• Toasts for 55th birthday. Caucasian toasts, parables, jokes for a woman’s anniversary


    What holiday could be complete without have a nice toast? No! Or the worst holiday ever. Therefore, if a woman you know is turning 55 years old, then you will find useful cool toasts for this anniversary. For you, toasts in verse, which can also serve as congratulations to the hero of the day.

    Today all the toasts and words,
    Only for you.
    And I give you this toast,
    And I drink to the bottom for you!
    May wrinkles not be scary to you,
    And men will all be at your feet!

    Happy anniversary!
    And I drink the glass to the bottom,
    For creating the most beautiful thing,
    What is brighter than the clear sun!
    Smile more often
    And continue to remain beautiful.

    You are a little more than half a century old,
    But is this important for such a person?
    You are beautiful as always
    And no years affect you!
    And for you to become more beautiful,
    I raise my glass of wine.
    I will drink to you standing up and to the bottom,
    May you always be happy!

    Are you going to try to celebrate your anniversary yourself? Then ours will help you. Jokes, ditties, competitions and much, much more. This is a whole entertainment for the hero of the day and her guests.

    On this holiday - anniversary,
    Smile more cheerfully
    And I drink to the dregs for your smile,
    May it never fade!

    I drink for you to live beautifully,
    To relax in the Maldives.
    So that the grandchildren run around,
    And so that you have a huge house,
    And also a huge dacha for you,
    I'll wish it in addition.
    May everything you dream of happen
    And let everything you wish come true.
    And may happiness always be nearby,
    I drink to you standing up and to the bottom!

    For your kind smile,
    For warmth and care,
    To always be happy,
    I raise this glass.
    And so that you never have bad weather,
    I'm drinking this glass to the bottom!

    Don't look at the years
    You are as beautiful as ever
    Over the years you only get prettier,
    And don’t regret anything!
    I raise a glass to you and only you,
    And I wish you to be happy!

    Throughout life, every person attends a variety of anniversaries. Therefore, you need to prepare anniversary toasts in advance for all occasions and ages. Can you find these toasts?

    Short beautiful original funny and cool congratulatory toasts in your own words for a woman’s 55th birthday.

    *** toast about the swan couple ***

    The anniversary of two fives is a very important date in the life of every woman. Why? Yes, because the time has come to take and turn everything upside down, so that you get a swan couple - 22. And then continue to live brightly, colorfully and emotionally. For a revolution!

    *** toast about two woman names ***

    You know - a woman is happy only when she has two first names - beloved. And the second name is mom...
    I propose to drink to our hero of the day, because she is happy, she has these two names!

    ***toast to a good woman***

    Your anniversary is the dream of a true excellent student. As many as two A’s indicate that you passed the main exams in women’s destiny with “excellent” marks. As a selfless wife and wonderful mother, as a true professional and conscientious colleague. For successfully passing your professional aptitude exams and a happy personal life!

    ***a 55th birthday toast to a woman with humor***

    55 years is almost like 25, only with a tail. You are still as energetic and active. The work is burning in your hands, and any matter, under a serious gaze, can be resolved in a second. You have a beautiful loving family, so bask in their care. And, in turn, pamper them with good health and a great mood!

    ***toast to the 55th birthday girl***

    Every person's life is in his own hands. And what his life will be depends primarily on him.
    Look at our hero of the day - she is successful, she is happy, she is loved. She shines and sparkles. She was able to build her life the way she wanted.
    I propose to raise a glass to our hero of the day, to her happy life!

    ***55 years old woman - toasts, poems, congratulations***

    We celebrate 55
    We drink to you
    Be happy always
    Let the years come!

    Let your dreams come true
    There will be joyful days
    There will be happiness and goodness
    And all will be well!

    Magic to you, success,
    More gold and fur
    Be beautiful, smile,
    And don’t doubt yourself!

    ***toast to my sister’s 55th birthday***

    When a woman turns 55, there is no need to be sad. Because if you add two fives, you get 10. And 10 years is a fun childhood, hanging out on the street with friends, games and jokes. And if you multiply them, you get 25. And 25 years is the very youth and youth. This is love and experiences. Walking under the moonlight and dating. So at 55, life is just beginning. Happy anniversary our dear and may 55 years be like something between 10 and 25 years.
    The day has come when our dear and beloved woman turned 55 years old. And on this joyful day, we want to wish you to always be as beautiful, smart and joyful. And so that the birds sing in your soul, and you are exactly as old as you want.

    ***toast to mom at 55***

    55 is a wonderful age!
    Let youth be somewhere behind,
    But it's still not too late
    And a lot of happiness lies ahead.

    I will congratulate my mother,
    Today she is 55!
    And this holiday is very glorious
    All the stars are shining for her.

    May there be joy and good luck,
    There is love in the family, success in business.
    I will say on this wonderful day,
    That you, dear, are the best.

    ***toast to a 55 year old woman***

    They say that the blessings of youth are strength and beauty, and the blessings of maturity are the flowering of intelligence. I want to raise this glass in honor of our hero of the day and say that she has far from squandered the benefits of youth and has undoubtedly acquired the benefits of maturity. For the wisdom and beauty of our birthday girl!

    ***toast to grandma's anniversary***

    My dear, sweet, beloved grandmother, I congratulate you on your 55th birthday. I sincerely wish that the bright sun shines in your life, that all your ideas come true, that your soul is full of happiness, and that your heart rejoices at every new day. Be healthy, respected by everyone and successful in any endeavor.

    ***toasts to a woman’s anniversary***

    Vast experience behind us,
    But there is still so much to come!
    After all, this age is the best,
    Go find one like this!

    Like at school, these two “A” grades
    I gave you my life.
    After all, you do everything sensibly,
    Once you get to work.

    Don't lose inspiration.
    We wish you success,
    Good health, patience,
    May you be full of joy!

    ***toast to wife for anniversary***

    There's an anniversary in our house,
    A wife who has no miles,
    Whose smile is so tender
    And, like the sun, you need it,
    My dear, kind friend,
    Listen to my congratulations -
    I wish you happiness,
    Be persistent in all bad weather,
    Give kindness to us all,
    And always love me
    No dearer than man -
    I love you for this!

    ***beautiful toast to wife***

    My dear wife, you are not subject to either years or age. Congratulations on your 55th birthday and I wish you to always look as vigorous and young, beautiful and magnificent. May your soul greet the new day with a smile and a good mood, may your heart rejoice at both big victories and pleasant little things, may our family be friendly and cheerful, may your loved ones shower you with love and kind care.

    ***a toast to my mother-in-law from my son-in-law***

    I think everyone will agree with me,
    There is no holiday in the world more important.
    You ask, what could have happened?
    My mother-in-law is celebrating my anniversary!

    I wish her health and happiness,
    Don't be discouraged and don't get tired.
    Let him come visit me more often,
    To help you live with advice!

    And in conclusion, you can boast:
    People, I'm lucky, I'm lucky!
    Like a rock, my mother-in-law is reliable!
    The toast is complete. It's time to drink!

    ***mother-in-law's toast from daughter-in-law***

    Dear mother-in-law, congratulations on your anniversary! I wish that your eyes do not know sadness, and your shoulders do not know fatigue. Let yours kind hands will always be warm and loving. I wish you happiness, openness and mutual understanding, reliability and confidence in tomorrow. Prosperity, financial well-being, harmony and desire for the best!

    ***toast to aunt on her anniversary***

    "Five" and "five" are brought to you,
    Dear aunt,
    A new twist in fate.
    Live your life sparkling!

    After all, you are still wow!
    I would move mountains
    You're not afraid of anyone.
    How lightning flashed!

    Let your home always be
    The fullest cup.
    There is no one in the world
    Better than our aunt.

    Don't be sad and don't be sick,
    Don't regret failures!
    Let your years shine
    Many minutes of happiness!

    ***toast for the 55th anniversary***

    Beautiful woman at 55 -
    And wisdom is no longer needed,
    And beauty does not dare to fade,
    But experience and strength cannot be taken away.

    We congratulate you on this anniversary,
    Let us remind you that there is nothing more valuable in the world
    Kindness of soul and heart,
    And you definitely have it.

    Therefore it is always in your destiny
    Fortune must help you.
    Be happy! Health and warmth!
    May your path be bright.

    ***55 years old woman funny toasts***

    I wish you at 55
    Don't frown, don't be sad.
    Health, joy, goodness,
    May life always be generous.
    Let your strength not leave you,
    Be cheerful and happy.

    ***toasts for 55th birthday***

    Shining like stars
    Today two fives,
    This means that he has arrived
    Anniversary in your native home.

    Don't let wrinkles bother you
    They don't spoil you at all,
    After all, when the eyes shine,
    I think you are 27.

    People like you will never be found:
    Smart, thrifty, beautiful,
    I just wish you good health
    And always be happy!

    ***toast 55 years prose***

    Congratulations on your 55th birthday, happy anniversary! Two "fives" - that's great! Therefore, I wish you to do what you like more often, and less often what is necessary. Youth in your soul and health in your body. May your energy never run out and may luck always be on your side.

    Our dear hero of the day. Today we want to congratulate you and wish you well-being and prosperity. To paraphrase a quote from a famous movie, we want to tell you that at 55 years old, life is just beginning: the children have already grown up and a house has been built. Now you can live for yourself with a clear conscience: travel the world, pamper yourself with new purchases, live large and on a grand scale. You deserve it. I wish you health and happiness.

    You are 55 years old today. A beautiful date - isn't it? For everyone who has ever, somewhere, studied anything, an A is associated with the mark “excellent”. That's why today is five for you best wishes: excellent mood, excellent health, excellent salary (pension), excellent success and excellent appearance. If I forgot something, then I wish you the fulfillment of 55 more wishes that you need to make on today’s anniversary and they will definitely come true!


    You are only fifty-five today! But, despite your young age, you have a wealth of life experience, wisdom and prudence. Take advantage of these benefits and continue to delight us with your beauty and optimism. Congratulations on your anniversary!

    This beautiful mirror anniversary out of two fives I gave you two excellent marks. Five for the family. Five for professional activity. Well done, you have realized yourself one hundred percent. Time puts everything in its place, and only time shows who we really are. Wonderful woman, caring mother, loving grandmother and, of course, a prudent spouse is all you. Not all women are able to maintain well-being and peace in the family and realize themselves in the profession. But you did it! You have achieved recognition and respect at work and can consider yourself a professional. Congratulations on your anniversary, excellent student!


    Most good gift for woman - this is peace and prosperity in the family. No material values ​​can replace love and mutual understanding in relationships with loved ones. As we age, we become more and more convinced of this. Why do you need TV if you have no one to watch it with? Why do you need a car if there is no one to carry it? Even luxury items give us true pleasure only when they are an aesthetic decoration, and not just the envy of strangers. Only close people are sincerely happy for our material well-being. Therefore, on the day of your anniversary, I want to wish you to live beautifully and richly, but, of course, together with your friendly and happy family. Happy holiday.


    Happy 55th birthday, our precious woman! Why precious? Because your spiritual qualities are difficult to overestimate. We wish you to always remain such a kind, sympathetic and not envious woman. It costs a lot. Happy anniversary.


    Beautiful anniversary - Fifty-five. Beautiful woman, to match the anniversary. Not only beautiful, but also wise, talented, extraordinary. The real star of this evening and a guiding star for your family and colleagues at work. You amazingly combine leadership qualities with femininity and sincerity. On your anniversary birthday, we wish you to remain the same confident, strong, but very charming woman. Competence, perseverance combined with beauty is truly a “terrible force.” Therefore, we wish you new achievements and unlimited success in everything!


    Our dear hero of the day. We congratulate you on your 55th birthday and wish your life to sparkle with new colors. Indeed, in numerology, the number 5 means energy, activity, great curiosity, interest and innovation. Of course, we have no doubt that you have all these qualities, but a double A will bring you twice as much interest in life and happiness. Life not only goes on, but also becomes more exciting. I wish you success, optimism and new impressions, dear (Name and Patronymic)!


    Congratulations on such a wonderful date - five and five! Let these two A's be the beginning of a new life for you, in which everything will be great for you! After all, today you are an excellent student, and routine, monotony and mediocrity are not for excellent students. New victories, achievements and exciting adventures on your life path.


    Dear friend, congratulations on your 55th birthday. We have known each other for a very long time. All these years you encouraged me in moments of despair, rejoiced with me in successes and always gave good advice. I trust you as I trust myself. Today, on your anniversary, I just want to say thank you for being in my life. I hope that in the future we will have many occasions to meet, and all of them will be joyful, like today. Happy anniversary!


    It's time for honors to see you off to your well-deserved rest. But this does not mean that you are reaching a non-working age, it’s just that our caring state intends to pay you a monthly cashback from the money that you have earned for the country all your life. But you can continue to work, our team will only be happy if such a competent and hardworking employee continues to come to work at exactly 8 am. Your knowledge and experience are in demand, but it’s hard to call you a pensioner. We congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you right choice!


    I sincerely congratulate you on two A's! the most tender and graceful woman. Over the years, your beauty, like an elite wine, has become more refined and noble. After all, a real woman remains interesting and charming at any age. I wish you strength, vigor and love of life for long years, so that you can dance a beautiful waltz with your companion on the day of your centenary.


    Today in your life you have drawn two magic numbers - five and five. Since school, we have associated A's with positivity and pride. Five is associated with success, distinction and joy. In the end it's simple beautiful number. And you have two of them. May your anniversary give you a sea of ​​positive emotions, and may your successes exceed your capabilities. Live, dare, love and believe only five! Happy symmetrical anniversary to you!


    Beloved sister, congratulations on your 55th birthday. . I wish you to remain such a beautiful, bright and cheerful woman for as long as possible. Your optimism and cheerful disposition have always been an example for me. I am like younger sister, I’m following in your footsteps in this life, so it’s easier for me to make the right choice and accept correct solution V difficult situation. Your life experience and feminine instinct helps me not to make mistakes. In general, I was lucky with my sister. I wish you health, new bright impressions and success in all your endeavors. Happy anniversary.


    On this solemn day of your anniversary I have to confess: “You are an amazing woman!” Brave, proud, independent. You never give up, don’t complain and rely only on yourself. And yet, I wish you, at least sometimes, to be a weak woman, but in no case a helpless woman, so that men have even more desire to look after you and give you attention and compliments. I wish you love, mutual understanding, warmth and hope this evening. Happy 55th birthday!


    We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts upon entering symmetrical age - two A's. Symmetry is, first of all, harmony. Therefore, in your future life everything will be harmonious: mutual understanding in the family, love, prosperity and professional success. And the most important thing is peace and harmony in the soul. We wish you to be satisfied with both yourself and the surrounding reality. Let asymmetry be present in your life only for variety, in the form of non-trivial decisions, brilliant ideas and unusual entertainment. Happy anniversary, dear Elena Viktorovna.


    Dear friend, don't be sad about the past. Fifty-five is, of course, a long journey in life, but it’s still very far from the finish line. And the years passed are experience, wisdom, self-confidence, that is, a wonderful springboard for conquering new heights. It’s too early to write you and me off. A little luck and you will succeed: your personal life will normalize, you will experience new love, or maybe you will discover new talents in yourself. Be healthy, happy and rich. I sincerely wish this for you, you deserve it all. Happy anniversary.


    Fifty-five is the velvet season in a woman's life. Time to start holiday romances, enjoy your vacation, spend your leisure time interestingly and meaningfully. Serious difficulties and worries are a thing of the past, but now, even if there are some problems, you need to treat them more simply. In any case, they are not worth our nerves and health. Therefore, friend, I wish you peace of mind, optimism, interest in life and of course love. From the height of your age, look at your past and look into the future. There you will receive a reward for many years of effort, aspirations and work on yourself. You deserve the happiness of being carefree and cheerful!


    It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on your 55th birthday! This is an excellent age - her beauty has not faded, she has strength, has earned respect, and has a whole carload of life experience. I wish you spring blossoms, summer warmth, an autumn riot of colors and a winter fairy tale. May there never be bad weather either in your family or in your soul, and may these two A’s, like a pair of swans, carry you across the sky of life to happiness and prosperity.


    On your 55th birthday you can make 55 wishes, but you can do it simpler and fit them into three banal things: happiness, health and material well-being. Happiness is love, family, mutual understanding, favorite work, etc. Health is vigor, strength, energy, desire and optimism. Material well-being This is when every minute you have as much money in your pocket as is needed at the moment. I wish you that these three wishes come true 99 percent. And let one percent remain so that you have something to dream about. Happy anniversary!


    The clock of life has counted down fifty-five years to you . A significant date, a chic anniversary. Time to look back and remember the happy moments of life and realize with a smile that these years were not lived in vain. Of course, not everything has been done yet, not everything has worked out, but life does not end there and there is something to strive for. Let pleasant memories give you strength and confidence to move forward, because life is movement. And then at sixty, and at eighty, and at ninety you will have something to remember and say: “What interesting life I live!"


    Dear friend, you turned five today , but this is according to the passport, and the soul, as you know, has no age. Therefore, today’s anniversary is just a reason to get together in good company and celebrate this occasion. Well, we know how to go for a walk, to the envy of the young, because enthusiasm, optimism and self-confidence cannot be broken by any mature anniversaries or years of birth in profiles. Let your rosy cheeks and excellent figure break the mind of a pension fund employee!


    Five and five. Place a multiplication sign between them and you will get the state of your soul. There is desire, inspiration, enthusiasm, and most importantly, life experience. You can buy the rest. After all, you didn’t live these years in vain and you can afford a lot. I sincerely wish you to continue to live in good health, to be a young soul and not to experience any material or everyday problems.


    Dear friend, congratulations on your anniversary. I wish that there were 55 fur coats hanging in your closet, that there were 55 rooms in your new mansion, and that there were 55 convertibles in your garage. You still have a lot of time ahead, so you must visit 55 resorts, have 55 novels and celebrate your birthday 55 times.

    Toasts for 55 years. Let us remember Pushkin: “An old man of about 38 years old entered the room...”. However, maybe another classic said this? No matter: times have changed, and 55th anniversary toasts now focus not on the past, but on new goals and future achievements. 55 is a little more than half of your life, and modern “golden” anniversaries can easily give 30-year-olds a head start in all matters. So let the toasts be focused on the future!

    In verse

    In prose in your own words

    Magic attracts many. She is mysterious and unpredictable. Magic can work wonders. Today we are gathered here because of the magic of numbers. Today, two fives have become side by side, creating extraordinary beauty and mystery. I want to drink to you and to the magic of these two magnificent fives!

    Two birds lived in one beautiful forest. They were very beautiful, bright and attractive. Throughout their lives, they tried to always be close, creating comfort in their nest. These two birds were loved and respected in the forest. Today's anniversary is the apogee of a certain period in your life. And the festive date of 55 years can be compared to two attractive and attractive birds walking through life side by side. Please accept my congratulations on your anniversary. I raise my glass to two beautiful birds who brought you a wonderful anniversary on their wings!

    The day has come when life gives you the highest score. Two A's are the highest award. I want to drink to the hope that the next milestone in life will be no less eventful than the previous one. Let the past years allow you to act wisely in the future. And the present will be no less active and eventful than 25 years. I drink to the bottom for your future victories. Hooray!

    You are 55 years old today, but you are still beautiful, wise, healthy and
    young at heart! Always remain like this, live as many more long lives
    years of life. May you always be surrounded by many family and friends,
    like today's anniversary!

    Congratulations, our dear, on your anniversary.
    55! We want to wish you as much health as possible, joy,
    peace and warmth in the soul. Be happy and know that you are the best
    beautiful of women!
    Honey, you're 55 and someone will say that
    half my life has been lived. This is wrong. You shouldn't be afraid of old age because
    it doesn't mean you're getting worse, it doesn't mean you're less
    desired as a friend, as a woman and as a
    specialist This age means that you can put any
    presumptuous girl, because you have wisdom. Not some
    special female wisdom, but simply human.
    to you today,
    darling, all honor and praise. For your femininity, responsiveness and
    kindness - we ask higher powers to take care of you. Let it come to you
    relationship accordingly with your sensitive and gentle inner world.
    Let the world around you be wonderful in a good way!
    If 5 - worldwide praise, present in all deeds, then you, my dear, everything is doubly excellent! Your anniversary will only double your
    that, one might say, mathematics brings only good things. Happy anniversary! They say that the blessings of youth are strength and beauty, and the blessings of maturity are
    this is the flowering of the mind. I want to raise this glass in honor of our
    hero of the day and say that she is far from squandering the blessings of her youth and
    undoubtedly acquired the benefits of maturity. For our wisdom and beauty
    birthday girls!
    It's hard to believe that today you are fifty-five.
    To say that this exquisite age suits you very well is unnecessary, that’s all
    those gathered see how beautiful the birthday girl is today. Adequately show everything
    Your beauty is not given to ordinary mirrors.
    For the charming hero of the day!
    We'll give you high fives
    The only one for a strong core, and it exists.
    Let it sound like a lot of congratulations
    On the anniversary in your honor.
    Mountains of gifts, rivers of laughter,
    And a bunch of sincere moments. The French say: “If in our youth we have the face that was given to us nature, then in maturity - the one we deserve.” I'm absolutely with
    I agree with them, dear. You're always in
    good mood . Yours a charming smile delights us. And that's why the years are not above you
    domineering. You radiate
    feminine beauty
    and kindness. On your anniversary I wish you remain as cheerful and generous. I bow down kneels before you. And I raise this glass in your honor!
    Let's ask ourselves
    question: what is a real woman?
    Real woman
    - that one,
    who knows how to keep her husband's love for life, and this means
    many things - a loving wife, a wonderful person, a good housewife, caring mother. I raise a glass to the culprit today,
    celebrations, dear (Name)!
    Let's drink to the birthday girl soon!
    Let's drink to the stars of bright eyes!
    And beyond the bend
    sable eyebrows
    In general, for everything that is dear to us in (Name)!
    Sweet, gentle, bright, pure,
    May this day when you were born,
    Radiant happiness will smile on you,
    Troubles and sorrows will pass.
    May it never, never end
    Your faith in the coming of spring,
    May all your dreams and hopes come true,
    Fairy tales and dreams come true!.. Happy anniversary, dear,
    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
    A toast to your happiness
    We've been in a hurry for a long time.
    Let all troubles go away
    And all the sorrows will go away,
    Only joy to you, (name),
    Let your years carry you.
    Be cheerful and happy
    And beautiful - just like now.
    May good luck accompany you
    Every day and every hour!
    One look at a time, but incomparable!
    Sweet, kind, gentle -
    You are so beautiful now!
    Let it be just as fresh,
    With bright sparkles of eyes,
    You will please us for a long time,
    On our birthday
    The best reward in the world,
    The most lovely of ladies!
    Let's drink to adversity
    Your gaze was not darkened,
    Let's drink to the fact that with age
    There was enthusiasm in him, as before!
    You're 55 today!
    A great age for love!
    You don't believe the words anymore
    But believe in your goals!
    Always good health,
    May life bring goodness and light!
    Let trouble not touch you!
    Live in the world for many years!
    I wish you happiness
    After all, your anniversary is big!
    And real joy,
    Good luck with all my heart!
    We are young - remember that
    Never know despondency
    Let summer dance in your heart,

    And don’t be discouraged!
    Oh, you are fifty-five!
    Where can I get these words?
    To put the weight of feeling into a poem?
    Invite everyone to your holiday
    Strength, wisdom, love!
    Today you are 55,
    And this is a wonderful date.
    Glasses clink happily
    And the guys are all having fun. You are still very young,.
    It's not time to grow old yet.
    You have half your life ahead of you,
    I'll drink to you! Happy Birthday! We will give two A's to our hero of the day.
    After all, her eyes, for us,
    best gifts
    There is wisdom and kindness, joy and fun in them.
    And they intoxicate men like a miracle potion.
    You give them every day to everyone who is close to you.
    You will listen and understand, and warm with your gaze.
    Always be as you are, kind and truthful,
    And also: rich, strong and completely happy!
    Congratulations, we wish you good health
    On the day of the 55th anniversary,
    Amazing everyday life and holidays,
    Prosperity and longevity,
    True friends and allies
    In every business, in all endeavors!
    Let everything that is planned come true:
    Your plans, dreams and desires!
    Fortunately, get a reflex,
    And show some personal interest.
    Enjoy your anniversary,
    We will give you the nectar of success.
    I wish you immediate victories.
    True fairytale love to you,
    You will appreciate this toast of mine.
    Congratulations on the round anniversary,
    And I send my toast right away.
    Let this anniversary be warm,
    And, of course, he will be dearer to everyone.
    Live in your heart with tenderness,
    And enjoy it forever.
    May your wishes multiply
    All difficult trials will disappear.
    Let there be perspective in life,
    And your life is pious.
    I wish for the sun in my destiny.
    Raise your rating in your career
    And quickly drink the wine to the bottom.
    The round date has a special meaning,
    Our hero of the day will have time to celebrate success.
    I will now proclaim my bright toast,
    So that we may greet your victory at your dawn.
    Let the anniversary set a new round of fate,
    He will not know the bitterness of loss and loss.
    We wish you a very bright and sparkling life,
    Let's drink this wine straight away.
    And I send my toast right away.
    The sweets of fate mode will begin,
    And you will drown in happiness with him.
    I wish the relief success in the toast.
    May you always have summer,
    I wish you never to be discouraged.
    Laugh, have fun and fly, And never forget about love..
    Candles brightly decorate this cake,
    I'll say mine
    anniversary toast
    I want everything in your life to be sweet,
    The road should only run smoothly.
    Don’t know problems, potholes, anger,
    All the guests will support me in this.
    Let's drink to good health,
    So that luck is tenacious in life.
    I will congratulate you little by little,
    To provide the way for wishes.
    I congratulate you on your anniversary,
    I wish you amazing happiness.
    I wish the powerhouse was made of iron,
    And fate is not at all useless.
    So that all things end with success,
    And the wallets were replenished with specie.
    Having now listened to my toast, raise your glasses,
    And you will most likely secure the result with champagne.
    The years that have passed will always remain with you,
    I want the house to never be visited by trouble.
    I raise a sweet toast to your anniversary,
    And I will read my congratulations out loud.
    I wish there were many bright ideas,
    And just be a little bolder.
    Don't miss the opportunity to achieve the best,
    Now droplets of champagne will spill.
    I wish you to cleanse today,
    To ensure clearing for fate.
    Congratulations on your glorious anniversary,
    I wish you to destroy misunderstanding.
    Let everyone raise their glasses at once,
    Colleagues quickly understand.
    Let your career improve significantly,
    The home treasury is quickly replenished.
    Let my toast be remembered for a long time,
    I wish you only a fighting spirit.
    Collect treasures from the pearls of days,
    Keep it carefully in the box of life.
    We all congratulate you on your sweet anniversary.
    We all raise our bright, tender toast.
    May life be prosperous and luxurious,
    Let luck knock on the window in the morning.
    We wish you a lot of positive things, only peace,
    So that your life is stable.
    Let's find the course of luck now,
    And we will pour champagne into glasses.
    We will teach you to live successfully,
    And I send my toast right away.
    And cherish this chance very much.
    I want to achieve Corypheus.
    To become a significant person for you,
    And never meet with anger.
    An anniversary doesn't come every year,
    He himself suddenly finds the heroes of the day.
    Today you are entering the anniversary year,
    You gather us around the table on holiday.
    May your life be satisfying,
    And let enough wine be drunk.

    Listen carefully to my toast,

    Always listen to the angel in your life.
    Funny congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a woman with humor
    Happy beautiful date, happy anniversary,
    With two high fives to you!
    Forget the days when you were sick
    Now your health will be great.
    And the mood is top five,
    And the appearance is as much as two!

    Sadness will run away from you into the closet,
    And the waltz will spin in your head.
    Two A's look proudly
    Like two medals on your chest.
    Two A's are like two records -
    Today you are ahead of everyone!
    And there is still quite a bit of strength left!
    And there is time, and there are countless plans!
    You shouldn't be sad on a day like this,
    A's are a signal: it's time to get younger!
    We wish you a new day every day
    Amaze us with the energy of youth!
    Be stylish, bright, cheerful, cool!
    But just don’t fall back into childhood!
    Fate gives you an A,
    You are doubly excellent!
    This means your entry has been accepted.
    Both in work and in personal life!..
    And if so, then fate
    You are held in high esteem!
    And again above myself
    You are growing proudly!
    Life has no ceiling
    So you've grown up a little...
    And keep growing!
    Live happily!
    Happy Birthday!
    Here's a bucket of jam for you!
    So that your fifty-five -
    It was sweet to celebrate!
    And here's a huge cake,
    This is my modest gift...
    May you be lucky in everything
    There will be only honey in life!
    How much awaits you ahead?!
    How much passion is there in the languid gaze?
    The camp floats like a boat!
    You are a woman, which means -
    Age will not intimidate you.
    The horse doesn't gallop in front of you like that, And the hut doesn’t burn like that.,
    On your anniversary, you can do everything -
    To catch a horse while galloping,
    Put out the hut and villa... -
    We wish you to keep it up!
    mature man
    And old age is still alien to you,
    Let him never come.
    Year after year, years go by,
    They run tirelessly
    The years are always in a hurry, out of spite,
    But let them pass by for you.
    Argue zealously with them,
    Live longer, don't grow old.
    And in defiance of all enemies
    Take medications as little as possible.
    It’s too early to draw conclusions
    They are increasingly letting us down...
    But you just need to live brightly!
    You seem to be able to do this.
    May you continue to be happy
    In friends, work, longevity,
    To wipe the nose of all enemies
    And, as always, be a Lady in everything!
    Our clear dove,
    Her 55th birthday
    Of course, we will meet together!
    We congratulate you, we wish you happiness,
    And of course, we raise a glass!
    Much of the best of us,
    And let's drink to her now!
    Your anniversary fits in.
    And age reservations
    Stop doing it quickly.
    You always look great
    I made a lot of friends.
    You are not subject to old age,
    Never know despondency
    Don't regret the days you've lived!
    Sing great life in them,
    To put all your feelings into a poem?
    Away - illness, boredom, sadness;
    Happiness lies in children and grandchildren!
    Invite everyone to the holiday
    Strength, wisdom, love!!!
    There are only two numbers five and five.
    But how much do they mean?
    And how different everything looks.
    It just depends on how to present them...
    Add them up - there are only ten
    And childhood is seen again...
    You still can’t weigh everything in life.
    But I want to hug the whole world.
    Multiply them - it becomes twenty-five
    Diseases are still unknown.
    Ready to hug all my friends
    And you want to live and be useful.
    Two numbers next to each other - five and five -
    You know how to weigh and argue.
    Not many people want to hug.
    But you know life and you can build,
    And rebuild again.
    It seemed that this date would not come,
    Days, years, decades passed...
    And now this day has come -
    Your 55th birthday.
    Let this day not add wrinkles,
    And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
    And it will bring happiness to the house for a long time.
    We wish to live without knowing troubles,
    Not knowing bad weather,
    And so that it lasts for 100 years
    Health, kindness and happiness Unexpectedly and quickly,
    The holiday made a lot of noise,
    The birthday has hung,
    It’s like there’s a question in the air!
    We won't accept excuses
    Not about the crisis, not about anything!
    There are already two fives on the nose -
    It's time to celebrate!
    We wish you light,
    You glow like a moth!
    Receive bouquets from us
    And cheerful congratulations!
    Two A's - a super date!
    So exciting today
    Happy anniversary.
    I wish you a fabulous life,
    Moods, victories.
    Fulfillment of desires
    Keep the light green.
    Shines brighter every day
    Guiding star.
    Bogatyrsky health
    Never fails.
    Optimism, positivity,
    Long and happy years,
    To be desired and loved.
    Know that there is no one more beautiful than you!
    If around forty-five
    Baba berry again
    What a wonderful fruit
    Should we name her now?
    Everything sparkles and shines,
    And how the eyes sparkle!
    Are you going to tell the hostess
    Well, a little over fifty?
    I'm all good
    Congratulations, congratulations!
    Wonderful age, anniversary...

    Sparkles, pleases, plays.
    And don't be sad about the years -

    Live happily, without troubles.
    We sincerely congratulate you!
    If someone looks after -
    So you still like me.
    We don’t count how many years -
    You are our beauty.
    55 is quite a bit,
    It's mature time
    These are new roads
    This is the best spring.
    Congratulations on your anniversary.
    And another hundred years to come
    You walk like a queen
    All in smiles and flowers.
    They say it's indecent
    Ladies ask for the year.
    You look great:
    And fresh and young.
    But at the same time declare
    What are you - 55?!
    Please for confirmation
    Dates of your birth
    Show your passport urgently!
    On this glorious anniversary
    You are undoubtedly the cutest of all.
    May winged luck
    It will hide you from adversity.
    Be well-groomed, smart,
    Attractive, pleasant,
    Witty, positive,
    Energetic and active
    The road is necessary
    Secret and loved!
    Two “fives” stood in a row -
    Holiday and fun.
    Take it on your anniversary
    Our congratulations.
    Don't be scared by this date
    It's only for a passport.
    Let the age be imprinted there,
    And spring reigns in the soul.
    Let inspiration come
    Every day, seven days a week.
    And not only jam
    You cooked for your family.
    We wish you good luck,
    Strength, health and goodness,
    So that the harvest is in the countryside,
    At home - peace and warmth!
    Today is your anniversary! Congratulations!
    And I want to wish from the bottom of my heart,
    So that you don’t know grief and bad weather.
    And let your cherished dreams come true!
    Let your health not pass you by,
    And joy and love comes into the house.
    Warmth and tenderness are so necessary
    When it's raining and slush outside the window.
    You're fifty-five - that's still not enough!
    After all, life is just beginning now.
    And let everything that you lacked
    Life will give you hundreds of thousands of times!
    May luck smile on you.
    Popular words say:
    The second youth will begin,
    When a little over fifty.
    Believe me, don't be upset
    Years pass - so what?
    May all your dreams come true,
    When you retire.
    Look at the time more cheerfully,
    Let your heart beat just as fast.
    You love, kindness and happiness
    We wish you on this anniversary.
    They rushed like a sled down a hill,
    Your best years.
    Happy anniversary! Two "fives" -
    You deserve them.
    By deed or kind word

    You help everyone with everything.
    We wish you good health,
    Happiness and good luck to the house.
    Stay as you were before
    Generous, kind, young,
    Stylish, smart, bright, gentle
    And so responsive!
    Regarding age, it is worth saying:
    Extremely energetic
    Easy to climb
    Smart, pretty.
    And good luck with everything!
    Years pass
    But let them stay These,
    simple words
    Let the brightest
    Called beautiful
    Your Christmas day.
    Time has no power
    If a smile
    Will be with you again, -
    And 55 is an error.
    Let it be twenty-five again.
    May you
    People are smiling
    And they don’t worry about the years.
    Let what you
    It will be planned
    Everything will be done then.
    Well, there’s definitely a mistake in the passport!
    Are you really 55?!
    With such a figure and a smile
    It’s not a sin to conquer the stage.
    Let your husband appreciate such a fairy -
    A gift is destiny.
    And children do not regret affection,
    The most precious thing to them in life is you.
    Go to concerts more often
    To the salon, solarium and boutique.
    The experts won't let me lie,
    You are now in your prime!
    The years don't spoil you at all,
    You are forever young at heart.
    You should also dance the waltz and polka,
    To be still as young!
    Life gave you A's
    For your mind and for your beauty.
    Today is all delight for you,
    And the guests will all come for you.
    We wish you health, happiness,
    Have fun, bright, bright days.
    Let bad weather pass by,
    May God protect your children.
    Today we would like to remind you:
    You are beautiful at fifty-five,
    We wish you a long, long time
    Surprise and delight us!
    Five and five to you today -
    Great anniversary.
    There is something to remember behind,
    And there's a lot ahead.
    Don't be sad that you left
    Young days.
    Maturity awaits you ahead,
    Golden years.
    Let the winds bring you into the house
    Good news.
    We wish you to live
    Another two hundred years.
    Beautiful date. And the age is worthy.
    We wish you only success and victories.
    You are good and beautiful on your anniversary,
    There is no sorrow or sadness in your soul.
    Your “55” is just a little bit.
    And continue to live, enjoying your fate.
    And happiness, love and great joy
    They will always march next to you!
    The real age of the queen!
    Why? Let me explain.
    Although the chants of youth are far away,
    You are just beginning to appreciate life.
    In the fifty-five years you have lived,
    A lot has been done, beyond words!
    But now we want to wish you
    Do what you have long wanted to do
    For myself, but we didn’t have time before,
    Unknown, week after week,
    Open the horizons of life!
    You are fifty and five today.
    A wonderful, exciting date!
    You continue to conquer with beauty
    And stay young as you once were.
    I wish you many, many years,
    They only make you more beautiful.
    We wish you in the heat and in the cold,
    May you be as tender as a rose.
    We wish that every hour
    Men adored you
    And among many men,
    You were always the only one who made you happy.
    And may this anniversary be to you
    Will give you many bright days
    Love, health and good luck
    And so that you find oil in the country.
    Let it come to life over the years,
    Only joy, happiness and warmth!
    May there always be enough love,
    So much patience!
    Let two new fives,
    They will bring new events!
    The kind that will only make you happy!

    The kind that people are really looking forward to!

    Poems for a woman's 55th birthday
    Fifty five. Yes, it seems like a lot.
    How to tell about your whole life?
    This is childhood. Wedding. Children. And the scandals
    Forgotten. And now the children's wedding.
    Life is as fast as a sharp whistling wind:
    A moment has passed - you look, and behold,
    Solid and gray hair shows age
    Already at your gates of life.
    Raising your head proudly, remember:
    Walk confidently and don't look back.
    There are still hundreds of happy events
    Behind the door of these anniversary gates!
    Beloved, relatives nearby
    You won't be bored anymore.
    Someone needs to tinker with their grandchildren,
    Which means it’s a reason to start all over again.
    Their childhood. Their studies... Wedding again.
    The cycle is familiar. That's life.
    You just shouldn’t take up energy.

    Hello! Happy anniversary! Smile!
    You look young today
    Dazzlingly beautiful.
    So what if I ran
    Half of your life? !
    After all, at your fifty-five
    You need to shine with joy,
    To nurse and raise grandchildren,
    Live brightly to the fullest.
    Happiness, joyful worries,
    Understanding of friends
    Let the banknotes fly into your hands

    On your wonderful anniversary!
    Today you are only 55,
    But from the looks of it, even these years cannot be given.
    You look wonderful, as always,
    Your clear gaze will warm you with warmth.
    Energetic and always beautiful,
    Let your strength not diminish.
    Every year, and every day and hour,

    Please us with your attention.
    Let me congratulate you on your anniversary,
    Wish you goodness and warmth,
    In your home, and in the country and in the world
    Let harmony and peace reign!
    Let the soul feed on love,
    My heart beats joyfully in my chest,
    May you have plenty of luck and luck
    It will be in your life path.
    55 is a mysterious date,
    This is your highest score for experience,
    We wish you beauty and happiness,

    Like today, you will shine for many years to come!
    This is the anniversary, this is the date,
    You are only 55 today.
    Let's have a lot of fun, great,
    We will all celebrate this day.
    I wish you a lot of happiness,
    Gorgeous, delicate, colorful flowers.
    You should confess your love today,

    Each of us is ready with all our hearts!
    Two A's burst into life.
    I really want you
    No worries
    And the soul broke into a dance.
    So that your health is good,
    Well, all your relatives
    Let them live in harmony.
    We still have a wish:
    So that on the centenary
    You ate a leg of lamb
    And they shouted: “Pour it for me!”

    There are no ugly women
    But there are many unhappy people
    Unloved, abandoned, forgotten,
    And the hard fate of those beaten!
    I want you to be happy
    Joyful, cheerful and beautiful,
    She smiled simply radiantly,
    And she was gorgeous to the envy of everyone!
    So that health gives strength,
    There was always someone nice nearby,
    Children, grandchildren - everyone was healthy,
    And they truly loved each other!

    On the anniversary birthday
    We send our congratulations.
    Everyone knows that 55
    A hundred times cooler than 25!
    Health to our Anniversary
    We wish you with all our hearts.
    Let life become more and more beautiful
    Live, bloom and sing boldly.
    You always remain for us,
    The same bright spring.
    Don't worry, smile more often
    And every day, and hour, and every year.
    We wish you endless happiness,
    Your good home was filled.
    So that everything in life is carefree,
    And everything is filled with love and warmth!

    On the anniversary - a wonderful holiday -
    I wish you from the bottom of my heart
    More varied benefits,
    What others can't handle.
    Let your soul be warm and peaceful
    It will be for you day by day,
    Let them please you persistently
    Both family and friends.
    Let your grandchildren grow up big
    Let the children not let you down.
    Loneliness, separation
    They will bypass you.
    Let the troubles be forgotten
    And on the path of life
    Instead of gloomy weather -
    Assorted rays of the sun.

    Let there be no worries,
    Let there be no sadness
    May God be with you
    And everything is always at hand!
    You don't remember the years
    And don’t know about the numbers!
    You are from a hundred stories
    Just remember love!
    Let them run outside the window
    Days, weeks, years!
    Let it go a long way,
    Always be beautiful!

    Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a woman

    Great age - 55,
    Life begins again.
    We want to live like a queen,
    Don’t infringe on yourself in any way!
    To raise wonderful grandchildren,
    Go to the sea often.
    And always look great
    That’s how it is now - to the number “5”!

    Two A's - a super date!
    Everything that has been passed is a “five”.
    You glow like a moth!
    Receive bouquets from us
    And cheerful congratulations!
    Two A's - a super date!
    So exciting today
    Happy anniversary.
    I wish you a fabulous life,
    Moods, victories.
    Fulfillment of desires
    Keep the light green.
    Shines brighter every day
    Guiding star.
    Bogatyrsky health
    Know that there is no one more beautiful than you!

    Previously, this age gave the right to a pension, now everything is different!
    Now even the state has admitted that you are still young, beautiful, plump
    strength and health! Congratulations on your anniversary birthday! Wish,
    so that beauty does not fade, kindness does not dry out, joy does not pass away,
    and happiness and love filled my heart to the very brim. Love to you from
    children and grandchildren, all relatives and friends, respect from colleagues and high
    ratings from management!

    If around forty-five
    Optimism, positivity,
    Long and happy years,
    To be desired and loved.
    Know that there is no one more beautiful than you!
    If around forty-five
    Baba berry again
    What a wonderful fruit
    Should we name her now?
    Everything sparkles and shines,
    And how the eyes sparkle!
    Happy, bright days to her.
    Are you going to tell the hostess
    Well, a little over fifty?
    I'm all good
    Congratulations, congratulations!

    Wonderful age, anniversary...
    Wonderful age, anniversary...
    Let your eyes shine with happiness
    On a wonderful holiday - birthday!
    For women, age is like a diamond:
    Sparkles, pleases, plays.
    Age only adorns you!
    And don't be sad about the years -
    Let love inspire with song.
    On a wonderful holiday, anniversary,
    We sincerely congratulate you!

    Are you celebrating today?
    Interesting anniversary:
    You get two A's
    Put the diary in your briefcase.
    The music is playing loudly
    The mood is just great!
    Two A's are not your age,
    You are an excellent student with us.
    “Five” - for the past years,
    Behind happy family.
    "Five" - ​​for your invaluable experience
    And for your beauty.
    For the love that you gave,
    For your care, for your hard work.
    I got two A's.
    Well, you can be proud.
    Such a wonderful anniversary
    One can only wish
    So many more times
    Celebrate birthdays.

    The smartest and most beautiful
    We wanted to wish
    Become shamelessly happy.
    The highest age is 55!
    She raised her children
    Created comfort in the house,
    Lighted up the world with a smile...
    Let all matters wait.
    This age is for dreams!
    Take everything from life.
    No matter how many wishes you have,
    Let them be fulfilled.
    This date is for discoveries!
    Let the light submit
    Life will be full of events.
    And we wish you many years to come!

    Please accept our congratulations
    With a beautiful date - “five and five”.
    And on your anniversary we wish
    Become young and beautiful again.
    Good health, patience,
    Peace, happiness, kindness!
    Taking the gifts cordially,
    Keep this day in your memory.
    Let the compliments continue
    Always from family and friends.
    Fun, joy, care
    May your life be full.

    Two fives is the date
    But seriousness is not for you!
    You are a beauty and of course
    We congratulate now.
    You are like a young girl
    Whose eyes are on fire.
    I already have a lot behind me,
    More to come...
    Be happy, healthy,
    Both smart and funny.
    Never frown
    Don't bow your head.
    And on that cheerful note
    Let us say together at this hour:
    "You're only 18,
    The rest is experience!”

    There are two fives in the anniversary
    Life has given you
    For successful work
    And for life according to the rules.
    Two excellent marks
    They will be a bonus for you
    To set the mood,
    Maintaining tone.
    I wish that age
    Didn't frighten me, but made me happy,
    Played for life
    The colors of the rainbow.
    For your 55
    I raise a toast:
    Happiness, joy, love
    I wish you.

    Regarding age, it is worth saying:
    Great years - half a century plus five!
    For wisdom - “five plus”, “five plus” - for intelligence.
    Everyone must understand that for sorrowful thoughts
    In reality, I have neither time nor energy,
    This means that no matter who asks about the years,
    You answer everyone: “I’m eighteen in my soul!”
    Be open and always smile,
    It’s like a balm is pouring into your soul,
    ... you should always, and we wish you
    Dawns of pleasant, peaceful nights
    Hooray! Congratulations! It's your anniversary!

    Beautiful congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday

    Anniversary is wonderful!
    And the hero of the day, without a doubt
    Looks amazing today!
    I declare without hesitation:

    You are like an elite wine.
    Not only I noticed -
    Your husband is lucky.
    That there is a super woman nearby.

    I wish you to smell fragrant
    Bloom and enjoy life
    And let there be five and five on the cake,
    Let it be eighteen in your soul.

    Two ratings five and five,
    Today you are an excellent student.
    A good reason to take a walk
    To the beautiful birthday girl.

    Well written
    Like an exam, your life.
    Succeeded in personal life,
    At work and at home.

    There is a fur coat and a car,
    Honor and respect
    You are happy - it’s immediately obvious.
    Name - Happy Birthday!

    Congratulations on your anniversary,
    Unusual: five and five
    Warm words we won't regret it
    And we would like to wish you:

    Let there be prosperity in the house
    Love, peace and understanding
    May they be fulfilled quickly
    All dreams and all desires!

    Stay beautiful.
    Many many more years
    Charming and sweet
    Good luck to you large bouquet!

    As before, you are beautiful.
    They won't hire you for years.
    Apparently years are beyond the power
    You will never grow old.

    Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
    Energetic like a girl.
    Every year you blossom.
    I'm proud of you girlfriend.

    You charge with optimism
    And warmth
    You captivate people easily
    My golden man.

    I wish you a happy birthday.
    What more can I say?
    Let's have fun today
    Today you are 5 plus 5!

    Fifty fife in English
    Excellent at this age
    Not getting high from life
    It's simply indecent.

    Time to light up, party
    Travel around the world
    Pamper yourself, love.
    And take care of your appearance.

    Retirement is not old age.
    These are new aspirations
    Two A's is not enough.
    Young, happy birthday!

    We are so pleased to celebrate
    Your anniversary is fifty-five.
    You are so elegant, slim,
    Men are all in love with you.

    But don’t let your spouse be jealous of you,
    Or better yet, he’ll dance a waltz with you.
    Beautiful couple - what can I say.
    This is worth raising a toast to.

    For your strong family
    I drink this glass to the bottom.
    For your children and grandchildren!
    All the guests shout Hurray for you.

    Fifty five years!!!
    Burning in the eyes, the same light,
    And you, beautiful as always,
    The years are powerless before you.

    I congratulate you on your birthday,
    I wish you happiness and good luck.
    May your loved ones always love
    They just make you happy.
    Let hope and love
    Comes to visit again and again.
    I admire you
    Be as young as you are!

    On the postcard 5 and 5 ,
    Let's remember together
    How generous fate was,
    But it was difficult sometimes.

    There were tears and love
    And problems again and again.
    You have known everything in life,
    It's time to get away from the hustle and bustle

    IN new life where it's so warm,
    Where it is comfortable and light
    From kind words their relatives,
    From the joy of your friends.

    It's time to rest
    fresh air inhale.
    Today life is only the equator
    And you are your own innovator.

    Let your soul sing
    May good luck await you ahead,
    Let joy not leave the house
    And the sun is shining outside the window.

    Honey, happy birthday ,
    I want to hug you.
    My sincere congratulations
    Happy anniversary, five and five.
    You want peace
    But wherever you look,
    Horses are galloping briskly everywhere,
    The huts are burning endlessly.
    May God give you strength,
    There are many long days in life,
    To put out the fires,
    She pacified all the horses.
    Wrote memoirs
    For posterity and children
    And noted it brilliantly
    One hundred and tenth anniversary.

    Celebrate your anniversary today,
    It’s somehow awkward, you’re fifty-five.
    But you are spectacular, radiant and slender,
    And all the men here are simply in love with you

    Two A's, an excellent student, a beauty,
    We all really like this gorgeous girl.
    Congratulations on your super anniversary.
    Your beauty is making me drunk right now

    You are now 55 -
    Only half of life
    It's time to dream about the future
    And there is no reason to be sad.

    Yes, you can't turn back time
    And age cannot be reduced,
    But we will come again
    Congratulations on your centenary.

    I passed the exam with five and five,
    Let's multiply - 25.
    The arithmetic is like this
    You're young again.
    It’s like it’s your young anniversary,
    College and graduation -
    You're walking down the alley
    At a wise age, golden.
    You will give the youth a head start,
    You are active and smart
    Happiness, strength and health
    Always smile for us.

    For beauty you get the first five,
    Second for spiritual beauty,
    I congratulate you on your anniversary loudly,
    I will present you the bouquet from the bottom of my heart.
    Today everything is for you, poems and songs,
    May God reward you with bright happiness.
    Always be as lovely as you are
    Let your gaze glow with cheerful mischief,
    Let plans and dreams be like birds
    They fly to you from heaven to make it come true quickly,
    And your thoughts are a good string
    Love illuminates all people.

    I want it for myself ask a question,
    What is 5 and 5?
    The answer is simple, it comes out to ten,
    But today I'm wrong.
    5 and 5 will now be marked
    A woman whose good nature
    We are very well known
    And a great soul scope
    Familiar as a gentle song.
    After all, 5 and 5 are not just a date,
    This is an excuse for pride.
    We are all very happy to congratulate you,
    And your home is your corner of happiness.
    You best wife and mother.
    Your spouse and children love you
    And you are loved by all of us,
    So may the Lord reward you
    For virtue, compassion
    And for the warmth.
    Let your wishes come true
    Live long and easy.

    Today your holiday is like a fairy tale,
    A beautiful, sparkling anniversary.
    He makes us happy with songs and dances,
    Smiles of happy guests.
    Let your glass be filled with dreams,
    You must drain it to the bottom,
    To make your wishes come true
    You could enjoy it to the fullest.
    Fate has given you the highest marks
    Two fives with beautiful red paste,
    Today you are like sweet candy
    So always remain so beautiful.

    On your solid, bright holiday
    I want to wish you
    To be loved, daring, passionate,
    Shine brighter than the young.
    Happy anniversary,
    On the postcard 5 and 5?
    I don't believe and wish
    To surprise with a thirst for life.

    The soul is not measured by years ,
    Your anniversary is a great occasion to now
    Surround you with love and flowers
    And wish you to make us all happy.

    We congratulate you loudly on the holiday,
    Two fives - a super anniversary.
    Today let the glasses ring loudly
    And only you have the attention of the guests.

    We wish you eternal youth,
    How eternal is your kind soul
    Always be beautiful and carefree
    How bright and beautiful you are now.

    Fate writes beautifully in red
    In life, the diary scores five
    And for a beautiful excellent student
    Today I would like to wish:

    Long years of health and happiness,
    May the sun shine brightly on you,
    May it forever be in your power
    Enthusiasm and charm in spite of the years!

    Young, definitely
    You should always be in love
    IN mature age wonderful
    You need to be a great wife,
    Well, at a respectable age,
    It's just obvious
    Lady mistress of the situation
    And worthy of respect.
    Just over fifty years of age
    Tenacious mind and wise look,
    First class wife
    And the hostess, no matter where,
    Loves her husband and children,
    She deserves her anniversary.
    We wish you happy days,
    Vivid new impressions.
    May your wishes come true
    And there will be no partings,
    There will be tenderness and love
    And luck again
    visits the hero of the day
    And it amuses with fun.
    May your health not fail you
    Love reigns supreme in the house,
    Live another fifty-five
    Celebrate anniversaries.

    From Please accept our congratulations, bunches.
    Decorate the ripe number with them,
    Which, like a gracious guest,
    The A's brought you joy.
    The world is dearer to us when we know about you.
    Our world is kinder because of your warmth.
    And in return we warmly wish you:
    May your life always be bright!

    P stop it this way or that way
    There will only be number five!
    Good in white light
    Don't notice your age!
    We wish you many new ones
    Find hobbies.
    Life force is ready
    Nature has a lot to give you.
    Plant what you brought
    From distant lands jasmine.
    Stay in love with life!
    Others always need you.

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