research results were summarized, theoretical principles were clarified, conclusions were corrected, and psychological and pedagogical recommendations of an applied nature were introduced.

    · between the scale of society's need for full-fledged results of the activities of orphan institutions of the educational system for the effective preparation of pupils for independent life and effective work and the real contribution of teaching practice in the implementation of social adaptation of pupils within educational institutions;

    · between the need of society to solve the problems of social education of orphans in conditions of increasing their number and insufficient attention to their solution in boarding schools, the lack of specially trained university graduates to work with children;

    · between the need for effective technologies of social and pedagogical support aimed at developing the social adaptability of boarding school graduates and their insufficient development;

    · between the need for special training of social teachers for raising orphans, determined by the characteristics of the development and socialization of this category of children, and the lack of development of scientifically based theoretical and methodological support for the training of personnel in this profile of social and pedagogical activity.

    The result of the work is the development of a program of effective social work with orphans in a boarding home with the goal of successful socialization of its pupils.

    Resolution of the identified problems and contradictions will lead to:

    · a different level of relationships between teachers, social educators, psychologists and boarding school students during the entire period of the latter’s stay in the institution in question;

    · reducing the number of maladapted and asocial pupils, relieving anxiety, preventing neuroses of various origins;

    · effective cooperation between teachers, social educators, psychologists and guardianship and social protection authorities for the benefit of children from orphanages and boarding schools.

    To solve the problems and test the hypothesis, the following methods were used:

    · theoretical (methods of collecting, analyzing and summarizing scientific theoretical data, pedagogical experience and psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic);

    · empirical (questionnaires, observation, etc.);

    · methods for processing the received data.

    The theoretical significance of the study lies in the further development of the understanding of the process of socialization of boarding school students and highlighting the features of social work when accompanying children throughout the student’s stay in the institutions in question, as one of the most important conditions for the success of this work.

    The practical significance of this study lies in the focus of the research on improving and optimizing the conditions for the personal and social development of children in boarding educational institutions by:

    · development of a program of social work with orphans in a boarding school, allowing for the successful socialization of its pupils;

    · deepening the knowledge of future social educators about the socialization of boarding school residents;

    · use of the results obtained in the work of social educators and psychologists, as well as methodologists of the departments of education, guardianship and social protection to ensure the effectiveness of the process of socialization of orphans.

    The structure of the thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of literature used in the preparation of theoretical material and applications.

    In the first chapter, we examined the main theoretical principles of the problem of orphanhood both in Russia and abroad, the features of social adaptation of boarding school pupils, as well as the main principles on which social activities in institutions for orphans are based.

    The second chapter reveals the technology of social work: psychological and pedagogical content, methods of social work and features of socialization of orphans in a boarding school.

    The third chapter is devoted to a description of the work of a rural boarding school.

    Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of social work with orphans.

    1.1. Orphanhood as a social phenomenon and psychological and pedagogical problem.

    Since the activities of a social teacher and all social work with orphans in general are directly related to such a social phenomenon as orphanhood, it is advisable to consider its essence.

    Consideration of the phenomenon of orphanhood will allow, firstly, to substantiate the importance of professional training of specialists to work with this category of children and to identify the factors that determine the specifics of this training, and secondly, to identify the factors that determine the effectiveness of social work with orphans in residential institutions.

    Based on the multifaceted nature of the problem under study and taking into account the nature of social and pedagogical work with orphans, it seems appropriate to consider orphanhood in two main aspects: as a social phenomenon and a psychological and pedagogical problem.

    When approaching the study of orphanhood as a social phenomenon, it is necessary to note that in any society there have always been, are and will be children who, for various reasons, are left without parents, and the process of their development occurs either in another family or in institutions specially created for this.

    Orphanhood is a social phenomenon caused by the presence in society of children whose parents have died, as well as children left without parental care due to deprivation of parental rights, recognition of parents as incompetent, missing, etc. in the prescribed manner. This also includes children whose parents are not deprived of parental rights, but do not actually provide any care for their children.

    Orphanhood, as a social phenomenon, has existed as long as humanity has existed, and is an integral element of civilization.

    The problem of orphanhood in Russia has long roots, and has almost always been relevant for Rus'. This was primarily due to endless wars and mass diseases that sometimes devastated cities and provinces. But the society of that time tried to provide assistance to those left without parental care children, distributing children into their own related families.

    If no one could accept a child into the family, then he was sent to a monastery, under the care of the monastic brethren. Later, starting from the end of the 17th century, so-called orphanages began to appear in Russia.

    After the October Revolution and the Civil War, millions of children were homeless and wandering on the streets of the country. Thousands of orphanages were created throughout the country. Due to the fact that there was no new educational system, these were places of mass detention of children with strict and unfavorable discipline for the pupils, since there were no teaching staff, and the workers were mainly women “from the street”.

    Due to the fact that the nascent Soviet government was looking for ways and methods of raising orphans, one of the advanced experiences of “pacifying” children was the method of “colonial education” of the famous domestic innovator in the field of pedagogy - Anton Semenovich Makarenko. Having studied his methods of working with children, one can understand that perhaps it was advanced and fully fit into the ideology of the communist state. The main idea of ​​his pedagogy was collective controllability, when the individual was not considered the main value.

    Today, orphanages do a lot for children, but due to insufficient funding, a large number of projects remain unrealized. And some programs, for example, for the adaptation of orphans within the institution, are simply impossible, since there is no system and accompanying institutions for orphans after leaving the walls of the orphanage.

    In order for a child left without parents to feel comfortable emotionally, it is necessary social conditions, which determine his life, his physical health, the nature of his communication with people around him, his personal successes. Unfortunately, in almost all institutions where orphans are raised, the environment is usually an orphanage or shelter. Of course, we know the experience of the best orphanages and boarding schools, where children feel good, and whose graduates enter adulthood relatively successfully.

    The most formidable phenomenon in recent years has been a significant increase in the size of “social” orphanhood and the emergence of its new characteristics. The so-called “hidden” social orphanhood is being discovered, which is associated with the deterioration of the living conditions of the family, the decline of its moral foundations and changes in attitudes towards children, up to their complete displacement from families, as a result of which the homelessness of a huge number of children and adolescents is growing. Social orphanhood is the phenomenon of elimination or non-participation of a large number of people in the performance of parental responsibilities (distortion of parental behavior).

    Due to the imperfection of the accounting system, the high dynamics of growth in the number of children who have lost parental care, the exact number of orphans and children left without parental care in our country is hardly possible. According to some estimates, it ranges from 500 to 700 thousand (see Appendices 4-8).

    The main reasons contributing to the widespread prevalence of social orphanhood are family disorganization, financial and housing difficulties of parents, unhealthy relationship in the family, parental alcoholism.

    Research conducted in many countries of the world indicates that outside the family, a child’s development follows a special path and he develops specific character traits, behavior, and personality, about which it is often impossible to say whether they are good or bad, they are simply different.

    The reasons that determine the unfavorable psychological development of children raised in closed children's institutions can be described as:

    · improper organization of communication between adults and children, the failure of those forms of communication that dominate in children's institutions, especially in orphanages and preschool orphanages;

    · instability, frequent turnover of adults raising children;

    · insufficient work on developing play, especially in preschool orphanages;

    · the poverty of children’s concrete sensory experience, resulting from the extreme narrowness of the environment;

    · insufficient preparedness of orphanage teachers, both pedagogical and psychological, and their indifferent attitude towards children;

    · shortcomings of education and training programs;

    · undifferentiated approach to children in the process of their upbringing and education.

    Thus, the problem of psychological assistance to orphans and children left without parents requires combining the efforts of social workers, psychologists and teachers in developing individual methods of working with each child who finds himself in an orphanage, shelter, social hotel, boarding school, etc.

    A social teacher whose professional activity is connected with orphans inevitably encounters difficulties in his work due to the peculiarities of their socialization.

    One of the main institutions for the socialization of orphans is the boarding school, where they spend not only their childhood, but also their education. On the one hand, the content and form of education reflects the state and main trends in the development of society, on the other hand, society influences education by placing a certain social order on educational institutions to prepare a certain type of graduate. In conditions of intensive social renewal, the effectiveness of educational institutions, including boarding schools, is determined by the preparedness of graduates for conscious activity and independent activity in various spheres of life, allowing them to set and solve problems that have no analogues in the experience of past generations.

    Speaking about orphanhood as a psychological and pedagogical problem, it should also be noted that the rate of mental development of such children is slow and is very different from the same indicators for children raised in families. Their development and health have a kind of qualitative negative features that differ at all stages of childhood - from infancy to adolescence and beyond. Features reveal themselves in different ways and at different levels at each age stage. But all of them are fraught with serious consequences for the formation of the personality of a growing person.

    Research shows that deprivation of children from maternal care, followed by mental deprivation in orphanages, has a catastrophic effect on their social, mental and physical health.

    Summarizing the above, it is necessary to note the following.

    Most abandoned children lack the personal attention and emotional stimulation necessary for development. Observing severe damage to personality, self-awareness and intellectual development in such children, scientists suggested that emotional deprivation makes the “moment of rejection” itself especially relevant. This traumatic complex persists in the child for life. In this regard, it is very important that a child who finds himself in a difficult life situation finds himself in an atmosphere of goodwill, complicity, with specialists who are ready and able to help him cope with all difficulties, overcome the consequences of his loneliness and enter adulthood as a full-fledged member of society

    1.2. Social adaptation of orphans: experience of work abroad and in Russia.

    Social adaptation of orphans is a new problem for Russia. In the twentieth century, such a problem did not exist, because it was believed that in a special educational institution the child was already in the best possible place, where he was consistently introduced to the “correct” world order. The fact that no educational institution, even the best one, can replace a family was started relatively recently - about 15 years ago. And the fact that children who, for one reason or another, cannot live with their parents, constitute a particularly disharmonious group, sometimes even dangerous for society, began to be realized in practice especially clearly only in the last, economically crisis decade.

    An important task facing all ministries is not to place children in institutions of various departmental affiliations, but to look for either a foster family, or create institutions like a family education center, or family-type orphanages, where the conditions for keeping a child are close to family

    Meanwhile, twenty years ago there was no talk of such centers, nor of foster families and other alternative forms of raising orphans to state supervision. The methods of social adaptation, which are now being discussed at the state level in Russia, mostly came to us from the West. Abroad, in order to place an orphan in a special state educational institution, a very compelling reason is needed, related either to his criminal activity or to his physical and mental condition. Even parents deprived of parental rights are trying to return their children. If this is not possible, they still try to place the child in a family for upbringing - be it a foster family, a family orphanage, or a family of new adoptive parents.

    Foster families are currently the most common form of social adaptation of orphans abroad. The child really “immerses” in the family environment when there is an older mentor who takes care of him and monitors his development. But foster families do not guarantee the most important thing - that the child will truly have a family. Some children change several such families over the course of 7-10 years.

    In Russia, foster families have taken root. Most vivid examples– development of this institute in Saratov and Samara. Family orphanages, with an average of 10-12 children per father and mother, turned out to be of little use on Russian soil. Although this form of adaptation for orphans still exists in Russia, the family orphanage program officially closed in 1998, and the concept of “family orphanage” has now become an integral part of the concept of “foster family”. The reason for this incompatibility is simple - the state allocated a minimum of funds for the maintenance of each child. The subsidies provided for ten were actually enough for five or six children.

    In the USA, there is another form of orphanage - boarding groups. Based on age and development, children are divided into groups living in different houses in the same town. Caregivers, teachers, psychologists and social workers do not live with children, but work in the houses in shifts. This system is close to our “classical” form of orphanage, with the exception of the level of accommodation and the rather diverse staff of workers in the American version.

    All over the world, the most acceptable way of social adaptation of orphans is, of course, adoption. The attitude of Russian society towards this procedure is directly opposite to that of the West. A Russian citizen who adopts a child is entitled to benefits by law. In the USA, as in most countries of Western Europe (with the exception of Scandinavian ones), future parents are not only not entitled to “compensation” for a responsible step, but, on the contrary, they are required to provide a huge amount of all kinds of evidence of their own viability in order to make such a decision. Potential adoptive parents must present almost everything that can describe their life: from financial documents indicating that they can provide the child with a normal standard of living, education, etc., to medical tests. But then, after adoption, they have the right to count on the support of society: psychologists, social workers, and crisis centers are at their service. In some US states, doctor and psychologist services for an adopted child are provided free of charge. In Russia, everything is different: after adoption, apart from the minimum benefits due in monetary terms, you cannot expect any help from the state, especially from society. Therefore, it would seem logical that children are adopted abroad in developed countries more often than in our country. This is, of course, due to poor living conditions and poverty, but not only. Many experts note that the lower percentage of adoptions in Russia is very different from the percentage of those who want to adopt - there are many more of them.

    The sociocultural situation is to blame. The social context in which the adoption takes place should always be taken into account. In the West, adoption is normal, because it is always more prestigious to have a family and children, even not your own, than to remain childless. In Russia, adoptive parents fake a pregnancy and resort to various tricks, just so that no one suspects that the child is not their own. The fear of being a “black sheep” is stronger than the desire to create normal psychological conditions for adaptation for the child, which he probably will not have in a situation of constant nervous tension of his parents. It turns out that the social climate abroad is a priori more favorable for a more successful and painless adaptation of an orphan child into society.

    An important aspect of the adaptation of an orphan child in society is the level of his preparation for independent life, namely household and social adaptation. For Russian children leaving boarding schools and orphanages, this is almost the most important problem in life. State guardianship relieves the pupils of their institutions from any habit of self-sufficiency, positioning themselves in society, and communicating with new people. Having received a scholarship and an apartment upon leaving the orphanage, young people in two days may find themselves completely without money and driven out onto the street by enterprising deceivers. If such terrible things do not happen, then smaller troubles complicate life: the inability to cook food, choose clothes, call a specialist to fix a leaking faucet, and so on, and so on. To this we must also add the involuntary isolation of former children from orphanages and boarding schools: after all, from birth they were in a closed society, where they did not have to communicate with new people, show restraint and tolerance to everything unusual. The inability to restrain their irritation and conflict alienate them from their peers and make them even more embittered and helpless.

    In the West, orphans who are raised in family orphanages or boarding schools are required to take “independent living” courses and receive a certificate of completion upon leaving the educational institution. This is one of the conditions for independent living. Typically, children are taught by teachers who teach them home economics, family budget planning and other necessary things, and psychologists who help children cope with their own aggression, communicate with friends, teachers, colleagues, and instill in them a sense of responsibility.

    The entire Russian child protection system is in need of radical reform. The institution of state care has become obsolete and has long failed to meet the requirements for child protection. International experience in solving the problem of orphanhood will contribute to the speedy creation of a new system. Of course, not all Western forms of social adaptation of orphans are applicable in Russia. But it is thanks to them that Russian orphans have new opportunities to grow up not in a state special institution, but in a family.

    1.3.Features of social activities in boarding homes.

    Researchers and practitioners in the field of pedagogy have always paid the most serious attention to the problems of family education, considering it as the most natural basis for the formation of the mental and moral makeup of the individual, the development of a person’s creative abilities at all age stages of life.

    But in the last hundred years, the increasing pace of social transformations has also captured the sphere of family relations, the traditional forms of which began to change: huge patriarchal families fall apart, the number of children in the family is steadily declining, close ties between its members become brittle and fragile. In our century, the family, among other things, has also ceased to be the only environment where a child is raised and develops.

    Various types of children's institutions have emerged - from walking groups to orphanages. In some institutions, children attend only during the day, in others they live five days a week, returning to their parents on Saturday and Sunday. In institutions of the third type, children stay permanently; only some of them are visited by relatives occasionally and for short periods of time. These institutions are called closed (see Appendices 4-8).

    The emergence of children's institutions (institutes) caused a very ambiguous attitude and a desire to understand how they influence the mental development of children, and also gave rise to the problem of “institutionalization,” that is, the question of the peculiarities of the formation of the personality and behavior of a child attending public children's institutions. For a long time, there was a widespread belief abroad that the development of children in such institutions lags behind. Many scientists emphasized the destructive and irreversible negative action“institutions” on the psyche of children. The conditions for raising children deprived of family and parental care were of particular concern.

    State forms of placement for children left without parental care are the most developed and most widely used in our country.

    Let us highlight the main features of institutions of this form of placement of children.

    A children's home is a healthcare institution designed to educate and provide medical care to orphans, abandoned children, children of parents who are unable to raise their children, and children with defects in physical and mental development. The children's home brings up children from birth to 3 years old, children with defects in physical and mental development up to 4 years old. Children come to the orphanage from maternity hospitals (abandoned children), from hospitals and from families. The main activities of the orphanage are educational, therapeutic and health-improving. Children in the orphanage are provided with food, clothing, shoes, equipment and toys in accordance with approved standards. Children are discharged from the orphanage when they are returned to their family, transferred to an orphanage of the educational system, a boarding home of the social security system, or transferred for adoption or guardianship.

    A shelter is a state specialized institution of the social protection system, a new form of assistance to orphans and children in difficult situations. Shelters are also created by public organizations.

    A shelter is an institution for the temporary stay of a child. The main tasks of the shelter staff are: providing children with psychological and pedagogical support, their socialization, and also determining the future fate of the child.

    Temporary detention centers are a form of temporary placement of a child, organized for the purpose of providing him with emergency specialized assistance. Such assistance is sometimes necessary when a child is urgently removed from the family, when there is a need to organize urgent psychological, pedagogical or social support. An important area of ​​the centers’ work is the organization of correctional and rehabilitation activities. Most often, such centers are created by social protection authorities, as well as public organizations.

    A boarding school is a state institution that provides the maintenance, training, development and upbringing of orphans of school age, as well as children from families with developmental or learning problems.

    There are several types of boarding schools:

    · boarding schools with a general education program for children without serious problems in personal development;

    · auxiliary boarding schools for children with mild mental retardation and delayed psycho-speech development (these boarding schools, like the first ones, are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education);

    · boarding schools for children with severe mental retardation, administered by the Ministry of Social Protection.

    In recent years, boarding schools have begun to appear for gifted children left without parental care.

    Today in Russia there are more than 152 general education boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care, in which about 28.9 thousand children are educated and educated; 213 boarding schools for orphans with mental and physical disabilities, in which there are about 25.1 thousand orphans. In these institutions, more than 90% of children have living parents.

    Considering the specifics of the activities of government institutions that provide assistance to orphans and children in difficult life situations, one should dwell on the legal basis of such assistance.

    In accordance with the requirements of international law, a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment or can no longer remain in such an environment has the right to special protection and assistance provided by the state.

    In the Russian Federation, a task of national importance is to create conditions for the full physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development of orphans and children without parental care, preparing them for independent life in modern society. For this purpose, a comprehensive implementation of measures is provided, both at the federal level and at the level of the constituent entities of the federation, aimed at the formation and implementation of state policy in relation to children left without parental care, and ensuring their social security, vocational training, employment and full integration into society.

    Measures of state support for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among them under the age of 23, are provided for by Federal Law. “On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care” (dated December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ, as amended on August 7, 2000 No. 122-FZ), in accordance with which they are provided and ensured government authorities the following guarantees:

    1. When receiving an education. To realize the right to education for citizens in need of social assistance, the state fully or partially pays the costs of their maintenance during the period of study. The Federal Law “On Education” provides for the admission of orphans without parental care to state and municipal educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education without competition, subject to successful passing of entrance exams. Persons in this category are enrolled in full state support until they graduate from a state or municipal institution of primary, secondary and higher professional education. In addition, they are paid a scholarship, the amount of which increases by no less than fifty percent compared to the amount of the scholarship established for students at this educational institution.

    2. In the field of labor and employment. The main task of the state in the field of labor and employment of graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care is to provide them with equal opportunities to exercise the right to work and choose a profession through various activities. Including vocational training, establishing quotas, encouraging employers to hire these citizens, as well as reserving certain types of work for the employment of such citizens.

    3. For medical care. Orphans and children without parental care, as well as persons from among them, are provided with free medical care and surgical treatment in any state and municipal medical and preventive institution. Including medical examination, health improvement, regular medical examinations at the expense of the appropriate budget. In addition, they are provided with free trips to school and student sports and recreational camps (bases) for work and recreation, to sanatorium-resort institutions if they have medical conditions, and free travel to the place of recreation, treatment and back.

    4. In the housing sector. One of the most important issues faced by graduates of institutions for orphans and children without parental care is the issue of providing living space. The protection of housing rights is carried out in the following areas: securing and providing housing, control over its actual use before graduates of government institutions come of age, control when concluding transactions with residential premises owned by minor graduates.

    It should be noted that the Federal Law provides for the development and implementation by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of targeted programs for the protection and protection of the rights of orphans and children without parental care. And in most regions of the Russian Federation such programs exist.

    A very important area of ​​government work is the formation of family policy aimed at strengthening the family as a social institution, and the promotion of family values ​​in the media.

    Educational authorities and social teachers of educational institutions carry out comprehensive work with parents and children in order to return children to their families of origin. Persons are selected to perform the functions of guardians and trustees, adoptive parents, foster parents; control is exercised over the residence of children left without parental care in the families of citizens; assistance is provided to persons acting as substitute parents in the upbringing, training and organization of summer holidays for children. The rights and interests of children are protected in court.

    The modern understanding of the foundations of social development proceeds from the fact that the state’s social policy should be aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.

    In Russia, in the context of the transition to a market economy, against the background of a sharp change in the nature and forms of social relations, the breaking of habitual stereotypes of life experience, the loss by many people of social status and development prospects both for society as a whole and for themselves personally, serious difficulties arose with which are impossible to cope with on your own. Social tension has increased. All this increases the importance of developing social work as a specialized type of activity, as well as the need to train social workers of different specializations for different categories of clients.

    Since the main task of each institution where orphans and children left without parental care are located or visited is the socialization of each child, the work of social services is very important in such institutions.

    The social service for working with children in all institutions under consideration, in particular in boarding schools, is responsible for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of pupils, assists in collecting the necessary information to determine the legal status of an identified child, prepares a draft plan for the protection of the rights of the child, and participates together with a representative the guardianship and trusteeship authority in organizing annual inspections to revise the plan; monitors the development of children raised in inpatient groups and foster families.

    Chapter 2. Technologies of social work.

    2.1. Pedagogical and psychological content of social work.

    Social work is a specific type of professional activity, providing state and non-state assistance to a person in order to ensure the cultural, social and material standard of his life, providing individual assistance to a person, family or group of people.

    S. Ramon and T. Shanin, English scientists, define social work as the organization of a personal service to help a person. It is aimed at making everyday life easier for people in personal and family crises, and, if possible, radically solving their problems. Social work is an important link between the people who need to be helped and the government apparatus, as well as legislation.

    In modern society, the problem of social adaptation and successful integration into society of orphans and children left without parental care has become especially acute. The core of adaptation and integration into society of these children is to instill in them a sense of friendship and love, and on their basis a readiness for mutual assistance.

    The main goal of the boarding school is the socialization of students. It is carried out in close interaction between educational and educational work. To achieve this goal, family modeling measures are necessary: ​​adult children must take care of the younger ones and show respect for the elders. It is advisable to prepare for family life in such a way that students develop skills in housekeeping, first aid, and organizing leisure time (in particular, students here learn the functions of family members). It is impossible not to take into account that the preparation of children and adolescents for family life takes place against a complex moral background, since they are jealous of children who have parents, relatives, as well as children who are chosen for guardianship or adoption. It is obvious that the critical factor determining the characteristics of the mental development of orphans, the difficulties of their education and upbringing, is the lack of positive influence of the family. Sometimes teachers and educators in orphanages and boarding schools, realizing this, try to build their relationships with their pupils as family-type ones, setting themselves the goal of directly replacing the children’s mother or father. At the same time, the emotional side of communication is overexploited, which, however, does not bring the expected results, but only often emotionally exhausts and emasculates the teacher (it is not for nothing that the concept of “emotional donation” arose). In modern scientific, medical and psychological literature, the prevailing opinion is that connections between teachers and students in closed children's institutions should not imitate family ones.

    From the point of view of modern social technologies of working with children deprived of family care, one of the areas of activity of a social teacher in a boarding school should be assistance in optimizing the child’s relationships with his blood and other relatives, as well as with parents who, as is known, even being deprived parental rights or while in prison or hospital, they maintain certain relationships with the child: through correspondence, rare meetings, etc. Often such letters and especially meetings have a traumatic effect on the child, unsettling him for a long time. At the same time, no matter what, children often feel the need to communicate with parents and other relatives.

    In the activities of an orphanage or boarding school, the principles of practical pedagogy and psychology, taking into account individual characteristics children. First of all, it is advisable to involve students in activities that are interesting to them and at the same time ensure the development of their personality: primary vocational, technical, artistic, music education and sports. The main thing is that it should be aimed at achieving success, which enhances the motivation for personal self-development.

    Let us dwell in more detail on the activities of a social teacher in boarding institutions.

    Theory and practice in Russia and abroad have revealed a number of areas of social work: social diagnostics and social prevention, social supervision and social correction, social therapy and social adaptation, social rehabilitation and social security, social insurance and social services, social care and social help, social consultation and social expertise, social guardianship and social innovation, social mediation and asceticism. These types of social work are its main directions and main technologies.

    A social teacher performs a large amount of work. His clients are both students and their parents and their families. But in general it performs the following functions:

    1. Educational and upbringing, i.e. ensuring targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior and activities of children.

    2. Diagnostic, i.e. making a “social diagnosis”, for which the study of personal characteristics and social and living conditions of children, families, and social environment is carried out; identifying positive and negative influences and various types of problems.

    3. Organizational, i.e. organizing socially valuable activities of children, teachers and volunteers in solving problems of social and pedagogical assistance, supporting education and developing the implementation of plans and programs.

    4. Prognostic and expert, i.e. participation in programming, forecasting, designing the process of social development of a specific microsociety.

    5. Organizational and communicative, i.e. inclusion of volunteer assistants and the population of the microdistrict in social and pedagogical work. Organizing joint work and leisure, establishing interaction between various institutions in their work with children and families.

    6. Security and protective, i.e. use of the existing arsenal of legal norms to protect the rights and interests of the individual of each child. Promoting the use of state coercive measures and the implementation of legal liability in relation to persons who allow direct or indirect illegal influence on the wards of a social teacher.

    7. Intermediary, i.e. communication in the interests of the child between the family, the institution in which the child is located, and the child’s immediate environment.

    The main goals of social work with orphans and children without parental care include:

    · increasing the degree of independence of pupils, their ability to control their lives and more effectively resolve emerging problems;

    · creating conditions in which students can demonstrate their capabilities to the maximum extent and receive everything that is due to them by law;

    · adaptation or readaptation of pupils in society;

    · creating conditions under which every boarding school student, despite physical injury, mental breakdown or life crisis, can live, maintaining a sense of self-worth and self-respect from others.

    Social workers of institutions for children left without parental care carry out work on social patronage.

    The guardianship and trusteeship authority establishes social patronage over families in difficult life situations that they cannot overcome on their own or with the help of their family.

    The tasks of social educators are as follows:

    · select a family ready to become foster parents (through testing, interviews, information collection);

    · prepare her for foster care (through the training system);

    · carry out social, pedagogical, psychological, medical diagnostics children entering foster care;

    · provide conditions for rehabilitation and adaptation of the child through his stay in a foster family;

    · ensure social protection of the child's rights during his further placement after leaving foster care.

    Considering the problem of the readiness of orphans for independent family life and the formation of family values, it is necessary to note the following ways and means of correctional and developmental work in boarding institutions:

    · organization of life activities. If it is not possible to transfer the child to a foster family, foster care, under the guardianship or guardianship of relatives, or a family-type orphanage, it is necessary to create conditions close to family ones;

    · position of a specialist (educator, social educator, psychologist). The relationship between teachers and pupils of closed children's institutions, being based on the attention and goodwill of an adult, should not imitate family ones;

    · formation of family relationships as part of preparing orphans for independent family life. L. I. Evgrafova considers the joint activities of children-relatives as the main pedagogical factor contributing to the acceptance of the value of family. Among the forms of activity that contribute to this, experts include the acquaintance and interaction of preschool children with older brothers and sisters, the organization of joint activities of children-relatives, during which the formation and development of family relationships occurs (for example, birthdays of pupils, joint excursions and cultural outings, Sunday breakfasts, designing family albums, planting a “family tree”, etc.). To form stable family relationships, joint work is important. At the same time, the forms of organization of children-relatives can be different: individual - older and younger; group - several family members;

    · building a positive individual past for the child as part of preparation for independent family life and the formation of family values. B. S. Mukhina, the author of this method, notes that the goal of this method is to, through building a positive image of the past, give the child a mindset to provide psychological protection and achieve mental comfort in the present and distant future;

    · formation of gender-role ideas in orphans as part of their preparation for independent family life. Incorrect gender-role ideas of boarding school students can be corrected by creating for them the opportunity to observe the exact gender-role behavior of adults, when a woman behaves exactly as a woman should behave and does not take on male functions and vice versa.

    An important means Value judgments of the teacher (blame, encouragement, approval, support) can serve as a basis for the assimilation of values.

    Let us take a closer look at the main methods used in the practice of social work with orphans in a boarding school.

    2.2. System of pedagogical methods in social work practice.

    Among the main educational forms of techniques and means that influence the readiness of orphans for independent life, including family life, the following are named:

    · special conversations and games to develop ideas about family life, family roles and functions (on the topics “Me and my family”, “Children are the flowers of life”, “What is family”), debates, etc.;

    · family role-playing games, family holidays, etc.;

    · psychological and pedagogical conversations and trainings with the aim of teaching children to adequately express their emotions and feelings;

    · viewing and playing scenes from family life;

    · conversations and discussions (“How to behave in the company of a young man (girl)” “What is love?” “How to learn to trust each other” “We are responsible for those we tame”, etc.);

    · reading and discussing literary works, watching videos that describe family relationships (love, interpersonal) between relatives, spouses, children;

    · patronage of younger children; organizing interaction with siblings;

    · special labor lessons aimed at developing housekeeping skills, familiarizing children with household items with the concepts of “kitchen”, “cleaning”, etc.;

    · games aimed at developing money management skills (“Shop”, etc.).

    Let us dwell in more detail on some of the methods used in the process of social activities in a boarding school:

    · method of adequate emotions. It consists in the fact that the teacher builds the process of teaching or upbringing so that the transmitted content awakens adequate emotional reactions of children to the object of cognitive activity. Empathy plays a special role here. Imbued with the feelings of an adult comrade, a literary hero, the child appropriates this feeling for himself, associating it with a specific object or image;

    · using the method of persuasion, a teacher can achieve success if he has sufficient legal knowledge to convince the child of the consequences of his antisocial behavior;

    · method of emotional-value contrasts. Its essence lies in the fact that the teacher, by showing opposite values ​​and awakening opposite feelings, intensifies in children the experience of significant feelings, their awareness of the necessary values ​​and their introduction into the system of value orientations of the individual;

    · observation method. It is he who gives the teacher the most material for educational work. The teacher observes the child’s communication, his behavior in the family, at school, in class, with peers, and his work;

    · Most often, a social teacher resorts to the conversation method. It is important that the social teacher prepares for the conversation. A survey, a questionnaire drawn up in advance, or the results of a commission that made a conclusion upon the child’s admission to this institution will help him with this;

    · studying his biography, his actions and motives will help to get an idea about the child;

    · researchers also highlight the method of sociometry, in which, for mathematical processing, data from conversations, questionnaires, surveys and algorithms are collected to assess the child’s crisis state;

    · Of particular importance to children left without parental care is play, which creates natural conditions for their development. “In play, the world is revealed to children and the creative abilities of the individual are revealed. Without play there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of concepts about the surrounding world bursts into the child’s spiritual world. A game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity,” wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky. B. D. Elkonin wrote that play develops a child’s imagination. In a story game, the child, taking on certain roles, masters the norms of relationships. This function of play is especially important for orphans, whose social role is often limited to the only role of an orphan that they play throughout their lives. Therefore, reliance on play (play activity game forms techniques) are the most important way to ensure an emotional response to educational influences;

    · creation of a competitive situation. Competition is an important attribute of human communication and a powerful stimulus for the birth of motivating forces in a team. In the teacher's arsenal of educational influence there is a means of activating the team, called the situation of competitive participation. By including a few people in one or another competitive activity, the teacher, through an emotional “chain,” connects the rest of the team members to it. This includes all kinds of competitions, tournaments, Olympiads, where their representatives perform for teams;

    · situations of novelty. The need for new experiences is one of the most important human needs. This need, according to psychologist L.I. Bozhovich, carries within itself the original force that stimulates the mental development of the child, develops with him, and is the basis for the development of his other social needs. The need for new impressions, developing into a cognitive need, continues to play its role in the development and formation of a teenager into an adult;

    · situation of emotional explosion. This is a kind of attack on the emotional state, which can be achieved by surprise. All of the listed methods and techniques should be used, taking into account the characteristics of the group and each child.

    Unfortunately, one of the main problems of boarding institutions remains the low professional level of teachers working with children. Therefore, one of the main conditions for the positive development of orphans and their successful acceptance of various kinds of values ​​is the personal and professional growth of teachers and social workers of boarding schools, their orientation towards humanistic values, including pedagogical values.

    2.3. Socialization of children in a boarding school.

    The surrounding social space is one of the most important mechanisms for educating a modern schoolchild, especially a student at a boarding school, deprived of a family and forced to constantly be within the walls of his educational institution.

    The processes of socialization of children depend entirely on the organization of its components and their qualitative characteristics; it (space) largely determines the content of the educational environment of the institution.

    Boarding school teachers are called upon to use all opportunities for the comprehensive development of children and adolescents, organizing their meaningful leisure and good rest to organize activities aimed at the socialization of pupils.

    Factors that favorably influence the social and educational situation in a boarding school located in the city:

    § saturation of the city infrastructure with cultural institutions;

    § an extensive network of city institutions of additional education;

    § availability of nearby sports complexes;

    § location of the boarding school in a “green” recreation area;

    § the proximity of the city green and park management service, as well as areas used by the population for individual (subsidiary) farming;

    § residence in the city and region of families from which children were sent to live and study in a boarding school.

    City services, institutions and organizations should be involved in the work on developing the social competence of boarding school pupils, their social adaptation, protecting the rights and ensuring the legitimate interests of orphans.

    If we are talking about the social and everyday adaptation of orphans, then this is:

    § Territorial Center for Assistance to Family and Children;

    § Family Planning Center;

    § Committee on Youth Affairs;

    § Committee for the distribution and maintenance of housing stock;

    § Committee for Population Protection and Emergency Situations.

    The processes of medical and physiological adaptation involve:

    § Children's health complex;

    § Sports House;

    § Various colleges (physical education);

    § Organizations such as "Children's Park";

    § Children's sanatoriums;

    § Country holiday camps;

    § City Children's Hospital;

    § Drug Dispensary;

    § Physiotherapy rooms, aero- and herbal treatments, therapeutic ionization, etc.

    Social and psychological adaptation is facilitated by the activities of the following organizations:

    § City Psychological Center;

    § Helpline service;

    § Psychoneurological dispensary.

    Functional adaptation of pupils of boarding institutions is provided by such organizations as:

    § Employment center;

    § HR departments of enterprises;

    § Vocational schools and lyceums of the city;

    § Various clubs, sections, centers for additional education and leisure for children.

    Cooperation with various cultural palaces, music schools and colleges, museums, theaters, libraries and exhibition centers is also useful. Boarding school students learn the essence of legal relations with the participation of the social protection committee, the department of guardianship and trusteeship, the commission for minors, the prosecutor's office, the department of internal affairs and the inspectorate for minors.

    Based on the above, it should be noted that the technology of social work includes many different forms, methods and means of working with orphans and children without parental care. However, in each specific closed-type institution, specialists practicing in the field of social work with “at-risk” children, orphans and those without parental care, choose their own approaches to solving problems such as orphanhood and homelessness, childhood crime and drug addiction. To assess the quality of the activities carried out, it is advisable to consider the activities of a single boarding school and analyze how the main goal of this institution is achieved - successful and sustainable socialization, adaptation and rehabilitation of boarding school students.

    Chapter 3. Research on the effectiveness of social work in a boarding school.

    3.1. Statement of the problem and ways to solve it.

    The complexity of the current period in the development of our society, the scale and severity of its social, cultural and economic problems determine the relevance of an active search for optimal ways to prepare the younger generation for life, the development of individuality, needs and abilities of a person, the formation of his orientation in life, stimulating self-realization.

    These tasks are of particular importance when it comes to orphans who are deprived of parental support, who have acquired negative social experiences, and who are characterized by weakened physical and mental health and moral stability. A characteristic result of these negative factors is a high level of social maladaptation of these children.

    However, in the childhood conditions of an orphan, the problem of social maladaptation reaches, as experience and observations show, such a magnitude that we are already talking about the need to solve particular problems of socialization - social adaptation and social rehabilitation of children, their return to the social norm.

    The established practice of education and development of orphans provides many examples of successful solutions to issues of their pedagogical support and development, correction of anomalies in social behavior, self-esteem, and the formation of the experience of social relations. However, even today, in the stated aspect, the problems of social adaptation of pupils of an orphanage educational institution, such as a boarding school, are not sufficiently developed.

    At the same time, against the backdrop of an ever-increasing number of educational institutions for orphans, an increase in the number of street children, in recent years a contradiction has arisen and is increasingly being realized between the scale of society’s need for the full results of the activities of orphan institutions of the educational system in effectively preparing pupils for independent life and effective work and the real contribution of teaching practice in the implementation of social adaptation of pupils within educational institutions.

    The problem, therefore, is to ensure that the educational process in a boarding school for orphans becomes a factor in the social rehabilitation of pupils.

    According to the identified problem, the question arises of how the educational process in an orphanage educational institution should be transformed so that it becomes such a factor; under what conditions such transformations are possible; what is the model of the educational process, successfully problem solver socialization of orphans within an educational institution.

    3.2. Organization and conduct of research.

    This problem determined the purpose of this study: to study the features of effective social work with orphans in a boarding school.

    The object of the study was social work with orphans in a boarding school. A rural boarding school in the village was chosen as the boarding school under study. Nyda.

    Subject – the degree of effectiveness of social work with orphans in a boarding school.

    Based on the above, the objectives of the thesis are formulated:

    · conduct a theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem;

    · determine the general picture of social work currently being carried out in boarding schools;

    · identify the relationship between the created pedagogical conditions for accompanying boarding school students and the quality of social adaptation and integration into society of the children of the boarding school under study;

    The hypothesis of our study was the assumption that there is a connection between the creation of the necessary conditions to ensure the effectiveness of social activities in the process of accompanying boarding school students and the successful course of socialization and integration of the latter into society, namely:

    · a humanistic educational system is chosen as a model of social rehabilitation of orphans;

    · the means of social rehabilitation is the entire pedagogical process in the conditions of integration of the subsystems of the educational system of the boarding school;

    · the institution has created a holistic system for correcting the characteristics of the psychophysical development of an orphan child, which interconnects the correctional and developmental efforts of all subjects of the educational process: teachers, educators, psychologists, social educators, additional education teachers, medical workers and the child himself.

    Effective social activity is designed to ensure the successful implementation in the pedagogical practice of an educational institution of all the pedagogical conditions specified in the hypothesis, the totality of which will allow the process of social adaptation of boarding school students to be productively carried out.

    During the research, issues of the real state of social adaptation of pupils of boarding schools for orphans were considered, as well as the creation and development of a humanistic educational system of this type of institution, ensuring the operation of a set of pedagogical conditions necessary for effective social rehabilitation of children and adolescents (see Appendix 9 ).

    Based on the developed criterial base for assessing the level of social adaptation of a pupil of a boarding school for orphans (see Appendix 1), measurements were made to make it possible to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the social adaptation of schoolchildren carried out in the institution.

    During the experiment, a set of indirect signs was identified, which were used to track the results of the process of social adaptation of pupils and a questionnaire for pupils (see Appendices 2, 3). When developing them, we relied on the previously defined criterion basis for assessing the level of social adaptation of the pupil.

    The boarding school for orphans is located beyond the Arctic Circle, in the village. Nyda (see Appendix 10).

    The activities of the institution are aimed at:

    · implementation of the main goals of raising and maintaining orphans and children left without parental care;

    · creation of favorable conditions conducive to the comprehensive development of the individual, society and state;

    · training and education of children in the interests of the individual, society and the state;

    · ensuring the health of pupils;

    · providing social protection, medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation;

    creating conditions for labor training and education based on the integration of the Institution with society.

    The social service of the complex consists of several divisions:

    · territorial social service, which is carried out by social educators;

    · In-school service for social care of children (class teachers, teachers of extended day groups, organizers of extracurricular activities);

    · psychological service (psychologists and speech therapist);

    · medical service (doctor, nurse).

    The developed social work program at the boarding school provides for a system of activities aimed at developing the main personality qualities. This is the education of the child in the field of aesthetic and ethical culture, mandatory participation in work, in a variety of work activities, and, most importantly, the unification into a single pedagogical process of educating the individual in a team and his self-education. Effective in this work, or more precisely, in this experience, is the method of pedagogical diagnostics, the process of recording the degree, level of a child’s education at each stage of his development.

    3.3. Research results and psychological and pedagogical recommendations.

    At the ascertaining stage of the study, we noted that the work on the social adaptation of orphans in a boarding school is carried out insufficiently and not effectively enough, even in the conditions of a fairly well-organized educational process, if it (the process) is carried out outside the pedagogical conditions that are defined in the hypothesis of our study.

    The result of the ascertaining experiment was the conclusion that the educational system of the institution did not develop in the boarding school, since its most important components were not defined or were not formed in unity.

    Activities carried out in a boarding school outside the humanistic educational system do not provide targeted progress towards achieving a high level of social adaptation of pupils, and do not act as a system in all its areas. This is precisely what explains the fact that the effectiveness of the educational process of a boarding school in the aspect of social adaptation of orphans is insufficient.

    In the actual social reality of the boarding school, new pedagogical phenomena were noted:

    · students' interest in the educational process has strengthened (in our opinion, it covers all the main types of life activity of an orphan in an educational institution such as a “boarding school”);

    · the level of social partnership in the team of adults and children has increased (real steps have been taken to create a single educational team-community of teachers and students);

    · there was a further increase in professional qualifications and the development of a reflective position among teachers.

    However, during the implementation of the research stages, a number of problems were identified:

    · difficulties in determining the innovative component of the results of a socio-pedagogical experiment and presenting innovative material as a multifaceted model of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of an orphan;

    · difficulties in determining the essence, forms and mechanisms of social interaction and social partnership in the conditions of an educational institution such as a “boarding school”.

    Activities to overcome these problems have become an important part of the further transformation of all social activities of the institution.

    The following changes have been made to the educational subsystem:

    · educational work began to be carried out according to several options for educational programs; boarding school teachers have developed original and individual socially oriented programs in almost all school disciplines;

    · with children who need special pedagogical attention, teachers work according to individual curricula and programs;

    · real conditions have been created for the inclusion of each student in activities of interest to him;

    · reasonable conditions for gentle treatment are strictly followed;

    · pedagogical observations of students are systematic.

    All this allows us to predict the development of the personality of an orphan child along an individual trajectory and effectively carry out the necessary correctional and developmental work.

    The transformation of the extracurricular educational subsystem of the educational system of the educational institution was expressed in an increase in the number and expansion of the thematic range of school clubs and sections available to students, the orientation of their educational programs towards the formation of positive personally significant life experiences in students.

    The transformation of the extracurricular subsystem of the educational system of the boarding school influenced the organization of the child’s living space and the content of extracurricular activities of pupils. To ensure its rehabilitation focus, the boarding school’s teaching staff developed a comprehensive program of educational classes for a weekly cycle. In this situation, the child’s social experience is formed - the basis of his personal culture, the pupils’ self-awareness develops, and a healthy children’s team is organized.

    All these conditions made it possible to carry out the pedagogical process more effectively and efficiently, which directly affected the results of social rehabilitation of students.

    The use of a set of indirect signs provided us with the opportunity to judge with a sufficient degree of objectivity the dynamics of changes in the state of rehabilitation of orphans that occurred during the implementation of the socio-pedagogical experiment.

    Conducting the study (results psychological tests, pedagogical observations and sociological surveys) made it possible to establish that in the conditions of the humanistic educational system of the boarding school:

    · in the minds of pupils, the connection between the level of their own social competence and the nature of the subject position that the child occupies in various types of his life has become stronger;

    · the range of vital interests of boarding school pupils has expanded, it directly began to influence the level of social adaptation of students;

    · the social status of boarding school students has become less influential in shaping their life problems; children are not so sensitive to the status of a student in an orphanage educational institution;

    · socially significant guidelines are more clearly defined in the minds of students, schoolchildren more successfully comprehend and perceive vitally important universal values, they have formed socially significant goals;

    · students are more successful in overcoming negative psychological reactions associated with the characteristics of their social status;

    · activities offered to boarding school students during academic and extracurricular activities, as well as in the process of everyday relationships (living and organizing time in a dormitory) contribute to the accumulation of real life experience by children, necessary for their successful placement in an independent life;

    · the scope has expanded communicative activities children and adolescents; it (the activity) significantly influences the development of schoolchildren’s abilities to consciously build their relationships with others depending on the tasks of personal development, on the formation of skills for effective interpersonal communication with peers and adults;

    · the awareness of students in the field of regulatory relations has significantly improved, their knowledge in the field of social rules and norms has expanded, which can actually be used by them in independent life.

    The study identified additional pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of the process of social rehabilitation of boarding school students, namely

    · special pedagogical efforts aimed at the formation and development of the child’s subjective position in all types of his activities;

    · all types of activities of orphans are aimed at developing the full diversity of life experiences of pupils, expanding the range of their life interests.

    As confirmation of the correctness of the chosen pedagogical approaches and the truth of the conclusions drawn, the characteristics of the life and work activities of graduates outside the boarding school appear.

    Thus, out of 93 graduates who left a boarding school for orphans over the past five years, 76 people (80%) successfully work in enterprises and institutions of the city and region; 5 (6%) – continue their education; 7 (8%) are dependent on relatives due to their disability and only 5 (6%) lead an asocial lifestyle.

    These indicators are the result of a study confirming that the process of social rehabilitation of orphans through the humanistic educational system of a boarding school occupies an important place among them.

    To summarize this work, I note that I have touched upon one of the most important topics in social pedagogy.

    · direct efforts to the development of club and circle work;

    · ensure the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of each child, including the creation of an atmosphere of psychological comfort in the institution; optimization of the functioning of the boarding school, humanization and optimization of relationships; the child’s freedom to express feelings, an atmosphere of shared experience and emotional-volitional tension. In the absence of this condition, the normal development of an orphan child and his successful adoption of social values ​​will be significantly difficult, and in some cases impossible;

    · develop and implement educational technologies aimed at orphans accepting social values ​​that are adequate to specific values. In order to ensure the child’s successful acceptance of family values ​​and family relationships, it is necessary to develop a family education program and ensure the interaction of pupils with brothers and sisters, it is possible to organize the child’s placement in a temporary family (“family immersion”), etc. In order for students to realize and accept the value of communication, communication training can be organized. However, the main condition for accepting this value will be the inclusion of children in a variety of activities that would create natural conditions for communication, etc.;

    · include activities on the adoption of social values ​​by orphans in the context of the boarding school’s activities on the adoption by pupils of other groups of basic values, such as spiritual, moral, aesthetic, religious, intellectual, etc., since all values ​​are interconnected and form a single hierarchy;

    · be guided by the fact that the teacher’s personality can significantly change or negate the influence of the content, methods, and forms of the humanistic educational program on the formation of the child’s personality.

    The results obtained can be applied in the development of teaching aids for teachers and educators of boarding schools for orphans.


    The feeling of orphanhood accompanies a person throughout his life, no matter how it turns out. The frequency of memories of childhood and identification of oneself with the reference group of orphans depend on how prosperous or unfavorable life has developed. Orphans, deservedly or undeservedly, see all their problems as the result of loneliness, upbringing in an orphanage, or the prejudiced attitude of others.

    Very often, orphans do not identify themselves with society, the people around them, but oppose themselves to them. While receiving an education, a profession, starting a family, having children and raising grandchildren, they continue to call themselves orphans, confirming the theory that belonging to a group is destiny.

    Upbringing in a state institution and removing a child from an asocial family presupposes giving him the opportunity to improve his status relative to his parents (alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals).

    The crisis of the modern family, as stated by experts, has negatively affected the state of childhood in the country, leading to an increase in social orphanhood and an increase in the number of such specific institutions as orphanages and boarding schools.

    The range of causes of childhood problems is very wide. The crisis of the family also manifests itself in a violation of its structure and functions. An increase in the number of divorces and the number of single-parent families, the antisocial lifestyle of a number of families; a drop in living standards, deterioration in living conditions for children, an increase in psycho-emotional stress in the adult population, which directly affects children; the spread of child abuse in families and residential institutions with a decrease in responsibility for their fate.

    Unfortunately, the number of children orphaned at an early age continues to increase. The number of identified children left without parental care is growing. Most of them are placed under guardianship (trusteeship) and adoption; about 30% of them are placed in children's homes, orphanages, boarding schools and other educational institutions. Despite the increase in the number of children placed in families, the number of children placed in residential institutions is not decreasing.

    Orphans, children left without parental care and who have not received a positive experience of family life cannot create a healthy, full-fledged family. Brought up in state institutions, the educational systems of which are far from perfect, they often repeat the fate of their parents, deprived of parental rights, thereby expanding the field of social orphanhood. 40% of children leaving boarding schools become criminals, 40% become drug addicts, 10% commit suicide, and only 10% are capable of a full independent life.

    At the same time, it is paradoxical, but it is precisely preventive and restorative work with families at risk, with blood family, is practically undeveloped in Russia, such work is not a priority today for most local government bodies in the Russian Federation, for committees and departments, and it is also “acceptable” at the level of family legislation of the Russian Federation. The Family Code of the Russian Federation has an entire section devoted to the upbringing of children left without parental care, but there is not a word about how to preserve and strengthen the parental care of a child.

    In recent years, research into social work has been developing in Russia, firstly, as a professional activity, which raises an urgent need for a theoretical and methodological analysis of the practice of social work; secondly, as an academic discipline, which is caused by the beginning of the training of specialists in the field of social work, which is impossible without understanding the theoretical problems of social work as a whole; thirdly, as a scientific theory, which revealed, on the one hand, in scientific circles the need to develop an integral system of “practice - theory - education” in the field of social work, on the other - awareness among representatives of different schools and areas of the need for a comprehensive study of social work, as well as the further development of such a sphere of modern sociological knowledge as the sociology of social work.

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