• Seeds during pregnancy: pampering or a healthy product? Is it possible to eat seeds for pregnant and lactating women: how they are harmful and why they are useful. Why is it said that it is harmful for pregnant women to eat seeds


    Herring with sugar, watermelon on the Christmas table or persimmon at the height of the holiday season - these are amazing, completely incomprehensible, but very real desires of pregnant women. And so real that sometimes you see a previously hated product in a dream and wake up with an irresistible desire to eat or something unnatural, harmful or completely inaccessible ...

    During pregnancy, every woman notices a change in food habits. But still, it is surprising that almost every one of us in one of the most crucial periods of life simply cannot live without the most ordinary seeds. What is the secret of expectant mothers craving for this product? And will it harm the baby? bad habit not to go out at least without a bunch of roasted sunflower seeds in your pocket? What do experts say that future mothers consume seeds in unlimited quantities during pregnancy?

    Seeds during pregnancy, is it possible for pregnant women to eat seeds?

    This question is asked by almost every woman who is about to become a mother soon. Mothers and grandmothers are categorically opposed to the habit of gnawing sunflower seeds during pregnancy, citing the fact that the baby will be born "snotty" and "slobbery". However, none of these claims has factual evidence, moreover, they are more like ordinary superstition than the truth. Therefore, it is much better to ask your doctor for advice on the possibility of eating a particular product during pregnancy.

    Not a single gynecologist forbids eating seeds during pregnancy, and even recommends it. The main thing is that they are clean and in no case overcooked. According to doctors, the seeds of sunflower, pumpkin and other crops are extremely useful and indispensable during pregnancy. They turn out to be important suppliers of vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as protein and fats, which are so important for the normal course of pregnancy. Eating nuts and seeds is good for preventing constipation and helps many pregnant women get rid of heartburn.

    What is the usefulness of seeds during pregnancy?

    Seeds contain a huge amount of useful substances that in their own way affect individual systems and organs, improve their work, and speed up metabolism. All this is easily confirmed by useful chemical composition sunflower seeds. So, let's take a closer look.

    • Antioxidants

    Vitamin E is the strongest antioxidant, which is found in large quantities in seeds. It is indispensable for the skin and mucous membranes, protects them from damage and helps the speedy healing of wounds. The daily norm of this vitamin is contained in 25-30 grams of seeds. Antioxidants in sunflower seeds are also represented by caffeic, quinic and chlorogenic acid compounds.

    • Amino acids

    The seeds are rich in arginine and thiamine (vitamin B1). The first of these amino acids maintains the tone of blood vessels and heart muscle, strengthens and restores them. The second thins the blood, which helps to reduce the likelihood of thrombophlebitis and coronary heart disease. In maintaining health and function of cardio-vascular system beneficial fatty acids, which are abundant in sunflower seeds, are also involved.

    • Phytosterols

    These substances are chemically similar to cholesterol. Their main action is aimed at delaying the absorption of cholesterol through the digestive tract, which helps to reduce its overall level in the blood. In addition to phytosterols in the regulation and normalization of cholesterol in our body are also involved in large quantities contained in seeds a nicotinic acid(vitamin PP or B3).

    • Various minerals

    Sunflower seeds are rich in iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, zinc and selenium, essential elements for the construction of bone tissue, as well as involved in the production of red blood cells, certain enzymes and hormones. In addition, selenium has a positive effect on immune system, prevents the formation of cancer cells, and magnesium relieves muscle fatigue and lowers blood pressure.

    In addition, seeds improve appetite, help fight nausea and heartburn, normalize acid balance and speed up the healing process of wounds.

    What threat to pregnant women can seeds pose?

    But if seeds were only beneficial, where would so many conflicting opinions about their use during pregnancy come from? Any product is useful if it is eaten correctly and in limited quantities. The same can be said about sunflower seeds.

    All pregnant women need to control their weight, therefore, in large quantities, seeds, the calorie content of which exceeds 500 kilocalories, expectant mothers should be strictly limited. It is allowed to use no more than 100 grams or an incomplete glass of seeds per day.

    During pregnancy, tooth enamel becomes thin and easily damaged. Therefore, you need to clean the seeds only with your hands. There is another option: buy and cook already peeled nucleoli.

    Among other things, sunflower seeds are a serious threat of intestinal infection. If you buy them ready-made, and even from your hands, click your teeth or clean them with unwashed hands, you clearly run the risk of filling your intestines with a mass of pathogens along with useful substances.

    Sunflower seeds help to cope with toxicosis, but at the expense of a large number the fats they contain, they can increase the feeling of nausea. Therefore, the consumption of this product during pregnancy should be limited. And one more thing: it is very important to thoroughly clean the seeds, since only the kernels are processed by the intestines, while the cleanings move through the digestive tract in an undigested form and can accumulate in the caecum, provoking appendicitis.

    It is important for every expectant mother to monitor her diet: exclude harmful foods from the diet and fill it with healthy ones. Seeds, though useful, but in strictly limited quantities. Therefore, if a pregnant woman really wants to treat herself and her unborn baby with this delicacy, then, of course, to your health! The main thing is to follow the rules of hygiene and not overeat.

    What foods are allowed during pregnancy? Can pregnant women take seeds? How to eat right so that the baby is born strong and healthy? These and some other questions disturb a woman during pregnancy.

    Relatives and friends tend to warn and frighten the expectant mother in every possible way from using the most common products. In order not to panic, it is worth understanding the features and rules for the use of seeds.

    Sunflower seeds contain many useful substances:

    • vitamins A, E, D, PP and group B;
    • folic acid;
    • a nicotinic acid;
    • a protein that delivers amino acids to the fetus;
    • magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium.

    Seeds, along with other vegetables and fruits, will help saturate the body with useful trace elements without the use of pharmaceutical vitamin complexes.

    Question: is it possible for pregnant women to have seeds - it has only a positive answer. Useful substances strengthen bones and skin, promote the healing of small wounds and sores on the skin and mucous membranes. There is an improvement in appetite, toxicosis is reduced by early dates pregnancy and heartburn in the third trimester, stool normalizes.

    The use of seeds improves the condition of nails and hair. Diseases of the liver and gallbladder stop developing, the state of the vessels normalizes.

    It is very useful for pregnant women to eat swords, the main thing is to do everything in moderation. And the beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother will also affect the condition of the fetus. It is important to choose, prepare and store seeds correctly. Since in violation of technology useful material volatilize, but harmful bacteria and mold develop.

    Unconfirmed superstitions

    Seeing a pregnant woman eating seeds, some people simply cannot pass by. Such well-wishers say that attachment to seeds causes the following problems for the future child and the mother herself:

    • the child will become moody and will often cry;
    • the baby will constantly flow snot and saliva;
    • the child's skin will be swarthy;
    • be born with long hair;
    • the woman's uterus will become soft and it will be difficult to give birth.

    Such signs have no scientific justification. And the examples given are only special cases, the cause of which could be genetic abnormalities or diseases that have nothing to do with the use of sunflower seeds. Every year the number of genetic mutations and new diseases increases. Associating them with certain foods is pointless.

    What is not attributed to seeds! They even scare with appendicitis, although doctors do not confirm the relationship between this product and the disease.

    Such stories only increase the nervousness of the pregnant woman and give rise to unreasonable fears, which can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to other deviations. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately interrupt these conversations, indicating your clear position regarding superstition.

    What is the harm of seeds?

    It is important to remember that any product should be consumed in moderation, because what is beneficial in small doses can be harmful in large quantities. The oils in the seeds can cause nausea and indigestion if taken in excess. Which is especially difficult to endure with toxicosis.

    The calorie content of seeds is approximately 500 kcal. This must be taken into account when forming a daily diet in order to avoid excessive weight gain. It is recommended to consume no more than 100 g of seeds per day.

    A pregnant woman needs to constantly monitor hygiene. This also applies to seeds. With dirt on the shell, a various infection enters the body that can enter the bloodstream through microscopic scratches in the mouth.

    If you clean the shell with your teeth, then the enamel is damaged, so you only need to clean the kernels manually. It is not recommended to buy already peeled products, since without the shell, useful substances quickly disappear.

    Seeds should not contain excess heavy metals and other harmful substances. It is difficult to control the quality and make sure the product has been well processed. It is better to buy raw seeds and cook them yourself, washing the shell well and drying the grains.

    If a woman is prone to allergy manifestations, then during pregnancy her attacks are most dangerous. It is not worth trying new products during this period, and long-familiar food in large quantities is manifested by rashes and other allergic reactions. Sunflower seeds and other crops are no exception, they can be strong allergens.

    Rules for the use of seeds

    • the product should not be fried, dried seeds are much more useful;
    • no need to eat salted kernels, this contributes to the retention of fluid in the tissues;
    • sunflower seeds - only an addition to the diet, you can not completely replace them with other healthy products;
    • unpeeled seeds are more useful, since the shell protects the kernels and the nutrients they contain from external factors;
    • it is worth abandoning the stale product with a rancid taste and yellowish color of the grains.

    The undeniable rule to wash your hands before eating also applies to seeds. Any intestinal infection that enters the body of a future mother will have an adverse effect not only on the woman, but also on the unborn baby.

    In addition to the standard way of eating grains, it is recommended to add them to salads or to meat. This will help diversify the diet and protect the teeth and oral cavity from damage.

    How do pumpkin seeds affect a pregnant woman?

    It happens that a woman does not like sunflower seeds or causes allergies. Then you can get useful substances from other seeds. The most common after sunflower seeds are pumpkin seeds.

    Can pregnant women eat pumpkin seeds? Of course! Sometimes even a doctor recommends including them in the diet. In terms of useful properties, they are superior to sunflower seeds. During the period early toxicosis pumpkin seed is much better at relieving bouts of nausea.

    With the help of pumpkin seeds, you can increase immunity, maintain vision, and normalize blood cholesterol levels. With the help of a decoction of seeds with milk, it is possible to fight insomnia, and a mild diuretic effect will relieve swelling on recent months pregnancy.

    The high content of folic acid makes this product indispensable from the first weeks of fetal development. But due to the high concentration of certain trace elements and oils, the daily intake of pumpkin seeds should not exceed 50 grams. Abuse of this product leads to headaches and heaviness in the stomach, and excess salicylic acid, which they are rich in, provokes gastritis.

    To obtain the greatest benefit, pumpkin seeds should be washed and slightly dried on a baking sheet. Properly prepared, they can replace many vitamin complexes offered in pharmacies.

    Other types of seeds and their benefits

    Nuts, seeds and even cereals have a beneficial effect on the body. It is sometimes difficult to get overseas delicacies; local products are much healthier and more affordable.

    Some people have appreciated the properties of sesame seeds. It has a beneficial effect on the human circulatory system. Helps fight atherosclerosis, reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. The sex phytohormone estrogen contained in the seeds normalizes hormonal background women. This is especially important with age-related changes.

    deal with viral infections flax seeds will help. They contain a large amount of antioxidants and help neutralize the action of carcinogens. People suffering from diabetes and high blood sugar use flaxseed to normalize it.

    Moderate addiction to seeds during pregnancy is welcome

    A properly selected and prepared product will saturate the body with useful substances and help fight the small inconveniences of an interesting situation.

    Often, expectant mothers can be seen with sunflower seeds in their fists. They say that it saves them from heartburn and nausea. Is this so, and whether the seeds will harm the unborn baby, let's try to figure it out now. Anyone who is interested in the point of view of professionals will be interested to know that there are no prohibitions on the use of seeds by pregnant women (with a few exceptions). Doctors, on the contrary, recommend eating sunflower seeds during pregnancy. They claim that in this way you can get rid of constipation and cope with heartburn. And this is much better and more pleasant than swallowing even the safest medicines. In many memos about proper nutrition women during the period of bearing children, along with recommended for daily use of nuts, dairy products and meat, there are also seeds. And the reason for this is that this product not only will not harm your developing fetus and you personally, but on the contrary it will be very useful.

    As a rule, all the substances that make up any edible seeds are very useful and necessary for the body of a pregnant woman and the child growing inside her. The composition of the seeds includes protein, folic acid, magnesium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins E, A, D, B and much more. Seeds during pregnancy help to improve the overall health of a pregnant woman and affect the course of many processes.

    Seeds are credited with many useful properties:

    - strengthen skin covering;
    - accelerate the healing process of soft tissues;
    - restore injured bones;
    - regulate acid-base balance;
    - improve appetite;
    - are a prophylactic for diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, atherosclerosis, disorders of the biliary tract;
    - improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
    - with toxicosis help get rid of nausea;
    - Eliminate heartburn and constipation.
    As you can see, much of the above is very important during the gestation period, for this reason, seeds may simply be necessary for some pregnant women. But all these qualities are fully characteristic of raw dried seeds, if they are fried, many useful properties are lost.

    It must be remembered that, like any other product, the use of seeds should be in moderation. To get all the necessary minerals and vitamins, it will be enough to eat about 100 grams of seeds per day. Excessive consumption of seeds can lead to gastric disorders, besides, do not forget about their high calorie content. Mothers prone to allergies should be especially careful.

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    Pregnancy is just a magical time. Not because it passes quickly and miraculously, but because future mom undergoes such serious changes that I could not even think of before. Everything changes from taste preferences and ending with everyday mood. No wonder there are legends about how strange pregnant women sometimes behave, and how hard it is for their husbands. Eating habits sometimes reach the point of absurdity, but most often there is a warm, tender attachment to a particular product. Seeds were no exception. There is nothing surprising here, many expectant mothers simply do not part with a package of treasured grains. What is the reason, and is this addiction safe during pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out.

    Mother-in-law says: no!
    Somehow finding you in the kitchen peacefully chewing seeds, your mother-in-law just went crazy. You have learned a lot about your upbringing, parents, awareness of pregnancy and childbearing, culinary skills and more. You didn’t even get the remnants of the seeds down your throat. The mother-in-law didn't budge. She started quoting a list of possible side effects, which may arise in connection with a negligent attitude towards one's health during pregnancy, among them were mentioned tearfulness, snottiness, drooling, changes in skin color and hair density of your unborn baby. And if you didn’t catch the connection between skin color and seeds, this only once again proved to your mother-in-law how much her son once made a mistake. Actually, you shouldn't worry. All of the above are pure superstitions that have nothing to do with science or its nearby offshoots. The only thing that can catch the logic is the growth of hair in a child, due to the use of a large number of seeds during pregnancy. They have a beneficial effect on the condition and growth of hair and nails.

    Seeds are very useful during pregnancy

    Due to the rich composition, namely: folic acid, proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, D, E, and many other useful components, seeds become an indispensable product during pregnancy. Thanks to the seeds, you can improve your overall health, accelerate the healing of soft tissues, restore injured bones, and adjust the acid-base balance. Please note that all of the above applies exclusively to dried seeds, the fried product no longer has such useful properties. Without fail, the seeds must be cleaned to reduce the risk of appendicitis.

    What threat to pregnant women can seeds pose?

    Everything is good in moderation. And seeds during pregnancy also need to be eaten wisely. If you eat them in kilograms, you will begin to feel sick, constipation and heaviness in the stomach will appear. One hundred grams during the day will be enough. Seeds are very high in calories, so they can easily affect your weight change.

    Seeds during pregnancy must be eaten clean. It is best to buy raw seeds, wash and dry them yourself. But if for one reason or another you have no desire to do this, you can buy already dried ones, just choose a conscientious manufacturer.

    Watch your diet, do not forget to come to the doctor's consultation on time, and your pregnancy will be easy!

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