• The guy wears women's clothes. A man puts on lingerie, or PARTY in bed


    What do men hate about women's clothing?

    When buying clothes, do you often consult with men? Do you know what clothes men find seductive and what clothes they hate? Today we find out what men think about women's fashion and what they really want us to be...

    The British, as the main fans of ratings and sociological research, conducted their survey of the stronger sex and found out which women's clothing especially irritates men. As it turns out, there are actually a lot of things on the list that you should avoid.

    Men don't like shapeless wide-leg trousers because, in their opinion, they disfigure the proportions female body, but at the same time they don't like leggings because they are too tight and show more than they need to.

    Also stronger sex I don’t like overalls because the girls in them look like workers, the fringe on the clothes and men's suits on girls.

    The most disgusting shoes, according to men, are Ugg boots because of their shapelessness and gladiator sandals with many straps, because after wearing the straps leave marks on the skin. The list of undesirable accessories includes headbands, headbands and massive butterfly sunglasses, without which we simply cannot live a single summer.

    Do you think this list is fair or are British men just picky about women's clothing? What items in your wardrobe are you willing to give up to please a man? Leave your opinion in the comments and read on what our men think.

    Men about women's clothing: anti-trends

    Now let’s give our men the floor: what women’s clothing annoys them? We read carefully and compile a list of male anti-trends.

    Sergey, 31 years old:“I don’t like it when girls with good figures wear loose-fitting clothes that hide everything behind strange pieces of fabric. Number one on my list is probably terrible dresses that make girls look like they're pregnant. Why do they wear such dresses on dates, I don’t understand, to be honest.”

    Gregory, 24 years old:“I don’t like it when girls wear rubber shoes. I think that shoes should always be of high quality and stylish, although they can be expensive or not very expensive, but rubber shoes always look strange, be it boots, ballet flats or some kind of sandals.”

    Dmitry, 25 years old:“It seems to me that not all girls suit the military style. I remember how my friend once put on a military cap with a white T-shirt and looked very much like Fidel Castro. This made me laugh a lot, and she was even a little offended.”

    Alexey, 29 years old:“It annoys me when girls wear T-shirts with stupid slogans. I think these T-shirts should be worn by junior high school girls, not older girls. And these provocative inscriptions like “I am sexy”, “Look here” or “I am a princess” terribly irritate me. It’s better to leave them for statuses in in social networks. I think there's nothing better than a plain white T-shirt."

    Sergey, 22 years old:“I don’t like it when my girlfriend wears these stupid little bags without handles and straps (clutches - Ed.), because she constantly strives to leave them somewhere - on a table in a cafe, in a club, on an armchair. And this bag, to be honest, looks like a folded leather bag in your hands.”

    Andrey, 34 years old:“I don’t like it when girls wear over-the-knee boots with a short skirt. It seems to me that this style looks cheesy; I associate it with the group “Combination” and the cherry “nines” from the 90s.”

    Igor, 26 years old:“I don’t understand why girls like oxfords so much. I don't think these boots suit either men or women. I also don’t like it when girls wear transparent clothes and platform and stiletto heels, like strippers.”

    Pavel, 28 years old:“I don’t like girls who dress in office style. I also don't like it when girls wear sweaters. large knit, jeans that sit baggy on them, and stupid tights with drawings.”

    What do British men like about women's clothing?

    Let’s move on from criticism to pleasant moments and find out what women's clothing what men consider sexy and how to dress to please them.

    Of course, all men are different, and their tastes are also different, but you can still find common features. Let's return to the same British studies. They showed that men's opinions about women's clothing can sometimes be diametrically opposed: some consider short skirts beautiful and high heels, while others, on the contrary, call them provocative and vote for dresses middle length and low heels.

    One thing is true: men like clothes that highlight the beauty of a woman's body. The stronger half of humanity cannot resist tight sheath dresses and tight jeans. Men find it sexy when a girl exposes only a small part of her body - for example, shoulders, shoulder blades or cleavage. British men love backless dresses, V-neck jumpers and blouses with the top few buttons undone. By the way, many men focus on the waist - they like it when clothes emphasize the waist. Surprisingly, few of the men surveyed named a miniskirt among their preferences.

    What Russian men do you like women's clothing?

    Here's what our men like about women's clothing:

    Andrey, 34 years old:“I like it when clothes are in the same color scheme and style. It is better if the clothes are not bright, but noble, muted shades - gray, beige, emerald. At the same time, I adore girls in alcoholic T-shirts and girls in coats with French-style hats.”

    Kirill, 37 years old:“I like girls dressed, first of all, with imagination. It scares me a little when a girl wears only things from the latest collections or from expensive stores, it instills uncertainty, but the combination of expensive things and mass market always really looks interesting and makes you want to get to know each other. Also, of course, shoes are very important; I pay attention to them first of all.

    Anton, 27 years old:“I like the same thing as all men: evening dresses, high heels and minimal makeup. Girls can always go grocery shopping in sneakers and jeans, but dresses suit them best.”

    Artem, 34 years old:“I like it when a girl is dressed as if she paid minimal attention to her appearance.”

    Which useful tips did you learn from men? Is it even worth changing your style and wardrobe to please the stronger sex? We are very interested in your opinion! Have your say in the comments!

    Question for a psychologist:

    Good afternoon I would like to talk about my relationship with my husband.

    About a year ago, I found out that my husband was meeting some guys at the apartment when I was on vacation and there they drank, dressed like women and just talked. When I found out there was a very strong scandal, they wanted to get a divorce, I can’t understand how normal it is for a man to dress like that.

    After that, we even went to a sexologist, he told us that if it doesn’t go beyond the boundaries of the house, then there’s nothing wrong with it, every family has the right to choose how to dress during sex and what to do, but at that time he dressed in bed and nothing more, although I didn’t like it either, I took it for granted.

    But then he was replaced and He offered to go with him to a themed club, where everyone dresses like that and just see what and how, and after that draw some conclusions. I couldn’t agree for a long time, but then I thought that suddenly he would go there and realize that he was different. But alas, after that it seemed as if he had been replaced. On his days off at home alone, he began to put on makeup, get dressed, take pictures and post them on his VK page.

    I bought myself quite often, no matter if I had money or not, skirts, panties, dresses, stockings, shoes and much more. When I had a day off, he asked me to help him pick something up and photograph it, and I agreed, gritting my teeth. Then he began to constantly sit on VK and communicate with people like him until late at night, he began to go to clubs in this form - alone, even when I was against it and the child and I were at home. This was no problem for him.

    How we lived this year, there were a lot of quarrels. But 1.5 months ago I went on vacation, he was on study leave, he called me or wrote a message, I don’t remember anymore, they said they invited me to the club, do you mind if I go, I said that I’m against it and what we have in general It was an agreement - not to walk separately. He said okay, I understand. As a result, I called him in the evening, he didn’t pick up, I called in the morning - he didn’t pick up again, then the subscriber.

    Then, closer to lunch, he called me and said that I was at the institute and the phone was dead, but from his voice I realized that something was wrong. Then they told me that he was in the club, I told him, he confessed.

    In the end, it turned out that 2 of these friends came to our apartment and they then went to the club. Naturally, we were there until the morning.

    I just told him that I don’t like all this and that a normal man doesn’t walk around Moscow looking like this, and that’s exactly what he likes: that people like his photos, that they look at him in the club, they can even touch him a little, and he’s pleased with that , he said himself. He said that it relieves stress, it makes him feel better, and so on. He cannot remove it, because... He will suffer without this, but I can’t watch it all.

    Instead of going somewhere with me, he sits on VK and wanders around who knows where. He got angry and started collecting documents for divorce. We have been together for 15 years, 7 of them married, our son is 4 years old.

    I don’t know what to do, we fight all day long, tears flow constantly.

    Then he came home from work, we were supposed to have a meeting serious conversation about this whole topic. So he went to the shower and changed into a girl and lies with me, but I don’t like it and it’s disgusting.

    Why is this happening, he hasn’t done this before, not only I know this, but he also said it. Although, when we argue, he starts saying that it’s my fault, that I didn’t devote enough time to him, and so on.

    I wanted to get a divorce, but at the same time I love him very much.

    Help, tell me why this is happening and what should I do?????

    Psychologist Yulia Gennadievna Tetenova answers the question.

    Hello, Evgeniya!

    You ask “why is this happening?” (I understand that this “why” refers to your husband “dressing up as a girl”) and what should you do about it? There is no clear answer to the first question. Yes, and there is no need to understand this. If this is important for your husband, then he himself will turn to a specialist with a question and look for answers.

    But, obviously, he is completely in vain in a fit of anger to blame you for what is happening, blaming you for the fact that you devoted little time to him, etc. Many couples do not have harmony in their relationships, but this does not make men need to change clothes. You must understand this and not blame yourself for what is happening.

    Now let's try to figure out your second question: “what should you do?”

    In your letter, you repeated more than once that you cannot accept what is happening, that you do not like all this, it is unpleasant and even disgusting, but at the same time you write that you love your husband.

    You need to sort out your feelings. If you love your husband, are you ready to accept him for who he is? Are you ready to come to terms with his “second” life, his frequent absence, and the fact that he has friends from “that” life? Or does this all go against your idea of ​​men, of what a woman should be like? family life? Answer these questions honestly. Be mindful of your feelings when making a decision.

    Also, Evgenia, you write that lately there have been frequent scandals in your family due to the fact that your husband dresses in women’s clothing, but you have not written anything about what your relationship was like before this situation arose. Your husband reproaches you for not paying enough attention to him, if this really happened, have you talked with your husband about whether it is possible to change his behavior if your relationship improves if you devote more time to him? What does he think about his need to change clothes? What does he want in family life in general? How does he see your future relationship? What role is assigned to you?

    Talk to your husband, ask him all these questions. And, based on his answers, draw conclusions. Can you live the life he proposes to you? Will you feel satisfied?

    But, Evgenia, you must understand that your family life depends not only on you. Your husband is now also reevaluating his life, drawing conclusions and making decisions for himself. In any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the desire to live new life will outweigh, and he himself will decide on divorce.

    If you, together, decide to continue to live together further (or at least live like this for now), you should not aggravate the situation with quarrels and scandals. Try to have a constructive conversation, during which you both can calmly and honestly talk about your feelings, grievances, needs, desires. And life will put everything in its place!

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    Question from the chat of Yuri Burlan’s free online training “ System-vector psychology»

    Guest vk:
    I'm a fairly mature guy, in my 20s, heterosexual. And I love girls and everything connected with them so much that I dream of becoming a girl, at least for a little while. Sometimes it gets to the point that I can’t sleep, dreaming of how I’ll transform into a girl and have fun with a friend who will take it positively. How to get rid of this? Or maybe I need to find a girl who will accept that a man wears women's underwear, and will buy me women's clothes in the store, paint me, and then rage all evening, not looking at me like I'm an idiot? But how to find such a friend and trust?

    Victoria Vinnikova answers:

    Indeed, there are men who have such sexual fantasies. At the same time, many women may not understand a man’s desire to dress in women’s clothing. Although in one shocking film the very courageous Mel Gibson jumped into women's tights, trying to penetrate the secret of the female soul. But it’s one thing on the screen, and quite another in real life.

    Therefore, deep down in your soul you are worried and even somewhere confused by another question - is it natural that a man wants to dress up as a woman? Why do such desires arise - to wear women's underwear? And should we get rid of this?

    In fact, this is how the peculiarities of sexuality of men manifest themselves with the cutaneous-visual connection of vectors, which are revealed by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

    Handsome, artistic, gentle, outrageous boy

    Skin-visual boys are a unique natural phenomenon and a special life scenario. Their unconscious desires are structured in a special way.

    Beautiful, gentle, artistic, very sensual boys. From childhood, such boys love to sing, dance, participate in a variety of performances, and generally perform on stage. The visual vector is always an unconscious desire to be visible.

    The visual vector gives its owners innate artistry, special imagination and rich imagination. Such people have been endlessly dreamy since childhood. With their eyes closed, they often travel through imaginary worlds. Such boys are very sensitive and cannot offend anyone, much less kill anyone. After all, the root fear in the visual vector is the fear of death in any manifestation. The sensory component of the visual vector includes a huge range of manifestations - from hysterics, when all the attention of others is attracted to oneself, to compassion and empathy for others.

    The skin vector gives its owner a wonderful sense of rhythm. The visual-cutaneous ligament potentially gives a person the opportunity to move and dance beautifully.

    The skin vector also rewards its bearer with tactile talent. Increased sensitivity skin allows such people to distinguish all shades of tactile affection. They are able to give tenderness and affection, which is what women really want. Such people not only love to receive a massage, but also give their tenderness to their partner.

    The skin vector also means organizational skills and the ability to run a business. So sometimes you can find such advertisements on dating sites: “ A guy of 25 years old, wealthy, successful... And so on. I'm looking for a girl who will dress me in lingerie...».

    At the same time, the desire to change clothes has its deep psychological roots. So the intrigue and investigation continues.

    Why does the volcano of passion awaken when dressed in lingerie?

    In primitive times, skin-visual boys, like “extra mouths,” were sacrificed, and girls were left to live. That is why, wanting to save their lives, skin-visual boys unconsciously reach for women's clothing.

    The desire to change clothes, as if as a joke, often manifests itself in such children even in childhood. Thus, they relieve some fears, and on an unconscious level, they save their lives. This happens if the boy lacks spiritual closeness with his mother or the mother herself is in anxiety or poor condition.

    So here it is. Often during the moments of dressing up, such boys experience sexual arousal. And this is not a pathology! This is how their psyche works.

    When such a boy grows up, he may have some peculiarities in the manifestation of his sexuality. And the desire to dress in women's clothing, the desire to look beautiful and even put on makeup - can become one of these manifestations.

    With the help of various kinds of dressing up, such men awaken their imagination and... get excited when they attract attention to themselves. But if we dig deeper, we systematically understand that a man with a cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors thus relieves his fears. Does it help? For a short time - yes.

    So is it necessary to get rid of such features? In general, any of our psychological characteristics“treated” through social or sexual fulfillment.

    In the case of the visual vector, only the social realization of the properties of the visual vector can fill life with joy; just relationships are not enough. For example, this could be organizing holidays or shows that require dressing up. Or a theater studio, where you can absolutely legally dress up in different character costumes and express your feelings and emotions on stage. Recently I saw a wonderful skin-visual man who taught dance classes at a fitness club. Women follow him from club to club.

    But what if you work in a different field? Desire does not go away and requires its fulfillment. It is absolutely natural that such men begin to gain pleasure through sexual fantasies and bringing them to life. And here they often face internal contradiction and even the fear of being misunderstood. Such concern is not unfounded, especially in our country with a urethral mentality.

    Corps de ballet for two - a man puts on lingerie. No one has the right to condemn the specific intimate characteristics that lurk behind the bedroom door of a man and a woman. Only pleasures of this kind are paltry compared to the opportunities that nature has given to the skin-visual person. By changing clothes, he relieves stress, as in childhood, or tries to compensate for a lack of emotional connections with people.

    Or he could reveal the feelings locked inside, learn to establish emotional relationships with people. And in return receive a feeling of meaning and correctness of life, to feel safe in it. Deeply experiencing emotions associated with other people provides relief from fears and anxieties.

    What is needed for this? First of all, figure out how nature created you and why it did it that way.. In addition, the “System-Vector Psychology” training works through childhood traumas and false attitudes that do not allow one to express oneself and one’s talents.

    How will a woman react to her lover wearing lingerie? Various women may have different attitudes towards such a feature, and this can be determined in advance.

    At the “System-Vector Psychology” training, you will be able to understand what kind of woman will accept all your characteristics with joy and understanding.

    The answer was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

    Damn, guys, what did you miss so much in childhood that you routinely dress in women's underwear, shave your legs, chest and arms, although in ordinary life- exemplary fathers of families and brutal straight men couldn't be further away?!

    Just a few years ago there was no such thing... although, I’m lying, it was 20 years ago, and 100, and 200, but if before they were feminine and mannered young men, now...

    Crossdrosers. No, no, not travesties or transsexuals, beautiful, courageous, pumped up guys dress in women's clothes and they get hard - hard on themselves, and even so much so that they are ready to fuck themselves with their own dick. By the way, some people are good at it, and giving yourself a blowjob is just a blast!

    Believe it or not, I searched the Internet and found this... Yes, these guys have a rather complex gradation:

    • transsexual transvestites(or double-role transvestites) - men who occasionally wear women's clothing, but this does not excite them sexually (?) and they do not want to undergo surgery and will not do so.
    • fetish transvestites- guys who wear women's clothes, it excites them, they have sex with both. Fetishistic transvestism is accompanied by autogynephilia. An autogynephile is a person who is sexually aroused by fantasies about himself as a woman and about his feminine body (the female version of narcissism).
    But “crossgenders” are men (guys) who can long time to live in female image, but then return to their normal role and clothing.
    Brothers (or their “sisters”) “crossdressers” (CD, KD) - these simply dress up as women, love wigs, but in sex they still prefer to sleep with women than with guys. In everyday life - brutal straight men with a slight hint of unisex.
    There are also “traps” - more often heterosexuals (well, relatively), according to appearance unisex, that is, feminine boys and boyish girls, do not often suffer from perversions with clothing.
    And the last category “Sissy” (Sissy Boy, Sissy Maid, Sissy Slut, Sissy Slave, Sissy Doll) - guys or men who love to dress up as women with an absolute desire to obey or be humiliated by a woman. And what the Mistress will force them to do there - here they are happy to try, same-sex sex is not particularly practiced.

    Tired? Confused? Me too...
    We’re not talking about drag queen artists - this is pure business... Although, who knows.
    By the way, “transsexuality” is included in the International Classification of Diseases, in theory - such a “girl” is entitled to time off on “critical” days.

    Just yesterday... I’m sitting on the site, not bothering anyone, a straight guy writes (I’m still looking - I’m looking for a modest girl to start a family), saying, I want to try it with a guy. I didn’t break down for a long time, especially since in the photo there is a handsome athlete, eight-pack abs and all that, tall, athletic... I won’t hide it, drool started flowing right across the screen, to clarify I tell him that I’m not athletic, just ordinary. He told me: “Great! Tell me the address and I’ll come.”

    He arrives, everything is as in the photo - sweetie... he asked to take a shower, this is welcome, he left. About 15 minutes pass, he appears... Damn, in black fishnet stockings, red panties, a black silk bra. I remember exactly - we didn’t discuss this, he apparently read the whole storm of emotions on my face, explains that he cannot and will not do otherwise. And, it’s true, he has a crazy erection that one can only envy. I will not hide, as they say, I am quite cynical and reasonable to pay attention to such trifles. The sex was fantastic, it was everything and even more, he moaned and squirmed, in the process I managed to take off some of his clothes, but he did not allow me to touch the stockings... Maybe there is some kind of exoticism in this. But it’s not mine, it’s not mine, I don’t mind, let the guys do what they want. But not in my bed...

    After sex we talked. Ilya turned out to be married twice (there is plenty to marry, believe me), two daughters from both wives. But occasionally he definitely needs to be under a man, preferably with stubble and harder, so that he can be torn. After he cums, the male partner is disgusted and uninteresting to him (he just didn’t cum with me), lingerie excites him, but it’s not like a fetish. He was neatly and beautifully shaven everywhere, no, his wives were not aware of his preferences... We repeated our games and he disappeared from my life forever - in the morning his page was deleted. Good luck to you, my dear... or darling!

    I have no prejudices... therefore claims of ridicule and insults from transgender people will not be accepted.

    The article will talk about how guys who like to dress up as girls - transvestites and crossdressers - can wear all these wonderful pieces of women's clothing every day without embarrassment: physical, due to the fact that straps, fasteners and elastic bands dig into the skin uncomfortably, and psychological - for fear of being caught in this. Let's start with the fact that every year the line between men's and women's things washed, women put on pantsuits, take away their men's shirts and ties, so why don't men allow themselves to try on a piece of clothing that until recently was considered purely feminine. Lace bras, stockings, T-shirts with frills - all these things for a transvestite are not feminine, they are simply beautiful, seductive, in them you feel completely different, a different person, the feeling of touching smooth fabric and your skin is simply impossible with anything else compare! But, while society does not yet accept such views, it is necessary to hide wonderful things under typical men's clothing. And then you have to invent truly miracles of camouflage in order not to be noticed and ridiculed. It's easy to hide a lace shirt under a bulky sweater in winter, but how can you do the same in summer, when you're wearing minimal clothes? Let's try to figure it out and give some practical advice.

    Let's start with bras. Oh, these lace bras, they can drive you crazy. The feeling when he is on you is impossible to convey. This is something completely special! So beautiful, tender, when they rub against the nipples, surrounding problems cease to exist. But even such a beautiful piece of clothing has an insidious feature: straps and fasteners treacherously bulge under clothing and leave noticeable marks on the skin. And if this is the norm for women, I remember that a couple of years ago there was even something like a fashion for girls to have bra straps visible from under their clothes, then a guy with a similar flaw in the toilet is instantly identified from the crowd.

    There are several options for getting out of this situation, firstly, you can adjust the clasp and the length of the straps on your own, and then sew them together, but in this case, problems may arise when wearing - it will take you to put on and take off the bra Extra time. Almost the same problem with light T-shirts with lace trim - such beautiful models, but in most cases have adjustable straps, which are again visible.

    You can buy seamless underwear - such models have wider straps and from the outside the bra looks just like a T-shirt - what's wrong, many guys wear T-shirts. But there is one thing - most of these models are created solely to support female breast and their appearance is absolutely repulsive! There is no beauty or tenderness in them, only functionality. So you will have to look for a beautiful seamless model.

    In winter, T-shirts and bras are hidden under clothes, and in summer it is advisable to buy bras without straps - these are also on sale: they are often held in place with the help of adhesive tape inserts, have a clasp at the back or front, but they do not have straps!

    The next item of clothing to consider is stockings. All transvestites are crazy about stockings, and this is quite natural. Now on sale various models, including tights that imitate stockings with a belt, are very easy to wear, but most guys still prefer real stockings with a belt. They produce stockings with 3 types of garters: 4, 6 and 8. The more garters you attach to a stocking, the more securely it fits. Classic models with four garters are an option for home wear and a particularly sexy look, but if you go out in public wearing such stockings, the garter clip will most likely come unfastened, and you will have to re-fasten it regularly. In addition, all models, regardless of the number of garters, treacherously stick out from under the pants when a guy tries to wear them, say, to work. How to be?

    It is advisable to buy stockings without ties, with elastic. Then there will simply be nothing to show through the clothes, especially if the trousers are made of fairly dense fabric. But be prepared for the fact that such a stocking can slide down your leg. It’s good if you manage to roll up the stocking in time and hide it in the sock, but if not, discomfort appears, some kind of special lameness. True, such stories most often happen only in the summer, when it’s hot, or if the stockings are not new and the adhesive elastic band simply “doesn’t hold” anymore.

    You can afford to wear beautiful panties - here no one can deprive a transvestite of pleasure! After all, they are not visible, even if they are thongs with lace - any trousers will hide this item of clothing from prying eyes. But be careful in public toilets, prefer private stalls and forget about urinals when you're wearing such underwear.

    You can also bring yourself joy by dressing up as a girl at home. Here a complete transformation is possible with all the necessary attributes: underwear, stockings, a shirt, a dress, whatever, in the end! Don't deny yourself a little joy. In the end, our desires and preferences cannot always be explained, but this does not harm anyone.

    Another little joy for a transvestite - buy yourself a beautiful nightgown! Then the last thing you will feel before plunging into the sweet haze of sleep will be the pleasant feeling of delicate fabric touching your skin, the friction of lace. In addition, the straps of a nightgown are practically invisible under clothes, if you suddenly decide to wear it in public.

    But you shouldn’t abuse this, because nightgown- these are sleepwear! Women never wear nightgowns during the day or outside the home, but they are the ones who have the right to legislate fashion in the field of beautiful clothes!

    Many guys who like to sometimes dress up in women's clothes dream of wearing beautiful things freely so that they are comfortable, but this is not yet entirely possible in modern society. We hope that our advice will help you transform yourself without experiencing discomfort.

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