• The full length of pregnancy is how many weeks. How long does pregnancy last in women, is it possible to influence the duration and what does it depend on?


    Pregnancy is a biological state of female animals, characteristic of mammals. This condition is caused by the conception of new individuals and is the process of bearing cubs inside the female’s body. The pregnancy period ends with childbirth. During pregnancy, the embryo develops and grows by receiving nutrients from the mother, and in females, in turn, the body undergoes restructuring and preparation for the upcoming feeding of newborn babies.

    Length of pregnancy

    U different types In animals, pregnancy periods can vary from several days to several years. For example, Pregnancy in elephants lasts about two years, A in long-nosed bandicoots and the common opossum - 12-13 days.

    The normal gestation period for humans is 40 weeks (9 months).

    Determination of gestational age and due date is based on the assumption that a woman has a 28-day menstrual cycle with ovulation on days 14–15 of the cycle. The average pregnancy duration is 280 days (40 weeks) from the beginning of the last menstruation. In the obstetric month 4 weeks or 28 days. Therefore, the duration of a normal pregnancy is 10 obstetric months or else called 10 lunar months.

    A simple formula for calculating your expected date of birth is the so-called Naegele's formula - 9 months and 7 days are added to the date of the first day of the last menstruation. A simplified method of these calculations is to count 3 months ago from the first day of the last menstruation and add 7 plus 1 year to the resulting number. For example, the first day of the last menstruation is 04/01/2010. The expected date of birth will be: 01/08/2011 (1 + 7 = 8th day, 4 - 3 = 1st month, 2010 + 1 = 2011th year) .

    However, 280 days is the conditional number of days of pregnancy. Determining the true duration of pregnancy is difficult due to the fact that it is difficult to establish exact date ovulation, the time of sperm movement and fertilization, it is difficult to take into account all the characteristics of a woman’s body and predict the time the baby is ready to be born. When determining the due date, it should be taken into account that ovulation does not always occur in the middle of the cycle. In addition, the length of pregnancy increases by approximately 1 day for each day of the menstrual cycle that exceeds 28 days. For example, with a 35-day cycle, ovulation occurs on day 21, and then the due date will be shifted a week later.

    That's why a baby is considered full-term if it is born between 266 and 294 days (38–42 weeks) of pregnancy. According to statistics, more than 10% of all pregnancies last more than 42 weeks, of which 14% last more than 43 weeks. A pregnancy lasting more than 42 weeks is called post-term. And among the total number of births, 5-10% of pregnancies last less than 37 weeks. Such a pregnancy before the end of the normal period intrauterine development considered premature.

    Days to conceive

    The egg is ready for fertilization within just 24-36 hours. Sexual intercourse does not necessarily have to coincide with the moment of its maturation every day, because sperm can remain viable for 3-5 days in the female genital organs, especially in the so-called crypts of the uterine pharynx. During this entire time, there is a possibility of conception. That's why if sexual intercourse occurs 5 days before ovulation, a woman can become pregnant. But it is better if sexual intercourse (ejaculation) is closely tied to this moment. It's easy enough to predict. Usually the egg is ready for fertilization 14 days before the end of the cycle. If it lasts 28 days, then it will be the 14th day from the beginning. With a cycle duration: 25 days - 11th, 32 days - 18th, 35 days - 21st (i.e. 25-14=11, 32-14=18, 35-14=21).

    Conceiving a child by lunar calendar. Jonas method

    Dr. Jonas discovered and proved through his research that the probability of conception is very high during the period of time when the phase of the moon(that is, the angle between the Moon and the Sun) repeats the phase that was at the birth of a woman. Moreover, the probability of conception increases sharply, regardless of what period of the hormonal cycle the lunar phase repeats. The probability of conception is highest when the repetition of the phase coincides with ovulation, But in second place in probability is, oddly enough, the coincidence of phase repetition with menstruation.

    Research results suggest that up to 85% of conceptions occur precisely during the repetition phase, And only 15% - in the scientifically proven period of readiness to conceive. Mysteriously, the body is so committed to conception when the lunar phase repeats that any obstacles on this path may be ineffective.

    Francesca Naish, in her book The Lunar Cycle, suggests that ideally these two periods should coincide. She found that women who lead healthy image living a life free from significant stress and listening to the rhythms of your body, lunar and hormonal phases eventually synchronize.

    Positions for conception

    The most best pose for those who want to become parents - missionary. IN classic version the man is on top, between the spread legs of a woman lying on her back. This pose is recommended in cases where bending of the uterus anteriorly (anteflexion of the uterus), more precisely excessive anterior deviation (hyperanteflexion of the uterus)(this makes sense place a pillow under your partner's buttocks). And then it is recommended lie on your back with your knees pressed to your chest or raise your legs up(the so-called “birch tree” pose).

    Besides, position man from behind(kneeling position, knee-elbow position, doggy style, doggy style position; this is when the partner, kneeling, penetrates the partner from behind, leaning on her knees and elbows, holding her by the waist, hips, breasts or buttocks). This position is favorable for conception, since the external opening of the urethra of the penis and the cervical canal are in the same plane and are most closely adjacent to each other. This pose is recommended in cases where backward bending of the uterus (uterine retroversion) or pose when the partner lies on her stomach, and the man is behind(this makes sense place a pillow under your partner's stomach). And then After intercourse, it is recommended to lie on your stomach.

    If the cervix is ​​turned to the side (left or right), Then After intercourse, you need to lie on the side where the cervix faces, and don't forget to choose the appropriate pose.

    The likelihood of pregnancy is reduced if, after ejaculation, sperm flows out of the vagina and does not come into contact with the cervix. Therefore, avoid positions where the woman is on top, standing or leaning over.

    Planning the gender of the unborn child

    Scientific method. Hesel Chesterman-Phillips and J. Martin Young's Floor Planning Method

    This method of planning the gender of the unborn child, based on sperm differences. Sperm, carrying a male Y chromosome, more mobile than carrying the X chromosome, and able to reach the egg earlier. But sperm with an X chromosome are more viable and can survive longer in the fallopian tube, "waiting" for ovulation. The method has a name demographer Otfried Hatzold. It is believed that this is a method of planning the gender of the unborn child. effective in 80% of cases. To conceive a boy, must have sexual intercourse on the day preceding or coinciding with the date of ovulation. To conceive a girl, must have last sexual intercourse no later than 2-3 days before ovulation.

    Planning the gender of the child according to the lunar calendar

    More ancient Babylonian texts contained a simple recommendation on how to plan the sex of a child. Modern research confirm its effectiveness: on those days when the Moon is in the female signs of the Zodiac, a girl is conceived (feminine are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). When a night beauty swims through male signs - it’s easy to conceive a future warrior (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are considered masculine signs).

    Planning the gender of the child by day of the week

    During the Age of Enlightenment, astrologers recommended make love on Monday and Friday, to conceive a girl. After all, these days are controlled feminine Moon and Venus. For male descendants fit this system Thursday and Sunday - days of Jupiter and the Sun. And here Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday were on the black lists. It was believed that these days it was better to completely forget about the joys of marriage.

    Compliance special diet. French diet

    To conceive a boy

    Beverages: tea, coffee, beer, fruit juice, mineral water with soda. (Not recommended: milk, milk drinks, mineral waters with calcium).

    Meat: all varieties, sausages.

    Bread and cereals: cookies, biscuits, rice, semolina. (Not recommended: bread, pancakes, waffles, confectionery with milk).

    Fresh and dry vegetables: potatoes, mushrooms, dry white beans, lentils, dried peas. (Not recommended: green salad, green beans, green beans, raw cabbage, watercress, dill).

    Fresh fruits: everything, especially bananas, dates, apricots, oranges, peaches, cherries.

    Dried fruits and oilseeds: prunes, dried apricots, dates, dark chocolate. (Not recommended: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cocoa, milk chocolate). Miscellaneous: salt all food, canned food, yeast as much as possible.

    To conceive a girl must be observed next mode power supply:

    Beverages: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, calcium mineral waters (canned is not recommended fruit juice, Coca-Cola, carbonated drinks).

    Meat: beef, veal, pork, lamb in limited quantities. (Not recommended: sausages, ham, corned beef, smoked meats, meatballs, roasts). Fish - fresh, frozen. (Not recommended: smoked, dried and salted fish, canned fish in marinade, crustaceans, shrimp oil).

    Dairy: milk, cream cheese, cottage cheese. (Not recommended: all cheeses and ice cream). Bread without salt, cookies without salt, homemade cakes without salt and without yeast. (Not recommended: regular bread, regular cookies, industrial confectionery products).

    Cereals: rice, semolina. (Not recommended: corn). Vegetables: limited quantities of potatoes, eggplant, asparagus, beets, carrots, champignons, cucumbers, watercress, green beans, lettuce, peas, peppers, onions, boiled tomatoes. (crispy potatoes, canned vegetables, spinach, rhubarb, all types of cabbage, mushrooms, zucchini, raw tomatoes, dried vegetables, white beans, lentils are not recommended).

    Dry fruits: unsalted almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts. (Not recommended: figs, raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, salted dried fruits).

    Fresh fruits: apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, pineapples, peaches, grapefruits, lemons, watermelon, mango, quince, cherries. (Not recommended: plum, apricot, cherry, banana, orange, currant, melon).

    Miscellaneous: sugar, honey, jam, jelly, fresh sour cream, eggs, fragrant herbs. (Not recommended: salt, yeast, soda, gherkins, olives, margarine, salted butter, ketchup.

    That is, the appearance male infant is favored by the predominance of potassium and sodium ions- with a lack of calcium and magnesium. For conceiving a girl, against, predominance of calcium and magnesium ions is necessary. Both spouses must follow the chosen diet about a month before expected conception. The average percentage of successful hits is 82%.

    Folk methods, signs

    Ancient Chinese They were sure that to give birth to a boy, a woman needs to lie with her head to the north during intercourse, and to conceive a girl, to the south.

    Hellenes claimed that if partners lie on the right side at the moment of intimacy, this guarantees the birth of a boy, if on the left, then a girl.

    During the Middle Ages in Europe men dreaming of a son put an ax under their pillow, and those who wanted to braid their hair were disarmed accordingly.

    In Germany It was customary to focus on the weather: if conception occurred during rain, a girl would be born, and if in dry weather, a boy would be born.

    Alchemists they looked at procreation more deeply and recommended, before the crucial moment, to drink a mixture of wine and lion’s blood to make a boy.

    Ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles argued that the sex of a child depends on the weather - sons are more likely to be conceived in hot weather, daughters are more likely to be conceived in cold weather.

    A man can influence the gender of the child if, at the climax of the act of love, he bites his beloved on the ear. For the right - there will be a boy, for the left - a girl.

    The more meat, salt and spices the expectant mother eats, the sooner she will give birth to a son. If she indulges in sweets, it’s her daughter.

    If you sprinkle sugar on the windowsill on a full moon, a girl will be born, if with salt, a boy will be born.

    The first word the baby says determines the gender of the child following him - “Mom” - wait for the little sister, “dad” - wait for the brother.

    Definition using a table

    Ancient Chinese table determining the sex of a child by the time of conception. The correct result is obtained in 90% of cases.

    Numeric method

    Age of parents at the time of conception added up, received multiply the amount by 4, and then divide by 3. If the result is divided with a remainder of 2 or without a remainder, That boy. If the remainder is one - girl. There is only an error, if the parents’ birthday is +- month nearby, then the result is 90% correct.

    Gender of the child according to signs, signs, beliefs

    Urine and milk:

    You need to boil equal amounts of urine and fresh milk (preferably from a freshly opened package) if the milk will curdle- will boy, If the milk won't curdle - girl. There is no need to boil for a long time.

    According to the shape of the belly:

    If the stomach sticks out like a cucumber forward then a woman waiting for the birth of a boy, If the sides are visible from the back, That a girl will be born.

    Hair on legs:

    The hair on your legs grows more during your pregnancy, it's a boy. Accordingly, if there is no increase in vegetation, it is a girl.

    Culinary preferences:

    If a woman I want something sweet then she waiting for a girl, A waiting for a boy"pulls" for salty, meat and other serious products.

    Mom's beauty:

    There is an opinion that the girl “takes mother's beauty", so if pregnant woman looks prettier, that is pregnancy with a boy.


    It is believed that toxicosis of the first three months more typical for those who expecting a girl, pregnancy with a boy It's easier in the first trimester.


    If fetal heart rate 140 beats per minute or faster - girl, If less often - girl.

    "Bioenergy" methods:

    Need to take a needle or a ring of thread(sometimes by a hair's breadth of mom's) and raise above the palm with the needle down. If the needle begins to swing along the palm, Means, it's going to be a girl, If across - boy. Another common variation of this method is to hold the needle over the stomach, and if the needle swings like a pendulum- then there girl, and if in circles- That boy.

    Urine color:

    If a pregnant woman has urine bright yellow color- a boy, if dull light yellow - a girl.


    If the breasts have increased significantly, it is a girl.

    Left or right:

    If he pushes from the right, then it’s a boy.

    If in a dream a pregnant woman felt like a man, then it will be a boy.

    Left or right leg:

    If you like to put one foot on a platform and are tempted to put your right one, it will be a boy, if your left one, it will be a girl.

    Pigmentation on the abdomen:

    If strong pigmentation appears on the stomach, then it is definitely a girl.

    Belly stripe:

    If the stripe on the stomach runs from the right of the navel - a boy, to the left - a girl.

    Assistant or domestic helper:

    It is believed that if In the family, the man is more active and subject to stress and strain, then it will be boy, and if wife gets tired more: housework, work- will be born girl.

    Wars and military conflicts:

    It is believed that during periods of war and conflict, more boys are born.

    The first (presumable, probable) signs of pregnancy

      Cessation (delay) of menstruation;

      Implantation bleeding;

      Nausea (toxicosis), vomiting in the morning;

      Changes in appetite (increased appetite, craving for certain foods);

      Changes in olfactory sensations;

      Heartburn and constipation;

      “Metallic” taste in the mouth;

      Lower back pain;

      Headache and migraines;

      Changes in the nervous system: formation of a generic dominant, irritability or vice versa, lethargy and drowsiness;

      Increased pigmentation (darkening) of facial skin, nipples;

      Frequent urination;

      Breast engorgement;

      Increase in abdominal volume.

    Pregnancy test

    Pregnancy tests are widely available, allowing you to quickly carry out high-quality reaction to the presence of hormonal markers of pregnancy in the urine- the most common reaction is to human chorionic gonadotropin, which begins to be excreted in the urine after 12-15 days after fertilization of the egg.

    Tests to determine hormonal markers in urine are made in the form of strips or other similar devices. Typically, a short-term contact of such a device with urine is sufficient to conduct a test, after which the result is displayed in the form of an indicator strip, an icon that appears, or other visible markers.

    The accuracy of the results is almost one hundred percent - 97-99%, provided that you carefully read the instructions and did everything correctly.

    When purchasing a test, do not forget to check the expiration date. Because if this period has passed, the results may be incorrect. Use morning urine for testing, when hormones are easiest to detect. If you were unable to collect your morning analysis, try not to go to the toilet for at least four hours before the test. And don't drink large amounts of liquid to bladder has not increased. Otherwise, this will make it difficult to find hormones during analysis.

    Please note that if available ectopic pregnancy the test doesn't detect it.

    How does conception occur?

    From the first day of menstruation until the fourteenth day of the cycle (if it lasts 28 days) thanks to the hormone, namely follicle-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland Inside each ovary, about ten follicles develop, the walls of which produce female hormones estrogens. When one of the follicles reaches maturity, the pituitary gland receives a signal and sends another hormone, the so-called pituitary luteinizing hormone which causes ovulation. After 12-36 hours, the only follicle that has reached maturity ruptures and releases an egg, which enters into the fallopian tube and waits there for sperm to appear. And if they are there or appear, then a child is conceived.

    It is already clear that fertilization of the egg occurs in the fallopian tube. In order for sperm to successfully reach the egg and fertilize it, the glands of the cervix secrete special mucus during the fertile period, which forms something similar to a path made of woven mesh. Motile sperm use this path as an escalator to penetrate the uterus and then into the tubes. However, not all sperm will reach the target, but only 99%, because they will not be able to pass through the barrier - the cervix. Cervical mucus is a very favorable environment for maintaining the life of sperm, in contrast to the acidic environment of the vagina. It also acts as a filter: it allows only normal and motile sperm to pass through. It must be said that sperm are much more tenacious ( sperm can remain viable for up to 120 hours in the female genital organs), how an egg that lives outside the follicle for only 24-36 hours.

    And so, mature The egg is surrounded by several hundred sperm, each of whom strives to penetrate her, but this only one succeeds(in rare cases two, three). The head of the sperm enters the egg, and its tail, having fulfilled its function of ensuring movement, disappears. At this point, the surface of the egg changes, preventing access to other sperm.

    Fertilization occurred and formed ovum(not yet an embryo), in which female and male chromosomes are mixed. From this moment, the first cell division occurs - 2 cells, then the second - 4 cells and so on (one division approximately every 10 hours).

    Sharing and developing embryo does not remain in one place, but moves along the tube towards the uterus. In this it is helped by special cilia covering the cavity of the tube - they roll the embryo like a ball. Approximately on the 4th day of travel, the embryo reaches the uterine cavity and already consists of 64 cell divisions. On days 5-6, the embryo is freed from the surrounding membrane And on days 7-9, implantation begins in the endometrial mucosa. Some women may experience minor bleeding during this implantation period (10-12 days after fertilization).

    Pregnancy calendar by trimesters (weeks, months)

    A normal pregnancy lasts 38-42 weeks, with an average of 40 weeks. Gynecologists divide these 40 weeks into the III trimester: I trimester - up to 12 weeks, II - 13-24 (from 24 to 28) weeks (different specialists draw the border between the second and third trimesters of pregnancy differently), III - from 25-29 weeks before giving birth.

    I trimester (first 12 weeks, 3 months)

    During this time, conception occurs, the formation of the fertilized egg, its attachment to the uterus and the formation of a fetus from the embryo. During this period, the fetus develops all vital organs. By the end of the first trimester, the fetus is almost completely similar to a newborn baby, only very tiny. The baby begins to make the first movements - turn his head, move his arms and legs - but these movements are too weak, so the mother does not feel them.

    II trimester (13-24 (from 24 to 28) weeks, 4-6 months)

    During this period, the baby’s rapid development occurs; he is rapidly preparing for independent extrauterine life. Development occurs in the second trimester internal organs baby, he begins to move, can hear the mother’s heartbeat, the voices of his parents (it is believed that future baby At this time, he perceives low sounds better, so his dad’s voice will sound especially pleasant to him), and feels touches on his stomach.

    III trimester (from 25-29 weeks before birth, 7-9 months)

    During this period, the development of the baby’s internal organs ends, the brain, head, and eyes are fully formed. By the 32nd week, only the baby’s lungs continue to develop; even his nails have already grown by this time. During this period, the baby must prepare for birth - turn over with its head down.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Ectopic pregnancy- a complication of pregnancy when attachment of the fertilized egg occurs outside the uterine cavity. With rare exceptions, ectopic pregnancies are not viable and are often dangerous to the mother's health due to internal bleeding. Ectopic pregnancy is considered a condition requiring emergency medical care, because without treatment it can be fatal.

    During a normal pregnancy, fertilization of the egg by the sperm occurs in the fallopian tube, from where the zygote enters the uterine cavity, where there is enough space for the development of the fertilized egg. In an ectopic pregnancy, the zygote does not reach the uterine cavity and implants in the tube, or is pushed out of the tube in the opposite direction and attaches to the ovary or surrounding peritoneum. Since there are no normal conditions for embryo development outside the uterus, chorionic villi penetrate into the tissue of the organ and damage it, causing bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

    According to the location of the ectopic pregnancy differentiate pipe, ovarian, abdominal pregnancy and pregnancy in the rudimentary uterine horn. In addition, they highlight heterotopic pregnancy in which there are two fertilized eggs, one of which is located in the uterus, and the other outside it.

    Ectopic pregnancy occurs in approximately 2% of all pregnancies. Tubal pregnancy accounts for 98% of all ectopic pregnancies.

    IN 30-50% cases of ectopic pregnancy reasons remain unknown. To risk factors include pelvic inflammatory diseases, infertility, intrauterine contraception, fallopian tube surgery(including sterilization), smoking.

    Bad habits and pregnancy

    results smoking during pregnancy:

      The risk of spontaneous abortion in women who smoke during pregnancy is 30-70% higher than in non-smokers;

      In smoking women, miscarriages occur in 22.5-41% of cases, in non-smokers - in only 7.4%;

      Risk of developing a symptom sudden death newborn in smokers increased by 52%;

      In 96% of cases, miscarriage is caused by pregnant women smoking, and the onset of premature birth is directly dependent on the number of cigarettes smoked daily;

      For smoking women, premature babies are born in 6.5-33.5% of cases, while for non-smokers - in only 0.8-11.2% of cases. The number of newborns weighing less than 2500 g is greater by 52% in women who smoke less than 1 pack of cigarettes per day, and by 130% in women who smoke 1 pack or more per day, compared with non-smoking women;

      Children born to women who smoke are characterized by a slowdown in not only physical, but also intellectual, including emotional, development; they begin to read and count later;

      Women who smoke are more likely than non-smokers to give birth to children with heart defects and defects in the development of the nasopharynx, inguinal hernia, and strabismus. Smoking adversely affects the process of formation and development of the neural tube in the fetus, leading to the birth of anencephals and infants with congenital anomalies mental development, with a cleft palate and a cleft lip;

      The number of non-smoking women did not breastfeed their newborns was only 7.1%, while among smokers - 23.4%. None of the premature babies born to mothers who smoked more than 20 cigarettes per day were breastfed;

      A significantly larger number of children of smoking parents are hospitalized for pneumonia and bronchitis.

    Influence alcohol for pregnancy.

    There is such a thing as fetal alcohol syndrome, or fetal alcohol syndrome. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition caused by the teratogenic effects of ethanol (alcohol is ethyl alcohol, or ethanol) on developing fetus during critical periods of development.

    Fetal alcoholism syndrome, which occurs due to the consumption of alcohol by a pregnant woman, can lead to various developmental disorders and anomalies in the newborn:

      Intrauterine developmental delay;

      Low birth weight;

      Violation physical development: disproportionate physique, small or, conversely, too high height and (or) weight;

      Developmental anomalies of the maxillofacial region: hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the zygomatic arch, lower jaw; shortened upper lip, dorsum of the nose; narrow palpebral fissures;

      Pathology of the nervous system: microcephaly - underdevelopment of the brain or its individual parts, leading to some neurological and intellectual disorders (mental retardation); “open back”, incomplete fusion of the spinal canal;

      Numerous abnormalities of organ development, the most common are malformations of the heart, external genitalia and joints.

    Maternal smoking has a significant effect on the rate of miscarriage, but still less than alcohol. In women who smoked 2 packs of cigarettes per day and did not drink alcohol, the miscarriage rate was 1.5 times higher than in non-smokers; in non-smoking women who drank alcohol regularly - 2.5 times higher than in non-drinkers; In women who combined smoking with alcohol consumption, the rate of miscarriages was 4.5 times higher than in non-drinkers and non-smokers. In addition, it has been clearly proven that maternal alcoholism in combination with smoking (more than 10 cigarettes per day) or drinking caffeine (more than 6-8 cups of coffee per day) in a large percentage of cases leads to intrauterine growth retardation.

    Abortion, termination of pregnancy

    Abortionartificial or spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the first 28 weeks. Early abortionduring the first 14-15 weeks, late abortionwithin 16-28 weeks.

    Depending on the stage of pregnancy, its termination is carried out using various methods.:

      Drug provocation of spontaneous abortion (2-8 weeks). Medical abortion (abortion with pills) is a pharmaceutical or medical abortion denotes termination of pregnancy induced by drugs instead of surgery;

      Vacuum aspiration (2-5 weeks) - mini-abortion;

      Medical - surgical removal of the fetus (abrasion, colloquially called "curettage"; 6-12 weeks, sometimes up to 22 weeks) - classic abortion;

      Late abortions - provocation of premature "birth" (over 22 weeks) - artificial birth;

    In case of illegal abortion infertility occurs in 40% of cases. After abortions performed in clinical settings , the likelihood of infertility occurs in only 10% of cases, mainly after the first abortion.

    Causes of infertility as a result of abortion:

      Curettage of the uterine cavity is the main reason that eliminates reproductive function. As a result of these actions, the uterine cavity and cervix are injured;

      After curettage, drug therapy is often carried out to change the biocenosis of the vagina, which interferes with the normal movement of sperm;

      Hormonal imbalance that develops after an abortion prevents the formation and release of eggs ready for fertilization;

      Inflammatory diseases. Any surgical intervention is accompanied by inflammation of surrounding tissues and a decrease in local immunity. As a result, previously existing inflammatory diseases, or an infection brought into the uterine cavity by medical instruments manifests itself;

      An abortion complicated by pelvic inflammation leaves scars and adhesions both in the uterus and in the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes Having lost mobility, they cannot transport the egg to the site of fertilization.

    Rhesus conflict and abortion. Women who are Rh negative are especially urged to avoid abortion.. During pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus, starting from the 4th - 5th week of pregnancy, the mother's body produces antibodies against the Rh-positive red blood cells of the fetus. After an abortion, antibodies remain in the mother's body, and in the case of a subsequent pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus, the likelihood of severe hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn increases - in this condition, the Rh-positive red blood cells of the fetus are destroyed (hemolysis occurs) by antibodies formed in the mother's body. To prevent subsequent Rh conflict, timely immunoprophylaxis is necessary.

    In accordance with the Fundamentals of Legislation Russian Federation on the protection of citizens' health dated July 22, 1993, every woman has the right to independently decide the issue of motherhood.

    Abortion is carried out:

      at the request of the woman during pregnancy up to 12 weeks,

      for social reasons- during pregnancy up to 22 weeks,

      in the presence of medical indications and the woman's consent - regardless of gestational age.

    Abortion should be performed only in institutions that have received a license for this type of activity, by doctors with special training.

    Having experienced all the difficult and bad things that can happen during pregnancy (unpleasant symptoms, illnesses associated with the condition), over time, every woman remembers that period with a smile and talks about it as a wonderful time.

    How many care
    changes in difficulty in position
    Baby new life dress
    in days lying down phase

    The expectant mother is looking forward to the moment when childbirth comes. Therefore, he tries to calculate this date as accurately as possible and wonders how long it lasts. normal pregnancy by days. There are some subtleties when calculating this period, but not everyone knows about them.

    It is impossible to find out the exact and therefore final date when childbirth will occur, but you can approximately calculate how many days a woman’s pregnancy will last.

    Human embryo

    The date that doctors call is estimated. In some cases, it may coincide as closely as possible with the doctor’s prognosis. Even if you know all the exact dates of ovulation and conception, it is impossible to determine the speed of sperm, how much time it takes for the egg to move through the tubes to the uterus, how long it will take for the fetus to develop, and for the child to be ready to be born.

    Specialists use certain standards. Scientists have calculated that 226 days pass from the moment fertilization occurs to the onset of labor. This means that from the moment of conception, pregnancy lasts 38 weeks – that’s approximately 10 lunar months.

    But there are times when a woman may not carry or carry the baby. In this situation, childbirth may not go entirely smoothly, which may further affect the health of the mother and child.

    Premature pregnancy occurs between 27 and 28 weeks. Often overbear, those who long time was treated for a threatened miscarriage. Post-term pregnancy is more than 42 weeks.

    Changes in the female body

    The birth and development of a child is the most unusual and most natural thing that can happen in a woman’s life. The expectant mother carries the unborn baby within her for forty weeks, her body takes care of its nutrition, development, and supplies it with oxygen.

    Carrying a child

    Many people are interested not only in how many days the pregnancy will last from the moment of conception to the moment of birth, but also how the woman’s body and her sensations will change and develop.

    First trimester (from 1 to 12 weeks).

    The first weeks are the most crucial period, when the main organs of the child begin to form. The body gradually begins to prepare for the fact that it will be necessary to take care of another organism. The entire work of internal organs is being restructured. May appear:

    • states of weakness;
    • depression;
    • frequent changes in emotional background;
    • increased sensitivity to odors.

    Gradually the body begins to change. The breasts swell and become more sensitive.

    From 3 to 4 weeks, intestinal problems, constipation, and diarrhea may occur. Urination becomes more frequent. During this period, you need to balance your diet and stick to it for all days of the period while your pregnancy lasts. By the 12th week, all organs and parts of the fetal body are already formed, then it will only grow and develop.

    Second trimester (from 13 to 27 weeks of pregnancy).

    By the beginning of the second trimester, many women begin to feel much better. The body begins to get used to the changes and reacts less to what is happening. Passes early toxicosis. Appetite awakens, which often continues throughout the days of pregnancy. You need to include proteins, fruits, vegetables in your diet and give up sweet, fatty, and unhealthy foods. Women during this period begin to gradually gain weight. Normal weight that needs to be added is five to seven kilograms. The hips expand, the belly increases. Sleep patterns may be disrupted - this is due to the fact that it is more difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. It is recommended to sleep on your side.
    Features of this period.

    1. Heartburn may be painful because the uterus, along with its growth, puts pressure on the intestines. Oatmeal porridge is useful during such periods.
    2. Any medications can be taken only after the recommendation of a doctor.
    3. Heavy vaginal discharge often begins and sweating increases.
    4. Discomfort appears in the lower abdomen and lower back.
    5. Going to the toilet is happening more and more often.

    If you feel well, you can do yoga and swimming in the pool. It is necessary to take walks fresh air, move more, but do not overwork.

    Third trimester (from 28 to 40 weeks).
    A woman’s body has already undergone many changes and there are not many weeks of pregnancy left before birth:

    • the uterus is enlarged and puts pressure on the bladder and intestines;
    • There may be stabbing pain in the legs;
    • shortness of breath begins;
    • the pulse quickens, you need to monitor your blood pressure.

    Changes in the body are immediately noticeable

    Action of hormones

    Nature has provided that after conception, a woman’s pregnancy hormones are activated in order to make this period easier for her. It is necessary to ensure that emotions are under control. This is especially true for changes in endocrine system. Hormones:

    • main hCG: responsible for the proper development of the baby;
    • placental lactogen: controls the risk of developing hereditary abnormalities;
    • free estriol: controls blood flow to the mammary glands and uterus, prepares the woman’s body for feeding;
    • prolactin, oxytocin or “motherhood hormones”: thanks to them, the mother tenderly takes care of the baby, feeds and communicates with him.

    These hormones are important to make it easier for a woman to survive such stress (and childbirth is a serious test for the body and psyche). Therefore, from the day of conception and throughout pregnancy, these hormones play an important role, both physical and psychological.

    Appetite increases

    Actions of men during this period

    Many men try to avoid communication with their wife during this period, but this should not be done. You shouldn't blame her - it's all hormones.

    It is necessary to try to make the household as easy as possible. Due to the possibility of toxicosis, temporarily prepare food. All physically difficult work take over. After all, this is your child too. Avoid stressful situations.

    Constantly seeking attention and affection

    Get ready for your partner's figure to change. She'll get better anyway. A woman can bear this fact painfully. Your patience is needed here. You need to support her, try to control your words and actions, and be as loving and sensitive as possible during this period. Find out everything about .

    Thank you 0

    gynecologist, pediatrician

    It is generally accepted that the number of days from conception to birth is 280, but this is only a conditional number of days of bearing a child, which is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation. In fact, the average length of pregnancy to delivery from the day of conception is 267 days. A baby born between 253 and 281 days of pregnancy is considered full-term. Therefore, a child born a week and a half ahead of schedule, V in this case, the expected date of birth (PD) cannot be considered premature, and also children who delay birth for the same period are not post-term.

    Each pregnancy is individual, and children themselves decide when to be born in view of their maturity - this is what nature provided. After all, a woman can never say with certainty the exact day of conception, since the survival rate of sperm is ten days, which means that fertilization can occur a week after unprotected intercourse.

    Methods for counting days until childbirth from the day of conception

    The average pregnancy lasts 38 weeks, but this does not mean that at exactly 38 weeks, birth is considered normal between 37-41 weeks of pregnancy.

    Exists different methods determining the gestational age and expected date of birth:

    • From the first day of the last menstruation
    • According to ultrasound examination
    • (the most inaccurate and absurd, since every woman can feel the baby moving on different dates, this depends on many factors, one of them is the severity of the fat layer on the abdominal wall)

    To find out how many days before birth from conception, it is difficult to determine the exact date of conception or ovulation, so gynecologists calculate the date of birth from the last menstruation, since almost all women remember this date. It's a paradox, after all real pregnancy cannot occur in , therefore the pregnancy period calculated in this way is usually called menstrual or gestational, but in fact, conception occurred approximately two weeks later, that is, at the moment of ovulation, this period is called ovulation or fertilization.

    As a rule, ovulation occurs fourteen days after the end of menstruation, so if you calculate how many days from conception to birth you need to subtract fourteen days from the average length of pregnancy, that is, 280 minus 14, you get 266 days. But again, everything is individual and in some cases ovulation may occur a little earlier or later. Therefore, gynecologists came to the conclusion that pregnancy is considered normal to last 266-294 days, that is, the conditional number of days of pregnancy plus or minus fourteen days.

    From the very moment when a woman first becomes convinced in the gynecologist’s office that she is really pregnant, she begins to mentally calculate the gestational age and tries to understand when she will be born. small man. The gynecologist, in turn, also makes calculations and announces the expected date of birth to the expectant mother. The calculations of the doctor and the pregnant woman most often do not coincide, because usually people far from medicine believe that pregnancy lasts 9 months, and each woman chooses the starting point based on her own considerations. And yet: how long does a woman’s pregnancy normally last and how to calculate exactly when the baby will be born?

    9 months or 40 weeks?

    We are all accustomed to the fact that the duration of pregnancy is calculated in months. But the thing is that in obstetrics there is no such thing as months. Therefore, the expectant mother learns that from now on she will count how many weeks, not months, her pregnancy lasts.

    The duration of pregnancy in medicine is actually determined by weeks. To fully develop and achieve full readiness for independent life outside the mother’s womb, the fetus requires at least 38 weeks.

    The maximum period that a baby can spend in the mother's belly is 42 weeks. However, it is believed that a normal pregnancy period usually does not exceed 40 weeks. After this time, the risk of complications in the fetus and mother increases. For those who want to know exactly how many days a woman’s pregnancy lasts, doctors answer: at least 266.

    It should be borne in mind that these terms, although generally accepted, are quite arbitrary: the body of each expectant mother is individual, and it is impossible to accurately predict how long she will bear the child. Even for the same woman, pregnancies can proceed completely differently.

    Specifying how much obstetric weeks pregnancy lasts, it should be borne in mind that when determining the gestational age, the gynecologist does not start from the day of conception, because it is almost impossible to determine exactly when this happened.

    The female menstrual cycle lasts 28-35 days, and there is a chance to get pregnant only at a certain moment, called ovulation: it is on this day that the egg matures, which will be fertilized by a sperm.

    But even if the fusion of male and female reproductive cells took place on this day, the future embryo will still need quite a lot of time to reach the uterus and be implanted into its wall. The journey of the fertilized egg to the uterus and further implantation can last about a week, but it is impossible to determine exactly which day after cell fusion this will happen. Therefore, for convenience, it was decided not from the moment of conception, but taking into account the first day of the last menstruation, so we can say that the true number of weeks of pregnancy is on average 2 weeks less than the obstetric period.

    The estimated due date is also calculated taking into account how many weeks the pregnancy lasts, starting from the first day of the last menstrual period. Exactly 40 weeks (280 days) are added to this day and you get the date on which, according to doctors, a full-term and fully formed baby should be born.

    What affects the length of the gestational age?

    So, we found out that the wonderful period of pregnancy, lasting from 38 to 42 weeks, can be completely different even for the same woman, not to mention different ones. What factors influence how long pregnant women walk while awaiting the birth of their baby:

    • heredity;
    • mother's age. Typically, the number of days of pregnancy increases if the expectant mother is too early or too late in life;
    • presence/absence of abnormalities in maternal health. If the condition of a pregnant woman’s body leaves much to be desired, then it is most likely that the baby will be born before 40 weeks or will be born premature;
    • psychological state of the pregnant woman. It happens that a woman becomes very tired during the last period of pregnancy and by the 38th week she feels unwell. in the best possible way, so she really wants to give birth quickly. This attitude can really help your baby be born before 40 weeks. There are also opposite situations when a pregnant woman is not mentally prepared for the upcoming process of childbirth, and the body responds to this fear by prolonging the pregnancy.

    Each to the expectant mother It is worth remembering that her pregnancy should not be like anyone else’s, so there is no need to look like other pregnant women when calculating the timing of the upcoming birth. Everything will happen as nature intended - no matter how many weeks or months of pregnancy. And even if at 38 weeks your baby is not yet thinking about coming into the world, you just need to wait: very soon the long-awaited meeting will happen.

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