• Mobile competitions for adults for the New Year. New Year's competitions and entertainment. New Year in rhyme


    This game can be played at a New Year's corporate party.

    Names of employees are thrown into one hat, wishes for them in the other next year. Then names and wishes are pulled at random from a hat. For example: We wish the director Ivan Petrovich to fulfill as many responsible assignments as possible or we wish the cleaning lady Irina Fedorovna to advance in her career and become a chief accountant, etc.

    Newspaper dances

    For the game, music is turned on, and then the boys and girls are divided into pairs, each pair is given a newspaper sheet (large - A2 format). The sheet is placed on the floor and everyone begins to dance, each couple on their own sheet. The couple that leaves the newspaper is eliminated. After a few minutes, the leader folds the sheet of each pair in half and everything continues. This is repeated several times. The game brings people together very much, especially when there is almost no newspaper left.


    One or two players leave. Afterwards, they are told that they must find out something (“solve a crime”) by asking questions that require answers of “yes,” “no,” or “maybe.” But in fact, the others didn’t have any story in mind. They simply answer “yes” if the last word of the question ends in a vowel, “no” - in a consonant, “maybe” - in “b”. Since the detectives are unaware of this, they create a very exciting story. Detectives will achieve their goal if they figure out exactly how they are being fooled.

    Learning the alphabet

    The presenter says: “We are all educated people, but do we know the alphabet?” From the letter A, and further alphabetically, the player begins a phrase of congratulations on the fact that guests have gathered. For example: A- Aibolit wishes everyone a Happy New Year! B-Be vigilant New Year is coming soon! V-Let's drink to the ladies! It's especially fun when the game gets to G, F, P, S, L, B. The prize goes to the one who came up with the funniest phrase.

    Where to invest money?

    The presenter calls two couples (a man and a woman in each pair): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Receive initial contributions! (Gives the couples money in candy wrappers). Pockets can serve as banks for your deposits , lapels, and all secluded places. Try to arrange your deposits as quickly as possible, open as many banks as possible. Get ready.... Let's start! The facilitator helps the pairs complete the task; after one minute, the facilitator sums up the results. Presenter: “How many bills do you have left? What about you? Great! All the money is invested in the business! Well done! And now I tell the women to quickly withdraw all deposits, and since a deposit in a bank can only be withdrawn by the one who deposited it and no one else “You will withdraw your deposit blindfolded so as not to see other people’s deposits.” (The women are blindfolded and the men are swapped at this time). At the command of the presenter, the women enthusiastically withdraw their deposits, suspecting nothing.

    Lung capacity

    The players' task is to cheat Balloons in the allotted time without using your hands.


    One leader is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle (shoulder to shoulder). Moreover, the players’ hands should be behind. The essence of the game: you need to pass a cucumber behind your back unnoticed by the host and, at every opportunity, bite off a piece of it. And the presenter’s task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guesses right, then the player he caught takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten. It is very funny!!!

    Clink of glasses

    Inventory: 2 glasses of champagne, headband.
    Game: Two participants are called, one is given glasses, the other is blindfolded. The participant with the glasses stands in one place and when the driver raises his hand up, the glasses ring against each other. The driver has the right to raise his hand up only three times, and the glasses must ring three times.
    Winner: The driver, if he orients himself correctly and finds the player with the glasses. He receives a glass and the participants drink champagne to their health

    Throw money down the drain...

    Participants in the competition are given a banknote. The players' task is to "cheat" the money as far as possible in three attempts. After another attempt, the players go to the place where the bill landed and blow again. Whose bill flies the farthest wins. As an option, you can organize the movement of banknotes in teams, in a relay race.

    Christmas story

    Host: And now you will see a real performance with very talented actors in the lead roles. But for this I need your help. I need 10 assistants. Come here. Well done, great. So you will be our actors. Now you yourself and everyone who is here will see what wonderful artists you are.
    Roles are assigned (or simply assigned and remembered, or cards are handed out): Christmas tree, blizzard, frost, snowball, bunny, wolf, snake, horse, firewood, little man.
    Host: The plot of our production is very simple. You probably already guessed that this is my favorite song, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Our artists need to get into the image of their heroes and portray all their actions as best as possible. The best actor will receive a prize. So, artists, are you ready? Viewers, please give me applause. Artists, take a bow. Let's start! Next, the words of the song are recited, and the actors depict all the events. The last verse is sung loudly by everyone and their hands clapping. Applause.


    Equipment: balls or matchboxes by the number of participants.
    Participants stand on the starting line with a ball between their knees. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to jump towards the finish line, trying not to drop the ball. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first.

    On the eve of the festive night, relax.by has prepared a selection interesting competitions For New Year's Eve for adults.

    Hold the snowflake

    Prepare small lumps of cotton wool that resemble a snowflake. The presenter - this can be an invited Santa Claus or one of the guests - gives a signal, and the participants begin to blow from below on the lump so that it flies like a snowflake. The winner is the one who keeps the “snowflake” in the air the longest. Most importantly, don’t forget to support and encourage your competitors. At the very beginning of yesterday, you can prepare a small bag of sweets and prizes and reward the winners with either a tangerine or something tasty.

    Phrases of congratulations

    The presenter announces: “New Year’s Eve is in full swing, and some people can hardly remember the last letter of the alphabet!” - after which he invites all guests to fill their glasses and say New Year's toast, but... with one condition! Everyone begins the congratulation phrase with a new letter of the alphabet. For example:
    A - Absolutely happy to drink to the New Year!
    B - Be careful, New Year is coming!
    B - Let's drink to the ladies!
    It will be especially fun when the game reaches G, F, P, S, L, B.
    The prize goes to the one who came up with the funniest toast phrase. The beauty of this New Year's game the fact that you can play it without leaving the table!

    New Year's prediction

    On a large beautiful tray lies a sheet of thick paper, beautifully painted to look like a pie, consisting of small square pieces. There are drawings on the inside of the square. This is what awaits guests in the new year:
    heart - love;
    book - knowledge;
    kopeck - money;
    key - new apartment;
    sun - success;
    letter - news;
    car - buy a car;
    a person’s face is a new acquaintance;
    arrow - achieving the goal;
    watches - changes in life;
    road - trip;
    gift - surprise;
    lightning - tests;
    glass - holidays, etc.
    Each guest “eats” his own piece of the pie and finds out the future. The fake pie can be replaced with a real one. Especially if there are children at the table who, after 2 spoons of salad, demand something sweet!

    Telegram to Santa Claus

    Ask guests to name 13 adjectives. For example, “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “lethargic”, “dirty”, etc. When the presenter has written down all the adjectives, the text of the telegram is obtained, into which the missing adjectives from the list are inserted.

    And the text of the telegram is as follows: “... Grandfather Frost! All... children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances! It's finally coming... New Year! How I don’t want to talk about... studying. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts. With respect to you... boys and... girls!

    New Year's round dance

    Guests are divided into teams, after which they are invited to depict a round dance around the Christmas tree in a skit, organized by:
    - in a psychiatric hospital;
    - police;
    - kindergarten;
    - armies.
    You need to portray a round dance not only in a fun and original way, but also in such a way that you can guess the characters who are leading the round dance. The prize is given for artistry and wit.


    This game involves three people at a time. These can be both girls and boys. One participant is placed in the middle of the room, and the other two are blindfolded. One of these two is given ribbons in his hands - he must go to the person standing in the middle and tie bows on him wherever he can. Another person (also blindfolded) must find all the bows by touch and untie them.

    “What do you like about your neighbor?”

    Participants should sit opposite each other or in a circle - festive New Year's table fits too! The host announces that now everyone must say which part of their neighbor’s body they like best. When everyone tells these “intimate details,” the presenter announces that now everyone must kiss their neighbor on the right exactly in the place that he liked!

    relax.by hopes that our selection of New Year's competitions will help lift the spirits of you and your guests at the festive table in New Year's Eve!

    We have also prepared for you.

    What holiday could be complete without laughter and Have a good mood?! Right! No! This is especially true for such an event as the upcoming New Year 2020. What is needed to create a unique and bright holiday? To begin with, the appropriate surroundings: New Year's songs and music, winter themed decorations, delicious dishes, beautiful costumes, a sea of ​​champagne and a lot of guests! But that is not all! Well-fed and well-dressed event participants need to be entertained! And here you can’t do without funny and perky New Year’s competitions! We invite you to check out our selection!

    The most exciting competitions for friends for the New Year 2020

    Competition "Couturier"

    The men of the company are invited to play the role of couturier. For the competition you need to draw a feminine figure on a piece of Whatman paper elegant dress with a lot of details: ruffles, cuffs, flounces, neckline, etc. The presenter, preferably a lady, names various details one by one to the men, and they must show it on the dress. The one who named incorrectly is eliminated. The one who never makes a mistake wins and receives the title of world couturier.

    Game "Web"

    You need to tie multi-colored ribbons to a gymnastic or any other stick. They are intertwined in in no particular order, but without strong knots. The player is given the task of unraveling a web of ribbons using pencils in both hands or another object, but not with his hands.

    Game "Jumpers"

    Players jump rope, competing in the number of jumps. Everything would be fine, but they have flippers on their feet.

    Game “How many bottles do you have?”

    In the cartoon, boa constrictors were measured with monkeys and parrots, but we will measure our waists with bottles. It is necessary to measure the circumference of the bottle, but do not report it, and the waist circumference of each participant. Then calculate the waist size in terms of bottles and invite the players to guess their number each. Whoever named it more accurately wins.

    Game "State in the Wind"

    Players are invited to throw their fortune to the wind. Need identical ones banknotes by the number of players. Everyone lines up and blows on the bill on command, then runs up and blows again. And so on up to a certain point. Whose bill reaches the mark faster, wins.

    Seven funny New Year competitions for any company

    Game "Blind Pirate"

    A blind pirate was left to guard the treasure. His role is played by the captains of the two teams. Various objects are laid out around them: scissors, a pair of shoes, toys and more. These are treasures. They will be hunted by players of the opposing team. The robber is blindfolded. The rivals blow the whistle and make attempts to grab the treasure, and the guard thieves. A thief caught three times is eliminated from the game. The time is recorded for each team. Whoever left the pirate without treasure the fastest won.

    Game “There is a sun in every drawing”

    Relay competition for the street or a large hall. The competitors are divided into two equal teams and stand in columns. Everyone is given a gymnastic stick, and two hoops are placed on the floor at a distance of 10-15 m from the players. One by one, players run up and place sticks in the shape of sun rays around their hoops. The team whose last player returns to their place wins.

    Competition "Plastic Christmas Tree"

    To hold this competition, you need to prepare a certain amount in advance. plastic cups(for example, eighty) in order to divide them equally and give one part to one of the two participants. The glasses are stacked one on one. As soon as the competition begins, the players must collect from the “props” as quickly as possible christmas tree, and then disassemble, carefully folding the cups the way they were originally folded. The fastest of the two players wins.

    Game "Snowman T-shirt"

    To conduct this competition, you will need three players who will have a seemingly trivial task - just put on a T-shirt the fastest, thereby earning victory in the competition. However, not all so simple. Before giving out the shirts to the players, they should be rolled up and frozen in the freezer, which will definitely make the task more difficult.

    Competition "Read the Lips"

    To run this competition, you will need two players (for one round) and two pairs of headphones. Each participant puts on headphones with music already playing. It is necessary to check whether it is loud enough so that the players cannot hear each other's speech. The first must ask the second a question, which he, in turn, answers by reading lips. After a certain period of time, the roles change. In this competition, the winner is given to the one who understands the essence of the most questions.

    Game "Dangerous Dancing"

    To carry out the competition, you will need from five to eight people, for each of whom you will need to prepare an already inflated balloon and something with which it can be tied. A ball is tied to one player’s foot. Everyone's task is to burst their opponents' balloons. The last “survivor” whose ball remains intact will win.
    Competition "Race during the Sabbath"

    To conduct this competition you will need a certain amount of equipment. It is necessary to prepare two scarves, two mops and two buckets in advance. An unlimited number of people can take part in the relay, but they must be divided into two equal teams, each of which lines up at one end of the room. At the leader’s signal, the first in the line puts a scarf on his head as quickly as possible, sits on a broom and pushes one leg into the bucket, without using the help of the team. In this form, the participant runs to the other end of the room and back, passing the baton to the next player on his team. Whichever one finishes faster is awarded the victory.

    Funny contests for adults for the New Year 2020

    Competition "Anecdote with a beard"

    This competition can be held without leaving the festive table. The presenter stands up and begins to tell some famous joke. The one who can continue it receives a piece of cotton wool, which must be glued to the chin. The same thing happens with the next joke. In the end, the winner is the participant who has the largest beard.

    Competition "Ariadne's Ribbon"

    You should prepare for the competition in advance: cut a long ribbon into many pieces and hide them in different unexpected places in the hall. In addition, it would be good for the participants to be given such a piece as an example. Their task is to find as many hidden pieces as possible and knit a ribbon from them. The winner is awarded to the one with the longest ribbon. It is better to hold the competition during dancing, when the overhead lights are turned off and the room is illuminated only by light and music.

    Competition "Dzhigit Competition"

    This competition is very popular due to its entertainment, fun and excitement. The host invites several people (usually 2-3), who are given carnival mustaches and hats. In addition, they are given “horses”: children’s horses on sticks. If you cannot find them, you can use any household tool with a long handle, such as mops. The players' task is to ride the distance to a certain goal. It will be even more fun if you invite them to play the balalaikas at the same time. The one who arrives at the destination first wins.

    Game "Reveal the secret!"

    This game is for the whole company. Participants are given pieces of paper and pens. Half of them write questions, the other half write answers. Both questions and answers should be standard, for example: “Do you drink cognac in the morning?”, “Are you cheating on your other half?” and so on. Answers: “Sometimes”, “Only if no one sees”, “With pleasure” and the like. Questions are placed in one pile and answers in another. The first player says who he wants to ask the question to and takes out a piece of paper. After that, he says: “Reveal the secret...” and reads out the text that is written on the piece of paper. The person to whom the question is addressed takes a piece of paper from the pile with the answers. Next, the answerer himself asks a question to one of the players, and so on. The couple whose question and answer is the funniest or most original wins.

    Competition “When you hear the number 3, take the prize immediately!”

    The competition involves 2 or 3 players. They stand around the chair on which the prize lies. Santa Claus calls the numbers in random order and suddenly sounds 3. At this moment you need to grab the prize. The most efficient participant wins.

    Snowball game

    The snowballs in this game are balloons. white, and the more of them inflated before the start of the game, the better. The players are divided into two teams. Each has a captain appointed. Each of them is given a large garbage bag with pre-made holes for the legs. Their task is to get into the bag and keep its top edge open. The presenter gives a signal, and ordinary team members enter the game. Their task is to collect “snowballs” scattered on the floor and throw them into their captain’s bag. All this happens to cheerful music. Then the host gives the signal to stop, the music stops, and the game ends. The summing up begins - counting “snowballs”. Which team has more of them? And she won.

    New Year's Eve seems to last endlessly - the fun begins early in the evening, and sometimes ends when it's already dawn. Staying in a cheerful state for such a long period is not easy even for an athlete. To prevent guests from getting bored at the table, New Year competitions will be required for cheerful company, and you need to select completely different ones - table ones, moving ones, musical ones, and ingenuity. Then New Year's Eve will definitely be remembered!

    Competitions at the table

    Let's remember the alphabet

    The first participant in the competition stands up and makes a toast, the words of which begin with the first three letters of the alphabet. Then the word passes to his neighbor, who must use the next three letters in his congratulations, and so on. The funniest thing will be with those participants who will get awkward letters - “y”, “e” and others.

    New Year's toast

    On separate cards you can write abbreviations familiar to everyone (TASS, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Housing and Communal Services, Air Force, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate) and distribute them to party participants. Each participant in the competition must come up with a toast starting with the abbreviation given to him, and then drink his glass. At the end of the competition, everyone drinks for the best toast.

    With the same initial data, you can come up with different decoding of abbreviations, and whoever comes up with the most original one wins.

    What is in the box?

    When choosing competitions for adults for the New Year, you can safely include this one. First, you need to prepare several unusual items that will become artifacts of the competition and hide them in another room. When the game time comes, the presenter, being in this room without witnesses, hides one of the items in a tightly closed box and goes out to the guests with it. They must guess what is in the box, asking any questions (about shape, color, purpose, but not going through the letters). The one who is the first to guess what is in the box receives this item as a gift, and the presenter goes off to get the next item.

    Tangerine tree

    All guests receive a whole tangerine and, at the command of the host, they begin to peel them together in order to lay out a beautiful Christmas tree from the slices. The one whose Christmas tree appears the fastest will win.

    Santa Claus and...

    A funny New Year's competition for adults can also concern fairy-tale characters. Everyone knows that the Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Father Frost, but then he must have a wife. Contest participants need to use their imagination to come up with a name for her and short description. The one whose story turns out to be the most entertaining wins a prize.

    Melt the Snow Queen's heart

    When planning to hold this competition, you need to freeze the ice in the molds in advance. Just before the start of the competition, all participants are given saucers with pieces of ice, and when the command “start!” sounds, everyone must melt this piece with their warmth in any way. You can rub it in your hands, breathe on it, come up with other options. The one whose piece of ice melts first will be declared the winner. The prize could be a rose, a crystal object, or any item from a famous fairy tale.

    What's in your pants?

    Rarely funny New Year's competitions for adults are complete without something spicy. The presenter should prepare a regular bag with clippings of newspaper quotes or, better yet, glue together a panty envelope. So, the guest who pulled the quote out of the bag begins with the words “And in my pants today...” and ends with his own quote. The presenter needs to rack his brains to find funny and ambiguous quotes.

    What's in my mouth?

    To conduct this competition, you need to prepare a container with products that will be used for the experiment, but will not be available at festive table. You will need 7-8 rather unusual products. During the competition, the player is blindfolded and one of these products is placed in his mouth, and he must guess what is in his mouth on the first try. For the next player you need to use a different product. The winner will be the most accurate taster.

    Alphabet fir

    New Year competitions often revolve around the New Year tree. IN in this case Participants must find and take turns pronouncing words that include the word spruce, for example, bed, blizzard, April, Monday. However, this cannot be repeated. The one who, in turn, did not find a new word loses and is eliminated. The last player to say the word automatically becomes the winner.


    Print out this template in advance (or come up with your own):

    In our ___________ country, in _____________ city, there lived _____________________ men and at least ______________ girls. They lived ____________ and ____________, and communicated in the same ________________ and ___________ company. And today, on this __________ day, they gathered in this _____________ place to celebrate such a ____________ and __________ New Year holiday. So today let there be only __________ toasts, __________ glasses filled with __________ drinks, the table bursting with __________ treats, and __________ smiles on the faces of those present.
    I wish you that the New Year will be ______________, you will be surrounded by _______________ friends, ______________ dreams will come true, your work will be ______________ and that your very _______________ other halves will give you only ___________joy, ___________love and ______________care….

    The guests unanimously come up with various adjectives, which are then inserted into the above text instead of gaps, as a result of which it becomes very funny.


    Players write on pieces of paper to the presenter which items remind them of their childhood (it is advisable to list 5-6 items), without signing them. The folded notes are placed in a bag or box, after which the presenter begins to take out one piece of paper and read out the words written on it. Everyone should guess who wrote it. Such New Year's competitions at the table should be held for a company where everyone knows each other well.

    And if you have a corporate party, then you can brighten up your holiday with competitions from another article on our website.

    Funny riddles

    You shouldn’t hope that all adults good logic and multifaceted thinking - this still needs to be tested! And the best way to do this is by making a wish funny riddles. Whoever guesses the most of them wins.

    Example of riddles and answers to them:

    Question: Why difficult riddles dangerous for people?
    Answer. Because people are scratching their heads over them.

    Question: Under what tree does the wolf sit when it rains?
    Answer. Under the wet.

    Question: How many months in a year have 28 days?
    Answer: All months.

    Question: What can you cook, but cannot eat?
    Answer: Cement mortar, homework.

    Question: Which plant knows everything?
    Answer: Horseradish

    Question: What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from?
    Answer. From empty.

    Question: One eye, one horn. Who is this if not a rhinoceros?
    Answer: A cow peeks out from around the corner.

    Question: Why are the goat's eyes so sad?
    Answer: Because her husband is an asshole.

    Question: Which duck/chicken walks on two legs?
    Answer: All ducks/chickens.

    Question: What can't be done in space?
    Answer: Hang yourself.

    Question: What question cannot be answered with “yes”?
    Answer: Are you sleeping?

    Question: Who can stand in the pouring rain without getting their hair wet?
    Answer: Bald

    New Year's drink

    Warmed up for the New Year, the company loves very fun alcoholic competitions. The number of participants in this fun is also unlimited. She will need a large glass, a set of drinks and a blindfold. The participants in the game need to be divided into pairs, one should be blindfolded, and the second should mix different drinks from the table in a glass and give the first one a drink. He must try to guess what is included in such a wonderful recipe. The one who guesses the most ingredients in their drink wins.

    New Year's Sandwich

    This is a similar competition, but instead of drinks, all kinds of food are used. It is advisable to conduct them one after another, only changing roles in pairs, so that the drink taster can repay his partner with his cooking. During the tasting, the “blind” must additionally cover his nose with his hand so as not to smell the smell.

    Song in a hat

    No less popular are music competitions for the New Year, where everyone strives to show off their vocal talents. You should prepare small pieces of paper with writing on them in advance. in different words. It is best for these words to be associated with a winter theme: Christmas tree, snow, salad, champagne, deer, frost. Next, put these pieces of paper in a bag and invite all guests to take turns pulling out a piece of paper from there. Next, the competition participant must come up with a short song where this word is used several times, and perform it.

    Mobile competitions


    Competitors are blindfolded and given paper and scissors, and they must blindly cut out a snowflake. The author of the most beautiful and neat snowflake receives a prize.

    Beauty will save the world

    This competition is most appropriate to hold in relaxed companies, where there are no shy and prim people. The presenter needs to take care in advance of the props for all participants in the competition (preferably all those present): clown noses and wigs, shiny crowns, striped stockings and other funny things. It is necessary that there be enough for each competitor in at least one subject, or better yet, two. Each item has a card of a certain color attached to it.

    The presenter reminds everyone of the phrase about beauty that will save the world. He says that although very smart people have gathered at the table, they can become even more beautiful if they try on new clothes. Next, the host invites the players to choose one of the colors, and when the guest names a color, he gives him the corresponding props. At the end, everyone dresses up in what they got, and believe me, they will look very funny.

    You will find even more New Year’s competitions in our article “New Year’s competitions for adults and children.”

    Make Santa Claus

    This competition involves a man and a woman. The latter must, with the help of cosmetics and available things, make Santa Claus out of the first. When this New Year's competition for adults is over, those present evaluate all the Frosts and choose the best of them by applause or voting.


    A minimum of 6 people must participate in this fun game, since teams of three participants are needed. It doesn't matter whether they are men or women. Two team members are blindfolded, and the third is placed in the center of the room. One “blind” person is given 10 ribbons, which he, at the command of the leader, must tie on a team member standing in the center of the room, and the second “blind” must find these bows by touch and untie them. The second (and other) teams do the same. The team that completes all sequential tasks before others will win.

    Princess on the Pea

    Fun competitions for adults for the New Year may be allusions to famous fairy tales. Guests of all ages and all genders can take part in this fun. The player is blindfolded, and then the presenter places any object on a chair or stool (TV remote control, apple, banana, boiled egg) and invites the player to sit on this chair. The player must guess what he sat on without touching the chair or the object itself with his hands.

    New Year's crocodile

    People are addicted to this famous game different ages. The feast participants must be divided into two teams, and then each of them must delegate one person. The leader pronounces the chosen word to them, and they must pass it on to their team without words. The team that first guesses the transmitted word wins. You can modify the rules - one person plays the pantomime, the others guess, and the winner is the one who guesses first. So that there is no doubt that the word was made up on the fly, it must be written on a piece of paper in advance.

    Mute Santa Claus and translator Snegurochka

    The number of participants in this competition is not limited. It allows you not only to laugh heartily, but also to reveal the creative potential of those celebrating. You need to choose a couple - the mute Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who is skilled in translation. The grandfather should try to congratulate all the guests on the holiday with gestures, and the Snow Maiden should translate his pantomime into words as accurately as possible.

    Fanta from a bottle

    What are New Year's competitions for a relaxed company without everyone's favorite “bottle”? There are many variations of it, but we offer this: all participants in the feast need to be given 2-3 pieces of paper, on which they must write down their wishes, for example, “kneel in front of the neighbor on the left,” “pretend to be a zombie,” “show a striptease.” Then the pieces of paper need to be rolled into tubes and placed in a bottle.

    Everyone sits in a circle and begins the well-known game of “spinning the bottle”: whoever the neck of the bottle points to must draw a phantom from it, which must be read out loud and performed.

    In such a competition one can find out the degree of depravity of those gathered, as well as the degree of courage. So, one girl made a wish to “completely ruin her hair,” and it was she who got this phantom...

    Who has it longer?

    The participants of the feast are divided into two teams, after which each of them begins to lay out a chain of things worn by its participants. The team whose chain is longer wins. To prevent things from ending in a complete striptease, it is advisable to introduce a time limit.

    Men's competition "Who is cooler"

    The presenter places eggs on the plate - one for each participant in the fun. He tells the players that all the eggs are boiled, except one raw (in fact, they are all boiled). Next, all the contestants, in order, take an egg from the plate at random and break it on their forehead. As the plate is emptied, the tension increases (who will get a raw egg), and everyone unanimously sympathizes with the last player, until he too gets off with a slight fright.

    Did you like our New Year's competitions? Maybe you also have favorite games and competitions? Tell us about them in the comments.

    Anton Smekhov

    Reading time: 10 minutes

    A A

    Imagine the situation: a group of adults gathered in one room to celebrate some event. And everything seems to be going as it should - the food is delicious, the drinks are flowing, the music invites you to start dancing, but then a moment of satiety occurs - the stomachs are full, everyone is a little tired from dancing, and conversations are no longer so active. Sound familiar? This happens at every party where people with different interests and hobbies meet.

    How to correct the situation or, even better, prevent boredom from appearing at the festival? The answer is simple - add more variety!

    Adults are the same children who want entertainment. The company can include both long-time friends and completely strangers. These can be women, girls, boys and men. Everyone may have completely different views on recreation and entertainment, but even the most diverse company can be united by competitions and riddles, especially for the New Year 2020!

    The funniest and coolest competitions for adults

    Draw an elephant (donkey, horse, Cheburashka)

    We will need:

    • 2 sheets of paper taped to a wall, board, easels, or anything that will allow you to draw on them.
    • 2 markers.
    • Blindfolds according to the number of participants.

    How to do it:

    Divide all participants into 2 equal teams (than more people- so much the better), each of which lines up in front of its own sheet of paper. Select the creature you want to draw. Each participant gets certain part body and blindfolded. Next, in turn order, members of each team blindly draw the body parts they are given. The winner can be determined by speed or by the similarity of the drawing to a given animal.

    Stomp the enemy's balls!

    We will need:

    • Air balloons two different colors according to the number of participants.
    • The same number of long threads of medium thickness.

    How to do it:

    Participants are divided into 2 teams with the same number of people. Each team is given balls of their own color on a string that must be tied to their leg. The thread can be of any length, but the ball must lie on the floor. The teams are mixed and everyone's task is to trample as many balls of the enemy color as possible, while preventing their own from bursting. The participant who did not save his ball leaves the general pile and waits for the end of the battle. The team that deals with the opponents faster wins.


    We will need:

    • Sheets of paper according to the number of participants.
    • Same quantity of pens.

    How to do it:

    There can be as many participants as you like, everyone sits in a circle, everyone is given a pen and a piece of paper. The presenter asks the question “Who?”, and everyone writes their own hero. After this, you need to fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and pass it to the player on the right (each passes his sheet and receives another from his neighbor on the left). The presenter asks a new question, for example, “Where did you go?”, and again everyone writes, folds the written part and passes it to the next one. Further questions may follow: “Why did he go there?”, “Who did he meet?” and so on. The competition continues until the presenter runs out of questions.

    At the end there is a collective reading of the resulting stories and voting for the best! There are no winners in the competition, but fun and laughter are guaranteed!


    The competition is perfect for any conditions, because there is no need for props at all. All you need are participants and their imagination.

    How to do it:

    Everyone sits in a circle. Either the hero of the occasion (if there is one) or the one to whom the lot fell (as determined by the counting) begins. The first person says two completely unrelated words, such as “dinner” and “car.” The second must make a sentence such that both words fit into the same situation: “I was late for family dinner because the car wouldn’t start.” The same participant must come up with another word that is not related to what was said: for example, “loaf.” The next one should add this word to the current situation, for example, like this: “So that my wife would not be upset, I decided to buy her a loaf of bread on the way.” And so on until there is enough imagination or until someone comes up with a logical conclusion to the whole story.

    Bottle 2.0

    We will need:

    • Empty bottle.
    • Prepared pieces of paper with actions written on them for participants. The bigger, the better.

    How to do it:

    This game is very similar to the standard spin the bottle: participants sit in a circle, place a bottle in the center and spin it. The key difference is that you first need to throw rolled up pieces of paper with certain actions into the empty bottle, for example: “kiss on the cheek”, “invite to a slow dance”, “lick your ear” and the like. As a result, the game looks like this: the participant spins the bottle, the person she pointed to takes out one piece of paper and reads out the action. It must be completed by the first participant. This is more interesting than a regular game, because you never know what you will need to do instead of a standard kiss.

    Original riddles for adults

    Competitions are not the only way to make people laugh! Any sufficiently warmed-up company will go very well with riddles that will force you to stretch your brains and give you a chance to show off your knowledge and logic to the rest of those gathered. We have selected 5 riddles for adults that are not as simple as they seem at first glance!

    Apples per million

    The man decided to get into the apple business and began buying fruits for 5 rubles apiece and selling them for 3. Within six months he managed to become a millionaire!

    • Question: How did he manage to do this?
    • Answer: Before that he was a billionaire.


    You boarded the plane. There is a horse behind you and a car in front.

    • Question: Where are you located?
    • Answer: On the carousel.


    A husband, wife, 2 daughters, a son, a cat and a dog on a leash are walking in the park.

    • Question: How can they not get wet if they stand together under one umbrella?
    • Answer: If it doesn't start to rain.

    Savvy wife

    The husband asks his wife: “Dear, clean my jacket, please.”
    The wife replies: “I’ve already cleaned it.”
    The husband asks: “Then clean your trousers, please.”
    The wife responded: “I did the same.”
    Husband again: “And the boots?”

    • Question: What did the wife answer?
    • Answer: “Do the boots have pockets too?”


    • Question: What is the difference between a woman and a man washing dishes?
    • Answer: Women wash dishes after eating, and men before.

    Competitions and riddles for the New Year 2020

    Not a single New Year is complete without thematic riddles and fun competitions, and 2020 the year of the White Metal Rat is no exception!

    Best gift

    Question: Which New Year's gift suits any woman best? Hint: The width is 7 cm, and the length is 15 cm. And the larger the quantity, the better.

    • Answer: A $100 banknote.

    Finish the poem

    If the firecrackers clap,
    The animals came to see you,
    If the Christmas tree is a good gnome,
 Dragged to your glorious house,
 The next one is quite possible
    Will be in the house...

    • Answer: Ambulance

    Breaking news

    We will need:

    Cards, each of which contains 5 unrelated words.

    How to do it:

    The entire company is divided into several groups (based on the number of cards). To be fair, each group should have the same number of people. Each team is given one pre-prepared card; in a minute they need to come up with a New Year's incident that can be described in a sentence using these words. For example, on the card there are the words “dog”, “car”, “skates”, “traffic light”, “Lenin”, and the sentence can be composed something like this: “A drunk man on New Year’s Eve on Lenin Street tried to overtake a car on skates, but crashed at a traffic light at a dog that was crossing the road.”

    The team with the most original news wins.

    What are boys made of?

    The competition is suitable for big company friends who is celebrating the holiday at home.

    How to do it:

    Each girl chooses a guy and dresses him up with everything that comes to hand: the owner’s closet, cosmetic bag, Christmas decorations And so on. You also need to present your creation to your guests in the most original way possible: with a poem, a song, a pair dance, or an advertisement. The prize goes to the most resourceful and extraordinary girl.

    What kind of round dance is this?

    How to do it:

    Several teams are formed, each given the task of depicting a round dance around the Christmas tree, but not an ordinary one, but organized in the police, psychiatric hospital, army, and so on. We need to come up with as many atypical places as there are teams formed. Next, each group takes turns showing its round dance, and the rest try to guess where it is organized. You can give out two prizes: one for the most artistic team, and the second for those who guessed the most correctly.

    And in addition, some tips on how not to get bored during the New Year of the White Rat.

    • Arrange themed party-- it’s very interesting to celebrate the holiday in retro style or dressed up as Game of Thrones characters.
    • Shoot! When guests see the camera, they want to look as interesting as possible on it, which means it will be even more fun! And there will be many vivid captured moments in your memory.
    • Put your phones away so no one is on social media. networks, this can really ruin even the best party.

    As you can see, it’s not difficult to bring fun to even the most constrained company. The main thing in such cases is perseverance, and then even those guests who are shy in the first minutes and sit on the sidelines will, by the middle of the celebration, begin to become fully active and involved in the process!

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